public ulilities commi~sion of the state of south dakota · 2018-10-05 · before the public...

LI"'\ TC98-l 95 a- ______________________ _ ...-4 I lntMMauuof co o-- ---- u __ _ I- IN THE MATTER OF THE APPUCA TION OF NETWORK BILLING SYSTEMS, LLC. FOR A CERTI FK:ATE OF AUTHORJTY TO PROVIDE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES IN SOUTH OAKOT A Public Ulilities Co mmi ~s ion of the State of South Dakota

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Page 1: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

LI"'\ TC98-l 95

a- ______________________ _ ...-4

I lntMMauuof co o-- ----u __ _ I-


Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota

Page 2: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

TC9 -1 ')5 II ARIJOR C ON51' LTl:-IG G ' !' ,~r.


29 October . 1998

Mr Wilham Bullard . Jr

4 ] 121.12._.,A\IVl' l't'l.. T V1 Ibo.: , 'l'M1•r""1'1•"' 118115

T,1,-,,. ~11:l:~'110 h _.,, ~IJ~"'li LJ4..<...~r<•

Sooth Dako1a Public U1ili11es Commission llllt" Capuol Bu1ld U1g. Isl Floor

500 East Cap11ol Avenue P1cm:, D 57501 •5070


ijQV Ii 1998


RE Nc:cwork Bllhng Systems. L L.C • Applica1ion for a Cer11fica1e of PubliL Con\ cmence and Necosuy

Dc:.r Mr Bullard .

1-..nclCbed are :m ongmal and 1en (10) copies Nc1work 8111mg Systems. L.L.C ·~ <\pphcauon for Ccn1ficatt" o f Public Conn!nicncc and Nt.-CCSS II) to pro\'1de imra!>Utlt long dbUtOC<' tclecommumcano~ SCl \ ' ICCS wuhm lhc Suue of South Dakota. Also cnclOSt'd 1s a check m 1he amouni ol S250 00 10 con~r 1hc CO!>I 01 filing

Piro c ad :no"' ledge rcc.c1p1 llf 1h i~ filing by file•!ltamping and returning 1hc cx1ra copy 01 the firn page of lhe apphca11on m 1he ~ lf-add ressc..-d, stampc..-d emclopt pr<)\' 1ded 1or 1h1, purpost' Qurs11ons concerning this filing may be direc1ed IO me

S1nct"rci.) .

HARBOR COSSUI.TING GROUP INC. For 'l;e1v. or B1lhng S) inns. LL C

Page 3: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network


In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network B11lm~ S)'Stcms, LL C for Rcg1s1ra11on as a Pro, 1dcr of No ln1rasta1c Tclccomrnu;,1cauons

Service on a Resold Basis m the

S1aie of South Dako1a


TC9 -195

Nctv.ork B1lhng S~s1rms. LL C. ("Apphcanl''), a pm.ttCl)•hcld corpora11on. orgam:-cd

under 1hc laws of the St.uc o f 'cvada. hereby apphcs for rcgistrmion as a provider of 1111rastatc

1ch.-commumca11ons scrY1ccs "11hm the State of South Dakota on a resold bas1s. pursuam to

SDCL J9-JJ.J and RSI> 20;10 2J:02 In suppon of its Applic:u,011 ;\pphcant prov1dc-s the

following mfonnation

(1) ~ . Applicant's name. address. telephone number and

facsimile number arc

~Cl\"ork 8111ing Sys1cms. L.L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boulevard Wayne. ~c" Jersey 07-H()

Tckphonc: 973.256.2020 Facsimile: 973. I :? .6609

(2) St'Ct1on '0'. IQ·' 4:ff'(2). Applicant will pro,•idc its service Network B1lhng

Systems. L.L.C.

(3) Section '0:l0:'4·0'(3Ka). Applicant is a pri\'atCl)·-hcld limitcJ habi li1y company

organi1-cd under the laws o f 1hc S1a1c or New Jersey on Ma)' 12. 199S. A copy or Applicant's

Artie ks or Fom1a11011 1s auachL-d as Exh1b11 A

(-4) Sectmn 20:10.'4:02{3Kh). Applican1 "ill not establish an office in 1he S1a1e of

South Dakota. lls current reg1s1ered agent 1s :

Page 4: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

'\a11011al Registered Agcn1s. Inc 300 Sou1h Ph1lhps A,cnue. Su11c 300 S1ou, Fall s. South Dakota 57101

(5) Scc11011 10 JO 1 .i 02(1)(cl The names. tille and :address of Applicant's O\\llcrs

and managers arc


17 )

Jonathan Kauiman. Manager 155 \\'illo,,brook Ooulc,arJ \\.' 3)1lC. ~C\\ Jetse) 07.a 70

Jack Qumn. ~tanager 155 \\'1llo\\brook lJou lc,ard \\'a)nC, ~c,, Jersey 07.a70

pphcant doc not o"n nor control :my !l'ubs1diancs.

Applicant 1s a non-fac1h11 ~•based mtcre,changc

11,:lcrom111umcjl10nS r...·salc pro, 1dcr proposing 10 offer outbound. S\\ itched :.1Cl.'.CSS mtcrc,ch:mgc

tckcommumca11ons sen ice:, throughout the State of <;oulh Dakota Apphl.'.ant's SL'n ices \\ 111 be

.mJ conJ111ons :-.t.'I h) Apphcani pphcant docs not proJposc 10 offer altcmamc operator

All nct"l-,rl. !Jcih11cs an: the propcn) of. and controlled b) Apphc,mt's unJcrl)mg

earner. \ICl\\ orldrnm \ pphun!'s loc.11 Jcccss 1s pro,1dcJ as 1)jn of the nch,orl. sen, cs

pur" hJ.Sl.•J from •\ppl11:-Jlll'i1 unJcrl) mg earners

.-\ pphc.llll offl.'rs oulbound, S\\Jlchcd access calling carJ sen •1C\.'S designed pnman l) for

srt1J;II business cu,;,1omcr, \ pphcant's sen ices arc meant to compete dm.-ctl) "11h sen ,ccs

rro, 1dcJ b) other 1n1c-rc,chJI1gc earners au1hon1cd 10 pro, 1dc such sen ices b} the Commission

Page 5: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

As a non-fa 1h11cs-bascd reseller. ,\ pphcant 1s able 10 pass on s1gmfican1 sa, mgs 10 11s

eus1omcrs. through , olumc purchase discounts pro,1d1,."<I b) Jn undcrl)mg earner. L'nabhng

cus1omcrs 10 obta:n :111r.1cm c mtcrc'<changc sen 1cc rates l)'PICJII ) unJ,a1lablc d1rcc1I> from

other mlcrc-.;changc c,mcrs or loca l c-.;changc companies Apphcant ,s able 10 pro, 1dc grea1cr

nc-..ib1h1y 111 b1lhng. cus1om1zcd customer SCI"\ 1cc suppon. and sm 1cc consuhauon. not

generally a, a1lablc 10 Apphcan1's customers

( ) Scc11on .?0: 10 2-t 02((1 ). As a non-fac1lmcs-basc:d pro, 1dcr o r 1clecommumcauons

SCI"\ 1ccc. Apphcant rch~ solely on the networks of 11s underlying earners for IOC"al access.

S\\ 11d1111g and tr.msron Apphcant's SCl"\1Cc " ill be a,a,labk t\\Cnl) •four (2.t ) hours per dJ) ,

sc, en ( 7) days p"·r ,, eel.:

(9) SL-cuon '0.10 2.t :02(7). ;\ ppheanl's scr\'icc \\1II be a,:ulablc throughou1 the

cn1irc State of South Oako1a. As such. 11 1s not limi1cd by "scf"\·1cc boundancs" :--.o map 1s

included. aecordmgl) .

(10) St.·c1ion '0:J0:2.t :07(8). Applicant's pro fom1a bahmcc sheet and income

s1meme11t arc attached as E'<h1bi1 B. Applicant will rc<iui r<: no uddillonal deb1 10 finance lb

opcrntions in South Dal.:01a. As :t pn\'alcly-hcld comrany. Apphc:uu docs nm issue an .umual

report nor report 10 stocl.:holdL•rs. Apphcanl's 1cm1s and cond111011s of service arc incl ude m its

1anfT. anachcd as E,t11b11 C.

(11 ) Scruon 20 IO :!.t .02(9) Correspondence and ronunumcatmns conrcmmg tlus

t\ppl ication und tariff shou ld be di rccu.-d 10:

Dan ~tenser Harbor Consu lung Group Inc. 4312 92nd A\'cnuc N.W

-3 -

Page 6: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Gig !!arbor. \\."ashmgton 98335

I clcphonc (253) 265.J910 Facsumlc· (253) 265•39!:?

