punjab vidhan sabha debatespunjabassembly.nic.in/images/debates/1987/pdf_25_mar_1987.pdf · punjab...

PUNJAB VIDHAN SABHA DEBATES 25th March, 1987 Vol. V—No. 10 OFFICIAL REPORT IH3 - CONTENTS Wednesday, the 25th March, 1987 Starred Questions and Answers Written Answers to Starred Questions laid on the Table of the House under Rule 38 Unstarred Questions and Answers Personal Explanation by Captain Amarinder Singh Call Attention Notices under Rule 66 Paper laid on the Table Page ( 10)1 (10)31 (10)33 (10)37 (10)45 (10)55 Resumption of General Discussion on the Budget Estimates for the year 1987-88 t .. (10)55 Punjab Vidhan Sasbha Secretariat, Chandigarh

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25th March, 1987

Vol. V—No. 10


I H3 -


Wednesday, the 25th March, 1987

Starred Questions and Answers

Written Answers to Starred Questions laid on the Table of the House under Rule 38

Unstarred Questions and Answers

Personal Explanation by Captain Amarinder Singh

Call Attention Notices under Rule 66

Paper laid on the Table








Resumption of General Discussion on the Budget Estimates for the year 1987-88 t .. (10)55

Punjab Vidhan Sasbha Secretariat, Chandigarh

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The Vidhan Sab ha met in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha Hall, Vidhan Bhayan, Chandigarh,, at 9.00 A.M. o f the Clock. Mr Speaker (Sardar Surjit Singh Atihhas) in the Chair.


Wednesday the 25th March, 1987


Illegal possession-of Agricultural laud by the Sarpanch of Bathungarh,District Amritsar

'"747. Doctor Dalbir»Singh : Will the Minister for Revenue and Rehabilitation be pleased to state whether it is fact that the present Sarpanch and* Jiis relatives of village Bathungarh, Tehsil Baba Bakala, District Amritsar, are in illegal possession of the agricultural land of the Gram Panchdyat of the said village ; if so, the action taken or proposed to be taken against* the said Sarpanch ?

Hdtl'd 3 5 3 3 fRUf ftpioss* (3 TTT H33l, 3*3 fespH 3 3 'fe 3 r) : R3U3

3 5 3R Tfetf 3 *33 3 # 331 Jjt Hf3T33fRUf RHU3 £ 3 3 3 3

R d « f R3» fRU( § HdH'3 fRUf 3 3 f 3 3 3 3 3 fRUf 33'H U 3'f33 31 13

H375* H’H S'R 3 3 tP fe3 cPRtf R 3 3 3 3 3 3 r75 R3U3 3 f33

3rPfeiit 3 3 T 3 ul R '75 1986-87 7531 800 3R§

tf2 3 3 f3 3 l 5 »f§ OiPR feHrT epR3 « *3 3 (33I5R 3) 3753,1964 3

6 (l.) (g | ) '3 l §5Uf^» 0f§ >tfUf 1 U3?1 6f§ »fftRT3* 3 l 3 ^ 3 3 * 3 1

feR 753l, R 3 W 3 H>H3H 5f3 fS 3 f fdW 3 »f3 313-03331 33* t*R75 3 3 3 753t 3 l -c fW 3 l cjfel rP 331 3 I

3 '3 3 3 375Hfo fRUf : Rtf\33 RTf33, H ^d T H33l RTf33 3 3fa»t' 5 fs?

H3U3 ftT33T 3 , § 3 3 5 3T3?rftJ3 37ft* 9 I 7-8 R>» 3* f3R RHI3 3 T 33T31 Rl I

?1 fe 3 R3U3 R1 1 f e f 33H f? 3 R3U3 3 3 W f3IMr ftTR 3 fH3 HR75f

33r sffe'RTl 8-9 R*75 iW fe 3 fe8Sl3T75 U3H3 3ftW 3feoP R1 i f e j §R

S'dlafH S 3'75 33*3 offer 5 I 3 5 , Rtftofa RTf33, 3 3 * 1986-87 f€ 3 3M R33

offe» f3W 3» 10-12 fe3 HfrTSt 35fe75 ^Ufe1»i3 5 3 RHfe »frU5 tfed*§ 75fe § 3 fe ^ t 3 1 f e 3 1986-87 3 * 3 5 >>P333 3fe»fr gfgfr | feg ^gt

3 l?5iJ £&Uf3* 3 fe l 3 1 Rtftcfe R*f33, 3 l H33l Hi 3 5 §R R3V3 $ feRffel of33 0f3R3 ST33 3 * feR3*H fS ^ S dl ?

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3m H 33), U 'ffe g fR JH f 03*fS3f : HU)33 H>f35, 313m OT’fOT, 33751

3533T3 3 t 3 h) § q) Hf3T33 fnur H353, gram 3 3 'f3 3 , 35ggra;, 575*3

33fH 3f, 3f3H)75 5 '3 T 53 '?5r, fa?5> >AfH3H3 3* UP 55* <STtT'feH 3OTT S 3 ?

5 I 13 3 3 T75 1 H375* H 'H o'3 |H) § H 353 § H 333+ HOTqt H 31 fHUf >H§

H33ra fRUf »f§ ggf ql 1 3 5 3 3 fnw g< gH'fOT 3 ott q) i vara gram u^fOTM 33, 1952 >H§ §H »rate 5 5 fe^H+ 3> # 5 5 5 * Uf3Hra H 333 § PdH§ 5 ^

(333* »f§ 33*) h*H7S*3 3Hte § 3H ‘fOT 35H 1 35» H 333 f §H § FT351

3 S tp g rfl 5 5 3 f3 S 753) 3 5 ) M33T3* 3 3 ? 3 I feH 7531 H 333 fe 3 5 fen 3 3

5*3 3 3 ) 3'O T'ut 3 3 ? srtel gfe) i

(10)2 IttMAB ViiKAh Saiua [25ih M akch, 1987

q) Hfgfe3 few, H3 3 i , gram y^feg , 3375* srg^gra, HTjm 3 3 fH3 T3 m‘333* § 333 frral 10 3H53, 1984 § # 3 ) fo H333 § ^ 1431+ H g ^ H tF feuf § H33'3 fHUf »f§ 33’ ql 315353 feuf H'HB'H HHl3 § 3H’fOT SPOT

H3 »f§ sfOTT s a g § fewra 33? H3 i ftr&*r fe3*H »fe 3 3 'feH >hshh, uffHHrra *3) HTfete § fe^rar 3s* hhvh fegfe 35733 333*75 3 3 3 *3 ) gilt i ggrara hot1® £ Mg ot1 fa s ' ferm w t 33*fe3 ufgFra, wfq3H3 § fH3t 25 3353, 1985 3 33'feH Sffe) 3fe) fa ©3 OT'fOT ofOTT e[3’© g 733) 33 foTHH 3* 3*3*HH) 3 3 3 33 I fe3 3 l feftfM' fgptf* 3 fa H H333 37? fH7?33HSfen sfe) fete u t 31 f n faro th3t oPOT'st 3tet rf 't I

3 5 ftTST fe3*H M§ 33'feH W3H3, wfHHH3 ?> 333 3fe) D fsf H3V3

gram U3'fe3, ^gKf srgggr? g 13 srg'ss 1 H33r Hmsm HHte uim s 3

HOTql H3T fHUf § Htf3rafHUf 3 §H ^ 3'3l 5 3 5 3 3 fHUf §800 3U§ § H’H 1986-87 f? 3 Xfg § fe3t d I §H ?S* UfftfU1 5 3 5 M’Ugl OT?t »f§ uffqsrra* 3t 1^33* »f§ OT'3 f?SH SPH3 #*3H (05SH 3) UfOT, 1961 »ml3 5 5 1964 ^ 375+ ^ 375 6 (l)(5 l) 3t tgU fgr oft3t 5 I fe3f 3H+ SPOT 5 3 5 3 ^ 3 5 OT»5gram w f e 3 >5 5 3 ,19 5 2 3 t 5rar 102(4) wil?> h s u i ^ ife 3 * h>h3& 5 I3 1

fgfMT t »f§ 5 3 -Si1 §ol 531 H far §H 3 UTU5 SSfSfUfl »[§ ggr § g00 3lf§ f#3 f33r 3, § 5*HH 533 OT'5 feSH 5'H3 5*OT (35KH3) UfOT,1961 5raTio -§ urate 5 'OT'hI sftel tPraul ^ i

3 '5gg 5755)5 fHUf : Hlfteg Hrf35, H'3<33T H33) HrfST5 ^ 3<H>)fT d fsf H3OT 5) feS75l3f75U3H3 ^ i t 33? H) I H* OTT75 53H 3 5 3* 51»f5 fen gf?5 5 T U3HT5 fe § 3 3H SOT1 f33T t »f§ 3'5) 3 3 3 3 3 3H 3 r33T f33T Sf, § 3 H* 3'§H 5) 3575 § 3 ^ I UfH 3 3 fe3 H3§ 33)* 33 f3 fHS®)giKOTH3 H)l 8Hf75 3 efe3 3gf3T 3K f33rt l 3).3lv1.§. ^f33?>pfeg) H353 § f575ra 3) 3)3) t I 3 5 I-HHIS 3 fgf'Jf1 t 3 fH HHte 3) 75tl 3 3 1 »f§ 5 3 3 3*

33 f33) ^ I H33) Hi f33 gi75 H35 § f3§* 33)* f3Uf»3 fe f e l fgTSTflgiTS

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Ut?J=lc5 7-8 H'& 3 * Hi M3 §H § fftnfHH 3 3 3 | f f t l dfe fST fgftt. HUH Hf3 3 t3

ofH3l 3rfU3T 3 T HVd ft I H3ftt ftt feu ftl 3H 3 fof ftl H 333 fe ftl til 3 3 *

feH§ H '33l3 3rfftl ft} H'TOftW 3* ftt 3 3 Tf3M' H'3 W ? fftcft ftl fftlM’3 &ft} H* 5fT ra U'^H ftl 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33P 3 I |

(fen ^ 3 3 H'3M3T H*33 3 H33 3 333? 3 Bf »3TH ^ H fe H'3M3T Hftt33 H’fftg 3 3 3 3 * fftft gift i )

3HTH331: HUW H'f33, H* IffusP ftl H<3 MoT H*33 H’fftg § ftft fftft’ 3 H 3HT'f33 SPOT ftl f3T33'3ftl ftl 33t* ft 3 * 3 '3 ¥ 'ftl3 3ftl* H3ftl f e f f e SHte € T 3 F3 3 3* H3OT 3ftl‘, §H 3’ 33’ M3 333 SPOT 33 I fftH &ftl TOOT t 3<3sPftt 3ftl* 3 RSTftl I OT* §H 3 TOfe TO 3 3 fftftl, 3+ §H 3 MUJ3 MfOT^t ftl TOTO3* ftlftl, feH Hftl 3 3 §H 3 cPHS'ftt ftlftl 3Tftt ft I fftH gfo f&J HB’ftt 33l* fST §H tP U fa# 3* ftl cfOTr ft I

r a 'z s 3 3 3 )3 fnw : huTto HTfftg, fftsr gftl fro! sreftlfeftTO 3 3 I ftTft I

Starred Questions and A nswers (10)3

Hiftro : 3 hI* H’ofdd HTfftg, gftte srg i hshI ftl 3 toto sru fftftr ft f°T H3OT ftl ffttt«l3T3 Mr3UH3 to I* Hi I

^ ,of<:d ^S<jl3 fHUI : HUTTO H'feg, H'3M3T H3o) H’fftg ft fft3 TO feM’ ft fft §Hft 3T5T31 sftftt ft, 3 3 3 3 t§ 'SM 3 r ofl3 lftT h en why he should not be

arrested and dism issed ? hhu*3 TO3 3- sft ft ? f u 33'tftlM t s ra t H'TOte srrol

ftl H*33 3 3 f3IM’ I 33+ 3UH 3) H 'fft3 '3 STH'ftl ft, # 3 fSTH ftfUH’ ft ft TOTO 3 H’ft-dT’ I fftH 33+ 3* fe s '3 3 ft! 3ft39rgftt g ’ftl ftftl ft |~3Hl* H3ftl ftl ft ST3 fof ©H3 HHU*3 5f33 ftl OT'ft f3HfHH 3 3 3 M§H3 333 I

3HTH33t : ** ** **

Shri Brij Bhushan Mehra : There should be no aspersion on the Member.

Doctor Dalbir Singh ; On a point of personal explanation.

• ft} m il33 : fro f3H'33H M3HOT 3 l§ 3 3 I

a ’tTTOftt : w l3 3 H'fftg, H* 3H 3T 3 ’ftft’ 3 fft H’f 33? f t o HfesW ft, fs=3 3 r3 3 3 3 3 3 ft3, M33 3 3 ftft 3 3 frTSl fttM* 3’3 ’3 t H3ife3 H* fesT 3 r3 3 f3t 3 3 f33T 3+ I f33 Ufe'H ft Mfftop3 ft! 3 15 f^ rr ^SfT3 ^ rftl ftt 3 3 33 +3T I

•♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair,

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Hg3*3 fessra few : HUW H'foU.H* 33*# 33fe USS* tjt fo>m z 0 fg g t d u 'g a 3 d u fa 3 d 3 d 3 H *H S'3fe3d f u s 'd 9, 0 3

g td .0 . d d d .u l .0 . d H 3d 3* agfa 33V fen) w H 3 d i few f e 0 d d3k z d f e e i n g 331* 3a H 3d i H3U3 3 3 + Jfflu‘3 33 f03* S , 0 # M3H3+

3 hhu's faf* ad* u d , srt feu fere* re>g d*3i?

Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

graH 3d: U33'W 3333* 3'M3 fed fHU 3fe»i* 313 13 33'H 1 W3H*3Hl3 d I 03 tTHfe ^'H3 § 3 Mfq3*3tM+ 3) S 3 3d* 3 d t feM>3* 3Wl3 3# 3+ S 3 U3) 3 I 3 M3H3 3*33 d 3d* H3 3t 3*3?'d 3) 33311 I

H a w 3*3i few : fes* 3 3fen f%3 fesr fesrefe 5 U3 feu f e d d 3 3 d fe H 'd 33 f e t H3U3 3H13+ 3 37Pfe*f 3Ud* ' 3 3 S*3 3 3 I 3 l feR d m S d 3 d 3H?1 H333 3 3 3 # ftTH fe e 3 fudS 3*3 3+ 3 d 3 3 ’ M3H3 3 3 d f e 33* 3 d § H d U33*H 33''M 3 3 3*f3M* d d f f e§ m H3UU 3* 3 r3 rfe3 333* 3 # 3+ 0 3 0H 3* 533* foM* 3 fe ?

c ra v e d • h* u fo d d ufaM* t mu M uufe feu 3) fen g is u*qu*3 3 \3 T d fe 3 3 * 3) fug 0 U0 feu f e d f*3*fe3 S f M.*0*0 3 3 3+ 0 H d fe3 - ofMTfegl ora’d tT*d 3 M3 fe? H 3d 0 M33 M33 fe33M*fe3l 33* t 3 '3 3 'd offel 3+3) & I 3 3 3 H 33 H’fag feu f e d 3IS H*# fUM<3 feu f e w f u # 3+333 3 '3 3 'd d 3 l 3'Sgft M3 3 d U*Qe 0 H&Ud B t ' f ' 331 fdA 3'Udfl I

Inadequate supply of Mulberry Wood to the sports Industry id the State

*736. Vaid Om Parkash Datta : Will the Minister of State for Forests be pleased to state whether the Government is aware of the inadequate supply of mulberry wood to the sports- industry in the State ; if so, the steps proposed to be taken to promote the plantation of mulberry trees in the State ?

Sardar Surinder Pal Singh : Yes, Sir. Adequate supply of mulberry wood is not readily available to meet the entire needs of the sports goods industry in the State. 533 hectares of Government forest land have been planted with mulberry during the past five years. Besides, the mulberry plants are available from Government nurseries for plantation by the public. „ „

3 3 0H qoPH 33*: H* HUl33 H*fU3 fe^+ 3* Ug3* 3*33* 3+ fa fe3 f3 3 3 ,feH H'H feu 537 &33M3 UHl3 0hV S, fen faU3l 3gjT § 5 ? UufW3 3 H3+ ^ 3 oft fe3 USfe §3fH3 f§3H33l 3* fHS§ 33 ? 3 d H»?5 3>MH HH3d3 r 33M3 f3Mr3 33T I H* fe3 US31 3T3ET 3+ fef<5S B333 K3I,: d->>P393 3 3 t HU33H f33H33l g'fTSMt 3 f33 gfe 33 ? fe33 MHd 33 0 3 3+3'1 fe<7 Tlfe 33 d 3 3 l 3 # 0 3 3 I 3 t fe3 d l^ g i fe 3- 3»dH* M*offi[3

3 d & d f 3 fduufeg >p h d 3 d 5 d d 3 d 5 ?

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UTH H3dt : HUtUU H'fUU, ftTH 3 3 1 H'SOT H*UU H 'fau 7? 3135 ofM ft

§H 3 3 f HU'35 fUU 3* fH3' SUT f3TM' s f e s fes+ U f3TM'3 U'H3 H* UHU*

fsf H35UUl tFH H'35 fe u SUl* U35fe 15 H'33 fe u fUM'U UUT tf I frTUST

H35uut feu+ s u te ' § u u s ’f s r u u , fen s e t u u u 3 fe u u u ut§hu f e u u t

^ 353r'H TT'^ US I H fu33 U ' UUH3 HU fe u UU1 UUU U* I 3cfU feu §U S

fe u 353T'U H'U 3 f feu 5?H fe u SUt* M 'f U US I 108 UUUMU UHIs f e u U3 HT35

35dT'§*U U 'l UU US 35Uf fet 3tf35tu S HU Utfe UU150 UUUMU UHlS fe u feu

u u h *35 s a c fe ^ f uu^ur i

r u u § h Tjarra 5 ? : h u u 'u iju fu fg iy t u ’ u u ’ hu Auut h s 3* § h u u u


Jjl HUtofU : 3Ht* fesUUHHS f e § S r U35fo fes+ 3* feSUUHHS HU I

UU §H l{UrH 'UU1 : S 'U 1, UfeM'U,' MU UTUU'HUU ftrfSM1 fe u SfUU*

$ foS'U, HUUt 3 foS'U § UUU3 753T'U 3*3 HS I oft- UU u l feH 3 3 1 u t 353Tfe

U S ?

UU? H3UT : fe u 3* UfU35* U'U33t U35 35UTU US fe& 'fo §U S feU 353nfu

S '35 feu UH U Tfe? US HUfel U TpU US I MHT feu HUfSUJi? 30 UH u l U?5fe

3 fUHTH 3 S '35 M 'U t^ UHHti? S U UU UM HUU fes* S UU f tW 3 T U'Ulfe

US 3* UHte U fa § 5 3 ciU Iifu I

HdU'd feuUTO fHUI ; oft HfSHUU H'fcjU M3rutU35UU M§ UTUUlU35UU

Ulu'UUH'UH S UU'feU UUUT fo fen U U U 3U 'H f M'UUMrUU fe35'faMf f e u UHtS

Hi? UU >H3 feH 3 H335of 35U+ § HUS' UU f a § ‘fo feu UUU3 UTfeUHU U I

fUH S 'K 353(1 S, fe3 5 't S M3 fUUHUUt S u t U 'feU' UU3IT I

UU? H3Ut : H fesl S 3T35 oft3t U fe feu UUU3 UTfe HU 5, feu fi?HtUrU+ U'H3 HS'UUl U'feUIR? SUT U I feH 35Ut fUHlU'U feH § SUt* USUT’ U fi?HtU'U+ S HUU feU* ftMI'U' UH fH35 H3fU US I UU MHt* UUl Uof’UU SUT

„ U'#Ur U'UU H §U 353IT§UT U'UU I

Repair of Roads

*769. Sardar Dilbagh Singh : Will the Minister of State for Public Works be pleased to refer to the reply given to Starred Question No. 138 on 5th March, 1986 and be pleased to state whether funds for repair of roads have since been received from the Market Committees concerned and the repair work on the said roads has been taken in hand ?

Starred Questions and Answers (10)5

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Punjab Vidhan Sabha(10)6 [25th M arch, 1987

Hcre'3 feur g^ fero; uf h! i ufaHls s g f nfuu feu 33

fU3t uF>P H35ft 5 ) H3 M3 4 2 .5 5 Htf Ulfe »lfe TO i feS* feu* 27

H3 at § £ h yuT u far»fT ft m§ g ’srl # h^sh t sth u s fuuT 9 i

huutu fesgigi firoi : Frulsru H'fug, w* feu uker g>uuT u+ fsr fees . H’H 5 HTHU S feul 3>tfHUS »Tfe»P Hi >HU feSf £ foOT Hi fsrHUtufeUrft MU tTSfet 3* UHUt H3H3 ST UT I STS* kt §ul UT83 3 I TO* HU US I f tUHt ul fUUMU SUF uel I Ufe»P U^ 3* feu fes°Wfeul uu Ifug* 3sr 3 w ft fu uh H'ufsre sthuTm* s e) feuf 5 fu §u TO' HaftnP fen u H3%5f h* srfu HURf uf fsr H'ufsru srftul s; §g uut suF to>h1 i fesf **" u

• £ 3§ %'s are to i f t fessra suF ge»uM afetnp i ft* hhuht fe fejUl.3qfe?&.ul. S srfaft HSU* H3H3 of3 ' U'fsr fauft Soft ulM* HUfefaU TO UHIM* UUf»P US, S oT* f 3STSfe U UUt ft, fH UP UUl US’ Hfe»ff Ufe 1

URT H3Uf : HU, fes* S fSTU1 ft fe HUSp u t H3H3 SUF UHl, ft* H3U y33'UT oJUW^ap I ft* feu k t UHS’ U'TO’ U+ for fau sr TO'feM' 3H ft § H Suur sru’ur i

Hd«'d fettU'dl fftuf : ft* UgcfT Ufufei Uf for fu t fes* £ feH Ur§H fe g

fe w s fe 3 ' Hi fsr whV n u t srutgr, # 3 t 3 * s u t sru+ar i »raru § h H'ufsru srfrul S MSTUS SuF feMr, Ul.USffe&.Ul. S MSTTO SUF fe>Hr 3* oft H9U3 M^HUt 3 ftR?'U fTOUM'feul o!Ut >HoTTO fsr §S* S feu UH fe§* UuF oft3r >H§ H5Srf Hi fUUMU fsrf ' sul* uul ?


Crfeu HUWS um HSHU’SlW : H' Utffe H 'feg 3 ' USUT U'UH1 U+ for u u l ^ talM f aruesru 3fuHte feu sr'ul H3srf feu»fu ¥ ’H3 tohu u u l^ to uu

^'H § UHT SUf' fwfeMT I feH Hul srl HfSHUU H’fug feH U’H f w ^uur fsr feughH1 Hssrt feu»fu ?*h§ h sh u uuM u s ^ s f s i u l 3* i u l gu»§uai »i§ fe s l %a feu § s + u t huhu sru’f n i ?

UHTHHUf : fHH 33* ufUHt ufHMr f3MT d fe Rfufeu STHUl^ 3+ H 'U -^ sftfear TO3 ^5* HH UHT tyfeap 3+ w ft‘ TOT | *

S -

U#HU IH ^ l HHIh HUTHS : HUlsTU H’fUU, H* UUlu H’feg 3* U e^rfu e l ut fsr Hu u s u arau'Hyu feu f g ush 's usr § fauul nssr to! ft ^ g

# r suF ufel afel »f§ uwuuu suF ifeMT fgp T f^f sruft §g* *usr u* hsst 2 Hulfo»ft g MH uu'u u 3fel i §h grf fesT s sfl >H5rTO fss>Hr ft ? nulsru H'fuu,

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h rI hI h1 fsr feu fcm riflfrfe tl fe rn crro i fn r e e ! » V 3 |.§m

>H3Hl>TO ME §*S*»!E S fEE R3R RE'HI Hi cfl fEE flR tftf.fefe* ’ ilcY; c W fTORM'fEEt f s t § HtP ^E T § * t £ f r e ,H ^ ^ g-ftH ^ ?’ (U'Rr)

Starred Questions and Answers 00)7

f H ^ u g s i s o r a ^ j s ^ f s r f n ^ ^ ^ sfl <*>33 t o ifH £ HE'fqR oT'^iRt oflnj ^ntgfj ,

* : m fe ra * f e a . H* hV hee) r ^ r * t o * ^

? ^ ^ ^ 3* BfEEr d ME 5 - 7 H*TOE UH t £ U-§H f t ?** to , ef) f r i s t f " ? [sIu-HEH'e ; S fH t Stft f t* f t* RH

3 flt * * Rsrer 3 Rt HR HEEt R 'fa* <fcft E * HEIM- ^ | h 1§ ^ 3 oTHf Hfrt'Hcd fotfoTE RE §EBT ? (grH,)

Orel § e e su P »rrfe»rr)

sPHiir h^ th filar. Hu W HTftm> ^ ^ Hg u V d ^ ^

§ ^ 4 - 5 re< 3 w t f § to f a f f e t o * f f r r e * " * E-fcE ft a f t

I ? § ^ ^ H'^W R 3* * 3 'S3 H'* ffe f^ f o t f * * R S * TO f * * E-KE H r* B I f& ? 3ER R f lg t f ^ g g

^ ^ * H'^ d> t t ^ R -tfaS , HEE R ^ , R5TTO 3UV TORRE* r h * @ t ^ TO * s * m to r e § r e , eft ^ s r e a r ^to r*

HE § R * RHET TO* fRB* W * * H^ - t £ § y R?H § f?E R * RR*E RE R f ?

. f * 3'’ H' fog- ^ firasr TOlarn e ^ sgiH,

? ^ yHr f5r feqg TT'^ r 5 ^ t o huI ' t ? ^ , y g ,^He § HS'RRt ^ H6TO Rt g jfe adRR fe g 3l§ to EE § t Rt»|t g H 3 * TO

* $ 51 U,H! g3H Hr d ^ H9TO ifeawfire ^E r eetI retS * TO r e § I * HfeREE r r t r e h e-s I * » rt ^ ^ ? (fe^ ;

fi- ; ^ 3rV gjjgr * @H t s HEcEE RT ftpjf,s f pj« » TO fear , To the Budget Speech you will have theright to talk on this issue also.

* vJTnJtTf T •' *fcB H,fe *' ^ "fe«a>rt>«L Z J - y - V S 3 > m i 5 $ 33t s a , *

^ SflS,* "33’ ®' ™ ^ 5 fM' 31 S"® ^ « #srei 0-*a a &§•*, H33t a md ^ J § R § ^

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(io)8 Punjab Vidhan SabhA [25th M arch , 1987

[asms aafmas faui am3']orfwas sal stfta, fas- fas tul an sal* am Lfaa afeas tt w a s t malml d i hs ast amm fey am?t m a’sa gas w a a sft Hfsaaa H'faa fsrav^' srasai fo fy yfat amrt yf u'ss jta hs's fs>*tm ait a sal* a* fas' fas aft-ras aa asl a'ulal a ?

sTflHaat : aulaa H'faa, fen a spa h* jeam .mam at fa h w f ^ »p§*3 fesr alas as feaT h1—

‘faa tal mH sih tal asa'Hl a ^faa fa l asaf fa afawa § fal .ama t 1 (stht)

aulas H'faa, a sr'Haa mfaa s Haas fern a §h a spa fema as yg h1 fam a<am at ft gaa maW am?t sla flaW sreW as i

fifes 6 a'st a* tel amr star sal* al tlal arel, faa sat gas maW amr* yfa gialMt as, fat* fat* asa wfear »;aV ste aatar i

, a‘v i

Haarg gsafe fAur g'sPnf ; aulas H'fasr, A* afanas a’faa p f e T grger yt fe n^t arel mattfadr Ass uafsa srama femaeAfe (al.>H3 wa.) of® UH am sram fmt at aa Aa atf aa ’fs § al ms ms sh as, sal* am >na fa 3 set from tfHhra 3 fa roa sh- am 5, al fa salm fausl- ^al eraser a+ft £h as el aa= a afe ?

aTa Aaal : ams fea afal aaT faula aa fa§, aurl ast afenp sal*

$ Hufea •. aa’ Masfaa a t ifs*t> ad i msW a*faa, »ram ams faule aa fef i

Hama asate faur mslnr* : mifea a'faa, a* yfew 3 fa watlfesr .-c_gaa Aht aHt asm fern a a®' sal aa aa aa' aa'f e 3 mwe ms ms arH aa sal* am >n§ fen a? sal from falro a fa tl aar ®ht am a, oilHfeaaa H'faa asel aa aa aaa'fsdi Mf faam Holm a al fa s tlfaasVa al ^ ^ aa a at ? ^

mafraal aalaa a'faa, as* aa aaut as fa ’ *;hY tfaa a*af at - far asal f h aa a art i a‘ afast ^ faa' al fa ais s fea aaa1 fm>rt far 6 Hals al fsfwa aal 3 ^a fa t fta tal aaml sal* tlal atat, aa- ^fesrasl aTs °ra aa at i a tal a'SHfsala, faa afat asfeafaaM as, fa x tusla ojatai i

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Starripj Questions and Answers

Survey ,<|fnthc passages crossing the Canals(10)9

*766. Jatheda* Tara SinghAttari : Will the Minister of State for Woj^s,, .be plpsea to, state whether the Government proposes to

conduct, a survey of the passages which pass through the canals forthojrfon ; if so, the time by which it is likely to be

done ?rraum atf fnui ufa (am Hnut, ram ©mat Hfegl feara) :

i fU? HUK ^ wtf unfa sfau © uaum 1 1 afeu § fauu* u s ufew ufew t ©h uW iu u W ?felw afel>nt u s

y UWU SWSvft* HoT§^U IPH cUUt U'S* oTUSf TPS'1 O'ur&f f5a< SfUel, ^fe?>tt U3 S T fU3l fe feUcfe IPH $ u} I Soft & spst

m a H m m si* 0 feu» d i feu 3?rt was* utsft f e 5 § a i w sftrar ifyHdil-; tim«, d-»ft W , ©UUH IPH 111 'f t iur u&- f) ^ a® anasa ul suV srer u t i h* fes* usd ?>hh t s u l sft^t h) w few fe feuUUT fe© U' UT 3»far S5(* § HUH3 U H t ?

a^ib Hdoly hujs, Oh/ jjI w© ufuat feum : nulsra Fpfua, H 'uaH ’fuu

s v g ^ ’a: Hi st u m s f u ^ sirt flam u <i f re t * uul nufafeuyw y a feu* fl i feu ©h u ra fe u t © © ^ u sfel s run u few >mu >Haiuuad hu© u© u* H3u fewtai i

* 8 ^ srgt^fHui : uu teu Fpfesr, h* Mai feu © t o u few © »fe fo r

fuww 5 fe u te Hfoasa jpfeu © U33u feu few u u r u i h‘ 3t g Hutfew 3 ‘ fey fey t © feu* Ut |

amHHat :,feu fe$t ^ ^uai g w s t , U3T ora feutuiftre© i

fa-re urn? ^ jf. 7gg

ftHUS feu Utua Sf UU urns feu Hur® UH SUt*UfeW )

10 |-2 System of Education in Government Girls Higher Secondary School,Bhawanigarh !

*783, Sardar Ranjit Singh Balian : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to. state ;—

(a) Whether it is a fact that in the Government Girls Higher Secon­dary School Bhawanigarh 10+2 system of education has been introduce^;

(b) whether it is also a fact that Science faculty has not beenintroduced in the said school ; if so, the time by which it is likely to be introduced ?

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Fjgtrg UH fifui H€HTtT3T (HfUcfTcf3T H33t) : ( f ) 3* tit I

(>tf) 3* ift I RH* f3R33 753l‘ °fl3* 3* R33* IHg^ig g ^ n fH U f R'Wfe' : RUlaT3 R'f3H,. 3 'f33 Rt*33t R^H U fa#

ut R B fro* u , art sH lH rnitti f e f § A t <fi3& fa f t jpfsH arau 3w et

3 *b aft3* 3<f ? '

HfUoPUH' H33t : R tfa3 R’f3R, feR H*3 RH* fepfeH S3t‘ 0^3* W HoTtd' I

§ g RTf§R 3* HSt R 33*3 33V t I 3 3 3 f t H'f§H RTOfeR TO3I 3* W 3*3*

3'fer* I

tracer ffry sfetM* : m fcra R*fuR, f t 3 'feg Ht*33t h^ b

UfOTjt gH fegr ^ | fgg §15*20,20 Afe § 33t HTf3H R3B t I - f t - # * *

S53Sft>tf* § R'fgR gftfU 3'R§ 5f'el 3cfefa 3 3 t 5 I oft H3cit At cfafe ftJW'f <£dl

for f t H'f#H 3rtu3c[3 3*B afte* 3>feF ?

H33t : HUlofg R'fgR, f t fesr H3? oTH l t if t Rl, §H 3331 3 t fa f3 3

0 f<? RtfgR 3* f t 33 l R33*3 33V 3 I f t 14 R3i*3R TO 3H H’fSH 3 M§ 25 gHfo?! # I A* 3* Ul fa3* Rl f a t R33*3R 33^[ 3 f f t H*fSH 3t»f* 5TS*H*

H3 cftAtM* tT'^aiW I

HHTTO HTO SR5 : Riitafg H'ftjR, A’ *?3t3 RTfag 3* f33 Ug3» 3*33* 3* fa 3*3 RB<3 3 ' fH33*90 fafeHt33 3* tttM * ?l §H § f ? 3 10+2 3* 33tH3.S 33 t‘ 5 ; aft fH §3t§ § f3R R3lH 3 3 feM*3* tT*£3T* ?

H33t : f33 HM’S ?tf3* fe y 3 § 3 R3*H § f3M*3i I

ijt HUtsra : H*R33 At, 3Rl* M*US* 533* P B § fe § I

R33*3 feg irsfR ur : mftarg Rfftjg, h* fug f s s * 3*331 3* far 10 + 2

§ MR fa?> R 33 TO fas* f%3 R*f§R RR333 3* fS3H*H 33t* 3 Rfa*t* i M3I3

of 3t 3*3* fTO* U*R S 3* 3H ^ ?

tjl Rlitara : R33*3 faraU'B' fRUf 3ft, 3Rt* 3» U3*§ feqTfSoT 3 M3I3 feR

Rtf t3 t RM*<5 »ff§3It 3* 3t rP?*R 30*1 I

R33*3 fargu*s fRM : A‘ U3*3T fe q 'fe r 3* 3* 3l f s fe P 3* I fS33»3»

3 f fH5> 3B 33* 3*3l3* 3 I ; .

rQ Rttsra : 33 t s 33l H3 3l3* MaTRUarfeS 33 t‘ 33t»P I H33t tft M3T3

RSt f e g s St 3 t § f3 § I

(10)10 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

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H3cfl : U'feu HUB 105 US M3 35 fed 10+2 UB fdU* th 168oFHtT* fed 10+2 fed d fefH Ufe* falM* 5 I 118 3?aiS'UtUS HUB* fedfeU Ufer foptfr § | HTfdH UB'H* d T Udt ?d d ’ ? '? ' feH #B SUl' U, feu PM'B

V it* tf?*3 $ feV Hfeaif I

Industry in Tehsil Pathankot

*750. Shri Raghu Nath Sahai Puri : Will the Minister for Finance be pleased to state whether there is any proposal to set up any type of new Industry in Pathankot Tehsil, if so, the details thereof ?

f$ um 3U13* ( s ’** W3ut, fe u s § uuanu) : SuV tft I

1$ 3W 3*3 HUfe UUl: HdToTd H'fod, HfsHSd H'fUH S feu* 5 ‘s u ftft i’ orVfeu suf, s ‘u*’ feu uus u7 ufsra ctusdi ?

