publications. activk new c ^«, a ,s^ f,, sss

NEW PUBLICATIONS. ? LATIN DICTIONARY FOR 6CHOOLS. By Charlton T. Lewls, Ph. D. Harper & Brothers. Dr. Charlton T. Lewis has conferred a favor, not only on every Englisb-speoking school-boy and collegian, but on every r ultivnted r.o.ler to whom English is the mother tongue, in the Latin Dic¬ tionary juat Issued by Hnrper Brothers. Dr. Lewls's nccurate and profound elnssical learning is well-known, and hu« pe.uliarlj' fltt-cd him for this -remarkabie work. Years ot patient JulKir, by a mind .-.ingularJy clear in its disccrntnent end thorough in ita analysis have been rewarded by the perfeoting of a Latin lexicon which has not its equal for the uae of the ordinary scholar. The rangc of authora which forms the basia of the vocabutery compriaes Toronce, Caeaar, Cicero, Uvj, Ncpoe, Virgil, Horace. Ovid, Juvenal, Phaedrus and Custius, together with the Catiline and Jugurtha of Sallust and the Ormania and Agricola of Tacitus. The more raxcly read au¬ thora are not included. For the Latin of the writers named above this work is an exbaustlve cxplanation. 'Ihe quotations aro gi'en in full and arranged in logioal order. No one can examine the dictionary and not see that with the use ol nll pojsiblo hclps from the highost nuthoritica, Dr. Lewls haa atomped his own individuality upon thia monumental work. It ia ¦ rare tront for tho acholar to reed carefully the article on any promi- nent Latin word. Let him tnke u Aso," for ex- ample, that word of Protean changes, and tho lour eolumna of dcflnltion and qnotation that il- Justrate this inconstant vocablc 6upply a. linguiatio feast He has it aa it is used in war, in the chase, in husbandry, in mentnl operationa, in busineaa, in polltlcs, in society, in law, in scores ol Idionaa, until hc reaches the exclamation " age,'' of approval. Let him tako "tum," if he wishes to scc a llne treatise oa a particle, exteuding over four columns from rcading which hc arises with a grammatical glow and a clearor knowledge of the valuc to civihzed speech of 9 very little word. This dictionary must lind its way into the schools and college?, nnd into many a rcfined house- hokl of our land. It is an honor to American acholarship and a lastin_ contribution to the lit- erary wealth of the country. +.- MEMOins OF THE COCNT DK FALLOUX. From the French. Edlted ty C. B. Pltman. ln iwo Volumcs. london: Chapman A Hall. In the French these memoirs nre properly cliar- acteri-ed as those " of a Royalist," but the twins- lator has without warraut omitted that part of the tltle. Tho value of the memoirs of Oount de Falloux really consisis in the light they throw upon tho negotiations and iatrigues of the French Royalist pastry during the Second Empire and the Repoblic. M. dc Falloux was not indeed one of tlie B-tern and unbending Eoyalists who would have nothing to say to Louis Napoleon, and who withdrcw stiffly fi»m all connection with publio life, flluatratlng and vindicnting the stnnchest legitimist principles* of the Fauborg St. Germain. He was a moderate Itoyalist, and bciieving that he could do better servio- Mp his party by aclion than by inaotion, ! * did nob hesitatc to take office under tlie Empire. His memoirs are nat- urally occupicd nininly with 'H.litios, and the gen¬ eral effect of them is to emphosize the impraeti. cabilitly of) the heads of the two Itoyalist factions, who were conftantly bickcring *mong thems**]v<*s and playing at cross-purposes instead of liniting agaiD-st the common enemy. The personal prejudiccs* nnd 8nimosities which have always been such influentwl factors in French politics, and which have so frenuently dominabed public spirit, to the injury of tihe country, ap¬ pear here conspicuously. M. de Falloux has not wTitten an autaibiography in -these volumes. Had he done. so theywould. have arpcaled more strongly to the general rcadcr. They contain rathcr a political justitkation from th*? Itoyalist point of view; and the Royalirt pointof view when stated by one of its best and ablest fmndt. is so confused that little t.y_puthy is likely to grow Irom thw presentotion of it. The candor, eiipaoity, modera. tion and adro-tness ol flhe author are ahown in- citlentally and indirectly. Writing not for literary effect, but hietr.rically, M. dc Falloux has set down very littfle of anecdotio valuc, nor are tlie few porttraii's he draws tsufficiently ooncise for quota- tion. The translator, moreovex, bas not done tlie best that could have been done with his oriiriTiHl. He is often slovenly, and somctimes involved. When lie undertakes to paraphrase French verse he is absurd. No secxets are revealed, nnd little that is new is statcd. Perhaps the utrongest im- presaion dcrivable from the memoirs will be tliat ot tlie hopeless latuity of Uie Frohsdorf counsels and the general futilitry of the bnsy intrignes aet on foot by the French Royalists during the past twenty years. Instrnction. For Young* Ladies.City. ART LECTCRr_ FOR LADIF_-Rev. Dr. Gardner'* .chool tor girl*, 607 Sth-ave. Mra Oaidner. author ef HI*tory_ln Rbyrae. Lady taacher w»ntad next year. JACKSON SEMINARY, _,02- Sth-ave.. New-Yor*.- boardino-achool for Young Ladies and Cl.lldren; term*, *300 yesi-ly.^_____ V4N NCS-sTaN INST1TUTE (Fonnde- 1*57). BOMB ANF* DAY SCUOOL.-Cantn>.l I'ark, WtK. »t 0*24-*- fMorgaa _t»o*lon.) Ume. VAN NORMAN. Prlnetpsl. QO WFST 1»0TH-_T.. Ml*^-» JACOVB htl'iDOl, tor 00 Touiig Ladies and Children; »econd term bcglii* Manday. Felt. -Jih. Farent* are Invlted to vl*lt the »chool. Danclng class under Mr. De Garroo. ForBoy«.and Toun» Men.City. UNIVERS1TV GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1,478 Broelwey, aear 42d-st. : 6.d year; prlrr*ry. comrnorcljl and eiaut. eai deD*rt_cnta; tniiructlon thorough. M. M. HUBllY, W. L. A-IN. N. C. Hli^DRICK'-ON. Princlpal*. W_ OODB1U1M.F. Staiooi., 82 . ..*.'. Clasalc.. Flnaf-lah- Two hundred »tu1ent* have oecn prepared for Cokirablr.'School of Mlne*. For Both Bexea.Clty A^CITtCULAES OP GOOD SCHOOLS. FUEJ_; *t*ta . wbeth^r for t~r* or girl*; elty or country. IX. K* AVERY. Ameriran 8e4iool Bureau, 2 West 14th-*'.. N- Y. FRIEND-1 SF.MINARY. on F.utherford Plsce, (oppo*lt*> Stuyv*a*nt bquaaai. corner IBth. Open* 9tb month ^^sohooMor both aaxes, *rlth a esrefully graded course from the Klndergarten to the Coileglata Dep-rtment th* litter belng «»pe*l.-.lly de»l#nad fer preperatlon for en- trsnea to all tha leatlng eoliegea. Tho Frtnelpal I* la at. tendarice to rccelva *|.pl!c_at* erery morulaaj_ ¥ EARN TO DICv'WANn ENGRAVE ON WOOD: 1_ M__lea al2 Ut *10 per week when eomnetant; puj.lla _u-ht tn c' wiu ul by appotBUnent; m.Klerate ehsrae* S? i-ltlSn. MKTwJfl'oilTAN ENORAVINO STOdTo, 240 Mr_*d*«ray__roon*.10._ HR BERLITZ STHOOL OT LAM-UJAWES. Madlson Sousr* (26th-*t. snd Broadway). 1J--1S BEGIN NOW. Branebaa: Braokttn. Boaton. Wa»hington, PhUadelphl*. Art Schoola. MRBV LOTJISA' S. CULVER will resuire ber ol***e», trom Oetober 28. ln Drewtaf:, Oil and WsUr-eolor Psintitig, Btlll Llfe, Plowcrs and Landtcape, Chlna Patnt- _g snd DecoratloE.__ ^ SO, 28 WEST 2JD ST. . Referencea: Mr. D. Hontlngton. l,r--l?en*_,N,.tu__»l Aeademr of Daelar.. Mr- William Ilart, N. A.; Mr. Jais** U Ilart. N. A; Mr. DandaJohnsun. N, A. Bovb*vk1 Young Mon.Countrv. I-LMWOOD F.CHOOL FOB BOXB.-At Mllford, Conn. li p.ranta Wao yre unforttm*.* tn th* ro*na_en>ent ot thelr i-u*- wlll alo well to proOt by the advanfjge* oftered gy tW»_*ehool._^A»dre*a FHANK M. HOWifc .»". 1"i*MEHOLD IB-TlTufE," Freehold, N. {___*_*. * feurth year; for boy* anl rouug tnen. Addraa* REV. A. G. CHAMBEltS, A. M.,_ PrtnelpM. VriviNf, IN*3TI'**irTE, Tarrytown-on-Mudson. oflers up- J?.LN_v.n_fe;T _/S<*H_la%___ "l_ru.l,on for thelr boy*. .S_reH^ A. AHMAI.NAU Fh. U. "ivtFW JFRSEY Montclalr. N»ar N. Y. nt». Box «01. NhOMBANI) K.IIOOL FVK YoV'Nt'KI-, U«>\b B_utlf_i Countri-*est, Home Tratotng, Thorough Hv gtraeUon. ln^rld nel Cata ^ ^ NewbOLD._Pr*?____ i^.r__-' .nlri'Tt' lNRTlTI'TK P.R1IX*KltlltT, Oonn. p __s_i__ii_s_2I .£<°r*Lnr£Twitm. tl****. Partnta -_lway» pleaied. Begln* Sep- 1». itmo. Fot *Xre*tm* etkttoou ^ B joMES, A. M.. Prlnelpal. i) __*W1_VaS aVT-lU-ARJ'^A^F^*. Cg» 1 TER. 27T11 .T.Alt. A MILITAH. tOLLW-JE. Clall Fhgln^-rlng. ChemUlry, Archiu-.fura;, < l»*rtca. i^Uroio'y'Z__T COLOMKLC. ¦¦ aXXAtXl, Pll-f-l. risHE-Jr-REKS-l IIX. MILITARY ACADRMY. Peaka- TWU- ^^r-Tf-^n*.. U. D.. l*rlneW_ flTaS ^^V^ARt^LA^^ _ -_?e_»d by 9 fa »*Ml4*Bt, loachara. ltoya aud young rmtk^o^utilly - tod lor tka^beat coUaWJ* w*d ¦nlj"-*»»«J£ _7_.Hr,, _:hoala. or for bttUu***. Thi* whool offer* Ki^_ol_... -f bealtkf- loeat_n. homo con-ort*. Bru. -_____£ra^^th'*_*-M-tr»_lrig. aa*!duou» car* of baalta. !__._i?__u*" £*! and _iaaif-luali.n ol baa boy*. to con. __f__f__-*nt noSklua let a school wbara thay may mtS __ldwS lfsaci t_fr aoni BpectaJ In.truotlon glvon p__STVrA . Sff-Utry. 'tha twanty-wcond y_i wlil bealo Sept. _ !?.,rlA»n riekaltill, N- *.-A boardlnf ec-bool tor v *^mi~K %AMmA*iru KDVfAJU) P. PEARSON. B S. Frlnelp*!*._ ff*r^-'lK__S!-Siia T xx a nome tor m»i *i. ~r i__a. SBtebllahtrt tl .mr*. _*?«»;. A__EN .^ WtWtOLFiAU, {j°.A^r'gloi,_YV'P ,BA.(Rn«.| Jne.r_i_t.on._ For Tounff Ladies . Country- c_^«,_a_,s^_f,,_sss_| CABO-INB M- UKK1US1I. A. U - . QOMI. >n* DAY hCIIOOt. KOR (.IB-.S,, ' W'. «'/£{*». Qulncy raethod to^c-lldren-_-... BAQ.-KT 1NSTITITK Short IIIIU. N. ^SSrlSl Youn^dVr ^'^^T^^BA^^Vli, For Boen Sexes.Country. Catalogue. W. 11. BaNMSTKK, A. M., Muslcal Instruction. I?ENCINO, EJX)CUTIOX. MUSIC «^2°,(£rtS?_ T lNG.-Flfth-a\e. ConaervBtory of *_¦.. _^%Vi,' Dancing Academy and Burllng *lMWL°lf ^ 1 _..i u* and Instruction Rooma, 80 ."»-»v.ll7__}?1r^ntlona ar*; Hall* to let for profe*Hlonal rehcaraal*. i-tcptlon*. aermon*, _'. _____.._________._...- (Jcacbcra. _ ____r_rTEATUERS *upplled. np charge; teaeher* .wantod; no reglstraiion fe*-; vaeanclea aiway* on hand; form. _-_-.!- '- fi. AVfiitY. American School Bureau, 2 Weat 14th-st., K. Y._ AF.KRFTT STONE, private tutor; graduate of Yalo; . recommended by Rev* D. Wm.rM.Wor: "A »uc- eaaafnl teaoher^g.iiiently^uaBje____J_____ A-__Or__-OKS. Tea.-I.ers, Tutors, (inv r:i.sM-s. -All .trattoU* auppn.d achoolB _..d taOMa Olwolara aehool* to parenU. Modern apokt-n. JBlKIAM COVRIKRK. 81 Ea:t 17th-*... >.--t. 4th-ave._ai.d H'»ey_ "T~MERICAN AND FOREION ^^S^IJSL^S*. A aupplle* Profeeaor*. T^achora, Tutora, Ooyrneeae., Ac to CoUece., Schooi* and rimlllea Apply to ' Mra ITi YOUNG FULTON. JBJ___ B_oare._ SCHOOL TEACHER wlahea to belp ehlMren ln achool If-won*: French and plano; highe»t refer- BenceT Addreaa "EDUCATF.D." Trlbona Braneh Offlce, 1,828 .._-.. BROCKWA-"8 TEACBERB' AGENCY (formerly Ch|. _*,<._«,S_^^^^ W.xt _Bd nt Basaommenr-s achool* to_parcnta_ RIVATE IMBTRUCTION.-An experleneed tutor _M-aM for college or bualncs* *, auperlor clty refer- enceS. PA_dret_ ¥a_K GBADUATfe. Box 43, -Tlbune OWce._._._. .irOMAN'B EXCHANGE TP.ACnF.RS' BUREAU (for fi l,*h -e-V*>._pplle. profraaora teacher*. MlBIBH-B* mualclan*. houackeepera cmpanlone, chaperonee,*«.. » eollegea. ichool. andfamllles j alao bookkeeper*. .teoogra- nher* and copytat* to buslneM flrm* ___». -.__ Mra. A. D CULVF.R. S29 .th-ava. Naw-Tork Clty. A ©ancing --O-J-E-Ot. DANCING ACAUKMY. 80 .___; _j_. botween 13th and 14th bi*. ; pr!\»to and claa* Je»»onj all honra; lady asslstants; cpeclal term. *or _«".>. ¦¦_ famllles; claa-os at.ended t-lty or country; waltz tau^nt rapldly; clasaes afternoon and evenlng; term* n.odei A LLEN DOpWORTH.~NO. 08t F1FTH AVENUE. __ Claaso* and private le»»on» For gentlemen Monday and Thuraday evenlnga. Send 2-cent »tam_> for clrcul»r ot term*. Ao._ TF ERN"ANDO'S-Daneini Academy. Ta. Eaat *«**_«; r New claaaea now firmlng for aecond term. AU Fa«hlonablo Dancc*. Send for elroolar. _j._nrfl.-mB. STARIN'S EXOURSIONS Book* I . A.M. to 6 P.M. Dally. I Season Now Open 110 A.M. to 1 P.M. Sunday. | of 1889. Apply for liiostrat. Eook. deicriptWe of tbo largest and most rompleta FLCET OF CXCURSION BOATS AFLOAT Also new snd d.trable GROTPS AXD PLEA8URK tJROVXDB. Plar 18, I. B., foot Cortlandt lt- TCE CARsMVAL AT MOXTREAL, A FEBRUARY 4TUTO OTH. Tobogganlng. Snowshoelnp. lee Palsce, Fancy Dres* Ball at the Wlndx.r Hotel, _o-, 4c. For programnies, rallway excurslon tlcket* and arcorn- modattona In drawlng-room and aleeplng ears eall on tho Aaent* of ihe NEW-YORK CENTRAT. AND HUDSON RIVER RAU, ROAD, at Noa 1. 413, 785 and l»42 Broadway. 12 Park Plaro, 6" W'eat 126th-st.. Crand Central Statlon and 188th-au SatloB ln New-York 33:1 Waahlngton. and 730 Fuiton »ta and 3V8 Bedfordave.. Brooklyn. ._____, Trali.^ f.'i MontreaTleave Orand Central Butlon at 8 am. dailv. earept Rnnday. wlth drawlng room car*. and at 6 SO p. m. dally, wlth »lceplng-ear* running through to Speclal *leeplng and hotel cara can be ehartered for the u«e of private partle*. _^ _ m_ A Pleasant Winter Trip THE Sl'EASISHII- OF THE R£D ¦ D" LINE. Sailing every twelve day* for Veneruela 8. A.. a I'l.nd of, W. 1.. .fford .n _n_o,_*Ue4 opportunlty to those wl*hlng to make a abort aea voyag. to ihe Theae steamahlps were buUt by Wm. Cramp A Son*. ol PhlladeiphU, specla'.ljr for tho trade, and aro proyldod -lth every molern appllanco tor tbe aafety. convenlanoo and eomfort of pajmeucei--. ________ ,__... The round trly I* rr.»d8 In fnur weeka ot whleh 18 day* are «p*nt tt aea and »t varlou* port*., ind from »!a to t»n _av* at Caratia. Thl* beautlfnl clty lecated 8 000 feet above the _et_ and la eonnertel wlth iho coast bv rnfl. lt haa flrat-cta** hotei*. pte.aant walk* and drlvea »nd a ellmato unexeelled anywhere. For deaerlptlve pamphiet, fta. »pp!y to BOITf.TON, BIASH A DAM.ETT. General Man-gcra. 71 Wall-a_. Naw-Vora. Bieamboat*. A "-BOSTON. via Fall RiY« Line, only $3 . for flrat-cUsa llmlted nckets^ reducuon to -.11 nthnr DtilnUs. Stea_ei» PROVIDENCK ; OLD COLONY leave pler 28. N. R. foot ef Murray-t a. 4 :S0 p. rn. sie.n dara only iSundar trip* wlll be re«nroed ln April). CorinecUon by Anrct Boat from Brooklyn end-Jeraey city »t 4 p in. An ..r he.tns on each »l»im.-r. »i-^n_rwSisf§_P Svriti.;l' ^T-sJSES**-¦"= Brookivn. at ofBce on pler, and on steamjra K.___-_ " Weatcotfa^fTlll eall '»'»».;._.- A«"_* from hotol* and re.ldonees. _>. *v- -»**"». A«rnl NEW-IIAVEN.