puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · puja ca...

Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness. Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. Volume XII, Number 178 13th Waning of Tawthalin 1366 ME Monday, 11 October, 2004 Established 1914 * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Consti- tution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution * Development of agriculture as the base and all- round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco- nomic system * Development of the economy inviting partici- pation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education stand- ards of the entire nation Four political objectives Four economic objectives Four social objectives Mandalay Industrial Zone will pick up speed if it operates factories including modern foundry plants through modern technology Secretary-1 inspects Mandalay, Myingyan Industrial Zones Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe Win inspects CNG engine bus assembled at UD Group Factory in Mandalay Industrial Zone.— MNA Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office U Tin Winn calls on Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan.— MNA YANGON, 10 Oct — The Myanmar delega- tion led by Minister at the Prime Minister’s Of- fice U Tin Winn arrived back here by air this evening after attending the 5th Asia-Europe YANGON, 10 Oct—Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Soe Win, accom- panied by Member of the SPDC Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Mandalay Division PDC Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, the deputy min- isters, and officials of the SPDC Office, arrived at Mandalay Industrial Zone on 8 October afternoon. They were welcomed there by Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein and officials. Chairman of Mandalay District PDC Chairman Mandalay Indus- trial Zone Supervisory Committee Lt-Col Maung Maung reported on arrangements for building of modern foundries, progress of civil engineering work, production of industrial parts on completion of the plants, power supply, programme for expansion of the roads linking factories up to 30 feet wide ones and training of skilled workers at the factories under the Ministry of Industry-2. Commander Maj-Gen Ye Myint reported on assistance provided for ensuring timely completion of the plants. The Secretary-1 delivered a speech on the oc- casion, saying that the entrepreneurs in Mandalay Industrial Zone have been making harmonious ef- forts in manufacturing the items. Mandalay Indus- trial Zone will be able to pick up higher speed in Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, 10 new EU member countries admitted as new members (See page 8) Meeting (ASEM-5) in Hanoi, the Socialist Re- public of Vietnam from 7 to 9 October. Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office U Tin Winn, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win and Deputy Minis- ter U Kyaw Thu and party were welcomed back at Yangon Interna- tional Airport by Minis- ter for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint, Deputy Minister for For- eign Affairs U Maung Myint, heads of depart- ments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Charge d’Affaires Mr Phan Van Cu of the Vi- etnamese Embassy. Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win, Deputy Minister for For- eign Affairs U Kyaw Thu, Director-General INSIDE Perspectives Students to catch up with international community (page 2) (See page 9) Entrepreneurs in Mandalay Industrial Zone have been making harmonious efforts in manufacturing spare parts of farm equipment and industrial items. The Government will continue to render assist- ance to the zone for its greater progress. Myanmar delegation back from ASEM-5

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Page 1: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness.

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

Volume XII, Number 178 13th Waning of Tawthalin 1366 ME Monday, 11 October, 2004

Established 1914

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Consti-

tution* Building of a new modern developed nation

in accord with the new State Constitution

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of theeconomy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented eco-nomicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting partici-pation in terms of technical know-how andinvestments from sources inside the countryand abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economymust be kept in the hands of the State and thenational peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of theentire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of culturalheritage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-

ards of the entire nation

Four political objectives

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

Mandalay Industrial Zone will pick up speed if it operates

factories including modern foundry plants through modern technologySecretary-1 inspects Mandalay, Myingyan Industrial Zones

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe Win inspects CNG engine bus assembled at UD Group Factory in

Mandalay Industrial Zone.—   MNA

Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office

U Tin Winn calls on Vietnamese Deputy

Prime Minister Vu Khoan.—   MNA

YANGON, 10 Oct

— The Myanmar delega-

tion led by Minister at

the Prime Minister’s Of-

fice U Tin Winn arrived

back here by air this

evening after attending

the 5th Asia-Europe

YANGON, 10 Oct—Secretary-1 of the State Peace

and Development Council Lt-Gen Soe Win, accom-

panied by Member of the SPDC Lt-Gen Ye Myint

of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Mandalay

Division PDC Commander of Central Command

Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, the deputy min-

isters, and officials of the SPDC Office, arrived at

Mandalay Industrial Zone on 8 October afternoon.

They were welcomed there by Mandalay Mayor

Brig-Gen Yan Thein and officials. Chairman of

Mandalay District PDC Chairman Mandalay Indus-

trial Zone Supervisory Committee Lt-Col Maung

Maung reported on arrangements for building of

modern foundries, progress of civil engineering work,

production of industrial parts on completion of the

plants, power supply, programme for expansion of

the roads linking factories up to 30 feet wide ones

and training of skilled workers at the factories under

the Ministry of Industry-2. Commander Maj-Gen

Ye Myint reported on assistance provided for

ensuring timely completion of the plants.

The Secretary-1 delivered a speech on the oc-

casion, saying that the entrepreneurs in Mandalay

Industrial Zone have been making harmonious ef-

forts in manufacturing the items. Mandalay Indus-

trial Zone will be able to pick up higher speed in

Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, 10 new EU

member countries admitted as new members

(See page 8)

Meeting (ASEM-5) in

Hanoi, the Socialist Re-

public of Vietnam from

7 to 9 October.

Minister at the

Prime Minister’s Office

U Tin Winn, Minister for

Foreign Affairs U Nyan

Win and Deputy Minis-

ter U Kyaw Thu and

party were welcomed

back at Yangon Interna-

tional Airport by Minis-

ter for Culture Maj-Gen

Kyi Aung, Minister for

Health Dr Kyaw Myint,

Deputy Minister for For-

eign Affairs U Maung

Myint, heads of depart-

ments of the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs and

Charge d’Affaires Mr

Phan Van Cu of the Vi-

etnamese Embassy.

Minister for Foreign

Affairs U Nyan Win,

Deputy Minister for For-

eign Affairs U Kyaw

Thu, Director-General


PerspectivesStudents to catch up

with internationalcommunity

(page 2)(See page 9)

Entrepreneurs in Mandalay Industrial Zone have been making

harmonious efforts in manufacturing spare parts of farm equipment

and industrial items. The Government will continue to render assist-

ance to the zone for its greater progress.

Myanmar delegation back from ASEM-5

Page 2: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004

Monday, 11 October, 2004

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views

* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation

* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State

* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

The Government has been enlisting the

might of the entire people in an effort to trans-

form the nation into a peaceful, modern and

developed one. In the process, it has placed em-

phasis on the projects for further development

of human resources capable of building a devel-

oped nation that is on a par with the world


Being well convinced that fundamentally, hu-

man resources come from students, the Gov-

ernment has been establishing basic education

schools, universities, colleges, institutes, techno-

logical universities and colleges, universities of

computer studies, and computer colleges one

after another across the nation with a view to

producing more and more dynamic and highly-

qualified persons not only in the basic educa-

tion field but also in the higher education field.

Under the guidance of Head of State Senior

General Than Shwe on establishment of univer-

sities to produce intellectuals and intelligentsia

in the spheres of maritime and aerospace, the

Government had opened the Myanmar Mari-

time University in Thilawa, Thanlyin Township,

Yangon Division and the Myanmar Aerospace

Engineering University, in Meiktila Township,

Mandalay Division.

Chairman of the Myanmar Education Com-

mittee Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt ad-

dressed the coordination meeting of the two uni-

versities at the Myanmar Maritime University

on 9 October. The Prime Minister in his speech

said that the facilities were established system-

atically, and officials concerned are to continue

to make efforts to ensure the universities to be

prominent among the international communi-

ties. Aiming at ensuring better academic func-

tions of these magnificent facilities, the Govern-

ment has been sending faculty members abroad

for further studies and having the classes taught

by some foreign experts. Moreover, local fac-

ulty members and foreign experts teach and

train the students theoretically and practically

in the subjects on aeroplane-building and ship-


The students take greater interest in these

areas, realizing that only when they have learnt

their studies at the universities, can they keep

abreast of international community in maritime

and aerospace spheres. Therefore, all the stu-

dents are urged to study hard to help the two

universities become prominent in the world and

to be intellectuals and intelligentsia who can

stand shoulder to shoulder with students of other


Students to catch up with

international community

Dry Day inspection teams check Tatmadaw, departmental vehicles

YANGON, 10 Oct — Chairman of Dry Day Su-

pervisory Committee Minister for Mines Brig-Gen

Ohn Myint, together with Provost Marshal Maj-Gen

Saw Hla, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force

Brig-Gen Khin Yi, Col Tin Shwe of the Quartermas-

ter-General’s Office, Commandant of No 1 Provost

Unit (Air) Maj Hla Myint Oo, Directors-General U

Khin Maung and Col Soe Thein, Director U Baw

Htin, Secretary Deputy Director-General U Sein Hla

of the Government Office and Joint-Secretary Com-

mander of Yangon Division Wireless and Traffic

Police Force Police Lt-Col Aung Naing, supervised

functions of dry day inspection teams today.

The dry day inspection teams checked dry day

pass, licence of driver, wheel tax bill, wearing of

departmental uniforms and breaking of traffic rules

at the main points of Yangon City from 7 am to 5

pm today.—  MNA

Myanmar information delegation arrives back from

ASEAN Information Ministers’ MeetingYANGON, 10 Oct —

 Myanmar delegation led

by Minister for Informa-

tion Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan

arrived back here yester-

day evening after attend-

ing the 8th ASEAN Infor-

mation Ministers’ Meet-

ing held in Phnom Penh,

Cambodia from 6 to 8 Oc-


The delegation was

welcomed back at the air-

port by Minister for For-

estry Brig-Gen Thein

Aung, Minister for Edu-

cation U Than Aung,

Deputy Minister for Infor-

mation Brig-Gen Aung

Thein, Director-General

of Information and Pub-

lic Relations Department

U Chit Naing, Managing

Director of News and Pe-

riodicals Enterprise Col

Soe Win, Managing Di-

rector of Myanma Motion

Picture Enterprise U Bo

Kyi, officials of the min-

istry and families.

Members of the

delegation Director-Gen-

eral of Myanma Radio

and Television U Khin

Maung Htay, General

Manager of Printing and

Publishing Enterprise U

YANGON, 10 Oct — Minister for Transport Maj-

Gen Thein Swe, accompanied by Deputy Director-

General U Myint Thein of the Department for Civil

Aviation, arrived at Bagan-NyaungU Airport by

Myanma Airways this morning. At the briefing hall,

Deputy Director-General U Myint Thein reported on

progress of the extension of the runway and the reno-

vation works of the airport.

Project engineers and officials of the construc-

tion company also reported on their respective tasks.

After hearing the reports, the minister gave instruc-

tions on constructing the airport meeting the set stand-

ard of international airports and accomplishing the

project in the open season. Next, the minister at-

tended to the requirements. Later, officials conducted

the minister round the construction sites at the air-

Modernization of airports inspectedport.

With 8,500 feet in length and 100 feet in width,

the runway of the airport can be taxied by Boeing

737 aircraft. The airport building is also being ex-

tended from the 300x50 feet one to a 300x100 feet

one. It will be decorated with Myanma arts and crafts.

The minister also inspected the construction

site of Yangon International Airport. At the briefing

hall, the minister heard reports on progress of con-

struction works, the extension of the runway and the

apron, bus terminal, passenger and VIP lounges, scale

model of the completed airport, and the tasks for the

creation of pleasant environs at the airport.

Later, the minister and party inspected con-

struction works being carried out with added mo-

mentum and left instructions. — MNA

Thet Soe, Director (TV/

English Programme) of

MRTV U Win Kyi and

Deputy Director U Myint

Htwe also arrived back on

the same flight.—MNAContestants from Kayah and Chin

States, Taninthayi Division arriveYANGOn, 10 Oct — With a view to realizing six

objectives — to vitalize patriotism and nationalism in

all citizens; to preserve and safeguard Myanmar cul-

tural heritage; to perpetuate genuine Myanmar music,

dance and traditional fine arts; to preserve Myanmar

national character; to nurture spiritual development of

the youths; and to prevent influence of alien culture

— the 12th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing

Arts Competitions will be held at the designated places,

here, on a grand scale from 14 to 31 October.

The teams comprising managers and contestants

from States and Divisions arrived here this morning to

take part in the Performing Arts Competitions. The

team led by Police Captain Sein Win of Kayah State

and supervisors and contestants of Chin State in the

morning and the team comprising supervisors and con-

testants of Taninthayi Division arrived at No 1 Transit

Centre (Bayintnaung), here, this evening. — MNA

Dry Day Supervisory Committee Chairman Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint and party

supervise dry day inspection teams.— MNA

Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan being welcomed back at the

airport.—  MNA

Page 3: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004 3

US soldier killed inIraq violence

BAGHDAD, 9 Oct — A US soldier was killed and two

Iraqis were injured Saturday when a mortar rocket

landed in the “Green Zone” in the capital, Baghdad.

Two other people were killed and a third injured in

separate clashes between unknown gunmen and the

US forces near the city of Ramadi west of Baghdad.

A US air force base near the Iraqi city of Biji north

of the capital also came under mortar fire, but there

were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

In the southern city of Amara, unknown gunmen

killed the chief of police in the town before fleeing.

Gunmen also kidnapped a Turkish oil tanker driver

north of the country.

Meanwhile, the US-Iraqi forces arrested Sheikh

Abdul Aziz al-Taweh, a prominent tribal leader close

to Iraqi President Ghazi al-Yawer.

They also arrested a prominent mosque imam in the city

of Baaqouba, regarded as a stronghold for Sunni resistance

fighters against the foreign occupation.—Internet

UN inspectors slam Bush, Blair over IraqWASHINGTON, 10 Oct — Two former UN weapons inspectors have poured scorn on US President George

Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair for seeking to defend their Iraq invasion.

