pugetsound weeklyargus.. 33. piano, jewelcy store, tbc best! of new type .a.nd weber job connection...

( NO. 33. Piano, J ewelcy Store, tbc BEST! OF NEW TYPE .A.ND WEBER JOB connection with my most complete Dea' M.dium Priced. The Best in tho World, Belt in the United StatN. THE JOBBING MA·rERIAL. OFFICE -IS FURNISDED WITH A_ Belt Lo.. Priced in tbe Country. keeps on hand a Complete Assortment of The Cottue Gem, .A.SSORTMENT Also, Which will be sold at prices defying Competition. On Pugt:t Sound,.having been appointed Agt:nt for rhe: The Sherman '" Hyde Piano, Renowned OBER 5. I 77. Musical Instruments, SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC STANDS, ETC, Pianos and Organs Sold on the Installment Plan ARGUS FINE Weekly Argus. PAINTINGI DALGARDNO'S HOTEL Ceofge Sterming, BUY aTERMINc'a aALOON l!Iuper1or Qtallue- of ForellPl &. UOlu.,.l.lo Claar. Con_t.nt'. on h.nd. rr1.nd .. '0Il htmftlaftl _Ieom•• l'ort TOOl. IIle11d. T.b. 7. 1,a. P AI'ER lIAMHNG DOlft TO OR»_' at the ,hortflltnolloe. .nll.1I Order. Promptly Attended To. , BARllY 1·ILIIAN. ASD: YOUR. Men's and Boys'. C lot hing Made of OREGON CITY C.4.SSIldERES, The Cbeapelt, Belt and Durable Clothioi in tbe Market". ----------1 J.-lCOBS BROS, ok CO., HOUSE SIGH AHD ORHAIEHTAL ScI. ".n.Ilt"..." ••d Whol"", De.Ie., PORT...",OO•• IN. D.-A Cull 5to<:k o( Or.goD City Blankell, Fllnoel" Cuaim. YarD .. Uader"..n, Eto., 101""1100 hand. 20 ItRYAlT1 Of THE 'U'LL PORT TOWN END W. T•• FRIDAY. 0 J, Cal. McFadden. B. S. MILLER, Tb. p;ur.I.,o';" or 'ho d;\i"" ATTORIET i COUIIWlR·AT-!.AJ 01 tbeCMi";.nJ'Ol!.I .. i tb 01 PaOCTO. ,. , •• tULT<. I ATVDMAIER AND JEWELER, Belkan. are btKlnning 10 ernt.e ill· .................. ...... digution in Europ.. The rlilpttcb haY TuWQU'D, W. or Abmed "efis to Adri .. oopl. at thq inatanct o( Miniuer uyatd baa .... £.-III'ILUJ. D not bad the efrec' o( puuin, a .top v• ..... Ulll.u... EALER t(I th., ...cution.. halian cODI,1l1i ."AD. HAW ·INMA.. Cl .... -W tch J . Ire lending \0 ,b.lr ATTO.SKU AT LA..... 0 OOJLII, a es, ewe!ry, Dl&1D.onds, tearrul accuunt. or tbe dOlngt o( Ot·' In Adaalraltr· .. If' Sil W tomaa o,,!cial.. EI8CUtiont and I"wl ver· are, etc., e'tQ., tranllportatlon. ar'J deropul.tinl' H L. BLANCHARD Rqumelia. Italian conlu al. Tripoli' , atataa that 2,000 Dulgarian' hue £.ttol'lley &: 001ULl81lor .At-law landed at Tripoli (rom Turkieh tranlpflrta Inti hl.e been lonL to the 'RDCT•• II ' •• IIALlY. borders or the duert. A oorre.pond· f"OKT TO",,""SBN1) W.I'. Have also opened in Ollt "itb tbe reli,C agellcy .. monK chi Bulgarians tenda au account or the TlJoe. T. )fUCO.. I 1. M ... 0.... bid.oll. "". 01 lb. P'O,;lI,.. H.;. D"S. t1I"OR •. POWIR a.t C.rlo'flo 011 the Sollthern slope of n mn Clli "VSI"AL ,b. 1I.lkon.. III \h;. pl.,. or ,h. AND SURGEONS .I'M V U .I'M pop.I";on, "blob I.U" b... bo,,, PHYSICIANS . :'learly 20,000, tber.e ia not a grow" 0'''' 0IiI WAT. IT.. .. mac left ali,e. For lil: week. tbe ..l"ort rJ.·oW"nllOnd ••• 'W. T. place b.. been at the m.rcy o( tb. OMAS . DRUMMOND ''''gul", of the T.,.i.b ."n" TH , There no" remain among the ruins PORT TOWNSEND, W. T. DC .".hat .. ae once a b•• ulHul .nd .rloklayer, 1'1••terar, and thrt,mg to"n, 6,000 or 6,000 8tono xa.on. "om," .b,ld" •. Tb.... poo, ,,""'.00.. " •• 10...' ............, ... The Celebrated Standard Organ, creature. hide themlcl". a. tbey IIr Jf)t)blnr pro,upUyAUl'IIdid lO. l' dreadini outrage. oC J.-UJlCNAOOKT. G.llo.. Illg t1y some of tbe!D are vlctlml. McNAUCHT. HALLaR, They CID. b .. rdly b. &aId \0 han .bel· ....TTOkICE\·& .A..,"U>l.'OUli'dE.LLOBS UW tor, clothing and rood, and baye .u.· 1'rlIe\On Sa AdaJn,Uy; \ained liCe by (urd"ely gathering .he 1I000eyloaneCl. InJ ",?U Ind ug.tablee left ia tlleir &0 ac. rumed gardell'. 1'01IT TO.....ll!DD, W'. T. Al the Pu, ..lIup mine I.hlt mt.in Sh'"... tunnel is (50 feet, and otber tunntl. New vv Store. a Ie.. di,tance. T ... o or tIlrea hund· r.d lOnl or eoal are re.dy for ibip. W M. VET T E H, ...,. 01 .hi.b hOI """ .x· Fashionable Boot DC DOll later. poHd to atmo.phere (ur t."o AlIlIlntSa of Ilenalrlq and 0\&It0m W'0I1I mQrltha Ind I' 10·d.y 18 fine· looking clone &0 oroerOl1'hort DOUaI. n IS it "u wben brougbt out or tbe pit. WAT£Ill'T.. J"OltT TOWNSEND MClIn 1OClnlU. J'Wn''TowlII.nDr, •• ,t A..... meeD W.,leNlYI\·•• 1Juc OAur 1Itr.- f\lIl aooa. &l'IUCT OllltlaVAIilCIC 1.oIl........ A, II., IIlNU td IlT. lIAI:.& Lod.P L O. 0. r .• IIHlIILI ."....,. klu"",y.nnllll· ... n. TUCl\Io:R. S". G. J• .,."R.Mn'" IAdio L o. O. T., mf!elll C\'U)" 1"r1da)' nt.lnK· X. 1>. JJJLL, W. U. CnICIilAICOIl. Trlbeofltad ...... to.".very W«!n81lay "-hem. CflAllnOJIIll or '1'1111 ReI) Caoaa, mtel,o'l'ery MonWl11\'flnlnr· ... H1I1l1Gl§, Com. -- WATER " ••• III:RIC),r COll,..". P T d W T ..e •.•...•.•.•.. .1, M. F.. Atllin-. ort own_en, IWrr-lltAlh·•..•••• _ WID.!\ctrt..,. rite ABOTH nOOSE 18 PA.RTI :'11URLY CUll.K.-ll1u.n J. A.. ".bn. adlll)led til Ihe acrMllllllO(l,ollon of aU Sto- head of Un" on Wharf, under the Central Hote' 1 0. t z ••ftl'rr'-h hll " R&!F.R\·KU AND Xtmr: .'" 1w L'onlltr4..'oml1llllklnen w.II.' l'I.AOI: 10 Roud, "nd ..,edI.llr ramWil Jrtth'"ot ..robate and.ojoarnen..llb,ln'loodroonlL Port Townsend, W. T. 6h"ild' ...•... , K. It !!tIller T_.", C.c. COSMO· POLITAN HOTEL ------- -;-_---"- A••"' , "'.", tJ.ru........... ,........... ...... 0 m.. ..:; J3UN;;UJlTr. .l/#i1!lJ .. 1fAXU. AllnllP.ll& .. .nlll, ItOSEWING MACHINES 11.11. 111l1...•••••• ,.. AIII,lltor •• t,;tmlll,vlUe alwll)'llfe IlIlllllnel! wtfb Ihe b8t Ihe nlllrllflt H.t.'. 1I1ll J1Jdlllll... " ItflJrtl,. KoOIII' ror {AnnUl" .Ith board by ct.,.,. ". 'Turry.•• ,Tf";!(lIOUref ••• , •• ,. " tllo dllYor wf:C!ll;:. U Ju. \\'1(1011 •.•••• ... , .... .••• .. G t Il' d I .. 1.,&er81M I....... p.,,'" rea e U0 t 0D lTbaI.{Jl'lInO)·... U, •• lady n 1 el'uJI'ot8..\lnl ODUntf)'•• n 1 lII"QIlIPCf'o Y. 1\ Illuklu"I, l·on.lallllt ••• " It, of llAlm.lll'" lhonld ItonOO-iublCrlbafbr I "ft. fa. IIlIttl" ••, .::: •• 4·nv.lllnll tbo IliIIl1)' Momln" orWoallly. .... •• HER A L D, TheJV'ew Family SewinJ1Machines will hereafter - In No. 'I'aooroa. Ihe lennlnlllof CUl.LA_OO\lliTT. pe Sold at Fifty Dollars. .4.ndallother lOIAMU. Allltlt&U Sonht!'I'n 1'leltleC.UL ltlillililendldr,'" Will. L. Rocen ..•• ProWtcJudp.. n""JP!n.. tn which to N'·er1I. >'OUf bu.ln-. u-ou Machine. at Equally Price.. m- Thougb theM Machin.. b.... .I. J. ItOlll!n........ JU.llft .......... ., WlI.!dtl':r&UbUO w.hatl..OUI .,. boen greatly roduced in pricea, tho Quality "ill be Maintained at h. t y rune _. k. Highelt StaDdard. The Public 18 Cautioned £p.1.D8 Bu";ng ),;111011.1111' ........ Trea-luTr ....... .. 1--------------11· . .. b· b I •.,. J" I : If.. "".. , .• p_. ml\atlon mac me" '" IC lore a way. mMlo tn a Tery i.ferior manDer, I - _ .... and are sold by irruponlible partie.. "hoM ,uarallteel are "orthlell. K. CENTRAL HOT EL. All Genuine SINGER Machloe. are sold through authOrized ••• nd8uJ-a at a leu price th ..n any other good maehinee can belOld for, aDd aI. Sllbled" 1Ie&dof U.IOIl Wbari. ",aYI boar the patented MARK and tbe nlm. of The SUt,er ..,., T ... .... ••..••.• .... ••.•• '1'. dildn.lly printed on the arm oC tbe machin •• WMATNM COllln-y. Tbl. lloWIU u new .lId newl, luml.b8d. anll Audllf'r M. D. Mmltk lha artJOlalIlICIlt.euf. achinellOld on nole and lealle pliO. and & liberal dilCOUot mad. •. &:o'teL (or Cub. fie BiDaer ll&Du1'g Co" tat tt YamhWat.a., I"' A. fluIllh III 8&r .. lIup,plhld tbe lteaLot WIIIMo Portland. On t·nont1CommlM!klnt" B. S. MILLER, Agent. Port To"naend, W,T." JuJelOf l"fO(aIG. J. A. '1"! t S&ttlln,.. .w be tell. tmdtlolte to 1'IlIok. tbu 'V. G. JAN I ESON', Agent Seaule, U - CHAS. R. TALCOTI.Ag•• \ Ol,mma .. 20 IIA'" JUAIf l'UlJJ('U. .... \lIdltfV ,J. II. lktwman \ tl...rt.. )10.:"13 COUII l 7 COmllllllloRen..•.••. Jtu-.eot PmbMle 11. Pwid . Olympic Hotel Main atreet, Olymple, W. T.I----------- 17" JU!t recel'fed Ie Ju. JODII', a 1&tJI J.G. Sparn, Proprietor. ...... f.ll...........,Plpeo. PugetSound .. PeaL..... nul' ........ " .AT. W....,. .. Tf'rrttery. ALLEN" WF:ln. nITO ... )I'D PaoP.UTO •. ..... --. ... -- .. 1Id....1le; •• _tb.tuo. AlIUI IWCE.. There are 68 Muoolo lodge. in witb 2,384 memben. Th. W•• binrton Territor, Legil- leture "III oon.. 08 00 Monda, ned. More lien,. The latelt laroastia remark ii, of(' ,01lr apook.. II At Pu,allup Indian. and Chine •• pick bop. together 00 most. (nendl,. terma. I The lurplul "beat or Wubington ClOUDt1 i. IItiml\ed at 000,000 buth· •1 •• The I,di •• realized .73.50 out or the b&1I Klnn in aid DC tbe railroad at Olympia. The Cbam:rionl the Red erou 11"" in Gran Encampment at Ol,.m. pi> ..,.do,. Tbe uTener" 'binb tbe .bole N el Perce. do not esceed 2,800 per· ton ... including tb, band. \hat. "ent tbe .ar. Gen. 0'0. B. McCleUan h.. aecep' ted tbe Domination Cor gonrnor by the Democratio .c.aie conTention oC 101." Jeney. At Atlanta, Prelident Hayti e:u.,.d a grand Nlceptieo, .nd ..... welcomed \0 the city by \he mayor, in tb, pr..enc' uC 10,000 penona. Aod noW' the 'wic1ced «eneration ",ho leek Cor .. ligo .. re finding plenty oC lignl th ..t thero ia going to be .. hard .inter tbiougbolil. OrtgaD. Immlgr ..nt" chlcOy from the g""'. hopper .tate.... acrou the plaiol by team a, continue to pour into Walla 'V.lla. The dUl.l deltin.tiou i. tbe Palau... Eigbty t"ouaand lix bundred and ninety.rour &oD'OC 00&1 ",r, roceived in San J"ranoieoo lrain Puget Sound, b,""een the tlrle"C Jlnuaryand 10th \)( September, 1877. Partie. Crom Mt, Idaho .ar it i. Irettinlf oold alre..dy in th..t Vicinity. Eight Inch •• o( .no" ..... reported tb, oth.r dlrabon &h. rdabo and it ... cold at Iv"ai .. nd Le"ilton. At the Stile. chee.. factor,., at Wubougal, W. T., there hue been mlnufacLured, durin, fh'e month. "nd t"en&y day, o( tbl' Summer and FIlii 23,160 pound. of oheese. It " .. muketed in PorUalld. Mr,. Milton narr, o( Laclede coun· ty, Mo" lalely ,ne birtb to Cour atout, .... n·formed babiN-two girll aad \"0 boya. The !xl,_ "eialled (our lad a hal' pound. each, .nd lhe cirla ... eis:bod r•• pectl.elr Cour, and \bru anl.! a hair pound•. ·Th. bodT or Dr. Going, aurgeon, itt c.. nlr1' 'A'ho was thuwned I••t May "bIle auempdug to awiU\ Gralld, Roode li'er, Wazi Counl.! nl., dl,a agu 76 "lilea btlow t the place .. here the Accident 00 curr.d. 1'be rem.inl were buried at Le"ilton Dois' "5tatelman. n Gen. How. ard h.. met hi. full .hare o( Id'ferst critici.m durinr the pruent l .. ,paigll. bUL hia critic. are not of those who h.,. b.en .. ith him iu tbe field, Ihrine th, toillOll1. marches and lhe hard.bips al1d dange ... of the .illll· ticn. The.. hIVe been found bear- ing oheerful teatimony to tho cour- age tad inde(atig..ble perte'ferallCe til the reaUy unrorlunlte pUrluero( JOllpll. 1.'be lIe.lpaper "ho b.. 'e been "itb Gen. lIoW'- ard (roln the fil'lL, and who bUR had Ihe he.t oppottuuitiu of Jntlging .rlght, ue un .. llimnul in do· Ill« ttlat officer tlle juslice' due to hit efJ'orta. PUGET SOUND ARGUS, VOL. 7, UTa OJ' .AOV&RTllil!'l'G: ODe Inch. 8ra Irllertlon. _ •••••••... '1.50 :aaduat_ll»nt In.rtloa.. .. .. .. .. .60 TrtNJtn& ldytl'tSlementi to InlUrt In IIertioo 10_ be acoompan\ed by .. .uI ............ ....

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NO. 33.


J ewelcy Store, tbc





connection with mymost complete

Dea' M.dium Priced.

The Best in tho World,

Belt in the United StatN.




Belt Lo.. Priced in tbe Country.

keeps on hand a Complete Assortment of

The Cottue Gem,



Which will be sold at prices defying Competition.

On Pugt:t Sound,. having been appointed Agt:nt for rhe:

The Sherman '" Hyde Piano,


OBER 5. I 77.


Pianos and Organs Sold on the Installment Plan






Ceofge Sterming, BUY

aTERMINc'a aALOONl!Iuper1or Qtallue- of

ForellPl &. UOlu.,.l.lo Claar.Con_t.nt'. on h.nd.

rr1.nd.. '0Il htmftlaftl _Ieom••l'ort TOOl. IIle11d. T.b. 7. 1,a.

PAI'ER lIAMHNG DOlft TO OR»_'at the ,hortflltnolloe. .nll.1I

Order. Promptly Attended To., BARllY 1·ILIIAN.


Men's and Boys'. C lot h i ngMade of OREGON CITY C.4.SSIldERES,

The Cbeapelt, Belt and MOI~ Durable Clothioi in tbe Market".

----------1 J.-lCOBS BROS, ok CO.,HOUSE SIGH AHD ORHAIEHTAL ScI. ".n.Ilt"..."••d Whol"", De.Ie., PORT...",OO••

IN.D.-A Cull 5to<:k o( Or.goD City Blankell, Fllnoel" Cuaim.YarD.. Uader"..n, Eto., 101""1100 hand. 20



J, Cal. McFadden. B. S. MILLER,Tb. p;ur.I.,o';" or 'ho d;\i"" ATTORIET i COUIIWlR·AT-!.AJ

01 tbeCMi";.nJ'Ol!.I..i tb 01 PaOCTO. ,. , •• tULT<. I ATVDMAIER AND JEWELER,Belkan. are btKlnning 10 ernt.e ill· ..................c:.~......digution in Europ.. The rlilpttcb haY TuWQU'D, W. •

or Abmed "efis to Adri..oopl. atthq inatanct o( Miniuer uyatd baa .... £.-III'ILUJ. Dnot bad the efrec' o( puuin, a .top v•.....Ulll.u... EALER r~

t(I th., ...cution.. halian cODI,1l1i ."AD. HAW • ·INMA.. Cl ....- W tch J .Ire lending \0 ,b.lr ~Ye"lInent ATTO.SKU AT LA.....0 ",~u OOJLII, a es, ewe!ry, Dl&1D.onds,tearrul accuunt. or tbe dOlngt o( Ot·' In Adaalraltr· .. If' Sil Wtomaa o,,!cial.. EI8CUtiont and I"wl~d, • ver· are, etc., e'tQ.,tranllportatlon. ar'J deropul.tinl' H L. BLANCHARDRqumelia. Italian conlu al. Tripoli' ,atataa that 2,000 Dulgarian' hue £.ttol'lley &: 001ULl81lor.At-lawlanded at Tripoli (rom Turkiehtranlpflrta Inti hl.e been lonL to the 'RDCT•• II ' ••IIALlY.borders or the duert. A oorre.pond· f"OKT TO",,""SBN1) W.I'. Have also opened inOllt "itb tbe reli,C agellcy ..monK chiBulgarians tenda au account or the TlJoe. T. )fUCO.. I 1. M...0....

bid.oll. "". 01 lb. P'O,;lI,.. H.;. D"S. t1I"OR •. POWIRa.t C.rlo'flo 011 the Sollthern slope of n m n Clli "VSI"AL E~OIlI"""",b. 1I.lkon.. III \h;. pl.,. or ,h. AND SURGEONS .I'M V o&T&~ U .I'Mpop.I";on, "blob I.U" b... bo,,, PHYSICIANS .:'learly 20,000, tber.e ia not a grow" 0'''' 0IiI WAT. IT.. ..mac left ali,e. For lil: week. tbe ..l"ort rJ.·oW"nllOnd ••• 'W. T.

place b.. been at the m.rcy o( tb. OMAS . DRUMMOND''''gul", of the T.,.i.b ."n" TH ,There no" remain among the ruins PORT TOWNSEND, W. T.DC .".hat ..ae once a b••ulHul .nd .rloklayer, 1'1••terar, andthrt,mg to"n, ~ut 6,000 or 6,000 8tono xa.on."om," .n~ .b,ld"•. Tb....poo, ,,""'.00.."•• 10...'............,... The Celebrated Standard Organ,creature. hide themlcl". a. tbey IIr Jf)t)blnr pro,upUyAUl'IIdid lO. l'

~.t' dreadini outrage. oC .w~ic~ J.-UJlCNAOOKT. G.llo..~Ir.Ll."Illg t1y some of tbe!D are vlctlml. McNAUCHT. HALLaR,They CID. b..rdly b. &aId \0 han .bel· ....TTOkICE\·& .A..,"U>l.'OUli'dE.LLOBS~ UWtor, clothing and rood, and baye .u.· 1'rlIe\On Sa AdaJn,Uy;\ained liCe by (urd"ely gathering .he 1I000eyloaneCl. InJ Klllt.~bt&llcta0&4",?U Ind ug.tablee left ia tlleir COIlcction.-re~· &0 ~")"&ItdJla. ac.rumed gardell'. 1'01IT TO.....ll!DD, W'. T.

Al the Pu,..lIup mine I.hlt mt.in Sh'"...tunnel is (50 feet, and otber tunntl. New vv Store.a Ie.. di,tance. T ...o or tIlrea hund·r.d lOnl or eoal are re.dy for ibip. W M. VET T E H,

m.n~ ...,. 01 .hi.b hOI """ .x· Fashionable Boot DC DOll later.poHd to t~e atmo.phere (ur t."o AlIlIlntSa of Ilenalrlq and 0\&It0m W'0I1ImQrltha Ind I' 10·d.y 18 fine· looking clone &0 oroerOl1'hort DOUaI. nIS it "u wben brougbt out or tbe pit. WAT£Ill'T.. J"OltT TOWNSEND

MClIn 1OClnlU.J'Wn''TowlII.nDr, Lor~ •• ,t A..... meeD

W.,leNlYI\·••1Juc OAur 1Itr.- f\lIl aooa.&l'IUCT OllltlaVAIilCIC 1.oIl........ A, II.,

IIlNU td TII~)'ey;r~;Ii,?(~lh~~.~.II.

•IlT. lIAI:.& Lod.P L O. 0. r .• IIHlIILI ."....,.klu"",y.nnllll· ... n. TUCl\Io:R. S". G.

J • .,."R.Mn'" IAdio L o. O. T., mf!elll C\'U)"1"r1da)' nt.lnK· X. 1>. JJJLL, W. U.

CnICIilAICOIl. Trlbeofltad ...... to.".veryW«!n81lay .v~rtl~!·RARTUIWP,"-hem.

CflAllnOJIIll or '1'1111 ReI) Caoaa, mtel,o'l'ery

MonWl11\'flnlnr· ... H1I1l1Gl§, Com.

-- WATER 8~.r:R.E:b-r.

" •••III:RIC),r COll,..". P T d W TRfo~nl"tl ..e •.•...•.•.•.. .1, M. F.. Atllin-. ort own_en, • •~.L IWrr-lltAlh·•..•••• _ WID.!\ctrt..,. rite ABOTH nOOSE 18 PA.RTI :'11URLY

CUll.K.-ll1u.n J. A.. ".bn. adlll)led til Ihe acrMllllllO(l,ollon of aU Sto- head of Un"on Wharf, under the Central Hote'1

0. t z••ftl'rr'-h hll ~etlre " R&!F.R\·KU AND Xtmr: .'" 1wL'onlltr4..'oml1llllklnen t~ w.II.' l'I.AOI: 10 Roud, "nd ..,edI.llr ramWilJrtth'"ot ..robate ~.UI~I:~~~~~ and.ojoarnen..llb,ln'loodroonlL Port Townsend, W. T.6h"ild'...•... , K. It !!tIllerT_.", C.c. "~,,. COSMO·POLITAN HOTEL ------- -;-_---"-A••"' , "'.",

~:'i';:,~;i·ii,u··i~:::::::;~.m~ll~~~~:at tJ.ru...........,........... ......071~1YJm.. ..:;J3UN;;UJlTr. TI::~UIOwb':.LL.~~O::rn~~~~Wt~ ~ .l/#i1!lJ g~~".~..