Officml 1>011t of cor11ac1 frtr 1hc ongoint orcra11ons of 1hc company and cus1omcr

compln1n1s.111qmncs from lhl' Comnuss1on 1s:

~tr Jonathan Kaufman Nct"ork Dilli ng ys1cms. L L C 155 \\'1llo"brook Boulc\'ard Wayne. '-:t"-' Jcrsc) 07-170

l clcphonc 9 3 256 2020 Facs1m1lc· 973 811.6609

Customers ma) contact Apphcam·s customer sen 1cc dcp.1nmcnt directly at (88S)

JOI 1'1:? I

( IJ) Sec11on "'0 l0·24.Q2<101 Apphcnn1 holds 1ntms1a1c operating au thori ty 111

Cahforr.111. Colorado. llhno1s. lnd1ana. lo" a, Massachuscus. \lont:m.i, Ne,, Jersey. Texas. U1.ih.

and \ '1rg1ma. and has 1mt1atcd .ipphca11ons for tc',:lulatot) au1hont) m 1hr rcmammg slates. In no

msiancc has an) of Apphc:tnl's apphca110ns bcm uspcnded or tCJCClcd

( I-') Src:uon :?0 )0 1-' 01(1 1) Applicant marl.cts 11s scn1 cs through u nc1,, ork of

independent agents Applicant 1s solel~ rcspons1hlc for dc,clopmt..-nt of all market ing nmtcnal

pto\lJed 10 prospccu,c cusmmcrs Applicant targets small business customers :md does 1101

engage m mululc,cl n111rkc11ng

(15) Scsuoo "'0 HI"'-' 010 'I No1 apphcabk Applicant's scr\·1cc 1s a compc11t1\C



Page 7: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

( I (I) suhnuts the follo" mg reasons m suppon of ns belief 1ha1 the public

mtcn:s1 "111 be scncd b~ 1hc appro, al of this Apphca11on

(J) Applicant's proposed m1ras1a1e scn·1ccs arc de, eloped 10 sen c 1hc long

d1s1ancc needs of cus1omcrs "ho cannol 01hcr" 1sc, realize s1m1lar cost sa, mgs through maJor

(b) While pro,1dmg us customers ,,11h eo~t ad,antagcs rcah1cd by the resale

of comnmmca11ons fac 1h11cs. Applicant's sen 1cc ,, 111 n1..'tcssanly utilize c'i1sung earner

comr.,1m1ca11011s fac1l 111cs more c0ic1cml~ throu&h increased usage and pro, 1dc grea1cr rc, cnucs

for local c"change camcn b} "ay of add1110nal access pun:hase through other earners.

(C J Commission approvnl of1h1s ;\ pphc.:111011 will hnug the follo\\mg long•

tcnn hcndits lo 1hc pubhc

!1) grc:ncr \'alue to customers through IO\\er pnccd. bc:u r quality S<.·rviccs:

(1i) mno,ative tclccom111umca11011s scn·1ces;

(111) mcrcJ.scd .:onsumcr choice m 1clccommu111ca11ons scn1cc and ahcmati\ c billing options.

(h l cnicient use of c:<1s1mg tclcrornmunications rcsoum.-s as "ell as increased d1H•rsifica1ion and reliability III the supply of 1clccommun1cat1ons sen ices;

(v) an add111on11I tax rc,·enuc source fo r the S1a1c of Sou1h Dakota: and

(,·1) :iddition.'11 access re,·cnucs 10 local c,ch:mgc pro, 1dcrs.

WI IEREFORE. Business Colhng Plan. Inc. respectfully r ucsts the South Dako1a Public

l,;11 l11ics Conumssion grant Ccn,fi me of Public Con\'cmcncc and ;,,.:cccss11y :mthonLU1g the


Page 8: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

pro\ 1 mn of compc11m L' 1ntrns1a1c 1clccommunicauons resale scn•iccs within 1hc S1:11c of Sou1h


Rcspcc1fu ll~ subn111100 this J.i. day of __ ~_ .!.,_ "-_____ . 1998

Harbor Consuhmg <iroup Inc "431192nd AH:nuc '.'-. \\', Gig I !arbor. Washmg1on 98335 (253) .?65-3910

Apphcan1's Rcgu la100 Consu\tan1s

Network Bilhns Sys1cms. L,. L C.

<' B>·-~--=- ~------Jonathan Kaufman. ~1:magcr 155 W1llo"brook Bou lc\ard Wayne. New Jersey 07-'70

Telephone: Facs1 m1k:


973.256.2020 973 8116609

Page 9: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network



Ot.:,TY OF l'ASS •\I l

I. Jonathan Kaufman. being firs1 duly s" om and dc.l)Oscd. stale that I am Manager of Nch, orJ..

13llhng Systems. LL.C., the Apphcant m the procecdmg entitled abo,e. 1hat I ha,·e read the

forcgomg apphcat1on and,, the contents thereof. and as h> those matters 1hat arc therein

stated on bchef. I bd1e\c them 10 be 1ruc.

Jona1han Kaufman

Subscnlx.-d and S\\om 10 before me tlus

Page 10: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network



OL' , 'TY OF PA •\IC )

I. Jonalhjn Kaufm.m. being firs! duly su om and dt."J)Oscd. s1a1e that I a.m Manager of Ncl\\ orl..

llllhn~ Systems. LLC . the Apphcan1 m 1hc procecdmg cnutlcd abO\c, thut I ha\'(: rc:ad the

forcgomg npphca11on and\\ the con1en1s !hereof. and as 1..-, those maners that arc therein

Slated 011 bchef. I bchC\'C lhcm 10 be 1rue.

Jonathan " aufman

Subscrilx-d and S\ \ Om to before me tlus

l< '6Y t1: i1

t 'i OY "li'

Page 11: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network


In lhc Malh."T of the Apphcat1on ofNct\\ Ork 811ling Systems. L.L.C. for Rcg1s1r.mon as a Pro, 1dcr of No. lntr.is1a1c Tclccommun1c:111ons Sm 1cc on J Resold Basis m the




EXHlllll D

An1clcs ofFonnation

F111J11crn.l S1a1cmc111s

Propos1..-J l'anff

Ccn1fic:1tc of Au1hont)'

Page 12: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network



Page 13: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network


LOriNA R. ECOl:3 Sec:eta:v c! S:~ti,

The undersigned, in 3CCOrdancc with lhc provisions of Section -11.:28-11 of the New Jersey Limited Liability Con,pany Act, hereby SL3tCS as follows :

I. The name of the Limited Liabili1y Compwy (1he ·company·) is:

"'1'M'.lru< BILLL'iG SYSTE.\IS, L. L.C.

2 . The Company fTl.l)' engage in any activity within the purposes fo r which limited liability companies may be organiud under the New Jersey Limitt"d Liability Company Act, Section 42:28-1 Cl seq .

3. The name and a<!drcss of the Company's registered agcnl is:

Jona1han Kaufman wi1h an address at 155 Willowb rook Boulevard Wayne, New Jersey 07-170:

-' . T he Cornp."Uly has two or more members .

.S . The term of the Company ' s c-cistcncc shall 1crminatc on December 31, 2047, unless 1crm1na:td earlier .

6 The tcnn of the Company shall commence upon filing of this Cenifica1c of Formation 'W1th the Sec:i:u.ry of Sutc of the SLJtc of New Jersey.

IN WITNC.SS WHEREOF. the undc:3igned aclcnowlc:dgcs that he is :iu1t:orized to sign lhis Cemfic21c of Form.11ion on behalf of the Company. and he he reby execu1es this Ccnificalc of Forrn.1uon on this I Ith dJy of May, 1998.

,e;_~ -i' C..:6-:1 Kenneth R. Cohen. Esq .

Page 14: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network


f"INANCIAt STATEi\f ENTS (;\ nachcd)

Page 15: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network




O TIICR CUIUlC,U ASSl 15 10 1 AI cuiunrn A~SC I S

l llOll ASSI 1S


Sl CURH Y D[ f'OSHS O llilllASSl! S

l 0 1Al O lll[ H ASSEIS






0 0


July 20. 19!)8

Lllillllll l[S ANO C APIT AL










100,000 0



Page 16: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network



= OCT ~ = ~ LONG DISTANCE REVENU::S ~ R22Q lli.22Q J..lU2ll w.222 COST OF SALES

CARRIER COSTS 35,000 56,000 80.500 105.000 27€ ,500 COMMISSIONS ~ ~ i.W ll.Qll2 llMQ

TOT AL COST OF SAL!:.S Rl!!lll = RI2!I .!.!1.2QQ m.J.22

G!:.N!:.RAL & AOMIN !:.XPENSES SALARIES & WA3ES 9.000 9.000 11.000 15.000 .,.ooo PAYROLL TAXES 900 900 1.100 1.500 •.•co EMPLOYEE BEN!:.FITS soo soo 1,000 PROCESSING FEES 300 •so S50 1.300 BILLING COSTS 300 450 sso 700 2,000 POSTAG!:. ,so 200 ,so 300 900 TELEPHONE 800 1.200 1,SOO l .~O 5,300 LICENSES & PERMITS 100 100 100 100 , oo INSURANCE 600 600 600 600 2.•00 OFFICE & ADMJN !:.XPENSES LlQ2 LlQ2 Ul1Q ~ §.Q22

TOT AL G & A !:.X?ENSES ~ H...llQ = = = NET INCOME (2 ,350) 3.350 7,750 10,4!0 ~

Page 17: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network
Page 18: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Network Bi lling S> stems. L LC Sou1h Dakota P.U.C. TanfTNo I Original Sheet No. I



ISS Willo"brook Boulc,•ard Wayne. NJ 07J 70

.L. .


This Tan IT contains the descriptions. regulations. and rotes applicable to the furni shing of 1ch.-commumca11ons services pro, 1dcd Ne1work Billing Sys1cms. L.L.C. ("'NBS'") within the

S1a1e of Sou1h Dakota. This Tari IT is on file with the South Dakola Public Utilities Conmmsion , .. Comm1ssion··). Copies may be 1ns;,cc tcd during nonnal business hours at 1he Company's

principal place of business: l~S Willowbrook Boulc\'ard

Issued: October 21. 1998 lssu1..-d By:

Wayne. N.' 07470.

Jonathan Kaufman Network Billing S)'Stcms. L.L.C.

I SS Willowbrook Boulc\•ard Wayne. NJ 07470

(97)) 256-2020

Effective Date:

Page 19: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~c1,,ork 81lhng S)Slcms. L.L C South Oako1.i P U.C. T:iriffNo. I Original ShccJ No. 2


The Shccts I through 3V mcluS\\c orth1s Tariff arc cm.-c1ivc as or the date shown at the bonom or 1hc rCSpt."Cll\ c shcct( SI

10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17

19 lO

Ongmal Ongmal Ongmal Ong111al Ongmal Ongmal Original Ongmal Ongmal Origm:al Ong111:al Ongmal Ongmal Ongmal Ongmal Original Ongmal Ongmal Ongmnl Ongmal

Issued: Oc1obcr21. 199 Issued B) .