-Steamers Ieavo Peck-slip (Pler 23 E. R.) at 8 p. m. and 11 p. m, (Sunday* ei- eept*-), htoattaiB arrlvo ln tlmo for early tralna north aud eaat. __._ Cit.NlK_.To-i j__m_- FARES RFDUCI'D-lNSirTn P.OUTE FOR BOSTON. r-3 IMIOVIDF.NCR. .2 25; WORCI--STER. «2 50 i»a*aen.ers ha\ . ctu.lre of throo exprea* tralna; ro- cllnln. chair* fieo;of charge. Steamer* Maa«a,<:hua«tt* and Rho.le I»!and !ea\-e New- York from now Pier 88, N. R. ono bloek above-Canal-a... daily. except Sunday. at 4 :30 p. m. COVRT 0ALEXDAR8-T0DAY. 8rr-BKE Cotnrr.Chaicbeb.- Beforo Pattcraon, J.-Motlon c_all-.fl *_t 11 o'clock._ _.__. MCFBEMB COl'BT-OgXKBAL TEBK -I>cea* untll thl* mnn.. IstrREME Col'BT-SpiriAI. TBRM-PART I- Beforo Ingra- )_m. JDemiirrcr* No*. 24 7.'_';._. I_w and Kaet Nea -.'. 1_5K. 78_.11V_.111S. 1100. 110% 1107. 1111. 1045. 1'_'.-.'-. 1. r.'.l. 1..1S. 1-34. 1-35. 1388,1241, 1247. 1248, 1251, 1254 "f-VrarV- OCBT-SprcIAl.Tr.Rst-PABT II..r.eforeO'Hrlen. J.-Noa 1190.1188. 1118. 831. M9, 1M4. 010. 113-t. 1175. 019.902. ;<¦;:., 1098, 1102, i'JHi, WW, 1140, 80, 1141. 1116,. 1___, 1__3, l\2C, 1128, 01. 936, '...Hi, 1128, lonr 1130.1110, 08 tsCPBBME CofHT.TiRCfiT-PABT I.-Before Barrett, J.- No.-. MM, 1M0, 3417,24J3, 1844.2687, 9604, 1404. OT11, 2.71, 2488, 2_85, 3691.24! 1, 1694 _ 3606, 3508, 8080, 4,11. 471H, 4714. 471.'., 47-.1. 2,V'K. 2543. HIPREMK OOCBT CIBCirr.I'AKT II..Before Lawrenee. J No*. --:«:'.4. !_3_fl, lO-'i, .-!!'!!. 2310, 12,'>«, 1272_ 2 'f»l, 471s, 2291 12M). l-'7'."-. -¦(>-l.'.'s-.r. -H.~,_. 3804.2805 2«<K!. 2f7I. '_'H73. 2874, 17:.'.. 2188, '.'801- MUPaan- OOVBT- ClBOttrr.PART IH Itefore Andrew*. J -Noa. 2:171. 2888, 28»7, 54)7, IO'.-'. 28«1, 2455, 3001, 2610, 240371808,3816.3810, 3817, .841, '.'145, 2876, -*.7('. 2877, ._e7N. 2878. 454(1. 'JHT'i. 2880, HUPRBMK COL'BT-Ciiu.i it -PART IV..Before Beach. J.- Nrw. _K)1, 27H1. '.^', 4761, 2841 _ 4832.'.996. 2757, 2833, ¦_ts4:t. lligh.-st nnmber reaehed ln Clrcnlt Ko, ¦-''sho. HUBBOOATB'a Cocbt.Before lunaom, 8..Willa of Owen MfAr.ilt. an.l M. Mt AM. loa. ni.; Ci.rneli* M. Ktewart and Wm II. Kloraii.-e. 10 :ju :. in.; Jolm 11. Krioke. 3 p. ra. Fw prultate-Willa of J. V. BUora, sellna Koater, P V Orbeli*. Bartiara Meyer, Itrob Cainplieli. 10 a.m.; .lanies M. Shaw. Mary lieCopte. Jame* carr, Margaret MeNally an.l Jehn R.*. 10 in. isirpKHioB _.»> bt.OBXKBAt. TBBM.Adjourned untll Feb- ru-rj' 4. si PiE.oa COOBT.Spicial TBRM Befoto Dugro, J..Mo¬ tlon* B_rf_BM nC'.riiT Kqcitt TKRM -Beforo.Hednwiek. C. J.. A.ljotirueft until Pebrnary 16. MuriaiOR Coubt-Trial Tekm-Pabt I..Before Truax, J. AtllO.raod tor tk. tenn. noa OOV.t Tuiai. TKRM -PART Il.-flefore Kreed iri.t.ii.. J.--Adjourned for the term KTFRRIOR COCBT.TRIAL TKBM.PABT III..Before O'Oor. int.ii. .1 Aillo.inietl f..i tlie term. COMMON PLKAS.OKNKRAL TWUt-AdJourtietl until Kebni. arv t i'OMMOif Puea.-Kql-itt Tr.aM-Adlonrneil for the term. Commoh PLEA* MTRfiAl. TBBM.Beforo Botilutaver, J.. No. 1- COMMOa I'LBAS.TBIAt TERM.PABT I..Before Van II.« -.. n. J -No*. 1072. 1255, l;l02. tflt!, 10 ''. 158, :.:..'. 1080. 10H4. II 17, 47;;. llii'J, 1292, 145, 964, 1101, 1108, '-'!4. 185. 1100, 1107. common Putaa.Tbial Tebm-Part II.-Adjourned for tho LtTYOOsTBI 0*TB_-ALT___ llefore MeAdam. C. .1.. Nelir. baaao.1 Khrllc'i. -J. ApiH-nl* from lu.,i<uieu_*. {'IlTCot'BI 8PK-IAI. '1 r.RV. Rf-ftmt llru-ue. J -Motlon*. citv coukt tiiiai. Term paiit i Bofor. MeOe~a.j,. A.llo' f»r lle term. CITT C'oOBT-TuialT-BM-PaRT li..Before Nelirbaa, J_ A.ll'mmetl for tln- term. CITT Court.TKIAI.TEBM-I'ART Khrluli.-f A.ljouriieil for the t-VB*. Ct.i-Rl U»OT_B tM) TKitMl-»:R-F.xtrat>n1lnary Tenn-Be. fort- lliuiiel*. J. uii't liistili. Attoru.-y **ettowe. No. 1. OOVttt or (Jk.sKKAL *s_aaiON8-l'ART 1.-Before Keeorder Sinvtli nii.1 AaalsUiit DU-TJet AllBI'BBf HtB_M.d Xo*. 1 to 81 Intiualve. (,'ol'bt or OUtBBAf. Kkbhioxb -Part II Before Martine, J. and Aaalatant llistru t liavis No*. 1 to 17 inrluaive. COIRT or OENRKAI. *|(ist* I'AKT III -liefort. OlldBT aleeve J aud Aaaiau-t DUtrict-Attorney Jeroino Noa. 1 to 21 luclu.lre. PRINTINO CLOTH MARZKT. FallBivbb, Ma**., Jnn. 2«-Kfillowln«t I* the prlnt B_Bt_ atutomont for the week ITixlUf-.tloo*, 175,00(1 plet-e* .ieliv erlea. 176,000 *lo< t, none snle*, 108.000 »pot 12,000 and future* 1,-|4.IH10. Tbe future »»le* extend into Jnh aale* were nuuUs at 4 <ii.t» for 84 by64 aq_tre*and u.iniln.-illy ;t 1 ltleetiUtfor 60 iivMi < L.tlia. The market waa flrm an.l IMtlTf. _ OH. MARKKTS. (iu. crrr. lan. 28.-Natlonal Tn_u»lt Certtneatea epanad at 88.: lilghoat, 88'a; lowoet, H«'»i r.loaen. «7. Hals*. 586.000 barrel*. ciearanne*. 2,264,000 l«rreU. rhartara, _ Imrret*; ahlpraant*. 104.:'. .1 litrr.-ls run*. 61,17:: i.arrel*. riTTSBUao, Jan. '.'0..Pfroloum lower. MaUaoal Tr_»*lt Oortt-s.tna opoood al M: elotoA al 887., hlgiieat, 88: loweat, eK'. n.Ai'foKi>, l'e.iii. itlooal Traaali CorUfloataa at 88; cl.wod at 87; hlgheat, 88: loweat, M6V t/lf-r-ni-ca, 1,402,000 bbl*. Tm.»vii.i,r., Penn.. Jan. 26..Jg*Uou*\ Traualt fVtrlttl-stoa »BB>dat8». b-__ieot,_8. lowa.t,86 .; _'oe*d87> BONDS ACTIVK STOCKS DULL * IlKARISH MANIPULATIONS. VAIN EFFORTS TO FRIGHTEN HOLDERS OF ' GOOD FECURITIKB B*TO SKEKING _ jLUaDET. Sundn/. .Tun. 27-p. m. Persons wl.o obtain their idraa of -lotistiee from the off-hand publicaliona which are mado for speculative purpose* cannot fail to ba agree- ubly disappointetl with the eharaeter of tho ofticial report of the Nation's commerce for the last month of December and for the last six months as pub¬ llshed by the Biirent, of Hie merchan- dise exports for the month of December ($85 m 481) wero lnrger thnn in any month dur¬ ing the last six year,. evrrpting December, 1884: they were $1V>00,000 larger thi.n December, 1887 an.l $'100,000 larger than December, 1880. The imports of m-rchanilise for last month were Sf .100,000 greater thnn in 1887 and $4,200,000 OM*- tlian in 1886. The specie movement lor tha month rrmlted in an excess of export* of M v.l MI, of wbich excess $6,800,000 was gold and $1,1 72,000 waa silver, a_n*nst an exeeas of exports of $700,(i»0 in December. 1887, and an mum* ot imports of $0,880,002 for Dccembc., |88l Henee, tbo net e-crss of ox porta waa M8 858 608 for the month. or $12,000,000 greater than for tl.e month of 1H87 nnd $14,600,000 greater thnn for the mcnth of IMt, For the fix montl.s-Jnly 1 to December 31- the merchandise exports were $4,200,000 Ieaa than in the period of 1887 and $5,000,000 1-es* thnn in the i**riod of 1886, while the merchandise imports wm $1,300,000 greater than in 1887 and $17,800,000 greater than 1886. Henee. the ex¬ cess of merchandise exports for the last six monih.s was $5,400,000 less thnn in the period of 1887 ar.d $22,800,000 less than in tlie period of 1886. Tba difTerence in the specie movement.*, however. left. ihe net bnlance in favor of exports for the Inst slx months nt |4 *,$$$,$.?, Bf-t-TI an 9X9M9 ot ...ih S2,**21,:.r..s for ihe period of lhN7 aml 820,001,843 for the period of 1886. or the i-x- tam in exports of S19,710.7*<h in tlie speoie move¬ ment In Ihe last sjv montha $10.84? 304 was gold and $8,86H,:il)4 wns silver. The silver cxpori (91 7,24 7.5lin was the largest amount of a cor- responding period for aix years, nnd i!i<- imports nf silver ($8,:»7W,146j was tlie smnllost amount in the same period aince IIM For tho ealendnr year of 1888, the merclmndise imports aggregated $7'.V-*.4,1 "'.i-an Increase on 1887 of $17,000,000, and on 1886 of $62,000,000. And yet, after importations in the two yeara of |$$8 and 1887 aggregntlng $1,431,000,000, ihe. nmitint remnining in bonded Tv:ir.*liouse M the end of 1888 was $100,000 le«* Ihan tlu* nmoiint lliere at tbe begmiiin*. of 1 *****.7. 'Uio following lalrtca _ive the fl*_iire* for tii month of December and for tho aix month.* of threo years: ONE MONTn. Mon handUa. xr.inth of December. lfJrSB. 1887. lc*-* TmnorUT VM.27H.I02 8S..I1I.SS! toO.4M8.104 Exce** of export* ^l-O.IK- ?_!.118.328 t-4,207,877 Specie and Bulllon. Irotjorta..:.T... 813.083.075 a3.901.723 e2,883,7*J3 K.pSrS:."""'-" 3.7-3.773 4.010.7tM 1I 42I.BQ4 Kice** of export* ~"7.777 9* '1.231 KXf't* of lmrK.rla B0.-Saw.tf02 . NetValanee*. Exce-aa of export* ai9.C40.5W »2l 9_7.80_ .33,858,606 MX MONTIM. Meaa-OB-M. JoIt 1 U Dec 81. laaa. 1887. 1--** ImVarta..- »SS4 8M ¦*3_-'fi___l Kxporut:!". -s.,111 3S4.9IO.two booJMAm Exeow of *xport» *>*>058 370 a3a.572.10a 028,117.800 aaaul* and n.illl.n K»±:-.:-.:- "WM Wftffl *ttSMtt of r-apr.rta *%TU 7«>*> Excom of lmport* » Net Italar. f\r*.% of exporu aCO.001.SI3 a2.821.508 847.828.307 amounf of lroported merchandise r< ins in bondad warehouae* at fhe end of l»Yrrmb«*r was $31,900,070.aa increaae of $2,7.H.t,l 84 fnr ontb. nKiiinat 1*1,-94,7-9 I'>*.-eml>.-r 31, und $:i-',<i: t-hmt 11, 11 The immigratlon into the l.'nitcd Statea ln Deeember waa 18,033 persons. nenlns? l>*eember. 1**7, and 21,178 m D..mber, 1 HRrt. IIip totnl inimi-rntion fnr tht* Twelve m.mth* i-n-led Dcecmlx*r 31, 1888, was :,IM.:,1H. a-jattSl Uli. ___A_KJBi STAH.MI.M'. Th* I'mted States Trensurv l»«t w*ek recelved from enstom* 8t.'."'*. '"' and trom interiml rev¬ enue $8,488,8-1 : total from bath 87,:.03,821, agalnat $8,805,99. f..r the prceding week. A (.miiwrisfiii <if yestenlav's Trrnaury alnieineti' with tliat of n wei*k ano a reduction in Ka i'<t .asli Nilnnee of onlv $388,801, wlneh, al- l.iwin- fot tli<* weelt's allver eoinage, indientee a dlsbtiraemeiit of i.v.-r $8no.o00 in exeess ol tt, r.s Tba featun* of tlu* e.ifii|iari.s..n i* tne 'Ir.-uaurv's rontiniied has* of roM aim.iintiiiR t.. $2,381,087 and a irain in silver of 81,n02,67:i. It* liai'iiitv for the Ndemptaon of aorteadarad Natiomi l.c.iilt DOtea was redneis-l $771.T70, so tlmt tba K-.nii fo ita snrplua WM $530,-89 for the xWtM inltied ire the reauiu of reata-rdafa atat-rnent tom- pat<_ wlth Uioae of the atat»*nv*nt of January 10: J»n. 19. lS-D. Jan. 20, I8S0. l)iff»renee» Gold roln and bul, leu certificate* ,retrr.^.000aOC.577.058 a04.«16.041 Dae. 82.581.0_7 oerttBratra ..** 8n.OtW.22i 30,187.803 Inc 111* '.7'> N«t. taril. ..o'-a r,.b-J8.7_- b,»20,20li Di-o. 18,404 Hllver dol'ra and ilOr'atea . 22,104,890 23.997 Oflfl Inc. UB^$78 C*»h In Tr^a'y. ai54,.VJ8,4IO (158.821,171 Dec B-07,*_U uSaa-T baa_ST_ 4i1.3.i9,.'.01 4«,894,290 Inc. 34.788 Tottl kalaaaa, 8200,017,071 8109,715,470 Dee. a2-7-,&01 D'-lurt for fund* held ti r*4«*m N*- t/nk nol**. Ineltid!**.* thu 5 la-r nm fimd.. 9.', 101.9.7 94,390,187 D-e. 77^770 Net avallaU* __,__.__. . ___,__¦ balanc* $105780 011 afl.V325.-83 Inr. f5S9,-09 BANK coMililoNS COMPABED. By tlu- oj.erali.iiis ol l!u* New-Yofll Snb iir.v in tha wi- -U i-ii.Ii*.I Frlday .*M*iiin*_-, wliich in- oladad raedpta of |1,010,018 f..r mhi _kra frotn ihe Aaaaj Uttloc for export aad pnymaita »1 $2,067,880 for porchaaed bonda, ua Nan ^'^. Imiiks giiineii $r.s*.,o:;'.i eaah. v.*si.*i.l:i.v's bank* atatemenl of average -Toi the week repocta n gain of 88,887,000 enata oret tha avrtafea of tha p»e- ecilinR week. FoltowlBf our estiinntes of ¦ wi«*l< ii«d.that 11m ImiiK's tlieti licld $3,000,000 BMrf anah tttan ii»* areratjea ..f that week.the gtm refleeta Itrg,- rereipts from tha interior, nnd n dioates *Mb 1101.11111."* at tlu* olose of boarneai |rl day evenlnf <>f aotna $3,000.000 more t(mn he .1 reported ln tha atatfinent. lin* loan va* ex|«mded $8,498|40$, Tha r»*|.ortcd increase of 87.4M7.000 in deposita la about tlie g_in wlich the other ehiuifca call for. Tli^ statenent reatlta in n praln ot si.'..*.>..>,'*.r,o 10 tho Hiir-plus reaanre. ind l<-aves it at $20,014,800, iiRninsf. $83,358,139 .Jatmary 2P, 1M88, nnd $,."I,'.'98,4.'JO January -".1, Tba ohaofaa f»r the wtak of 1 s$. traca ns 'ol- lo\\s: Loana. Increaae $1,300,200; oaah. incrata© $8,144,'.00; .l.*|>< sits, iuereiiMi $.'1,100,400; mJ aurplna r.-s<-r\e, increaae $:.,,:t44,:i:iO The chavea for the weelt of lH*s7 were: lx)nn*, inrrase $1,808 $4.--7,800; tlf[k ii-, uk 12,900,800; and aurpltia n*serve, ini $8,608,075. Tlie ehaafeo lor the week uf 088 \M*n*: -Loana, Increaae $1,804,700; eaah, hsanaaa $4-6,800; .i.p'.sits Increaae $4,11 $,$00; and oir- pius rf-s.T*.., deeiaaaa $'.', The atat.-m^nt cnni|* wlth thoae of corre»|v,irllng date* of 1882 and 1888 aa follow*: J*n. 28, '82. lan. 2.1. -8S. Jan. 20,'-<9. l/iBii* .832*. t' "*¦'.* I"" ci:-' Knecia .. iir*.:i'.'i co rt3.:m.s .-00 l-oaal-f.iiil-ra ..... 10.773.1^0 :il .l.'HIM. .Ita . 810.100,400 378.247.'.»00 4.'l Clrcalailoa . 20,040,800 7..1', 11,700 1.7:1 000 Tho follnwInR »how» the reUtlon bot<.v.*.*n th* tou re- .erve and the total depo*lu »t tho rr*|yrtivfl d.nt^a H[... |.. .IIH,ar,5.eflO »88.3(W,hOO $rW,.VV,200 ._ 10.778.COO 84. Tolal ri*a*rv*.... 4«s. 129,200 8117 820,800 .aTM.OT.C-OO R*Mrvc requirisl aaaliiht de\toalla 70,02.,350 04,501.073 100,08,200 fsur,,lua . 83,101.8*0 888,858.88ft 820.01,800 ,rf)all« 2,.n, 81.14 >| :i| I bt following ia Sotnr* ,,-nt m ,|(,,,|: B*nka. \ U r*. Ix>f*It*. B~ Vork."." ~~'« to.iMH) I.Ohoi Manhatuu <'.> '" '"''¦"l"'. S.lao.lNK) fl'ooil t.nlUliii Sal . "»! 1,132.41*1 ,1, !,.*. ln ;.!''-7.HH) B2M.1O0 M.. !, A TtmX '...::..I.i:<*l' ll.t 1.01. r'0; 342.8011 2.9I.4II.I AinirKi.N'al"ilK) 4,.V*,:i,i»O0 ..'.140 Oiai 1541000 Nat Hk ('.iiim>| :i.4S4,70O| 1...1! XitHn*l«:i) ¦''.-".''' ti'M.iOO _*ro*_.eNat.l 7,754,6001 1,149,0001 84)6,000 8,81/JOO Pieiflc..__ Nat Bk Beptib c Chatham Nat... I*«»flrt.______- Bk No Aimrtca Hanover Nat... Irving Nat. |ratC-t_M_r... N.iAaaii. Market- Ful'n. Mt Nirliol;i* Mex-A Leather Corn Ki'-hange cuitaienusl. nrli iital linp * Tradera' Nat Park North Itlver.... Knal Rlver. Fuurtli Ifal. Nat... Becontl Nat. Mutli Nat. Fir*t Nat. Tlilnl Nat. NV Nat Kxch Bowery Nat |T_ Cuiiify Nat I,. Ann r Chaae Ni 1 fih Avenue.. ii Ext-h'u. (icrmanla. V 8 Nat in'.ilii Nat. (iarfleld. Ktflh Nat. Hk of Metrop'a.. West Si.le flaaboord Nat Hith Nat. Wt-atem Nat.... The bank exchange* at the New-York Clearlng Houae and the stotka aold at Ihe New-York Stock ."xchanw for the wee_ of three year* compare aa followa: Jan. 29. '87. .t-in. 28, '$8. Jan. 26, '80. F.xchange*..:. 8701.850,881 »549,45|o_0 »068,68l,888 U*. ****** **.... 1.977,844 888,242 1.0SS.912 THI FINANCIAL SITUATION. Tho money market has settled down to low rates without an indieation of any* change until tha usual April movement hegins to dntw monpy away Irom this centre. Lnst week up¬ ward of $1,000,000 of gold wns cxported, but the Trcasurer paid out at this point nlone over S.' Tho enmmon rate for cnll lonns nll the wrt-k was 2 "mt cent; thr exceptiona were | ..-'.' nml 1 1-'.' p.-r o.