1fAXU. U~"CrA AllnllP.ll& ~:~l~~..=r~:t~ .nlll, ItO• .erePl~I~

~~~.ni/iI~~~:.::~t~II~:~~I~:~~~I::*~~;;],~~ :'l!c.'::I~ :~nltr"'-;~fl~lyil~~br~N. t::::':~fll SEWING MACHINES11.11. 111l1...•••••• ,..~lllll'y AIII,lltor •• t,;tmlll,vlUe alwll)'llfe IlIlllllnel! wtfb Ihe b8t Ihe nlllrllfltH.t.'. 1I1ll I'")I.u~ J1Jdlllll... " ItflJrtl,. KoOIII' ror {AnnUl" .Ith board byct.,.,. ". 'Turry.•• ,Tf";!(lIOUref ••• , •• ,. " tllo dllYor wf:C!ll;:. UJu. \\'1(1011 •.•••• 1,~r1l!'... , .... .••• .. G t Il' d IJrtStJ~u:'jiJieiiile.:counI100r'll .. ::::0II1b~rbor '''hl~!, 1.,&er81M I....... p.,,'" rea e U 0 t 0 DlTbaI.{Jl'lInO)·... U, •• lady n 1 el'uJI'ot8..\lnl ODUntf)'••n 1 lII"QIlIPCf'oY. 1\ Illuklu"I, l·on.lallllt ••• " It, of llAlm.lll'" lhonld ItonOO-iublCrlbafbr

I"ft. fa. IIlIttl"••, JII.~IUM.::: .::: ••4·nv.lllnll tbo IliIIl1)' Momln" orWoallly.

,,~. ·~!"::eo..u....;;';'OOi;'·.'~~ ••~"'" HER A L D, TheJV'ew Family SewinJ1Machines will hereafter- rlltll\~hed In No. 'I'aooroa. Ihe lennlnlllof

CUl.LA_OO\lliTT. i~Jl8.t>Ue~.;·.~~~~.:nr~ll~o:':~ pe Sold at Fifty Dollars. .4.ndallotherlOIAMU. O~"ICL Allltlt&U Sonht!'I'n 1'leltleC.UL ltlillililendldr,'"Will. L. Rocen..•• ProWtcJudp.. n""JP!n.. tn which to N'·er1I. >'OUf bu.ln-. u-ou Machine. at Equally ~duced Price.. m- Thougb theM Machin.. b.....I. J. ItOlll!n........JU.llft.......... ., WlI.!dtl':r&UbUO 1i..~'0. w.hatl..OUI~ .,. boen greatly roduced in pricea, tho Quality "ill be Maintained at h.~: ~.: ;:1~:,:.oo::~bt~'::I.~~~~I.~~;. t y rune _. k. Highelt StaDdard. The Public 18 Cautioned £p.1.D8 Bu";ng),;111011.1111' ........Trea-luTr....... .. 1--------------11· . .. b· b· b I •.,. J"

I~·,,~~w~~·;,;eihl··:~o·i:(;,~m~ri : If.. "".. , .• p_. ml\atlon mac me" '" IC lore a way. mMlo tn a Tery i.ferior manDer,I - _.... and are sold by irruponlible partie.. "hoM ,uarallteel are "orthlell.

K.c~~~re:cj~i~·iiitP·:I!~;.t;i.ii\.;',:':t= CENTRAL HOT EL. All Genuine SINGER Machloe. are sold through authOrized A~Dta~~~~e: ~:::~,.ll•••nd8uJ-a at a leu price th..n any other good maehinee can belOld for, aDd aI.

Sllbled" 1Ie&dof U.IOIl Wbari. ",aYI boar the patented l'~ADE MARK and tbe nlm. of The SUt,er..,., T ...~ ....••..••.•....••.•• '1'. Com",n~ dildn.lly printed on the arm oC tbe machin••

WMATNM COllln-y. Tbl. lloWIU u new .lId newl, luml.b8d. anllAudllf'r M. D. Mmltk ~.Il lha artJOlalIlICIlt.euf. ~. achinellOld on nole and lealle pliO. and & liberal dilCOUot mad.~~~.~~::::::::~::::::::::::::~•.I~.~ntU:: ~-o~ &:o'teL (or Cub. fie BiDaer ll&Du1'g Co" tat tt YamhWat.a.,

I"' A. fluIllh III 8&r .. lIup,plhld w11~ tbe lteaLot WIIIMo Portland. Ont·nont1CommlM!klnt" ····ti-.~~~re~n ~.%r,~~~~=n~\~~o~ B. S. MILLER, Agent. Port To"naend, W,T."JuJelOf l"fO(aIG. J. A. '1"! t S&ttlln,.. .w be tell. tmdtlolte to 1'IlIok. tbu 'V. G. JAN IESON', Agent Seaule, U

- U~J"lllllMlOlldlOaon.l.uwl~U3r'i;ur.n. CHAS. R. TALCOTI.Ag•• \ Ol,mma .. 20IIA'" JUAIf l'UlJJ('U. ....

\lIdltfV ,J. II. lktwman



tl...rt.. )10.:"13COUII l7 COmllllllloRen..•.••. ~'Il~~llj:l:~

Jtu-.eot PmbMle 11. Pwid .

Olympic HotelMain atreet, Olymple, W.T.I----------­

17" JU!t recel'fed Ie Ju. JODII', a 1&tJIJ.G. Sparn, Proprietor. ......f.ll...........,Plpeo.

PugetSound.. PeaL..... nul' ........" .AT.

"'""'.~, W....,... Tf'rrttery.ALLEN" WF:ln.

• nITO... )I'D PaoP.UTO•...... --....--.. 1Id....1le; •• _tb.tuo.

AlIUI IWCE..There are 68 Muoolo lodge. in

O~gon, witb 2,384 memben.Th. W••binrton Territor, Legil­

leture "III oon..08 00 Monda, ned.

More lien,. The latelt laroastiaremark ii, ~lnub of(' ,01lr apook.. II

At Pu,allup Indian. and Chine••pick bop. together 00 most. (nendl,.terma. I

The lurplul "beat or WubingtonClOUDt1 i. IItiml\ed at 000,000 buth·•1••

The I,di•• realized .73.50 out orthe b&1I Klnn in aid DC tbe railroadat Olympia.

The Cbam:rionl the Red erou11"" in Gran Encampment at Ol,.m.pi> ..,.do,.

Tbe uTener" 'binb tbe .boleN el Perce. do not esceed 2,800 per·ton... including tb, band. \hat. "entiD~ tbe .ar.

Gen. 0'0. B. McCleUan h.. aecep'ted tbe Domination Cor gonrnor bythe Democratio .c.aie conTention oC101." Jeney.

At Atlanta, Prelident Hayti n·e:u.,.d a grand Nlceptieo, .nd .....welcomed \0 the city by \he mayor,in tb, pr..enc' uC 10,000 penona.

Aod noW' the 'wic1ced «eneration",ho leek Cor .. ligo ..re finding plentyoC lignl th..t thero ia going to be ..hard .inter tbiougbolil. OrtgaD.

Immlgr..nt" chlcOy from the g""'.hopper .tate.... acrou the plaiol byteam a, continue to pour into Walla'V.lla. The dUl.l deltin.tiou i.tbe Palau...

Eigbty t"ouaand lix bundred andninety.rour &oD'OC 00&1 ",r, roceivedin San J"ranoieoo lrain Puget Sound,b,""een the tlrle"CJlnuaryand 10th\)( September, 1877.

Partie. Crom Mt, Idaho .ar it i.Irettinlf oold alre..dy in th..t Vicinity.Eight Inch•• o( .no" ..... reportedtb, oth.r dlrabon &h. rdabo and it... cold at Iv"ai ..nd Le"ilton.

At the Stile. chee.. factor,., atWubougal, W. T., there hue beenmlnufacLured, durin, fh'e month."nd t"en&y day, o( tbl' Summer andFIlii 23,160 pound. of oheese. It" .. muketed in PorUalld.

Mr,. Milton narr, o( Laclede coun·ty, Mo" lalely ,ne birtb to Couratout, ....n·formed babiN-two girllaad \"0 boya. The !xl,_ "eialled(our lad a hal' pound. each, .nd lhecirla ...eis:bod r••pectl.elr Cour, and\bru anl.! a hair pound•.

·Th. bodT or Dr. Going, .~terinary

aurgeon, itt c..nlr1' 'A'ho wasthuwned I••t May "bIle auempdugto awiU\ Gralld, Roode li'er, Wazi

Counl.! nl., dl,a agu 76 "lilea btlowt the place ..here the Accident 00

curr.d. 1'be rem.inl were buriedat Le"ilton

Dois' "5tatelman.n Gen. How.ard h.. met hi. full .hare o( Id'ferstcritici.m durinr the pruent l ..m·,paigll. bUL hia critic. are not of thosewho h.,. b.en .. ith him iu tbe field,Ihrine th, toillOll1. marches and lhehard.bips al1d dange... of the .illll·ticn. The.. hIVe been found bear­ing oheerful teatimony to tho cour­age tad inde(atig..ble perte'ferallCetil the reaUy unrorlunlte pUrluero(JOllpll. 1.'be lIe.lpaper c~rrf',polld.

'Q~. "ho b..'e been "itb Gen. lIoW'­ard (roln the fil'lL, and who bUR hadIhe he.t ~olaible oppottuuitiu ofJntlging .rlght, ue un..llimnul in do·Ill« ttlat officer tlle juslice' due to hitefJ'orta.


VOL. 7,

UTa OJ' .AOV&RTllil!'l'G:

ODe Inch. 8ra Irllertlon. _•••••••... '1.50:aaduat_ll»nt In.rtloa.. .. .. .. .. .60TrtNJtn& ldytl'tSlementi to InlUrt In

IIertioo 10_ be acoompan\ed by ~.

...uI ............~ ....I.,~

...;:;;;;;;. urU' .tf'lla\oM r~ .....'n .

.It. • "",I", l\".-r.

")Ut~ Wf" ""1'1

0'" wt.dd. d loft I Ood·. Ikar~ I «\1'To rudu all ~.. u-a&;IIm \ltt'­

"111 0111,. ItMI~ !tumlk _'<!!litk.A pe.rfl.'l:l wI..

T'"-f ,"t.1I f'lno-IH d 111,- _t'''·".Ul.4a.rbalIllC ,llaiSll-' fa••.

AIoIod ~u••f ,11.,...~ of Uat ",Ii~W~k~~Hc"

Ott. ~., .A1~. ;,....... l.,l,"ltlt.... wtll'lr9" ., hi..

Aw ..- t1~~ "H..ar.... rt.'M! dli)4.IId.rtr

n .....~~. '"

II . I , hand flrmll "Are 10U\ tation muter. I turned on .tcam, putI Wbere to Flud Work. Oor Women GrowlDI' Plump.'" ~'T pro (II '. b' .b I (If oyer uother ·'notch." aDd the ----

Drf.nu ,.. be ...Id••• lifO held ~ 18 I owo e ~._ ' Ie .11 tbe elfin and to,.,o. ia theee F.llroptau "'Dera!l- coocede lbat 0""I I uc!tftlD 10 "tnelt. h-~ I h It h.' I 0" -

.t~'" 1 ani!' I I an . • e and ODe Dent I"no t me. t ere mne luuenng. The Amer Clll .omeo ere budeome, tboa.gb"~\otl"":AIo. .. M 1 pllell. 1~~8~ing. "11 ~r~J 1~:':CllOi :=I~ the t!tlOd. We DUDlber o( tbe WfA', UQdllpluJed a nry the, My lb., are 10 tragile tbat the,

be r.: .. IIID fin minute- If It f uDIJOrlaal. &0 ~~: kG d Deck" for noe large. StroDB and brue Dlt!D wt!1\l' oot earlyloee tbelt fmhDe.I, arid lrith itI the bur.e ~ d,f"' . l·e'rb~D:~f~ ttct aDNow tbe retl.tl.... tb\!lr ber.rt. II tbe, Me wln:t ud c:bll· much of tbelr bealt,. They pt.rticollUly

I ru up fur my ..aterpronf•. h" ~l:G I :~ ~e di::C~~ ~~ tbe bridge. :;WD_!dreD 10 want, aDd .fter monthl of nla remark th. t.odeDcl of uur women ..onun' d,,_n tbe b.~ wu. at tc oor. wert rollin belore It like marble.. eurcblng for emplo,ment too offeo are flT'Ow th1o wltb,.,.. wblle we rtDlarkand )fcC-InI nd In-Iln tlng bini. I Trunk. of't ha'llackl, (lebrb of t~mpted to c~mf!or maddeoed to .0lelde. 1tbe teodenc, of thehfwomCII to the &C-m"uDt~I".. i I I ~ hclt,(lIou dowo \ et tbe land II broad enougb (or all, aDd cumulatloo of flub AI lOOn .. tbeJ hne··~u.;· I hid, "CM thlt 8j;at m~'f!i enrJ \~~rltloDedca~~etuTe ~'e 11('(1 million. o( acm .hicb will,leld a.urt! patllOd lileiryouth, And oft.eo e.eo before

If ,uu 1,le.... " llrl' u.l~ .• tllo: '" rkDr 'btoi oom the raill ' Our lpet'd .ubll§teoce to l_tie.ot workers lie wllillng that perind. Wblle we mlllt allow tbt..tm"lllll1~ nrJ .1clDo '0 II, • rt--I t~ld ~~.. ;, or':; deW' (~ tbe cblm. for aD, mllll tu till them. Our citieJI are lour wOCIl.a .re, for lb. meet part, lack-plll!'il. . P- .. .. the: belt ot' Ibe: o.ertrowded. Tbe-gro,,·tb o( rural pop- iDg 10. fOUodoe... lbem ue fe. of II we

I "Te.llthe: ,tI'IIOO muU'[.t .\.lDlI:er~~ lIffWD ~:~~::ed .Qt~~·.;o-t Inconcel~. tlladon hu beea. afow, -:b!le tbe towna Iml@;iae. who would Dot idQltdJ preferJUDClIoo.anl .nf pet'lpe 10~Ht.~. Plal Idh W th" ltrldgf' hutadraoced .llha.n['tdltyfuncced. the new world alellderoeaa to the oldt.bu uth RteerTOIr wHI Dot -..t t I'ff • e,.~ J. e w~re 00 I h IDB the dem.nd for locb tcniee u un' .orld Itoutneil. A medium betweenhouri. It.iII hunt down. the ".lItJ. Hurrah, The, curhag W1l.e ~Oe:;lt be tendered .t the «ntefl of population. tbe two might be the .tud.rd or theand .iII dt<otroy tbe Apt» ~ ladrrl' .od -eel?~ t~ ~~::R' COf'lf::~ ~;dro~: til 1 .'iO the rural popul.tion of the north- becomlog, ud tb1J medium we aet:m tocarrJ a.' , tilt' t..ridg on tie 0 mes· agalDJ ~. I' un free 8t.t8-tbe Dewer StAtes KNl.. be .pproachlng .Iowl, perhape batdalt bra!lrb. 5to&,Jhe tr.tHe art:-::. .e~ac~. dI,,"u;ft".~ealll,~ le~~~~o: Nebruka., Colorado. ud tb~ P.cift~ Ittadil,. The opinion of tbe tbio~eu of

Ilbe plAHlgef'l. . bllllliJ"OU i·n '.. m.urI • r pUu d °iliQ. re~o~ d;' bra\r;el~ Siaies Dot belog tDelOded, of OOUI'$C- the feratolDe patt of the utioo I. baled.t Kate for Lift. 1f'. ride for , our IICC'

It 8~o~e :'1' reA":~r:. I atk':d back The li06 w•• 10.208,727, or 7e~ per cent.o( the rather 00 wb.t bu heen tban 00 .bat i•.

__ aal canooo u ...,0 nr· '''JC' , a c .e 00. a. "",,' .tra The eoti,. populallon of ib.-.e Stllies. But The maJontJ uf ollr WOOlen are .tlll too"Mr dear C,lIo.. I am del!r;bted to &ee Ammering JUOCtll'D wa: lOme\r; nulet :r?sr.ped ':Ind u. h~e with~ ~ thllt the chugel alnee tbat time, u .bn.n b, leln for b8utJ, but they are far leN le&J1

rou.. .. ucl.imed IJ;, frlelld ."eCan-llIood••"al· }I, route I" throdg tl an un ~bD n ~ t waJ"lao

tr tbe pre1tl1'h" .nee-in ceolUI report.. bue beeo reo tban the1 were t••otJ·tire or e...en anJII be mel mfl at tbe dtlOr of hitJ bOUff'. countr,. actOn morel.n ute~tc ,.u ~ "'0 ny el " • tbe bolito fu. markable, nd iodeed .Iarmlng, The Jear. ago•

• bad gooe lJn a ,.iltit to lIome!dllle,' ftooded .tream. lOd .wcpt bl the ivee diUct -:.U~"ept .wa, b) i, rollowlog .bo"·e the population 11~loR 10 This fact-for (act it DJlqueslionablJlittle "'.1 io the north o( EllglwJ "iad aod rll1u. r 0,0; ~ r r. I' h krul ror oor IlIrfOW dti_ull to"n. aod io the coDotr" -.rltb i.l--cao Karcely haTe eteaped obit"..XcOau.land wu engineer to the ,,"ster I mUit do It, I thought, as 11I1 htlrte e \lie~ ~ ) t ~o ye the excuulon tbe proportion of eacb elm to tbo wt.1 tlon, It" noticeable ever ,wbere, plt-oompanJ there, aud ha~nYited me k) go picked bit caatibu. 'fII" amid the I~ ~~~iD f:rw~~w °ai

lwhl.tIIng like ~ population: ticul.rlylo large to"OI .ad clt:1ee, aod 11

.1011'0 for" 'Ked .lODea dowathe Iteep I>,.rood ....e bnd II di ~ 'nel{rVigilant b, neme- CII_aDd TClWIIl. Preellt. Rgral. rr cr. due to dltref1lot c.uN...1I of "Mcll areAlter the usulli Inter,,,1 C~r dr~ing, cended the pre,iou. daj. I .hoaM need emoo, eri eD~11 t-;;f thut!l:curiioo train. I=....K,::'~ :~ IO~1'17 7e.~ elllil, Nelli_lied. The f1fll1blaea of'la

w~ lit do"a lII\1heczotllleot ht~le dlooer.•n \l\J .troDgtb, though, to oxecute I.DJ ~OO~~~~g Dl.Illg~(ll f1aa we ....ttad Ill. :dTO::: :hu'uro lU:O ~~.~~,~ ~ people deptad.·I.....ly OCI the ~ aDdN t. t 1.11, the eOnnrlltiOO turued tMk '01 prtued 00. A "lllualoic .hce J 0 r . <:)' I ' '. " dnelopmcut ot Ib.lr C:O~ll.tr,. Wben

o u~o. ur b t: ( time hltd been cl:pooded wheo. other d8nger-a colllilob. The telp&,r.p I The ..me .er~lce .. itl commerce, mID· everlthlDi I••w Illd I tn1if&rt.aiD scnse

UI~~~e:':r~tt~~ rain cODtiOtleB,"s.ld ~Ure:Cb':ltl,e bro.d blghwa, "nd urbred polll bbhiK!do* traJn9Ihidn~1:~nhu~~ Uf~lure~ aed other tneka performed 10 rlw... io thit 1.hd.I~ere I. "81J Ilttl;HeOauIlllOO' "\I .poll. ml waler ,uppl)'. m bor60 10 apceoJ. r bd ~ tllrn .off ,hll l~mll hoe u far all U. ,g, oltllli lin town., which leu thlo one· hl1lura or nl~O, Our cllth" UlIugj.oePeo 16 bully me II If I wuld help it." a~in, I knew, but I fanc1erl I .hould our tuuely actiGti wu 1111 lICt to nabll at fourth o( tbe wbole population lumeed to are directed to' our Aduncemeot; our

"te 10l.lr rt!lM:nolf'l our th¥ towot"1 oatilJ find the patb. Bolide., WlUI tbetel I~. th b lid ed "".llen It:tfon~ in 186~, jore thllD oDe.t1blrd ~r wiodJ art ablorbed b, tbo.ibt of theIlIked, Dot. elfin fI<I:§t? re ,OOD gave e ower ,..- ' IS Brit re popu .t on WII auuagl 01 Iftu future aad wbt It promllOl, We bl.rdll

ioN .. I repllod """"1 In the hilll 1 reachtd the turulOl and puilid up to gOT to undorstand tbo DlU'tOw ctcape th81 crowd lOll ror opportunity to porform In tMk'ltimo to Bet f1e.b· ....e thlok aDd fretWe e~~ Ie o,et t~morro", if JOu like: read the direction hhotdd take. 'I Doarly bad bad. Fervent ultd »Iocere wete the 1870. At tbe ratlo o{ ~8~O, the popula· offtbat which we ba;e acquired, lo.teadI'm dll' ~tlre" ralntl:d with bottO(II 1'itt&d. The (liul thank•. we roeel.ed from .11, except ono tloo 8umclag for tbe cIties alld wwo. of of .oquiriug 1Il0lle. Our wtICDfll\ do oot

Tb Icur~ioD wa. arraoged Wll linger pointed to tbe crOll road I 11"&8 m.n. lIe w~eseaplili (rom JU.Iltlee, and theae State• .Ilhould bue beeo oolJ 15,1114·, ~rrorm 10 much pbJ.ical I.bor at our~ :0 Ilan .t ele'eo f)'clock nut unulng-1'o UolmOlldale' 'aod Beab.m, WI\8 cllptb'tcd. From 'the elevaled em· 243 10 .1870, and, tbou!C~ m.oJ ~hanll:" meo, baIt tbe, work looger In their waJ.

~oflio lAd we .tarted punclu.Il,. We ~hll oppollw lodol: pulnted-To Rudda!1 baotmen! we could tr"ce tbe conrte of In our IUdu!ltril\l coudltlOO bave Ju.tlfled &ad worrJ tUOf1li .od &llxlot, or aorpunu:f~r"., up tbe hlll. and rott· .nd .m01erlnl' 1 ouk! !carce~ redlt t~.~~or ~:ea. ,~b.O '":f0 ~~_~~t Il?me cbange 10 the proj)OrtloD, it 11 10' (orm of meot.1 dlaturbtoce Iliauret mea­I them"" r.ebed IImlll inlJ. H~ 11I1 fllll Jaurel" ..,.,.. Q.I We bi.clor to &othe gh, W ent8 "1-' dlaputable t.hat we havc gathered b, (..- greoe.. II oOlbiog el.. dOOl. Theee 1IY1!lw'1f"&fl8d a COIUltr)' gig ......16n'6"': rnto bad came up tbe pre,ioul daJ,ao up t.he ge" wCr&~lll'w.rdedby ~odlercomp,oJ' too large & prut of the populatioD loto too much tbrougb tbe miDd to 1i~e ~\'\itetill. we climbed, and pl'OCceded .Iong a hili ki tba reecnoirs. I bad Nerel, to By the time we had arl"lLoged matten wwne aDd eltlet. Th~e tbey crowd and comfortably through the' body, .od 'be1iJ'?Odod b,.road,l1IJoJ aod rut-fall. At nYeflfllbe route wo bad truelcd. TbiJ loa rctlll'l:loed"! the brukOl1 ,'&dud the crUlb each other, flghtlog duper.telJ for. lJody'Uft'llNlo coosequeDCf, In tbeolaleogtti. wbeo hope bad .Imost gi,ea .....J ~U. terrible ~II~" §U DO'" poMl water bad .ub.ided. A. foo'"aJ "'AI coo- the '!f)rk whleb I. oot CDougb for all,aOO world eYerythinG 1,1 filed. The fuwf$la

hAd 11--' I ,e pullet IIp at aoother ":I o'cloot-..• Oll~ e r. Ut']Clllu, I~ruc:t.ed acrOll the muddl tiver·bed, ud wuLing 00 Im.1I Ih~ o( tbe IDduauial 00' like11 to be dltrert.o.t from tbe prN,~ f ..:~:i~ "'" ..Rttm'oir~"J We hetfaf'l baa tip;ed, '.0. "u'f'ilrtller trainl .topped at botb .1~e1of1blltreaDiI ro~ .nd productive power, whlcb, rI8b~- eDt; the'" II .mall OC:eulull for .... itl.rul-

, t o~f the gi, a1r.dIJ. from AtDmeting tbao wbeo t et.rted, I the paueoSetl ncblZlgtoK (rom oo~ to I, dl.trlbuted, wOllid add to tbe oadoo a DeU of IOlidtudc. M"t.eri.1 eoodniu10 . fortlll&ll bllrried I and wu ..i~ wttbde-pair; wb.te,er could th~~~5.Ll.a J prOlpe.ritJ. Be,ood aU doubt; thll o~~r- are Dot uluallJ 10 fuor.ble Lh~ u hel"e',

AaeDgloMl' P Ido 1011'1 Twohoul'1 remained aDd I .1~d1'tbe \fret d crowlll,gofciYicemplolmcoW. tbbdl" but !M,.re pel.laneot and bl their~ted u~ ~11t.,~. iJI ufi- • b~~ _,p Il1Ll~"*, to.ri~ a.r:a then lor ltepl was deplorable. I coold r,roportl.onlte 101II1og' 0 the populatioo permaocoee. NpeclallJ bJ the clear UD'

~,na 0 ", c tWlt'Wnllnaote...tIII'6aa twltDooPbefore ~1Il"C(lIJ lecagolac tbe p'&eM J bad paued 11-91~ .her. ~ared.l or tbowuda ckf'ltandlog that tbeJ lie ~ !beJ bcCetCa"v t. bvt"- I could reacb tbe jlUletioo, and before 10 tbe morDirlg! lIlUit 'UU881e lo YIUl (or work, bu beeo coDteDt, wbloee adlpDMI ml'lter. A.mer·

"I~ la rif' j" 'b.t tbe hio. mlgbt b.n .tuted and fouod HeCantlaDd and bi..talf at the an Importu( Clute of ne.ot prolooged ic.n women oeltber work DOr worry uorw.h. u~. at , I reaenolr awailiAg me. H. wruog mJ diMIten. tbcluaed Tb. n:puLdl~ 1. lilOte do,.el-Illdoa'tqllite like the South tbI:O-, band rerventl" and laid cutaia -.rord. The remedJl Mr. Oreelel tauabt It: oDed thloit a,. more lettled IOme"hat

N~t.~"'U:~~r:!·tow." bar llJ0'i.~ddH I'Ipl:tioa.da~~; tb~l~,!!:~oteaailJ~lVget. r Il00Wut. Joung manl" Look at the olth~European foellog tacr~r.I.iAto111 an t.at.,...~ !f.JJ "afl e,.. per., an ~6ct 1Rf il{UlcklJ .l'6btrilt; at a(herUtemeatloil"llriDg free or fint COlt tbe altIooaf mJ.ad, 100. I... tb 4AOII b

llpa. • 'I' half co~lClolD, t rode mMlly back to the tbe .talioo plyter at A.ID01t:n0.B do?, 00\ mlllloOl of acru to actu.1 aet- lbe mult,~~':lt~eiumbei'll~1e'brUPtlld AmmenoA' cor' ftaup ~\h~l (J.i:in, forret ~Ile ~e ot lteaaYYel'lUi w.~r 00 tlefl. A lingle compaul. Ihe UOIOD Pa· American womla tak, YIIUJ bettel

~eh u dtNd a 11 nee. an The b.tltllCt~t 10 'If f ml.rt,"tot flf the Vigilant locom.oti"'L Nor do t. ciac, ta no'" otrerinlf in other collm.1 care of tb.maet.... thaa (ormer1" ThtJWIt ••tIUI' .r:; ua. . were I reo a a," 0 b 8.000.000 at"" of nch I.od. in Eutera ba,.. men &equ.lotADCfl ..fib b1suic

Wuoou tam, lalla tofthe CiteD"" 10 Mlvanee, OQ tbe le~el, t coul trace t ~ A. Year', E&rtbqaakfll. N,btuka., in the great Platte Vall,,- lawl, ud bold tbem III far blglMr II.emhu.azu:o', wbleh eonJhled the watert railroad tfD.. ,l'ro. UI ~ a "free bomestaad. to actual aettle:nt·1I Tb d ben the e~of iW terse! or ~e duel J'flICnoln of ~eb t .-ood.: te&akl-~ el Kin"eat.u-o~ of iOf:lru.l fun:e L. wblle the Ceotral Pacific baa heeD elm'l. :~I~ca:' d:~' 0:" and ~o~y coldt88801m it tiompuJ. . oC the Appl river do",n lbe nneJ, and n~th the Mrtb. cru.t lD tbe th.pe oC larly adtertlAlo.g the varied .ttractJoll' o( 10 tblll .UpPefl Ill~ a1lk ltockloga, wbeD

"TheN iJ t~ .pot I WII looting at could ,ueu tbe.pQ.~~~ __Ieb the lIoad eltbflC',,"qquak.oryo~aie .r.pdo•• CaUfornla, the I.~rer·a ~~aei .od the .batatned Itom flanel. DOlt m,lIlli lIloralalll MId JoIIawo. would Itrlket the nulroad.ud the b,.llch ooeu 00 ad .,...,nlP a.....' tbr. timet I t tbe crowdlo and cralblll mil ' tb lo bed b' a1 tI to

"Vvu bad: ~tter ba.e • few mea to lIoe ont: \be .•pur of the lJlI!. t could week mgreater or laa iateuitlw tom. rl~uI io Eutern Bto-.ru etill .Jqggl~ :::I~e:;:'t1oe!. pw~eD tb:;r ~f1eedpuddw op UII" laid HCCauAllZld, iad1,. JO.Jt dlJtiDfNWlttbt JUDcdoo 1&",e oold· partt o~ l~e globe. Such, ~ leut, it &be .ofl'er aDd die. B.ppllJ (or tbem tbuu· eomrort and heallb to "ba' theJ 000.~ a I.I.DJ ericJl! .at wOQld b'''e .. dfit dutaoce. A. dark _mOke .ppeared.to ~nelu'l"6o to be .rth8d It from the COlD· dod. ban (ollod bOID-.pum.nent I.bor. eelfed to be tbelr .ppearaneo.-thOllt