3*?TH33t feU3 § 3U3!*U: HdloTU H 'faa f a HdSt'dl MU'BM Sf^utrs1 SU? Bdhfew W HUd* foTf'fot faU3tM* 33733* U s f u feB*d*

UUhrtf SU? sraur l ft*U37 S # d'fBFfl U 'fesfe HfsHUU H'fad 3 u sM s* ffe offel tl, fH H3*feof 25 % HUiffgl fessH?d7 3 fHB37 5 I feu fo?H iHS- 3H3U7>HB U*fH S 'B SB 33 B<5 fed F HdcTd §37 B s'3l STd HUUl u ia ft f u h u b s* f id i t t

qj WJ3T3 HUfe d d t: HdToIU H'fad, feu ScPS33 3 [Uh7b d, M3I3 f t ; w njst fessHUdt Bdrufe 3* cfl U'bfi \T^.g -( - 'W fe w u 1 fe*hfe3 f t fe37

Uftart ? (feuis)

um H 3ui : su ? 3 ‘btl T s 'H 1 f e w f e e fen] U 'tafl, sfT fe>i*i3* HUt, iftrfBUfe 3* U3 *?t tHB HUdfe' US '

3*333 HUS B*B: Hu7c*3 fefUH, H' edld H*fUd S dgs* dfed* U* fota l HdSTd fee* oTHdl 33* t fj* fe s fe 3* TTdt 33*3317 f3U37 t d fa eft$33337 B31 Hotel t 3* sul" ?

■ ■*' UdtWHdf: HUteTd H'feU, HR H3*3 S Hd 3d § u7 25 Ut Hd7 Hdfifet^ f t 333*3 £ HSF3 offel d I

Starred Questions and Answers (10)11

Flyover Bridge at Jalandhar

*737. Vaid Om Parkash Datta : Will the Minister of State for Public Works be pleased to state whether the Government proposes to Construct a flyover bridge at Jalandhar ; if so, the time by which the Construction work of the said bridge is likely to commence ?

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# e §H ijym Hiflsra H'fbH, STO afetH H* U37 y ^ y Is*ya afetH at fey ywray afa»y at ua'S ya’ yyfe fafeM7 ah »ty ^t' fy yt yam fefw A! h" fey yfys7 yfea7 g»t yiitygyifaH, fyAfeatyfeym § wu f as7 yyte7 A, say yfefe7 aayy fyys t amto7 yy, fefeyaat at feasuA'a er fey) 5, yfel ffeayaat to aattt, f « yuaaa ffeaaaat d, ym- a<3 yy, % tay afafete atea th A1 Asat y'faa yfey aa yjmay7 yaten fy H' fey Hfy&at Afe Heat yfea y say fsfw at/ fa t aoy'fe fefeT7 - yt feyraa ateart mityy a7faa ?

(10)12 Punjab Vidhan Sabha {25th March, 1987

Haam a f y a a fau| qroteTO : suV a t I

at autya: 3H? fa f yya'aa aVfa faf t

ta fH ijym to 1: H' f y 7 y say fsfW nt fy am fey ye' fe3- yfe7 yyyf as yyfe7 ay, ysua fey Haarost yyf feytH tstey^faf t fa 7 y fyy7 at fy yyfaaa sffe; wtain f y* 3 Ha! iwsttay § fey’a 'yfe' at i fa § ' a>e y1 aiitya yfea y fyyl iyt at i f if teyfe’Wya'fe'fay . a tet tow s7 a fan y fey 5'fy»f7 nt fy feyyaat 5 1 a7u feyiyya a7 few ’• yfe ya few fyau» yat fey hh y at fyy salt ’ism 7'‘9&?m7t (ilSi&fe • - ?> yy' yaa yaw7 5, as# fe yaa yaw fe, snauaaw ?> afw~Hfeas7 fe, 3ari fan toh yaw M'fs7 ft i A' ^yaw yater7 fy us»y awfa7 wate7 th

al autya: wsfefs yfea, fa at ?> yyyay uaara yt3« d \ 'Q??f ?> fyax a fy ihT ysua >H'§, § y t § H»i'feyT y a i 3Hf h7 3RHf a yfaft, fey sat yaa ysua yt i

yt §h ijy'Hiua7: yutya n fea, h£ sa^i afet1 ^yta yffey f vs^’ eayf a7 fy yfi ate Hfyyaa yfea ^ fy af?M7al'Jte3 afy>H7.d, fa fey 1 1 ya fy y ya yy? afen71 yt fey fysai-fy ye1- -3y fa tw na ; yaaf fea7 ytear7 ? • >

aar H3at: yytya yfoa, h1 aysf -afee7 yrfy^fea wfoa $ # * $ »!* yiaHfealy yHusta a arat 7 ay, fea hh na ya?7> aa a» i /

nt aayry am yaa, *te#ya: »fe Hal a afe ay, y?y ahM7 t ate Hfyyaa yfya y i yt afetn aro§ fy ya' W ryw as a#at7 ?

am H3at: h' Sana feyaaAyy f faa» a71 -as'etfaa fey’ asy7 ii at as# sfety §0h7 fya37Rt fa as# fffspf ^ io ^ ^ s 7 -yt, fyas7 so% sys ateta ^ f s 7 yt, yettem sys ateta fai y^t4

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^ H^RTm* 3 T 3 H t 3 ' RfeHtf ?(S'<3t 33? M1 H'of gl fetf b tut S 3 3 R fe 3 IfuSS RH‘ 'fe e w l cT 3 ?£ h 3feMr 5 I fe'of Rcfeug 31 US HotHS 3 3 f5 3 >

> ' ^ f y s ?1 Ho[HS ^«Sf tt I fee 33t ^ S ^ iS T-^3ofU3 Rt ftT33T

li ?5 ^ fen 3 l 3 8 3 3 ^*H§ 33l 5 , fen s t R3# ^iR§ feU133Hi3 3fsu fefe 9 1 fen 33* 33 srel fe tsu A 'e 5 s h huotu 3 3 33I 5 1

•Appointment of a Committee-to prepare report/Memorandum forsubmission to Sarkaria Commission

f , 7 94* Sardar Karnail Singh Doad : Will the Chief Minister bepleased to state :—

(a) whether the Government has constituted any Committee to prepare a Report/Memorandum for submission to the Sarkaria Commission ;

(b) if the reply to part (a) above be in the affirmative ; whether thesaid Committee has prepared the report/Memorandum, ifso, a copy thereof be laid on the Table of the House ?

Sardar Surjit Singh Barnala : (a) Yes, Sir.

(b) A copy of the Report Submitted by the Committee is *laid on the Table of the House.

Starred Questions and Answers (10)13

335H fHUI 33T; Rufe3 R^JR, 3 i3 ?3 -8 :33'73 HHSt 3I STSTI 8.1 8.2 MSR«3 M53U3 Rtfog gRfe&HS R33'3)m> offHHS § 333

d fe w d 1 fen s i oTS'3 8.1 m 3 8.2 f e e fen 3 3 + 5

.,u.8 Shiromani Akali Dal states that the Anandpur Sahib Resolution is entirely T hl i ¥ fS me work, of the Indian Constitution that it attempts to define the concept ot Centre-State relations in a manner which may bring out the true federal

° f* our Um'tary Constitution ; and that the purpose of the Resolution is to provide greater autonomy to the State with a view to strengthening the unity and integrity of the country ; since unity in diversity forms the corner-stone of our nation-

n,!th8J? tIn c.Kw «ft.he- above> *he Anandpur Sahib Resolution in so far as it deals with Centre-State Relations stands referred to the Sarkaria Commission.

$ m ftera: hr? r^ 'S u i 1

oTTO® feui 3 3 : feg SRfe§R3 333 3feM‘ f) M3 r HHo3H^ §.tT£r S ctffR fe e M&RU3 Rifog 3Rfo§H3, fRR Rt 33^fcei STH3t

% ^ 3 H 3 W H33t UR 33, fe e 3 9 3 3>RR) faR>$ Rt y>U3l HUl 83 ? r }mt

3 ife fe U3UR 3 3 M3 of) fee HH33H R3o03 3 MU33 33f33* 5 ’ M3 R33'3lM' 3 33 f33« & ?

♦Placed in the Library.

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H33l : nul'oTd H'feH, HHOUH feWE a fe w 3 I fen H'WtfofH'H 200 Cn 31 9 1 fen a '§ n 31 e h s § au fn s t 3 i H'Ha n 'fnn a Hbff 3, fen a uiy s s , n fe n ( s s s i H fna n*s fen E 'E las hu fen

a n Tan 3 w ta n n a a 1 3 wa fen n a y a lw n fen a s s n 'S 1 3 1

(10)14 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

vragg crass feui 33 -. h" aa3l nann fn nl nann ^naau 3 fen 3T« se! fn n n'nnl fan'3 31 ua3l snl fan sfe fen anfsQna 3 wnn |V fe n fs fe w 3 f a ...... |

“fen at" ifcrs 3 3h >n3 an nfotf fegf^g e * w s 3ns 3n y••§ feifa, qtnl H'Hfsw, n n , 3’a § as# »i3 aaril 3Hfaa- jfe>Hf 'iin nlHn at, 3 a 31 nfe Hfnan ufa>n 3 wun >nfuyn " jfefen u n__ ” (feuia) ^

n naa>a fen he! anasu 3 >3a n fen ais 3lua3faa fen hh5¥h fen an? 3 3 * aTnaaia »pus hhcT h fen antin' aaaft n fn fen a>nnt fon'3 31 unal se! nan) na ?« «s

Anal: fen hh33h hhsI w s ) eh ns1 tl naans'! ifaw nr fanr 3 3 waEua n’fen anfs3na eW snfEhn he* inarm 5 1

(At this stage many members wanted to raise supplementaries)

Mr. Speaker: Mr. Dhindsa may put his supplementary.

Hdn'd nu3a feui Efferr: nulaa n'fnu, vf nte Hfanna n'fan w n'EaT nfenf fe fn »rfe»n >HSEua nfen et anfs&na nfe e t n'a* nanfefen nfena a 3 f33r 3 ? fea* 3 aife) he> t fauna fswEl 3 ’an fen nn* tt ' HREJf 3 1 tyaEug H'fen Er anfs3na fen nra fnnn3ra fen wa nanr Ef fenT nfe»n 3fa>tfr 3 1 fen 31 fauna 3 n>§n fen uia fen ui?p nfnn 33l n'nl3l 3 1

w/yn Hnal: nntnn nrf3n, fen feunn n^s »tnf nfet&B'Efa anf nM 3 1 fen e! fauna 3 nfen he! nnl araffen anT 3 1 fen §3 fennna ufns nnfan fen ntafl >h3 §n 3" n>E fen ai75 n nnnl 3 1

HdETa fnatn® fnui: nulnn n'fnn, fen »i'aEyn ntfen 3 anfe^na ja nanfet f nfena ns fns nan'n 3 it utte nan>n 3 tfn»iT nlw in Mnn l es u>nnl 3 tfn>MT ril ? !

Jw H3nl: nulnn n>fnn. fen »in'nn 3 wn'fen feE eT nnn'n 3 nannk ’ rfena ns ana nfer n! ^3 un^Hfe fen Efem' faw Hi fn nnn'n 3 ann nls» 3 1

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51959 : HUl'cTd RifUR, Bfe h'feHUB TPRy B fqyfvnT 9 fe feu feuuu fetfam yfe d l u fen b feu fy u s tfe u ^ unt ofu afel 3 few § HUcfu ?> u>s uy> oTdo' 9 ?

f«3 WHcrt ; HutsraH'fay, feu fauuu fe?>miKfe buI1 d u u u >h feu 3

35feu feu fewQ^i t w§ uHf?ra ul HfeHBt ?;ik fen tlfeu >H3fes 9 >HH feu sfefest UU >H3fe?J ofM thst 3 I

J|! R lfe u . Ufe HfbTfUU H'fUR y ' U31 oTSfefU UU'R u s B1 U'U 3 u)RtFB R'Bft u fe 75U*1 TT^I 9 I

Starred Questions and Answers (iO)l$

RU^fU R lf§^ few Ufe?Rr : HUfeu H'fUH, ofefftU fe e R 'S B 1 ufeH'

fee feuuu el fe'Butl U'§h fee1 cfei efei few 33* B'yeu hTuu £fbfu> d fW iVcfu yul feH e fee owl 9 3* Qh 03 U'§h feHuw uu ras' 3 wu §h u1 R’e fee § sfefou fee fowfet 1

^ Hy H 3fe: RyfeuRtfeR, fe e § ut§ h fe g u fu s ferran But1 oifei tp

Rofe* I feu araftfe W B'^Hfe 3 W§ feH B^H fe § uiuftfe 31 orfHHB §H i e e l 5 1

Mr. Speaker : Next Question, Sardar Dilbagh Singh.I

Shri Brij Bhushan Mehra : The Report is on the Table of the House. It can be discussed.

Mr. Speaker : Please take your seat. fOT sfe d ue ft1 £e?HU ywHes s t o w s ye few 9 1

Financial Assistance front the Central Government

*771. Sardar Dilbagh Singh : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state whether the Punjab State Agriculture Marketing Board received toy financial assistance from the Central Government for making water supply and sanitary arrangements in Depalpur Mandi (Nawanshahar) ; if so ; whether the said amount has been utilised for the purpose for which it was received ; if not, the time by which that is likely to be utilised ?

Sardar Surinder Pal Singh (Minister Conservation) : (A) Yes ,

of State for Forests and Soil

During the year 1984-85 the Punjab State Agricultural Marketing fBoard received a sum of Rs. 1.00 lacs as 1st Instalment of Central Assistance

from Government of India through the Punjab Government for making water supply and sanitary arrangements at Depalpur Rural Market of Market Committee, Nawanshahar. On the request of Market Committee, Nawanshahar, and with the approval of Government of India, this amount has been spent on the construction of auction platform instead of water supply and sanitary arrangements, as the auction platform was required immedia­tely to save the grains from quality damage which could be caused from Katcha floors.

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fe S S ’ai fHUI: Wt'cra H'faS, 27 e35Tdl, 1985,1 27 f o W $

fesi $ 1.9 gfaw ^'rd *3 ratee! t set m . . w nVcrdfae w*fs^hur ^ grgf I g s 3H? iiN S f 1985, 1986 >H§ 1987 t? 3 H3t$- ^t a fe

§ Hfgs feg § i fea sa e fw are ae t ns as? ee 33^1 f i §g tg tw 3 4 S 3 V¥t 33 ^3 3" w f 33 I -«Ht J ^set vpet eTysa »i3 esteet e» yea Hoeeaet et,§a.feiT s^r set fee qagt rit ue fes» S §a as ae> te l 33 re fa nfes et...see n§ u i H3I 5ft fee1 fa §tf set unst *3 Hsteft e< faee>H aes s-et fe>H;o

U3 »fe ueT w rffe ere a33 sel fewe 33 ?

(jO)i<5 Punjab Vidhan Sasha [25th M arch, 1987

am fleet, ea rcre § sift a faw •. eu tae often, fe 3 j 3 w o e r e > s ^

re a 3 earl eaj eHfw 3t33f 3 i fee et fee>ee ftrdfne wefesftw3fe e l et~ H SW 1 H3l5Td3 8 3 3 3 H3t33t »fa ^ 3 3 3 3 tt'§ 0>3 U S 3~

gT3H asifgr eeet fh fee H>3fae aflel elfoaniee § eiefwe we fast**1

£ as’f s el fee>ee feel el i

Hee>3 f e s w f r i u i . eu taa e 'fe n , fe s ; ?> eaeftew ft fa »ml ntafife

w a fe s ftw fe re re s e t t i H3» e u s lfre e l fe e et fe ed * aw fa e -

fsTH 3 u fe s fe e t w taft e s a s w w et e m et am § e t .re m aee» i fe^T f^ g 1 5(1 fleet e l e e e e r fa fe e s ' r e s t 3 § fa e e t e te e te s f

Sf3 33 3 3 ?

grg H 33t: OUtae 0 *3 3 , fe e nflot M A e W3 lfe >0 S M H e

>ht? feslw e4 yanssrl sel t i

H3 ^ »3 f e s w : eu lae often, e s 1 a ta f e i 1 f ^ t «ifaHl»i3

fe e l 3is i 3 3 3 H* 3 e^ fa u-et e l e y s -e l § i a t fan efa vfaet. e l

e n s § ?

a»e H33l : eulsra e ie e , H<3 fae anet 3 ^ ef33 ^ e a e fa e ( 5 ,

# o t a e et fee* t 1

s"9-47 | (fee *e^ sD faeetnetaa 3 yq<33tl ^t «3rft ee’Sli)n t e I v

e a e fa fw « •• nftea, fen a>3 fe a .H fa e ^ ^ f a ^ - f t

fa fa t let pfti (fauis) feifat eul5f3 e'fee, fen 3ra sa» f fe»i^a>fee»sfgi ^ 1 oft A3^t tft fen e» e a fa ?

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vfea!: FTUtera H1 H;3H R'fog 3 H?'H Hr tT^g 3 fggr 5 I. S 'g fgg Effcra ?> i5 g t feg H'gfctfegr sg g £ h(§ fagi i

im 'g srafite 3 ^raffe ^ f ^ l t e crdfew i f r , feuef nuteg n>fgg(' f e s i M3 H0K3 ? 'H § BHS' g t fa u , ^ g , ^ g g

tTH1 UR MT§ 3 3 i !

Starred Questions and A nswers (10)17

Acquisition of land for Ropar Thermal Plant

to state— Tara Si“8h 5 WiH the Chief Minister be pleased

(a) the names of the farmers whose lands were acquired for theRopar Thermal Plant.

(b) whether any assurance was given that a Member each fromthe families of the said farmers would be provided jobs in the Thermal Plant, if so, the details of the persons who have been provided jobs under the said assurance ?

U<?t fHUf titer (g fa Hgg}, RSTfa fR fa j § Hfcgj .

(®) W # f e r g fgrggj gj *g} fafa gjMtM’UH citelMt gjgtefr RS, M5sar 1 grgt R-gg g} ng §r MI 3 i

(*) 7S5ft* itf I 3f lf3HUgi MOTrg § ftfs* gfaftSHte* u an jg c f e V grg|Mt Ug, fe g gggt ^

^ fcW 'S g f w fSMT d I MS83I 3 grgj* g g g

Htl § 0t/} diyl Hg} MSRrg i 03 MfrlU teMofgi»ir & 3 3 3 } M 3} w io f} 3 i


Village-wise break up of number of persons whose land was Acquired for Ropar Thermal Project

Serial • Name of village No. No. of


-1 - - Sirsa Nangal

— -2a Majri

3. feet bala4. Auspuf

3. Awankdt

- 27


.. 20

* * 8874

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(10)18 P u n ja b Viehan SaeHa [25th M a rc h , 1 9 ^

[Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development] _____


Name of village No. o f Persons

6 Turaf

7. Chakdera

8. Dorburji

9. Rattanpura

10. Nuhon

11. Ghanauli

12. Sadabart

13. Rhuaspura

14. Mianpur

15. Tapal Majro

16. Malikpur

17. Bilawalpuf

18. Chandpur

19. Ahmedpur

20. Alipur

21. Raval Majri

22. Rasualpura

23. Chotti Raillon

24. Paprala

■ 1-

Total 2,397


Name of persons whose land was acquired and who were employed for R.T.P. Const. Works

Serial Names of persons whose land was No. acquired

(a) Employment offered io with designation

(b) His father’s name

(c) Relation with land owner.

Ghanauli Village


1. Saritokh Singh

Sarvshri* * (a) Santosh Singh, W/C, U.S.W.

(b) Ganga Singh(c) Self.

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Starred Questions and Answers (10)19

1 2 3

2. Bir Singh .. (a) Jaswant Singh, W/C,U.S.W,(b) Ranjit Singh.(c) Grand-son.

3. Sarwan Singh .. (a) Sarwan Singh, W/C.(b) Tulsi Singh(c) Self.

4. Smt. Mehtab Kaur .. (a) Shadi Singh, W/C Driver.(b) Lachman Singh.(c) Son.

5. Mastan Singh .. (a) Surjit Singh, W/C Driver.(b) Gurdial Singh.(c) Grandson.

6. Gurdas Singh .. (a) Avtar Singh, S S.A. (Regular).(b) Gurdas Singh.(c) Son.

7. Santokh Singh . . (a) Mohan Singh, W/C S. Helper. > (b) Santokh Singh

(c) Son.

8, Mangal Ram .. (a) Sh. Dharamvir ,W/C U.S.W.(b) Niranjan Singh,(c) Grand son.

9. Sardul Singh .. (a) Sardul Singh, W/C Driver, (c) Rattan Singh,(c) Self.

10. Amar Singh .. (a) Mohinder Singh, Peon.(b) Amar Singh,(c) Son.

11. Kartar Singh .. (a) Sewa Singh, Regular Driver,(b) Kartar Singh,(c) Self.

12. Teja Singh .. (a) Teja Singh Peon (Reg.)(b) MangatRam,(c) Son.

13. Bhawan Singhl .. (a) Chanan Singh, Regular Driver,(b) Bhawan Singh,(c) Son.

14. Mohinder Singh . (a) Karnail Singh, Skilled (W/C).(b) Mohinder Singh,(c) Son.

15. Mangal Singh .. (a) Asra Ram, Skilled (W/C.)(b) Mangal Singh.(c) Son.

16. Balwant Singh .. (a) Balwant Singh, W/C S.W.(b) Ralla Singh,(c) Self.

17. Mohinder Singh .. (a) Balwinder Singh, S.W. (W/C),(b) Manohar Singh.(c) Son.

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[Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development]

(10)20 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

1 2 3 4

18. Kapoor Singh .. (a) Sohan Singh, W/C S.W.(b) Kapoor Singh.(c) Son.

19. Balbir Singh .. (a) Gurdev Singh, W/C, S.W.(b) Surat Singh,(c) Nephew.

20. Inder Singh .. (a) Jagdish Singh, S.W. (D/W). .(b) Arjun Singh.(c) Grandson.

21. Hari Singh .. (a) Balbir Singh , Driver (D/W.)(b) Hari Singh.(c) Son.

22. Gurdev Singh .. (a) Miss. Jaswinder Kaur, Teacher (D/W).

(b) Gurdev Singh.(c) Daughter.

Rattanpura Village

23. Sukha Singh (a) Udham Singh, D/W Driver.(b) Sukha Singh.(c) Son.

24. Atma Singh .. (a) Gian Singh, Driver (W/C).(b) Atma Singh.(c) Son.

25. Bachan Singh (a) Harjeet Singh Driver, /R.(b) Bachan Singh.(c) Son.

Derurji Village :

26. Jit Singh .. (a) Prem Singh, Peon (Regular)(b) Tulsi Singh.(c) Nephew.

Majri Village

27. Gurbax Singh .. (a) Kaka Singh S.W. (W/C).(b) Gurbax Singh(c) Son.

28. Madan Singh .. (a) Madan Singh, U.S.H. (W/C).(b) Parma Singh.(c) Self.

Chak Dhera Village \

29. Teja Singh .. (a) Harjap Singh, S*H. (W/C)i(b) Teja Singh.(c) Son.

30. Sucha Singh .. (a) Lakhbir Singh, S.H. (W/C),(b) Sucha Singh.(c) Son.

........ •■•j. •' .«...




> *


'> ji

£ 1

>o’'■ i

f 7

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Starred Questions and Answers (10)21

2 3 4


Chandpur (Dakala) Village

31. Amar Singh .. (a) Gurcharan Singh, Driver (D/W).(b) Amar Singh.(c) Son.

Malikpur Village

^4 32. Pritam Singh .. (a) Maniit Singh, (W/C.) S.W.(b) Pritam Singh.(c) Son.

33. Inder Singh .. (a) Gurnam Singh, W/C, S W.(b) Inder Singh.(c) Son.

Niihon Village '

34. Naranjan Singh .. (a) Santokh Singh, Driver (W/C).(b) Naranjan Singh.(c) Son.

Awankot Village

35. Teja Singh .. (a) Pritam Singh, S.W. (D/W).(b) Teja Singh.(c) Son.

Nangal Sirsa, Village

36. Jarnail Singh .. (a) Darshan Singh, W/C T. Mate.(b) Jarnail Singh.(c) Son.

37. Jarnail Singh .. (a) Sawaran Singh, W/C, T. Mate.(b) Jarnail Singh.(c) Son.

38* Particulars not supplied by the Employees .. (a) Amar Singh, W.C. Lab. Attdt.

(b) Chuhar Singh.(c) ..

39. Do .. (a) Suraj Mai, W.C. Beldar.(b) Atma Ram.(c) ..

40. Do (a) Kharak Singh, U.S. Worker.(b) Bachan Singh.

^ Asspur Village

^ 41. Avtar Singh

42. Babu Ram

(c) ..

.. (a) Avtar Singh, U.S. Worker (D/W)(b) Sunder Singh.(c) Self.

.. (a) Krishan Singh, D/W U.S.W.,(b) Babu Ram.

42. Babu Ram

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(10)22 P unjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

[Minister, of State for Housing and Urban Development]

1 2 3 4

43. Bhagat Ram .. (a) Karamjit Singh, D/W, U.S.W.(b) Bhagat Ram*(c) Son

papr ila Village

44. Hardial Singh .. (a) Hardial Singh, W/C, Fitter.(b) Amar Singh.(c) Self.(t

45. Assa Singh ~ .. (a) Miss. Amarjit Kaur, Contingency basis.

(b) Ajaib Singh. * - e(c) Grand-daughter.

Name of persons whose land was acquired and who were employed for R.T.P. Works under Chief Engineer/Kop., /Mtc.

Sr. Name of persons whose land wasNo. acquired

1 2 3


.. (a) Didar Singh, U.S.W., /D.W.(b) Shadi Ram.(c) Son.

.. (a) Trilochan Singh, S.W./D.W.(b) Kulvir Singh.(c) Son.

. . (a) Lekh Ram, U.S.W./W.C.(b) Jethu Ram.(c) Self.

.. (a) Kaka Singh, Sweeper/D.W.(b) Arjan Singh.(c) Son. ^

.. (a) Nirmal Singh, U.S.W./W.C.(b) Sita Ram,(c) Son.

.. (a) Hardev Singh, U.S.W../D.W.(b) Jithu Ram,(c) Self.

. . (a) Mewa Singh, S.W./W.C.(b) Kartar Singh,(c) Son.

Village Ghanauli


1. Shadi Ram son of Smt. Rali

2. Kulvir Singh

3. Lekh Ram

4. Arjan Singh

5. Sita Ram

- . 56. Hardev Singh

7. Kartar Singh

(a) Employment offered to with designation.

(b) His father’s name(c) Relation with land owner

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Starred Questions and Answers (10)23

1 2 3

8. Gurdial Singh .. (a) Prem Singh, S.W./W.C.(b) Gurdial Singh,(c) Son.

9- Parkash Singh .. (a) Parkash Singh, S.W./W.C.(b) Tara Singh,(c) Self.

10. Jaswant Singh .. (a) Jaswant Singh, S.W./W.C.(b) Mashook,(c) Self.

11. Waryam Singh .. (a) Waryam Singh, S.W./W.C.(b) Baru Ram,(c) Self.

12. Inder Singh .. (a) Kuljit Singh, S.W./DriverD.W.(b) Inder Singh,(c) Son.

13. Inder Singh .. (a) Kamaljit Singh, S.W./D.W.(b) Inder Singh,(c) Son.

14. Gurcharan Singh .. (a) Surjit Kaur, Sweeper, D.W.(b) Wife of Gurcharan Singh,(c) Wife.

15. Tek Chand .. (a) Tek Chand, Fitter, D.W.(b) Mansa Ram,(c) Self.

16. Arjan Singh .. (a) Balbir Singh, U.S.W/D.W.(b) Arjan Singh,(c) Son.

17. Parkash Singh .. (a) Narinder Kumar, Fitter/W.C.(b) Parkash Singh,(c) Son.

18. Puran Singh .. (a) Ajit Singh, W/C.(b) Puran Singh,(c) Son, ,

Village Daburji

19. Faquiria . * (a) Jaspal Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Piara Singh.(c) Grand-son.

2o. Faquiria .» (a) Gurmit Singh, U.S.W./D.W,(b) Balwant Singh,(c) Grand-son.

21. Nirmal Singh *. (a) Santokh Singh, U.S.W./D.W*(b) Nirmal Singh,(c) Son.

22. Kabul Singh * * (a) Kashmir Singh, U.S.W./D.W*(b) Kabul Singh,(c) Son.

23. Uatdhafaii Singh ,. (a) Dalbir Singh, S.W/.D.W* " (b) Harcharan Singh,(c) Son.

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(10)24 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch , 1987

[M in is te r of State for Housing and Urban Development]

1 2 3

24. Dayal Singh .. (a) Dayal Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Uttam Singh,(c) Self.

25. Karnail Singh .. (a) Baldev Singh. U.S.W./D.W.(b) Karnail Singh,(c) Son.

26. Sultan Singh . . (a) Piara Singh, U.S.W./W.C.(b) Sultan Singh,(c) Son. '

27. Ujjagar Singh .. (a) Kuldip Singh U.S.W./D.W.(b) Ujjagar Singh,(c) Son.

28. Charan Singh .. (a) Karnail Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Charan Singb,(c) Son.

29. Khem Chand .. (a) Gurmukh Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Khem Singh.(c) Son.

30. Nirmal Singh .. (a) Nirmal Singh, S.W./D.W.(b) Hari Singh,(c) Self.

31. Balbir Singh .. (a) Balbir Singh/S.W./W.C.(b) Ram Chand,(c) Self.

32. Pritara Singh .. (a) Gurdial Singh, S.W./W.C.(b) Pritam Singh,(c) Son.

33. Niranjan Singh .. (a) Jasbir Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Niranjan Singh,(c) Son.'

Village Malikpur

34. Surjan Singh .. (a) Rajinder Singh, S.W./D.W.(b) Surjan Singh,(c) Son. ^

35. Balwant Singh .. (a) Paramjit Singh, S.W./D.W.(b) Balwant Singh,(c) Son.

36. Inder Singh

37. Bishan Singh

33. Jagat Singh

.. (a) Sohan Lai, S.W./W.C. ,(b) Inder Singh, - -Hi(c) Son. '

.. (a) Amrik Singh, Carpenter W.C.(b) Bishan Singh,(c) Son.

.. (a) Surjit Singh, U.S.W./D.W,(b) Jagat Singh,(c) Son.

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Starred Questions and Answers (10)25

l 2 3

Village Chandpur.

^ 39. Mansa Ram .. (a) Man Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Mansa Ram,(c) Son.

40. Mansa Ram .. (a) Ajmer Singh, S.W./D.W.(b) Bakhtawar Singh,(c) Son.


Didar Singh .. (a) Manjit Singh, U.S.W./W.C.(b) Didar Singh(c) Son.

42. Gurbachan Singh .. (a) Lai Singh S.W./D.W.(b) Gurbachan Singh,(c) Son.

43. Dayal Singh .. (a) Salwinder Singh, U.S.W.D.W.(b) Dayal Singh,(c) Son.

44. Smt. Dhan Kaur W/o Hakam Singh

^ Village Nuhon

.. (a) Kulwinder Singh, Pharmacist/D.(b) Hakam Singh,(c) Son.

45. Surjit Singh .. (a) Surjit Singh, U.S.W./W.C.(b) Jaimal Singh,(c) Self.

46. Atma Singh .. (a) Atma Singh, U.S.W./W.C.(b) Jaimal Singh,(c) Self.

47. Rullia Ram .. (a) Som Nath, U.S.W/W.C.(b) Rullia Rami(c) Son.

48. Inder Singh

Village Ratanpura

.. (a) Inder Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Sardara,(c) Self.

49. Bachan Singh

Village Chak Dhera

.. (a) Amarjit Singh, U.S.W/D.W.(b) Bachan Singh,(c) Son.

f 50- Mann Singh .. (a) Daljit Singh, S.W./D.W.(b) Mann Singh,(c) Son.

^ 51. Mohinder Singh .. (a) Tarlochan Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Mohinder Singh,(c) Son.

52. Gurbax Singh .. (a) Kulwant Singh, U.S.W./D.W.(b) Gurbax Singh,(c) Son.

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(10)26 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

[Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development]

1 2 3

53. Rakha Singh (a) Kaka Singh, S.W./W.C.(b) Rakha Singh,(c) Son.

54. Sucha Singh

Village Paprala

(a) Jasmer Singh, S.W./D.W.(b) Sucha Singh,(c) Son.

55. Smt. Waryani w/o Bant Singh Dharamvir Singh son of Pritam Singh (a) Dalbir Singh, U.S.W./D.W.

(b) Dharamvir Singh,(c) Son.

56. Pal Singh (a) Harmesh Singh, Carpenter/D.W.(b) Pal Singh,(c) Son.

57. Kartar Singh (a) Balbir Singh ,S.W./W.C.(b) Kartar Singh,(c) Son.

58. Mohan Singh (a) Swaran Singh, W/C Driver,(b) Mohan Singh(c) Son.

TOtTO 3 THIfHUI: felfe} FUtlcTO Ft'feH, fasr fe m S lW St OHfe ^ r f e g

^ 3THt §R # 5 Hdtf'O i£TH fpuj HTO5 HifeH >%gt ^

§?>T 3 feR?rR fe^ few h) fa fas* feworaM ugnj3 o fe^ t3THl>HT OS § S' ^ Uf3 ^ 3 f ^ fetyofeM § U3 H75 U Sfe fe g 3 3 3 } [5 3 ]

tTr€ :3Tl' I feo ftTJSl U5U3 T 355 OOf 9 I feH § >MH'S 3 0 *' o fooT | feijg}

mit^g H'ftfe 24 f? 3 OS ffflgt 37> ?3 Ht3 ' f e e V g fe^ i 3 3 ^-g 2397 ufe^O

OS fOST Hbp 3 kTst HS U3 fHUO 103 UfO 'O $ fenfofetw S Ol 3 otoWp

f e o V afetw o s 1 feo fo o sl fouoo foot afet 3 feo aiK3 foCoo foot grot

^ I 'ctf H30] tft fes» fe»533>HT ^!»? OHlsr ffeW afew OS, fst § SoT- Ht>HT f e ^ f s j i ? feo 2397 u fo ^ o o s fas* o l OHls j f a w fe u orM ore! 3 1

^ S 0] SoTOtw fogl^T gr^gfe^t ?

^fT H33? HH*3 §Hfe] § Jjfool feoPH : feuol- HUlofO Htfeg, >?

RffOR S Hr3 S H'fUO £ M'H^'RS H' fOOO offer 3 I f o gfe) 3 0 3 O'OO

3 r ^ <?7 M'R^'RS 3 Rsfe OS I feO ^tfOl ofe 9 I felfet HlftoTO FPfOH, H»t

m ono feo oTo so ? 5 1 o fen fe o 31 so ? 3 i i 98i 3 1 s 3 1983 3 0

H 83 »fe 436 603 fes> t € »R3 Hl OS I ? 3 3 R?00 § 3TH37 S53T? 3 * 3 t OO srfasoi 3 * 3 0 '3 T ol U3 t sro 0 * I

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<■' > s

3*3* fHUl: feFf 3 ^ 3 feg fa H 'g H £ h 3 ' § , gfoMre § H 3 '

S3T 3 Wirel 83* § AmfsM' gt 3re<g f33 333l a l3' fcITM' 3 I 5ft #H M3I3' £ 8 3 UrF3 fag 33? H3 rF§R *H3T3' t 8 3 ffT T glM '3H l3'

set*** araM, f s* fgg" 33? fH8 3* area gl 333I aM gra? g* faRg aat ua araa H3 ? 5ft mar set g<aa 3 ' aaal £ 3 srtal gMaft ?

Starred Questions and Answers (10)27

are feat: feuat mitaa H'foa, mh. mh. t. H'faa 3 mut 3?M'U a t 3 feM ' 5 I 3of3t5fH M'5Ht 338 H3 I sW lT d 3* 33 H3 § 3 «

3 t STt H3 I f33 ' 3 3>33fe»r R fW 3 t 3iK 5(131 § I 33 l{'Ac(3 r 3 " 3 3

* M'gHt fe 3 8 3 5 33, 3 ' 333 V 3 33 I 3P3 f a a'VofHM' FfaM' f%g glf a f 1 3 1 <5H 3 3 3 ' f33' 3#, M33H3 3 3 3 ' d '3 1 9 i

qt are 'jam grot. feaal ga?aa H'faa, h" aaml H'333 Hre&at feat at 3 usa* ^'33' 3' fa 3 hhh> nagg 3'3' ffiui j* ngre fag feM'g' ft, §3 3la A 1 Sara afgM' 3 aalM' €3 ^ 3 3? ffregiM' 1 h1 ^t fe 3l At, fg 1 H35T3 ?> g'fag alt H3 aa fa feHustAs$H3 3ta 33? aat 1 f33 3ta § fa 33 ta M3H3 gl H3 m3 f 3' Here &fg>? 33333 5(33 3fW gt ft, U3 333 H'3 MeH3' t H'3?feM' § 3331 oftttftM^gua 3>ate8 fag gl Hfana nag MgtcHs aagt aat 3, 8fa3 fns U? MH.at.al. f; M3HH3 33? oft3'I al 331 f3H Hat 3H3t H^gl gigaftfa fan are gt fa3aM'faat srtgt gig ?