Writing for The Inde-

pendent on Sunday,

former UN Chief arms

inspector in Iraq Hans

Blix says the two lead-

ers are “clinging to

straws” to justify the


Writing for the same

newspaper, another

former weapons inspec-

tor, Scott Ritter said “his-

tory will judge that Brit-

ain and the United States

made the world a worse

place with their war on


Bush and Blair went to

war on the pretext of find-

ing and destroying

deposed Iraq’s alleged

stockpiles of weapons of

mass destruction.

But no such arsenals

have been found to date.

Prospects of finding

banned weapons faded

further with Charles

Duelfer, the chief US

weapons hunter, reporting

earlier this week that Iraq

had ceased to possess

chemical and biological

weapons since the 1991

Gulf War.

But Duelfer said the

Iraqi leader had hoped to

renew his  quest for

weapons if punitive sanc-

tions slapped on Iraq were


Saddam’s “intent” to

develop weapons in the

future has now been seized

by Bush and Blair to jus-

tify the invasion.

“This is the new straw

to which the governments

concerned have begun to

cling,” Blix said in his


“Inspectors appointed

by Bush to verify the presi-

dent’s assertions about

banned weapons have had

to acknowledge that the

reality on the ground was

totally different from the

virtual reality that had been

spun,” Blix said. ˆ


Turkish driver kidnapped,

another wounded in north

Iraq ambushSAMARRA, 10 Oct — A Turkish driver was taken hostage and another injured

when their convoy was attacked near the restive city of Baiji in northern Iraq

on Saturday, a police officer said.American soldiers stop near an open sewer while driving through a residential

area near Sadr City in Baghdad, Iraq, on 8 Oct, 2004.


The Turkish embassy

was unable to confirm the

report, which it said it was


“Unknown assailants

attacked a convoy of about

four lorries at about 10 am

(0700 GMT) with rocket-

propelled grenade fire,”

said police Captain Mizhar


One of the tankers

caught fire, injuring the

driver who later had his

leg amputated in hospital,

Khalaf told AFP.

“They then kidnapped

one of the other drivers

and took him to an un-

known destination,” he

said, adding that the am-

bush happened near a

national guard check-

point outside Baiji, 200

kilometres (125 miles)

north of Baghdad.

Iraq has been plagued

by a hostage-taking epi-

demic, terrorising hun-

dreds of foreigners and

locals. Some have been

released — many for ran-

som — others executed

and the fate of the rest is


The attack came one

day after British hostage

Kenneth Bigley was con-

firmed dead, having been

beheaded by his captors.

Turkish nationals, driv-

ing convoys of supplies

across Iraq to US army

bases, are an easy target,

with five drivers known to

have been kidnapped and


Separately, Captain

Khalaf said bandits else-

where kidnapped the son

of an Iraqi police officer

who works in a liaison of-

fice with the US Army.


UN adopts resolution to intensifyglobal anti-terror campaign

UNITED NATIONS, 9 Oct — The United Nations Security Council unani-

mously adopted a resolution on Friday calling on states to strengthen coopera-

tion in the fight against terrorism, including extraditing and prosecuting

anyone who supports, finances and participates in terrorist acts.

The resolution, passed

by the 15-nation Council

after lengthy negotiations

over its wording, was in-

troduced by Russia last

month after a series of

terrorist attacks struck the

country, including a mass

hostage-taking incident in

the southern Russian city

of Beslan.

The measure, co-spon-

sored by France, China,

Romania, Britain, the

United States, Germany

and Spain, calls upon all

nations to “cooperate fully

in the fight against terror-

ism, especially with those

states where or against

whose citizens terrorist

acts are committed”.

It urges them to “find,

deny safe haven and bring

to justice, on the basis of

the principle to extradite

or prosecute, any person

who supports, facilitates,

participates or attempts to

participate in the financ-

ing, planning, preparation

or commission of terrorist

acts or provides safe


It also authorizes the

creation of a working

group to submit recom-

mendations on punitive

measures to be imposed

upon individuals, groups

or entities involved in or

associated with terrorist

activities, other than al-

Qaeda and Taleban.

The original draft

called for the creation of a

new list of individuals,

groups or entities who

would be subject to stiff

sanctions, including

freezing of their financial

assets and an arms em-

China’s business confidence

stabilizing in 3rd quarter BEIJING, 10 Oct — China’s business confidence

tends to stabilize in the third quarter of 2004, with the

business climate index climbing 0.2 point from the

second quarter to 134.6 points, a rise of 1.6 points year

on year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics

(NBS) released on Friday.

In the second quarter, the business climate index,

a quarterly barometer of industrial confidence, saw a

substantial growth of 17.8 points over the same period

last year when severe acute respiratory syndrome

(SARS) was epidemic, but dropped 1.5 points from the

first quarter.

bargo. The present list

drawn up by a Council

committee mainly focus

on members of al-Qaeda

and Taleban.

The resolution requests

the working group to con-

sider the possibility of es-

tablishing an international

fund to compensate vic-

tims of terrorist acts and

their families. The fund

might be financed through

voluntary contributions

and assets seized from ter-

rorist organizations and

their members.


A picture released by the US Army shows soldiers with the 1st Battalion, 77th

Armour Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, conducting house-to-house searches in

the northern city of Samarra recently.


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Page 4: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004

Iraqi DM says govt, Fallujah’s

residents agree to halt bloodshed DUBAI, 9 Oct — Iraqi Defence Minister Hazim al-Shalaan said in remarks published on Friday that

the interim government and residents of Fallujah had reached an agreement meant to halt bloodshed in

the rebel-held city.

Local residents examine the debris after guerillas blew up the Iraqi Red Cres-

cent Society building in Ramadi, 113 kilometres (70 miles) west of Baghdad,

Iraq, on 8 Oct 2004.—INTERNET

The US military says

Fallujah is a stronghold

of the Tawhid and Jihad

group led by suspected al-

Qaeda ally Abu Musab

al-Zarqawi, America’s

main foe in Iraq. A US

raid on the city, 30 miles

west of Baghdad, killed

11 people on Friday.

Shalaan told the Lon-

don-based Asharq al-

Awsat newspaper that the

agreement included a

three-day ceasefire of

strikes on Fallujah, the

entry of Iraqi forces into

the city and disarming its

people of heavy weapons.

He did not say when this

ceasefire would begin. “The

agreement includes a cease-

fire on strikes on Fallujah

for three days initially fol-

lowed by the entry of Iraqi

forces without any interven-

tion from multi-national

forces,” Shalaan said.

“The city’s elderly and

men have welcomed this

initiative and now we are

studying the technical

steps to enter,” he said. It

was not clear how much

influence Fallujah repre-

sentatives have over the

town’s guerillas. Some

Fallujah residents con-

demn US troops and their

allies in Iraq’s interim

government, saying US

airstrikes have killed and

wounded many civilians.

Iraq’s interim govern-

ment and Fallujah repre-

sentatives have been ne-

gotiating the return of Iraqi

security forces to the city

ahead of nationwide elec-

tions due to take place in

January, even as US

strikes on Fallujah con-


The US military said a

“precision strike” hit a

safe-house used by asso-

ciates of Zarqawi in north-

west Falluja at 1:15 a.m.

(2215 GMT Thursday).

Before the latest raid,

Fallujah’s chief negotia-

tor said on Thursday talks

with the government could

bear fruit soon.

“Fallujah’s families are

like hostages at the hands

of terror groups there and

we believe that the fami-

lies have the ability to con-

front these groups,”

Shalaan told Asharq al-

Awsat.— MNA/Reuters

US military denies death of

former Iraqi Deputy PMBaghdad, 10 Oct — Former Iraqi Deputy Prime

Minister Tareq Aziz, currently held in US custody, is

still alive, the US military said in statement on Saturday,

denying previous reports of Aziz death.

“Contrary to media reporting the death of Tareq

Aziz, Mr. Aziz did not suffer a heart attack and remains

in good health,” the statement said.

Reports also appeared in Rome, quoting one of

Aziz sons as saying that his father was well and sound.

Qatar-based al-Jazeera TV channel earlier reported

that Aziz had probably died in detention. Meanwhile,

a popular web site confirmed his death, quoting a

source in Vatican.

Aziz, the only Christian seated in Saddam Hussein’s

leadership, surrendered shortly after the US-led invasion

last year and was currently held in US custody.


Bush, Kerry confront on

Iraq issues in debate WASHINGTON, 9 Oct — US President George W. Bush on Friday defended

his foreign policy, especially US-led invasion of Iraq in his second debate with

Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry at Washington University in the

central US state of Missouri.

world is better off with-

out him in power,” he as-


Speaking of US coop-

eration with the world

community on issues of

Iraq and Afghanistan,

Bush noted that there are

30 nations involved in

Iraq, some 40 nations in-

volved in Afghanistan.

On the Korean Penin-

sular nuclear issue, Bush

warned, “It is naive and

dangerous to have bilat-

eral relations with North


In response, Bush’s

rival John Kerry said the

world is more dangerous

today because Bush did

not make the right judg-

ment on the situation of


Kerry said he also be-

lieved Saddam was a

threat, but the goal of the

sanctions was not to re-

move Saddam Hussein but

it was to remove the

weapon of mass destruc-

tion. He said he advocates

to “use force wisely” in-

stead of rushing to war

“without a plan to win the


“I would have brought

our allies to our side,”

Kerry said. “If we had used

smart diplomacy, we

could have saved 200 bil-

lion US dollars and an in-

vasion of Iraq, and right

now Osman bin Laden

might be in jail or dead”.


Bush said that the rea-

son to invade Iraq is be-

cause “sanctions were not

working” and the UN was

not effective at removing

(former Iraqi president)

Saddam Hussein.

Bush reiterated that

Saddam Hussein is “a

unique threat”, saying “he

could have given weap-

ons of mass destruction to

terrorist enemies”. “The

Vietnam, China hail development of bilateral ties

In a joint communique

issued during Chinese

Premier Wen Jiabao’s of-

ficial visit here, the two

sides said leaders of both

countries have exchanged

frequent visits with

strengthened political

mutual trust, marked re-

sults in economic and

trade cooperation, and

positive progress in the

resolution of problems left

over by history.

Exchanges and coop-

eration in other fields have

also been expanding with

each passing day, and the

two sides have supported

and coordinated with each

other in international and

regional affairs.

Wen, who arrived here

Wednesday, has had an

in-depth exchange of

views with Vietnamese

leaders on bilateral ties

and international and re-

gional issues of common

concern in a cordial,

friendly and pragmatic at-

mosphere, the communi-

que said.

Against a backdrop of

profound changes in in-

ternational affairs, main-

taining the lasting stabil-

ity, and sound and smooth

development ties between

the two countries accords

with the fundamental in-

terests of both countries

and peoples, the document

said, adding that the two

countries share common

strategic interest in many

major issues.

The governments of the

two countries vowed to

continue sticking to the 16-

character principle, carry

forward traditional friend-

ship, open up mutually

beneficial cooperation and

address sensitive issues in

a timely manner, so as to

incessantly push bilateral

ties to new and higher lev-

els, the document said.


HANOI, 9 Oct — Vietnam and China agreed that bilateral ties have developed rapidly, comprehensively

and profoundly under the 16-character guiding principle of “long-term stability, future orientation,

good-neighbourly friendship, and all- round cooperation.”

Azerbaijan President meets

senior Chinese official BAKU, 9 Oct —Azerbaijan President Geidar Aliyev

met with the visiting delegation of the Communist

Party of China (CPC) led by a senior Chinese official

on Friday at his presidential office.

During their talks, Liu Yunshan, head of the Public-

ity Department of the CPC Central Committee, said

China and Azerbaijan have witnessed strengthened

political trust, expanding trade and economic coopera-

tion, and more frequent cultural exchanges. China and

Azerbaijan have adopted an identical stand on many

international affairs and maintained a sound momentum

of bilateral relations, he added. MNA/Xinhua

Iraqi National Guard soldiers patrol a street in Samarra, Iraq

on 5 Oct, 2004. —INTERNET

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Page 5: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004 5

British Minister “sorry”

over Iraq intelligence error LONDON, 9 Oct — British Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt on Friday became the first

government minister who directly apologized for using inaccurate intelligence to justify the US-led war

against Iraq.

US soldier killed,

another wounded in

northern Iraq BAGHDAD, 9 Oct— One US soldier was killed

and another wounded when their patrol came un-

der attack in northern Iraq on Friday, the US

military said in a statement.

“One Task Force Danger soldier was killed and

another was wounded when anti-Iraqi forces at-

tacked their patrol near Tuz on 8 October at about

11.43 am (0843 GMT),” the statement said.

Tuz, some 200 kilometres north of Baghdad, is

home to Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen, and has been

rocked by ethnic violence.

Over 1,060 US soldiers have been killed in

Iraq since the outbreak of the Iraq war in March



“All of us who were

involved in making an in-

credibly difficult decision

are very sorry and do

apologize for the fact that

information was wrong,”

Hewitt said when she ap-

peared on BBC One’s

Question Time.

“What we said at the

time and in the dossier

about the stockpiles of

weapons was wrong and

we have apologized for

that,” said Hewitt, who

claimed that she was

speaking on behalf of the

entire Cabinet led by Brit-

ish Prime Minister Tony


She was responding to

members of the audience

who challenged her com-

ment that Blair had al-

ready apologized for the

inaccuracy of the intelli-


Blair told the annual

conference of his ruling

Labour Party last week

that he “can apologize for

the information that

turned out to be wrong,

but I can not, sincerely at

least, apologize for re-

moving (former Iraqi

president) Saddam


On Hewitt’s com-

ments, major opposition

Conservative Party

policy coordinator David

Cameron told the BBC

that the government was

“apologizing for the

wrong thing”.