1_ uperltoced eJ~' be neloB from it; an eogiller,rbap' Wilt· pd.tioo of an tbe recorded pbeDomeoa oC .nd lure .ltblitteoce on tbfllle Wetter. fooluh ud Gaba I dl. bu. e (or.Ve tbea C!ludD."ed our 101pection. but io, 10 Iwt w'b • tr.I"" an -.ru Uoger. tbil klod in the leat 181', I.tely pre- laod.. T}1ere too, theJ b.... fouod a de· e~cr 1II...e barel Il:!eo tlno.o to':e N'

d'llrillg our prtltJrflI rouod the w~rb ~be log on the h~lt. Tbl.. aad more, I could pued bJ Profe.or Fuchl, IIId publJ.bed gret of lndepeodeoce whleb (e. caD Dod 10 'eollralloo. JOur womel1 DO... ba"doacLi bad muaod theauel,ea In Wild Ikrcel~e u I fClttcll on the .um~ll 10 a German lICientillc Journal. wbere all tile pe~hl .re ofcrerowded aod m~w'\:l.h aod morbid notlou'u to tbem.grlDlJeur abo~e tbe nit,~ laJ l:leuUJ &1IDC't'.bal. refretUd, rode ~.urUllJ or· OU:of tbe tbree buodred God .lxlJ,ftYe e~er, door la "b&I'red witb gold," or aelftll: tbe 00 loDger thlak !h.t 10 beab:tYa the Appa .".Ue11O (ronl. Tbe ward loto the ttorm. dll.,)'fl-p tjIflt!n..rf~o, bundred were opeoed 00.1,11. ruor. WltJ It i. th.t a uobcalUf, r. to lie attracti,.e; that Indl~r~lroad cf'OMed Ute ~.l1el io .a gract-ful Bow IIlJ bOldl kept bit feet I do oot to lnirfe8 I)" ~~tH.al I.turbancet of much gT'Mter DluDbor, warned bJ pro. ,lduaUlm eod intereiltiognOll are e,11nMUC' oear AIDI*1Il1 JUWOD; tbI. bour Ulldeflt.ao-a. , :\ ",blcb ."thutit rctdrd. ui.t. While there longed prostr.tion 10 bu.loell, hue oot OOI IOOU'; tb~t p&.il facet a.od oompreeted

A 10••liN ~o wu I~ tbe air. \ "18 quite .100e, ooL .buman belllg mUlt ha~e been w"nJ ahock. of more ~r migrated frolD Euteru towo. to the .",fc- tooS' are toteDl of beautf, Thel dri.It wu oot"e lod, for the brte. bad 10 light, but .uddcDI, tbe whlltle of a leu .Iolence io un(roqu8llted portloOl f ty, lodill>endeuce, and prollperlty o( Ibe eellua.bl1j the, WKI' tblc'lc boob Utt.U'ugel,lulltd,. Tbe m(!D hId aU gone locoll1nti,-e 11'11 carried \0 mJ can. AD tbeRlobe wbler....ok.aolc{orce. are know a WllIterD fum.. who ClD tellt-N. Y. wum clothetlll bad and cold ",ttatloor;liP &clAbo rKe"Ol.... HcCaullaad ,od 1 ell~lne U\q_~ed out ot tbe lu\lq",. An· to exllt. The M€Mt lerlOUI lIf tbeao ob-- Triblln4, tbo aUow JbelUHboe to breatbe. rr"",)....utlag~elh.... other ......tlft Ihortly .1't8t.....rdtt Ttiie .e",~~ phonomeoa occurred a~ Cucutl, ud tho find their lookl Improvtd ,ota

i\tfo 10U tlilnk Jon could Bnd ,0urwaJ llll,ln wu .afe, I w.tobed It Blide .way Ne" OraDachl, on the t6tb, 17tbd,or 18t.h injured, Jb, the wbolesome chaoge, ThSbatk alone,'· he ..ked .oddenly. o'er the ,Iaduct. Fi ...e minute. I.ter 1 of MaJ' wbeo ae~eral toW1l1 liD ,. l1age~ Tnf,AIIlD WHERE 11'8 ORU ARK FOU$D. are uceptloo. maD10f tbem aollbtl

IoWbJ1" t .aid. "Do olllnteDd to reo rode Into tbe .ttatIOA-I and ~al.a.d rteft the wer" dCII~1ed;.t 8u On.torb'bl au -Tlo1J olleof tbe euUOILmetal. koowo, but Ute role h'u we bl'e d~bedtaala bt.ret It th~ ul dlllge.rl" allllqo mUl,r t au~u the Obltl.taien, ia Mutco, on e rUlul wWc:b i. contrar, to whl'" aot mao, Ibe exCfl tlOOI .re coo.l.otl, dimiu~

-Well. KIll'C'tI, tb.t-~ bot'1 tbiot:1 cloc.k .truck eight. The dme wu up 11th;.t LU'1l bl.od,ln tbe Nurtb Pa- ,un 'KO, wu tbt geoeral aploloo or la It ~a be ..f.I,lIuJ tbat all 160'ouahl to be oa <tbe .pot. I will tetoro .od DO ligoal (rom KeCaulland. Tel... clflc, on Mlrch 98th; 'IU~Lahore,~111~~ tclentillc meo. The ,.,..rcb-. howner. ai:ie wome! are beoQm}ni it tbtl' b''f4!1to-morrow or nut da,," grapbioB ....ould DOW bt eUI. A pGrter ~unj.obt aid .t lParttt. CO 00. t e "" whicb witblo the lilt tW&utl Jea... ba.. DOt yet become, COOfertl &0 D.iure and

Il(laooot l.t&r, toot came out io ,eeponM to my lammoll.l.•nd 211t or'December. beeo io.t1tuled wltb rqard to the earll. that the beed tb.u bebettl, reetJII1l-lalog'"CertaloIJ. if ,ou dealre it. We roul~ f 14flnr lOrry J. 100 tbe e.lpreIII,Y be All tbeee pl.cea, it wilt be obae~ed. elt neel In"abitlq EUNlpe, b.n coa· tbl Bre:t prlDdple that1fbat 1J DOt: QIt-

it up bu"t t1loaal.l.1f tieIU are in t~e torrid tOIle, with the ucepuoo du.lnly IbowD tnt .....poo. aod Impl.· ra1 be be tit IIII do DU~ mlad tb.t," 1 replied. 80 it "1 d~o't wallt tbl traio," t replied, '\1 of Lahore, whicb i. 001, a Iborlrd~taocle meQtI of brooze (ao .HoJ of till and U Ll:t:= 'e th.:~ q:~r of. CIIltluy

.....Wid. Porto.o.ate tt wu tb.t 1 did mu.t telegnph at 00te!. Wbere 1J tbe oorth of the Tropic ofOa3'cer. t ·thelt . copper) .here probablJ tb. metallic artI· 111'1 ,ouo; Amerlcu womeo were~.iD. .u we w~ prepariDJ{ to mil .tatioo muted" m.ted ~b't no (ewer tbaI! twentJ ou· dee earlhllt ia usa, after tbole com~ ..bamed to ebo... beart a )ftite IIIdlI.lulc. art1D. .....ua ltu1Ied bJ' "B,'ll be bem ta a minute. But ,e "ad perlOU 1000t their 1m!' dDriflJ{ the of copper .Iolle, aDd before the lOtto- bile Tbt7 were Illfec{od f1J..tt.h t.beririd bib 'fliebe-hll,wbich bd bardlJ on't ttlegnph, 'rtte 11'1,. are blowo. deetructiuo eluted by the.. e.rtbquakllI. doctIOII or itOG. fs° maio phllOlOphl; tbe, wa.nl~ to be,.....beD 1M rock! nlC oot ...ith a We bad tot-.d • 'pUot' _lib ~b' e:a:pntlol while tbe d.mage .to propertJ wu ellor· lu tbe cwiout "lake dwelliDgtt" di...~ritU'I-U If .11 tnsa splritoality didtII.ocuaad thuoder C'Cb0lll. to clear tM Ua, ur to nUIUllfb." mou - IJIWlI, covered io S...itaerud, not 0011 brooM DOt reat oa IOUfld ph:PIcal C(oIYJItloH-

Tbil w.. fbe eip.1. The wiadoWl of ".Not ~ltRnpb 1 leU 1011 mahtol) Implemeou, bUt ban of pun tia b... lUId 10 look e!lrlutl, wretdMd, lIuJbeaYU opeaed, .od • puftet delugt de- tbe tta!lc. Tbe 8o~tb BollDlldale Reier· F&P.R HUI l'lJlIT.-Tha cit,. papcn been dl.eccncred. The proportJoo of oC theta bad balf tbtir wWl; w, kIobdecadecl upoa tbe de,0Ied'l'l1U'1. Tbe yoir wm bUrtt th1J YU, bOllr," pubUaS.u ICCO\lpt. of. tailor wbo, beio, uo ~ari. from fOllr to tweaty per «at...retcbed, bu' Do-. ......l Th'1 w..UtUe brookJ leaped lPiaoa danctddO'fW'D 1l0aD tbat be tnIet'" inquired. cool, out or work. walked.U tb, ",a, (rom .boat teo per ceoL btI..Dc &be DlOIt COlD' cllarrd wllb driakull' Yioepr, eeliqdMt blU.id~,11I wbite anal. 'n01.'· Jt.D.t1elQl,oIJ m•• at ~1 elbo.... It wu Ncw.tk, N. J., to NUt' York fa eeucb of mou. .I.te peDdIa, utd ..mltd.., otherkt'faU••welled tbt...l.. lOtn catll'lOb, the .wIoll ...ter hi_If. emplolmeot. Nol WiDg IDJ, ... re· '11)e priDCipal preeeot IOU~ ol t1a al).ltrout abfQrdhi.. ""'''J ban..d t-ed do•• lI.Q tbe .trt.m.. "Tru,I" 1 eocboed. "It 11 0011 too hoe. turned to Kewart," be clme. va fo",- are Bl'1c. Corowalt. .ben It t.t 0.0'" aI· ojUlU, tOCUlId but lUIr t..DeorieI

But. .lill tile mea worked hard aaaid t b.ye riddeD to tell yoo. We mllat .top 8000 .rter bl• .,.ti.,.1 tbere be (ell to tbe mOlt excla.ai::tl:,ttlaed troaa .... tnnUlL the lCC'u.t~. A.II peb lOG'tbe aatberlag s'00ID IDd lbudu bJ the t:nlu.., grouod ina ltateofQDCOtlIt:I~prO" io.tcoloC1 of « ",-team .0000bj" __ be.10II1' 10 the puL kaaLaoLe....UIC"I, aad Nat.,.. .....ted IIOt tha.t "n.. ucur-ioo 1•.,... Dwlel.-b at dDted bJ hllo~r 6IId exbaUitioa. 00 NCOIl<l, 8u0ll1 01' ~mla., la .._11 ..... to-eIaJ .t II .tM:b • theJ "Uft.10otIliPL 8~"muted tbe .tatloo m.uter. ""Them belog rutored lle .laled that Doe piece of qUllltitiea. ueI uc:l...elJ t'rOII .I..j ud _on -.r~ totd til.. *1 C*e

Hut 1 urtMlll in ud JOt tome .leep i. m'J be tl.aae; c,ome with me." He dr, bre "" all Ite bad PteQ ia two third, Buc& aod otb.e.r u!&Dda 011'" au; \be,.aIk~ ...rt the 0.- IIIf'dduce Of u.. elemeotalwv wlthou&. ctc*ed the tiDe aod enNred a lIbed op' d'JIl lIal., .A.rcblpelar, tIM lIalaJ P.iueta, nltl,.~ tWr bocH • l .. lIIeit' f

A.~ 1ft o'd«k 1e the moruio&,. u the POlIte. 1 followed him. JtIIt tbtra a l3urel)', .ulogtot II the tlmu are, LI re M well M pana of BiadCMI&D sad 8.,~ ..... belie9t I. perl_I dlpCJoal ••-graJ litb~ ....tnnlteg ioto life )(0- loud boollllug lCMlod reot th. alr. The cuoot uilt IllI D6C8U1tJ (M aolferiag 1DAb;.11 the prodaetioo. f'ty)., tbeM (lOW brok_.a.p. tIM 1'''- a~ atorr or p.Callolland came f..ani d~ lra~ tDJ lOUod came b&ck (fOUl tIM billl lIkl! like thl.. Pro~1aI01l' are platJ, ana (ural.bioc tiM rr-* pen of 11. ooa· w..WMd bMJtA Ho...det~ pro-room. tfWted up. • th1loder. bta.r$I are lIotlO celd that tltOlil iD w..t meree) k.... aeeeraJJ,u1tralti tU," p«tIoat f,lw, t.Wr .....U ..,.

"Dr. JouIRK. qllickJJ 1\ '011 CaD hIt 1J tbe el'tl&It" 1 uc1almed. "lbe Deed to .tltn. Tbe dImeulfl l.I tbat M1DI deri_ fro. at-. worb; Coertb. wooal tlMlt 'f" 1ilrIPW, &beIr IttpIMet come do.a. .Ialn, be kid. 1 bl'ga~ w.ter it out. HeueD help ua no"!" wbile mUJ prefer beain.a to worklDl. N... South W..... Q....lud, sad ot" DMn et..tIe. ,.... ro-" ol tM cou~toukquettiOIlL -'Loaenotime."tbei"e·. The atatioo mutal'lcaI~ ooL .A tbOlOwboarerullJriifociidtotbegreat.- ~ of Auttalla.~ wlda T... tqud t.beIrca....... are ....1atI aooct f,l1ow; t wut JOur IIllatlUlct." cieaner appeared. • It th.t 101l10e .t etralte f<lr food are oneo uba..ed 1.0 mula., paia, 8&Unr IUId lIuloo, a1Io ,be. ~tlJ.'Be Wi tIl,room. readJ'" beg. But wllm human beinll are act.· (urelab (or b..... taW, dooa eo) IODM 1'lM atn".J II~, ~ •

1 jumped up .t ~ bllrried to tbe "Yet. .it: _a.lti0l fortbe ucltnioo.". all, reduced to a atate of atarntioG t. portiOD of LIM lIa of~,., a.....· if .. be eli raitt, plMDll.wiAdowaAd loohd. ott'. Dal w•• jUIl IIRunaodopeaihtpolntl, Now,llr, tbislaodof pleotl, tbe, have oDIJ to lllld, Ja,.. Fl.D1ud, Siberia. lorud will.... 'ebeta. 1"I.rIMbreaklq tbrouab the mlJtJ ak" ud all pt up," make their DecaYlt_ know. 10 b.,.. and MIId.....,....d 101M othar loull· .llWl ~ .-.... ..tbe world wu maieR'. [ obeled DltcbaoicaUl1 aod beforo I them relieved. 11_,b.".. Jieklet:f tU ia J*cer or .. 1M etelldl ttl of tIM; " ..W...........

Enr aDd boa. abarp Ill'P deooted • qoitereallzed tbe dtu.tloll ....e bad croeaecl It ia paioful to reftect upoo ,utrerion quutltiM.-Mrll.lrlt 1l«»rI. I~ _ of clreol:lllU(lll"boucb tan from ita pike .nd wbirled to to tbe op line. The .tadOD muter like that 91 tfttti ual>r ~or. lifor~ It ,tMlr ..~ ....~ A-.icM .--.the ioakbtg eartb. ltopped to get • red flac and ghe • re. maUer th.t .d'oIla(,,"'" are retira'. ,will be oMMUtr ud roudIr ... tUa

1dretaed qulcklJ aod joioed McO.UI' in.ullctloD. to hi. lubOrdln.te. I now Iy the rellllt of the folllflllDd fau.lltte oC Bao-:._-lJJullo, .loD.1 fibl'l' Ibt

lu.., hA....... t:ltettal" laWMl

IIDd lo tbe Uttle pulor. It, w'"tad," percehod that w. "ere to ('KI the Hood, thOll ",bo endure them. Tlie flrat tillar mal~r' Jo.ee (am.teur teuor)-J"Ob, CC*lht.......,. th ,....,.......Utlaprb.t( eop,of tho railroad UIDfl ij\cem. ~ef'lW ....tlr. Wbklh would todofor.manwbou.""llIli.luJ'.....<1 dratdful cbloalc tabmmltlCJ8 .,{ u.. IJIIiM,to~ to ..., .,tlbl.. wbleb u lO o18ei.1 be 11.111 COlilluert ,him. LcctlltelO!l dom.tlc eoooomydo 'ar",.,l Lott,.y"*,_dI'(l11." .,.·llMIrltlro ; 1M fldIIcanied. A wbl.tle; we ttartld. liTbe flood, tbe no' properlJ come in onler uutll aner· --"Dear 10.1 Vou dOll't DlflU . lb•.,,, 01 dItt C*Ullll 1&4 iMtItat_'" lu

"Will 1011 take the bofle utl ride dowo 1100d1".boI.11ed tho porter. W. tUfilerJ ward..-N. Y. L«J'fIr. JOO4ll-" Vea i baM"obllpd '1 II..e Ift'. .,1.. UMlr ... "'P"':to AutllleriDI JliIDCtlOO wttl} • meut~t" onc gl.nCt up tile .,11\ey. A lQofiaa ,. .!ariog a1loJcetber. Bro (wiLlI &l.ac.- __" 111~ Ibea tnMD th~

I1iI collect4d luoner Ulored me. Wu bro.o .aU, caPI>ed wltb • Ino., ridge, A OaRxu Ilterar, mao la,. tha, ia ntl}-"BJ Oeorr. 10011: okI f.\£owl UtH'fM', a-w.dliJ a.Il1 A rids througb tbe rain WII wu ~IDI 40"'D th. do"oLed. ,.Iaduct. America tble,... are 10 tcafC4;l Ihat re- Coma IUId dill. wltb u. t,,-alpt aDd -O(.,..~K7.-Dd7.-,be " ..p.IIOt macb. l'Of courle, I wUl go:' No time 10 Ott. 1·00 ahead," cried tbe ward. art otrered for tbem. .peod tbe e~eolag'" T•• 001....


u_,_ Il





(Rtlll IO'OUll,'





R"141m _ IPI.-T., 1IIiJ'__......

_u'"' u '"" a............. 111__'" a:......-.CIU.S. L 1l'1'Olf. Claal q­

ue· ,...., ................

& 11"0'_. w.-q ol_IO _.....-...~-co

- ..-


G.A.. S





P ~! . EVERYHARNESS! .... _

r .. ..,...... ~- ....

'The lIake·up or 10 Ant )~lmll,·, The Trauport of' EUl'laod'. Obelilk.

UDder OrdIDIll" circumlt'DCel In anI'. A corT't\llpoodeot of I UlDdoa Dew.pa·aeet, Iik, a beehiye, coailit. of three per, wthilg from EtJPt, IIJ': "Tbetilld. of 10dl.ldull.: worllers, or lmptr. r,reparldoll. f'or tbe trulport of Eal'fectlemllee (wbleb cootlhute tbe grllt .Ild', obeli.ll are being Icdnl'OIrrled CABIA»S lVIDTEmllJoritJ), m..lu, Ind perr~t (em.lee. OIl under tbl .uperiall!Ddeue.l of WI,ml» •There I~. howBYer, nl'rea IUfl'l1 lemll Dboa. Tb. elM 10 "blcb tbe .too. IIia'D IUt'. n~t; while, II _'e .U know, to be coonyed wu brooKbt Wt by ooethere is oenr more 111.0 ooe qlletn In • of Hturt. lIOIt'lhlp' l ..t w....II:, ud lh.bhe. The qUf!fOI hl'C wins.. but aner nelgbboring grouod it nrewa "lib IroD••illgle fti",hl tbeJ tellr of!' tbeir owo pl'leI ofllf ala.pee ud .be&,.11 read, totriags, aad do OCt Ig.ln quit tbe neat. be put togltber UIOOD ....uf!k:ielll .~eIn addltioa to Ihe oraiaary "orkel1 tbere hal been deehld "aud the pl1HlrateI. in tome .pecle. I IeCODd. or rather ItOO'. Finy Oleo IOU ooJ' Wet" at .ork ~1 _• 1hird, (orm of fem.le. 10 .1Q)()jt lOy J ..terday cleariag '.'J Ibe Mil-the ... - ve .. e a J: S.ot'. neil we m., lee tbat tbe wOl'llel1 meQ, digging. the boJ' c.rrylllg eoll 10dilftr ",ore (M' 1eM II du. The ImOUllt .tnw buteu, lad alreMl, a zoowa,d ofof differeoce. ItO.e.cr, deptad. upon uc..aud ,tuff h.. aliaea wbich o..rto"llhe lpeeie.. The 1A.I'v, lIiV", the .mlll the trees ih't Uoe tbe road close b,. Tbebrown gardeo lOt. the workerl 1lI'1. Cur lea., onl, t ... eolJ Jardl ""'J.OOIII bul~er·ialtlOce. much more uniform thlD U1 the ow nlgbt I",t wiuter mllde a COnYCOlllatlittle Jellow meld'l" lat. or i.o .dtu, bdr. brtlcb in tbe sea ..IU, IlId nrl "nilNN, wbere aomeot theta arl more thao ..-ideniag it oeeded Cor lh. puug", of 1hetwice u I,rge II others. But Jo certain iroo CIlIe, whlcb, wheEl tOlW,. b to be 0w1aI&e .. pr'IIIVIof 9Or1t .."""".Wr't4 Wpllnu. ....CaapNiD rra.. nillUll. there llI'e dUfereacea .tl1l more r.· rollfd iato dtep ".tor • bundf!ld Jud. tut ....."W amnlal ''''...u.wMa1nlbU be P'lpan4totl JII'II"fOfk !btl00"...mark.ble. Tbu., lu a MeJlc.n apccie•• (rolD the .bore. The ,tooe \tiCIC 1J't0fte lIt.bRttM ...........an ....u4erfot TO. ,belldca the commoo worb..... wblch hl'~' cltllf••od CID be mure Cl0llC11 U6Wlotdthe form of ordloarJ o.ater .at, there lb.n it» iapriolbt lie1er. Tbe bltlroclypb. )C"'"ILMtaadl.. Ute 1II11nPf'-.&a~"" WlitllooUor ....lIeiI.MU.,.nllll'MlUlpced WI ...It...1

I b I b :.\ ··d I ..ou-._.......U,IOC-~........., ...O'~.. _lfu... lJt,a....._bt......are certa 0 01 en 0 111' leb tbl IIJCJOmeo Ic. are 1II'oro, lad 0.0 0110'1 e. wh cb. Wbell --,it lW'olleli 1010 I'n lallnellie luWilphlO. lb. o!.Noli.k WII erO/Cl. ,lroblbly (1Cet.I lb. SFlC~PllIllIbe,., In ""'UN, IMId bII until aot lot be t11lft!1~ bf tkIM .1\0 1Ib,• .-" '" WI

.hl" 111 MWlI'U' 'Ilmll., ...eo A••,..'U> 'r,here. Tbese iodlYldttal1 "tl n"y dnert.,l.Ild wu UpokU 1lI the I&Dd·lao]eo ,io.ct.e, and ptloclpellJ occupied ia _·Iod.., theJ Ire Ilmoit IIlcgil,lIe. Tbe O.&.a.Los WBl'I'E, P. O. Boa 1171..............el.boratiog I Iliad cf hone,. 10 tbe edgel allo bl\'e been clipped. a.d wiU N.I'fTTft'DY .... BRO ... ~_" ,_'y'';;~l,n.gtnl1l Pheldol....vtry coftlmoo 10 South· hl'e' .lIgbtly Jagged .pP'=....oee., Stili "tal..... Wit ...~ --.. -.ern Eorope-there are .leo t\fO dhtlact In tbie will have dimlnhbcd proUllncno. .. --l • WI, ne udlplpM WboloNJe~forDU without IOJ iotllrmedlRte rad.....hen tllft,tolle I, rsiNd. Ind our obeliJk, 111 ....... Rnat....~I tUepl.'.l"Ildrttian..lq 1M .,....1.11;10.: 00. "it9 4ead. of tbo V.1I1 pro- will lid doubt furm.o object of btIautl" *IIDPO",'''.-I~-J:':l'''''''''rl''...4 t• ...........1.. "lilt~,Lt;rtioo,l an6 • Iktobd ,1i1h (mmeole woll II of ioterul lWlJeu it .!MlIdl III Itt 1Ii __ ..4., tMUt'J1af II tka p.enJ~16!Ldl provided with .erJ large jlt",,' bom" 00 tbo Tbwne. Cllllbiokmellt, ,l'lot ltf.lI~."'T':"I' ~•• "'Til' rt'lf ~ y,lIIl ! '••11'- ....

ThCllo I.tter are 8coerall, .U!'IIO....'d ttl b•..-ing heea towed tltro\l8h .lIlb., tbrelf... ._act IlIlOldloll. ud tho slzo 01 the head eaerl dl'uge,.. DC IItorl1ll iQ the .&J of 1lI1· 0 P.UM cSE~~~. ~t~ no••, KnlII • E..-,~1I.blee tho Dlu.cle. whlcb mo.e tllI~ Cit, aud (OHI io tbe Engllih cblnoili. A WGGn, Whi,pJe.Oo.. .1_., 00.. \J.... to be of unu.u.1 dlmenlioll', though curlou, cbeck to progreH occtlrrod ,e_. N\.ollICT _4l1TED 'IIltfTIIo VII••". Kau .." I •• Zbahl • Ct.,die little oata Aro 1110 vel" pugIiRClou•. terday. The base or tbe obell,1I: could III ~p.,.'~I'Ift~'It\':~poI';t:d:'_"lJ:~" 'Iber, Karbr • eo,...........UI.a.,Thia dill'creCltlalionor ctm.ln IndiYhlual1 not be f.t\lDd. Tbe IbUlr obeUlk tblt it ~~AU::"I'~O.":l·.SI,~~I';: 'l ..Pib. 00., 1'. DaMn. 0..,10 &t to adapt tbem to .peellli fuoctioil' erecl ,",'II oscandli, to tee wh.t bMe "" ,.,.uaoltort. ' I. A. J'olpr • 00.. ..., 0. ......

acem,wDle.cr,reDlltkalJle; ftJritlilulit there ought tb1

be'••ad • Ilfjit'e tqult.re '~~N~~~ :.Z.::~··c." ~~:=:I,be rtmembered tblt the dilfereuce i. Ol'lt block of gTllllte ""u found. OrlglIllU, n ... llUJllf" w. y, Dact,. • '"nne of 1ge or 1IClJ:.-ropukJr Bdtna ~t tbtl four C(Ornera were rnur broll7A .ni· • .. r"'r I; Co.. "MomMy. mil. OB wblch tbe obell'k bId reltOO;

but throe of' Ihese .upportt bl&d gone, .Dd "'dI ., Co.•Steeple Cllmbhl6. .tuo.. b.d beeo tbrult ~n~.th In weir .B U 8. N .18 COLL. C • ~~ jJll' .....

A ~e.r,. excltlog IlIcid!!Qt b'111)t1l6a tbe place. After thit Inn.tiganoo , It! reb 320 p(lI!'J" rTUlT .....11' FRAMCIIOO. ml lMIcu... hrtl_other dllyal tbe ,111... of &uda.n ioIWIU oralnlud for tho mfsaillg bue. ltut 01'.1 IUMI - OOll'OPJol,t ()l~fdoIlJol. ---.....:==::;::>-----~~~Frall~ In C4Jo8eC)llen.ce fib_ "clther· aI yllt It Ii.. 001 beeo dilCOyored. . w:c:~aoo:-l ~r':;'-::I~ra:i\MU:; AM'rHEER"N".EC"W"A"Ncoc:~ .t thtl .uwmlt of the CburcW,ueepI6' . :. ~":.~tom:-~'::'='~e:: :.,~getting ruttJ, aud'Dft loorer lummg II I TUE HE.90SITD.-Tbe HenOOD1"- 1Io4~._Uc:atIoo.we.tberwck 10 Ita poahlon Ihould dn. It ~o ao~ .pprtt!lte tb. prhllegeaof Amer. =-G=E:::"'=T=S=-"-';V--"""-T-"c-c-D-c, I1II'aJ detBQlIloed to ~ke It down. /-.. mill ICla cltiza.hip. At a geoe,.l Ot.ID(uuce A. 1"'1 • ~... ~ • SewI.K Maehlae.clTm;Iied up tbe lteepfe but Jus before receotl,. b.ld ., Elkharl, Ind.. h wu reo- •'eeOeld reacb the ..u·lbercock be 100t IOI..d tblhll membel'l or the cbll1ch TO SOLICIT PleTalEI n ....._":.~""'*~~_""_ ...,hie balance and .lId down for lltyen'J wbo bad yoteel at. Ibe Pft.ldentlaJ elee. -po.-feet, thea reboullded 011 the roof of tbe tloo .bould be admonl.hed••nd thaUTeI'J • aclU.ac IT BKATS TN.. &I.L)churcb aDd rolling U,eace "u precipit. IDlnl.ter .bould trJ to ioduce hit mem. Copyiq.~ .... Keto • •• t:!ll wtIM grollDd. II. "" 1I0t mucb ben to abatldA from Totiag. Prnlool to me wor. ud "l~ __,"-n.. &!ftS I~~'bort, bot belog mach Ibllte.n b, the C.II 1871 th.,}lelUooitea 10 SJulherl1 l\u..l, \II" Ad4r::"CQ U. ..u.,.. .he ..,.. replaced by a IIIIlI nlmed Chen~ ware exempted rrom ODe of tJle dutle. ofl ""•.~.,,-,:::.~.~.~u,,'~'::::-'7:,=--"':-c~h-'::'''''=~-C::'__ 1 I•••••cJ.elIier. 10 about h&!f aD hQur Cbo.ailer ElIropeucltizotl.hlR-lDilitarJdutJ. Ia WATEIHOUIE it LEITE., ...mado the n,ott .aU8nutl'orU to bul htm. that Jear the priYilege " •• aboli.hed and IMpn'RTlOtl.t w..... • 1Itlfup b} mUDI of a rope; but at Iltt the Imm~lfionmo.el1leot to tbe \Jalted _1II C.~.A_ .un .bll biUldt .lIpped lod be (ell b:W:lI:wlI'dt. 5tlleale' n. The, De.er go to Ilw, .lId $~~~.~ ---.. I