3H7 feat : fmiat HUt5(3 H'faa, H31 f33 1^5(3 R3 gfHM' Ht 3'MT33U3 3'3l3H ^ 3H U3 ^3» § 3H f33' At I a'cft G*f H5? f33'3t § 3H 5(33 fag f3Ha 33f H3I 1984-83 % M3 fag c(h1mt ^ afHH5(t3t rft sf5f3 a§ fg 1 3a aa w gf H3 i 1985 Mg 82 M*3Ht aa 33, fa?? fee1 27 a§ fn fenif % aagi§ 331

qt av ijeTO are? feaat mftaa H'fea, Aa Hare g'gaia 35ft1 Mi3M' 1 srt fan a a t fasaM 'feat § h M3H3 t ftre^ srasat faH % fea M anna 5ft§ M§ a a t M5fH3 5H3t ?

^ ^ aiitsra: aret Hffaa, gam 3ta MifeiM* 9 1 gta' ^taa,l ?Hf aaa' fgat Ama ^ nare gl gr faMre afaM' aa 3la fa 3la

HmHS M' gm 1

are feat: feaal Hiftaa HTfaa g fe?5t ^ faM'3 fag aat are 9, 31t!3 ? m# faaaM 'feat a a ' n a r e 1


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Admission to the Post-graduate classes in Government Medical College, Patiala

(10)28 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

*770. Doctor Dalbir Singh : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state whether the policy of reservation was followed in the matter of admission to the post graduate classes in the Government Medical College, Patiala for the academic year 1986-87 ; if so, the number of students belonging to L ; the Sehednled Castes and the wards of freedom fighters, separately,

- i

the Scheduled Castes and the wards of freedom fighters, separately, admitted in each course ?

HdtJig fifui WEH (HTO1 >h3 Bof HU35 H33l ): 3* rft I HsflofK

oFSTt, llfetf’S 1 fe3 tlSTHt HT73 1986-87 3

HHi fe ir a ia a 31 vnfeFft grel nt i uTO aisrjta agrfi 3 f e ^

SHteH 3 Hfettfi HEl oiHt fatratn?)' otT 5 1 H 'StI, ufehTO1

fey fins grfiHte 33H* fee msRfen wnt 3 §Hhs^3f ta ^ » Hz fey hisH 'a 3 : —


/SA~ •*


HUHSat ^ & : . W>HfeB ^ 3


1 3

2 Hairal 2

3 3 anfest 1

4 U1Bhpfe<otH 2

5 1

6 wayufeoTH 1

7 w m stfaw 1

8 33l§-sfH>fesftrFI 19 aiaHTopH’tft 1

10 3rtfs?jt f e a feusH* •••

11 >ife: 3 : 1




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sl»ot<!d ^SSHfe frfui : gUEStHfoll H3 I fSUHt £3 cj&

fag mshIh s gtg fe?>i 3 fttsra sfte1 3 3 f?y , § g 3 t fgg gnft

3 I 47 fHSoTH 33 RS 1986 f^3 fa?3 3 Hfe§K3 ofTC

g 'g lig R 12 3«2 g fo g H?5 rfo fot 9 § M3h1hS fH®t gl I 5 feST 3 HSgS

srtt g ^ f g fsg g fey faay l fes* 3 H fe § ss g 'gy g ;^ § g y g u g g a ifta tg

fey Myt-fo?^ 3 t gyl ft i fes* feCf U33 gtg 3 g g s i 'g g a s fa g s 1985-86 feg g fo g g g fey gg ugg-ataygys 31 MyHlHy y tps g g t mshI h s s a t ' h! uhI, m3 y y y ig lg s fegtyg ufeMT HT y a g affgg 3 afaggg’g 3 m s- Htgg fey gfet 33 n a t aral i fe a s t M y ites gg g>s 3 3 gat 3, y jg a

g t Mfegafe u ig g 3 m* ijH3T 3 a ig tw st g g t ggt 3, ffe f e y gg y?5 g l M y ites fa s t gfy§H S sph3 yfetySH 3 fag g l y a ty t gt, gl 3 a are

§ h3 yyg ay f fea s g g ffeg 3 mshI h s 3 3 afet 3 ?

Hggr >h§ k 3 gugy f e e t : M y ites ^ h3 ggt yg '3aalM ' bm 3 '§ s

ofet g rg i 3 M3 f Fit H yfey 3l fe;3 3 H fe§SS 3'H3H fe3fateB S’SttaH

g s § s ; gifeM* 3 g iy w 3 f s a 1 faMT 3 i

sitggg g a gtg frfui: a te H 5 gg>H MfeM1' 3 (feu ts)

q t fe u 3 H iftgg: ggra gslM a 3 1

giorgg g s a tg M « : ealsH gfeteay 3 3>ggg b 3 ggt fa y g te s

ggt1 3, fgg h^ I a re 3, fey wfeHt fo g 3 g a te t 3 3 s ; ^ h3 ggt

fg g g tn s gg? gyl Mg sH fensg gg f fe tw 3 3 mt gg i fgg 3 fe a i fg g g a

f e a y tg s f e # gfo sg t1 3 fo g lg g t STHt^Hsgfo 3 ?

H3 a t : fgs^ 3 ?v& g t o s yg gg fg g 1 3 Mg fgg s® ^1? s d t- 3 1

ggteH g fo g g g 3 gfgMf grn3 ggt yg tg g g ^ t g fo g t 3, ngg 'g fgg 3

fg y g g g Htaft ug g s g g ggt fgg -font y^lsift s 3 t' 3 1

sig g g f p f s : feygt Hutgg fo3g , h1 Hfsagg fpfaa 31 gfogr qt fa f ^ t ^ forgr 3 fg fe feg tM sg t gt M^HtHS g g 3 f o i i

12 3 t gap s Mgfng 3 3 1 gt fo j tg sg tfo g g t 3tM^ ggHg m s g g ln sg 3

fesgR gggat ?A ggt: A1 g sg t gtgl at fg m shIh s g>H3 ggt ggfoggtM^ s m 3 ^

ofigr tro t 3 1 fggs Hfsf3^3 g w n g V lig y fe sT wd3T 3 ygT g g 3 h s

% M^Htns 3 fggt gfo i tgs^ 3 sg t1 a i^ feSgA ns 3 t ggt 3 1 f e i«> g — V ^3 f feg H uefegg g>ggg g ay 3 Mg g g fgg fe a ^ t fe sg g g s-

g g s ht g g ’H u g t ggt1 ^ S ' 3feMT 3 1

Starred Questions and Answers (10)29

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*751. Shri Raghu Nath Sahai Puri : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state whether the Government has any proposal to instal more deep tubewells in the Kandi Area of Pathankot Tehsil ; if so, the details thereof ?

ual fHU! tite» (am Anat, Hops §Hrat nftraT from): T O 3 feHte feu 2 0 Barfs But # HutH* t o aut*f* to i fas* fet19fe§TOB TO HU US »f§ 4 fz & sd w ?* filTOteTO§3tut TO fU3T tPTOP I

g f t f 7 f e § g t® r ofH § 3 ) Ut H3 TO fU 3T UfeUP I

US’STO UBm fe?U 10 TO fefHTO BUhf S But HHIh SmmH § R3"TO, 1986 feu IJ^SUlt But M ft I 7TOra3 Ut yum afttf l® TO fUTO

feH HoltH 3 B^t UTO HTOt feU’U Ul3* ttfeuh I

j j ) HUJS'H Hdfe Uat : fetfet HtflTO H'fefcf Ut HfSHUH H fUH fed UH2UI

fof fetU3 11 fe§U lB U BTO TO fed fa s t t 3 feu 83P fS § rPTOt ?

fe5PH : feU HbBh t^ S a tt SHt S tf

UHt ft I UU4 feu H3i|U U 3 W afet esU TO 3T feu «Hu f a w Sar i

(10)30 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

Installation of deep tube-wells in Kandi area of Pathankot Tehsil

jjt aiHS'U nufe Uat : faU3 20 fefTOBU H3TO U§ US f # fe34 11 HSpfebP UfUU US l feu feral TO’feW afut us feu fas fua feuHUHB U tTTOt ?

am H3at: fmiut mftro irfuu, us’sfu tost feu 10 fefats BarfsHUfa To UUt t l ! Ujffe, TO1 >H3 >HSUUfaP, H'UU, 1985 3" TO TO US I

3 UU fu fa tB U H'UU, 1986 W TO TO US I feu fe@U#B u t au fe t feu feopH U few ft >HU feTOl TOS TO fU3> UfeaP I Hfat u fuu 3 Ifet TOS fet

Ffems1 ft TO3§ fe B 3 t^ TOU fltB T O ffe <

qt auisnj uufe uat : feuut mftro Frfuu, h4 feu utoi urau> u*.....

q) feifet Hvftro * luisfep ^ Husttffeulu u aiufei* ^s t

qt aupsm uufe yat: wfr f#s HUBtrteafe to nufe ^ uli

$ feual mftro: suT #, to? u afefei* usiq| gw h uua taia». toI nut ^ fer fe^ntB But us to bui au

USI A4 UHSt U»UUI U* fa FP3l TO U lfut^fft feof fS3<ufl 3TOHu§>MTftd,f t 4 § Bor bisurau^s usferas uhu feu ufu§ usfertlut fu feu sfe

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Written Answers to Starred Questions laid on the (10)31 Table of the House under Rule 38

fe&nt® Tfet1 i fen set eft jpfag, f uhtkt ora3 fHs 3tu sgfe§H #K K 3 T ^ § 3 § 3T fa § t £ Soft ^ 3Ht3 f e d f e 5 R $ Soft ^ f a t H orsts 3 !

^ H3Ht : feFf HS'H ?TC5 fed HS 33? y i? I Afay IpfeU Sfcfer

tey^ wt* fen * i eat srasT £ 3 fee fee nsftH fen n fesa n a n 1 afenp 3* ffe f e n f s w & s n t a fn n orafer i

Mr. Deputy Speaker : Question Hour is over. The remaining questions shall be deemed to have been answered under Rule 38 of the Rules of procedure and Conduct of Business in the Punjab Vidhan Sabha (Punjab Legislative Assembly).


Building of Government Girls High School Bhakna Kalan District Amritsar*765. Jathedar Tara Singh Attari : Will the Chief Minister be

pleased to state:—(a) whether it is a fact that the building of Government Girls

High School, Bhakna Kalan District Amritsar is very old and in-adequate to meet the present requirements ;

(b) if the reply to para (a) above be in the affirmative, whether the Government proposes to repair and extend the building of the said school, if so, the time by which it is likely to be done ?

R3t?te fHUj STO W : ( § ) fft Uf I

0*0 wt era}", Rore hT- hh!?> >h§ feR tft fej-ran ututr

Absorption of Labourers

*605. Shri Ram Parkash Bali : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state :— • y

(a) the number of labourers retrenched from the Anandpur Sahib Hydel Project during the year 1984-85 and 1985-86 ;

(b) the number of labourers referred to in part (a) above who have been absorbed in Thein Dam Project or in any other Project ;

(c) the steps taken or proposed to be taken to absorb the remaining labourers ? s

HHtTfe fmu g r o w : ( § ) Ht# i 9 8 4 -8 5 fe® i

ffT® 198 5 -8 6 5 1 5 3 .

(*0 fH3 1 5 - 3 - 1 9 8 7 ^ * 3 3 t f t e H W iH U jto fc § 8 1 3 >H3 H f d V ufefe® URofS § 192 I

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Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987(10)32

[HH HTOt](h) gstfe H«ara Sh 3 vst hto snt 35% vzimsm

HTfog silt SPftPMt 55t U fa# ^ d 1 U^1

HHSfig gstftg FP3IH #H § W9Ht 5* U'feltf t H3 w

gy^[ 5 fHH nistra npcseua jpftra M&rc a4 ^ ^ fH>Mt ^ ^

faisnl § ofH 3 ^ t f q ^ 3ygr1 i

Teachers/Doctors killed in the State

*793. Shri Brij Bhushan Mehra : Will the Chief Mimater be pleasedto state the number of school teachers and doctors separately, filled by theterrorists in the State during the period from 1st October, 1985 to 28th February, 1987 ?

H a tn a m r a te ffifl 9TOTO: tftnq f& s 1 -1 0 -1 6 8 5 3 ‘ 2 8 -2 -1 9 8 7

3 HH' 1~8 HHS5 ^fci>HnjBr h i t 21 3 ^ 3 3 3 3 '

HTa a i t t o i ____

Water-logged area along Nangal Hydel Channel

*790. Sardar Tara Singh : Will the Chief Minister Punjab be pleased to state whether the Government proposes to dig out a dram to dram out wLTfrom the water logged area along the Nangal Hydel Channelfrom Anandpur Sahib to Ropar ? . .. n n __

fHlll STOW : feH H33t f?HH 3TOWt 3T3U tTO 33fejT § i grau ^ j» p fRsrgjfn tra 'tra 3 5 § ■ s s t e ' l - hM tF iaft i


National Education Policy

*757. Shri Arjan Singh Siag : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to

(at whether it is a fact that theNational Education Policy as approved ' J by the Parliament in 1986 includes the concept of spiritual

education ;(b) whether any guide lines have been received from the Central

Government for imparting spiritual education if so, the steps taken/proposed to be taken by the Government to implement the same ?TOtfe fthf HcJVS'H1 : ( § ) <53t fft I

(» t) FT<?T8 0 '€T 5 3 ? 3 3 r I

Channelisation of Swan Nadi

*606. Shri Ram Parkash Bali : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under the consideration of the Government to channelise the Swan Nadi from village Surajwal Sehiowal to village Sainswal Surah, Tehsil Anandpur Sahib, District Ropar , if so, the time by which that is likely to be done ?

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fHui tri i (urn h to I, w&re §*rot »it nfrol flora): to?

til i

fen t l S H lK l»F Rfe U33THT TO? TOl»F TO I R 3 $ UHTOfm \ fen >hihvp f^e fen § w s f?g fewfs h* hhi^ T

t?fFP>F rF Ho?^ I

« •?- U nstarred Questions and Answers (10)33

Building of Government Raj Higher Secondary School Sangrur

*782.' Sardar' Ranjit Singh Balian : Will the Chief Minister be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the building of Government Raj Higher Secondary School, Sangrur is very old and in-sufficient to accommodate the increased number of students; if so, whether the Govern­ment proposes to extend the said building ?

gatffe ftto g r o w : til, tosto 3 t ©us%nrlTO3HV> Ht»F f e W flH TO TO* 31*5 HHl dTO TOTOl 9 I


Residential plots allotted to the landless labourers of village Karyal

91. Sardar Gurdev Singh Gill : Will the Minister of state for Housing and Urban Development be pleased to state—

(a) the number of residential plots allotted to the landless labourersof village Karyal, Tehsil Zira, District Ferozepur in the year 1971 ;

(b) whether the physical possession of the plots referred to inpart (a) above has since been given to the said allottees ; if not, the reasons therefor ?

nggig aa l feut gfe»: ( § ) fife* § f Hlul3 TO’fTOl 3FfH»F S5l Harm*

S i EF HoflH >Hqfe fTO 5TfeMrS , 3iTOlS Sfef, ft3ST fTOHU.0 3 ^01 3 H lu t3

s^ fe 3 l o r fw § io o - io o T O aiam ^47 vis’s f s f a fe n s i

(»f) UT til, fe^t UjyTaT S’SfStF >HSfel>Hf § u fes si § feS’ fePHT 0 I

l Income of Gram Panchayat Ihih Naushera Tehsil Patti

92. Sardar Kirpal Singh (Amritsar) : Will the Minister of State for Rural Development and Panchayats be pleased to state—

(a) the annual income of Gram Panchayat Thih Naushera TehsilPatti, District Amritsar during the period from 1st September, 1978 to 31st December, 1986 ;

(b) the number of houses in the said village ;

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[Sardar Kirpal Singh](c) whether the streets and drains of the said village have since been

paved, if so, the amount spent thereon ;

(d) whether the accounts of the said Panchayat have been audited ;if so, the results thereof ?

foul fVHHW : ( § ) 60,7 3 4 /- I

(m ) 27 ura i

( s ) tft i 48, 5 0 o/- yyy u§ i(n) Uf Tit - giHTH tit 333§* W sm s 75U? UITf ?»lT fel*P I

Surplus Land in Village Margindpura , District Amritsar

93. Sardar Kirpal Singh (Amritsar) : Will the Minister for Revenue and Rehabilitation be pleased to state—

(a) whether any cultivable land of village Margindpura, TehsilPatti, District Amritsar was declared surplus under Tenancy Act before 31st December, 1971, if so, the land-wise names of the owners of the said land ;

(b) whether the land referred to part (a) above was allotted to sometenants before the enforcement of the Punjab Land Reforms Act, 1971, if so, their names and the area allotted to each of them ;

(c) whether any surplus area was not taken into possession by therevenue authorities uptil 31st December, 1971, if so, the total area thereof and the names of the owners concerned together with the reasons for not alloting this area to the rightful tenants ;

(d) whether Government proposes to take into possession and allotthe same to the deserving tenants ;

(e) whether any action has been taken or is proposed to be takenagainst the defaulting revenue officers for their failure to take the area into their possession ?

(10)34 Punjab Viehan Satha [25th M arch, 1987

H3t”3 HOT foul f i t : (§) al | h’SpP 3 c5* cS SH # § 3?>



Sf?>T25 H3S $cf3§ 3 3

1 foul U33 foul 19— 12 2— 00 2— 1/2

2 irette foui arastra foui foul

21—i i |166—02 21— 00

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U nstarred Q uestions and Answers (10)35

7 V# h TH°f


H3UHR s m 1

otsns HTS' HT r_-2l m.?k| 3ea 3rl

e t t e a ^

4 RUT foul U33 ^U11?' foul


4 '8 R Sfofoui, U 3U 3'?jfoui

to 5—06 16— 00 16— 1 5 |

53- —17 7— 00 3— 13^

44-—04 6— 00 6— 7§

27-—0 3— 00 3— 8

31“ ~*6 4— 00 4— 1

127 — 6 16— 00 16— 15^

592— 13 75— 00 75— 9

V _

(m) 3> i HrirfeT § § u ra 'a site1 f a w asra* g s ■h o t 3

i r

urenat & 7s»m

S :

ure1? site1 Bsra1

of. H. RTR'iteS H ?te33

1 RRT foul U33 f UH foul


4 UH&R foul U33 rtete foul

5 gran foui u aa 3a#ot foul

6 HU3T foul xfog W3H1 foum

7 R#3 foul Ute3 K'B foul

15— 12 2-— 00 2— \ \

32— 16 4— 00 4— 4$

34— 00 4 --0 0 4—

12— 00 2—"00 l “ -8i

14— 19 2— 00 1— 13§

36— 12 5— 00 4— 13

35— 15 4— 00 4— 10

16— 00 2— 00 2— 02

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(10)36 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1937

[HU? M§ USB^H H33f]

<53fn Msret tP 3*

MOTH cf)3T gggi

3 . H. FP3J §3 3 § 3 3

9 3 3 8 3 fHUl UHH BUT fRUI 25— 14 4— 00 2— 06

10 8ufer33 frmi U3H 3 3 P3 fnur 33— 18 4— 00 4— 08

11 HH3 fHUl P3 3 333TH fHUl 34— 10 4—*-00 4— 12

12 MH3 fHUl U33 iftTgt fRUJ 75— 10 10 *—"00 1 0 — 00

13 €tP fHUl U33 3I3fS3 fj?UI 69— 00 8—*-00 > ;

9— 02

14 fHH3 fRUI U33 |3T3 fHUl 2 1 — 00 3 ’— 00 1 —.*09

15 H358 fHUl U33 3 3 3 fHUl 32— 17 4 — 00 2 — 4 j

16 3 3 3 fHUl U33 HHjW fmii 4— 15 1 — 00 0— 10

17 H3' fHUl U33 3 3 3 fHUl 7— 07 1 — 00 1 — 00

18 3 3 3 fHUl UHU UPH1 fHUl 32— 02 4— 00 4— i 3 |

19 BI3TP3 fHUl U33 fHUl 27— 00 3— 00 3 “**08

20 3HT fnut ^ 3 3 3 1 3 T fnui 10 — 10 1 —«00 1— 06

21 3 3 3 5 fHUl U33 3T3 fHUJ 20—*4 6 3— 00 "2 — 1 1

H3 592— 13 75— 00 75— 09

(H) 3 # tft i ' '

(H) M3 (3) U'33 'H? f5§ H ^g § >JU W 5 a t feft & H ^'S Of33? U ^ n

Enquiry against the Sarpanchof Gram Panchayat Raowali

96. Comrade Mehtab Singh : Will the Minister of State for Rural Development and Panchayats be pleased to state whether any enquiry was made against the Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat Raowali in Block Adampur, District, Jalandhar on the basis of a .complaint rpade against him in the month of July, 1986 by some members of the said Gram Pan­chayat ; if so, the details thereof alongwith action, if any, taken thereon ?

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Hag»a fiN tows1 : tft i us fey uh huuu feau utefau Fret frror u£ us :—

(l) fo §H ?> araTH wfeH >H§ U»3t FPfst SW Hlfuait fecjHt >HSFPU SUl* afteW ;

. (St) fa §HS fer»H UHt (ygrfes U|g >H§ H § $ S»§3 ) § yUUfeciHtMSHTU sul* after ;

4 ‘ (3) fa §H ?> HTML'S fH) $ W ? H3 T t arss % feay giggtf* 5 SU* S tU S Ul TUtTST ;

, (4) fa §H S life 3T'U3 wt oTJUT fer§^ SSl fUHWSHUl ;

fas* unt u t fan* fears >fe uufes »fUHu, feua s Ottu ararH uufes wru, 1952 ul yuT 102(1) »fuls aatsa yssrs h'vI atet t 1

PERSONAL EXPLANATION BY CAPTAIN AMARINDER SINGH gnus wrfaua frrui : urs § w f f e w s uanss ’HumfeSHs, Ha i

h* afe wu s ushI artel hI fa 19 stefy s us* uauul f'fuu fe* us h'uh HTfarare amass waan § to au hs 3* |fet ms* wf frore arsl u’ufmr safe ar£ hs 1 fen ssl h* ushss >irarHus&Hs ^ hs hshI artel hI far h* usst u'ugr u* 1 feual Hiflara H’fuu, fu fs s htts us-ws uIu sh s, feu ytnu i£h feur uuH'Tra'1 >fe hsu's usfafHm yfalusH si fas* ul h* fumngT b b sul* arfesT gryfe 1 fesr afe iM ul s arul hI >hu hs list suT §s* ur hssh afl hI i afe ml 33* f y a fe § sarsls araau hs 3*

-f<f s na afe faur hI far h* sfeH ys s ‘ »rfe»fT yt| hsustsuI* § s f uTfeu arfus s t H3HH afl h! i h* & & ur Hass sul* hh? HffefT 1 §u arfus hI fa? w T uu sul* ut us* sul* §u afl arfusr hs i sfars H*fes+ sw y s l fuH?dl su d 'tsT utegT u+ 1 h* ytel til s stes* u+.......

^ feuut Hiftara: shT huIu t uu u 1 nylu sul* § Hafe 1 shI* ltuhsw \ WTHLfe HS fe§ I

, fuuswrfagy ftfiii: : h* hUIu sul* ^ feuT 1 h* yuHsar wihus^h s^ .fejL^ 1- feu 4 wlars a s hs »r§ §st ht utu wu hs i h* huts uhst u'Uut n* far fs t s g'ul uis wa § ul hhs h sfe 1 wsusl fesunj sul* A* Lifife HLflaru HTfua s faruT nlfar u na § afuH arusl § u* huI tfrfel t afuH erasl d 3* ara Hara h* u»sIh u p Aai+an 1

V \ Personal Explanation by Captain A marinder Singh (10)37

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Punjab Vidhan Sabha(lo)38 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

qt feust m ites: hftV uuhss muhuuah* fe§, mite s T uu i■j

f u s s WlfuUU fwu : H* USHSS MUHUSSHS ^ feUT Ut I H* U*Ul Ut § UHS’ UrUUT Uf fof MH? UHSHS 3 ” MTt I 13?V HUt feu ^U US* S H H’S . mu uter (ferns) u fss m< aisi (fews) ihV fet §Su* fe^ M’t I (fews) M

qt feust mites : feu mite uss m s’stw sut* is i ?hV feus uvu ut ^ 3 i ?hV mitu suF era Hut i

fu ss MHfUUS ftw : H* mite SUf US feu* I H* UfaS1 U'dV’ U1 fe - j§sl 8— 10 feSU’H HU f w SSUT'H I US H~ ^SHS HUmUS* f s M'§S» ufefer 'j |

ut i § st 3 feu oduf fesu’H sunfeM’ fu mhF feu s s h ^ sw § uust utfe ~ ^ 4 ife fs ffe I H* HfSHSS H’feU £ ^HS’ U’dte jjt f e f e u S S H U i P U f e M * UHt US* H’U s fe s USt feu HS I MHt* U US^tsU Ht I feU >f fUUS1 fe UUfe *A ;feu §H SUH § US’ feUT Ht MS UU’ UUTUtS few MSS’, MH.Ut. fe s t M§ US 1jjfetft feu feu S US’ UU HS I (feurs) Hfes feu* 3U HT3 SUH m H?’S !

ft I ..............

*10.00 A.M- (fen mY* qt mites £ sunt Hmst 1)

mites rnfeu, fur s f mi #sh m m?’s u ..Mr Speaker: Captain Sahib, sorry to interrupt you.

h" h’us mfeu’s s usst usfer te fuss rnfeu ushss MoThus^hs 3 u s su us He had been permitted to speak, h* feu u?fet sfu feMt fe feu m^s fust h'uu mfums s f s ’feM’ hY | h ^ U’U §u UHSS MBfHUSSHS US I UHi* UUHSS MUHUS^HS Ut ^u ff , tH § mite ut feus sut* °ru uf f 1 feu us hhT us s §, us 56 UUT usteu t fe 3HT fsi feus ut mite sut* uu Hf^ 1

Rule 56 is very clear and specific on this issue. You certainly have right to clarify the position.

fuss wfuuu fmu : h* feH s >hsuus ofu fern Ut Ut I 1

qt mites : »isuuhs ut »nfur»r sut* utuft 1 This is not a Debate. Captain Amarinder Singh : Id o not yield. On the other hand

H* UUHrUST HrfeU S 3Uft Ufet* U 'W ufeUT U+ fe UhT feU U’St fHS ^ UU 3 ' fesmH'feut UU?r M3IS fest feSUTH H’US U U’S 3+ H U^H feufen cite w m s ’s uss’ U’su’ ut fu if Mtest hIs T feufets orqtgp 1 (ufuai)

- f I


fcA !!

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I (feWR5) ’Hara UR Ul fesUbftfeu) feu feu feci® for fe# U fe®RiR 95 u5 H*v ^ feu WT3teT to 5 febl'H U5 ? Pf fec9 5 tfto U'UUT U* for oft feu feu

»B7Hte» t o £ ?

^ qt rnfetu : feu Out ykz ut & 3 5ut* i (feui?j)

tuuu Wlfrou ftwf : RUfeu Rifog, Mtot dfe H* feu orfto tPuferfe f e # 3 >rtUfet RUtu R U*0r fku fuut 0, HU fe u l R’fUR ^ U P /iu

fu u t 5 §UH* U»0r 5 f e t p t o 1 u f e u 1 ut fe f e s t fey HUlu U»URUUHfe r

- f tvsHs murijr feu wet d Ou urT* to ®0 fe §ur»uW i86 s-fetet g-c^ t U<5 >HU t o 186 Kiuto feu* 166 RPUfe* R’kl R'aUl § £rulbft Uft »(§ feyfe fe f Rg

~TC § 76 w ufet W'Utbft u s »fu feuu 18 H'Ufet 3TUU5U >H5UR § SPUM ^ |(feuis) (uw)


$ RUfeu ; 5TUU5 RIfURl H* R5Ut RUfe> fe fe u i RU'K § UrV rur^W >HcRWWSRa to r ufeO U Or 0 Rig U gfesl UR I

Personal Explanation by Captain / marinder Sinch (10)39

ta us bTRfdUU ftfiU : Rjfed Rffeu, RJ § fe^RR ®drfe gy§ ^

V m u is umu Hrfuu s fe s 5 r5T5 u t o u Rt wit* Oul u a fe lu s u 'feu r Or u * f S ft o ut I H3UU feu ru" f t o § rTu w Rt rt §fe« feu afe r s i

(feu is)

Mr. Speaker : No counter allegation please.Captain Amarinder Singh : I am sorry I cannot yield, Mr. Sneaker

I am om my feet. ’

H)tlH3ul : Ppffeu HffUU, fBR hpg OrW >H*5 U3UU WU feUSR R3 Or 0 feu 33 56 R d Or feu fofew d : -


“Any member may, with the permission of the Speaker, make a Dersonal Asswnbly’” a though there is 150 Question before the VidhanP Sabha

Provided that such explanation, if permitted, shall be made at the earliest possible opportunity before the business for the day is entered upon, and shall be limited to the circumstances which are the subject of the explanation and no speech or debate thereon shall be allowed by the Speaker. n aeDate

^ ' Captain Amarinder Singh : I do not yield t0 it. I am on my feet v Mr. speaker. I do not accept his explanation

Mr. Spsaksr ; r i n H lisj; hi? to transict othe; bjsiar.s also.

fe l a *3T fesj 5fj} >fi 35, i ? f3J 3 ^ 5 HJJ 5 j13 i j § 3 ^ j

Mr. Speaker . Ciptain SiUib, please be brief and precise*

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fuas >nwfuuy few : Hulsfu H'fuu, uhY wu 3 fefeBiPH ®arfe|uS I H* Ua# U*HU feU »P t fc’U1 Hi H' U’sL^ U1 fe »*c-R-

J 3 ] w f e § U# I fetf t feBH’H &UPfe»P & V 3* ?.UV ft U feH agt itt»{t anst feg 0 ^ us : . . .

qt fen uHSHfua : mflofg HTfuu, oft feu fewu'H uu us ut uuhs®

>ifemitt'3ys ^ uu us ?M r. Speaker : I have allowed him on personal explanation. v

tlRS wrfUUU few: HUfeu H'faU, fe# $ feHiPW FP# § S’feW & I for s t i t feWtPHt t H<3 US WHt* it H’ HoT Ut #fes H*SUt»ftW;feu 75^ H’S’ grafo tut at H* fe# t feH U5T tPS’ U fer at I fe#f ; fofeutUK grast sratw* a s i fan s # f e # t u f e w Ht a § ® t u u aras*

UU ejfeW US, §U H>PS’ feu fan Ht ? 3?P§ US’ ft fe fu UK'S’ fefeH fHH aT Hi i fR utwf ara* fn i s 5>8 hs i w i hu^ th» usntu few s wrtu s w a s uutul fpuIs sftul h1, waiu ufew>H’ afewt 3 ist uutul 'Hfete cftut Ht Uf oft SUH’S 9 I ^HU fe# ^ U’UU Uf §H HUU fiUU#f#|»PitHH uu i feu fe§* § # shs sat HS I

qt Hufea : sfe ft, wars’ yw’feu uh i

anas wtf&uu few : feu uut nt§ usfe an’ ufew’S’ $ uutul itut iH* fUHUdt HUtTS’ SUt* ufe# I H* SffUt?’ Ut fe HU* HU'U'H’ USHTu >few £aafel cftut Hi ut fu* feu* w u’h sut* nt, huutu hht few t auuus ut aatul cffet Hi oft §a fey u h sut* h! ; feu w few ^ hh* ufew, feu feuu>ra few ?> hu* ut huut wfew sft fu fey sut* Hi ? h* ufiraff orfa w at'fe fes» t utuu ufeHtHUTu uu i feu yfew'Hf ul ara uu^ us feu feui5 UHUt U* @Sf ^ ^UTU^ UU H77UH UUT few §Sf Ul UUUl Sr<5 fe^f S feW’UoftuT (fews)

Hy H3Ut : Hulsru FPtUH, feu sit* feH§ufet y>fs H i US ; H 5T55 § feH 7> HTS1 ufe feu1 Ut HHofS U I

ittas WHfUHU few : Hulofu HTfeU H* HlulWH ufet § UtUUt u t - jfeu feSiiPH HU § feu ?5rfewr fel'Hf fe H* H’UT UU H UlUf 5 ^U feH ?5Sl gtu? t fe feH UUlt SrH H* Hl.WH. HUM Hufeu HrfUU whI* h hu'u d, uhV Hr § u, w i yuu»u On utu feurt wyyut ^ a ypf^.-feu1' ^.u'fer feu it ars ofet d fe Hri feu* itu hIshuu uss sut iu l fewfu sut* & IUUST®f Hffeu § gu i 73 feu* feH S %£< f3§ I WhT feUf HUU<U U3 #U fHW^ US’ fe§, FPS hshu d yu feu sut* A3 I

(10)46 Punjab Vichan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

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tjf mitgu: h* huts'gauss wgugsSus § gss sat Hgf fuH'tj st fe 'm j l u M i

fgaS'WHfauufetii : wu ut uiu'a uses few 3 fgur ft fg73feu* fog s ggf ora fu§ gut fena^ suV uu feu w 3 houT iter ss (fuws)

feor urau OT'fe»fT ft fe H* WgufejHUH S ^ tg ga four Uf I of) gjttUfc ^ t ’hUTSU feu ft fe U fafetfest uafeUUtWt fefsaiH US, H* fH * ^

A* arsfuarfa in r feu u gif gat uu sanf? u h* aafeuH

$ HHUU sra:fetrT Uf H* h , feu ste fem w I feu WU* H 't tg 'U

*g»a festPH s 'f'ftu s iqt ugfea : us feu ut uguafeas u few i

ggas wHfeua few: ugfea H'fog, feu uu( few stgafefs ut ais ga§ u?> f uu* ut gat gaHSS wag gaU us af hut fewsfeat u>s § feu s Wf§**t US I §Sf Uf 1935 feu fuufe U few Ht WU feu S 52 H'S U 3I§ US I fesf s suT uur hut few sfeafefs u t urt s's ugggt nt i H't gagar ut us feu uu* wa feu ut au hs a' ite S'ST al s §sf srs feg gfeaute gfet nt wt us feu ur g §sf uf fuufe a few i § s . ut feast saatSfS HU H'H UT feW'U U feiwr Ht I H't S’S 3f §Sf Ut feH3U'Ut Ht IHU'few sfeatu'H' ut feg feurg u gfewsf gstuafuat u feu uu* ug feat Hffeg WUtHS HfSHUU U^ HS, §H Uf tauaa fesf S fsfgWr Ht I iauaH £ >fe feu u fesf £ U'UtSS uis UHt fu feu Ht fe fef few Sfoatu'S' Uf fuufe 1935 feu ufewr I §Sf UtW* WafeWf 3 H'S §9 gfeW'Sf U gTUUWUfHffeg t feu wgtwf uutwf wu is uugu s hu u'uu s wugtwt s feg Hugfetfus HS» f WUUfH Hut g'3T t feu offet §H % S'S UU utHSfHt fUHt Ufet wu uu ut whuuu srs feu stofetufs fsur u wsuh s 's gut fuu §HS us MU'U gtuf i feu Hrtt tfest uistgufefs srs gsgas 5 1 wuru fe t s suV yuf u* h1 fegs fegs § uh nguf ufe h, huIu feu u nuut gas sfgs feu ur§H s fenslu sr gas i fHuagrst, Hotga Hrfeg i (fen hh* Hfegfauf Huat ut yg" u t gauss wguassHs sat feuruu hut au hs)

~ hthuu hus s rs : Hotga Hffeg, h* hus ur fcws feg uuat ,aTs us ruuftsf ufeuf 1 1 gfewfs % wua gfut fust §* srafet ^ feur ft i sgf s utu’t Huat'Ht sat* u Mwt wa f t gat u'au'ut u aulwt ^s, fugfut utwt wasfet ^ ggtwt as,:HU qgru ut hh i* gvu i h‘ Hfsuaa H'feg sfeu usst gjtaff fg ilfegfs'feu u g? u faur 3 fu ^'gfa Hri uf@H s urs gaTfs, ga's? gafu^ us5f d, s?t § Mag aa utu Hfsuaa urfeg us* Haa- H*a fajgf d, ufrfsf ufutuf fs i

EERs'OfcAL E xplanation by Captain AtaARiNDER Singh (10)41

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Fiaara n w ? frfui e l w : m ils a H 'fes, fee? 3 t f a s t S 3 3 t d a e

>H23H3 WH3* 3Fft* f3HS2 3fet»{t 3 3 I H* §<§♦ ^ 3*1 SttdlfeSH h

g«UtgfT I fee? 3t fH orfHH3 gig f33S2 offal 5 I feu fS3 ' 3 :—

*The said Committee was not institu ted under the Act nor was it a statutory Com­mittee and its report was not required to be laid on the Table of the House/’

s fo rs H' f e a s t fe u a a s >h§ 33? h! f e f t w \ h 1 fso* rfl f s s t f3 $ 3 2

Ht, f s 3l fe u s lH 'a g e l t s a l a fa e ) t i m s § fi 3 h h 3 3 3 ^ a s s * 3 ’0 § w

HST5IHT 3 f33T 3 3 ? s f e 1 fe iw 3* feH € T H3HB fe 3 3 3 ? fa SH5 »123H3 fe e

cfd^ f o s s e 'ora fe e t ?p f w u e t feH H asra 3 a t s n t f e e fe l n t i f e s s ’ *r

rragra w s'fessaa y;Hl fs€H3 3 f/3 f>'H t ’ £ vu Kt i rvfee i v: w \i v Hi I fen s r a f H9BP3 3>§H 3 3H f a f a a l w f H 3 f3SH33H3H S fa lw * 3

fa s te n f is lw a t f w i a s a Wot eat* 3* a a s f - 'e . C e e s tt f a f n € * .i

§ h f e e f e e s H’ol 3 i >hh? w a s f a a a a t , fe e s a t k ; e s e t s a w fa e n t

H feH S2 s l a t t §H 3 3 W ^S H S e S i >H3 H 33 '3 feH H»3 fa»P3 f t I•* ss “*

3H3t f e s 3 3 3l f e s H3t S 'B M2TT3 feH S 3 f feH Se S 3 f f 3 l f a § 3 ’

W 3*3S f e a H SH21 Hf3FT23tgt 3fet Ht ......

