public urn, mm m 10evolume 40—dumber 48 saturday, november 3, 1962 970 gratiotavenue, detroit7....

VOLUME 40—DUMBER 48 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1962 970 GRATIOT AVENUE, DETROIT 7. MICHIGAN' _ . - w . mOIT PUBLIC Urn, ru ... Mm M 10e * Cfu»«dar Per The Invincible Triumphant Divine Rights of Man SINGLE COPY, TEN CENTS; PER YEAR $4.50 MINISTER ASKS NEGROES TO LEAVE WHITE C HURCH 7 Love The Colored Race, But There Is a Lot of Confusion Being Caused. .." SUNDAY, 10-21, TV, CH. 7, PRAYER FORUM NOT ONE CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST DEFENDER! HENCE, A BASIC, MORAL ASPECT IGNORED - THE DELINQUENCY OF MULTI-MILLIONS OF SATAN BOUND. SATAN-ROBBED. HOMES! by Andrew F. Fruehauf, C.S. +++ AND— MILLIONS OF HOMES ARE INVADED BY THE DEVIL VIA HIS MULTI.BILLION $ RACKETS! ALCOHOL, TOBACCO, IMPURE WORLD OF LETTERS, ENTERTAINMENT! O N E R E A L CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST IMPERA- JIVE ! See pp. 9, 192 S&H FOR THE R-E-A-L, ACCORD- ING TO CHRIST. (See PRAYER, Page 2) FREE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURES. FRIDAY, November 2 DETROIT FOURTH CHURCH Strathmoor Methodist Church, 16801 School- craft 8 P.M. HAZEL R. HARRISON. FRIDAY, November 2 FARMINGTON CHURCH, 33825 Grand River Ave., 8 P. M. MARTIN BROONES. SATURDAY, November 3 DEARBORN HIGH SCHOOL, 19501 W. Outer Dr., 8 P. M. MARTIN BROONES. SUNDAY, November 4 DETROIT EIGHTH CHURCH 2OOll Grand River Ave., 2:30 P.M. MAR- TIN BROONES. FRIDAY. November 9 BLOOMFIELD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL, 8 P.M. RALPH W. CESSNA. SATURDAY, November 10 DETROIT SEVENTH CHURCH 223 W. Grand Blvd., 8 P.M. RALPH W. CESSNA. SATURDAY, November 10 PONTIAC CHURCH - 164 W. Lawrence St, 8 P.M. HERBERT E. RIEKE. C.S. Sentinel, 10-27 C.S. Sentinel, Oct. 20 NO COLLECTIONS EVER. "REV., A. A. BANKS GIVES HIS VIEWS" The Detroit Courier, Oct. 6 About Blind Loyalty to a political party: "I think this is a kind of perverted patriotism that is as dangerous to democracy as any of the "far right" groups. Some are more loyal to a party than to freedom itself, to their race or nation or even to God, Himself. "I think we ought now to have reached a state of ma- turity where we can at each election evaluate candidates on the basis of who is the strongest and best man for the job and give this candidate our support in spite of our nor- mal party preference. We should not vote merely on the basis of the candidate's party affiliation." * * "AS OUR READERS SEE IT" "AUTO INDUSTRY DESERVES THANKS FROM KENNEDY" - ROMNEY TAKE A BOW! Free Press, Oct. 19 AND FROM GOV. SWAINSON. TOO! SAYS GOD'S DETROIT TRIBUNE. Which business has been the outstanding highlight in 1962 and will continue in 1963 if permitted? The auto in- dustry meaning auto management, taking risks, spend- ing large sums for promotion, inducing pent up money to come out. (See READERS, Page 2) CHRIST'S "SECOND COMING"? H.M. ASKS BILLY GRAHAM. GOD VIA HIS DETROIT TRIBUNE: DEAR H.M.: PRECIOUS BILLY'S USE OF THIS SCRIP- TURE "THIS SAME JESUS SHALL SO COME IN LIKE manner as ye have seen him go into heaven," merits comment NON-CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS MUST SPIRITUALLY MATURE, WITH PURIFICATION LIBERATION FROM THE SATANIC, ADAM-EVE "LORD-GOD" (Gen. 2:7, etc.) SPIRITUAL ADULTERY! "THE DEVIL USING SCRIP- TURE" ! Lincoln quoting Shakespeare (See CHRIST, Page 2) SEE BACK PAGE FOR REVELATIONS OF - EXCLUSIVE REALITY - ETERNAL PERFECTION OF GOD'S CREATION - YOUR TRUE BEING! - AND EXPOSURE OF THE M-Y T-H-S - DEVIL, hell, sin, births, disease, death, wars. MATTER I ADAM-EVE. MURDEROUS CAIN, JUDAS - "GHASTLY FARCE" - FOOLING SAULS OF TARSUS, 90 YEARS PLUS RIP VAN WINKLE - "LORD-GOD" - NON-CHRIST SCIENTIST CLERGY I LAYMEN, LEADERS. MASSES ! J. Robert Smith, court reporter for the Independent Star Neu- 1 in Pasadena has won the SSOO First Prize awarded for distinguished writing on the administration of justice in California. The award was made by Sigma Delta Chi and the State Bar of California for the best scries of stories on California law. Mr. Smith has had a distinguished career in journalism in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond, Va., New York City, Los Angeles, and Pasadena. 