published by the · stat a& i ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw....

PUBLISHED BY THE 6W5 %en& Vista Avenue 0-a%- 18, California rr$vsm Rober'ta Watts E. 3. 9. 250 3:00 - 3:30 a.m. 1:OC) kIST 14 KY5:IE 740 Boise, Idaho 14 Tl "f V §SO Seriervilla, Tenneasw 1Om 3:30 -. 4:a a.m. 3 :30 ESiT 20 C IC B M 1490 ~~~, Quebe~c 250 3:OO -.4:Wat.m. 3:OOESE 20 K B L A 1490 Burbank, Calf f ornis 253 3:00 - 4:OO a.m. 32301 P@I 20 ? ! C C V 1260 Cbrlotteeville, Virginis 1000 3:30 - 4:00 &.a, 3:30 33% 20 1 P D i 1470 Potsdan, Few York 1000 -4:00 - 5:00 i.n. 4:00 EST 20 !: ' P V A 1230 Frade riokaburg, Virginia 250 4: GO - 5: 00- a.m, 413d ESQ' 21 B Oy B C 1420 Vicksb~rg~ i!!is3isuippi ZOO0 '4: 00 - 4;.30 a.m. 3 :0G CBV 27 C 2 : 0 L 600 Truro, Nova Sco tia 3600 4 :00 - 5:00 a.m. 5: XI ASP

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Page 1: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly


6W5 %en& Vista Avenue 0-a%- 18, California

rr$vsm Rober'ta

Watts E. 3. 9. 250 3:00 - 3:30 a.m. 1:OC) kIST

14 K Y 5 : I E 740 Boise, Idaho 14 Tl "f V §SO Seriervilla, Tenneasw 1Om 3:30 -. 4:a a.m. 3 :30 ESiT 20 C IC B M 1490 ~~~, Quebe~c 250 3:OO -.4:Wat.m. 3:OOESE 20 K B L A 1490 Burbank, Calf f ornis 253 3:00 - 4:OO a.m. 32301 P@I 20 ?! C C V 1260 Cbrlotteeville, Virginis 1000 3:30 - 4:00 &.a, 3:30 33% 20 1 P D i 1470 Potsdan, Few York 1000 -4:00 - 5:00 i.n. 4:00 EST 20 !:' P V A 1230 Frade riokaburg, Virginia 250 4: GO - 5: 00- a.m, 413d ESQ' 21 B Oy B C 1420 Vicksb~rg~ i!!is3isuippi ZOO0 '4: 00 - 4;.30 a . m . 3 :0G CBV 27 C 2: 0 L 600 Truro , Nova Sco tia 3600 4 :00 - 5:00 a.m. 5: XI ASP

Page 2: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

LS-J; V -J_iaFF: V13TA.. COULWlQ S. EURTZ, PIiOGR~~-2-I~~Cp,R t XSLV a rewee t, our CPC ha5 prepared several a and one mimte announcer~ente a3out 11e Nat,io;:al Radio Club which they are going to read during t h e i r regular schedule he day before t h i s DX broadeast! You can see how exci ted RSLV is over t h ~ ;no ten-

t i a l i t i e e of this DX broadcast, and we hope the DXerr meet t h e i r e x p e c t ~ t i o n s by swamping t;lm vtith reception reports. This date a l so happen6 to be KSLVts second. anniversary! ' J i th no esTly morning frequency ahsakc, KSLV i s a DX plum, so l e t r s a l l be sure t o tune i n and t ry f o r this f i n e courteous station! Arr: F. N1TIZE.R

X T H E !~'SX~I~DPOJJIS. rrYOh?ING -.- JOSEPH C. HE:NFE, !iAlQ-G_B F o l l o a i ~ g XSLV on the sane channel, KTHE, which was b G n i n July 1955, dl1 be on the DX trail t o honor the Nztional Raiiio Club. KTHE ka needed by almost 111 of the DX clan, as they do not have any r e t frequelicy check time, e i t h e r , We do not know 'f T!l?DC, Cllicago, w i l l s tand by f o r e i t he r program, but we have hopes they r;.i$lt be l e a r 3:15-3:45, f o r 15 minutes o f each s ta t ionos program. We want to t h i k iIr. enry f o r cgreaing to put h i s s t a t i o n on the air f o r us, and we hope tha t rec2ption

w i l l be f iile, and t*ht KTIB w i l l be hsarcl f a r and wide. Arr : Francie N i t t l e r

R V C V- --BJQI?TG, C A I I X F O ~ ~ T ~ GEORGE 0 , b'KJSSOW. CEIEF KGIIWR Ivk. Wuseow cmpliments our club and i ts mgnibare f o r t he i r great h~j lp as a -:torld mon. i t o r i n g systami espec i a l l g , during lvorld emergencies, He .says he r ea l i ze s i t r s a hobby *;ri ti ua, but says the go ten t ia l i e there if an emergency should a r i se . Veri- f icatioils w e promised to al l v~ho report c o r r q t , . PVCV has received rcponts from New Zealand, and Nr . B u ~ s o w says it' 11 i a nice to know he has a world-wide zudience, o r almost so, a8 he broadcaets t h i s DX program. Remember, please be exact i n your report8 of frequency, ca l l a , eta. t o as %re your ve r if ication! Arr: Sid Ro senbaurn

k? F M C GOLDSBORD. .NOR91 C3-ROJ,INA ~ ~ ~ T H T, XiSHALL, G E i ~ ~ R & 1 r i G E i .i'ir. BIars:?c'.ll has rea l ly gone all-out f o r t h i s t e s t broadcast, which seems cormin 6:

- .

be orle of the best ever f o r the Fat ional Radio club!. Every ;,ember of 17iFh!Cfs s t v ~ l l be an hand, ' i n person! Further, i!iir. Iviarshall himself has wr i t t en each otl 730 k i loc~rc le s t a t i on t a Chief k g i n e e r , asking them please not to t e s t briix ,

period! :.!FkiC v , i l l welcome -- tapes of t he i r broadcast, which they w i l l be glad to furnieh, 2 ~ d t l iey' l l r e tu rn a l l tapes sent them too! He has also t r i e d to gz"v!GN on 720 to susperd t h e i r tons f o r t h i s period! What more can we add? You s3e the a l l -ou t en thu~ iaaa , so l e t ' s reciprocate with lo&s.of DX reports! AFT': R. Se i fe r t .


~ 6 0 0 ' Ehrphy, Iilortn Cc~rolins 1,Oi;O D-l /690 , P O Texas L 250 D3 900

920 S b l t o n , :-Jashington 500 D-1 970 1390 C'nsarlotte, F.Sichigan 1,000 0-3 1310 1420'. Coos Eay, Oregon 1,000 D-1 1390

CALI; CHANGES ---. . . - ,- -- -- -- -,- 1440 : / -570 R L U ' B Sa l tLake C i t y f r . iNTA 1580 - 1250' I C C U E . RedBing, 1590

IXEV CALLS '8 A D S-hsonia, Coraecficut

&Wff her thio

W D D T ~ r e e n v i l l e , i..;ississip>f K F E L' Pueblo, Color& K G A C St. Peter , E;inleso ta W 0 A T Orange, Maseachusetts K P 0 H Sco t t sda le , Arizona . K W I P II'Ierced, Cal i fornia K B' U S Mexia. Tkae

FACILITIES ---- 790' ?7 A I3 B Allento~vrl, Penr,sylvania - 500 dl~, 1,000 night0 i o correct po;;rer, 910 I< L A N Rmton, V!ashington, to 1,000 U-3, from 1230 kc/s, , 250 U-1. 920 K V A N ~ancouvsr , ~ . i s h i n ~ & n , to 1,000 U-2, from 1,000 uL3, sama nicht DA.

1260 K 0 0 S Cooo Bay, Oregon, to 1, C -9 U-2, from 1230 kc/s,, 250 U-I.. 1290 ?-; P R N Tyrone, Pemsylvania, to 1,000 D-1, from 500 D-1, same channel, 1460 K L L L Lubbock, Texas, t o 1,000 D-1, f rm 500 D-1, same channel. 1580 P G C To Bradbury HBL&ts, Marylard, from Fnorningslde, MaryUdd. 1590 W T V B Coldvvater, ililicnig&n, to 5,000/503 U-2, from 5,030/500 U 3 , s=:s 1cc i s .

ATTENTION OF BEVERY N.R.C. ?.'Eb4BEEt! - BEDC, 1240, stood by most graciously f o r \?LCOg s DX of 113. \Be want to thaal: ;.re BILL ViCE, of VmZDC f o r t h i s f i n e gesture'. AYrD EVERYOWE IS ASKED PLEASE TO $HID A CARD OR L.ZTTER OF THANKS TO NR. I!ilACI< FOR THIS KIND>lESS! PIXASE, EVERYEODY DO THIS!

Page 3: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

J a n u ~ r y 28, lT.5 6 -D-X- -N-E-XJ--S- Page S ! ~ i ~ ~ s ~ n ~ s - o f t & e ~ ~ m ~ e g - . .


- St% goyes .= g.-Rz 3 = Bradfoyd, ~ \ l ~ s ~ c k u g e t t s -

1/9- "WQ 1300 za Grange at 2:35. "CidP 1270 Elkhart, ET 2: 51. WLNR 1350 &'X Test S9 plus here, a d ~ y t h e local. CX pre t ty poor - no D O L o r CKCL. Tone no tad on 600 at 4:Ol, L u t Nova Scot ia jus t had a tough storm . Maybe they weran't oil b s c ~ u s e of it. 1/.11-. KLLL 1460 LubSock 2:28 sen,. teutizg, probably t h e i r nev 1000 n a t t t ransmit ter a1thougl.r I didns t hear: Ism say so. By pluck and luck I got SSOP! s DX, barely equzl to noise level , but due t o the ea s i l y recognizable - to me - mz-sic got almost a c o ~ ~ l e t e log.. 5'dABI off t h i s AX. Y!PD s/on at 4!30 i n c l ea r exce>t f o r weak FT. Verie, KEL. 1/13- 'i1IPR t o s t 2:03. 1~:'EC-1460 at 2:lO. \WDA 1260 a t 2:35. XGAS 1590 Cartlhage Tsx. 2:41-3:2, a new one here. YEIFF 1260 at 3:s. Ver- i e , CTAL . J u s t go t kernphis cleaned up f i ~ : i : i ~ ~ ) a& now I 've got W O K 3 to go a f t e r . 1/14- KDJI 2:40, f /c . liiFOB 1430 Fo s toria, PdD al l A&!. WJTN weaka Saturday AIbI AN st.,07.v t o be regu.lar they said. URLC 920 L i t t l e Rock TT 3:20. 1/15.? WIL on 2T 4:15. i-!PLX DX t a s t tough here, a3out SO miles north of them. VfFWC equal o r doaind,nt throughout . V 2ri.e s , wB and VJJQ4-dxes . Anyone want some rain? Youe re nel come to som - h ~ d e igh t days of i t now, with som3 of i t f reezing ice $ inch t h i ck on a x l a m a :ire t M 3 JIM. A l e t t e r from Rev, EraYton Sawyer thanking f o r l i s tening to b1.o d c a s t S on BGLC. !"ill give IIGLC s chance t o ancwer before t rying a f /up though.

A / l c Don_ &asBe.y---l+g 1'[32222g @?ill t-@CSRD_---ApOo8&, -Ngv-Y ~r&, -Yg~v-Y_qrk- i L - -

Anxiously a;&i t ing be t t e r DX CX. Beally having bad WX l a te ly . Storms neLi;rl:r every &y . f o r last Iz~io weeks; Snow, wind, a.?d %.:hat have you. Anyone interes ted iil pic- tu res f m;i: t h i s ;?aradise? Drop a l i n e and 1 1 11 sead some, Nine new s t a t i ons since Dec. 28 liozrd here. On Doc, 30, Zaragosa, spain (782) and FNi3-Cmca (1178 ) heard about 6: 15 per:-. , ~ l s o LSll (1270) La P la ta , Argent5.m fron; 8-9 gem. On Dec. 31, all the FrsncZl stzttiocs on v i t h E9. h'ea wera Lyon (632), ivbrseille (710), Lhogos ('791 and Eancy (638) a l so heard Cagliari , I t a l y (1061). On Jan. 8 PIE4 (1300) Sm Paulc Braz i l ,-!it3 s o d I D at 8:30 p.m. That session T;JAe,v\rere weak but audible a l l over high end O? d i a l , SA m c h stronger. Veries back f o r a change. Cards from I!HDH (850) , YS.hI (13 6 0 ) , V!UC (1510)~ CBI (11401, CBN (640) ; l e t t e r s from T i m ( 1450)~ \YHDH ( 3 5 5 ) , !<TOE (14201, lZ!ABI (910), RCEG (~BCO), WCH (9201, KSUM (13701, CBi ( 1140), CICGC (1380) and CJON 930, plus ct brochure a d verie frcm CHSJ (1150). Some very in tores t ing ~ e r i e s and most were m@rised t o be heard i n Iceland. ICSWI said I t m famaus as I made a l l the m a j o r ne,vscasts from that s t a t i on on Dec, 25. ZME stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths f i r s t time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern s ta t ions I 've managd t o hear up i n Iceland. ProSa'cly eeems l i l e a d r a s t i c stop 'but i t s tha only w&y I coulc~ n,&a any haaL~vay ci th Len Xruse. I bi9nl t fa re too ,l1;reP1 i n cmpe:ition l i i t h h i m back i n the Corn S t ~ t e , In f a c t 1'3 Clinkin% about askin,; f o r an a s s iprflent i n Presque I s l a so I can 9'; some more good funs. Len would grobably out-DX me, anyway. By the wsy Len, ever ge t KFDR o r ~ 5 0 7 ' Val r e get t ing up to date hers. Am lf s tening t o an Arthur Godrtrey show on Wi timt I heard only last July. HN& an2 QPX s t i l l k i l l i n g any DX this mocth. 73s to a l l .

-~d?g_G~lgs---2g44 " v ~ 4 l _ f p y d - ~ g = O_l-a&o~~a-Cg@ L6, ml.&gma- HI! DX G t i v i t Y her9 lielit t3xcegt f o r a p e t t y good AM t h i s An1 v<ith good reau l t s on the DX Specials. Eere i s the l a t e s t a c t i v i t y from th i s den: 1/4- \'lCLB Car.;illa Ga. ET 3:10-3:30 a.m., rsgular from verie, l j6 - TDOR 910 1:0&1:05 a ,m. 1/70 TjIV"AX 1480 f / c 3:2G-3:30. 6;BI 1450 f/c 1:25-1:40 dam. 1/9- 'ij'FNC 1390 3:50-4:lO. 1/11- KSrJP 1370 DX good l a r e , 1/15- Naw IUjEX Dexter, iio , 1590 ET 1:30-1:45 a,m, 1/14- F.-rEM 990 2:~:0-2:50 ET. 1/16- DXos, WSUX 1280 xime i n snrprialngly wel l ; ICU~Z 14.30 ~ e a k behind CT5OX1 RBRC id39 weak too, but no q&M till 5; KYES 950 would have been missed except f o r anncuncement on RBRC about i t ; got last f i v e minutes b ~ t vas ,is- f i c u l t i c e to VbVL's beirig on i ; i th ail ET. KYES was stronger than XBRC 1 , ak i ly . A l s o added !-]as WCI?R 1270 ET which was on neariy a l l AM. That's i t . Sure h o p t o add ?:HBN tonight. !hanks Stan f o r the info on X l U N , sure can use i t , Veries i n since l a s t re l~or t: '8HCO-dx 'irK3X :WAX ?;JEZLdx KGUS ll!CLB KGAS duplicate plus two ?x st ones ; a very colorful card f ro r JOQE 850 Niigata, Japan and card from Q,G 790 3r ie - bane, Aust;-clia. Hooray f o r >.Sonitor being o f f . 788 and $pod luck t o ev9ryo:le. ,


Page 4: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

;'EL@ 4 - - - - . - - - D X N E B r S - Jemai.j 22, 1956 S ~ g t ~ r - S g ~ a ~ e g shg &smf) & g e l QXsr---P Box 580 = Stgttga_A, -Ar_kgn~a8- -

Latest D:,;inz at th is den has been very limited due to other ac t iv i t ies . A s of to- .day, 1/15, I haven't spent one minute a t the d ia l s in the early morning :.:ith a q resul t s . ' I d i i l i s t e n for RGOS on the 2nd, arid may have heard thoir ca l l , but F J ~ B

too s l o e p 3 ~ to be sure. DX since la8 t report: i2/14- XCBD-1590, Lub'cock, Te::. RS ? : 4 M p.rt, l2/19- ETL1/-920 Texas City, Tex. ET/X! 3:53-4:05; KUTA-570 Salt LAe Citp 1RC DX; VGIV-1600 Charlottgg W.C, 3s 4:51-4:58; FJrfl,!iN-920 Fairmont, :7. Va, ES 5 : - 7 12/24- KRSL-990 E;us,;all, Eans. new one on ET,I\II 3:05-3:20. 12/25- WDQ- 600 Jasksonville, Fla. 00, 's/on and RS 5:25-5:35. 12/26- KGIW-1450 Alamosa, Col. f /c-TT 2: 07-2: 16; KGEC-910 IAiami, Usla, AN RS 2 : 56-3 t 95 ; WHKR-1600 Ann Ar'oor, 1:iich. IiTRC DX 3:053:14; BJEII-1150 Vnldosts, Ga. ~~~ DX 3:17-3:27; XKQ-1600 Fort Scott Xans. DX 3:37-3:48; IiORE-145.0 Lau Cruaes, N.1~1. f/c 4:32; KBAR-1230 Burley, Ido. f /c-TT 4: 114:25 ; EZRIZ-1230 Phoenix, kr iz . f /c-TT 4;32-4:41; !a!TIK-1310 Durban, N. C. s/on and RS 5:00--5:m ; XUL-1450 Lubbock, Tex. f /c-TT 5:48-5:58. 12/27- RGM-1370 Dodge City, Kane . RS 7: 31-7:Z3 p.m. 12/29- VrT!EB-1250 Topka, Kans. RS to s/of f 12:31-1:OO; ICE'S.-600 Sari Diego, bl. R3 t o s,/d f 2~3%-3:06; XIBE-1220 Palo Alto, Cal. ET/N 3:Z+-3:33; I;r,Zi-1230 Dleblo Col. f/c-Tz 3:tJS-4, glad to get 'em as 1 c o ~ l d x t t tr ;~ faT LIX tocay ; ?;B21IZ-12.2.3 Macon Ca. f!c-!TT 4:09-4:14. 12/30. 1'iICLX-1440 Parie, Q. IT-TT 1: 06-1. s 12; V?.;":?RL-lGCO Necrr Yorir AK RS 1;32-2; ETLN-1280 Dexvzr, Col, AM RS 2:16-2:18; IOiHT-IS00 Cushiag, Okla. ET/'i.iI 2:23-2:,25; K'iiKD-1150 Los k i : ~ e l e s AN RS 3:15-3:30. i/4- YiPX0-1460 Vaco Tex. RS 6 : B y.m., KEYS-1440 Corpus C k i S t i Tex. RS 6 : s - 7 . 1j5- I'JHER-1430 I;:mphis, Tern. RS 6;12 F.rf,.; F!LAQ-1410 Rame Ga. -9S 6:27- 6 ~ 3 1 . Vr?ries: Tc:'33di! ICSOI CJVI 'I':'BGE ~Y.'tIOD \'!mu IC,'.C;'k'C Kl?Zc WADP KOYN Y.'INS !'!IT2 XmY K T i C

: : . r ~ ~ ~ ? !.I?CLV z.:::p :'INSF? xvoc! n! J J D~BVL PJJ~~L cFoa VKLE BKBL F ~ T . ~ JCI-:SL t:.r~i B ~;xoi(. KOBE ':,PDQ :'!rJIV :IGI'ID IcE'IJg id ZA 1GT.A TaEv VrAW l<CED I W B KCHS KRIZ X E D XXiQ 'CE'.TRL and RLllD f o r total , 566. V:GFfD-$70 won't ch- ,.se to '1:CAS f o r some time; KVJHP-lS00 i s KUSH a e of t o k y , per veriee. Charlie Conley - what power was 'XAYO using when t k q tes t - ed durin;: XOFE Di;? Baliave your verie gives it . f/c list, v/e and contest starid- ings i n tc3aq. 73. !

