published by pearson education india authored by edgar thorpe & showick thorpe

Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe PART 1: A glossary of geographical terms [Section 8] Topics Covered Slide Numbers 8 Terms [2 – 10] 8.1 Closely related terms [11- 12] 8.2 Important geographical facts [13- 15] 8.3 Important lines and boundaries [16-19]

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Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe. PART 1: A glossary of geographical terms [Section 8] Topics Covered Slide Numbers 8Terms [2 – 10] 8.1 Closely related terms[11-12] 8.2Important geographical facts[13-15] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Published by Pearson Education IndiaAuthored byEdgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

PART 1: A glossary of geographical terms [Section 8]Topics Covered Slide Numbers8 Terms [2 – 10]8.1 Closely related terms [11-12]8.2 Important geographical facts [13-15]8.3 Important lines and boundaries [16-19]

Page 2: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 1: _____ is a fan- shaped tract formed at the mouth of a river.

Answer: Delta.

Extra Fact PunchThe world's largest delta is the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta, which lies partly in Bangladesh and partly in India.

Page 3: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 2: Lines drawn parallel to the equator are called ______.

Answer: Latitudes.

Extra Fact PunchLatitudes is an angular distance in degrees north or south of the equator.

Page 4: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 3: _______ are the lines joining places of equal temperatures.

Answer: Isotherms.

Extra Fact PunchThe lines joining places of same temperature at a particular time or over a particular period.

Page 5: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 4: The Great Reef Barrier is a _____.

Answer: Coral formation.

Extra Fact PunchThe largest coral reef in the world, situated in the coral sea off the coast of north-eastern Australia.

Page 6: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 5: Arctic circle is located at _______.

Answer: 23027’ south of the equator.

Extra Fact PunchAn imaginary circle on the earth at a distance of 23.5 0 from the north pole.

Page 7: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 6: ________ lies exactly midway between north and south poles.

Answer: Equator.

Extra Fact PunchAt the equator, the length of day and night are equal throughout the year, the sun rises at 6am and sets at 6pm.

Page 8: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 7: The largest Ocean is Pacific Ocean and smallest is Arctic Ocean. Which is the deepest Ocean.

Answer: Pacific Ocean.

Extra Fact PunchPacific Ocean comprises of the largest part of our hydrosphere and occupies an area of about 35.25% of the earth’s surface, which is more than the total combined area of all continents.

Page 9: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 8: ________ is called a group of Islands.

Answer: Archipelago.

Extra Fact PunchThe name was originally given by the Greeks. The prominent Archipelagos are the East Indies, the West Indies and the frozen Archipelagos of northern Canada and Siberia.

Page 10: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 9: Highest Peak of Alps, the greatest mountain system of Europe is _______.

Answer: Mont Blanc.

Extra Fact PunchMont Blanc is 4,810 m.

Page 11: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 10: _______ is the largest salt lake.

Answer: Caspian Sea.

Extra Fact PunchIt is a natural lake located at Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Iran. Length of the Caspian sea is 1,199km2

Page 12: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 11: Largest Archipelago is.

Answer: Indonesia.

Extra Fact Punch Archipelago is a group of Islands.

Page 13: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 12: ______ is that portion of the sea where ships can dock and _____are towns where there are harbours.

Answer: Harbours , ports.

Extra Fact PunchGreatest ports are London, Rotterdam, Antwerp, to west and the area covered by the desert is 9,269,000 km2.

Page 14: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 13: If equator divides the earth into two parts laterally and is used as a base to measure distances north to south. Then what divides the earth into two equal parts longitudinally.

Answer: Prime Meridian.

Extra Fact PunchThe prime meridian is used to measure the distance west or east of it.

Page 15: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 14: Unequal days and nights are termed as.

Answer: Solstice.

Extra Fact PunchEquinox is the time of the year when there are equal days and nights.

Page 16: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 15: McMohan line was drawn by_______.

Answer: Sir Henry Mc Mohan.

Extra Fact PunchMcMohan line demarcates the frontier of India and China.

Page 17: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 16: Border between Poland and Germany is called.

Answer: Order-Neisse Line.

Extra Fact PunchIt is running along the Order and Neisse rivers, adopted at the Poland conference (Aug.1945) after World War II.

Page 18: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 17: Which line was drawn by Sir Cyril Radcliffe?

Answer: Radcliffe Line.

Extra Fact PunchThis line demarcates the boundary between India and Pakistan.

Page 19: Published by Pearson Education India Authored by Edgar Thorpe & Showick Thorpe

Question 18: 49th parallel is the boundary between USA and Canada. Then 39th parallel divides which two regions?

Answer: The parallel of latitude separates North Korea and South Korea.

Extra Fact PunchThe 17th parallel defined the boundary between North Vietnam and South Vietnam before the two were united and 24th parallel is the line which Pakistan claims for demarcation between India and Pakistan.