3 13 3 3 s a w f p 3 ( I s 3 3 ): s t fe a ipnif&e w a w a s a 3 3 3 a* tea*

Hula S 3 3 t d 1

H 3ara H 3B 3 fauj 31*3*3: fe3 a B ' s t s 3 3 , 3 3 '3 feH BSt a a e f a t 331

H* HUtsra H'f33 3 3 ' 3 '3 ' 3 T3 S 3 '3 f a S 3 S fe ' Hi I

§ 3 f? 3 H* 33H 33T S fe 3 1 t t fa S 3 S l3 T Hi I >H3I3 C|f3B S T r R ‘3 fe3

3 3 ? § H S f Ht 33H y3T 3*3 gT gf g g rg feg gr§H f e a W 3 '? I

fen set Hi fea 3331 srafeH fe fea faasl s 'b m?3H3 hhh faasa slat 9 , feH § Hasra 3 S3 fs f3>HT3 I

(10)42 i V b J A B VjtBAM Saiba [25th M arch, 19&7

3tH3t H3t 3331 fe3 3 f s ......

$ m i t s a : f e s y ^ a » ira33 9 .......

H aara h s § 3 f t o i s ? a a ' •. f§ 3 u»trfe3H 3 3 1 ? h? f e a s a s a M f

3 3 1 3H 3f h " f e s f y l a a h h s s i f a ^ t Fit a hh? hq H 'fos f e ra 3 H la s

fen* Hi m hh! f a n fen ofB § f a a s a s a fe 3 l f s fe a h 'h b ' s a a f e a 3 . . . . . .

fS 3 H3 jl: 3.4? 3 3 2 § Sf3 I

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R33»3 fiwi : 3 n't1 R^tR fe § I 3Hf SP5 M33HS HRS 3

$ 3 § f3>tfi3 fb ft1 » 3 l4 ?

Personal E xplanation by Captain Amarinder Singh (10)43

f^mihra : 3 # u’5 muhs hhs 3 u»nfR3 wu m>333 is ul3 us >tf3 fljfeWrf H3?J sl €i 316* ofel 9 I U’W M3SRS HH3 feH 339 f3R33 3 gist Hi fsr§1of 9MH3S 7>H3 477 W533T M¥fH3 U fe w Hi I fausl 3H? fqfe«H HRS f33* P.G RifUH 3 HT§ f3UT 9 fa 500 §Ui R3HW cfl3T 3 feU h' MR £ Rlfl33 Effe' 9 I

I have already informed that no privilege issue can be raised against the Speaker. The writ has been filed and the matter has become sub-judice . So that matter cannot be discussed now.

feR 9HRT§ h1 Ufa®* cfet Mqrfegfa 3 3 3 3 3 3 T Uf I HH3“" S B

HfHHSfe? M ^fasl UlM* UFftfeilR RlfeRRTR US |

According to these proceedings also, no question of breach of privilege can be raised against the Speaker. Your call Attention Motion was disallowd on that score.

ql RMS** HUfe UrI : Hlft33 Rrfua, H1 <4\ op® M3SRS HR?j fR3l HiRU.3 R3Rl Hi, 3Hi* fUR33 33 fU3l 9 I feu MRfHR tM RTSl Rigtgt 9 1

q | RUlct3 : 3H? M3 3"93 feu MT feU^R 33 WR'Ril

jjl 33snf R’R RUR, JHR#9r : RUluU RtfUR, H'sft 3'ft MUSHS MR?J f?U

200 333 3tfe U< HH5* 3 a ls 3H R R»3 feu I 500 333 3HH feu" 200 33 3 3lfe Rl 3RURS U rT# $ 3 fes' 3 f3R3UT3 fHK 3 tf' W £ (feu is) feH 3c* Ul 3»5 McSRS MRS MRfHR USl R'Utul 3 I

If) R3RTl3fRU|: HUlUR RifUR, TTST MH MH. MW. t . 33 Rl 3* H'S RUlofH H»faa S MH.MW. t . R53R MW’S offe R??, UR U’5 33 fU H'Wt SUV UR MR §U R»f S # fHW H9 I fs* feu 3Ul UR MTRHl Rfe 33 US I feH LM'feR

t W »P33R 3 u ul1 H" 3UTRT faMT3 ffaRi^T gfegr gr fa fag ggi§ w

R^33 HRW» 9 I feU 3 S 3 3Hl* VWl 3 3 ^ 3 Wt fe § I feR § 33l oHR^Rl 33 3 »f3 feU 353 Rif fil52 I

^ RUl33 : feR 3»3 H1 3fUS» R iU ^ i fa feU 33 MUR 5fRR533R ^ 3§3R 5§U $ US I feU tfWl 33^i§3Ri3 sfeR 9 U3 Hi?jl ^

32 t fW^iiRS R3133 33 feul 9 1 feR 553I feu H’RS1 MUlW3 % 3 9 I

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ql feti'fHs Hfaar : aulae mfee, fea # Fra^^HJ offnas ^ . feug? rm?> et Ha § gal tl few el a'ul h>3 AW 3 Sift mi 3 'fa *w? a 'iy s ny1£ • tie1 ami He« el Ae 3 3a feel 3 3* fee 3>§a m ^aAe e me' 3 1 a few el mul m# fa® mi 3' fee 3 U3 i maT sms § awe^£5 f<3& 5o?H?> HoP<3t !

ql Htftae : feH me feae^t a*di a* fa 8 'fe§3?fee 'fetf ^ «"&**y u ^ r f g ^ yi, ftlo3 3 3 3 ' e '3 8 tl’i ^=3 3 3 3 3 3 I ‘ *-

ql jmfrtsI a n si • aulyg a"3H, >JiH.>H8.i. ®#ga fe y $ aH s fe a e a e a a s 33 33 ^3 3_H? »!>ds33 i l U>H 33 fe § f3 § 3 3*81 33 e ^ 33 §?jJ 3

oflt 33? 331 p 'd 33Tf33l3!H3 fee U g it 3 ' 2-3 B '8 33 f33K m 5 33l

>i?d 3 3 1 s fe a S 3 3 3 fe3 3f3m<5£> .. .

(10)44 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M a rch , 1937

ql Fluted : H1 ISP, P'H8 feti 'of33 >PTd PITU3lH3 e l H3,f33T 3 t3 e T <? 3 ' fe : § £ ' >333 75fafTS33a . HdH SH3 U'fe’M' m H i >33 3 S 3 3 - 3>8t

3 H33 >3 3 11 #[338333 3 383H fHo H33 I

0fe3 H33 W B : HUt33 3'f33, 3>33l $ f # A w fefe 3 fe sfc3F{? y | § 3 ' 3833 fe e 3 '3 >333 33T33 i #feH 8333 S3 3$ 3 3 3f38>3 Hfcm3 H3l>33e 8 3 3 '3 ! f83l#H 3,3>8 33 3>3tH 83T m%J3 1 fe e l3 8 l tP 33 HHfede >33>33 333 383H 3 ’8 l 33?'3 r03 I f33 S3'Hl3l>3H FTH8' i >3§ H't >-_3'3' >3H. >38. 33' 3 3I8T8 38 88,'S3.3.3 €.3

3 ' H33 33? 3 >3t § 3 fe e 3 3 3§ 3 3 I §*?■ 7> 383H 13R 3- f3Fi3 fe3T efsht d fas 3 fa? 3 3 § fe3T 3f8MT 5 i ffe m3 ' fan 3 '3 3 l 3 '8 3 S 3 3 3 § , 3 F ft* t^ T ? 383H f e e l3 # l 3 '8 l '3 3 m f V

^ Hlft33 : 'wft 3 '3 3 3 WU3 33 fe e 3 3 8 3 3 ^ !• : - ?

faa 1H3 Hfegr : Fiulae Ft'fee, asea fwi § W8>3 al§ 3§ 33' §a

fee § 3 3? 3 f3 Frae' u eFrar 3 3 ?efu Fiae1 »igi3 ael § a .fee eFiav e fae^ 9 et e a ? t a m snfeae 333T a a e 3>«3 fee a e i fjal33 SfeFB UHlfesia 33 33 »1§ Ffd# 333>§ f3 frtH f f33 383 >H8'3 ftS fee 3l ©3 3f3 33 33 '? 33? I 333 §3 33? dfee' 3 ’ § a tW feHle3 8 t H '8l 3 3 3 '§ I

Mr. Speaker : Now we will take up Call Attention Motions.’ ' ' - J' J ' *' ■!■ ' ’ ' ‘ f ’ V'' ; * > • *• - a V \

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c a l l a t t e n t io n n o t ic e s u n d e r r u l e 66

(Serial No. 36)

Shri Ram Kishan Kataria ]Shri Romesh Chander Dogra }■ : Sir, I beg to draw theSardar Parkash Singh Garhdiwala J

attention of the Government towards a matter of urgent public importance, namely, extreme resentment prevailing amongst the people of Kandi area * of Hoshiarpur District, on account of almost total discontinuation of buses of Punjab Roadways/Private buses plying on link roads especially those issued in the year 1983 to 1985 in Garhdiwala constituency.

The people of Kandi area, are in very agitated mood because of withdrawal of transport facilities which were otherwise available since years together. It is feared that an agitation may be launched by them.

Keeping in view the urgency of the matter as also the responsibility of the Government providing transport facilities to all citizens, the Minister concerned may pleased be asked to make a statement in the House in this behalf.

Minister of State for Transport (Sardar Hardipinder Singh) : In all, 96 route permits have been issued in Kandi Area falling in the constituencies of Balachaur, Gardhiwala and Dasuya of Hoshiarpur district. Out of them 24 route permits have been issued during the year 1983 to 1985. The General Manager, Punjab Roadways, Hoshiarpur is operating scheduled bus services in Gardhiwala-Dasuya and Balachaur constituency regularly except on Hoshiarpur-Dholbaha-Barikhad. The road portion from Dholbaha to Barikhad is closed due to construction of Dholbaha Dam, In Balachaur constituency Punjab Roadways, Hoshiarpur is operat- ing regularly on Hoshiarpur-Chandigarh via Balachaur routes.

The General Manager, Punjab Roadways, Pathankot, Hoshiarpur and Ropar are operating bus services on Chandigarh-Pathankot via Hoshiarpur-Balachaur-Gardhiwala route regularly.

The Punjab Roadways, Nawanshehar, has not discontinued any scheduled bus service in Balachaur constituency of Hoshiarpur district but curtailed operation on the portion of the following routes being un- mo torable:—

(1) Balachaur- Malewal Kandi (This route is being operated fromBalachaur to Bhaddi, because the road from Malewal to Bhaddi (11 Kms)) is unmotorable.)

(2) Malewal-Kandi-Chandigarh (The road portion from Malewal tovia Rhaddi-Kathgarh- Bhaddi(17Kms) is unmotorable. TheThopia, Ropar. service is operated between Bhaddi

to Chandiagarh.

Call Attention N otices under R ule 66

(3) Nawanshehar-Makhupur (This route is being operated fromvia Majari Nawanshehar to Chaniani because

the portion of the road from Chaniani to Makhupur (3 Kms). is unmotorable).

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Punjab Vid h a n Sabha [25th M arch, 1987(10)46

[Minister of State for Transport](4) Chandigarh-Rattewal via (This route is being operated from

Ropar, Kathgarh. Balachaur to Chandigarh as the Roadfrom Rattewal to Thopia Maur is not motorable).

The Jalandher-I and Nawanshehar Depots are operating their scheduled routes exept undermentioned routes :—

(1) Tanda-Gardhiwala via Khuda ") Punjab Roadways, Jalandhar-I

(2) Tanda-Dholbaha J Punjab Roadways, Ja landhar-I

(3) Hoshiarpur-Dholbaha ")

(4) Hoshiarpur-Itbs rpur

(5) Hoshiarpur-Barikhad

(6) Hoshiarpur-Baroohi

y Punjab Roadways, Nawanshehar

The above routes have been stopped due to non-availability of fleet However, public is not to put to inconveience as sufficient bus services are available by different depots. As soon as position of fleet improves scheduled routes will be put in operation. Govern­ment does not encourage un-scheduled routes.

Due to above facts there is no cause of public concern.

$ cFH fees ; mitof3 H'fOH, fen 31 UfaS* fe* ?>HHH3fee u'asfei'Hfeai defeat 3 Hfsnaa n’faa s a?'a fan* nt t h|> fenfed srfat 53 333 at afnH cfel afet HUteta H'fca, mat asters 31 an ns ad] 9 1 ms afs fed 3fe afe asaW as, ava anfairs' >Hr i s ^ rifet 5 1 fea ars fesas nuna aare] d i noiaa nfou, at. m. s ss'fe»n few nt wa vr ^ §§ tf^a hi i h1 fan* fa u). sasfet. si. afew s fea sa? yt3T i H3oft $ a1® fea saY nla11 fas a'fepnj 3 fear wfe sfa otar s tet i ana »fa naat nt talfe§H3 aa* aa fa ta nsersfa di aaa aat hh idiaT d 3T H3a a»s a nfeaft mifaa H'faa, fat an aan as i (feuis)

jj] Htjfera -. ?hT nastAfeal sa» aa fas* 1 1

ql ant fans : nutbra H'faa, a HfsHaa n>faa s fen t k

@n at bfsalfeaHs 3' 3st at 3 a n^a fa3* few 3 Sons1, 3aaTst a'shi* ai|7 fasas saY nsak' i 7-8 aan as, fna* Hufera ntfaa, fasas #a as i w s 8-9 frsHfea nit's fna 3 nsr 3 an nefe 3st fraT 3 1 afetn fea fea n^' hh^ §3' aa as i fea grata sa* at 3ls anst C'nt

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§ I flfl U'F 3 Ft fen 3 5 3 HfoFfl Ft c'Uf 3afl* I K Z §T-i fe y flfl§ fe»fra 3* fe § 9 3fll 3 3 >33 SUl 5 >ife f i Sfl 5 5 H3fll 3 I Uf35* FIUl33 Ffffaa, § 3 Bfe fl5flt>H* 33l>tf» o s I BSfT 1 £53*3 } 3 fe§ Hfl*3 fe e f sf'few fl*

fe3* 9 1 ifera H3o! stst 33? 1 3' ul. 3H fe§. #1. ?Tfsw v l few ?1 eft 5 flf fen 3*3 Hfeoffl fll fflH feral ft I 33 Hf33H* DfajS 333 3 Hf3HH 33? 333*1 fl "33 LH* 33t ffl? 3* >HH? oil 331? ? >HHl t f l faHU*Ffef53l § 3 fllflt 5 1 HUl33 fl'feH, H33l fll efl §? 3H<§3 ^ 3 H33 >HH? 3?t 33 5?*3I I

3*fl H33l, 33*HU32 : HUl33 fltfeg, P '33 H*f33 3 33* 5 3 * «3* 3 'H 3

t fflfl* 5 I ffl3 f f 3 f l3 5 t 3 *5 »i?3H 3 NH3 flt 1 1983 3" 1985 3 3 3 3 ? fl

H3feH HRUfe 33*? U3 W ? 3 3 t SH H3fe'H flflbfe 3 3 ? 'offet I LH Ifdfefl 3 3

3 3 3 5 'cffel ? l § 3 sft § ? fe‘3 fe H53 33*3 5 I H3t33 H*foH, 3 f35H fe3

11 f35H l33 >*? 17 fc?3H.c3 F:*§ 3 F 3 K ?3 FPflH ^ofe'C t ? t f e I Pf

3 * 3*3* 3 3 *t3tfe?ET3 3* 3*>85 fll flfiW ft I H33 30*3 3*5 3 0 ? fll 3 3

3 3 Frafefl 3 3 2 5 3 l5 t 3f?t ft1 t f l SH H3fefl f l5 3 3 l t \

qt 3HH 333 #313* : H 4l33 H>f33, >>135 ffefl 3 t5 f? 3 ft fef fflH 3 3

5 dt, H 3 3 fl'?> I JHH5 fe fl Hf3H33 fl'fOH 3* 3 l 3Hl 3 h3 3 3 ? ft >H§ 3*<r

3l M3H3 H*f33>3 3', fbtf'ffl H>3 3*3* fefl flfe 33 I HHlH3 §3* 313l3

53* 3l 9 ffl33 3#t »ft U3*3l ?3>tff fefe 3f3"? 33 I »W? §3* 3l »W 5

HfllH3 Hf3HH 33? 33 H3fl I K3 35? fefl ffl35 Sfl 33H13H 33, fflfe fl'fl'333, 33*3? 33HU3, 3>HU3, WH3fe »l*fe, ffl5* fefe 33? U333l»l* I

3 8 ^ I3* 3f33 fefe §3 3f3 flfe 33 >H§ f S* 3 ?Si 33 33? ? fef 3 »fTU5 33 33H13H U3HU3, HEP3? 335r, 3'HU3 U335 I fH3 H?H3 tfe

Si 8-8 10-10 frasnlraa 33 33 I >HH? 3535 H333, afswraug 3 HyH3

frarat Hlfsr # 5 ? f! a f iw a n?<j 3 3 3 5 3 3 *f? fea «st u h ? fst

fea^N* 9H* 33H13H § Uararal * 33 feraslw 33? I A335 H3tT3 Stftr?

33, 3H* fl*fll»lT 33 I H33l fll srfer 33 3H* flfel>H* 33 U3 nifl? flfafe 3*

fsr ST? 33? flfelw 1 feH 3T5 flf ral f33flr 3fl* fl*3lfl[ 3 1 fee fHHSlfsfe

HFFHfea fefe flfa'fe 3 3 1 f f la i 5 3 f w fefe, >HorH?lH uaral fesifer^*

.f e f l f l f i f f 3 3 , f 3 * 3 U S 3 & , I f lS f 3 flfedl* I 10-10, 15-15 ffl3SH*

vfl*fll»t* 3 3 fl* 3 3 ? , feH fl* lH 5* 3 flfeai* I

Call Attention N otices under Rule 66 (10)4?

3*fl H3#t : fl jlraa fl?33, H1 33* i 3*3? Hfe3 fl'tOH 3 flflS* flrafl* 3* fe 5*»i $ fe mra33 fll fe§?a3 ?3? ra? H3fefefl 3 3 3 5 anl^* 3 3 >h§

3*3 f#3 3 3 2 5 33 f#3l>3* 33 I flfefl Pfe3 Hrf33 § fefl # 5 fl*

fa 3 r3 3 ? ; ? I A1 3 'ff l fea flfl f s * fl'3flf 3* f3 f e l 3 3 6H3lf3»1* 3 1?fl

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Punjab Viib a n Paiha

[gjpf H3ot, 3B*HUU3]

eHHten sb>13H3 B'3r UH fB3' Hi I fife* Mgfffee S' 3*g'N* ife •! • fgU3l feS* S uf3R33 U‘Sl BIS ?M 5, feft'US1 §§ S ‘fe>H' 3'U »fe 3, ;n 't tw dsu H3t3 us, §u »mY uul 33*31 gfgnug ®*§® fugi . fgu3'H35P U'3 ugjU'H 9 2 -3 VTB3 H'fUB'S U', §U UU'lfeUHS U3 S 3 I >HHl*

U3l H3feH f3H-of*3'tfS§ SU? U lsl, TOR-1 HfeU H'fUB £ UUHS’S 2 - 4 - 5 ; :

ufelH U 'S 3 U S ' UU 3* I

[25th y / i ch , 1987

Hug*<j yaro Mu Bisgluw : hbIuu H'fUB, uulu H'faB 31 ujg®* ' grgU1 U*fU 1982 3 i 1985 g gufHM'S fgUSW BH*Wfe-<gt USB' BTsg'lu'S'' ’'feg g s g W h s , § u fuS 1 n g u gtgW u s i fes* s feu ' U fa gsH 'U 'S" ’ b s Ib s Hu g"l bh nufen fen u u 3 u g u ls l 5 fa oH3> s f a suT 3 i u s 3 '

gs'B'U' fw u s f e w t w§ H3 U ul gtH u gfel 9 1 uu fen g bu^S uI sh ’HgfUH SU? 3S'Hl dfel I P. U3H 3S<I 313 HS §U 17 33H '— t c

h s , f u u i u g u u f u t u s , § u g u n i f g g g 'g r u* i

h s b u 3 1 u u l, U fa*!' d t s g lu 's r 5 , § u s g 5 i faqu fatra g s g ' 5 i

SU* HfUU sT B'3lte3, U'fe»1' UfH>HT3U3, UfuWS'l SU* HfUU 3 ' UcUl, U‘fe>tf' BiaglU'K' I US'SUU 3 1 u^|b3, U 'few dTHglU'S', gS3UH, HS3' I 3SBU 3" U ful tyUU'S, U'fe>Hr 3*3', H'3' US* I 35UU cf ufeUBU sUbtf*, U'fe>tfl 3* 1, g!3glU'S' I US'SBU 3 1 Ufa>H'3UU, U'fe»3 UhU', SUB, 3UU, dT3glUTS : ' U3lai3 3 1 d!3 Ufa'S', U'fe»B SU* Hfud, ufg>HTS', feu UU'H 3 S ig SU* HfUU gr 33 Hi I u f tw u u u 3 1 S3R3 BHc5, 'fe>H' UUH, ufev^'S' « SU* HfUU 3 1' >H3U'UUH, Ufebl'S', BHl 3 3 ' I UOTd 3~ oUU'K, 3*3', ^US', »fe'S( 33* i

U5'S33 3" dTSglUfc?', U‘fe»l' b3' Ufel'H*, H'3' ofS*, ^SU 'S i US'SU3 3 cU3glg'S', U'fe'H' U3't m s bug, 3'dlU'S', B'SUU, BH, »fe'S f 33* , B3* fuB3' I U_fe»1'Uy.U 3 ' 3 fUSl U'fe>H' 3*3', 3S'SUU, HSHUU t 3SBH 3Vgisg lu 'S ' u fe w rn su u , h u u 'S ', g'U'uu i 3 » b u b " Hfu3T«u>s, U'few US’S, OfH gU'Hl ’ RBluU H'fUB, feu gH3' g u g r U* fu A s1982 fug 3 3l>>iH. S 'few Hi f3U3' fe >H'B3 g l S 'g feu UUB" UUtbh* g s 'f fe' fuur i fen gut tg ult, H'U uuh Bg u aie i fi- gg|g H'fug - 3i feu ufe»i' Hi fur 3 f h gg's dug g s t uu us, 3* sg fu f ulf us iofl f3U3 33H a § bfl§ US, Q'J gB 'H ' g 'S -oft3 3'3<Ji, 3 5 " U 3l M w g l

afs U'|g fug gsfl 3, 3 * h" b'h ugu ufes' g'U3( u*fu hu' >HRfesl u s7r uj B4 3 ' bub felufus 5 i »lg fusl fug 3 Bg* gsgl»i* uul»i* uutm* Hus3* fgsal-H* gjl.-d* uuug §u Bg u ural>* usi uulg?' HUl HifedI UUl ^ UUiU H'fUB S'S Hlfedl U3l 9 §S * ^ 3§FP

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fegfe>»p nt fsr fen b h * ge>ggft»F s f g g g s r g W g g ? gfefejT f g f 'f g fen g g

n n i fn n a s g g s t M n r f e g g f g f e n n f u fe e i f a g £ b b n £ n n f g g*B g?0 i

Call Attention N otices under Rule 66 (10)49

un i n g g t : h " g g fe g fe f wfen Frfgg § » ra n ^ n u a § nfe>MT 0 u g

U3 T Sg f fen HH50 fg f? s n ? n n i fen cfo Hfesfe g g 96 n n i e fe gg}

tg>HT fe n 3 -4 feu n n i 1983-84 fe n 24 n fe e n n £ n n >wg f n

24 n s nn n n i 96 ^ 96 g g n s gn n n i fe n i fgg RTfgg

( ugTg n n f n * n ftrsrg f g f n n ? f o g 0 1 M n - n f e f s s g g n f n f 0 n s f e

n n f n 1985 fe n n n n gfe i n fe t ngg^g g" u f e s t n s ^ g n n n gi§ i

’M n -H fe fs g g n g g f ^ n s s n n ? 0g* fen r ^ ts n't iFSHt 0 1 n f e f s g g g g g g n e t fen g g g r 0 g t n n i

$ m flg g : b ps Mgnnn HBn n : 54

q t w i^ n t H tfe t : n H ntfnw 3 ' g fefe n n sn 0 u g m n g g

s^ g w f g n r I h s t n n ? nfe>HT 0 (fem g) 260 u f g ^ g i n n g g g n n >wg

f n g u n t 0 wua n n n m (feum ) fen fe e t f r g g gfo n e g f wqw nfe fe e fee § g ^ f n ^ h § w J . w . s ' s H?ggr n e t i n l e ? s ? s §

Htfgai n e t u g >nn g g gg} e s e n n n ? g f e w (few n ) 1

wgm *: feni n fagg grs ^ n e n Hen 3} nant n^ntnl 0 1

qt Hutgg: ge? >nnfe} sro »fenen wen ug 1u

(Serial No. 54)

Shri Ashwani Sekhri : Sir, I beg to draw the attention of the Government towards a matter of urgent public importance, namely, the illegal lock-out of BECO (Batala Eng. Company), Batala, w.e.f. last week of January 1987. The families of 300 employees have been affected due to non-payment of salaries. There is a great resentment amongst the people of Batala in this regard. Hence it is a fit matter for the Govern­ment to make a statement on the floor of the House.

■+- Minister of State for Labour and Employment (Shri Prem Gupta) : '^Government is in touch with the situation. The workers resorted to a stay- in-strike on 18th January, 1987, the management declared partial lock-out on 24th January, 1987 following minor incidents of violance (interruptions).

b p ^ tr * : 3H ? u g fe t f ^ r u g 1u

gro H3gt, fegg § gjjgpg ; feg gr^ hhs »fgral feg wetfft>H§ H 'f s r g r » f ^ f t f e g u g fegT 3 t |

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(10)50 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

. HFft1 W Ht fa3 U3 I

- 3 3 H33l: 3fa 3 , H1 UtPHl fa3 U3 fafei 3* I

99313 f t Hfe3l 7PB RU33 H2TfHMT 3feW 11 f333>Ht ?> 18 33W3t, 1987 §4 H3-fe3 H33 tof 33 fS3l Fft I ip W » $ 24 tT3?dt, 1987 3^1*

g Z - \ IZ ftjfcof U|3?T 333 24 33331, 1987 3" »f‘faa 93 f53l IVJ3TfW3 f333l>»n 3lfal03l 177 d 30 f333t>tf 5tfaS3t 200 $ Sffl 33T & I H03 H3'3l HtfS3F offal F 3T3t'H’ I WT0t Htf33I H0»3 H3r8l 0Hl

1 M$0, 1987 3 35l 5 1

>HH3?a H 3 3 t: Hf3H33 Rif33 3 WUZ' fa»TO fa 3 ’ 9 »«§ F 9»9

st 3w t a fa tep 3 ns» fife* a i h4 RHs^ 3+ fa H’3H5fT g t, 3I3fa 03* 3 RT3 ¥3f fa3W 33 feH 3*§R fawfe3*fS>HT t I Writ4 3T3l3 03* 3 H3^ tfa 33? R33 l h ' 33T3 fcR KT3 Y)\QZ H33l 3R0T RfcV 3f I 3 3 ^ fa3 fsWWddl faa 33T Bl’^1 faw 9 I fej" g|g Ht ft»3 fS3R33l 3 *3 afal RWS HtS fa3R33lt! 33 !feH 9331 3 faUiT 0'3 ^ 3 3l3* 3 feR 3^0 3fal «P? fa*T 3 1 f R sl £ fof3T fcf 0»R f3§ 4 33T§0T?J fen 0Sl §3* 3 feR § 3S 33fe3T I f33 ft!33t 33^33 3, fe3 H’Sl 3 I F 33l»P fe°3R33l>tfT feR 33T 3S 33 031 UStnP 3T gig) g<»tw fSsHddlw ?t 6^ 3 R’SdflW > fefl33T 93*0 S1 40 3*P3 f333t fa30T 3 S1t3tT, §3 HifcW rtfa3IT1 fH3 FP3l 093 Hf33 33W f^3 33f 3f£st, fen ^ 90% 330 ^ 03H 333 331 H1 SEP3P fat fe3 3'§R 3 t s fa feH 0^3 W §3

3 u<3 «13 fa?> HH4 fas « 0 ^ f«3 l ?

913 H33l: H4 >H33 oflHl 5 f3 1 WJ30, 1987 3 H^rtHT f33Hl^Tt 3_HTf?f3»1T Si Htf53T S0t BSl S 3 % ^ 939^8W W Ht I

Mr. Speaker : Next call attention Notice No. 56 and 41.

SardarKirpal Singh (Amritsar) J . . . .attention of the Government towards a matter of urgent public importance, namely, the news item appeared in Indian Express dated 18th March, 1987, vide which, the Punjab Civil Medical Service Association, Class-I, threatened to organise a silent protest march here on 26th March, 1987, in protest of the indifferent attitude of the State Government towards their demands.

(Serial Nos. 56 and 41)

Doctor Kewal Krishan Doctor Satpal Prasher

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Call Attention N otices under Rule 66 (10)51

The Doctors’ is a respected class of the society. The Government should give immediate attention to solve their problems. There is a great resent­ment amongst the general public , particularly the Doctor’s Class. Hence it is a fit matter for the Government to make a statement on the floor of the House.

Minister for Iaformation and Public Relations (Sardar Natha Singh Dalam) : Sir, one of the main demands of the PCMS-I Association is regarding removal of ceiling on pay plus N.P.A. which is agitating the minds of the members of PCMS-I.

2. At present, the N.P.A. Is admissible to PCMS Officers at the following rates :—

(i) For first 10 years of service at the rate of 33J % of the basicpay with a ceiling of maximum of Rs. 600 P.M.

(ii) After 10 years service, at the rate of 50 % of the basic pay with a ceiling of maximum of Rs. 600 P.M.

3. After the second Pay Commission when the pay scales were revised with effect from 1st January, 1978, the Government imposed a ceiling on pay plus N.P.A. as under :—

(i) PCMS-I 1,400—2,000+N.P.A. maximum Rs. 2,400.

(ii) Selection Grade 1,775—2,300-f-N.P. A. maximum Rs. 2,450.(PCMS-I)

(iii) Deputy Directors 2,000—2,400+N.P. A. maximum Rs. 2,500.

(iv) Joint Directors 2,300—2,500+N.P. A. maximum Rs. 2,625.

(v) Directors 2,500—2,750 (No. N.P.A. admissible)

4. The matter regarding removal of double ceiling has been under active consideration of the State Government. In case the double ceiling is removed, the total financial liability of the State would be of the order of Rs. 23 lacs per annum (Approximately Rs. 5 lacs for PCMS-I and Rs. 18 lacs for PCMS-II).

5. Position with regard to the other main demands of PCMS-I doctor’s Association is as under :—

(i) Rent Free Accommodation ;

(ii) Utilisation of conveyance at subsidised rates ;

(iii) Provision for utilisation of tele-communication net work ofthe Police Department.

These demands are also under consideration of the Government.

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(10)52 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch , 1987

[Minister for Information and Public Relations]6. The following demands are being referred to the Third Pay

Commission :—(i) Increase in Rural Health Allowance ;

(ii) Grant of Special Pay ;

(iii) Change of designations of Assistant Civil Surgeon, DistrictFamily Welfare Officers and Distiict Health Officers.

7. Consideration of doctors for nomination to I.A.S. Selection of Non-State Civil Services Officers for appointment to I .A.S. is made out of the Gazetted Officers of the state fulfilling the regiiisite conditions under the I.A.S. (Appointment by Selection) Regulations. Recommendations are made by a Selection committee comprising of the Chairman/Members of Union Public Service Commission, a representative of Government of India not below the rank of Joint Secretary and Senior Officers of the State Government. Health Department has already recommended the name of a PCMS-I doctor for consideration.

f^us : mflsra Frftra, fust 3 >fafes a fa ^ H s hhV feu*

U, H fes* 3 " U'<5S r UfeUFfe oft HlcffuU oTfRsfdHS 5 cffuS Ur H3?.'H cPf-JUd

s # ft? fefe 3 r s s feu sr] fuu D ?

Huhra H'fuH, feu fot m mk §. fa s uft fifer f=% ^ ^ u?).t f e t >HH. P IfRcfetU fHoUfeft Uo §U $ SU f fHcJUW, R tr §>u

£ § fg g g g Rig USS* § g ffRHUftU ft US 3 1 gft g f e g ~ g ?; ,

milord HTfuu. »reft. t . m . v h r s nfefcfe; hus 5 f u 167 fe fe 59 u s

PI3 feuftuiHS U feu cTcd'H as M'SHU U US §U 1500 fe€" 23 UU S'ofUUU feu 4000 few" feds 2 Uo 1 oft sPofUUU ft C lR S S'e-J feu feoURfUR SUft" U ?

eft >H’o(f<r? oifeeJHHS ft S ‘o § 3 * ftlnft SiH'sU S U'fevjT suT U1 fuur u ?

h 1 HfSHUd H'fUH 3” US'S' U'UUt U* fe RUST'S fSoft UU few iHS> H ot f s f

uft stHfeU § >HUHUU bra Kluft ?

HUST >H3 HoT HUgcf H33ft : RUftbfU R'fua, HaU'U R 3ft STS ulus. S fe<3 HUH ul SHS U §HS RHuftt S’ I HdU'U S feR U?HS S'K ’• oft 3 (ft gg. uafeft 5 1 w* u>yuu Hrfua s uofu feu feu ' fe fe §?ft ftfet hup nubou ft feu'u »;ufts Uo'inft auu us'ftt rucT'U ftfe 3 urs[ briurT 1 I rsi oras feu fun ?>h§ fe ; ft uuft ft nraftnr war feu uraftsfes H'fefefsuftu fes-S?r&> sS U?> i

RUUra feuiTH few : Ruft'ofU HnUH, HUft o fS HI 2 SR S HRS UT SHU 3 Rft

41 fofcf t ?fe>Hr U ! HUft bPH >HUSRS HRS frtUSft Hft f'R U fRHfRH feu

M 's fe y HfsRUU H'fUH S 53ft U?'H SUft1 fu3 ', ? .wfapH' U? 3 T H Up

fU'H* ?