Hi. foot f'ortunltelI clught io lIL, roflCl thoy aialle it • MIle neyer to ..ecep18 pub-- ""~... W.. Uq ........1and tbereli, lM.tted JItO feet rrom the 110 office "blch would reader h ~rJ ~. 10.101 .l&'t•• ,. emu)hd.J..

ground. wiHI hi, rle.MI down, be.tlllg the to them to tak.e I.Il oatb. Tille bein~ tb. ~..~..lir with bl. arma, .truaallnr to l'DCOYCf cuo,. It II DOt lunge .that Amencu ~IJ"TlllI BEST m rmno, W·!.::'- ,himaelf, and ,w'Jloa: backward. lod (0'. potltice offllfl (ew IUrlCtioo. to 1be~. CarnaJJ8 Umbrella ....... WUJI..."lobyahlghwi.d, P1".. P....... • 'SUIT! TRTITI IJUTITIItepped forth, lod .olullteered to moullt No young womln of' an, preten,lon•• trr.:;•.::';:,~~,:,.,.~~~f1':t:'':= Warru&t4 " at.. &allre hd*.._10 Ibe rClcueoOC1Je unftJrtllo,te c!leYlller, wbltevcr t1lhlk. of welrlag Anylhlng .....11.... ,,,In.-eo 11I.,...a.J 0...." 0..... -bu l1Ier doialf'bit bettftJr'\h1"l!l qu.mn ~owld"y. but blue atocltlnli{1 Illd lud.lI. = .A» nodttow,"" o&.tllll .001~. Am.rican anrmg J£aolWl. Co.Of'll hour, Pierre had to de~ad. HI. -{Nltobet DtrMerat. Tbh II rather' TOI. ....d •• 'rflOlO.I.IJftt,IllaaFr&t;dIIeo. O. a. WOOD.........,pllCl ""u lliktla bJ Morc"u, who, climb-- abnd of tho Georgia cceta'me of I Ihlrt. ... Me ••".J lu.n.lMn-muto. •109 hIgher up thllu Cbenller, .llpped • collar ~nd 'pnr.. • •• 1'1' WI!.!. ... It. 'IN FtntlITMI~I~nutl*»

",,",,,,,,nod'lo bn<Iy. • ..Ii.. 'bot -'---:--~-:-- CALIFD••' IA YEAIT .:r.~~r:;~ ..._- ..... -wllklb lHJkI his f~ ;1\'1l~ ItmAtual the "IN tbe aeotellcc, IJohn .trikee WI1~ - -fearful poIition 10 which he had reo 111m.'" remarked 'lChool tellc~t!r, "whlll THP SAV V1I11rCIS~Omainud for three honn. The peOJp!o oC If tbe objeoc:~ of .trikett" , "Higher "'~Il !I ~ I UJ1 1I,Soudl:Ul mu~t Tc.IIJ be\ontlp,nd wllh" rll- and .horter ruol." FrompUJ replied UIO 1 COmlubble luuoualtof • talit, to be able ta tntelliA'oot'pupli. ~ ,-n~"CT A 'I'tumble from .uch giddy Illghtl .nd rll·1 "=,,;::;,,;:,;;.,,,;,=======.... .&oY"'~"'~"" ~malo ilulpendod. head dllwnward•• for 10 The WeUinlrton 00,,1wanJ bou,. without .utrQriog l8~r. t,Ill1n t. bef Il!kamj:'ed,lC8d 'ItOlUy ,t "lTorl".• t.ediporarJ ille6'oveDlente. for ..rloUt 'fell.grounded relllOllI. AmolllC

mlnY lub"101l1l-' aadYiWl'rea "bieb ItKISi(!d by lIistake. poIIeN!!1 oYer otbcr bllUdM, .tl ml,rbt

nllwa tbe IlalCle '"d of Ita eootalofll(TlJe$Jllb..toq, (N. Y.) "Unto" relala .ucb I blah lltI' Uhf. 0/ urooa. Ihenlll

the (oliowlng: On b~rhrlloJ morning ,oout /(I.l0te oul 10 "ueb mon btl~ lbltl• k b tho ordl..arJ,lrT1Ide of 00ll1. Tbe qulllUiu ofufe o'cloc. ,u I Jouog milD, w Oil el· dlll'llrint wall b.'e Ilee~..rlll betln IDld' NCl!.!"-J'OII.'" m.r'... '" .." -.I, IJf U••trtllle modelty preYeati tbe dllcillflure of lb.lubJector l:ardulallll,y"AIId Ut.lr rei. ~:a:':J~~\-:~tloc·~t:."·H~...~hi. alWlu. but who MIIoJ bf called Bmlth, .L1n ••Iue b.. ~"'D telkd 1.11 fr.qutlal u. :::r,,~""I"fWt ,... MCkk -....... uw¥ preparing bia Itbr. fo' CUllillllet1, b. pvlweotL We bcllne It I••-enetlll, Nft. II' :::t.~".llIro 1I!"'II1NlLoollcud t.o y.dlg IlIdltl-WI:se,. io ceded bllSot1l. IClcQUdc l"tborlll IUtJ Pl'IoC- "', ':.attn .00..~Cltr.~.

tical UPf:rltO" lht Ui. W.llIartotl eu.l1I rorioh lor ........... iMI.olIlk'Ioin ,..bim-go put, and wblt .ppear mOlt pracUta1Jl1be Ch"poIt ... bdt r~ I. IDIt. WOItr _,ft'tC." _It..lagullU' WII tbe ,lmOit im(llrtloelt keL Jt 10 the mOl' ac:ooo-teti f\IeI .. w.U.

e»IDller'tn whlcb th01 rlnted .lIIi, a,aae h 11 more elRaJl, Ir··r Ito.. 61&01£0, lad Water, Water,upoo blm. Itowtnr, the, paued 00 ADlI more b..l..prolluWlJC Uwa '''1 ol1ler, rorWOt8 .bleat CroUi hli Immedllte .Ielnhy IJaI pur~ O(,tcaID DulAltloD It" IUIl11f•

puled. ·XlIII'" op" lLuul ,,,,,Iclll 'lId bo!JIlt• Abo,t dDl~ _~a b. _.- ,unliiaed 10 rt.lOuklbl"rw from .mot.. "kid. II edna.apIa Ie. them in (root or hae "door guo ~toIII a1111e ~ lM ....-..ItU ••4 ...Uw.lag 100((lnglJ It biOI. Boddenl1 0111 TtHI :f.IdIlJ wtlll .llktl u.. W.lIIll,rkHIlilurub'" tllrvu"l1 tbe 01'" -r hurri""y .ppr c.d wpopoJar .\1 ".91.~

't"'" a b)' the rapkl lacrull Ie Uw b' h.pl.ced her trutne, tebe Ilpo1l tk Yo, _uwrlCUlrllll' pu,rpoMI., a1tAa, 1M " ....!lour, "lid wlthoat 10, rfl'lll'd ror proptie- U.11M '-~I,,-blWi ".c.•.l,..... .u.11-, udrcled hII neck _lib ber two ,...U, 'Ilol1 It &e".. HUll.. 10 Ilae 4ffinlt.......... Ie"""" ""' • ~ .... 'P".. hlol...ull.tt·I\e4,I,.,.,abI..k"~::-.~ ''''''Ir: 'fV .....,,"- tto. ~k"""'ll,II."""-vh. Char HI 1I.lt t a.. -) 10 (two ""fKl.. &8 .. __aI MaN= h .. Ke.

Ill...) «Iad.o .. 1011 (k• ....--.&&) I ...lea.! ... It .. rlMap.... • -.. ..Wbel did ,on C!ltDe Iwna I I 1lHMtabl """ I" .. .-.-til, ..&4 I"lUI ......., III"_ • .,. JfIt f. 10...." H, thla tfme llOI.W. rdNlll'1of' l.... Yq,-- II .- d 11 •• WI lJt; , • ..-.-. .. ,...

mitla bee" to I'IIll IA t_ .uute .. tu... I~'- ..rd aa.. NIH ""-tioIl of .f.lra, flIpec"-ltJlJ II o,ben were .....11.,' ,.,,,,w.::preMO!,~ be ,.t t.q lJau ."1'''~ w , Wore tIM Ithlll t...,. -oil ~y .... ,"I'l, « ....... ., I'" ..-.I," .. aot Clwl tll.l be ~ad Itt..~ ~:::';'..;t..... •l I --.UlM. "-~ ..,-..t ... _ btt- aU m. J • ...rure. .n of .. lIkll tJM1.dJ blJl,. "cry I' u ryrellte:t...,I, ......tlld. no:....,lI:i.. Itwlt W~· ~ .,',;:'-•.:::..::.:::: "~!;:...,wlltbe ~ct I~nr _ ••••, cMat • 1 &er f • ~~--l~ d" -.J-1M ".... for t ...• ~ ....- 1Nv_..... 1-'11&lu.uI'" • IMJ t. II ..... J • I ......r _

d...KllutntkHI WM btr !"_joy 10lbe IIIlM:r' ....f)"-.lI. JI., wi ,",Ipoetd d~trJ of hi. UIU' 11M.· .... ~ \II hi' 1M otI LWe..... 1,,1._" y

Leo', SamDdor.I remember-aad it w.. recalled to me

to-n1abt In eoD"ru.tioO when the 1Iameof GtDt~ Grant clme up in the eoaraeor coonnaUoa - the wonderful teenethat. lIu.plred 10 thu little pltr.e inViflliaia, 011. lhe lSth of April, 18M. It.u late fa tbe lfterDOOn "'ben it ~ame1I00.a that General Lee bad MOt forGeDtrlll Orut to lurrnder \0 him. It11''' betweea 2 IlDd 8 o'clock whea wemet io tb,lIttle mom 10 tb, boule .berethe .arteoder of Lee', .rmy teolc place.1 kul)w thtre t,. belief tbat the .UrfeD­det &ook pl~e under aD apple tru,where Orut &l)d Lee met Ind u:chao~

• few word.. The luncoder took pll&Ce10 tb, left·bud room of that old·rub·looed double bOUle. The hou.. bid •luge plaua ...bleb fllD aloog tbe fulll~Dgth of It. h wu Doe of thOle ardia­alJ Virginia boa.. witb. ~,,,.,ruanlog through the cealA of iI. Inlb.t little room where the Dleetlna tookplace .at two young men_De a Irtlllt.grand.an of Chlet Ju.tice Manhall, otthe Supreme Court, reduC:og to writiollthe terDll of the turnnder on bebalf otRobert E. Lee; tbe otber I min withdUlkJ countclUIDCtt-1 ptlt·nephBw oCtblt celebrated cbleC, Retl Jacket-IctinglIoder Generll GrlDt. TbeJ two wereMuclng to writlng tbe ttl'DU oC thelurtendor or tbe IrmJ of Northern Vir­'fia!1 to tbe arDlY of 1be Potomac:.Dathered llI'ound the room "ere &everaloffice..., of whom I WII one.

At ~we di.tlloCB 'plll'L lit two Oleo:0110 the mOlt rawarll.Lle man or hil dltJand gelltlrllt!on. The l,rWer wu) older oftbe two WI8 dIe nUlit .trlkl1l8 In biM lip·pe&l'lUIef1. III. hAir W61 II white tilthe dri,en '110". 1'bcre w.. not ••peckupon hli IIllat; oot a .pot uJ>fln thORaauntletl thllt he "'01'0, wbleb were WI

briabt .otl f.ir .. a l.dy·. glo.e, Th.t"'.. nobert B. Lee. Tho otber w....\J1)AlClIl 8. Grlot. wholt appearance con·trllted .trangely with tfl.t of Lee; hi.bootl were lIearl, cc.ered with mud, onebuttoo of bill colt-tblt I., the button·bole w.. not ..bere it .bould bue beeo-It bad clearl, gooeUI.raJ; and be woreDO Iword; "blfe Lee "u fully ll.Od(lultleulJ equipped. The eon.erlltiooWII not rlpid bJ anymeul. ERfJbodyrelt tbe o.erpowering 100ut-Dee or tbelICe.e. E.,uJ 001 pr Itnt felt Ullt the,w.re whadliog lhe proceedlog. betweeothe twO chief' actOrt In one of tbe mremlrkable tr.npction, of tbil Dine­teeMb ceotury. The "ortb that puecdbetweea OI1lD~ aod Lee "cr. fe". Gen·e,..1 Grllt - endelvoriog. ~ apologize(or not \MID' fill,. equlpJ*S-ud notlc•iag tbo f.ultlt:1I 'ppearaoce or ~­wbU. the teeretariet ~ buy. aald:"(kaeraJ. ...., I ba.. no I"ord; 1 ba~e

Nco ridllta: III D"bt.'· A.d Let, witbtbaVoooIofU of manoet Ind an the pride-almOit bauabtloeN-whlcb,lfter .11.becaml bflD wonderfullJ well. ae.ermlWl, UJ rcp1i' but In • cold, formalman.er..>bowtd And Gene...l .rant., Intile endeavor to talle ,w.J tbe .wk"ard·DeM or tbe lecne. IIld: "I doo't .I.&J'welt I ,,,ord. becaUN a .won.! ia. veryInconvenlCM thlog:' That"" a re­m,r.,bllt thing ror biOI to Il,.. coD.ider·10K tut he "" 10 tbe pretence of' onewbo wu 'bout to .urrender hll .word.Lot 001,~...r .g.,,~nolhn. frJlng10 rulilve \.be Iwt"."dnC:II or IheoccultJo.laqulrvd: "O"oeral Lee, wblt bec.ml oftho wblto horae JOu rod., In MIJ:lcol HemlRbl not bei dead Jel: he 11'&1 oot 10uld~" Oene'll LelHbowed ,coldly, Indreplied: "I left him at tbe whitd houseon tbe Plmuokey )liYer. and I blve ootlltICln blm "noe.I' ThorewAlJ onu mGmcntwben thcro w.. I whllJ>ured conven"tioobetween Oraot IlIIl Leul which nowdylothe room board.

The .urrender took the (orm of cor·reapondllllcltj the lelwn ""qre all .IglledIn dU6 fflTDl ul the chlcf AClo'TI,ln thepretence or racll oUter. FioallJ, wheotbe terml of the lunender hid III beenarraogtld. 'nd tbe lurrcndcr ~ade. lICeIf'fltf' cold Ind proud. end lJn"'ed toenrJ perIllO ia Ibe room oa en aide. ]remcmber eacb ooe of' u, ~ugbt be hadbeeu .,,,.lal1y bowed to. And then beweat out aot! paNed dowo the ·Httle'fIlWl ill Croo\ or !.be bo~ IIId lJe...iIod. tb.t I(r.) bone tblt CMried blmall o.tr VlrginII; 'od wbeo he bad gooe• WIJ..... I".,oed "bit lb.t whllpendcoo..rullflo bad beeo .bollt. OlDe,.lGnuu. c.a.lled bl, omun ..bout hha. anduId: "You 10 to tbe Tw.otJ·f'ourth••lIdIOU to the P'lrul,~ Ind 10 00. nlmhll Iheoot1Mr. "lUllJ .k e..,.,. ... w~ b¥, tbreer.doe' tv tlltD o~ two of' thew. 00 10tbe COtIlmllllri", Itld 10 LO th. qalll'lI!r•millen," etc.: "Oeoeral1M'1 lI'my I. 001be poI.I of Itunuoa It! Aad t"••IJ'a.. tbouulld IItloal wen ean1ed to, Uti""T oC Northffll Vif¥lnla_'"" 0...a...,. H. 8"",,', DMwrtIl4"~, .Ad·--Till Wu.ro.,. V'11TOtl.-Tbe alan_bo ~OO"'I.Ii w ID "drop I." of' ID , .....loa. dha" M. ebat, tll) to lour bearth IIIfTt w.... hi. I)"•• 111(1 f.1 loto tbe "11111nulDI fOIltl,.. DC Ih. boa.hold .. if' be...... a IH.Dlbllf of It-tto- ....Itom. be11..1,. ill Thl DI.. wbu eom. to Ila,UDder ,our roof rot a Hucnl. &ad who,wSthOOl ~lolllolr_lIi ... m.tI 10- reelthat he II "It hom." ..ttb ,ou, ud itCOO".t I. bl••luII f.Aloa of ot'Ctlpl'·tloa-ho" dtlll(hlf\al. au_t lie ill A.D\.ItIM bou1ln-4b1 bow fe.. or tb...-JIlW_blt.h 00. (,AD IJO for I da1 OJt. wee-ItInd (MIIlIf IhM th. r...lI, mati.. I,

ID DO ..1'4 tJtM!C.I, tb. f'tmil, comfurt IIIII -0 .... t~aecl. but. on the emllr"J,lot.rta"t:d hI hll preMD wbll JlI11t 1,to CION t~r 'h,..&loklal 'IV". Koodbartlmt or ref'tl~ lb., .re to w..""lOrl.,.,...

T ar-'-"-'-"-'-"-'-WlIf.Q p.U1.llfbLlItt' bard to be borll. tb.,. Areat 1-.1.,1•.MeD bafe died of' tb' (etterln, ltf' 'Iutbitt.

John Fitzpatrick.



AND CHILDIlEN'SBoot. d) .b'o_

Of the tery beAt qllAlltle8 Iml O( theI.atdt PlltterlUl.

Gent'. autl1.al1le.J·.&.roUo O'ver-.boe&.

O~nt'l, lAdlee', :M1J1M,lUlldChLldren"R.ubber Ove....hoe.



liscellaneons Stock ICustom Work

And Rupllnllr uewt.«l .. UtKtaI, and lit­lArlkt10u IllIIrauUllld.

t7" A !IIlr ,hans or tht l)8trottap 01 u~pulllltlla IOllcItai.

J:i" I ha.,. a On!at HEVEltENCE ro,('Ahll CUltOQMefS,

In the Dllllrlt.1 l'l'mrt for Ih Third1Jl.rr!ct. er lh. Tt'rrllorv ,~r JIIIIl('\(111I0h11l1l, tl'nll~ IlL I'ort To W""blnltIOn,rmllll It·'! or Jel1'l!l'lIOll. l'lalli.l:nr~dillrowr nlfl,"'OUI tnll 8Bn JllUIl. • 11 II, h.t)

DA;:<IIJI;L ~:. GAnl:. Plallllllf'. 'I'll, JOTllAX IIAN•t!C1IX, f\)l'tnllalll.

Aell"n llmuJrllt III the III I wt 'I~BThlrtlJI1I'lehllllll!lrlctor ~h~TI':l1~'ft ..~nM"hlu/tIOIl, Iloltllnrl lellUll lit. 1'0ri .,rr o

i:1~~IIII~rwll:':II..~~~n~~~ Oft Jel1ul'l'(lu. Cla'l:'~;plUlll.l 1I1f'd III lhe t:OIll~~~ ~tUtJ'tJt,n(1 1'G'il.t.br GI\:rlc'l onicooflllid Ollllr1cl Cou~r~n. tI

To "-ulb..., UIiUltll_, IteJftlcaa.t.

In Ulen.mlloflhe lhllhJo:! 8111.Ies IIf AICU, you IHI htl.,..!ly reqoihld La .,~r.In an Itl'tton llrou/lhl 1~1 .,~RrIhe 1II)I)\'lI-n'llIl'd rlllTlltltf In llllie "J" loyCourt or Ihe Tlllr( Judlellli UlillrlCl1 ~I/~~C~;'url,'ory or Wtlhlnll'llm. bOldhlK lernlll ~~

ort ownllCUtlilln Je1t"f'l'<IIln C(lnnty fur IIoollnlltll Il( Jil Ol'llOll. C1l1hl1l1 I~llllld' WI 10«llllllnd 811" .hH~n In 1I"ld T~j.rtlor.r 'Ill :1I.l.fln,wur llio 1.'OI1I111/11nt "11'(1 t1lcrehl' 1l,I~b\O1'Wllnl)' dll.}'&le.lcln,ll·o or Iho tiny or lICrvloen.tter llllllNHVIUll on )'0\1 ol Ihlil IUIIll'JIOIIIl IIkNcd wllliln Ihll ('fulnl," or. 11 1M'n'rd .;,:~of Ihl, OOUlllYI but. wllllin Illll Third JutJtet.1Vlllrlcl\ .... ltb II thlrt)· d1L1l1: 01'. II len'edof IIlld Il!llrlel. Ihen Wlnlin 1I1~IY daYI OI

"judgf1le~r~ by defltllll. will IIll I/llftn 1I1tfl1~~10U IU..'tIOrolligtO Illo 1>I'Il)'crof IIllltJ cOJuJll.ln~.

'Jile 1Nl11l.<nloll til lJrolllllll, 10 1'f!OO\'l'.r fronlO dufondllnt lbe IlJlliOr ""en hundred. I'1\(ly·(wo (Iollara .nd It·lOO dolla"" ROltll'Orl

u.fIO" t~ rOIlO"III' C1111111!l11 or ac110n t "n:.Irn, UllOnlll1lu-'oollnt.rorlloOtl....J.e:' IiiIUCI\ll1l1n(\11Ie ItCIIJ anll tJeU"erM 10 drlellll:.~'tby 1lll\Intltf1_he1wcen thflllllh dlyof Nm'lllll.bur A,lJ.llltl, lind tllo 141b dlly of Auglln AlJ.I817. al1llfl'elht:rof tho n'A>'(JlIRhle "1 i'live hIUl.lh:t1.ml one .lUl foIl.1OO dOIlJll'll1l ~~~Icoin. 8e«Inll, UI)(IU an onlol' drawn UpOli (Ill,ftJll(lllnt..II11llWNllfl~t1ily Illw.1Jy 0110 1Il1\'I1.lrIIn!lelc. on or .bout IIIo'1.\lh d.y or JUly A IIla77, for I he lum of IItt, 110111\1'11'0111 0010 In' f.:,"Or of Ihl. 1l1nllllltr.ndlU-'<:tll\led by 1110 dot"1I11ant. 7hlrtl. Upon UII orolcr II ..."" uy d~rcn.I.lintOn 'biM pl.lntltfln ftl\'1Ir llf one AUII'IIJ!UIH1IrillOn k1r the IUm or tllty·t"o llll{) 3:!-100 dol.hlnlf(llld ooln. lIalorlon or about Ibe Itlb lillyor .lugu.t. 1\. n, 1871, ..hlch order '1'lUIlorlll_willi IlreICnloo.nd ao;;.....llled Ind IlIlld b,· Ihl.plllhllllT. rourlh. U~n.n __'Ounl rOl'114.SInnll {If b.y.or l!leretlllOlll"'r.UTIlh.Nld by !I".fOlldalll, nt'ooe ~:dW-Mnl 'IrA 111111:. nn or .IJlllltlhe Ull;mlh of April ,\, IJ•• 11177, ror whlell du_rCluhUllll,l(l-'lJf'(l to I""Y IIIl1d McJ.ltlhle IhulIll'"Monl' hundl"!t1 lind (ol·'r·el_ht, llollll.nt woldwin. "'hleh .COI\l1llt".1I hy lIuAlfllnelOld IIl1dll*llfIletl W Ihl~ plnlnllrr.•nll tlll~ plalnllrr be­trill' 1101" tlleOwlJcl'lIl1.d holller or ",Ill llCtlIn1l111111 ror In leretiL on -.Id 1I111011nt MIMII'IlIl hllll:dnldand tln)··twOI\II<l I:HlllI dnllll", trol,1 001"rrom thl,tltllll.lnd Cor\'~"""n11dl/llblll'llellltnl~In 'hll Bull. All or "'h1l"h wilt 11l0rQ tUlly 1111'Jlllllr Ily rho t't'llnflln.lnt IIICll:1 h .. reln n. 001'/'"'~blth will at.~uUlllll.ny thll Il1InmOllt. ,"tl)'"111'0 h"relJy lIullrted, tUL Ir"oll rllilin 'I~I_r allli nlll"flr 11\1(1 eOWl".lnt 11.8 llbuvll reoqlllretJ.1 hlllJialntlll' ..1l1 ..... Judj;fmeul AgIIlnttyou.n"Vl'll)·w ror In 1IIL1l tOmplulilt.

Wllnellll tllO lion. J. If., LIl"'UI, Jodlla

I'-Iof "",lit 1Il.lrl... C<tllrl. II.nd Ihl.l ....1lUI:AL orilttld Cnu". thl'~lbtJllyorAllrUI-- A.II.III71. t;1lO 6'. II. '

tl:6t. JAM};! 8r.AVr.y. Cle'k.DIIAD8I1AW a ht'.AJf, AU)" ror J'lalntltr.

w r N G " DI,AKELE Y,- Mlnl'lK.1urYfI ol-

'1'111, I, 110. La,aut .nd Be.tSelcell,,1 StoIlk or JkiOlIand ijbol:l on l~u·gut Sollud, Comprl.lllg



FltANK M1LJ.1tlt'. W ATIlt

PRO(l' BL4.CKISll.


Shoe Finding••Of ~V"1'Y Dt*fJrll,Uon.

Rigging. H.,ne•• L.ath.,.&c., &c

A cornpltte NaOl'UDellt oC

IBoot & ShoelSTORE.




Cigars, Tobacco,



And a L. 'I. A••ortm.nt 0(

J;OOlkDO\tlllulw:raud,wblcb ...1II lI)t

Doors [ Windows,








tTA L S O"tl

Dry Goods,



Who"" alld Rtta!l Dealt' ,,,

t:7 The Faat-&lIIng Sloop II n. L.~

t'7T 1 B BA L 8."'"\0

Apply to


]'or Sale,


ItT At a bargAIn , tho bnrd-flnllhcd~

17' Dowe built by Doctor O. V.~

17" Ca1boul1o contalnilli ~ ~

tT good ,Ized Rooms, "tl

17' Now 00 bud, with & \.I.IZ'I ad,."t7'dltlon LOalTl'I'Il,. tu1l8loc:k"'ll

t7'ot l"'OII OlotblDI·


l.~ort TO\'n\.end•






o.r ....,••, ••" A.-II'· F.Ul'fQn Anr.t"li:-'l'"~ llR-l w(,'ilk hns":ROIIBT " Low•....•...•......Ol';'1I1 l'1A. W::1 Ill.'f'n mill .r llllu-mll IlItl·rt·~t 10 Seaulel1!. ('011...11.A. 'lll.,." ···,,·~e••'t''':' Tile EzhllJltloll ofthc nltlJ: l:Ollllt)' Ill' "h\i'lIl""·,0t'1.1.11l77.'Ji:: :t::"O::nd"'i: i:·il~:·il·t~~l,'t~..;.. llll~trllli A!8OClatIOIl. wh\l:h OOmnli!lh,' 11 ThCN'lllnell f....r lht· TerrllorrorWu~hlnlflonCOl K!'fIlCH .. AY" ••• .. ·lJro·u hlllllli. III YI,.ltr·lllll&ll OIL Wedllf'ill:.~·. 2G lilt .. ~~;;;;~ll:;~~0~i,~i,~r~I~:.t1r~~i'~I~~I~hi:tI,t~~~tJlOI•. I~. A·~Dllt"'I' ""·· .. I.oR l'Onlll'r... 111111 (.'OIlt!UIICl! 1lllllt hue :'\:u II "IllY IIll;hl. 1'111' "ll! helnll' 11l1111il til. rullo..1na penlCml.1.1 ,'.11 II III OW &I18, , ...... l (l1Irw" Ill". " IUl~"olftlll 10 th\Jlr n.IlI"":If ·ll.(·A'IIvan.l. EIICi,·,I.Mnllllll:. 111111 ~'1Li 'llC\'\'ll~rlll OO}'4JIU cXJ)l'l1AIOII,ItIlV. J, T. WI"" :n JI"nn." bOi11 tll1llllc1Ally rlUll u~lIlonlllh'. '1'111'1 1·.I~~il~~~~·'¥.\t:I:~~~I~·IJ:mt"·I~r!II~,!~:I\;;.·,t:hltlrl·~~:a.~:·.::.::.:::::· ..!.lft~~l~·OIl'l:(I!" wa<lIIIO f1f'!oit 1.'"III~lt or tile 10;1111) In thl~ 1Il\lI,..ml. Jo~. Jo'erlullI(Jn,.ml J, A. Knlln.T:S:III1UIS:w.t CO, ,. \·lctod-. 1I.l· II"OILllfy. null tWIlllllly for "M]'·f}'. cJ:l>el· 111~~ ~~:I~I:~~~I~~rl~Il~I~rg~' l~l~~t~II~' ~~'1~1::

C t U Clubs Ilene)' lind n·lrlllnc!'! o( (II_play. re- ltfl'red fhe onlh 10 IIll'mher'l prelllllll.e p lll'Clai GN"lt cn....llt 011 tile! IlII'UlMgl'rs of the On VlOllon of Mr. ""l)t'u)I()n. 'he l'OlIndlllfOo

In tinier ro cItelli1 Ihlll tl~lllal~n or 1~lIlllOClel), We hCIr o( 110 dl';lIltisfilCtiOIl ce<'t!l'(IIOeh.:t:llelllllOrar,' OmOOfl; 1I'lIh lbo foj·AlltlCII I1t1l 1110",. tntJ JO ~~.('e II h~~~d:: "'UIl tho aWRnJ! ~mllt \... collJlLlelltly un- IO~·.I~~ .-v:::~~lnl. 1'!"Cllldelll: T, n. Merr}'. I'hlefo;:re'd' ,~m~t:~lI~'t:il~ ..~ :m.:'~ IlclpnU'd lhrn ru'IUre eslllhltIOIl!!.:li thcr clerk: J, T. nerf)' 'Ulillllllllll, cltrk: I. V. M,,,,,·c TIlIl"r. OUIIl !1();1l>1T'k'ill1l,ldl'Cll. ,," .. Ilt mill. 'lICl.'t'l'l1 c:tch other rrom rear to }'ear, will ',I'oo'l\~k~~::'•.,",",'I'""'lln""I','.w".'''>,, '.','.',~~.,",!"d',,·','..'1'01':1'1" d. th,.,ror luo1 ,he 1*I'I'r(llltkl'IH~'~ rise In Inrrcaslng Ilnportalloo l'llldnlue to . L~-,~, ...... ,

•f1, ""-"1m"'t;:: ~::I~:I~no7e;fl;I"''f'n~~ nn Ihe Cmlllly. C. 1':. )1)'01"1 Ind MIMI A.lIllle Klllihton. enroll-....('b.IIlU.Cn.hlln!lhclnI'" ",,'UI'II lhel.',.;. frltlay Itt~t wI\! n p;loomy Illy 10 nil In~I~:~lrO~t.nthe 1'l"Clhlcnllll\polnle{l Ftra:I!'

ellt 1l'lldrJl puhU", Ion of n'lldhlll' 1I,\lIlUI~1 n thollghlllli pt'tsOIIS In tTllll l'OlllmnTlltr;' be. l!ICl,_~,\.I••'.',',,",',','IY lind 11I>o'lIr .. cowmluee ODh'" 'l'\'.rrllOt'}' .1..r rur tJ~each: a l'O 10 ~ , I ,., t I II _,. "

,eltrr upotl club or Il'n ...e "Ill Hnd one ('tlll!(\ or thc aw U <lilA[ I pella t)' II ch:\J Cuundlll.ll,}ourned Ill! 'Z P, ll.rlO]"Jr on' )~.r l'rec toanr&dlh_, on II. rcllow-behlK who wa~ "y Ill\: 111m:'!1

f,tt>eeS!I or Ill", ouly con'flctetl or munler AM'KIINOO~ ID\llIO}(.

II Ule ttnt-tiegnlll. '('11e! lul'Jcet III tllli 1l~·~rlln';llIl~~SI~';.\IImt~.tljounlment-V.n.C1I$t wal "man lbout 40 )'cun of ugc. Cmuml1tee on l'f'O(lcnllUIi rcrlflllcd tbe fol·llnmed Jolul 'J'II01UIJll9tl, who Itl Fl!brullry 10,,'lnk pel'lOnl enlltled to ICIUll:last, In fl I'mens "Ith onc ~Ilnett near l>lln. ~lewllrt, ~;Il.h .. l'hlA'. M. ~ lIalha......Henton, while In liquor, ItllbOOd r.tlllly fia~r~~~·l,:.r-a!.:;~~,,"~"j:'O~KIIO::I~~r, C d

Tb U S Renna, Cutter 'Vat· another mAn IJAlnell Baxtcr who wn,~ try- A\lJuurllud ulltllll to-morrow.e • • ( S' k Illfe to ICpllr.W the oombalAlltIl. Mr. nux· T!JLIll)AT,Or.I.~,1871.