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 JO

Jonathan Kaurman Nc1"ork 81lhng Systems. L.L.C.

155 W1l k>"brook Boulevard Wayne, NJ 07J 70

(973) 256-2020

Original Original Onginal Original Original Original Original Orismal Onginal Origmal

E1Tcc11vc Date:

Page 20: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~Cl\\ork Bdhng S)slcms. L.L.C Sou1h DJkota P U.C. TanfTNo. I Qngmal Shs.:c1 No. J



Tu lc Sht.'t:t ChC'Ck Sheet Table ofCon1cn1s Explanation ofSymUOls TarifTFonn:u

pplication ofTanIT


I. Tcchmcal Tenns and Abbrcvwtions

2. Rules and Regulations 2.1 Undcnaking of the Company 2.2 Limita1ions of Service 23 Use 2.-1 Li11bil1 1ics of 1hc Company 2.S Full Force and EITcc1 2.6 lmcrrup1 ion of crvicc 2.7 Rcstor.nion ofSl-n•icc 2.8 Minimum Service Period 2.9 Paymcnis and Billing 2.10 Cancellation by Customer 2.11 Canccll:u1on by Company 2.12 lntcrconnl-ction 2.13 Dcposi1s and Ad\'ancc Paymcn1s 2.14 Credit Limit 2.15 Taxes

Issued: October 21. 1998 lssuc.-d By: Jonathan K:mfman

Network Bill ing Systems. L.L.C. 155 Willo\\brook Bouk\•ard

Wayne, NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020


Effective Date:

Page 21: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Nch\orl: Otlhng Sysll'ms. LLC. oulh Dakota P.U.C. Tariff No. I Original Sheet No. 4




3 Dcscnption orScr\'icc ) .I Tumng or Calls 3.2 !\'BS Tclecommunicat1ons Scr" iccs 3.3 Promotions J.• Ra1c Groups

,. Rates ,i cr\'icc Charbes 4 I.I Switched ;\cccss Ser,dce 4.1.2 Dcd1ea1cd ,\ cccss Sm rec 4 1.3 alhng Card Scr\'1Cc -1. 1.4 Access Surcharge 4.1.5 Sen ice Linc CharKc , .1.5 Di rectory Assistance

• I 6 lndl\'ldual Case Basis (ICB} Arrangements

Issued: October 21. 1998 Issuer! By· Jona1han Kaurman

Ncl\\0rk B1lhng Systems. L.L.C. 155 Willo,,brook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07-170 (97J) 256-2020


22 22 22 23 24

25 25 25 27 19 30 30 30 30

Effective Date:

Page 22: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Soulh D.1.J..01a P U.C T:mff ~ o I Om.;mal Sheet No 5








(C) To signify t'ha n~rd conchuon or rcgul:uion

(DJ To s1gmfy d t leted or discon llnurd rate. rcgulauon orcond11ion

(I) To s1gmf) a change rcsul!mg in an inneasr to a Cus1omcr's bill

(M ) To s1gmf) 1h:it malcnal has been mo,·ed from another Tan ff loca11011

(N) ro sigmf) a nr" rate. re1;ula1ion conchtion or sheet

(R) To s1gmfy a ch:ingc n..-sultmg in a reduc1ion lo a Customer's bill

(T) To s,gmfy a change 111 tut but no change to ra1c or charge

Issued : Oc1ober 21 , 1998 Issued By: Jonathan Kau fman

Network Billing Systems, L. L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07J 70 (973) .256-2020

Effcc11vc Date:

Page 23: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

T ARIF!' f"Off,\IAT

South 1Jako1a I' U.C. Tan il~o I Onginal Sheet \ fo. 6

A Sher i '.\umhr rlnJ! • Shcc1 numbers appc,ir 111 1hc hc.-admg of (.'.lc h sheet Sheets Jn: numhcrcd se4ucn11 ally 110\H'\Cr. occasional! >•· when a llC\\ sheet 1s add(.'\! hcl\\CCll shcc1s al rcali) m cITctl. a dec imal 1s added. For c-.;nmpk. a nC\\ sheet added bct\\l'en ,heels IJ Jnd 1:., \\ OUld be IJ \.

B Sheri Rr,ision Numht-rs • Re,·1sion numbers also :tppc-ar Ill the upper nght comer of each she\'I l'hcsc numbers arc used 10 detenmnc 1hc mos1 current sheet , ers1on on file \\ 1th the Conu111 s!i1011 For example. 1hc J th rc,'1S(.-J Sheet 1 J cancels the 3rd Re, 1st-d Sheet IJ Because of\anous suspension pcrio<ls. dcrcrral s. etc 1hc Comm1ss1on follm,s 111 ns I :mff .tppro\ al pron•s~. th,· most current sheet number on file \\ ith 1hc Commission 1s 1101 Jh, ,t)S the: sheet Ill cITec1. onsuh the Check Sheet for the shctt currently 111 cffc.-ct.

C Paracraph '.\'11mht•1·i11J! Sl'tju rnn· . ·t here arc nine Jc,cl s of p:m1graph coding E.1ch Jc,cl of code 1s subscn u.·nt to 11s next higher le\ cl

11 11 I 11 I .A 111 •\ l. 11 I.-\ l.(a) 1 I I A l.(J).I. 2 I I A I.Ca) I ( 1)

2 1 l. ;\ . l.(a) l.(1).{l)

D Chrc k S ht•t·b • \\'hen a Tanrf filmg 1s made \\llh the om1111 ss1on. an upd:ued Clwck Shccl accompanies 1hc f .u1ff fihng. The Cited. heel ltsls 1he sheets conuuncd 111 lh\' TanfT\, uh a cross reference 10 the currcm re,ision number. When new sheets arc added. the lied, Shcc1 1s changed 10 rcn(.-cl the rc, is1on. All re\'is1ons made ma given fihng arc d~·s1gnatcd b) :md astcnsk , ~ I. There will ht· no other symbols used on this shccl 1f these arc the onl y changes made 10 u (1 .e .. the fonmll. etc . rcmuins the same. just re, rcns1on lc,cls on some shcc1s) The Tari ff user shou ld refer to the la1cs1 Check Sht-ct 10 find 1f a pan1rnlar 11hce1 1s the most current on file wuh the Connmssion

Issued Oc1obcr 21. 199 Issued 8)·: JonaLh.o.n Kaufman

!\'ct\\ork 81lhng Sysu.•ms. LL.C. I 5 \\'tllo" brook Boule\ arJ

\\' .o.ync. NJ 07-1 70 t 'H3) 256-2020

EITcc1ivc D:11c:

Page 24: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~t:t"ork Bdhnt? Systems. I.LC outh Dako1a P U.C Tan ff No I On mal Shrcl ~o. 7


This TanfT 1hc ra1cs. tmns and cond111ons apphcahk to the prov1s1on of Sp<."C1a lm:d rc:sold mlrnstatc common earner 1clecommumca11ons SCf"\ 1cc b) Ncl\.\orl lltlhng )S1Cms. LL C bcl\.\C'ffl \anous loca11on v.1thm the talc ofSoulh Dakout

All scn·1ccs an:- 1ntCTStat o!Tcnngs Intrastate 5('n 1cc 1s an add•on srrvrcc a,•a1lablc only 1fthc Customer subscnbe.s to the Compan) ·s 1111cn1a1c o!Tcnngs

Issued : October 2 1. 1998 Issued By: Jona1han Kaufman

Nc1v.ork B11\tng LL C. 155 W1llov.brook Boulevard

W3)11C, NJ 07.170 (97J) 256-2020

EfTccll\C Date:

Page 25: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~c1,, ork Billing Systems. L.L.C. South Dako111 P. _C. Tanfff'\o. I Oncmal Shc:ct No 8


Acco1mt Cock.

A numcncal code. one or more of wh1 h arc 3\'!lilablc 10 a u51omcr 10 cn::i.blc 1dcn11ficat1011 of 1ndil'idual users or groups of users on an accoum and 10 allocate costs of SC'1"\ICC accordingly.

Called Sta1ion·

The 11:m1mJt111g point of a call (i .e., the called number)

Calling Card

A card issued by Company conlaimng such account numbers assignt'd to its Cus1omcr "h1ch enables the charges fo r calls made to be properly billed on a pre-arranged b:is1s This ma) also be ref med to as '"Tra,·cl Card."


The South Dakota Public Utilities Comn11Ssion.

Nc1"ork Bilhng Systems. L.L.C.

Credit Card·

A ,ahd bank or finJncrnl orgamzation card. rcprcscnung and accou111 to "h1ch the costs of products and SCr'\ 1cc purchased by !he ca.rJ holder may be charged for future paymcni

uch cards mclude those issued b)' VISA or MasterCard.

Issued Oc1olx.-r 2 I. I 99S Issued B) Jona1han Kaufman

Net\l.ork B1lilng ystems. LL C. 155 W11lowbrook Bou\C\'ard

Wayne. NJ 07.;70 (9731256-2020

Effcc11vc Date:

Page 26: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

South Dakolll PU . Tan ff No. I Qngmal Shc:c1 ~o 9



The person. firm. corpor.11100 or other cnmy "h1ch ord\..TS or uses SC'1' 1cc and 1s rcspon tblc for pa~mcn1 of charges and comphancc "1th 1:m!Trcgulauon.