-iit. The demand for tlme loans seeured bv pledge of Stock l.xchange col- liitcrals eontinued tn ba small i.n.l much less than thr supply seeking placement; bo__0__B wns done at I per cent for si>: months and .1 1-2 ner cent for tk** months, leaden prefcrriiig t<i make their .ngngemenis for tlie longer penod. Of couise, the intes named ure lirst el_s$ c.-llafcrals, Imckct. l.y a eorteaponding credlt on Ihe part of tha borrowcr. I nder otiur conditions rates for timc |__M rnmrod from 4 to 5 per cent. Ihe foreign exchange market ruled flt ni during tiu* week, hut uot yet M Ifttes which wurrnntcil tho ship- iin-nt of gold mndc n.s an exchang* oj*-ration. Government hoiuls ure slowly drifting into the TreaBtuy, bul still so long ns the punlhaae* ag- ¦tejpte an average of $'.',000,000 per week, there is Rt-I- donbt tliat the disbtirsfmenta for them will cxectl anv exports of gold under cxisting conditicn- fhe result of the slx months ino.ement. of D-Tch__odJse and bullion, as reported hy the Bureau of Statisti.-s and printed above, plaeee tha conditions or the country'« foreign l.ih.nceg ln a very illir.-rent. light froui that ln wblch thev hav.- Deen recently generaliy regarded. Unquestlonably. the conditton of tlie local money market nll April 1 largelj dependl noon the rntlo of Trc-aury purehase ol bonda to tha export of gold.', there seems no r. lason lo antiii- iKite any ehMgB Irom lha CK-ftWg conditions. RAILUOAD E._T.NTN<;S. 'Uie wecklv report of railrood enmings continuea :;.- teronble rxhibits, aud it is not because <miii£s for tOie eoRCBpondIng week of 1887 aad 1^88 B8 a rule were uniiMially small, on :it.-...iut of hlu/anls or anv oth.r exeeptional ca.i.Ms. Another thing.tha nnda r.-pt.rting now ing Bo upon a very smali additional nnmber of mil-s. Thl Iribime ha.s printed th'- «ross curn- thirty-foitr oompanres oi -jratema lor fhe thlrd week la January The nggregute gain on tbe w.-.-k of 1888 is $303,1 ->4, or 1*17 mr n-ut. ol the whole iiiiniiur only six compnni.--- p.'K.rtf.l roaaea aggiegnting lil,ill,000, or 10.1J t,r f.iit. We have priiit.-.l I<>r |he wcoiid week iu .lainiiir\ tl.. groBB eeminga or system* giving .ui aggrf.'.ite guin of $31S,742, or 0.17 \*-r eent. the whole nnabtf only liftcen mmpaniea I loaere. aggregatlng H.,.77. or 8.o« per eettt. Ihe following lulih's divide the nggreg-ites nml differences of the i-onipniiic.-, showing gains iiliil losses lhirl-.e_lnJ.n-16.S8. 18*0. Dlfferenee*. P. C. _8e.,m*-.M** $1.7*8.02!, Ine. »__i.75_ 5.17 8 coVpanlea.. .(.-4.148 182,627 Dec. 81,021 1072 Total S4 eomp'* ai7ofW,:ilt* $1,071,452 Ine. »«0S,I_4 18.17 ri week lf. 44 eawpanl. .. $2.(iiJ I" $7 00..878 Ine. $880 210 14-"0 04,477 8.00 Total _a eomr/. $1,381.72. $-.047,408 Iac. $813.74$ 9.47 THK WF.HK IN '1IIK STOf'K MARKKT. At the Stock F.xchange la.t w»k the unusual BaUrrty in tho lK.n.1 mnrket prt_cnte<l morv <>f novelty tlnn did the wurii-out manipulation of the ahare mnrki t knd fe| the daaling ln lionda lA.-liange rcllects only u fltnall portion of ii!s.i<tii)iia whlch daily are iii ide ov.-r the rs of the large deah-rv as ll.e bettrr f bonda baeOBM s.-irco ond hard purehase at ra_a0_nhl$ rates, fhe df-mutal for isjtues or- (in.ariiy not regnsdad with B_a_ bhth fayor sttadllv has incr.a. .1. Thia l.t.turc laat week waa parttciilarly developotl in *b* lorgo deullngs nt> an ndranoe in lt_ur.-s fnr thn i'liii-ulelphla und K'li.ling 4* nnd the llrst aud second prefcrence oi tha Kootling is only $29,68. an- v<-t listrd. An appllrntion to rurtin-r li*Jt alxmt $:i,MO...0H) .M-sts-rilay t.fterii'.oii aitor Brflhdlgl l.iuirs \rj>.| **Ut* t-taisa orlticlnn. It aormwl tl..- additional smonnt is a inirtion of t-hose bonda f.iit or the ft.twl of $100,000,00. authorixetl tssun, v,in.-: .ii (4m tr.a-ur> of «he comsjwny, but wbkh tha trusteea Uod dstoyed ts> dali-tt until thia Hiiie. Toledo, Ann Art.or and Norib ist r.« also m*ra nnnannllv nct'tt.- with an advnnce of nliout) '.' per cent. 1'itt.burg and Western llrst 4s ifiiraetil attention, and although then WBIC no a:il.-s above 77 III, they closed at - Iild. Orlit-r issuea t<i which rafacctteaa were made durng __M tftttk wero miu-IiI after at full i arnlng to lha $ti rtt ipeonlatlon. last week wa* BB liarn-n «if new fcntitKB as hns lietii any .if its predeeenon. It ia the soms old story of manip- u latlon t< rr.-ate i!itt.-iist, ixnlte feors and m. duce n aelllng of st.x ks, all for the purpose that ihe sellers of ttv.lve mnntlw may bc aole to recoup wtthout diaaattc to _h_-___»iT-*. All |Missible de- w-i-re BSBployed to rr«-ate the iutfiression that tlie " |0-tl__nen'B agraemanf ironld urovn t<> (... nothlfig mor.- solid 4linn nn 0et4t_r fnst, under tlie bnrnlng njra <>i tha Chicago diacnaaion. Dnily dlapntehOfl w.-rc lenl from Chl'-tigo and publlshed ln New-Vork of bitchea here aml there nnd of lha pri.mim-nt ahs.-utcs fioni _ha ineeting. Stlll tha gantlmaai continm-d their daily sesaionB. aml MOOMlag fo ihe obtainnble informaD um tsfch day made some progres-s tOW_rd the i'.stj,li'islirnent of th- rulcs aml n-trulatioiis __M$____|]f for tha enrrylng ont of the Dgreetnent, Thr. eharnotei f.f the result whieh Wlll Im. ohtniiicd wlll »mi improved a liundred- fold by the care and deiiheration iu welghing fully eticl- proi'osition liefore It.s accejiiaiice. \ hasiv ronclusion woul.i oot prera wortli tlie i.iut-r rciuuei to angroaa It The tniU about elloues being Innded with stocks nnd that the spei'iilatiorj lor thnt reason is in t daiit'crou*. Btttwtion, which is contiiiued and , more vi-heun-nt us the stungth of the n.ark. m. ..- ap|.arent, is Bimply nlle, n is known to nll such t.ilkative patsoBa that then Ir not n Stock Kxchunge llnn borrow- ing '-'.» per cent. of the amount of n.-m.-v whi.-h bei-stofota they hnvc Ih-.-u borrowing wh.-n rarry- ing largo lines of stocUs. If any MM who is long of etocks hns made a mistakc and continues ta a*_ka. * tui'.t ik.- in still carrying them, it is not Wall Street, gpeonlators. Dnring the waah Atchieon, Topekn nnd Sanfa F>', and poor little [wXM Bnd I'a.llir were the .hotf.'im.s i-mployefl ft. frlght.'u liDna-llili' holders of good seeurities into seeklng a mark.-t. How misernble a failure UM efTort proved to ba our " Weekly l_ung.-'' will show Withont fiuther explanation. The affort wa-. tuoocaafuL however. to tha <\tent of indudng dahMM aad a waiung f.»r events, or for what mlght h<« the temporory resnlts of ihe -[.. ial mov'-ni'-nt!. r'fened to I'he limil ehnnges generaliy are niensured by small fractions sciircelv BXOeedlng !-_ ner ..-ut, and Ihe ohief feature of tl,.; v.-eek's deattngB was a furthei- demonsti-ati ui of the solid charurter of the holders f.f stocks. Siihjoine.1 ih onr iisaul table, giving the numtx-r of slmre. sold of all stocks, |£_ highest, lowest ,.nd llnal prices of ihe week, t4>g_tM>. with the Hunl pri.-'-s of a week air". preflxed i>_.the Bventge p'loes of Jnniiary 19, 1»88. WBBKLT ntso* _toc_*. Ateti T..p <ft sr Atlan A l'aclflc.. lt A N V .M. ic t l.nrl ril ei N.-i fana.UsHm.ii.-rii. caniuia l'lteltir Cent la 1 ).i ii. « . entrali.f KJ Central Paciitc ( li. sA Hill... .le lAO lat i>r fhe* A u -itt pr i Im-.t I'. II III pr. ... n t'orthtt ¦I 4 t 1 ).rl l AO... PHI I' M A () pr. < i,i. nml .1 y tlllr Kl ._ I*_e .. < W A II ml Oal II %' .* Tol Hel i_tikA Weat ln A. .1. Kl.) .11 I.enver A KC nr. I) T A KtW.lfai KToanV- Oa..l K Tenn ist pref. F.Tenn '_<t pref.. Oreen Iiar. .*¦ Taxaa IllOntral. K <f D Molnea. I-k* K W.-*t I.E A Wpref. I*k* Hhore. Lona I*land. Loul* A Xa»li Malionln* (*o*l... Manhattan t'on.. Mrm caa*. Michigan Cen.... M l.S W. M 1.3 A W pref.. Mlnn* Ht I.. Mo Kan ATe... Mtwourl Paclflo MorriaA E**ei. Naahl'hA 8tl... New York Cent.. NYCAStL. NYCA Stl, prt NYLEA W. NY I.E A W prt. NYANK. M'NII* H. NY LaekA W... NYOnt A W... NYSnaq A W... NYS A W prof Nor A Wpref.... North Paclflo North far prf mv 324 «.* 19- 164 46** 98 4 904 41 86 I 64 i 04 I 72 I 214 21"* .-.*._; 4*, 5*4 18 18 18 115 I 1134 114 4*.. 4*4' 4'* 18V 10 I 18 64 I 82 634 10t4. 101-al 102 014 91 .01 674 66-V 67*. 40 40 40 4*.l 41) 58*2 5'a 884 84»« 60 41 581, 94 I 93 134| 12V 18, 78 71-%* 72*4 147 145 (147 83 8341 83'a 108V 108V 1084 17-* ia 0 1 ll<l A *A OhloAMl**.. Oh 10 Southern,.... ., Oregon linu.I 51 v Orer/nn RA K...J 94 Orea-on '1'ran*_ ()re_-on 8 L. <nn* 8tl, prt Peo l>*e A Ev.... Phlla A It.-rvllna. V Ft W A cwo Pullinan OarOo.. RlrhA Alle- Kich A We*t Pt- Illeh A W Pt prf. Home, W AO*-... Ht L Ark A Tei St L A San Fran Ht L A 8an F pref Ht LAHF1 prf... Ht Paul A Duluth Ht p Mta A Man. Mouth Carollna.. T*ie»P*c_c. Tn Pae I.T. l.'nion Paclfle, Wabaah. WabaaD pref. Wh A I,tre»r*ti W**t Unlon ?el .1 Adama Expre** Amer Expre**.... V 8 Exprwa* W.-lla WmTfO Ex. Amerlcan f'able.. Chk-OaaTruat... Paotlc Mail. < "oiiuoiLUted (laa Phila.1*lphla Co.. ('.u.eroii f'oal_ ColCo-1 A iron MarahallOoalOo. Mirylaud Coail... Nf A 1* Coal.... Tenn coal A iron Ootatio Mlu iir QatcfcallTer. 9041 04V 92% ea 844 79 109 7 17*, io**** 1384 79 1074 17*« 79 -av 04 "-a 326 j - »¦* a*--.i 4U 8141 1 4B<4> 94*4 40 88 8. '4 54 110 16 4 j 62 V 102*4 92'a 57V 03*, _. 70 I 694 an*.] 27-% 85*41 84'a 45*41 «**4 268 264 114V 114'* 164 16 9 3.1. 834 20 80 *a 184 324 61 28 >4 23% 22 »* 30*. .aa** 1.134 144 224 r.o*. 88 li :ie*» 73 1124 80 .134 »P 584 2?. 78 '.46 108 "34 11 11 22 V 31 12 13 70'41 «8 9:1 80*.! 43Vi| ;o ;...' :io*4 41. 10 2341 32 484! 474 160'«l 1-04 19*341 1S74 1441 1441 144 8«V 22*,l 334 70 3*4 65 404 254 1U>4 18 y K! 33-** 51*4 264 69*'. 11 21*. )*. 09 92 :«..-. 424 10 234 79 78 9941 fl6 84 84 24'al 24 7«4 99 84 "44 63'|| 814, 9_f*%j '^ 34 35-<4 77 103 374 31*4 114 118', 40 100', 4 214 18 034 18 264 85 *4'. 148 110 1-6 824 3ti*« 864 82 4 79 294 314 10 113 394 100 4 194 18 624 4 i 8 83*, 113 iu 100'* 4 20 18 78 274 294 9 13*4 12'a 304i 294 324i 31 36 38 84 63 tt! 146 "j 148 109 Ino 75 78 1344 136 814 83 364' 36 4! 38 30 B04 63 -a e. . .'.» 89 V 394 I *.¦... ¦ 1.4 H 84 S*.v 66 1*3 6 134 714 1444 84 1084 184 70*9 284 65 444 365 110 ir.4 9 334 98 26*4 004! J14i 224J 7.4. 92 30 *>4l 434 \__ 148*4 187 144 .24 4 78*« 994 8*4 23 «.»4 ..13-4 40 101 214 184 684 124 24 41 614 84 145 110 75 135 834 36 384 Hi 2S4 314 94 14 304 13 35 6 300 500 1.100 100 .),510 KKI 1.015 7.000 31,010 300 4,000 20 1.110 -..*) ].*:«) 100 070 100 3,412 41,391 100 1,500 3.321 .21*2 231 21.665 2.1X5 60,430 S<*9 136 1.320 816 m 9M4 5t3 7.8*.'t) 100 2.400 200 in 1.066 tf. 020 9 20 100 1.620 168.910 4-3 23.464 80 28.(105 2.710 1,083 200 710 3.840 130 435 2.130 100 24 196 300 37.074 1.026 1.400 9.784 23.704 343 . 416 1,370 405 773 4.690 1.320 C.117 740 6.950 2.722 200 60 8.310 4.456 106 100 Total ahare* *ol_ for the week. 1,038.912 « Aaaeaament* aaipald. Tbe followlnf wera 8atur_a-'<i quotatlons for .*_- lUtetl aeenrlUea,: ' iBXd. 4a_ed, Atlante A Char I 60 alrttiie atock Ho* Hart A Krla newitoek. Brookljn Kl* ._ <*alif(ir_ia Pae ClileA AtUuUo HrneflcUry 8 Dul 80 8horeA Atlantic.1- f*o pref.V.... E Tenn Vlr A ii,. 1,1,1 ,-,.*,i .k4 Hojin-f. 4 Flor BallANart C>.A-. Deprjt.P-,«. OeoPaeiae. 134 Xanawha A Olno iim_<in. DolatPr-f I*o2.lpn*t.... >4 Mexican Kat...._..... imi-onfo.?.... N jHoutuera... ** N Y I'.tiu A U.. 4 llo pref. 4 WYW8*B.... 1 NewportNew A Mlaa Val to.... Ohlo i.fitral.... PeoaA AtlanUo St 1, A Chieago i)o pref. TuIPboA VIckaA Mer... IT. 7 -i't 64 21 Bld. Aiked. Ocean Steam»hip Ut i<n_r.. 1014 Ohlo Ind A W lat A<vru Iut Cert*. 60 Do2d. 40 Reloto Val l»t 7* 87 l*o*M7*. «7 St PKAOrTl* 14 r 103 85 45 100 75 Oa«_rl.y M !. A 'A !.*a Oi 124 4 44 l)o pref_ 16 H ^5 14 4 8 4 38 ,tif;* 100 119 123 .8. '.084 44 75 liopref. bTo*l- At.ii A Plke'* Peak latO* ... At A li.irlott* Air Un*.* lat 7* Cal P*e lat Mort 44* f*o2d<*)a*r OenP*e 1*1 Mor lin 2-ineone D*o*n6*.... I>OlBCO_*6* Ka.i«ha - Ohlo l.t6a. 68 KluatatoaAP*- __. lat mort. 105 Lo N A A Chlo latOaOAldlv M«ia_<'» Conaol Bood*.. N'owb'a ntehe** A <'"i'U ln.' Nl* N Y A ajrmu !-> lat n.ort. Do2d mort Nor Pao HH t* (Pen d'OrrllT) lat Mtge Oper oent. Nor Pae BKCo (ModlT) lat nitaetlperc'iit 8| 33 83 120 110 M 88 77 Ti M 604 104 108 | 118 ....4 16 i 103 103 Tv-hCentUtfU Vlek AMed lst mll' 6*. Iao2d mtffe_ I>o3d liii-ome.. We*t N Carollna Ci,n*nlO* 1914 Ark 8f*fe " N'oa Holford " b,la Oeo State 44a 1915. ¦Vlr state " Kl.1- dleberaer" bd» IH. 10-40 lal* Ellxabeth t-'Hy A.IJnat 4a. 88 Mol.lleiirv tom pruuiUe bda.. Rahway city Ad- |n*tmeai4*.... Amer Bank Nol <*o Amer Cotton oil TroatC.rtifl.- t ConUneotal.'oni A IrupCoTrat .tock 36 J*r*-Coakn mt*- Trn»l (.*« Uetj 6* 1896 68 Dol897. 98 DoltatfH. 98 KeelTMotnrOo. 34 I^-hlgh A WilK* CoalOo atock. Mt I>'*.*rt A B SI_ndt.o$5.. 1374 175 N Y Xjoau A Im Stock . 61 N Y Mntt.I Tel 97 Neworlean* P'n I_nd(ir*Qt bd North KlverCon He iie_ Pnatel Te. Cable I4f,4__. Th* Nal TriaCo Plpe IJne Cert Thn UruDiW.ek Company_'.. Bowery. .. ICnlumbla. 130 40*| <*-mtu*rcial. lo7 al'Ftfth NaUooal. 816 ' Oeruiau** -!.» M-dl*on Sq.uro 100 MoontMorrla 360 Murray- Hill 350 Prod Exch»u*<\ Hlxtti N*U<>n*l Tb.nt National Wr.tSktn. 119 . (M ? Tii 20 17 80 87 174 335 109 240 110 -.<_ll 86 1 87 150 C 40 o; 80 b", 84. ¦ 103 44 81 55 20 874 174 250 113 115 115 i'l's CLOSIKO PHICEb OF BOSTON 8TOCIC8. Boatoa. Jan. 26. 1889. Y**ur4ay.1>-4»y. ___ AlAToal*»7. 1184 119 iWWjrrl... At*TopI._7* |Wl* OBBI K R ai-TobHR . 604 49 eom. __rt_i*A_a7 3034e3O34'WU Cent R R Y*»tei_*y.To-d*T. M HoatonA Malne , Iluil_a-»B A ynincy. 1"0 Cln Haa A Cl*... Eaatern ¦_.... EaaWrn R *t6*. Kl'.ntA Paa KlItilA PM prt ty Ht / A C llluff*7a Kan Clty 81. ATi.,ue«l>!,ti Oe 10*4' <-ew)._. 34 44 24Ye_lnro«_AlIec_» 377. 98 93 .Catalna. 17 1244J134 .rranklln. 144 29 39 illun.a. 44 99 89 loareole. 16 Pew*blo*(new).. 123 .... iQulDcy. 70 :Bell Telepbone.. 310 . Iloa-.n I_>d... 74 134iWater Pow*r... 74 iTamartck Mlu*. 14H 684lMaa*Oeatr*l ... 15 l.ltt RockAFtS 7*.*,-*, Met Cen eom .. 134 M«x C*n l«t M* _*¦ 1. .... e*4 WY_K_B_ . 464 45 18-n Diogo L Oo. HYArfKn-Ta 126 ;W«.t End Land. 274 U!.ir-linr ... 1704 1704 LamaoaSVo Set 674 Ku I land oem . .. ._'________ n 3»4 3734 19 144 4 16 60 208 74 74 147 14 *.".. 27 674 CLOSINQ PRICES OP CAXIFOItNIA 6TOCB_, San Franei«.eo, Jan. 26 1889. VesteTdayaToday. Alto. 3.4:. 24.) Hulwer. .$$, ...-.; BeatA Belcher. 6-6'.'.4 6.75 Rmllecoo. l-'O . n.ollar . 8.25 ..¦¦. OM ..-a! A Va. 8.00 8.00 Crown PMnt... 6424.6.124 iH>.il<t ACurry. 2 70 2 76 ilaleANar .. ..... Mexican. 3 35 AM Mono. '*.'» U- Diablea..... .-¦-»___*.j°_ Yeatardar.To-dar iNbt»1o. 1.00 Ophir. 6.26 Potoel. 3.45 Harafe. 3.10 taierraNerada. 