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^ Hutera: 3H? us?;* 3'4.3 u us; f<e§ ?>•# fgg hlhsTh^ sra s>f!

forairs four: mitora H'ftra, h ; ufu??1 sph her ? f ;41 U3'3TT I

H1 JTdSf'H 3 ' ftMR Hof Ho33' S feet ScSl H'HS fS ^ i^S ' S' fs »RS'3, fsr Rftttyg 3'5?33T S 'S H3sra 3 33 S'fSS cist §?>' s t U33 >?; uhh oTS fSt Eft BfoR foTF ? 'fes 3 s s t S'SS'Ht SS 35T 3 ' SS cjgf F ftWKX^ z a 1 §€?ft feg ^ f g o t 3 i n u o ra U tra ^ i ht

fen * cfb>ra £ToTZZ' Ht tfU ZCdZ ^ TH§ bplJSt ?^3l HUHH ofF >Minister for Information and Public Relations (Sardar Natha Singh Dalam):

Junior Doctors of Medical College, Amritsar, observed a token strike on 10th November, 1986 and later on the call given by the Junior Doctors Association, Junior Doctors including Interns, House Surgeons and Post-graduate students, without giving any prior notice, went on indefinite strike on 17th November, 1986 to press their following demanus :—

(i) Abolition of stipend and introduction of pay scale at par withthe Central Government.

(ii) Regular PCMS posts for all Medical graduates.(iii) Immediate admission to post-graduate courses in accordance

with the High Court decision.Junior Doctors gave no time to the Government to consider their

demands. Their demand charter was received on 21st November, 1986 Junior Doctors Association office bearers were invited for talk on 24th November, 1986 by the then Hon’ble Health Minister, Punjab and appeal was made to them to call off the strike and resume their duties , so that Government could give proper consideration to their demands. They were, however, adament and refused to go back to their work and remain­ed on strike till 9th December, 1986. Residency Scheme is not applicable in Punjab and Resident Doctors who are doing Post-Graduation in Delhi Hospitals, are equivalent to our Doctors who are working as PCMS-II and doing Post-Graduation and their pay scales are under the consideration of Pay Commission, Government of India, however, have revised the pay scales of Resident Doctors with effect from 1st January, 1986. Punjab Government had already revised the rate of stipend of Junior Doctors in April, 1986, as per following details ; category-wise :_

Call Attention N otices under Rule 66 (10)53

Category Prior to 1st April,1985

Revised with effect from 1st April, 1985


1. Interns Rs. 550 P.M. Fixed Rs. 800 P.M. Fixed2. (i) Junior House Surgeons Rs. 700 P.M. Fixed Rs. 1000P.M. Fixed

(ii) Senior House Surgeons Rs. 800 P.M. Fixed Rs. 1200P.M Fixed3. (i) Post-graduate students

(MD. & MS)Rs. 700 P.M. Fixed Rs. 1200 P.M. Fixed

(ii) Post Graduate (Diploma)

Rs. 1200P.M. Fixed w.ef. 1-4-1986.

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[Minister for Information and Public Relations]TTltimafpIv good sense prevailed and they called off the strike. TheyUltimately g P . ^ jp considered sympathetically.

Accordingly cons%% g y s auowed to complete the house job.^ t ^ ^ r a w S ^ M i r r n e e s w a s r u ^ condoned as per assurance given to them.

The other two demands of Junior Doctors have been accepted by the Punjab Government :—

(1) Letters of Ad hoc appointment have been issued to about 450MBBS graduates. y

(2) Post-graduate admission has been done in accordance withHigh Court decision.

As mentioned above about 50% increase had been made in the st inend of Junior Doctors less than two years ago. As regards nrst demand regarding revision of stipend/pay scales, the matter is under the consideration of the Government, Sir. . „ .

foraiFH fHUI : HUlH3 H'faH, HfsTO3 P’feS t >31T

§ gfa aas ar feaa>a aW d t a afens al alat ^ n ta HF1H' C a t e s y sdf 9 1 asl iafan H ann as' 3 , fa ra , ^ * a feH»as a s , t ? T

fs sfcr d, afawa S a t e ; Coos w ^?rfeaT a feT d1 Ofph few at aa afefef fesaH m a - fd w a T feu a

t t Z 3 y y ana p fW t ^ aaa* 3" ^ ^ fs f^ at

H i t e f a ? 3 faffS S*S»fe * * fe l fe !W ^ f a t ffa tt 9 f a t fa t fan faa a a^ah ?

nasr >h§ s a Huaa H aal•. 0 a t e v faaa fen aad w f e w $

fa hot as ad as ft t<? 3 r o d * * * * ^ «J® * *

Hit i nuTaa H'laa, h-s nas s uy d fa uws n^a'a t a t e at u a te ; Haaa aa fay d » H te fifes at fen ate t e fi1 n t e aT fa aia^ n?3H d n 0 a t e ns, fa tes ta ait as i fi* say 3 a«few d fa Haas s f y at»p hop tpe i=at SHaaat d1 w ia>i fs* nstnia yaaas s a an' f te fy ss_a' aT fa naa'a f ?>T ^ ' T ^ .aH ofi src5 aia aaaft i ,>

Ha H3af : nulaa ntaa, fea Hngp an faar St \Sir, I would like to say something on this. The matter regarding

removal * of double ceiling which the Hon’ble Minister has said is under consideration.

fen t ara f?a fea afusf am'ifeii fa aa fas hto t aval as l >iiaa>tfst fea Htflfc f >Haa >nag fea sas nlfnar %h? aa f^3f ytaft i (tfUai)

Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch , 1987



v- ?


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Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs (Sardar Baldev Singh Maan): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table the Annual Statement of Accounts of the Punjab Housing Development Board for the year 1984-85, as required under section 68(3) of the Punjab Housing Development Act, 1972.

Mr. Speaker : Now, we resume general discussion on the Budget Estimates for the year 1987-88.


grfl fcT33 § HOTa (qt UH ^URt) : RUtuU rpfel, JTC3 Ft URUF URiR HHUt HURTU fRUt Ft 3 UR Ufe' 5, V.~ HURTU US#3

fHUl 3 3 H3F>U HURIf tRUl 3tu Hf3RUU R'fUH 3 T?qfet 33 FTOh^ t gfevp TP I H" ufe# ofet U'HF n i U3 fas* fUF URU 3 ^ 3 fFF sfet o! 5 foKJi fcIPHT 3 I U3T 3U? 3 foTR 3 qfe»P 3 # 3 3 ? Ufe»P 3 UU feUT fUM1

3 fur feu W H ' 3, feu mih uf# uuW # # # U3 i w feu vrosui nfeu gtf FRRt # I RUlofU H?UU, vf H’HUU FI 3 Rfe»F 3 I f U U Flu §

feuju UU3 Ft ufaH Ufet 3 I UH'R UH fFF fUH 3c.• UFT 3, feu ufe 8

EFt >>iu §U ut 3Uf SUt I HUt RH3 fFF 3Uf wfenp fe §R F 7 3RU 3T8

oft 3W55U 3 I H" feu HRU 3 »PUS fUF'U UUF 3" Ufa# UF'H 3 UR^ 1

H3Ut 3, fR?,T 3 fUR fRM'FU 3*75 feu URU feWF* 3, feU3THtU#, HUUl- cf# F U t# 31# Ff fRUU 5ft3T 3 ! sfe3fe Hf3RUU Rifeu 3 H’U t# gfei

fRTR U7# F T fRUU # F rjtF f Rt, §3* # FU3S UaF Ut fa ffe

Ft feUT3Ht felU UUt Fft, PUT UfHUtUE UUfetfaR f?F flt, §R 3 UTU

RRU 3 RUT 3 3 feU Ufe UUt 3 :

“This year my major concern is to attend to the structural, imbalances in Punjab’s economy, regenerate its inner impluse of progress and growth and to pro* vide it greater dynamism.”

RlftUU RTfeu, feU URU U#H 3 UU FHU 3 FTU §U RU*J fUF 3, F TU PUr^ig uftptfT gfe>HT 3, HUUfet VSTRH 3, UTUUUH3T fUF, EjUtUU- fRUhHT fFF 3, qfetie HU# # ofT RT feF 3, UUt UU CRT oFFT 3, fR

Ft fuuuut FTR3 feR 3 fUF ujaiUTH 3 #ftWT fel^i 3 I RHUFT UT fu feu fRUUT FRF 3 feU RUU Ft 3iufegi feUT3Ht fRUUt 3 feR § Ru5fe3 UU3

# r3 feR fUF fFFTU RUUTU F 1 FfR»P 3 I feR feu UU ?3U 3t feURU# HF fRUU 3, FTU >HUIUtU75FU 3, UHt Ut H3U 3 3 r 3 fetlUF UU3 UTR3

fUF'U FfR>HT felMT 3 l Hi 3R URU 5 ' ufe# RUtUU RTfUH, RS Ft oft U TFP3

uul, 3 r ft fRUU UU uaiu 3# 1 ufe RUFT I h' feu RHUFT UT fu feutJH*

Resumption of G eneral D iscussion on the Budget (10)55E stimates for the year 1987-88

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[331 HUU), feU3 3 3JFI3IT3]>Mof3i 3S, fe s T § STUU'U 3S?Ut >*3 UU^Ut 3 HUtS f3U' l fee U3 SU HJ? H33 33 fe fen 3U 3t fe3 3HU>3 feu 333 3HS 33? S^ t RSfgft | fen m fie?? I fee 3 Hrtlfe ffe?? ! fen UBS'S* H’feu 3 H3HH3S 3t 3'33 ofM 3tet $ 3 33Ul 333^3 US#3 felU § 3fe* 3 § OTS 3tafsre artst ufet 1 (ferns) nutes n?ue feu hu! u h f s 3 3 i h " usetorafefT fg £g) gggfe feg UTggfep gr ggafe ^ »re3tT fesfetortW 3* 3333

Ut Mfeun, yrS3rSf 3 3t >Hfe3 T, U3H 3* 3t »-!fe3P, Uufe 3Uto(3 3 T 3l

»tfe3P, fen 553) H§ H»P3 U3S», feui U3TS U>3KtH"e3?)lS 3U US §S* 3> luffe ?t »tfe3P U3 H" fefe § W 433S SU? ofgfeT | 3 ie t 3T35 913,"3 U

3fe 3T 33? U3T ^S* 1 H1 3 3 ;'feur 3) fe 333’3 UK#3 fell! ift § 3 ?

fe3 33'§S 3t afHH utut Ufet l/ U3 3" 33^1 3fe 3t U* fe 333T3 US#3

feui 3t S fe3 fU333TS fe3 fest Hint §U HU3 fer»P3> S ! fee feSiPH

H?e»P fe3T 5 fe 33SP3 fefe >Hf3^3?? 3t H33 ofU3l 5, felUSt W S t

U’UUt 9 feU »?33T3 3t 3UU3 oT33t 5 I »fet" ^ ufef) 3) feu >H’3Ht *tfe? f "Sfefet US U'Ufe US for 33 »ff3?'3 3 S1?? 9 I H" SU? offUS* fe 5fel

h"U3 »tf3^T3 ■§ Srt5 5 UU 33’ feU fefeH ^ U 3foP UHofr? f33?? 3’S 3*

feU feU 33S, 33? 3TUT fe"3.33»S feu 3HS3P fe US >tffe?3 3 S’S 9 I

feU feH 3133) H3U 3Sl 31 fUP U3 CPUS fee U?sT3' 3l S feU fecp 13 fee

3333311 HU f 3 W (feuis) 3 SUt" fctU' 3* U 3^31' H3SH fee S'*3 H3T3 3 ? S3I?? 3S^UT £ 31*5 fgg H3l3 HU fe 3 UTH 33 Hfefe’K 3 ' ufe>HT

& §U UUSTST 3?UU 3T 33 f3»fef. I U3 ? fesf S StfeV U’ fe fes* ?Iurl>Mt— u s= <jSS^rgt 3 S’S fU333^S % Sfe S fUUniT § 31 fpyi § ^ 31 3U3T i

fet 15 3lS Ufa® S3 of 3t STSt feU" fesUWH UU3 3fe^ 3SU3 >H3 feu H35t 3t S ’St feU" U'feHU^S UUSt US 'U3 3" feu SffeST g r^V gt

fe feU 3H3t >H3'3t 3'3 f33 3t ufUSH'Ht U3SW 3?UH 33^ USfeU UH srt sul" US §SUi I sfots 3 feu treU'S* u lw UHH'I’Ht feg g^ nig HUT-

3’3T FPfeU feu offd US fe 3^ t »lfg ^3 S'® UU) 3^53 SUt", PS fe?j 3

5553* 3" feU CPU »fi§"3T fS fe :

3" 3fe ufe ul 333 H HS'3’3 U SUt”

3 fe3 set H" 3 fey UUH 3t 3U3t cftut 9 §U U t HS U3’ 5 >H§ U3t 31 U3? ^t ?fet" sfes p" 3fet 33 § feU Ufa 333* fe fe feU f3U UUH 33 3" s^ts UUH 11 fe3 % U3t S5T 3t 3?T srfet I UU 13 SHt ^ fen S U3H ofUS 3t ufen srfet 1 fetus HUT 3t HUS 3S §S* $ fes^ fe >>1 s-3psuti"n s >Mfe uu fu fen § feeufeffe ^t s uu n§ 1 >mu fen 31 mutu feu srfe* fe feu huspu eeuft >mu feu ufera feu Cgts g hh

(10)56 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch , 1987

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3#3!t fee 3STH3W feH atgp , $ yfyg ygT ggj ?sfT ^

fof USf?>3I HH H at 5 Basra 333 fet r>!§ SSTHTPH1 333333) ti'dl offer

333 RH3) 33 fete Hf3H33 v S fe>tfT Tt'#31‘ ^ 3 fee 3 i>Hd £>-gr§ 33 fe33sr fag ta t sfra H3 3 1 5 at, Basra cat agate, at, feu' 3 3 fear fe 2 3 1 3 )3

§ fea atari »fe 4 afefe a fea atari *r§ f a ggt aa* feat 1 w fen trafW

f^ s fe ) fe era aet feust 3 a) 1 3 3 3 1 g fegi s fa a f a s a t 3 1 f e a 3 3 3 1 fe 1

fea i-r RHaar fe fe fife eaH Rfer uaH 3 at l a »fsfe^T ^Hfaa' fe 1 fea fesr R3 T f t a feH fe I fee fear fap-tfr fe fife qgH § a ’fe fe ) f e c-JT UTfeMT I R3a U3H »T§ fH^TO ufe ufe ^ gr £ fig

Hlat »r§ fetal ar agr 33I1 as-fean ^ fe n fe set fa safe afe 1 uaH feaR s a araalat f e a fe 3h eraa fe €a3 ‘ faa> 0 1 ubh 31 afe fe 31 5 »it H c z fe aro ? » ife aaT a a' fe1 fee aaarai H f e aet fe fe fe m s afe1 aa f e §fe RRHaw afet a near 5« f t aunt 31s afe Raai fe fe ruh w Rife 3 's afe stesa afe1 & 1 a a a fe fea eaH a t, f m a t ,

HHfen eaH a t afe feafe uaH a t fen 31 naa ??& afe 3»fea afe1 fe1 urh nee fe aH fea aes tegigt afe1 sta Hear 1 aaa afe qiafea He7> § &3 t nee fe hthTsmt fea aes teafet aaar S fe afe Haa afe aaHa Hr afet aaa'fe fa ars3 & 1 fea fea 3 feta fea fe1 faaHavj feg yfes fei faa^ aT an? h) »i§ afe1 fee fea a ifw ’ffe usfe's 3331 aa Ha fet 31 ©a afe afe aa feta afe fe hhh a ait 1 Qr 31 a’v.a HHSHiat afe »few aa4 fea Hstt»ri t naa a wfefeHt faa aass >naife srtfe »i§ a ftwT a ftrcsfe a3t fa§ & fa al afe uhh a a t 1 ubh fe qrfea aio ape ffejj f e t a H»faaa>t atefet fea aaar fa§ afe 1 fea fe iTssfe t fatt fe 1 f t rtafe w Rt ua fafe t suh faa asar ^ fg3, >h§ 3Hife afe I fan 333 fe uaH t naa fe Hfe5 fea rue tfafei fefe t 3 f agraffe afe fe 1 huot Fnfea fe tsfe a t >H3RafefHHfe fe era nirfeas1 nr a?aiT ffeferr 3t qraa 3#fawr fea § fe uar atair 1 5^ feai^ hi uar tfeg aaa a^aa R§a fe wm fea aaa fe ays? »farfe sftHl at fa41 Soft g aaji33 3a fafefiro iRs fee fe qgH aa aitfeg tefea »it hrt ^R^a I uaH feR HSa fe HTH5 fea atis sfe1 fe R3ar 1

mfe nafe fefe fe >h§ Rife Hfe»i3 r fe Hasft fefe fe »it uife1 fee S33 ofei fe) RSS >«a eaHwslaar msfoar naasreRasm§ fost f feaaRs 3^ Rfemr 3# a» R3a> 1 ftm 3at fet Ha are aaas ftS« feastHTHr 3 ^ 3 3 fH3i »it aasrsTRifeg at Haa fe ? tr§ 48fe 4 8 ^ fe^t fe3 ij5 a s a ^ >K3 feH afe at R93 fH3T fe fea 3351 ais3 fe (effrat) fen fe feau

Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget (10)57Estimates for the year 1987-88

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[3*H HHcft, fa33 § 3331*3 ]3 So? al 3a? H75fa fanny's h?? n*3i»ft uKtetas u*33t»ft fe3* Hi hHH *?’H§ tfaW 5 3iut»ft fof fof feH 33* 333 3*75 HH Hi §33* »I§ VHH33*H3§ feg U FfaHl Hi »l3 fSH 3 H3 ¥333*3 33l£ f3375 HHH 33 *H3 feH3 t hC33 h*3 h h * 3 hM h*h §3 fan y*33t h* h1 »it H*ii fsrn uhh h *Hi ¥3 H3 HH3 333 §¥3 § ¥3* 33? eft 3 f3I»I* HlftbTd H*f3H, H 3 HdH’3 fa3¥*75 fjftu tft 3 3 HH3 33ft WH*1, §3 H3 H*ift 3331 h~ H’3l»ft 375* f*?H 33ft H*H* i H' fHH 3133 feH 3l 33? tftH* fa »13*75 333 3*75 3H3’§ 3 f33* 5 I H‘ fH¥* Hi 33? H3H* I >>13*75 333 H* H3 fH75 ft?H HfHopa&, H’H 3 I H * HH3H* 3* fa M3 fH75 feH Hfeot*3 fap fH¥ 34 ufe 3 # 3 IHUtoT3 H?3H, fS3 H£ HH3 fH3S H'3H3 35 33 tl 33? >>faic3T 33 33 331 H fH3 33 tft fag f t 33 3IH H3 3* 3*333 H*f33 HfCHH3 fa h~ yf375 Rlft33 H*f33 7T 3U H*3H Hi 3*75 33*33 I HUiof3 H*f3H, fe3 3?HW 1973 HT 3 I fSH »#H73l feH 33*1 H*3H3T H'H3* 3 Hfam* 3 31* * §H €& rtHi of3 fe33 §33 3Sl 3*333 H*f3H 3 f3U3i H¥1h3 HH*few f3TW Fft I f H 31 3*>tfH f33 3*333 H*f33 H¥fa3 HH 3lt H31 f333t H3l33 H*f33,yfo& fHH3H >H3V'fHH3i 3H3i faH HS 3J§ l Ufa® fe33l H¥fa3 H*f3H *|1 3J33ig S *i*t I §H €§ fei fesf 31*7531 W 313*1 H fe H*3 31 33t h HH* 3 33* 3 I fe33i H3i33 H*f33 3 fesf ?f®3T § fH3i fe fel **13*1 3*33t H* 3* 7h? f753T rf* H3H* W3 3* 31 3*3I3H 3*33i H* 3* fS3* H* H3H* 3 1 fet 3*33i*H* H* 3*§i 33? fS3* H* H3H* 1 fSH 3:H H* H*3* 3*§H fH33 3 f3PH* I »ra*sft >H*3H *>1*3 3 >M3*si 33l‘ cd3 Hof§ 1 3*3I3Hi *M*3H >>i*3 §of*3T3Hi 33ii orf3 HoT§ I H3*isr3 H*f33, fe3 3fH3I H333 3311 fe3 333 3*3®1 3*75 HH Sft3* 13W* 3 1 1 33* Hi fe fe * 3 USP 33 HH^ tft 33i& I

H3H*3 33fHWH fHUI 3*375*: H3ic(3 H*f3H, H1 *H*3 § 3*# HfeH33H*f3H 3 cffHS* H*3H* 3* te fe3 W33* 33 3H75H1 fen fet Bfftf© 33 fof 3?* 3? >HH. 3? 3 *>I3 fe§ Stf3§ 33 fst 3 * *HH. WH. §. 3 l fed 333 31753 33 fH3fe»1*3 5T3 33 33 I f?3* 3 *H*3 »13*75 333 3*3 33* 37? 3 l fe3 H3ftsr3 H'f33, 3*§H % 1H3*3 33 33 331 (feui3)

qi HUi33: 3 # 3133* tft, oRife§ 3« 1

H3H*3 3133 fHUl 3*H75 : HU?T3 H*fU3, 3>H*fH3 >H*3 »T*333 1 HUted H*f33, H* 33*3 3*3? HH3i tft § orf3H* H*3H* 3» fa 33*f 75 3753 7551 ^iftd 3i ?3ft3 33 tft HHi 3753 753*1 )?33 5*1 3 ? ?ift3 31 Hd'of*d Hi Hoft H* 33 33 I H* HH3*1 tft § oT^* fa i{#H3 H3H3 fHW ift feH 3*§R§ H*W3 33? 33, §3 >HoT*75 3HH f H|h*3 33 »f§ H*3ftR faH* § 33 I fe3 H33l

(10)58 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch , 1987

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rft w s t s ' w s w s u s l wrl are § s t feau s ’ arfes i § u »mrel urIh s s ' fen ut§ r f t s HUHslsrss sul* s rst§ i faruT fe w § fo? crawl f t s I rbt cflgt fgpn? u i f^ t fe ^el arawl suV Sifst I fesj t Rulers H’fUU,

3 hI‘ gar w § 1 (ftw s)

sri H3sl : Hulsrs R’fuu, A* strsIs! si are ars feuT r! i Ast fsrA s ' hs s ' usl hsbu sul* h! i fuRsslarw u’rs § rss aifas eras’ stu!st d I A* fes+ S UgST gejjeT Ut ft UR'Ul 3 tHt 5fl feOt Si S’HT & ? UU BST OrtuI S’H’ S feaft si S’HT StfuS US % §UUR’U Si 3THT SUl* HS§ 1 feRg rH§ wsfel u for u r ’uI urtu s i s w 9 1 A§ uslsrels Sorrel sw s t 3Rsur

Ull UR'S S ' HSUS'tfl H* U3T A fW ft WSt’Sl U’SSl US, WS feOt Si

vrasl ut, feWRTH wart 3 ut far OrtuI sra sul* As3 i As usl fts?^ 3* ftsgs, ire' ipfs g'fe>nt <*\ hh?t e t far uste’sls si ssfeBas srl 5 i uRfel fen ru si sra u i hhT feu srfus su u far feu feut si 3'H' arfu3 su us i us wr srT uu3 uutss, sfa§, fen si uufesns ars fs§ far ssls’sls carrel sw s’ H3wu srl U ? fes si wr 3ar ur’uI fts sgiRBas u ul sul* Rsrl farffar feu hus feare‘3 3* wfe^ 0 1 rs* wut tu arfe suit far feu Hfet fasOns § firi ft3el uu 3, iu srfu3 us far ft3nl uu sr3 sul* sws’ fesl ss 3ar 3h1 uu fts sT ut i As 3* srus’s H'feu wu srut srs ul suT far 3r1 uu farusT u i afel us us i sr! uu 3 safe 3h 3 fare's uh u ul sul* sarsT i 1955 ^ fts fetus1 fusns's S 'hhu Hferuu STarAfe h! arasw s to t ufes ss'uu wre sfea si anuHut'H 1 fuS vf s * ^ SS3U f ts * w lar-»F§u u u ln l 1 fe n t l f s s u l s farA t l f t s a ra u s

arus s m t 3 h1 uu s 'u l s ' u s ' A 1 3 h1* s r I u% u s t sul* u , >Hnjs »nu

s Oh s t u a , HrU3 s t ara, fern* f t s u l sw T 0 1 Hularu HTfuu, A* arfeiuHl

t l f e u T ut, u s A* jjh s I w w l s w s t A‘a u ut 1 a raslty t u s a n sa f t s s T

u s s t u s ' u s ara s f e l ^ t u s 1 r u st s s r e t s few uuT Ruanu u s l 3* u 'w s

f e u s feuw f e s s T t u s s u u s r e a rfus r s far u reR T s i , s s ufuwlwt Ruaput

u s lw t r s 3 t few ares u s r s 3 t fear u s l f t s O s h s ' u s s f e R ts r s ,

Ou t l S'W u l S S RfeT h! I WrI* RUara U S' s ' s Rt u s SR HH'U USl Sy as —

3U S 'S RS W§ RooPU SS R<Sl Rl I US US UUl MB’S SUS* SfSW I J |H S l

warrel sw si russ hsub! r! i us ust j{ hs! warrel s b s sarsl s fsH’s A fesares Bfsw 1 us 3t sis hb’u suT rs i us sis hbtu s ’ uHarss bs!As 3ST US US I RUST'S ftf* SBSt A, R STS HW'U SUl* 0 3+ W’lft US R^S ut' WOft ul RScPS 33S gre aiS-HB’U US Rfe ut I feu feu UH US' fee? I

1977 s i A* 3TB STSST Ut RS* fUSRS’S t S’SSSS fuA fts srtaisR ursl I

Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget (10)59Estimates for the year 1987-88

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[3*3! feat, fron § totito]1 * ^ Rdof'dt TOt»f* TO I f#33*g*S rf} 33 3*afH3 fTO3’?> 3c5 I fs* fop 3*TOl3t <5*H H tfTTcf 33}* Ht I »fa H* f3»P?> 113 3*3* gt ^ ^offu TO fct w g § H3S 3* 3S 3* H3 375 $, H3 33} 3s3* ^ f(»10 f ro fg3 3S TO 3*3* 3*1 33* I hV 33, 1978 fg3 3*clidH 3*33 3* w m

M 75t33 fSTTO TO rTTOSflW f§33*g*75 § 33H* § 3H3 3+ 3UV f3W fo »13*75tH33*3 33c5}dl fTOTO 33§TO §H g?5 I >tftT33 fe»f»3§3t§l TOfotIH3 t a f e ^ f * 3 l d l 3Hl* 3S*3* fqwjy fog* fo^ t, fag* *frfe»fT | TO H3*3*3t Fpfug §

U3t 3 3 fils U3t d, H3 ?} 3 3 } 3 I H* 33*3*3* FFfTO 3* 7 H*S 3S} TO f e j T 3* I

»WV fo»f*TO} »1>3H} 3*1 § 3 3lft * 3*3 H3t 331* 3 KSft t 3 3 H3*3’3*3*fU3

TOr§ § froroj to}* 333 i 3hV H§f3?> §s* 3 b t o fro to}* au u i (fgu/??)

H* »T33 TOf33* Hi fro H3'3*3* H’ftfH <J fTO 3T75 3* >H3HH 33* t >TO R*$ ^ ^ 33* ^ fo 3*3 3*3 §3* § 3'TOTO 3* ftITO fef* *H* f33* 5 I 3*3} H’feU 3 375 Wft 333} 3175 TOt 3} >H3 H3*3*3* H’f33 3*3 TO 31§ TO I»mV i6g}* TOl f ro 3 # » p t 375fo >hh}* h* i3^}‘ to! f?g w t gt | ft-

srfUST fo fro 3*333 TO 3+ 33 TO I TO 133}* H3t fTO W*§3 g} fe§*®3 toT, fro to ) gg} for§‘ »i*t i huhs to! £ 3Hfs»f* g s fypgt t o 33*3

>TO 3 TO 3} >HniH f%3 753*3} 3 313} I H3H3 313} »Mg>tfT % 3 TO ^ TOTO TOl 3tHTO 3l3l I §3 TOt75T TO f333T §H#75 3 TO c^HHl I 375- 3 ^ VTO'3 §3 ^ c3753t I fe3 §3t TOte § fa* & & fel 3M753 3tf§ TO I 3TO fdHc'dloftt, feu 3353 3# 3t 3 TOtft H§ TO TO H§ 33T (felTO)

»T^3* : oft fe3 333 § 375 33 TO ?33T H33l : §3 3175 feut t H3 H3 HTf33 3 f33* 3l 33} 9Ht

#ft d i .h* i r o r f r o 3t i fugs MR'375} fro »uft* w rap’s 3 3 h*33h! >H3 HT§ S33 3f3 ^ ^ 6 ' f33T Hi I H‘ 33lTOf ^ J-PHS § 3753* 3*TO* 3» (fglTO) H* 375fe»ft 3fe>Ht fesf 31S 33l Hi fefTO 333TOH} fTO 3* U3tt I

3*75333 3t §H t s H*33 TO I H*i 33331* ^ fet 313t3 3 3 t 7*753* <5*S 33 375H 3}§TO§75+ 3* f3S* >HhV 333*3*3 33^3 §3*33* d I H3 3*TO*3 fg3 50 3*Hfa* U H33t>H* TO >HH 33>H* 31753t>H* 3 H33t»T+ TOSfTO #3* § 3}|*3

3TO3}33*tHTO* 3'Ufe* t lH T O ’H fSTOfftsfAuj 33t 3 375TO*3l75'HT f33*f3 HTO'3 TO* fHW S w ig ’S* 75*75 H3*3*3* UfeM’S* feBTO’dl Ht I 33 feu f3Ht3*3l TO* 33} 33* f u H3l3 3 3T§, 33* slTOl^S* H*f33 H3l3 U 3.31 f3H 3175 3 333t§3 TO}* 33 H33 I fEH 31S 3 33331* 333 I f?j* 3 §3 g S fcWTO 3fSH*S* 3* 3*33 TO f§3* 3l I §3 S3}, 3UlTO 3*fU3, fefeU’3 33* fe3 §3 3* fsftPH*’ 3*t (fgUJTj)

333*3 375fg33 f3UI 3 33 : >H*3 3 3>H*f§3 »1*3 M*333 I feu f33 § feTOTO TO 33 TO? 3} f33 H3*3*3* UfeWS* § f333TO 3 33} d ? (fgUf?j)

G W Punjab Yidhan Sabha [25th M arch , 1987

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qlmflora : agl* I s i

>fegl : gglgg grfeu, gara gaaw grfeg feat § ngpit £ at A* fegalar te ftTBT at 1 fen fag A§ gal fe3a»g sat* a 1

H"d«'y anfegg few agg : gwfea wa waaa, ga i feat 3 gte aalw gfe aflat 3 ga gte gar t far feat s gunl sal* g^ t 1 »tet‘ at gagl gl gaaru Sat* ara£ 1

H3at : Hlftcra HTfUH, fe<$t 7> feu UdHA'75 WoTggH HS ^ grgt33 U tP T ft 33 A* fegfeg Sal* tTTST grugr I A* arfear gfe^T gt fo Hgigigr gl huh gatei watet sat* as i hh aaag few saiaro at gl galgl a* gwg fat f> w s1 HH g ffe? after I H3T tl gWf &3T felW I (urgr) A* fst gr usafe! at i mftea g'fag, A* gwagrat far fgaa ate HU'U’g aa as fa g i at Hagra aa as, wfasgra aa as i (fews) fg* HufaTgT at tea fear aiawl gl i fa* £ fewgl teaa'ffrg a* gwg if Hal wg’Kl gs gfew 1 gg* fat§ gtarag sal h! at fat § aiHaafaHl a aral h! 1 f^t ^ hsI wgtet gnstew 1 § h ^ gr>Hg §3+ ^atet au §Aa sth fear fea fate fawgat teal fags ht A* ih gargr at gwfgAa aa alfg s cpg auaar 1 fat & ffe gra feg wl ggrgtea asr ufefeT § ufefgu at grf agrafe asr u#arT 1 A1 sal* h! HHagr far at wgHl wgs faragra tea feg* ag faia gte as 1 h1 WST Hfew gfV sut* Hi I fa gal 3TUH1 fea W§ TO gg* HU? HHS HU afew Hi I (feujs)

Hiifara H’faa, feg aaa'n wfew feg 755) h* »rag araal ategr a* 1 fgg huh asT farg* »f§ fart* a ? ara affgg fgur gl 3 feg qaH aw few 1fea rgHl, feagra lasa^ 3 1 farg ara, uarga, was wu a g aaf*ggfe r 1 ara a>aar ara arfgg fgur gl t >H'ga mot a ag aat* HHfenrr 1 ?ra g! arfa aa far waHl, feag’a inaa’a a 1 gal fayara a’aar til, ^a aifgg fH«r gl a* fga aal* a gargr 1 ga feaT far htrI* iwaarg at 1 fea fate a aal* farar fe teal fegl aal feral grfgg aal* araal, A* ggraT uaaT aal* 1 A* HHagr at far wr f^t »jnj§ ^ gjg gl >n§ ara aifggfgur 3* tl ggr hh mt 31 ara aifgg fgur gl fe feu afe aral gl far uig a* gwg

■— cs

fgg uuh te fta ,gal teagfel ia aal* afar 1 ara ap grfeg a »tel' ara Aatai sfara g fea fgaT wuh! fete gggr g aral* fealftiMH fjg g atel*, g§g ^ aTal* fea tear ux sraaT ate at aarar gl al>Agga ataa ? A* fea feat § gggr gt 1 (fe5r w g j ; , ! gg agl* gfe aa a fa au a fear § t) 3^* gggl ate arag a A* gfagr a* faragl* Aa ggaaa araaT fe§ 1

Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget (10)61Estimates for the year 1987-88

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[grp H3Ut, faUH § UOTU]HlATO HTfuH, H* RH^ fa feu g am e te »KTOt R*5 U) 5 ?

q) >hhto) hto) : ynpfee »uu >jutoui to i hu)to mfue, fro mite u eu) 5 i t?? £ yfeeten mite 3* fesum fro wro 3d* fern i

jj) HlftTO : HhV fTOR RH* UH STOf ? 35 fife U 31© TO, 3#* fas'RH»

TO 75TOT ?

(10)62 Punjab ViDhan Sabha [25th March, 1987

rnn hto) : m ilro mfro, h* m s Tft § tr o t site) r) f e w O T h*

#TOT 3 h§ RieT § ht d i h to e&) s e ) i

j(t mftora : hr)* is fife fro hhh to i

m Rifea) : h* h* eu u) u s a t e 'd i m itro R'fue, to) fern h) sa*§ I US fHH R'U foTR HU* feTO U § UfU TO I (feWH) fashH* TOcTfTOTOU

TO I (feuis)(fHR RH* TO H*TO R'ftPtTO US # 5 TO UU TO ** ** **)

TOT HTO) : fTO faTO HU^RH hTTO TO . . (fTOfS)

Fj) Rvftera : TO i f R fumTOH TO TO TO §U fTO'TO HT of)§ R 5 I

m & a RRR? fRUI TO : »TO § UWf#H »fTR DP333, TO I HUtTO R'fTO, U^R ^ TO 1TOTOI H'TO1 TO* »TO3TO HfoRTO RTfUU t TO RMwr WS)- UlHTO H3T TO, H* UpR TOHT U* fof U»§H H) fTO TO?) TOR) R»t I R fTO RTgfRRRU) TO 3* HfeRTO RTfUU uteufeS °TTO <5U)‘ 3+ feu H*TOR uIR’HIh

toh i (ferns)

am Hug) : mOro R'fue, h* 3 u»3) em f$?% toh) mum %fi fefe^t r W Hte+ R of TO’§ , fTOt R)>Ht Rtet R TO TO SfePHT 7P u t I (fe«<s)

(t o r )

R iiteu RTfuu, h * uftr fern n ) f e f a u i m u MRH s I hu t o feu f e u s

u § u e t o fofH f e w s e ) i feu f r o A na s e ) f e a s u § u £ t o s f a s f e a

r r £ feu m s ) r r h s u s >flu fe a h r r ) ^ f u a ip fe w u fe w u i

*11,39 A.M- (fee toh h) feue) ruIto h rurI rh’w))

RUR*U HfuTO m TO ^ :

Mr. Deputy Speaker: This is no Point of Order.

** Not recorded as ordered by the Chair.

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^ H3Ul : feuut RUtoTU RtfUR, ’MR RT fRU3* gyRT H’HK’ 0 § 3 Rfeg

t RU3R § fe#H 3R Rt HTHJ5T 0, R fe^t >H§ t*R 3 § oft Mffaonu U g R t R 3 3 |

feU WHS1 HURfetW cTfHH3 § R3 33 0 I

H dR 'd U U feW S fifu/ U'RdJ*: W fR R R ’ oft E ffew ?