15 Elected To NAACP Nominating Committee Fifteen members of the Detroit Branch. National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo-| pie were elected by the Branch membership to serve as the Nom- inating Committee t«r the annual election of the Branch. Elected in the meeting held on Monday, October 22, in the People’s Obin-, inunity Church were: Mrs. Areatha Bailey, Oficldj Dukes, Melvin Jefferson, James I Landrum, Mrs. Beatrice Lapslcy, j Robert L. MBlender, Barnabas I Moseley, Miss Sonia Porter, Lon- j nie Saunders, Horace Sheffield, j Mrs. Minnie Smith, Miss Nettie Statford, Amos Leroy Washing- lon, Kenneth Watson and Charles I. Wells. The Nominating Committee will report a slate of officers and Board members to the next mem- j bership meeting of the Branch, j which wiß be held Monday, No- vember 26, 8:00 pm. in the Peo- ple’s Community Church, 8601 Woodward Avenue. The elections will be conducted at the annual meeting of the Branch on Monday. December 17, 8:00 p m., also in People’s Com- munity Church By Isaac Jones Jilcs Edward Paschal, 40, of 642 Custer, died last week in his home of head injuries sus- tained October 18 when he was assaulted and robbed by unknown persons alongside of 8401 Rus- NUMBER DIDN'T FALL ANYWAY AS: Fortune Teller Fails To See Impending Arrest Mattie Mitchell, 58, of 2526 West Grand Blvd., was fined $lO or 30 days in the House of Correction Thursday by Record- ers Judge John P. Seallen after pleading guilty to fortune tell-; ing. Mrs. Mitchell better known as "Sister Susan,” was arrested Wed- nesday by Patrolman Gilbert Hill after accepting SI2OO from the officer to tell his fortune and to give him a lucky number. After reading Patrolman Hill's palms for about five minutes, Mrs. Mitchell asked if he hud any questions to ask her. Yes,” he replied, ”cun you help me hit the numbers and get cd him to sock employment at Chevrolet Gear and Axle Plant Saturday and he would be hired.! After listening with care the officer pulled his badge, identi- fied himself and placed Mrs. Mit-! chell under arrest. NAACP Plans Freedom Fund Dinner-Dance The Hiver Rouge Ecorsc Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peo- ple is now in the process of plan- j ning for their Annual Freedom Fund Dinner and Dance. Accord- j ing to Mrs. Peter Johnson, the 19(52 Freedom Fund campaign chairman, awards will be present- ed to outstanding citizens of the community which will be the con- cluding activity of the campaign for 19(52. The (tinner and dance will be held Saturday. November 17 at the American Legion Post 272. 3914 W. Jefferson Avenue, Mrs. Johnson also announced a substantial sum of the Freedom Fund goal of SI,OOO has been l raised through several public af- fairs sponsored in recent weeks by the Fight for Freedom Con: inittoe in the River Rouge-Ecorsc area. She staieu that the commit-j tee j* continuing to receive do- nations from chit chcs and civic 1 organizations in the communuy. *< job?” me officer said the fortune tel- ler assured him that she could make Ins wishes come true. First, she placed strips ol cloth on his lore head, nose and chin. She put a piece of cloth in the palm ot l,c, nght hand and advised Patrol- man Hill to place $iU on tne oiotn men sue turned to him, mu saul repeat this prayer wan me Im the numbers —and let me lucky—let me be auceeaalnJ, lot tne his the numbers—and let me I yet a job. Mrs Mitchell told Patrolman I lilt that the strips of cloth in her palm would "chase. the spirits ~way.” She advised the officer t 6 play "309,” for his lucky number The fortune teller further advu- i TALLADEGA, Ala.