3.00 iCBtor. Ooo. 2.05 |lt_h. 1.26 Yellow Jacket.. 4.40 C.nnn.i.nwealili C00 ,Belle 1*1*.... INerad* gneou. 3.60 ;!i !¦>;!* I*. 3.45 1.1*0 5.'25 3.10 3.00 3.70 1. .-'..> 4.40 OM .45 SHO 3.50 BAILROAD EAIxNINGS. CAIRO VINCENNES AND CHICAOO. 1887. I8P8. 1889. K^ee-fVanV; 9XVm SOg 813.^ Jan 1 Jai. 21.... 'l.00« 87'MO 80*»tw t 1NC1NNATI, WABHINCTON AND BA1.TIM0RE. v.-,i_. «f mlle* 281 881 281 Th^l we?kTn jVa! 846.155 837,980 888,998 Jai. 1 to Jan. 21.... 12».W» H8,'.)40 114.31J UFTROIT. LANSINO AND WORTUERN. N*-mlM*r of mllOB..... 208 268 823 ffiU iu Jan.- 814.074 aULIM 816.00: Jan 1 to J»n. 21. . 44,305 88.421 I.AKF. ERIECAND WESTERN. Niimber cf allaa. 648 648 Thlrd week ln Jan.. 6>_4l.07a .W4,-_5' J*. 1 w J«n. «.... 102.504 87.M9 MII.WAUKEE AND NORTllfillN Number of mlle*. 221 308 ThiT weefc »n J.n- 8W.508 8J5,M7 laa 1 to Jau. 81.... 48.328 46.601 NEW-YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN. Notnbor of mlle* 320 820 820 Thlrd week ln Jan.. 810.429 825.800 82.V.V*)') I,,, t to Jan. 2) 88.014 71,856 70,714 ri'.ORlA, DF.OATUR AND EVANSVILLB Number of mllea. 254 254 ThVrdli*..*.-* lu J*o- 818,678 Blt.200 jau. 1 to Jan. 81.... 47.380 3D,82« RICHMOND AND AI.I.EGIIANY. Number of mlle*.. 252 Thlrd >»''ela ln Jan.. . 88.582 Jan. 1 to J»». 21... . 20.883 ST. _0_18. ARKANSA8 AND Tl \ AS Number of mllea.... 785 1,188 Thlrd week ln Jan... 837.4*411 84 2 0-.1l Jau 1 w Jan. 91.. 112.407 l87,3-.*u WABASII WESTERN. Number of mllea.. 880 1,001 Tb 1- week lu Jan... B91.693 801.784* Jaii 1 to J*n. 21 258.866 .07.017 WIBCONSIN CENTRAL. Nuinber of mllea.... -..8'B. .,_,.,?,18, Thlrd *a<*h* lu Jau... 0*o. 12. 840-14 Jan 1 10 J»n. 21 110.978 134,944 t iNCINNATI. lUCnMOND AND FORT WAYNE. M1111U*. of mi!**-. 80 86 80 Second w.'.-a- fn Jan. 68.*:.- »0.3«3 jnu 1 to J«u. 14.. . 18,144 U.404 CINOINNATI. JACKbON AND MACKINAW 44.643 502 630.196 120.120 308 817.7.-+0 50,340 254 an 11.5 80,851 253 f'J.'l U_ 00.333 1,320 805,706 162,838 1,001 »95.11.3 298,493 818 849.-04 14,".. 147 Number of mlle*. 248 305 Woiid week In Jan. 88,872 aO.'.IH* Ju:. 1 to Jan. 14... 12.790 t4.422 CLEVELAND AN1) MARIKTTA. Second week In Jan. 65,795 80,008 Jan. 1 to Jan. 14 10,570 11,774 ERLANGER 8YSTEJ4. Numhar of mlle*.... 1140 1.149 Hecond weelt ln Jan. 8120,474 8127,957 Jan. 1 to Jan. 14.. 218.734 244.265 II1. t'.l Slil .-0.51IO 83.162 9.885 1.140 8147.914 *-84.715 FLORIDA RAILWAY AND NAVIOATION.. Number of mllea. .,..'' _ M* Heeond wee* ln J'l".. 810,872 822,837 Jau. 1 10 Jan. 14.. 44.480 40,(131 I.KVNli 11APIDS AND 1NDIANA. Number of mllea.... 473 472 week lu Jan. 832.0-Jl Jan. 1 10 Jan. 14. 07,275 ORAND TRUNK (CANADA). Numhar nf mlle*. 2,024 8.418 Weak endert Jan. 12 . 8268,230 6208.850 laa. 1 W Jaa. 13. 530,848 808,411 574 1)28 .2.800 824.'.1: 472 837.660 73,'.*:i IOWA CENTRAL. SecoDfl week in Jan. ''*?-___ **,** Jan. 1 Jan. 14. 47.860 &4,5__ 1CANAWHA AKO OHIO. Kumbor of nule*.... . 120 7«j Second wo»k In Jan. ,ftS__ *' $1$ J«n. 1 Ut Jan. 14. .'.864 _,»,$ K-»_UK. AND WESTEI.N. Number of mlle*--.- 148 ,148 11* fce.ond w.-ek ln Jan.. B3.04*) $0,487 $* 8Jl Jan. 1 to J.n. H. 11.298 12,074 li.iej KINGSTON AKD I'KMBROKE. Number of mllea.. m i*» ilt Second week ln Jan- $1,321 $1,o82 il.Mf Jan. 1 to Jau. 14. 2.230 3 _ 3,75 MK.MPHIS AND ('HAB-Jr-STON. Number of mllea. _._,_-?? .__ 2_? __».» Second week In Jan..' $*7.82l $83,600 $39.fi_, Jan. 1 to Jan. 14. 74.290 ^7,53*» 7..21, OHIO, INDIANA AND WESTF.HN. Socond weelt In Jan. _!_J. .*¦?.». Jan. 1 to Jan. 14. 50.280 64,71. TOLEDO. PEORIA AND WESTERJi. Number ot miles. , ,847 » 247 nT S.'cond week in Jan..' *1«.3M f *__5"iS2 'L5'05* Jan. 1 to Jan. 14. 3J.0I8 8_.828 3_.ooJ KANSAS CITY, CMHTtt.N ANfli SPRINGBIEI.1). Number of miles. 103 M IM nm week la Jan.... $2.0S0 .. $4,280 .3.3^ KANhAH CITY. FOP.T bCOTT AND MEMPUIS. Number of mlle.. 071 __-__ $7t Flrst, week ln Jan... B70,__$_ ,0.0.778 a7S_lg FINANCIAIi MARJtETf-, I>o>n)0's-. Jan. '.0.-2 p. n_-Atl_*tlc e*i4 Great W<_t«ra flr*r-tnorta-ge Traateo*'I'ert'.ncate*. 3_4:hrt«, 28'. .0 _*. nnd ronaol*,' 104 V tit. I'uul C.nimon, 05 H Bt-dln^. '.4*.. Mnzican Central first uiorttrage Ix.tids. 71 '*. Bar ailvnr 1* qtioted at, 42 0 iOd per ounce. Tlt.-riiteof diwoiiui ln tl.e oj.-n market for both thort ___ three months' t.iil* i* -J a 2'* por cent. Money 1* 1 r/14 per eent Parl* atlvicea quote 3 por ceut rentoi at 83 frane* jjv eenttme* for thn acoount and exchange on Ixmdon at 25 frt__| '27 cetitime* for < heek*. The amount of t-illiou goae Into the Bank of Englaud co __, ance to-day U _!38,000, Siianlah 4s. 73 _. iUHU.s, Jan. '20.-.Tho autement of thn Irupenal Bank *\ Oermany ahows au Inereaae in apecm <>f 17,480.000 maras. THE STATE OF TRADE. Bl-TTMOIB. Jan. 20.-Cott~i qulet: Mlddllag »»* Flonr acttrn, ateady Howard Streot and Weatern Huperna. $__0_>34O; Extra do $3 50_" 60; P_*_lly do $4 06<.J__- Clty Mill*. Blo Branda Extra $5 25a5 40; Wlnter Whaai patent $6 50_>6 00: Springrto, do$« 60<_t'75 do. do. Stral_.| $.100*0 40; do Kxtra $4 65a-5--5. Wheat-.'sonthem qaiot; FiilU 98_.105c Ixmgberry 0tS*lo5c Bo. 2 Soutiiera it'.l. Weatern quu-t tmt f)rm;No. 2 Wlnter Bed apot st 01.381 4c February 01 .«:; March lr_..9_%c; Anrj 93 _c- Mav 94-V- C.-rn.Honthern actlvo and flrm Wh:u 4:;_.4.*>e Yellow 41 a**3c. Weatern active; MlxM apot aai J-niiary. at41_»4l4fl; February at 41-\2 11 _c; M*r.-_ 43494_4r Hlcamer apot _'A4»:l9»«o .No. 3, 38c Oan qui'-t Souiheni and Penuaylvania were quoted at 30# 33c; Weatern Whlte 32_>33e; do Mixed 2--31C; Qrad*. Xo '2 Wh.te 3'-'.-! 33c. Rye q'tiet, steatfar at 5fl/rGflc. It.y steady- Prlme 10 Choice Tiniotliy $ir<>0*$17 .10. Pro. vl.ioii* dull Me** Pork at $15 00 Bulk M*_t». looee, 8ho.iliteraf._c: C\o*t Bib 81de. 74c: do paeked 9V. Bacon- .snoulder* H_c; Clear Blti Hide* 10c. ateady at 12>**121ac. IapI ateady; p. f.ned 9>«_, Buttorflrm; Weatern Packed l«_>'2lcj Beat Boll; Crt-merr WktH. Kgga »te__y ai ir.-Uic. Botmlejua tiiilet Bffintsil 7f Coffee ..iii.-t an.l steady ; B10 r__-s«a_, _uf 7J"c. R.«_r qiiif-t an.l ateady; "A" Soft «V- ___olpta- Kienr 6 0()t) bla. Wheat l.ii.K) buah. Corn lfp.000 bush. oats '.'OOO bush. Bve l.tSW buah. Shipmenta-FIoar 1.90$ bbl*. Wheat '-4,000 bush. Corn 109,000 buah. Helea- Wheat 170,000 ba-h. Corn 143>X» bn»h. Bobtox Jan. "J8.-F"."ar tbtf and nnrhangad: Commoa Extra $3 60O4 *25; U istonsiu IMti-Dts, $6 3.S-*$0 90 Ba. kelH H_tent». $i> a- ->$»' 80 Mlnne*ota Patenta, $»1 269.8O1 Hnrina Patenta. Choice Fancr 81X0**160. Corn aalal _i'ii steady, Hte-nier Veliow 4.. ...48.c ^teaint-r UtvA, 4t~j_4.'. -<* U."t No <ira<le, 4»5»4:tc. OaU qulet. lewar; Nf. 1 Whlte ***t**\ No. 2 Wlilto 35s4''r.l.*)Jt<'. HhorUdall und aiiuhangi-; ixr ton. $18 00</$*.'.-00. H-tt- quiet- Weatern Extra Cre-merj -«<.; Eaatem Extra freaav erv -2._.2.'.c: N'firil.frn Kxtra Creamery 26'/-"c. Prorlalow »te«.lv New Mew Pork $15 25*15 50; Old Me** Pur, $*.; o6_H0 2-*. Kxtra Prlme New $14 50a 14 76. Lard$S4» .$.50. Hams*t_-ly; BoBton Hrnall ilI4_.11V W' *'¦«* BioaU m«_ia.' Bts-f qmet; Me»*. 91 i.,i8H00. Kxua Mena. W50-«875: Kxtra Plate, $10 25^$10 50. Ch<*_ Orm ; New-York Kxtra. 12-12 .r Vermont Extra, 12c. _m dull and weak; Eaatorn Kxtraa. 19-.20e;t Vermont f.t. traa 11_-20c; New Harnp*hlrt\ Kxtra*. 19.f20c: We«era Extra. 20c; Weatern- Fir-ta I8c. Becelpu-Flonr :v«$ bbl*. and J.OOtt aacka. Corn 8,500 buah. oau 9,.40 Irnah. Hhorta 18 ton a. Cuicaoo. Jan. 20..The I.idl.ig fnrnret rangod aa follova: WIIKAT so. 2. Openlng. Hlgheal Loweat Cloataa, K.n._ry.. . __f*J »»** ..»'? ¦ Mar .. -. «»'* W'i »8 W. j_|,..'.. 89\ W", 89*« W. COBM SO. 2. Febmary._ 38 85 35 M M_rch!... *6*t 8**4 .«"- 30. M_jr;....... 37 37 3«'4 M^ OATS no. X Jannair. ..¦. "w Febmary. 25 . .... __.,_... 27*. 27', 27. _7, MKM rOltS. rBS BBL. Jannary. HW Kebruary. 110'2*_ 1170 1180 1180 UmJ. 1190 12074 118* 1197. labd. raa 100 ___ January. . 880 March . 882«a 885 8 774 69J4 May. 8.96 895 8hSj 8924 aaoxT aiBs. raa 100 uu Febmary.... «024 6124 6024 610 MarctT. 6 14 8 20 tl 16 8 174 _Jay.. 0274 830 822. Flonr dull aod anchanged. C**b atiot-ttlona wfire M follow* Ko. 3 Spiin« WTiemt 9.9 n6'«e. so. a sprui^ _rt_PB._,a7_»*_!_#fc_w«i_aJ**A boxwl $8 $74»5<_ WTilskey. dlBtUUr*' ftnUh*l *;<xi.U $1 par galloti. Sugara-Cut Loat 7'* <__4c,- Uranulatod 7>*0i _t*n._id "A" 8-Vc. Arttelaa. Bocetpta. Shlpment*. Flour bbl*. _i«_J 11-000 Wheat. luah.. K000 . VIOuO fora bush. OT.OOU e«.no$ U.t_.-u»t.. 81,000 61,000 Bye, bu»h. 2.000 6,000 Barley. buah. 35.00. 3..00O Oa tho Prodnoa Exchange to-day tbo Batter market was dull; Eigin Creamery 24_*2jc: Choloo W.sitem 18 (r-Mi i.'hiico Dalry 10-.18C; Oood to Cboico 11 * 1 __, Kgg* eaay a. 15c. CtsrcixsjATL Jan. 28.-Cotton ateady. Flonr qulet. .teady ; $4 23»$4 40; Fancy $4 *_*0»$l-<0 Ulianf, dull. No. a Hislv7c Corn light deinanil: No. 2 Mixed .15c. uxta flrm: No. 2 Mixed at 2M*-.s<,c. Byo dull; Xo. . 54 .f 55c. Pork nomlnalat $I'2 -'5. I_trl .it $. 7 V Bult. meat* dull Short Biba ntmitn»l ot $ti*«7*-.. IUeoa east: Hhort Clear at $8 la^... Whukey/ataady ; *aiea of »..*$ flmsnett cw-l* on the basi* of $1 03. Bnlter qniat; K*ii. y <re»in»ry I'TdfaSe Pnme P*lry ia_»l.V. l.irseed nil ttrniat 5ti»5So. Sugar qniet: Ilanl Keflntsd 7_tf8«; N*w- Orieao* 6-*<t'\\c. Kng* dull: Cummon and I.i.til $1 iHlB $4 '...'); Packlna and Butcher* B Wajl sv . l.'.n'O; atnptiien-* a.I.)... Kgga atoady at !1»'.'.V. C-Mso nr.u Choi.e aad Ohlo Flat. 104411- Eaatora KxetiaagS Orm an.l unrliauge.1. DBTBOIT. Jan ae-Whoat.No. 1 Whlte, raah 100c; Nx 2 Be.t </i»r. 971**; May 100\c. Corn -No. 2 caah 35e; Feb- ruary 3".e. Oata-No. 2 28c: No. 2 Whlte _«__. k»- eolpt.-Whoat 11,500 bush. Corn 10,000 buah. Oau 130$ buah. IXDUNAPOUa. Jaa. 2C.-Wheat .trong. No. 3 Bed tUSo HA orn steady No. 2 Mlxo>l 32c bld. Oata weak ; No. '4 Mixed 28c bid. Milwack-K. Jan. 2ri.-Fl~ir qniet and ateady. Wheat .t*««ly »sti M'-.e Mav 93c. (oru flrm No. 3, 31c. Oata stttuty No. 2 White 2"c Bye ****%, weak No. 1 47 i-jc. Itarley IiIl'Ii.t Xo. 2. 83c. Provlsiou* w.-ak. Pork. Caah ar $11 45. _ard-Ca»h at $.'. M J-ruarr $7 05. Buttcr ateady; Dalry 17*19c. E«g« qulet; Freah at tdo. (Tit-eao qmet. ateady; Cntstdara 10*104c. Becelpu -Floor 1 Tu.) libla. Wheat 13,700 buah. Barley 3$.300 bush. Ship- nients-KUiur 11,000 bbla. Wheat 7,400 bush. Bariey 17.-00 buah. MtVNT.APOl.ts, Jau. 26.-WIieat nnsettled; shadn higher. Ctoelntr .iiioutiona wctv: No. 1 Hani Januarv $1 16 A*. -Vbriiary fl l-i May $1 lO'.ion track $1 18. No. I North.-ru. January $1 «-j >t» February »1<>_; A* U*r $1 ..41* on tr«.k $1 01 -il 05. No. 2 North.tu, January 92c do Kebru-iry 9ac; flo Mav 9.'.c o:i track 90 »I*J_ lteccipt* were 104 car*and *hipnei»t» 34 cara. J*Hi_Al<Bi_,itu. Jan. ai'.. -Flour dull and weak Weorn and Peun»ylv»r.ia Superflne $-' 85-$3 $0; do.. do., Kxtra. $1 :,0_f T6j No- 2 Wlnter Famlly $4 00#$4 50; P_nn«ylv*nia Fauuly $4 na .a$4 75; Ponn».rlvaa_% Boller Proce** ..'. (H)./*5 25; 0*0, -'-s»r $4 75a>5 00; do, Btraigl.t $5 '".lifS -25. Iti.tiana, Clear $4 75 985 00; do, Slniiht $5 00<$.'> '25; St. Lutila axid Southern Illiao;*, Clear $4 7-,.'«'i .*'. .'<>.'.... Str»i»ht $6 00-.$. 25; Wln- tar l.teut, Fair to Choice $5 40,i$0 00; MUtaeaela, ClOBT $4 SS .*.."> 00 do., htralght $5 124-85 8$ ; do- Patent $8 00 i»t-; 90 Byo flour qmet aud weak at $3 00»8 16 for New. Biif-kwlit-l Bour Ina.iue an.l w.-ak at ** 00*82 IS per UM) 1'.*. f^r New. 'Wheat flrm and ateady; No 2 K.-.l for Jannary 93,4.-9:P*i do for rVbnlary at 93»«c- do for March at 9.V»9.-._r; do for April 95s* * Udsic tlo l»r Mayul 97'«;.«74t\ Kye nonunal at 6*0 for No '2 I'ennsvlvaiila. Corn qulet but flrm No. 4 Mlx*d ia grafndepot :l>s«' N'i ' Mtxett ou track 3* Si«. tlo In export tl. vittor 37«' steamer No. -' Mixctl m fri_.ii .biMit 40c «U> lu ex. rort atorator SOc.; No 9 Miie.1 in eraln depot 2e No -' Mixe.1 in export elevator t\',v No 2 Mlx'etl tor Jannary 41B41V do tor rebrnary 41 .»41 .*.; io for March 4l».»42c; tlo for April 42 .-^'.c; do for May 43V>4»r. Oats -Car lots ruled l.x.ii demand llirlit- Beltftetl Whlte at SOc ; W lute at 33 4c. do Choice at 38c; tt*. 3 Wl.ite at 3-c No. 1 Whlte Bl 31e .lu .lioiee 341»_3t<.jC future* "teady ; No. '-' Whlte January 33\a34c* do February 341«->34V: do March 34 ..i do ftir April 34J,-»36'_f do Hat 36'*« 35 V- PoUtoe* dull. but ateady Wkiui PoUU»a Jfow-York an.l Wesurn Early Boae choloo BOc p*r buah.; K_rly U..»e, fair to goo^ 35 *40c; Burbank. and Whtlo St_r. cholc. .C. .iA-m Vaiutnolli I'.-.irl 40.II.V Hebi'f.iiand Wlnte Kl.'j.hanv 40,-45. Pmvlaion. dull. Beef-Ctty Famlly **i0 5o_HIO0 nor bbL: do do packet. $9 5l.,rl0 Oo: :!m ,tt Beot USl'Jo. ltt»f llsmitUOU. Pork-Meaa. New Ar. OOtf-16 60; do Pntuo Mcsa. Now $14 50: do. Faimiy *7. i 00918 00. Harna- Smokod, 11 .»12c: do. 8. P -t* **. ln Uercea 10_>ll*l Lard dull; City Heflnod at H...9-: 8t«__rt 9^-10^: Butrliera* loo^i at 7 _r. Butt_r ilrni.^- Peunaylvaun Crt-amtTT Extra at 27o Western Craomery Extra _*___l B.0 and N. Y. ( rt-amery Exfn. »\t 17c; We»teri. Faet-ry 14»16c; Packlog Butter 11 «>iao.» Eifjr* dull; Peunayiva.ia Firau 18c. Weatern Kir»U lH/.lt'V- cheeae *t.«'ir; Part (l_»8c: Full skima *2_:3o. Sugar -Beflne-1 tir.n: Powtlered 7 ve 'Irtuuir.: 1 Btoatly i WIbUT Bnui $u; .'.0..817 26 I«>r ton. PolMletim flrm: 70 AM *2l in bbU 7o HeeeipU-Flour l.«Ot»|l.bla. Wl.eal 5 700 t,u»l_ Corn lft.OOO bu*li Oata O.a-Ki but;.. Shio- tiienta-Wiieat >.'.HW b_*!i Coro O.'.'OO buah. Oata 0.20a ______ Tolbdo. Jan. 2,-Wheat aettn. h.alier; caahi at »04»t May ;ui'ic; July 80c. Oom JldL ateady j oaah__f«_l*_f .t7'.c ()*t* <iu*-t N Wlnte -27--. flov.-ra-ed actir*. nn. «_*"*;. :.¦-. 'M ireU $5 36. Itece:,.l* -Wheat|.-..0W> tmsli' t'orn 4,000 1'usli. .-sl.i.inie*!!* WUml 3,000 buah. Coru'f..iKK) tuwh. oat* 1.000 buah. ...o bag«. ? PRODUCE MA.BI T.tritRroof. Jan 2'I .'-' u. m.-Beef- of lli>-demand. Pork I'fi- supply is priBM W.-siern iii.v nielv Bacn- 4-V: short rlb 4.-.:.. 50 n.s. dullai Holilrri .iticr mo.eral. flrm a. ">'.»* 'sl- Taliow II..,. at i-.'s:i.l. splrita of turpentl -BokleraoaTof li.-.., eoumu.dsU Holder* offer freely futur.s lln Wheat Itotdcr* offer *iMiringly. Ffc) lt..,., i. UMaa Srew-TBTB st.t'e llyni" r* A.v! w»:>. A.I...H-S lard oloaed at t rentliiit-sper 100 kilo*. ,_ AvtwitHr, J.m.a.l- Petroienm-Finopnle Araerte. IS 25 ceiuime* |i.u.l aud sellt-r*. Iia_-_.v. Jau. 20 r.ll.laa a ¦"> niaxks 15 ptennl.*. 8P RITS OF TUBPENTIMB. Chabi_«tcix, jan. -jil. -TurpenOua rtrui*. 43 "a» Wiluinmios, Jau. 28. -furvecuue __i«Uit %***

