pure, mtrm

) THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sunday nt 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. simscmrnoN rates. Per Month, onywhoro In the H- - wallnn Islands 3 76 Per Year. ft HO Per Year, postpaid to Amoricu, , Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign Countries 13 00 Pnynlilo Invariably In Advnnoo. Telephone 256. F. O. Box 89. . A. Y. GEAR. Manager. Pure, Rich Blood is the soil in which roots life, health, strength, happiness. The soil of tho blood can bo drained or Impoverished liko any other soil, and can bo fertil- ized and nourished in a similar way. Yon can get back tho old spring anil snap. You can enjoy labor by day and sleep by night. You can cat your food with tho Hearty Appetite ctf health, if you only supply the blood with its lacking nutriment; vitalizo it, or if you like, fertilize it. A largo number of so called tonic remedies nro disguised stimulants. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-ljn- t but a nourishment. It feeds tho blood and so enriches it, as well as purifies it. That is why physi- cians recommend AYER'S Sarsaparilla HzvinB of Imitation. The Hint-Aj- er'a Samnpnrllla la prominent on tha wippr nil blown In the glais of each bottle. AYER'S PILLS FOR INDIGESTION. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Sole AgentB for tho Ropublio ot Hawaii. H. L. GEAR, 0. D. GEAR, 211 Sansomu St., S. F. 210 KliiK St., 11 I. GEAR & GEAR LAWYERS. ai Francisco and jjonolulu Having olllces In Ban Francisco and Honolulu we re prepared to attend promptly to all mutters entrusted to us In either ot mid places, D. LAWYER. 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. William A. Henshall, i Attorney at Law 113 Kntilutmnnu Street. . LYLE A. DICKEY, A-ttonie- v at Law H Knahnmuun Street. Tolophono Nj. 6S2. 498-6- SAMUEL J. MACDONALD, Counsellor at Law. 204 Merchant Street (one door from Fort street), Honolulu. GILBERT F. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. aiLO, HAWAII. A. V. GEAR. Telephone 256 Mo. 810 King St. .t.w na-i- . wv. 'JZ. yj'r.w LATEST FOREIGN NEWS MTBKM.ION ON INDIAN FltONTIKK ABOUT 4lKM- - t. IVoiiioii llrnd a Mob l Rtital (IMccr III I'ciitmylvaiiln Ilia World's F.veiiln. CKitin Mtrm if Ricbnrd Orokpr ot Tainiuany Hall has returned to Now York. He won't any whether he will run against Beth Low for Mayor of Greater Now York. Thoro has been a yellow fever scare at Now Orleans, but the officials have tho visitation well in hand. People are going about their business and paying little beed to the plague. William T. Wardwell is tho Prohibition candidate for Mayor of Greater Now York. Tho National Association of Letter Carriers is inueliug in Sun Francisco. Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, in a Lubur Day speech at Roohehtor, N. Y., showed he still stood for free silver. It is bnlipved at Washington that Attorney General McKenna will not appeal in tho matter, thereforo that tho Union Pacific will bo sold to the Union Pacific Organization Co. for 845,000,000. At San Francisco it is believed that Captain Alexander McLean will head an expedition to the Solomou Islands, where there is said to bo a "Olondike," in the ppliooner Sophia Sutherland. Tho adventurers, it is further Btated, will go armed and rosist any British interference An official report about to bo published will show that G5 per cent of Kentucky's 11,000,000 bnshols of wheat is still in tho hands of tho farmers. A striko of Japanese (I) track laborers on tho Oregon Short Lino is ended. The Bteamor Engene, a light draught boat, was totally wrecked on her way to the Yukon. She was under condemnation for vio lating tho Canadian customs laws. THE STMKINO. MINERS. At Orangeville, Pa., a mob led by women stoned tho deputies sent to eject tho striking miners from thoir homes. The officers though armed fled for their lives before the infuriated people. West Virginia miners want recognition from the national organization. Coal miners in Illinois nro not ready to end the strike. It was to bo settlod at a national convention at Columbus, on tho 8tb, whether tho miners would accept tho compromise rate of G5 cents a ton. Thero was hope that the leaders would obtain cousent for such a settlement. KUKOl'l.. Tho Ttados Union Congress at Birmingham, Uug. rosolved to stand by tho striking engineers for an eight hours' day. Trelnnd is b,tpnKl with famine, potato and other crops being a failure Sir Lowis William Cave, Judge of tho High Court of Jus- tice, England, is doad. He was born in 1832, and was tho editor of many important logal workB. It is oxpected tho Liberals will soon come to power in Spain. Unfavorable weather has caused further damage to the continental wheat yield. Franco will maintain the duty on wheat even if it makes bread dear to the people. At tho Trades Union Cougross at Birmingham tho Parliamentary Committee reported that many de- cisions of the courts during tho year 1897 wore not based on tho principles of equity and justico, and wore calculated seriously to injuro tho causo of labor and givo capitalism an unfair nnd improper ndvantago. Barril, a Spanish anarchist who triod to murder tho Barcolona chief of police, has been sentenced to forty years. Great Britain, being blamed by Russia for prolonging tho agony over Turkey and Greece, makes a fresh proposal, tho main parts of which are a joint commission of the six powors to control the Greek revenues and tho evacuation of Thossaly by Turkey. ULNKMAL The Ameer of Afghanistan pro- tests his lovaltv to tho British MiiKuraimy, and sets his subjects i to watch tho mM'il.h's ilisci- - pies. The Afridis in revolt on tho 'Afghan frontier are very shy of coming into conflict with the British troops, which havo cut through thoir positions at different places. Peru will adopt the gold stan- dard on the plan of Holland, which admits unlimited silver circula- tion on a basis of 15.873 to 1. Tho report of a treaty between Japan and Nicaragua, giving Japau coutrol of the canal route, has been denied. It is said to have been started by an onomy to injure President Zelaya. Five hundred people have lost their lit ua by a volcanic uiuptiou in tho Philippines. A landslide has dammed the river St. Ann in Quebec. Many houses wero carried along. The Governor of Gorman New Guinea has been murdered by natives. Argentine wants reciprocity with the United States, and if she can't got it may try retaliation. HOnilON'M NKW YAC'lir. Hi iiidaiiiiie nnd iriodorn Cmft Arrlvrd In Ihe N. C. Allen. Thos. W Hobron received his new yacht on the bark S. 0. Allen. It is a nice catboat, and will probably make n diversion on Rpgatta Day. Sorenson fc Lylo are fitting out tho yacht with mast and upper gear. Tho niimo of tho yacht is to be tho "Olytie" the diminutive of "Snuil wer." Sho is of oak frumu and cedar planking, lior dimen- sions being: length over all 23ft., length water line 17ft., beam 8ft. Hor draught is 30 inches, and sho hns a lend keel of 15001b. outside. Sho is a centerboard catboat, and will carry 400 square ieet of main- sail, besides u jib as auxiliary. V. D. Bacon of Now York, one of tho cleverest youuc designers in Now York, drew the plans of tho Clytio. One of her special features is tho overhang forward. The cabin is as high as that of tho Hawaii and quito roomy, having spaco for four bunks. Everything about tho yacht is modern, inclu- ding patent steering gear and sail hoist. I'rcidcut Ulslil. C. L. Wight, president of the Wilder oUi.imt.iiip l,o., loiurneit in the Australia looking the pic- ture of health. In answer to a Bulletin aroporto he said tho com pany'a now stoamor sister vesaol to tho Holono would bo com- pleted at tho Union Iron Works in January. Tho Claudine would, he believed, be sent over to have new bow plates put in shortly. Mr. Wight was enthusiastic over tho visit of Senator Morgan and tho four Representatives elso-wher- o named, and seemed glad that Wilder's was in a positiou to placo a steamer at thoir service the day of tjioir arrival. iTIiita Juliiiaou'a llody. Tho body of Mato August Johnson, Into of tho barkentino Irmgard, was found in San Fran- cisco harbor noar Emeryville stockyards on the Ctli inst. Thero wero no marks on tho body which might tond to establish suspicion that tho man was murdered by his boatmato, CharlcB Benjamin. Benjamin would probably bo re- leased tho following day. A frosh consignment of the eelobrated Enterprise Beer nnd fresh oystors for cocktails receiv ed por Australia by tho Merchants' Jxchauge. wirii ro.MiHiisMoxM. nrr.iuiA. TION ON IIOAKD. Ll.l nl llrr I'uN.ciitcr. mid .llallrr. nl lulprctl In Cniinei (Ion Willi , fhrni. , The steamship Austrnlia reach- ed Oceanic dock a few minutes aftr noon today, being about four hours Inter than usual. Sho brought .11 cabin passengers and 27 iu the steerage. As tho steam- er came up to hor dock Senator Morgan was quickly recognized by those iu waiting. The disting- uished Senator is accompanied by a delegation of four Congressmen who leave on the Claudine this aftomoon for a special trip to Maui aud Hawaii. The personnel of the party and the object of their trip will bo found in auother column. Other prominent people on boaid wore: William FohIoi, formerly Dis- trict Judge of Honolulu, returning after an absence of over a year. C. Hodomann, manager of tho Honolulu Iron Works, who has been to San Francisco on business for his firm. He is accompanied by Mrs. Hoclemann. Dr. T. W. MoConkey.ono of the physicians under tho Board of Health, and his wife, returning from a vacation. Mrs. Georgo H. Paris and child, who have been visiting rela fives at the Coast for some months past. 0. B. Riploy, the wellknown architect, who has beon to Cali- fornia on a combined business aud pleasure trip. N. S. Sachs, of tho Fort street dry goods establishment, who brings back n big consignment of the latest novelties in millinery, dress goods, etc. O. Van Voorhis, a prominent resident of Rochester, Now York, who is woll provided with jotters of introduction to leading citizeuB of Hawaii. Captain John Good, formerly of the National Guaid of Hawaii, who has been away considerably over a year. Captain Good was called to Los Angeles by tho seri- ous illness of his mother. The death of an uncle at Rouheator mado it necessary for him to visit New York state, taking in Chica- go and other cities on route. Ho also paid n visit to tho historic battlefield of Gettysburg and spent some timo in tho lively lit- tle oity of Choyonue, Wyoming. Captain Good ban returned to Uii wiui for good and will embark iu business shortly. Following is a full list of tho cabin passongers: MrB E ton, H B Bell, wifo and child, Hon A ti Dairy, Miss liui-r- y, W Blaisdell, Chas R Hluke, Mips O E Bray, Hon .) O Cannon, Mis C Castle, Miss L M Cuu-uiughiii- II Deacon, P F Do La Vergue, Mrs Dovouor, O E Egan, O M V Forstor, Win Foster, W B Godfrey Jr, MiBa M Miohaelson, C Hodo- mann and wifo, 0 W Jack-man- , C A Johnson, Miss G Jor- dan, J B Levison, Miss Loud, Hon H O Loudeuslayor and wifo, Dr T W McConkoy aud wife, Hou John T Morgan, Miss Morgan, Miss I 0 Morgan, Win R Morton and wife, Rov G Myor, Mrs Nichols, Mrs Geo H Paris and child, H Pohlman, C N Ragsdale, OBRiploy, NS Sachs, A H Small, R Sweasey, Hon J A Tawnoy, O Van Voorhie, Mrs Walton, O L Wight, Mrs M Willfong, T White, wife and child. t.x. Al'Mmlla. Frozen Oystors (Eastern and California), Fresh California Sal- mon nnd Solo, Colory, Cauliflower, Horseradish, Yellow Turnips, Rod Cabbage, Tomales, Fancy Chcepo, Poaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes, Applos, Lomonp, Limes, Choice Clownery Jllook Buttei, etc. Luvm fc Co. Telephone 210. Arrival r Neiiator Horaaii and Reprencnlatlrr. TTnn .Tnlm rlV Mnrnnn Tln.'ln.l HtnfpH Rnnntnr for Alnlinmn nr. rived with his two daughters in the Australia. Senator Morgan was met on tho upper deck of tho steamer at tho Oceanic whurf by Ministers Damon, Smith and Hatch, as well as an informal delegation of citizens including ' Dr. J. S. McGrew, J. B. Athertou, Mounter MolJiiiulii'BH, l'rolPHsor Alexander, Rev. Dr. Bishop, J as. ' B. Castle aud others. Mr. Hatch made tho presentations, and tho Senator with quiet cordiality re- turned tho salutations. In answer to a question by a Bulletin representative, the Senator inti- mated that he intended to remaiu in tho islands quito a while. Besides Senator Morgan thero arrived Hon. H. C. Loudenslayer, Representative for New Jersey, nnd wife; Hon. J G. Cannon, Representative for Hlinois;iHnu.A S. Berry, Representative for Ken tucky, and Hon. J. A. Towuey, Representative for Minnesota. Congressman Loud of California wrb booked to come, but for some reason wbb detained. President 0. L. Wight of Wild-er- 'a Steamship Co. being on board, arrangements wero mado for an excursion to Hawaii. Tho visiting statesmen will embark, with some company from Honolulu, in tho stcamor Claudine, which will leavo for Hilo this afternoon. Passengers by the Australia speak in warm terms of Senator Morgan's good companionship, as well as that of the other public men, on th passage. Whilo in San Francisco the Senator from Alabama accepted an invitation fioru Irving M. Scott to visit tho Union Iron Works, and received most hos- pitable attentions from other pro minent citizeus. At a reception tondorcd him 'by the Nativo Sono of tho Golden West, a San Fran- cisco paper Bays: "Senator Morgan was introduced and was greeted with groat cheer- ing. He expressed his surprise at the magnificoul reception that had been given him aud his thanks for the expressions of es- teem that had been showered up- on him. "Thd Senator explained his visit to tho Hawaiian Islands as being to study tho conditions there, geo- graphically aud othorwiso. Ho thought that when a citizen per- formed his duty honestly he was ontitled to tho encomium of 'Well done, thou good and faithful ser- vant.' Ho felt that in doing his best to servo tho people of the United Stuteo ho Borved them only inefficiently. They were tho most powerful, tho most majestic, the froest and tho most noble peoplo umlor tlio taco or tho sua." Mr. Morgmi is not going in tho Claudine party. Tho excursion is ar.augid for tho benefit of the four (Jongrossmon, as thoy intend returning homo by tho Australia next week. Tho party will be conductod to tho Volcano House, inspecting tho coffee lands on ronto. Attorney Gonoral W. O. Smith Mi. Wight aud, probably, Pio-fuspo- r Alexander will accompany tho party. The Chmdino will re- turn, with tho visitors on Sunday morning, giving them mora than thwo days to soo this ibland, with its sugar and rice plantations, and tho capital city. Sonator Morgan will stay at least a month. P. C. Jones aud othors aro get- ting up an excursion to Pearl Harbor for Senator Morgau to- morrow morning. 1'nro Jlllk Nlmkt'H. Tho frequeut call for cool drink at tho Pnlama Grocery has induced us to set apart a window for tho sale of cold drinks. Our milk shakos aro delicious, nothing but puro fresh milk, shaved ico and tho purest of flavoring syrup bo-i- ug used, which wo sell at Colos-tia- l price, 5o. por glass. H. Cannon, Palaxia Gitoony, oppo-si- to Railway Depot, Kiug street.- - Jr.J i tfi..1 .." A 3jA i&llMVA- - Waua. ....". u .fonsfa a;. tfA Viiwfeiairiiifefc?k-iit- - IJII'IHITANT 1IELH AT VANCOUVER. John VI, Jlnrki) I ntcrolnl -- Sthenic AMired litii:ttfa l llnall. Vancouver, li. C, September G. Tlu following imnidl tolegraph magnates held n closed meeting today in Vancouver iu connection with the proposed cable line from Vancouver to Australia: Georgo G. Ward, vice-presid- ent and goueral manager of tho Commer- cial Cable Company; S. S. Dick- enson, superintendent of tho com- pany nt Causo, Nova Scotin, whoro the Canadian Pacific lino connects with the Atlantic cablo; R. V. Dey, secretary to President John W. Muckay; J. Wilson, Pacific Coast superintendent of Canadian Pacific telegraphs; L. W. Storror, dupurinton Jct Paci- fic Postal Telegrnph Corcpacy. After tho meeting no news of a direct nature could bq obtained regarding thn business transacted, brlt statomonts wero freely mado that insido information obtained warranted tho aunouncoment that a Cauadian Pacifio cablo from Vancouver to Australia wonld bo an assured fact at a comparative- ly early date, aud that the proB-o- nt mooting had to do with some very important proliminary ar- rangements in which Millionaire John W. Maokaj in to lr' v a vary prominent part. Mr. Storror stated that his com- pany would, of courso, handle tho Pacific cable work at this end, and that he, with others, would iuspoot tho propobud lauding Btagos in British Columbia at once. Tho entire party will leavo for Victoria tomorrow. It is said that somo of tho members will bo passengers on tho outgoing Aus- tralian boat for Hawaii. Many other indications that tha long-propo- sed Brilisli Bchotno is about to materialize uro promised to oc- cur in quick succession. ll Auvlrallu oil Ic. Tokny Grapes, Roso of Pom Grapos, Muscut Grapos, Silver nnd Gornun Prunes, Sickle Poirfl, Uartlott Poars, Poaches, Apples, Orungos, Frosh Salmon, Frozon Oysters, Celery, C.iuliilowor, Bur-- ' bunk Potatoes, Onions, Nuts of all kinds. A Oamkounia FntUT Co., tiEO. A.NDltErtS, Piop. Corner King and Uuion Lane. Tolophouo 481. Whon yon aro thinking of buy- ing a typo writer, dou't overlook tho Peerless, bandied hv thn Ha- waiian Cycle it Manufacturing Co. Tho "PeorlosB has more points of merit than any other typewriter on tho market. Awarded Highest Honors WorM Pnfri . Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DEL feD$L Yfcu CREAM BAKING POM!! MOST PERFECT MADB. A pure flrapo Cmum of Tartar Powrinr; Free from Aunnonin, Alain or any other adultorunt. In nil the great llutols, Uio lending Club nnd tho homes, Dr. 1'riuo i Cream Baking l'owdor hohU lUBuinoinuoy, 40 Years the Standard, LEWIS & CO., Aubnts, Honolulu, II, H 11 J 1 1 M

