pure facts - the feingold dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/pf-2018-april.pdf · like all...

Pure Facts April 2018 Can corn trigger behavior and learning problems? We have long heard that some people on the Feingold Diet need to avoid corn syrup, and once high fructose corn syrup came into use, there were more reports. But now, we are hearing from a growing number of families that find corn itself is a culprit. Why? Some recent messages posted on our Facebook: Liz—This week has been HORRIBLE. One thing I no%ced is that he has been ea%ng a lot of corn-based snacks. Jana—In our house the worst aggression/rage is caused by ar%ficials and by corn. Corn isn’t a FG elimina%on but I would never have figured it out had it not been for FG and this group. Tiffany—Same here. I did a search for ODD (Opposi%onal Defiant Disorder) in this group and saw that corn seemed to be a common trigger so I went back in his food journal and highlighted everything he ate with corn (we were already HFCS and corn syrup free) and found I had to eliminate the rest! Kim—We had huge ODD symptoms before we cut out all corn. Never would have figured that out without Feingold. We eliminated corn syrup years ago, but it wasn’t nearly enough. Just removing corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup is no longer enough for some people. What has happened to corn in recent years? A likely explana%on is that most of the corn grown today is gene%cally modified. In its “Roundup Ready” GMO corn, Monsanto has inserted a pes%cide (Bt toxin) right into the seed. If an insect eats any part of the plant, the insect will die. And when a human eats the corn and consumes the Bt toxin, what happens? But that’s not the only problem. The reason Monsanto developed this GMO corn was so the plant could tolerate being sprayed with the company’s herbicide Roundup, which contains a chemical called “glyphosate.” For many years, it was believed that human exposure to glyphosates was too small to be of concern, but new studies suggest that it can cause many problems, including damage to the gut. [Ackermann 2015] A damaged gut means sensi%ve people like Feingold children will have a hard %me absorbing nutrients, and are likely to experience “leaky gut,” where proteins can escape into the bloodstream and create allergies. Continued www.feingold.org Vol. 42, No. 4 The 2018 Conference will be held Wednesday, May 23 at the Wes%n Hotel in Lombard, IL, from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, in collabora%on with the Au%sm One Conference. Tickets are just $29. To register go to www.mothersdetermined.com See page 8 for addi%onal details on the conference. 2018 ADHD Conference to be held in Illinois

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Page 1: Pure Facts - The Feingold Dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/PF-2018-April.pdf · Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold -accepted; it is also organic and non

Pure Facts April 2018

Can corn trigger behavior and learning problems?

We have long heard that some people on the Feingold Diet need to avoid corn syrup, and once high fructose corn syrup came into use, there were more reports. But now, we are hearing from a growing number of families that find corn itself is a culprit. Why?

Some recent messages posted on our Facebook:

Liz—This week has been HORRIBLE. One thing I no%ced is that he

has been ea%ng a lot of corn-based snacks.

Jana—In our house the worst aggression/rage is caused by

ar%ficials and by corn. Corn isn’t a FG elimina%on but I would

never have figured it out had it not been for FG and this group.

Tiffany—Same here. I did a search for ODD (Opposi%onal

Defiant Disorder) in this group and saw that corn seemed to be a

common trigger so I went back in his food journal and highlighted

everything he ate with corn (we were already HFCS and corn

syrup free) and found I had to eliminate the rest!

Kim—We had huge ODD symptoms before we cut out all corn.

Never would have figured that out without Feingold. We

eliminated corn syrup years ago, but it wasn’t nearly enough.

Just removing corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup is no longer enough for some people. What has happened to corn in recent years?

A likely explana%on is that most of the corn grown

today is gene%cally modified. In its “Roundup Ready”

GMO corn, Monsanto has inserted a pes%cide (Bt toxin)

right into the seed. If an insect eats any part of the

plant, the insect will die. And when a human eats the

corn and consumes the Bt toxin, what happens? But

that’s not the only problem.