—The agony of the Southern white minister was personified in Circuit Court during the hearing of an injunc-j I tion against integration leaders. | The Rev. John Willard Vess, a j Wesleyan Methodist pastor, rcveal- j ed the terrible conflicts he had when three Negro students knelt | in at his church last Easter Sun- day. Mr. Vess told Judge William C. Sullivan that he asked police to arrest the students to protect them from angry white church attend- ers, ireluding a man with a knife. Judge Sullivan is holding a hear- ing to decide if Talladega Col- lege students and others should be permanently barred from taking part in integration activities. The defendants are now under a temporary order forbidding pick, eting, marches, sit-ins, kneel-ins, and parades. The order was issued after a series ot demonstrations last April. | Mr. Vess said there were 175 people in the church when the students walked past an usher and down the center aisle. The con- gregation was standing and sing- ing at the time. The minister related that two j men in the church, including a I professional football player, want- i ed to drag the students out of the church. Mr. Vess stopped them. Instead, he asked the Negroes to leave because of the confusion they had caused by lheir presence, lie said he did this because he believes "God is not the author of confusion.” Mr. Vets said in his statement to the students: “I love the colored rcce. I love the Negroes, but there is a lot of confusion being caused Homicide Asks Aid In Slaying Os Junk Man sell. The officers said Paschal was struck on the head by the thugs with an unknown object by a group of youths who escaped. lie was treated at Receiving Hospital for lacerations of the forehead and released. Police said they found Paschal, a well-known junker, lying in bed on his back fully clothed except for shoes and socks, ap- parently dead. According to Lt. Hiram Phipps of the homicide bureau, Paschal suffered a small fracture of the skull. He said he was assaulted by a group of youths, who escaped. Lt. Phipps further stated that three teen aged girls were seen fleeing from the scene of the attack by the youths. The of- ficers would like for the girls to call him at WO. 2-5700—ask for the homicide bureau. Join The NAACP and I would ask you kindly to\ leave to keep from being harm- ed." The minister told the court: “There was one man with a knife. I knew- that unless the Negroes left of their own accord, they would have been dragged out and there would have been bed- lam I felt it was for the pro- tection of the Negroes to let the police take charge.” Police did arrest the students but not the man with the knife or those who threatened to drag the Negroes out of the church. Mr. Vess also described the ef- fect of the incident on his eon grcgation "Before the students came in,” he said, "there was real spirit in the service and people were thinking about the Lord. But something like this sort of takes the spirit out of you. We went on as best we could and then dis- missed after a short time.” Suun after the service, Mr. Vess was visited at his home by I)r. Everett Mac Nair, white chaplain at Talladega College. "I felt that Dr. MacNair. would understand the burden on the heart of a minister, Mr. Vess said. ”1 would like to do anything to get this thing straightened out.” The minister said Dr. MacNair was asked what the Negroes would do if they could not obtain their goals by nonviolent