“Yes, the information

about weapons of mass

destruction (WMDs) was

wrong. What the apol-

ogy is required for is the

way in which the infor-

mation was presented to

Parliament,” Cameron


British opposition

parties have urged Blair

to come to the Parlia-

ment to make a full state-

ment aimed at explain-

ing why Britain went to

war on a false premise,

after the US-led Iraq Sur-

vey Group released a re-

port on Thursday saying it

had found no evidence that

Saddam had chemical,

biological or nuclear

weapons when Iraq was


The British Govern-

ment published an Iraq’s

weapons dossier in Sep-

tember 2002, claiming that

Iraq could deploy chemi-

cal and biological weap-

ons within 45 minutes of

an order to do so. Blair,

the staunchest US ally over

Iraq, used the claim as a

major justification for the

Iraq war.


US attacks Iraqi wedding

party, killing 11 civilians BAGHDAD, 9 Oct — At least 11 people were killed and 17 wounded in a

latest US airstrike on the Iraqi flashpoint city of Fallujah early Friday,

witnesses said.

Putin’s visit to China will

promote Sino-Russian tiesMOSCOW, 9 Oct — Russian President Vladimir Putin’s upcoming visit to

China will add new impetus to further development of bilateral relations,

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Yakovenko told a news

conference on Thursday. Yakovenko said Rus-

sia attaches great impor-

tance to developing rela-

tionship with China, add-

ing that President Putin’s

upcoming visit to China

would be of great signifi-


During his visit in

China, Putin will exchange

views with Chinese lead-

ers on issues of common

concern in a broad and

deep way. Cooperation in

economy, trade and energy

resources and that within

the Shanghai Cooperation

Organization would be the

top priority of the talks,

said the spokesman.

Russia hopes fruitful

results will be achieved

and agreement be

signed to further pro-

mote bilateral relations,

he added.

The mechanism of

regular exchanges

among leaders of the two

countries has been pro-

ductive, and the leaders

have signed new agree-

ments on issues of com-

mon concern during

each of their meetings,

which have pushed the

bilateral relations to a

higher level, Yakovenko


The official said Rus-

sia and China have

adopted the same or a simi-

lar stand on most interna-

tional affairs. The two

countries have cooperated

well in international are-

nas and mediating regional

conflicts. They have been

good partners in the six-

party talks on the nuclear

issue of the Korean Penin-

sula, he stressed.

The two countries have

also conducted sound dia-

logues on a series of im-

portant issues regarding

international politics and

maintaining global strate-

gic stability, he said.


Iraqi National Guard soldiers prepare to leave Samarra, Iraq, on 5 Oct, 2004.


Lava flows down from Mexico’s ‘Fire Volcano’ in

Colima state on 8 October, 2004. Authorities have

expanded an emergency zone to a 12.5-mile radius

from the crater. — INTERNET

lamist militant Abu Musab

al-Zarqawi in northwest

Fallujah at 1:15 am (2215

GMT Thursday).”

More than a dozen

airstrikes have killed sev-

eral Zarqawi group’s lead-

ers in the past month,

including Mohammed

al-Lubnani and Abu Anas

al-Shami, described as

Zarqawi group’s No 2 and

spiritual adviser, the state-

ment said.

Fallujah residents said

the US military was exag-

gerating the number of

foreign fighters in the city,

asserting that the real goal

of the US raids is to push

Iraqi residents to fight the

resistance in stead of their


The US Army and Iraqi

authority have pledged to

recover rebel hotbeds four

months ahead of the na-

tional elections slated for

next January.



prove no

militant camps

in Bangladesh DHAKA, 9 Oct — Re-

jecting India’s claims,

Bangladesh Thursday

said its investigations

have shown that there

were no militant camps

in its territory and that

the security concerns of

the two countries should

be resolved through dis-


“Our investigations

have established that there

are no militant camps on

the soil of Bangladesh,”

Foreign Minister

Morshed Khan told re-

porters on his return from

the United Nations Gen-

eral Assembly session.

Khan said India could

have security concerns

and Bangladesh too had

some, but those should

be solved across the


He also showed an

Indian newspaper report,

saying New Delhi has not

“specifically identified”

the camps in question.


The attack targeted a

wedding party, killing 11

people, including women

and children, and wound-

ing 17 others, a local resi-

dent told Xinhua, adding

that the groom was killed

and the bride was


“We have received 11

dead and 17 wounded,”

said Khaled Mohammad

Nasser, doctor of

Fallujah’s General Hos-

pital. A US military state-

ment said it launched a

“precision strike” against

what it called a “safe

house being used by asso-

ciates of the Jordanian Is-

Page 6: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004

5th Summit of Asia-Eurpoe

meeting ends

“It is gratifying to

see that ASEM 5 has

come to a successful

conclusion,” said Viet-

namese Prime Minister

Phan Van Khai at the

closing ceremony.

He said that the

meeting “will go down

into history as the first

summit of an enlarge-

ment ASEM, a summit

of bold vision and

strong resolve to elevate

the Asia-Europe part-

nership to a new stage

of more substantive and

effective cooperation,

particularly in the eco-

nomic and cultural do-


The leaders from

13 Asian and 25 Euro-

pean nations and the

European Commission

at the two-day meeting

adopted the ASEM 5

Chairman’s Statement

and the Hanoi declara-

tions on closer ASEM

economic partnership

and dialogue among

cultures and civiliza-


They agreed to ac-

tively promote intra-

ASEM dialogue and co-

operation and called for

greater role of the inter-

continent group in ad-

dressing regional and

international issues.

ASEM, which be-

gan its process in 1996,

constitutes a forum for

informal dialogue be-

tween the heads of state

and government to ex-

Ransom deadline extended for

Jordanian hostage in Iraq AMMAN, 9 Oct — Iraqi kidnappers who took hos-

tage of a Jordanian extended a ransom deadline to

another 48 hours, local English newspaper Jordan

Times reported on Friday.

Family of Hisham Ezza was trying to collect the

500,000-US-dollar ransom demanded by the captors,

the report said.

“We told the abductors that we collected 15,000

dollars, but they were not satisfied and asked us to get

more,” the hostage’s brother Ahmad was quoted as


Ezza, 56, worked as an accountant for a Jordanian

transport company based in Iraq when he was kid-

napped Sunday. — MNA/Xinhua

China highlights UN role in

facing world challengesUNITED NATIONS, 9 Oct — The United Nations is needed more than ever to

face numerous world challenges, said Zhang Yishan, deputy Chinese repre-

sentative to the UN.

Addressing the UN

General Assembly as it

concluded Friday its

consideration of UN

Secretary-General Kofi

Annan’s report on the

work of the organization,

Zhang said the report put

forward some enlighten-

ing ideas that needed con-


“The United Nations

had been through a chal-

lenging year in the area of

peace and security, hav-

ing played an important

role in, among others, Iraq,

Sudan and Haiti,” he told

the assembly.

Noting that the pros-

pect of peace in the Mid-

dle East remains weak,

Zhang urged Israeli forces

to withdraw from the Gaza

Strip as soon as possible,

and create the conditions

for the implementation of

the Road Map.

He was also con-

cerned with the humani-

tarian and security situa-

tion in Darfur, and sup-

ported the role of the Af-

rican Union and the Suda-

nese Government, saying

sanctions would only

complicate the problems


“The increase in

peacekeeping operations

around the world required

an increase in the re-

sources to carry them out,”

he noted, hoping that de-

veloped nations would

respond to Annan’s ap-

peal for additional assist-

ance. “Terrorism and the

proliferation of weapons

of mass destruction re-

mained challenges,” he

said, adding that it was

necessary to strengthen

cooperation in both those


Zhang noted that de-

velopment was the basis

for peace and stability

worldwide. “There was a

need to close the widening

gap between North and

South, and the establish-

ment of a new economic

order was necessary so

that globalization could

benefit the whole world,”

he said.

He called for the es-

tablishment of a true mul-

tilateral trade system and

effective global partner-

ships with developing


“There was a need to

strengthen multilateralism

and the role of the organi-

zation. International de-

velopments in the past year

showed that multilateral

mechanisms, centred

around the organization,

were vital to peace and

security,” he added.


Africa launches largest

polio immunization campaign GENEVA, 9 Oct — More than one million polio vaccinators in 23 African

countries launched on Friday a massive vaccination campaign, aiming to

immunize 80 million children across the sub-Saharan Africa against polio

over just four days.

This campaign, as part of the Global

Polio Eradication Initiative, is a direct

response to an ongoing polio epidemic

in the region which risks paralysing

thousands of children for life.

The Initiative is spearheaded by the

World Health Organization (WHO),

Rotary International, the US Centres for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

and the United Nations Children’s Fund


The eradication effort has united all

levels of civil society in Africa to collec-

tively wipe out this disease.

Tens of thousands of traditional and

religious leaders, school teachers, par-

ents and Rotary club members will join

nurses and an array of other volunteers

and health workers to systematically go

house-to-house and village-to-village, to

hand-deliver the vaccine to every child

under the age of five.—MNA/Xinhua

Speaking at the launch-

ing ceremony of the cam-

paign, whose theme is

“Safety and Security, Eve-

ryone’s Responsibility”.

Singapore’s Minister for

Manpower Ng Eng Hen

said that public confidence

has been badly shaken by

this year’s two major acci-

dents in the construction

industry, namely the Nicoll

Highway cave-in and the

Fusionpolis heavy steel

bars crash in April.

He stressed the need

for Singapore to take de-

liberate steps to help

workers feel safe and pre-

vent further loss of lives.

Outlining three key

thrusts to achieve the vi-

sion of a safe construction

sector in the island state,

he said that all parties in-

volved in a construction

project must firstly inter-

nalize safety as a primary


Top management plays

a critical role in upholding

safety, he said, adding that

there is a need to continu-

ously review and

recalibrate safety stand-

ards, especially in an in-

creasingly dense and built-

up environment like Sin-

gapore’s where construc-

tion work happens close to

public and property.

On his ministry’s part,

he said that the ministry is

introducing the Construc-

tion (Design and Manage-

ment) Regulations, requir-

ing designers to partner

contractors in thinking th-

rough safety management

for the entire life-cycle of a

project. —MNA/Xinhua

Singapore launches construction safety campaignSINGAPORE, 9 Oct — Singapore on Friday launched this year’s construction

safety and security campaign in a bid to boost its construction sector’s safety.

Indians ride on elephants in the northeastern Indian

town of Guwahati recently. — INTERNET

An Iraqi detainee is taken away after a search operation in the Sadr City neigh-

bourhood of Baghdad, Iraq on 9 Oct, 2004. — INTERNET

change their views on

important issues agreed

upon by all ASEM part-

ners. ASEM holds a

summit every two years

and the venue alternates

between Asia and Eu-


After enlargement,

ASEM includes 10

ASEAN countries as

well as China, Japan and

South Korea, and all the

25 EU members and the

European Commission.


HANIO, 10 Oct — Asian and European leaders on Saturday concluded their fifth ASEM

summit here after reaffirming their desire to further push economic partnership, enhance cul-

tural exchanges and increase political dialogues between the two continents.


Page 7: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004 7

Developing countries today are transforming

themselves into democratic ones through two forms

of democracy revolution. The first one is to give

priority to political freedom before a nation is eco-

nomically strong. Owing to the practice of this form,

a country can be faced with a collapse resulting in

bloodshed and leaving its people in great trouble.

Some old eastern European socialist nations had

practised it.

The second is to prioritize political freedom

only after the nation has been economically strong,

whereupon a nation can introduce democracy at

home with better living standard of the people, de-

velopment of productive forces and stability in the

tise western democracy. So, the United States and

its allies have cut humanitarian aid and imposed eco-

nomic sanctions on the nation. But they have a bias

in favour of some internal destructive elements who

dance to their tune. However, they should bear in

mind that their attempts to introduce the form of

democracy they formatted in a developing country

shall never work because they have no regards for

the characteristics of the country concerned, since

there is no ready-made democracy in the world that

can be practised at any regions at any time.

The United States and its allies know

Myanmar’s commitment to the establishment of a

democracy by implementing the seven-point future

policy programme. However, the act of interfering

and intervening in the internal affairs of Myanmar

by them is but to fuel internal conflicts.

It reminded me of the involvement of the

United States’ CIA in the intrusion of nationalist

Chinese (KMT) troops’ into Myanmar around 1950.

Moreover, it also reminded me of some points that

appeared in the report of CIA Director William

Kobey to the US Senate in 1970. It said the United

States’ expenditure on the internal affairs of Chile

was US$ 8 million.

It meant the US spent that money to oust

and assassinate Chilean President Allende. Accord-

ing to the report, the US spent US$ 500,000 on the

canvassing of the pro-American right-wing politi-

cal parties in the elections of Chile and US$ 350,000

on the gift (bribery) to the members of Chilean Par-

liament in 1970. That is a point world nations must

be aware of in their dealings with the US.

With respect to Iraq affairs, Malaysian Prime

Minister Mahathir Mohamed delivered a speech to

Malaysian Parliament in Kuala Lumpur on 24

March 2003. In his address, the Malaysian prime

minister said that the United States’ invasion of Iraq

was a cowardly act of feudalism, and the UN Char-

ter and international agreements would have no

meaning. Like acts of Stone Age man, now we are

influenced by the principle — might is right.