Resumption of G eneral D iscussion on the Budget (10)63Estimates for the year 1987-88





q[ft felfet RUfeu : f§UfUH3 eft, §U 3fU 3t ut MfHRUR oft§ rt R f 3£ |w RTfou, tutfc§ ay 1

U»RW33t : >MR§yRT H’H#’ 9foR*33— hSrrf3#H3RoftU3 RRft§ U3I feR § hrP i{fe3#»ra sru, feR f 3rV 3333 <73333 ofu, fen 33Rft‘ Rfe»ft 3 R3 ’HRjoCd oTU I H* 3U'¥' ftPH feR afe U* fo RR* fURRU S % Ufa# IJJTO H33t tffeu R3»U3 T O 3fe3 R3 3I §^t ^ fRU3t dofdld f33t’H3 ARrt W offelUR RH3 feR 5fS^§ fe% cft3t >H§HUT3Ht arfel Rt ^ 1931 feu aj3r w Rfa am feu sft3t, r fe^t ^ 3 ofefet f feu3 » sru fo*fT Rfe § §R Rt RfUUU feu 3H cftur ^ 5+ feR §R feg fe3$ HR# URT 3r U§ I felfet RUtora RTfeR, fURRR Rt fe3’3 R3fe3 30t*, feR §feg 3RRt#t oft§t RT RcTRt 5 1 feu fetre r 0§u a feiRt 3ut‘ I fet ifer fen afe RT ^t U’feWT RlRT 0 feR HfW § UMrtUorjU fR3 3+ fURR3’3 Rt 333’ 333 feR 0 I ufeu R^UU T O Rt 3f03 & feU1 Rt fe flR §5(3’ & IfeR RT feU H383 0 fo R 333 MlfqR’U R*33 3R UR 3* 333’ tft 3St o’t.1 3tft & I feUUt RlilRU R’feU feof_ afe 3313 fw a feR fe.MT'f c’ R<R’ 31 R’U at R33 #3H*3 R’U Ut R*3U #dfH3 ojfeU)fe§S3 R HRifeof feu U' dR sU”H STURtWl U3, SfeRSRUR Rt RUafe 3* I fet Rt Rt RBoPU f R 3* RBRl t

t*RU Rt RUoHU U^#tH*3 3* I RU3 Rt fee r ffegj fejq n &RTitddH® UU*R’3tR, t §ut RRT >HHfe?5t Rt H'RU^^Ut RRT U'3#l>M1Hfe RT M*RU RfeWRlR’ t I RU3 RRJ R’f U» R R H*RUR fRU3 U3 fU U’UHlWH'U § H*RU RtuU U3>H§RU3 R^H*RU fRU3 U’U#t»fTHfe ^Hfeu UU Rt fu>MtR#t ^ h*ru ?t uu 1 fesr afe rhu feg 3ut‘ wfet fe^tfsi 3^ @u ^r»R 31 UTUStMFH'U RT H*RU 33 R»t 3* RH Rt tof3r 3U3 UU RRRt ft % R oTU ftjl RUl HRTRU R Urg#tW’Hfe Rt H*3U 3t 33 Rt 3+ §R Rt §of3r 3 W3U» U RlRT t |

fear RtRlUrf 3feR feR fe»!>f3T RT^T Ut fe H3Ri3RK#3fRW fewfecft Utft’Mt TOfRui 531984 % RfaDft 3* Rtt U t §3U* feUU Mife W§ fRUt #oT UUifeRUt RtMft WcfetfeutR oTUt §33 3I§ ifeU 5SR HfeW’ R»RT 0 ‘liW^RT’ | h‘ felfet RlftcTU RTfU3 333t RUtair fefRURT ^Rig 3* RBTfaPtfr ft

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[3»tl H 3 a t, fof33 t STOPa]§H a t tTT f e t HWai3T OfiPHt ?TS fe t * ftm it HTOT I ftTH fe S1HUT3T foPH1, frlH f s 3BT fa.»P ft.H § fU a 1 feat Ht, ftH H* t TSfefaara foiw, fro ffe aa t fro aT mfew few f h p to! qtorto iWit* 3+ teH a t RU’fTO1 TO F.o.t ^ I TO TO § ffi ffit t t S*® ^ ^

i fuu ypat fo?H at fai-feat a ? a’a si'aa at a? a’a fen to at 5t, w ait tf.iit. at, ftmfes at at to top ms fro, fas, hhs>to s» fern st u t , t u forest fe a a t ufe forest fe a a t f n t T uht Hfema § w s a t i frost at Hama ?> feH afe f t a a s 1 at srM w f a ^ ’fct frost to Sto t fa HTa sat* sraaft i fro troa»7t w ?t fs>t ita* t, fort* few itm a; fro sat fsw start feffe fro sa fn %s faitere to §h t s fro ors3 afet TOfa* TO >H3 at Ct'S TO3TO § HTOT‘t at feSHt‘ §!? 3TC5» 3* istfe aa, fa* afe* § ss 1st i

tafiraH at i s sat fti fei tt >fe msa at am as* fes* & fe toj- foijH aaa 5 i tat aa* feHTO* § famfeHopro* m a tt at fen a* mst afe aa feTrot* start i fea fefsfs fef1 a t asi fet fet ro*ffeMstfeat- feat frost t fa mst t i fro § fort's sat* srat faa tt afat to § fa tt o# § to fa fea afo mstt i naa tafero, h*to s tarfasH, f§atftg»fe fepfssH faa wsfos1 wsfsa1 aa^ uaai i

ware HtTOfmu: feast mitro rnfro, at mat maat t ttmalHftfsaFi

rit fouat m itora: s m a t fe a st araat t ?

naare Hma Mu : jjHat waHt a?5 at i wt* tt JJimst an t a+1

qt feuat m ife a : faa fr o m h k fron 5 faa at a i jfH a t »tm s t a n d i 3313 t t a»atH fasar* i a s at a at m fey a s t o i

a»a fe a t : fmrat Hufea m faa, f e t * H H a r e tta H r o a fe n t § i fe a j g $ j t tit a t f e r o t a t ft t fe a at >h § h t m aa at i m § H m fifea at fe«pa. a f e w . . H t -1 m f e q m a § h Sd'fdaH m feocaafe»iT i >nRt* at s I h a a t a» i fea at Mais f e w t a fa s sal fe met*feH t afH sat a* as Ufa fe a foPH nt >fet‘ wr amm sra Hat a* i

Hama fearns ftw fsaa»: ** ** **

i^feuat mitofai fea fet yupfeaw w s a aat* i

♦♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair.

(10)64 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

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Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget ( 10)65Estimates for the year 1987-88

M 3# : fe ll# HUtUU H'fUU, feu Heft >rtUHUK,3ras HUS U'H3 US,

Hi fa>tfT 3* SU? fclM1, §U HU» fUHUU'U Ht, fe?* S oft U31 5 ? » # H"

feifet Hutuu H'fuu, feu u s ufuuu ufe*n u11 (K ^?;) A' u 1 H 'fuw u wuiTCT gi I )TjHt gTs* eSUf UUft U'Uitl I H" 3* ^U1?, «5U 5ft T feUP I out feo feul

315! U ufet 3* FT UUUfelT 1 H' u fe # U* fu fesU S SUft U # U'Ufeft 1 (fe*M3)

Jjt fu ll# HUtUU : UU3’ tft‘ W 3 § >>i¥3H U3 I

grp H ^gt: H" 3 ’ ufes* feUT Hi fe ^UU H3 t~ sfel UiS U 3fet HH#

tf t# ft 3* FT FPM'sft > 3T SUl Ht i fsUHt HUtUU H’feU, UU fe i W S U’oUl HSHT UU, UUl feH 35* UT fSHS ufe feA ifefe, UUl fsAAt UUU U*, fe?? fug" (W St lPU#(u) fesfeH’Ui) t feof WP SU' U3« U H# tfentfHf # jjjj RH u u u u* 1 feu ufufe u s fu whT u l f?;Aul u u u u*, feu S 'S utUfgfe US fe vtfU’S vuu ?> f H 3 S5JT fs*P pft 3 § U US1 fe»P 9 I UtP

H»feU ufefe US fu H3 HU feu HUH 3 TUi§, #P. fee eft RH333! SH I §3* #

a s 3* feU ft—

“H ftus § 3HIHfe\ UU 3U?> ^ S UU »1URH 3" UU3 U* HUU SUT

uu3” i

feu Soft feu u l w u fe fe m uf feu u* 1 fen 33* uu*a fe wifeufet wfel U* I fufe SU feHH'U UUSUI I HUT 3* UfoS* ul USlS7

H*frwT fa» r 1 h u1 A s feu a s* u fu a s a 3 * ht f e u fe w 3313 ^rfta

Ufe>HT UUT S313T U* 1

UH1H3UI, W5Hfe3 § Ugsfeft HSl»ft 3®fe^ : fe*fel HUtHU

Hftuu, A1 us fsnp Ht I fen 33* ut 30T3’ H’feH SlfUS fe fe * U1 MH3fer S 3 3*3 feu orfu' U3, 3 S a s fe^ ua§ U3 ?

qt 3351W UUT HUU, : feuut HUfeU H’fuu, US fee WU'Stgfet g feu r fu u s t HUiU'tP uuft, u’W ?5uft u u u s tfe 1 a u 3 i t f t i r f u s s '

HU’U’rf1 tft ufefe US 1 feu #13 fe Ut f3 H3TO US H* SUft US 1 (3W)

fe u # HUfeU: 3IU3> tft, 3 # U S # fs§ U3 1

gur H3# , fegg § UH3PU : fe u # Hlftuu u feu , H1 feu ufe ufe

feut Ht fe fes* § »1'« fut1 suft S3I I Hfau §H U3UI, UU U5ft|S uu ^ s a 1 Huigitp 3 * >>1# feH3 s* s u fu ^ u* 1 Hi u*, ho H’fua u s

>«hT ufe sstuu U* I H1 ufe# U*, H‘ 3U>S 3*SU? Ufe# UU tl# feu ftJUT

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[uth H3yl, fau3 § gaare]nuns fsttu ui, fere yul w s fy.wff huh yyy an, uafeyu cyifeuH yl gfe mfel nr »j.fesH"u yl afe yus sat n"y to, feu sly sufe u i fey ate 3, feuul Hutyu rnftra, yyy feu afs ysyt uul uT feu ^ fan 3u* HUUSai I TO 1984 y fey HUSS »HHfTO3 few HiPTOF, HfUWS' S yfeUH

gjj fefel i fef" sut; fen sul fy Busy’s yfeH uu t w fey us yfuul gfegr y fy yyy frwro fey yyy 0 yfe yyy fnwnl assy 's yfeH s1 gfas 3 * §h £ s 's hu1 fawn* feyfrn uut u fatw1 fen 3 a* ini s ’s fH»PH3 ^ 3 3 § yfeH s1 ufu hh ■§ unife anal y s fyn 3aT yfusu i fr §y" yl yut hI, 1984 y HfS§Hy>u funs i s h" yferaritat feu" ufeKT yy rfl fyuy yfufe hI fy 3fs§,H?a fuaTO suf Hluy yuly, sul uu uh3t »tswu yu sut yuly nt i hhs u1 uu us yfe s"y i fey usfeys yuul wtIuhs yu uul Ht, yu uuyya fey" yu out hI, yu grgo'; yu uul hI, fy" fey yt Huyu s fa ty iyu yT sul ntfay’u uul" Hi i sfas wt fu y?33 fe hI §u ays yyl fell us fa yifsnys feysntu u fatw Hi i feafel H yy* f t ^ais* nfei hut uul^t hu i h" feu rfs Hyuw nfea s ul fetymiss ylnf Hi uu §u yfefe hs fy us >>mT feu yfu us y niu y Hyyy fey yu yfu fyy us f u sun yun uul" si* i (feuis) feuul mftyu yfeH, h" ayy t ail a s fen un y fey S"* W3 »tTuuu yf uiH3 feats! uuatl 3*hhu £ yl yu*a; t fey afs, feuut yityu yfea, h" 3 y t ufel" uu as3l yyfen fy uya feu %r3 »t'usu s sly yus yntfHH nfe ssp yl y^maas yl sh t fen yrfe uuy ul HU3 u y d i >hh feu afe afe yfe uu us fy ya yl $y3T yl safel uya fey sal y uul fe i feynys y f e a fyuafet* h w u uulw ustu y rPH fey ul Utul T ifp gufai us i fen 35Ul uyH HUoPU feH S3fely ysnaisr 3y ul yu Hyyl t y feH y n t t"ya huspu ih 3" uh uu t t i ^u fey ®?5 h" feu yufei’ fy ^ yl §y3» feuu uya s ulHUS UlHUST HUfent’ yri gl gof3» U»H§ Sufel H«U felfeu SUl Hfelyfelyl 5 1 sfys fea nfet»it hhIhh* h*§ ul ais H’ulnt* y uuW us 1 fen 3 " amiy fey afs h" feuHuul £ ya fey feu yfus* yfey an fy .....

^ €m 40PH aru3* feuul Hulyu Hifea. atuy yl ^ feu y ufe yHt t uu fetus us ul yus u uu us yl hushu s ay yus y»Ht yul uutyj yy uul 9 ? yan fes* yr ufefe ufamtT 1 1

UH H3Ui : H" 3U<Ut U'UlH Ul UU3 SU^t | feHU! HUfeU H’feH, H1fey afs feu feu yufeiT fe feu feus* hhu feHufewi 5 feu huuuhI hhuS i

(10)66 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch , 1987

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HT# arsrg 3 3 t eT3Pe 3373751 Fpf33 fet H3 U'3 t 33 333 fee fet75UH'3 Uttt 5 I fe#R33t 3 333 fee #t fe#S'UR*<; Ute't § m3 # Ujiufetmi 33t»li 33 fegS R'S fee §R 3 1 3333 feR fe3 mfa3 Ufa' 9 I 13'3 et fe3 R3St 3H3fe 33'§3 g'Rt ufHH eft) gfet 9 I me g) Ri§ PS fee

*" o-

U3 UU3 i ftsUH f3333T3 t 33) Ffe i Sfe" fhW'3i 5 I fen fee R3U'3l&HS«3Hi 3 gt f3»i'fe3i fetlm' 31313!+ 33 I fee 3"fe3 ifl 3 l£t)?3 RUB* er3333"R Ufei H) ! f 3+ 3W P3li Ut H3U13 3 H3 SeW 33 313 R't ftfa U33 3Ut 3 1 ftT33T UR'3T RtfR et f3 feet 3 (ufet) feR fee 33 gt ett

f 3175+ eeflmi Ufafe# 33 1 f fHfeHH €'fee Lfeufeg 3 3 f'R HT3 eeefee gt m3 313333 31333 fee gt fU3T f3I3!i 9 fe fe3 Wit" 3UT 33 3+! (feu!3) A" m>U3 HfauP § 313 3t 3175 U3 f33i 3+ I fee fe3#t SR3 3 efe f3 3f3T3lof7533 fee 3 3+ fefeReet fee 5 fee fern'e' Hieteiefee see 3 1

efemi Rfem* fee" feu mfe et 3 3 1 mAt" §?;+ t u'H3 g) fu3ii3 e«eS t t — V.

3+ imAt" ufep, ute) 9 fa fetneete e fee# hisu 33 33 fee# Heea 33

§3+ e fesese e'eAstme efes 1 A1 feu 33 eis 331#) #31 fee mee uesf efe e> 3+ i ueig eeuie 3: I rtst ufei 3 fa me? see e g'R3 etuet- tee e g'H# 33 fes fee see usime Afee fee 3 feet) 3^3 faei efei 5 esfe eTsef feR f t 25 su efumi S'aie nfeefl mt 5 e'tte 3

fee ei st"e uee ue'e e hu Ate!, eeee Peele f m eews1, e'eueife# au 33 33 (efiraT) A# feH els ei euetfe efe ifesee tsame P ast us eee ufe 3 ueRfet Reu'e ri§ fsuest efe t#af) me feR 33+ h3>3'H33i fee Hgi e us-? aut eieee 3 ue fee faeeleus h3'3:rs<3 mteifes; 3i| fee gl 33? 331 (ufet) feuel Rulue R'fee, uei 33)" ut u>3e 3 ee e r A" «fi 3+ fe" t" eit" uf#t w e e+t 3 , seT ufel t" ee eu 75i

me. gfelms. e ere e#l ueeeeRl r1! fee fesfa fee" fee 3fee feus u e'sl if! f 3 + SU+ 3 ciuls 33T At fa f3+ 3 fen U'St e> e’feer e w ue ue'e H3U'3 e I rs msR'e fee fes fa fee" fee sfee fsus t eiteft fe fesfa e 75U+ 3 fee sfee e( U'st fHsei', ue es §S pe es't# ee 3

v efe 3 3 mt se+ 3 feee'3 esT ee 3 feim’ 1 1 Ce>e e su+ 3 es nuts efaimi 3 fa fee sfee 3 e f3+ et g'tt ?" u-femi e'feer 3 e+ ufe) g) f 3+ 3 el fusaii 1 fen 3 5 +, feuet eutue R'fee, feeRret et eiee w f e e g'Rt e'euei, ueu. sufelgis mtemueies fee ue'e eeu'e us"fesi fes'fumi 3 Fiefe#) feet ef eet 3 3'fa fee eaut ue rus 1 ?ue fa# t ue) Aa e'a eTs uM 3 + A§ ueRss muRUstes u a t et >si efetw t

Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget (10)67E stimates for the year 1987-88

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Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch , 1987(10)68

[U'U H3ul, foU3 § UU3PU]i h" feg fesr ciis oh crfus* n* feg HU'U*U* uuute fe r u*

fe H wfew nt fer §?;* 3; ?ua t Ss S'uu festoH aufes u 5>s aut HH33* ofl3T Hi I feU HH53' fe f1 feU' ? feu cfe fe§ 3 I

^ feu ?juT orflu* fa tssrbtf* huu U' u*u’ fey ?;ul" ul '■ feu usfeut bUoffeg HSU Ht feu U'U' fafe U HU'U'U* USUlu feltf TO UUT fHffeW USfe vfeaU* Ul SHU g'fe^1 feU US* few* fa >>T3T9 feUU3*cS US'H feU1 3* fey HSU SpfeH UcSll I feu* ^ 7>*S h5 *HU'fes fe3r >113 HU'U'U' gSUfe feuj 3 bs yu’H^^ife^ ugu sul s >hu fesfaH sufcfe § u>s hh?3> efe1 "V Fft UU3 U TO I ^ufe-fey U'U u uul Hi I

y§H3 tidH’di 25*25 I WS 3 U*>1*feU WU WUsTU, H9 ! fsUUt HUioiU

HTfeU, H'SfeST H3Ul H'fUH fefeU’H 3' UUU'H feu U UU UU I U c;U fe<ST

§ fcfUU’H U*U3* rtU? ti 3* feu* 3 S3 UUT UUU* U'UlU' I fefe § U3* US*

ufelu* 3 fa feu HH?3* 1809 feUUfetf* Hi >H3 S'UU feS*WH CfecS fee

1828 feu ’tf'feW* Hi I

3 *H H 3U t: U S, HUt ufe»T'I HUfaU H'fUH, SUl Ul ufew. H; fen feufeHfifeU 7Ufe STUU't f e s l feU fUHU' H’U UU' Hi, f H U ' Ul fuUH3'U feUxzurn uu> Hi i feu ?;>»tu sar uu uufa ‘‘a*u yuan ysH*” fey u>uu nsfa fofH 33* H'U* fusl feu U'U U U*U I fed H'U fUUH3*U feu U'U H'U'

utar i uu feu fen utu'uu* uuT hhhu \ feu su'U3 3 fa U'U uuaflwu*(feuiu) HUfaU H'fera, Hold H§ M3TtJl SJ'Ulu oUT W ^fel 3* h~ 3U'ts s 1 fey SUUTTI “fe|fe UUT fefe ?U3 PU l" feu §73 tl U'fejf’l UUl' Hi I uu’Sl Hfe fes* ul ust nr* uul 3 i fen afe H'o* fefuum uhu* 3 1 1857

• o

U ' fef3U'H 3, UU H'U fef3U'H UU I UfUS HU'U'U' UUUl3 feui Ul U ' U'U feU* I

feu fegrsfe u1 trau' ufe>n* uu fen u H'U uuT fuu' i feuul uuluu H'fua, feu fuHuuToTcJ iofUH Uo i (ufel) fen sa t ulu1 H'ulfe ars* ufeuuu ste* 3 I HUU'U HSTOJ fpU! ul 3 U UUU UH c33' 3, H* §H HUU ul HU*UU' ofuur ufeM' uuu' u* i (feuar)



MHUfe HUH) . fs'UUl HUlbfU H'feH, HU* HSU U* U'SlH 3 >HU HU

a s s ssl u u Ih fu3* u/i i (feuiu) hut u u Ih ufus' f s f w ufe»T' 3 i/

. . ^h! feuul Hufeu . 3U'fe uuul u ' u u Ih 3 i 3hT »T'UH feu as ^

IH S' uu S § I (feuju) Hi U*H ejot'H H*St h1, 3H? US I

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gw qsmjTOl(sai8) : feunt yufan yfafe >r 3n>y hob Ryangr fof 3_nT 9SS SSi SiStH (33' 3 1 yH3>n SS#3 (5% tft 3 ? HTfS UH

offer 31 fen 4100 sras aife $ sarem 5 1 fyy nyn fen 225 fefa nut 3> UH'HT # W ( f3T>8> 3 I 40 333 ?lfe 3 c3H S3ffe afe 33 fen 185 333 3U§ 3 ' >8SUfe>8> W §3 fcfe' faT>8> 3 1 feufe HUt33 FPfeH, fefes H3S S 'S 31 33' £ g i fe fei’ HUS' 3 3>S 333 33 fa y yl fa fen333 fan 3H 3' 7J# 9 I fen 333 faFT fayy 3 pfesyy 3'<3 333 33?3 i gistfe 3 t safe 3t nsn fen fen nst 333 sn? ^rffe l i ynyfe sfe

y s nnfe nl w un 333 3l ynte 333 33 w ir f n f ts r few fey §

yfapy nt 333 33 fa feH 333 fey 333 W3 33 1 Hi wiiyfas 3'as

H'33 33 fe 3fe 3HHl 33 3 faS<?S fen 33? 3(3 fey 3Hfa (33 33133 9 fa fe3 333 fe3 S' 3t 33 nfeyfe SSl >83 73 31 33 S33 HSi >83 S' 3t 33 Hn3'3l 33H31cft»P Sfe >83 3 31 fay-S' SSl >83 3>3l ^33 33333 SSl 3)3r fel>8T 5 I §73 fel H'3d U-fePHS 3* 33? HSi afel I ?33u-feyys 3) fatten fe H3?H3 nfamfe 3 brayynTw § mas 3(33 are ns tin 3wh yayn 3 HS'yy' snl fen 333 37? fe§ ait 1 ?n nl fey 3 fey 331 fayw 3 u>3 3t yfeyfe y> yynl 331 fasln fefel afel 3 1 fawns 3r HW 3 W§ 37? 31 Ufefe8' 3fe>8' PH1 fei fet fay>3> § 40% Hfepfel (331 yfel 3 sfas fern 3 fares' 3 3 mini fynss s>s wa fafewys 3 #3'3 3dfe 33, §3' >3S faS«S 3?3 731? (fefel ai31 I WS>fa 393'd fenfet 3 fa yst afe yd3>n n, fayr? 3t yayn 3 un ys fen yfeyy 33' af fa fen H33 ynHfe3'n( s's nl 3'>8S3 nyy 3,1 (yy 3a> fayyyn~ V.i

gstn (pur 3l 3 H_3S3 fen 3t?'3 33 fa fen 33 yfed feL'sfey? 37;, fesj 3' 33' 3333' 5 I UHl 3 fa fen 3!3S 371, U3 fes( 3l fa>8'3' 3?3 fefeynnl s; 3 1 ? 33 fefeynnt 3 fey yyy fey ?S3syl 5, fey infer fefeynn?8t y 3sl y y 33? sfry (ai>8' i ini fefey-nnt n'(7d>8' 3 fay fayy yl anl fe>8'fe3 sn? fenl aisl 1 ya nnfa fey yyyn yl fesynnl 3 vyy shss nans'nlyn 1 y y >8H 3l tynal 3 1 fey ibrnn't fey fess' fy8'3' yyyfeny fens' sar yy 3, un ns nafaar nufes 3' nus 3<c5 Hstfenysn yns yy3 nnl ynyfe i' 7s> 3S s's, fey @n is n nnl 3 >8§ ya3' au§ y ysyn 3> suys niar' »!§ fan (33 M'efe'n ynyfey'd' 3 fen ygyn iornil 3 yiafl >83 §‘s' 3 S'f unyar'i

(ynfe S33 3y yg nnl 3, fys's fe usy nfen' 3i fearny yny>3 3 fen ufesy nsenn fey Innfe ys'si yl 3?n sfe yss ' fe n yti >?, feunl mffan yfnn, nyfet ynny fen.fey yfey 3 fens' y i y fefa ^n

Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget (10)69Estimates for the year 1987-88

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Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March, 1987(10)70

[Ht 3W 4pfTH grest]

fen ? s sta n n s i fa r e M sa s) m3 unm s h s s aan s'n tire fen 2 t a n -

ntM' u n fe a M saafnara 3 M ats saftM' n s 1 fes* s ?afaai a n te s 3 a

n^s offeT tp nan> 9 1 fen 3a* fen • f e w n t? t A?' an nanai f a f f am y “f t 33) Mgt tr e 32B t 9 M3 f t frf03l SHS 3 , ftW 5 H3Ha H'

M res aM n as fe n ?) fan' nt fa & & 3 n fe^t fen anare' s anHaretM*

§ u - n t ’3 A reas f a n s § 3 fn 3 n s 1 fen 3 aj sm s f n MsnMfe ?t sm s

m3 fa r e 3 ann atet n n rs n f s t 3 n u t sa * nt A?r an an n s ,

rearer fe% sm s n n fe n s , f s f n t § are n s m3 f s f 3 ?t M 'us

n n s n nn rest f s T ?re3 fen rena as* MfsM'fe 3' fop 3 1 f ? ) n et

rena fe n an) a ta sn t1 are) ain't 3 1 A1 fs>re3' s rs a n n a fn fen ? s

fen aia n n s m3 siren 's) n n s m3 re-a fen s nt fauna s 'a i ores s a t

fen Hire fere aa ) nres sm s i fret h1 fea n a n't a fs a te) 3 , f a j

§ aaA hm’S a )3 n s i n n naresre § faM'fare fere) 3 s f a s rere n ta fs

3 fa § a n a te s s a fire) n s; uh n n 3 a ^ n 3 nt sa t1 n s ,

fare § afore) r e s rearererere tM rea 3 nn n s , f n arete s a fa te re)M'

n n sf m s m3 MfsMf s th , a s t m3 fa s t 3ntM+ fere nfnMT t o ream n

nfetM» n s , n an HMre n n s n T aa ) nres sn )1 a te TferMT feH 33; n f t e

?sre feg a a ' a a s r f s* s>s* reft fa w n s) m3 tfesn ret nt an? otreft 1 h1— o

nfenrenm >te M3a)ret s ?) isn 't a n te) fn f n ? ) siren 's) n n s, Hire fere

nn) mh rente feM> 3 fen 3 n n 3 ?) nn) n n s n n s 1 fn?) n n n s ) 3a l3

m3 fenit na)M' n r n ? Ts; 3 , f s ) 3 n r e s -3 -n n n n 's n n s 1 Mn? n f n ~

n s fen ?) fnn> n)M 3 nre n s) tn)M' 3 Afeni 3 ?) fnn' n) f n f e n ? :n 3

nn) nnnt n s '3 1 ferns) uAnt t e §h) mt m3 n s) snlM' n tn n t ?) 3,

f n n) fen ?) Htfe'ai sn ? nu) 1 nn" fe s j nt nnn'a ? s" nn) ntfem nt sn t1

n)3t am) 31 m b s n) n n a n ' 3 1 A1 fen sre) t?re) nofei' fn v n n an £ s )1nntMT a>n3 fes* ntnT nt nan fnM'n' n aan 3 . f t 3 n n i nt nan) 3

V, — ~ ,

n'trs fe s ) f s s natfe srer 3'M sn n n 3 n s 1 nfeatt afc; Ate ?'H ure) n)

3 1 M 'nn) 3 1 n [Mn ?) n-s) nan n f s j n n ' s ifts ? cp urn) nnn)M’: sn )1

nn nn) 3 f 3 s i ?>n3 n t 3 n nt n ia ft 1— u

nnat a is fen Aa ?>a fena 3 s n s i an v n ) n' as> u 'n ' 3 , nfaM'Sf

?'fejMf s tb naiST O'n' 3 A1 fe s) 3 s > s n* Ann urn) s ' fnfe nn A1 u s^ t

n ren 1 an fn mmis Anre 3 arntn sa * s ' s n) fesnre n fan' 3 1 n s t fea)MT

s urn) f n f 1 sn t1 f3 3 ' fen ' 1 An n n t 3 1 sfnn fsarent 3, nfnM' fsna;n> 3,

An n??n nt sre) 3 1 wAre) Hrenr urn) n> fen> 3 un An n n t s nt y n t nt

uim 3i fen 3 c ' n) f t fa n s) fsa sre ) 3i un n 's fe n s ) nt ui«n 3 , n>s u>n)

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Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget (1>0j71E stimates for the year 1987-88

■ y_ ure th H»3f 13931M3 H33 3 93 fH f 3} f33* efe* e t UP3f} I

'feHU3i 3T5 93 3*3 95ll3 fHM el 3 3fe5T efeeT jt (fee H’1133 ^33 H33'3 9513, fRUJ 3'5 H5 95 3T?? 93 33 Htl ) H’H3a HUB B'B tft

- 3 3 t3 t 9} H99 fe S j 315T 3 t5 0 3 hF 93^3 9593 fRUJ el 3>5 fee 315*93 < 1 ftW ^ H3 95 3 5 f e § I Hi, fe93l HUlofU RiftlH, 9fo fo p

Ht fe 9fet M m* fee m3 U'H 933 He 353 fee e fu feuutMB Heed

r V- ) .\





1987-88 fee 38 59 393 e} HoftH feel 51 H3 MW 9 fof fee H9lH 3 e5t?}

5 ^ 933ei i 5393 sel e [ fesw1 9, eis £,33, 95<e3 93:333 usl §3}mt

d fee ute e i ufel fsr^1 se t1 93* u ^ i Qe* § ir^t 3 3 e ’vfe 3 3 5 I3 5 1

He 3 5 t fee 12s/- e u t 9 fe3 5 3 3 } fegfe} 99} t 3 5 fe se w e i feHteT3

^sfefo** 7PZ5 & & tpfb>r 93 fezr 3 1 § 9 915I e} e e e e 3 e e fa h? f e ^ f

fe e *93 5 3 U'Ul 39? fHSUT 9 I U 3fU3f H'3t HUicf’U 3 afelMT 3 3 fe<?*3 T 3 9 3 * g e e yfe} Fp t 33513 3 fg? 1 h} § 9 3 3 9icc’3feei 3 Ufe} 5 I

fv re 3 1?; fevftew* £ vnsrw m3 3 9 5 * & 9 3 3 3 3 FP3 efeM1 5 §3 3 3

33? fen T fe w 9 1 9l 9 133 9 f9 offet 33}mt 9 th3 h9vpG93}mh te W G

5 9 T ^ ih§, y g s 33 fe5n3 e 5 3 * tpH feMifes* 33? 391mt eielM* ? 113913

3 fee 9 5 39H 33} euTtfi 5 1 H' HfURH 9331 31 f9 3 3 ^ 3 9 5 # 3 IFiU! tit ^ ee" 9919 9 3 1 tl 31 fe9 fe93T 9 ftrte i5 93H 9 3 e ^ i 5 1 v § fe3^ § vfb 5 f9 9 95 fee 9 331 U '3 3 feu 93 Hue 3 3 l H33>3 95#3fHUl # vpi

el er^ 33 I feu 3 19 5 33, Me fHMTH33i3 33, fe^Seffet Msl 93 H9$ 33 3T5 3 H5? t H9§ 33, fe 9^ Ft3§ 33 M3 H'33 3 ' f5MT 3t H33 331

M H ? feST 3 T5 3 '3 3 feM ^ 3J 1 93 3 9 d f3 fee? ^ efeM^ 3feMT, 3 T9 5

fe9T3fHH3 $ ufeMV 3feMf, 3 9 3S913, Ftfel 3 T5 T 3 H3 tft 93t 9 ^ feu 93 'HH 933 U1 HTM3f 39§ 33, 93 feu efefei 53 l f9§.' % 5 els'. fe?j 3 ^33 fen 53} 3H3FP3t 933t-eiutfel d l

9 5 H1 999* 9*9 9f35» e fe u r 3f 1 feg 93} §3}mt fe e iffe fH5H» ^ 9 H39t fe} 9 } S3} 3^53 1 1 ^ 9 3 §;e H39t esetM i 3 3 3^ ^

VT5 9M1U 3} ~£Z tlfeiM1 3 3 1 93H13 e T 9 '5 t UH3 3 15 tie 93 ’ ^ M ^ i ? d, 3»5 3T 3 5 933, 9'3H,3 t 9fe} ^ f39'H 31 3 5 9 3 3 33 f9HH U} 9tH§3t9H3

955} >)?9} 3 IH9H5 93fe33H3 fevf Ufe 3 5 9} 5 9 3l H" H39* 53} Hy'G fe M ^ f9 M ei3}95935 Hf3933} 3 '5 H3t 933 3 ' HSU 3 rT^ f9 9 39 ^9 5 1^ 5 e> 9H 9}. 395}§, 3 l 315 H99 3951 3 1 B 3 HfegfHM* u) 9 M ^ ^ H 3 3_5} 933

seiH l 3 1 e ? vrfeFfuulM M 5fueT 3 5 9 3 3 efeh-i 9 fe} feM1 1 u^HufeH fe eu} trrfeMT 3 Ufei 3 I feH 53} H3T H5-G 3 fe feu e t 1 Hf39H H ^9 3 3 933\

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*12.15 P.M.

