purdue university teacher education program employer ......* other includes: resume-application,...

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Page 1: Purdue University Teacher Education Program Employer ......* Other includes: resume-application, student teaching, administrative personnel, office, or school corporation, Department

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Purdue University Teacher Education

Program Employer Survey

2006 - 2007

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Teacher Education Program Employer Survey

Fall 2006

The Teacher Education Program Employer Survey is sent each year to principals of Indiana

school corporations that employ Purdue University Teacher Education Program graduates as

first-time employees. The employers’ views of the professional performance of the graduates

in the teaching workforce provide feedback to faculty for possible program revisions.

This survey was sent to 208 Indiana employers who had Purdue University graduates as first-

year employees during 2005-06. Principals who had more than one Purdue graduate as first-

year employees during this year were sent a survey for each graduate. The employers were

identified by utilizing data from the 2005-06 Beginning Teacher Internship/Assessment

Program Report provided by the Indiana Department of Education Division of Professional

Standards. Of the 208 surveys sent, 112 surveys were returned with a return rate of 53.8%. Of

these respondents, approximately half were elementary school principals. The majority of the

principals (89.3%) were affiliated with public schools.

Significant findings from the survey:

The majority of the respondents learned about Purdue graduates through their personal

information sources and other sources such as resume-application, student teaching,

and administration office.

Respondents indicated that the licensed area(s) was the most dominant qualification in

hiring. Other qualifications that prompted the school to hire the Purdue graduate were

personality, professional preparedness as a teacher, and academic background (i.e.,

Purdue graduate).

There was overall satisfaction with the performance of the first year Purdue University

graduate. However, 30.4% of the respondents were undecided to the question whether

the Purdue graduates addressed the needs of students for whom English was not a first


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I. Background Information

Part A. Respondent

1. Respondent's age

Mean Mode Range

49.40 39 29-65

Age # of Employers

34 5 (4.5%)

35-39 14 (12.5%)

40-44 14 (12.5%)

45-49 18 (16.1%)

50-54 17 (15.2%)

55-59 27 (24.1%)

60-64 10 (8.9%)

65 1 (0.9%)

Non-response 6 (5.4%)

Total 112 (100.0%)

2. Gender

Male Female Non-response

64 (57.1%) 47 (42.0%) 1 (0.9%)

3. How would you describe yourself?

Ethnicity # of Employers

African American or Black, non-Hispanic 5 (4.5%)

Asian American or Asian Pacific Islander 0 (0.0%)

Mexican or Mexican American 0 (0.0%)

Latin American or other Hispanic 0 (0.0%)

Native American, American Indian, or Alaska Native

0 (0.0%)

White, non-Hispanic 106 (94.6%)

Other 0 (0.0%)

Non-response 1 (0.9%)

Total 112 (100.0%)

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4. What is your relationship to the Purdue graduate?

School Principal Mentor Colleague Other* Non-response

109 (97.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.9%) 2 (1.8%)

* Other includes: assistant principal, instructional leader, and department chair.

5. How long have you served as an educator?

Year # of Employers

1-5 0 (0.0%)

6-10 4 (3.6%)

11-15 11 (9.8%)

16-20 25 (22.3%)

21-25 18 (16.1%)

26-30 24 (21.4%)

31-35 12 (10.7%)

36-40 15 (13.4%)

41 2 (1.8%)

Non-response 1 (0.9%)

Total 112 (100%)

Part B. Employee: Purdue Graduate

1. Gender of Purdue Graduate

Male Female Non-response

34 (30.4%) 76 (667.9%) 2 (1.8%)

2. How would you describe the Purdue graduate?

Ethnicity # of Employers

African American or Black, non-Hispanic 0 (0.0%)

Asian American or Asian or Pacific Islander 1 (0.9%)

Mexican or Mexican American 3 (2.7%)

Latin American or other Hispanic 2 (1.8%)

Native American, American Indiana, or Alaskan Native

0 (0.0%)

White, non-Hispanic 104 (92.9%)

Other 0 (0.0%)

Non-response 2 (1.8%)

Total 112 (100.0%)

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3. Teacher Education and Licensure Program of Purdue Graduate

Major(s)/ Primary # of Graduates Major(s)/ Primary # of Graduates

Agriculture 5 (4.5%) Health 0 (0.0%)