EgwgrG g. - ~ ~ r k i ~ s - - - l ~ , 7 - ~ e _ n ~ ~ ! ~ e - ~ ~ e , & , @~liP_lfZ, -Ohio- Latest loz-ings are \VFfX 1430 Pel1 City PJa. ET, RNOD 1360 RS, lfLuclry Lager 3 a c e T h o " , Y!CDai X4O DX g o ~ d , NO R W S 1490 nor ICRXX 1233 DXeo. Needed both. ICRSL 990, Russell, Zms. ET in conuactton i i i th WVIL York, ~qebr. , VIHCO 1230 DX good, TXSR 1420 ET, ;,XBC 3260 f /c . YrTAY 1573 ET, Tried f o r HBOL 1490 DX and CKCL 603 DS. Not a peep here, 'oo th needed. .Vm3ries in from KJCF 1010, V!JZlf 1150, KTLT! 920, IDJI 1230, ''.-JPdZ 1333, ~TElCR 1340, FdGR 1490, K?!C3 1270, WlER 1430, ' T H K 1430, back ii: f ive days, Pel1 City, A l a . KUTI nice vsrie. card. 1 ill- DX f ~ o r ~ i KSOP fair 1379, a l l western s ty le music. A l s o got XIBE 1220 Palo A l t o Cal, on test . Veries i n from KRSL 990, 1;ivlOD 1350, m c l nico l e t t e r confirming DX from WVWP 600. Mr. A.H.Affolter, the 34, stated i n t3e l e t t e r that they are located at Cha,wramae, not i n Cocorite. 1/16- T.'L~~VIJ 950 XT, '?:SLJX 1230 DX good, !:'Cl.IR 1270 ET. Xo KETE 1490; a mess of All stL:tions. tlo KYES 950 nor IXBRC 1430. Eo t h frequencies were open - wonder i f they ws re on? Fe l l ,aslezp and missed WaEU 960 at 4:30 a.m. Verie i n from l?lTA?, 1570, ni)ce l e t t e r . 1117- YTCR 1420 f / c 22;QG-2:20 tone. Stayed on 1.420 u n t i l 3:45 waiting f o r ':!;BK DX. Uranodulatec c a r r i e r there, no voice. P e r h a ~ s tkey, a id not come on. Verie from WHCO DX. Go 'c CCiU 1223 f /c tone. P i i l l send fourth report t o them.

J ~ ~ z r , ~ - 6 - C e n , t _ r ~ 1 - A ~ o n u ~ grcoklxn-2'?, -8gw-York- Veries. royling in sloir~ly but s i m e l a s t repcrt IiBAM on NRC DX i n October, KF3K two page l e t t e r , Z.M WJEi V!:!SCO all on DX &lcs W T U , new AN now on 1490 kc/s. ' I s o f f Sunday A?.?s so lai l l block tne spot on Iv!o-;lday and also :'ICI;!Ii Arecibo, B..R. v i a air m a i l . ' Last v:esk WLM on as schedul.ecl on DX. Eonday AM, YBEU and TBVL plus ICYES i i l

background on DX . Last Tu.e~-day 4.4 l ight snou hem, ?l~ere I work i t was SeVei: inch.. and f o r t3ose who need '>'!RIV eatch for. nwl ETs as naarly all of East liain Street i n Riverhead had a big f i r e and lo t s of ?;:Pi:';a equipment wae bu.rned, Tried for than out i n i.ie6ford. the other day but not on. Snow 'plow8 ripped part of the L. I.R.R. tracks uy out thera. This i n Calverton on Peconic Bay. This Sunday afternoon he& at 3 2.m. !:IISDR !IWA ';VEC'!O behind ?'/TIC KIPS NJLK a l l early. Eope to get up a l i t t l e e a r l i a r and t ry f o r these DXes on Konday 1/23 but c m o t get a l l as I leave early, around 5 a;;. , so h o p to get up around 3:30 a.m. T h a t ' s i t from here no7.-r, so good DXing. !.!??I3 also received af te r three reports, at last verified. DO YOU TIAYE A REPORT I N THIS ISSUE? IF HOT, 'i'HY NOT? BE SURE TO SEhlD IN A REPORT!

Page 5: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

Zaixary 213, 1956 -D-X- -V-X-T!-3- Page 5 FLr'kgc&-i.I, Mi_ttley = 133 5-G~ag t-Skrge&, -A2 t, 32---DeDen1es 3, -Cglgrgio-

i?ere it is Friday night and time f o r another r3port. Reception CX s t i l l b a l w p r here. KO--.ever, on 1/16 I did ranage to log four of ti-& scheduled DX progr-X'S. ImTE lleard ver,. p o r l y on 1490 but not needed as already ver i f i ed here. Likwriae XRBC which was ,also i n very cveaJr. The o ther two heard nere new loggings f o r me, na.:ely KYES Roeeb.:-rg i n wi th good s ignal aid V.'BEU .Beaufort poor s igna l but eno-sh f o r a repor t , 0:1 1.17 1 nas up l i s t eh ing for the scheduled DX from VHBN which didn ' t show b3. t d i d Lear T.i!CFA (1230) Corinth, Kiss, on r / c per l ist f o r a new catch. On 1/18 tliers were a l o t of Louisiana s t a t i ons on wi th Shs but only new one hem was 2?V'CJ (3.439) Natchitoches oil ul;til 3:3d. Others heard were Y m =LC VAFB l?JEO a d KSIG. Alsc . on 1.16 thore were severs1 C d i f o r n i a s ta t ions on w i th f lood iIWS in- c luding X-ITCA R:XC RHSL ICAGR and :<SPA. Things a r e rea l ly poppi-ng here i n Danver. Yesterdcljr 2FI:iL (1390) s t a r t ed i t s RS. A t noon Svnday 1/22 XlWR w i l l novs f r o 2 1340 to 710. Ilhsn i n a couple of rconthe KE':: w i l l s tart up on 1340, Veries ra t3er scarce t k i s aee4. Let tors were received :or DXes of KDZA K3OL KBAIii and ~:IXCO. Also a l e t t e r f r m CKY (580) and a shor t l e t t e r i n Spanish f ram XED (1050) f o r reyor t of 12/28. XXD r ea l l y gives XEG a b a t t l e here sornet;imea i n the evenings. T.mtls all f o r t h i s t i r e . Good DX to all. 73s.

Rov H,~i&Lay---Routee2---Bgx-6~C~ = ~ s g a ~ u g h L ~ a g h & l g t o n n - d -

'!Along the EX trail19 - Jan. I1 - KSOP-dx on 1370 an easy log &re. Logged I C D on 1150 inLcs Pngeles from 7 to 8 a.m. s/on of loca l KAYO; I C D programing i n Spanish Jan. 12 - Added new c a l l 09 KUTA on 573 i n S&lt Lake S i t y Utah $0 my 102 at 7 a,Ti;. s/on. Jan. 13 - KMLB s,on 1440 f r o m !liIonroe, La. at 6:30 a.m.; KEXS s ;on saxe at 6: 59 a,::., frcr- Corpils Crristi, 'Eex., then KDXT I D at 7:30 2.n. f ron Dsntaz, Tex., earn freqmzcy, and my f i r s t n m logs on 14G0 since FGarch of '53f Can. 14 - L! DX i n evenirg best of season, see FVVs. Sax. 15 - RSLT.!-1390 Salem, Ore. AIT on 1390, no go o n YPL.:. EX. Dun' t tr;y for ;CDZbl c DX on 1233 account of j u s t too na;V oil at 3:30 a,;:. Jan, 16 - DXee from !G3;\Q-1490, KBRc~1433 and IiYES-950 a i l easy as c l c se by; notllii-,~ e l se . Jan, l? - i.jiag have neard a b i S of T!HBNt s DX an 1420 as soxe tone and one ~ o c e l heard, but a Ja$ was domiziant s igna l here. Veries - X O S - , b , 2XP- 1370 ; l.?ICi TC-fix, ICGST-1600, KLAD-dx, KAPB-dx, V,BMP-l25C, T,YJBfi-dx and KBAIvI-h. S;.ec- ial NRC l e t t e r i n from Lake City, Pa. -:!it'n f / c l i s t , verie signers, and coi--test standings. That f / c l i s t sure looks good t h i s time. Lots of DX meat! T h ~ T r s a mi l l i on to Francis a113 Len and a-ny o t h r s t b t helped out on th i s . 9Q11 t q s arL- a l is t of v j s off t o O1E;rien soon f o r next month's l i s t ; ?resume he i s co:.:ti.ruin to 30 tl l is assigriment ~vhich we a l l can rcake such g o ~ 5 -ase of. Domestic Co;:%sest r o l l i n g iz10i:g r i g h t weli too. Good to oee at l e a s t f i ve Bes tem CXers ill t:lere x i t h en t r i e s , especia l ly Xr. R. k t 09 Encinitas, Ca.lif. I na i l ed my F o r s i s Con- test l i s t t o Roger A. j u s t a f t e r Christmas, but must have j u s t missed h i s -ie?.dli~?, sor ry . Lzlieve I t u r ~ e d i n 56 points i n veries. To Joe Brawler - my l e t t e r f rosa KOZE's 3lr. is a carbon dea l de t z i l i nq h >reddown of 15 repor t s o f t h e i r DX; i s heade?, ':.-it11 11950 kc/s. - KOZE - 500 X P * t s - DXer - Veri. 11 I assure you thi; I pas-: i t i v e l y +.A def in i ta ly lo5,;ed 'dm so k ~ i a no qualms about claiming t h i s as a vsr i - f i c a t i on , even i f it i 6 dn loda ba11.11 4-~ain , I s a ~ what a grand job t;?e CPC is doing! '73s.

Fyeg S t ~ c g = 22-Cguu &vgn;e---Laastgr, zetz xork- - On Jan. 20 1956 p.r::. I l o g g e d T.lYVA 1170, Wheling, T!. Va., ILrCAU i210, Pkil~rlel;3;lia, WHfUvi, 1180, Rocliester, 1T.Y.; 1520 Euffalo, VRVA 1148, Richnorid. Jcn. 21, a.m. ?KBV! Bidfalo 1520; WHEC 1460, E~cl ies tcr , N.Y. ; VGR 550, Buffalo; CHNL 903, HJsil tor Ont. ; CT&T 530, Toronho, Ont. , PF3.i 600, Cocdersport, Pa., !YRlV 680 kc/s . , Eoc:?este N.Y., CIIXGTI 800, Detro i t , Elich; I've been secdlng my r spcr t s to Hal i n s t e x l of E. Coaper here. T'mks only ti Hal.&-ou ~ o t tlim. 3 rsceived your card b1, t?;?.&s. T!BEN, 930, W f a l o ; '.7.'39, 750, Detroi t , CB,G 330, Hamilton, send out QSL caras. Jan 2 1 a.m.- CJEC, Toronto; CB% Windsor; WXRA, 1080, Kenmore, N.Y. CBLL, 900, iiz.iilton, R J R 730, Det ro i t .

John_ gog@r&e&dg = ~ i ~ w g & e s , - T ! ~ s c o ~ s ~ n - - Checkinr. K~rouah 019 unan&ered DX r e ~ o r t s I couldnl t f i n d date of DX shos?s of CJPD -1280 ( ?') ;:oiitGal and Y%!B ~ i s s i n i m e e * ~ l a ; both givan on the s- da te last spr i rg . Also ;7lm --:o-2.18 I ? r i t e to fo r a f;rLIVH Laconia N.H. verie?. The s t a t i o n ignal-.?s ne 1 I t i 3 e . i l l i f . ',;hat is nia ad,iree? DX i s graat here. As of 1/14 2 have 1,3.56 s ta t ions lag+d. A fe!-.. mare weeks and i t ' s 2fJO00. 73s.

Page 6: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

u N P \-! '; Pags 6 -D-a-- - - - - - J'anuary 23, 19 56 Cimzlie-ConLex = g59- &arkz ,̂&i-get = &e~ope, -Pgnpy_lvan_ia-

This i s to r -port that a meeting of tiie Bourbon and Tap-water Chapter of tlle i7RC net &ring Ch-ishas week v:i t h Big Fish (C . C . )&ii t h presidiag and azhnt t fisheJ. f o r years Conley po-crii~g. A s i l e n t membar present, v;as C .C. s son viho co$ldnt t get a i o r d in edgewise. ?!hen the wind died down wa t h f c s aiijourned t o the local htbh Pal t ry wkbre t h ~ o-at-lander f:*om Florida ha3 h is f a v o ~ i t e d:sh of snoked snissnge r r i t 'or:? radish. Scriousip, I mas sc.;:ry we dldnf t have ~ o 2 e ?!me t o bat the breeze - s e m ~ s a0 thoq<i k i t t y oily gcts up kers a.nd ra t isned tlrae. T'lis n i l 1 now knock you'n5 f o r ct loop - I f iiialls ' .;,l:st .;.,:idy) sent o?it. the f i.rst t-:ro ra-porte on DX pr0gray.s f:jr aiim s t a y ? . ~ r , namel;: ,?UL (-i/ory W o r hera) an< !JSLTX who, -.:hi10 nearby cx:' t 'cs [email protected] cn BS due to !:'HVR 5:; %,no :/er, F:t, abozt 30 miles f ra:~ here. I did t ry foi- KUTA and XCSE af,;sr da:c?s from Skoot and Fh1. No slga cf K U A but was pleased to b a r %he Sac>o,Ger 5x5 fo:? which- I s e r ~ t a caiwd,, in&s:auch as 1 1 C veried them ssnn yearn ago, A l s o , th'nlLcs t o Bob Se i fa r t , tr ied t o log C'Y.CS and YiEIFX O i l tlsir 12/26 DXes. F i r s t cax1d:l:it be hes:*d 'here. WEKi in Ox but &gain fh9y al-e i n my ver- ied f i l e . Havei oa ti& Q C C A S ~ O ~ ~ S wksn I v;as mT:,ke, i;ri& v~trious DXes l i s t ed , none of which sl:owed Pere. !her3 'have hean so mahp, t o m e , very desirable cats:les l i s tecl by our CPC that I b e had t o r;.,f ss tll:?,t i t gri~;r;:: me. ;Encidentelly the en t i re ly er- ,

roneousG statemant i n a recant ies-ce &boat 3o,~,ying W-2.UM (don! t use i t isut I t d l i k e ta 'em verif ied) s;louid rend 1:'-522 ar,d t'hat came cnf of the Scott , n o t tha i,:icdicine cabinet! (2'or go2 f a r north-sasterx lads, had a psrsog t o pezson c a l l 12/18 frm YtTJO-;"\I, & old fraend frcn C'Cm (ADA: wantiag some contract foms. Seams i'; i s 013 !'.'GUY (A&i) i n Bango-, ?fie.! And, i t as.9 m o s t gratil-pi- t o :nvi tha t our 01.3. beerran turned postr;l.ctn Sroke loose n i t verse (who said warso? for a Con- vantion ;12 rever saw. Throu& snoiv, s l e a t a d whatever besr he gets, ma; his shad. --:: multiply! To tko se of you 1v.m were gracicus eclougr, t c ! send nie cards, thiike. An5 ngr hurr.3le ,?rpolo:<les f o r not being r51e t3 'reci.?rocate. To those, inc lu- i iq rDy old Ide tbdis t Sergeant a t !?ATPT, Lord wi l l i ng ID11 gat a rep'ly back one of these days M&y the Lo-d i;lczs you and ka2p 3.07~!