Nowadays, the United States is trying to re-

verse the trend, from capitalism to feudalism. So,

world nations have faced the dangers of bullying

posed by the US feudalism. The following is the

concept on international human rights practised by

China which is making economic progress consid-


It was stated that for a long time China has

been totally against the push of any countries in

respect of how to put into practice its vision, po-

litical norm and development pattern at the expense

of human right issue in the activities of UN human

right campaign; and also against the interference in

the internal affairs of other countries, especially of

developing countries, and the assault on their sov-

ereignty and prestige.

In this context, China stands in solidarity with

developing countries, and is also in favour of jus-

tice. The human right issue by nature pertains to

the administrative pattern of a particular country.

Respect for the sovereignty of a nation and

non-interference in their internal affairs are widely-

recognized international norms. They should be

adopted in any area of international relations. China

also finds them fit to practise in human rights is-


In the UN Charter, the Section (7) of Arti-

cle (2) says “Nothing contained in the present Char-

ter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene

in matters which are essentially within the domes-

tic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Mem-

bers to submit such matters to settlement under the

present Charter; but this principle shall not preju-

Myanmar women footballers seen with their championship trophy of First ASEAN Women’s Football

Tournament. (News on page 16) —  NLM

The Objectives of the 12th Myanmar

Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions

* To vitalize patriotism and nationalism in all citizens

* To preserve and safeguard Myanmar cultural heritage

* To perpetuate genuine Myanmar music, dance and traditional fine arts

* To preserve Myanmar national character

* To nurture spiritual development of the youths

* To prevent influence of alien culture

External pressure cannot produce democracy

Aung Moe San

nation. Now, the People’s Republic of China and

ASEAN countries are practising this type. Of these

two types, a developing nation should choose the

one they find appropriate, through which it can

minimize sufferings and adversities of its people in

democratic process.

It will become apparent for one if one com-

pares the reform of the People’s Republic of China

to that of eastern European countries.

In a bid to force them to directly copy west-

ern democracy, the United States and its allies have

been putting political pressures and imposing sanc-

tions on developing nations plus encroaching upon


To import western democracy, a nation does

not need to have a strong economy but is to put

first superstructure politics (democracy). Such re-

form can pose a grave danger to developing coun-


Now, the existing government of Myanmar is

launching a democracy revolution which is suitable

for the people and in conformity with the second

type, but it has refused to directly copy and prac-

Nowadays, the United States is

trying to reverse the trend, from

capitalism to feudalism. So, world

nations have faced the dangers of

bullying posed by the US feudalism.

Democracy cannot be intro-

duced nor flourish in a developing

country by means of international

pressure and foreign invasion.

dice the application of enforcement measures under

Chapter VII”. In the UN-approved resolutions such

as the non-interference in internal affairs of other

nations and the right to the safeguard of their free-

dom and sovereignty; the enhancement of coopera-

tion in friendly relations in accord with the UN

Charter; and the non-interference and non-interven-

tion of internal affairs of other nations, it is clearly

stated that neither any nation nor any nation group-

ing has the right to the interference and interven-

tion of interior and exterior affairs of other coun-

tries for whatever reasons; and that every nation is

obliged for avoiding the act of driving a wedge

between nations or nation groupings either on the

pretext of human rights issue or by means of in-


These internationally-recognized resolutions

indicate the majority consent of preserving interna-

tional legislative norms and normalized relations. In

other words, these are the basic principles to be

followed in global campaigns for human rights.

Therefore the United States breaking up in-

ternational interests and serving self-interests will be

further shunned by international community. Since

the birth of the UN, international community have

resisted and removed colonialism up to now.

The United States and its allies should emu-

late China’s attitude towards international commu-

nity. It is because democracy cannot be introduced

nor flourish in a developing country by means of

international pressure and foreign invasion. And they

should have realized well that internal affairs of a

nation is just the concern of its.


(Translation: MS + KTY)

Myanma Alin: Kyemon: 10-10-2004

Page 8: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004

YANGON, 10 Oct —

A coordination meeting to

construct Nanattaw

overpass in Kamayut

township was held at the

briefing hall of the

construction project this


Present on the

occasion were Chairman of

Yangon Division Peace and

Development Council

Commander of Yangon

Command Maj-Gen Myint

Swe, Minister for Rail

Transportation Maj-Gen

Aung Min, Chairman of

Yangon City Development

Committee Mayor Brig-

Gen Aung Thein Lin,

Deputy Ministers for Rail

Transportation Thura U

Thaung Lwin and U Pe

Than, Managing Director

of Myanma Railways U

Min Swe, Director-General

of Department of Human

Settlement and Housing

Department Col Aung Win,

No 3 Military Region

Commander Col Tint Hsan,

Chairman of Yangon West

District Peace and

Development Council Lt-

Coord meeting to construct Nanattaw

overpass in Kamayut heldCol Kyaw Tint and guests.

First, Minister Maj-

Gen Aung Min presented

reports on progress in

constructing overpasses at

places of level crossing and

arrangements to be made

for future tasks, condition

of traffic jams at the

junction of Baho and

Nanattaw roads while trains

are passing through there,

measures to be taken for

construction of Nanattaw

overpass to overcome

traffic jams. And, Deputy

Minister U Pe Than

presented reports on timely

completion of the project,

measures being taken for

coordinating with

departments concerned to

build overpass at safe

distance of power lines,

telephone lines and pipe

lines above and under-

ground, stockpile of

materials necessary for

engineering work for

construction of overpass.

Next, Mayor Brig-

Gen Aung Thein Lin

briefed them on

arrangements to be made

for providing assistance for

timely completion of the

project. And Commander

Maj-Gen Myint Swe

explained that the Ministry

of Rail Transportation is

now building overpasses at

places of level crossing in

Yangon City to avoid

traffic jams while the trains

are passing to transform

Yangon City into high-class

one in line with

international cities. The

local authorities and

officials are to cooperate in

order not to affect power

lines, telephone lines and

pipe lines during the period

of construction of the


Nanattaw overpass

to be built is of reinforced

concrete, which is 946 feet

long. Its motorway is 48

feet wide. Each pedestrian

lane is four feet wide and

its clearance, 14 feet high.

If completed, it can

withstand 60-ton loads.

Upon completion, Pyay,

Baho and Bayintnaung

roads can be crossed within

a short period. — MNA

NHC Vice-Chairman Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe Win inspects Myingyan

District Hospital.—   MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe Win inspects automobiles manufactured from Myingyan Industrial Zone.—   MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe Win presents cash for construction of the school

building and multimedia classrooms at Myingyan BEHS No 3 to Commander

Maj-Gen Ye Myint.—   MNA

(from page 1)

making progress if it

operates the factories

including modern foundry

plants through modern

methods and greater

efforts. In conclusion, the

Secretary-1 pledged that

the Government will

continue to render

assistance to the zone for

its greater progress.

Next, the Secretary-1

and party observed

samples of farm imple-

ments and machinery that

the foundry and forging

plants will produce on


They also inspected

progress of construction of

machine shop Nos 1 and 2,

forging shop & heat

treatment, foundry shop

and warehouse. So far, 63

per cent of construction of

Mandalay Industrial Zone will…conducted them round the


Yesterday morning,

the Secretary-1 and party

helicoptered to Myingyan,

where they were

welcomed by No 99 LID

Commander Brig-Gen Tin

Oo Lwin, local authorities

and officials.

The Secretary-1 and

party went to No 3 Basic

Education High School

and inspected the study

of the students with the

use of pedagogical aids

at the audio room, audio

visual room, computer

skill room, computer

aided instruction room

and drawing room.

The Secretary-1

and party inspected the

school buildings, class-

rooms, furniture and

learning of the students.

Myint. UMFCCI President

U Win Myint presented K

10 million donated by

Managing Director U Win

Lwin of Kyaw Tha Co and

Asia Metal Co. The

Secretary-1 then cordially

greeted those present on

the occasion.

of factories in the zone.

Next, the Secretary-1 gave

nece-ssary instructions to

officials and inspected

compressors and acces-

sories, pumps, pistons

and biofert i l izers

produced by the


He also inspected

various kinds of motor

vehicles assembled by

Myingyan Industrial

Zone, machinery and

farm machinery.

Later, the Secre-

tary-1 and party looked

into the foundry plant of

U Aye Maung and the

foundry plant and lathe

workshop of U Chint Oo.

Then, they left

Myingyan by helicopter

and inspected the greening

of Mount Popa in

Kyaukpaduang Township.


modern foundry has been


Similar plants are

being built in Aye Thaya

in Taunggyi and Monywa

Industrial Zones.

The Secretary-1 and

party went to UD Group

Factory in Mandalay

Industrial Zone-1 and

inspected the machines to

be used for changing diesel

or petrol engines into

natural gas engines.

Chief Executive

Officer of UD Group U

Khin Maung Win reported

on installation of natural

gas engines in

automobiles, and test-

running of the cars between

Mandalay Myaukpyin

Ward and the industrial

zone in Mandalay.

In response, the

Secretary-1 gave instruc-

tions and inspected CNG


The Secretary-1 and

party also inspected

foundry plants, stockpiles

of raw materials, water

pumps and other items at

Aung Naing Thu Industry.

Proprietor U Aung Hsan

Next, a ceremony to donate

teaching aids to No 3

BEHS in Myingyan was

held at the school where

MEC Vice-Chairman

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe

Win said that the State is

making efforts for

enhancement of national

education and human

resources as well as

ensuring equitable

development of the whole

nation and development of

regions on account of

public cooperation with

the government. The

service personnel are to

cooperate with the local

people for development of

Myingyan region. School

Head U Myint Ko reported

on efforts made for the

emergence of teaching

aids and tasks being

carried out by the parent-

teacher association, and

the school board of

trustees. The cash

donation ceremony for

purchase of teaching aids

took place.

The Secretary-1

presented cash to

Commander Maj-Gen Ye

After the ceremony,

the Secretary-1 and party

went to Myingyan District

Hospital (100-bed) where

officials welcomed them.

National Health

Committee Vice-

Chairman Secretary-1 Lt-

Gen Soe Win and party

inspected the children’s

ward, medical store,

operation theatre and X-

ray room.

Deputy Minister Dr

Mya Oo and officials

reported on the chosen site

for construction of a two-

storey ward building to

the Secretary-1, who gave

necessary instructions.

At 10 am, the

Secretary-1 and party met

members of Myingyan

district and township PDCs

and industrialists in the hall

of Myingyan Industrial

Zone. Secretary of

Myingyan District PDC

Maj Myint Soe reported

on the location and area of

the industrial zone, land

allotments to industrialists,

power supply, water

supply, installation of

phone lines and operations

Page 9: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004 9

YANGON, 10 Oct —

The Myanmar delegation

led by Minister for

Progress of Border Areas

and National Races and

Development Affairs Col

Thein Nyunt attended the

Fourth ASEAN Ministerial

Meeting on Rural

Development and Poverty

Eradication held at Meritus

Mandarin Hotel in

Singapore on 7 October.

Singaporean Deputy

Prime Minister Professor

S Jayakuma opened the

(from page 1)

of the Political Department

U Thaung Tun, Director-

General of the Consular

and Legal Department U

Nyan Lin and delegation

members also arrived back

on the same flight.

At the Enlargement

Ceremony held at Hanoi-

Daewoo Hotel on 7

October, Myanmar,

Cambodia and Lao PDR

from Asia and 10 new EU

countries were admitted as

new members. The

ceremony was followed by

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe Win poses for group photo with teachers and students at

multimedia classrooms at Chanayethazan BEPS No 4.(News on page 16)—  MNA

Minister for Foreign Affairs U Nyan Win meets with Singaporean Minister for

Foreign Affairs Brig-Gen George Yeo.—  MNA

Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, 10 new…an informal working dinner

where recent political

developments were

discussed. Minister U Tin

Winn briefed the heads of

delegations on political

development in Myanmar.

The 5th Asia-

Europe Meeting adopted

the Hanoi Declaration on

Closer Asia-Europe

Economic Partnership,

Declaration on Dialogue

Among Cultures and

Civilizations and the

Chairman’s Statement.

While in Hanoi,

Minister U Tin Winn called

on Vietnamese Deputy

Prime Minister Mr Vu

Khoan and former Prime

Minister Mr Vo Van Kiet.

Minister for Foreign Affairs

U Nyan Win also held

bilateral meetings with

Minister for Foreign Affairs

of Vietnam Mr Nguyen Dy

Nyein, Minister of Foreign

Affairs of Japan Mr

Nobutaka and Minister of

Foreign Affairs of

Singapore Brig-Gen

George Yeo.


Victorious Myanmar women’s footballers being welcomed back at the airport.

(News on page 16)—  NLM

Minister attends ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on

Rural Development and Poverty Eradication

YANGON, 10 Oct —The Myanmar delegationled by Minister forInformation Brig-GenKyaw Hsan attended the 8thConference of ASEANMinisters Responsible forInformation (AMRI) heldin Cambodia from 5 to 8October.

The InformationSenior Officials Meeting ofthe 8th Conference ofASEAN MinistersResponsible forInformation (AMRI) washeld from 5 to 6 October atIntercontinental Hotel inPhnom Penh, Cambodia,attended by Director-General of Myanma Radioand Television U KhinMaung Htay and DirectorU Win Kyi from theMyanmar delegation.

Information Minister attends 8th Conference

of ASEAN Information Ministers The 8th Conference ofASEAN MinistersResponsible for Infor-mation was held atIntercontinental Hotel inPhnom Penh, Cambodia, on7 to 8 October, attended bythe delegations led byministers of ASEANnations and Minister forInformation Brig-GenKyaw Hsan and Myanmardelegation members. At the opening ceremonyof the conference,Cambodian Minister ofInformation Mr KhieuKanharit and Vice-PrimeMinister Mr Sok An madeopening speeches.