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Published every day except Sunday nt210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

simscmrnoN rates.Per Month, onywhoro In the H- -

wallnn Islands 3 76Per Year. ft HO

Per Year, postpaid to Amoricu, ,

Canada, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, ether Foreign

Countries 13 00Pnynlilo Invariably In Advnnoo.

Telephone 256. F. O. Box 89.

. A. Y. GEAR. Manager.

Pure, RichBlood

is the soil in which roots life, health,strength, happiness. The soil of thoblood can bo drained or Impoverishedliko any other soil, and can bo fertil-ized and nourished in a similar way.Yon can get back tho old spring anilsnap. You can enjoy labor by dayand sleep by night. You can catyour food with tho


ctf health, if you only supply theblood with its lacking nutriment;vitalizo it, or if you like, fertilize it.A largo number of so called tonicremedies nro disguised stimulants.Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a stimu-ljn- t

but a nourishment. It feedstho blood and so enriches it, as wellas purifies it. That is why physi-

cians recommend


HzvinB of Imitation. The Hint-Aj- er'a

Samnpnrllla la prominent on tha wipprnil blown In the glais of each bottle.


Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Sole AgentB for tho Ropublio ot Hawaii.

H. L. GEAR, 0. D. GEAR,

211 Sansomu St., S. F. 210 KliiK St., 11 I.


ai Francisco and jjonolulu

Having olllces In Ban Francisco andHonolulu we re prepared to attendpromptly to all mutters entrusted tous In either ot mid places,


LAWYER.210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

William A. Henshall,i

Attorney at Law113 Kntilutmnnu Street.


A-ttonie-v at Law

H Knahnmuun Street.

Tolophono Nj. 6S2. 498-6-


Counsellor at Law.204 Merchant Street (one door from

Fort street), Honolulu.





Telephone 256 Mo. 810 King St.

.t.w na-i- . wv. 'JZ. yj'r.w



ABOUT 4lKM- - t.

IVoiiioii llrnd a Mob l Rtital (IMccrIII I'ciitmylvaiiln Ilia World's


CKitin MtrmifRicbnrd Orokpr ot Tainiuany

Hall has returned to Now York.He won't any whether he will runagainst Beth Low for Mayor ofGreater Now York.

Thoro has been a yellow feverscare at Now Orleans, but theofficials have tho visitation well inhand. People are going abouttheir business and paying littlebeed to the plague.

William T. Wardwell is thoProhibition candidate for Mayorof Greater Now York.

Tho National Association ofLetter Carriers is inueliug in SunFrancisco.

Senator Tillman, of SouthCarolina, in a Lubur Day speechat Roohehtor, N. Y., showed hestill stood for free silver.

It is bnlipved at Washingtonthat Attorney General McKennawill not appeal in tho matter,thereforo that tho Union Pacificwill bo sold to the Union PacificOrganization Co. for 845,000,000.

At San Francisco it is believedthat Captain Alexander McLeanwill head an expedition to theSolomou Islands, where there issaid to bo a "Olondike," in theppliooner Sophia Sutherland. Thoadventurers, it is further Btated,will go armed and rosist anyBritish interference

An official report about to bopublished will show that G5 percent of Kentucky's 11,000,000bnshols of wheat is still in thohands of tho farmers.

A striko of Japanese (I) tracklaborers on tho Oregon ShortLino is ended.

The Bteamor Engene, a lightdraught boat, was totally wreckedon her way to the Yukon. Shewas under condemnation for violating tho Canadian customs laws.


At Orangeville, Pa., a mob ledby women stoned tho deputiessent to eject tho striking minersfrom thoir homes. The officersthough armed fled for their livesbefore the infuriated people.

West Virginia miners wantrecognition from the nationalorganization.

Coal miners in Illinois nro notready to end the strike.

It was to bo settlod at a nationalconvention at Columbus, on tho8tb, whether tho miners wouldaccept tho compromise rate of G5

cents a ton. Thero was hope thatthe leaders would obtain cousentfor such a settlement.


Tho Ttados Union Congress atBirmingham, Uug. rosolved tostand by tho striking engineersfor an eight hours' day.

Trelnnd is b,tpnKl withfamine, potato and other cropsbeing a failure

Sir Lowis William Cave,Judge of tho High Court of Jus-tice, England, is doad. He wasborn in 1832, and was tho editorof many important logal workB.

It is oxpected tho Liberals willsoon come to power in Spain.

Unfavorable weather has causedfurther damage to the continentalwheat yield.

Franco will maintain the dutyon wheat even if it makes breaddear to the people.

At tho Trades Union Cougrossat Birmingham tho ParliamentaryCommittee reported that many de-

cisions of the courts during thoyear 1897 wore not based on thoprinciples of equity and justico,and wore calculated seriously toinjuro tho causo of labor and givocapitalism an unfair nnd improperndvantago.

Barril, a Spanish anarchist whotriod to murder tho Barcolona

chief of police, has been sentencedto forty years.

Great Britain, being blamed byRussia for prolonging tho agonyover Turkey and Greece, makes afresh proposal, tho main parts ofwhich are a joint commission ofthe six powors to control the Greekrevenues and tho evacuation ofThossaly by Turkey.


The Ameer of Afghanistan pro-tests his lovaltv to tho BritishMiiKuraimy, and sets his subjects i

to watch tho mM'il.h's ilisci- -

pies.The Afridis in revolt on tho

'Afghan frontier are very shy ofcoming into conflict with theBritish troops, which havo cutthrough thoir positions at differentplaces.

Peru will adopt the gold stan-dard on the plan of Holland, whichadmits unlimited silver circula-tion on a basis of 15.873 to 1.

Tho report of a treaty betweenJapan and Nicaragua, givingJapau coutrol of the canal route,has been denied. It is said tohave been started by an onomy toinjure President Zelaya.

Five hundred people have losttheir lit ua by a volcanic uiuptiouin tho Philippines.

A landslide has dammed theriver St. Ann in Quebec. Manyhouses wero carried along.

The Governor of Gorman NewGuinea has been murdered bynatives.

Argentine wants reciprocitywith the United States, and if shecan't got it may try retaliation.

HOnilON'M NKW YAC'lir.

Hi iiidaiiiiie nnd iriodorn Cmft ArrlvrdIn Ihe N. C. Allen.

Thos. W Hobron received hisnew yacht on the bark S. 0.Allen. It is a nice catboat, andwill probably make n diversionon Rpgatta Day. Sorenson fc

Lylo are fitting out tho yacht withmast and upper gear.

Tho niimo of tho yacht is to betho "Olytie" the diminutive of"Snuil wer." Sho is of oak frumuand cedar planking, lior dimen-sions being: length over all 23ft.,length water line 17ft., beam 8ft.Hor draught is 30 inches, and shohns a lend keel of 15001b. outside.Sho is a centerboard catboat, andwill carry 400 square ieet of main-sail, besides u jib as auxiliary.

V. D. Bacon of Now York, oneof tho cleverest youuc designers inNow York, drew the plans of thoClytio. One of her special featuresis tho overhang forward. Thecabin is as high as that of thoHawaii and quito roomy, havingspaco for four bunks. Everythingabout tho yacht is modern, inclu-ding patent steering gear and sailhoist.

I'rcidcut Ulslil.C. L. Wight, president of the

Wilder oUi.imt.iiip l,o., loiurneitin the Australia looking the pic-

ture of health. In answer to aBulletin aroporto he said tho company'a now stoamor sister vesaolto tho Holono would bo com-pleted at tho Union Iron Worksin January. Tho Claudine would,he believed, be sent over to havenew bow plates put in shortly.Mr. Wight was enthusiastic overtho visit of Senator Morgan andtho four Representatives elso-wher- o

named, and seemed gladthat Wilder's was in a positiou toplaco a steamer at thoir servicethe day of tjioir arrival.

iTIiita Juliiiaou'a llody.

Tho body of Mato AugustJohnson, Into of tho barkentinoIrmgard, was found in San Fran-cisco harbor noar Emeryvillestockyards on the Ctli inst. Therowero no marks on tho body whichmight tond to establish suspicionthat tho man was murdered byhis boatmato, CharlcB Benjamin.Benjamin would probably bo re-

leased tho following day.

A frosh consignment of theeelobrated Enterprise Beer nndfresh oystors for cocktails received por Australia by tho Merchants'Jxchauge.

wirii ro.MiHiisMoxM. nrr.iuiA.TION ON IIOAKD.

Ll.l nl llrr I'uN.ciitcr. mid .llallrr. nllulprctl In Cniinei (Ion Willi

, fhrni.

, The steamship Austrnlia reach-ed Oceanic dock a few minutesaftr noon today, being about fourhours Inter than usual. Shobrought .11 cabin passengers and27 iu the steerage. As tho steam-

er came up to hor dock SenatorMorgan was quickly recognizedby those iu waiting. The disting-uished Senator is accompanied bya delegation of four Congressmenwho leave on the Claudine thisaftomoon for a special trip toMaui aud Hawaii. The personnelof the party and the object of theirtrip will bo found in auothercolumn.

Other prominent people onboaid wore:

William FohIoi, formerly Dis-trict Judge of Honolulu, returningafter an absence of over a year.

C. Hodomann, manager of thoHonolulu Iron Works, who hasbeen to San Francisco on businessfor his firm. He is accompaniedby Mrs. Hoclemann.

Dr. T. W. MoConkey.ono of thephysicians under tho Board ofHealth, and his wife, returningfrom a vacation.

Mrs. Georgo H. Paris andchild, who have been visiting relafives at the Coast for some monthspast.

0. B. Riploy, the wellknownarchitect, who has beon to Cali-fornia on a combined businessaud pleasure trip.

N. S. Sachs, of tho Fort streetdry goods establishment, whobrings back n big consignment ofthe latest novelties in millinery,dress goods, etc.

O. Van Voorhis, a prominentresident of Rochester, Now York,who is woll provided with jottersof introduction to leading citizeuBof Hawaii.

Captain John Good, formerlyof the National Guaid of Hawaii,who has been away considerablyover a year. Captain Good wascalled to Los Angeles by tho seri-ous illness of his mother. Thedeath of an uncle at Rouheatormado it necessary for him to visitNew York state, taking in Chica-go and other cities on route. Hoalso paid n visit to tho historicbattlefield of Gettysburg andspent some timo in tho lively lit-

tle oity of Choyonue, Wyoming.Captain Good ban returned to Uiiwiui for good and will embark iubusiness shortly.

Following is a full list of thocabin passongers:

MrB E ton, H B Bell, wifo andchild, Hon A ti Dairy, Miss liui-r- y,

W Blaisdell, Chas R Hluke,Mips O E Bray, Hon .) O Cannon,Mis C Castle, Miss L M Cuu-uiughiii-

II Deacon, P F Do LaVergue, Mrs Dovouor, O EEgan, O M V Forstor,Win Foster, W B Godfrey Jr,MiBa M Miohaelson, C Hodo-mann and wifo, 0 W Jack-man- ,

C A Johnson, Miss G Jor-dan, J B Levison, Miss Loud,Hon H O Loudeuslayor and wifo,Dr T W McConkoy aud wife, HouJohn T Morgan, Miss Morgan,Miss I 0 Morgan, Win R Mortonand wife, Rov G Myor, MrsNichols, Mrs Geo H Paris andchild, H Pohlman, C N Ragsdale,OBRiploy, NS Sachs, A H Small,R Sweasey, Hon J A Tawnoy, OVan Voorhie, Mrs Walton, O LWight, Mrs M Willfong, T White,wife and child.

t.x. Al'Mmlla.

Frozen Oystors (Eastern andCalifornia), Fresh California Sal-mon nnd Solo, Colory, Cauliflower,Horseradish, Yellow Turnips, RodCabbage, Tomales, Fancy Chcepo,Poaches, Pears, Plums, Grapes,Applos, Lomonp, Limes, ChoiceClownery Jllook Buttei, etc.

Luvm fc Co.Telephone 210.

Arrival r Neiiator Horaaii andReprencnlatlrr.

TTnn .Tnlm rlV Mnrnnn Tln.'ln.lHtnfpH Rnnntnr for Alnlinmn nr.rived with his two daughters inthe Australia. Senator Morganwas met on tho upper deck of thosteamer at tho Oceanic whurf byMinisters Damon, Smith andHatch, as well as an informaldelegation of citizens including '

Dr. J. S. McGrew, J. B. Athertou,Mounter MolJiiiulii'BH, l'rolPHsorAlexander, Rev. Dr. Bishop, J as.


B. Castle aud others. Mr. Hatchmade tho presentations, and thoSenator with quiet cordiality re-

turned tho salutations. In answerto a question by a Bulletinrepresentative, the Senator inti-mated that he intended to remaiuin tho islands quito a while.

Besides Senator Morgan theroarrived Hon. H. C. Loudenslayer,Representative for New Jersey,nnd wife; Hon. J G. Cannon,Representative for Hlinois;iHnu.AS. Berry, Representative for Kentucky, and Hon. J. A. Towuey,Representative for Minnesota.Congressman Loud of Californiawrb booked to come, but for somereason wbb detained.