J- Ea~i-en_Rgi~tzgh2 2 332 soz t& zest-SArge& Y_ogkL gopg&vsnia- Thought IS-4 t r ~ 3vening DX on iiJ ' iC once nu 1/14 a t 5 p a . ~ ~ ~ i - l o ~ ~ l !::'TOT s /c f f and TlhTCA c:%-%e S" steadx till 5 :30 , \G'GId' s/of f 5:45, Y!PJL and KCHL at 6 p.i.1. 1/15- '?@Lid-dx :lad plenty of intes.f eyance Pro:;; '::'TNC but enouzh f o r report . Ar,no'1!.1icc~e2?ts b e t t e r C > ~ L I YLS~.;. Km-1420 and 1J?lJOX-990 ha6 IilD a f t e r 5 a.rr., Skarted to cc>y t! Cuban on 930 - ~ u t ':TFTC cu t i t s b r t with their ca r r i e r on. Started progrmis tit 5:s'; 1/15" ':,'SL? r.ow&rful on EX; KQ?E co.uldn' t. a s s t2ie 1490 crotvC. CCil!II;i-1270 t a s ti= and aslcii~g for reports at ?9:55, tLsn tl; a g g e v ~ t i c m s ta r ted x i t h KBVL-950 spoil ing C?ES-.dx ai:d a cay r i e r cin 1Ga.2 spoj.l:ng :.-+IS. V!?;EU w a k s t rcng on t h e i r DX ~ i c ? , on l.43.0 a !-reG: s i p s l a f t a r CI",PT sha1.d l=~,.c bean df, Zj17- \?WE-1430 ET 3:.35, 1 1 5 ~ N - 1.120 f / c .$:lo-4" &~.:i.d i n trying of \:/332J. A strong cakrier on here most of tke Ail, 1/18, t r i ed f o r R!OK f / c a0 l i s t e d but nc;;hing h a r d . KPLC-1470, 1J1-WE-145'3 and RCFY-1420 among those with Lou..isiana ER t o about 3:30, 'JTCB-990 ET 2 ~ 5 0 , i.'EGA- L4i0 ET a l l AN. A c a r r l e r only or! 1270 3:%5-3" 55 t rying for inlAIP f / c . ' 1/19- T:J33M- 1460 on f / c as l i s t e d 1:45-2:iC with g o d r r ~ s i ~ s . TJ'I:L-1430 a/off 2:30, ZPSC-1220 f i r as l i s t e d a t 2:40 w i L L urnoduiated carrisr over t hm. KARlLG-1430 s/oPf 3 a,.:. Cur- r i e r and TT on 1220,yet a f t e r 3:15, Reception -&it too bad t h i s week but st-tioris soem t o :lave t:?e knack of in te r fe r ing : . i th each other ' s tests. Ffell, enou:12 of t h i s . I?::: going out hi5 p l q i n th2 snow.

-H~rgl& E_. -S~-~~_OC,~B~-~V~Q~M----R~B~ = ga.x t?vLI &ling is- 1/9- 'I?LNH IIX good. IE3L DX f a i r t o poor. CXCL-dx unheard fo r sLre ; IVQLIL-dx good reading ns'z.~es of OLBS 27 DXers already reportirig t h e i r sigrials. KLGR 1490 i / c 3:Otl- 3 :30. lQ.TII-138Q tes t ing, 3:30. ';:'I:NC 1390 ~nnov.nced 2.N seven dajrc a week. '.-!IDH l*:c.' f /c 4:45. VSJS 600 sj0-n 5:00. WI3.f 930 t e s t ,5:15. CFIIA. 560 RS 5:OO. UnirJ?:~tiff.s '

ha), 970, 4:JT, - w b ? TIRS 920 good 4:15. 1YZ SO0 ? A i r , 4:15. 3./11- KSOP 3 X vie. t o f a i r . 1/12, 1/13, 1/14, more new G t i n s logged eraning. 1/15 - R e g ~ l a r ,eerly log on 0.71 545 3:30. KDZA DX OK. ';,PUI DX poor under KGZR (re l igious serviccs osr> Sunday r:i&:i:ht t o 5, P.s.T.) and AN VLTflC. \:!lL t e s t 4:OO. KOOL 960 tos t , 5:15. 1/7- Issue cf ItDX lh%!Sll not arr ived all iveek. Hope I didn't miss too n;any D:;es as a . r e s u l t . V / s md f / c l i s t cine i n on8 b y . Vef ies received the past back, LiiICO $! RRXII: IZIE:.; i, lGXI,.i !';%PIT.



Page 7: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

Jarnary 2G, 1956 -D.-A- -. --,-?-):- n~ tr: - Page '7 Dick_ Eoytfru~ = ~ 0 7 ' ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & l L ~ o a g = &owa_C&t~,-Io-tva- -

Before ;l,:lT log;ings, I want t o say t h t the ne:-y frequency check l i s t is a d.:.i~.w. Francis igit.':.ler deserves a b i g i ~ n d f o r a 'job wel l done ~ r d I have alraady lo:;zed two nti:! axes frorr it. Varie sipper l i s t too i s most welcome. Veries hava b e m do- i n s be t t e r the $as t t;so ;jiaekq, zni rsct.. . i3d f rm V I E R G Z B 7!BKEl tllSYR WFIX C.:BPP: CBU WJElvi-dx 'ICS'iD IWIL iU?B-dx KZIP \;INC-dx ?., ;;.<,.!R V2PE CivIPL K U D - d x 1-! JAT SdXO-dx !;'IS0 ICTLO :-?'nich a l so enciosed a t t r a c t iw Ozark fo lder , IG!IDO-dx and ViLNH-dx. T,ie;? t o o sent nice fo lder about Lake Y'innepeaaukee axxd .:he Prhite Mbunt.ains. i\?o-;r t h e l a t e s t naw catches: 1/8, VIXC-dx heard here . s i th d i f f i cu l ty but ver ie i n an1 a l so f i a e l e t t e r from ?hi1 Pot ter . D3aq- thanks P h i l and I w i l l answer i t soon. G l a d to know you am a f e l l o i ~ geologist, at l ea s t oi-; the amst-erur l eve l . 1/8, also heai-cl s/on of I7,'CBR at 6 : 3 0 f o r ne::: catc:?. 1/9, the KBOL-dx was heard v e ~ y l ~ e l l , b ~ t ilo si~n of CRCii on tl.,air syec i s l . . Doubt t l a t they were on. 1/11, the KSOP spec i a l -JJS f a i r l y - ~ e 7 . 1 heard on 1370. Same- AM larded K30X on 970, Idodesto, Cal. s/off at 3:00 over-

. : . Sorry d i b ' t get nou ugh f o r a report . 1/15, s lep t through t k 6PUJ spec ia l , though naybe they werent t on. KDZA not needed. 1/16, specia ls f r o z l:SUX and YBEU i;Iere x e l l received and bo t h bang-up shows, XYES very weak and not e:~mgh f o r re?ort, KE>E ar_d CFRC didnl t snow i f they were on. Aleo on 1/16 log.::& XSUL 1310 kcis, on f / c from 1: 50-2:10 f /c-TT, Nay be regular th i rd K0ndz.y. T~KdiT didnt t shoa u, f o r 3 e i r scli?oi.uled DX on 1/17 so back to the o ld sack. F e e d b e t t e r on T:?ehesJ::y 1/18. Foilowing Louisiana s ta t ions were heard with ER: IiPLC TCNOT KLIC !:2E'iJ S L B ;J,Ia E16L BJBO XSIGViTIX arid VZPR 011 1k09 through heavy Qm4. This was on- l y ne;N T,ouisi= sts,t ion hut a dandy. Same riiorning ET from WEGA a f t e r 4: C3 back of Y I N G and f / c I - r ~ n ICEYJ Janiestown, N.D. 1/23 - l'iE3.A ha l f -bur f / c on 853 kcjs , viith ,

Rivarhsa5. L . I . 2:03-2:50 over CXPL. asti ti on. \?hat s t ~ t i o n on 990 was ~ i v i n g I\El p rogrm *or;: Shar?:ood, Texas on 1/20? FZSC i n Eenver v"as heard strong on ?/c as l is tecl or? Tmrsday 1/19. ' Kore l a t e r .

Ev Jo&non = 5% lijt'n_S&r-<s.t_ = &e~dgtg,-I&ljrigis- DX on tlla sls-i s ide here. Baen up 8ct-era1 M G v i t a not niuch to raport . E a s t xorn-

- . ing was . os:La;: 1/15 wi th four of t h e scheduled DXes reported, but f i r s t on 1/12: T''hXTJ-900 T : ~ ~ ~ on t h e i r r / c 3330-3:45. V!C;,:lR 1270 nav i:~ Elkhart, Ind. on one of thei: mlirjy ETs 2axd vezified alrza-dy ~ivitll f f ~ e i e t t e r and ra te card with c a l l l e t t e r s i n blue. Ball;. r i ce . On 1/13, a f t e r 14 <.qnrs of DX brought me not needed XGhS-1590 E T b g a1.5 r,oi~eone on 1150 kc j s , &layin@: mxiisic, cdpied f o r 20 ~ i n u t e s but never an ID. 1114- TDOB-1430 was heard on an >ID Another two hours and n o t i l i : ~ ~ on i/15. T;le BPLIili-cix did no L sllow he;.e. KGER and YFNC ba t t l i ng i t ou t , T':B DZh-dx carria 13 grc2,t r i t h pest l>JJOB on AW and XNUZ i n Houston. PIL-1430 TT wi th l'Ilsllo t e s t , 1-2-3-4n at 4:03-4: 15. 1;siSTI\T-1420 tr3;ing. t o outsmart KSTN. hrSLI-1360 tee t a t 4: 15. TT on 15YO, no IE. On 1,/3.6 four out of six DXes neard, no CPXC o r KXlJE. WTXL no:':?, AIT was too strong. l 3 B - d ~ good with 'i..'BVL . c a r r i e r and l a t e r music :.hich took it out en t i re ly . V!EXU-dx great . KBRC-dx heard for 20 minutes a;?d ?d .>d out. 'Jr3JX-dx v s g ;pod n i t l i 1a.d~ amour.cer. On f o r or& hour instead of 4 hour. S,.iYC 14x3 flood. ICVOP-1100 f /c 4:40. Vsrie e are VIJSB-1490 7?lEGA-1410, iCAPB-dx PW-dx UVDI-dx i:iD!U-?90 Lr,iHCO-dx T.iCiviR-1270 and ICBNVI-dx. A l l f o r now, Very nica f / c l i s t and v/s l i s t . 73s.

- Car2 Iaytyegs----7549- 212 t-Axegg 3 .E. ---S~a&t&e-9, gazhing tan_ I am mi;r ail old rnember of the NHC fo r ol;e month. I m 144 ard i n the n in th gr ,de ( ~ u n i o r !Ti32 ~ c h o c l ) . I have besn DXing f o r about a year ar.d a half on a Ze-lith Trene-Oceanic. I am nor nearin: 309 stat ions. I 'nave a-ll of the s t a t e s on my side of t ha i . l ississippi and a l so !'!isconsin, Xllinois, I!;ichigan, Ohio, Pennsy lv~ l i a , Tei nassee, a d Florida. I have two Alaskan anfistations i n the four Western Provinces of Canada. I have only about 80 var l f icat ions , As most everyone e l s e has scAr3, DXing i s slo~:? and i t ' s even slo,!ior fo r rr;e because I have no outside aa r i a l . On Decembei- 23 I 1m.llel i n ?!TSP 1380 i n St. P e t e r s h r g Fla. which I am proud of. Fhen I receive r;U' "LX iJBIiS1~ gere oii Be~nzsd&ys I dl-f~dys f i r s t look f o r tqy- l~nai&"n'cr~~ Roy Mi l la r l s rzport to see notv m c h b e t t e r he i s doing, iZappy DXing and 73s.

!. 'aliey I .gl&---5~.-JcksgnnA~e;us g ive r ForestL Il&il?p&s- - I c o n t ~ t e d I..,r. B i l l Mack, w'no h ~ s replaced I4r. Frarik Eotriour at 'I'IEDC an3 they vvi;' sta,d by f o r the broadc::st from FrLCO, E?*stis, Florida o n Monday morning, Jan. 23rd. Send hi.;:? a t:lerk-you - OK? (OK, and I think we a l l should, f o r t h i s wa.6 a f i n e gesture and asbured the success of the ' iCO-clx. -3d. )

Page 8: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

PaRe 8 , D " -A- - l ? E l : I S - , - , January S, 1956 . RFlI-BL ~cai&lgr---39 ~~+~~k-t\.?erJtl0 r A~e_rigl, Sew_ Jeysg-

Veries x e i n from PI'PlX-dx, Ii:C:'3L l.J!P_DP-dx KRSL "PC0 Pi'XL-dx and WPAB to b r i : ~ ny to- tS1 to 711. 'I'ix hast mntio-mb was %orto Rico $3, Eacent addit ions to rrv heard l o g am: 1/10- CJAD (890) IhhontreaL, Y.Q., BS 6:.C9-6:15 a,m. 1/16.. WSUX (1280) DX i n very n e l l f o r Sf7 DehNars , wi th e!lus.ive l?.XSB s t i l l missing; VC1,LR (1270) ET 3:30 .. w i t h c1as~:lcal nmsic; CF2C ( l c9@) IX thrcc.&i I:iEAV, wlz3 stayed on A??, DX staDted at 3:45 3ue t o tec3r3cal r:.iffiocLlties, Thb\ came .in very ;:ell and eae i ly tcpped B e AN brigade. JiiBEU (560) DX i n very we7:L vci'; ' 5escriptions of Seaufort CountJ, I put p a r t ol" t113ir D!r 011- tha tape. PiBV5 (950: x.:Jas E,Ting cn the sldjacezrt channel ht not -2eeded. 1./20, 1;ETCl (930) sjvn 5 i u j - i : ; ~ neocJ~d. 1;bBii2 w r y v~e& unierneath ( t o o poor f o r a repor t ) , a second'report to PrR'rO, Y?GST (!?LO) Atlanta, Ga. s /on 5:30, ;oo& f o r a fe. : rLinutec; Best of &ll, J,'!l~LD (1220) '?.;tl torboro, S. C . s/or; 6 throu$? ',!GAR and copied f o r six minutes f o r a rr, wa+.i,jd s t ~ t i o n . BSVA (550) copied f o r a eec- 054 report: on RS. WIL3 ( 850 ) Birnin;'nara, aeked tkrough WEEV e t a1 at t h e i r 7 a,mb s/o;?; T!EOT! (990) Albzily, W.Y. copied under V.'AZ\ii at 7:30 for a secc-d report . Sam&- 10cal.~iC??V (1533). ::'asi~;.ngtoa, M.J. copiee on P.3 easily topp?.ng WPAG; WHP (590) Har- r i s h r g , Pe, ~ n o C i e r soxi-local, m s copied f o r a th i rd repor t . .h a r t i c l e i i i to- day @ s 1tNe:-rark Sunday Uafv st; s ~ y s t l ~ ~ t :: " K I ( W) will bo(:~r;;e ICiV /ESi-TY 211d ICiT?/ T"T3171f7 . . (TV) ?:ill C + ~ . C O t-3 Y.iRC!i'~?IiCB..Y! as of F e b r u r y j.3 i n a d6al mLde 'd i th ITBC and :!e,~tin~ho-;~se. !.'i!OQ w e z t by (;lie boarc??s af n o t anewering a repc rt and t :o f /ups o f mirw f;.o~:: an Apri l 1952 f:!cod r62oz-t, ?3.