\:on-S\\IIChcd access bcl"ecn a Cus1omcr's prcmtse5 and the pom1 of presence of the Compan~ 's undcrl~ing earner

D1sconncc1 or D1sc-onncc11on

The 1cnnm:111on of a c1r-cu11 conn 110n bct"cco the ongmatmg stauon and the called s1a11on or the Compan~ 's opcr.uor


Sec '"Cus1omer·· dcfinmon

··soo .. \/umbc.-r·

An 1n1m:,changc SCf"\'1cc offered pursuant 10 this 13nfT for "h1ch the called p!lrty 1s assigned a unique OO•NXX-XXXX or 8 -NXX-XXXX or 77-NXX-XXXX number. oran) other \:PA. and IS billed for calls 1cmunatmg .al that number

lsstit.-d · Oc1obcr 21. 1998 Issued By; Jonathan Kaufman

'l"ct\\Ork 81lhng ystcms. L L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boulc\'ard

Wayne. NJ 07~ 0 (973) 256-2020


Page 27: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

:-.:ct\\ <.t rk 8 111mg S)Slcms. L L C Sou1h Dakot:1 P UC TanffNo. I Qn gmal hcct No IO



2 I I ompan) 's sen ices :ire fu rnished for telt:communica11ons on gma1 mg and or 1cmlm:u mg 1n any area ,,11hm the Stale o f South Dakota.

2.1 2. Company 1s a non-facil ities-based provider of resold imcrcxchangc telccommunica1ions to Customers fo r their d1rcr1 transmission and recept ion o f \'oicc. data. and other types of communicat ions.

2 I 1 Compan) resells .1ccess. s,, itching. transpon. and 1cm1ina11on services pro\'1ded by mtcn.·, change earners

2. 1 -4. 'iubjcc1 10 a, ;u \,1b1hty. the Cus1omer may use account codes 10 ident ify the users or user 6roups on an ace unt. The numerical composi1ion o f the codes shall b'" !iCI by Comp;my to assure compa1101li1y wnh 1hc Company's aecoun1ing and bill ing syslems and 10 a, 01d thl' duphc:111011 of codes.

2. 1.5 TI1c Company's sen ices :ire pro"idcd on n monthly basis unless 01hen, 1sc provided. an<I arc av:ulablc t\\Cnty-fo ur (24) hours per day. SC\'Cn (7) days per " eek.

2.1 6. R1..-qucs1 for scn ·1cc under this Tan ff will authorize the Compan)' to cond uc1 11 cri..•dit search mi 1he Customer The Company rcscn•cs the right 10 re fuse service on the basis of cn.-dit his1ory . and 10 refuse further scn•icc due 10 late payment or nonpayment by 1he Customer.


2 2 I Scn •ice 1s oITcrcd subJc;:I to availability of the necessary fo ci hties and/or equipment and subject 10 1hc: provisions of 1his Tnriff.

lssul•d: October 21. 199 Issued By: Jonathan Kaufman

Ncl\\ Ork Billing Sys1ems. L L C. 155 Willo"brook Boulc\'ard

Wa)'tlC. NJ 07.i70 (973) 256·2020

Effccl1\'e Da1e:

Page 28: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Sou1hDako1 ,1 P UC 1 :mff -...:o I I •mal hc·I '.\o I

~rCTIO' 2 . Rl 1.f.S A~U REC:l/1..ATIO~S. Continuc<l

I l\lrl \ no, OF f. H.\ I C t: . Conun uc:d

rh'-' CompJn) r\.'..Cf'\ e) 1hc nght 10 1mmc.·dia1el) d1sconni:c1 SCr"\ ,cc \\hen ll\.-c<.·ssnJll'd b) , <" nd111'-''h tx-:,tmd the compan) 'S control or \\he11 the Customer 1s usmg the sen1ce 111 ,wlJ11on 01 ,·uhcr thl' pro\1s1ons of tlus t::mffor the lrms. mies. regula11ons. or po l1c1cs ll f th\.· Jun!t<l1c1mn of the ongmJlmg s1a11on or tennmaung station. or 1hc l:ms or 1he l mll"<l S1atc~ mclud mg rules. regulations and pohc1cs or the outh Dakota Publtc L t1hl1l'' C'onum:,51011

The l"om11an) does 1101 unJ,-n.ll,.e 10 1ransm1l mess.1gcs. but offers the use or ,ts foc1ht1es "hc.•n ,,, JIIJhk. aml \\ ill 1101 be habk fo r error, 111 1r.1nsm1ss1on or for fai lure 10 cs1abl1sh Cll:lnL"Cllt lll \

:! :! .: 1 hi: Cus1omcr ob1ams no propcrt) ng.tu or 1111crcs1 m the use or an) spc.-c1fic 1ypc or rac1h1) . SlTI 1cc. CI.J uipmcnt. 1ckphouc number . process or code. All nghli., titles 11uercsb rem.un .• 11 jJI limes. solcl) ,, 11h the Compan)

:! :! 5 !'nor ,, nl h:n pen111ss1011 from lhc Com pan) 1s required tx:lori: an) assignment 01 transfer ,\ II rcgulauons and cond111ons c.ontamcd m this Tanrr shall appl) 10 .111 such pt.'m1111cJ assignees or transfcrec-s. as 1\cll as all C'Ond111ons of sen ice

2 2 <,. The ro111pan) rcscn c-s 1he n g!u to refuse an .1pphc.a11on for sen 1cc b) .1 prei.cnt or fom1er Cus1omn ,, ho is mdcb1cd I<" the Company for sen ice pre, 1ousl) rt.'ndcrcd pursuanl tn th is Tan ff un11l the 111dcb1edncss 1s s.111sfied

2.3. USE

2.3.1 Sen ice.· may be- used for 1hc 1ransm1ss1on of co111111umca11ons b) the Customer for an) l:m fu\ purpose for" htch the scf"\ 1cc 1s h.-chmcall> suucd

2 3 2 Sen 1cc ma> not be used for ,Ill) unla,, ful purrosc or for an) purpose for "luch an) payment or 01her compcnsa11on 1s rccc11 cd by the Customer. C).ccp1 \\ hc:n the Customl.'r 1s a dul) .n11hon11,:d and regulJtcd common earner This pro, 1s1on d<><:s not proh1b1t an arr:mgcm~·nt bet\\ ccn thl.' Cus1011K·r. :1uthon1cd user or JOll\l usl•r to share the cost of Sl'J'\ICe

Issued Oc1obcr 21. 19t) Issued By· Jonathan Kaufman

Nct\\0rk 131lhng S)stcms. LI C 155 W1IIO\\brook Boulc,a.rJ

WJync. NJ 07-1 70 (97 J) 256-2020

Page 29: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~ctv.orl.. 8111mg ~stems. L.L C South Dako1:1 P. . TanfT~o I Qngmal Shec1 No. 12

SF.C rJON 2 - RUl.ES AND REGUL.AT IOi".S. Con1111ucd

2.J. USE. Con1mul-d

2.3 3 ,\pp\1 ca11on fer service may be made \Crbally or III wri1ing. The munc(s) of 1he Cus1omcr(s) de in ng 10 use the scrYicc must be sc1 for1h m 1he application fo r scr.·1ce

2.3 ➔ • The Company strictly prolubits use of the Company's sen •iccs without payment or an avoi dance of paymen1 by 1he C ustomer by fraudulent means or de\'iccs including pro\' iding falsified calling card r,:m1bcrs or im·alid calling card numbers to the Company. providing fo lsi fi cd or inva lid crcdi1 card numbers 10 the Company or in any \\3)' nmrl-prcscn1ing lhc idcn11ty of lhc Customer.


2 ➔ I The habiluy of 1hc Company fo r damages arising oul of mistakes. om1 ss1ons. m1crrupt 1ons. delays. errors or defects in 1ransmi~s1on occumng 111 the course o f fu rnishing scr, ice or other faci lities and not caused by the negligence o f the Customer. commences upon ac1in1t1on of service and in no e\'en1 cxccros an :m1oun1 cquwalcn1 to 1he propon1ona1e charge 10 the CustomL-r for the period of service dunng which such mistakes. omiss1011s. 1111errup1ions. delays, errors or defects in 1ransmiss1011 occur. For lhc purpose o f comput ing such umounl. a month is considered 10 have 1hir1y (30) d!lys. To 1he ex1cn1 pcm1i1tetl by law, the Company will in no eve111 be responsible for any indirect. mcidemal. conscquemial. reliance. special. Josi re\·cnue. lost 5a\'i ngs. los1 proii1s. or exemplary or puniti, e damages, regardless of the fomt of ac1ion. whc1hcr in contrac1. 1or1. negligence o f any kind whether active or pass i\·e. st rict li ah1li ty or othcrv. 1sc The lemts of tlus Section shall apply no1wi1tm:u1ding the failure or an)' exclush c remedy

2 ~-2 Company is not liable for any act or omission of any other company or companies fum1slung :1 pon1on of the scr,·ice.

2A.3 Exel-pt a:, c,.prcssly \\arrantcd in \\nling by Company. Company makes no warr.uuy or guar.m1ee. express or implied. :md Company express ly disclaims any implied warranties o f mcrehamah11i1y and fi 1ncss for a part icular purpose.