direct action (N. V. D. A.). Dr. Mac Nair replied that Southern whites should ap- preciate the Negro students' non- violent approach, because if they fail in their appeal others may try to settle the issue by force and violence. Later, at a special meeting ot the Talladega Ministerial Associa- tion. Dr. MacNair read a state- ment on the subject but the as- sociation would not hear a state- ment by another minister. This other minister was the Rev. Norman Jimerson' Birming- ham executive secretary of the Alabama Council on Human Rela- tions. Mr. Jimerson is among those barred from integration ac- tivities by the injunction suit. Mr. Vess said the minister felt "that this was a local matter and Jimerson had no business there. We felt that it was only for our own town to decide." The witness said he objected to the way in which the students went about their kncel-in. "The way in which they came in caused fusion,” he declared. “C o il- lusion was evidenced hv their being there Their rushing in brought a spirit that 1 was unable t»* deal with. The spirit in which they came caused the disorder.” Mi Vess also said he thought the students’ main purpose was to get publicity "and we didn’t want to give them that I can’t feel that they came on Christian principles.” Another witness at the hearing was T. J. Igindhatn, druggist. He told of disorders caused by white people after Negroes sat at lunch j counters in downtown Talladega, lie said that some of the white 1 mob came into his store, but none Northwestern Mothers Protest Crowded School jf** |JLY 1$ ■■ wf* f LftP*^\trM ,/J x 'JM\ u , ?-'%'&*'>■ R k ' Jf'Mfo /-t! ■■ V''_f ~* !■ ’*'s - **"' -■"- ~^iV‘^;V^f ‘Vt 9 9 9 m 9 iaa B fffg B ; ■l®^j :i ij^4r: v, | 9F V ffftj lini# Bfcwß B ’BB T «. ■-f-"VV’is-"' : talllSSlHw ~! X If BBL ' s v'^?’;;j: were arrested. However, two'white persons who were with the Negro demonstra- tors were arrested. These two were Hr MaeNair and Mists Carol Bross, daughter of I)r. John R. Bross, secretary of the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF), New Orleans. I)r. Bros** is professor of psychology and re- ligion at Talladega College. Landham said he would serve Negroes sitting down in his home to eat but would not serve them seated at his lunch counter. He added that he would remove the counter if required by law to serve all customers without re- gard to race. "Not Voting On Constitution/' Sec. Hare Says Mail and phone calls received by elections officials throughout the State indicate that many citizens are confused over the proposed constitutional amend ment which will be on the ballot in the General November Elec- tion. Secretary of State James M Hare said that *ii large number of voters mistake the proposed amendment for the proposed con- stitution written by the Constitu- tional Convention earlier this year. •The people of Michigan will not be voting on anew constitu- tion this year.” Hare pointed out “They will however be voting ‘yes’ or no’ on a proposal to authorize the Legislature to provide for a general revision of the statutes.” The present constitution pro- hibits a complete revision of the laws but makes it possible for a group of commissioners, appointed by the Governor, to recommend to the. Legislature the repeal of ob solctc laws Baby Dies In Fall From Bed By Isaac Jonas Eight-month-old Donna Fyfc, daughter of Mrs. Mary Lou Fyfc. 27. of 12(>S)2 Turner, was dead on admittance to Northwest Gen- eral Hospital Tuesday morning. The child apparently died as the result of a fall from her bed onto the floor. Mrs. Fyfe told police that she checked her infant daughter short- ly after 1 a m. and she was alright, but when she returned to see about the baby several hours later she was found sprawl- on the floor. DRIVE SAFELY