Art 7 (6.3%) Industrial (Arts)/ Technology Education

2 (1.8%)

Biology 1 (0.9%) Language Arts 1 (0.9%)

Chemistry 2 (1.8%) Mathematics 6 (5.4%)

Consumer & Family Sciences

3 (2.7%) Others 2 (1.8%)

Early Childhood 3 (2.7%) Physical Education 10 (8.9%)

Earth Science 1 (0.9%) Physical Science 1 (0.9%)

Elementary Education 40 (35.7%) Social Studies 4 (3.6%)

English Ed. 9 (8.0%) Special Education 1 (0.9%)

Foreign Language Ed. 0 (0.0%) Technology Education 6 (5.4%)

General Science 0 (0.0%) US History 1 (0.9%)

Government 1 (0.9%) Non-Responses 6 (5.4%)

Minors/Supporting/ Endorsement(s)

# of Graduates Minors/Supporting/

Endorsement(s) # of Graduates

Art 0 (0.0%) Mathematics 0 (0.0%)

Biology 0 (0.0%) Others 1 (0.9%)

Chemistry 0 (0.0%) Physical Science 1 (0.9%)

Communication 0 (0.0%) Political Science 0 (0.0%)

Computer 0 (0.0%) Reading 8 (7.1%)

Foreign Language 1 (0.9%) Social Studies 0 (0.0%)

General Science 0 (0.0%) Special Education 1 (0.9%)

Government 0 (0.0%) US History 1 (0.9%)

Health 0 (0.0%) World History 0 (0.0%)

History 1 (0.9%) Non-Responses 97 (86.6%)

Kindergarten 1 (0.9%)

Part C. School

1. How would you describe the area in which your school is located?

Urban/ inner city Rural Suburban Non-response

21 (18.8%) 47 (42.0%) 41 (36.6%) 3 (2.7%)

2. How would you describe your school?

Public Parochial Private Non-response

100 (89.3%) 11 (9.8%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.9%)

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3. Check all levels included in your school

Levels # of Schools

Preschool 13 (11.6%)

Kindergarten 47 (42.0%)

Early Elementary (grades 1-3) 49 (43.8%)

Upper Elementary (grades 4-5) 46 (41.1%)

Middle School/Jr. High 46 (41.1%)

Senior High School 40 (35.7%)

More than one level (K-12) 12 (10.7%)

School may be counted in more than one category.

4. What is the breakdown of employees in your school building? (full-time teachers, part-time teachers, paraprofessional, and other professional personnel)

Full-time teachers #of Schools Part-time teachers # of Schools

1-10 4 (3.6%) 0 39 (34.8%)

11-20 16 (14.3%) 1 17 (15.2%)

21-30 25 (22.3%) 2 18 (16.1%)

31-40 22 (19.6%) 3 18 (16.1%)

41-50 15 (13.4%) 4 5 (4.5%)

51-60 10 (8.9%) 5 4 (3.6%)

61-70 5 (4.5%) 6 2 (1.8%)

71-80 0 (0.0%) 7 0 (0.0%)

81-90 2 (1.8%) 8 2 (1.8%)

91-100 3 (2.7%) 9 0 (0.0%)

100 8 (7.1%) 10 3 (2.7%)

Missing 2 (1.8%) 11 2 (1.8%)

Missing 2 (1.8%)

Paraprofessional #of Schools Other professional

personnel # of Schools

0-5 40 (35.7%) 0 16 (14.3%)

6-10 32 (28.6%) 1-5 59 (52.7%)

11-15 20 (17.9%) 6-10 24 (21.4%)

16-20 9 (8.0%) 11-15 6 (5.4%)

21-25 2 (1.8%) 16-20 2 (1.8%)

26-30 2 (1.8%) 21-25 0 (0.0%)

35-40 2 (1.8%) 26-30 0 (0.0%)

41 1 (0.9% 31 0 (0.0%)

Missing 4 (3.6%) Missing 5 (4.5%)

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5. Approximately how many students attend your school?

# of Schools

Less than 300 12 (10.7%)

300-599 45 (40.2%)

600-899 30 (26.8%)

900-1200 12 (10.7%)

More than 1200 students 13 (11.6%)

Missing 0 (0.0%)

6. Approximately what proportion of students in your school speaks a language other than English as their primary language?