The reason Monsanto developed this GMO corn

was so the plant could tolerate being sprayed with

the company’s herbicide Roundup, which contains a

chemical called “glyphosate.” For many years, it

was believed that human exposure to glyphosates

was too small to be of concern, but new studies

suggest that it can cause many problems, including

damage to the gut. [Ackermann 2015]

A damaged gut means sensi%ve people like Feingold

children will have a hard %me absorbing nutrients,

and are likely to experience “leaky gut,” where

proteins can escape into the bloodstream and

create allergies. Continued

www.feingold.org Vol. 42, No. 4

The 2018 Conference will be held

Wednesday, May 23 at the Wes%n

Hotel in Lombard, IL, from 8:30

am to 5:00 pm, in collabora%on

with the Au%sm One Conference.

Tickets are just $29. To register go

to www.mothersdetermined.com

See page 8 for addi%onal details on the conference.

2018 ADHD Conference to be held in Illinois

Page 2: Pure Facts - The Feingold Dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/PF-2018-April.pdf · Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold -accepted; it is also organic and non

2 Pure Facts / April 2018

Is the problem corn, or is it Monsanto?

A nyone who has tried to eliminate corn from their diet knows how

hard it can be to find all the places where it is used. But if you are

game to test it out and see if the cause really is a corn sensi%vity, or if it’s

a reac%on to the way corn is grown, the best op%on would be to start with

something like plain, frozen organic corn.

Fortunately, it is geKng easier to find organic corn in supermarkets as well

as at Trader Joe’s and Costco. If you can eat organic corn, you might want

to test out mul%ple-ingredient products like organic corn chips, which are

fairly easy to find.

Specialty items, like organic cornstarch, are harder to find in stores, but

they can be ordered online.

Even if conventionally grown corn is non-GMO, it is still likely to

be loaded with pesticides and herbicides, so it won’t be a good test.

Chemicals like these are designed to kill various life forms (weeds,

bugs), but something that poisons them can only harm us.

Broken Promises

An advantage GMO foods were

supposed to offer was a reduc-

%on in the use of the pes%cides

applied to the plants. But

weeds have mutated to become

resistant to the herbicide, and

farmers are now trying to deal

with huge “super weeds,” using

more and stronger herbicides in

an effort to control them.

What does the research show?

Although there are many papers that defend the use of glyphosate, a growing number of studies are uncovering serious problems.

“Glyphosate has become the most commonly

used herbicide worldwide and is reputedly environ-

mentally benign, nontoxic, and safe for use near

wildlife and humans. However, studies indicate its

toxicity is underes%mated and its persistence in the

environment is greater than once thought...These

studies clearly demonstrate a link between chronic

exposure and neurotoxicity, endocrine disrup�on,

cell damage, and immune suppression.”

[Kissane 2017]

Glyphosate at high concentra%ons may induce DNA damage. [Kwiatkowska 2017]

“Roundup induced an�-oxidant system inhibi�on, mitochondria damage, DNA damage…” [Luo 2017]

“In 2015, the World Health Organiza%on reclassified glyphosate as probably carcinogenic to humans.”

[Van Bruggen 2018]

“In 2005 the Food and Agriculture Organisa%on reported that glyphosate and its major metabolite...are of

poten�al toxicological concern… Research has now established that glyphosate can persist in the environ-

ment…” [Bai 2016]

Stephanie Seneff of M.I.T. found that glyphosate

inhibits enzymes our bodies use to protect us from

harmful chemicals such as food addi%ves and

environmental toxins, and the damage builds up over

%me. She writes, “Consequences are most of the

diseases and condi%ons associated with a Western

diet, which include gastrointes�nal disorders,

obesity, diabetes, heart disease, depression, au�sm,

infer�lity, cancer and Alzheimer’s diease.”

[Entropy 2013]

Page 3: Pure Facts - The Feingold Dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/PF-2018-April.pdf · Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold -accepted; it is also organic and non

Pure Facts / April 2018 3

Corn, soy and wheat are major triggers for illness in countries

where glyphosate is widely used.