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Page 1: PUBLIC Urn, Mm M 10eVOLUME 40—DUMBER 48 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1962 970 GRATIOTAVENUE, DETROIT7. MICHIGAN' _.-w. • mOITPUBLIC Urn, ru... Mm M 10e * Cfu»«dar Per The Invincible


_ . - w. • • mOIT PUBLIC Urn, ru ...

Mm M10e

*Cfu»«dar Per The Invincible Triumphant Divine Rights of Man



7 Love The Colored Race, But ThereIs a Lot of Confusion Being Caused. .."

SUNDAY, 10-21, TV, CH. 7,








CHURCH Strathmoor Methodist Church, 16801 School-craft 8 P.M. HAZEL R. HARRISON.

FRIDAY, November 2 FARMINGTON CHURCH,33825 Grand River Ave., 8 P. M. MARTIN BROONES.

SATURDAY, November 3 DEARBORN HIGHSCHOOL, 19501 W. Outer Dr., 8 P. M. MARTIN


CHURCH 2OOll Grand River Ave., 2:30 P.M. MAR-TIN BROONES.



SATURDAY, November 10 PONTIAC CHURCH- 164 W. Lawrence St, 8 P.M. HERBERT E. RIEKE.

C.S. Sentinel, 10-27 C.S. Sentinel, Oct. 20


"REV., A. A. BANKS GIVES HIS VIEWS"The Detroit Courier, Oct. 6

About Blind Loyalty to a political party: "I think thisis a kind of perverted patriotism that is as dangerous todemocracy as any of the "far right" groups. Some aremore loyal to a party than to freedom itself, to their raceor nation or even to God, Himself.

"I think we ought now to have reached a state of ma-turity where we can at each election evaluate candidateson the basis of who is the strongest and best man for thejob and give this candidate our support in spite of our nor-mal party preference. We should not vote merely on thebasis of the candidate's party affiliation."

• * *



Free Press, Oct. 19


Which business has been the outstanding highlight in1962 and will continue in 1963 if permitted? The auto in-dustry meaning auto management, taking risks, spend-ing large sums for promotion, inducing pent up money to

come out.(See READERS, Page 2)



TURE "THIS SAME JESUS SHALL SO COME IN LIKEmanner as ye have seen him go into heaven,"merits comment



(See CHRIST, Page 2)


AND EXPOSURE OF THE M-Y T-H-S - DEVIL,hell, sin, births, disease, death, wars.MATTER I ADAM-EVE. MURDEROUS CAIN,



J. Robert Smith, court reporter for the Independent Star Neu-1 inPasadena has won the SSOO First Prize awarded for distinguishedwriting on the administration of justice in California. The awardwas made by Sigma Delta Chi and the State Bar of Californiafor the best scries of stories on California law. Mr. Smith has hada distinguished career in journalism in Philadelphia, Baltimore,Richmond, Va., New York City, Los Angeles, and Pasadena.

15 Elected To NAACPNominating CommitteeFifteen members of the Detroit

Branch. National Association forthe Advancement of Colored Peo-|pie were elected by the Branchmembership to serve as the Nom-inating Committee t«r the annualelection of the Branch. Electedin the meeting held on Monday,October 22, in the People’s Obin-,inunity Church were:

Mrs. Areatha Bailey, OficldjDukes, Melvin Jefferson, James ILandrum, Mrs. Beatrice Lapslcy, jRobert L. MBlender, Barnabas IMoseley, Miss Sonia Porter, Lon- jnie Saunders, Horace Sheffield, jMrs. Minnie Smith, Miss NettieStatford, Amos Leroy Washing-lon, Kenneth Watson and CharlesI. Wells.

The Nominating Committeewill report a slate of officers andBoard members to the next mem- jbership meeting of the Branch, jwhich wiß be held Monday, No- ■

vember 26, 8:00 pm. in the Peo-ple’s Community Church, 8601Woodward Avenue.

The elections will be conductedat the annual meeting of theBranch on Monday. December 17,8:00 p m., also in People’s Com-munity Church

By Isaac Jones

Jilcs Edward Paschal, 40, of642 Custer, died last week inhis home of head injuries sus-tained October 18 when he wasassaulted and robbed by unknownpersons alongside of 8401 Rus-


Fortune Teller Fails ToSee Impending Arrest

Mattie Mitchell, 58, of 2526West Grand Blvd., was fined$lO or 30 days in the House ofCorrection Thursday by Record-ers Judge John P. Seallen afterpleading guilty to fortune tell-;ing.

Mrs. Mitchell better known as"Sister Susan,” was arrested Wed-nesday by Patrolman Gilbert Hillafter accepting SI2OO from theofficer to tell his fortune and togive him a lucky number.

After reading Patrolman Hill'spalms for about five minutes, Mrs.Mitchell asked if he hud anyquestions to ask her.

• Yes,” he replied, ”cun youhelp me hit the numbers and get

cd him to sock employment atChevrolet Gear and Axle PlantSaturday and he would be hired.!

After listening with care theofficer pulled his badge, identi-fied himself and placed Mrs. Mit-!chell under arrest.