L ~ ~ ~ - E : ~ . S ~ ~ - - - ~ ~ ~ C ; ~ E ~ C & ~ ~ ~t_regttMrDgbg~eL Low,a- - :!f the s i x 3;; Specials sclie-iuirjci oil idonday momiinz, January 16, all but one of tinad,> liiere ;le&& .'.t this DX den, arid the one w e were unabla to hear was IaNE (1i90) Top- ?enish, !'lzsh. Three of the DXes wers net in xy DX Log, namely 1IT!SVX (1280) Cj3aford, i)al., IXES (550) Roseburg, Ore. and 3BEU (95C; Eeaufort, S.G. Repcrts aew s o ~ t t o both IC33FG &,nd CPR? on t b i r epscitil j?ro&raiu6. The \l iEN-iix (1420) Harrorishrg, Ky, d id not slc:i as ~ la raoc i . on Jan. 17. Ftle 50 hope a new date can be s s h d u l e d fZorn t h i s rn1-ci-szvgl1t stst!.on. 0-1 Jan. ls , Si;atlon SiBRO ( 13:O) !';ayneshoro, Gz,, r a s hea.rd on t h e i r t.Lirdl'?ednescl~y f / c f.m 4:50.-5:10 a,;;:.. 7?:it:i Q,IN f ron I??fitEl a d TIDOD. Lat- .. $ s t l e tte;. ~ s ~ i f i c z t i o n s came from: VlINC-&x, BHCO-dx, KLAD-ax, VESX KBA!'i-J-lx, I(OVN. .A fine CLT:?,~ of DX S p x i a l e 5.s scheduled 2.n the next s i x weeks, and we urgs evoryr-1: t o l i s t e n to as r!any as possible, a d i f there are sbne t b t you cannot h e ~ r , ba sure t o se;:d a t:z&.-you c a d . An5 keep f a l l i ng a l l s ta t ions , i n your rec-e~tiozl ~5 por t s , ail3 i n yo5.r t h a l i k - ~ o ~ cards that are a member of the National R&?.io C i u \

Bgrzio $2 f 27- L;;v ~r~oye . J~ :~ , - I J ~ = 3. tgtgn-1 slzng 2,, --Kg~v-Ygr& - YTeries co:ltiliue $3 ro 23. in. Lnte s.t are -i,~*intsfi cards from C B C .arid 'T?EBM &xi le tt~i-t. :f ro:n : iC1\JJB !'!T.,lE "VDA T.rCllfiR ',:'I '- ECO' :;!TAP aild ?'IYCB. Latest catches a r e f 6:; C?!) r: ..'EE0-1310, ::0i.:0-1C)00 a d \:'LCC;. 1240, Re~ei l t twling h& th i s result,: 1/1'?- :"XA 1230 Corinth, : 3sa. found atop powerhouse S!N03 a s the former f / c d 3410-3: 20. WCtn\\I; 1490 r i d i S q :ii& over a l l others at 3:00, No sign of REIBN~s DX a x 3 ~ 3 0 , 1/16, Be- l i eve i t or r m t , YSRCl r'2ynesboro, Ga. tolgped W:!O at 5:05 a.m., t : ~ f i r s t nornirg T i d i d t. l;2.5, VPCX 1580 tested at &:00, v.~ry laud. W!FXL cmna i n e q i ~ l l ; r s t rong 2nd ~ r e c b ~ d e d qr nearing Tfz7L,iF!, i f on. Yo s ign o f much-need.6d CEiOT's DX. By stayin,$ .::ith an unintsrrupted tone cn 1.390 kc/sk at 3:45-4 1: JJ.scc;vered, 0i.i the h o w , t b t it V J ~ S KOX02 so ai,yo-;e ;r i~aXnz that Seat t le s t a t i o n better 30 tne szne VonSay ii: rr?in,g when YCFL i s s i l e n t . TTGL tes ted a t 4:10 - imagine t e s t i : : ~ the on- l y mornin,:: tileyore supposed to be s i l en t : - - -

30 b Se if 0,-';---429-D&a~~j.gk-Lgns = GlngaLe, Qh&o- - - - - '.Chree reports i n a row - t h i s S e i f e ~ t i s getting back i n tha groove! I heard !@HK 1430 P e l i Cit3-, A l a . on E!T on the xorning of the 17th. Thsy are on RS no';$ a s I neard the:;: on the 21st a t 5 : Z O giving co~~t(3rc.j.als. DX here hae bean a li t t J . . : sicw. O n tiia 19i;h Cincinnati had i t s s ix th 1a:rgast silav i n i t s hi story, 85'1. Spe; the norni;?:; D X i a g and got BL5I 90C kc/s. Pi'ken, TS 1-le, 1%. and BH0\7, 1520 kc/s., C l i z i ton, I ~ B 'rnt2.1 on RS. Got u~ again on the 2:s;; and got !'.'CRE 1420 kc/s. C:lera.:, S.C. s/on at 5:15; Y!GXL i420 Galeskrg, Ill . f/c, tM.rd Friday as l i s t ed . RTIP 1240 kc/s - Cbarles to::, T!. Va. s/un a t 5;45 and a t 5 : 00, !i!.A5D 1220 kc/s . , &i&lt,erbora, S.C. sign- ing on .uxder T'GAR. &?ow I 'd l ike to t-hank brother Ni t t l e r f o r the scvell f /c l i s t , I t sura ::ill cori~e i n hafiiy iurin;, these cold v~in te r rramings. 1'3 going t~ put i t t o t e s t this aiorniag, four th ijiondt3:~ and 3 h o p I catch sone dandios. DID YOU S Z . 9 A TYAI;I!<-YOU hl?E 10 B ILL hUCK OF VJmC-1240 FOR TFB IR STANDBY ?OR WLCG :'

Page 9: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

Zenuaiy 24, 195; -c--K - 2; - ;; - -5- - Tc,@ 3 P&t_Rgi/ley---@-C~o_~_s;i:a~ ~ t ~ o e t - - _ J g m g s & u x o ~ k -

3nly now ver ie i n nine .lays v;as I<i\DO ml t h i s leaves 38 reports una.:zswered s i i ~ c e Last Octoler 1. l/lB- KTm, 1603, 2:35. T?IAHIi, la90, f i n a l l y caught t h i s -2bave CXOX si;i.:lnl. VSUX DX gooa herd f o r two ne:i ones. T I U , l i40 , thought I had t h i s one but rorigii-bered a f t e r I got ir, bed. i,:o ICERC DX although KSTIT was very loud on 1420. I - 1 ~ 3 on5 annowcerant from ICY33 arid *,vo songs but VEVL on with ET. \:BE.J-dx at 4:23 f o r a dupe. 1/17- Tf%IR, i2443, ET at 2:B. Y r J P S , 1330, f / c at 2:s. 1% !''H3I DX hsard at tirr.0 mentioried o r u n t i l I qu i t at 4:80. XEISF, 960, f / c a t 3:53. W C U , 1.293, f j c at 4~00. 1118- YTPS, 940, ';:Si=S, 910, TJEO, 1150, ?;DSU, 130, a l l ~ i i t h Louisiana ER. \\Tr3G,. 1320, f /c at 3:16. 1/19 and 1/20, no DX, a touch of f l u i:ept me i:-L bed Tor ttvo days. 1/21- VTAR, 790, ET at 3:24. WGC, 1580, ET at 3 :37 f o r a ne:! one. Funriy DX today - h s r i l y able to copy =I. Even VGY was h2,-d to copy. Scre~qt!

H a r k i B f n g o ~ E o ~ t h IJo&lpigod_, -Cglgo-rnia * - - - - John A1e::~iider has been i n Soutnern Ca l i fmnia sinceDecember 23. T!e had a v i s i t

,from Jch:~ znd I B a w t'nose var ies th&t made hi.x the #I D X e r of the 1954-55 so?.sor, i n the Nstiolzel Radio Club's Forelgrl DX Contest. Ted Vasilopoulos and I vis i t ed J i m Cri tcAet t iil $an Diego over the kleTd Year's holidays. I may be wrong but I nould estimate %LC*, the hi i : h? l i v e s o;l is. 8031 abova sea level! Is tha: correct , Jim? ah a riice cllat r. i t h Karl Eap3n.d an3 a v i s i t over to Don Reynolds1 t h i s .:!ee7c. I r e a l l y i : a t e d to see that v s r i s tiiat Don rds frorr, Pus~n, Soutn Korea on 803 kilocy- c lee . I Iioi7e mine canes through. I personally believe t ha t Don Reynolds '.!ill vbin the !?'estsri: League t h i s suason even ~ ~ i t h Ted, Roy L i l l a r and I doing our uti.;oSt. How come Toy, 3orm and Gene Cameron haven! t seht i n t h e i r en t r i e s? J u s t aa i t l l lg f o r t h ~ Ssuthern Cal i fornia Clan to r e s t on t h e i r laurels? Send them i n so !;re can r e a l l y make t h i 3 a r e a l ding-dong C c n t e ~ t in the \Yestern League! The Japwese a d Chinese s .&ations have diisappared i n t:rl, area f o r t h s past several weelm, h~.?ever, the LAB a r e s t i l l booming i n . I imd r q - s e t at the shop f o r the pas t week. Ti i s gave Don aa opportunity $0 snag a few more. We have an OK from KBTA, 1490 kc/s. , ='iurbank, t c give a n hour-long DX on Bbndsy morning, 2/20. Ted, Don, John, . I@rl and I w i l l be on hand to greet t'nose DXers w!a vjill be dole to tuae fo r u s , i.iore k t - o r . V : f i 3 s are slow. Seventeen foreign repor ts ont .

Z g i g gris&aw_ = 212 ~ e ~ t - ~ ~ @ t - - s t & e & -Paris, Illinohs- - I am goin: to t r y to m&ke t h i s rriy banner rconth, i n DXing. F i r s t I got a v,?rio from S t a t i o ~ ~ YiMB, !'lorcester, i\Jass. nhich put on a progr2m f o r tus cluh Dec. 23, 1953. I th i& t h i s i s tqy longest w a i t - two years and. one month. Can awbody Seat t h i s record? (Feu y e ~ r s f o r ElhJ, Xrlc! 4 2 . ) Cne repor t and tcro f/uph t o get I t . I n J a n - ~ a r y 13 56 I ;lave vi ri t t en to KC3D \YSUX KGOS KBIU NFIX !:'BTM WCTA r;.I HCO WCEkI IC.EO SFVT l.71'IIIT Z I 1I3Y KFlT? T9l.l?C REX3 ICTRE XTLN ?TXL \vBSrir ';\:EEU KTLN, second rep0 r t . I count 14 ;:lore c ld l og books out since Contest s t a r ted . So I g e t t i i ? ~ i n Pa t S e i l l e y ' s pos i t i on -a s to wanting to know how long f o r them t o come back. I EL:

sencting o a t eac5 l e t t e r 1;;i t h an N?TRC seal on i t . . I expect t o get i n a fev :Acre be-. f o r e t5e f i r s t of t'm rmnth. I f igure on om o r more on the 23rd AIvl so I :;ill have more n a x t I w i l l tr, to get i n lrDovcn the D i a l " tonorrow night to St..:~'c.~q. I l i k e t h i s lTC183D f i n e now, a f t e r I 've gotten onto i t . I heard t h i s s t a t i o ~ i ICCidU Colurfibia, : 0. 1580. & E l $ ~ e r i e back marked a ver ie from KBU. I never so t one l i k e t l i i s before Wt h e e d , tnem t h i s sftarrmon so w i l l t r y again as the o l i oiie was the f i r s t i n tke contes t , J u s t ge t t ing i n i t takes time so I amno t gettiii.;. t o im- patieri t l i k e sorr,e of the members do. I wait about s i x months before I serS i:l the carhon cojr t;mt I keep rchan hesrd. I i;hink I w i l l t r y some of Pat Reilley' s an- tennas. I 'have a loop I w i l l t r y i n a few dzye and see r e s a l t s , - .. .

,. &kg Fe&pu_sonn--3~32. E??gs~egt-A~e~u2 = ~ o g s ~ o g 4_, -Tgxgs- Very l i t t l e to repor t here because of ny c o ~ s i s t e n t local noise. Did eniay !~?cr ing RYES-dx 1/16 b * f o r ~ i t was cowrcd by s~;;~,ebody a i t h a l o t more s t r e rg tn , GRC-1430 sneakad i n f o r jmt a few seqonas here L..cA I didnl t ask f o r .a s e r i e but I kno'.lr I hear2 i t. T;BEU veqr strong on DX . Ve rigs inc lude KODL and poor one fro- : ::0!233. ?!ouldnf t consider KOZE1 s l e t t e r a ver ie at .all excqb t otners repor t receiging %he same t h i r ~ . Could sornebocly inform me as to the v/s f o r CEOK-800? RBpor: ~V-S been out over tl n;ont>. Alsocould sornabody give me the proper addraas f o r PJA-2-1/4351 Re- ce-,tion here has been extrmgrly poor. I thought f o r a while t h a t 16 antairna was grou~ded azairst some t h i q , sigr,als were so weak. But i t t s not the antenna f o r avse.

Page 10: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

Page 10 D-X- -N-S-Yi-S- . January 2-1, 1956 XglEh_lIL Jo+_nng ?2-~Gt gzageg gt~eat---Euff a10-3, go% lolk-

G. P. 13rZ:n-~ of VrSAY (~ocheatrber Y.Y. ) who wants t o ffccmplete constuction :titiz Cue dispatchw got a 63-day extension Last week fo r 'his 'iiiNIA-1230 kc/s. f r a ~ ths FCC. Tho c i t h of hl'tnxquerque, N.brl. (prm &%@re) 250th anniveraq w i l l be 2/7. A raw !&,$ SLXLIP n i l 1 be out 2/22 i n i\.Io.c~r~t Vernor,, Va, ebnd t v ~ o dozen m r e oomnmoratives 3re due thf s y e a . . L-A case any of you are interes ted (I ordered one! nevi DBX 23 tube recsiver v i t h scope; 250 t o 1503 kc/s. i n two ranges, Wo NV sens i t iv i ty , blio baidwidths , tc;, a and -four kilocycles, EFO, AYC and NVC , rzde bg Federal Telegr.~ph Co. (Navy tYFe) can be had f o r $50, F.0.6. Rarl-isburg, Pa., R.A.Uerlin, 3757 2~1th- e r ford Street . This was Qrigi:ially a directioii f indar and has kro RF chi~ni~els and provisloa f o r t h e 3 separate antenna.$, 3.15 vo:ts AC and is 19 x 19 x 27" h i ~ k cab- i n e t , AT ii-50, w r i t s to address given, Louisiana Primary was 1/17 a d ??FOB (1430) had 1.D 1/16 m d t'TEIK ET 1/17. VBU: ( 129 0) r /c th i rd Kedm sday s t ill pushes "cz-ough AN KOIL. O i l 8 bit, auxi.lialy m i c by FCKO (1463) ended at 1:4+ and thenr/c !!SAR later at 1:s;-2:13. VAGF a 3 0 rjc, Or? 3/20, ''TGGII (1150) ?:ith naw 5 IsrJ. ET; r/c T;r:lU.iI (550); ;'C:R (1270) ST ran into LG-3.A s /on st 5 and 8GAI (1350) also sfon at 5 2 . ; .

li3PGC (1580) iJasilii~gton 3.9, D.C. v~nere i\:;r, Richardson is CIVA and s t i l l i s 1 &?I. 159Q kc/s. hc2d CLi ETIA! and gave 18' top h i t s of records t o a caller-in from FI'riez lii:;, T!. Va. (yo-<., id)) . 1/21- YGGH again at 1 ~ 4 5 ; r / c YXJIIB (94Ci) ; IRlBV (710) r / c - ~ ? .but

tough; !:.'GTL (i43C) r/c--TT ai:d at 6 p.i;q. WTTR (1470) ES. These are a fw: 'c;:at I h e a d 7;~hiia fee l in .? cI?ip;er than tke EdL,oz. 73.

,, il>&eytga---Sgr~fi , l j a p ~ o & &v_eq~e---JJ&tP,le_t3g:iL gags, 1 -

DX here i;; aild out, d m t o 3iSG 3r.d ro t ten BX. Kine s t r a igh t days of s loe t , re in and snos~, cmX,.~i:-g lc ts of local buzzing and QR,,4. &ropeane had j u s t s t a r t ad t o .

come .j<i ti1 good V C ~ U T , , ~ Jan. 7 and 8. Reard i n a quick run down tho d i a l v:ere 911- - vers7m I on 746, Par i 5-863, Luxenbourg-1439. Reports sent t o Lisbon I1 an 655 and BorJesuc I cn 1205, veri.e back to3ay a;;: the l a t t e r 9.n j u s t 13 days. Duriag the poor rairy 't?S, signal6 stren,pth of diminant 73.8. s t a t i ons such as V!RIJA 1QI;OX e tc . ' very, poor, -.. i t h a notsd increase i n s i y p l s froz 7@r_ezuela and Colombia. E l i s %an held t r c ~ f o r years. Alw~ys good pickings f o r Us during and aspecialljr a f t e r rain storms f r o 2 the South. ISer,?;f f ied i n .:.lie evefiing of Jan. 14 were YvT.D'-1120, YVOB- 990 ; WCV-1200, an3 HJCO-1160, wi th o ther -Latins, not ident i f ied on uany o t5er s p l i t f r e ~ p i i c i e ~ . Jan, 18 -- YSS-655 log;ed from 9:31)-5 :45 i v i t h s t a t i o n aiiouixe- mcnt and four consecutive musical ss lect ions , virkile on the 19th l istefied t o VPLLRD Trinidad, 785, f o r 45 minutes at 3 7-8. Up on the 16th f o r Exes but nesrd only TBEU but czvght !?B'SI-..950 on ET and VfASA-1330 on ET and. \V'@S-1530 on ear ly s/on. Verie back from TIFC-995 f o r evaniag DX on Dec, 28. as anyone reporting PJC-2 ir, Curacao tlils year received hbk$rreris yet? Bost of luck to a l l in t h e i r DXirlg and may t h y a l l verify, and cong2sts to a l l the CPC on their f i n e work. Regards.

,9gr_nr-~oo~e--_n2~33>~Gr~i.1-~verru_e_e = xe2_eLoonn93, r ' l l G ~ s ~ i t ~ h ~ s ~ t ~ S - ZQI 720 ilas beec showing up ;.ractically every 0venln.g Vais p s t waek and ofto:: top-' ping WGiT. L l f e . :-orking hours have ke2t rq DXing d a m and only three new o m s were added: 1iSTJ:~;-dx an3 T/?.2i< 1283 s/on 4:33, and th.e WBEU 9GO DX. No of ICZS as YBVL w a s ETing and tkia sane with KBRC, F2EE an2 CBRC . 1430 had EL blank car2ier and YTXL no::/ &? o c c u ~ i e d 1480. Reports out, but no nevi varies i n l a te ly . 73s.