Doctors in Britain reported a significant rise in soy allergies after GMO soy, plus the herbicide Roundup, was introduced.

G luten sensi%vity has increased

drama%cally in recent years,

and here again, Roundup is a likely

culprit. But unlike corn and soy,

wheat plants are not gene%cally

altered to produce their own pes%-

cide. Instead, farmers spray them

with Roundup when they are ready

for harvest. The purpose is to kill

the plant because this enables

more kernels to be harvested.

What appears to be a gluten intolerance

could actually be a reac%on to glyphosate

since many people report that they are

able to eat bread, pasta, and other gluten-

containing foods in Europe where the

herbicide is not so widely used.

Happily, most supermarkets sell pastas

imported from Italy, and some of them

have noodles imported from Germany. For

flours, breads, and similar products, both

gluten-free and organic are good choices.

Healing the Gut The link between glyphosate and the behavior, learning and physical problems Feingold members report

could be the result of damage to the micro biome — the trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi found

mainly in the intestines. They play a vital part in our behavior and mood, as well as our physical health.

T he first study of its kind has shown that a

product called Biome Medic drama%cally

reduced damage to the gut caused by the herbicide

glyphosate. In a pre-clinical trial, researchers found

that it brought about a 74% reduc%on in the

herbicide glyphosate and a 75% reduc%on

in C-reac%ve protein, a predictor of heart


Even if you have a healthy diet, when the

villi — liRle projec%ons on the walls of the

small intes%nes — are damaged, nutrients

cannot be absorbed. And when the protec-

%ve lining itself is damaged, then proteins

can escape into the bloodstream, resul%ng

in allergies.

School Success! Wendy’s twin boys, age 11, had trouble paying aRen-

%on, and math is very hard for them. She enrolled

them in an aSer-school program to help them get

caught up with their math, but each aSernoon, the

boys made it through only about a half page of

the workbook before they became distracted and

gave up. She tried a new Purium product — a

capsule that removes glyphosate (Roundup)

from the intes%nes. ASer just one month, the

teacher told Wendy that the boys are now doing

6 pages in their workbooks and asked what she

was doing that has made such a difference.

Wendy gives her sons Biome Medic, Power Shake

Apple Berry, and Super Amino 23.

Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold-accepted; it is also organic and non-GMO.

To learn more about these products and to order, go to www.ishopPurium.com. When you check out, use GiS

Card Code Feingold for a $50 discount on your first order of $75 or more. The Feingold Associa%on will receive

20% of your order as a giS from Purium. When you place future orders, you will receive a 15% or 25% discount,

and Feingold will con%nue to receive a 20% dona%on on your orders. There is a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Page 4: Pure Facts - The Feingold Dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/PF-2018-April.pdf · Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold -accepted; it is also organic and non

4 Pure Facts / April 2018

My granddaughter Arabella

This little girl’s explosive behavior was frightening to everyone, but especially to her!

Our silly, joyful 8-year- old is now enjoying life as the child she was always meant to be!

As an infant, Arabella made us “work”

to get her to smile. She wasn’t content

with one person or seKng for very long,

and although she slept well at night,

she rarely napped for more than a few

minutes during the day.

During her preschool years, she was a

high-energy, strong-willed child who

challenged any situa%on where she was

not allowed to be in charge, and leaving

her to play independently always result-

ed in mischief. She would wake up

throughout the night and sneak around

the house, geKng into things.

I gained custody of Arabella right before she started

kindergarten which, understandably, resulted in

challenges from adjus%ng to a new home life to the

structure of a classroom seKng at the same %me.

She repeatedly screamed, “Why can’t I stop this?” and “Please help me!”

I have been raising my 8-year-old granddaughter Arabella since she was 5 years old. Having raised four

children of my own, I was no stranger to the joys and challenges of paren%ng, but raising a child with

emo%onal and behavioral issues was new territory for me.