eolt len, bere ynterda,. .•or It a ler. It ICeIllI, wII.8 a lOAn of excellcnt u~'~r::~I\~~lb.W:l~."untto adj~ornmell~.C. n.\0 be preaeot..t tbe (elltl"lttel to be lItanlllng In the colllmul1lty wlll!re he "1 II d d I I l t

i"en during tbe lut oC thil month lind, lind hl~ llenth under illCh circum· l'I'C~~I::ll::I~n(f~~~liuethl<;J:llo~ ~rM"lt~~~" Sitka Jack, to lamtl four thousand lltUUCC!l crenfed ~? llltelllkll)', .\'llHlh.:t1ve "T~I~h~~~;::I~~~"~t"II we... tben eleeted: 't'

I d· ( . t'b o( Ala,ka feelll1J( Iowan! IhoIDII!lOU. Jho Court II ~I"l'r)' l'hlefl'illrk'JTUcrr}' IlNl' cleric'n lanlO ".nous fI el • belugln Ae_~.ioll at tho time. the trial or I."'. "oNlnun. 1Ill1'J{~lnt..tof'rm": tI'. W. IIMII':

The teport ic tbe Oregon .nd uF.- Thompsoll -look place Itlllnedilltdy. allli 011 hll(. dOfJrkOOp;'r; Mlllll Ill. J. IIlI.thll"'·.y, me.Sound papal'l .bout; ..ri()~. 'roub e Frill., night of Ihe MUla week he WNI :1~::~~~I~:;~lll:~~~;~~~V~~~I~A-~I~kJat preteDt; in Sitka i, wltbout .ny foul1ll guilly as Inllltlted.. lind the Ilml.euCie ElhI'lLr,llhtrlllon, wut ...hnl.n.

d ' b " ts olll~:Jth Wlli vtOlloullt:ed UI)I)II hIm. 'J'heN l'lllllt'Cmt.ry tllrlllll1mlnlllte"1l1 tlleOlltb or(olin .flonl ute ut .ceoun re· tire tho!e who Il1Illk thlll ~lllcllOO was just onlce M the OG"lftl? elect. alltl Ihe UOll!le .,..1\.

I '·"Ihing quiet he "," _, r. "otlnt:tJ Ihilt Utu l:tftoncll ...... perln..''''I,II)' ,,(-pe"IT e ,- " . • • h bt't:nll3O 01 t tee e&su SttI.IU 0 umnn gl\nl!ed al.ltJ "''lilly Cor Lbo Il'lllll'lllelilm ur lou"j.

Tt,,! lltJg1n of tbll rep(ltt, was t e lI(u wilieh prevtdled .mfl111 the roujiChcr 1I01iH.

(It''t th.L Arter tbe troopl were wilb- portion of the community, llnd wllich AdJfJllrned lUll ......

d r S' k of tbe yOd'g llet'i.k't,lsIlCh a *I"ure leMOn III ol'll(1r to Connne<I"'l~ I'. M.rMWl1 rom II ~,Iome dlt'tk It." 'IlCM~ lllll"h the Ilirger por. Jolntl'ul)lotlon "dopted. tIHl.~. }alllll ""1<1'

mel!. or Jack'. tribe burDed dO"D. lion Mour ('ltl~ll~ howcver tnku/\ more millet' be llllJlOhucU 10 Willi 011 QllH.iOY\:r11UI'.II ' r.h , .- d ( ce ., CooncUlOOn .djot:rnetltllll:lXI t<;worrow.'01" portlOO 0 e SOCII,. e en dl~rllllltllltlllg "lew or the mlluer, and ..ow••

whioh leparatel tbe garrison (r(llll think th., upon 'j'l1omp80II, uaulndl\·ld·the Indian tOWIl and brok. lOme U.I,llhoukl IIOtOO lDetooou~ thttPIIUltl.. Tll&8D"T,OIlt·~.l871.

, , ' 1 lIIent due to lite crimes or olhe,., but (lnl" lIolll1C met.tlO A,X,. ",lIb J.n. La 011 III IbewiDdo".. Tbll wu prompt y reo - chll.lr I·~nnanllnt. lOr;.(1lnl:lAllonll .13 then

d h C C · such u his own part.lclll.rgllllt needed. p~tltIwllh ~ul'IUII' •• rllllow",ported In t e uU~r orwln .wal In thl!! c• .<e. DcconJlng to r.lr I'Clll'Cllt:n- It, G. litlWlllOd••l1eukt....: ILoU. O'nrlen cilletHDL up, Capt. White told Sitka tatl()na of laet8 'l'hOllllJlKltl wall nol O'ullt)· elt:rk: WW, JllI"ht!1J, II..-lilt;mt cklrk: J.. ikrl'Y,

, , .. lbe • III I· d "11' I ll'11lt!t\nl,.t,"nnll: L. (I. AhboU. (\oOl~kelllltlr:Jade tbat If be htard any more oom- 1) \ml nl.le, pretn I tntl.'( III "' u lIr. Willton meNllnJ(f'I~ U. "Utili}'. WRlI:h.

PI.inb o( depredations he would reo munJerj IJIlt Dehl'; attac"ed by I' more m.n: .\IIM UI.... Ale)'ell, ent"'llllolJ clel'k; ~Iel., J d' '1 powerful mill aCled 011 the 1Cj(~cft:n~ ht "lln.ner, Cnll:"OUlnlC clerk.

hrn .nd blo" down tbe n lao 'fl ' Inti not Irt:nowlng the lJurpol!e or DUler'; Tho tJI~lt"Illlltt:UXI wel'lllhcn Iwnm In~.ntJ

lage, Jack Did, the. 'Lookade wall Inlc'r(crenct. Itruck a bIlck.llandcd blO\" ~~~I~:i';~:'l~.~:;~il~ t~':J!;:e J::~d~ r'~:lbO~~burtled bYlOrne oC hl1 r.0IlDg mlln wltli a kulr6 wlilcil lutlh.1ed the rllttll DNll.but be wou't be re!!ponltlJle th.t no wound. A well·wrltten c<lltorlal 111 tho All,JourlletJ loll ..... Con..en~.t'll' II

h tlould be done if C.pt "Dl8lJfLtch"ot tblsulty, rettect~ theech- AOOmmltll'e1l'UIlWOI.Iet1lowlLl~.mIhe"Wobr~ art~ II I, h b' 'd t' Umellt8 Above expreued. and cHllche.'l tho UOYllmor Illd InrOl'UIlihu tb.t 11I~ r~\lIllI'

Ite "on Laeep t e 'If lle rell .n I ml'ltter tLI tolloWi: tlIro "'lIS 0011' Ollflllll!edlLnll lu.dy to rUl'll:Iv.from selling ,,11l&ke, to his p.opl~. 'I The lAW limits the detlth pentllty to hl1~~~I~~~:;-t:~·to-IOO1T01l'.t1.30 P. II.Tb.re i. no trouble .L pru~nt, nor \I mllroer lu Ihe arlit degree IIml t1cllntif theany apprehended unless the white crime 'IS clearlr" J.IIMURge CAll Ipccliy BRO. C. B. nlgley twits us on tbe

, b' " h 1-.1' all 1l,.1- which C111l only be t1Cicrlbot:llJf nn- h" (peo~t., .eU '" l~u.e,! to t;,~ II,LII.an.1 &t t1c1palctl results, u a premcdltU.ed. lila II· ap(?uelltly .pproac l0lit neceMlt1 0tbeJntended potlatch, and It III to clous.conal.lertd purpoH to couulIlt IUlir. ma'kin~ al1id..vitl to tbe writing oCkeep the pe&ce tb.t the Wolcott il der, followed by Lhe oonaummatlon or Ihe our editorials. He .lso indulges into be preaenl. Dut. a•• me.nl or crime. 'EYl.'rt' Incident nHl!t IJu L'O",pl~le iII·natured fling!! .t U8 (or t.kin~6ghtinlP Indian.. the Clltttr in har auel beyond any rea.'Kmnllle doulJt-the tnD- bigb TRorll grounds Now we would

lit • • • live, Inkut, oiJject. l>remedllAtion Inll 00.. ..•.preteD' condition. II a l.mentlble IIbcratiOIl-a reI!IOlllIble doolJt upon AllY Iympathlze with Bro. B. tC UII ~eret.rot, She baa but one gUll Ind that olle or t1)Hfj h.eWeuU give. to the UII- forced to thil necellit", .eg.rdingnot in 6nt'rele oro.r. her o"ber gun ,Ioubttd IIIun1er the character /tlltl (lCnolty &ffidavitl, beceuse to· noi,l perjury,""I thrown o".rboard when IIhe o( a le!I~r oriOle; ,If Illurderous In lutenr., humiliatinrr. disclOl!lurc.UI would be

,- h e C M d I but wllllOllt premldltatlon, then 1lI1ll'tler • I 11et~l1C~ t e ret! .~ ..ape u ge lilt III the 2d deJ(tM; if" criminal II8Ault necessary. AI to thtl ut:er,. w~ ,WInter, and alt-hougb tbe Dtlpertmeut without mlnlrclttnunMJroll.lntent. result.. we h."en't taken the publiC printIngbue been repeatedly informed oC Illilltl hDlnlckl~, t1.~u luantlal1r.rhtcr. 'l'he from him yet, 10 he n ..,dn't be 10tbe inefficiency of tile YelSel, they m.u.rcllt Intent or the Illw. WliL'h ftl,.'OOnll jealous .bout Qur lur-oeSI,Ila • b()! 6ued ber out, hut ba\'e with thu .plrlt of Ihe Ige, Is tllnt tile pen-

, . . a ty or tll'lth lhou'd only be ILwanled t(l W I ,I h M'promptly ordered her to Sltka With liellbeniC6 murderer provC(J to be lIuch ~ • are p easo'f to note t at IJ'DO melna 01 ei,hor oft'enllive youd Mil re"ollDbl~' doubt or mltlgulllJg Wm, G. Morril, Special ~gent (oror derenli"e warfare, Our p.trio~ic c1n;uru,tBnce." . the Il'0r'erument. il p.ytng Portaad .oergetilS (ellow town.man Ii. '1 hom ilIOn aulf~red Ihe ~ealh I'lenllt,)' (Ill 'fuwnllcnd & vi.it IA'.in. The Ma,

L T ' I ~.. h '-' dl I d FridlY wIll, the lItmMC OOWpoeUI't1 IIl1.iCrt-· I • boll • . b• lbba II """'t., U am 1 (lane lug on the II.'llfold hi, InnOOllllcy of tlttl Jor II promlOent pu 10 POlltlOD ..

Capt. Seidell 'he battery o( guol crline (J(. Inuntlollal murder, 6herltr rl:cell~l,. lIubjected him to lome ofwhich "ere purllhued &t the CUltom Wyckolfwal Yury CO!ljl''erate aDd 1'PIt.. the !hoat- unjullt .lId scurriloul O'C"'S'House ...Ie of the effeots of the oltJ pouf'd the e.xecmlOII till halt-put olle 0'· paper attacks tbat; part" .nimolitl~tt J tr D' F ttl th clock. Itl "Ill"" o( lbe hope t'Xp~ Ly 0 Id dictate

C fir e: ••11. or una e y. e mUIlY tbll exectltln~<'leniency mIght \.'()1II. cu •• bot (or thlt blttery, lIOW (<.Irma part mlltl! the 8elltellCU t8 hnprlAOtlllll!llt ror ---------,.nr the b.lIut of che 'Volcou, and 11ft. III petltlonf.'(r lor br IlIImr. o( the best Shipping Intelligence.Capt. Seidell bu oollectel.1 .11 the chl7.l.!lll of bt_ttJe. Uuder IIi "Vi ritual• ~Iter ..d me.t c.nl iD to"n to be .d"ber, Rer. Dr. )bcfte. 01 11111 c-I~y.

. . TholDP!'OlI had been led to the full Clll01· Z1fi led _uh (lId Icrap IrClU .ud Iud, meot utLbtl OOlUjOllLtlonl which Chrl.C In-. J.R1U\·,U.lI-IlEl"l'. •

',. h' I Oolhlh,Olllllbleu ean01I_r I 0 • 1, alone utn JtIw to mortal mall hi Ihe Iltlv. ~tr Walcott, VictoriA.Ir an1 real d.llger is Ipprflhendedl exile nlt'e. of ill, mbJortuutll. Jledled "'''1 P 11.1 Lo VIctorIA

oa the ani.,.} or tbe Cutter a' !itlia calml1. tttl~dtl~ In tI,e nk1rltll fir the 0<: I ~r us, gIll. ."'-'11 d ( 'Ii ....orkl'. Ht"deemcr ror acctptl\lIcc with hl~ 1If.I'AItTUItVA.-r"WI T't!ItUTn an .aman·o -w.r ~I Hilker. lib uecutlon It rt'jtMnlcd liS a Oollnh. Strultllbe unt, bill. there Ie no apprebenaloll gl't'llt Wrollg, IUltl belli' thctlrst flxt'culloll )tCY. str WakOIl, Olympia.f ,- h J.RIUVAU-llEl'T 28.

a .ue .n emer,eno1, .nd the raree u( I' white Uliln III the 'l'errltor1111111\:r ex· Tacoml. llrown. NIIlaIUlO.of nodin, the 'Voloou on a cruile 1.tltlllaw~ It I~ (,'Iln.'tIltIl inlluellL'e mll1 00111111. Straltl.for- ~I. Indi.nl without proper um bia II ....holellome II II It Ilild been a lMllaltl, J.Ibhy, F~port.pNpar.tiOtl il 00' 'tf''1 credit.ble Lo de~~;. continue. to l'how Itead, 1m- lIkt '1'11111 O"8luLtlur, Settttle.&M JMrtiea iD-WuhiDlPtIIn who hue I;.';rovt:OIeut ILt "srl«>m tlII't'CtIOlUI, Xtl-W PhantoUl. w.lte. QIIOIble,b' .~ t lktJ Al~l. Abertttthy, Vlccor".

t Ie matter in charge: ACter ,he (el IJ( ItlKI are III lJt"OCt:tli' o( erection bolh io'lI'Ioritt'. WlIlIlIllifOU, Lwlow.ti'fiu...re 0'''' the Wok'on .ill here and Irt lIclllo¥l·II. The pulillc 81:0001, Uev. Wlllwtl. ::!cllLle.

.L'·p Sh 'II 11I''e all Ope.llt'IJ with lall(e .ltelldl'Ii\.1l111"tUrD to VIII nn.. e WI 1M (Mlillt.. alld l~heN hIlut ollle;lchllll 011- OF:I·AkTUK.........t rOUf (M' 'te week.. "-liT the 101ml .1.1t-a" bo"" til ,hoot.'l Tacnllm. Rruvl'U.....Wlll.

.... ""rilorla! Ullh~ Ity ulld... the OoUtth. I.Ibby. Uambkl.GoJJCO B~.-Lieut. W. F. Kil I'NicIeIlCf <lfrrof AII.MII I.. dolt..: 110-" Sp .;Mulllia AI"an:z. 'rll.'OOa<.

bI Kl bo' P 8lr 001111111. I.lI:lhy. lStraltiel Woleou, huing reo ,: e, • lIpr. tit entn~lA"t.1 to rot. nl.:"l'IIlIIO'8h.lltt\r,81l~eei..ed ord.,. lro. WatbinlPtOCl' A,.,*,". _re. will lind an Ot llenl ..uKlVAl.t-4ta'f 29.

e ' h' • cbrbdaobomelnhlltamUT·crul .mn. 1111 \0 &n teru Ita· Vaaru DontlkL M1rlLlu.1i.Qft, .i11 Hart. 00 \b. ~kot& for hi • COUn, Srabllck.L___ H bor N Y W T W u' h tich JloIIMe. Henry,- at ar,.. e ."p••J.!fa O&K-... ot"lt· Oollah.Olmble,.,..t to I eo timable. "itnen t1andjn. LiM iDcl.m ncr o( the _"I- ShlpGto. Dutler, Jllder.f"-- O.f .idat, .Dd y,t are pi if 'her 00 }i·rid."e9eoi", lut. the open lJu',urn-,au.\0 k.o" U1a' ~ .lllltOwpermit 1'tIDpera.n m eLio, ... a lueuu. 11\1nlom. Waitt, We,t4d to jo'o hil ,••11, (rom ..&0. .1111 Tbe attendenc. tbou.h not I.r.... ~~~~Fu. bMal Mpara\.td o.e, \AI," ,ee,.. .i. eullci.'1110 lO pro.,. that [WIG" Gollal" "llt"",,I"""'''''''''''''!!!!I

D ' r .' III 1 pie ete &1",-. \0 atld iU'-I.ted lit Lhe

I, uor.;' '.' ~.....: ,II .: ,.,t' T.mpe ~o,k ....11 .. o,b.. AI ."omlm rOR THl ArFlICTUtl c. I; lIeft DNa, l' lI .....t qU.....OflI 01 1111 DCe. Our old _• ....,..." J, x.Nt......: U ,(tleod Mr. U..tJn,., a pioaeer in Or. ,f. M. IIInkic'. ot thl Nltlooal Sur-~ 1 M. 11 • II; ~ _I). HilL Tempe."".~ wOfk,. pM' pr iding lllc:alIQMhu~. will. a OOtnpdelll corpa olIf 0_ ,. I; R 101 &, u.. o«i rot iN Grand r .....1_ JOG. II~ will 'flllt I'ortland. o~.It; w Ik M ,.' '1: r." -..,........ ftoocnIatJoll.1.1w.,IHUoc.ri.0ct0bt-, 101-.17; , f •• ".,.I ..;.,.trr'T., d •. nitl ••e'1.••,quahfi~)io In rltLle'7.lndtalh-e. No r

• kAI.. I :t.1•• , ~ tH potJIdOll, occupl.d th cbalr, IfIIIltutloo In fI_ world 11&1 fUil'(.'tIlIhdllA,I durill' the u a OIl the QC(e. I,"~ "" "o)'OI.. ol:;p~nat urn~re,, ,. OIled ...ationed. It II confidently IJI-MuM of tblt .Iollltl, I~~~ 9ub

........ ,L- 'II 'I .'Id., 111tt. FWula hI In1. nl-nu.-. .., ............. laa' .\1 .Of'ei .alcrtlUD ft. al CaLSnh eLC. pa&ito.. ftOlD aJrooKYou-lar p ram... -ill tM lOtteD up (Of' eYerytlOUftf, III U1el'nUed84.U....".p-

. r 1 '-'1 foulHl r oC 'h;. pa: L III LiDr In u.. r.ture, .Dd ,hat pI~ to It b' mid••lIJItr at Lbe 1Iome In·pu, .bout (QUf lu", Itl ed. theI Will ~<tt oal! pro"~ IDt.rul!:ft ::;~:'(l~rwtl.M'-:=.tl=~~~ltell .., ,Pt'OPn LOr, i. in w" wn" but edif,1D, Lo O-Ir (MeDd. oC AU.n..... 0 ••• or~hV,..ndIot, Cal. TbttN. ~ 1(" &ad ..111 f'f.flIaln "1 ILID, e1 L aftIlctfXI "",nltot atf(lnJ to mill tbll oPE::

.i~ old '""cit • d rel~tl .. e Cor J. M, E, ATKlllfION,E!tQ.•nd noo. ::~I~tt.rfS~~l~~rediotr ':c::.I\&~ .tt4ll~t ' ••'1 TIt aCler -) b hf' J. A. Kuhn WIll plUM eecept; ot1r uamlllaUon. and1l. UIIIlJ (or t;rtat;lDeDt..W relGf. \0 bll bocDe'D 'II. 'I'. A II,an. rl r Ca""n. .~ 'tIIllIlllI till Icach ~r ntl1 one.

JUI.» ..


and Ciga1'8,

and Shoes,

Whoa t, PotatoeHINGLE,',

DOGFJ. JI,. E.1I- (JIL,DilES 'ED 1;1.'£1.

4' ELI.· 'It·J,\~~.~




Importers. Wholesale and Retail Dealen in


D. C. H. ROTHSCHILD.Port TO"D!end, Sept. 7, 1877.

Port Townsend, Washin(Jton TerritorII,

Exchange Bought and

ALL p.no", ;nd.b"d to lb. old fi,m or ROTHSCHILD .I; CO. upto Septe'!1ber 1, 1877, will pleue .etUo the limo within thirty cla!l, or

their acoount! "ill he pJaoed in tbe handa of aD AttorDey for colleotioQ.

Liberal Advances :Made on ,Consign~ents,

Hardware,Crockery, Stationery"Etc. '

The :Highest Price Paid for Wool, :Hides, Fursand Prodltce,

Dry Goods, Clothing,Boots

Ship Chandlery,Tobacco


ROTHSCHILD & 00.,.Shipping and Commission

Hondnras Bark Chiclcayo,NE1T.lIt:K TIIF~ (JAPTAIS SOli THE US.

tJer.ilrllod AKenll or tho lIbovo namodbark ...11I 00 N&ponllblo ror a\lbu. Cl(J[ltt'a4:tedby tile omwl'l &~'1~'IIU.D.tCO., Acenw.

JULIO 11(11.1.0. Muter•Po", ~wn.Ma,AUIll'.ll,1177.

Sale IT __For

)la. CurUs llrownftcld, I\n "ankutyt1l1kum" ot tbe \nlter, alld now living InseAttle with )lls charmInK "Ife, I, em·)llo}'ed 011 the Dl!pltIteh, runnlog bet"eenthe .lJove plllce "lid Behome.

Mrs!! Cora nal'l!. ot [)\Il1gel.lCll, hnlnglpent fL rew daTI with rellU1'ea on Lopezblnnd, calUe oyer rrorn there on 8t1IllJl\1morning, on the Btr. Dispatch. &lid rootunloo hODie 011 MOllday.

Coods Bought Qnd Sold on Oommlsslon.W=A=S=H=I=N==G=T==O=N:=I ROTHSCHILD &CO.



:BoRN.-lr, Port J.lldlow, on Sept. 28th,to tile wm~ of A.. lIhJAIII.ter, F..tq., twinKlrls.

rr':-:J~'~',--;J~",~,,~.~·~w~II~I-=....::::I~'~.~,~y nery.ILMuer from 81m }o'rallcl8co 1m) unSoundaU kllld~ ohm,n fruit.


~... 'hoeD. 2=l.e-opoD.ocI.

loT H. L. JUARYOTT,And he Is 1I0W Pf'fipared io turnlah

The Fi rst-class steamshipySt


NC1.01U!;. &coPort To_nllellll. "flrll" 1"17. .AVply to 1(0'1'11 UtLI>" CO,


• au, LA".

jt'Oll SALEThree a"lendld ".rm

IW••..,.••nd I Dum" e.rt.

II u:at:UlLb. 00... Pw1. To_.

nKTURSISo-On Sstunlay lut, 'IOmetell c;alloe lOAd. of 1IIIIIIni belonging totile ClaUanl lrlht'. (\UIel1 Ihl, place 011Ihelr "'.y (roUi lhe I'u)'allup 11011 fteld~

to Ihdr h(llll lit Dntl,,'·lIeM. 'fhClY hadtwn en.a(l"d III ImlJ-llicllllll lor SOUletime put., a'1\1 had Ju t ftlllJhtd.

Wm:s ~lf. elIR,. J. HuntIngton camehero lOme month. "go, IIC thought tlltremight IKlMlbly be three or four week!'work for 111m to Ilu III the p"ot~rl\phlc

IIl1c. Since thell he h. fClJelyoo eo muchpitronttce llt hl~ stlml here Ihat Itl~ quitelikely he ~'oultlln,'orllblycIIICrtAllll& lug.gestloll to 1(lCI.te' at thl plllce.

'1....: IlIII1 schooller Wlnnlfred. Capt. Superior Meats &0Gilbert IIrrlred rrom Xr.illlh lIay on Sun. '1'0 Cll~lolller!J who will I'''vor him ~'Itbdny mamillA" lIer freight COI1!llted or their plltronagt:l.:about 400 btIl1,hcl. ot IJOLo1toea rrom Dun_ . l7 AU orden t1l1ed rom tl ,;;g1(C1ld8. for Meuril. nOlh.k:IIUd &; Co. 'rhe p P'Call1llin reporU notlllllg nrltl~UI\I 011 thll G I V E HIM A OALL.trill ul"Cpl, heavy pl~ Rlld evcu they Ire •1I0t UIIIIIUII,

XOTIIJ1fO 18 yetdlnnltely reporJl'd 1l00Uttlie res..l lOr tile electlOllln Ste\'ell~ 1'01111'

I)', bulo the Democrll.t1Cc.lldkJAle MlIlItt,­hAll. WlUl In Willa Walll Jut week, antiItt Ih:tt tllilll saill', Wit thought h[1 0l~

::;O.I\'lIt Ilad lJwu elected by aOOllt 1/) ,'011",It thUillroVl~ to be the CAlM! tilt.' hOllse will!ltnntl 11 Rtpllbllc,ul' to IG Delll()('ralB,"Ill! Ihe 0011111'11, 5 Hellllblle-ni to .f. Dem.OUflltli•.

r-" .. f l I .... 1""" ....~ II,.., .a'1' lit r.-t II~

PUGET SOUNDI ARGUS 1'''80Iympl. "Sta,.a.,)" .ta... ""1 QUAnm".T l1EllT1NO.-O, SIl,d,y.~;,:;~===========" !levenl enl,.'()unlers IUlV8 rtCCntly IAken nn:tt the Illst ftgular quarterly meeting= ------------ plRce between tho Chillamen Iml)lo)"aI 011 (or tho present Conterelll'e ye~r will be

LOCAL NEWS. 11l~ PUl"lIull hop-ftch..Li ItltJ thole hnlng Ihold by tbe~1. Jo:.Soc~d)'.~O(t~l\) plll~1 at I HEREBY GIVE N~TrCE THAT HENRY LABDES .&JfD~

I 'v 'T ",.. Co I dlret.1l('1n or too work. A. lew lJaJ' RgO, a thell Cbu~h, Hew. A.,C. hirchlllls., I r& REISS have been this day (Sept. 1,1871), admitted into th'e firm orGenora • . Q .... rmln. rnmRnl er I"' I II EI" III fficl Ie Uo wlU pre"b

he Armies or the Unlutl Sttlote3. ar..I,e..1 d sputo arose lI'll.ween tha o.el"5eCr n II Ilg uel, W 0 a. Rothschild & Co.., (ormerly consietiog or D. C. II. nOTHSCB1LD.,It 1'1 _,. I.., 'I C '" '1'1 chlrKe 01 By"nAnd Avery's IlcMl\ntl I thequarterly mllMlni'Il6UnOIl,OnSundAYbllro on. nil_laY orl·16 II r o· 11 The bile lJ oonllnl1y In Tb kr I r t I'b I I

t trom Victoria., having vlJlt.aI Helllllg ChlnlllUlln, which led to blo"~ III Vt'ble)1 At A.)I. pu • an u or pal I era patronage, rupectrully lolicit .. eo.tiDQ~:m nay, BAn Juan IIlalld, }'Idalgo f~ 111e while man "'lIS WOnit~, but the UlAt- vlted to attend. He'. Jno. parsol~! bay. Inee or 'he ...me (or the Dew firm.

d Dece tI Pu he I ter 1I111110t elld with II resort to the "'ea. Ing. ,1111..'e hLs Ippoilitmell t to tills ch:trgc,land .n P on !!, 011 tower 11011'llro\,iued I", nature 'fhe latter pro- bet" pru\lhlng Wllb greatleceptlblmyto DOH RothschildSalimi, and from thence to Vktorhl Ind J' pect I Rtlr In the reo • • , •

ulrnlll where he WI! recel\'l.'1j ,,'Ith cured n n'lTolver Illd commenCCt'l an In· the flOOple, "'e may eJ: ,Es<lho to., ,,'~ LI b •. F "I dl!Crlmlllllte Illaughter of the OI,:lest1nls IIglous "ork belore tbe clote or hlJ year.the lion uue uq II g ran.. rom c-

,. I eded I I I tlL, ftNt .hots kl1llllg two ChllllDlen, Inti labor.wr_ leprooe to,ewtlCglrrllOIlAI.Port 'l'own5e1ll1 which 110 thoroughly In- he 81100eded in wpulL(llng two otlu:n be- Ll8nARY-Don't forget the proposed'peeled, anti laid Ie WM n well colI!tructed (Ortl 110 t:oulll be restrahuld. In Ill! bloody IIbrar, for the InSine As11um _t St~II11­post and I de!lrablo sUltion for IU omcel"ll work. Grell. excltemellt pl'tYliIl~ In 001}· coom. Dr. Willard is by no means SlItls­and troops who huc served In the hot ~lUl;jllce of thl, IIngulllllory tmOOullter. ned.wlth mAking all JlDpro\--ewenb In libcountIes of Souoraalld &mtheru CAUfor· AT the !'Ofl. 'l'(),)IJllI.end JJO!pltal, ClI.pl. liQwer III the way of ..nltary meuumpia. GeD. Sherman WII lcoompluled by t.oflrten 01 the bRrk };merald, Is I'lIpldJy Ind reuderlng the .urrolludlng& orblJ pl.

hli lIOn, aud by Oen. Poe, alldCoI. llaOOll, recoverlllg rmlll the rellilu or his fIlllr.ln- tlentl mOfl!l pl"'81nt, but he "ants to af­bit aid,. From the garrOOn, the part1 'tIleted InJuries, Ilutl will doubtlclIIJ bo able toni Iut.'h of them A' Ire oonvlleteent I