Afterwards, Mini-ster for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan clarifiedfacts about “TowardsShared Prosperity and

Destiny in a Peaceful,Integrated and CaringCommunity’ which is theobjective of the conference.

The second- andthird-day sessions of theconference continued atIntercontinental Hotel.

In the conference,participants discussedmatters related toencouragement of ASEANcooperation in media andinformation sector,organizational set up ofASEAN-COCI, ASEANdigital broadcastingcooperation and cooper-ation in informationbetween ASEAN and PlusThree Nations and they laiddown the future tasks. Inthe evening, ministersapproved the minutes of theconference. — MNA

Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan poses for group photo with other

ministers and party .—  MNA

meeting. The Ministerial

Meeting continued at

Meritus Mandarin Court D.

At the meeting,

Minister Col Thein Nyunt

clarified implementation

and successes of five rural

development tasks:

improvement of rural roads,

development of rural water

supply, rural education,

rural health and rural

economy, implementation

of plans on development of

border areas and national

races and establishment of

24 development regions for

equal improvement of

regions all over the nation

and discussed acceleration

of regional cooperation in

rural development and

poverty eradication.

Before the mini-

sterial meeting, Director-

General Col Than Swe of

Progress of Border Areas

and National Races

Department and Director

U Aye Lwin attended the

senior officials meeting on

4 and 5 October. — MNA

Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe Win inspects multimedia classrooms at BEPS No 4

in Chanayethazan Township. (News on page 16)—  MNA

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

Second best time is now.

Page 10: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004

Provisions of Tatmadaw families, wellwishers donated to

monasteries, nunneries in Thakayta, Dawbon, Hline

YANGON, 10 Oct —

Families of Defence

Services (Army, Navy

and Air) and wellwishers

donated rice, edible oil,

salt, medicine, gram and

cash to 24 monasteries

and two nunneries in

Thakayta and Dawbon

Townships this after-


The donation was

held at Dhamma

Beikman in the precinct

of Zinamanaung Pagoda

in Thakayta Township.

Present were Chairman

of Yangon Division

Peace and Development

Council Commander of

Yangon Command Maj-

Gen Myint Swe, Minis-

ter for Social Welfare,

Relief and Resettlement

Maj-Gen Sein Htwa,

Deputy Minister for Re-

ligious Affairs Brig-Gen

Thura Aung Ko, Vice-

Mayor Col Maung Pa,

senior military officers,

local authorities, social

organization members

and local people.

Presiding Nayaka

of Sasana Alinyaung

Monastery of Dawbon

Township Sayadaw

Bhaddanta Jotika admin-

istered the Nine Precepts.

Next, the com-

mander, the minister, the

deputy minister and the

vice-mayor offered pro-

visions to members of the


On behalf of the

Tatmadaw families, Maj-

Gen Aung Thein of the

Ministry of Defence,

Cmdr Tin Aung San of

the Commander-in-Chief

(Navy)’s Office and

Colonel General Staff

(Air) Lt-Col Nay Win

donated alms to the Pre-

siding Nayaka Sayadaw

of Palikari Pariyatti Mon-

astery and nuns.

Afterwards, the

commander, the minister,

the deputy minister, the

vice-mayor, Maj-Gen Tin

Soe, Maj-Gen Aung

Thein and senior military

officers of the Ministry

of Defence accepted

cash and kind for the

monasteries and the nun-

neries donated by 80


Colonel General

Staff (Air) Lt-Col Nay

Win supplicated on the

purpose of the donations.

Palikari Pariyatti

Monastery Sayadaw

Agga Maha Pandita

Bhaddanta Angisa deliv-

ered a sermon, followed

by sharing of merits.

Today’s donations

for monasteries and nun-

neries were 633 bags of

rice, 230 viss of oil, 455

viss of gram, 2,277 viss

of iodized salt, 455 tubes

of tooth paste, 1,370 bot-

tles of traditional medi-

cines, 4,559 cakes of soap

and K 20,243,891.

S i m i l a r l y ,

Tatmadaw families and

wellwishers donated pro-

visions to 15 monaster-

ies and one nunnery in

Hline Township this af-


The donation cer-

emony was held at

Panditayama Pariyatti

Monastery in Ward 13 in

Hline Township.

Commander Maj-

Gen Myint Swe, Minis-

ter for Religious Affairs

Brig-Gen Thura Myint

Maung, Deputy Minister

for Social Welfare, Re-

lief and Resettlement

Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint,

Vice-Mayor Col Maung

Pa and senior military

officers offered dona-

tions to the Sayadaws.

Maj-Gen Aung

Thein of the Ministry of

Defence, Cmdr Tin Aung

San of the Commander-

in-Chief (Navy)’s Office

and Colonel General

Staff (Air) Lt-Col Nay

Win presented provisions

donated by Tatmadaw

families to members of

the Sangha and nuns.

New Shwehtidaw to be hoisted

atop SoonU Ponnyashin PagodaYANGON, 9 Oct—With the sponsorship of

SoonU Ponnyashin Pagoda Board of Ovadacariya

Sayadaws, Sagaing Division Peace and Develop-

ment Council and Thitagu Sayadaw, new Htidaw,

Hngetmyatnadaw and Seinbudaw will be hoisted

atop SoonU Ponnyashin Pagoda on top of Wutyon

Taungdaw, Sagaing Hill.

Those wishing to make cash donations are to

contact the Ponnyashin Pagoda Board of Trustees,

Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council

and Thitagu Sayadaw.


Next, the com-

mander and party ac-

cepted cash and kind for

monasteries and the nun-

nery from wellwishers.

Lt-Col Than Hlaing of

the Commander-in-

Chief (Air)’s Office sup-

plicated on the purpose

of the donations.

Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe offers provisions to a Sayadaw at the donation

ceremony for monasteries and nunneries in Thakayta and

Dawbon Townships.—  MNA

Today’s donations

for monasteries and nun-

nery were 420 bags of rice,

150 viss of oil, 1,400 viss

of iodized salt, 280 tubes

of tooth paste, 3,540 bot-

tles of traditional medi-

cines, 280 viss of gram

and K 4,734,668.

  MNACommander Maj-Gen Myint Swe accepts donations for monasteries and nun-

nery in Hline Township.—  MNA

Senior military officers present donations to nuns at the donation ceremony for

monasteries and nunneries in Thakayta and Dawbon Townships.—  MNA

Senior military officers offer donations to a Sayadaw at the donation ceremony

for monasteries and nunnery in Hline Township.—  MNA

All this needs to be known

* Do not be frightened whenever


* Do not be bolstered whenever flattered

* Do not be softened whenever appeased

SoonU Ponnyashin Pagoda.—  MNA

Page 11: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004 11

Myanmar is a coun-

try rich in natural re-

sources. Myanmar has

now become famous in the

world for its great wealth

of aboveground as well as

underground and under-

water resources.

Jade Dragon Com-

pany being operated by

PaO Peace Group discov-

ered a huge jade boulder

weighing nearly 3,000

tons at a depth of 40 feet

from Nanmaw jade block

of Phakant Township in

2000. The jade boulder at-

tracted the whole world as

it has been considered the

world’s biggest one. U

Aung Hkam Hti, leader of

PaO Peace Group, do-

nated the jade boulder to

the State on 26 May 2002.

Yetagun oil and gas

field, which is an offshore

gas reserve, was discov-

ered at Yetagun oil well-1

in November 1992. Natu-

ral gas can be exploited on

a commercial scale from

the field and it is an en-

couraging sign for all the

national races residing in

the Union of Myanmar.

Myanmar pos-

Success of Yetagun oil and gas project

Article and photos by Thaung Win Bo

sesses a coastline that is

over 1,400 miles long.

Knowing that the exist-

ence of unspoiled oil and

gas reserves along the

lengthy coastline is a

bright prospect for the

country, the Myanma Oil

and Gas Enterprise desig-

nated 25 offshore oil


Foreign oil compa-

nies are granted access to

any blocks that attract

them. They can start oil

and gas exploration by

signing a ‘production shar-

ing contract’ called PSC

with MOGE.

MOGE and the pro-

spective foreign oil com-

pany will work on a profit-

sharing basis depending

on the magnitude of oil

and gas to be exploited.

Surrounded by off-

shore oil wells named

M-12, M-13 and M-14,

Yetagun offshore gas field

is located off the coast at a

distance of 100 miles

northwest of Dawei and

south of Yangon.

MOGE entered an

agreement, PSC, with a

British oil company

named Premier Oil Com-

pany on 3 May 1990 to

undertake these offshore

oil wells. They had con-

ducted 2D and 3D seis-

mic surveys. According to

the data collected, it is

detected that oil and gas

reserves possibly lie bur-

ied in sand layers and they

have a delightful prospect.

Apart from natural

gas, condensate can be

produced on a commer-

cial scale at Yetagun oil

and gas field. Now, the

field can produce some

8,700 barrels of conden-

sate a day and put them on

sale for domestic use

through the Myanma Pet-

rochemical Enterprise.

The daily production of

condensate is stored in a

floating tank, and when

the number of barrels

reaches 400,000, it is

transferred to a tanker and

transported to MPE in


Petronas Carigali

Myanmar Ltd of Malay-

sia succeeded Premier Oil

Company as operator on

12 September 2003, and

the Malaysian company

continues oil exploration

undertaking up to date.

Since April 2000,

natural gas exploited from

Yetagun oil and gas field

has been sold to PTT (Pe-

troleum Authority of

Thailand) through 24

inches diamoter pipeline.

Now, the daily sale of

natural gas has stood at

300 million cubic feet.

Yetagun oil and gas field

has a capacity of produc-

ing 4.16 trillion cubic feet

of natural gas and 84.12

barrels of condensate.

As Yetagun drilled

another four wells success-

fully at the end of August

this year, plans are under

way to increase the sale of

natural gas to Thailand up

to 400 million cubic feet

as Thailand has shown

greater demand for it.

Moreover, the

number of barrels of con-

densate will also increase

to 12,000 a day. It will

imply that domestic de-

mand can also be met.

The natural gas ex-

ploited from the gas field

is processed in various

steps with the use of high-

powered pressure ma-

chines to make sure that

they contain no amount of

water and condensate.

Then, the purified natural

gas is piped to the meter-

ing station on Thailand-

Myanmar border. The sta-

tion also runs a monthly

check on the gas so as to

ensure that both sides do

not suffer any loss.

MOGE of the Min-

istry of Energy, Petronas

Carigali of Malaysia,

Nippon Oil of Japan and

PTTEP of Thailand are

now working at Yetagun

oil and gas project on a

profit-sharing basis. As a

host, MOGE, shareholder

in the project, now en-

joys full right to privi-

:::::In automobiles, natural gas can be

used in place of petrol and diesel.:::::The use of natural gas cannot only

save fuel oil but also extend engine

duration.:::::Natural gas exploited at home can

be used effectively and safely.:::::Natural gas burns cent per cent

and is environment-friendly.:::::Adequate supply of natural gas

helps facilitate passenger and cargo


Use Natural Gas Vehicles

and save fuel oil

leges like revenue taxes.

As an offshore treasure

trove, Yetagun is now

making a good success

standing as a prime for-

eign exchange earner.

Translation: KTY


Myanma Alin: 9-10-2004


Yetagun offshore oil and gas drilling rig seen in action.

Aerial view of Yetagun offshore oil and gas drilling rig.

Apart from natural gas, conden-

sate can be produced on a commercial

scale at Yetagun oil and gas field. Now,

the field can produce some 8,700 bar-

rels of condensate a day and put them

on sale for domestic use through the

Myanma Petrochemical Enterprise.

The daily production of condensate is

stored in a floating tank, and when the

number of barrels reaches 400,000, it

is transferred to a tanker and trans-

ported to MPE in Thanlyin.