She began to have rage episodes and emo%onal melt-

downs that would last anywhere from a few minutes

to a few hours, and our fear of them oSen prevented

us from leaving the house. During one of her most

violent episodes, I was aRemp%ng to restrain her to

prevent her from injuring herself, and I saw true fear

in her eyes as she repeatedly screamed, “Why can’t I

stop this?” and “Please help me!” I knew she needed

to see a child psychologist -- and quickly.

The psychologist diagnosed her with (RAD) Reac%ve

ARachment Disorder, so I learned as much as I could

about raising a child with RAD and implemented new

paren%ng techniques and alterna%ve discipline


During that school year, her behavior escalated to

open defiance toward all authority figures and

constant conflict, both verbal and physical, with

other children and with adults.

Over the course of the next year, I

saw some improvements in her

behavior, but she con%nued to have

so many challenging days. I spent

most evenings in tears, feeling like I

s%ll couldn’t truly reach her. ASer

going to countless parent/teacher

conferences and exhaus%ng all the

resources the school system had to

offer, I was open to the idea of medi-

ca%ons, if that’s what she needed,

but I wanted to know I had exhaust-

ed all other possibili%es first.

I asked to be shown what I was missing so I could help

her be the best version of herself I was convinced was

in there. That same night, I stumbled across a

Feingold page on social media and spent the rest of

the night researching the program. By the next morn-

ing, I was convinced this was the missing piece to our

puzzle and purchased my membership that same day.

I sat Arabella down to explain we would both be

changing what we ate to see if it would help her feel

beRer. Without hesita%on, she hugged me, and with

tears in her eyes she said, “Thank you for helping me.”

We have been strictly stage one for 8 months, with

the excep%on of a brief aRempt at progressing to

stage two. (It didn’t go well for us!) I used to believe

that part of childhood was to eat “junk” once in a

while. And I also had absolutely NO idea some of the

whole foods (salicylates) I was regularly feeding her

were actually big contributors to her issues.

In addi%on to the improvements in her behavior at

home and school, her new-found ability to engage in

age-appropriate ac%vi%es and make friends recently

led to her being invited on a play date — for the first

%me EVER!

One evening, aSer a par%cularly

challenging day with her, my

frustra%on and exhaus%on came

pouring out in the form of my own

emo%onal breakdown and a very

hearTelt prayer.

Page 5: Pure Facts - The Feingold Dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/PF-2018-April.pdf · Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold -accepted; it is also organic and non

Pure Facts / April 2018 5


FAUS Fragrance Guide

Because many people are sensi%ve to natural fragrances

as well as ar%ficial ones, members new to Stage One are

encouraged to avoid all personal care items and cleaning

chemicals that have fragrance or perfume of any type.

However, once you are well established on the Program and

can recognize a reac%on, you may want to use products

with natural fragrances.

Our Guide to Products with Natural Fragrance lists products

that contain natural fragrances but no synthe%c (ar%ficial)

fragrance, colors, BHA, BHT, or TBHQ. The booklet is divided

into Stage One and Stage Two sec%ons, and both retail and

mail order products are included.

The Guide to Products with

Natural Fragrance is not a part

of your membership materials

but is an addi%onal resource you

can buy here. It will be emailed

to you as a download on your

confirma%on email.

Gluten-free? Dreaming of donuts?

How long has it been since you’ve had a Twinkie?

Most of the Katz products

can be found in the frozen

food sec%on of selected


They can also be mail-

ordered and are shipped


M rs. Katz believes you shouldn’t have to wait for the huge food conglom-

erates to finally provide the products educated consumers want. Check

out the PIC Report in this issue for the large assortment of popular bakery items

and mixes from Katz Gluten-Free that are now Feingold-accepted.

April Fool Foods — the things some folks eat!

Care for some Petroleum Pancakes?

Make up some pancake baRer and divide it into 6

bowls. To each bowl, add a packet of sugar/dye/fake

flavors (Kool-Aid) and cook as usual. Be sure to top it

with margarine and loads of sugary fake maple syrup.

SkiRles Chicken Wings

Why limit junk

food to just break-

fast, lunch and


You can get your petrol fix at dinner, too, by

coa%ng chicken with crushed SkiRles!