President 0. L. Wight of Wild-er- 'aSteamship Co. being on board,

arrangements wero mado for anexcursion to Hawaii. Tho visitingstatesmen will embark, with somecompany from Honolulu, in thostcamor Claudine, which willleavo for Hilo this afternoon.

Passengers by the Australiaspeak in warm terms of SenatorMorgan's good companionship,as well as that of the other publicmen, on th passage.

Whilo in San Francisco theSenator from Alabama acceptedan invitation fioru Irving M.Scott to visit tho Union IronWorks, and received most hos-

pitable attentions from other prominent citizeus. At a receptiontondorcd him 'by the Nativo Sonoof tho Golden West, a San Fran-cisco paper Bays:

"Senator Morgan was introducedand was greeted with groat cheer-ing. He expressed his surpriseat the magnificoul reception thathad been given him aud histhanks for the expressions of es-

teem that had been showered up-on him.

"Thd Senator explained his visitto tho Hawaiian Islands as beingto study tho conditions there, geo-graphically aud othorwiso. Hothought that when a citizen per-formed his duty honestly he wasontitled to tho encomium of 'Welldone, thou good and faithful ser-vant.' Ho felt that in doing hisbest to servo tho people of theUnited Stuteo ho Borved them onlyinefficiently. They were tho mostpowerful, tho most majestic, thefroest and tho most noble peoploumlor tlio taco or tho sua."

Mr. Morgmi is not going in thoClaudine party. Tho excursion isar.augid for tho benefit of thefour (Jongrossmon, as thoy intendreturning homo by tho Australianext week.

Tho party will be conductod totho Volcano House, inspectingtho coffee lands on ronto.

Attorney Gonoral W. O. SmithMi. Wight aud, probably, Pio-fuspo- r

Alexander will accompanytho party. The Chmdino will re-

turn, with tho visitors on Sundaymorning, giving them mora thanthwo days to soo this ibland, withits sugar and rice plantations, andtho capital city.

Sonator Morgan will stay atleast a month.

P. C. Jones aud othors aro get-

ting up an excursion to PearlHarbor for Senator Morgau to-

morrow morning.

1'nro Jlllk Nlmkt'H.

Tho frequeut call for cool drinkat tho Pnlama Grocery has inducedus to set apart a window for thosale of cold drinks. Our milkshakos aro delicious, nothing butpuro fresh milk, shaved ico andtho purest of flavoring syrup bo-i- ug

used, which wo sell at Colos-tia- lprice, 5o. por glass. H.

Cannon, Palaxia Gitoony, oppo-si- to

Railway Depot, Kiugstreet.- -

Jr.J i tfi..1 .." A 3jA i&llMVA- - Waua. ....". u .fonsfa a;. tfA Viiwfeiairiiifefc?k-iit- -



John VI, Jlnrki) I ntcrolnl -- SthenicAMired litii:ttfa l


Vancouver, li. C, September G.

Tlu following imnidl tolegraphmagnates held n closed meetingtoday in Vancouver iu connectionwith the proposed cable line fromVancouver to Australia: GeorgoG. Ward, vice-presid- ent andgoueral manager of tho Commer-cial Cable Company; S. S. Dick-

enson, superintendent of tho com-

pany nt Causo, Nova Scotin,whoro the Canadian Pacific linoconnects with the Atlantic cablo;R. V. Dey, secretary to PresidentJohn W. Muckay; J. Wilson,Pacific Coast superintendent ofCanadian Pacific telegraphs; L.W. Storror, dupurinton Jct Paci-fic Postal Telegrnph Corcpacy.

After tho meeting no news of adirect nature could bq obtainedregarding thn business transacted,brlt statomonts wero freely madothat insido information obtainedwarranted tho aunouncoment thata Cauadian Pacifio cablo fromVancouver to Australia wonld boan assured fact at a comparative-ly early date, aud that the proB-o- nt

mooting had to do with somevery important proliminary ar-rangements in which MillionaireJohn W. Maokaj in to lr' v a varyprominent part.

Mr. Storror stated that his com-pany would, of courso, handle thoPacific cable work at this end,and that he, with others, wouldiuspoot tho propobud laudingBtagos in British Columbia atonce. Tho entire party will leavofor Victoria tomorrow. It is saidthat somo of tho members will bopassengers on tho outgoing Aus-tralian boat for Hawaii. Manyother indications that tha long-propo- sed

Brilisli Bchotno is aboutto materialize uro promised to oc-

cur in quick succession.

ll Auvlrallu oil Ic.Tokny Grapes, Roso of Pom

Grapos, Muscut Grapos, Silvernnd Gornun Prunes, Sickle Poirfl,Uartlott Poars, Poaches, Apples,Orungos, Frosh Salmon, FrozonOysters, Celery, C.iuliilowor, Bur-- '

bunk Potatoes, Onions, Nuts ofall kinds. A

Oamkounia FntUT Co.,tiEO. A.NDltErtS, Piop.

Corner King and Uuion Lane.Tolophouo 481.

Whon yon aro thinking of buy-ing a typowriter, dou't overlooktho Peerless, bandied hv thn Ha-waiian Cycle it ManufacturingCo. Tho "PeorlosB has morepoints of merit than any othertypewriter on tho market.

AwardedHighest Honors WorM Pnfri .

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.





A pure flrapo Cmum of Tartar Powrinr;Free from Aunnonin, Alain or any otheradultorunt. In nil the great llutols, Uiolending Club nnd tho homes, Dr. 1'riuo iCream Baking l'owdor hohU lUBuinoinuoy,

40 Years the Standard,

LEWIS & CO.,Aubnts, Honolulu, II, H





1 4


7-- t






if uuNMM.!uMmi nnuJMw m



The Manufacturing Harness Co,whom ham: ,itiu ht of iiiNtsr

Telephone 228. P. O. Box 322. BY JlANSK OFl'IOIAI.S. ' Queen Street.

v n A smMyfth&6b$fc Kt

i. s'' lWAXi V:iviJ i- -

Jr r

THIS CUTlvoproaoiitfc? One of Our Own. tiand-mad- o

'OA.lt R1A.G3!gjar A complete of Litlles iiml Gents Huml qtnuipeil Beltn,

ll sin-- ; Legging imtl a complete asortmout of everything pirtulnlii to ourline.

CBT" A complete assortment or Ilaclug EquipmentsJW Special We keep in stock and sell only OUR 0V Manufacture.

Chisholm & Coughlin.

Special SummerNotes for Our

Out-of-to- wn

fl3SESr- w- Patrons.COUNTRY ORDERS.These receive our tuo-s- t care

ful attention at all times, butnnvv rh warm wpnthi is un- -

on us, our facilities for thei. i.: .i..rf...,i,

ceries our careful packingvvill explain why we increase

year by year this class oftrade. Please note (by a com-parison of quality with anyprice list in your vicinity) ourextremely moderate prices. Womaintain uniform high-grad- e


CAMPING- - ESTIMATES.We shall be pleased to make

up estimates for any numberof our patrons who may pur-pose taking a cottage by thesea, or camping. It you willstate how many in the partyand number of days or weoksfor your outing, wo will quoteon anything from the bathsoap in the morning to theafter dinner cigar. Whereveryou may bo rusticating wocan servo you with the sameattention as if you were athomo in the city. Wo serveyou the year round it's ourbusiness.

Lewis & Co.,Ill FORT STREET.



Blouse Sets,Mat Pins,





PAIR OP SPECTACLESDie best place in town to get them to

tiilt all sights anil pockets is at

1--T. Gr. BXAJR-T'-401 Tort Htieot.

'trm&tei'U, A

I .


j, jrfri'iV'iif i.iJ


TSfrate.J wNL "VBJ




Ik insurance!


Atlas Assurance ConpyCapital $8,000,000.

B- - AH losses settled herepromptly.


fLtf.midt on?


You Can Find

Some intproBting itoniB

for Gentlempn with in

teresting August prieea

in LiiiPii Crash, fiuitinga

of all kinds nnd Gents'

FurniahingB. At

The Hotel St. Tailors,Muterlry Iliilldlnc.

Telephone Oil. 1'. O. Box


Ohia. Algeroba and Pine FirowoodCut niul Split (ready for tho Stove).



WHITE AND BLACK SANDAt Lowest Prices, delivered to any part ot

tho City.TEbEPHONE I i i 4M

HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.


Florida Peach Treescan secure them hyleaving orders with

E. W. JORDAN,X&" Till September. Dollvery dur-

ing December. 077-l-

- j. t .

for .tllEd Infraction ot l.midliiIK'UlllKlInn on tlifl Islinirt

of FfirnittKii.

JapAU is having troublo in For-uioH- ii

with Chiueao imiuigrantswho aro said to have lauded on

tho islnud contrary to tlio treatyregulations and without the oerti-liuut- es

required from Chiuoso

ollicinltf. As this now dilhYulty

of Japan over Chinese immigrantsbpcius to huvo many points incommon with that of Hnwaii'atrouble ovpr.Tapnncao immigrants,the dispatch concerning lt ispultlibhcd in full as a matter of

interest:J'ncomn, Wash., Aug. .'10.

N 'ws coint" by steamer fromHongkoi y thiit over 1000 Ohiueso

oifl nrusted in Foi iniiha by thoJutnno"' nnthoritifH lalo in Julyand thrown into jail. The causeof tht-i- i tiiicBt lc given b Japan-ese ofi'icers as tho infraction bythe Chinese of the lauding regulations published in the twenty- -ninth year of Meiji. Accordingto the60 regulations Chinese nrouot allowed to laud except nt tnofour ports of Kelung, Tausui,Amping nnd Tknrt, aud they mustbo provided with certificates issued bj Chinese ollicials at portsfiom which the" came, ine Jap- -

aneap claim that the ChiDGMi catnufrom Auiov and Canton in jnuksand landed on tho island at vari-ous convenient points, thus violating the regulations.

it is stated in uuiuu mai, as amatter of fact, those arrests arothe outcome of the rocont riots atTaipoh, capital of Formosa.Two mouths ago Chinamen aboutTaipoh refused to register asJapanese subjects on cortaiti daysand to permit th ir queues to boen ( If, n ii new I iwhiichp n-j-

latious provided.Thev attacked tno Japanese

quarter of Taipeh. A battle ensuedanu over xuu were kiiiou. jli wasclaimed at the time that the Chi-nese of Formosa were abettod byrich Chinese of Amoy and Can-ton.

Tho recent lauding of 1000 menfrom those ports corroborated thosuspicions which were then enter-tained. The Japanese have thusput tho Chiueso in jail to preventtheir joining tho native Chineserebels, who are still trying todrive their Japauoso masters outof tho island.

UAH All.

(B) Anm, M.

God bless Hawaii.O flawless Pearl, turned out

By Nature's cunning, lavish hand!So rich and fresh, so puro,

As passeth man to understand,In ocean vast, this unique climoAn fabric wondrouB, lor all time

God bless Hawaii 1

God bless Hawaii.The rainbow-lan- d of promiso

suro and trueA Queen Slab's warp and woof all

through and throughOf sea and sky and air, a dower

royal;None can but lovo and praise,Then IxmhI tho kuco in adoration

loyal.God bless Hawaii.

God bless Hawaii.Now let us all unite aud sing,"Mako Jesus King, make Jesus

King!"ADtiovry oinui its glowing tnuuto

bring,To, on the altar of Hawaii, iliug;Till, high as Tantalus tho uoto

shall ring:"Make Jesus King, mako Jesus

King!"Thou will God bless Hawaii.Makapala-by-tho-se- a, August

31, 1897.

Before giving your order for aportrait, boo what King Bros,havo to show in crayon enlargements anu juugo tor yourselfwhether thoy cau givo you thobest value for your inonoy ornot.

When you havo a portrait enlarged see that you got yourmoney's worth. King Bros, havoreduced prices to S5.00, S0.50,S7.50 and 810.00 for work thatthoy guarantee to bo firstolass.Thoy invito comparison.



No scarcity of material, no-

thing lacking in colors and do-sig- ns

complete. Tho opportu-nity for bargains is here.

"Wo havo a new lino ofHoneycomb and ToiletQuilts, a little better than thoordinary and at less cost.

Linen, Turkish, CottonTowels at way down prices.

Our Silk counters aro re-

plete with tho finest grades ofsilk ever shown in Honolulu.These include light or heavy-weights and in all color?, thocombination of which wouldrival a rainbow in beauty.

Black and Figured Silks.It is possible to have shirts

made to order in Honolulu forless than ready-to-we- ar pricesand you can have a choice ofdesigns. Wo sell

Ceylon Shirting Flannelsin a hundred different designs.

Native-mad- e Hats variousshapes.


Club Jtables,FORT STREET,

Telephone 477

Boa lading,Sale,Livery.

Breaking HorsesA Sl'FCIALTY.

Finest Turnouts in City.

Wagonettes and SurriesWith Careful Drivers always on


Hacks at All Hours.K&. TELEPHONE 319. "SC3

Stand: Fort and Merchant Street?.

J. i. Bdoklbt,Preildent. Seo'r.


in the City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivers,

Gentle Saddle Horses for Ladles and Gentlemen

Always on baud.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner ot Fort nnd Hotel Streets.

TetiF.rnosr.: Huw'n Hotel Stables 32.Fanthoon Stnbles 34.


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street

Carriage BuilderAND HEmitElL

Blacksmithing in All lis Branches.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor, to O. West)

-- " -- -- - -- -. -- -

AMERIOANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Mutant and Richards 81s.

LIVERY AND BOARD?NG STABLES.KW" Carriages, Surrojn and IlatUa at all

hours. TKLEl'UONE 1W.

. ., .miiitfi.'&i &.A. .it-ti. .



FILTERSBut if you want your family

to drink water that is

ABSOLUTELY PUREPlease notice that

Raw WaterIs an Aquarium:

Boiled WaterIs a Graveyard:

Distilled WaterIs PURITY ONLY.

This you can havo by using our


For use also in


All you havo to do is to putthe apparatus over a Kero-

sene or Kitchen stoveand catch tho


We can also furnish you withbest quality of

Ice Chests,


IceC ream FreezersCall at the

Wi Dept


fl&to&iiftn FertilizingCOMiPAJSTY

Is prepared to fnrntsh

Nitrate of Sodator fertilizing.

In Quantities to Suit.BJ& Ordera solicited for a futnre dt

llvory,A. 1, COOKE, Manager.

k.uW!L Aiifr.w.jt&iw wtiuib fe&.MjA-tJLj-ft




is still in the jichl,and leads all otltcvbrands for quuliiyand purity.

His not offered asthe cheapest, but asabsolutely the bestBeer in the market,and will be Isold atfair market ratesas heretofore.



Sole .Agents.


103 KING STEEET.U. J. Wallisk - - . Maijacieb.



Navr Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry


Mefoopolifi&n IJe&ii Co.

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Ncdand Street.For Your Choice

OrdersThe finest



-, Meat? -Always on Hand. Orders fpromptly and carefully attend'ed to. , i . ,

HERBERT GARES,Solo Proprietor.

Dandruff killer!A New and Thoroughly Eflkicnt Des-

troyer lor all

Dandruff in the Head.Guaranteed to Cure tho Sculp ot all Skin Di-

seases, l'ut up In one size bottle only.

Criterion Barber Shop,PACHECO&FERNANDES,Prop.

Fort St., Opp. I'antheon 8tables.

EuropoanBAEBEB .-

-. SHOPFirst-clas- s Work In Eyery Hcsssel.

Now prepared to do a large amountof work, having JiiBt hail added to theforce an experienced barber from BanFrancisco.

Shop on Morcuant street, uear Fort,fitted up anew.

G. SOMMA,09S Gin Proprietor.

m tfc.il .tfWki'i-





Claub SrnECKELS.


, InwiN. The . . .

lONObUbU H. I.