Page 12: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004

;<=>?@AB>CD;EF>EAGDHB>BI?JA>;<=>?@AB>CD;EF>EAGDHB>BI?JA>;<=>?@AB>CD;EF>EAGDHB>BI?JA>;<=>?@AB>CD;EF>EAGDHB>BI?JA>;<=>?@AB>CD;EF>EAGDHB>BI?JA>KF>LDF>MEHN?JA>C=><B>OAPA?KQ?LA>EJRKF>LDF>MEHN?JA>C=><B>OAPA?KQ?LA>EJRKF>LDF>MEHN?JA>C=><B>OAPA?KQ?LA>EJRKF>LDF>MEHN?JA>C=><B>OAPA?KQ?LA>EJRKF>LDF>MEHN?JA>C=><B>OAPA?KQ?LA>EJRSTUVWXYZWZ[\]_WXa\]XbcdefSTUVWXYZWZ[\]_WXa\]XbcdefSTUVWXYZWZ[\]_WXa\]XbcdefSTUVWXYZWZ[\]_WXa\]XbcdefSTUVWXYZWZ[\]_WXa\]XbcdefKL>CghijkklmDGnC>?oAL>JDHpAqlKL>KL>CghijkklmDGnC>?oAL>JDHpAqlKL>KL>CghijkklmDGnC>?oAL>JDHpAqlKL>KL>CghijkklmDGnC>?oAL>JDHpAqlKL>KL>CghijkklmDGnC>?oAL>JDHpAqlKL>rstuvutwvxyz{|}vz~���s�zxr����r�vz���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �¡��¢�� ������ ����£��¤��¥��¦����������§�� �������������� �¡��¢�� ������ ����£��¤��¥��¦����������§�� �������������� �¡��¢�� ������ ����£��¤��¥��¦����������§�� �������������� �¡��¢�� ������ ����£��¤��¥��¦����������§�� �������������� �¡��¢�� ������ ����£��¤��¥��¦����������§�� �����������¡¤£������©�ª���«���©���������¬�­®���¢�����£����©°�¥���±������¡¤£������©�ª���«���©���������¬�­®���¢�����£����©°�¥���±������¡¤£������©�ª���«���©���������¬�­®���¢�����£����©°�¥���±������¡¤£������©�ª���«���©���������¬�­®���¢�����£����©°�¥���±������¡¤£������©�ª���«���©���������¬�­®���¢�����£����©°�¥���±²³µ²¶·¹º»¼½¹º·²³µ²¶·¹º»¼½¹º·²³µ²¶·¹º»¼½¹º·²³µ²¶·¹º»¼½¹º·²³µ²¶·¹º»¼½¹º·¹¾¿¹ÀÁ¹¾¿¹ÀÁ¹¾¿¹ÀÁ¹¾¿¹ÀÁ¹¾¿¹ÀÁÂÃÄÅÃÄÅÃÄÅÃÄÅÃÄÅPolymer 4.5 TonsÆÇÈÆÇÈÆÇÈÆÇÈÆÇÈBleaching Powder (Calcium 50 Tons

Hypochloride)�¬�­®���¢���������É�Ê˱Ä˱ÊËËÌ��ÍÃÄÎ�ËËÅ����¤£��¤����¬�­®���¢���������É�Ê˱Ä˱ÊËËÌ��ÍÃÄÎ�ËËÅ����¤£��¤����¬�­®���¢���������É�Ê˱Ä˱ÊËËÌ��ÍÃÄÎ�ËËÅ����¤£��¤����¬�­®���¢���������É�Ê˱Ä˱ÊËËÌ��ÍÃÄÎ�ËËÅ����¤£��¤����¬�­®���¢���������É�Ê˱Ä˱ÊËËÌ��ÍÃÄÎ�ËËÅ����¤£��¤����¬�­®�������¡���¢������������¢Ï������ÄËËËбÃ��������Ñ����¬�­®�������¡���¢������������¢Ï������ÄËËËбÃ��������Ñ����¬�­®�������¡���¢������������¢Ï������ÄËËËбÃ��������Ñ����¬�­®�������¡���¢������������¢Ï������ÄËËËбÃ��������Ñ����¬�­®�������¡���¢������������¢Ï������ÄËËËбÃ��������Ñ�������Å­®���¤£��Ò��Ó���­É����¡������§��Ô��¦���ª���«������©��������Å­®���¤£��Ò��Ó���­É����¡������§��Ô��¦���ª���«������©��������Å­®���¤£��Ò��Ó���­É����¡������§��Ô��¦���ª���«������©��������Å­®���¤£��Ò��Ó���­É����¡������§��Ô��¦���ª���«������©��������Å­®���¤£��Ò��Ó���­É����¡������§��Ô��¦���ª���«������©����§�����¡��ª���«­�����¥���Õ ������� ©��� ¢���������£���� �É��±§�����¡��ª���«­�����¥���Õ ������� ©��� ¢���������£���� �É��±§�����¡��ª���«­�����¥���Õ ������� ©��� ¢���������£���� �É��±§�����¡��ª���«­�����¥���Õ ������� ©��� ¢���������£���� �É��±§�����¡��ª���«­�����¥���Õ ������� ©��� ¢���������£���� �É��±ÊÖÊ×ØÌÔÊÌÖÄÄÊâ�����©¡ÙÅÊØ×������������©���� �¡�������¡��ÊÖÊ×ØÌÔÊÌÖÄÄÊâ�����©¡ÙÅÊØ×������������©���� �¡�������¡��ÊÖÊ×ØÌÔÊÌÖÄÄÊâ�����©¡ÙÅÊØ×������������©���� �¡�������¡��ÊÖÊ×ØÌÔÊÌÖÄÄÊâ�����©¡ÙÅÊØ×������������©���� �¡�������¡��ÊÖÊ×ØÌÔÊÌÖÄÄÊâ�����©¡ÙÅÊØ×������������©���� �¡�������¡�����¤����­�����¥���Õ���¤����­�����¥���Õ���¤����­�����¥���Õ���¤����­�����¥���Õ���¤����­�����¥���ÕÚ�Û§Ú�Û§Ú�Û§Ú�Û§Ú�Û§��¦���ª���«������©���� £¡Ù���¦���ª���«������©���� £¡Ù���¦���ª���«������©���� £¡Ù���¦���ª���«������©���� £¡Ù���¦���ª���«������©���� £¡Ù�

“NY Times” reporter to face 18

months in jail in CIA leak case WASHINGTON, 9 Oct — A New York Times reporter is facing up to 18 months

in prison after a federal judge held her in contempt of court on Thursday for

refusing to name her source to prosecutors investigating the disclosure of the

identity of a covert Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent, media reports

said Friday.

China pledges to further tieswith Estonia, Britain

HANOI, 9 Oct — Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met here Friday with

Estonian Prime Minister Juhan Parts and British Deputy Prime Minister

John Prescott on the sidelines of the 5th Asia-Europe Meeting summit.

EU urgedto recognizeChina’s full


statusHANOI, 9 Oct — Chi-

nese Commerce Minis-

ter Bo Xilai on Friday

urged the European

Union (EU) to recognize

China’s status as a full

market economy.

Bo, meeting EU

Trade Commissioner

Pascal Lamy here on

the sidelines of the 5th

Asia-Europe Meeting

summit, said the EU

should recognize Chi-

na’s full market

economy status at an

early date in line with

the market economic de-

velopment since its ac-

cession to the World

Trade Organization.

The two sides also

discussed textile trade.

Bo said China would

work with the EU for a

stable transition after the

lifting of quotas on tex-

tile trade.


The reporter, Judith Miller, published

no articles about the agent, Valerie Plame,

but the judge, Thomas F Hogan, of US

District Court in Washington, ordered her

jailed for as long as 18 months, noting that

she had contemplated writing such an

article and had conducted interviews for it.

The judge agreed to suspend the sanction

until a planned appeal is concluded.

Appearing on NBS’s “Today” show

on Friday, Miller said she was deeply

reluctant to divulge her confidential source

to the prosecutors, even if the source per-

mitted her to do so. She would have to be

certain the source’s decision to be identi-

fied “is really voluntary” before she con-

sidered disclosing the source’s name,

Miller said. — MNA/Xinhua

Suspected drugpushercaptured in Colombia

During his meeting with

Parts, Wen said China hopes

that Estonia, a new member

of the European Union (EU),

would play a positive role in

pushing forward Sino-EU


Wen expressed satis-

faction with the development

of Sino-Estonian ties, noting

that China and Estonia have

maintained sound coopera-

tion in political, economic

and cultural fields.

He said China welcomes

Estonian enterprises to do

business in China and that

China will take mea-sures to

expand import from Esto-


Parts said that Estonia

attaches importance to its

relations with China, and

hopes to further cooperation

in economy and trade, edu-

cation, telecommunication,

and information technology.

During his meeting with the

British Deputy Prime Min-

ister, Wen said China and

Britain, both permanent

members of the United Na-

tions Security Council, share

common interest in safe-

guarding world peace and

promoting development.

He said China is ready

to work with Britain to

enhance the substantial

cooperation in such areas as

trade and investment,

finance, energy resources,

and education.

Prescott, for his part, said

development of bilateral ties

has maintained good mo-

mentum, and that the ex-

changes at all levels are at

their closest.

He said the British Gov-

ernment will make more ef-

forts to advance the all-round

and strategic partnership

with China. — MNA/Xinhua

First insurance for newly-wedChinese couples launched

BEIJING, 9 Oct — Couples getting married in the eastern Chinese city of

Shanghai can rest more easy when they tie the knot — ban insurance company

for the first time is offering protection against mishaps.

Chinese tradition puts a high value

on a smooth wedding ceremony and

any accident, even food poisoning from

the caterers, is seen as a hugely bad


The “wedding odds” insurance was

launched by the Shanghai Association

of Wedding and Ceremony Industry

and China Ping’an Insurance Co during

the week-long National Day holiday,

Xinhua news agency said on


“The insurance, which caters to the

city’s booming wedding market, covers

mishaps such as food poisoning,” the

agency said.

The bride and groom can obtain com-

pensation of up to 180,000 yuan (21,770

dollars) while guests can win up to 20,000

yuan, depending on the scale of the


“This is the first insurance to specifi-

cally target China’s huge wedding and

ceremony market. China Ping’an is con-

fident in surging demand and profitabil-

ity,” the company was quoted as saying.

Shanghai witnesses more than

100,000 weddings every year and the

number surges during holidays.


Turkey to gain EUmembership in 2014 ANKARA , 9 Oct — Turkish Foreign Minister

Abdullah Gul said on Friday that a fair date for

Turkey to gain full membership of the European

Union (EU) would be in 2014, assuming that the EU

agreed to open accession negotiations with Ankara

at the end of this year. Speaking in an exclu-

sive interview with Turk-ish private television sta-tion NTV, Gul said thatfull-membership datewould likely be in 2014 asthe EU budget was pre-pared up to 2013.

“However, this relieson Turkey’s performance.The negotiation processfor England took 12years,” Gul said, addingthat membership negotia-tions could start in June2005 and they were study-ing other states’ accessionprocess.

The Foreign Ministersaid the European Com-mission (EC)’s ProgressReport on Turkey in im-plementing the reforms re-quired to start member-ship talks, which was re-leased on Wednesday, hadsome flaws. However, headded that these shouldnot be allowed to over-shadow a historic momentfor Turkey.


Puerta was captured ina rural area of La Vega,central department ofCundinamarca, PoliceCommander Jorge Castrosaid.

A federal court of theUnited States has issuedan extradition petition forPuerta on a count of drugtrafficking. The AttorneyGeneral’s office on Thurs-day will decide whetherPuerta will be sent to the

United States or stand trialin Colombia.

Since President AlvaroUribe took office in Au-gust 2002, over 200 peo-ple have been extradited tothe United States. Mean-while, Colombian Marineson Thursday seized 2.5 tonsof cocaine which belongsto the paramilitary of theUnited Self—DefenceForces of Colombia.


The report, publishedby the federal government,showed that Customs atthe international airportfound more drugs in 2003due to new sniffer dogs,Flanders InternationalRadio reported Thursday.Customs at the airporthave also recently intro-duced new “scanvans”,vans with a built-in scan-ning device. These aremostly used to check com-mercial transportation ofgoods via such companies

as courier firms. The scanner can iden-

tify products such as alco-hol and cigarettes that nor-mally are subject to highduty taxation. Due to theuse of colour imagery, thescanners can also be pro-grammed to detect weap-

ons, drugs and animals,the report said. Customsat the airport also foundmore counterfeit goods in2003. Around 40 millionitems have been confis-cated, mostly CDs, DVDs,cassettes and cigarettes.



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BOGOTA , 9 Oct — Colombian police on Thurs-

day arrested suspected drugpusher Gabriel Puerta

who was related to a drug cartel in the southwest

Valle del Cauca department.


Belgian Airport records moredrug seizures in 2003

BRUSSELS, 9 Oct — Customs at Belgium’s International Airport, Zaventem,have recorded a total of 566 drug seizures in 2003, twice as many cases as theyear before, a report shows.

Page 13: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004 13

Visa cardholders spend $ 17.3b in AsiaPacific regions in 2003

HONG KONG, 9 Oct— Visa cardholders visiting Asia Pacific Regions are spending more than ever,

purchasing goods and services worth 17.3 billion US dollars in 2003, up from 16 billion US dollars in 2002,

said Visa in a report released on Thursday.

The report, entitled “Recent trends in spending by

visitors to Asia Pacific”, shows that the two largest

spending countries of origin in the region in 2003 were

the United States (3.26 billion US dollars) and the

United Kingdom (2.62 billion US dollars).

And they were followed by Japan (1.81 billion US

dollars), Hong Kong (1.07 billion US dollars) and

Australia (970 million US dollars). In total, these top

five locations accounted for 56 per cent of the total

Visa Asia Pacific spent by international cardholders.

The highest spending on a per transaction basis

was by cardholders from Chinese Mainland, with an

average spending per transaction of 253 US dollars.

By comparison, the United States and the United

Kingdom averaged 135 US dollars and 141 US dollars

per transactions, respectively.

The report highlights the trend of cardholders

shopping for a diverse range of goods and services in

different countries and regions.

For example, spending by Visa cardholders at arts

and craft stores in Mainland has been growing steadily

over the last five years; in Hong Kong, international

Visa cardholders spend more on clothing, while in

Australia cardholders spend more on education serv-

ices relative to other destinations in Asia Pacific.

Electronic and computer-related goods are relatively

popular in Japan and Singapore.

On a per transactions basis, in Australia, New

Zealand, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, educa-

tion attracted the highest spending. In contrast, in

Hong Kong it was household goods that topped the

category; in Japan it was accommodation; and in

Mainland, mail order transactions attracted the high-

est spending per transaction in 2003.

The report also shows that on-line transactions

account for a minority of tourism-related spending.

On average, 91 per cent of the 17.3 billion US dollars

international Visa spent in Asia Pacific occurred in

person between cardholders and merchants, as op-

posed to over the telephone, Internet or through mail-

order transactions.