# of Schools

Less than 1% 52 (46.4%)

1-5% 29 (25.9%)

6-10% 10 (8.9%)

11-25% 13 (11.6%)

26-50% 5 (4.5%)

More than 50% 1 (0.9%)

Non-response 2 (1.8%)

7. Approximately what proportion of students in your school have special needs?

# of Schools

Less than 1% 3 (2.7%)

1-5% 14 (12.5%)

6-10% 31 (27.7%)

11-25% 52 (46.4%)

26-50% 10 (8.9%)

More than 50% 0 (0.0%)

Non-response 2 (1.8%)

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II. Employment History

1. How did you learn about the Purdue graduate?

Information Sources # of Employers

Educational Placement Office 19 (16.0%)

Media advertisement (newspaper, etc.) 0 (0.0%)

Job Fair on Purdue campus 9 (7.6%)

Job Fair off Purdue campus 0 (0.0%)

Personal information source 34 (28.6%)

Other* 56 (47.1%)

Non-response 1 (0.8%)

Students may be counted in more than one category. * Other includes: resume-application, student teaching, administrative personnel, office, or school corporation, Department of Education website, instructional assistant, and substitute teaching.

2. What qualifications of the Purdue graduate prompted your school to hire him/her?

# of Employers

Academic achievement (GPA, etc.) 48 (12.6%)

Academic backgrounds (Purdue graduate) 38 (10.0%)

Personality 76 (19.9%)

Portfolio 26 (6.8%)

Professional preparedness as a teacher 58 (15.2%)

Licensed area(s) 73 (19.2%)

Interviewer's recommendation 37 (9.7%)

Other* 22 (5.8%)

Non-response 3 (0.8%)

Students may be counted in more than one category. * Other includes: recommendation, performance as student teacher, worked as aide, work experiences, match to school needs.

3. How would you describe the Purdue graduate’s current position in education?

Current position # of Graduates

Full-time teacher 105 (93.8%)

Permanent substitute 0 (0.0%)

Part-time teacher 1 (0.9%)

Day-to-day substitute teacher 0 (0.0%)

Educational Specialist 0 (0.0%)

School administrator 3 (2.7%)

Other* 3 (2.7%)

Non-response 0 (0.0%)

Students may be counted in more than one category. * Other includes: Return to Purdue, moved to another district, left after one semester, terminated teacher (resignation prior to), title one aide (presently), performance during student teaching, and out of education.

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4. At what level does the Purdue graduate teach?

Information Sources # of Graduates

Preschool 1 (0.9%)

Kindergarten 12 (10.7%)

Early Elementary (grades 1-3) 23 (20.5%)

Upper Elementary (grades 4-5) 12 (10.7%)

Middle School/Jr. High 26 (23.2%)

Senior High School 33 (29.5%)

More than one level (K-12) 3 (2.7%)

Non-response 2 (1.8%)

5. Secondary schools only: What subject(s) does the Purdue graduate teach?

Major # of Graduates Major # of Graduates

Agriculture 6 (5.4%) Industrial Arts/ Technology Education

4 (3.6%)

Art 3 (2.7%) Journalism 0 (0.0%)

Biology 1 (0.9%) Mathematics 6 (5.4%)

CFS 4 (3.6%) Physical Education 2 (1.8%)

Earth Science 3 (2.7%) Physical Science 1 (0.9%)

English 10 (8.9%) Social Studies 6 (5.4%)

Foreign Language 0 (0.0%) Special Education 2 (1.8%)

Health 3 (2.7%) Others 6 (5.4%)

History 2 (1.8%)

6. About what percent of the Purdue graduate's present teaching assignment is in the grade(s) or subject area(s) in which he/she is licensed? If not 100%, please briefly explain why.

Percentage # of Graduates

100% 97 (86.6%)

75% 4 (3.6%)

50% 0 (0.0%)

25% or less 6 (5.4%)

Non-response 0 (0.0%)


1. She teaches LD Math. She has an emergency permit for this area and is completing the Math Education Program requirements for licensure.

2. Not licensed in World Geography yet. 3. One Life Skills class. 4. Teaches two sections of Biology. 5. Teaches Communications.