came to Port TowD&Cnd tor a few lful"!l to resume colDfllnnd of hili veswl by the chauoo to occup:r tllelr minds with pIc,.. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""...""""""""""""""""""""""vl,lt. Iud " .. ret."'J\-·cd by HOIl. nenry A. time she I. ready for sea. A ,Ingullr fa- ant readillg. Boob .re 101Icited tromWebster, Colltctor or CustOIllS, III his of· talll.y Ilt'ems 10 !Lover o"er this bark, tJr thOilO "ho t:aulith'e them, Illd they will beftoo in tbe CII.MIIl Home, wherc the,}' "eM although shell but 23 yCllrt old, five or IC~!'Vt'l.I at thtl ARGUS omce, from whlcbt»lltdon by a numberOiourcltlZ4llll. Oell. her.CfIoptah.lll Ilave fOit their 1Ivt8 within pltlCllwe wlll tAke plulun! in torwanHni'Poe. Col. Bncon, and Mr. Sherman l'lsltaJ that time-three being wR.hed.o\,crboard them to the proper ptl"!onl.Jud~ S""an'. oftke to t:rnmll1c hll coilco- IUld drowned al:l~ two baYing been killed ISTP.RF,sTISO.- We are milch gratlfledtlor. of Indian m:anllflictUf'ei and 'p<'cl- ~t the wheel. J be Emerald WIllOOIiIJlltti'l ' t I It: t tit ClLn!mcn.ln IllltllrallJlltory, ... Ilb all of which her load ot lumber It Oamllie III about ten ~~I;:'ll~g Ar:l~~~n,~; II=re8~n :rtlCf;tlley were l'erymucb Intereatl.>d, pIlrUco· daft, wbe:n she will &III ror Valparallo, ue1 r~1 pi I liE llC:on.1I Tho :rticle laI.r!y youngSberman who II a gentleman thence to Callao Iud NewcnsUe. r "e t III II lned to01 cultll'ltcd .lIClenURo tallte. Ceneral from the pelt 01 our g wn.man,She nu alld eon then procet.'l1ed to the CO)II'LiMUTA.IlY.-Our ~Ieemed trlenrl .'1hJ~ ,1. G. Swan, and e:shlblta that gen-reSI:loe otColtector WebEiter whcro the,}' Y. ShnkCJIJeare,'Esq., O. W. C. T., ot II". tl\'IllItU';C lI.ullly clear and entA:l1Alnin&l.Iined. Gcn, Pee allld Col. &L'O[) ,,'ere J. O. or G. 'r., raYOl'C(l 118 wltll all eXUlI. IU'lI,ll,'r lit writlulup Instructive, lliefulLhe glle5t1 or Col. Drlj;g!, Ik!puty Coll\.'O- lillt photogrAph of the uftlOllrt or 1111' :111I1 ~dl'lItlllc dlJlooycrles. We commend

" Co _. U~,.I 'The whole Oralld LotlleorOood'l'elllpltt~ rorwllil'll It \oj Lite "'l'cful nttentlon olall.tor, lit tull lite- ......party t!tCllllMSCtl tile enmlllg at C"01let.1Or our til/wk. Ilre respectfUlly tendered. Bro.Wel)lltcr'" I&nd lit 10 1'..... wellt 011 borutl Shllkt'lJpcare lIyCI at Vlclorla, keep, atire Wok'Ott alld !elt tor Olympia :lnll other IlllOtogrnphlc gallerYi ttnd, Il1J011 hll kindpilleta on the Soulld. Ul1'oruUlotely tlw InYUat[oll, tILe offiocril orilla l1oo"C lodge,""'euher WI&I cloudy alld rainy, ollli tire aner the cloae ot 'tbelr recellt m\.'CtlOg, rc.dlitluiulJ11ll\.1 \'hlltotl llad no opporltmlty llalrrd to hla gnllery alltl weN photo­orllt'fJlng the f1lle IOOlIery from the hilI, grllphl.ld In. arollp. Tho plctUl'e I, 0111willdl they 1111 T'l"gI":!Ut.'d. Gen. Shennnn 11lt~ rized card, about tell by tIJlrtetnremttrked t11at tile military poIt lbollld Itld'll), Ind reptekllta pel'lOlll 6110 10000k­brn-c !leen ht:re Alld the towu of rort Ing AI.ld Intelligent ellOuglJ to tlo credit to1.'01Vl.llend whero,tlll.! O.rrllOlIl.. ft WII.!l nllY III~tltut1oll.

IntlmlttetJ thlt two OOlUl)lnles wlllshortl,}· 'rilE o;:-..-,,~.~r~.oo~~-.~o-r~M""''''''-Il-1 or Wuh.arrIve he,. amlOl'CIlpy lile poIt or Fort Ingtoll 'l'errltory lIIet orl Wednesday In'l'o"ruelld. Olyull'la with the folloWing Gl'llnd Officert

III, bee-r-'-'-te-"-'-·I··I-'.-\-Y-'-'-hl-lI~tollM.r- prtltClIt: P. A. )'mton, Malter; R C.Iult h.u been re-QIICIlOO, nlld Mr: U~llry lilli, Deputy !flute,; R. S. Miller, Senior11llryott, recently or Onk. Uarbor, IIItl ..d ~llrdR'''Ii CI~rt,J· nar~1Cd, .:rreasurerj '1".

I 1;U.. ct'l ",.Jcn:tarYi }~. P. Ferrj', Orator;CoUllt" lIalllotouly become" rellil ent of J n If Alii S . 1'\1 I. F GPort 'l'ownaend, but will orllament the • . ester, _0 ·"""arer; • .Ibon murk!;!1. pla()j \Villi hi. portly per- ~lorlrow;"'~llllld·~GBell~; .1. M. "'Ietcher,

I I bl ~l\ or .......e..mj eo. .-l·theril'ki Juolortnn, lilt! tlI3pensc lIe var ou!t eat" 1'1 III Delcon' Willian; Dillin '1"1Ihllllltlt IIlle to RhUll~ry l)ulJllc. Like. ' p, ) cr.IClIslble mlu lie ftl1vert1sca In tIlR AIlUU!I.Iud "m Advise the pllbllu, lIrrol1gb It fromllrne to time, a. til hr.!l rl\cllltll.. to meet alldelUllndl/. Mr. )faryott hl\! rentt.'tj hillfllrm all Whltlby hlantl, with a view tocllllllglng hIli line: of actioII. )lny IIC hue'UOOCJIl,-----

'filS ItclIlller Annie SteWArt Ihls weekbrougltt'" IlIrgc aUloullt ot ftQUr down IheSound, forotlr men:ballLJ. MC'IIrs. notlJo.•dllllt & Co., I'e<.'llw:d 336 llr. udi'; lIr.C. ~1~lIbul ,G tollf. Illd a tolll or brMlljalit) I tOil of nour Yo'llII Inllllt.'li for U.....Otrrl II It Co. 'I'oollr killd frl~1Il1 Mr.Jl'arrl ·rJliblIl.. we .... Indeh{t'll tor the.llow Item. Hills rUdy 111\11 ",'1111111 tom.,lve over l'Ml Vt hllrt "II II~ nnm, tilt'AIUtlu" "''1111 brill' II .he mlill all tileLillie.

A ""W dllYIJ ago lllc '''''IlOW. ('ame tohand tllat I couple of untorttlllaill men~'ereont 11.1 !'ort Ulsco\-'Cry 8:&y In R~1Il111

bont wlieu, by 1& willd &quail. It ~'Il' Cl'1'"1hW. Olll'! ot Ihem '1let.,,~Klcd In ltwllll­millg 'lthOrtllll~ltr Ke:YIll~' 8111t ",,'horo hewaa plct.:al til) sevf'tal hOllrl nl\erwAni.more de..d thall alive. TIIll other poor(ello'" WI! undoubtedl)" drowlled. R!I Iheboat ""8 Illek':11 ullllelir tire 1II0lllh of thebty mlllu'I nil OC\.'tlllllllt, and IIlllhlug rllr·ther lUll doveJOIJe(1 "I",-"e. Aa the IOj'nwere ItnUigen, we hue not lellrll\.'l.llhllh·nllOft!.

AT IT An.lli._ nle lie"" firm 0( ltott...llt..'hIU" lA., ",milO 'kltlht tffil\'hl:'l 11M'fJ41b11c: e~ lohlt ll.. t "tlM' till 1...lp IIWIH: .1"1',11101. Stnattou (tltlieJ>ort Alire

"110 htolp tlM'IIWly~:' A III:W alld ~ub- U.lu..hQu"e. WI In 1iI"'n are. da,'l duro"IUU.t ""....101. 00.40 li,'.t IJ ~III. III tI IWlt( " II: lie 10.11. quite~I to IIlt"1r al~lMl)' 1'':'''11111111109 l'Cor· IlJIpf'OY'f'Ill1I Itnllh ,Inn' hla... roe milhi. r~.. :tu.... Il\b. wi.... N'fnlllf'trd. at Hr pl.trl'llOtlltllluk! '10, a.nd "II 11)-1 _"11 *U llIu...h 10 Ilw.lr k'\'U4I11UllilbtlOtIl'dolnl I fftr.COr f'f"I..~IYIIII prOlJUC4!I tt1 ..a, 01 ...11 ---------..


The }(asqullo.

There mUlt~wl.. reaSOD rornc.rythlnK. Tberefore, there mUlt be00' ror tbe 1Il0tqulto. It ie bard to be·Ue.e 10; !Jut 1 came to the c4Jacl\l.loo,tbe otbcr diy, Iftcr • b.ltle .ltb a ur,.avigo Oat. tbat thllY were teat to pre'vent lay one rrom being even for. mo­nIClit ctlutented with thl. wicked world.When the bllb, II In Ihe cradl••Ietplo,Iho lleOI' of ionocence, do the, nnt bitthi. cborullic O\Jll. IIml 'Wihtl bim 10Ihrl~k and C.Ule hi. 1Q0th,r. wbo b.. JOltdl:c:llU't.>d lhlit .hell "1111 orhlm for In Mllr'or t.o, thltonk gou<1uelfl tl 10 reel likeIhrleklug allO'

IN thlSf oat como at the time wheo 0"turo II IJngbtelt and people llkeliett toUe h.ppy' Do thcy not ItinH the 1oD.fl~bertlillO, IDd. cbao,c rejoicing io. billDagulticeot "bite," to mlllIry. becaUte o(cWrlJh...t

Do the,·00' hum ftfDdl.bl)' betwflUooe'l ele1l1od tbe page' of a delightrolbook lind CauN 000 t.o IDle Inkmt t.Ibe ~"'hchlog heroloe IUId gdlaot her'ot­JOlt II tMI &tubout lOgoduwo tor'borto tbe LriDI elMp, Of jUlt U lbl crlltlrl..1 il creeping up bt!b1nd "ith I dtg­.ert Aud do tbey not ftfodi.hlJ~cute tb()M other.i.. bletaed p«lpl......~In'r" wl:lo talr. monoltght wal~ II

ceuae them to nut kl"lng each ° •III orderwI'ep tbt-mlCl••~, WeaUIuKnJthe, dll. t:,idelltlf, D1uoq.hUIi 1Ft"etat he,. ror tb. purpoM of li~.. ltapp1peopl. ~elblnc to ':'- lIl'-raMe atolt.-JJ.,., Ii"" DrtUM. til N. r. /MfW.

TlU AIIO 0 T•• e.:r!'•• U ...... TP.-The ul'pt'f' dMMl 10 CtlIDA, troal~loq I"f!"M!OCI' I, Ute ..u.tI.~"1 t~t wbkh the, c..a IS-.nl­1ft*11I/tbe )"I,I••et rn- old I'"A fe. 0 theM I .. are ptlt JAto I c_,.If rt _Il«f•• IIlIiI Ib",rt or the bt U:pul.t, I. addf'd. AI.WIl'" it it ..UNtly I _hkh d .... uk' ...,_ltd" r..; u.. c..~ .... 1'f'rr ...U, die

....... I. q•• lrIotl, .,dt after LIte -=••'Ilf'f If ,,,,,,,,ka cIoClUfet,IO~ k ,tit Ia __I, ...-Lad t clO'will_. », 1M .oo-n q.1C. ~l 1 .U., .. It wu.. _II.~la.'1f of tM ,.r."bk. It "'1 cae:

,",I.U•• e" wild ...q·and.1e

I. tNutr "h u.., I. .1 Tt\... ..pri .'" _bere tIM ...ttd I••"ptlkl'!l j,( bl ....I'.tI., 0uaI (tQtD•

T•• tool 'Ibhl III tAl ••, (,f,.,uII tn be (""od.t ".Ilt J,tr. rtH. ~~Whit. MW'L6u)I" It I•• 1114~.... 14000 10M' 1001, 114 r..-c I. II lh,r.., d p. ~,.oqU'1 Itl' tI..,-.. taM ,I'f"••, W UO".IJIII1I~'~•• _

A OLW I u --ruel 0 IaI C ....N'.t1·

Dou't be Faaay.Fua b Illre marder, 10 tbat the" aN

two iliad. fir people wbo nu,ht DOt \G ~puohbed fut coDlmhtirllJ h: tbole _laocannot help It, aDd tbDle .ho do DO\koow thcr .,., Kulhr of It. Hilt aOJ i.dh'hlull••ho .itb malice .(orethouak;.Dd DO pro'~.UOD. guet 10 work to be(uonr. oU$rhl Ln bt put 0\11 of Ibe eo.,.milD ". dome alta &rUO cbqed wttbwit tbe, un 110 more blader ftl eubthaD ...unmer clCl'ld briltlillJ" whb ....trl~hJ C&O IlOotb" lip lb, licbtalagSItCh maD are public btealagL ~.'there art bu mOfOQl peoPle. full of ocIde.iCUD~h'l ILlI tbelr on, .bo lIlake dullouUookuolI.hloJ. The, maIllot blbe.roic c.barac:lttt, or utn ItM.•acrtk.i0S"but mlrt1'1 &1"1 DOl Jrilled all gridiroQ,"er! dl', Dor couotrie. _. at feI1IlarlotAl,....... i 10 lb. hero "Irket 1t .,Yetubaulled. while lb, delDaod i. telU_,rut tbelO a.J peace-makel"l. Tb~r ....11,.liner Cuetolte.. W. bat" he.ant of.bOGle potIoulog on...... boate wbem.lbe cook geu perlOdleallr. u the bumbl,

r,Ill.cber pat. it, "tearrully aall woodu.wly DI.d." Sbe nrldet up.Wn to,i,."1~nlll"" puffiOK, blowlDl, IpllrUDilout wrath, nke aa OYer·bot te&-kettle.The good mAO, .ho cu't help belDgrunny••111 io judgmeot 011 ber cue.The rMult i. a1w.y. tbe lame. Bridpt.lte,l••blMlpi.bl, out; at lutenal. tbrullrhthe II.)', .bo BIDIl' ber aproo o'er herbead .oll relaplOlllDlo wild ledLy. Alk,"What an. you Dlddyf" ADd tile anlwerII alwa,. tho ••me: "0, buL the mu­lb'r pa;sea luch comic. on me," Ttt.balJy Cllut .rter bim, III the lrlUll toothJorIyrup, nllJ tho chillireo gut Juked out of.wkw.ruuelll,weauue~and )u,eoUefrail.llo,. Tho little wother, tued Iud I'"~rettdy tl} .cold, turnl a ,barp corDer DtoIOUle cloeet aud laugh. hylleriully It.hi. tlnully jelt. Woman·lIlee, ir he CD

make her do h, btl 1ib.1I aot tee bl. trl·umph.

llut to tbe reallubjectlof O\lr lClutiD)'~

The poople who. r'DciOi .re It It dr, IIItbe r~m.inder blfCuit arter I ,oltgl,"but who cberl•.h the Idell tbat witt cr.tu.Itre u t!lU' to mak. u lood rettOlutiolu,.if oue ju,t goea Iyltematleilly t.o wOlk.h .uu1d be I re.el.tioo to tbecn to.re.lbe tblt ooe j'lke dilfl!l"II rrom aaotber.aa • li"lpecked lemoo·drop. out of Illo

Il.Otiqu" grocer" dllfer. rrom ..tta.berrycrttlt .itb dew.

Let a mao be lackiag ill alOlOl' 10'othcr meot.l CIltlowmeDt. .ad if be doeehnt opeoll ~kaowledgeIt, h, II ptU1icu.larly c.reful to ,,,tlid eo, Itr.lo 10 tbedirt.'Clioo or tbet ml..lllg lIok. Wh.t man~lIllrallt of time. rb,tbm, DOles, aoll tbtwbtlle'lbeory of mUllc, ...er olrerl to Irld" cboil or to perrolm " 1010 ilk pUblie tWhcre II tbere oDe, wiw\tUt I Illathtlll.t­Ic.1 .lad, .ho 10081 wcalculatucllpa:l1But Wo world il Of.trUO .lth peopl._bo &te fore••r trylog to be funn" .1·though they ha"e oat ~·it eooogb 10 &allIbem.

If the good God gn. )'OU the aiR Drwit, 0" It well; ir ,ou.re.hbo\lt (t, tall,heed to (\Id Thom....·KrmpL.: .. Whdtbou art that tbou ",",and tbo;)ll caDilootm.lre t!lylelr other."

Teon)·son.----The ereat ~L enjoYI tbe comrorts or

me in • quiet, uDobuUlI.e fubiOD. m.ho.1t it modern GOlhic, desil{ned io ad·mir.ble fa..-te, wllh wide mUlIloDN wlo·dow., m.ny·aDeled oriell io .hllowy roo~lICa, aod dormer. wbose pbll11 .odploolClu brelk tbe Ik,·Uoe plctllrelque·11. Wi hiD, enrylhiag i. ordered with Iqui.t reSoed elegaoce quile lu keeping.lIb the character of iu OWDer. Thebllll, io .phll or ira rlcbly "-WlIl..ledpuemeut. h... a dellabtfullen.. ur cool·Odt io Ita half.llght. Tbe l'ln., roomlba•• broad, bigb wlodow., the light froID.hich illempered b, dellc..tel, coloredh,oj'logl; "alii or tbe neg.li" tloralnwhich mutlero decoratou dellKht. dl.·perod wltb dull goM; and plaeled cell·log. nr d&tkly·IWDcd wood .lth mould·ed rib. Iud bt'tOI. IJigh·backtd chllra,or .odon' .nd uocomllromilllug ItllTDtlIS,t1.lIk the tahlc, typlr,iDg Ibe poet'. itera.er Bloodl; wbile io 001)' caroetlara com·fortable IOUDitfl that ludicste a tendeoc1to ,Ield sometilDe. to Iii" &eductloOI orIOrt dream. lad io.pirltiou.. Tbe~ Ireno glllriog colora. The p.lntingl Iregoutl i amOIlK them AD uc:el1ent cop, ofIhe Peter ~lllrtlr, which il doubly ..Iu­able Iinee tll41 dliitruciloll of the ori~lull.Out there I. one room 10 which aU thatI, moat loterelling io thl. hou.. conIO".The door uponl ollllel".ly, aad.lbo treadIIr your reet I. roumed II JOU caler a dimcurclJtlr, dl¥lded f16m Ihtl 100m by •high Kreeo. The .Ir II hC"1 1'Ilith thendor of aa Inceolti Dot uorllmlllJU' t.n meuor letten; .ud ir you coulddouLt wbenc~it .rCHe, JOllr doubtt would be lpeedll,dlMOI.ed al Ibe occupant of tb. cb'tDblIrcomet ror"ard to meet you, thellu.eparl·Ible pipe Itill betweeo bll teetb.

How to Lf"rn 10 wlm.£.tr1 boy Mu\lllllloow how kJ 1.lm,

eDd Mul .. too, rur that waUer. Howcaa.J tnplltl' would be Itohled Iryou'b would but tellui,. lbe .Impl. Invl 1 .,..I0lt how 10 wlm I 11 h.. baeD....11 Mid tb.t, ma.D it Lbe Dol, IUltm.1thai MaHlf i. Ib, weter. Aa the

IIOCl 01 ."llIIculag .t baod. 111'8 'p.pc:ttJ dlrec:Uo•• fur K.q\llriog the ar1 or.lmrai"K. furui bed b, • COIlftpood.

en' or the Aawril.'QJl A"r.n.zt.u·W:"'.... I Wit. bel, llcaroed to Iwlm b,

meu of ••wlmlllltlK·board. Thll itthe ...rut mtthod ~ible. It COtta areulld thel Il1o., t1lp fNm Iltluod theI.wto..t d'lwo I atstb the body, tJJr.....ioglbe bud below tbe .urr..:t'., aud puttingthe wtver ill duger e( drowalo,. Soo:ree+lUlIlI, ooy. J[et t ..o bleddl!:,. IIId tbeDII. them hJtluher with. Ihort coni, andu. Iht'm u '''pporu. Tbe, ant theDlmt daotf\'-fltU. lhlog_ poetibl. for. bo,to hll'f. The board II perfectly IAre, andou. lII.al lellto tu IWllU io I 'ery .hortlimo liS u IDg 00.. It .bo\lld be o.erflPur f~tt long. over & foot wide, &lid t.olnellel thick, made or 110ft white pine otCl:dlr.

To UfO It a bn,. wadel iul.tl thc waterup 10 bll tbuulder, tbeo teklng bold orIha end l'tf the board he pu.hef it lJerorehllo-Iowllrtl. the "lUlk, aud Dol iutodeellCr w.ter-ll'rlofl' rurwfled wllh hi.feet. ~od Ihro~'1 hilll~clt' flllt upon thewater. 'fbll ml}Vemeut carries him IloogRfew root. He them dfR\u 01-100111 hi.Il'''' lit Lho 1110& tiOtc. keel'iog the kneo.al rllr l(lftrt at pnullJlc, and thcn Itrlkuoot with bulb rt:tt, uot Itr.i:ttbt back·ward, lJutl6ldl!w&y" jUlit llIJ Il Il'0K dOel.Tho .troke II DUlde .lowly, lind II rl!'VClltod agalu, dlllowlog up tho Icg~ ,low 11lod Itelu.lll,. The boll.ru ktlt:pll the hkdabov4I wllter. Whon the I"K'lIlroke hubeen Icarned, one haud b blken frllm Ihoboard .nd the .lrOke Icarow, or tho chinmay be rtlted 00 tb. boArd w.blle Ille.Iroke II takeo with both hand.. Thlli. a very gQnd piIiD, u it compell the,wlmmel to keell DI. baud. UDder the wa·ler, whlcb ho Ihould Ilwa,. du. By.and.IJr the board Z!.lA' be pU'Ib@ti Itohcaad, .lIdtllu ,oung .wimmer wily .wlm after It•alwllY. keeping it wlthio reach. Wbeu Ilo\lmlJcr of uo,. go to 1.100, tbeylbould.Iwll)' hll." two or three of tbelll Oourdliwith them ror ale io cue er eDy -eel·deot.

The Origin or V&ccluatlon.

All bODor to the o.we or tile immortalJe.lUler, wbo Ile.p' 10 hi. quiet grate 00tbe greeo cliff. t,lr t"OlletiIOoe. Wb t aglonoue rooming "fot Eaglaod, home,and beauty" Wat tb.t ohbe 14th or AlaJ,use, tbe blrthd", or neeioatloo I 00tbat day m.nu ... tabo rrom the bindor S....h Nelmes, who bad been lurec:tedwblle mllkiaJ:;' bt:r wader'. cow, aad tblamlUtr .Ii iDterted by two IUpe18cltlllD.eiiioo. :rotO the &tm. or Jim.. Pblppe. abealthl bo, of .bout elgbteeo yun orage. Ib weot throolb the dlkuc 10 Ifr&nlar IDd latisfactory maDoer; lIut themtllt Igitatlng fut of tbe trl.1 11111 re·maioed to be tried. II Wat needrul to ...certaio wbether be WI.I rree from 010 coo·tegloo or Imall·pox. Thll point,'o fullor Inxiety to Dr. Jeooer, ..... ralrly putto IIIUfOU thefll'lt or the rolJowlo" Jul"Small.pox matter, tllken inunedill.tel,from a .mlll·po.l pu.tult, "u clrerully10lerted by se,ernllnclilool, but DO dl.·esse·foliowell. NIIW, oy thlll olle'llmpleIud ura." eaperllJltmt UpoD the lad Jume.Pblppt, Dr. Jenuer edalJlI.hed, l& Iltowwblch the Uptrlonc:. or mlllloDI UpoDlDlllloD' of ltumlD belnK', lu gSDerat1on.sIotl, b.. 001, ICn4U 10 .treuKlht!o. Itill wooderful, too, to think tbat there caobe I tioal.IBdiyld\lll! io (heee i.ludl .hOuonot atC,.t I II"DCC!, the Ilmpllehf'beauty, and \rutb or tbl. lew. TbeR IIDO contagioo 10 the .orld 10 celtalo aadI\lre u tbe cootagloo or .maU·JI'f'I.I-Dot.'tD lbat or h,dropbnbia (M" nbl.. 10Ibe dolt. Tb, .erl emllletiuDI or ub.·lario. rrom tbe body of ao, Doe .Ick orlb'lman.pos, I. bruthed by , be.lth, E.oLlln FOOT.BnL-Our En,lIlhpel:j' ~ID di.:1l~tatldeee.:Ut'::::~: pOlea Ife," • rule, m.ol, anll be.Uhy.til IlU I • Ilr," y deCDlUldillg courage, eodurllDc:e, aad heI.JI.W Mal IIa'1"" boy. "'... PlUP~ temper' "lit 10 IQme cuet they cau hardwbo ftlCelftli &h, ..all·~J: ••UIl lata J. I)' be ~lIed une. To the uolnlLiated 01.

"!"1 blood. ud ~U h. do- oot taka tb. 10011." th'l.tIlll orroot-blill I. 00' or lhew...u.I-O....u.II_,..,... ..t _,.,erio pe:rfOl'lIlu*.hlch it I,

poNJble to allmpl.le. 11 would .po'fa~ ..-pl.,... 01 Nrd t .. I....... to be called r,IQt.ba.Il, 011 11M tw...

eo..\f'J, II ladi. 141. of ',..,. It"Jr'" pnodple, beutIM the blIlll.~ I••PI.ruprla lIardl, r kicked. AOer 1M ant "kickW. tt.", ptr d'l lo "... It i &ed b, oat o( the "I..J .....""'\ec-thlll, loOt wlilo,... "ht- It Ie h" &I.... ...t aad,. t'" ale d.. .IaN" "taka. .. r.,. .. ~ cu. ml OPP""" (OfU.

To II....... 1M tI 1 £.aIM I ..... wltll.t • poll "i_, ....t. if pcaibl«. klWlClIt -"'''' ....,. t ~ .. "oeld • tit. d"•• ThH tbtnc II ......1.ltV,

.......... yew 10 • flI.. II. ~ ... tbe bill. or ClII'UW. tbII poheI.., II.... n.",. fIl &.... ttl of 't I betw_ ItllI Of thn.e _til

r1" I"" " ..... I , I, tht tr (I( t th,.,...; bet aliI'"W liM ,...... I. ..., ,..t a.e &I .II llw. "lOa U pll..

,... 1 .at prtftr.(." kn-b M' P'I""*' ......p ,-.J (.,'"

....IWO~... t ., ,. lit, • • ,.,p: .'- .. __ I. I"

".klil tbe ...... £,., .. I.t • 1-14,. .N .1,.. ..

11 ...'1 I... ud U. "'........t It ,•• u"r J btu" • piA

t tlle6r (, i• ....chili.t.t lie • tNt • "ntllf-e, '.I}1I', co-.( fIl It,., ftt·.. wltkJ, a

•• ot n.. ,. tIN ...tIl' &lr.At II I, t.Itt ..tre an ..

led W dfl ~ I'" baJl, uti atw l•••·.....tH. tlklc II II l.otbu", ..1.11." II it,..t-t t r the IIW, r,,,.. or !tor,.bfn.,.. ,....r cauc.jd•••Iothtn.... a ... te..h .1 it dd tltf1 It e r••' ....1 __ ... II '8 tara MIt 1Ifl"D bJ b •... "" .Ild tIM lUll. I(: AI U ,.,..r.d -T. ,.,.---


TJle FAmoo! L'&kes ot BAnbury.----

,." 1~,Jt~ff1Ol'I COUll ,. W T.

J "., U".,..

,," tAllf-. r ... 1tcN II' llIc .~I (title tot....'nt .au..t'-",..

lot 1ft lit It QP rd It... to ..t ,..aU , __U ou-

r .ua. if ~9Il _!Wold JIIJl'I'r pld. bhJe"

di In,.r. and ('e I 10 be told It the TbuW4S r.rl)'le·1 Fillbu.,\'I·.~L~L·I,\· \1 ('t'''' f l\hll' • r_ n. _ : • .-~. h..,I.IlIt' iOb and 1A'f'IO" ormt'f y r

l'rlD"ipal,It'I>o'U ••mI n"Dt! Wlr-tlllu.deID Urthe hi brot: lID" Jataft~.Ihat old En 11th t!,,,,n.t'.I.upt. I .ul'l"....... 1,le. Ih.IUMh Dot tIM .Id..t.... Ul4l'lflU.

I b" fl. tbe "1 ., .lle-dt'r. 11M! bNIhc.n 1l.u.lI, worlledou'" llIIl t t'0 a pan U I • • J • _.line .bit.balM-1 old t...u. JU I h. I!: ll"t!thlr~. ot II ... alUt't" \J ac:t~. II

,~ 1FtIJ, Un., ••• ,.,.prlnar th.1 lhe! cuanlo h..i lint Id\ hi. hud. l»..t~r•. mallllg aMltrltfll fur kll.I·1:;;;;...,;:.:;:;,;;=.....;:...,...---,;........, 1'1 perh.pI f'r f." PftU1 ,nuhl f:bihlrto ud reJ-lfl"c ~Itt.a« the otMn worll·OtulaC' U't Ull'l'IlI'I. ",I." 11..1b~'N tlklr ralhen 1.lk ma01. loe ~edt.r bnn. Ir ..·1 qUl'- .......1.lI"

miU' of tlla t..ulll or IMDbul1 (. '. _d '.t't ID W4 lOft of depnd.KI' J~lHMl.kt¥1 how lhe rak~ l.IMtelt ",h, c..rlyla ... kIlO+J....~ r.,. ud .Ide..Olma h.wt I I Inti) "1)ro't'rl1. Gl.)! UGI, .. tbe .1II0it III Ilr.1 .IUI at bu

~{l••• !Mil (.11111" II btocamll I\log trade. bot -,KUHLI III .11 btl u..le,tall.or t:.atlluJ. t~1 LDoo.n'lI .... 110 DUe' I~ d "-111l - l&ott Or koowled ,de­

ulOUl;'1l for tal.'. rllllh.h thillj' .od ot'"er dill. lIItJoe diN rrom .'.uJ, ud "t.nTIli<..e, thaitlot'." tbe H.oblln 1HI1ce" btJraa to tee .11 tbe utoaiMI.eat or tllUl"'I .lthhll ht tiul ab~ 01 tbtw. and to tret ..boca he t'Dle 10 COIiI • L II..... ~.llo~o old dUJt1 n:«11-I1 t..uulre tb.t had lIeu.I.,ly DO'N ror hi, habit ~ \ltlngIlftD Ilid .....y UD the .hd" by their 'I.uault ud UIlCOtaIDOO UI)~IOO ~fllt~1 .uh. h:.f turoed dowo al "&0. ",ed. probably. r,um uktW', 11IMhig