NAACP Plans FreedomFund Dinner-Dance

The Hiver Rouge Ecorsc Branchof the National Association forthe Advancement of Colored Peo-ple is now in the process of plan- jning for their Annual FreedomFund Dinner and Dance. Accord- jing to Mrs. Peter Johnson, the19(52 Freedom Fund campaignchairman, awards will be present-ed to outstanding citizens of thecommunity which will be the con-cluding activity of the campaignfor 19(52. The (tinner and dancewill be held Saturday. November17 at the American Legion Post272. 3914 W. Jefferson Avenue,

Mrs. Johnson also announced asubstantial sum of the FreedomFund goal of SI,OOO has been

l raised through several public af-fairs sponsored in recent weeksby the Fight for Freedom Con:inittoe in the River Rouge-Ecorscarea. She staieu that the commit-jtee j* continuing to receive do-nations from chit chcs and civic

1 organizations in the communuy.

*< job?”me officer said the fortune tel-

ler assured him that she couldmake Ins wishes come true. First,she placed strips ol cloth on hislorehead, nose and chin. She put

a piece of cloth in the palm otl,c, nght hand and advised Patrol-man Hill to place $iU on tneoiotn men sue turned to him,

mu saul repeat this prayer wanme Im the numbers—and let melucky—let me be auceeaalnJ, lottne his the numbers—and let me

I yet a job.Mrs Mitchell told Patrolman

I lilt that the strips of cloth in herpalm would "chase. the spirits~way.” She advised the officer t 6 ’play "309,” for his lucky number

The fortune teller further advu- i

TALLADEGA, Ala.—The agonyof the Southern white ministerwas personified in Circuit Courtduring the hearing of an injunc-j

I tion against integration leaders. |The Rev. John Willard Vess, a

jWesleyan Methodist pastor, rcveal-j ed the terrible conflicts he hadwhen three Negro students knelt

| in at his church last Easter Sun-■ day.

Mr. Vess told Judge William C.Sullivan that he asked police toarrest the students to protect themfrom angry white church attend-ers, ireluding a man with a knife.

Judge Sullivan is holding a hear-ing to decide if Talladega Col-lege students and others should bepermanently barred from takingpart in integration activities.

The defendants are now undera temporary order forbidding pick,eting, marches, sit-ins, kneel-ins,and parades. The order was issuedafter a series ot demonstrationslast April.

| Mr. Vess said there were 175people in the church when thestudents walked past an usher anddown the center aisle. The con-gregation was standing and sing-ing at the time.

The minister related that twoj men in the church, including a

I professional football player, want-i ed to drag the students out of thechurch. Mr. Vess stopped them.

Instead, he asked the Negroesto leave because of the confusionthey had caused by lheir presence,lie said he did this because hebelieves "God is not the author ofconfusion.”

Mr. Vets said in his statementto the students: “I love the coloredrcce. I love the Negroes, but thereis a lot of confusion being caused

Homicide Asks Aid InSlaying Os Junk Man

sell. The officers said Paschalwas struck on the head by thethugs with an unknown objectby a group of youths who escaped.

lie was treated at ReceivingHospital for lacerations of theforehead and released.

Police said they found Paschal,a well-known junker, lying inbed on his back fully clothedexcept for shoes and socks, ap-parently dead.

According to Lt. Hiram Phippsof the homicide bureau, Paschalsuffered a small fracture of theskull. He said he was assaultedby a group of youths, who escaped.

Lt. Phipps further stated thatthree teen aged girls were seenfleeing from the scene of theattack by the youths. The of-ficers would like for the girlsto call him at WO. 2-5700—askfor the homicide bureau.


and I would ask you kindly to\leave to keep from being harm-ed."

The minister told the court:“There was one man with aknife. I knew- that unless theNegroes left of their own accord,they would have been dragged outand there would have been bed-lam I felt it was for the pro-tection of the Negroes to let thepolice take charge.”

Police did arrest the studentsbut not the man with the knife orthose who threatened to drag theNegroes out of the church.

Mr. Vess also described the ef-fect of the incident on his eongrcgation "Before the studentscame in,” he said, "there was realspirit in the service and peoplewere thinking about the Lord. Butsomething like this sort of takesthe spirit out of you. We went onas best we could and then dis-missed after a short time.”