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T. Lewls, Ph. D. Harper & Brothers.

Dr. Charlton T. Lewis has conferred a favor,not only on every Englisb-speoking school-boy and

collegian, but on every r ultivnted r.o.ler to whom

English is the mother tongue, in the Latin Dic¬

tionary juat Issued by Hnrper Brothers. Dr.Lewls's nccurate and profound elnssical learning is

well-known, and hu« pe.uliarlj' fltt-cd him for this

-remarkabie work. Years ot patient JulKir, by a

mind .-.ingularJy clear in its disccrntnent end

thorough in ita analysis have been rewarded bythe perfeoting of a Latin lexicon which has not its

equal for the uae of the ordinary scholar. The

rangc of authora which forms the basia of thevocabutery compriaes Toronce, Caeaar, Cicero,

Uvj, Ncpoe, Virgil, Horace. Ovid, Juvenal,Phaedrus and Custius, together with the Catilineand Jugurtha of Sallust and the Ormania and

Agricola of Tacitus. The more raxcly read au¬

thora are not included. For the Latin of thewriters named above this work is an exbaustlvecxplanation. 'Ihe quotations aro gi'en in fulland arranged in logioal order. No one can examinethe dictionary and not see that with the use ol nll

pojsiblo hclps from the highost nuthoritica, Dr.Lewls haa atomped his own individuality uponthia monumental work. It ia ¦ rare tront for tho

acholar to reed carefully the article on any promi-nent Latin word. Let him tnke u Aso," for ex-

ample, that word of Protean changes, and tholour eolumna of dcflnltion and qnotation that il-Justrate this inconstant vocablc 6upply a.

linguiatio feast He has it aa it is used in war,in the chase, in husbandry, in mentnl operationa,in busineaa, in polltlcs, in society, in law, in scores

ol Idionaa, until hc reaches the exclamation " age,''of approval. Let him tako "tum," if he wishesto scc a llne treatise oa a particle, exteuding over

four columns from rcading which hc arises witha grammatical glow and a clearor knowledge ofthe valuc to civihzed speech of 9 very little word.

This dictionary must lind its way into theschools and college?, nnd into many a rcfined house-hokl of our land. It is an honor to Americanacholarship and a lastin_ contribution to the lit-

erary wealth of the country.+.-

MEMOins OF THE COCNT DK FALLOUX. Fromthe French. Edlted ty C. B. Pltman. ln iwoVolumcs. london: Chapman A Hall.

In the French these memoirs nre properly cliar-acteri-ed as those " of a Royalist," but the twins-

lator has without warraut omitted that part of

the tltle. Tho value of the memoirs of Oount de

Falloux really consisis in the light they throwupon tho negotiations and iatrigues of the FrenchRoyalist pastry during the Second Empire and theRepoblic. M. dc Falloux was not indeed one of

tlie B-tern and unbending Eoyalists who wouldhave nothing to say to Louis Napoleon, and whowithdrcw stiffly fi»m all connection with publiolife, flluatratlng and vindicnting the stnnchestlegitimist principles* of the Fauborg St. Germain.He was a moderate Itoyalist, and bciieving thathe could do better servio- Mp his party by aclionthan by inaotion, ! * did nob hesitatc to takeoffice under tlie Empire. His memoirs are nat-

urally occupicd nininly with 'H.litios, and the gen¬eral effect of them is to emphosize the impraeti.cabilitly of) the heads of the two Itoyalist factions,who were conftantly bickcring *mong thems**]v<*sand playing at cross-purposes instead of linitingagaiD-st the common enemy.The personal prejudiccs* nnd 8nimosities which

have always been such influentwl factors in Frenchpolitics, and which have so frenuently dominabedpublic spirit, to the injury of tihe country, ap¬pear here conspicuously. M. de Falloux has notwTitten an autaibiography in -these volumes. Hadhe done. so theywould. have arpcaled more stronglyto the general rcadcr. They contain rathcr a

political justitkation from th*? Itoyalist point ofview; and the Royalirt pointof view when statedby one of its best and ablest fmndt. is so confusedthat little t.y_puthy is likely to grow Irom thw

presentotion of it. The candor, eiipaoity, modera.tion and adro-tness ol flhe author are ahown in-citlentally and indirectly. Writing not for literaryeffect, but hietr.rically, M. dc Falloux has set downvery littfle of anecdotio valuc, nor are tlie fewporttraii's he draws tsufficiently ooncise for quota-tion. The translator, moreovex, bas not done tliebest that could have been done with his oriiriTiHl.He is often slovenly, and somctimes involved.When lie undertakes to paraphrase French verse

he is absurd. No secxets are revealed, nnd littlethat is new is statcd. Perhaps the utrongest im-presaion dcrivable from the memoirs will be tliatot tlie hopeless latuity of Uie Frohsdorf counselsand the general futilitry of the bnsy intrignes aeton foot by the French Royalists during the pasttwenty years.


For Young* Ladies.City.ART LECTCRr_ FOR LADIF_-Rev. Dr. Gardner'*

.chool tor girl*, 607 Sth-ave. Mra Oaidner. authoref HI*tory_ln Rbyrae. Lady taacher w»ntad next year.

JACKSON SEMINARY, _,02- Sth-ave.. New-Yor*.-boardino-achool for Young Ladies and Cl.lldren;

term*, *300 yesi-ly.^_____V4N NCS-sTaN INST1TUTE (Fonnde- 1*57). BOMB

ANF* DAY SCUOOL.-Cantn>.l I'ark, WtK. »t 0*24-*-fMorgaa _t»o*lon.) Ume. VAN NORMAN. Prlnetpsl.QO WFST 1»0TH-_T..Ml*^-» JACOVB htl'iDOl, tor00 Touiig Ladies and Children; »econd term bcglii*Manday. Felt. -Jih. Farent* are Invlted to vl*lt the »chool.Danclng class under Mr. De Garroo.

ForBoy«.and Toun» Men.City.UNIVERS1TV GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 1,478 Broelwey,

aear 42d-st. : 6.d year; prlrr*ry. comrnorcljl and eiaut.eai deD*rt_cnta; tniiructlon thorough. M. M. HUBllY,W. L. A-IN. N. C. Hli^DRICK'-ON. Princlpal*.

W_ OODB1U1M.F. Staiooi., 82 . ..*.'. Flnaf-lah- Two hundred »tu1ent* have oecn

prepared for Cokirablr.'School of Mlne*.

For Both Bexea.Clty

A^CITtCULAES OP GOOD SCHOOLS. FUEJ_; *t*ta. wbeth^r for t~r* or girl*; elty or country. IX. K*

AVERY. Ameriran 8e4iool Bureau, 2 West 14th-*'.. N- Y.

FRIEND-1 SF.MINARY. on F.utherford Plsce, (oppo*lt*>Stuyv*a*nt bquaaai. corner IBth. Open* 9tb month

^^sohooMor both aaxes, *rlth a esrefully graded coursefrom the Klndergarten to the Coileglata Dep-rtment th*litter belng «»pe*l.-.lly de»l#nad fer preperatlon for en-

trsnea to all tha leatlng eoliegea. Tho Frtnelpal I* la at.

tendarice to rccelva *|.pl!c_at* erery morulaaj_¥ EARN TO DICv'WANn ENGRAVE ON WOOD:1_ M__lea al2 Ut *10 per week when eomnetant; puj.lla_u-ht tn c'wiu ul by appotBUnent; m.Klerate ehsrae*S? i-ltlSn. MKTwJfl'oilTAN ENORAVINO STOdTo,240 Mr_*d*«ray__roon*.10._

HR BERLITZ STHOOL OT LAM-UJAWES.Madlson Sousr* (26th-*t. snd Broadway).

1J--1S BEGIN NOW.Branebaa: Braokttn. Boaton. Wa»hington, PhUadelphl*.

Art Schoola.

MRBV LOTJISA' S. CULVER will resuire ber ol***e»,trom Oetober 28. ln Drewtaf:, Oil and WsUr-eolor

Psintitig, Btlll Llfe, Plowcrs and Landtcape, Chlna Patnt-_g snd DecoratloE.__^ SO, 28 WEST 2JD ST. .

Referencea: Mr. D. Hontlngton. l,r--l?en*_,N,.tu__»lAeademr of Daelar.. Mr- William Ilart, N. A.; Mr. Jais**U Ilart. N. A; Mr. DandaJohnsun. N, A.

Bovb*vk1 Young Mon.Countrv.

I-LMWOOD F.CHOOL FOB BOXB.-At Mllford, p.ranta Wao yre unforttm*.* tn th* ro*na_en>ent ot

thelr i-u*- wlll alo well to proOt by the advanfjge* ofteredgy tW»_*ehool._^A»dre*a FHANK M. HOWifc .»".

1"i*MEHOLD IB-TlTufE," Freehold, N. {___*_*.* feurth year; for boy* anl rouug tnen. Addraa*REV. A. G. CHAMBEltS, A. M.,_ PrtnelpM.

VriviNf, IN*3TI'**irTE, Tarrytown-on-Mudson. oflers up-J?.LN_v.n_fe;T _/S<*H_la%___ "l_ru.l,onfor thelr boy*. .S_reH^ A. AHMAI.NAU Fh. U.

"ivtFW JFRSEY Montclalr. N»ar N. Y. nt». Box «01.NhOMBANI) K.IIOOL FVK YoV'Nt'KI-, U«>\bB_utlf_i Countri-*est, Home Tratotng, Thorough HvgtraeUon. ln^rld nel Cata

^ ^ NewbOLD._Pr*?____i^.r__-' .nlri'Tt' lNRTlTI'TK P.R1IX*KltlltT, Oonn.p __s_i__ii_s_2I .£<°r*Lnr£****. Partnta -_lway» pleaied. Begln* Sep- 1». itmo.

Fot *Xre*tm* etkttoou^ B joMES, A. M.. Prlnelpal.

i) __*W1_VaS aVT-lU-ARJ'^A^F^*. Cg»1 TER. 27T11 .T.Alt. A MILITAH. tOLLW-JE.Clall Fhgln^-rlng. ChemUlry, Archiu-.fura;, < l»*rtca.

i^Uroio'y'Z__T COLOMKLC. ¦¦ aXXAtXl, Pll-f-l.risHE-Jr-REKS-l IIX. MILITARY ACADRMY. Peaka-TWU- ^^r-Tf-^n*.. U. D.. l*rlneW_flTaS ^^V^ARt^LA^^ _-_?e_»d by 9 fa »*Ml4*Bt, loachara. ltoya aud youngrmtk^o^utilly - tod lor tka^beat coUaWJ* w*d ¦nlj"-*»»«J£_7_.Hr,, _:hoala. or for bttUu***. Thi* whool offer*Ki^_ol_... -f bealtkf- loeat_n. homo con-ort*. Bru.-_____£ra^^th'*_*-M-tr»_lrig. aa*!duou» car* of baalta.!__._i?__u*" £*! and _iaaif-luali.n ol baa boy*. to con.

__f__f__-*nt noSklua let a school wbara thay maymtS __ldwS lfsaci t_fr aoni BpectaJ In.truotlon glvonp__STVrA . Sff-Utry. 'tha twanty-wcond y_i wlilbealo Sept. _

!?.,rlA»n riekaltill, N- *.-A boardlnf ec-bool torv *^mi~K%AMmA*iruKDVfAJU) P. PEARSON. B S. Frlnelp*!*._



xx a nome tor m»i *i. ~r i__a.SBtebllahtrt tl .mr*. _*?«»;. A__EN.^WtWtOLFiAU, {j°.A^r'gloi,_YV'P,BA.(Rn«.|

Jne.r_i_t.on._For Tounff Ladies .Country-

c_^«,_a_,s^_f,,_sss_|CABO-INB M- UKK1US1I. A. U


QOMI. >n* DAY hCIIOOt. KOR (.IB-.S,, ' W'. «'/£{*».Qulncy raethod to^c-lldren-_-...BAQ.-KT 1NSTITITK Short IIIIU. N. ^SSrlSlYoun^dVr ^'^^T^^BA^^Vli,

For Boen Sexes.Country.

Catalogue. W. 11. BaNMSTKK, A. M.,

Muslcal Instruction.I?ENCINO, EJX)CUTIOX. MUSIC «^2°,(£rtS?_T lNG.-Flfth-a\e. ConaervBtory of *_¦.. _^%Vi,'Dancing Academy and Burllng *lMWL°lf ^ 1 _..i u*and Instruction Rooma, 80 ."»-»v.ll7__}?1r^ntlonaar*; Hall* to let for profe*Hlonal rehcaraal*. i-tcptlon*.aermon*, _'. _____.._________._...-


____r_rTEATUERS *upplled. np charge; teaeher*.wantod; no reglstraiion fe*-; vaeanclea aiway* on hand;

form. _-_-.!- '- fi. AVfiitY. American School Bureau,2 Weat 14th-st., K. Y._AF.KRFTT STONE, private tutor; graduate of Yalo;

. recommended by Rev* D. Wm.rM.Wor: "A »uc-

eaaafnl teaoher^g.iiiently^uaBje____J_____A-__Or__-OKS. Tea.-I.ers, Tutors, (inv r:i.sM-s. -All

.trattoU* auppn.d achoolB _..d taOMa Olwolaraaehool* to parenU. Modern apokt-n. JBlKIAMCOVRIKRK. 81 Ea:t 17th-*... >.--t. 4th-ave._ai.d H'»ey_"T~MERICAN AND FOREION ^^S^IJSL^S*.A aupplle* Profeeaor*. T^achora, Tutora, Ooyrneeae.,Ac to CoUece., Schooi* and rimlllea Apply to

'Mra ITi YOUNG FULTON. JBJ___ B_oare._

SCHOOL TEACHER wlahea to belp ehlMren lnachool If-won*: French and plano; highe»t refer-

BenceT Addreaa "EDUCATF.D." Trlbona Braneh Offlce,1,828 .._-..


_*,<._«,S_^^^^W.xt _Bd nt Basaommenr-s achool* to_parcnta_

RIVATE IMBTRUCTION.-An experleneed tutor_M-aM for college or bualncs* *, auperlor clty refer-

enceS. PA_dret_ ¥a_K GBADUATfe. Box 43, -Tlbune

OWce._._._..irOMAN'B EXCHANGE TP.ACnF.RS' BUREAU (forfi l,*h -e-V*>._pplle. profraaora teacher*. MlBIBH-B*mualclan*. houackeepera cmpanlone, chaperonee,*«.. »

eollegea. ichool. andfamllles j alao bookkeeper*. .teoogra-nher* and copytat* to buslneM flrm* ___». -.__

Mra. A. D CULVF.R. S29 .th-ava. Naw-Tork Clty.


--O-J-E-Ot. DANCING ACAUKMY. 80 .___;_j_. botween 13th and 14th bi*. ; pr!\»to and claa* Je»»onjall honra; lady asslstants; cpeclal term. *or _«".>. ¦¦_famllles; claa-os at.ended t-lty or country; waltz tau^ntrapldly; clasaes afternoon and evenlng; term* n.odei

A LLEN DOpWORTH.~NO. 08t F1FTH AVENUE.__ Claaso* and private le»»on»

For gentlemen Monday and Thuraday evenlnga.Send 2-cent »tam_> for clrcul»r ot term*. Ao._

TF ERN"ANDO'S-Daneini Academy. Ta. Eaat *«**_«;r New claaaea now firmlng for aecond term. AU

Fa«hlonablo Dancc*. Send for elroolar.


STARIN'S EXOURSIONSBook* I . A.M. to 6 P.M. Dally. I Season

Now Open 110 A.M. to 1 P.M. Sunday. | of 1889.

Apply for liiostrat. Eook. deicriptWe of tbo largestand most rompleta


GROTPS AXD PLEA8URK tJROVXDB.Plar 18, I. B., foot Cortlandt lt-

TCE CARsMVAL AT MOXTREAL,A FEBRUARY 4TUTO OTH.Tobogganlng. Snowshoelnp. lee Palsce, Fancy Dres* Ball

at the Wlndx.r Hotel, _o-, 4c.For programnies, rallway excurslon tlcket* and arcorn-

modattona In drawlng-room and aleeplng ears eall on tho


ROAD,at Noa 1. 413, 785 and l»42 Broadway. 12 Park Plaro,6" W'eat 126th-st.. Crand Central Statlon and 188th-auSatloB ln New-York 33:1 Waahlngton. and 730 Fuiton »taand 3V8 Bedfordave.. Brooklyn. ._____,

Trali.^ f.'i MontreaTleave Orand Central Butlon at8 am. dailv. earept Rnnday. wlth drawlng room car*. andat 6 SO p. m. dally, wlth »lceplng-ear* running through to

Speclal *leeplng and hotel cara can be ehartered for theu«e of private partle*. _^ _m_

A Pleasant Winter TripTHE Sl'EASISHII- OF THE R£D ¦ D" LINE.

Sailing every twelve day* for Veneruela 8. A.. a

I'l.nd of, W. 1.. .fford .n _n_o,_*Ue4 opportunltyto those wl*hlng to make a abort aea voyag. to ihe

Theae steamahlps were buUt by Wm. Cramp A Son*. olPhlladeiphU, specla'.ljr for tho trade, and aro proyldod-lth every molern appllanco tor tbe aafety. convenlanooand eomfort of pajmeucei--. ________ ,__...

The round trly I* rr.»d8 In fnur weeka ot whleh 18 day*are «p*nt tt aea and »t varlou* port*., ind from »!a tot»n _av* at Caratia. Thl* beautlfnl clty l« lecated8 000 feet above the _et_ and la eonnertel wlth iho coastbv rnfl. lt haa flrat-cta** hotei*. pte.aant walk* anddrlvea »nd a ellmato unexeelled anywhere.

For deaerlptlve pamphiet, fta. »pp!y to

BOITf.TON, BIASH A DAM.ETT.General Man-gcra. 71 Wall-a_. Naw-Vora.


A "-BOSTON. via Fall RiY« Line, only $3. for flrat-cUsa llmlted nckets^ reducuon to -.11 nthnr

DtilnUs. Stea_ei» PROVIDENCK ; OLD COLONYleave pler 28. N. R. foot ef Murray-t a. 4 :S0 p. rn.sie.n dara only iSundar trip* wlll be re«nroed ln April).CorinecUon by Anrct Boat from Brooklyn end-Jeraey city»t 4 p in. An ..r he.tns on each »l»im.-r.

»i-^n_rwSisf§_PSvriti.;l'^T-sJSES**-¦"=Brookivn. at ofBce on pler, and on steamjra K.___-_"Weatcotfa^fTlll eall '»'»».;._.- A«"_*from hotol* and re.ldonees. _>. *v- -»**"». A«rnl

NEW-IIAVEN.-Steamers Ieavo Peck-slip(Pler 23 E. R.) at 8 p. m. and 11 p. m, (Sunday* ei-

eept*-), htoattaiB arrlvo ln tlmo for early tralna north audeaat. __._Cit.NlK_.To-i j__m_-FARES RFDUCI'D-lNSirTn P.OUTE FOR BOSTON.

r-3 IMIOVIDF.NCR. .2 25; WORCI--STER. «2 50i»a*aen.ers ha\ . ctu.lre of throo exprea* tralna; ro-

cllnln. chair* fieo;of charge.Steamer* Maa«a,<:hua«tt* and Rho.le I»!and !ea\-e New-

York from now Pier 88, N. R. ono bloek above-Canal-a...daily. except Sunday. at 4 :30 p. m.