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III. Professional Preparedness

The Purdue University graduate:

1. Was knowledgeable about the concepts and content he/she was asked to teach during his/her first year of teaching.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

63 (56.3%) 46 (41.1%) 2 (1.8%) 1 (0.9%) 0 (0.0%)

2. Used knowledge about how children learn and develop to prepare and provide learning opportunities.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

42 (37.5%) 62 (55.4%) 3 (2.7%) 3 (2.7%) 1 (0.9%)

3. Used knowledge of student differences to adapt instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

44 (39.3%) 57 (50.9%) 4 (3.6%) 6 (5.4%) 1 (0.9%)

4. Used a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students’ learning and problem solving.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

43 (38.4%) 58 (51.8%) 4 (3.6%) 7 (6.3%) 0 (0.0%)

5. Used knowledge of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a positive and active learning environment.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

40 (35.7%) 60 (53.6%) 5 (4.5%) 6 (5.4%) 1 (0.9%)

Rating Scale

5=Strongly Agree 4=Agree 3=Undecided 2=Disagree

1=Strongly Disagree

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6. Used communication techniques to foster classroom inquiry and interaction.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

39 (34.8%) 61 (54.5%) 7 (6.3%) 4 (3.6%) 0 (0.0%)

7. Planned instruction based upon the subject matter, students, and the curriculum goals.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

53 (47.3%) 52 (46.4%) 4 (3.6%) 3 (2.7%) 0 (0.0%)

8. Used a variety of assessment strategies to evaluate students’ growth.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

33 (29.5%) 65 (58.0%) 8 (7.1%) 6 (5.4%) 0 (0.0%)

9. Was a reflective practitioner who actively sought opportunities to grow professionally.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

51 (45.5%) 45 (40.2%) 11 (9.8%) 4 (3.6%) 1 (0.9%)

10. Developed relationships with school colleagues, parents, and the community to support his/her students.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

58 (51.8%) 41 (36.6%) 8 (7.1%) 3 (2.7%) 1 (0.9%)

11. Was knowledgeable about the Indiana Academic Standards.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

57 (50.9%) 52 (46.4%) 2 (1.8%) 1 (0.9%) 0 (0.0%)

12. Was competent to use educational technologies for teaching during his/her first year of teaching.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

54 (48.2%) 46 (41.1%) 10 (8.9%) 1 (0.9%) 1 (0.9%)

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13. Addressed the needs of students for whom English was not a first language.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

17 (15.2%) 46 (41.1%) 34 (30.4%) 2 (1.8%) 2 (1.8%)

14. Managed the classroom during his/her first year of teaching.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

38 (33.9%) 65 (58.0%) 2 (1.8%) 3 (2.7%) 4 (3.6%)

15. I am satisfied with the overall quality of the Purdue University graduate.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

61 (54.5%) 42 (37.5%) 5 (4.5%) 3 (2.7%) 1 (0.9%)

16. I am satisfied with the overall first year teaching performance of the Purdue University Graduate.

Strongly Agree

Undecided Strongly Disagree

5 4 3 2 1

58 (51.8%) 44 (39.3%) 5 (4.5%) 3 (2.7%) 2 (1.8%)

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IV. First Year Teacher Performance Assurance Program

1. Do you know about the First Year Teacher Performance Assurance Program at Purdue University?

Yes No Non-response Total

44 (39.3 %) 66 (58.9 %) 2 (1.8 %) 112 (100.0 %)

2. Have you used the First Year Teacher Performance Assurance Program at Purdue University for the Purdue Graduate?

Yes No Non-response Total

3 (2.7%) 72 (64.3 %) 37 (33.0 %) 112 (100.0 %)

3. Who initiated the participation?

Myself Mentor Colleague Non-response Total

2 (1.8 %) 1 (0.9 %) 1 (0.9 %) 108 (96.4 %) 112 (100.0 %)

4. How satisfied are you with the adequacy and effectiveness of the First Year Teacher Performance Assurance Program?

Very Satisfied Undecided Very unsatisfied

5 4 3 2 1

2 (1.8 %) 4 (3.6 %) 1 (0.9 %) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.9%)

5. Would you like to use the First Year Teacher Performance Assurance Program with other Purdue Graduates if needed?

Yes No Non-response Total

5 (4.5 %) 1 (0.9 %) 106 (94.6 %) 112 (100.0 %)