Lucky Charms Pie

Need more sugar

and junk? Top off

your SkiRles dinner

with a Lucky

Charms pie.

Pick out the dyed marshmallows and use the

(sugary) beige cereal to make a “crust.”

Then combine milk, cream cheese and cream with

7 cups of mini marshmallows (yes, SEVEN CUPS),

and divide the contents into four bowls. Add a

different fake dye to each bowl and spread the

contents in layers over the crust. Sprinkle the re-

served dyed marshmallows on top and chill, then

serve. Last step: watch what happens to your kids!

Page 6: Pure Facts - The Feingold Dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/PF-2018-April.pdf · Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold -accepted; it is also organic and non

6 Pure Facts / April 2018

April fool pharmaceuticals

Medicine is supposed to help you get better…right?

W hat happened when it was discovered that some asthma medicines

were causing asthma%c symptoms?

Sulfites are preserva%ves that were once used in asthma medicines, but when

some pa%ents experienced asthma%c aRacks aSer taking them, researchers

began to take a closer look. They discovered that sulfite preserva%ves were the

culprits. So, it is logical that they were removed from the medicines. Well, yes,

they were taken out of some, but not all of them.

Some drugs use the preserva%ve benzalkonium chloride

(BAC) in nebulizer solu%ons for trea%ng asthma, emphy-

sema and chronic bronchi%s, but BAC is also capable of

triggering respiratory problems.

As a result, researchers from the University of Florida

and the Wellington College of Medicine in New Zealand

called for regulatory agencies worldwide to ban the use

of it in asthma medicines.

“While nebulized solu%ons contain medica%ons

that open the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs,

researchers have found that the amount of BAC

contained in a standard prescrip%on vial actually

constricts these airways, counterac%ng the effects

of the medica%on and some%mes worsening lung

func%on in the pa%ent.”

“The findings suggest that BAC fails to provide

any real benefit in terms of reducing bacterial

contamina%on related to the use of nebulized

medica%ons, and poses a substan%al risk to the

pa%ent by constric%ng airways and reducing

the effec%veness of the medica%on.”

Source: the University of Florida

One of the researchers found

that safer, preserva%ve-free

medicines were available in

single-dose vials, and they

did not require any preserva-

%ves. As a result of this work,

the Florida State Board of

Pharmacy no%fied member

pharmacists of the problem.

So, problem is solved...right?

No, it’s not solved. The above information from the University of Florida was published on April 2, 1998, and that was 20 years ago!

The journal Pharmacology published a study last year that showed the

preserva%ve benzalkonium chloride was s%ll being used in some asthma

treatments, and that pa%ents con%nue to experience harm. They write,

“Albuterol in boRles used for mul%ple dosing contains benzalkonium chloride

(BAC) as a preserva%ve...many pediatric hospitals use this kind of albuterol

when preparing solu%ons for con%nuous nebulized albuterol for asthma

pa%ents. This is done today — for the hospital's convenience — in spite of

knowing that BAC causes bronchoconstric%on since at least as far back as

1987!” [Prabhakaran, Pharmacotherapy May 2017]

In the Pharmacology study, the

authors point out that the FDA

has never approved the use of

con%nuous nebulized albut-

erol, and no data on its efficacy

and safety has been submiRed

to them. In spite of that, med-

icine preserved with BAC has

become a standard treatment

in the United States.

The use of benzalkonium chloride has

increased drastically in recent years, and

today it is found in countless cleaning and

personal care products. Even hand-

sanitizers that proclaim they are “natural”

can contain it. Some of the effects of

exposure include asthma, chronic dermati-

tis, and other immune system disorders.

Janitorial and health care workers are at

particular risk due to constant exposure. What’s in that sani%zer?

What’s in his medicine?

Page 7: Pure Facts - The Feingold Dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/PF-2018-April.pdf · Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold -accepted; it is also organic and non

Pure Facts / April 2018 7

PIC Report

The following products have been researched

and may be added to your Foodlist.