Ban Ifamcbco AgtnUTnn Nevada Bank orBan Fmscisco.


Ban Francisco Tho Nevada Btnk of BanFrancisco.

London Tho Union Bank ol London, Ltd.NW York American Exchange National

Bank.Chicago Merchants National Bank.Paris Comptolr National d'Escompt dc

Paris.Bkrlin Drctdncr Bank:HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA HonRlvOnfC A

Bliannh&l Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bnnk of New

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank of British

North America.

gpacie Banlsecurity, Commercial Mill Travelersproved

Credits Issued. Bills of Kxcliano 'boUKbtand sold.Collections Promitlt Accounted Tor.

--Established 18M


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.


The Hawaiian


Investment Co.

Stock BrokersAND

Fire Insurance Agents.

Anvone wishing to oither buyor sell Stocks or BoudB would Uowoll to civo us a call.

We hnve Safe Deposit Boxes ofseveral sizes for rent either by themonth or year at vory reasonablerates. Money, jewelry, aud-val- ur

able pnpers deposited in one ofthese boxes will be perfectly safefrom burglars and firo.

0 Money to loan on approv-ed seourity.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1897, 11S,7G85.

Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Savincs Bank for Monthly Deposits.Houses Built on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Fifteenth Series of Stock now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Socrotary.Chamber of Commerce Rooms.Office hours. 12:301 :30 P.M. 373-t- f

Real Estate Transactions.

Subscribers are furnished with from Ave

to six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord of all deeds, mortgaces, leases, re-

leases, power's of attorney, etc., etc, whichere placed ou record.

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.

J. S. WALKER,Genebal Agbt foh Hawaiian Islands.

Royal Insurance Company.Alliance- Assuranoe Company.Alliance Marino and Genoral Assurance

Company,Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilhelma of Madgebnrg Insurance Com

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 13 Bprcekcls Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager ot

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United Stutes for the HawaiianIslands,

Orr'OKt Merchant street, Honolulu i



No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEstato and Furniture.

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakoa & Halekauwila SU.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-- 'trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates given lor house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a speoialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,j2-t- d Manager.


Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000raid Up Capital Yon 7,500,000Reserve Fund Yen 6,464,500


BRANCHES AND AGENCIE8.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spetle Bank

New RepnMlc Building. HI King St, Honolulu.

S. KICHI,(Japanese)

Sign Painter & Paper. Hanger

132 Nunanu Avenue, Honolulu,H.I.

S. IWASHITA,Watchma- - c Gold & Sil-ke- r'

Hfli versmith.

No. 417 Nunanu street, next to Love'sBakery.

X3T Cheapest in Town .an

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best ranterta's end in the verylatest style. . , .

A. Perfect HitGuaranteed



Gleaning and Repairing a Specialty



Yee Sing TieContractor

Builder.Dealer in

Wall Paper,Wicker Chairs, BS'Jflia't,lHEHfenatftiuH


FurnitureOt all kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

NEW STORE.Imported Dry 000.1? Rnpllsn, American

and Chinese.

Dres3 Making a Speoialty.Low Prices to suit the times.

t3T Come In and see our New Stock andStoic.

Wing Hing LoyNuunnu near Hotel bireut, oppose W. V.".



Kf This llrm was formerly known as"Shun Loy," Fort street.

Just HeceivedCrookory and Ivorywaro,Embroidered Fans,Shawls, doroons,Wicker and Steamer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nunanu Street, Honolulu.


Tailors and Shirt Makers.King St., next to No. 1 Engine

VST Any kind of Clothing made toorder nt lowest prices. 706 tf

Mechanics' Home, oomer Hoteland Nunanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 25and 60 cents per night. $1, andS1.25 per week.


Oapt. J. A. KING,

Stmr. "KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu atlOA, m., touching tLahalna, Mnalaea Bay and Makona thesame day; Mahukonn, Kawalhae and Laupahoehoe tho following day, arriving atIIllo the same evening.


Tnesday....Sept. 21 Friday Sept. 17Friday Oct. 1 Tuestlay..,.Sopt. 28Tuesday.... Oct. 12 Friday. Oct. 8

Friday Oct. 22 Tuesday... .Oct. 10

Returning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'cloclp. m., touching at Laupahoehoo, Mahu-kon- a

and Kawalhao same day) Makena,Maalaea Bay aud Lahaina the followingday; arriving at Honolulu tho afternoonsof 'luesdny and Fridays.

Will call at Pohoiki, Puna.)TNo Freight will bo received oftei

12 uoon ou day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON. Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 6 r. m.itouching at Kahului, liana, UamoaandKipahulu, Maui. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nun, Eaupo, on second tripof each month.

)"No Freight will be received atteip. u. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomake changes in the time of departure andarrival of Its steamers without notloe andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsibh

tor Money or Valuables of passongortnnless placed in the care of Pursers.

Passengers are requested to purchasetickets before embarking. Those (ailing todo so will be subject to an additionaloharge of twenty-liv- e per cent.


t 1

o?.?"s 3 t. :?

X --j 558- frti :5 ? s tr ffi X?Ll ioTi t p" MM tan

O. - f J :

t t. s o. e i - ;t

t ? PS 8 1, O qH p ??ts5 g? C rt s

?!" l&r ST itx,i ra , M' i-- JO

.yr z t- ' " I IJ 'I1 SVH'fcvO"

Building Lots!4.t WAIKIKl on car line and on

ROAD near fertilizingPlant.

TLceo lots ere Very Ciap and Paidon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother Properties for sule.

BRUCE, WARING & CO:,Donlors in Lots and Lnnds,

312 Fort Street, near King.fcaxpnoNB 607 P. O. Box 1121.


Brokers & Dealers

REAL ESTATE17 We will liny or Sell Real Estato in

all porta of the group.ty We will Bell Properties n Reason-able Commissions!

OFFICE. 10 West King Street

BY POLICE AT CALLAO.Inquiry liero confirms the sory com-

ing from Lima to the effect that theState Department hns lortfjwl a de-

mand with tho United States chargeof legation at Lima for tho reloise oftho mato of tho American bark "UncleJohn." IIo ns ashore on December19 last at CallitO, and was arrenUxl be-

cause of his constant demand for "Rai-

nier Beer." On tap or in bottles at thoCriterion Saloon.

"I've (;"' tho f,'iu:trpt tliii.'fi in thoworld," innutkcd u piorpcrnm lix.Mimindividual whowulki-- into tho office ofono ot t lie most prominent consultingengineers and elcclricinti.i iu tho coun-try qh mi Express reporter was sittingiu tho outer office.

"Wluit is it?" ticked tho engineer."I'll toll you," respouded tho pros-

perous looking man. "It's an inven-tion" horo tho engineer began to lookbored, bnt ho smiled politely and hlRvisitor continued "an invention thatwill rovolutionizo tho business of trans-mitting electric power."

Now if thcro is ono thing that thisparticular engineer is mora interestedill or knows luaro ubout than nnythingcite, it is this sumo subject of tho trans-mission of electric power. Ho began tolook n littlo innro interested nnd urgedhis visitor to tell him wlmt tho schemawas and aUo to inform him what hocould dn for him.

"Well, bufnro I describe tho inven-tion," mid riio man, "I'lltell you what we've done. Wo'vo discovered a way to transmit power withubholntely no loss iu transmission iib- -

no loss. Do you reali?.o whatthat means'"

"It means you'll own tho earth Ifyou'vo got it," remarked tho engineer.

"Correct!" exclaimed tho prosperousman. "As yon so aptly put it, we'llown tho earth. You will notice I do notadmit that there is any donbt about thoproposition. Wo know w luit wo linegot. Wo liavo seen it woik. There'smillioiiH iu itl"

"Wlmt lists have you madoV""Tests? Why, my dear sir, wo havo

mado tho mot exhaustive test?. Wohavo built a mile of ciuidult, sir, andtho most dclicato instruments fail todetect tho slightest los of jiower iutransiiilssiou. Oh, them is no ijuiHtiouthat tho pi oee-- s works to perfection!Now, what 1 want you to do is to glvuus your opinion on it. Study tho sub-

ject, givo your opluiou in writing, nndwo'll pay you handsomely."

"Well, toll mo what your process isand I'll sco what I think of it," saidtho cngiueer. "If I think you havo apracticable thing, I'd liko to seo yourexperimental line in operation."

"That's tho way I liko to hear yontalk, sir; shows you arc a conservativeuiuu, sir. I wouldn't givo a rup for theopinion of a man who jumps at conclu-sions, sir. Now, I'll tell you what thisgieat invention consists of. It's n va-

cuum nothing but a vacuum. Youknow a vacuum is tho mo-- t perfect in-

sulation, don't you? Put a vacuumaiound a wito and thu electricity can'tget away. Moisture can't get at thowire. Air can't get at it. Vacuuiu'llkeep tho cuirent on tho wire, won't it?"

Tho cngiueer ullowed that n vacuum,if a good one, might bo of value for in-

sulating purposes."Vicll, continued tho prosperous

looking man, "wo just take this vaccunm idea and cany it to its ultimateconclusion, understand to its last analysis, so to sneak. It s easy enough tosurround a wiro with a vacuum. Allyou'vo got to do is to put tho wiro in aiuuo nun pump ino air out oi a iuuc,isn't it? Well, supposo you pump awayuntil you'vo got till tho air out;you'vo got your wiro insulated, haven'tyou? Can't loso any current, can you?But that's all. You'vo got tho resistanceof tho wire to deal with, and that'swhero you loso energy. That is wheruour discovery comes in. Wo know whytho rcsistauco exists, and from that it'seasy to learn how to curu it.

"Tako a copper wiro. Copper's madoup of molecules, isu'tit? Molecules keepvibrating nil tho time, don't theynever stay hull, uuver remain in con-

tact? You know all about that. Well,there must ho something between thosemolecules, then, isn't there? Thcro is,aud that something is air. That's whattho UiUilcity don't like can't passthiough tho air. Now, suppose, you takotho air from out between tho molecules,what happens? Molecules remain at nst

stay in contact. Electricity goesthrough without any obstruction, audthcro you are no loss of anient at all.Loirical, isn't it?"

Tho engineer was getting taint, butho found oico enough to admit that thotheory was .certainly ingenious.

"I knew you'd say so," said tho en-

thusiastic visitor. "Now, it only re-

mains to extract tho air, and that'swhat wo'vo ilono got an nirpumpthat'll pump all thu air out from be-

tween tit" ir.olecules of a copper wiro.Wo M) iluiio it ilono it on u imlo ofwiro, sir. Took a iiillo and a furlong tocover a mile, because tho wiro short-ened up when tho molecules crowdedtogether. That's what wo'vo done, sir,and I think you'll agreu with ma thatwo'vo got tho greatest invention of thoagcx, won't you?"

Tho ungiuvur gasped for bruath andthen diplomatically told tho strangerthat he would do a littlo figuring in thoscheuio to see how much money it wouldsave in it year and send arejioit iu writ-ing on tho merits of tho project. Asthe visitor bowed himself out tho en-

gineer turned to Tho Express reporterand remarked:

"Did you get on to that? That's onlyn sample If there's ono crank comes tomy offico iu u day, thcro mo a dozen.Every ono is crazy on electricity, andthey nil think they havo invented thovoiy thing that Edison and Tesla audall tho rest havo failed to obtain. Itwouldn't do for mo to tell a man likothat Micro was nothing in his wild proj-ect of pumping air out of tho Iiitersticesbetvieoii tho molecules of a copper wire.Ho simply wouldn't havo bolloved moand would havo spent hours trying todeinonstrato that his invuition waspiactic.il." Bullalo Express.

Steamers of the above Lino running in connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, B. O., nnd Sydney, N. 8. W., nad calling at Viotoria, B. C.

Honolnln, Suva (Fiji), and Wellington, N. Z.,

AKB 3DTTE .AJ37 lESOasrOLTJrXjTTiOn or about the dates below stated, viz.:

From Sydney, WclllnBton'and Suva, furVictoria and Vancouver. 11. O.t

Btmr"MIOWERA" October 1

Btrur "AORANGI" November 6,November 20

Through Issued from Honolulu to Cniuulu,United States Europe.

rnEionTANDrASSKNOEKAOENTs: I Gr7 For Freight nnd Passage nnd

D. MoNiooil, Montreal, Canada.ltonEUT Kkiiii, Winnipeg, Cnnnda.

M. M. Stkun, Ban Francisco, Cal.Q. Mali. Biiown, Vancouver, B. 0,

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME ITABLE.Tho Fine Passenger Steamers

Loavo This Fort as Hereunder.

Prom San Francisco:



railroad San to pointsStates, to


Wm. Irwin






& Limited,Oceanic

connection sailing steamers, Agentsprepared intenuiDc pnBBpngors, through




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Curry Powdor as is prepared OriginalRecipo Purest Ingredients.


BENSON, SMITH & GO.Street, Hotel.





Eatses, CaUls, Sbeop,

Marvelous Remedy which prevents


pamphlet frco on application.

. W. SlAcrAiiMNK: It ma tho nse of Hit. PUTTIE'S

arnto as led mo to that I would Boonthis ceased entirely! nono whatever is now

for this troublo so

From Victoria and Vanconver, It. 0 tSuta, WrllliiKlnu and

Sept ....Stmr 28

.October 26




uencrni apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.', L'dfor the Hnwaiian Islands.

of ThiB Line "Will Arrive at and

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KJ with the of tho nbove theto issue, to coupon

tickots by any from all in thoUnited and from Now York by nny lino all


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527 Fort corner


The Ualr


C5"" Neat



worthy remedy606-t- f







Dogs, Swirt8, and Poultry.


--AjsrE,Solo Agent, Honolulu.

P. O. Hox 292, Telephone 2d.

pleasure to recommend to any ono whoho hnlrIIAIHUIL. My hair was corainc out at suchbooomo bald. Afterusing tho oil for live weekslolling out. I consider It the best and only

recommend It as a stimulant to new growthYourstruly, J.B.DANIELS.

Main Office Telephone No. 53. P. O. Box No. 222 Branch Office Telcphono No. 638.

Oahu Lumber and Building Co., L'd.

Lumber Merchants, Contractors & Builders,IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

Doors, Sashes, Paints, Oils, Builders' Hardware "Wall Papors nndMatting, Etc. Manufacture All Kinds of Moulding.

Mnln O ffl co, Lcleo, King street. Branch Ofilco and Pinning Mill, ornor King andBethel ktrcets. Lumber Vurds, Lelco aud Lot near It. R. Denot. Prhr.tu Unci, t'luaict-in- g

with 0, R. & L, Co. K. It. runs through our yards to R. It. wharf aud nnv prt oEwa and Waiuuao stations. 4SC-- U





5I?? Euerjin Bulletin,


TUESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1897.


Little wonder Unit u declaredenemy of republicanism iu Ha-

waii, like Harper's Weekly, Bbouldbo grossly unfair to the HawaiianGovernment in discussing the dis-

pute with Japan, wbeu there aroprominent citizons of Honoluluwho stubbornly refuse to look atthe fuels of the Paine mutter, whileBpitofully pioclaiming to tlmirneighbors that this Governmentis in th6 wiong and will be madeto sutler. When ovon porno whoprofess to bo friendly to the Gov-

ernment damn its case by sneak-ing expressions of hopa that itmay make good its position, anddo nil they can to discredit its

by characterizing theirstatements of plain facts ai

attempt.? to sottlo intri-cate questions of internationallaw. If ever there was g

of a case it is glar-

ingly shown in tlio attitude ofour own uutlcoutonta regardingthU matter. If over theio was aninstance of being wounded iu tliobouse of one's frionds, it is foundiu the treatment this Governmentis receiving, with legard to thebhiip matter, from reputed sup- -

purlers who dtlect a wisdomsuporior to the consideration ofany facts presented for giving aclear conception of the questionsinvolved in that matter. Thelatest freak in this line is to ad-

vocate the publishing of "a fulland couciso statement of the pointsinvolved," and to state that "noone clearly understands" the case, itbeing "nu intricate aflHir" boththcbc ideas being uttered withinthe space of nine lines. Who,indeed, is to perform the task ofpreparing "a full and concisestatement" of "an intricato affair,which no one clearly under-stands?"