r~ .1IIt..'" J lJur, c.k....,'· .·ur. lle-rrle lloallt'tb bid of ul~ bot,k•• chl..lI, .ucb ~ rel.tt.'l1 to

"I rotl1lJ Ullall I" It\llar nlbl!r ledeat.- c.,we t., ,ule l!k.m "'~u Ii,eti rur th~ 10- ~~~I~r O~: II.Hl"e~~~~::~U,;;;:dll~':W.. lwUI,."-iI'1t1 opoe UHl 'n.l uf .1II1IJ- duls:enc. ut hi••ppetlle.Dd cared httl. U"SII Eccl~r«hl\fl _hp", Ihe 111M 00,0

loa r .. rflJOIft'd, 'lal~ .. if JOU wiU b,,-lp • 10 1~\J~dlU;::~eto~fJ~~·\h;lrti:::I~.~~~~~~ and IlpeOt ..II. her l;fe,.~ old l.dr, patlTold-to Illd- h belaltd U"ll"eleu Ito~l)iog II _hetT.let lull rt.tll of LDlolIlgeoce aDd

~lattll."to lleep -, hlr fro. tunlDI }O;~~'[!b iDOl 00 Wuolf1' road" '" re .i"ll"'h,. )1~. )luIH8'u, wl!O !tntcmbu.JrIY· Kned _ilh taa1t:lld. or rOlminK lie lad 10K Jl&tuel CllI'l,le m<¥t dl.t10Cllf, WII

(nf"&! ,utu'p1.J b t &Dbur, eak.:ll til lead tllt:w a4 their .b~ '. wheo &tked, tA I(i,a ••ID((ul"lyt lJ rpJ ....iciu .tnklng Icwoat or him. "Old J.mel,

"ftlt would Jou u,. if I-If 1 Ihowd tell ·'1t the t~t dal tbfte cllke. are yel \\:~at a root (original) or I bodlefOU tnore widel, IOld Ihlll e.el, and ia ltUl b.c .1'1, ~e o~d lady excl.lmed, with

Ttl" ,h.re" 1I1l onc .aU 10 d~to me n"e thoWlaod were IlIld weekl1, l.rgu 'IDtt:ul"'"~UU.tIf)O;".,8, ~curiOUt bodle;10 an Uut wid•• wl.e world. or unln btl1't!D, ,111~Rleotl belog made til America aod he UtIU .lln. warld. .~ '~lrltw !Judie: he

AI J-u\l.- .• Jndia. 00 tile m~rlftgeof Vlctllrl.. Ado· '!ould .~t on no milD, ca.t.lolall•..AnllIn thOle bot cIa'l, .. il t1nt.cltUlcfd kL I"hle, tbtl Queeo', 411d4l1t daughler, t.o IIC .IOriei he could tt:1I1 Sic I"ylllil',

J Yrerlctlck WllIIllm of PtDuia, ihe Bll,fl' 1IJ01 81c O..UIOI he w(lull! jl[lt'II to IblnglIt.eut ."lItt"P'_ !JuriMn. rclJollt the'crun io hooor of the sod rolk! Sic word. he .had II "'crc:

"About tbll ou. .nd ..Inc Irr.lr, I'm lhlnltln, ceremouy. EVllry year they exbiblt a otl\:er .hurd b&:rore I" CuutlQulng her de·I'd rtallll1kll \hI! ,!lIe-no, (lIk to act. plipellut lu wbleb K l&dy, lH!AuLifully IC~lpl1nn or J.mc. C.rlylc, or whom Iho

Pro'ldtd lome Iweet ,hl,or JOU rOflut,nre, dre'H!d, ridet thruugh the towu upou 1I cVldently w", 110 .inct!ro admlr.r, ~ltlI.Would act.-would acl-" whlta horfl.t. She I, prccedlild by Hoblo Mullls"n Il.dd~d, 10 au,wtlr w .. queltwlI,

[8""1 "Tbe .lner' Hood, Little Julio, IIOU ii'ri.r Tuck: I "It II n~t trull thllt hI! wa~ C'81 au alder(U..J ~TbIL'1 Itl" company of ..rcbttu, with band. or mUlie., of the 111Ik. lie nllVer belollllod to .t,hc

{SAt.J "I'd try." fittg'lInd baoDon, follow. Arter marcb· .uld kirk; be Iud all bll !Jrother. \\ero(JI ] "Ill rutf" ID,If up Ind dowII the principalltreetl oll:m:rbeu of the Heller Church hele. 1-141[~M.l "tu ract." the, h.1t in front vf the erou, wbere tbe Do,er bel(l .ul tJIDce thllt ( koellt' of; Day,

-Q,dpph Ylm>tI, ill &rlbtNr'I. I.d" .Maid 1111rlllo, diltributes to the not he; but ~,e alwa'1 Ipoke O\lt bli mlDllpoe'r people of tbe lawo t:ra.lreta or Baa_ at cnedlu~,. Alld, 10 IUI1lwer to .notberuur, r.k"'.-OAriditJlI Union. qUt!lll~O~, th41 old lady "'CDt 00 with 1I0r

description or Jim.,. Ollrl,le: "II, ...Mrs. the bt!i1t of tbe lJrothcfli there unoa be

any doot .bout IhaL But 1 lblak tbeyaomethuet ltd him loto Irouble. He Wl\ll

• Jil00d acholar, he could do hi, ela blbi·oell well. Ind WAI looked up to at Ibowlog bodie. lie had old rllolhlooedword., lIk~ oobody elt". He red muckl.;be WILl I great t.lker. weel girted witbtbe toogue. It"... muckl" treat to beto bl. boulle at Dlcbt, to ht:1I' biU! tell Ito­riel and tale.. But he .11 Ilwly' a .ery,Iriet old bodle, aDd could bear 00 coa·tndiction." Sucb ... Jlmel, tbe ratheror Thomu CarI,I•.----

A. L ,l1li a. co.,

'"--.-.., .....&......,...w,_.. eae.......... T..--_ ..~"-II~

trPAItd",. .............

I[M.....• ,..,... lr·="..~l~~~~ ...



_llY••Ir.Y '1'•••1.8 ....... ' ••5.

Excelsior Force Pump.n II~:.~tl='.:,,:: ....DO aoe_ oe .

II' lad ••• (:.IltlInUa IL.1r.o rna.cs-.-


FA ••I1•••I•• 'We "' ..., aIIo ,.'" '"~ CO.I'IH aaiI e.n1ar

CALIFD.llA WAI••DU•• Ior IUplrIor~~~~.::t:: .._1',"01

H'O'ftaOTO., BOPED, • 00..Jfuuuarv • Ae.n....

JUDdl"D DUlIl lad • ., Itroetl, ea. P'n~.

_ .. -.-,....... 'Y_I

.. t:-=., &,~ A•.~!f5!'."''''''1• --.,.. ~-••.;;r;-I .....1:1 11.. U__ _ .....

..... lbr Clrul 011 hll,.1DlI Wt".tnI.OJIUUI P••au.,

11 .........

ENGINES A.ND BOILIIi_,A.d litH' Macpl•.". BoItIIlI ... loM.

". =-:_.D"W"',CoL r.IIlO., UD MIIIIO. In.. I ... rtiaO'.oo.

$1,000 ChalleD(e Ore Feeder!MACHIIIIT TDOLl,

KIDIIls aad law KlIl KaohIDlr7.

Awn "nU"la TUB Tlva TaT 1'01.!8Bt·nUll"' XCIl1OI'l; l~i~,.. ....1K 1~11I'

~;::..-e.I~~rr'~;:'" ~.,III~::';:'~a.r-=mlaL n.,



T':....:"dr':.~L.. ITUTIODY lun IT.

C. D. & E.l[[I(CKLEY.1..... ante-a", a.,,, r.

A Docro. Ilf "'''1 CLOfl.,-.-Trlpper'.lo.dl ..a 011 I. OIIe 0' tb<MO b.rm1.... readl rea·edlu tb.t ner,l.mlll.bowd keep 00 hand.Wbeoever Lbere II paio, 1lICI It. .

N.w )(ulllO.-Tb, lovera nf 1l0nK .re In.debted to Blotrolt, Knl.rat&Co..,vubll.befl,Il.u Fr&lIc\lleo, for a new .nd be.utlful pieceor mUlle,,"1'b' Proml.ell L.nd," InnK Iudcborut. b. wordi Ire b, tbl ollebr..LKIUlhor .nd poet, BeoJ. r. T.,lor; the millIe,by Prof. M.I. StlDlWU, of tb.e Me&ropoliuDTemple cbolr. Tbe lOogaad ehorut••rltuaIn line .t"le .nd lbou.adlnK wUIl. p.trloUcIeDtlmCllt, I. well adlpted to tbe ....nlt oftbe lamll.1. 'be .otlaJ circle aud eb.rtb ser.Tlce. The millie 1.0 .hleb n 1I ut II "Ot~by

or tbe .ellg. 'or ..Ie bl U1a trade ,lroner.U,.

A U:flVllU.U. RIlUOI'.-"Browo·. Broo.chl.1 Trochu" for COIIgbl. Cllld,••lId Brou.thl.1 AfI'ecUona••taod ant III pUblic f..,or.od I:oofldenee; thl. rt,ullb.. beeo acqulr&db, • teat of m.o""I"I.


Purohu.lDa' ~.DO'.Lldl.....ho .r, de.lroUi of bIJin.r~

purdlued'OI' ~beDl III Sia rr&ucltcO till doto bl adclrelltoK lin. W. U. Alala!. whowmuDd,ampl1ll or (oocII for LIItllr u,P'lc.,loD .od .ppro..." Would "' tb.t I alAlDuperleQc.d dretl·maklr aad baTe tbe .d."DtaKa of buylag ., wLOIHII.II••nd would,i"m, patron. tile beDelSt of .ame. GoodlpurcbUed IIld len' O. O. D. BeDd for "'rcul..r, My IDtonnUoo 10 rl",ant to It,leaeheerfull, ","vtln. Would add 'h.t I bue.I1nt.c:llll utlbll.bment for Drut.mlkla,lr,.Dd.m prepued to n:lleu'e ~oul"r, ordenwlta dl'pat.cb. Add,.... If",- W.II.A'RLaI'I120 8I1tl.era'reet., Room IH san Fr&nelteD.

"IT i. 68limated tbat tbe Delaware peacbcrop will '/lgrtgate lome ri,OOO,OOO b..•ket.. Not much of Il fllilure.

r._...' OOlua 800. TO T •• "aPIaCo..ur.-A bandlOma tu-PIg' alootbll r:on .talala. lII'P of Ptcllc CoUt., lilt of JUratrOf' life, u.UI,Ia.,u4 laronBlUoa to M1U,n.'ubUlbod a10...,al L.ad Artac.1 of Call.Ionl.. to:i Callforlll, ,tR,t, alII rr.D~laco.

Prlea, 1) Clil" ,. topl: ,1.00 per fur.

hnlcu•• of bl,cll a&aodl0Jl' WlhMl\l.Ua•.I, Ir". ttl,lr lodo,...tot to Ule ... of tbaOueleober,r.)(.,.baU'. C.thollcoe ro, all reomill. eompilialt. Tbe "',••und dobllltal.tdtad w"dlrful ,.lId fra ... , eODttant llH ClfUlil "Iulbla re_tell. Sold b, 111 druc.rLltJ.'1.60 per bO.~lll::'.:,-.,-.,..-:_

U.. 8urnbam·. AlllaUaa tor rb.tUII.u.mU1d IIttlrtJ~

Th. Beet PbotoOpapbaOa Lba rad.c CoaIt an DOW .ad••t u..N.w fork OaJl,"J'. No. 15 nlnt Itreat, eurnac1leo, rrtca &0 ,ult lb, u....

J. O. PETIR&, fnlprl,tor.

~., ""._•• " ~,-",. '"'~"-::."- --'(]) T'OA com mOD puoi.bmeDt ..u that of A_OIIIt LII••,.,.offrltkl.t &be Mtcll... o&a8e...

goln~ In proceildOI th~ the .treel' In' rail', 3u r"lIrlKo., U1a ...11 Uo... 'tllll (I~W'""'o( a tn..a or Tillage iD • dretl oo't'ered of Arra.. ~ D.UUt nalblt tow. J.ptl.... ...,g~ ~"ith im..- or .word.., rodt ud olM:r papet earpeUn.. Wall' It liIu 'iii, l[(ftu..1 .. _

~- r I I b app...nD(. at 011 doLII.lt U a."~tl.d ..Impl~meotll fl corpore& pUll' meat. II ... ao vl'u..h. I all.. u4 .. U.tll COI~ MI, T••. J.aa»Olf. 8M~10 II~...omeo wbo bad belteD their Inl centl per tqu ,.nt, It _u.t lOva..r or --. ..................hubA"d. wert ...ade tl' ride bAclt"ant Iakr au, aQ ulen.lv, 1&1•• It II rl.llHd ""lto-a.00 • doalteJ. bolJiJlI bia tall .. OIl which 'alt n.b nu "'0,. 4u"bl" talD IMJ I:IcKb 0'" B ......_. 00Detuloo the animal ..a, led throogh tbe 'It Irlao" Of ksl.t1II "rt.III, ~IVfll ~ra- 11". • ..~.. ..

.treet. b,lbe hu,bud. 'rbl. CtIltom 6'1 t::1r::~~:r~ J::-:I::ttt'::t:~I I .,..... ....'ITr~""I.ted la »"mIlAd, up 10 the middle o( IbO'4l "'''0 -.110 a01lllll ir .bout JII~ BOOTS ANDSHOESlh.te"entClenth ceotury, ud _ ...... eom· Iklll III tllakln Imoat IlItmllllrm. ,man th.ta donkey "" alw.,. kl'pt read, .'roaJ aDd. IOlIlb p.pv, .IU ('1l1li111 ued" •••••• c .• h I th eI hbon, II Lbl,. AI Ule, 1111 40wl ,,.ooLbar &lin oU 1M ......lor I e pllrpoee It eng alC ' • rio'. 1ber obvl~ I IoIIrlO&I'objKtktI h.llb.'''' ... .....,. ~ r~.a.:JO.h~.. Lr lho ..oml.D _.rud. her hu.bud ltlal~i1.1. Th, do 1I0t UKk., .D( tbe rolon ....\-fKloI"'".!.!!~...... T....... aM au-In luch I. uoer tbat he could aot ward are printed taw teltl 'erl her 01 Lb' ..per••ra't I~c:.~....:.:.off 'he bin tha donkeJ w.. led b, the No loQUb' "me peopl. "'.r b.r. a Ilr udlte .=...."Ia.a=~,\~~ ...- ..man that bad c:h.r- of 1\1I1Io·lr.OI Iheu ',alaat Itrrom ILl um". but U' .., (lue_tII ..... u_I.. llWopMt .....'-.•• r ' , ....Ill. tbe ,ped....a OQ ulllltllJoa. ,be,b,lla hUlblnd hlraael • will ",'bl lIl' dbar .ad bod1ol LIla ml~ BOOMER'S paTENT PRESS

At Be 0.., • ",III" ."' .Ilowed. ',~ b.. w."., lb, , , ". "certllill Jlulntlt, or 'food (roID tbe (or· .D~" uf l'!'al!Kt tb.1I 1UI1Lbl"~ kou"" .u,oIneal. btlo".lng to the to_a In return (or 'b, aim. uf plpar••• ta Itli. couu1r,. w,whleh he wa! bound to lup'pl,. dnnke, :::: ~~:II,::::.o~~~ft'\r::~Jj; ~~~t1:.:to dltl mualcipality wheoe.~,rrequired for It.buw. a.nll, 1.01.I..a. of "'nr, '1l1l~,11Ihe ch..U..meot or a KoldlnlJ .Ife. An· h h.. bel!I110 ue ilhoeu mOllb.. Arlllt. &nlber 'tilr,. old CU.tOID _u tl1at or puallh. D.II.m, dealen In wood .ad willow w.r., ,t;'•• hen~ked hubl.ncl by remo..log jl~.114 217 Bkrameato .t".t, Sla rrilld.·

co, 1.1"0 til. 101. lKeatl. t'eIo)~le Ihould u.the rooro the houlll. on t~e grouud tbat .lIllue llil, fOrlbewltha. Armel &: Dallaw". man who .Uow. bl. wI(O to rule at will ,upply"lDplOi .POll. appllc"UOh.!lomlt dOlllool dllllel'VCl proleclton ",.Ioltthe weathu." If Iwowomlln (ouRbt ill.public, tbey "ere each put io a .ort or aclDled ttnlry.box, .'blch ollly left thf!irhnd. npoled, aad theu potted 0llpoaite10 each other 10 tile market· place, whereIhe, remained (IIr III. huur lace to (ace,but unable to UlNI Ibelr Iiudl or feet. •

A ~ommon punilhmeDt for lColdlnKwomen.u tbe "Ih.meful atooe," which..at hung aroun~tbelrollilltl. Thtl "ollewu t.llu~lIy in tho .hape o( a battlo. AtB.mbul'l, libelers and .IAuderers werecompelled to lland on a block .od drlleethemiH!lvet throe time. 00 tbe moutl\. .. a• Igo or repentaDco. Tbl. cUltom \tillntlted thirt, or fort, 'UI'1~. InlOme lowni tbe "Ih.meful .tooo' wu inthe Ihaps or I. loaf, .hooce the German'Iyloef, ". henJ bit or brold" (elnIchwerer bllleo brod). At Lubec it w..In the IhAJlC of aa ov.1 dhh, .od fa otherplacCll In tbat or a "oman putting out hertooguo. Such ltone .u ulually verybaav,; aecordiug to the I•• of DortmuudaDd ll1lber.taOt (18-48) they were towelgb Il bundred wellht. TboM ..ho"ere wealthy could pun::hue uemJ.otlootrolD. tbl. punlthment with a bag full orbopt tied wltla red ribboo.

Tuu who taketelf·lo..e Cor th.lr guideride 10 PUthl of pArtiAlity, on tbe boneof a6ulation, to the lOal of folaehood;but be who profert the malld.te of re.­IOn ridel 10 the WA,.OC prollabillt"In thecoureo ar Ilrudcnce. fiil journey willtben be II pleuiog .. the object ~ of it,"hlcb il trulh, '\laU be lure.

A TOliNO Chicago poet. "bo couida'tpay hI. holel bill, deolue(J: tlLlfe 10tbe (ree, f.r uad mighty W"t i. oorrod·ed "lth the lubllmat6 of dll.rkllnjit lOCialgloom, glowerlo/i{ (roll\ ••ky oC mldolgbtblACkoou, unrelieved by • ra,. of danclagluolhlnc." ----

Health OD & Sure But.e.Ia order to eatabll.b belltb oa • aura b•.

al•• tbe ellfeabltld I"tem mUlt acquire .ddl.Uonll,IKor. And )'et, p.Laot u tille rlet I.,Ind wld.l1 lI:aowa u It tI, too ••a, peopleoeglect 'bl. 'fltal point la tbe telf treatmeotof dbeue, .ad }lbyllcl.Il' arill 'f'Ui ofLancqllllly r,mlal, tMortlol" to tbe Ult 0 palll&.Uve. whlcb .If,c( Ir.mptom. 001,••od fall toaccornpUlb th. eb er eod 10 ,Ie", wblcb I.,or .bould be, ."rigom/loA.. The m.la rtalOnwhl Hoatoltcr'a Stomacb BIUen Ire 10 .uc.cellful 10 ovcrOOllllDI dlleutlll th.t 'heyImpart ,Itallt, wbere ,I. detltleot, lad tbu.build up • ,upentrueture for ubautted n•.ture 10 recuper.te upoo. Tllo Bitten al.oImprovu Iba appatltoe, IOOlbe tbll a,nou,Iy.tclm .lIeD ofllr.•tnloed. IUd Ire a'l:nl,1and Arnleable medlclD.I.atlllul.ot, wltb ab••11 of pure.plrlt. boldlnK 10 IDlnUou bo­14nlc elementlof tie Itreatelt elae.c,. •

A :Mechanioal Revel;••MIIlI £O'1'OlII ...TIO .... LL.

flll"AlllUln.Lle,". mllJblD Itlllll.

~~1:~~r..:~~~~~~~~dTo .,.r:r ".111' InlCbJl\IIl/'"~'t touad.Tbf:r COlome. Iad"hI I ItIDtlq cre..~:::U:n":~Il~:';'~ork1M."To 1.11, ""A'W".lkI~ lIoaUJ"Ill. Jobo,"ol «HI... K1...I'\o lIttl.. bl"Cl ...,:lt..WlIU.lIllllLlll "~"." ill. ' lllIIlllil.

t:ld~·.:~~:.~~~r~~~...''fI",...,. ""lIu" 'wI......liloll· hail.

~Ib~~:I~~~'P.::~~':::,="~~IIlIlW!Ur. follatn,lIalll ,......rc....MJa, ""elollmaUc." III II.. ' IU tlIli.

WI:='~~~~k·~~::~t,tilll na UloI N&.u 01 &IlIlr l'MI.

1U.rz: ................,..tlIl.-~~.c::::::.r;.::-I7:.~""''' IW"'III",. pVII IIIL

rr Ilft w,ldt. lUaIt·. th_ ..ll", MU!1I.I... "".IOIII.ue' kll"'L.I.. "'" UIIIr ~l Ud_1llillil "Jo .......ue.... II 1MI, QaftL

nnWelbol_M.lt-'lM, trte..• ·k. IWfJlI Dr ...._ UIt:r Dl:fl\t ....~4

~:.c:::cr.r~3c'!&': .. I~ 10114 hit .......... 'rlWll:~ tlll'dtntar.............. .

Af tbe prtIODt 1lI0ment-4.«)O,OOO HiD·<Mo and 100,000 Mo_aulled.. child..ar••ttendial tebooll In Iadl" and ao,oooto 80000 0( lhem AN rtCtIIYl •• iOltruc·110D ~p 10 the £ulliab lial'Ulh, 11111·doni

TRS Oun.--AI"a,.lbe Idea of UD'brolttll qolet brood. lI.IOuod tbe era...·It I. a PO" .bere Lb, .Ionu,or IIr,ocYerbeat, aod tho (otml tbat ba" been tolledon the cbadD, ..aY'. II. quiet (or over·Dlora. Tbl.nl ,b. thUd Ii. peacefully ...... " lit II I~ motblr'l .,• ., alld theworle.l.D. handl lie Ilill b, bit .Ide, aodtbe Ibh,k..... brain" pillowed la IUlot1D,lttt,. ud tb. poor Airl', broken he:1ttI.t .telpad 10 a bal. that ..l rKW itl ...cree wCN', ..d 1110 lhe b.plaa of a char.111 that coven III bla.e.

Dlnu. deltlay " • nUt., of ..bkh uriI. tb. IbtU and reputll.tloo tho ltarDel.

It It ratl,. aad JOu ellJny lUI whola"1.1" ell"" ud at 0001, &t opta ItroG,bl,. aDd. teo to 0111, ,00 break 'belbell or brll.. tb. hrael. or NdUCCl the_bola IDto 008 u.l.. co_poaDd.

T~e Ja~ &lid the WItDtII.

It I. very IBIOOm thAt Jadge Wallnof.U.lo KClOmpll,bhlg that whereuato hepUb (orth aa eft'ol't., but I ,hart tim..ioee. durlq alUtioo of SIII)rem. Judi·clAI Coarl. ror thll .Dd er!lttl••l .ctluDIl,In OIford COD.ot,. ht m,t hb 1lI.leh­or. lie foud tIM Idck tbat would DOt beltplh.

The cue ou trial WII .bout. bill of·..I. of a very ..I.-bit bont, .bleb badoot lx!t!a givr:n. Iltd it beCimo IlKttMryto .bow what nrbal promlM'S Of" Ulur·ancntbltJereodant h.d gina tolhe Illal".tilftnuehlni tb"lleoft'be beatl. neCeud·ant declarea la «Iurl thl' be lttter 19feedto Mil the bo"" for three tbolu.ltd dol·lal'1. Pillatlfr dec:tllrft th.t he "111,bougbt the hone. It w.. 10 v.oderalood.ben be took him home.. tbouJfb be didDOl pll.' la, moncy dowo. "hf!ffl b.dlIetn a .lIght I.meat.. or the anlmll,.nd the pldolil!' lIlu.t MtI.,,. hiOitelfIhal it wa. Dot. plt ..aoeot injury beforehe pttld hlA mODe,. He had t.kr:o thebono hOlne; cured Ihe .Ilttbt lamen.. ;.ud. Qad.r bit hurl, tb. ,onug honeb.d de.-eloped ••peed th.t "It.. manel·ou.. Dt!Cendlnt h.d he-ud of thlt•oeed, and Dot haYiDg yet r.cei'fed allJ oftite P.' tnr the 8eet beut, he went to bl.ot!iahbor'••table, when nelahbnr ..u.waJ, and carried th'e:bcme home as bllown pruperty.

L.nt. BpllDkml.U .... called bytb. 11.lntiJr to neouat "hat be hadhear def.adaat .., about aelllng tbeboree. De b.d a dl.poeltlon toramble. De "l.Dted to givlI the conen.·tion About the bom II be bad under­.toDd it-to ,'Cive tbe impm.lool whichtblt connnatioD hili fbed In hit mind.

"Stop, atop," cried the judj(e. IITbiawlll Dot do. LotIk ye, )Jr, Bn.ni·m.n, ..e wlnt JOll t.o ghe to UI tbe euotWOrdl wblch tbe defend.nt uted on tbatocculoa. It it Dot for JOU to '" "hatbe tnIlInl, but ani, "hat be .Bid. Wecan judp ..bat bia IDtlnt .... Do JOunot remember hit wordBI"

"YOI, lir," Itld 8panlemln,.Ub a bow.III think I do."

"Then w.lll JOIl repeat them to UB_re·pe.t tbem ILl nearl, u tbeJ were .poltenII JOU caD."

"Well. ,our hooor, ![r. Jouel had cometo tee if he could m.ke • b.rgaln (orNutter', BraDd,. colt. Jooe. b.u DOUCed• Iiule Itnnenclt In tbo off' blad teg,Audhe .Id If be could be lure thAt w.. 001,tlmporar" be would give tbree lboOBlQddoll&l1l for tha cult; .nd at be wu •capital borte doctor, ho ..IOted·to taketbe ulmal bome aoll altend 10 that les,And I( he could cure it be would f"1 tbetbree tboullnd dollan,l'

"Y..-and DOW "iII,ou tell u. justtbe "ord. 'tilth .. hich Mr. Nutter an·Iwered?"

"Well, ,our bODor l Mr. Nutter ..hI hedidn't eare--"

lll:ltop, WilDO". You do Dot fully UD­derstand. I WIOt the uatt words whichwere ,pllken. lI[r. Nutter wouid no:l.hIVe Aid wbl\t,wwould or "Duld IllJt,do.Did he Dol lay. '1 will do 10 and 101' Uemu.t bave .pokcu io tho 6r,t porIOn."

"No, yODr bODor-JooCl " .. tbe fintpenon that .polt,,:'

11M, dear mao," aald the judge, ami!·lag 10 .plle of lib lrOuble, "I mean thatMr. Nutter would nol, wben telling whathe wou Id hhuol( do, )1'''' made IlIO oftbe third parsoa."

"Of COUf1O not, Jour bonor; I wal thethird pcrllOa tber&, And be dldo't _l.Dt toUIlO me at .11."

"l'lIbawl Look herc. my good m.n,1Ilmpl, _I.h you to repeat the o.ct_ord•• ultd by tbe dtlteodant on tb.t oc·c..ion. Give them to us jlllt 8! tbeycame from bI. lip', Now be did not I"'.w' WQuid do it; bl mUlt hau ..'d, 'I donot CIre,' I.Dd 10 all. Do you uoder·llandt"

"But, Jour boonr, I can .wear tb.t,our hooor'l n.mo w. uot Dlelltlontd II.taU-wbother ,our hoaor cared or didn'tcare."

Walton g"o It up, aqd wu forced toallow tho wlloeQ to lell bil ltor, iD hitown ..a1.-S, O. Jr., ilt NN Y".k£«JR""·

OUlIum the lut twtnt, ,.earl Eo.-landb.. VtLld to fGrelgn counulCi for (ood­according to t.be rcpurt of Hr. StephenBourlle, of ner AbJllt,.. Cu,torDt-fIO,'000,000,000. The report .tAII)I th.t eachmember of the comrnuuity now coalumctto tbe value M two Aod a baIt times ..luuch (urelgn tood u he did t.-ealy JeA,.'i0. With tbll hllDleDle druu UllGU berreIODf'CeI, England ..ould In a few JeU'.bI reduced \0 pCllSurJ, wtre IL lot tvr tb.Imnlenlt .unl. ot lIIone, paid her ... in·ter.t.-OOlflffWf"ti., (OAiCldfCll) AdHrli'tr.

nll(ltDl' rDR KICICIIlO Cow•.-Rulogbid, ....eral yean .gOt IC)me experiencewllb klcklngcowa, aDd ha,in, tried mao,methods to manage thom. [ fouod noneto good utl .Imple .. tb. one [ will eo·d"'for to dllCribe: Pllt the cow Into a

'Itall; If tbe nalll &rO Dot partltionodmllte ,l1lil pArtition (one rlil mI., An.werif put 11.1 the right. holght) OD tb, leeft. oCtbe co..·; let hltr IIAOd dON to tbil p.arll.don, and with front feet u dOlt! to themanger.. poII!ble i tbon t1,ke a rail orluong IlCl.Dtling and lay It dl~n.II,

from tbe mAnger to tbe rail partition; cut, notch In tbe manger to drop tbia ratt In;pre.. it tight IValn.t the rlgbt bind legJu.t abo'fo the udder; and Dail whoro ItCroatel tbe r,lrtitiOo. all uptlgb& piece topro'feDt th I rail fr0lll. .lIpplng back.Ooce ftsod In ~hl. ",aphe rail C/ln bedipped III or out 'fer,. qulckl,. and iflD~e rlght tbe OOW 0.. neitber .taplide­".,~ rorwud, uor backwanl, .lid QOUIKI'