The growing importance of intra-regional tourism

to Asia Pacific countries was also highlighted, with

Asia Pacific based cardholders making up 45 per cent

of the total Visa spending in 2003, up from 39 per cent

in 1999. — MNA/Xinhua

Patrouille in Beijing : A formation of the La patrouille de France, the French

Air Force aerobatic team, makes a pass during rehearsal in Bejing—INTERNET

OAS chief to resign WASHINGTON, 9 Oct— Secretary-general of the

Organization of American States (OAS) Miguel Angel

Rodriguez announced on Friday that he will resign

next week.

“I resign the post of secretary-general of the OAS

on 15 October,” Rodriguez said in a letter to the

Washington-based OAS.

Rodriguez was sworn in on 23 September to a five-

year term as chief of the world’s oldest regional or-


Rodriguez announced his resignation amid accu-

sations of corruption dating to his presidency of Costa


Rodriguez served as Costa Rica’s president from

1998 to 2002. Abel Pacheco succeeded Rodriguez as

president in May 2002. — MNA/Xinhua

Georgia to normalizerelations with Russia

MOSCOW, 9 Oct— Georgian Prime Minister

Zurab Zhvania Thursday said the priority of Geor-

gia’s foreign policy is to normalize relations with

Russia, the ITAR-TASS news agency reported.

MADRID, 9 Oct — Brazil and Spain signed a

general cooperation agreement here on Thursday

to widen bilateral trade, the Brazil-Spain Chamber

of Commerce announced.

The Brazil-Spain Chamber of Commerce presi-

dent Carlos Moreira- Garcia and the Export and

Promotion Agenda of Brazil (APEX) president

Juan Quiros signed the agreement, which identi-

fies companies with the capacity of extending their

business to both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Under the agreement, the APEX will encour-

age more Brazilian companies to enter the Spanish

market. On the other hand, Brazil with nearly 200

million population represents a potential market

for Spain. It is one of the principal destinations for

the Spanish investment abroad, said the Brazil-

Spain Chamber of Commerce.

According to Brazil’s Foreign Trade Ministry,

Spain exported 798 million euros (957 million US

dollars) of goods to Brazil in 2003 and imported

1.27 billion euros (1.52 billion dollars), 38.54 per

cent more than that of the previous year.


“All Georgian citi-

zens, from villagers to

top politicians are inter-

ested in establishing

good neighbourly and

friendly relations with

Russia,” Zhvania said.

The Prime Minister

expressed the willing-

ness of Georgia “to re-

solve the problems

blocking the establish-

ment of such relations”,

saying the Georgian au-

thorities “are ready for

reasonable compro-

mises, and are hoping

for same steps by the

Russian side, while tak-

ing into account the in-

terests of both coun-


Zhvania said Tbilisi

calls for developing coop-

eration with Russia in the

spheres of border protec-

tion and fight against ter-

rorism, adding that “Geor-

gia is going to set up a

Georgian-Russian anti-ter-

rorist centre on its terri-


Georgia and Russia

have different approaches

regarding the settlement of

the smoldering conflicts —

in Abkhazia and South

Ossetia, according to the

official. But “it is impossi-

ble to establish peace and

stability in the Caucasus

without normalizing the

Georgian-Russian rela-

tions and settling these con-

flicts”, he added.


Swedentops globale-banking

stakes STOCKHOLM, 9 Oct —

Swedes are the world’s

most prolific users of

online banking services,

according to a new re-

search published on


Figures from Nielsen

NetRatings, the global

Internet audience meas-

urement and analysis

company, showed that 2.7

million Swedes — 30 per

cent of the population —

visited a bank web site in

August 2004.

Sweden’s closest e-

banking rival is the

Netherlands, where 22

per cent of inhabitants

used Internet banking

services during the same

period. In the United

States, the figure was 14

per cent.

Largest among Swe-

den’s Internet banks is

Forenings Sparbanken,

which had 1,455,000 in-

dividual visitors in Au-

gust — a 15-per-cent in-

crease compared to the

previous year.

Svenska Handels-

banken, another of Swe-

den’s four large commer-

cial banks, saw its share

of the market grow as its

Internet user visits in-

creased 21 per cent.







China hosts firstInternational Conference

on Media Education BEIJING, 9 Oct — The First International Con-

ference on Media Education in China opened here

Friday in Communication University of

China(CUC), a leading university special for train-

ing media talents in China.

Focusing on “Media

Education in Information

Age”, experts from do-

mestic and overseas will

discuss a series of top-

ics, including building

media education theory

with Chinese character-


The four-day seminar

will also focus on how

China can teach its young

people to critically evalu-

ate the media. Media lit-

eracy is the ability to ac-

cess and evaluate infor-

mation from the media.

Many countries, like

Canada and the United

States, have listed the me-

dia education a regular cur-

riculum in schools.

Originated from 1930s

in England, media educa-

tion was aimed to encou-

rage students to “see clearly

and resist” the influence of

mass media.

As the presence of tel-

evision, movies and adver-

tising expands in China —

so does education about its



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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004


Answers for yesterday'scrossword puzzle

England welcome backEuro 2004 sensation

LONDON, 9 Oct— England welcome back their Euro

2004 sensation Wayne Rooney on Saturday in what

should be a pulsating World Cup qualifier against

Wales at the teenager's new Old Trafford home.

Rooney will not be the only player welcomed back

to the international stage, though, as Sven-Goran

Eriksson is expected to field his central defensive

pairing from the 2002 World Cup.

Rio Ferdinand has completed an eight-month ban

for missing a drugs test and has impressed for United,

while Sol Campbell has recovered from an Achilles

injury, leaving no room for reliable stand-ins John

Terry and Ledley King. Rooney, who lit up England's

campaign in Portugal with four goals in three group

games, is back after a foot injury suffered in their

quarterfinal defeat in June by the host nation.

Though England's Group Six campaign hardly needs

rescuing, after a 2-2 draw in Austria and a 2-1 victory

in Poland last month, the 18-year-old's comeback is

bound to give them a lift.

Expectations were already being raised after Rooney

marked his Manchester United debut two weeks ago

with a Champions League hat-trick at Old Trafford

against Fenerbahce.

On Saturday, he is likely to start up front with

Michael Owen, who should have shaken off a back

injury, and in-form Jermain Defoe as coach Eriksson

looks set to play with a three-man attack.

England, trailing group leaders Austria on goal

difference, will hope to be top on Saturday night —

after the Austrians host Poland and before Wednes-

day's qualifier in Azerbaijan. —MNA/Reuters

Woodgate to undergo

treatment in US MADRID, 9 Oct— England defender Jonathan

Woodgate is to undergo treatment in the United States

after his Real Madrid debut was put on hold due to the

recurrence of a long-term thigh injury.

"Real Madrid medical staff have decided that

Jonathan Woodgate will travel to the Cleveland Clinic

Foundation in the United States ... in order to complete

his recovery from his injury," the club said on their web

site on Friday.

"Once in the United States the most appropriate

course of treatment will be decided upon. Thanks to

new techniques of muscular regeneration it is hoped

that Woodgate will be able to avoid undergoing sur-

gery." The central defender, who joined Real for 20

million euros (24.63 million dollars) from Newcastle

United at the start of the season, has not played since

tearing a thigh muscle in April.

Woodgate, 24, was due to play in next Tuesday's

friendly against local Madrid side Alcorcon but he

pulled up injured as he sprinted for the ball in training

on Thursday.

Real Madrid's chief of medical staff Alfonso del

Corral said Woodgate had torn the same muscle in the

front of his thigh.—MNA/Reuters

Kahn criticizes Lehmann

for repeated claims BERLIN, 9 Oct— Germany's Oliver Kahn criticized

teammate and rival Jens Lehmann on Friday for re-

peatedly claiming to be the country's top goalkeeper.

"Lehmann is constantly provoking and he's been

doing it for years," Kahn told Bild newspaper on

Friday after the Arsenal goalkeeper said earlier in the

week he expected to be first-choice keeper by the 2006

World Cup.

"I don't have any problem with a rivalry, but it

should be carried out on the pitch and not verbally,"

said Kahn, 35, who is also Bayern Munich's goal-


"Perhaps he wants me to quit," added Kahn, who led

Germany to the 2002 World Cup final but has since

been stripped of the captaincy by new coach Juergen


"Or maybe he wants goalkeeping coach Sepp Maier

to quit.

"The direction we're headed isn't good at all. It's


Maier, who coaches Kahn at both national and

club level, has repeatedly endorsed him ahead of

Lehmann and did so again ahead of a friendly against

Iran on Saturday. Maier was rebuked by Klinsmann for

similar comments in August.


Barcelona interested in signing

12-year-old Argentine BUENOS AIRES, 9 Oct— Spanish giants Barcelona are interested

in signing a 12-year-old Argentine, the boy's father told reporters.

"It's an interesting offer. Barcelona have opened all the doors for

us," said Jose Lamela, whose son Erik plays for the youth team of

Argentine club River Plate.

His mother Miryam added: "If we have to travel, the whole

family will go because we're not going to separate."

Argentine media say Barcelona have offered to pay Lamela's

parents 120,000 euros a year for a four-year contract with their

youth squad.

Lamela was spotted during a tournament in Spain which River

won and he finished as top-scorer.

River are regarded as having an outstanding youth training

scheme, which has produced players like Argentina internationals

Javier Saviola and Pablo Aimar. —MNA/Reuters

C O U N T E R 8 W A I T S

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R E S I N 8 R E T R A C E

Australia's Glenn McGrath appeals successfully for

the dismissal of India's Virender Sehwag, unseen,

during the fourth day of the first cricket test match

between the two teams in Bangalore, India,

Saturday, Oct. 9, 2004. — INTETNET

Borussia Dortmund reports highest-ever

debt in German soccer history DORTMUND (Germany), 9 Oct— Borussia Dortmund,

European champions in 1997, reported the highest-

ever debt in German soccer history on Friday.

Liabilities rose to 118.8 million euros (146.3 mil-

lion US dollars) in the 2003/2004 year to June, up from

73.5 million euros on the previous 12 months.

The club also posted a loss of 67.7 million euros

compared with a profit 3.3 million the previous year.

Borussia chairman Gerd Niebaum said they would

roll up their sleeves to restructure the club. "We have

probably made some misjudgements," he told a news


Dortmund are ninth in the 18-strong Bundesliga.


Top four seeds reach Filderstadt Grand Prix FILDERSTADT (Germany), 9 Oct— The top four seeds reached the semifinals

of the Filderstadt Grand Prix on Friday, with only French Open champion

Anastasia Myskina being taken to three sets.

Spadea defeats Melzer in Lyon

Grand Prix LYON (France), 9 Oct— Seventh seed Vincent Spadea

came back from the brink to defeat Jurgen Melzer 1-6,6-1, 7-6 at the Lyon Grand Prix on Friday.

The American found himself 5-2 down in the thirdset of his quarterfinal but clawed his way back to forcea tiebreak which he secured 7-2.

"It wasn't going well the whole match but I was veryexcited when I reached the tiebreak in the third and hadthe feeling that nothing could stop me," he said.

Spadea is the last remaining seed in the event afternumber four Joachim Johansson was stunned 6-3, 6-4in 58 minutes by fellow Swede Robin Soderling,ranked 47th in the world.

Johansson, who reached the semifinals of the USOpen last month, said the match boiled down to a fewvital points.

"I only lost my serve twice because Robin tookadvantage of the two break points he had and I missedthe only one I got," said the 22-year-old.

In the two other quarterfinals, Spaniard David Ferrerousted Sweden's Jonas Bjorkman 6-2, 6-4 and BelgianXavier Malisse defeated Russian Mikhail Youzhny6-3, 6-4.— MNA/Reuters

World number one

Amelie Mauresmo took

another step towards re-

taining the top spot when

she dismissed American

Lisa Raymond 6-4, 6-1

and second seed Lindsay

Davenport ended the run

of Serbian qualifier Jelena

Jankovic 6-4, 6-3.

Third-seeded Myskina

dropped the opening set

to fellow Russian Elena

Likhovtseva but won

4-6, 6-0, 6-2 after her op-

ponent received attention

for dizziness and dehy-


Another Russian,

fourth seed and US Open

champion Svetlana

Kuznetsova, also strug-

gled in the first set against

qualifier Fabiola Zuluaga

but eased through the sec-

ond set to win 6-4, 6-1.

Raymond, who lost in

qualifying but entered the

main draw when Bel-

gium's Kim Clijsters with-

drew with a wrist injury,

offered a stern challenge

early on, matching

Mauresmo in some

fiercely-contested rallies.

But Mauresmo always

held the advantage,

serving well and keeping

Raymond under pressure.

The French 25-year-old

broke for a 4-3 lead in

the first set, claiming

Raymond's serve after the

American had led 40-0.

Mauresmo did not al-

low Raymond to hold

serve at all in the second

set and claimed victory in

just 64 minutes.


Tough header : Belgium's Mbo Mpenza (L) heads

the ball against Spain's Marchena (R) in a World

Cup 2006 qualifier at Sardinero Stadium in

Santander, northern Spain. — INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Monday, 11 October, 2004 15

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,

No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843,

Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press).

Monday, October 11

View on today:

7:00 am

1. Recitation of Parittas

by Missionary Sayadaw

U Ottamathara

7:25 am

2. To be healthy exercise

7:30 am

3. Morning news

7:40 am

4. Nice and sweet song

7:55 am

5. Song of national races

8:05 am

6.:;<=>?@AB?CD:;<=>?@AB?CD:;<=>?@AB?CD:;<=>?@AB?CD:;<=>?@AB?CD8:10 am

7. Cute little dancers

8:20 am


9. International news

8:45 am

10. Let’s Go

4:00 pm

1. Martial song


Sunday, 10 October, 2004

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hours

MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly

cloudy in Chin, Kayah, Kayin and Mon States, Magway

Division and rain or thundershowers have been isolated

to scattered in the remaining areas with isolated

heavyfalls in Mandalay Division. The noteworthy

amounts of rainfall recorded were PyinOoLwin (5.42)

inches and Myitkyina (1.22) inches.