Lgfg-Cgo~ey $33 g4st-2& ztyeet---3~p&lyg 26, g e ~ Po~k- Veriee i n F r o m Elco and VTAI', but DX h e ~ o i e very slow. 1\10 new ETs hava been k a r L since iile!:. Year's morn and the DXes ar3 f '2i l ing nere a l l too frequently. V I T Z ~ s . n ~ ~ AN on 1490 has put the kib'sosh or^ DX 0:. Lizht chaxhei fo r me here. W I v S l B not heard through the i r S-9 s ignal 1/2:3. ChOT-16:,.; never shovied up, much t o my disapi)ointnlen' and e nice ride-open channel f o r t b m , too. CKDI.! didna t make i t through vsry weak XXG, and as f o r CKRG, I got the Gravel but not the Bourg, h i . Hol.vever, vre di3 get 7TL':G-1240-dx 'out thore too I got a scare, f o r when I tuned to 1240 at 3:3C l o arid behold, thers w a s WJRL from 1600 tes t ing the i r Conelrad sot-up wi th OC u-ntil 3:43 i~hen, iiapi;ily, i t l e f t the eir, ard apparent'1y went back to haunt 1600, according t o Bernie's observations. \YLCO then S-6 ~ i t l i a b i t o f TT . i%terference at 3:55 arJ. wheg PIEN cw.e on at 4, they were on top br ie f ly untilV!j$LC0 got i", s e c o ~ d ~ i i ~ d and again took over l240 as t b y stayed on past 4 a.m. A nice job by tha youny lady K, just l ike l c s t :;.oekts YL on VSUX-1280-DX. I'd also l ike t o thank the CPC f o r the f i n e DX S:~OI;'S the have been~giviri u s through the season and ie tIs a l l su2;ort f k i r e f f , r t s v ; i t 3; reports t o a l l &he s ta t ions . How aiout some more i n s i r i g ~ , g y s l

Page 11: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly


t ea by Fred L, VanVoorhees, Box 132, Lemoyne, Pennsylvania, U4S-A . Af te r t h o lonp e d i t i + , s l a s t week, some of which is i n t h i s

dEWS, v$e f l l t r y t o keep t o t h o e s s e n t i a l s . N O1iTH L ~ A E K I C A ~ a * ,

V I 3 G I N ISLANDSI*-~~VSTA (1340) St. Thomas, i s now opera t ing on a schedule of 0430-2300 mostly In English, but some Spanish and French, ( WRH)

COST& RICi%-*-TIJC (585) "Radlo hluaical" S m Jose, lopped t o s i m - o f f a t 2300. (HS) TIGPH (605) San Jose, lopped t o sipn-off a t 2300 also. (HS) TIDCR (625) San Jbse, "La Voz d6 l a v i c t o r " i s pooa qost eveninas, ( H S ) T I E % (735) San Jose, lopfred 220002245. (HS) TICS (856) S m Jose, "La Voz de America en Gosta iiica", lopped i n ~ v e n i n p s , sims off & hour e a r l i e r t h a n OAX4,i. (Hs) Logged by H J t B a t 0650 w i t h news and a pood S-6 s i p a l on 1/15, (HJW) TInS (917) Sari Jose , ' ' ~ d i o ,itheneal', heard ea r ly rnorninps around 0400. (HS) TIXC (955) Snn Jose, " ~ a d i o ida as", lopped from 2020-2125. (HS) TIiiLC (1215) poobably, repor ted os mcntioninr! Cost a iiica. Slogan i s " ~ a d i o Lima s ~ P " , heard as l a t e as 0002. Who and whorc i s TIALC, no c a l l ~nehtioned. ( H S ) TIFC (995) i s a n i p h t l y v i s i t o r frorn 2130 on u s u a l l y w l t h S-7 t o 8 s ipnn l , (HJW) CPA r e p o r t s his v e r i e i n from TIFC,

EL SdLV,\DOR-*-YSS (655) " ~ a d i o Nac ional d e l ~ a l v a d o r " , San Sal- vador, lopped t o s ipn-off a t 2315. (11s) CPA lr>gped him from 2130-2180 w i t h music and s t a t i o n announcement on 1i18,, YSEi3 (1075) San Salva- dor, " ~ a Voz do Contro tdaericatt, r a toa among t h e b e s t most eveninps, On a t l e a s t t o 0100. (HS)

DOPIINICLIN KEPULLIC--3-HIL f 790), Ciudad Truj i l l o , "La Voz de ~ r o ~ i c o " , hoard Christnns.morning a t 0520. (IIS)

CUGA-J~--C~~CI-~ (790) iiodio Cadena HQ-vana, heard as l a t o as 0330. (H$: HS r e p o r t s a L a t i n on 1105 Kcs, mentioning Cuba often, " ~ n Hora CMC" seems t o be slopan. Heord a t 0015, and wondering i f CIPPI? (HS) CMC: (910) Iinvana, was S-7 t o S-8 from 0600-0631 on 1/15. ( HJI) FCC rol i s aa follows: 740 CIBLL3 Pinar d c l 1150, apparent ly will operato on 1070 KCS, w i th

5 Kw Day, 2 Kw. N i p h t , 940 NGW s t a t i o n nssipned here t o be l o c ~ t c d i n Cienfucgos now, 970: Ci\'lI3Z S m t a Clnra, inc reases power f r o a 250 wat ts t o 1 Kw. 1020 CMHF Ciorducgos, movcs from 1040 Kcs, an8 chmpcs loca t ion , 1360 The new s t a t l o n for Santiago IIPW pets 1 Kw, clay 500 watts night . 1.560 CIIZZ t o opera te f u l l time w i t h 5 Kv?. powcr. ( K C )

, NICTEPlALlr-P.*-Spanish stat i o n w i t h d aep-voic cd mnouncer and marim- ba music from 2230-2305, Wonders if not TGiiQ, IiVcnt o f f a t 2400. (113) ,(HI1 has s e n t a r cpor t t o TGUX (1025) a3 he heard "Guntomala" montioncd ~md b e l i e v e s !;his TGUX r a t h e r t h a n YSC, heard S-9 Plus on 1/14 from 2315-2335. (HHT\II)

KiITI-fb-4TJi (1325) most l i k e l y , as French s t a t i o n heard going off I I

m t 2200, Two c a l l s given, S\V and PfW, and Radio C---- ", (HS) 4VS (1385) logged i n French from 2115-2200 s ign-off . Slogan i s "kirdio Port-ou-Rrinco (HS)

IJfEXICO-*-Other NRC msmbsrs have informed KIGd t h a t h i s XEIVV i s i n + iJxic a l i , B. C,, 940 KCS, 1 Kw, ( i i IGI) XZD (1050) was logged New Years a t 0217 when XEG off , ( H S ) XESM (1470) was 1 oagcd a t 0310 f o r m o t h e r , m u a l t r y f o r verio. (HS)(One o f t h e s e days i t w i l l work, it d i d for LC-Fv) XEtd (910) t e s t a t 03&5 on 1/2. (FiS) This one never worked-FV) *YC (1460) s i rned o f f n t 0120. (FIS) XEHF (1370)' logged a t 0145. (HS)

few M ~ x I c a n i tems from thc FCC as fol lows: 578 New i n Torroon, C ahuila. 1KWD/100wl3 Unlimited hours. 620 XEmT Chihuahua, ehih. i n c r e a s e s daytime powep t o 5 Kw, 670 XEPM Gomca Palacio, Durango, inc reases powcr t o 500 watts,

Page 12: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

P O.GEIGN PAGE 2 D:X NE'bVS Janur:.ry 28, 1956 1340 XEBJ Ciuclna Vic to r i a , Tans, increases claytiinc power t o 1 I<wr 1.900 E S H Nu.eva Fiositil, Coz-h, chLnpes c a l l l e t t e r s from mYJI 1410 m3P Son Pedro dc Lzs Colonias, Coah,, assipn~ncnt of c a l l l t rs i -

1466 u:YJ Nueva f ios l ta , Cnnh., chnnpe i n c u l l l e t t e r 3 nnd I ~ c C i t i o n from XESII, Sabinns, Coahuilao

690 XEN 'Mexico, 3, F'., In.crcascs power t c \ 20Kv!, D2y, 5 I<IV N i p h t a . FlrE3TO EICO--::--]!VITA'& (Il';I0) S P ~ Junm, on top of WaV6 on 1/14 from

1916-2033E .(CPA) FCC repor t s t h a t i v ~ ~ ; . ~ i ~ i L p n d i l l ~ . , 5s now on operatfun on 850 KCS, . p a d ~ I j o ~ l d be dcl~itlod from 12ci0 KCS e ( F C C )

SO'JTH 4Ai:IEHICri TJiiUGU1'1Y-4t-C'ill ( 545 ) lopgced f porn 0257-0349 ,, ( 1-TS ) COLOiqL;I,i-ii-iiJDk; (770) La Vo s ec iLntio , ~ a d c l l i n , lopired

Christmas iim rn ing :it 04000 .(hS ) sh-spe tlker on 1135 Kc sr sounded like "La . Voz dc:: ----'I Sr,lr?.(-\p~ Cnncun.ccs, thcn solmdcd {~ga;Pn l i k c H J - J " L ~ Voz d o l a s ivl-oricns", Probably iiJj3J, as I n t o 2.s Q000, (HS) Vcrie l e t t e r m ~ c l ponncmt i n from iiJ,CI (890) Liopota6 (111~9) H J C V (1200) Bcgotn, heard over ~ J O L L I cn 1/14 b? C P L ~ , iicportcii by IUli . .. ~t 0230 cn 1/18 us ing " ~ h f ~ d i i p n '2h~:li;" f o r ZD, r.10 c a l l honrd. uogota "~ndio---" no c ~ l l hearc';, bu-t on r,lnny.~iznmf;.t;:.i, c . a . l a t ; e s s 0400, (11s) IiJCO (1160) Lopota, over a!-l, with illost QNiI f pain CI,4JK6 , (CPI;) Unknown on 120e Kcsu hcc.rd f r o n 2153-2201 on 1/19, A t 2155 h e announcod ' " ~ a d i a Chden3. Naeional, "LC Voz d c Cclorzbin". ( 1 11190 . h ~ n ~ d by ES who says s i p - o f f is p.t 2230, but . thoupht t c ? bc d.iff 'orcnt from onc on 1200 Kcs. (fiS & EJX)

VEWEZ~UELA-*-k1TOii (780) log,yed i n Spanish a t 0500 i.Ion td.2, pave Sirl m d XII\id c a l l o (BS) i-il3Vi r c p o r t s th?,t continued Ifs'tonEng t o LA on 1020 Kcs, h m i ~ i l : ~ wonilerinp L f it may n o t bc " ~ a d i o liumbos" ins tead of' 'iJCF, ho has r cpor tcd t o o i,Tot po::itivc: c i t h e r wag. (I3:) CPh r c p o r t s IT+-OL, bu t cn 980 Rcs, in Sg; Cri~. ' JebaI , over VJTRY a l l c:veningo Phich i r . c o r r c c t , 780 o r 98O? ( C P L ) 'Iml.'iIi (1120) hlmacaibo, hcnrd over KMOX ?coil onoup l~ f n r r c p n r t on I$ .~.. 1/14 f r o z P82G-1949e ( C F A )

PEKU--::--OiL-:ilr;L (854 ) Nac innil. cl o Peru", Lima, sifmg o f f x.k Lr tor than TICS. (]IS) i-;Nl.."L r e p o r t s t h n t he h2s F. r c p n r t o f f t o Oi+X4A GB bolievcct t o bc La t in lir.>arcl on 1/14 froin 2215-2230, scc~?zcd t o mcn- t i c n Liiv.3, s o probnblg n e t TICS, OI;X4X h2:7 n o t bcon heard on 782 t h i : ~ ~ i i n t e r , p o s s i b l y back on 780 Kcs. ( H I ~ ! I )

TFiIiJID,;D-+c-YF4;iD (785) Port o f Spnin, heard v1cl1 all over house a t 5-8 f ror.1 2030-2115 , on 1/20. ( CPA)

DUTCII WEST INDIES--::--PSC2 (864) no, s i rncd off with S-7 s i<m&. ~ , t 2230 an ~ / 1 4 ~ ( C P h ) L o ~ - + c ; d by IiiS f r c n 2100-2145. .S tn t ion on 1295 i n En@-15311 tc. 2230 s l r~n-of f . No ads i n 2117-2230 p rogpm Ing. )To mthcl-1, "linc?ic C-- - - - it I ----- Kc., 231,6 mtrs, (13s) 3panfsh 2.nd some Dutch on 1435 Mcs, f rc.r.1 2140-2232, with f~.~.ili ,?r.i h t c21 :!nd U S adver t i s - ers. (BS) who wmts f u l l ::~C~-~PC.SS. ( S o r ~ y , Hal, but a l l 1"gs md such l i k c nre a t hci:nc, w h i l o this i s bc ing tw i t t cn i n Tyrone, .Pa,-FV)

ETiljOFE PiGLPJCE-%-CPL r e p c ~ r t s h i s vcr ' i ; i n fror.1 ;;qrdczux I (1205) fop PO-

p c r t of 1/7. ( C P i L ) A ' sr ...

J1;FA:iN-+5-L~ t c n t ~ t i v c r o p c r t t c . JODE .( 1420) N i l pc-tn, :IS Jap C g V C p - V1fIi;Idfs DX, (LHYI)

OCEl:NIi= IJ'E'ii ZEixLiiWD-+:--Vcric i n from 2XP. (1370) Ncw Plymouth, 2 KIV. (RIQd)

3-YZ (800) Iiotcru:.!, h o ~ . r d f a i r a t 0415 on 1 / 9 . ( 3 s ) , .

1,IYS TE I:Y Frcn R n J , I k a t LiL was r.nsounc;Eng as "KL;c?.:~G IJ,3.cInnals' on 1216 E;~s.

nn 1/12 ?p&, plnying i:i::.s.~ricc C ;:vclicr rcccirclinjis f r o r ~ 2215-2224, I I Louige" wcs ono of t h e sc,

Page 13: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

>'Oi?SIGN PaGE 3 DX NEWS J,muary 28, 1956 The r c s t of t h o '!1aYstory" s t a t i o n s come from HS i n s c v e r d pcgcs

;zf' rnzterinl . First on Christmns mrnfng , Spanish speakers on t h e fo l lov~ ing froqucncies: 540-570-605-610-625-718-730-738-770-790-830- 850-860-890-010-1010-1200-1290.11350. On 12/26 one on 1650 under XEG; 1025, 958, 655, 1268, 866, 857, 625, probably TIDCHJ 1435, 12956 Then . m hour l a t e r snmc night ndd 1205, 1215, 1245, 1165, 1075, $rob, YSE;3; and t h c n c t 11 PN afid 1115, 1103, 1107, 1018, 966, x ~ d 1285* The 966 K c s , s t2,t ion wont o f f a t Midniphb, md t h e 857 KC. onc d id too.* Also an Eng l i sh s t a t i o n c\n 1295 Kcs, s i p - o f f a t 2230 with no rids ,md no mtbcrno Spanish on 1135 Kcsi p e d up t o p ~ s t Ididnight. Verg seldom givcs s t n t i o n ID. Onco thoufillt, hca%d 3ogota mantioncd m d m o t h c r t i n e La Voz dc Ccntro America". Often lcc~vcs the n i r sudc?c-nly as i f old c q u i m c n t usedo Spanish on 1015 Kcs. heard again 1.1 nt 0015 wi th marimba nusic . 12/26 was b c t t c r rcccpt ion and sus- pect a Vcnczucl~na Spanish on 1525 K c h 1.lsin.q c d l "1iadio ~ c l q j " a t 0015 on 1 / 7 ~ Spanish on 1215 Kcs, poor s ipna l , r c w l ~ x Spnnlsh m s i c t o 2330 on 1 / 6 ~ Onc on 718 Kcs, p o w Christmas a t 0415 i n Spanish. Spanish on 1100 Kcs;, bu t p o o r a t 0020 with Rlonty of rds. Spnnish on 1165 Kcs, logged frort! 2215~2305 "~ac1i.o ---- off ab rup t ly n t 2304, and unhcmd I t c r . Unu.'t3uil s t2 t l .on on 1245 Kcs. f i r s t heard r,t 2015 and lcggcd t o 2130 when announc cd " 1 c i iiadic, ITcalnnal---- i t

iibthcrn anG offc . Lator a t 2226 heard what s o a ~ c c l t o bc S,mc s t a t i o n zgain, i n Spcnlsh, I thinks Snanish on 1265 IZcs. now TGLQ f i r s t heard c.t 2230 ,uzd t hcn wczkcr t c f 2,d00~1-:-, 3t 23C)Oc Unknc)wn i n Spanish on 1285 Kcs. heard 0000-0015, Spmisi! o n Saturday n i g h t on 1295 Kcs. wi th ads, poor, rLs 1 a t c as 0035. D.?n't th.lnlc Curacao. (r'iI.1 above paragraph f r ~ n iiS)

3%POiTEFrS RS-I-1,molct E. Schrock, 3, i'L #1, Ptl-xton, I l l i n o i s , CPL-43, P o r t e r Atherton, 127 Rzrwcnd i~vonue, L i t t l e t on, Tdassnchusct ts. iill?/I-i~oy 11. nQill:.~r, R t . 1 Sox 6704, I s saqu<dl, \VnsMngton, EJ7;V-I-Icnry J , SiTi lkinson, Jr., 6620 B~ol: i ,m iivc, ,, North IIcl.lynrood, Ca l i f , FCC-Federal Co'-~~uniczlt ione Com.mission, i'Vashlnc$on 25, D, C, i!fTZd-3ullct i n n f t ho '::iTorld Zadio E.landbo:.--,k, Hell orup, Dc;mnrke

