puk blocked

PUK Blocked I was trying to turn on the security settings in my cell phone, and am now getting a message that says PUK blocked. I don't know what is wrong, and need help regarding PUK blocked. Please help!!! ~ Jason A PUK blocked message pops up after one enters the wrong PUK code 7 or 10 times in a row, depending on the service provider. A PUK code is required only after one blocks the SIM PIN code. The PIN code is required to lock your phone for security reasons. Before we move on to PUK blocked on cell phones, let us understand the subtle difference between a PIN code and PUK code. PIN Code vs PUK Code Personal Identification Number or PIN code helps protect your SIM card from non-sanctioned or unauthorized access. Whenever you switch on your phone, you will have to enter the PIN code if you activate the security features of your mobile phone. This PIN code is known only by https://www.facebook.com/bernoonsub you and therefore only you can access the cell phone. If you enter the wrong PIN code 2 consecutive times, it will cause your SIM card to be blocked. This will not allow you or anyone else to make or receive calls on your number. This SIM card blocked can be unblocked only by entering the PUK code. A PUK code or Personal Unblocking Key code (PUK code) is a security feature that helps protect the user. In case of theft, unauthorized use, or accidental blocking of the PIN code by the user himself, will require a PUK code to unblock the SIM card. Only the user has the PUK code printed on the card certificate attached to the SIM card. If the user misplaces the certificates, he can get the PUK code from the network provider. This is where the security feature comes into the picture. Only the user can get the PUK code from the network provider, if he can answer certain questions and identify himself as the real owner of the cell phone. No thief in his/ her right mind will dare call up the network for the PUK code. Thus, the user can rest his mind that his data will remain inaccessible to unauthorized use. A PUK code is an 8 digit code that is unique for every user. This is a very useful feature for cell phone safety. Blocked PUK on Cell Phone

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Page 1: PUK Blocked

PUK Blocked

I was trying to turn on the security settings in my cell phone, and am now getting a message thatsays PUK blocked. I don't know what is wrong, and need help regarding PUK blocked. Please help!!!~ Jason

A PUK blocked message pops up after one enters the wrong PUK code 7 or 10 times in a row,depending on the service provider. A PUK code is required only after one blocks the SIM PIN code.The PIN code is required to lock your phone for security reasons. Before we move on to PUK blockedon cell phones, let us understand the subtle difference between a PIN code and PUK code.

PIN Code vs PUK Code

Personal Identification Number or PIN code helps protect your SIM card from non-sanctioned orunauthorized access. Whenever you switch on your phone, you will have to enter the PIN code if youactivate the security features of your mobile phone. This PIN code is known only byhttps://www.facebook.com/bernoonsub you and therefore only you can access the cell phone. If youenter the wrong PIN code 2 consecutive times, it will cause your SIM card to be blocked. This willnot allow you or anyone else to make or receive calls on your number. This SIM card blocked can beunblocked only by entering the PUK code.

A PUK code or Personal Unblocking Key code (PUK code) is a security feature that helps protect theuser. In case of theft, unauthorized use, or accidental blocking of the PIN code by the user himself,will require a PUK code to unblock the SIM card. Only the user has the PUK code printed on thecard certificate attached to the SIM card. If the user misplaces the certificates, he can get the PUKcode from the network provider. This is where the security feature comes into the picture. Only theuser can get the PUK code from the network provider, if he can answer certain questions andidentify himself as the real owner of the cell phone. No thief in his/ her right mind will dare call upthe network for the PUK code. Thus, the user can rest his mind that his data will remain inaccessibleto unauthorized use. A PUK code is an 8 digit code that is unique for every user. This is a very usefulfeature for cell phone safety.

Blocked PUK on Cell Phone

Page 2: PUK Blocked

Many times, it may so happen that you block your PIN code. You will call the customer care of theservice provider for the PUK code or refer to the SIM certificates for the PUK code. If you enter thewrong PUK code 7 to 10 times in succession, it will lead to blocked PUK . After entering the wrongPUK code 10 times in a row, the à ¹Â�à ¸¥à ¸·à ¸Âà ¸Â�à ¹Â�à ¸Â�à ¸-Âà ¸£à ¹Â�à ¸ªà ¸§à ¸¢ SIM card becomes permanently invalid or locked. The onlysolution is to purchase a new SIM card. Let us look at some solutions to the blocked problem, in caseof different service providers.

PUK Blocked ~ AT&T

When your phone becomes locked after 3 incorrect PIN entries in a row, you will require a PUKcode. You can get the PUK code from AT&T by 3 methods. You can either call the customer care oruse the Technical Support Chat by AT&T. The users can even log in to myWireless Account onlineand get their PUK code.

Once you obtain your PUK code, you willneed to enter it into your cell phone. Thenset a new PIN code for your phone. If youenter the wrong PUK code 10 times insuccession, your SIM card becomesinvalidated, that is, PUK gets blocked.AT&T can be approached for a new SIMcard, as your SIM card is now useless.

PUK Blocked ~ LG Xenon

The same case with PUK blocked with LG Xenon. This security feature too inactivates your SIM cardpermanently, and you will need to visit the store for a new SIM card after you see PUK blocked.Samsung mobile phones too need a new SIM card. As it is not the phone, but SIM card that isinactivated.

PUK Blocked ~ T Mobile

With PUK blocked in T mobile cell phone, you must have entered the PUK code wrong 10 times in arow. This causes the SIM to get deactivated and again you will have to go in for a new SIM card.

So, basically, whichever the service provider, PUK blocked requires you to get a new SIM card. Itdoes not matter whether you use a Nokia cell phone, LG phones, Motorola phone, Samsung or SonyEricsson phone handset. The handset is not the one that's deactivated, but it is the SIM card thatgets blocked. So, contact your network store for further help and getting yourself a new SIM card(new phone number). I hope this article on blocked PUK on cell phone has helped you find thesolution to your phone problems.