Issued October 21. 19'>8 Issued By: Jonathan Kau fman

1c1work Billing Syslems. L.L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020

Effccti\·e Date:

Page 30: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

, ct\\OrJ.. Btlhnl:,: )Siems. I L CIUlh Dakota P t; TanfT:-.:o I Qngmal ShL'C\ No I J

S .. '. CTIO~ 2 . lt l ' l. f:S A~O REGt: L.AT IO~S. Contmm."<I

2A. U Allll.lTIES OFTIU: CO~ll'Ai'"Y. Continued

:? J J Compan~ shall b"· mdcmm ficd and held ham1kss by 1hc Cus1omcr aga111s1

,\ Claims for hbt'I . slander. mfnngcmcn1 of copynghl or use of .m~ 1radcmark. trnclc munc or SCr"\ ice mark ans1ng ou1 of the ma1cnal. data. mfomm11on or 01hcr con1ent tr.i.nsnuncd o,er Company's fac1h 1ics. and

B. Claims fo r paten! mfringcmcm ansmg from combmmg or connc-clmg eompan} 's fae1 h11c!) \\ llh apparalus and systems of the Custom"--r. and

C All other cl,u ms ansmg out of an} ac1 or on11ss1on of 1hc Ctutomcr m ..-onnec11on \\ uh un} sm 1cc pro, 1dcd b) Compan}

2 J 5 The Company 1:, 1101 ha~II." for any defacement of. or dan1a:,I! to. 1hc "-'qlllpmcm or prem1s1.-s of a Cus1omcr resuhmg from the fum1shmg of SCf"' IC(.'S "hen such dcfac(.·mc-111 or dam:igc 1s not 1he result ol the Company's neghgence

2 J t, C'ompan) shall not bi: hablc for and the Cuslomer mJ cmmfics and holds harmlcs from an) and all loss claims. demands. suns. or other action or h:ib11t1y \\h:i1.soc,·cr. " hcthcr sufTcrc.-d. made ms111u1ed or asscned b} the Customer or by 311) other pany or person. for 311) personal mjury 10. death of :iny person or persons. and for an} loss. damage. dcfacrn1em or dcstrucuon of the prcm·scs of the Customer or an) other propcn). \\ hcther 0\\ ncd by the Customer or by others. c:iusc.-d or cl:mncJ to haH' been caused dm .. -clly or indirectly by 1he inslollauon. operation, failure 10 operate. mamtenancc. rcmm 31. pn..'SCncc. comht1on. loca11on or use of equipment or "mng pro\ 1ded b~ Comp3n} ,,here such ms1alla1ion, operation. failure to oper,ue. ma111tcn3ncc, cond111on. loca11011 or use 1s not the dircc1 result ofCompan}'s ncghg(.·ncc

Issued October 2 1 . 1998 lssu,.-d l3} · Jonathan Kaufman

Network 8111mg Systems. LL. 155 W11\owbrook Boulc,ard

\\ aync. NJ 07.S 70 (973) 256-2020

FO"c.--cl1\ C Dale

Page 31: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Nch\0rk Billing S)Slcms. L.L.C. outh Dakota P.U.C. Tan ff No I Om;inal S)Jec1 No . IJ


2.4. I.IABl l.rrn :s OFTIIE COM PANY. Conunucd

:! -l - No agcn1 s or emplO)'Ces or connecting. concurring or 01hcr panic1pmmg earners or compamcs shnll be deemed to be agems or employees of 1hc Compnny without written au1hon1at1on .

:? J .8 TI1e Compan)' ,s 1101 liable fo r any foilurc or pcrfonnancc hereunder due 10 causes beyond 11s comrol. mcluding. bu1 not limited 10. una\'oidablr in1cm1p1ion in 1hc working or 11s circuits or those or another common carrier: acts or nature. s1om1s. fire . floods. or 01hcr ca1nstrophcs: :my Inv. . order. regulation. direction. acuon. or rcqucs1 of 1he United S1a1es Go\ emme111. or ,my other go,·cmmcntal entity havi ng jurisdiction O\'C'r the C0111r :m) or of any dcpanmcnt. agency. co111miss1on. bureau. corporation. or 01hcr mstrumcntahty or any one or more or such insm1111cntality or any one of more of such go,cmmcntal cn1i11cs. or of any civil or n11li1ary authority: national emergencies. msurrcctions. nnts. rebellions. wars. strikes. lockou1s. ,,ork -.1.:,ppagcs. or 01hcr Jabot d1fficullu:-s: or 1101,, 11hs1:1nd111g anythmg in th is TanfT to lhc the unla\\ ful ac1s or 1hc Company's agents and employees. 1f comn1111cd bc)•ond 1he scope of 1hc1r employment.

1 -1 9 The Company shall not be liable for damages or adJUSlmcnls, refunds. or cancellation of ch.1rgcs unless 1hc Cuswmcr has 1101ificd 1hc Company. 111 \\ ntmg of any d1:.pu1c ..:onccmmg charges. or 1hc basis or .my claim for damages. ancr the lll\'01c:e 1s r.!ndercd b~ the Company as fo r the cull giving nsc 10 such dispute or claim. 1\ ny such 11011cc must set fonh sufficient fac ts 10 pro\Pidc: the Company wi1h a reasonable basis upon \\ h1c:h 10 C'\ alu:1lc lhc Customer's cl:um or dcm::nds.

Issued Oc1obcr 11. 1998 lssu..,-d By Jonathan Kaurm:m

Nct\\Ork Billing S)'Slems. L.L.C. 155 \\'1 llowbrook Boulc\'ard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020


Page 32: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

'Ch\Ori. 13111mg S~,;;1ems. I I C oulh Dal.ota P U.C Tanff...:o I Qngmal Sheet ~ o 15

SECTIO~ 2 · kl'l .f.S A~I> Rt:Gl'L \ T IONS. Continued

2.4. LIAUII.ITIES OF r ll E CO\IPA~Y. Con1mucd

:! J Io The ("omp:m~ hJII nol he \Jahlc for an) Jamagc:s. 111.:ludmg usage charges. that 1hc Cu:,IOmL'T mJ~ incur as a r1.-sult of the unaulhon.,cd use of 11s c:ommumc:a11ons 1.-qu1p1m.-111 I he unauthon.,cd u c of 1he Customer's commumc:u1011s cqmpmcm mrluJcs. hut 1s no1 hmuetJ to. the: placcmcnl of calls from the Cus1omcr's prcnuscs and the plac:cnwm olcJlls lhrough ustomcr-cont rollcd or us1omc1-pro\tS1oncd equipment 1h,11 ,1rc 1ra11snu1tL·J or C.lmc-d O\Cf the Compan)·s nc1,,ork sen1c:cs \\1 lhou1 the :1utnon.,a11on 01 the Customer The Cu.s1omer shall be fu ll} hablc for all such charges

2.~ Fl ' I.I. FORC'f. A~U f.Fff.CT

Should Jn> pro\lsmn or ponion of 1h1s 1anff be held b} a c:vun or admm1strJ11\c agcnr} o f c:ompctcnt JUnsJ1L1mn h.) be 1llcgal. 1mahJ or uncnforccJblc. the rcmJ1mng prO\ 1:,1ons of1h1:, ranff,,111 rcm:;un 1n full force and cfTt"CI

2.6. lNTERkl'PTIO~ OF S1-.R\'ICf.

2 6 I Cred it JIIO\\anc:c rur 1111cm.ip11011s of l'\ 1 c \\ h1ch arc not du~· to Companfs 1e:,1111g or adJuStmg. to the ncghgcn c of 1hc Customer. or IQ the f:ulure o f channe ls. equ1pmcn1 and or commumca11ons equipment prondcd by the Customer, arc subJCC I to 1hc gcncra\ habdtl) pro, 1s1ons set for1h m Scc11011 ::? -1 •• hcrcm. II shall be the obliga11011 of thl· Customer to not if} Company of any mtem.ip11ons of sen 1cc. Before g1\·mg such no1m:. :he Customer shJII asccnam that the 1roublc 1s not being caust."tl by any ac11on or onu»1on of the Customer. not" 11hm 1hc Customer's con1rol

::? 6.:! For purpoSI...;; of cn"tlll compu1a11on for lc.1scd fac1 ht1cs. c, cry month shall be co11s1Jcrcd lo ha,e ~20 hours '\'o crccht shall be allO\\ Cd for an Ulh.-rrupuon of a contmuou.s durauon of le~ than tv. o (2) hours.

Issued Octobcr 21. 199S Issued By: Jonathan Kaufman

~c1,,ork 8111mg S)stcrns. L.L.C 155 \\'1ll0,, brool. Boutc, ard

\\'a)'OC, NJ 07-170 \973) 256-2020


Page 33: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

NCh\Ork Bilhng Systems. L.L.C. South Dakola P.U.C. TanfTNo. I Opginal Sheet No I 6


2.6. INTERRUP ' IO N OF SERVICE. Con1111ut.-d

2 (,J The subscnbcr shall be crcd11cd for an interruption ofh\O (2) hours or mort.· at the r:itc of I 720th of the monthly charge for the facilities affected fo r each hour or maJor fracuon lhcn.-of that the in1crrup1ion co111inues.

Cn.-d1t fonnu la: Crccht • (tV720) X B

1\ • outage tirnc III hours

8 • 10ml monthly charge for affected utility


The use .mJ restoration of scrv1cc m emergencies shall be 111 accorJancc \\ 1th pan 6-1. Subpan D of the Ft.-dcral Commu111ca11ons Commission's Ruks and Rcgulauons \\)Heh spcc1fit.-s 1he priori ty system for such act1,,i1ies.


'lltc lllllllllllllll SCl'\'ICe pcnod is one month (JO da)'S).


2.9 1. Charges for service arc appl u.-d on a recurring basis. Scr"icc is provided and bi lled on a

month!>• (JO da>) basis. TI1c bilhng date is dependent on the billing cycle as.signed to the Customer. Scr..,ice continues 10 be provided unti l canceled by the Customer on not less than 1h1ny (30) da)'S wnucn nolicr. unless Commission ru les spec ify othel'\\ isc.

2 9 ! 'lltc Cus1omcr 1s responsible in all cases for 1hc payment of :1l1 charges for Sl"l'\'iccs furnished 10 the Cus1omcr. Charges arc based on actual usage. and arc btlk-d monthl) 111 arrears.