OUli OKZl?SEiiS B'il 1Li;LCr L a u I r o Doyer, P. 0, Cox 769, Duncdin, Wc:w Zcalnuld---Think i t i s

c , b ~ u t time t o send 9n a nusing, so hcrc goes--Silcll, I've sh. i f tcd m y DX nhack t o Lqng i:oacli r i p h t bosictc Kcn hTnchc.yfa c r i b , It 3.s very h,mdy f o r , cxchnn~fing t i p s . I linvc twc wecks holl.c?-ay c o m i n ~ up on 1/20, 3e

nothinp t n do but DX a l l ~?iqht; nnd o l ccp a l l day, * Thanks t o J e l-?hen .'or t h e prompt ~rc;rif ic=.t ic-n of t h o KCFEi show, Loggings arc: KTSM 1380, Cyprus 635, KGDC 1540, ViXli2 8'10, K O I L (1290),-\iSLd4: 1580, ICITI-DX, W 0 I-DX, M;I'!U+-DX, KCI?EL-DX, KODL-EX, KLOL-DX, i<.RUhT-DX, - K'I'SL-DX, KTXK- DX, 1.71-iCO-DX, KGOS-DX, 1i:hiliili 1450, I<i%i; 1490, K ~ Y Z 1.;50, S6RIX 1.130 ET 3:16 AX EST 1/8/56, ICGbJ 1230, KEL+K 1280, $JSPC 1390, KI'JEN 1480,' ET a t 0425 1/6, M 2 ; i ; J 1480 SZT 3: 17 ILvl c;n 1/7, ICT'cTC 1400, biiiii0D. 1390, .KNOVf 1390, KiiTCi; 1300, KilGV 1290, Cl-NFI' 1510, 5WlL 1580, I'LPOF 1020r 5XG CBR ( 1 5 8 0 ) ~ WTIC 1080, VJSiSC l ~ l 5 0 , 3'&, ;J,TT;Tj l 'i00, Vories i n zrc hIl2,an 899 -. -. biiiDC, KP Ol:t, liIJXN, KCI;:Y, FKET G, tiiOiZ3, 'Y& El1 , C F:.CIi, KI;liI(iV , CICDA, IJVASK, CKFH, SCLIG, 2 L , V1III2, KL,2C, Dcninr-kr I C ' G 1 , KOTL, K'iTFLi%-DX, KGB, ICITO, G L I , \VINX, K'b7SIi'y KPBi;, :-ELIi, T(:TcLG, IICLS, RFQD, EC'ITL, IC.I30I+sDX, KCEH* DX, XEJQ, CJDC, IilCFL, IZGiiL, ICODLS.LDL,

c;E: .'I:,Cl ,L Gv-css w i l l l ~ a v c ; v c t ~ r i a . 1 f o r rlcxt v~(:ck agcfn r c t h c r tliztl\,K~ m y

.I,-rc p.^.gcs. 'To I~lclls Pcrkins I usc c II,uimarluncl. IIQ-129-X, 11 tubcs, 3.946 modcl, cos t ~ . b ( ~ u t $175 thcn, tuncs from 540-32000 Kcs. No spcc- 9-31 equipment, 2 Snvcrtcd L hntcnnns, To Don Ilcskoy, no ?.ppzrent rcz- son f o r P & Z cr-11s in . r c z i 1 . C o t h c r c assf,gr~nod t o 1 ~ ~ 2 ~ 5 . 1 , and thoy nrc us ing both, bu t not ns wo usc C i l C% K. Scc you zll. izcxt wcclr. 7 3 ' s

Page 14: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

DX DOIJN THE DIAL January 28, 1956

lend A l l Items To; C.M.Stanbury 11, Box 218, Crys ta l Beach, Ontario, Canada - Times are EST

970 1;JVOP Vidal-ia, Ga probable on 0527 (IK) 1100 WTAM Cleveland, Ohio wkday on 0527 (RJ) '

1230 b!ClX Quincy, F la has FC 3rd Thur a t 0330 (HS) 1340 CFGB Goose Bay, Lsb on 0500 ('VIM) 1360 bf1CMI Kalamazoo, Mich on 0500 (RJ) 1370 WSPD Toledo, Ohio sked is 0530-2330 (I-IS) U.30 KFOB ~ o s t o r i s , Ohio i s not AM l.470 IJTTF. Westminster, Nd on 0500 (RJ) l490 WSFB Q u i t m n , Ga has FC 1st F r i 0245-0300, wkday Sked i s 0400-1900,

Sun Sked 0700-1900 (13) 1580 CLT Chicoutimi, $.Q. t e s t s ?,!edr-- sdays m i d n i ~ h t t o 0400 (HS) 15% WAKR Akron, Ohio on 0456 (RJ) 1500 bbdRL New York (!:oodside), 1T.P. No;; S / O ~ 0f+59 (RJ) I..'.4TCH FOR 1270 InSL Dover, K.H. pre!bably within a month, 2 a t most (HK) L-- 'h ' - L.>sk3 AS LISTZD 3rd Thur (1/19) WSAR DX P30G3APiS Feb.21 WQSC 1420 kc Vicksburg, Miss 0400-0430 FaS.27 KPDM Pottsdam, E .Y. 1470 kc 0400-0500 '

TGPORTEilS H!: Howard Herup, RJ Rakph Johanns, HS Iial Schrock, WFtH Wsrid ~ a d i o ' ~ a n d b o o k - - - - - - - - I-iO!! FSY h3R.E HEALID 1 .. -

:;DZA Generally not hrd i n East , XXBw XB?!IXXXX a t Psxtan, Ill f a i r t o ~ o o d l;.pwL Didn' t get t h r u 1n6L a t Wheeling, s t o p QB\l a t Crys ta l Beach, not heard

a t Er ie , Ps , berely audible due t o QiiM a t Paxton, I11 --- r &ME Not s n e r s l l y hrd i n Ess t nor ' a t Pax$on SFRC J u s t a Junble a t Wheeling, Bsrely.heard a t Crys ta l . Beach, not h r a t P a t a r bIS UX Heard wel l i n East and I l l i n o i s KYES Wezk and bothered by WEVL during l a t t e r ha l f a t 1Jheelinp but enough f o r

a repor t , nnybe heard under QFJi a t Paxton, not hrd a t Crys ta l Beach KBHC Fain t a t I."%~elinq not enouqh f o r repor t , f e i r t o pood a t PLucton, f a i r t o

poor 4 t C r y s t s l 958ch. (We believe t h i s s t a t i o n was an a l l AM f o r the I<3C 2nd IINZC)

WBEU Eeard well throughout East CKOT Not on

" I - - - * - -

TIP OF THE MOMEI One of these mont.hs !rr- a r e qoinq t o give you j u s t one winner but not t h i s time. Our norinees sre

EVXHETT JOHIJSON f o r h i s t i p on 'KSVP ,HAROLD SCBNCH f o r h i s t i p on \rC113!

Honorable mention yoes t o Joe Knack f o r h i s t i p ' on KIBP. - - - - - - - - !L'EOLESALE CALL LETTER CHAMGZ Th2 v13ED DE EXISOTIAS DEL MOVEFiETkTO" network of Spain h%s chanqed t h e c a l l l e t t e r s of i t f s . approx ims te ly 50 s t a t ions . The c a l l s of ' these s t a t i o n s a l l previously beqan with $he pef ix BP FET which incident ly i s al16cated t o Trance. Xow a l l these s t a t i o n s have EFE c a l l s . For example, Tadio 'Gviedo qhich previously used the c a l l FET22 i s now EFE22. It is qu i t e pcss ib le t h c t t h i s i s the nost wfde . '

spread c a l l change i n h is tory . - - - - - - - - AT E N T I O N

If any of you c o l l e c t p ic tu re post cards, please semi us ysur name and address v i t h i n a WEEK.

Page 15: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

FOj:E:I GJ:T P,iG:d 4 DX ; . : ~ : , i 3 January 21, 1956 ipirst I must pfve you khcj renson f o r thc d-elny betwoen peges

3 and 4, ??_p,(:: 3 ~r,rc.s ~013~3lef ;~d 011 TuesCts.y;y nncl : ~ ~ . i l d t o Hal with t h c icle:? t l - l r , t t h i s l~:il,mci: woulct 52 c o ~ l p l c t s d Uedn~sday n iph t and !aul. icr l t:lcne !::'o:+nesclnp -7omfng I bccsm s f clr wi th a very bad. t h r o a t , al:ld hcvc n o t buo1.1 ab:' . t o ,f'inf sll the -job u n t i l today which i s S-andny, There v : i 1 & Sc ti:.: r c p u l ~ ~ r 3IGEST f o r 1/28 a lso , but I i ' c . l t t b i s nk.oulr1 be TS.rii shcd f i r s t ,

i$Oi(Th &:iERICA CUijA-4c-C:i.iDD ( 11.93 ) ; nyxio, lo~i.pod with popul2.r US tunes from

1102-1131, iic:ply c r.rd r~tux.iled and e iyned by 1 - i w l Soutary !kcha- . .. vaypi a, c.,f reci; o r T(-c,E (:~21. . ~ o l l ' . i o 0 . t ' s t C L ~ 'ions 1 i s t ed CI-{FCC (r770), CriDC ( I -290)~ rind. :I s t nticn i n Guc,ntna~:;?_o (950 j . Anyonc l::,ow mrho ti3.5.a onc I s , ? (I t is 2 22C~;~:.:.'ttor, but I t v o nevoy cnuf:ht t h e

11 ;; calZ-j?V), Vcrfc i"s~o:m C::I1-;D :is #51. fro:., C~rba, ~~acli-o P ~ O ~ ~ C S O " . s t a - t i o n o;.1 700 T\c,s !-o:.,;,::d 1212..1234 :3 lpn-off on 1 ~ / 2 7 ~ d l 1 0 i s tki-is o ~ z o ? (Xi:) (It 1s 500(6) i.3 C:ic~o 66 i~v5.1'2~ bu.t ctgai.n, l r i ~ n l t havc tnc: ca l l -FV) Cl i lGk (1590) i;:..jc.niL'h~ard ~ - t D205 on 13/11, a l l nip*kit. ( J ) C:;JCi. (1460) i:.nvmlc., lor-r-cd t - ~ t 0155 s f ,gn-off on 12/24 n i t h f t ii-nyd or"tcn cl,.t t t ' lJ .2; t i::ic. ( d d ) Citii;Cr ( 1 . 4 2 ~ ) ?i-,v~.nn, hcnrd ~~t 0125 on 13/27, :2.116: aJ.30 on l r t c o f t eno (SJ) J D d i-lotas t h a t c.voryonc 1;nows

. .. t;i:>.t tile 24 !lour s.t;!ltf on i n .c~::?vnnr. on 1330 Kcs, i s "i-indio ~liclo j", bc.2 hc :).s!cs if xlycnc 1~110~s if h.%s c a l l i s !';1:1Cl;i7 ( I do, 3s I h2vc: hi12 vc:rf fiocl-i?V) C:.'iZ (1560) Ilov:xna, "Ln ?;:n?.sora ::iinf s t c r i c clc Educ nc ion" , fcivcs . P ~ r r ; i r-11-lsn,p.r~:-~ I.cs:sons, r,n.cI. hu~..rd b.c'r:incl -. ..-!QXRl s S?~( ; lpI l~~ly I h ? - 1 (,:JD:'f) CI'CR (1190) S-It.vcnfi, ' I Rcd.lo A ~ r o p u e r t o .Lntc.rnac. lon:;ll' 'nocrcl l%/10 ovcrriL",rin::r KLJITJ f r o n 2430-0130, cnd v o r i f i c d r o c c n t l . ~ wi th ~ l . m , 3 r (S .:?>~jr ' J i( :~~l (':::wo, Dl:-.~:ctor Gcsnc~::~l. 24 hours a dayo

Sa;y'I;II HiJhi:iICk TRll'liD~LD--:~-Still r:lo;.o inPorr:z- tf on cbout the: sncc i~ .S from YMTJDIo

SJ 17euqyts :it cc;.%~!.np tb;.-~ou.~~l= on 600. b.cs. clr?ar t h o vronlc u n t i l 0430 vihon TJS tone c?.r-:c on.* letter i s in,, CI:iY rc,ports hf a vcrmo ?.nd sa:?s !.'jVDI gl..i-l:: t o i;:~crc;.?ni.. po~~c . : .~ , jflJ .~-dc?s tli9.t 121s V i 3 TFrp-s Alf'rcd TI, i i f fo l t c r , St :; t 1013 I-ien:.:i.f,c~~

P U - ( ~ 5 4 ) Lfnz, 9 s "511 c o--l.i np i n ,~ood . cvcmring=: v ! i t ? i h.r:trodgnc, frorz TICS (855) . (113) SJ ~ 6 . 3 ~ t h ~ t llc :;f.?:ns o f f a t 2355 3x1 1va3 I i c a ~ d r-117 1214 ?; i t1 o f t en a'i.ncc. ---- { I COI;O~,:LLI~L-+:--;~J z.Li)i (1260) 3or;otz9 " k i ? l ~ '~.lc4;ro;pollt m a p~o'r?,nbly

T .. on ,211 nf @it, I ~ i p r p . - : i ? :7t P I 1 5 9x1 11/21s ( S j ) i;JI;Z (1220) .uo\<otn, c a l l hoard CL, " ii:lcl%o ~~n-i.irl-in" r.t 0215 011 11/25, ~ l n c 211 1-71 rh tc r . JB (iJ1,c s t i l l 5 3 7 jT-t is i~J3.0 v ~ l t l l ;.JK';;li 01; Bhort '.davc-FV) I i JGV (1200)

\I - dopota, 1iarli.0 ~ o @ t ~ l ? r ~ ' ;ic::krcl ct 0245 on 11/25, B o t I..JCZ, 'IJCE ckl:~,ngc;d t o 3JXAL ::ni!i, to tiSC1 Kcs, ( S J ) i:33Z (1070) Ilcfi.ollin ' ' ~ ~ d i o L c . 1 ~ j" , i-ir.ard c.t O Z l C on 11/28, (&I- ) .3n5ci.;i?t lificcl Col?o:lbf an o:~ 1420 s.i-:ncd off' 01; C300 on. 11/27* ( h J ) C1.48 r c y o r t s 3 yrc;parcd vc r io i n f ror l IBZL, J D i i rc:?c::rts I J C V (1200) ioygtn, lol:ced or^ 12/28 P ~ O M 0115 0200 z.nnoun.cing " il?.dic! Pol;ul ?r'! nnd :lJ 1 n.i.rht i J E L (1215) Cal i , 1 ~ . ~ ~ c c . from 1044~- l l l5 ::ncl v c l P lric.?.rrd, m o3.t n i , ~ h t s , nf epn-oi'f u s u a l l y

11 ?round 0010. I ) 2.030 Kcs. "1;ac73~n : < i i i ~ j i s i W 6 T in L:zrrmqui11n3 -- ~ u ~ p ( : . c t c i l by A 2-t 0250, :.nil vzrii'lc:? h:: SD t l - l~oush n f r i e n d in Larranqul l la , 11s al-so rccof v-:.d 2. ?.i.c:i>ic c:nd n m n ~ . n t Trori IiJCI (890) 10 ICw, i2 Voz dL 12 victor" . SD yleo rcpe7. t~ th7.t %hc nc7.v 10 I<Iv, tr::nsm.ittcr of' I.:ficj-onc.l i n ~~Lr.nixalcs 1vi.11 bc: i n opor- 2.t ion n r , - 7 rc ln y of Logct a.

X1i;:i~MTIBii-+:--l~Iir (870) slcmor ~ c . s Lorcnzo A. @jc.sada, Subdirector kenera1 LIG 17'71-: o e : i ~ ~ ~ . s i ~ l i , :liill soi?il ~ r ~ i l r m ? . b ~ l l c - t i n for onc goaro Te;llporr.r.ry c!-lTf c;rc,:.nt p r o ; T r r s .:rc? h::arci ?vcr 710 tnd 870, on t h c 2 i-1 060Q-220C, ( S 3 ) Cnntrt.:,.~?~ t o BiiEE/56 LII6 Zadic? K l t r c i s on 750 Kcs. with s t r o n y ni.{?nnl. An "i<l i~undo" s t r t l o n on 630 Kcs., 11) not h rd . L

Page 16: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

F O Y S I G N PiiG3 5 DX NEWS Jmuary 21, 1956 LVB ( ~ 3 0 ) i!Ic+nd-oza, vc r i e received, c a l l and., cl.!.ntc typod i n on an LRf

r , ( 3 J ) LiL; (870) Lucnos I-ilrcs, "3.indl.o clcl ~ s t n d o " , hcard c t 19 cl-uriny the rcvolut ion. (SJ) I;-*-Pr.i38 (980) R i r ! d o J m c i r o [ ' ~ a d i o ~ a c i o n a l " locged at

OW5 on 11/25, ?oss ib lg nl l -nipht . ( S J ) PRd7 (900) " a a d i o ' . ~ m o i o " Rio d c J m e i r o , hcard f o r f c w minutes n t 0445 wi th KFI33 and C J V I Q R B I ( D ~ < ) , SD r c ~ o r t s an unlcnown on 1390 Kcs. cnno~mcing a s "~iadio- d i f u s o r a ds ----" perhaps Pusqucira v~i t h c a l l ZER-25. IflR~/56 says PRI-18 Radio Idoua 012 1150, but he i s nc.t;u~.lly on 1130 Kcs, (SB) DfZ r c n o r t s t n c f ol1owfn.p Ert?zi l ians hoard on 12/20: PRE8 (980), PRG2

- 0 4 0 ) ~ P I E 3 (1180), , ~ ? & 9 znci Pii36 ( 1 2 0 0 ) ~ P1U=9 ( 1 2 2 0 ) ~ P1-iG3 (1280), know on 1.300 nrld PRI:'6 (1340) Orz 12/25 S ~ C ; 011~s hcard. p lus U,3 ( 8 6 0 ) ~ Fix13 ( 8 8 0 ) ~ PirF4 (940) ( 9 8 0 ) ~ Pi329 (1000) FKD2

( 1 0 6 0 ) ~ w k o m on 1110, PiiIB 1 1 3 0 , P2CB (13601, and PiG2 11430). Best s tp ,na ls warc f r n i : ~ 940, 980, 10G0, 1040, 1x80, 1200, 1220, 1280, 1300,. 1340, ,xtd. 14300 (DK)

CHILE-G-Ci576 hcard a t 00200 'i, ' .th SPicl1 novrs. ( GMT) ( S,D) T h j s t a t i o n on 760 :'Lea, i n Sant5.ag0, I:(:nrd a s h i g h a s 5;-8 In l o s i n g b n t t l e with Cuban and bdJ1; a t 2200, (DI?)