Suun after the service, Mr. Vesswas visited at his home by I)r.

Everett MacNair, white chaplain atTalladega College. "I felt that Dr.MacNair. would understand theburden on the heart of a minister,Mr. Vess said. ”1 would like todo anything to get this thingstraightened out.”

The minister said Dr. MacNairwas asked what the Negroes woulddo if they could not obtain theirgoals by nonviolent direct action(N. V. D. A.). Dr. MacNair repliedthat Southern whites should ap-preciate the Negro students' non-violent approach, because if theyfail in their appeal others may tryto settle the issue by force andviolence.

Later, at a special meeting otthe Talladega Ministerial Associa-tion. Dr. MacNair read a state-ment on the subject but the as-sociation would not hear a state-ment by another minister.

This other minister was theRev. Norman Jimerson' Birming-ham executive secretary of theAlabama Council on Human Rela-tions. Mr. Jimerson is amongthose barred from integration ac-tivities by the injunction suit.

Mr. Vess said the minister felt"that this was a local matter andJimerson had no business there.We felt that it was only for ourown town to decide."

The witness said he objected tothe way in which the studentswent about their kncel-in. "Theway in which they came in causedfusion,” he declared. “C o il-lusion was evidenced hv theirbeing there Their rushing inbrought a spirit that 1 was unablet»* deal with. The spirit in whichthey came caused the disorder.”

Mi Vess also said he thoughtthe students’ main purpose wasto get publicity "and we didn’twant to give them that I can’tfeel that they came on Christianprinciples.”

Another witness at the hearingwas T. J. Igindhatn, druggist. Hetold of disorders caused by whitepeople after Negroes sat at lunch

j counters in downtown Talladega,lie said that some of the white

1 mob came into his store, but none

Northwestern Mothers Protest Crowded Schooljf** |JLY 1$ ■■wf* f LftP*^\trM ,/J x 'JM\u , ?-'%'&*'>■

R k ' Jf'Mfo ~ /-t! ■■ V''_f ~* !■ ’*'s -**"'

-■"- ~^iV‘^;V^f

‘Vt 9 9 9 m 9 iaa B fffg B; ’■l®^j :iij^4r:v, | 9F Vffftj lini# Bfcwß B ’BB T

«. ■-f-"VV’is-"' : talllSSlHw ~! X If BBL 'sv'^?’;;j:

were arrested.However, two'white persons who

were with the Negro demonstra-tors were arrested. These twowere Hr MaeNair and Mists CarolBross, daughter of I)r. John R.Bross, secretary of the SouthernConference Educational Fund(SCEF), New Orleans. I)r. Bros**is professor of psychology and re-ligion at Talladega College.

Landham said he would serveNegroes sitting down in his hometo eat but would not serve themseated at his lunch counter. Headded that he would remove thecounter if required by law toserve all customers without re-gard to race.

"Not Voting OnConstitution/'Sec. Hare Says

Mail and phone calls receivedby elections officials throughoutthe State indicate that manycitizens are confused over theproposed constitutional amendment which will be on the ballotin the General November Elec-tion.

Secretary of State James MHare said that *ii large numberof voters mistake the proposedamendment for the proposed con-stitution written by the Constitu-tional Convention earlier thisyear.

•The people of Michigan willnot be voting on anew constitu-tion this year.” Hare pointed out“They will however be voting ‘yes’or no’ on a proposal to authorizethe Legislature to provide for ageneral revision of the statutes.”

The present constitution pro-hibits a complete revision of thelaws but makes it possible for agroup of commissioners, appointedby the Governor, to recommend tothe. Legislature the repeal of obsolctc laws

Baby DiesIn FallFrom Bed

By Isaac JonasEight-month-old Donna Fyfc,

daughter of Mrs. Mary Lou Fyfc.27. of 12(>S)2 Turner, was deadon admittance to Northwest Gen-eral Hospital Tuesday morning.

The child apparently died asthe result of a fall from herbed onto the floor.

Mrs. Fyfe told police that shechecked her infant daughter short-ly after 1 a m. and she wasalright, but when she returnedto see about the baby severalhours later she was found sprawl-on the floor.