Issued· October 21. 199 ISSU(.'fl By: Jonalhan Kaufman

Ne1,,ork Billing Systems, L.L.C. 155 Willowbrook Bou le\'ard

Wa)1lC, NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020

Em-ctivc Date:

Page 34: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

'.\CI\\Or~ Bilhng S)Stems. LL C

SEC7'10'\ 2 - Hl U :S AVO RFGl LAT IO '\ . C'ontmucd

?.IJ. PA\ M E:-o;TS ,\:'lo' O Bll.l.l :'lo'G. Conunu,:d

~ 9 J 8111mg ,s p.:&)a~k upon n.-cc1p1 :a.nJ past due thlrt'.\ nm l.bH :i.ftcr I suancc .md po:.ung of 1mo1ce B1lls nol p.:ud "'thin thirt) (30) d.l}s Jller thc-datc of pos1mg arc ~ubJt.-CI to a I


percent late paymi..•nt charge for 1hc unpaid balance. md ma) bC' subJCCI 10 uddt11onal coll«11on Jgcnc) fees

2 9 .i A charg(.• of S20.00 \\ 111 appl) "hcnc\er a chcclr.. or draft prcsrn1cd for pa~Tl\l'fll of sen ,cc 1s no1 acccp1(.-d b) the 1nsmu11on on "h1ch 111s "nncn

l 9 5. lhlhng 1 • .h spu1c:. should OC addressed 10 ompan} 's cus1omer SCT"\ 1cc organuauon , 1:1 tclcphoni..· to 301 171 1 Customer sc-n1cc rq,rcscn1a11,cs arc a, mlablc from ·30 A~l 10 5:59 PM Eastem rime. ~kssagcs ma) be left for Customer Scf"\1 i..'S from 6 00 PM 10 :?9 A~1 Eastern Time. "h1ch \\Ill be ans"cred on the nc\:t business duy. unk s m the c\Clll of un cmcrg(.·ncy \\ h1ch 1hrca1rns customer sen 1cc. ,n "hich case Customer Scn·icc StafT ITlJ) be paged

:? Q.6 In the ,:asc of a dispute bct"ecn the Customer and the Compan) for SCr'\1cc fum1shl-<l 10 the Cus1omcr. \\htch cannot be sculed "uh mutual sa11sfJc11on. the ustom r can take: 1hc folio\, mg course of action

A F1rs1 . th<.• Customer ma) request. and the Compan) "111 perform. an m-depth rC\lC" of the d1sput1..'<I amount The und1spu1cd pomon and subsequent bills must be paid on a umel) basis or the sen 1cc may be subJ«t to d1sco11ncc11on

Issued Oc1obcr:? I. 1998 Issued By: Jonathan Kaufman

Nct,\Ork D1lhng )Stems. L.L.C 155 W1ll0,\bto0k Boulc,ard

Wa)'I\C, NJ 07-170 (9 - J) 256-20:?0

l:.ffcc:11, e Date

Page 35: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Ncl\, ork Bilhng Systems. L.L.C. oUlh Oakola P .. C. T:i.nfTNo I Omnoal ShL'(.'I No 18


2.9. PAYM ENTS AN D Bl LUNG. Continued

1.9 6 Con1in u,-d

0 . S,-cond. if there is s1ill disagrecmem over the dispu ted amount af'kr the uwcst1ga11on and review by a manager of the Company. the Customer may appt.-;1 1 10 the South Dakota Public Utilities Comnms1on fo r us im·cs1igat1on and dcc1s1on.

The Jddrcss and telephone number of the Comm1ss1on arc

oulh Dakota Public Ullhtics Commission 500 Ea:it Capitol A, cnuc Pierre. South Dakota 57501 -5070

Telephone: lSOO) 332• I 782 n \'tSC)(I) 77- 11 u


2.10.1 Cus1omcr m.1y cancel service by prov1d1ng wnucn 11011 c 10 Company 1hiny (30) da)S pnor to cancelh111011

2.10 . .2. Custonu .. ·r 1s responsible fo r usage charges while s1111 conncclcd to 1he Company's * rvice. e, en if the customer utilizes services rcnderL-d after the Customers request for canccllauon has been made notice and 1he payment o f associated local c~ch:mgc company charges. tf JJ1y. for service charges.

Issued Oc1obL-r 11 . 1998 lssuc-d 13) Jonathan Kaufman

~etv.ork 8 1lhng Systems. L.L.C. 15 Willo .... brook Boulc\•ard

\VJync. NJ 07J70 (973) 256-2020

EJT.;.-cu, c Dale:

Page 36: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

'-ct"od, 81lhng }Stem . LL C outh Dakota P. C. TanfTNo. I Qngma) Sheet No 19

SH :-t 10 , 2 · Rl I £.S A~ I> RECL'I .AT IONS. Continued

2.10. CA.'iC ►:U \TIO;\ B\ CLSTOMER. Contmucd

2 Ill 3 1\ n) non-reco\crablc cost of Company cxpend11urcs shall be borne by the Cus1omt.•r 1f·

,\ The Customer ordcn .SCI' 1cc rcqumng spcc1al fac1lmcs dcd1ca1cd to the Customer's . .sc 3.nd then c3JlC'els the order be fo re such service begins. before comrle11011 of the mm1mum pcnod or before compleuon of some pcnod mutu:ill) agre't.!'d upon "nh the Customer for the non-rcco\·crablc por11ons of cxpcnd1turcs. or

8 L1ab1h11es i re mcurrtd e,pressly on behalf of the ustomcr by ompan) and 1\0I full) reimbursed b) 1nstalla11on and mon1hly charges: anJ

C If bJ.SCJ on an order for :md construct1011 has c,1 hcr begun or has been completed. bu1 no scr. 1cc pro\·1dcd.


2 11 1 Compan) n:scf"\CS 1hc nght 10 1mmed1atcly d1sc:ontmuc fum1shmg the ser. 1cc 10 Customers "'nhout m umng liability.

In the C\Cllt of:a corh.ht1on dctcrmmed 10 be hazardous to the Customer. 10 other cus1omcrs of the uliht) to the utility's equipment. the pubhc or 10 en1pl0)'CCS of the ut1hl) . or

B. B) reason ofan) ordcr or dcc1S1on of a coun or any othcr govcmmcnlll authont) "h1ch proh1b11s the Company from ium,shing such st.·rv1cc; or

C If 1he Compan) deem" such n:-fuSJI necessary to prot«• itself or third parties as1unst fraud or 10 other., ,sc protect its personnel. agents. foc1h1 1cs or ser. ,ct.-s "'1thou1 11011cc, or

Issued· Oc1obcr:?l. 1998 Issued B) Jonathan Kaufman

Networi B1lhng Systems, LL C. 155 Wil!o~bmok Boulc\'ard

Wa)·ne. NJ 074 0 (97J) 256-2020

EITec1ivc Da1e·

Page 37: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~ch, ork Bill ing Syskm . L L.C u1h Dakota P U.C Tan IT No I Qngmal Sheet No 10


2.11 . CANCEL L ATION 8\1 COM PAN\', Co1111nui."<I

:! 11 I . Conunucd

D. For unl:i,,·ful USl' o f the scf'\icc or use of the scr.·icc for unlawfu l purposes. or

E. If 1hc Customer provides fa lse mfonn:w on to the Company regarding the Customer's idcnllly, address. crcd11-worthincss. pas1 . cuncnl or planned use of Com pan)' s services.

~ 11 :? ma} d1scon1inuc scr.·icc according to 1hc followmg conditions upon 1i,c {5) da} S IIOltCe

A. For, 1o la1io11 of Company's fi led 11mffs: or

8 For the non-payment o f any proper charge as pro,idcd by Company's T:mlT. or

C For Cu.s1omcr's breach of the contract for scr. 1cc bct\,ccn the utilit} and Customer.

1. 11 .J . The disco111111uancc o r sen. 1cc:(s) by the ompany pursuant to 1h1s st:etion docs not relic, c the Customer o f :my obhg!lt1ons 11• pay the Compan}' for charges due and o,, mg for scn. 1ce(s) fumi shlxl up to the time o f d1sconltnuai1ee. Th'-' rcmedi avaifable 10th\.· Compan} SCI fort h hl·rcm shall not l,c c:-.clusi,c and the Company shall at all lltnl·S be enu tled to all the ri g.his av:ulablc 10 11 under law or \.'q Ully.

2.11 A The Comp~m)' may refuse to pcmti t colkt l culli ng. call ing card and third-number bilh ng "hich 1t dctemtincs 10 be fr.tudulcnt and/or may li1111t dtl' US'-' o flhesc billi ng op1 ions or scr. iccs.

Is ucd. October 21. 199 Issued By: Jona1han Kau fman

Nct\\ork 81lhng Sys1cms. L.L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boule\'ard

W a)1lC. 1J 07-170 (973) 256-2020

Page 38: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Ncl"ork 81lhng Syslcms. L L.C ou1h Dakola P.U. Tar1fTNo I OngmaJ Sheet No ., I

EC-no~ 2 • R t.t: s ANO REG tATIONS. Con1111uC'd


2 12 I SCT"·1cc fum1shcd by Compan) may be m1crconncc1ed ,, uh SCI' 1cc.-s or fac1h11cs of other authonJ"t.-J comm11mcat1ons common earners and with pnvatc S)'Stcms. subJC'CI 10 the tcchmcal hmuuuons es1abhshcd by omp:my. Any pccial uucrfocc of equipment or foc1 htu:s nL'CCSS:11) 10 ach1c, c compaubil11y bc1"ccn 1h fac 1li11t..-s of ompall)' and other part1c1p.:11111g cam(.-rs sha ll be pro\ 1dcd at the Customer'~ expense

2 12 2. lnmconnecuon hct" crn the facthucs or St.-n 1ccs of other earner.;: shJII be under the apphcablc tcm1s and condmons of the other c.amcrs' 1anffs. The us1omcr is responsible for taking all necessary legal steps fo r m1crconncc1ing Cus1omcr-pro, idcd tcmunal cqu1pmcn1 or commumcat,ons <.-quipment "1th Company's fac iliti es. TI1c Cus1omcr shJII SC('urc all hn-nses. pcnmts. ngtus-of-wa~ and 01her such arrangements nc:.-ccssaf)' !Or 1111crconnec11on


The Company docs n01 requi re a dl'p<>sll or ad, .1ncc pa)mcnl from the Cu!ltomcr.