queotl} cllnnot 111\ ber 1110<1 lei' up .ntlk.lck, and 10 mOlt cues ",UI, In cour" oftilDe, If gelltl1 treated••atiTGlJ CorgeUheklckloB. 10 Ib, mI.,. be milked wlUloutIh, bar; Ind "ben tlla mllkar comet, willput henolt 14 potltloll to be milked byItClpplog clOle tuthe left .ide o( ber .tallIIld pl-ee the rlgbt billd leg. Utlle back,IDd Ihe will Il&bd llI..a,. th. aawo ".,.elf'. N. T. .:.11-/:.;.:....:..;:..._ _ .,...._

Tn. grumbling or farmen I. onenttoleeo. or ill Europe, and bue OCCIIlon·all}. In En,l.nd, lodeed, &be, ellila aD'mmemori.l rl"ht to ,ro.I, aud ona ofdwta bat lbua UMd it am~lngl, io a I_telalllbet of Ihe Mart lAM KZfJf'f":

"No nUn of Illy COCIIflQUUce hid (,II·- tor llearJya moolb, .ad .,.er,thlog.11 aI.oat parched up from the pro­~ droqbt; 10 I c.t a pl_ of clMetlor hI, ud-It ralD«l rut OIlOGIb tbea I"

Bo. mllcb ballpier ""' AlDuiC&ll farm·~ wlto ......rI1 atwa,. phllOlOpMcal.I, COQ~t with lb. w..iber aad tbau..11

"",..adliCtu... of ol..."garlo&-4Jr.• it II uUed la £acl"', "buUarln,··­II .. of &he growl. loo_triM 01 tta"ltIJ· 1'be -.Ie fa Dot 10 I..". IMn.bl&t ""'- aport.doe I. lO ....t U 10 ......• 1,4)00,000 POUIKU a IHClLk. 1'bI~tMltI. roeadla ~l&Dd,Fn.o..od~'1 .... 110 .Im _ .. to.......IM the lI"t1e .. ud .ben I, haa... ,.bUd, ....r _red lad told (ur-.., JIU'L WIlIM Ger rood trMed.acre. liM .a_, bow......, plla tlW bU.d~ I. buttmud rAt. It 11 dUlcull

tlbbliala tbD .... tHU.,. bare, • car·~ PftJMIe. ultdol apia,t tb. I.lta­-, wWdt ... eo .....~ lodl.­"'I'bl, ~Mtttdwith !.blrd-rale boanJ·"·bOaooo.-:----__!t;...~,.. ..III ..aot 110,000,000 to 100.-i'""""" bub Ito( our j'raio thl.t "lOll.

• cu lpart h.

Sootbdo"," ~bttp.

To 11M.W".L~ White RIYfil',KIDi' 00... Wuhinlltnn Territor, :-IDrepl} w 10ur qUetJ ,boat 8outhdown.heep--It i. certaitl \be Ilore-brmi aretbI beit ml1ttou fa the world, _ItbllluaPf tscrptiotl, bd til, other Do_a aheep,which h.re beta produced b1 crt...wllb other brftl(h, Irt a' nluable, b.1t~eJ are PDe or twod~ ll'QlO,ed fromebt peeuli&l GaTor of the 8olilthdowal,wbich ,ood JudI" ....oof mUlloD-e.IiDKcommualtlet pronounce 10 btl UDtl,..la.1.Probabl,. III thl. 1IIIul.lI. lille loll Ill­com!*,lble a.rnt It lod GD • populalloDDot aceu lomed to bulag their mutcooked in the ".:De w., .. those do wbo10 hlgbly IJIPftclIIIl [lGnl Soatbdowamulloll. Th. Llorolu. eouwnldl ladLtlcetltr. are .11 much larger .heep IDd.hear much beatlet 1Iet.'C6, aad In tbl,couo!'Y, wbe... Ihe primesI meld. I. Dotpatti for ID proportion to h, nDe qUllltf,the me.t trom tbelC hurler rflma, I.tbought bJ a grellt maoJ to 1M equal toaOJ other.

Mr. CiICO ,h'luld obtai •• through lOmeCriead of EoSII.h blrlh. a .Ight or lOmeDC Ibe oewlpaper1', wherelo he would ICe

tJle quotation.. The belt .IY to eKapelbeiag cb.led I. el\her to ..I.h tbe ftocluoC promloent mcn (lr to write to pllU",of eltablhhcd reputation, wbo wouldHod wh.t wa. deal rod. It would be allI­fi.able to corrupond .lth lOme oC thebreedors or tbe kind. meDtioned, whoexhibit their .took at the «rut .hn"l Inlbe E""tj and tbe,would .ead catalogue.contalnlog plc.arel of the animal.. IwOJlld tben ad,iM a.~ ,ltb nuuI oDly,at tint, and ttill is JUlt die time to liltthem.

I have a friend. an old tchool·(ellow,who bill Imported Cotlwold. and 8oulh·down., and ha. bred them both, I. ,,1'08hort-Uoro and Uareford I ..ttle, etc., Itart·Ing aoout Ihirty yc.r. all:0 or more, anrlwho wu ne,er kllQwlI to do a dhbonor·Able aclion. lie hu at the preaent largedock' and berd., but nenr ad..crtl_ urlate, because be bu luch a demand it i.difficult to breed ellougb to .uppl, It.In ract, he gOfll to Eogland every ,ellraDd oblAlnl Ilnlm.l. to ILllip blm out in.upplylo,lt oliitontenl. t Ihlnk h willnot thank me for meoUoolog hi. o.mc,but it I, Mr. Fred. Wm. 8wne, of Guelpb,Onlario, to wbom I allude. There areDluy more br..dcri wbo wOllld 1C0ra. tocheat 1.(1" ono, lJut 1 dOIl't koo" enollgho( tbem to Ilvo their nllDlM; and III thl.In.taoCle I dlnlnotl, avow 1 hue no oth·4r motive, 10 lpeaking o( Mr. Stolle, butto ,'Cife Mr. Citeo tbe name of one oC aelu. o( men wbo call be tru.ted.

After a nm or "u:... bave been pro'fedIIld the e:ltra.ordlnlll''' r.ulll of their UIBh...e been seen 00 the IAmb. from common'WOI, lOme pure·bred 'WOI 010 be bad tobreed pure rami Cor neighbor&, and evtot·o.lIy to beset a large pure· bred llock.I ba,o knowlI ll1eac brcod. ot abeep rorIIpwatdl of flft, Jcan altogetber, and fortwect"earll In tbe Unl~ Statcil .ndC.aada.-OCf'l"R' Gl1rd""", in RurtU N,~Y,",br.

~ -=O"




'220 TO $700'80 TO $400

CORNISH a. co.,W.~I"ltll". N• .,.






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AND TRU8SU;...................




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M., 4('1





A La,.e A••ortment.

tr Pracrt,tlODl c.refully COm.pounded. .Iy

QuIck la'... Imall P,oflto


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Fort Town.end, ~. -r. "


l Upright



OTICY. IS HERY-BY GIV'EN 'l'MtIn pol'SUlUUII o(an on1cr o( ,he I'roo

baCftConrt O(,heCOlluty orClaJllm. Wa3b­hilton 'J'errilOry, made the 16ch Illy 01AlIgtdt A. O. um. III the n\l\uer or thel!6tAte ofOtof"l'l' La_,..nee.~~ theuntJerstlllleli. at.Inllnbtratrh:: o( Ih8 p,'-!6'tAte. ,,1II ..n at public .lK'IIolI. 10 t11dhighest bldiler. aU the righi, title and 11l~tertii' the ,..11I Geo~ Lawrell\.~ bStJ.'the time o( hll d~lh til and to hi. UnlttdSlalell JlOlllette-d claim. ,lInl1('(1 In ..t:Clal8nl county, ('OOlalulnl( 160~ SaNle ...1II ","e piS(\) allbea(lOrn( theCouI1HOUle of.k1 CotUll' at New J.)wl)(i'tldl1obetweeu tbe bouts ° 10 A. M., Mud ~ l'. JI.

ortb.111111 'a, .t Odober, j" n.'1877.

Saki lands will be Mid tUbJt':t 10 anrortr~ htkl by 0.11. 1.olT.gln:'lll. l'lIr llIelum Ot~30golilcoln."mIHcttuf'() IlIte~and will be made tnbJtlC\ to COllflrllllUIt)llby the theProbatuConrt. OF.

J.o:MMA LA WHEN ..Admlnl.!tratrlJ: 0(100 Kiutltl o( (k.'(II')I'

Lawrence, dooerued.


Church,Hall 1


Organs!Prices Lower ~han Ever Before.

.AII ........_" ....... tIlllr ....ralI"""""oi.,-INd fOf IUeRA.....c.~'" pr'- 1101.

W". T.





CIGARS. 40., ~.



The Public II Administratrix'sEmoIPLOy




Taylor's Sulky Rakes.MOLINE PLOWS.




Hause III ShiJ Camnle!"1 TooIJ,SHIP CHANDLERY.



Boots and Shoes,

LX Q '[J' C> a .,

Mitchell's Farm Wagons



Sweepstake Threshers,


0 ....0 AT .aU41 a ....LJ. CO~KS" •


I I~Z~n~~~EID.i.I~~ ~l~:~~..::~lult IU who wW Ilya UllI I Ilbenl .11.... otIlullr JllII ron""e.

l'eGjlle lirOln.ao Port IMlIooYl'I'J' 01" Chima·cum c:an 'be IICICOtJIIIIOdlUoti "Itb l.ealM at an,lime.

Carrlacr.tt.t 111 thnllll ror the .etlC\mmnd.·lion of (lUIi-Utea to c1r1".ollt, or pleuuN plIr.,....Ifttttell:.:la'\ZlI1 .."art... .-14 011 ..GOd.:.c1l m:'UI. ted .-IUI otber "11. f

'1'.... U..lIUIO!'l'U.

I ~.;C:S~_:a~u~~MUCO 'fO DO ALLFretchtUll LUlliberOC all_I!KI,h.ale\loB

lha \own, lerua, 10 11I1l1 be 11m ..Iohhlnlf done c.bf!aper tb,D eyer IJefol'e I.

Port Town_tJ.r..."", n""'''' c:or(J-wood at ItM UI," for



itA ~~10ND'S TEHtS


'IMPLEMENTSOf all Kinds.

.A1l1t. IIA\llf. III""'IlL IIOcl. 10


No Fraud.



LINIMENT. 0, .GERRI B&UOw~ and RdAII DtaJu.ln



81;eAD1.h.l.p :Dakot_,2100 Ton.. ":0. 1lI0ME. 4,lwI_UU."

WIU. U:A "Y. 0" THE DATU IJt;REaller liIenlltlned:

IA:t ,....1'ICIIiCOo PT. TOW" 1'10. YICTOaIA.

Iteam.hlp City of Panama,lDOOtonL W.B.!Y.ABtiRT.COIl'O".

'VLU I,EA"I os TilE rOLLOWUiOdate-: .


Telegnphi' Summary.e

'I,.,..(t. '''Ctpillbifl 1M Ilu'-!i~ .bich..." ld t the ume urn. agJorfandiu

L-\ :. , ... r.~., .. I ~·t l.,."ntt"f! at Tur tJ' f'11M'n,fO.

ch~ " ..\ ~ .. ,." ,:ntftI. u: b!' rllq" t,-flt: In'4!,,,e••I~.IE·hocOC' (G.~ It'!:l'- .al> • t ...t· -u'll' \. "tn HI<IImarc uri A nil,. .tt ... tV" Ill.'- I I t\t I tol ~.\·e en a

\\ ~ .."I'i" .•""". Sf'pt ~.~ -I f'U~ jeH J. and (', n. ntt.J plan or &('\Ionrtf'_ .. l. or D, ... ('r~l.rJ' ()( ,t.. to ,I't t"ld. ltf'r1unr and AU<IIwa"'" IL.D, nult ComallMioa uy' We nnQt.l1 .IT\ "Ito fl"'rmiL Itu an o,er­.''''(1 10 react. th. bordet lIC the tbro ....... hw:h ...~'uH light the fire o(30th inst. ur II t addcu are to re'l'lllutlon In the fut' empIre and --the etrect tbat hi t e1inlng Ma"t,.,Iblu fOntlang.,- the tntlr. «)n\lo nt. ... ~hMI'" 1M H_ nr-IIJ'.

i, uJoyillg bimHlf qUietly iD. n"ITbelr ablllt~ to ( ment Senian, Hoo· ~elI""......--- .da. E~pect u, In Wuluagtoo uri, manlan ..ad )Ionl rllfjl%rin I li'f'e bOlo Ttl~ 1.I1lI1~1. .hllfll,. Ik ftiMtt otin ~o.. tmber'rrhlp' a' url~u tbe 'IIH~ agalD t lhe Tur\.s. no lu lhan lhe . Tkl.. ~ku are Uti" tbnJatler pert 0 Ocl~r. Genen' AUllro·Germanic armed inttr.. enll01l -.rT~ao....Gibboo telf"gnpbs tbat lhjor Wei b would lea'l'e Turke,. little cboice bUI ,... ".1......1... I. b lbe '._11

t' R (d h' d' d I Ilt.mll)'. II _Ill drhe aheumllba1, "Ilea

... at on Inion, a e. a,1 '10 10 a('(ept t fir Iclate p ao. ...d S"r"'ll fmen 11M "I1f:.: are- Lum·and repona ciltinJ{ Bull atill nortb linDA. 81:'1)1., 2t.~II. Te".,.. Gen. bIlI'o,. ChlllWaln", I.oc-~w, ......,., 11C'b, andof 1M line in Bri1i.b Colu.bi~ l..awl"ft>«. 4.:01. f'n\h.b. and CoL Corbin. IIlOK aual1C!Out ",upt~ II UlNiC'U tnllH

N.,.. YOK", SepL 23.-Tbe 01 100 SIUllllt &11 Comtll ion. atri,,-,I (fOUl rro.'l1 hand. Illd (eet, _d 1M polMft tlf

",\\rorld'," 'Vubin,l:ou letter, re. lttll cftnillg. and )ta~ at 6 o'dod: in ~he btleaand Illoll'lO( \,f:ttoalOU. ~11C'a; It la~. d ( br h p dun ...eUlll". and Itlle\'.ta IlI!n 01 e".r,C~I"" rOlDa pu le ..an O!' tea· momlol tor Fort IknlOn, aud SlUing _Illd. "'bifn,.-ln,orllrnltnOllrur.ltlltb.clfie Coull"" tbe Paoafic Coast. Bull"a caml). 'l'''''o gentJemen arrlvUt,;- mnlie.polent relued)' f!nrdlllCo\"el'fld to healDelegation will ur~e upon Congren trom .'ort Denton I~t night, ILAte that Ihe Injllretl parta. The ('entaur l.Inlml!nl ..a' Ihe c:ominK atlll(lU l ,be great 1141· Just betore thtlr dtpartun; a Crow .coot :~,"'" "fll," '1~1t'me.C'). for tort' IhfQl,t.IOOtb·. ( I' I . ,h ",.'" \'1 .,"'11"1"" NnM:he .ntl wNk t.l'keUIlIY.(I lOI1le egl' atloo on e arrh't'd from ~·ort. Clogetl, a tratlllig post The Jollo.lnr II hut a .UlpW of aumKOlliCbine.. question. Tbereport or tbe 011 the )(l!Iourl rh'er seventy l'ollCi below tCIU.I.D,lOtlI.tc.. , .. ( C ,b' • I mll,lI. U(lme.Jcft' Co Ind lIIav 18,1111'lOlD eornaU"lon 0 o.~ OD IS nelll0n b,. water amI about tiny b, land "I Ihlnk II In)' lint)' in ""rom; rOll IhllL i.ubjeot, " .. not even ooolidered in with tho In(ormA~loll the UlIl Sal. Pe~ ~:::i ".lff:,nld, Iml,ch _I!h • .-ollin (!!'lIe. Inll

h I. ., b • ,ow 1011 etott:il!nlaurLlnlmentlu"

I. e ut IUIIOO, o"lOg 0 t e over· hJtemlt.'tI 10 attack }'ott J~tt't with a d(lne the work for m... 1 han~ nol OOtJII n'UIIbtdowiog int4ire.t.l1l thc Presidential rrmn Ihetle""elllng, In ell'''' 18111. Sow lam

A# Ch' .Iew or fccurlug ammullitioll ltored at '"'r1~'CII)'WOII. Thlll.lnlm'intuu,bLlollu·l~

eoolett. _ pennlneut Inese em· tlat I M J Jl I I d.11 I .n~ II _I&rnl. nl'lSJAMIN UItOWN "b ....y and Chioetlc con..ulship, at 1 I)O!· lor.g.. rnm.." A1C Y lila-- '!'tIe proof I. In tile trial. It I, reliable it I,San Franci.co .i11 loon be .stab. patch I,ltul. Harting with t.-ellly men Otl hlllnd)', It 1Iebcap, and evert fbmlly 11:oultllilked


it it .a.id and "ill contribute thu Mackinaw to help de(llJld the furt , anil havtlthe Whlto ~'41l1Ia1lr J.lnlml'nt.I l' 1 . l' d·ftj I' tho ihjnrlllm'Mllt: tlIcoomplluylni c1tI1,Qnl Thtl ...ell••hn...... lJnh.."lll.,ul.f\led

10 ! l'ao utlon 0 eal5 Illg I o~ tiel. alld ,'OJlUltoeN, ~UI mako • ra III mRtch to Ihe Inalll mUllCll'll,OOI"I"un'l 0.,.11 01 hOnlnti~eretary Sherman b... reoetyed 110 P and anlmnll. Ie. hllll:lerthrlllClI 10'11'1] lI'OlHlflr~

leulle number or letter. rrom promi. oyerlaull to Clogett. Wbe, the trader, till C'U1'elJ, In three rea~ rot 111"1"1», ~rl.. ln.Ileut Republicaos, cornmeDding in wllh 1111 the wood cllOpJ>6' he can gather wlnll1(alll, ICnUdlCl, 1I11'l4'n). IInil ulmN'll1high 'erms bis Manlfi.ld .p.,cb lu, Ii determined to dt(tnd tllfJ (ort at al I.~c.n"'h'ho,n 1111 olher nllll... lI.."lll CJlIoI' .."l't).• Ul't' It'1'IIOlrmtl,lllllnlllllUltlnM\'OIU'80m. pC ~be write,., "bile commend. blluttl,. Forty men are ~'llh tile Ellgl.. "Sew Yorlr, JanUllI')' "1t.ing tbe Ipeech &a a "bole criticise ntclr'acoqlS at Douephan's r"l)iW, forty •..:'£\'cr)'·L,", ncr of hOl'lM!8 lllOUll1 M'l"lllhe, I' ....nl..llr n menta trllli. We f'l'lfIlldcr It the(ertaio paN o( it with leverity. A UI IIlI lJelow. 1 hey ba,e becu notlftal, bt!,,1 .rllde everlltOO III our ""l:lhMI.'fOr, prominent \Velltern Republioan, anti were lUpet.:ted up. 'rbe IlOO111. ",W he ~~: ~'u~~i~8~ltl~~~·U~dg:'~:~~:i.~~j~~.Y•• ritlng, io regerd to tbe speecb, ,.,.s bad \II patulles (rom $urgis ror Gen. Ulb- ",\LU"'l' 8. UL1.~, 1l11111's.I.KlI.SCall{';'M. Y."bi, dul... or the Pruideo,la order bon alld Major 11K''' oot tn the excite- Tile l/Ctl.palrona or \II. Liniment anl .'.r-I b

'dd' F-" I £_. I .' be rlcl'Illllld \cterluarr iiUIlJ4!IUIS, .bo .... onn·or I Ing .uera owula I to ~tl' IDent 10",", 100t them. lie allo .tated Unll.II)' ulT\lC tome IInlmenl. IIIH'l\I, pi'"cipal6 iA poIiuea, would be Kccep' ted Ill3t ,'O!leph and Stu.-b b1d .notlJer l1 ...h, WO!A'!tand, \1011 e..U, "1110"8'. IlIn,.. and.~... • " .. IIiOl"uo III II on, ot doll.,.. I.nll&ll,. 10 flu.M admirable I( tbe order iuelt "as Oil MUJele Shell, Multllig In no pllrtk'u- 11i0ra, lIoU)1IlCD.JlOC'lril roWo:r»,.I*p-...lte,.

d ('bl 0_ . I d . and Ibc.e hill' In, bonea or ealtl~

e e011 .. ~ many uew .appolDl. ar a vantage to either. 'Ihe IolIhm. alld "'bat • talTlf!r auml'lt do lOr .·OR!C.utAurmlaU b been ..ade in the T(e... IfOOl" are tlid to be pretty ~'ell fllg--I LmllUCnt will do .ta 'rLdlnll' COlt.d I' I!>~' T~ Lhlhl10nll are IIIlIIS b1 an d~ateraary, an t'tv 1?reuur" for p acea IS SklrlDltbea occur at Inten·lllA. 'fbe above throughout Ihecoon,[J" Tb~ aM warn.nll!d'~pe.&t, tbat 1~ (ound neceuar1 to oe\\', lei Crom Indian 1OUrCeI. 'rl.le !Jel\t( ~~~h)~C~:~~)~blAIl~ho6e~~J>I~~oi6w••olillf' dlscbarge of clerks. A was prenltnt lbat .10000pb would ,~ tbCUl.lilt or diam..lt ~DOw beiur dr• .-n fully crOIS the Drltllb Ilue. Laboralory 01 J. B. RoM & Co.,__ ~'d h b d b 41 Dn liT., Se_ York.tip. J In! .---real ell' II mc e ere ST. LoutS. sept. 2-4.-A lpedll trom....11I.yo two w..k. rut beCore IAnt\lworth, uyuprlvateleutrJcccl\"6dCoulreu me.ta. (rom Fort Klntas gires III aCl'Gunt o( a

LoNDO.1 Be.pt. ~l.-Wm. Henry tlght between caule Ihlueland a party o(r01. T~bo." ~hleJ dllCO,~r" of pho· putlJUetl 10 Cb.lrenuc \'OUllty. Katl",,':~s: i 2S -T '11' Ill. "Il' a~o. ltla!IIlU Illrge uuwberf p. • WO ml I?D 01 Clutle baa been stoleu during the pllJt

Thi.c ,.• b':~d ~~"tt,t~':J ~~:~~~ SmnDlcr, and It "lU ftll~&IJy Uewrmloal by c:'~=·o.?:::r;: ~.p'i:.m:"e:.':ft:~~'Il~men/ot tbe I ownerl a.ntl berderllO put a atop to It alld rneYd r I. l)IInll-n"II7 Retallted 10 fee'b·OIn. k pi oCt! I" 11.1" rli'.ble,-bl"'"·n.lt!leotlroy.woml"

NrwYolt" Sept 28-A ,~. I IlUI. eaJluam. HlW. tbuWthat IUoIhnllllln Ibe roo I. n-ar'IIA18lhe "tOQllICh,t •• ,.__1' IOtUe100catliewetCl. ftr \v antlcuret wlndl·"Il,·. )'ew n!lnedle-are u

110m LoDtJoIl ...,. a 6Orre.pondent run 0 NUll tlltem eml»CloU!lfor le ..eli·hll'·~'" t:""up. wormt andat CoDlu,atilUU1le tele a b I iian alld Colol"2do by a l)artT o(tweln wtlOPflllll(<'OtI.lfh. l',,~I'lrUlIIlII.ecMntllle anti

'--s- gr Pit lat ~ I I paret" vtJMlabte p"IlllInUIoII. m~ "lI'"tlelh"the rumor prevailed in tblt citT that 10 'rs, w 101tarte< north ",IUt Ihem. A Illlllll:UtllfOll••nd ntrtlh"r lI'apnor I'll\,:,Soleimu l'uha bad at I..hu\lcet!ded pttrty o( ftfteen rnllgtnuplt:udtdly anned r.:'~~~l"~~o~";"il~':'.:r.~~"':m::Yia iatereepling ttl., L'OmmUQieali\)n. 1i~1rwd III pUflulL After I 'try bard f"lU:bfll', M. D.,or Blnltable.IIl•• :

of the RUlli.u. occupying Sobipka rkle o( anecD daY' tbey callie UpoD theP... !!iab ~. IOwn or Gabroll. AI.o tbioveli In extreme Nortbwc:ateru Kall~ 1 _

tJaat iIle Turkl ba.e t\&oceeded in IbrTOUntled them at lupper, klllctl8c'\'"I'''''ClOtting of tbe re of Ibe nus. or them, hUlIlt another to a Iret'. lIllil n:..ian. 'dftoullding thenl 0 all lid ea. ODv"red llllc.heir CllttlC. .None or 11111 rlln·Anotb.tr rumor prevaill iu OoPlta,ti. gertI were hurt, tho lurllrlle bchlg ~o COlU~

no~le ,b':to.maD\ PIlL..... aohio,ed pitta tll:Lt the roblHltlllllld 110 UhllllOO to N­

~D unporlant 'Uf! at PI"II.~ 1t turn the dro or m:1ko anT rcil..tlllOO.

II ltated he rep~Md ~. RUl!i ..h at· I...,k od 'h••1I~'Il rcd.~h". Th. Notice to Tax Payers. UMMEII AIIRANCEMENT.Rulli_n lOll il .~t <10,-" at 8,00{).

ERZIROUX, Sept. 28.-'1'wenfYt"o Ihouund l~!ani blVe arriytdoppolite Mutkl&r, 11~II.oe ter ~lId• !Janie i. imm



RUlaian Itaff.--offtcers in rron\ ofPluna upre.. tbe utmolt 'con6denee Iba' lbe place "ill (aJl into'~ir ~.dl. ~ete i& au ati"tUlda"lIeor ...ht.t.aad barley in BoI.ari, fnda Yery largo crop or IndiaD corn. Iftbe !tullianl can IUrmouut the dilli·cuh, oC ob"inin~ (u,1 'her con .;11- H. L. TIBBALCP.. (lO.'Stn In Hu.na "ery aom(ortabl,.. l} IJlJ

VlcrOIl...., s.pl. 27.-An Jlldilll"om.n while bllbinK.1I poll.d b.. SUPERIOR TEAMSneatb he lurc.ce o( Ihe .awr bj' an,,?'OP" oh.,11 61~ ••d d.u.n.d. WJIABFINGEBS''1 h. body "IS disco\'e"d 111' follo"-Ing day in the boltom'of the bay in OOmTn;~~l'-OnA.I)Verchants ~aJIICUlCO PT. ntW••1Ullo. _"ICTOal_~&he embrace or a moo,ter. Im.llan. ~ .w.do.... do.n and "ish their linin. - ....UIll'. 10 On .rrl""" AU«. IIIMured lhe leQtaelf!l or Ille IJCtopua Ves8elit DiBchnrged. te~~: :: : - =: ~&ad reK:ued t.he body. 1·I.i i. tb. rro15h:~ 0011eoted., Ot:L II Ut..'1- tl)

t.rat rccord~d ian.IIl':': or l.!t::alb (rom Teaming of all kinde done ---IUcb • c.au.e ill tbi. I~ rt b ' SflT,...-Wll,.ttI, June Ill, 8tl\1.1O Ind 1.If:e.tbtre baye beeD se"ral ~~r~~ e~~ 1e.~~:t:::"tl'fKtlon f;.CO;~j~rj~:~:~~.)'fg~~~~=".:-' will Rli

capt.. . I:>'O&WA.• I1I«{} ..uJDIk:010llMlOX BUD. 1~IIKel'!l from Portland.l1IJ up-80unll• H.u.la., ."I~etldJ'1.ndnot Turkey, ..[' ft.. promptlJ'aU~nded10. poN wllr LAke l'llltei Sound U1l'l1l .teamer", !l:ur~. ",~k man now; but Ull GOOlt nRY Asn ORF-Elf WOOD AL1II'A TI Ind make connccllron with 1bt City 01

tbe 10....11IOg .rm.r un be Inni 1XI band. AIIOo lood HartL. 1'.lIlma It Victoria. Steauler DakOtabtl t d u.. ( Joe" IlIrOllllh to Olympia.

• e .1 ID a ,,, liay', ~bicbJlO TllfOTUY JU.Y, ALWAY OS H.um. The:te teamen leave V'ttoria at nOOftbod! antltlpatu, be Will recover on the day Idftrtl l. 'J'lLoke... .,.. good~.enlUf.Jty. Hi. luferingl.nd d.. ..0 ..." roa only on the Illoftmel (or .-hleh lheya,..(e~1I by crimiD.1 ~luQdc,.. of prtp., ~ttnaeGOIIIBeer, purchawd, anti are not tl1lntferable. Fora1.loo .nd Uecnllt,ln are admitted. Mt:.ttle Jlt:,er••nd (re1aht or f)Ul8g6 apf'Y 011 board. Or toOUL tb. Turk.,•••t.d (n·,nd. -ho LefJ Bro'f1 80ta W.ter anUtoot Uen; n.... TI.DI)Al.s.... G~lIcral Acent (or Puget Sound.~ne" be.l hi. rf!!IOUrcea, 'r., ~nfi. ALI. BuelMaN -;.;:fauSTED 1'0 otTk 1'01'\ Town mtdeDt." ev~r that ,bta death Itruggle atl.4n'rkl,,:: .•1II receln JI"llIlll

t&lid CIUllruJ

for eltber C ..oks UI' Turkl ...i1r et --lesUIt in Hu"ia'. eatinl"!lon' .... To the mt!l'lJh"llll ot I'ort Town'C':ndlt ,,-," • -, wlU -, IIIlIt.e reo'8lve.1I yOllr lI'ootl.,IllIJ

uroPf.a po.er. .,till. the Ruufln ....h.lI~ltllhe ctlbl fo, )'ullr tl'lllllt'bt 111111', lor..mp.i I. b bl whh'h -v t'CM.IIII)' el11O)1'1 Tnur 1_lnlllllK8 I olfer for.le '111lt~alarwt lot o(Walll")tt'rIn I pro a y ended for tbil uwellllye .Utoll!'c'l 'n rretl vlnl .h1llpln,' CalJlnlJL W.re"nd ...n"it ArIlC'iell. AT C05T,

~e&aon. POhibly di~loml ud 4111\·....ln. lour 100t1l lor Wan, )"u,. .. llnlon(1 to Il.ult dl'll! tI, III 'lieh '0»1.

t.. ,. I .c,. . mly plI'"'. .... A lifielot or I'klun!l &lid MOIl.lIl1o,.

'eb III relle"a . rIO, II Will be We~ ,till Jl"Ir-re<llo do atlrour.work.t tor ta1cIat kJ. ",Ie&.eeaUM TUtll.· . d b rJtiran(I",.....,.tlltl/lf'I~. G B 1

t.le,..u a y ". conaH.llle 1 H. L. T ••ALI '" CO., eo. art trap.y IldAultfl.lograut leIW.:P01.t Townsond.. W. T. Oppotite the"blrr.