Of course thoro aro diflicultiesin the case. Scarcoly anythingelso could bo expected where thereis involved the interpretation of atreaty twenty-si- x years old thisvery month, made between twocountries whoso domestic politieshave both been revolutionized inthat ppriod, and between whom,moreover, n supplementary com-

pact was mado eleven years agobearing upon tho very subject thatis the ground of the presoui dis-

pute. Hut the position of thisGovernment has been clearlystated, both in detail as it devel-oped and in iuiibb when it culmin-ated in the offer of arbitration.Hawaii submits that tho treaty of1871 does not authorize unlimited,pioiuiHuiious immigration of Japa-nese into this country. Also, thatthe immigration of Japauesoinvited by Hawaii in the com-

pact of 1880 must be by con-

tract as tho instrument defin-itely and positively provides.Also, that the "most favored na-

tion clause" in the treaty of 1871should not oporato to pi event Ha-waii from regulating tho immi-!- 'oration of Japanese by domesticlaws that apply equally to the im-

migration of all nationalities.That is tho whole matter iu thatregard, and a volume could notmake it any clearor. Perhaps thisGovernment is wrong iu each nudall of these positions assumed. Atall events its motive is right, be-

ing simply to provont "a peacefulconquest" of Hawaii by the sub-

jects of Japan. And if its enso beadjudged bad by tho arbitrator, itwill not be tho first time that anation has boon placed iu difficul-

ty by a treaty onlorod into for itssupposed benefit, ami being suchuntil time has brought about cir-

cumstances that render it other-wise. Only tho other day Groat

jai'i ifrihiitofemi'---

Britain, for tho sake of meetingher chief dependency halfway iufriendly commercial overtures,donouueed her commercial treatieswith Germany and Belgium. Somuch for the legal aspects of thoquestion.

There aro questions of fact aswell as of law involved. Here,too, the Government cannot boaccused of generating any cloudof mystery to obscuro tho issues.Although tho public has not allthe facts in its possession, it isbecauso they aro too voluminous.They exist in memorandum booksand many quires of legalcap in tho Foreign Oflice,which contain the recordof tho Government's specific treat-

ment ol Japanese subjects seekingadmission to this country. Suchfacts are only important in thooveut or a decision that tho treatieswith Japan do not authorizo thounconditional admission of asmany Japanese subjects as choosoto come, or that it may suit the in-

terests of emigration companies inJapan to solid to this country. Incaso of such a decision tho factsreferred to will bocomo of tho firstimportance. They will constitutethe ovidonco as to whothor or notthis Government, in passing upontho qualifications of Japanese tolaud, weut beyond the powers thatit may bo acknowledged to possessin dealing with intending immigrants of all other nationalities.With referenco to the specific ques-tion of damages for aggrieved sub-jects of Japan, this evidence willhavo'n-benrin- g in showing whetherany who really had a right to land

under tho general immigrationlaws wero provented from laud-

ing. This Goerniuont has dis-

played its good faith iuthese matters by ottering tosubmit tho facts as well as thelaw of tho wholo question to arbi-

tration. The latest phaso of thedifficulty is the apparent disincli-nation of tho Japanese Govern-ment to have all of the Hawaiiancaso submitted to arbitration, itpresuming on the contrary to givethe dictum that any tho slightestcontrol Hawaii may assume overJapanese immigration is a viola-tion of treaty stipulations.

With regard to the enmity ofHarper's Weekly, there is no oc-

casion for sackcloth and ashes.That "journal of civilization" asit calls itself has been like Sam-s- ou

shorn of his locks of strengthover sinco it botrayed the cupidityof its owners, thereby also its ownmercenary character, by its im-

placable opposition to James G.Blaine after that statesman hadsecured other publishers thanHarper ifc Brothers for his famousbook. It comes from near homealso, at this time, that Harper'sWeekly is uot pecuniarily disin-terested in its inimical attitude to-

ward the Republic of Hawaii andthe cause of annexation. That itsiufluence is not really great, as itwas when it did good service infighting tho Tammany tiger a quar-to- r

of a century ago,is evident fromtho fact that its prevailing tone isone of bitter disappointment overits counsels disregarded in affairs."Wo have piped unto you, and yohavo not daucod; we have mourn-ed, aud ye have not lamented!" isthe burden of Harper's cry today.Aud it is a pity, for in somothings such as civil servico re-

form it has apparently not yetfound the right side unprofitable.

Perhaps Japan will try to justify her treatmont of Chinese immi-

grants in 1'ormosa, olsewhoro re-

ported, by what sho deems thebad oxamplo of Hawaii with herown folk.

l'cr Atuiralla on I.Peaches, Pears, Grapos, Plums,

Applos, Quinces, Celery, Gauli-ilow- or,

Cabbages aud Horseradish.H. E. MolN'nui: & Bno.

Tolephono 92.

- -


rrtoi'Kvsoii pkiok.

Tlie ClrciiD Omp 1'iillnnpr ItlinABalnat Oolii l4llt' Inllr.

Price, tho balloon man, whostruck Honolulu along withWirth's circus, and after that con-

cern got away started the "Hawai-ian" circus which ended in acloud of dust and a shower of ox- -

I eoutions has turned up, and beenturned uown, at jonannesuurg inthe Transvaal. It would appearthat Prico had tried to run somobunko schemo and been shown upby tho Transvaal Critic, a journulgot up in the style of LoudouTruth. Thou our fresh Uitlanderundortook to intimidate the edi- -

tor, who tells the sequel iu hisloading article thus:

"Upon Wednesday morning theSecond Criminal Landdrost, Mr.D. J. Schuurman, passed Kenteuceupon Professor (V) William JamesPrice, a balloonist, who was upon

, tho previous Monday charged be--fore him with tho use of abusivnlangungo towards myself and withassault. Mr. Schuurman, afterpointing out that the accused was

J guilty upou his own confessionI aud that, if he had bceu libelled,, ho had his remedy nt law, eitherby way of criminal information ora civil action, mulcted Prico in aiiuo of 7 10s., with the alterna-tive of a fortnight's imprisonment.Ho further ordered Prico to signa bail-bo- nd before tho Public Pro-secutor, tojjothor with two sure-ties of .25 each, to keep the peacefor six months, or, in default,undorgo a further fortnight's im-


1'laiilntloii l.gliurco.

The immigrant?, mostly Chi-

nese, who arrived in the Gaelicon September 3 have beon oppor-tioue- d

to tho plantations as fol-

lows: Koloa Sugar Company,80 men and 22 womon; I'ionoerMill Company, 25 men, 8 womenand 3 children; Olownlu SugarCompany, 7 men and 1 woman;Meier & Kruso, 12 men, 3 womenand 1 child; Oahu Sugar Cora-pauy- ,

21 men aud G women; Ewal'lautation company, z men; no-noka- a

Sugar Company, 17 menand 4 women; Pacific Sugar Mill,17 men and 4 women; Kahuku,25 men and 5 women; MakeeSugar Company, 27 men and 6women.

Timely JopieSept. 6, 189J.

The Russell Staple Pullerand Wire Splicer is a drop-forg- ed

tool, made of BlackDiamond tool steel; and is sixuseful tools in one, weighsabout one pound and can becarried in the hip pocket withease.

Besides the six tools it canbe used for various other pur-poses, which suggest them-selves as necessity demands.The six tools are as follows:

1. A double staple puller,rails, etc.

2. A double wire cutter,and the best made.

. A double hammer, andno danger of its breaking.

4. A good wire splicer forany kind of wire, barbed wireincluded.

$. A good pair of pincherswith long leverage.

6. A good monkeywrenchfor plows, machines, etc.

It is good for tighteningslack wire, by grasping thewire in the jaws of splicer andpressing handle to right or leftuntil it bends the wire, mov-ing on from place to place,until you have it tight enough.

The Russell Staple Pullerand wire Splicer is admitted tobe the handiest tool made forranchers, farmers, etc., and hasan immense sale in the Statesand wherever it is introduced.

Call and see it at

THEHawaiian Hardware Co,


NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite Spreckols' Bank,

Smoke? Yes! Cigarettes? Yes!Thought So!



HOLLISTER.&.CG.Their Agents for the Distribution of Their

Cigarettes :

;;j55 Hnnd-mnd- o and tuuinly composed of TURKISHTOBACCO, and wi.ippod 111 Mats Paper

1 Benefit to Consumers !

We aro offering for sale the following atREDUCED RATES:

Schlitz Beer .

in barrels (G doz. qu.irts) 12400 per btlSchlitz Beer

in eases (3 do., quarts) $6.50 per caseCalifornia Wines:

MSgltSdPort $3.50 per keg

Min1oagSyk:grrt $7.00 per kegWe allow a rebate of 50 cents for kegs returned in good order.

H. HACKFELD & CO.701 - lw


SCHLITZ BEERIs a Volcano of Health!!!

On Account of Its Purity in

Schlitz Beer


To tho





Ribs of Consumers.


Sole --Agents.& Co., LTd.,

- &ffliwi. WrtW-fr- -


Henry Waterhouse & Co.,

Insurance plantation .Agents,

Commission and General Business Agents.TtT Wo give cureful attention to nil business placed lu our bunds.


""i""'' lfllli Wi&






Second Celebrationof



Saturday, pept. 18, 1397Commencing at 9:30 a. m.

I. First-cla- ss Yncht Race. Firstprize, $30; second, $23.?' SiJrmleuSlidiiit.-8en- t Bargo.

Prize, $10.3. Tub Itncp. Prize, 3.I. Htiwnnr Bout line"?.' Fitntprize, $23; second, Slo; third, $10.

5. Swimming RnCe (200 yards)Tiopliy.

0. Six-Pud- dle Cnuoo Race.First prize, Slo; second, So.

7. Japanese Fishing Bout Race.Prize, $23.


8. Second-cla- ss Yacht Raco.First prize, $40; second, $20.

9. Four - oared Sliding - seatBarge Unco. First prize, $30;second, Slo.

10. Diving Contest, For Dis-tance. Prize, $5.

II. Fivo-our- ed Whaleboat Raco.First prize, $30; second, $10.

12. R.inf RnnnPrize, $10.

13. Chinese Fishing Boats.Prize, $23.

14. Half-mi- le Swimming Con-test. Trophy.

15. Twelve - oarnd llnrnn T?np

Ifor menS30.

- of - war boats only,10. Six-oar- ed Gig Piace station-

ary Beats. First prize, $30; sec- -17. Six nnrnd Tim-ra- Itn

Pnzo, S23.18. Sailing Canoo Race. First

prize, $15; second, $5.

Races onen In nil! un mir taaSwimming, diving and tub races.ctwuu ujiou tin iuu man or moraces.

All rowincr mnnn nro (n Un nnv.erned by the Raoing Rules of theHawaiian ivowiug Association.

For tho other races entriesmust be made to tho Secretary ofthe Rooatta CnmmiffpA MVCharles S. Crane, at Pacific Hardware uompany. Entries closeThursday, September 10, at 1 p.m.

Each entry shall include thename of tho boat, or if it havonone, the name of the person whoenters it in the raco.

For further information, applyto the Chairman, Mr. C. B. Gray,or the Secretary. 711-- 4t


Store.We have Just received a lre stook

of School SuppllpH Including Compost,tion and Note Books, Sorutoh Pads,Slate, Pencils, 5o. aud 10c. Tablets,etc. Also a large Invoice of VisitingCards aud Fauoy Papeterles.

Some of the

New BooksThat we have just Rot In are : "Equa-lity," by Edward Bellamy; "How ToTell a 3tory," by Murk Twain; "TheMartian," by Du Maurier; "A StoryTeller's Pack," by Frank II. Stockton,aud Mauun'a "Life of Nelson."

We have some lovely shades In

Crepe TissueAnd a llttlo Booklet called a Wrinklesto go with each purchase.

We have a better line of

Fine Stationery.Than ever. Linen Papers, plain or

CardsEn gravedTo order iu tho latest Style.







Tbo Poking saila nt 10 o'clocktonight.

Ohioken curry at tho Occidentaltomorrow.

Court Camoeu, No. 8110, A. O.F., meets tonigbt.

Sugar is up another sixteenth.It is now 3 cents.

There will he no drill of Com-pany D this week.

Christian church congregation-al' meeting this evening.

There will be a mooting of thoAmorican League tonight.

S. S. China registry caso beforethe Supremo Court tomorrow.

Saturday is a legal holiday, soovoryono can enjoy the regatta.

Sara Dookor is about again today aftor an illness of ten days.

Join our Suit Club at once.Medoiroa & Decker. SI porweek.

E. J. G. Bryant is a now notarypublic for tho Fifth JudicialCircuit.

Thoro was a big crowd in at-

tendance at tho Emma squareband concert last night.

Fresh frozen oysters on ice bythe Australia will be served tosuit all tastes at tho Boaver lunchrooms.

Captain Campbell said, justafter the championship race, itwas tho prettiest finish ho badover seen.

Tho convention of tho AmericanUnion party meets tomorrownight at 7:30 at tho AmoricanLeague hall.

Shorty Florell of tho Barracksis practising daily for Saturday'sraces. He expects to bo tho firstat the finish.

Tho last sories of games in thoArlincton billiard parlors' pooltournament will take place tonight,beginning at 8:30 o'clock.

G. O. Nakayama, formerly chiefinspector of Japanese immigrationat tliiw port, arrived on the City ofPoking this morning.

II. R. Hind's new steamer Upo-l- u

was taking in cargo at the Mis-

sion street wharf for Honoluluwhen the Australia left.

Elsewhere will be found thoofficial program for Regatta Day.There is a long list of events withliberal money prizes and entriesfree.

Bicycle lamps, bells, saddles,spring 6eat posts, repair kits, etc.,at the Pacific Oyole & Manufaoturing Co., Ehlors' Building, Fortstreet.

Hon. N. W. Mclvor, formerlyUnited States Consul at Hong-kong, arrived on the Peking todaywith his family. They will stopover in this city.

The Oceanic steamship Aus-tralia will sail for San Franciscoat i p. in. next Wednesday.Tickets for all United Statespoints for sale by W. G. Irwin &Co. Ltd., agents.

0. M. V. Forster of the Califor-nia Feed Co. returned in tho Aus-tralia, .after a very pleasant visitto the Coast and enjoyable tripeaoh way. He has the thanks ofthe Bulletin for the latest papers.

Wm, Blaisdell, formerly man-ager for the Makee Sucar Co., hasreturned in tho Australia after along absence abroad. He wasloudly greeted from the wharfwith "Halloa Bill" from a score ofthroats.

Thore is a rumor in ton n todaythat the friends of James B. Cas-tle, despairing of getting suffici-ent votes to secure his nominationin tho Fourth District, will try forhis nomination from tho FifthDistrict.

J. J. Williams has offered tomake and frame a group pictureof the winning crow in the six-oar-

barge race on Saturday, thosame to be hung in tho boatliousoof tho club, as an extra prize forthe winners.

Tho Hilo Suga'r Company haselected tho following officers toservo for the ensuing year: W.G. Irwin, president; J. D. Spree-kol- s,

vice-preside- nt; W. M. Gif-far- d,

treasurer and secretary, audH. M. Whitney, Jr., auditor.