The Compan) may. 31 any 11111c and al its sole d1Kre11on. sel a credit 111ml fo r an)

us1omcr's consump11on of erviccs for any monthly pcnod. If a credit limn ,s csiabhshcd. 11 shall be based on a rea.q)nablc assessment of 1hc ab1!11y of thC' Customer to pay for scrvm:s usmg the Cus1omcr·s aceoum lus1ory as a gu ide. and shall at all 11mcs be p10,·1dcd ma non-d1scnmma1ory manner.

?. IS. TAXt:S

The Cus1om<.·r ts responsible fo r pa)ment of all fede ral . slate and local ta.'(cs. franchise. C:\c1sc and other fees apphcablc 10 1he Sen ,ccs. mcludmg. but 001 hmncd to SJ.ks. use. e'(c1 . franchise. access. um , ersal sen1ce. QI I .§e'rnccs and hand1cappC'd scn1ccs

lssut-tl: Oc1obcr 21. l ?9S lssu<.-d B) . Jona1han Kaufman

Nct"ork Bllhng )'Stems. L.L C. 15S W1llo"brook Boule\'ard

Wayne. NJ 07-l70 (973) 256-2020

EfTccll\C Dale

Page 39: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

South Dal olJ ll L1 C TJnlT ' o I Ongmal Shcrt '\o , .!


.U. Tl~ II NG Ot-' CA I.I .S

J I I The ('u310111cr's long-d1 s1:1.11cc usagl· charge ,s based on 1hc ac1ual U3agc or ' SCf'\'ICe Usage bcg111s \\ hen the rt .. -c:c1 \ cr or the called number 1s ans,\er cJ The moment of the called pany's ans\\cr 1s dc1cm1incd by hard,\are supt·f'\ 1s1on 1n \\ h1ch lhc local telephone com11an) sends ;1 signal to the undcrl)'mg c:iml.'r's S\\ 11ch or the solh\Jfl' u11h11t1!; :u1tbo tone dc1ec11on The 1in11ng of the c:ill occur$ \\ht"n the c,:illc,J pJn~ Jn o;,,cn, ,md 1cmm1:ill-d \\hen Cllhl·r pany hangs up

., I 2 I he m1mmu111 J1J ~lurnt1on for hLlhng purpoSl"S for all Sl"f'\ tC\.-S c,n-pl ca lling carJ scf'\ tCl' 1s l' lghtecn t I I Set'onds \\ 11h six (6) Sl'l'Ond b1llmg 111ncmcn1s tlu·rcafkr ~t1111mu111 call durJllon fo r ca lhng cards 1s thiny (30) sc.-conds \\ uh SI\ (6) second b1lhng 1ncrcmcn13 1hcrc-1flcr

3 I J An) ponton of ,l!I apphcablc mcrcmcnt. Jftcr the a1>propnJIC mumnum tune fo r the cJ\I , \\I ll be ruundcd up,,ard 10 1hc ne,t mcrcmcnl. Calls less lhan the rmnunum length \\ Ill be roundl-<l to the nummum length

_; I ..: l'hcn· 1i. no h1ll111g for tnco111plc1c .:JIIS


3 1 I I he rJh: for CompJll) ':, scr, 1cc 1s tiJ~cd on the follow 1111; foc1ors ·

t\ l h"· month\} b1lhng ,olumc.

B The durJIIOn '1f lhe .:JII . anJ

C TI1c 1ypc of scf'\ 1cc subscnbcJ 10

Issued October .! : . I•)% Issued ll) Jonathan Kaufman

:,,.ct,\ ork B1lhng S)stcms. I LC 155 W1t10,,brook Boulc,.:i.rJ

W.aync, :--:J 07-1 70 (973) 25(,-2020

l:ffrc tl\ c Dale

Page 40: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Soulh Dakola Pl C 1 anff ~o I Om:11nJI Shcr1 ,\o 11

~E(7 10 ., J. DESC RI PTIO'.\ OF SE R\'ICf'. . C'onunu<.·d

.l .l . ' f.T\\ OR t-.'. BIU.l ;\G SY TF.MS TELF.COMML'I ICATIONS S ER\' ICES. ( 'ommut.-J

\ :: :: Dial \ re~, Sen ict' 1~ a s,, 11ched or dedicated JCCl'SS SL-n 1cc. offering u3cr3 ou1boun<l ··1 plu!I·· long d1s1Jncc 1ckcommumca11ons sen 1n-s from pmn1s ongmatmg Jnd tcnmnatmg m the late or South Oal..01a

., :: J 800 Ser'\ ict 1s a S\\ 11chcd or dt.-d1ca1ed accc-ss sen 1cc. offcrmg u.ltcrS mbouml. toll free ·· ,,., .. number.long distance ldt."Commumcatmns sm1ccs from po1n1s ong1nat1ng Jll<l

1cm1ma1111i; m lht: talc of South O:tl.01a This SCI'\ 1cc cnablt.-s the caller 10 con1ac1 the us1omcr "1thou1 mcumng toll chJrgcs. through the use of an ass1gm·d ·• 00'' number

Ille Customc~ pa)S for 1hc call

31 -l c·amue Card Ser, ict pcmu1s lhc cJIICT to charge 1hc pnnc1pal prcsub nhcd locauon for a call ,, hilc it.c allcr 1s a"a) from 1he pnnc1pJI locauon The Cus1omcr ma) place CJlls from a.fl\ touch 1onc phone m 1hc L b) d1ahng a 101! free ··soo · number and cmcnng a rcrsonal 1drnufic,mon code. follo"ed b) the dcsircJ 1ckphonc numhcr Calhni; canl calls an: b1IIN at 1hc Apphcant's tanffo.l r.ih.-s .mJ :i.ppear on 1hc Cus1omer'.!> month!) long..J1stance hill

The Compan> 111.!). from umc 10 11me. engage m special 1,romot1ons of ne" 01 c,1s1111g. Sm 1cc offcnngs of hm1ted dur:mon designed 10 aUract lie-A Customers or to mcn:a.M.· e,1st111g u3tomc-r :marcm-ss of a 11anicular offc-nng The prornouonal offmngs JIC sub;cc1 10 lhc a, a1lab1 1,t) of the er,. ices and ma) be limned 10 a specific gt.-ogr.1ph1c-.1I area or 10 a subst'I of a spc.."C1fi marl.ct 1;roup. pro,1d1..-d. ho"c,cr. all promouon.!I offmngs shall be offered m ac~·ordance "1th apphcablc omm1ss1on rul or rcg.ulauon3

lssucJ October :: I. 199 Issued B) Jonathan Kaufman

' c-t"ork 8111mg S) Slt.'1115, L LC 155 \\'1llo"broo\.. Boule,ard

Wayne-. NJ 0iJ'7(J

(9"')) :?56-1020

l· m."Ct1,cllatc

Page 41: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Nc1"ork Billmg S) slem . LL C

3A. Rau• Groups

Sou1h Dakota P U.C. Tanff~o. I Om;maJ Shcc:1 !\g. 2-1

Ra1cs arc offered for each service based on ra1e group.

J -1 I . Group A

All sv. itched access residential cus1omcrs and swnchl-d access business cus10mcrs wi th monthly billing \'olumc of SO 10 SSOO.

3 4.2. Group B

All sv.11ched access businci.s cuslomcrs "ilh momhly billing volume of SSOO 10

S 1000 and dcd1ca1cd access business customers wnh monthly bill ing \'0lumc less than S5000.

3-U. GroupC

A ll S\\HChcd accc;s business customers wnh fll l,)nthly billing volume aho\'c S1000 and dec.hc:m .. -d acn·ss busmess customers wuh monthly billing \'Olumc O\'c1 S5000.

Issued. Oc1obcr 21. 199 Issued By: Jona1han Kaufman

Nc1v. ort.: Billing S)'Stems. L.L. 155 Willov. brook Boule\'ard

W:t)OC, NJ 07-1 70 (973) 256-2020

Effcc tl\'c Date:

Page 42: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~CI\\ O 8111mg S)slcm . LL C



uth Dllota P Li C T:mff ~o I Qngmal Shcc1 No-'S

en. 1cc ch:tJ};C'S per accoum arc based on the follO\\ mg schedules.

-l I I s .... 11chcd .\CC~!: en !US

Group A Group ll

roup C

I ucd: October 21. 1998 lssutd By:

lmual 18 seconds 0)5J

S.0332 S OJ IO

Adduional 6 seconds S 0177

Jo03than K'lufman ~ctv. ork Belhng S)slcms. LL C

155 \\'1llov.brooL. Boulc,ard \\"3)1\C, NJ 07470

('J73) 256-2020

S.01<>6 50155

Effecll\c Da1c .

Page 43: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~chH1rl.131lhng S}stcms. LL C. Sou1h Dal.Ola P UC TanfT ~o I Om:mal Shcc1 ~o 16

SECTION 4 - RATES. Conu nued

4.1 ER\'ICE C II ARG ES. Co ntinued

J I I . ,, uchcd Access en 1cc-s. Con1mu1.-d

R Darcel i\C'ccss S00 Sen 1cc

Group A Group 13 Group C

Initial 18 seconds S.035> S.033 2


Add1uona1 6 seconds S.01 77 S.0166 S 0155

\ recurring month l) chnrgc or 2.00 1s b1\lcd for each inbound·· 00" number.

A S 30 surcharge,, 111 appl) to all calls uuti:ued from :1 pay 1clcphonc.