Products with this symbol ^ are available in


To understand the codes listed in parentheses,

refer to the first sec%on of your Foodlist &

Shopping Guide book.

Stage One

BACHMAN Mini Pretzels (CF,CS)

FLORA^ Adult’s Probio%c (GF,CF)

FOOD FOR LIFE^ Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Grain Flax

English Muffins (CF), Gluten Free Brown Rice

English Muffins (GF,CF), Gluten Free Mul% Seed

English Muffins (GF,CF);

Sprouted Whole Grain Hot Dog Buns (CF),

Sprouted Whole Wheat Burger Buns (CF)

FOOD FOR LIFE^ Ezekiel 4:9 Cereal (CF):

Flax & Chia Sprouted Flake, Original Flake;

Tor%llas (GF,CF): Exo%c Black Rice,

Sprouted Corn

FOOD FOR LIFE Ezekiel 4:9 Waffles (CF): Sprouted

Grain Golden Flax, Sprouted Grain Original

FOOD FOR LIFE 7 Grain 100% Flourless

Sprouted Bread (CF), Ezekiel 4:9 Flax Sprouted

Whole Grain Bread (CF),

Gluten Free Exo%c Black Rice Bread (GF,CF),

Sprouted For Life (GF,CF): Gluten Free Flax

Bread, Gluten Free 3 Seed Bread

FRONTIER Cream of Tartar (GF,CF)




Cinnamon Donut Holes, Glazed Donuts,

Glazed Donut Holes, Gingerbread Donuts;

Cookies: Chocolate Chip, Vanilla;

Cinnamon Strip, Lemon Poppy Loaf

KATZ GLUTEN FREE^ Crème Cakes: Heavenly

Vanilla, Heavenly Chocolate; Vanilla Cupcakes;

Muffins: Chocolate Zucchini, Corn

KATZ GLUTEN FREE^ Mix: Oat Roll Bread,

Chocolate Chip Cookie, White Bread, Chocolate

Cake, Vanilla Cake

Stage Two

FOOD FOR LIFE^ Ezekiel 4:9 Cereal (CF): Almond Flake,

Raisin Flake;

Ezekiel 4:9 Waffles (CF): Sprouted Grain Apple Nut,

Sprouted Grain Blueberry;

7 Grain 100% Flourless Sprouted Cinnamon Raisin

Bread; Sprouted For Life (GF,CF): Gluten Free Almond

Bread, Gluten Free Cinnamon Raisin Bread

KATZ GLUTEN FREE^ (GF,CF, apple cider vinegar):

Bread: Egg Free, Everything, Oat, Sliced Challah,

Extra Large Braided Challah, Oat Challah, Rice Challah,

Round Oat Challah, Round Oat Raisin Challah

KATZ GLUTEN FREE^ Bagels: Everything, Plain,

Poppy Seed, Sesame,

Cinnamon Raisin English Muffin, Hamburger Buns,

Rolls: Dinner, Kaiser, Oat, Sugar Free, Whole Grain


KATZ GLUTEN FREE^ (GF,CF): Cranberry Donuts;

Mini Pies: Apple, Cherry, Blueberry;

Personal Pie: Apple, Cherry, Blueberry;

FriRers: Apple, Cherry, Blueberry;

Rugelech: Chocolate (coffee, oranges),

Cinnamon (oranges), Vanilla (oranges);

Fruit Bar Bite (CS, apples): Apricot, Raspberry;

Prune Hamantaschen (SB, apples);

Chocolate Strip (Coffee);

Loaf: Blueberry, Honey (coffee, oranges);

Sponge Cake (oranges); Buns: Chocolate (coffee),

Cinnamon (oranges); Muffins: Blueberry, Carrot


NATURE’S PATH^ Dark Chocolate & Red Berries Love

Crunch Granola Bar (raspberries, strawberries);

Superfood Snack Bar Blueberry Cashew (GF,CF,

apples), Mocha Hazelnut (GF), Nuts, Seeds & Sea Salt

(GF,CF, almonds), Dark Chocolate, Cranberry &

Almond (GF, apple)

