pukekos, by akira

Pukeko's Pukekos are often found in damp areas

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 1: Pukekos, By Akira


Pukekos are often found in damp areas

Page 2: Pukekos, By Akira

What are Pukeko's

Pukekos are a bird that blue and black And has a dark orange beak and long


Page 3: Pukekos, By Akira


Pukekos mostly live in damp wet places

Like swamps ponds river and more

Pukekos like wet places so you can find

Pukekos in ponds maybe near you house

Page 4: Pukekos, By Akira

Whats Pukekos eat

Pukekos eat weeds, sea weeds, plants leaves Pukekos can find in the water and they also eat duck eggs

Ponds and some times bushes

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Female Pukekos lay about 50 eggs each

So the male pukeko had more then one female

To lay the eggs the pukeko family have guards To protect the eggs

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When baby Pukekos leave the nest

Baby Pukekos in one year are moved away form the nests and are ready to have chick of there own

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flying Pukekos have wings but they can't fly so they

use there wings to get away for predators (danger) so the wings flap while the Pukekos are running and it gives the Pukekos faster speed

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