[qt3»H VJofTH 3*5*1]H3oP ^* Hf33H( f§3 Hf3H33 3?5 3S 3 rdt§ 33 3*fa ^ ^ ^

t |H 5 3 Ho(S >H3 9H fe3 3 ijt W H3^t § I H*B 33*3 H33* 3 3 3

m \ u t.3 3 fe f . s t § UH t u § s n f e e 3 3 * 3 v h s ra t r r a - ^ w ta b *stf Htaaiinsfaetaas* 3*3te* 0 *ra §3 Ofi §h S<flw 3 ^ ^ ^ grgfe gg | gig) ggg gt ggg fen §3tw f ■ 333 31 33* 3*3te* f|,

(fen nPr* qt 3m fe n s s te fe w , Ofaa, O3 5 >n*3 %>hhh3 3 rjjrsaft ■ $ sgyft Fra^l)

m fe tf t RTO 3**5 3 3 ^ 3H5 33 I 0*0)13 H'feH, 0 3 bHl 0 fa 3Hf^ t i n t § sMOI 3 3 3 3 I O' *>35 t o S f e *>35t*t 3 3 ^6 * 33^3JTOH5 33 fe * 3*1 f i f e 0 f3 3 fe 0 § 33* fe fa l I O' * 0 3 333* gtggr gi fa ggrgt W% SiS fa s t t f e t t f e 5 I 3 3 33t H3tH W t 3 t 0 ^

gtgfOe « t HR a t fH 3 *5>3T 333 3 t f a K>3[ 33 OS3T ®fa?5 faa st

HoflH 3 *f§§ 3l a t , 3t3 fH3 3 K>3 a t , 3!3fe f WS a t , f * 1 t faH to * 3 g# 3* f e W f e 3f3 f a tf 3 fa 3 3 ROl4 331 3 ^ srfo t 33 fa

>n"gg tfH33H3 0, 3 § fe r§ 33 f3 * hF fe33Tfe3iH3 33t 33 3*1 • 0fe jr * faoT3 sffe tft fa H-3* OPifat HOT faH*OS MtH 0 f§ 3 fa33* H*3* xxm i tg i t§J* Fft§H t f e j 3 3H33t fe e 3*0 f3H*3S M3H $

t t o 33 *a ’fea feofef life to s g t 33if3H*tR5>#H ^ fO 3 33w t Tp3< 3H 3 ? to f a 33 to * I f t P3I3 fHS H3I5 «TSt 0 3 3 fa

f t gfet ad t1 Ht aa* i 01 faat Hi fa fe ra ^ -s >n§ amWOT3T gsf 3^E5ml3 t f e 3>t I f ? j 3 3 3 t mfFWT 3 ^ 3 7 te fe3 33^f3§ f e l 33t 3 3 fe §33 3Ht3 H3m 333ft 3tT3T §33 3Ht3 3 '3 S 3tH3 3 3 3 l% ft II OW* W3Ht *& HtHt fa33 H 3t H3 f 3 3 3 H3§ 33 >H§ W3 T O H 3

Heft 33 wra fa § 3teT w t I f§ Stu fefai® saifaf§3t31H3 t o w t I fen 3at vp t 3§ 5fe3 3 3 f§33t 3331T tn§ f H f

gnte H3m 3#attl 3f3W frT33t l gf 4-4, 6-6 f§3 >H1f'3 T Hi f3f§33t 3 flttaP I f§H 33t VT t 33t f§33t >nrigTT | f§H 75§t O' 333tggfgp fo § g g ^ rfeS H 3 ^ 3H 33 1 3 ^ § 3 ^ ^ fag 3 3 #H f 3 fet 3 3Hof§ 331 33 feH tTH 3 3 3 3 # f33t 3T§t I H1 HH53t 3 fa >11313 f§H

um 303HT3t 3 f e tP3 3» f t 1 f 3I3fa # 3 3 p O ^ 333i l

&Ht 3> fa33 3faT fgtWI ?faU33 t 3>3 333 >M3 lfa»lT 3faW f§W> § I 33> 33t‘ 3jHU33 f 3*3 H33t iff 3 ^ 33? K3t 3T§t I 333 3faw gfgnir fgpnT § I fa§ 33" f a t H333 3§ 33, fa3* 3 'H S3* 3 W3 <.iS* §, f 3 OtS 33^ 3§ I fa3 33t>H* 3fa 33!1 3* 3 0 ^ I 0" HfOHH

(10)72 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th M arch, 1987

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Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget (10)73Estimates for the year 1987-88

srara ra, H»raH3 rates, £ra 33 3 w fern 5 f« raft ?.r£>;>fjfF3

fc|3H Sf35 ft ffHH oftel 3' 3lft 3 I H'sPf EP’aToH fiS'cf'U 3 3E.3®'H!r £3 ft urfejt f®*raft -3*fe grate ®ra .§ anaira 1h® Ht, ®y? fen fera rain®

ins® ira fesfea | ¥3H sra 33 331 ste* 3 3sh sraf ijrate®- cjHC3®3u fcfe3 .ara#e f eras sra 33 331 -tea h3h w >51 ra h® h>®> lira i- w3a® irate® q fe t^ §143333 3® 3® ra®§ i feH ®ul A1 §33l 33*31'te fe* ITO Stag afe Sft3T H"§ I 5fH->H3~ofH »ffl V 3 H1® life® ffftW

fra 3®ft>ra H3 f 3 g®®btf' raralfto' 3 3 1 fra f ffran € wa fu i f35 ®ff3 ®sr 3 H3S3 f i t 33? fff l HT 33t 1 §H 33' ®Ef' f EfU3

3H§ 35 I ®of? #P ft>H' B3' § S 3 f 35 I feH ®3t feH VpA' fcW3 f® '

H33t 3 Ife.q 33' 3l H3®* ft 3T®3 H'3 AfsH H* 5 fefo ife ' Hi I fe3' 5

10 U®H 2 f 33,® ufe H® 331 33 >H'3Hl ft ffHH 3 ft 5 fa §H 3 r £3'3<Sl 33^1 SR, fe5i H°t®' f?3 33 33 fe3' £ feu H3® ufe t® 35 I

10-15 Hi® W t i f i t H3® 5 # 9 I fe3 H3® 53 33 3 '3 lf 35 I 3'fof STS fa ra f 33 Hof® I 10 3®R 2 3 H3® 33 33 3® Btaf ®3' 3 '

feffW'-ra W 33T 53? 3 H33TI feH ®Hl )? Hf3HH 333' 3' fa ?H3 feH

■WH H3®i » lf ®5T § M 3 >Ht ft 33l H3®3 3®§ I- fas* 33 Hf1® 3 ®»H $TW M'333 3 T, hri 33 Eff3® 3" 333' ft 3' » lf

cffU® 5 f3® ft 5T33r 9 I H" ?3 33? S®3T l 3»53H3 H'f3H, 33‘3 3 3>®»3 H i ra i 35 ®f35 H" f®3 f f w 3fe fa ^ Hf§->HT 3 fy®'3 q w q 3

.raftra irasfral a l w h®1 fnhH* 35, ra i ^®" ^1 fn V j 33, h" HfoRo 333*9 03* fcf f5 t 31 W 3H 53? fR5T §3i f 3 I feH 3'§H

f?3 SfHl Hte33 31® Sf3f 33 ®fsT3, 3>H3H3 H'fOT, 3®t w f 3 *3 A1

Hf3HEf 333r 3» fe fe33l Uf®H 3 f , fH35 >Hrat. 3? 3 f , f®35 it . Uirat. ft.

3 f » lf fH35' 3ral UfSH 3 3331 3 3f ft ®'>H >M'333 3t 3t®3 33 3


3 33l 3 I H1 H333 3t 31® 3f3® W fH®f S 53? f?333' 3'3 H3l q'33l 3»3»3 3 Ttra, 3 H't H> H33l H'f33 35 § 3 »ira®l U3l f&HT53'3 l 5 ® 3H 5.35' r a f f 35 U3 f 5' 3 HT3 U3l 33' '53? fH®3', F!33'3t S 3 ' f® 1 3) 3 U 3 T Hra 53? fHSran? fH5' § 3f3®f 3T3J3' 3' f f 3 3 33liras hIm'. hhIm' 3 afe'H' 3 33g 331 BM3A5 raf3H, 3®f »i'f1v 3 rar Hla f 5 f M3H'3 33§ 3r 3' 33' ®dl€r 3 ff >M3 3S'®1 W 33® o far f, >hh 3®*®! ra 3 far f, fea 3 ufra ft 3'®31 A uf3®t fesr fen 3HfVfeof feH a t ®f ®atra Hi 3' fe f fes h§ ra 'fesf fen 3Sr ®ar f 3®3®el h! 3 ' f n 3® ®f fen® ifetra H ' Hra f r a h! 1 unra h h ' f n i® f

~ m, — m —feH® f t HHfe H3of H® 3THt 3 1

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(10)74 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March, 1987______ __ . £» , ** ** **H3S*3 HfU33 1HUI 83*3 :

Mr. Chairman ; This is no point of order.

Sj| 3*H IJoPH SP®I. 8m3H3 H'f38, fe3* t H3S'3 y 3 8 ‘3* feifl ^ ^ 5Ht 3i® -o fte rt, H1 fe # § SHS* 3 e > "Tfi fv f $ * - t i® S ’ f e wb f^ r § ® § fa fa q i 15-20 fe n ! s * faqa H 3 lt 8<s i s l *<*3® § # s *Hi g t H'Hl Hoof'H f3® H'3) Hi m t § 3 008 tP i ®8 83 tPS H3 •ne* fey gfel ? i t feyS H-fagfe 3* § h i® §3* 3 m n s te * t f s s n

t 8 ®i? fa f a t f a t H*3 rf* 33 33 ?

H3tP3 8 5 8 3 fifal H33*5 . O T ot W 'fefe »P3 »P333, H3> S013H3nrfey, Hfeyiyts® V?83 H'f38 t SfHM* t fa H3S'3 S38’3 T frfal Si 838*3

g® 15-20 fSo 8'>>1S 83® oS* H? Vt fe3* B; feu 8s5* S^S* 3* fa 8f

§ 3 83® rpfes 3 3 ' Hi, feoH>s 3 WP33 3 3 1 Hi ? -

g | 3*H IjoPH 8 *5 l: W dH 3 H'faH, 83® fafi 333 3 ^1 3# 831yrfey ^ 3? 3 3 ', fey 31® 3HS' 3 '3 3 ' 3* fa fey Him* 3i3l 3 '3 t 3'® '

y® sai tfe1 feit 3§ 3* hM yfas «afl fa n il § h«§ fa*1 fey S3?3goir I 3>3 t 3 8 H* yfe 3* 33tH%'3 3.00 3 r § 3 3 3 dfel l Him* yfe® ®gii fy y g 3 ' 83*1 3331 ®*3'1 Hi I 3*3 7j 3f fa3* 9 fy rfa i H'3 fei* fey 33? Utfflr m3 3® 3'331 H 'f f e T fey 3 33? I (feuis)" *HH? fefa § W>y§rt 33? 8 3 t I H31 33® 333 y ‘f®m* 3 ' OIH? ms'HH b(3T3 33? 8 3 t , H§" fyg § agq iflsl 3 3 3 ' H '3>? W3J 3 3 3 ^ 33 3 ’ 3H? >H>H 3l »l3'3» ® 3I^I fe3 yf33 33 fy y i3TdH 3 fey 833 i f ’®fe3 t , fe3* t 3 ’ 3 ’H yl f w H? H“ 301 feR 3 ' 33? ®3> 8^33', f333^ '® ' # # 3 l yyfeH3 $ ‘ H1 fe3T 3 ‘ Ug®r 8f33f 3* fy fed HS fyH 3 l ST3l§HB 33, foTH t fesfefe- fey f®»|T ? m3 fe3 HfeHH y o t 33 fy yTOHl H3 33 33, Offl 833I8 I 3^33 3l H3y(3 t >HH. m®. H. Hd 33 33, MH y }3T3H?>HH. Of®, t . H3 33

3 3 m3 mH? mHBfeoe 3f i h" bh®1 y e s* 3* fy-—

‘313 333fl fyH3l 3 3 3 ^ H'3, 3* 3H 3l 333t 3* He) 3H*« l’-

fyH Si 83 S3l Si fetT3 8331 s fe ls l t I H'3 fe3* cfe* 3® f8M'3

gels* ff i

R3S*3 Hf3S 3 fiftttl 83*3 : ' ‘ ** **Mr. Chairman : This is no Point of order.

♦♦Expunged as ordered by the Chair,

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Resumption of G eneral D iscussion on the Budget (10)75Estimates for the year 1987-88

3»H IJoPH g»s| . W dH S H'fdO, VT HfdFH 3 3 3 ' 3* fa H'S 337

<955 d fes1 gfefe' 9 i >? w us H'Ohs €s 3a hh § cites* s note1«S» SS

fa srert ? fe l 3 0 §1>h* u feb ? 3.3* t o * 5 'S fiB^im* ?■§!»!* 3 3 i fen 5fel

fe€ n§l 3= Sr H<? I fee cffe§ 33 fof J?33 § WUfeWcf‘3 U13 of3 ft§sJ '

pfa>H* S »!Uf3>tf’3’3 ?0 3 fe§ IV ss

V-T \&c£T UT |c‘ U Fj VI \ V < c j c (’Ht, fa§" 337" WUfsWH'H 55§ §H- €'5 TO fof H'TO H'feU §1 WU^l Reef'SHlfa33l 3155 3*5 MW6f 3*93 5€ H:3 S' S3 §3 3155 R3" 33? of sl 3>uM I*HtT HfeS §1 H35P3 OH'S §t HSO'S 3 A>55 33* 9 50* §t 3'H55' >tf eH'Sl offel 9, PUSHES f33l 9 33 35* §1 H3>fe3' 33 337 § I 333 RH' >H5531 3u « -

tP# 3* fa s fa£ faH 9 UgSt § ? j? Hf3HH 3 3 3 ’ 3+ f3 3 fbf3 3Hl" H"S3

fa s W 3T§ 3* 3Hl" 3»oft 3 »Mf3»l'3’3 ^7 5? S 3 33 I § 3 3 >H3 Hfe>H* 3*" ar

fa§HSH fTO 3S?3>B H55 339 sfefa' 9 1 333 Wf? H3 33 WO 333' 93* HfeS 355 H3T3 fa§" H*§ 3* I §33 »!R? H"33 3 WUS' 33? H3*3I 3*

faH 33* 33 >Jf33U33 33 H3*3i 1 A" H33'3 35533 fPUf § H'3 3f3ST gfegr 3* faS* $ fa3 T Hi fa 3*3!3H 3 1% H3l 55'Hl h7 » ft >HH? «3H 3 3 fe 3 l t il 3 fa 3 MHl" 55felHt fed TO 3 fa 55'>tf »i'te W csS § 3 5 3 VH1 5 S : t 1 5-7 I35 fan 's* 3" >H3I3 feH 35* 333 OHT W fel»MT 3* H33* S3 tT'33I?)l* I 33

‘ § 3 t W ?lH 3^3 355l3 feui 3 feH 333 fag 55' fg3l 5 I 3 3 3 33 fH3T 3l 3t?fe W1HT f 55gfTfe»fT 1 »fa ? §3 afegl 3* H" H?TH 35't 1

3* fa cofH* f33* H33'3 33? 35531, 3 3 3 '3 l3 l 333^ 3Hl 53 3155 9 fafi 3Ht3 3 »in4gf tfffegtg t H33* 33? 33^3l>H*, c3H 553fe 3ftt* 3333 faS* § 33 3 ^ r gfelgr § fyg 33* 333 3 3 3 3 fe lf 33 fe3 HT3T 33 §359 3_3T ^ |_ S3F§5T ^ gt »wfai § S3It§ I 3 3 H55 33H

?3T fa§ 3 I 333 H553 33H 3CT§ 3 3 3* >933 § 3 3Tdfa* § O'tT' d fas* 3 U3%fa3 of33t>H* 33 I ^ 3 7 3* 3 fa§ 3 3 fe3 3* 3I3fa* 3 Ofe' 1 1

H33 §1 >HSTSH7 faH 33* 3?of 3331] ? >Hdl3 §3 537 ST 33fe) 3e7 3* »fafana1 wfl4 nfe afe 33 u* H33* fof fen 33? gs7 §3 33I1 g^7 fea

TP irtu§ I fa33* fes* 3 fe3 3'cfH U3U 3 bf73T 9 feH § 3’5 U?Tg e T S3TO5 3#6F I 3 3 3 3 HH 3 U3Hfe 531T §531 I § 5 T §03" ^§"3^ n, 359 §03" >HT§fei 9 3tP3* §13* fS3H337 ??55>H* 3 0 ^ 3 § gfa>H* 3" fB»9§a:1»l* 0"§lnf* 331 H1 offeV 3* fa M3I3 fen 03Hfe §3 3.V >H§ fen 03Hfe fe3 3 § t

- 3* fa33N* fayTfe3* »fa >Ph. )J?3. 9. H?3SP3 of3 33 33 fe3 3 of3§ I• W fa'iTO1 SfelH 3 # 3 ^ t gfegri fg s 3* 333 51337 9 03 H" S3? 3fe§ ' fa l?# ?)3*f 31,0^ tfl- *31 Hdh>i* 0*3* 33 t fa s rt^ r 03 I 355 Hi. MH Hltfe, w gfe 3 3 I f3H33T Hf33 >H§ >H30 ^ 5 5}f359 gfe§f 3* fa

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[Hj UfH 3509 3'Sl]HHBT3 33 §3 fffuj '■?] 33t of’5S 939tM3 3<5H‘ HF399 33St 3* M§

33 FT 33W fa 333 3 3339’S] 33^ fasl M § , 99H’§ i33t>HH §3>P § ft^3 33t! 33 §3 HM’3 33?> Hfa.H 33 I f PS* § 3*9 f fe3 93f93t fe§, /H33T3 3T33Tf3>Ht § M^S1 33 3 M§ 3333T § H3c53 §%. _ J^333t cidl'S3^ M§ ^3 333 ThB6 bft§ 3 ^ I f33 H'sf1 f333T3 33 3%3n 33 UrTO 33T3t3 Soft 3 3T33 fHH3ft I fflT 33 S ’* *P333 'W W 8 t *9?■ j& i 3TS oi | RT t R ^g 3l 333^3 3_3’3 ^ 8 fr\" UTP3 fa9 3 33 9$3SfH»P £ gq f33i 0 fa UH’q 3T >H?TH MH3 3^3* 3 I ft" fS3 3!S '333

3f33T qfajS1 3* fa f333 H33T3t 9‘tF ^ 8 33 H’d 33 33 §0 fan 3t§R fi3 fH3 f ^ M ’ BIS’ S’ 3f3M’ 333 f333t*T 3>UH SSN* US >H3§3 333’9t 3 H33>;t 33 1 S3’ fa9 §SF 33 H*3 f3 3 ^' flpf33 3#lf3FF <98 §9 3H1 33 I M313 §9 3 S’ 93 33, M3T3 9$ 33 3’ f3^33, U3rfe3t 331 wfa ^f3f3T»T ofdfa, S3’ §f 9'S S HT8 <st\ 333 ?*R§I HT3 fe«33TS13 i s 3 fH3 3 rP3l§ I §S’ sfeM’ S fear 3 9 § t f8W Ffafe I H33!3 38#3 fRUf 3 3T33 fesl’d §31’ Ufa?* 3 I H1 §J5’ § 3^3 Fff3H33i fof § s i §t H33 3§t Bfefel Hi I 33 H§ fe9 318 S’ - §3 5 fof-3' g ^g r 5 §3 fS3 33ti crfUS’ fof UtP3 § S3’ S’ 33533 3fe»tf* d UtTO- S’

f33_ §33 falM’ 5 I WHtera# 3 §33 3fet 9 fe9 8§t feffj Si HSS 333 gel K 5 § ■§' 38Sl 333 3ifa S3’ § 3 fe93* 3-3f 33 33^ S’S Si 3f3H 33§ 3S §3 3S 3~ 933 1 H" Hl3>Hj S’, HUt33 J3f33- 3* f3U3l HUk3 RTfgg >H3 »{TU qs^rg 333T 3* (tfUai)

3HH 3 3 3 39131 (3H>HT) : 3>>13H3 FPf33, H" 33 T3 T 3 3 ^ '3l 3 f33Fff H3 M3 31§H f33 3 S 3 3 ’ IW f33T d I (f^M3) FT^S 3^1 talM 1 3 T d , 3toi 5 I 3M3H5 H’fuU, f35i 3 3 333 3f M.3S 333^3 9 S # 3 frN 33f 3 333, 3l H'AtTfy 333 ?f, 3 H33U3t 5 , S 3 ’ § f33’' d IfH3 H3 3 1 333 f33 3 3 t 5, fH3 3^331 #33^3 33^ §3l»H’ 3 ^

0 H33T3 9^33, Si Hi 33 33W—i f

“For the development of the backward Kandi area, a number of projects such as Extension and Improvement of the Shah Nehar Canal System and the World - Bank - assisted Kandi Water Shed and Area Development Project which includes Dholbaha ^ Dam and low Dams in the Kandi area have been undertaken. Maili Dam and Dholbaha Dam have already been completed. Janauri Dam will be completed about 1/2 years ahead of its scheduled completion.”

fan ggt irfH31 §3311 f§33’ fa n’t faW M m’ 3193 9 3 3 13 FPf33 S f53’ 3, 9T§ f39 §ta §3 33’ 33 3l wfl" fa<5’ § f3S?S f39 3TS

f3^§'§ 33 3T, f33’ 3l 93 I3T 33§ 33 TP 33 fiWA 33393 W § 3 fa3 3 lft tslM ’ ? S 33» f3M95 3 # ’f3 3 ’i-fatM’

(10)76 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March , 1987

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y e] fafa f a s Ufa 0, fa fafefaa HfSHUa HTfaU U3TS3 UT UH fa UUfa

US I HU4 ? t UR tf] FPS S 3 fa fa U HUU^ HTfag UU* s f a 4 fuu4 UU tas -

s »ogfa us uu fun uuu feu ufa tfa»p ^ fant fauu fafear 3utfa fafeU* 0 1 srfa §fa»{T faw H3Uf fa 3IS USt fa, faUH HUSfet fa fa, UfaUfa fa>fa M^'SHU HSI H3fa fa 31c? US'! fa I Hfe HS fed fa fa H»feU

Ufa HUHS efe >HSUU HUSUI, ffaT UH faHU I fafa UU IPUfufeaT UU3

Ui I{HS U, H^Ufafaaf UU3 U^S HTUfaU UHUt f u ts H U ftfe US >HU g u U fa ^

US fa Hfe UTH » ;m u s sfa" U, H3fa fa n Ufa HS33ft»P, faH 3fa fUU*HU

U S3T>fa ? FT# HS feu UTU fa fa Ufa fadfaT U 'H t URU feU UTfa UU

Ufa»[T Tfitar, g f a H3Uf S UUT UUS U 'H t, U SrgS U’H t SfU S fUH U

U^Ht fa fU3T fdPtfr 0UUU fa feU, g u fa UHUr fa ;—

“As regards rural roads the main thrust of the programme new is to provide interlinks with the funds made available by the Market Committees and tl e N aiketirg Board.”fatfUHS HfaJU, fa t feUH-fSUH fa 3IS US Ufa t , fa fife fa HUSlfaufa U^HUS feU faUT fa I faH US fefad fSUH fa 3TS USfa fa fa f a u f a fa fa Ufa IFH fa UHU fSU 3 3 fa S # fa, feUU fSU fa Ufa4 fa 3ISuuu u i uhu fsu ufa fafa § suT fa i au s tH fea t u^ hus fafa1fa HUU’USUHSfa UfHH fafa fa fafaUT fa fa Ufa4 feU3 fSU fa 31S ofufa U »fa4 UHU fSU U ?th3 3 UU fa I fusl fafa>HT US U3U, liufet §faw US 5 3 t FP3 S’S feu tfesn fa fa I feH HOIS feu fa Hif H Ufa fa S fa HUtFU u s lu feW fa s asfa uafep fa ufa m z feu ifefas fs^fau w% fafafe lS U H fe faufa fa, H3Uf fa UH?UUHS fa, gu fafa TP? I

feu Ufa, UM3HS Fpfuu, wr? u su U S uuu fufa fa I fea Ufa fefaS feru feu f s f w fa:

“In the sphere of health, our objective is to reihove’ the existing imbalance between medical and health care services in the rural and the urban areas. It is proposed to provide one Sub Centre for every 5,COO rural population, ere Primary Health Centre for every 306000 population and one Community Health Centrefor every four Primary Health Centres covering around one lakh persons.”fcH U feu IPS feu HHfaS fa I JPfaUfa tfa w fa Ufa fafa»p fau uufa

sfaw feu feu fife fa UU fife feu TPS ^ H § 5 u 4 10 feSHfeU UU

U SSf if4 fa I fu f f fu UH§ U3 S 3 US I feH UUU feu fUU3T USU H feu

H S S ^FT§ 5 UfaU UrySHS fafa HUU fa feU fesf faH§ U3U fa?

UU fafa ufaul fa I gfa fa fa feu fafa U7FU uu fafa ufafa fa fa feu feu IFUSUS' f a f a ufelHS UUfa fa SUt4 fa fa fa I fe S t fafaW feU UH§ S 3 US

U U t UUU HHfufa US I fU%4 fU H4 f a W fa fu H3 U S t feU

‘ufeur fife >Hfufa fa gu u ufa ffaPa u ufe fa f a s uut auu uu fs>>pgs faa§ fa 4-5 tfa uu t s npgi* us g tf a ufa fafa usrfa fa

Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget (10)77Estimates for the year 1987-88

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[r) OHR 333 fgrd']feaR1' SO) ft! ddST ?3igT -cf r 3*5^ R5[ fH S UUVfH>HT TPS1 t Ifen as) h r re fa uajear 5 ant fea Mnj<*r rh §a ts^ d ifan as) ng) fsa) & fe fas) tg}»r fea aag Hfea Oaa ^h§ irenas


an at g a t a 4aig fa § fea area f a s afei§ as a* al fes* agf w asr gsf a FTorar (j i

fSH S4 Mara) aia h4 featarHs § ga gfre* W ? a* i fag4 re fegl- fe s a* f;I g a i fan fea ohm* gfegtaMfet M^gatH d fefYfe fg mrS* “ ■ S fc. fc«

r e faa fr aTu fa fefgia saY afaro* i mhY fen gnat HfsHss g fag § fl fea Hi fa of fn Of fey hs fs j s fea gOta* a) fta* h} feMara are fg g? c?h gg*f afes fen are gt fen ana fga fen g nf fat ga­ffes suY re) othY i fen as) Ha) ssa) 0 fe fen ^h§ g) gag fea ft! gggfes are) afeta) d i

(10)78 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March, 1987


(fen hh4* q) HUfeg s gag) h gre) i)

feg f a h4 fa! fsre a gfe g) Rag gfret afeeT a* i fea fa! fsre 1978 fea res) H_a as) h) i fen fa! fsre a) sfera h*# 22 fea Hfea at 5 » fea gaffe 33 res) ai gg are re feg fgate s # a Rf! 1 a fea fa! fsre furjfe a w i a* fen fea4 gs) fresgtfgfggfe fsga ngatM* as Md fst j a): ana* s are) fea nreT d 1 gg fen gfe irsrea 3 ufaa fea f f w r) if fen § Oa ggg fea fuafe ffer Rfe i Oa are f sre g t a feanfed re are) re gaio fea Hfea gg as re fea gfaMTggg re HHfea sre rel a Mg feaaT fea Oa ggg sre fH ffe* tr fea re* aiaa ftgr 0 1

feH sre aga fef fear saY gfaY;T fan ?aa g^a fea urel fsgaafea gf! HHfea »pf4o! 0 ifen fa) fsre *th§, HuYfa Rfag, fa) 62 are ret a! fa 0 afes f gna fee reffos ffe) 0 fa fere 3 rea ret a) f ! f ! f 1 aa fe 10% gre aa RTa wrettHs a! fa afef! d 1 fen re* ?aa a fea 62 gaa a at fea4 3 rea ant fa ta)t ^ 59 rea gut gfe! afa afe as Mg a fr- § gTO Mg Mreftns a aa H a fre) 0 fa sfe! afe 3 ^ rts fea e gia gat t gg)g gaa) 0 1 fen a H3 ag fea d fe fea fa! fsra g t f! saY re Rfafr 1 fen ss) h4 w nre) Rfag s gsf! ggfep fe fa fea g f t Raaa faa faa ffe fHrer fea ar fH 0 fa fea fea aa Rf fen t res sre w | fe jIjirs fea ggg afear a naar 5 1 3

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§H 3" fBRyytfeSyy) y g § yr:-| feH fey §sm yfe? ytf^r yfefer 3fe 3 $ feSHtyy 3> 3#3F- M§ >3r3®HS ?7 fey) Rfe I feR 3 ; 3 1* 5

feyldlUS Roffe FP# ftlK'HS fey 0 1 H’3 1 §3>HT feHTys IfeR y 3 TJ5

^ 1 ^ ^ RT $ ^ 3 33T§U3I Rt§ f e s f e f e y ?7 feggfey)afe3 Hofln yfeT ip # y 5)u fe& g in 3 sap ^ gfe) 5 1 ^ gryfei

9 1 feg y feyldiHS Rcffe y] yul 3 3 * festRSjgjRS y y y Sjgg y7yr yr^ (Ufy»)

^ Rusfe) § spy fey gfe otel gret >*y 300 <*33 yife fe) 3 ^ 3

fe3 l gry71 y fe Rfenyy mfey. 3 fey gryy sfetfcar W ^ y yyfe*, fey f^ 3 l § 1 uy m # ^rpf§ fey yy} y y ? tr§ ^7 fegyrg yg ferfe fy§

5 feff y§ lff3 3 H3^ S yiH y] £ fey y y) />pyy fespg y «tr§ ggj) y) V3 £3 ^ 3 3 ^ fe y ) are] 1 r *b fe s y t fe y 333 n fe t^ s fs y fe p ^ 31 t El y y ) d ?f 3 e) s fe ) S »fe ff§ §q* fey # y f e s /fey y y §*

fey £ § y y ^fe>>p^si u"t?r d i fes* MTyTt?7>Hi' 3 u fet i s fefeyy g* fe sy f d fecst y f e i »wyR spst) ^ 7 H7 fyR g ^ 7 ^7 ,

feV fey fey yy7 3 3 ft yy) & £ R £ h 5 y d ^ y y ^ 3 # cfer fife r s ufef s y r 0 £ y fey yyl u7 sap f e § , f ^ t § ^ 7 f e rfefe1 TP feyr M§ fey fe3y dr fy f1 ^ f § St5- ytgr yj feyr ^

3R? sfe fey i »py ?ryy yyfey ^IR§ 300 y§3 yife y7 aiyy fyy] y >iiy IPR 3R? Ufe) 3 # t 30 I fey ys7 >H§ y g -H fe -y ^ y yy7Mr 0tS f ^ a ,

0 1 feR f fyfe§ y y s y7 H3 t >ho fey ufe) y7 ywl 0 § y s y y yy 1 Ufet yr HR^T 5 3 yl3T y fe , fee yig7 yrfey g feyr y7 3 y r =y^ryy g*

SP33 y) cfef f s y s R t »iy MR? ynyr f e ^ giyy Sy f fggfS yy ! yrg yj5) ^ R § f 3 33 3" fey Gfe life) y y y feM fe^r {j-^r ^ | yr^T §g7^T ^ >Hfe3 fetsH B S i fy y ^ e g fe) a fe .g fof f e y y - ^ g ^ y§ 37. 38

FPS 3 3fe y s I U3 y rs 3 y yyyry .y r | ^ ^ ^ ^ f ^

^ 3Bt §yfw e i fB lsilR fe ^ R § yry7 ggr ,yyr y ^ yy)>Hye 3 fe fey yfe] fe ls u f ife g y y yyTfe>HT y f e , fyg y T§ feof y3I yf^yyy

R 3^3 ^ MU y f e ^ y ^ 35 (O T ) ^ y . ^ y RTy, ^ S H R fe j^ » P y s t s t § Ryyry e g yy , feg fyy y ^ gy 3

Rfe HfeR33 RTfeg Hl y ^ y n sfeu fey gyTfe.gr y r |(u ig 7 )^ g feR g 3 3 a ry7: Rfe HRS OS 0 Ry§ y s * y fey grg feg m gTg | s ^ .o!ger ^

3 'I fey 3 S Ryyry f e ^ §#>g§ gyg fyy yg] f e f ^ f e 43B yr ^

333 § ? ^ 3 feR § s tS y7 R ^ fB#SUHfe y Rgg) 0 I R fey ,

Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget V 16)79Estimates for the year 1987-88

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flTJAB V)I UAh SA1HA [25ih V a i c h , 1987(10)80

g| «FH W 8 (S3? Hftrar) : HUfea 3^33, W" m s 91 «T gjjr f o g 'l l gt-.fei »pu tfl-fc fi§ sras §3 u s s se t ?33 fe3T 9 1 fen s E fan safe foTH1? >H3 33 fyg3 333' 9 gra3 g rit 3r33 f93t 3l9t & feH 9 S9t

H?PU)T cl33l afelsl 9 ' £' HBSFa 3 9HS1 3* fef feH 3*93 t 1 /

t s l i t Hfe3 a e : f e ta a # a ' faais g a s T 9 3* 9 a i s § ' SB arafe 9 u<3ggT S 5 tP33 rFST 9*1§ 95* 91*1* HERTS' § HS3' 3 >H3 £5* 9 33 99 ura >H§ g3* 3 gUS' 5 >«§ M^SHR 3 93 ftWS 3 'S H33T 9sfcre fe3 f333 a9" 91 f3933'3 3 W Fet fast 9 I i # 31 feu 3»©n fgg Mfe3 US 9 >*#£ S3. 33 9 9 3" H33 UH 99 a»P§- TO 1 Uti? fga arufe* ^ 3 usatw ^ slw 91 asfel g.n§ fawfea*- aulw rr9N T 33 1 H33 9 3 g 48-49 9 3T3fe Sot* 91 U'33 H3SP3 gS1 9u HU Hts yfe gig 33 1 US3 g33t g>H3 UgHH'S1 US>9iw 3t91>tf* 33 1 3*3133 U'33l gS gl U3HHTS.gr TOjglw* 3 3 V 93 I W S > ' 91 tWBt SSt U33 9t 33H 10,000 3U§ 31 gUT 9 13,000|- 3lfe 33 fe91 3j91 9 I (ufiuBl) fe3 feg U33 >tfgt 31S 9 1 U3HHrS,gr gt U39W9 33 ^3 93* 91 H3H3 gTfe gt UH1 fS3T tfe* 9 I HUtoT3 H'f3U, U3 f e a r 's 333 3*39 UHS fg3 US3 3331 9 Sot* 3 991 H3H3 33? fHS33ll 3I3fe* 9 U53 3 3 ' H'9t »fe 33 3U HU 33r 9 3» 9 h U3H3TKr 91 391 fgR 3US 9133 i s 991 9 I afefe S3 33 UH 9 9 33 33" fa 3333 313*3 f991 9 I feasts* aT3*3* 9 s 9 u r ^ gt U3H- HiSTgi 9^3S H33'3 9 W3H1W 9 3U fg3 9 I fS3 g ’HlW 3 ^ 3 3 fg3 U3t»jT g9191w 33 1 safer yet UHHHtkt 3g U3 33U13 fg3 33 3l 93 991ug i feu H’i 3 S uu> 9, aiu 9 i m91: feu, HuluaH'feu, arJlur 999^9) 3IH 333 g>H§ >H'H 3f I feet 3tS H" 333'3 U 'H fe°Wl U[3S gS 91 oT33r 3'3_3r 3r 3 3 ' 93 913 Hf3H33 H3 I fe3 SS Uf3S 9 ' 33? 33 333 ' l H |S3 3*33 91 fU3St 91 f3f39fe91 91SS 9 I (fgui3) 3UI33 3'fOU, Uf3S' fea f3fot9fe91 12 au9 3l i sf33 »Ta 91 333'3 9 arafe' s9 l f3f39f33l gu' f33i 9 fe3 91a SS3 offel afel 9 lfe3 f3f3§f33t 9331 91 3fet 3>g f333l f3 H33<3 ^ 3 ^ feui 3'feU 9 HU H33l i s Hi 1 (ufus) 3331SS H1, 3Ul33 afeU, 33'3 3'3HS fs*>U'9S' 3 '3 3 ' 3 ' f3 >H3Rf33 3'3'lW>nt tfgatm' RsW 9 u f w 3 gal 3 3 3 f^3\m 3 'safl>n' us >nast»i3 fg3 ^/ f33»U' 333 91 S3 Uf3->i' 3 fHS9lM' 33 1 3Ul33 3933, 33 31 91 fUS'U' 3313' fgH1 Udl3 339 33V.3 3 ' 91 33S'r fg3 3(9lH f33 fHSSlnl' 331 33i 3 3 Ug9 33 fe fe3 3 ' 3 '3 3 3 ' fHSSSl»i' 3 ' 9 3 ' 3 Hg'U f33' 3 '3 ‘ 9 f9 a s 91 fesssln t' i fan u a t ufa^ ' 91 f33 h919 91 us'91 u a ^ 3 a^9l 9 1

33391 aTJH3r91 uf9'9 33 fe 331' 991 f93' S' 33, 3 3 9 f33'UT 333 fHSSailH!' I

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H3aTH © C'HT sftffe' H>© fen ©t ©Hi 3 I e r a ^ fe aftr© hs fur grains © ©ua safe i fe?j 3 arfegT © ©ua afafeT nl i aralfe ©us hh©h srfei »r3 #s as t feana i (fens) (§a) nulas H'fag, wa ini' aiatfe © uis rTt s«, aralfe © vffHfei ©us s’hst © fee1©1© as, ©afaH afe ©tfei as i alfea sislfe s ©us aas © ©at as ? fea fe fufenit uwa a) as i al fea nfet ©Ha fen as* alas© afasai ? fea ala w a<©H©

— U »

htsh $ su©t a n s f a* i fea H ast a) © a* ua> a f e 3 1 fp§ a a aunt h4 fen s a t a u n t ©ar gt | f©q ^ © t a ' i a a s ©a