Stage One, con�nued

KATZ GLUTEN FREE^ www.katzglutenfree.com

Large & Small Pizza Crust, Farfel,

Mul%-Purpose Dough, Bread Crumbs

NATURE’S PATH^ Dark Chocolate Peanut Superfood

Snack Bar (GF)

Page 8: Pure Facts - The Feingold Dietfeingold.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/PF-2018-April.pdf · Like all Purium products, Biome Medic is Feingold -accepted; it is also organic and non

Pure Facts Editor: Jane Hersey

Contributing to this issue:

Carolyn Allen

Shula Edelkind

Cindy Harrell

Elizabeth Kellum

Pure Facts is published ten times a year and is a portion of the ma-terial provided to members of the Feingold® Association.

Membership provides the Fein-

gold Handbook including recipes and a two-week menu plan, a Foodlist book containing thou-sands of acceptable brand name foods, an electronic Getting Start-ed Foodlist, a Fast Food Guide, telephone and E-mail Help-Lines, and access to our members’ Face-book with information and sup-port from experienced volunteers, and a subscription to Pure Facts.

For more information or details on membership outside the US, contact FAUS, 11849 Suncatcher Drive, Fishers, IN 46037 or email [email protected].

The articles in this newsletter are offered as information for Pure Facts readers, and are not intend-ed to provide medical advice. Please seek the guidance of a qualified health care professional concerning medical issues.

www.feingold.org ©2018 by the Feingold Association

of the United States, Inc.

The Feingold Association of the

United States, Inc., is a non-profit

organization that was founded in

1976. The program is based on a diet

eliminating synthetic colors, artificial

flavors, aspartame and the preserva-

tives BHA, BHT and TBHQ. Our

mission is to increase public aware-

ness of the effects of food and addi-

tives on behavior, learning and


The Feingold Association does not

endorse or assume responsibility for

any product, brand, method or treat-

ment. The presence (or absence) of a

product on a Feingold Foodlist, or the

discussion of a method or treatment

does not constitute approval (or dis-

approval). The Foodlists are based

primarily upon information supplied

by manufacturers and are not based

upon independent testing.

8 Pure Facts / April 2018

How to explain a change in diet to your child

As a psychotherapist, Jennifer Giustra-Kozek was experienced in helping people with problems that include ADHD, OCD, Asperger’s, anxiety and depression.

B ut when her son Evan was born in 2006, these issues became

intensely personal. He was diagnosed with ADHD, PDD (pervasive

developmental disorder), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and

apraxia, along with mild to moderate au%s%c tendencies.

At first, she was skep%cal that

natural techniques would help her

son, but she also knew the down

side of ADHD medicines and didn’t

want to subject Evan to them.

As she researched the natural

alterna%ves, Jennifer realized that

there is good science to back

these techniques up and began

using non-drug therapies which

effec%vely helped her son.

Jennifer combines her professional training with her knowledge of alterna-

%ves and her “MOM” degree and has created a book that is designed to

explain this in language a child will understand.

In her book, A Healthy New Me & ADHD Free, eight-year-old Michael

narrates his story of school failure, tummy aches, and the typical

symptoms of what is being called ADHD. He describes a scenario that will

be familiar to Feingold families, of adding nutrients, removing allergens,

shopping for beRer food and cleaning up the family’s diet. It’s no

surprise that Michael really likes the “new me.”

The book is available from the Feingold Associa%on’s bookstore:


The Treating ADD Naturally Conference is coming back to Chicago. This one-day event will empower you, providing tools to help your child with information on:

Best supplements for ADHD & Anxiety

How nutrient deficiencies, toxins, food & sleep affect the child

The benefits of neurofeedback and how ADHD affects the brain

Candida (yeast) overgrowth symptoms & treatment

Benefits of the Feingold Diet & the impact of salicylates

How to deal with a picky eater; Reducing EMFs

Func%onal Medicine & Neurological approaches for ADHD