COVRT 0ALEXDAR8-T0DAY.8rr-BKE Cotnrr.Chaicbeb.- Beforo Pattcraon, J.-Motlon

c_all-.fl *_t 11 o'clock._ _.__.MCFBEMB COl'BT-OgXKBAL TEBK -I>cea* untll thl* mnn..

IstrREME Col'BT-SpiriAI. TBRM-PART I- Beforo Ingra-)_m. JDemiirrcr* No*. 24 7.'_';._. I_w and Kaet Nea -.'.1_5K. 78_.11V_.111S. 1100. 110% 1107. 1111. 1045. 1'_'.-.'-. 1.r.'.l. 1..1S. 1-34. 1-35. 1388,1241, 1247. 1248, 1251,1254"f-VrarV- OCBT-SprcIAl.Tr.Rst-PABT II..r.eforeO'Hrlen.J.-Noa 1190.1188. 1118. 831. M9, 1M4. 010. 113-t. 1175.019.902. ;<¦;:., 1098, 1102, i'JHi, WW, 1140, 80, 1141. 1116,.1___, 1__3, l\2C, 1128, 01. 936, '...Hi, 1128, lonr 1130.1110,08tsCPBBME CofHT.TiRCfiT-PABT I.-Before Barrett, J.-

No.-. MM, 1M0, 3417,24J3, 1844.2687, 9604, 1404. OT11,2.71, 2488, 2_85, 3691.24! 1, 1694 _ 3606, 3508, 8080, 4,11.471H, 4714. 471.'., 47-.1. 2,V'K. 2543.HIPREMK OOCBT CIBCirr.I'AKT II..Before Lawrenee. JNo*. --:«:'.4. !_3_fl, lO-'i, .-!!'!!. 2310, 12,'>«, 1272_ 2 'f»l, 471s,

2291 12M). l-'7'."-. -¦(>-l.'.'s-.r. -H.~,_. 3804.28052«<K!. 2f7I. '_'H73. 2874, 17:.'.. 2188, '.'801-MUPaan- OOVBT- ClBOttrr.PART IH Itefore Andrew*. J

-Noa. 2:171. 2888, 28»7, 54)7, IO'.-'. 28«1, 2455, 3001, 2610,240371808,3816.3810, 3817, .841, '.'145, 2876, -*.7('. 2877,._e7N. 2878. 454(1. 'JHT'i. 2880,HUPRBMK COL'BT-Ciiu.i it -PART IV..Before Beach. J.-

Nrw. _K)1, 27H1. '.^', 4761, 2841 _ 4832.'.996. 2757, 2833,¦_ts4:t. lligh.-st nnmber reaehed ln Clrcnlt Ko, ¦-''sho.HUBBOOATB'a Cocbt.Before lunaom, 8..Willa of Owen

MfAr.ilt. an.l M. Mt AM. loa. ni.; Ci.rneli* M. Ktewart andWm II. Kloraii.-e. 10 :ju :. in.; Jolm 11. Krioke. 3 p. ra. Fwprultate-Willa of J. V. BUora, sellna Koater, P V Orbeli*.Bartiara Meyer, Itrob Cainplieli. 10 a.m.; .lanies M. Shaw.Mary lieCopte. Jame* carr, Margaret MeNally an.l Jehn*. 10 in.isirpKHioB _.»> bt.OBXKBAt. TBBM.Adjourned untll Feb-

ru-rj' PiE.oa COOBT.Spicial TBRM Befoto Dugro, J..Mo¬

tlon*B_rf_BM nC'.riiT Kqcitt TKRM -Beforo.Hednwiek. C. J..

A.ljotirueft until Pebrnary 16.MuriaiOR Coubt-Trial Tekm-Pabt I..Before Truax, J.AtllO.raod tor tk. tenn.

noa OOV.t Tuiai. TKRM -PART Il.-flefore Kreediri.t.ii.. J.--Adjourned for the termKTFRRIOR COCBT.TRIAL TKBM.PABT III..Before O'Oor.

int.ii. .1 Aillo.inietl f..i tlie term.COMMON PLKAS.OKNKRAL TWUt-AdJourtietl until Kebni.

arv ti'OMMOif Puea.-Kql-itt Tr.aM-Adlonrneil for the term.Commoh PLEA* MTRfiAl. TBBM.Beforo Botilutaver, J..

No. 1-COMMOa I'LBAS.TBIAt TERM.PABT I..Before Van II.« -.. n.

J -No*. 1072. 1255, l;l02. tflt!, 10 ''. 158, :.:..'.1080. 10H4. II 17, 47;;. llii'J, 1292, 145, 964, 1101,1108, '-'!4. 185. 1100, 1107.common Putaa.Tbial Tebm-Part II.-Adjourned for tho

LtTYOOsTBI 0*TB_-ALT___ llefore MeAdam. C. .1.. Nelir.baaao.1 Khrllc'i. -J. ApiH-nl* from lu.,i<uieu_*.{'IlTCot'BI 8PK-IAI. '1 r.RV. Rf-ftmt llru-ue. J -Motlon*.citv coukt tiiiai. Term paiit i Bofor. MeOe~a.j,.

A.llo' f»r lle term.CITT C'oOBT-TuialT-BM-PaRT li..Before Nelirbaa, J_

A.ll'mmetl for tln- term.CITT Court.TKIAI.TEBM-I'ART Khrluli.-f

A.ljouriieil for the t-VB*.Ct.i-Rl U»OT_B tM) TKitMl-»:R-F.xtrat>n1lnary Tenn-Be.

fort- lliuiiel*. J. uii't liistili. Attoru.-y **ettowe. No. 1.OOVttt or (Jk.sKKAL *s_aaiON8-l'ART 1.-Before Keeorder

Sinvtli nii.1 AaalsUiit DU-TJet AllBI'BBf HtB_M.d Xo*. 1to 81 Intiualve.

(,'ol'bt or OUtBBAf. Kkbhioxb -Part II Before Martine,J. and Aaalatant llistru t liavis No*. 1 to 17 inrluaive.COIRT or OENRKAI. *|(ist* I'AKT III -liefort. OlldBT

aleeve J aud Aaaiau-t DUtrict-Attorney Jeroino Noa. 1 to21 luclu.lre.

PRINTINO CLOTH MARZKT.FallBivbb, Ma**., Jnn. 2«-Kfillowln«t I* the prlnt B_Bt_

atutomont for the week ITixlUf-.tloo*, 175,00(1 plet-e* .ieliverlea. 176,000 *lo< t, none snle*, 108.000 »pot 12,000 andfuture* 1,-|4.IH10. Tbe future »»le* extend into Jnhaale* were nuuUs at 4 <ii.t» for 84 by64 aq_tre*and u.iniln.-illy;t 1 ltleetiUtfor 60 iivMi < L.tlia. The market waa flrm an.lIMtlTf.


OH. MARKKTS.(iu. crrr. lan. 28.-Natlonal Tn_u»lt Certtneatea epanad at

88.: lilghoat, 88'a; lowoet, H«'»i r.loaen. «7. Hals*.586.000 barrel*. ciearanne*. 2,264,000 l«rreU. rhartara,_ Imrret*; ahlpraant*. 104.:'. .1 litrr.-ls run*. 61,17:: i.arrel*.riTTSBUao, Jan. '.'0..Pfroloum lower. MaUaoal Tr_»*lt

Oortt-s.tna opoood al M: elotoA al 887., hlgiieat, 88:loweat, eK'.n.Ai'foKi>, l'e.iii. itlooal Traaali CorUfloataa at 88; cl.wod at 87; hlgheat, 88: loweat, M6Vt/lf-r-ni-ca, 1,402,000 bbl*.Tm.»vii.i,r., Penn.. Jan. 26..Jg*Uou*\ Traualt fVtrlttl-stoa

»BB>dat8». b-__ieot,_8. lowa.t,86 .; _'oe*d87>





Sundn/. .Tun. 27-p. m.

Persons wl.o obtain their idraa of -lotistiee

from the off-hand publicaliona which are mado

for speculative purpose* cannot fail to ba agree-

ubly disappointetl with the eharaeter of tho ofticial

report of the Nation's commerce for the last month

of December and for the last six months as pub¬llshed by the Biirent, of Hie merchan-

dise exports for the month of December

($85 m 481) wero lnrger thnn in any month dur¬

ing the last six year,. evrrpting December, 1884:

they were $1V>00,000 larger thi.n December,1887 an.l $'100,000 larger than December, 1880.

The imports of m-rchanilise for last month were

Sf .100,000 greater thnn in 1887 and $4,200,000OM*- tlian in 1886. The specie movement lor

tha month rrmlted in an excess of export* of

M v.l MI, of wbich excess $6,800,000 was goldand $1,1 72,000 waa silver, a_n*nst an exeeas of

exports of $700,(i»0 in December. 1887, and an

mum* ot imports of $0,880,002 for Dccembc.,|88l Henee, tbo net e-crss of ox porta waa

M8 858 608 for the month. or $12,000,000 greaterthan for tl.e month of 1H87 nnd $14,600,000greater thnn for the mcnth of IMt,

For the fix montl.s-Jnly 1 to December 31-

the merchandise exports were $4,200,000 Ieaa thanin the period of 1887 and $5,000,000 1-es* thnn in

the i**riod of 1886, while the merchandise importswm $1,300,000 greater than in 1887 and

$17,800,000 greater than 1886. Henee. the ex¬

cess of merchandise exports for the last six monih.s

was $5,400,000 less thnn in the period of 1887

ar.d $22,800,000 less than in tlie period of 1886.

Tba difTerence in the specie movement.*, however.left. ihe net bnlance in favor of exports for the Instslx months nt |4 *,$$$,$.?, Bf-t-TI an 9X9M9 ot

...ih S2,**21,:.r..s for ihe period of lhN7 aml

820,001,843 for the period of 1886. or the i-x-

tam in exports of S19,710.7*<h in tlie speoie move¬

ment In Ihe last sjv montha $10.84? 304 was goldand $8,86H,:il)4 wns silver. The silver cxpori(91 7,24 7.5lin was the largest amount of a cor-

responding period for aix years, nnd i!i<- importsnf silver ($8,:»7W,146j was tlie smnllost amount in

the same period aince IIMFor tho ealendnr year of 1888, the merclmndise

imports aggregated $7'.V-*.4,1 "'.i-an Increase on

1887 of $17,000,000, and on 1886 of $62,000,000.And yet, after importations in the two yeara of|$$8 and 1887 aggregntlng $1,431,000,000, ihe.nmitint remnining in bonded Tv:ir.*liouse M theend of 1888 was $100,000 le«* Ihan tlu* nmoiint

lliere at tbe begmiiin*. of 1 *****.7.'Uio following lalrtca _ive the fl*_iire* for tii

month of December and for tho aix month.* of

threo years: ONE MONTn.Mon handUa.

xr.inth of December. lfJrSB. 1887. lc*-*TmnorUT VM.27H.I02 8S..I1I.SS! toO.4M8.104

Exce** of export* ^l-O.IK- ?_!.118.328 t-4,207,877Specie and Bulllon.

Irotjorta..:.T... 813.083.075 a3.901.723 e2,883,7*J3K.pSrS:."""'-" 3.7-3.773 4.010.7tM 1I 42I.BQ4

Kice** of export* ~"7.777 9* '1.231KXf't* of lmrK.rla B0.-Saw.tf02 .

NetValanee*.Exce-aa of export* ai9.C40.5W »2l 9_7.80_ .33,858,606


JoIt 1 U Dec 81. laaa. 1887. 1--**

ImVarta..- »SS4 8M ¦*3_-'fi___lKxporut:!". -s.,111 3S4.9IO.two booJMAmExeow of *xport» *>*>058 370 a3a.572.10a 028,117.800

aaaul* and n.illl.n

K»±:-.:-.:- "WM Wftffl *ttSMttof r-apr.rta *%TU 7«>*>

Excom of lmport* »

Net Italar.f\r*.% of exporu aCO.001.SI3 a2.821.508 847.828.307

amounf of lroported merchandise r<

ins in bondad warehouae* at fhe end of l»Yrrmb«*rwas $31,900,070.aa increaae of $2,7.H.t,l 84 fnr

ontb. nKiiinat 1*1,-94,7-9 I'>*.-eml>.-r 31,und $:i-',<i: t-hmt 11, 11

The immigratlon into the l.'nitcd Statea lnDeeember waa 18,033 persons. nenlns?l>*eember. 1**7, and 21,178 m D..mber, 1 HRrt.IIip totnl inimi-rntion fnr tht* Twelve m.mth*i-n-led Dcecmlx*r 31, 1888, was :,IM.:,1H. a-jattSl

Uli. ___A_KJBi STAH.MI.M'.Th* I'mted States Trensurv l»«t w*ek recelved

from enstom* 8t.'."'*. '"' and trom interiml rev¬enue $8,488,8-1 : total from bath 87,:.03,821,agalnat $8,805,99. f..r the prceding week. A(.miiwrisfiii <if yestenlav's Trrnaury alnieineti'with tliat of n wei*k ano a reduction inKa i'<t .asli Nilnnee of onlv $388,801, wlneh, al-l.iwin- fot tli<* weelt's allver eoinage, indienteea dlsbtiraemeiit of i.v.-r $8no.o00 in exeess ol tt,

r.s Tba featun* of tlu* e.ifii|iari.s..n i* tne'Ir.-uaurv's rontiniied has* of roM aim.iintiiiR t..

$2,381,087 and a irain in silver of 81,n02,67:i. It*liai'iiitv for the Ndemptaon of aorteadarad Natiomil.c.iilt DOtea was redneis-l $771.T70, so tlmt tbaK-.nii fo ita snrplua WM $530,-89 for the xWtM

inltied ire the reauiu of reata-rdafa atat-rnent tom-

pat<_ wlth Uioae of the atat»*nv*nt of January 10:J»n. 19. lS-D. Jan. 20, I8S0. l)iff»renee»

Gold roln and bul,leu certificate*

,retrr.^.000aOC.577.058 a04.«16.041 Dae. 82.581.0_7oerttBratra ..** 8n.OtW.22i 30,187.803 Inc 111* '.7'>

N«t. taril. ..o'-a r,.b-J8.7_- b,»20,20li Di-o. 18,404Hllver dol'ra and

ilOr'atea . 22,104,890 23.997 Oflfl Inc. UB^$78C*»h In Tr^a'y. ai54,.VJ8,4IO (158.821,171 Dec B-07,*_U

uSaa-T baa_ST_ 4i1.3.i9,.'.01 4«,894,290 Inc. 34.788

Tottl kalaaaa, 8200,017,071 8109,715,470 Dee. a2-7-,&01D'-lurt for fund*

held ti r*4«*mN*- t/nk nol**.Ineltid!**.* thu 5la-r nm fimd.. 9.', 101.9.7 94,390,187 D-e. 77^770

Net avallaU* __,__.__. . ___,__¦balanc* $105780 011 afl.V325.-83 Inr. f5S9,-09BANK coMililoNS COMPABED.

By tlu- oj.erali.iiis ol l!u* New-Yofll Snbiir.v in tha wi- -U i-ii.Ii*.I Frlday .*M*iiin*_-, wliich in-oladad raedpta of |1,010,018 f..r mhi _kra frotnihe Aaaaj Uttloc for export aad pnymaita »1$2,067,880 for porchaaed bonda, ua Nan ^'^.Imiiks giiineii $r.s*.,o:;'.i eaah. v.*si.*i.l:i.v's bank*atatemenl of average -Toi the week repocta n gainof 88,887,000 enata oret tha avrtafea of tha p»e-ecilinR week. FoltowlBf our estiinntes of ¦ wi«*l<ii«d.that 11m ImiiK's tlieti licld $3,000,000 BMrfanah tttan ii»* areratjea ..f that week.the gtmrefleeta Itrg,- rereipts from tha interior, nnd n

dioates *Mb 1101.11111."* at tlu* olose of boarneai |rlday evenlnf <>f aotna $3,000.000 more t(mn he

.1 reported ln tha atatfinent. lin* loan va*ex|«mded $8,498|40$, Tha r»*|.ortcd increase of87.4M7.000 in deposita la about tlie g_in wlichthe other ehiuifca call for. Tli^ statenent reatltain n praln ot si.'..*.>..>,'*.r,o 10 tho Hiir-plus reaanre. indl<-aves it at $20,014,800, iiRninsf. $83,358,139.Jatmary 2P, 1M88, nnd $,."I,'.'98,4.'JO January -".1,

Tba ohaofaa f»r the wtak of 1 s$. traca ns 'ol-lo\\s: Loana. Increaae $1,300,200; oaah. incrata©$8,144,'.00; .l.*|>< sits, iuereiiMi $.'1,100,400; mJaurplna r.-s<-r\e, increaae $:.,,:t44,:i:iO The chaveafor the weelt of lH*s7 were: lx)nn*, inrrase

$1,808 $4.--7,800; tlf[k ii-,uk 12,900,800; and aurpltia n*serve, ini

$8,608,075. Tlie ehaafeo lor the week uf 088\M*n*: -Loana, Increaae $1,804,700; eaah, hsanaaa$4-6,800; .i.p'.sits Increaae $4,11 $,$00; and oir-pius rf-s.T*.., deeiaaaa $'.',The atat.-m^nt cnni|* wlth thoae of corre»|v,irllng

date* of 1882 and 1888 aa follow*:J*n. 28, '82. lan. 2.1. -8S. Jan. 20,'-<9.

l/iBii* .832*. t' "*¦'.* I"" ci:-'Knecia.. iir*.:i'.'i co rt3.:m.s .-00

l-oaal-f.iiil-ra ..... 10.773.1^0 :il .l.'HIM..Ita . 810.100,400 378.247.'.»00 4.'l

Clrcalailoa . 20,040,800 7..1', 11,700 1.7:1 000Tho follnwInR »how» the reUtlon bot<.v.*.*n th* tou re-

.erve and the total depo*lu »t tho rr*|yrtivfl d.nt^aH[... |.. .IIH,ar,5.eflO »88.3(W,hOO $rW,.VV,200

._ 10.778.COO 84.

Tolal ri*a*rv*.... 4«s. 129,200 8117 820,800 .aTM.OT.C-OOR*Mrvc requirisl

aaaliiht de\toalla 70,02.,350 04,501.073 100,08,200fsur,,lua . 83,101.8*0 888,858.88ft 820.01,800,rf)all« 2,.n, 81.14>| :i|

I bt following ia Sotnr* ,,-nt m ,|(,,,|:

B*nka. \ U r*. Ix>f*It*.B~ Vork."." ~~'« to.iMH) I.OhoiManhatuu <'.> '" '"''¦"l"'. S.lao.lNK) fl'ooil

t.nlUliii Sal . "»! 1,132.41*1,1, !,.*. ln ;.!''-7.HH) B2M.1O0

M.. !, A TtmX '...::..I.i:<*l' ll.t 1.01.

r'0; 342.8011 2.9I.4II.IAinirKi.N'al"ilK) 4,.V*,:i,i»O0 ..'.140 Oiai 1541000Nat Hk ('.iiim>| :i.4S4,70O| 1...1!XitHn*l«:i) ¦''.-".''' ti'M.iOO_*ro*_.eNat.l 7,754,6001 1,149,0001 84)6,000 8,81/JOO

Pieiflc..__Nat Bk Beptib c

Chatham Nat...I*«»flrt.______-Bk No AimrtcaHanover Nat...Irving Nat.|ratC-t_M_r...N.iAaaii.Market- Ful'n.Mt Nirliol;i*Mex-A LeatherCorn Ki'-hangecuitaienusl.nrli iitallinp * Tradera'Nat ParkNorth Itlver....Knal Rlver.Fuurtli Nat...

Becontl Nat.Mutli Nat.Fir*t Nat.Tlilnl Nat.NV Nat KxchBowery Nat|T_ Cuiiify NatI,. Ann rChaae Ni1 fih Avenue..

ii Ext-h'u.(icrmanla.V 8 Nat

in'.ilii Nat.(iarfleld.Ktflh Nat.Hk of Metrop'a..West Si.leflaaboord NatHith Nat.Wt-atem Nat....