I t -~l,!EZUEi,i~-*-Yi9rlI: ( 7 0 0 ) 'Inrocs.ibo, I(nclio ~ o ~ u l n r " stron;: 2nd , o f t c n 2030 on 11/25 ovcr WLV? ,and Cubcn. ( S J ) I : c p ~ r t ~ d by lV!V!-IP f r o n 1800 t o s i p - o f f with vi-iryinp s i ,mr . l s t r o n p t h o v c r 2nd under V!LW night ly . Sign-off v 3 r l a s f ron 223C-2350. ( i : i~~P) Latin thouzht t o bc; i n V c n c z u c l ~ hcaml. a f : ~ n i n g of f 2t 0207 c3n 11/28,, ( S J ) YW:II\T??? YW.IF (1120) JJ ,nr~c~,fbo, 11co.rcl o f t c n 3 r d stroly; ova? I<i!'iOS. ( S J ) S D hcs hoar( t h i s OIIG as a r l y . r,s. 2350 GJT uvzi t h poorl. s t rc l i@ho YVLP (820) Valcn- :i3, L,?rgcd nt 0130 si,nn-off cn 1/1, nt) tc froqucncg, ( S ) IWOD 780) h&rd with poocl s i r n a l s on 12/19 fron 0443-0503. { B I ~ ) SD as) ,f YVI<L 1 s nfiw on 650 Kcs. is t he re my 'YV on 590? Ho thinks t h n t he. had one thcrc,, (Not t h c t wc know of-?v)

DUrI'CR VES'I1 '~???IES-~ : - -PJL ,~ (1435) "Mad i:, Kckboor.?'' i s s t nt5-on hcrc, . iiaard wcll d.uring cvorllng on C h r i s t m a s Evc and ni,.rht ~ 1 2 t h Chr is tnas

.'?zusic and announcmonts i n Bnglish 2nd Spanish* (~l i I ) PJC2 (864) Y!illcmstad, l o g ~ c c l 2.t 3-7 to 8-8 from 2850-2144 on 1/2* (1-IJW) .

EUIiOPE 1- , , CI G Q T C.El&!li,dJY-+:--V01, ( 1196 1 Pllunich, p;ood. ~ . t 1900 wi th nc? QI3J (DIL)

1Jnrdcn (1295) f a i r :,.t 0107 cn 12/12~ ( S J ) 4T'1PnR (1586 ) Olclcnbur r o n k a t . 0128 on 12/19. , Nurnburg (1602) f n i r a t 0129 on 12/12. fkJ) ^'.denburg (1586) 3-9 a t 0055 on 1/130 Purnbupg (2-602) 3-9 frcm 0100- .10 on 1/16. lorclcn (1295)' f a . 1 ~ u t 0225 on 1/6. Ravcnsburg (1538) 3rd S-5 tc! '7 on 1./8 ::.t 0120-0130 with con.ccrt nusic. ( I 3 Li 250

,,,tt t ra~~srn i t t e r 1nrI.11 bc c -n s t auc t ccl. f o r t h o Canaclian iLmy i n Europe, W i l l bc donc i n JTc11.v opcrqt ing 1~1th 10 watts on 1620 Kcs, (Sb, ''iiadio Frcc Europob3 cl-cnnol (:In 85i1'; Kcs. i s inz.ctfve. (SD) GFbT i s s t i l l operating on 3 3 3 4 r!nct 2-367 'cs. (SIX1;Vi;TII)

F~L;NCE-~:--P~?T~~ I n t o r !-1-s Inn:-c. cscd powcr on 584 Kcs. Tlany l ~ n g - .~ .pcs each S:lturc!ay 1.600-1800 i n " Ctood Evcnln:.. I3~ropc" proyrx.1, ( SD) lordcaux (1205) ilcard. 1/2 w%tl.1 f a:ir V O ~ U I : ? ~ 2t 0 2 3 O a L i l . 1 ~ (1376)

nonrd 1/2 goo? voluric nt 0220. ii'rcnch Co;il?~cn Tiavo (11103) hcard 116 ct 0220, j\Jico (1554) hi:ard 1/8, 5-7 t o 9 d,mcc 1:iuofc 0115- 01300 L i l l c (1376) hc~~rc7. 1/8 s i g n a l s S-7 0140-0145, ( A l l WilD) Lil (1376) weak n t 0150 on 12/11 and fair on 12/12 a t 0112. (SJ) TOU- louse (944) weat on 12/11 nt 0155. ( S J ) Lordcaux (1205) we& zt 0105 on 12/12. >Tic6 I n t e r (1554) n t 0115 on 12/16 bcs t of TLs b11ls season.

LUXE~~~I:~;OI~I;G-+:--" lint'lio ~ u x ~ r n b o u r ~ " ( 1439 ) o f t en but o n l y f a i r by SJ, Xcportccl hr:ard gocd avery i n ~ . ~ n i n ~ on 1/2, 1/6/ ,md 1/8 i'rol:i 0200-0300, ( ' 9 f i : ~ 1

iB~~DEIJr-i-+:--P~rtu~rrl1~ s c s t r.t i o n on 1529 o11ght t o be CSLSO fincila' Iicard u n t i l 0145 Gll'IT or 2045 EST, (SD).

Page 17: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

3'O;IEIGIJ P,,GX 6 DX N&:;JS - ~,

J.anu?rg 21, 1956 I ~ J ; . . ~ ~ . ~ , i ~ J - < r - S ~ j - . i c ~ l ~ of i i c id i~ ~ J ~ . ? , P C S ~ fnrc;Ign scct inl i ti1 1717R/56

- 7

s rlclt rc:liablc;. ~ ~ 2 . s G~.r-xan f o r I L ~ ~ s t r i n on 1258 Kcs, 1330-1400 ancl 700-1730 (ausl . c cn 'dcr!, Sct , ) c:.1 1.187 r.t 1G00-1G300 (01:7'1') (SD)

IT~LijY-+~-iiiJ (1331) rcjcd ,n.t 0105 on 12/27 o v c r Cubme (SJ) NOT;'!Ji,Y-%--LICF ( 1578) -f orciFn schedule 1755-3900,1955-2100, 2300-

2400. On Su;.lrl.::;~a c ~ ~ c h t r? .nsrr i :ss i r .~~ extcnc?ecf. 20 rifnutcs lirfth E n ~ l i s h progra l , &st C?.:IJTS p n r t s n:? pro.-.T1pa:-lc :l\nnouncc& in Er,g;lish. (SD wit11 tern69 i n G S ~ T ) ~

NET1-%L.lL,L~<DS--::--J:Tilvcrs~ (100'7) f n i r nn 12/12 2 t 0.1.15, ( SJ ) Ncak Troy1 0208-0230 on 1/2 wi th i.~l.xcci 1.:iusic31 2nd vocal sc l cc t ions . (WSD)

- 7 3 t c t i o n s cn 159.1 ~i.cs, hoerd. on 1/16 0215-0230. ('idXD) POlc~:'LiG~~L--:t-Portl~.f~uosc 2x1 7 8 2 ilc s. under L o r l i n , p orli,?,ps new

tl-c.nsnlLti;cr i\f i:~.:llc Clubc Fnrtu,gucsc; (100 RVJ) , but not In p n r c l l c l ~3j:~th 1051 XCS. ( 3 3 )

CZ3CRO~Li)Vi~T'~I~i-~~--Pr~.j~~~~ 11 (1286 ) i r o c 6 ., 3t 0114 on 12/120 ( SJ ) SP,+IN--::-if:-stcp:; Zn N C ) ~ 11 1~2s 3'i<T1.', "L> Voz clc; dr.clrldt' wi th

t c z t s . 1s n:,w c n 1223 Ices. u n t i l 1900, (SD) . -

>~lO:LJ, ;C;O-~t-L.~~~.~t i! Carl., ( 1.166) f a i r .nLt t i :ncs 3 t 012~3: on 12/12, ( SJ) S',::'i.:2i;I?-3:-iicpb~r '( l 1 ' ; t R ) h,o,,s Eur(-rlpc cn sclzcd'111 c 1800-1930 f 1-1 G.;~rr.lxt,

3 !jl?ouch, ~m.6 Z i ~ ~ I P , ~ 3 r l , (!XT ti--:ics by SD) ,;~rSTR1,.-%--Sn1.1 zburg (1275 ) Infr.;.cc? cn 1/16 f rorz 0123-0130, ' (IiJRD) 57 r 6 ' A~U'UC.L:J+D-+:-C! 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 . 0 1 1 ( 1457 ) hoard 1/6 f'roln 0130-0l40 with r r p n

, n o l n c l i cs .qi th Y -8 ::l. i.*?1319 ( :'!TiD a1'C i!il~cs t (141-57 ) pocd on 12/12 . .

nt 0126, C Lilcllmc?. ,(1083) f ~ i r on 12/12 z t 0132; ( S J ) I,lSLCIU'1.lw+5-~~rt~.s s c l s ( 9 2 6 ) :-oocl = ~ t 0130 nn 12/16. ( SJ) '!ili.LLi(;S--:;--3i!C (881) m c ~ k r " t 0135 cln 12/12. (SJ) T\?O;iTII I;';EL+ND-+:-:;;>C (1151) good but v e r y d i s n p p o i n t i n , ~ a t 0133

on 12/12, ( S J ) ULLELRIC ISLLM3S--::--il~.rlic Mcn~ r c a ( 1205) i.;Iahcn, 1nfir;cd a t 1930

on 12/24 t cn t2 t l . vc lgo ,&lrnr-st postPvc t h z t r s ~J1.m it, was, (Cl,.S) ![

.:,~~l.rDOil;,',-%-c :i=lclI c ,!'adc.rra" ) 9913 I.~~?,~;.:cd t cnt c t i v c . 1 ~ :~t 1700 cn f/3. (C'.IS)

, L-LFRfCb TiJ$GIE-li-3:--iJystory i n PC,. 11 was Aadlc: T,mgcr Intc;rn?,t i na l ,

Has " C,altim.orc G ~ s p c l 'i".2brjrnnclc P r o R r a n i t Sunr-?::ys 1157-1257 m 1232, S i s t e r a t f i t i r ~ n c.1? 1079 hc.ard unc'.c:> skvcrr: Qi31 u n t i l 8100 i n Spznish.

L i S I h CYPi<US-::--Sh-rq cl i&c",n,o. on 638 Kcs. hr:arrl 12/25 s/on a t 2245.

Ccrt .2inly nnw 1100 ICw, yo t , t c , ~ V J C ~ C , 3'2s-5 cn 1093 l!:cs, was 211 nfpht tlir,sc c?n~s, - , 'bl i-niyht i n G~Y~T, (SD):

ITC=Q--;:.-I;1 :~ptti: of TI;;:.:^ c r ~ i n I.?@, 11, :i,z:hdad hns oftcn a g o d s i : m a l ;7n '76,: Kcs. ?.lr~.t11 s/off c.t 1500c Oftcn Ydcstorn :;nlsic frcn 1415. (SD) ,

LE3iLl\TOi\T-*-836 1L.c~. l i i - .~ rd 2-2/25 f'rn;:i s)'on 2.t 23300 !Inrd$y ~ ~ ~ i l ? - b l c , t h ~ u -:li cn c l e a r c h ~ n n c l IC t P i s -tl.ric, ( S 3 )

~ ~

SY;<I~L-*L-G~~ lics. hcarcl 12/26 from s/on "i; 2330 u ~ C ~ C I - Vilnu~, U S j . 7 - ;corm roartini; ( (30 1~1fnutc;s, Hie ) (SD)

JLLP~JT-~:--JOI~~~Z (1010) wo s S-6 wf .th m-11~1~~12 progrnr.1 c t 0515 on 1/21 . ..

i?nly c h c ~ . ~ c l th-t mcrninl;' o t !?lor t hn.n J013Sie ..!. ~ - i . . . in from J O JT: -.

( 1370) :;cs., I [ . , i!ezut l f u l c?,rd wf t 2 1 .ln,tc licfirdl sl~ovm. V ~ r i c , i n frorl JOQR (650) Iiliiaatn, n i c c cnr6, 1 9 t h J?.p?.ncsc s b c o Jcqunrg , 1 9 5 ~ ; ~ ( . i i ~ W )

OCEL1NIiL . -. A.,USTit;LIiL-3:-2C0 (670) Cr)rovra, f in? . l lg sent d L i . j C c aril f r r t his nnc.

( SJ) I'i3C QSL card hrck: from 3,.ii f o r r c p c ~ r t of ~ ~ p r i l .24t?n. (628 kc3. ) . (lilj.)

FIJI - J ~ L ,~ 7 7 3 ~ - 3 i v ~ 7 - ~ r A L ~ , I ~ J 1u12 (840) ' si , ~ s o f f a t 0415 z f t c r p r n g r m

sul~:ig.ry, ( Z t )

Page 18: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

FOi;ZIGl\J P,,GE 7 D;< ii;G\JS J.munry 21, 1956 ?,Tr 1 n S I E ~ X

C M S r c p i ; r t s , t h z t i.:lor't Scklikcsingcr wmts t o know who "122dio licloj" - .- !.s on ,570 Tics. licinrcl 0500-0515 llondng rnnrnings,

J D f l wants t o know what Cub'm i s~ on 1150 Kcs, hcard 1/2 md 1/8 It - 11 0190-020G al~nr~ucing ~ l a d i c Pc!pulzr and mcnt l c n i n ; ~ Havanao Also

on 1200 Kcso anqthor C~tbm calling; i t scl-f ";~cic?lo iicln jf' Ci'IR??? 9

prcb.n.bly nct i n iIavmao !ie=lrd. 1/7 0600-0645 when Y O i i I C L ~ C onc WHP hc?s auit~ a l i s t of r i '~s tcr~5es : 0:le on 620 frolx 0205-0232

in Spanish on. -.12/22, i ~ n o t h u r on 710 l k s , C h r i s t n ~ ~ s mnrnins f rom 0~;03-0~?06 L C t i n &:morlcmo 0no on 810 K C S ~ Ilutin i c ~ c r i c r m an8 us ing Spmf sll, $his 011c fro71 1900-1915 on 12/31, 1'Lnotllc;r on 830 Kcs. 2228-2230 on 1/+1 under 'dCCO and CDIIiZ i n SpnnZsh then f ov-r nrxt cs a t 2230 mcl. s /of fo Fat CP'ILZ, i ~ n n t h c r cn 850 Its. at 03554402 1 ~ 1 t h Li; mus4c i n LPanlsh wl-th QiE9 fro::i CKVL cn 12/250 Onc on 880 Kcso i n Spanis11 froui 2129-21310 O n c cn. 800 Kcs. frc1:l 2116-2150 on 12/27 i n Spni? i~h vdth c.iu::ico ~ ~ n o t h c r on 970 ECcs, from 2109-2221 on 1/12 i n SppLnil?ish. .with ::lllsic 2113 TICF~.CUS i n t c r v d s i c n a l s inc lud ing 3 r o c s t c l crows, 3 d r ? ~ licwls, s ? : I(-;tcs nnd r ! t 2156 n l q i of r;ntca, Onc C ~ I 10QO k;esr i n Spanish. ur-iclcr ':JCPL : "57-0101 1/13 anti l/l-iO And l a s t on 590 i<cs. l9:-30-191;0 (:n 12/21 wi.t:i:. 1 4 2 ~ 3 ~ ibcathcr, and Ccrols, Sccxled 1 i l . r ~ l:l:.!orthcrn rJznac?hm, sc not surc; if cr nsto

iiEP 0 LiTEiiS :'JI;D-:;,Vl, ii-icharC Danckcr, 316 East 2ntt S t r c c t , Lmisdnlc, ~ c n n s . ~ l v . m i c . SJ-Stovc: Jclmson, 2c.x 145, Havrc dc Gracc, i.icr:~lnnd~

.. - i i l t I - ! a ~ k holbrhcfr, 4710 13dgornocr ? i a ~ c $4203, 2cthcscIa 14, :h!~nryl~.nd, JQII-John D, li:.slrctt, 742 Elboron .~vcn.uo, Cinc innat i 5.9 Ohice GIiS-C, i!i. St~m.bury 11, !;ox 218, Crystel l.)ccLch, Ontnric, Ccnada, ~ : ; - i ~ / l C Don K:;skegb L973st ILriCS;~iOll, 2 0 81, iJuw York, i J ~ w Yorko HS-Ilnrold Schrcck, i ir Ii. #l, P a t an, I & l i n c i s , YJ1.V-Hcnry 5. Wilkinson Jr., 6620 iliecmm ~'-vc;nnc, Nhrth iiollywood, Cnl. -.

iiiYP-Tijclls 13, Pt;rkins, -- 1651 Idount a in L A ~ Z ~ U C , '.lauwatosa 13, 'discnnsin. 33-S t t\f Pan DanolP, N . i;v-ngsvo 27, Tidahc:lr~, DIZ-Don iicynclc?~, 630 Figucroa Drbive, At ndena, Cal l f crnf a. Rii-Iref t h Zobi:lson, I::'~'.puka N O 7, ii. D., I f i v ~ r c ~ ? r g i l l , NGYJ Zcaf and. LZrLcuric. Gcyer, P. C'. ;ox 769, Duncdln, Ncw Zoc.lande . . CPL-C, P. , i thc ; r to l~ , liarwood ~ ~ v e n u c , L i J ~ t l c t o n , : ~ ~ l ~ . n s ~ . c b ~ s c t t s ~

TKE O'JEI;SE,,S i.'i,;Ii,i:i,G Staffan D3nell---Q0xid.x brci as I I . C U . ~ ~ t h i s ooasnn. En6 n f Dcccm-

bcr sc:-no r .cccptablc n i ~ l l t s l i k c 12/27. Tkic ITS cc!n~lx th?:b usc: t c - ! co?-*le z t t k ~ i s time , : n t ~ . ? j . ~ $ t over t h c polc s~ : - i c~w?~ .c rc~ Only -. f C;VI s t a t 5. ons in ?:c~?,!Snw~c' 1-2nd. cncl Ncw Sn[:lznc? cninc tklrou~h. 12/15 rlv f i r s t 250 v~?rt:'ct s t pLt icn 35ii'XD (1&50), I l~co . rc l F'cltin,.; (640) f o r t h.c f i r s t t i nc , :1.7-sc; 12.15 2nd 1320 wi.:f ch i s V 1 ~ h . m ~ ' '2110 1 n t t ~ ; r wi th QSA- c t 143.5 GLT. bnmc & . r ~ < b i c s.t;nticns on silent Christ:-.ins ~ o r n i q g s , th( only Lat in LLmor.icms. Un!.novm hc s l c f t r,ll n3-c:b-L slccd, , mcl I hoard CX22 cn 970 Kcs, ?'j.rst DX en th5.3 chmnci. Co1o.zbi.a on 1440 with t rcmc;ndous s l:.mal, T"J-bTL :. n ly hc r., ? OLLX<:I: c n 1520 mnounccd iL'&DIO I Pi@NSii -- oncc I: noi;eC- thct on S;i too. 2v.t i t scons t o be rccasiol: Lnyhow they don't v c r i f g . Verics fror.1 X;dLE1, WQXZ, W I 850, Cairo E 2 . i7Y100 (1529), LIZ ('/01), LKF (1578 3 , CSlj2 (10341, Ci:CN 1 0 6 0 ) ~ CIiZL, l o t t c r b2c.k o f ccvcr:!.re rlapa

KEITE ROLIWSOiJ---Little t o rcnr?rt ns hc?t weather i s c3.using '

*cavy s t at i c . iicport s t 7 ICLii6-DX (1ic;ard ~.vcll , n c ~ i ( i ~ i ^ t ..- a l l y ) , KCZG; 2nd Thurrlay FC ns I . i ~ t c ? ) K D J I CRY nvw a l l n i r h t , fiNiiX, Ksl,IT, KISuE, Vcrics f r n n K i t G I , ;iS?I, YPUV, KTNT, CTYL?, KZTJ?T, K,:OI-DX, ECOJ-?:I,. KEEE XECQ.