©at a n ta l ©! h4 H u-viast a t a* s i us* H aas a n h ; fes* s feu© ttns» u s=

fofe at fa Ha fe?3*t © fess aa-aa Hats as, aaW sa* as, sa* aT awn, Han FpaT afa ait as, fen sat a? fasts faat afe i fes* © ft© na s u | au© ©t arafe §©t © i fea net h4 Hu-vfasl at s ^ Tfe ©at ana1 an h4

naan afetu frmi feat at s ©t uaafe ©t arafe T?m© fsfw ' at i fea sat h4 fea hast al s at ©sal assl ana' a* fa >na Was ara^a t © ? 2000 an© sTc5 a* ©a usas sal4 fe1©4© i ©a fe'©1© as, faaa aa fas afe af© as i fea sat fea aisfe s,ooo sut safest afe i (feat) h4 feat Hrfaa ar Haas a* fa ©si © an 7 fufe s fefemi sat arafe faat © l

zs — u —

afe uh! a t afe 3 i aau iai a l h.-shs a a s s e t fa s t 3 1 u st H'fau a> ©t HH^a fe fa © si 3 naK i s s ta a a s an© arafe faa t 3 1 n a a n set feut s 'kh © a l aiHtfei fe©b>rT >*© y ^ t aifei §©tfei a s \ feH s a l vr e s a a t

« A

anHaary Has fifer: nutas nfas, hs at s&fe aT S'feH fa© i

qt Hfeas: aafe at efetH fHsaiT i qt nreafe Hufe i

ql >HHafe H«fe (hs'ht) : mftaa Hrfaa, it4 aafeT qaal»iT aaar afea ant4 ns ufafeafet Has fea a ss aTHaT faa< 3i (efuar) fea vial feat faHHs 3 fa fen hh4 a<©H fea Ht.feH. Hrfaa >n§ fea.feH. H'faa at hha as i ara h4 nan na fe ataT 3 1 fen fea Haatnri ataiaia aas arfefei as i fears fefe4 fen aas s an s 's ©fea »r© fcaHaal § feHTatasaa s aufea aalt aT fea.feH. mfeH aaa © hst 4 3 aaT astfeasl afa"© as :—

“ The fact of the matter is that industrial production in Punjab contributes less than twelve Per cent to the total Not State Domestic Product........ ”

feH ar hs?5H afefe' fa fefetaat 12 % aas uaaan fea fan’ fe©t 3

fe© fearatasaa fafeTa' aaatfe©a aaat 3i fea.feH. nfera © 49 ufaafea4

21 ufaa © 3 1 fe3ge3t at fenaas al©t 3 fe© fearalasaa fea Hi © at

Resumption of G eneral D iscussion on the Budget ( 10)81Estimates for the year 1987-88

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MH?ut HU3t]fen-ora ~<M 3 i us' feu Mm nulu yuuu hs, W h1 st huu Ht, fes*7 fecf 75,hI'7> McflUtySUU H'U SSi 3 fy MUTdtySUU U M’^S H1 <5 9 FI1’ U UmUiUH fUSS FI'S Ut MUfe yd HE cflS FIT? 1 U3T MS1 fyUT 5 I feu FUS1 gfefgr 3 I feHfSU fUU3' fotH'S 5 , ftTUS' FI'S' UUS Sri?1?! fHU?!3 HSU'3 , frTFI 7> fHUU3 S’S UtT’H Ut US HUfe' fe'SUH SH3 fey 3 fSM'Ut feSHUdt% ^ fa mu ?t 3iS ut uuut 3 uyu feu fesu ufuu' 5 1 §h §U3T 3t Txfe SU1' fy fy u U fe feu S ' U 1? I MaTUtSSUU Ut H S u t UU 'H SHau3 ?st 9 1 Murutysuu H' t feyuKt u1 huu Iuuh 5 1 fen ? s fuM'U' fUM'75 feH HUU feu fSPire* tPi I

UHU'T u h: hue feu S3 yte' 5 fusfe M HUSH I MU.MH. H'fUHs U3T MS' yt3', UUtM' HytFF HUfetM' utDUStUHU ?'FT§, FPUtaiafeH U’HH, UTfeUH Msyfuu S'Flt, M'UFTtfeUUUUU y'H3 HUS' ?UH UtM' UTU'UH fUHtM' 1 feU HUH SUtw UtflU'H 5 MS H' feH S MUUffHUU HSU' S' I UU U feH U- feUStHUHU UUfe 3' HS H# UUU S'S yfUS' U'U' 9 I FT ?t H'Uts Ho fus1 s' fyffe mh.ms.§. uutufet ysu7 5 iuu fu uu1 u s feu ur ss snfe fef3 "us33t feg qf try 3 I feH SUt FT feUMHU US’S' t? tUUSt feu arufe 3st 3 fey 3 ' fen s scnfeM' ufe uhu fen sut ujftuu feusl- sfet yt3 ' ufe I fesj S US' MS' yt3' 3 MU ua ufeu feste MU UtffeSlUHS H'U at feHUH ytU' 3 I US HUS M! SH FT HHUUT S' fy SMI Mfe M'USU ?>Ht ft I feH sut fey sfets ?t feH UUU feu feHUH ?fef yfet afet 1 tSS'UFP ufUM’ UfeUI' UfSH y iH § , HHt u fS H FTUfefHU feH UtfeUUSHfe

fus1 Oh' ufuM' few' fn s'! fesys fen feu suf uftw' few' 3 1 HU" feu fesfe HfSFtUU H'fUH Mnfet HUtU SUt 3» H1 M'H UUU'U' fy SMI M^ M'UUU fyi1 feuu? yUMI feH sut UUU feu M'USUi 1

feunuut 3 fH S fH S fe u H ' U S y fU S ' U 'U U ' S ' l H" H U 'S S ' S ' *MU H U ' fU M 'U ' feUHU feSHUUfe fe u 3 I HSt fe U U U fe 31S FT SU yfe t 3 FT'S 3 a ut feyrsnt HHfSHH S S U 'U U t 3 U U fy UrT'H U t feyrSFTt yU fe fS U H ^HS 3U USt 3 l 30 FI'S feu S U ' u t H u y u UUt 3 MU HHfSHH H S l ^ 'S ^ f e y 3 1 u a u s feu s s * h h 3 fe u ' feiM'3i s y ^ f e s ' s f y fen s u t s u ffu a tM ' fy fe y s ^ H y uiu y y f e M ' H f e i h h u 3 u u -4 3 fe # 3 f y y ft fu u 3 ' fy Hut M'uatHfe s i? u y u u 1 3 ; 3 s ' 3 fy u ' 3 : —

“At the end of 1985-86, the small industry employed 3 -5 times as many per­sons (5,90,000 as against 1,68,000) as the large and medium industry...

In Punjab we need smaU scale industries and not large scale industries.

(10)82 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March, 1987

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HHT75 Hf 8 fl fl aT83 3 ? fesf 3' vftFH fl aff f33H-aalm H u f s r f t f s w a a a i fen a n a f utt 30 § f e f tw T 9 fa f e a a f a a a famtai r

At page 31 of the Budget Speech, it is stated :

. “The incentive of interest free loan has been replaced by a levy of a nominalK State/Central sales tax at one per cent for a period ranging from four to six years

depending upon the location of the unit.”fast gar ffYfea hI feaaHa aal fa fa feaaaa'lmH urfeai a

fea, via fa § fast t attfea aa fftT 5 i fea fna^ feaiaa sal fa 3 fen faalas ars faaftmt hh'8 ats ffaaaalms mfaaa aa f?a aa;faa*

^ - aaT 3i vifan HH»8af8 fsanaatma mfaaa a as a f t 6% feasaa sals a ffft rTaT Hi I 6% or 35% on capital investment whichever is less we used to give that means fa faaflw HHTa a as fsaHaalms mfaaa aa fa t a ’

, i b — —

6% fh a f t ffafaa sal fa fea htft Hi i faa sal n»s aar^a fsaT afar Hi i faaaaa »isl aflHal ifaa faffas vffpafsa hhts afs feaaaalmH mfaaa s>Ht aaa mg* al via ms.mH. t fasT fa maY fan ftaYas a aaa t faa asT ala f8»rft 3 1

fs t Haal (aa. f a ) : asl" faa avna s>feaf aian i i am givingyouupto 100% on capital investment.

sjl >HHaal HHfl: aa faa faa faa faaar 6% fl fh t fat* ifaT al fa mat 3% afa farm1 3 1 faa au ufe 3' Y mg.mH. aYaa mt al.fiH HTfaa a sratar fa fa fua f flfaafl fan ast aw a; ats faanaalm vrfcaa a aaaTa asaa »it fan aat fea vtfaaa fsasaa aaa ics. — ■— O B

Hvflcia H’faa, aal ual f l afe 3 fa fast a f h msaa f a f l f fantltl 3 i faa fa maaa fat a far fj faai ms* f h saaal, mt fat a20 a ifa afvw1 f a m ^aa f f t ' a>faiT 1 faa a ra mgl a fla 3 i us faaaYfr fira faa1 flfa faaaaa sal f a s ff l afe §fea as'3T fafsf a ss»it HH>a Hts faaaaal a ma fes'S f l ffaa a ss i faa f«aaa aal»o fsafaa fsYfes f l viferal a aalfaf Yust a f la T 3 i faa a’a faaaaal a

— & —

e'faar afgiT i

avflaa H'faa, faa f via 34 f f t h§ aal ual 3 fa ma.mH. aYaa t a a 'f fea faas faaaaalmH Gifaaa a a t fa a 'a aa f f t v raT 3, f a

fci>Hra f f t T 3 1 f t u t a i UHT ugx H ?'f a>3 fKfamT 3 1 faat a— IS S3 V

fefaw 3 -^Among all the places in the State, trade and industry at Batala are the

worst hit..............”He has admitted that. We are the worst sufferers,

Resumption of General Discussion on the Budget t, 10)83Estimates for the year 1987-88

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[&t >HHgSt Past]H" a* fa fen HofT 3, fen Set H1 2~3 fee 3 H'a RcS

>Hds ora eft gfegr a* 1 aar<s' Pat 3Hetfg3>HT!t 3 1 mitaa jpfaa, aaras fHef fa r fga1 feaHaat»!to a<3s 3 1 fen fafenaatuiK a '3 s a t n ppa; ua’at faHaat 3 1 foaggis fea na 31 gfasp a a 's feg h pps ufsas 3 3 feat sa il 1 u ra te s a" ufa«r sfanpar >n3 g&aa feg fafeHaatw; gfsag sa t1 n s 1 naafi fegng 31 ufaaa a ^ a a t s a f t i 3 3 1 a a a s a

as =s —

araa gfe a s »i3 aat a a a a gfe a?: 1 fg a i feaa n a a* a s a s 3 sr feg 80% aar'&r a a a aa aa 1 aaTs r feg 1200 nH'K hsts fesnaatm's afssn aa »13 § a get aa>a s a a sh aaa t 3 1 3&1 a) aaa> uasorns 2 n Has a n t at 3 fan feg1 99% w 3 a w a ugra a Ta> 3 1 qatGa Anaa feg g fe 3 1 a a wa.ntH. a; wafHa a la 1 3 fa Batala is the worst hit. fa ss a H'"6'r a" aal nfet stk3 aat 3 1 aa ’s una afail fa fags m s aaaat, Hraa feg aa '3 feg fea w r fentife afew fnasr n ia a Par f tw s 3 fa fen aa* a ' fentife nfet a sW feg faaa aat1 afe»p 1 fesT

U - u

3 s Ts-fHHaat iafng 3 aa ana nates 30 agra sa^ a T uiafe alar waztH1 »ITUSW W -6-t igfy^T 3 fe i t f g HTPH H fw 3 Gfe g 'n t 33 aat1

*£ =U —

fefem', up»3 s u 'a se t a>ar aat1 fafenp 1 ggfe at aat gana Gates nt 1

I hope that law and order will be impreved. 3n gfe 33 fea Hafe3 SlfaPtfr fear »ia »m? a a aa 1 ears fag >nnt a rsa a s n<as 33 a t fefenaat 3 mna few, 33 at fefenaat 3 n sa H fei wrt1 3 ftwr a fa nates 1200 afsan3 fee1 800 afsan fen aa, a* a f 3 a 3 a a are a s a T 3 s t 3 w b aat1M w 1 a a 1 fefenaata g 's a a aa nt a* faa mat1 nfe feanaat^rfenan feas a 3 Har a lar, nm? feanaata ^ ‘faj>Ht 3 a w M agg a s Tat 3 3 h >>ipntaHa 3 fa» r bftar fe a mat1 fen i s a a a a u ^ ’fea a 1 3 s ait a ffea a a s rs aaa aaerr 1 ^nt1 30 -35 a s a grt a s 33 afe aa a f fa3mhT faasT faa a a ' utar 3, h>s fa t1 a s s 1 sat1 grata1 1 mat1 feH n3a fgg faa R;aa fea a s s fas, rpttH Hfsnaa ppfaa s fen, 3h Hfenaa n faa s at fe s >3a faa nt.ma. H'faa s at fm 1 nat feg 3 s T s th Htfeai aat Ht.>8H,. H'faa s 33a m a fasH^aag »is'3fe at3 1 fea uaa »-pe fasSTagg>Hg a s I fen a fe g 3 fe Sales tax 2 % after one year. Power connection within two m nths. 15% to 25% subsidy. HfefHS feU'aaHfe i[gfgg Eras I faa rife fesafagg m s'^fe at3 a s 1 fa s t fag faa fe?a s a Gan aa1# g g 3 gap aa 'a t 3 i faa a s »?#• Gag >n'a fasatiagg as. but when we see the practical part of it, as date HS'S a T 200 cfes cife a T SaH'S afa»ir 3 1 g faa Rc3ht fauatAfe sat1 aeaftw gt fgg gi

(10)84 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March, 1987

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5fHt U’fenr ?kJT i Although these schemes are very good HUfe; fenntfeg nl nfe, h ; f f e nr g3i Hnuu fe fa feu* $

foTUT fa Mnl1 ners fee fee nu un un nr i uh n uu?tn®f nfa>H' nfe nrnnl" ufe>HT I feR feurg^'H g 33 TjnY offer except one or two.

The Chairman of Punjab State Electricity Board went to Batala. The Managing Director of Punjab Small Industries Corporation also went to Batala. These two departments have helped.

H" feu fdSM nU -cfdT3Tr fa fen § HT3 offer fife 3 BH? fen fefenul-^ § HU'£teT 3 ( 3 45% HUto SH3 § Hn'§Sr § | (ufef) H31® fe®

fa w n fenr n fe i fen nnl fuu>Anu 3 \

fen 3 " H'Mn feu nln fannl hub fen ulnfafeBnu h>3 w fenl 9 fen ^ BUf H fatfeUnnl 3 ufaum nrnnT nr I j have one example with me.

n l MH. nrfeH nr HTfe n feUrUcHfe ^ qr^n ^;i | g3rg ndfS fe n ftKJ3T Hnuu n fe w nl fesufefnnl n un § ^nsra n r, fennr fe n fe n o 'hTcJH n nf, fe sn fe fn ul a u u 3 u m u h u n f n q u n nur® w e , H'^nn uufefe n fn ®fefuHu 3 m ufe m3 nr u Mu^TrAfe srfef m3 fsrarfe 3 nl u q u n n n H e n r 3 , n fe n fesfefe M n^fa 3 f Hfef n ^ f n nHn § UUal nnf f e 5 ? gl HSnr 9 fn3r nfe I Next day every thing was done HU cffUK'U fell'UUH'U 3 fen# nn HTU nfetMHB ®U® nTMUHB UU 3 i HUfe 3cS*UTU *UT Unnul I H" nUoTO 3 HUB! unfe’ fa fen n ufet feu Ho HU'f'Sr nfafe1 3 3 fa fe3Hl®l?n>S fu l 3U 3 B nn I

>>ithu fen h' nuuju 3 feu uni fun, nulnu n'fnn, unfe qu fen ufnnrurugfer fe m 3 H u 3 u Vp h 3 nn>® nu® fefennul n f , m 3 3 un'H n riu r guu uun nn ©bt 3 §uu § sr§ s nf, nuu'u n 3nn nn’B'uln 33nTnfn ns i nnr-s nut; fefencuf 3 3 T fu nun] uu>r >4rfe § feg fegfnnnr uiu 3 fen fe gq nfegn afe fen n r® poor wjn become the poor and the poorest.

^ nunrq h?ps fnui (uur u®r, >nn.nl.) >Mru3q® nuluu nrfnn, l ^ 20 H'un § 1987-88 n1 3 nnu n%H 3 fen un ulu' 3

^n fEj'U'nrnoU 3 m3 fensnu 3 1 q?f<u nl M'ufnu nfunl fqg® ufe t nr?3 u" fe*l fewuu 3, fen n«s §nln nf fu nawsr nfen nl nuu'u nfea nf ufuihu 3 uul nun® u'uTcEh-jh Mfnnu’H e 3 uu un*H n n'jflMr ®ul u‘U3 feMfeuil, uu fen uni" nfeMr nsfu u#1 nT® fen 40 uun uu3 3 n u i1 nun E*rfu nu, fen n u>® iss uuu uqs nr n ui'U' 3 fa MBufemr 3 i

Resumption of General D iscussion on the Budget ( 10)85Estimates for the year 1987-8 8

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Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March, 1987(10)86

[333*3 HiTO fHUt] . „ . . .FTH ^ fe 3 225 333 3U§ ^ 33 3 3 UWH ^ o r t VI T ^ ^ 5 7T S a s i* asm ® 3 3 3 f 3 3* 20 3 3 3 v s ? f e r r e

feVfefofzsl I 0177a at 33H 3 vfeto!’ fee 9 §3 3 ' 3 33 ®3tSTtf, (ai ynt ig 7> qaT ft >>ifaq 33 3 feav7> § ’fe1 ^3 ^U3313 § "uST S (33 s« g »73> , JF&, fHH3^ m 3 3® 3 3 3lW

^H 3 t g q g ^ lo T a s , feH 3 3 t fe 3 H33l TPfea 3 f e * f t ^ ^ ™

^ if a g g cfe* B fe a 3 fiTO* 3! 3 H 3 3 3 3 f e a ^ r € a 1®’ 5 >03 fe a e> ? t

§ 3 3 ’ 3 ’3 t >5133 3 3 T 5 I U3>3 3> fe 3 T3 3 3"33 US fe e 60%

ot35T »l3 40% 3 ^ S 3 ’ ^31353 ^ 3 3 fe 3 3 3 3 3 tfe 3 e l (3 3 3 3 ’

S ’3 3 3 35»1 W f 3 3 T feWt | v r 33*3 3*3? 333>3 3 3 3 3 ^3 3 3 3 '? fe

3 g g 3 3 f e s 1 3 3 3 ’3 fe3>33'3l 77® f33>3 e l 3H 333 9 3» M 3 H 3 3 3

fe3333t (33SOI3 ot33 3 rfe f3 3 3 3 ’ fS3333l 3 "# VT& fe a 33» t t -353) § U!53T 77 a i I

mftsra 3 >f3 3 , 3 3 3 fea >5l3 3 f5g3 3>3t>>r 3 KSt 3 3 3 3 3 3 t 31315 fe e

yg) f} I 33353 £ ,3 3 5 o fet (q 10 33>3 e l 3353 15 3353 ,..'3>4t 3 3 H -

g r-n g t q g n ^ s e t 3 3 (3 3 U3 15 3 3 '3 77® 77 W3 3 ’3 e f e ^ 3 t 3® et

d 0l3 77 3 t foot 3H3T 1 fe®f331 oiVI®t3 7 7 ? 3 e t I (33 33377 ^ 3 3 2

U3-3 3_l£ 33 3 3 1 3 3 '§ 335 3 (3 H3l® 3 3 3 Hfu3T> 3 , H(3333

HTfoH 3 a t U3 1 3 I (33 33TH 043 3 1 ufe >-3 33>3 31® M e 'a le t 5 3> -

(3 >5133(33 3 '3 t» 7 3 g s g q g §?7 | 043 3^ 043 013 3«3> S ’fe ^ ’ 3>

3 3 3 3 t I(tier 3 3 HafeftTS fe e 3535 ' Ij55l5t3’35 3 T VW'S 5 55531331 fep 3 | Vlf33H

fe 3 (33 v a t (53? 5 1 (u i (3 3 H13 3 I 3 3 ’ HH755 >515(3551' i f 73 3 3 '3 3 3 3 • H '3 33?jt3 3 3 3 3 3 §S> a to l’ 35>l'Stfe^333 3t.H. >>13 >>1H.?(.3 33t 3 t I (33

H fe ^ S 3 35333 3 fe tl3 Hf33 3 01 3 ' 3? 3i3?St >?Rt(33 3t f 3 3 3 3 ?

3 (3015, H3f P 043 otcTTTU?ltol;3 3'7o' 3*t @3 3 3feol' feol’ >>13 33 3 t (333

3I§ 3 3 , 3 3fe»153 3 , (33 33 tai3 3 ' >H3 (33 3K 33 3 ' I 013? 3H 33 3 T fe

fgg- -gbf OlTlfeU'S'fSH^a 3 ' 3375' 3, 3 3 3 '3 3 353t3 ' 3 fe ^ 3 3 ' 3 3 fanl'75

^€ '1 ? 3 '3 3 3 3 ^ '7 7 fe g g g q g a t 30331531 3 , § 3 3'75 0133333' 3 3 331

3 , § 3 |> g 3 3 3 3 S e t 3 3 3 fe a fe e M3'3 3 ' ’l3 l3 3 3 3 ? Hl3' 1 fe e (33

m ila erdaa* 3 3 3aa>3 a s lu fe o j 3fet 3 l 1 § ( > 3 (3 3 H 3 lo lsl t>w«s fe e l

H lora (333® ^ l3 f 3^331 o tla l3 lfe ^ 3 3^33 3 1 3 3 3 '3 3 3 (3 3 3 3 ‘3 T 3?»1'3.

3 a?>03.5H3.3 ' (US' ggiwS I Hi ^1 (33 3l 3 (33' 3 ' fe 333 'Jg'H

^31.0153.31.503.» l§ a l.503.503. 33>3l 3 't 3 043 oTg 10 3 3 3 ? 3 a l^ j 3 ^

ft U(S3 fee 3 oTal»lT (HS 333t»15 33 I (33 33353 3t (33353! 3t 5 I 5033-

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f3H33H3 g s r f s ^ g ig s 313 3 3 uh m^ph 3 fa u sfe fas fafeHttMlTi3 t ttcs HfetMr hTm ' HintM* nsfafan 3 gfetM' 3 3 1 fanH3f S<3T Hrgt M3 H33HU3T oftg 35 33, fe?,r B" UHT H3!H' 5 fa UrPHy fen fH33t for 31H3 3 u fen i t , §Hf> Ht.Mi3.ut.Mg. mb ^ . m h .m s . n tH 3 ^§33T 3 § 3 ' ^HTcEJibIh offer ft fa § 3 MHofS 3H3 M’UHt itgr T33t 3 3 37J i feH efet H" H3oP3 3 RHH3 33*31'fa HtMi3.lft.rvfg.nfe it.MH.Mg. 3 UrPHfeH1 3 3 3 Ut.S.Ut, >ife UtT'H uf?5H Ht U 3tfeiH 3 3fet H t M3 3 tt" 33Ht3fet H t H* H UHU Hi H fes H faSB H’Kr 3" fegifHM' 3 few ft, §H 3 3H 3 8 US I § 3 3 t3 3 HU M3 8H MH3 ??8 fHHgft HBfe 33 HUH ! 3i§H f3H M3 3r§H 3" 3133 fa33t 3ife HH331 ft § 3 ttfaU 3H 3 nfefHM'HH 3 3 3 3 3 offer HT# I Hi3Ht HHHf3Ht fan U3H Hr H3'3 3 ft § 3 33H 3t Mf3Hft, H3T3 ft1 U3H 3 rft33 Ht 3t"3 f33r falM' t) | feMsfet, HH'H M§ HR'SHt H3Ht U3H HH3T 3t UrfeH 3f3Ht 5 I U3H ??H feot'H 3 Hr ft M§ MU3H feOTT I feH 3 3 t U3H 3 3H ttffa fe t MU', 3 3 38H rgr*jf rife, 53tMr grefefejT

tH 3iKT H3, H3T3t H3H§ 3 H8H 3 ^ 33 , HH33T 33tM' fa § fe 3Hr§H 3r® H3, HTRHT Hr 3 H® 3 3 3 ^ 8 3 3 M§ fHB3' ftH S3 U’fH tgr®T h§3 33H § cfft t t H3i 33t" 83fa I 17tt" HHt $ H3 fen H3T3lfe W 3 ?> tfe ft

M3 fcdSHt % 33H, HiHr M§ Hf3MTHr33 rffa3 f 3 f333 3fet Hr 3H81 Hfer | fHH 3 fH3 Ufl" ffw ^ UHi" 3_ra M3H3 HU tft H3T3rH H33fet HfeHH^HHrfH3i3 3 3 I §Hr § MHf3 m3 M3f3 HHfe 3 3 HHIm* H^Imt § f35r § jfefe 33^rfeMi felMT | fen UJ373 % ofi3H 313 M3 3 H33i8Mr 3 HH 3 MH3 fUM’ I

313 333tfSH tft 3 H?ti HHM3H3 fHHt I i t " 313 Hrf33?5 31331^ Ht ffe rg s tih" H 38^3T sffetMr ; WZ fe3 Hfet Ht ^ 3 fe3 iffet Ht 1H3IHt M3 H3Hl Hr HH8 oT3^feMT | q^H M3 fHMTHH | fe3 3rfe3f3M i 3 3 t

Uf3HH3 Hrf33 3 HT3HH Ht MSTS HWH Hif33 H tfH fet 3 3 ^ m3 HfOTH Hrf33 MH t t 3 8 33 3 3 1 feof Hfet Hr m3 feot iffet H1 1 feufHHH feHH3T HtMf 3fer 3 3 3 r? 8 3 3 § 3 753HHH 33' HM'3r 33H M3 fHMiHH f 3 3 oT3t fe33HJHHt m3 feMTO 3 feofer 3 3 3 33 , ftT33t fa 3 T 3 h HHt m3 3 t 3 h ^H tMT 8 3 t 8i3#H 3 1 3 3 H" 3 h Ht MrH'Ht, §otHT m3 MtsHH' H>3 3V8 333t

HfeHr 3 t, H HH3 3H5 H§3H 3 1 3 h Ht MHJrHt 8 3 t ftfe FTO' tH 8f3Mr§B ufe fSTHH Mr 3 tt tu 3" ttf ftjTFP UtfeMr 3 1 M3 felHHtMr HtMT ^3_HT3tMT t u 3 3 I M ^H t 3" W HH" t t 3 h 3 3H3' fq^r g t ufe ferHHt 3

t u 3 5 3 3im3 3 T8 3 h Ht 3fttMT offet m3 3 3 3 Hfesai I fHH" 3 3 3iH33t

toTHr Ht 3133 3 3 fif3 3 3 fa WH3r 11 FTHr fast 31H33 3, %H 3 8ST Ht fact

3rH33tMHT3, f a t 3 SET H1 feof3rH33U3t 3 M3 fast 3t3rH 33taffe 3 l fan

3TH33t #31 9 , feof HfaHfe t , fast cP|>3 fa 3 fae^H 3, fact LPHSthfe 3 m3

R esumption of G eneral D iscussion on the Budget (10)87Estimates for the year 1987-88

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(10)88 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March , 1987

[H3e*3H3*3 fm*i]fesr 3 t HS3tH 3 3 3 S* Sf33*3 3 3 ? 3 3 I fe ll 3 4 feS*e* 3*33 *23*33 3 3 3

>Ht fe fe w ? 3 3 § 3 t fe 3 t I fP3* 3 P 3 '3 H*S3 e lfS 3 3 3 ! 3 W&&»H§ 3 3 3 t & 3H l lti33T 3 3 f 3* H*3 HH3 3 3 ? W §33t W S 3 T 1 Hi M33t

3 ? 3*33 33H 3* fe3 3*3* 3 f3 f33 S3 3*H*S? S3 S3H? S3 3Hl M ?

SO -H fe^’S'SH 3H 3 I fS3 3*33 3 fH MH? M333* fe 3 333* tW ? 3* I

H" HH331 3* I s M3 ? 3 3 3 3 3 T 3 3* § 3 3H ?3 3 3 3 t fefiH 3S fSHfe^SI—

3 3 3 3 ' 3 I 3*e3 '3H 3 3 3 3 3H ?3 3 3 3 3 3 3*33 3H 33 3 fd3* 3 1 t" tl3

qgsfrg § ^ fa flr§ SS'f3M * M3 StS3* fa g 333*31 > M « t 3*3? 3

3*e3*3H 3~§33* 3H 33 3 33 l 3 § S 3 H 3S3 3 3 3 S e t W ^313*3 t t 3*

for H*3* ?H H 3S3 3f3 H3 I f3H 313 VT33 3 f3 ? l 3*33* ? f3 fe3 3 ?3*3

fa g 33*3 f 3 f33* 3, fS3 3* 3S l S*M * f3 M*333 ^ H>?fHM* 3, 3* S fe §

H 3'3 M3H3 ?1 Ht-ffHW 3, 3 T fH S33l M3H3 3 t H H 'faw 3l f3H 3 * 3 8 3 3

S S ld ls S 3 H33* 3 3 fSH*33*3l 3*8 HHS3 3 31 8*31 S 3 f33* S * i, H3F

f l ie s h*h * 3 ” 3 3 h ? f s s 31 f e e t 31? H*3fos sis* ? § h $ h h s t

ggsf 3 H33H-331 3131 r n i I MH? H*3 fSH ? S 3 3 f3 S

^ S 3*, fHH 3 S 3 1 He* S 3 3 3 3* m3 3 3 3 33*3 i

3 S VT fSH 3 3 3 3 fH 3 3f3S* 3<3j3* 3*f3 frtS f33 3 3 3 M3Hf33 3 * 3 ??

m \ f3 3 3 3 3 ? 333* §H fS3 fSHW HSl e l §33*37133 3 3 ? 3 I fSH SS l

f[- g [ g i§ 3 3 § 3 3 l 33*31* fH ^ 3 3 31 H33*3 3 1 e tJ 3* e s

H ^3 S S l 3*e I S'M M13 3 3 31 fH«3H3 S lS H 33 S 3! HHb3T ris3l S ’Sj

sr3T§3 M3 UrTS 3 fea i3 3 3 W 3 3 PS*33 I 'fflS1 3 3 fSH S 3 3 3*H 3*S

3, f33 f3H*3 fe s s l, H 333 f?3S l m3 H 3*iH fe a s l 3 I M 3Pf33 rP3l»P HSl

e l ? f3 3 3 313* fSWT 3 §S S*3 H3 3 ' lrf3S* 5^ 3 TH f5*S tH ^ "t*fHMT 3 M3 W e l f33 3fo 3 * 3* f3 fe3 M 3Pf33 3*31m* S 3! el fe 3 s l 3 I fSH S3l )? feH 3 3 3 ?1 feaSH* 33H* 3* M§ M’S S 3 e T 333* 3* I

( f e s e s s s l3 3 3 H33*3 S S # 3 frR« H33*S r3 3 S S 3 SS l

3*S M0T3 3 l3 T S3 § 3 S S 3 S 3 l S p 331" 3 3 I f o l f 3MTC SS l33 3

H3S*3 3 3 tfl3 fHM ?f3M TS T 3 S S 3 S 3 l 133* l) ^

H3 3 »33l 3T3fS33 33 33*3 : HlftSH HTf3S, 3*§S fe e 4—3 S elrl 3 3 1 fox t 75 HtsIh I S tflS H3T7f3 S S S S S t 33l 3*3 S S l 33l 5 S3 §3* 3' o s ’” “3*SlH 3 # fHfeM* I

q l m ilo ra : ? 3 F ? fSH3 i ? l tl fH ? K3*fa3 3*SlH f?3* 11She will surely get time.

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Resumption of General D iscussion on the BudgetE stimates for the year i 987-88


HatPa w i : nulaa Hfoa, anfe fan§ a*s w r s a fe 't

a ss sat ?

..... qt Hufea : ife n a a^ asafe feut ■ Rfews' a a*s afe' Ht i

.. Hgg»g .iWQg. fawtHU :. . Ufas 3HT H3 >H H Sfafcfe H33>S ^ cPS WUS afe* Ht I

Mr. Speaker : He was reluctant to speak. So I gave time to Sardar Ran jit Singh Jandiala.

333*3 dgtte fHUI (rfe3>4'Hf, Wf.Hfe) : HUlbT3 H'feU, fea 3 ^ Hr3naat nfeaa £ uh a fe 'd fea >f hh93’ fa fewa sa t feia u>h a a t

usafep n sW 3t a s 'a t s a l feet fea sisat 3H%fe ft i rfer >Ha*s1 333*3 wfet n ty fen h ugafep %fep 3t (?fet g ’H§ a s aw afe i fen 3 1 a'»re a s fea » fa 'st naa 'a £ § 5 1 g 'H t uaHH'S'a* 3l afe 10,000 aua a 1 au* t 19,000 aife a a t ugafer nsfer net fea a an aH ata* 5 1 fea aa laa aaT >fe ugafep jfefer 3 s a fan a* 3 snaa aa n a s 1 fea afeiaHt fefea fugs 40 Hfs* 3 1 fa y 3 i fa* ^ fe aa a s »fe fefe 3*3 aafe aa aa ua fe y a otfe fey fe a s gfRt a a aafe at a fe 'i fey afeianfep fe^fe RaHfeaT3t, HaTtaa-a't >fe aaaoragat a t asfet a a a §~ fe s ry fe y ?> aft fag s 40 H's* faa 3 *3 * fynus ?,*# a fe^ i> a a 1 w a'st u 'aat al Haa*a fea »rffe3t 5 >fe a s y HTsft 333*3 a aafea* ft affsw f> 6 aua gala a 1 20 y fe gate* a a fe V a (afaar) 3 >fa fea aa »piist a y at aa aaan fe ntg ia ta ? rs fgfsw* y u a a a Has >na Haa'o a fe y a afa>;T a ufast 3H*a a 1 3ngfe ava aaa wan feafer a?; a a fa afean a>s fen a y safe a a na 1 fe y § 33 nt fa aft fea ua fea afe 3 * fea nfe fa* safe ta a i >h§ a ri a u ' f s a s trafe 1 ua a s w at naa’a ^ f e y § ufast 3 1 ioai' 3 a Hga fafew ijhu a la ’ t »fe faa'fe v a a fe aat a 1 fen s a t n aa’a aofet a t ip aa d (ufuar) fen a1 fes*aT naa>a s arata aa fe y a uta^faa ansi fes ar I h s1 a laT 5 a fea aa a a ta s a uta got fea t-j>c safepwT tptarT afea fm f at feast af afeea1 a rfe >h§ § y a' a a fa?; a «h aa n a^ a a »fe a*a f uafet aa n a^ a a 1 s a fe a r qau aa a waa'a gu’at e tu 'a a d i (ufuai) nu taanfea, H’at naa^a 3 yfe^T a a a a qau afea'9 1

fa§"fa fea ugaW safer ^ s a afe s sa t1 n a a hs ua pnat Haa'a a agfe natH u s ' t fea y s 3 5 3 'ija u afe' 9 1 feH sa l fea au'fet 3 u a a aa i fen a 1 fes 'g ', M'afeufe’itH. m3 ut.nt ’hh. >h§ watfe-wt. ^ s a tfe ta ia a fe y

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[ n g ^ g s n te fe w ]3 se uafet otT sra Har§ n s ' §j§* t seT tp ^g fae t fen g e tfe g g ^ ^f£ § 3b . i fen 7>i* nfeg §?>* g g tfw 3 s - f w s e t 5 s § rra ^ g S 'eqn >Hgi o!H srte* 1 1 fen w fes'^T nenig ?> ngHH -g*: set io 3*pgeu§ 3 1 ^ fe ^qr t 19 33*3 srgfent f t f e f l k Hg'cpg HHset 9 fa Hftgnetu gfet 5 »i3 lo g g fg g fo w #3* tti fen £ s e t ngsre gtnet ^ t tre e it ife e s1 nfofe1 €fe»p w1 3 g '3 T gggfat 3T i ^ ^ ... * ^

Mr. Speaker: The House stands adjourned till 9.00 A.M. onThursday, * the 26th March, 1987.

’•‘l.SO P.M. ' j (The Sabha then adjourned*. till 9.00 A.M. on Thursday,

the 26th March, 1987).

(10)90 Punjab Vidhan Sabha [25th March, 1987 '


26261 PVS—Govt. Press, Chd.

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Published under the authority of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha and printed by the Controller, Printing and Stationery Department, U.T., Chandigarh.