Maximum temperature on 9-10-2004 was 92°F.

Minimum temperature on 10-10-2004 was 71°F. Rela-

tive humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 10-10-2004 was 85%.

Total sunshine hours on 9-10-2004 was (5.2) hours

approx. Rainfall on 10-10-2004 was nil at Yangon

Airport, (0.04 inch) at Kaba-Aye and, nil at central

Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2004 was (111.73

inches) at Yangon Airport, (106.22 inches) at Kaba-

Aye and (108.62 inches) at central Yangon. Maximum

wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was 7 mph from

South at (17:30) hours MST on 9-10-2004.

Bay inference: Weather is cloudy in South Bay and

fair elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 11-10-2004: Light

rain or thundershowers are likely to be scattered in

Mon State, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Divisions,

isolated in Shan State, Yangon and Bago Divisions and

weather will be partly cloudy in the remaining areas.

Degree of certainty is (60%).

State of the sea: Seas will be slight to moderate in

Myanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Thundery con-

ditions in Southern Myanmar areas.

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for

11-10-2004: Possibility of isolated light rain or thun-

dershowers. Degree of certainty is (40%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area

for 11-10-2004: Partly cloudy.

4:15 pm

2. Song to uphold

National Spirit

4:30 pm

3. Demostration Exercises

For Correct Pronun-


4:45 pm

4. Musical programme

5:00 pm


6. Dance variety

5:25 pm


8. Song and dance of

national races

5:45 pm

9. Musical programme

(The Radio Myanmar

Modern Music Troupe)

5:55 pm

10. Industrial Achievement

6:05 pm

11. Discovery

Monday, October 11Tune in today:

8.30 am Brief news8.35 am Music: Yoko8.40 am Perspectives8.45 am Music:

-Love rendelvous8.50 am National news/

Slogan9.00 am Music: Down town9.05 am International news9.10 am Music :

-Angel1.30 pm News/Slogan1.40 pm Lunch time music

-I can wait forever-Little rock-Say a prayer

9.00 pm Spotlight on thestar-The Corrs-Say-Somebody forsomeone

9.10 pm Article9.20 pm Radio Magazine

-Unwavering love9.35 pm Golden Land’s

Melody-Come & SeeMyanmar (K JarNu & friends)

9.45 pm News/Slogan10.00 pm PEL

6:10 pm


6:30 pm

13. Evening news

7:00 pm

14. Weather report

7:05 pm


7:15 pm

16. Musical programme

7:25 pm

17.OCjOQY:kR@YBNlfPkR@YBXY\BYHGOCjOQY:kR@YBNlfPkR@YBXY\BYHGOCjOQY:kR@YBNlfPkR@YBXY\BYHGOCjOQY:kR@YBNlfPkR@YBXY\BYHGOCjOQY:kR@YBNlfPkR@YBXY\BYHGW@T=<H_mB;Rn=Yo:F@Ti:RiW@T=<H_mB;Rn=Yo:F@Ti:RiW@T=<H_mB;Rn=Yo:F@Ti:RiW@T=<H_mB;Rn=Yo:F@Ti:RiW@T=<H_mB;Rn=Yo:F@Ti:Ri:;<=i:KL=>?@AB?CD;FC=;C=[\B=:;<=i:KL=>?@AB?CD;FC=;C=[\B=:;<=i:KL=>?@AB?CD;FC=;C=[\B=:;<=i:KL=>?@AB?CD;FC=;C=[\B=:;<=i:KL=>?@AB?CD;FC=;C=[\B=N:F@T>?@AB?CDPN:F@T>?@AB?CDPN:F@T>?@AB?CDPN:F@T>?@AB?CDPN:F@T>?@AB?CDP9:35 pm

18.:Ed=:ECRBK@T=;]v@TxFAB=;<yUL:Ed=:ECRBK@T=;]v@TxFAB=;<yUL:Ed=:ECRBK@T=;]v@TxFAB=;<yUL:Ed=:ECRBK@T=;]v@TxFAB=;<yUL:Ed=:ECRBK@T=;]v@TxFAB=;<yUL]?j=]@TRBZR]@Tx]?j=]@TRBZR]@Tx]?j=]@TRBZR]@Tx]?j=]@TRBZR]@Tx]?j=]@TRBZR]@Tx9:45 pm


20. News

21. International news

22. Weather report


24. The next day’s



11-10-2004 (Monday)

(Programme Schedule)

Morning Transmission

(9:00 - 10:00)

9:00 Signature Tune


9:02 Song of Myanmar

Beauty & Scenic

Sights “Myanma

Panorama & Myanma


9:06 A Glimpse at the

Mighty Loggers

9:10 Headline News

9:12 Let’s keep fit by ex-


9:15 National News

9:20 Myanmar Spirulina

(Ye Kharr Lake)

9:25 Love Scene of

Einaung Prince and

Nan Kinnari Princess

9:30 National News

9:35 50 Youths Art Exhi-


9:40 Myanmar Modern

Song “Beautiful


9:45 National News

9:50 Myanmar Traditional

Art, Silversmith

9:58 Song of Myanmar

Beauty & Scenic

Sights “Come and See


11-10-2004 (Monday)

Evening Transmission

(15:30 - 17:30)

15:30 Signature Tune


15:32 Song of Myanmar

Beauty & Scenic

Sights “Mingalabar”

15:36 A Glimpse at the

Mighty Loggers

15:40 Headline News

15:42 Let’s keep fit by exer-


15:45 National News

15:50 Myanmar Spirulina

(Ye Kharr Lake)

15:55 Love Scene of Einaung

Prince and Nan

Kinnari Princess

16:00 National News

16:05 50 Youths Art Exhibi-


16:10 Myanmar Modern

Song “Beautiful


16:15 National News

16:20 Myanmar Traditional

Art, Silversmith

16:25 Song of Myanmar

Beauty & Scenic

Sights “Myanma

Panorama & Myanma


16:30 National News

16:35 Manufacturing of

Home Furniture and

Accessories (Part-I)

16:40 New, Modernized

Myanmar Food

16:45 National News

16:50 Marine Industries in

Taungok Township

16:55 Group Dance Entitled

“Pyant Pwa Sein”

17:00 National News

17:05 Myanma Toddy Palm:

A Source of Rural In-


17:10 Myanmar Modern

Song “Let’s my first

love know”

17:12 Mother O’pearl Mo-

saic Painting

17:15 National News

17:20 The Decoration of

Lacquerware (Stylus


17:25 Song of Myanmar

Beauty & Scenic

Sights “Come and See


Evening Transmission

(19:30 - 23:30)

19:30 Signature Tune


19:32 Song of Myanmar

Beauty & Scenic

Sights “Myanma

Panorama & Myanma


19:36 Maungmagan, The

Seaside Village

19:40 Headline News

19:42 Wheat Handicraft


19:45 National News

19:50 Myanmar Traditional

Wedding Ceremony

20:00 National News

20:05 Let’s visit underwater


20:10 Myanmar Modern

Song “You From Next


20:15 National News

20:20 Melodious Flute tunes

of the Villages

20:25 Myanmar Modern

Song “Everlasting”

20:30 National News

20:35 Cruise on Min Kyan


20:40 Historical Shwe Inpin


20:45 National News

20:50 Arts of Myanmar Tra-

ditional Tapestry

20:55 Scenic Beauty of

Tiddim & Cultural


21:00 National News

21:05 Bagan, Our Pride and

Glory of the Past

21:10 Myanmar Modern

Song “Pleasant and

Greenish Lake”

21:15 National News

21:20 Travelogue (Inlay)

21:25 Song of Myanmar

Beauty & Scenic

Sights “Mingalabar”

21:35 A Glimpse at the

Rainfall on 10-10-2004

— nil at Yangon Airport,

— 0.04 inch at Kaba-Aye and,

— nil at central Yangon.

Total rainfall since 1-1-2004 was

— 111.73 inches at Yangon Airport,

— 106.22 inches at Kaba-Aye and

— 108.62 inches at central Yangon.

Mighty Loggers

21:40 Headline News

21:42 Let’s keep fit by ex-


21:45 National News

21:50 Myanmar Spirulina

(Ye Kharr Lake)

21:55 Love Scene of

Einaung Prince and

Nan Kinnari Princess

22:00 National News

22:05 50 Youths Art Exhi-


22:10 Myanmar Modern

Song “Beautiful


22:15 National News

22:20 Myanmar Traditional

Art, Silversmith

22:25 Myanmar Modern

Song “A Way for


22:30 National News

22:35 Manufacturing of

Home Furniture and

Accessories (Part-I)

22:40 New, Modernized

Myanmar Food

22:45 National News

22:50 Marine Industries in

Taungok Township

22:55 Group Dance Entitled

“Pyant Pwa Sein”

23:00 National News

23:05 Myanma Toddy


A Source of Rural In-


23:10 Myanmar Modern

Song “Let’s my first

love know”

23:12 Mother O’pearl Mo-

saic Painting

23:15 National News

23:20 The Decoration of

Lacquerware (Stylus


23:28 Song of Myanmar

Beauty & Scenic

Sights “Come and See


Page 16: Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is … · 2004. 10. 11. · Puja ca pujaneyyanam, to honour those worthy of honour; this is the way to auspiciousness

13th Waning of Tawthalin 1366 ME Monday, 11 October, 2004

MEC Vice-Chairman Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Soe Win unveils the signboard of multimedia classrooms at BEPS No 4 in Chanayethazan Township.—  MNA

Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe presents

championship trophy to Yangon East District PDC

Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein in the

division level performing arts competitions.— MNA

Victorious Myanmar women’s

football team given warm

welcomeYANGON, 10 Oct — Victorious Myanmar

women’s football team which emerged champion in

the First ASEAN Women’s Football Tournament held

in Ho Chi Minh City of the Socialist Republic of

Vietnam from 29 September to 9 October arrived back

here by air this evening.

The victorious selected Myanmar women’s

team comprising the manager, the coach and players

totalling 23 led by Prof Daw Pandora Aung Gyi was

given a warm welcome at Yangon International

Airport by officials of the Ministry of Sports,

members of the Panel of Patrons of Myanmar

Women’s Sports Federation, the President of

Myanmar Football Federation and officials, athletes

and relatives of the victorious team with songs and



Secretary-1 attends opening ceremony of multimedia

classrooms at BEPS No 4 in Chanayethazan TownshipYANGON, 10 Oct — A ceremony to open

multimedia classrooms at Basic Education Primary

School No 4 in Patkon Pyawbwe Ward of

Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay Division was

held in front of the school on 8 October evening,

attended by Vice-Chairman of Myanmar Education

Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and

Development Council Lt-Gen Soe Win.

Also present on the occasion were Member of

the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye

Myint, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and

Development Council Commander of Central

Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, the ministers, the

deputy ministers, the Mandalay mayor, officials of the

State Peace and Development Council Office,

departmental heads, local people and students.

Headmistress Daw Khin Ohn Myint and

Chairman of School Board of Trustees U Khin Maung

formally opened the multimedia classrooms. Next, the

Secretary-1 unveiled the signboard. The Secretary-1

and party inspected the language lab where teachers and

students were applying of modern teaching aid. They

also inspected installation of modern teaching aid at

other multimedia classrooms. Next, they viewed round

the domestic science room. Students presented a model

house made of plastic as souvenir to the Secretary-1.

Lt-Gen Soe Win and party enjoyed entertainment

of students at the music and arts room. Later, the

Secretary-1 and party together with the headmistress,

teachers and students posed for a documentary photo.

Before their departure, schoolchildren waved to

the Secretary-1 and party singing the song titled

Zartiman (national spirit). — MNA

First ASEAN Women’s Football Champion Myanmar team being welcomed

back at the airport.—  MNA

YANGON, 10 Oct—The Prize-presentation of the

12th Yangon Division Myanmar Traditional Cultural

Performing Arts Competitions was held at the Saya

San Hall in Kyaikkasan Grounds this morning with an

address by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and

Development Council Commander of Yangon

Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.

Also present on the occasion were military

region commanders and their wives, maestros, members

of the Leading Committee for Organizing the 12th

Yangon Division MTCPAC, local athorities,, artistes,

enthusiasts and guests.

The ceremony was opened with the song titled

“Dwadathama Shwe”.

Next, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe

presented a flag to Major Thant Zin Oo who accepted

on behalf of the artistes of Yangon Division.

Next, the commander made a speech.

After that, the commander presented the

Prize-presentation of Yangon Division

Performing Arts Competitions heldchampionship shield for Yangon East District which

won the first in the 12th Yangon Division Myanma

Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions

through Chairman of Yangon East District Peace and

Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein.

Later, the maestros who judged the competitions were

presented gifts.

This was followed by a cash presentation

ceremony. Chairman of Myanmar Music Asiayon

Akawdiyan U Ohn Kyaw accepted K 200,000 donated

by the MMA while Lt-Col Myint Kyi accepted 75

boxes of Oramin-G worth K 240,000 donated by

Myanmar Express International Moving Services and

K 200,000 by All Private Bus Line Control Committee

(Yangon Division).

Afterwards, the prize winners of the 12th Yangon

Division Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing

Arts Competitions presented entertainment and the

ceremony ended.—MNA