The DIGEST i s s c t t i n c too 1-ong, 3 0 thc b a l m c c ;-\f the rnatcr ial vrl.11 bc hcld cwcr u n t i l next tvcck, 73s.

Page 19: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

1955-1956 i.nic ~ o l 2 i ; ~ ' p I c TC: COI.:;I'ZST :>Tl.TS = January 1, 1946

I;;;T..:Y I>;;;i.; Y.:-;FI fellas! i-le! t o Ponca C i ty c f t e r a v~oni.erfi.11 Christmas visLtLng the f o l k s back hoiae mc! fwmd a deluge 02 e n t r i e s from you co:itestants. I t ' s been a l o t ol' f r enz ied work g e t t i n g t h e January 1st stanc;:Lrlzs together , but as you can see from t h e r"ollowing, t!le.contes-lants a r e iZ;:;.cS,LY in t l ~ e r e b a t t l i n g !

SO?GYtr-TliL..iTIC)MS t o Hf'L SS:iEOG!; f o r ~ i i n n i n ~ t l .~o m i z e s : 41.00 f o r being in '-pLz, P I ' T PL"iCjd on January 1st and ,;11.00 f o r being t n e f i r s t contes tant t o sco re 25

yoiilts iii t h e alp;labetic.?,-.2 ?or t ion of t h e contest! ?ind CO'I~GRZfTJL,!TIOl<S t o "The ,;war;lp Angel DXer," SCOOIYH SUC-;t$Jr:.,S f o r i d e n t l Q ~ i n ~ t h e f i r s t oi t h e ~ q y s t e r j s t a t i o n s 1 .

2nd ?lace: C. Pi. Stanburp 11, 3cx 3.18, Crystal Eezch, Ontario, Cmada = 300 points!

3rd Place: Len Kruce, 515 C . 7uclid. S t ree t , DubucLue, Iowa = 255 :,oints! 1 >oin t - .!j[ID-13&0 :aIiL'.> ;,TJTZ+t ';,iCC;jX- Cfiz;'.t ;zi;,;S,%- 3 pok l t s - tJCTi',;-9z(). CJx$? ; ,YiODX- "VOIiT?.2 A L "L 11 rP:C A C;.rI,G$t :.z{O; >:- I;Or)T,'.$

I ... .'.... , 5 pints - y;;,l,~ r,;B;t'D :f$.,1Lj ~!~~~~ ;'TJpc I z I R C Jzi 'Cl;ij;y CT(jE IAIgD TijI'TZ ;,?>&P C_'%c ' ~ ~ ~ \ ~

i;cC;I ;,Vo\,? '.c;lJL I;z:? .J::,1S C:J,13 3132, jtm I.z:C;l ZEN.! iIfi21; CI;,FE rCf" ':iTy&

4 th ?lace: Ev. Johnsoil, 53& 16.Lli S t r e e t , ilelx!ota, X l l lno i s = 235 2oints!

5;h :lace: Francis l.!, 1335 Grmt :it,, ?.?La 22, Denver, Colo. = 103 points1

Page 20: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

DX COITTZST IXiTS - January 1, 1955 = P a ~ e 2

jth Place: Roy KiZlar, Route 2 - Box 6704, Issaquah, 'lash. = 159 points. 1 poirlt - ;:::,&-790 . ,;,:j~-910 : 'n xcF;{+:- ! 3 3 ~ - 5 6 0 'J J%.]+:- xPF2-9/+(, ;p,rr;g-1S9O ;?jS;;Z-930

ii;,\J)p;- j1~~~!,';.$ l~:.;EaY+:- T:@RO-b3G ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ , $ >vEi\J-6%0 xODI;+t IQEL+:- K>J;,x++ 3 points - S:jBxv% ;;VFC+t CF3pt CIyu;T,C+c KOZR-::- jC;.,TC.'r ! m ~ , l ~ ,,\ YXNTi-:' !!JOLF-14.90 5 point 3 - IjBd\r ;';In ;;i ;;_'? io % X ~ T :.353' F;B~;' ;<'?NR XC1.H X \ ; , ~ C ; ,VFC 1 >j)p CXLC @0I I(cIp

I<VO!.: !.j'ilS;(j l<OZE T:yxL ,,()DL C J;- C1703 ):A'c;~L ICLRS

7 t h Place: Scooter S e a ~ r a v e s , P. '31. Box 6.N, S t u t t ~ a r t , Ark, = 136 points , 1 point - !,miT-:r- ;m%"-: :.:CLv7-1600 ;~Rc--II~?o ;..rJ,x-970 ;9j;,iu[~-1260 J;{oP:- :;:ITZ+:- TaJ2dP:-

xS23-1'70 ~ < ~ , ; ~ ~ 3 $ i;''7%101C) i,-:jd;-;,Uk?,O Q.?J J-1080 ,;,JvIST~~+;I-::- F<TP,?I-1&00 CJVT-900 ?:JTI+t ;;';,:&$:-

3 points - lw2%$j-::- :iCFi-l3: iLy';J-q20 y,iS@l:% KPOP-l!)?-C :'zOY+!- m:LcL+'c -L:L)z3:- 5 points - i3jFi: ;,Bsz !:;3RT >z:OD '1:;ITZ !;!jijJp kz,;SJ ' y ~ \ i ~ \ L I :i>L.,TJ T:.,%FD ;cCF;I:I ::LdiI 73 i )Y \\I.';:I

, :..,,.. :>-; ;:301 L ; i ~ ~ c ~<j-- ;p , L \ ~ ~ : Lr

8&h Plece: Iiorton Ii . S c h l e s i n ~ e r , 7 O l W . 177th St., Apt. 37, Eew Pork 33, M.Y. = 128 points.

1 -point - \J..@?J<+C. Cz&:I+> ~ ~ ~ j J $ ! 3 '.rC-'L?-953c !:J,'<;.I% $ t ~ ~ O ~ < 3 ' c :,i?T&I+? 3 points - $j<K<-l!+2@ .$,~013-1360 , i! 30:;-X- l$ITzGt ~: : ; ' , '<~~,$ :g,;yC+> C:g,CI? ' . , ~ ~ T - ~ 4 2 0 ' ,yy;L-2 5 Foi?t s - 7;$..'9 >I::;O~< Q62I ',.y;[L ;;TX;-,S :<301 Cjz 3,'S31,j i.;ITZ C.;LC '.,',\L)P lz.YC ~~,~-,~I CI;Idc

9th Place: 7. &gene Cailieron, 1,15004 Eoffimn Place, Spokane, Xash. = 126 yoints . 1 point - \qbJCCF9+? :(Cpfv> cI?gz+<- i,iZ-1(77]$? - ~ . ' I ~ ~ , ' $ $ I ,\ d lyJO:ii-:> q>?'c1C3+ !,TA.2.113{- ..F,y,.~>:- ti^->> T ~ . ~ O c - l , ~ 9 0

;CTJd.i;,j-93C; '.l":.:lp: '( '.I' " . . * d i . t ' L ~ . . 3''

3 poin t s - ;(BOI3F );TJPS+<- i(BC)?'c C;CI,,P.'.c 5 points - :;TBfY( bl-sxf '1J.B ;J!3FJ i;D[)I i(C,9{ :[VFC CFOG T>z!OD :;>:xc,i j;Vd',.- I.;I..?C ;::BOY ;iLQ

I. ; . : . . . - . Cig,a ::IJl !-', . ~ j , ~ & ~ .&i,;EI ;i-'.j!bTjA

1 0 t h Place: J. I1Patt1 2eil ley, 226 Cross;izw Stree t , . Jarnestown, i'l. Y. = 12C points.

11 th Place: Randollh FIur,t, IZoute 1, 102; 'Julcan i~ve., 7I;ncinitas, C a l i f , = 106 poLnts 1 point - i,L',BJ-l&?O ''CdI+c ;CFIs:- 1aI3++ r:;:C)9;+:- !c)Tl;<:- .{O;+'+: :{j@p: 'I': [I<:- :U, j;> ;;()I,&

~ 5 0 I < o D ~ ~ ; - ~ ~ ~ L + ; v.7 x . nA+:

3 ;?oin.l;s - 1~1;3F?? i.Lc)Zx+;'.c I(L;y,'.t ,L-SRY- . F.? 5 >oklts - ,11,()1 ~:;jBya AiCT:-i Iii,I> !;Jr,t,)T ~~~,~~~~ 1,VO;j -T-Ozx ...-. ,.-::t-jl : A . - 7 r l 4 . , .. ? ' d. Ad- - T K~J.~L. :L~??x ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ J

i,-,TT. 7 F . ', l L 2 . ~ >I, ,LL, n.

1 point - ;!-'.VtJ-630 :;_32v<:- - 21:~7-1:'+3_0 :~~:3~-56@ :.:r~0~-130@ ::~;;:<-7)~o '"1'~s-1290 C;<LC'.r ;'3i;g-1250 ;I, y(;+:- ' 2 ; ~ ~ :-lo50 . J-~:.;T+$ , .TJ~ i2.>i ~ ; ~ : ~ ~ c p ; - . :y-c;,- I - :- 790 - - .- 5c;o ~.,,qp~-x- . LL

3 points - . ,K>xi-'799 ?.[EE'3'.> A'(;A,.3,1,9G ',Q)II-l&a ,;Si)~.:3$ <@;l;;.;w2sC) ' :~2~;-1270 :;3;:- 53 0 ;izvi-15 GO

5 p i n t s - !,,%RV 3371) ;:3~)1 'I!;~O?: q:;;:; :x.jyi; ,yA:3:CI -.':.;o

13 th Flace: S r i c G r i s t o ~ ~ ? , 419 'iiest Court ;3treet, ?aris, Lll inoes = 90 poii-15s.

1 point - ;IxL+:- $iJ;.;B>'c '; i .:i~r '"1 - 970 '; ,- : u.!i'yc l'r"

3 po:;-nts - T.mR';+? i<CF;I?,? C;.2:,i)-6ri0 ;<JIL.:P.'c .;-~:O%- -L,:LTZ-1630 .-.- 5 po in t s - t l - ;P % . T,Td.;; ..: J: '.;3 :.F:,I<T ;<;'A@ i Gijj'g '.yLv7:.< .'..C?j':I : :.',3P


u t h Place : J01111 D. E:atkic:.rziy, 2515 .Ile::an<.er r k j r , , Col0rzd.o .Zpi-i?gs, Cola. = 57 ? i s e c

1 point - .:<;---:,-I-!,7q - / , L T - - - . :i;l.!Z-L':.90 - :'C23-1500 :;s2z-560 -;CRC-1?9@ .<+70.TJ-1!+!-0 :;CE!)-15SO - T - is .:&,- ' ( 7 ls10 +.- ; ~ c . ~ . ' l - l . ~ ~ O ;:.'if)?> ‘"'-

- -. i.,2.;,-1160 GJVI-9GO --FII--1.330 , 7.- ' 3 points - .,.PU.~-&:'-;I; j:>Ol<-]-$SO ';:,T,S-3SQ :::,JF-?]-O :CL1:T:-79O ?;1; :,iL-1570 :~7;;2-6:>:7 I:=:,-: '

5 poi~:ks - A,iir;l..i I;;?;.; l~~~ 22 ; ; 2 g y 1540,.

Page 21: PUBLISHED BY THE · stat a& I ksa1-2 them ths first time they used night time power of 5 kw. Really enjcg these lorg-soucht Eastern stations I've managd to hear up in Iceland. ProSa'cly

J~: CJI.T.IT~' I!S:;;IS - January 1, 1956 = ?aye 3 1 5 t h , l a c e : ; e t e r S r e t z , 2923 Cen t ra l .;venue, C i m i n g h m , ,la. = 53 points .

;sJc nnw a d d i t i m s .

. . 16'th :?lace: Prank I:.keeler, Box 176 - ;?. D. 5, Lr i e , "nna. = 40 poin ts . 1 poj.nt - ;,,D&lT;(- '*,pG 113: Tc ... '.: - :-ol. :.7-'d-,-' 1,: Lb. l?k 3 po iy t s - :;BOI+c 5 ~ o i n t s - -iB?g ,yjzI .-.jCiI :<>: :() :{:,:(JI ,wJs

17t:l 3l.ace: Joe :;nac!r, 715 : ; a s t :rant! ..ive., 'oiica Ci ty , O!da. = 37 poin ts .

3 p o i n t s - 1.331$? 5 20ifits - : 33'3

1 8 t h I l a c e : J. J,Taldron Ber;.znn, 6:3 Oak Sti-cet, 'F i f f in 11, Ohio = 1 0 ~o i : ? t s .

1 po in t - .. .1L.Ci-1520 ';~.'.31-910 .: ;-9'(O 3 po in t s - ,EXv-::- 5 ;_;oipts - \.l?;.fl ..'ZFd

;To e n t r i e s receive\?. ffoi-n o t h e r co:;testc- . '. r;, 3:- denotes fTi3C 9;:. s t a t i o n .


:,; S h ?J

S i e 1 . i X S t J t a e C ;I t 3 a -.,r

c a o t I < ~ s a e t r t II T T h n X h l i r i m i l i h 3 e I C e r b r n e 1 a ri e I il e s a r e n w o u u s r 1 v g r 1 u r t w e l a m c r s o a . e a o e n o a t e c a k y e n F , r s r n y t 7 : L . r . i y z r k n

C1 - 4-7 .- L O ~ . - ~ J , ~ : Jan. 1 265 223 170 169 1.33 159 130 104. 126 75 126 9b 67 57 .- 37 3 10 I'rnvious - 27 85 65 - - - .- 24 - 45 - - 23 - 53 3 29 - i.;or,us 50 50 - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - r,, :, : '- 1 - 315 330 255 235 12.7 153 136 126 126 120 105 94 90 57 53 40 37 1 0

Len Kruse oP. Dub!lr;ue, lorp~a a.s of J'ail~~ar,. 1st I.isti:ig i s leadin: t h e con tes t an t s i n t h e s p e c i a l 2)Z Pr.oya;ns r ~ o r t i o r ~ of t h e Contest wi th 190 po in t s scored,

That t s about it fel!_ns, . sor ry t o be so long ~et-L iu; : t h i s cut 2~6. .to !kl, bu-t a s you. call s ee by t k e ;)orim:ts sco:-ei?., I;oL1. a l l kept n e p r e t t y b ~ s p pootiiz2 e n t r i e s . i, to-tax oi" 2,Lk45 ; ~ o l . i ~ t s scorct-l !.n .;;Pie cor:t;esJ; t o ciate! :,T5..ic- t k e r e i s a alricle r?.nge 'actr~eeil f i r s t ; ale! 1C;';h plzce , it i r ; i i i t= . i . r s t i~ t o no te t h e c!!.ose s?ztcing bctvreen

-. coi?.testailts. i t s a 2002 rqce ; .::ci~ f a r .'ro:n bein; over. So, keep up ti le f i ~ h t and ::efll. s ee how i . t a l l s l . ~ ~ ; ~ e s up :-!e::t noat;>,


&;ore c losbIy , I l d li!;e t o .than!.: e.-,cli rtnc!. every one oT yo^: .2hnJc, sen t 2 h r i s t - c ~ r i s . Before s':lovin,.; off , I . t r i ed -to g e t o ~ t as LIcny as I could. T!l-e r e n e c?.ni' -- .i. he6 z iiron?.sri^ui :iol.itiagr 3eas3i-1, an.' we certainly hope you a l l ~lid. too.

L)ol,.tt for,:&, deaciliiic: f o r Te5ruary l i s t i : l g rci.11 be Thurs25.ay, Janunry 26th i n : 'ona A t y , 731s;

T T , - Il.anlc !lard, Con-tcs t :- ia~aqer January 7, 19 j6