A coat, wrapped up in paper,together with a small package ofsilverware, was lost out of a hacklast night, botwoen Nuuanu, Fortor King streot and Thomassquare. Finder will pleaao re-

turn to this office.


Nut u Word r Truth In u Nlur Stliia-tlou-

Htorr.A late San Francisco Call says:

Under a great display of big blackheadlines, such as "Sprockels'Last Throw His Bold Scheme toPrevent Annexation Hawaiiansto bo Induced to Assemble in Ho-

nolulu to Protest $1,000,000 intho Sack." the Hawaiian Star ofAugust 20, 1897, published an ar-- 1

ticlo which has been reprinted in i

the Bulletin aud the Examiner ofthis City. The article so promi-nently displayed is to tho effectthat tho enemies of annexation areworking that tho Hawaiians from '

tho island of Hawaii to tho islandof Kauai have been notified tocenter in Honolulu about tho mid ,

die of September to rnnko a grand ,

open - meeting tlomouBtrationagainst annexation. It is said that ,

the big meeting is to convince thoUnited States Senators duo to ar--rive on the Australia that tho poopie do not want tho country ab- - j

sorbed by tho greator Republic.Tho articlo then proceeds to j

Btate: "The scheme is the latest i

movo of Claus Sprockets, who isa bittor opponent of the presontrepublic and is championing thoopposition to annexation forspite."

It is further assorted that "thedetails of tho deep-lai- d plan ofthe sugar king arrived in private


advices to a high Gevernmentofficial. Spreckols has his agentsin the islands whoso chief dutywill be to distribute an onormoussura of monoy to tho natives."

It is stated further in the Star'ssonHational articlo that ex-Qu-een

Liliuokalaui and her court aro toconfer with Mr. Spreckels in re-gard to the scheme.

The published statements abovereferred to wero placed beforo Mr.Claus Spreckels last night, andhe denied each and ovory assertion contained therein. Ho pro-nounced the whole story falsefrom beginning to end. Thodenial was emphatic and complete.tipi sunt, "luero is not one wordof truth in the story."

m m

Ex Auetrnlla,

Camarinos Refrigerator: Nec-tarines, Grapes, Gherrios, Peach-es, Apricots, Plums, Currants, Go-ler- y,

Cauliflower, Fresh Salmon,Flounders, Crabs, Frozen Oysters(tin or shell), Navel Oranges,Lemons, Queen Olivos, EarlyRoso Potatoes, Pickles, Sauer-kraut, New Apples, Bartlett Pears.

Oalifoknia Fruit Market.Tolophone 378.

A number of officers of H. M.S. Coinus asked a policeman attho corner of Fort and King streetsyesterday afternoon to direct themto tho Pacific Club. The police-man had nevor heard of such aninstitution and could not do so,but a number of bystanders thinkit was about time ho learned.

Tho Oliver Typewriter is pro-nounced by experts, the best ma-chin- o

in tho world. It has manyvaluable features, whioh have tobe soon in order to be appreciated.The Oliver can bo seon at thooffice of A. V. Gear, No. 210King street.

By Authority.E. J. G. BRYANT, Esq., has tbls

day been appointed a Notary Pulllofor the Fifth Judicial Circuit of tboHawaiian Islands.

J. A. KING,Minister of tbe Interior.

Interior Office, Sept. 14, 1697.711 3t


Florida Peach fteescan secure them byleaving orders with

E. W. JORDAN,t0" Till September. Delivery dur-

ing December. 677-l-

For Sale.

Tho Property belonging to tbe Ha-waiian Coffee and Tea Company, In-

cluding Lands, Leases, Coffee, Build-ings, Tools, etc., is offered for salo.For particulars, apply at the olllce ofMessrs. F. A. Soliaefer & Co., or theofilco of tlie Manager at Kailua, Ha-waii.

Per orderW. V. HALL,

691-t- f Secretary H. O. & T. Co.



feAKlHtiPOWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Celebrated for lt great leavening strengthand Imilturulnefit. Assures the food ouftliistalum and nil forms of adulteration commonto the cheap brands. KoVAL Uakimo l'ow-de- k

Co. New Yoiik.


Standard ClubDictionary,

Wall, Nichols Co., Proprietors

Groat Amount of Knowledgefor tho Least Money.

ONLY $1.00 A WEEKAnd You Soon Recount the Owner

of This Great Work.

Standard DictionaryHas No Real Competitor.

247 Editors;301,885 Vocabulary Terms;

6000 Illustrations;2233 Quarto Page?.

Books on exhibition and further information at

Wan,plicholsCoN. B. Our solicitor. Mb. H. E.

KELSEY, will soon cull on you withprospectus.

Just Received

UJ &n!rMr


On 3 co.PER S. S. "AUSTRALIA."


Beaver LunchROOM,

H. J. Nolte, Proprietor.7ii-:t- t

For Lease.

A 4 room Cottage on Punchbowlstreet near Hotel, for man and wife.Fitted with oloctrlo light. Alo:

A Beaoh Residence at WalUlkl, con-sisting of seven rooms with lanal,kitchen and pantry attached. Also:

For sale 1 Gentle Horse and Phae-ton, with HarueBS complete, suitablefor Tady to drive.

T Apply at No. 231 Punchbowlstreet. 710 lw

for Sale.

Reeidonce Property ou Queenstreot. New House with parlor, dln-- 1

UK' room, 3 bedrooms, kltcheu ndbath. Lot 50x100. Also adjoininglot of same size 60x100. For sale as awhole or separately, at reasonableflgUr- - Att& WARING & CO.

710-l- W

SubRoribe for tho Evening Bul-

letin 75 oontB per month.



Fails !

Tlio hundreds of sufferers fromconstipation in this country com-

pels ono to bolicvo that naturoneeds assistanco to ovorcomo thetorpidity of tho liver, whioh inmost cases is the solo cause ofconstipation.

EVERYWhen a person is suflering from

hondacho or a fooling of ftiguo,tho chances aro ton to one that tholiver is innotivo. A fow doses ofAPENTA WATER Will invari-ably bring about a most satisfac-tory rosult.


spring wator obtainod from aspring at Buda Post, and has notboon artificially treated. Thetasto is not unpleasant, tho dososmall and tho ofl'oot positivo.


is very reasonable. The largobottles nt 25 cents aro the oxaotsizo of most mineral Waters thatsell at SO cents. Trial bottles arosold at 15 conts. You shouldgiro it a trial.

Hollister Drug Go,




Orrioxt 203 Merchant street, OampbellBlock rear of J. O. Carter's offlo. P. O,Box 338

E3- -

ML S.oiZO Fort

Tipplfllq jjfefELJiESXIN


Colored Figured Organdy Muslins!Asido from our fine display of AHT DKAPEIIIES

this week, wo call your attention to soino now efl'octs just re-ceived in DHESS MUSLINS. These styles have been inhigh favor all summer in New York city, and consequentlyaro in great demand wo have a small but choico assortment,which aro well worth seeing. NEW KID GLOVES,HOSIERY, CORSETS, and all the latest fads in MILLI-NERY.


N. S. SACHS'520 Fort Street, : : .Honolulu.'f t-Ji-.S .ri'-- .

BSEAKMSr &. &I m I

msri raa- - mUm ii l'T

?$&. TcrrcPETFR7r 2w&" vf v.rjr -- vi : .

- rt--..


UWWJ ' Mar&,jmvjiai ,' w..ltSNsffN t.lfrJvneuuma coloik






The1032 King Streot.

A Quiet, nomelike Place, where TrainedNurseg, Maxxuge, "Swedish Movement,"Baths, Electricity and Physical Trainingmar be obtained. ,

DB. O. L. GARVIN,Telephone 639. In Charge.




-- - ."





Ladies' and Suits.


it 'iq.'iMiH--.t j,

tilti i fmm

onmm,.msM imm


illicit rss:TltP- -

YVfcfcfcWf yfJttZsZYJHTCfcopsy'

Honolulu Sanitarium





jpw5mmtrnW HONWCKV--- 4



Residence For Sale orTo Let.

Fine Residence on Green street, nowby Dr. G. P. Andiew.

Grounds 1J acres, beautifully 1Mout, flue view. Vacant1st August. Apply to

R. I.666 tf at T. H. Davles & Co., Ltd.


Crash and Homespun,

LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS;Now Lino of tho Designs.

Ladies'.Linen JumDroiaerea ura.wiiwuijk


New Veilings.

"W". JORDAKT'SNo. 10, Fort Streot.

i.&JY ifidi. M&$1&ltim&ilifiif,,WL.VriiiMftii..'M

Vti,!,. 'fjifyrt







11 -

'i 5M,

' 'IS

. i. . ''"Vi-.'Sl-

'HA--''- I



i., tfrt ikdiMiLiiiL V 'h4.




I ""V", t, 'yam

" 'ha"t. '

in i

'' 'f ,,', ''ll


mThe The The

Best. Rest. TestThat are two kinds of sarsaparllla : The best and the

test. The trotiblo Is they look alike. Ami when the restdress llko tlio best who's to tell them apart? Well, "the tree'Is known by Its fruit." That's nn old tent and n safe one.And the taller tho tree- tho deeper tlio root. That's anotbortest. What's tho root, tho record of theso sarsaparlllasf Theono with tho deepest root Is Aycr's. Tho ono nitli tho richestfruit; that, too, Is Ajcr's. Aycr's Sirsiparllh has a Tccord ofhalf a century of cure ; a record of many medals and awardsculminating In tho medal of tho Clilcigo World's 1'alr, which,admitting Aycr's Simp-irlll- i n tho lct shut Its doors againsttlio rest. That vn greater honor than the medal, to bo tlio onlySarsaparllla admitted .u an exhibit r.t tho World' Fair. If youwant to get tho bet Mw.iparUl-- cf jour druggit hero's tinInfallible rule: Ask for the let and jou'll get Ajer's. Asklor Aycr s p.n-- I 70a 11 get the lst.

rg.- - --v ,T --- ,,CviLv V- -' w w k'v'wv4'vLA2t'vL.Hollister Drug

'N' rs' N -S tvCo., Agents.

Merchant Sts.


HOLLISTER & CO.From the Factories of

X-i-a Intimidad,La EsiDanola,La Ajfricana,Henrv Clay & Bock & Co.

Corner Fort &

Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

Just Oroened TJp anInvoice of . . .


Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Alsc,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give them a trial. Honey back if you don't like them. Also, Just reeehed

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brow) Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choico Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Tt(.i--: i :

- -

212 King street, next to tho



EV VI lb iWViWiWiiW bUrb&U A WWUlftow uocss iiuceivua Ly utety racket trou t wi.eru outtn aiitt a.opej

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY IfiVERY STEAMEii411 Ordere faithfully attended to and Qooda Dollveied to any

Part ol the Oity FREE,

Lhjlhs Obdisk Soliokkd Sasibiacsiox QrMitirvt)EAST OOIINEK FORT AND KINO KTKRETfl


Ghas. Hustace,Arlington.


.fiOftftWfiS PTYrtricflrmc' VaaAVVVAbttPefj

-- a. o, mrK if


Photograph Com-

pany, L't'd.Comer Fort and Hotel Streets.

Is open for business. Port ml ts of every description unou the bestPipers, Platinum, Iridium, jrezz tint, Carbon, ami all oilier ntiivrHknown In PliotorHpbi'i Det work scuarutit ed iU mo krato priteVCabinets from $0 00 per Dozen. Platurun ma fo Life Slzo dlreut.Appointments mmle by Telephono 402 Solo proprietors of the

BaR-Itell- and Iridium processes. Lirge collection of recent IslutidViews.

Specimens can be seenoti tlioKrouiidfloor,MOTT SMITH Duirjii.fo,

Bulletin, 75c. Per Month

hiSf iV.rtMtfVrityAVriii,


'Molulnir n I'rlt nil."

-- Li to.


(rate 1$BJowie I v. taken for So todliv, and

I am wily 1 ".Jnli. Vh.t will joube tj'kvn for

when you art? 55;Jivie for better or vror-- o, 1 hope.

Scribner' M.jrintMart, loll.


, tow" W iviflL

7's " 'igjycil

Arry (to VArriot) Oh, I s'y. whatseeds them must bo to grow a lumppost !


Not of tlie Four Hundred.

LJLJLfc?L.XS "JL MIl-- flr- -'AtjmM

Indignant Mother Don't yon everilnro to Iny with tho cut nut dooragain. You know very m ell that bliohas no license. Life,

Win re Tliry Stoppi il.

"Wliy, Tom, they ain't nothink inhii pookets but n Hiblo an a quarter ofa dolhr!"

"Put tho Bible back. Jim, put itback. Tho money wo kin keop, but donot lot us sink fo ow as to forgit thattho book in sacrrrt'" Life

1'nro Milk slmltoH.

Tho frenuont cnll for cool drinkat tho l'alama Grocery has inducedus to tot apart a window for thoeiilo of cold drinks. Our milksliakes nro drlicioue, nothing butnii'n frmh ni'M:. olmvod iro nndtho purest o( ilnvoriup Byrup be-i- uf

used, whijh wo soil at CelesHal price, Co. por plnss. H.VJAWNUN, X'ALAUA UllOOEHY, Oppo- -sito Railway Depot, Kingstreet,

Singera lead tho world. Over13,000,000 mado aud sold. High-est awards at tho World's Lolum-bia- n

Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,oaso of motion, groat speed, ad-justability, durability, ease oflearning and couvemenro of ar-rangement. B. Borgorseii, agent,lGt Bethel atreota.

P. F. Ryan, the gonial managorof tho rohablo old Anchor, has se-cured an able assistant in WilliamCarlisle, late of tho HawaiianHotel. At tho Anchor tho famousSeattle bnor is on tap, and half-and-h- alf

compounded at "two fora quarter." Tho Anohor main-tains jifl Topnt"tion for saporiorbrands of whiskies, aR well as ofother liquors, wines, otc.

J. S. Walker,1 - Estate - Broker



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Hus for Slo mul Len&e on

Liberal Terms.


1. 2 HotiM n iiud Lotn on Nininuu streets,W'tweiu Vim junl nml School streets,

2. 1 Lure Lot ou Knuuuu street, bo-te- n

Viuejntd nud School streets.3. Largo Lot, MuMki street, fenced, S2S

feet (routine.4. Lot ou Klniui street between Alnpni

and Kapiolaul streets 140 feet frontage.5. Lot on Lmialllo street between Alnpni

and ilackteld streets.6. 3 large Lots on Prospect street.7. TheBuildlugknownasThouias'Block,

2 stories nnd embracing 5 (rented) storeson leased ground.

S. llice Lund at Waikane, Koolau.0. Lot ou corner of Ileuln and Kocau-raok- u

strectr, between residence of W. A.Dowen and lot of W. M.Giffard, havingfrontage on Ileuln street EGO feet.

10. Lots 6 and 7 with House, Ealia,Walkiktroad.

11. Ilalf Acre Lot in Bilo Town.


1. 3 Cottages at Old Walkikt.2. Store and Dwelling, corner Wyllie

and Nuuanu, ready for occupancy,3. Lot corner Merchant and Bichards


Properties Managed, Collec-tio- r.

of Hents, LoanB Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckcls Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 339. Tel. 331.

John Nott.Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 Eing Street.


My $10.00 Hath Tnbs, lined with bejquality, No. 10 zinc, 6 in. Pino, Chain andVlusr, with wood rim all complete. Oth"dealers are dunitouuded, uud resort to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

lie not deceived, these Bath Tnbs havbcou dold for 511 until I reduced the price

I am prepared to do all work in my lintsnd guarantro satisfaction; Estimates farnished.