The bank exchange* at the New-York Clearlng Houaeand the stotka aold at Ihe New-York Stock ."xchanw forthe wee_ of three year* compare aa followa:

Jan. 29. '87. .t-in. 28, '$8. Jan. 26, '80.F.xchange*..:. 8701.850,881 »549,45|o_0 »068,68l,888U*. ****** **.... 1.977,844 888,242 1.0SS.912

THI FINANCIAL SITUATION.Tho money market has settled down to

low rates without an indieation of any* changeuntil tha usual April movement hegins to dntwmonpy away Irom this centre. Lnst week up¬ward of $1,000,000 of gold wns cxported, but theTrcasurer paid out at this point nlone overS.' Tho enmmon rate for cnll lonns nllthe wrt-k was 2 "mt cent; thr exceptiona were| ..-'.' nml 1 1-'.' p.-r o.-iit. The demand for tlmeloans seeured bv pledge of Stock l.xchange col-liitcrals eontinued tn ba small i.n.l much less thanthr supply seeking placement; bo__0__B wns doneat I per cent for si>: months and .1 1-2 ner centfor tk** months, leaden prefcrriiig t<i make their.ngngemenis for tlie longer penod. Of couise, theintes named ure lirst el_s$ c.-llafcrals, Imckct.l.y a eorteaponding credlt on Ihe part of thaborrowcr. I nder otiur conditions rates for timc|__M rnmrod from 4 to 5 per cent. Ihe foreignexchange market ruled flt ni during tiu* week,hut uot yet M Ifttes which wurrnntcil tho ship-iin-nt of gold mndc n.s an exchang* oj*-ration.Government hoiuls ure slowly drifting into theTreaBtuy, bul still so long ns the punlhaae* ag-¦tejpte an average of $'.',000,000 per week, thereis Rt-I- donbt tliat the disbtirsfmenta for themwill cxectl anv exports of gold under cxistingconditicn- fhe result of the slx monthsino.ement. of D-Tch__odJse and bullion, as reportedhy the Bureau of Statisti.-s and printed above,plaeee tha conditions or the country'« foreignl.ih.nceg ln a very illir.-rent. light froui that lnwblch thev hav.- Deen recently generaliy regarded.Unquestlonably. the conditton of tlie local moneymarket nll April 1 largelj dependl noon the rntloof Trc-aury purehase ol bonda to tha export ofgold.', there seems no r. lason lo antiii-iKite any ehMgB Irom lha CK-ftWg conditions.

RAILUOAD E._T.NTN<;S.'Uie wecklv report of railrood enmings continuea

:;.- teronble rxhibits, aud it is not because<miii£s for tOie eoRCBpondIng week of 1887

aad 1^88 B8 a rule were uniiMially small, on

:it.-...iut of hlu/anls or anv oth.r exeeptionalca.i.Ms. Another thing.tha nnda r.-pt.rting now

ing Bo upon a very smali additional nnmberof mil-s. Thl Iribime ha.s printed th'- «ross curn-

thirty-foitr oompanres oi -jratema lor fhethlrd week la January The nggregute gain on

tbe w.-.-k of 1888 is $303,1 ->4, or 1*17 mr n-ut.ol the whole iiiiniiur only six compnni.---

p.'K.rtf.l roaaea aggiegnting lil,ill,000, or 10.1Jt,r f.iit. We have priiit.-.l I<>r |he wcoiid weekiu .lainiiir\ tl.. groBB eeminga or system* giving.ui aggrf.'.ite guin of $31S,742, or 0.17 \*-r eent.

the whole nnabtf only liftcen mmpanieaI loaere. aggregatlng H.,.77. or 8.o« per

eettt. Ihe following lulih's divide the nggreg-itesnml differences of the i-onipniiic.-, showing gainsiiliil losseslhirl-.e_lnJ.n-16.S8. 18*0. Dlfferenee*. P. C._8e.,m*-.M** $1.7*8.02!, Ine. »__i.75_ 5.178 coVpanlea.. .(.-4.148 182,627 Dec. 81,021 1072

Total S4 eomp'* ai7ofW,:ilt* $1,071,452 Ine. »«0S,I_4 18.17ri week lf.

44 eawpanl. .. $2.(iiJ I" $7 00..878 Ine. $880 210 14-"004,477 8.00

Total _a eomr/. $1,381.72. $-.047,408 Iac. $813.74$ 9.47

THK WF.HK IN '1IIK STOf'K MARKKT.At the Stock F.xchange la.t w»k the unusual

BaUrrty in tho lK.n.1 mnrket prt_cnte<l morv <>fnovelty tlnn did the wurii-out manipulation ofthe ahare mnrki t knd fe| the daaling ln lionda

lA.-liange rcllects only u fltnall portion ofii!s.i<tii)iia whlch daily are iii ide ov.-r thers of the large deah-rv as ll.e bettrrf bonda baeOBM s.-irco ond hard t» purehase

at ra_a0_nhl$ rates, fhe df-mutal for isjtues or-(in.ariiy not regnsdad with B_a_ bhth fayorsttadllv has incr.a. .1. Thia l.t.turc laat weekwaa parttciilarly developotl in *b* lorgo deullngsnt> an ndranoe in lt_ur.-s fnr thn i'liii-ulelphla undK'li.ling 4* nnd the llrst aud second prefcrence

oi tha Kootling is only $29,68. an- v<-tlistrd. An appllrntion to rurtin-r li*Jt alxmt$:i,MO...0H) .M-sts-rilay t.fterii'.oii aitor Brflhdlgll.iuirs \rj>.| **Ut* t-taisa orlticlnn. It aormwltl..- additional smonnt is a inirtion of t-hose bondaf.iit or the ft.twl of $100,000,00. authorixetl tssun,v,in.-: .ii (4m tr.a-ur> of «he comsjwny,but wbkh tha trusteea Uod dstoyed ts> dali-ttuntil thia Hiiie. Toledo, Ann Art.or and Norib

ist r.« also m*ra nnnannllv nct'tt.- withan advnnce of nliout) '.' per cent. 1'itt.burg andWestern llrst 4s ifiiraetil attention, and althoughthen WBIC no a:il.-s above 77 III, they closed at

- Iild. Orlit-r issuea t<i which rafacctteaa weremade durng __M tftttk wero miu-IiI after at full

i arnlng to lha $ti rtt ipeonlatlon. last week wa*BB liarn-n «if new fcntitKB as hns lietii any .if itspredeeenon. It ia the soms old story of manip-u latlon t< rr.-ate i!itt.-iist, ixnlte feors and m.duce n aelllng of st.x ks, all for the purpose thatihe sellers of ttv.lve mnntlw may bc aole to recoupwtthout diaaattc to _h_-___»iT-*. All |Missible de-

w-i-re BSBployed to rr«-ate the iutfiression thattlie " |0-tl__nen'B agraemanf ironld urovn t<> (...nothlfig mor.- solid 4linn nn 0et4t_r fnst, undertlie bnrnlng njra <>i tha Chicago diacnaaion. DnilydlapntehOfl w.-rc lenl from Chl'-tigo and publlshedln New-Vork of bitchea here aml there nnd oflha pri.mim-nt ahs.-utcs fioni _ha ineeting. Stllltha gantlmaai continm-d their dailysesaionB. aml MOOMlag fo ihe lic.stobtainnble informaD um tsfch day made someprogres-s tOW_rd the i'.stj,li'islirnent of th- rulcs amln-trulatioiis __M$____|]f for tha enrrylng ont of theDgreetnent, Thr. eharnotei f.f the result whiehWlll Im. ohtniiicd wlll »mi improved a liundred-fold by the care and deiiheration iu welghingfully eticl- proi'osition liefore It.s accejiiaiice.\ hasiv ronclusion woul.i oot prera wortli tliei.iut-r rciuuei to angroaa ItThe tniU about elloues being Innded with stocks

nnd that the spei'iilatiorj lor thnt reason is int daiit'crou*. Btttwtion, which is contiiiued and, more vi-heun-nt us the stungth of then.ark. m. ..- ap|.arent, is Bimply nlle,

n is known to nll such t.ilkative patsoBathat then Ir not n Stock Kxchunge llnn borrow-ing '-'.» per cent. of the amount of n.-m.-v whi.-hbei-stofota they hnvc Ih-.-u borrowing wh.-n rarry-ing largo lines of stocUs. If any MM who islong of etocks hns made a mistakc and continuesta a*_ka. * tui'.t ik.- in still carrying them, it isnot Wall Street, gpeonlators. Dnring the waahAtchieon, Topekn nnd Sanfa F>', and poor little[wXM Bnd I'a.llir were the .hotf.'im.s i-mployefl

ft. frlght.'u liDna-llili' holders of good seeuritiesinto seeklng a mark.-t. How misernble a failureUM efTort proved to ba our " Weekly l_ung.-''will show Withont fiuther explanation. Theaffort wa-. tuoocaafuL however. to tha <\tent ofindudng dahMM aad a waiung f.»r events, orfor what mlght h<« the temporory resnlts of ihe-[.. ial mov'-ni'-nt!. r'fened to I'he limil ehnngesgeneraliy are niensured by small fractions sciircelvBXOeedlng !-_ ner ..-ut, and Ihe ohief feature oftl,.; v.-eek's deattngB was a furthei- demonsti-ati uiof the solid charurter of the holders f.f stocks.

Siihjoine.1 ih onr iisaul table, giving the numtx-rof slmre. sold of all stocks, |£_ highest, lowest,.nd llnal prices of ihe week, t4>g_tM>. with theHunl pri.-'-s of a week air". preflxed i>_.the Bventgep'loes of Jnniiary 19, 1»88.

WBBKLT ntso*


Ateti T..p <ft srAtlan A l' A N V .M. ic tl.nrl ril ei N.-ifana.UsHm.ii.-rii.caniuia l'lteltirCent la 1 ).i ii. «. entrali.f KJCentral Paciitc( li. sA Hill....le lAO lat i>rfhe* A u -itt pri Im-.t I'. II

III pr.... n


¦I 4

t 1 ).rll AO...

PHI I' M A () pr.< i,i. nml .1 ytlllr Kl ._ I*_e ..

< W A II

mlOal II %' .* TolHel i_tikA Weatln A. .1.

Kl.) .11I.enver A KC nr.I) T A KtW.lfaiKToanV- Oa..l

K Tenn ist pref.F.Tenn '_<t pref..Oreen .*¦ TaxaaIllOntral.K <f D Molnea.I-k* K W.-*tI.E A Wpref.I*k* Hhore.Lona I*land.Loul* A Xa»liMalionln* (*o*l...Manhattan t'on..Mrm caa*.Michigan Cen....M l.S W.M 1.3 A W pref..Mlnn* Ht I..Mo Kan ATe...Mtwourl PaclfloMorriaA E**ei.Naahl'hA 8tl...New York Cent..NYCAStL.NYCA Stl, prtNYLEAW.NY I.E A W prt.NYANK.M'NII* H.NY LaekA W...NYOnt A W...NYSnaq A W...NYS A W profNor A Wpref....North PaclfloNorth far prf



16446**98 490441

86 I 64 i 04 I72 I 214 21"*

.-.*._; 4*, 5*418 18 18

115 I 1134 1144*.. 4*4' 4'*18V 10 I 1864 I 82 63410t4. 101-al 102014 91 .01674 66-V 67*.40 40 40

4*.l 41)



884 84»«60 41 581,94 I 93

134| 12V 18,78 71-%* 72*4147 145 (14783 8341 83'a108V 108V 1084

17-* ia

0 1 ll<l A *AOhloAMl**..Oh 10 Southern,.... .,

Oregon linu.I 51vOrer/nn RA K...J 94Orea-on '1'ran*_()re_-on 8L.<nn* 8tl, prtPeo l>*e A Ev....Phlla A It.-rvllna.V Ft W A cwoPullinan OarOo..RlrhA Alle-Kich A We*t Pt-Illeh A W Pt prf.Home, W AO*-...Ht L Ark A TeiSt L A San FranHt L A 8an F prefHt LAHF1 prf...Ht Paul A DuluthHt p Mta A Man.Mouth Carollna..T*ie»P*c_c.Tn Pae I.T.l.'nion Paclfle,Wabaah.WabaaD pref.Wh A I,tre»r*tiW**t Unlon ?el .1Adama Expre**Amer Expre**....V 8 Exprwa*W.-lla WmTfO Ex.Amerlcan f'able..Chk-OaaTruat...Paotlc Mail.< "oiiuoiLUted (laaPhila.1*lphla Co..('.u.eroii f'oal_ColCo-1 A ironMarahallOoalOo.Mirylaud Coail...Nf A 1* Coal....Tenn coal A ironOotatio Mlu iirQatcfcallTer.

9041 04V 92%ea84479109

717*,io****138479107417*«79-av04 "-a

326 j-»¦*

a*--.i4U81411 4B<4>


8. '454

110164 j62V


70 I 694an*.] 27-%85*41 84'a45*41 «**4

268 264114V 114'*


3.1.8342080 *a

1843246128 >4


22 »*




11 1122V 3112 1370'41 «89:180*.!43Vi|;o


2341 32484! 474160'«l 1-0419*341 1S741441 1441 1448«V 22*,l 334


79 789941 fl684 8424'al 24


63'|| 814, 9_f*%j




118',40100',4214180341826485*4'.1481101-68243ti*«86482 47929431410






13*4 12'a304i 294324i 3136 3884


tt!146 "j 148109 Ino75 781344 136814 83364' 36 4!38 30B04 63-a -«

e. .




365110ir.493349826*4004!J14i224J7.4.9230 *>4l434

\__148*4187144.24 478*«9948*4



21418468412424 41614841451107513583436384Hi

























24 196300



. 4161,370405773




Total ahare* *ol_ for the week. 1,038.912« Aaaeaament* aaipald.Tbe followlnf wera 8atur_a-'<i quotatlons for .*_-

lUtetl aeenrlUea,:' iBXd. 4a_ed,

Atlante A Char I60alrttiie atock

Ho* Hart A Krlanewitoek.

Brookljn Kl* ._<*alif(ir_ia PaeClileA AtUuUoHrneflcUry 8

Dul 80 8horeAAtlantic.1-

f*o pref.V....E Tenn Vlr Aii,. 1,1,1 ,-,.*,i .k4Hojin-f. 4

Flor BallANartC>.A-.Deprjt.P-,«.OeoPaeiae. 134

Xanawha A Olnoiim_<in.DolatPr-fI*o2.lpn*t.... >4

Mexican Kat...._.....imi-onfo.?....N jHoutuera... **N Y I'.tiu A U.. 4

llo pref.4WYW8*B.... 1NewportNew AMlaa Val to....

Ohlo i.fitral....PeoaA AtlanUoSt 1, A Chieago

i)o pref.TuIPboA Mer...




Bld. Aiked.Ocean Steam»hipUt i<n_r.. 1014

Ohlo Ind A Wlat A<vru IutCert*. 60Do2d. 40

Reloto Val l»t 7* 87l*o*M7*. «7






Oa«_rl.y M !.A 'A !.*a










119 123


liopref. bTo*l-At.ii A Plke'*Peak latO* ...

At A li.irlott*Air Un*.* lat 7*

Cal P*e lat Mort44*f*o2d<*)a*r

OenP*e 1*1 Mor

lin 2-ineoneD*o*n6*....I>OlBCO_*6*

Ka.i«ha - Ohlol.t6a. 68

KluatatoaAP*- mort. 105Lo N A A ChlolatOaOAldlv

M«ia_<'»Conaol Bood*..

N'owb'a ntehe**A <'"i'U ln.' Nl*N Y A ajrmu !->lat n.ort.Do2d mort

Nor Pao HH t*(Pen d'OrrllT)lat Mtge Operoent.

Nor Pae BKCo(ModlT) latnitaetlperc'iit









104 108 |118 ....4





Tv-hCentUtfUVlek AMed lstmll'6*.Iao2d mtffe_I>o3d liii-ome..

We*t N CarollnaCi,n*nlO* 1914

Ark 8f*fe " N'oaHolford " b,la

Oeo State 44a1915.

¦Vlr state " Kl.1-dleberaer" bd»

IH. 10-40 lal*Ellxabeth t-'HyA.IJnat 4a. 88

Mol.lleiirv tompruuiUe bda..

Rahway city Ad-|n*tmeai4*....

Amer Bank Nol<*o

Amer Cotton oilTroatC.rtifl.- t

ConUneotal.'oniA IrupCoTrat.tock 36

J*r*-Coakn mt*-Trn»l (.*« Uetj6* 1896 68Dol897. 98DoltatfH. 98

KeelTMotnrOo. 34I^-hlgh A WilK*CoalOo atock.

Mt I>'*.*rt A BSI_ndt.o$5.. 1374 175

N Y Xjoau A ImStock. 61

N Y Mntt.I Tel 97Neworlean* P'nI_nd(ir*Qt bd

North KlverConC» Heiie_

Pnatel Te. CableI4f,4__.

Th* Nal TriaCoPlpe IJne Cert

Thn UruDiW.ekCompany_'..Bowery. ..

ICnlumbla. 13040*| <*-mtu*rcial. lo7al'Ftfth NaUooal. 816

' Oeruiau** -!.»M-dl*on Sq.uro 100MoontMorrla 360Murray- Hill 350Prod Exch»u*<\Hlxtti N*U<>n*lTb.nt NationalWr.tSktn.

119 .

(M ?


























CLOSIKO PHICEb OF BOSTON 8TOCIC8.Boatoa. Jan. 26. 1889.

Y**ur4ay.1>-4»y. ___

AlAToal*»7. 1184 119 iWWjrrl...At*TopI._7* |Wl* OBBI K Rai-TobHR . 604 49 eom.__rt_i*A_a7 3034e3O34'WU Cent R R


MHoatonA Malne, Iluil_a-»BA ynincy. 1"0

Cln Haa A Cl*...Eaatern ¦_....EaaWrn R *t6*.Kl'.ntA PaaKlItilA PM prt

ty Ht / AC llluff*7a

Kan Clty 81.

ATi.,ue«l>!,ti Oe10*4' <-ew)._. 34

44 24Ye_lnro«_AlIec_» 377.98 93 .Catalna. 171244J134 .rranklln. 14429 39 illun.a. 4499 89 loareole. 16

Pew*blo*(new)..123 .... iQulDcy. 70

:Bell Telepbone.. 310. Iloa-.n I_>d... 74134iWater Pow*r... 74

iTamartck Mlu*. 14H684lMaa*Oeatr*l ... 15

l.ltt RockAFtS7*.*,-*,

Met Cen eom .. 134M«x C*n l«t M*_*¦ 1. .... e*4WY_K_B_ . 464 45 18-n Diogo L Oo.HYArfKn-Ta 126 ;W«.t End Land. 274U!.ir-linr ... 1704 1704 LamaoaSVo Set 674Ku I land oem. .. ._'________






CLOSINQ PRICES OP CAXIFOItNIA 6TOCB_,San Franei«.eo, Jan. 26 1889.

VesteTdayaToday.Alto. 3.4:. 24.)Hulwer. .$$, ...-.;BeatA Belcher. 6-6'.'.4 6.75Rmllecoo. l-'O .n.ollar . 8.25 ..¦¦.

OM ..-a! A Va. 8.00 8.00Crown PMnt... 6424.6.124iH>.il<t ACurry. 2 70 2 76ilaleANar .. .....