If you want it good Job cheap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, and I am youiranm

JAG. NOTT Jr,Tinsmith it Plumber



Hotel St.. near Fort. Tel. 802

Consoliilateu Sola Water Co., LI

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


Hawaiian Soda Works,

Factory: Sunny Soinu.

Telephone GCJ2.


Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Goffeoat AiL nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

OCCIDENTAL HOTEL,Corner KiiiK nml Al.iki-uBl- els,

Honolulu, U. I.

Mrs. Gns Froliflcse, Proprietress.

Booms Ensulte or Sluglo, with orwithout Jloiird,$5.50 pur week ami up-ward, necordlrig to requirements oftlio guests.

Tho only Promenade Itoof GardenIn the city. Cull und examine the pre-ml-e-

every comfort guaranteed. Hotaud cold baths.

MlW.GUSFnOBOESE,P O. Box 47ft. Telephone 654.


plant for hulling, polishing and assortingcoQeo, wo arc prepared to buy and cleancoffee in the parchment.


Apply to



T. KCrovise, - Frop.Per Day 8 2.00Per Week 12.00

Bptclal Montllly BtttllThe Best of Attendance, the Best Situa-tion and the Finest Menh- - ii. IL" City


XttabllBhed 1874.

King St. near Thomas SquareKome-Mad- e BREAD,

Cakes : and : PiesWS" Served Fresh Every Day

H. F. SINGER,Telephone 872. Sole Prop'r.

Oyster Cocktails

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

JP. HOKNIB --A. 321 E 2S "ST I

Hotel Btrcct, noar Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOf all kinds,

made Oonfectionory.

Marthal's Sale.

By virtue of a writ of ExecutionIsRued out of the Circuit Court of theFirm Circuit ou the 4th day of August,A. D. 1897, tigninst Pnou (It), defend-nut- ,

In fuvnror TlioinaGiy, pltiiiitllT,for the sum of One Iiundrt d nnd Eigh-teen 10-1- DollurH, 10), I Imvolevied upon nnd shall expose for saleut the Police Station, Kalakaim Hale,Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Republicof Hawuil, at 12 o'clock noon of MON-DAY, the 20th dny of Septt-mber- , A.D. 1897, to tho highest bidder, nil tliorlitht, titlo und Interest ot suid 1'uou(1), defendant, In and to tlio followingproperty, unless said judgment, Inter-est, costs and my expenses bo

paid.1 1st of property for sale : Piece of

Ijand of Poikamauna, It. P. 1115, '

(Grant), at Kamauanul, District ofWalalua, Oahu, leased to Edgar andFrank Halstead, for 10 years at Twen-ty 20 Dollars a year, commencingfrom tho Otli day of June, A. D. 1890.Area 1 3(1 uores, situated at 1'uuupii3, Kauiuuutiiil, Walnlua, Oahu.

I'tece or ijanu or rea, n f. iiiu,Grunt, at Kiimutianui, Walalua,3liu. leased to EduaraudFitMlk Hul- -

stead, for 10 years at Sixteen 10 Dollars a year, commencing from October,20, A. D. 1890, situated at Kumunlu 2,Kamauanul, walalua, Oahu. Areaii 24 acres.

H. It HITCHCOCK,092 5t Deputy Murahal.

Evening Bulletin 76c per month.

nkWsu:. .KJfeiatJai


mValuable Businoss Property on

Nuuanu street, bringing a good


Sevoral Lots near Funohbowland at Makiki, tho Choicest Resi-

dence Proporty in tho oity. A

perfect view from Diamond Headto Eun, Honolulu und Hntbor.

Four Houses und Lots on Punchbowl stroot, only L ,o minuteswalk from tho Post Office.

We also have ComfortableHouses for sale on easy torms si-

tuated on tho following streets;Lunnlilo, Kiuau, Kukui, Has-sing- er,

Borotania, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avenue,Punahou, Lililm and Nuuanu.

Building Lots in all parts of theoity on the instalment plan.

Several noil established Lodg-

ing Houses.

Coffee Lands on Hawaii and a

Pineapple Ranch with lime and

other fruit trees noar Honolulu

A. V. GEAR& CO.,

210 King Street.

A. V, GEAR & CO,,

OUlce: 310 KIdr Street.


general Business Agents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stooks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted.

Hills Bought an NotesDlBcrjuntBQ, ' ,

Fife rind Life Insurance Agents

Commissioner of Deeds

-- FOK THE- -

Stats of California.

Having been appointed and commissioneda Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer aud certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and affida-

vits.To take and certify the acknowledgment or

of powers of attorney, mortcages,rauefcrs, grants, deeds or other instruments

or record.A. V. GEAR,

Telephone 250. 210 King Street,


Mercantile Agency210 KIur atreet.

Difficult Collections a Specialty


r I


.... DEALERS IN ....

LUMBER,3Bia.iia.exs'KsixcL-wscx- e

Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Street, ... - Telephone 20i

W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited.

Agents forWestern Sugar Rolinory Co. of Ban

Frnuclsco.Baldwin Looomotlvo Works of Phila-

delphia, 1'onn.. U. 8. A.Newoll Univorsal Milt Co. (National

Cane Bhredder), New York, U. 8. A.N.Ohlamlt & (Jo's Choinlcal Fertilizers.Alex Cross & Sons, high grade fertil-

izers for Cane and Coneo.Heeds Steam I'ipo Corering

AlsoOffer for SaleParutnno Faint Go's P & B Pain U and

Papers; Lncol and Linsed oils, rawand boiled.

Iudutlue. (u cold water palut) in whiteand colors.

Filter 1'ress Cloths, Cement, Lime andBricks.


AGENTS FOR..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

jEtna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(uhitbd).

Wm. Q. Irwin, Fresidont and ManagerClous SpreckeU, ... nt

W. M. Qiffard, - Secretary and TreasurerThoo. 0. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAKD

Commission Agents.AOKNTS OF THH




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomea SugarCompany, Ilonomu Sugar Company, WailukuSugar Company, Walhce Sugar Company, MakeeSugar Company, Haleakala Ranch Company, Kapapala Ranch. - rianters' Line San FranciscoPackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostonPackets Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.


1' O Jones, President; George H Robertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Soo-reta-

; Col. W F Allen, Auditor; O M Cooke,H waterhou.se, A W Carter, Directors.



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Btreets.


DoalerB in Lnmbor and Coaland Building Materials of nilkinds.

Qnoon Sttoot, Honolulu,

Just Like Gold Coin.

For ruoro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of tho listamong tho medicines that areso essential to keep at hand inthe home.

It is not a now fangle remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of tho ingredients that en-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-

tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forofathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

19 Tho new 35c. size con-

tains over double tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Islands.


The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .



225 Queen street, Honolulu, H. 1


For the Equine Table in theway of all kinds First Glass


Aro on sale by tho


138 Fort St. Tel. 422.

Fresh GroceriesDy Each Steamer.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,Corner Hotel and Fort Streets.

19" Telephone 680 -

H. JJA.Y co.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

615 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Ttflephoner 22 P.O. Box 470


Contractor and Builder.OQlccs and Stores fitted up and

Estimates Klvcu on


XW Office and Shop: No. 619 Fort street,adjolulnR W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.

For Sale.

Tho Property belonging to tho Ha-waiian Coffee and Tea Company, In-cluding Lands, Leases, Coffee. Build-ings, Tools, etc., is offered for sale.For particulars, apply at the olllce ofMessrs. F. A. Schaefer & Co., or theofllce of the Manager at Kuilua, Ha-waii.

Per orderW. W. HALL,

091-t- f Secretary H. C. & T. Co.



Now located at Port amiStreets, Wariug Block.

Now prepared to do

Photographio WorkIu the Latest Styles.

Cabinets, $1.50 Per Half Dozen

and upward.

Enlarged PortraitsIN


Neatly framed from $5.00 upward.

1ST A complete Hue of FrameMouldlugs at reasonable prices.

Sittings for EnlarpentAre given FItEE.

CiT Sacred pictures neatly framedat great bargains from $1 75 up.

B. Lichtig,Waring Block, Fort and Betetanla

Streets. 650 tf

Commencements Will

Soon Be Coming OffGraduating classes wantclass photos made. Lowerclasses ought to havethem, too. We want todo all tho college workthis year. Our posingand grouping arc not sur-passed anywhere.Wo know our prices areas low as the finest workis worth.


Fort Street. Honolulu.

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawao, Molokal, H. I.J

Abstract and BusinessOffice Agency.

Having been entrusted from busi-ness men all over the Islands for thepast years, I am prepared to makeAbstracts of Titles or Deeds in a mostthorough, accurate and complete man-ner, and to negotiate sales or leases oflands belonging to tboie who are re-

siding at the Settlement on short no-

tice. 6333m

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

2Q9 Morohant Street.

FOR SALE.12 Chinese Qrnuite Hitching Posts; ?5

each1 Surrey in fiuo order; price $200.Uousu itiil Lot, 75x155 ft., on No, 71

?oung street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-room- , eto.

Lot on Wilder avenue 100x300 ft., fenced;price $2100.

TO LET.House in Hobello Lane; dining-room- ,

kitchen, bathroom, carriage house andstables; largo vard

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill attend to Conveyancing in

all its Branches, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trust.- All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and CarofulAttention. Oflice:

Honokaa. Hamakna, Hawaii.


Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Ordars attended te wlrh dispatch.

All 70rk rcfal!y and promptly ex-


ty Owicei Smith street, with SamnelKaholookalani Pua. lUxriieuce: Palama.



Book and Job PrinterMorohunt Streot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Store. my 13,

KoSunii for It.

She You say he is unpopular?He Unpopular? He is so unpopular

that when ho has a cold nobody offershlin a remedy for it. Brooklyn Life.

"Cettlne am Uli Feet."


An Eje to llntlness.

Professor German All this moneyand jewelry lmvocome out of this emptyhat.

Volco (in gallery) How much do youwant for that hat? Hallo.


'flit' "''

W&rMiss Summit I wonder why when

Mr. Edgcrton calls on wo he always hasa friend with him.

Miss Palisade Ho told mo tho otherday he didn't want to get married.Truth

City Carriage Co., J. 8. And-rad- e,

manager. If you want ahack with good horse and care-ful driver ring up Telephone 113,oorner of Fort and Merchnntrtrnatc Hnok at all hours.

If you are interested in tho sub-ject of onlargod portraits, it wouldbo worth your while to soo thesnmplos at King Bros, at pricesranging from S5.00 to $10.00framoa and all. Thov can't bo beat.

Kroogor Pinnos,sweetest in tone,Jas.W. Borgstrom, solo agent, cashor installments. Warorooms atQ. "West's, Masouio Tomplo. Of-fic-o

at Thrum's Book Store. Tun-ing and repairing. US" Tele-pho- no


If you contemplate ordoring aportrait enlargement we inviteyour attention to tho superiorwork we offer and would ask acomparison of prices and work-manship boforo placing yourordor. King Bros., Hotel street.

It's ono thing to tako an ordorfor a portrait and quite auothorto fill it satisfactorily. King Brosportraits have always beonlcnownto give satisfaction and now thatthey have reduced thoir prices solow, an oxtra inducement is offor-e- d.

Seo what thoy havo boforoyou invest.


Removal Notice


The City Furniture StoreAND

Undertaking ParlorsHavo removed from tho Old Stand, corner Fort and Berc-tan- ia

Streot, to tho

Hove Building, Fort Streot.





f?7 V?


?r 23?" The UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT isfully equipped with all tho Latest Facilities in its line.

II. II. WILLIAMS, Mnnnfjer,, Undertaker and Einbahuer.

Residence: King street, near Ulch I Okfice: Lovp Hulldlug. Telephoneunl. leltplioiiwNo. 819. No. 840.

California Feed Company

.... OFFER FOR SALE ....

Port Costa, Olympic, GoldenLily and Big "A" Flours.

Choice Hay, Grain & Chicken FeedAlways on hand. Also,

WHITE LUPINE BEAMFor Dampening, Mellowing and Enriching the Soil.

For sale in quantities to



suit by


and Dfinlors in- -

The California Peed Co.,Tele-Dhon-e 131. Queen Street.

TtyEOi I4 DES $ COij

Commission .'. Agents I

Dry Goods,

Hardware and


H. HACKFELD & CO.-- Importers



Plantation Supplies.

E HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Streot.


DENTIST. Physician and Surgann,KctMenM8 4!i8 Street.

Hew LotA DalldtoB, Fort Street,

llouits: 10 n. m. to l'.' m,; 1 to S anil 7 toTELLTHONE 431. 7.SU p. m. Tblei-iiom- s 85.

;,hjk.&toa Jk

v' is



K 8j III 111" " ' '

f Tfta STEKUHQ Bicyclb






Is the ONLYHonolulu that


W&" It has a bearing in every link, isand friction is reduced fully 50 percent.

J8 Examine this Chain and be convinced ofits superiority.

Household Supply DepartmentOnstle fc Cooke, Ltd.

Jb C. ATHERTON, : : Aent.jjigr Tandem and Single Wheels for rent.

New GoodsJBy All the Late Arrivals.

Saws, Disstons,Acknowloclq-cr- l the Best on !Earth.

A full assortment of Great Am. Cross Cut from 2 foot to

7 foot.

Carpenters' Saws, Cheap, Medium and High in price, any

length and size of tooth.


Call in and see tho latest thing in this line if you do. Theone we handle is built to use, and you will find it

"A Thing of Beauty and a Joy For Ever."

and Streets.

and RANGES: Wehave tlieso in a largo varioty ofsizes fur either Conl or Wood.Having bought them at a considerablo on former costwo aro to nell them atprices that will moot your purseWo urn iu a position to serveyou bottor than most dealers inthis cl.tss of goods and rIiiiII on-doa-

to givosatihf iction,good ovory gunrnnteo we way givorelative to anything wo soil.

F1UMUS OIL STOVliS Whhave in Block u complete lino oftlioso valuable, wicklessburning stoves. They fill all thori'Ciiiironii'ntH of an wick

I stovo at half tho erl nf runninga hincio burner. Ivin equal inboat units to an ordinary .i wickstovo. Cull and examine them.To see is to buy t'em.

JOBBING: AVo pride ourselveson our jobbing facilities and canpromptly execute al orders forship work nr general jobbing.Givo !.. a 1 ,ii.

3 w m uJ

P. Oi Box ISO.

8. W.Prop,IT.DEKER, X

WHEEL inuses the .



IP$ Chain

SHEET METAL "WORK: Wetold you Inst week of tho Sheet

wo keep in stock. "Wo wantto say a few words now in regaidto facilities for manufacture On

a number of mnchinosnow duo, we will havo the rao&tcomplete plant for this class ofwork in tho Islands.

TANKS: Wo cn build tanksof any size up to 1000 gallons, thatwill neither shrink nor rot.

SKYLIGHTS: -- Make skylightsof any h . (o order, andns deep us tho impoited ones.

COKNIOE: Wo aro in a posi-tion to iimko any htylu ofCiicnlnr Mouldings, etc., that mayiomo umLi' t'. ho.d oftural Shoot Mot.d Work.

SQE2T METALWORK: Wo aro prepared to doall kinds of work iu motiil as Inuvyas 12 gauge. Gutter and Loaderin largo variety and prices to suitlLo t!mis.



Tklhi-hok- 478

L Corner King and Nun- -UUU 3t8.

E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd.Comer Fort King












EMMELUTH7 and &29 Kiii Street.

Dealers in Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, PlumbersSupplies and Sheet Metal.

Jobbing promptly attonded to.