Mexican. 3 35 AMMono. '*.'»U- Diablea..... .-¦-»___*.j°_

Yeatardar.To-dariNbt»1o. 1.00Ophir. 6.26Potoel. 3.45Harafe. 3.10taierraNerada. 3.00iCBtor. Ooo. 2.05|lt_h. 1.26Yellow Jacket.. 4.40C.nnn.i.nwealili C00,Belle 1*1*....INerad* gneou. 3.60;!i !¦>;!* I*. 3.45

1.1*05.'25 .-'..>4.40OM.45SHO3.50


1887. I8P8. 1889.

K^ee-fVanV; 9XVm SOg 813.^Jan 1 t« Jai. 21.... 'l.00« 87'MO 80*»tw

t 1NC1NNATI, WABHINCTON AND BA1.TIM0RE.v.-,i_. «f mlle* 281 881281Th^l we?kTn jVa! 846.155 837,980 888,998Jai. 1 to Jan. 21.... 12».W» H8,'.)40 114.31J

UFTROIT. LANSINO AND WORTUERN.N*-mlM*r of mllOB..... 208 268823ffiU iu Jan.- 814.074 aULIM 816.00:Jan 1 to J»n. 21. . 44,305 88.421

I.AKF. ERIECAND WESTERN.Niimber cf allaa. 648648Thlrd week ln Jan.. 6>_4l.07a .W4,-_5'J*. 1 w J«n. «.... 102.504 87.M9

MII.WAUKEE AND NORTllfillNNumber of mlle*. 221308ThiT weefc »n J.n- 8W.508 8J5,M7laa 1 to Jau. 81.... 48.328 46.601

NEW-YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERN.Notnbor of mlle* 320 820820Thlrd week ln Jan.. 810.429 825.800 82.V.V*)')I,,, t to Jan. 2) 88.014 71,856 70,714

ri'.ORlA, DF.OATUR AND EVANSVILLBNumber of mllea. 254254ThVrdli*..*.-* lu J*o- 818,678 Blt.200jau. 1 to Jan. 81.... 47.380 3D,82«

RICHMOND AND AI.I.EGIIANY.Number of mlle*.. 252Thlrd >»''ela ln Jan.. . 88.582Jan. 1 to J»». 21... . 20.883

ST. _0_18. ARKANSA8 AND Tl \ ASNumber of mllea.... 785 1,188Thlrd week ln Jan... 837.4*411 84 2 0-.1lJau 1 w Jan. 91.. 112.407 l87,3-.*u

WABASII WESTERN.Number of mllea.. 880 1,001Tb 1- week lu Jan... B91.693 801.784*Jaii 1 to J*n. 21 258.866 .07.017

WIBCONSIN CENTRAL.Nuinber of mllea.... -..8'B. .,_,.,?,18,Thlrd *a<*h* lu Jau... 0*o. 12. 840-14Jan 1 10 J»n. 21 110.978 134,944

t iNCINNATI. lUCnMOND AND FORT WAYNE.M1111U*. of mi!**-. 808680Second w.'.-a- fn Jan. 68.*:.- »0.3«3jnu 1 to J«u. 14.. . 18,144 U.404





254an 11.580,851

253f'J.'l U_00.333



818849.-0414,".. 147

Number of mlle*. 248305Woiid week In Jan. 88,872 aO.'.IH*Ju:. 1 to Jan. 14... 12.790 t4.422

CLEVELAND AN1) MARIKTTA.Second week In Jan. 65,795 80,008Jan. 1 to Jan. 14 10,570 11,774

ERLANGER 8YSTEJ4.Numhar of mlle*.... 1140 1.149Hecond weelt ln Jan. 8120,474 8127,957Jan. 1 to Jan. 14.. 218.734 244.265

II1.t'.l Slil.-0.51IO



FLORIDA RAILWAY AND NAVIOATION..Number of mllea. .,..'' _

M*Heeond wee* ln J'l".. 810,872 822,837Jau. 1 10 Jan. 14.. 44.480 40,(131

I.KVNli 11APIDS AND 1NDIANA.Number of mllea.... 473472

week lu Jan. 832.0-JlJan. 1 10 Jan. 14. 07,275

ORAND TRUNK (CANADA).Numhar nf mlle*. 2,024 8.418Weak endert Jan. 12 . 8268,230 6208.850laa. 1 W Jaa. 13. 530,848 808,411




IOWA CENTRAL.SecoDfl week in Jan. ''*?-___ **,**Jan. 1 t© Jan. 14. 47.860 &4,5__

1CANAWHA AKO OHIO.Kumbor of nule*.... . 120 7«jSecond wo»k In Jan. ,ftS__ *' $1$J«n. 1 Ut Jan. 14. .'.864 _,»,$

K-»_UK. AND WESTEI.N.Number of mlle*--.- 148 ,148 11*fce.ond w.-ek ln Jan.. B3.04*) $0,487 $* 8JlJan. 1 to J.n. H. 11.298 12,074 li.iej

KINGSTON AKD I'KMBROKE.Number of mllea.. m i*» iltSecond week ln Jan- $1,321 $1,o82 il.MfJan. 1 to Jau. 14. 2.230 3 f« _ 3,75

MK.MPHIS AND ('HAB-Jr-STON.Number of mllea. _._,_-?? .__ 2_? __».»Second week In Jan..' $*7.82l $83,600 $39.fi_,Jan. 1 to Jan. 14. 74.290 ^7,53*» 7..21,

OHIO, INDIANA AND WESTF.HN.Socond weelt In Jan. _!_J. .*¦?.».Jan. 1 to Jan. 14. 50.280 64,71.


, ,847 » 247 nTS.'cond week in Jan..' *1«.3M f *__5"iS2 'L5'05*Jan. 1 to Jan. 14. 3J.0I8 8_.828 3_.ooJKANSAS CITY, CMHTtt.N ANfli SPRINGBIEI.1).

Number of miles. 103M IMnm week la Jan.... $2.0S0 .. $4,280 .3.3^

KANhAH CITY. FOP.T bCOTT AND MEMPUIS.Number of mlle.. 071

__-__ $7tFlrst, week ln Jan... B70,__$_ ,0.0.778 a7S_lg

FINANCIAIi MARJtETf-,I>o>n)0's-. Jan. '.0.-2 p. n_-Atl_*tlc e*i4 Great W<_t«ra

flr*r-tnorta-ge Traateo*'I'ert'.ncate*. 3_4:hrt«, 28'. .0 _*.nnd ronaol*,' 104V tit. I'uul C.nimon, 05 H Bt-dln^. '.4*..Mnzican Central first uiorttrage Ix.tids. 71 '*.Bar ailvnr 1* qtioted at, 42 0 iOd per ounce.Tlt.-riiteof diwoiiui ln tl.e oj.-n market for both thort ___

three months' t.iil* i* -J a 2'* por cent.Money 1* 1 r/14 per eentParl* atlvicea quote 3 por ceut rentoi at 83 frane* jjv

eenttme* for thn acoount and exchange on Ixmdon at 25 frt__|'27 cetitime* for < heek*.The amount of t-illiou goae Into the Bank of Englaud co __,

ance to-day U _!38,000,Siianlah 4s. 73 _.

iUHU.s, Jan. '20.-.Tho autement of thn Irupenal Bank *\Oermany ahows au Inereaae in apecm <>f 17,480.000 maras.


Bl-TTMOIB. Jan. 20.-Cott~i qulet: Mlddllag »»*Flonr acttrn, ateady Howard Streot and Weatern Huperna.$__0_>34O; Extra do $3 50_" 60; P_*_lly do $4 06<.J__-Clty Mill*. Blo Branda Extra $5 25a5 40; Wlnter Whaaipatent $6 50_>6 00: Springrto, do$« 60<_t'75 do. do. Stral_.|$.100*0 40; do Kxtra $4 65a-5--5. Wheat-.'sonthem qaiot;FiilU 98_.105c Ixmgberry 0tS*lo5c Bo. 2 Soutiierait'.l. Weatern quu-t tmt f)rm;No. 2 Wlnter Bed apot st01.381 4c February 01 .«:; March lr_..9_%c; Anrj93 _c- Mav 94-V- C.-rn.Honthern actlvo and flrm Wh:u4:;_.4.*>e Yellow 41 a**3c. Weatern active; MlxM apot aaiJ-niiary. at41_»4l4fl; February at 41-\2 11 _c; M*r.-_43494_4r Hlcamer apot _'A4»:l9»«o .No. 3, 38c Oanqui'-t Souiheni and Penuaylvania were quoted at 30#33c; Weatern Whlte 32_>33e; do Mixed 2--31C; Qrad*.Xo '2 Wh.te 3'-'.-! 33c. Rye q'tiet, steatfar at 5fl/rGflc. It.ysteady- Prlme 10 Choice Tiniotliy $ir<>0*$17 .10. Pro.vl.ioii* dull Me** Pork at $15 00 Bulk M*_t». looee,8ho.iliteraf._c: C\o*t Bib 81de. 74c: do paeked 9V.Bacon- .snoulder* H_c; Clear Blti Hide* 10c. II.msateady at 12>**121ac. IapI ateady; p. f.ned a» 9>«_,Buttorflrm; Weatern Packed l«_>'2lcj Beat Boll;Crt-merr WktH. Kgga »te__y ai ir.-Uic. Botmlejuatiiilet Bffintsil 7f Coffee ..iii.-t an.l steady ; B10 r__-s«a_, _uf7J"c. R.«_r qiiif-t an.l ateady; "A" Soft «V- ___olpta-Kienr 6 0()t) bla. Wheat l.ii.K) buah. Corn lfp.000 bush.oats '.'OOO bush. Bve l.tSW buah. Shipmenta-FIoar 1.90$bbl*. Wheat '-4,000 bush. Corn 109,000 buah. Helea-Wheat 170,000 ba-h. Corn 143>X» bn»h.Bobtox Jan. "J8.-F"."ar tbtf and nnrhangad: Commoa

Extra $3 60O4 *25; U istonsiu IMti-Dts, $6 3.S-*$0 90 Ba.kelH H_tent». $i> a- ->$»' 80 Mlnne*ota Patenta, $»1 269.8O1Hnrina Patenta. Choice t« Fancr 81X0**160. Corn aalal_i'ii steady, Hte-nier Veliow 4.. ...48.c ^teaint-r UtvA,4t~j_4.'. -<* U."t No <ira<le, 4»5»4:tc. OaU qulet. lewar;Nf. 1 Whlte ***t**\ No. 2 Wlilto 35s4''r.l.*)Jt<'. HhorUdallund aiiuhangi-; ixr ton. $18 00</$*.'.-00. H-tt-quiet- Weatern Extra Cre-merj -«<.; Eaatem Extra freaaverv -2._.2.'.c: N'firil.frn Kxtra Creamery 26'/-"c. Prorlalow»te«.lv New Mew Pork $15 25*15 50; Old Me** Pur,$*.; o6_H0 2-*. Kxtra Prlme New $14 50a 14 76. Lard$S4».$.50. Hams*t_-ly; BoBton Hrnall ilI4_.11V W' *'¦«*BioaU m«_ia.' Bts-f qmet; Me»*. 91 i.,i8H00. KxuaMena. W50-«875: Kxtra Plate, $10 25^$10 50. Ch<*_Orm ; New-York Kxtra. 12-12 .r Vermont Extra, 12c. _mdull and weak; Eaatorn Kxtraa. 19-.20e;t Vermont f.t.traa 11_-20c; New Harnp*hlrt\ Kxtra*. 19.f20c: We«eraExtra. 20c; Weatern- Fir-ta I8c. Becelpu-Flonr :v«$bbl*. and J.OOtt aacka. Corn 8,500 buah. oau 9,.40Irnah. Hhorta 18 ton a.

Cuicaoo. Jan. 20..The I.idl.ig fnrnret rangod aa follova:WIIKAT so. 2.

Openlng. Hlgheal Loweat Cloataa,

K.n._ry.. . __f*J »»** ..»'?¦Mar .. -. «»'* W'i »8W.j_|,..'.. 89\ W", 89*«W.


Febmary._ 38 85 35MM_rch!... *6*t 8**4 .«"- 30.M_jr;....... 37 37 3«'4M^

OATS no. XJannair. ..¦. "wFebmary. 25 . ....

__.,_... 27*. 27', 27. _7,MKM rOltS. rBS BBL.

Jannary. H WKebruary. 110'2*_ 1170 1180 1180UmJ. 1190 12074 118* 1197.

labd. raa 100 ___

January. . 880March . 882«a 885 8 774 69J4May. 8.96 895 8hSj 8924

aaoxT aiBs. raa 100 uu

Febmary.... «024 6124 6024 610MarctT. 6 14 8 20 tl 16 8 174_Jay.. 0274 830 822. 0»Flonr dull aod anchanged.C**b atiot-ttlona wfire M follow* Ko. 3 Spiin« WTiemt 9.9

n6'«e. so. a sprui^ _rt_PB._,a7_»*_!_#fc_w«i_aJ**A .»

boxwl $8 $74»5<_ WTilskey. dlBtUUr*' ftnUh*l *;<xi.U $1 0»par galloti. Sugara-Cut Loat 7'* <__4c,- Uranulatod 7>*0i_t*n._id "A" 8-Vc.

Arttelaa. Bocetpta. Shlpment*.Flour bbl*. _i«_J 11-000Wheat. luah.. K000 . VIOuOfora bush. OT.OOU e«.no$U.t_.-u»t.. 81,000 61,000Bye,bu»h. 2.000 6,000Barley. buah. 35.00. 3..00OOa tho Prodnoa Exchange to-day tbo Batter market was

dull; Eigin Creamery 24_*2jc: Choloo W.sitem 18(r-Mi i.'hiico Dalry 10-.18C; Oood to Cboico 11 * 1 __,Kgg* eaay a. 15c.CtsrcixsjATL Jan. 28.-Cotton ateady. Flonr qulet. .teady ; $4 23»$4 40; Fancy $4 *_*0»$l-<0 Ulianf, dull.No. a Hislv7c Corn light deinanil: No. 2 Mixed .15c. uxtaflrm: No. 2 Mixed at 2M*-.s<,c. Byo dull; Xo. .

54 .f 55c. Pork nomlnalat $I'2 -'5. I_trl .it $. 7 V Bult.meat* dull Short Biba ntmitn»l ot $ti*«7*-.. IUeoa east:Hhort Clear at $8 la^... Whukey/ataady ; *aiea of »..*$ flmsnett cw-l* on the basi* of $1 03. Bnlter qniat;K*ii. y <re»in»ry I'TdfaSe Pnme P*lry ia_»l.V. l.irseed nilttrniat 5ti»5So. Sugar qniet: Ilanl Keflntsd 7_tf8«; N*w-Orieao* 6-*<t'\\c. Kng* dull: Cummon and I.i.til $1 iHlB$4 '...'); Packlna and Butcher* B Wajl sv .

l.'.n'O; atnptiien-* a.I.)... Kgga atoady at !1»'.'.V. C-Msonr.u Choi.e aad Ohlo Flat. 104411- Eaatora KxetiaagSOrm an.l unrliauge.1.DBTBOIT. Jan ae-Whoat.No. 1 Whlte, raah 100c; Nx

2 Be.t </i»r. 971**; May 100\c. Corn -No. 2 caah 35e; Feb-ruary 3".e. Oata-No. 2 28c: No. 2 Whlte _«__. k»-eolpt.-Whoat 11,500 bush. Corn 10,000 buah. Oau 130$buah.IXDUNAPOUa. Jaa. 2C.-Wheat .trong. No. 3 Bed tUSo

HA orn steady No. 2 Mlxo>l 32c bld. Oata weak ; No. '4Mixed 28c bid.Milwack-K. Jan. 2ri.-Fl~ir qniet and ateady. Wheat

.t*««ly »sti M'-.e Mav 93c. (oru flrm No. 3, 31c. Oatastttuty No. 2 White 2"c Bye ****%, weak No. 147 i-jc. Itarley IiIl'Ii.t Xo. 2. 83c. Provlsiou* w.-ak. Pork.Caah ar $11 45. _ard-Ca»h at $.'. M J-ruarr $7 05.Buttcr ateady; Dalry 17*19c. E«g« qulet; Freah at tdo.(Tit-eao qmet. ateady; Cntstdara 10*104c. Becelpu -Floor1 Tu.) libla. Wheat 13,700 buah. Barley 3$.300 bush. Ship-nients-KUiur 11,000 bbla. Wheat 7,400 bush. Bariey 17.-00buah.MtVNT.APOl.ts, Jau. 26.-WIieat nnsettled; shadn higher.

Ctoelntr .iiioutiona wctv: No. 1 Hani Januarv $1 16 A*.-Vbriiary fl l-i -» May $1 lO'.ion track $1 18. No. INorth.-ru. January $1 «-j >t» February »1<>_; A* U*r$1 ..41* on tr«.k $1 01 -il 05. No. 2 North.tu, January92c do Kebru-iry 9ac; flo Mav 9.'.c o:i track 90 »I*J_lteccipt* were 104 car*and *hipnei»t» 34 cara.J*Hi_Al<Bi_,itu. Jan. ai'.. -Flour dull and weak Weorn

and Peun»ylv»r.ia Superflne $-' 85-$3 $0; do.. do., Kxtra.$1 :,0_f T6j No- 2 Wlnter Famlly $4 00#$4 50;P_nn«ylv*nia Fauuly $4 na .a$4 75; Ponn».rlvaa_% BollerProce** ..'. (H)./*5 25; 0*0, -'-s»r $4 75a>5 00; do,Btraigl.t $5 '".lifS -25. Iti.tiana, Clear $4 75 985 00; do,Slniiht $5 00<$.'> '25; St. Lutila axid Southern Illiao;*,Clear $4 7-,.'«'i .*'. .'<>.'.... Str»i»ht $6 00-.$. 25; Wln-tar l.teut, Fair to Choice $5 40,i$0 00; MUtaeaela, ClOBT$4 SS .*.."> 00 do., htralght $5 124-85 8$ ; do- Patent $8 00i»t-; 90 Byo flour qmet aud weak at $3 00»8 16 for New.Biif-kwlit-l Bour Ina.iue an.l w.-ak at ** 00*82 ISper UM) 1'.*. f^r New. 'Wheat flrm and ateady;No 2 K.-.l for Jannary 93,4.-9:P*i do for rVbnlary at93»«c- do for March at 9.V»9.-._r; do for April 95s* *Udsic tlo l»r Mayul 97'«;.«74t\ Kye nonunal at 6*0 forNo '2 I'ennsvlvaiila. Corn qulet but flrm No. 4 Mlx*d iagrafndepot :l>s«' N'i ' Mtxett ou track 3* Si«. tlo In export tl.vittor 37«' steamer No. -' Mixctl m fri_.ii .biMit 40c «U> lu ex.

rort atorator SOc.; No 9 Miie.1 in eraln depot2e No -' Mixe.1 in export elevator t\',v No 2

Mlx'etl tor Jannary 41B41V do tor rebrnary 41 .»41 .*.;io for March 4l».»42c; tlo for April 42 .-^'.c; do forMay 43V>4»r. Oats -Car lots ruled l.x.ii demandllirlit- Beltftetl Whlte at SOc ; W lute at 33 4c. doChoice at 38c; tt*. 3 Wl.ite at 3-c No. 1 Whlte Bl .lioiee 341»_3t<.jC future* "teady ; No. '-' Whlte January33\a34c* do February 341«->34V: do March 34 ..ido ftir April 34J,-»36'_f do Hat 36'*« 35 V- PoUtoe* dull.but ateady Wkiui PoUU»a Jfow-York an.l Wesurn EarlyBoae choloo BOc p*r buah.; K_rly U..»e, fair to goo^35 *40c; Burbank. and Whtlo St_r. cholc. .C. .iA-mVaiutnolli I'.-.irl 40.II.V Hebi'f.iiand Wlnte Kl.'j.hanv 40,-45.Pmvlaion. dull. Beef-Ctty Famlly **i0 5o_HIO0 nor bbL:do do packet. $9 5l.,rl0 Oo: :!m ,tt Beot USl'Jo. ltt»fllsmitUOU. Pork-Meaa. New Ar. OOtf-16 60; do PntuoMcsa. Now $14 50: do. Faimiy *7. i 00918 00. Harna-Smokod, 11 .»12c: do. 8. P -t* **. ln Uercea 10_>ll*l

Lard dull; City Heflnod at H...9-: 8t«__rt 9^-10^:Butrliera* loo^i at 7 _r. Butt_r ilrni.^- PeunaylvaunCrt-amtTT Extra at 27o Western Craomery Extra _*___lB.0 and N. Y. ( rt-amery Exfn. »\t 17c; We»teri. Faet-ry14»16c; Packlog Butter 11 «>iao.» Eifjr* dull; Peunayiva.iaFirau 18c. Weatern Kir»U lH/.lt'V- cheeae *t.«'ir;Part (l_»8c: Full skima *2_:3o. Sugar -Beflne-1 tir.n:Powtlered 7 ve 'Irtuuir.: 1 Btoatly i WIbUTBnui $u; .'.0..817 26 I«>r ton. PolMletim flrm: 70 AM*2l in bbU 7o HeeeipU-Flour l.«Ot»|l.bla. Wl.eal5 700 t,u»l_ Corn lft.OOO bu*li Oata O.a-Ki but;.. Shio-tiienta-Wiieat >.'.HW b_*!i Coro O.'.'OO buah. Oata 0.20a______

Tolbdo. Jan. 2,-Wheat aettn. h.alier; caahi at »04»tMay ;ui'ic; July 80c. OomJldL ateady j oaah__f«_l*_f.t7'.c ()*t* <iu*-t N Wlnte -27--. flov.-ra-ed actir*.nn. «_*"*;. :.¦-. 'M ireU $5 36. Itece:,.l* -Wheat|.-..0W>tmsli' t'orn 4,000 1'usli. .-sl.i.inie*!!* WUml 3,000 buah.Coru'f..iKK) tuwh. oat* 1.000 buah. ...o bag«.


PRODUCE MA.BIT.tritRroof. Jan 2'I .'-' u. m.-Beef-

of lli>-demand. Pork I'fi- supply is

priBM W.-siern iii.v *¦nielv Bacn-4-V: short rlb4.-.:.. 50 n.s. dullaiHolilrri .iticr mo.eral.flrm a. ">'.»* 'sl- Taliow II..,.at i-.'s:i.l. splrita of turpentl-BokleraoaTof li.-.., eoumu.dsUHolder* offer freely futur.s lln

Wheat Itotdcr* offer *iMiringly. Ffc)

lt..,., i. UMaa Srew-TBTB st.t'e llyni" r*! w»:>. A.I...H-S lard oloaed at t

rentliiit-sper 100 kilo*. ,_AvtwitHr, J.m.a.l- Petroienm-Finopnle Araerte. IS

25 ceiuime* |i.u.l aud sellt-r*.Iia_-_.v. Jau. 20 r.ll.laa a ¦"> niaxks 15 ptennl.*.

8P RITS OF TUBPENTIMB.Chabi_«tcix, jan. -jil. -TurpenOua rtrui*. 43 "a»Wiluinmios, Jau. 28. -furvecuue __i«Uit %***