Housekeepers willing to buy NEW or FIRST-OLAS- S

, Second-han- d furnitureIn Bedroom Sets, Sidoboajds, Wardrobes, Tables, Chairs, IceBos(P. Meat Snfes, Marbletop Bowl Wstslistands, Bed Lounges,Mosquito Nots, Stoves, Ilauuing Lamps, Writing Desks, Boo"k Gases,Counters, ete;, 'e'tc, will savo innnoy by buying at tho 1. X. L., cor-ner Nnnann and King streets.

ZT Ainorican and Hawaiiiiu Flags all sizes sold chonper thanEastern prices.





Clnudlna to Hlls-Man- na Lo InPort -- Philadelphia to Target

Practlia-nikaha- la Oou,

Tho echoonor Bortio Minor is atEailua.

The S 0 Allen'B cargo is con-signed to T H DavioB fc Co Ltd.

Tho Philadelphia will go outfor target practise probablyThursday next.

Tho sailors of the Comus arehaving their regular sea bathsmorning, noon and night.

Captain Hubbard of tho S NCastle denies in tolo aDy troublewith sailor-me- n in San Francisco.

Tho steamor Wainloalo is in thebono yard getting n new boiler,tho ono which was originallyplacod iu her being worn out.Tho Waialeale is about ton yearsold.

The steamor Mauna Loa whicharrived from Kona this morningreports good weather at Fahalaand'Honuapo and output clearedout. No rain at Houok.ia or

Tho schooner John G Northfrom Honoipo with 345 tons ofsimar (voluo $23,976) and thebrigt John 1) Spreckels from Hu-huko- na

with 314 tons of sugar(value 25,973) both sailed forSan Frauuieco Sepl 9.

The Claudiue will tako thevisiting Congressmen and theofficers of the Australia and othersto Hilo this afternoon on an excursion, through an arrangementby TresiUent Wight of the WilderS S Company. Sho returns asusual next Sunday.

Purser McCombe of tho steam-ship Australia furnishes the fol-

lowing memorandum of her voy-age: Loft San Francisco, Sept7, 1897, at 2 p m, with 54 cabinand 27 steerage paspencors and32 bags mail. Experienced lightN W winds and fine weatbor, un-til Sept 9. Thence to port, lightnortherly, uud N E winds. Fineweather all the way. Arrived atHonolulu Sept 14, 1897. Time 6days, 21 hours, 30 minutes.

Tho Oriental linor Pekingwhich arrived this morning fromYokohama brought 115 Cliineeeauk 174 Japs to this port besidesa fow cabin passengers. Sho wasdelayed about 8 houis on accountof a smallpox scare just beforeleaving Yokohama. A Jap wolnanwas taken down with n fever andpimples broke out on her faco andConsul General Eldrodgo refuseda clean bill of health until thowhole vessel was fumigated. ThoPeking leaves at 10 o'clock to-

night foi San Francisco.


From China and Japan, per SS City of Peking, Sept 14 ForHonolulu: Miss Vesta Atkinson,Hon N W Mclvor, Hnln E Mo-Ivo-

Carlisle O Mclvor, AWaley, Miss Fuji Koka, Mrs NW Ivor, Henrietta F Mclvor, MrsAh Cheong, G O Nacayama, NIgarashi, and 289 native steerage

from Hawaii and Maui, perBtnir Mauna Loa, Spt 14 Vol-cano: W Savidge, E N Bee.Way ports: Hon H P Baldwin,W D Baldwiu, A D B.ddwin, W11 Boole, Miss C Boote, J Gomes,W A Bailny, P S Spales, Miss EH Paris, Miss May Paris, MasterJ S Paris, Mrs Lazaro and 2diildic',,7 Wiah,, 1) Nahale, CNalmle, W Nahale, Mrs A CPesliun, Iu. Kuwa, W Greonwell,Ant Fornandes, John Grovoira,Akana, Y Akuna, Ah Lama, Ed-ward Keklna and 85 deck.


For Kauai, per stmr JamesMukeo, Sept 13 Isaac Koholuiaand wifo, Miss Holen Bortelmann.

For Maui and Hawaii, nor stmrNoeau, Sopt 14 Mrs O Notley.

For San Francisco, per S SCity of Poking, Sopt 14 Mr andMrs H H Wilcox, A 8 Taylor, FE Drown, Dr II N Hoyt, MissAnnio Parke, 0 M Popper andfamily, Mrs FM Hatch.

For Maui and Hilo, por stmrClaudiue, Sopt 14 Mrs Barnes,Miss Panui, MSbs Taylor, HStroubook alid wife, Mrs Botho,Miss Stroubeok, Miss Hryant,Mis8A Smith, Mrs Auld and ohildron.

For Maui and Hawaii, por stmrHelouo, 'Sopt 14- -J II Wilson,Jas Hanlon. .

fflflli1 if in hi i'i Vim 1W1 ill utili


Diamond Henri SIhiuI Station, Sent 18, 1p m. TUc wcntUcr uazyi wind N E.


f I nft S" tO B O w

a in. p id. p.m. ft. m.5.1.1 4.36 10.31 11.150 CI 0.5 10.52 12.5

p. m.0M 5.4011.15 1.177.21 0.3211.46 2 288 20 7.37 4.28

a. m. p.m.9.42 G.3.1 0.24 0.10

10.48 0.20 1.24 11.5




Saturday,Buuday .

The Stnml'iril time ntihtle ouik1s at lSh,otn.oA. (miiltilulit), Hri'cnwlcli time, wlileliIt Hi. Xnm. i. in. of IIiiURlInn ftatnl.ird time.


Tubsdat. Sept 14.

OSS Aiirtiulln. Ilomllcttc, 7 daya fromSau Fraiirlrnt, uiM-iij;i'- nml imlto tu Wm(J Iruliitt Co Mil

l'SM 8 S City .'f IVkliiu. Smltli. fromYokoliamu, paatkiiiti-r- and mdo to Ilack-fel- d

.t Co.Stmr Mmuii.1 I. on, Sliuursnn, from Hawaii

and Mam.


TllUKfliAr, Sept 14.

Stmr Cloiidlnc, Cameron, for Hilo, at5 p m, Tui'Mliiy, Sept 14.

Stmr Noeau, I'etcreon, for Ealiaina,nnd Kukulliaele, Tuesday, Sept 14,

Io a m.Stmr Helenc, Freeman, for Hawaii, Tues-

day, Sept 14, at Io a m.Stmr Mikahnla, Hiiifluiid, for porta on

Kauai, Tuifdny, Sept 14. at A p in.8 S City of Peking, lor San Francisco.Am eclir Alolin, Dnbvl, for San Francisco.


Per sclir Aloha 19,340 bans ausar (2,215,-3- 31

potird.) vnliw l,373 by Mukfeld .j Co


Ex S C Alle- n- "54 bates bay, 1395 posts, 25pks mlllwork, 110 pkp;j lpc, I4oo lbs lard,' ex drills. 3o bales dry oods, 51 pk;s bootsand shoes, 3'i-'- i pKg b.iklne; powder, 'io collsropu, l4,Coo lbs dried blood, 55 bbls salmon,

J lbs beans, tin Vn starch, 15,917 lbsrolled barley, 22,o4Q lbs bran, lo.ooo lbslaeds, Io3,ToS lbs barley, 7bSo lbs corn, 5ooolbs oleomarcartne, 114 rolls paper, OS eshardware, 75 bbls flour, K51S lbs ont. !M7pkj;i doors nnd ulnduHR, IS.Uoo ft lumber,r In 1 i7 " 1' powder, 8 c fim, : iscap, l.boat. Value 1,CS5.

Ex stmr Manna Loa 7240 bacs susar, 254bags coll'ce, 40 bags awn, 65 bdls bides, 25bead cattle, Ilk) pkgs sundries.


Vessels Where trora DuoUSHOrcKon 8F SeptUSSBnltlmore 8 F OctU S 8 Adams Mare Is Dec IAm scbr Esther Il'lhnc;.... Eureka DueAmscbr l.ouUbiia....l'iicet Souud..,I)uoAm scbr ltobert Scarlcs.Pup;et Bound.. DuoAm lk t'olupn... .Newcastle DueAm sli Tllllu I. Slarbuck..Xcucu6tlu..8cptAm bark Albert 8 F Sept 10Am bk Kobcluko Newcastle ... Sept 15

Am bk Itulus E Wood. .Nanalmo... .Sept "iAm srlir Cbns E FnHi..Eureka(llllo)..8ept 30Am ship V F Uabcock.... Baltimore. NovHaw bk FoohiiK3iU'y....New York. .FebMiss stmr Mornlni; Star.. Micronesia .Apr 15Am bktn C F Crocker.. Newcastle. ...8ept 15

Am sell V II Talbot. .Newcustle.... 15

Amtcli NdkomU.a't (lainble (llllo).. " 15


NAVAL.U 8 S Philadelphia, Djcr, San Dleo, April

USB IteunluKtou, Nichols, Sail Diego, Auk

II It M 8 Comus, Dyke, Esquimau, Hcpt 12.

MKItUIIANTMKK.(Coasters not included In this list.)

OSS Autrulla, Houdlette, 8 F.Am scbr Kobert Lewers, Goodman, Port

Gamble.Am schr I ranslt, JorHemon, 8 F.Am bktn Amelia, Wilier, Port Hlakclj.Am bktn KUkltat, Cutler, Port (Iambic,(iur ship II F (Hade, Huesloop, Ilremeii.Am bk A'iTt. Oiimtln. rt F Sept 8Am bktu S N Cuttle, Hubbard, 8 F, Sept 12.Am bk 8 C Allen, Johnson, 8 F, Sept 13.

Nicely furnisuod rooms at thePopular House, 154 Fort strcot,from S1.00 per week up.

Don't be persuaded to acceptwhut it, uol itajlj i,otJ'l '" 011

largod portraits, just because youhavo given an order for ono.King Bros, will pivo you some-thing infinitoly hotter and cheap-er thau you can get anywhere olsein town.

Our work is bettor and ournricos aro lower for enlargedportrait work than anyono else's.We are not making much at it,but don't let that worry you. Ifyou havo anything in this lino tobe dono see our samples first,and you won't regret it. KingBros., 110 Hotel street.

We don't expect you to givo usthe preference if what we havo tosell is inferior or our prices high-er than our rivals, but when wooffer a superior articlo for lossmonoy, you do yourself a wrongby not looking into tho matter.Gall and see our samples ofportrait work. King Bros., 110Hotol street

..III!I Evening Bulletin, 75c, yer month.

Pacific Hardware Co., LtdJuBt to hand an invoice of tho New Improved PLANTERS HOE.

SOLID OAST STEEL Extra strong, Eye and Blado forged fromone piec.

PLOWS Breakers, Double Furrow, Subsoil, Bice.HOWE'S SCALES The best in tho world.BKUSHES Paints, Oils and Varnishes.WIRE DOOR MATS-Wind- mill and Oistorn Pumps.VISES, PIPE OUTTERS-Nort- on's Jack Screws, 8 and 10 ton's.

VACUUM OILS Another invoice just rocoived.


Saw Filer in This Country.JUl Kinds nf Saws SBt,Filed or RBtnathBd,

Call nnd Seo


Ready for School


Golden RuleBazaar,

Is now ready for the opening oftho schools with a full lino ofSchool Tablets, Cc; CompositionBooks, 5c; Exorcise Books, 5c;Student's Note Books, 5c; SchoolRulers, 5c; Graded Pencils, 5c;Ink, 5c a bottle; Pens, 5c pordozen; Penholders, 5c; and theExtra Thick Tablets, CompositionBooks, Student's Note Books, Ex-ercise Books for 10c each; Boxesof G Colored Crnyonn, 10c; Boxesof 12 Colors, 20c each, and allSchool Goods at proportionatelyLow Prices.

B Now Goods ond SchoolRequisites by every trip of 'the"Australia."

No. 316 Fort Street.Choice Building Lots

ffiSO.OO!$1.00 Cash; $1.00 a Week

Kapahulu, just above Kaplo-lu.- nl


$ST Call anil select your Lot atouco. Only 100 for at this priee.

S. W. PHILLIPS,Ofllce W. C. AM & Co., KltijiSt.

"OC-- tf

PEOPLE'S EXPRSS 00.Office: 207 Mkruhant Ktuket,

Telephone H39.Furniture and Pianos care-

fully moved.

Baggage Clirc!;efl at Your Home.

QV. RING US UP. 070-3n- i

dr. t. McMillan,Of tlio lloyal CoHfao of rhj'slclaus

mid BurgtiLs of Eillnliurgli, Ete.

OFi'lci:: Beretitula St., OppositeHawaiian Hotel (Dr. Rydur'n.)

Houits: 0 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 inn! 7 to8 p. m. IVIeplior.i' 244.

Tenders for Milk.

Sealed Tenders for supplying thoQueen's Hospital with milk for oneyear from October 1, 1607, liiMicliqiiuu.tltlc'8 as may tie required uru invitedby the Secretary. All supplIbB aroHtiljeot to the Inspection and approvalof tne Superintendent nl (lie Hospltul.

QEOllQE W. SMITH,707 lw

Por Sale.

Two Houeea containing 0 and 7rooniH sltuattt on I'linuhou street oppo-site Puntliou College. Prloes, S4000and $1500. Terms, $1000 caalt eachand b&luucu In mortgage. Auply to

A V. GEAR & CO.,707-t- f 210 King street.


Mr. Patrlok Hllva la authorized tocollect. all accounts due or to lw due to

V. C, Aeiil & Co or to mynelf, dur-int- r

tuy abaence I rota Honolulu.W. C. ACHI.

Honolulu, Sept. 4, 1897. 703.1m

-- J! fanfeltiVi i.i.ilL. J. juaJi ,JM..Jl4.,gl.;. $2?&.i iJ .stiifci.,.u, B-- W

Builder,King Street.

ltirfioit Sales by Jas. F. Morgan.


RESIDENCE!By ordor of tho Exoctitors of the

Estato of ADELIA CORN WELL,doconsod, I will pell nt PublicAuction, on the premises, JuddStreot, Honolulu,

On FKIDAY, Oct. 15th,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

That Valuable Property, knownas tho

Corn well ResidenceAnd at presont occupied by Mrs.

Widdifield.The real estato comprises about

4.7 100 acres of the fiueat residenceproperty in Honolulu.

Tho grounds aro planted with avast variety of fruit, shado, palmand othor trees, and aro laid outwith fine carriago drives and walksthrough tropical foliage. One oftho valloy streams runs throughthe eustorn boundary of tho pro-perty.

Tho main dwelling is a commo-dious two-stor- y building, contain-ing large drawing room, spneinnsdining-roo- billiard room, bod-roo- ms,

otc, and has all modornimprovements. Tho house is sub-stantially built and tho rooms areull woll voutiluted. Sanitary plum-bing throughout.

Cottages, Stables, CarriagoHouses and Out-hous- on thoproperty.

Tho Hituation cotnmnnd9 anview of tho Harbor, the

main portion of the City aud thoadjacent mountain scenery. Thisis ono of tho largest and finestresidoncos Mint has boeu otleredat public Halo in Honolulu, andmust bo sold to close the aboveEstuto.Immediately following tho sale of

the residetico, J will sell theENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE

pni'tioulurs of wl.ich cau he ob-tained at my office.

Parties contemplating purchas-ing tho Residence and wishing toinspect the cr.mo, should make ap-plication at my oilice, No. 33Queen Street.

JAS. V. MORGAN,032-t- il Auctioneer.

There's eomethltig "breezy"About tlila last arrivalof outing shirtsMaterials nowFashioning unusualFit exuetPrice ridiculousOne dollar.Half as muoli morewould be cheup.Hat bands for yourfavotlto clubs, 35c.


"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : : WaYCrlCy BlOCk

Aprmits for Dr. Delmel's Linen-Mes- hUnderwear. H.r.', for Catalogue

We Make Shirts to Order.