I sued October 11. 1998 Issued By: Jona1han Kaurman

t-.:c1,, ork Bilhng ·ys1cms. L.L. 155 \\'1 Ilo"brook Boule,ard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973 ) 256-1020

Erfcc11, cDatc

Page 44: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

NCI\\ ork 13111mg S~ :,lcms. L LC' South Dakota P.U.C T:mffNo I Qngmal ShC"Ct No 2

SECTIO~ 4 - RATES. Continued

4.1. SER\' ICE CII ARGES. Continued

.J 1 :! DcJ1cah.-d ,\cccss en ices

Dcd1ca1cJ access scr\1ces arc designed for Cus1omcrs \\i lh high 1raffic volu mes. ,,hose tranic \0'umcs JUStif) the add111onal costs or dedicated access facih1ies. Customers must C\:pcnencc a mmunum of S3.000 00 of monthly calhng to qualify fo r dcdica1ed acn-ss services. D<.'<hca1cJ fac1h11cs may be pro\'1dcJ by lhc Customer or 1hro11gh lhc Compan) and arc billed b) the undcrlymg local SCf''icc provider under its access 1ariffs.

A. Dedicated Uml Access Ser\ 1cc

~ Group A Group 8 Group

Initial IS seconds S.0196 S.018<

Addi1ional 6 seconds S.0098

S 0172

Access coordma11on fee. if apphc.ablc •· SJS0.00 Ccntl':II Office conncct1on fee. 1f applicable •• Si.500 per e,change Entr:mcc flci li t1cs charge. 1f apphcablc •· S 175.00 per month

S.0092 S 0086

Issued: October 21. 199 Issued By:

Effcctwc Date: Jonathan Kaufman

'\/emork Billing Systems. L.L.C. I S5 W11!0,\brook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020

Page 45: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

'\ct,\orh 81lhng }Siems. L LC' Sou1h Dakota P.lJ (' TanfT '-o. I QnginaJ Sheet ~n 28

SECTION 4 - RA TES. Con1inucd

4.1 SERVI CE CII ARGl:.S. Con11nucd

.l I 2 DL·thcatcd ,\ cn·ss Sen ices. Cormnucd

0 Ocd,ratcd Access 800 Sen 1cc

Group A Group B Group C

Issued October 21. 199 lssm.'<1 By:

lo1tial 18 seconds S0196 S 0184 S.0172

Addniooal 6 seconds S.009 S.0092 S.0086

EfTectl\ c Date Jona1han Kaufman

Nct\\Ork B1lhng _)Slcms. L.L C I 55 W1llc~"brook Boulc\ard

Wayne. NJ 01.1 70 (97)) 256-1020

Page 46: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

"°'-'I\\Orl. 8111mg S~s1cms. L LC ou1h Dakoia P U.C. Tanrr:--:o I Qngmaj Sht."t"I No. 29

SECT IO~ 4 RATES. Conlmucd

4. 1. S ER\'I C E C II ARGES. ontinucd

-I I J Tr.t\cl C,trd Scn1cc

C:&lhng card charges arc billed m s1x (6J st.-cond mcrcmcnis \\ uh a 1hmy (30) second mmmmm per call

~ Group A Group B Group\

Initial JQ seconds ~\ dd11ional 6 seconds S.125 S 025 S.095 .Ol'J S 085 S.017

A JS surcharge,, 1\1 appl y 10 all calls 1mtm1cd from a pay 1clcph<'n

Issued· Oc1obcr :?I. 1?9S Issued 8)' Jonathan Kaufman

~ CI\\Ork 81lhng Sys1cms. L.L.C. \SS W111oubrool. 13ouk\'ard

Wa)nc. i"iJ 07-1 70 (973) 256-2020

Effcrll\'C D:11c;

Page 47: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Ncl\\ork B1ll 111g Systems.L I C' Sou1h Dako1a P.U.C. T:mffNo. I Qri gmal Shec1 jl\o 30


-ti . SER\"ICE CIIARGES. Con1inu1.'d

J I J Accc:ss Surcharge

An Access Surch3.rge "111 appl) 10 each prcsubscri bcd line on a Cus1omcr's account

Business C"us1omers Residcmml Cuslomcrs

J I 5 Cf"\ 1cc I me Charge

()11 gro~ 101al hilled charges

J , I D1rccl0f) SSISlancc

S2.75 S0.53


The Comp:m) pro\ ides D1rec101')' Assis1ancc as an ancillal')' service cxclusi\'CI) 10 11s cus1omcrs D1rcc1or:, Assistance 1s acccss1ble by dmhng .. I ... 1he area code of the desired number nnd ··5:55.1212··

D1rcctof) \ ss1s1ancc. per call S 85

J I - lnd1\ 1dual C' Basis (!CB) Arrang""mcnts

Arr.ingc:mcnts "111 be dc\Clopcd on a case-by-case basis in response to a bona fide rcqucsl lrom a C'ustoJmcr or prosp,.-cU\C CU5tomcr to dc\'clop a compc1 it1\·e btd for a SC'f\ icc oiTcrc-d under 1h1s Tan ff Ra1cs quoted in response 10 such compc1i1i vc rcqucs1s ma) be d1ffcn:nt 1han 1hose speci fied fo r such Scf"\•iccs in 1h1s Tariff. ICB mies will be offered 10 1hc C'us1omcr m \\TIiing and on a non-chscn min:uory basis.

Issued Ck1ob1.'f 11. 1998 Issued 8) Jona1hun Kaufm::m

,et\, ork B1\hng Systems. L.L.C. t 5 W1ll0,, brook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020

Effl"'Cll\'C Date:

Page 48: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network



Page 49: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

~int£ of ~outq ~nkotn




I' JOYCE HAZELTINE, Secreta ry of S t ate of the State of south Dakota, hereby certify that the App lica t ion for a Certif1cate of Authority of NETWORK BILLING SYST EMS, L. L.C . (NJ) to transact bus i ness in thi s sta t e duly sig ned and verified pursuant to the pr ovisions of the South Dakota Limi t ed Liabili t.y Company Ac t, have been rec eived in th is office and are found to con form t o law .

ACCORDINGL Y and by vir tue of the authorit.y vested in r:ie by la!.', l hereby issue thi s Certificate of Authonty :1nd attac h here t o a duplicat.e of the appl ication to -::r.lnsact business in this s tate .

Ul TESTIMONY WH EREOF, I have hereu~to se t my hand and affi xed the Great Sea l of t he State of South Dakota, at Pierr e, the Cap ital. th is Oc t obe r 9, 1998 . /

~ v~ .ipvi:~rNE Sec retary of St

Page 50: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network



.=.cct.: .0 C 2so.oo


)C.'!, ., tlO.-."5 ._!()J.,(, Ail D ,,,.a.,,£ r,l :, ,r11:.r , c1.r 2U6S


Page 51: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

South Dakota Public Utilities Co mmission

WEEKLY FILINGS For the Period of October 30, 1998 thro ugh November 5, 1998

If you need a complete copy of a f1hng faxed, overnight expressed. or ma11ed to you, please contac1 Delaine Kolbo within five business days of this filtng

Phone 605-773-3705 Fax 605-773-3809


NG98-010 In the Matter of the Application of MidAmerican Energy for contmuat1on of 1ts Incentive Gas Supply Procurement Program

ApphcatIon of M1dAmencan Energy to continue its Incentive Gas Supply Procurement Program for an add1t1onal three.year penod or until such t,me as 1ts purchased gas ad1ustment may be ehm1nated. whichever comes taler M1dAmencan states that under a plan 11 has filed 1n Iowa, 11 will enable small volume gas transportat ion and has proposed to el1m1nate its PGA in May of 2000 M1dAmencan is In the process of determIn1ng whether to extend the same type of transpurtahon service to South Dakota

Staff Anorney Karen Cremer Staff Analyst Dave Jacobson Date F ,led 10/30/98 Intervention Deadhne 11/19/98


TC98-195 In the Mauer of the Apphcallon of Network Billing Systems, L L C far a Cert1hcate of Authonly to Provide Tetecommunica1Ions Services In South


App1tcat1on of Network Bilhng Systems. L L C for a certificate of authority to provide 1ntras1a1e telecammumcatIons services In 1he state of South Dakota Network B1lhng Systems is proposing 10 offer outbound interexchange 1etecommunIcatIons services The Applicant does not propose to offer alternative operator services. lntras1a1e service Is an add-0n service available only 1f the cus1omer subscnbes to !he company's tnterstnte offenngs

Staff Attorney Camren Hoseck Staff Analyst Harlan Best Date F 1led 11102198 lntervenuon Deadhne 11 /20/98

TC98· l96 In the Mauer of the Complaint hied by Don Jiracek an oehalf of GSA, Inc . Rapid C11y South Dakota. against McLeod USA, Regarding Inadequate Service

Complaint by Don J1racek vs Mclead USA The Complainant claims that a delay of 1nstalla11on of telephone service caused loss of Incorne The Complainant Is seeking S33,000 ,n damages for lost business

Staff Attorney Camren Hoseck Consumer Affairs Len1 Healy Date F ,led 11 /02198 Intervention Deadline NA

You may receive this hst1ng and other PUC pubhcattons via our website or via internet e-mai l You may subscnbe 10 the PUC ma1hng hst at hllp J/1/-AV\v slate sd us/pucJ

Page 52: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Intervention Deadhne 11/20/98

TC98-196 In the Mauer of the Complaint hied by Don J1racek on behalf of GSA, Inc . Rap1d City South Dakota. against McLeod USA Regarding Inadequate Service


20 NO\ Cmbcr 199

i\lr Wil ham Hull:n d. Jr.

-tlt.:•1.!.,:,AH'' '- ·,111 .. 1>1 01 11,~ , lr~•n:..,;r , 11,.~HS

Sou1h Dakota !>t.1bl ic 11li11cs Commission S1a11: Capnol Buildmg. b l Floor 500 East Capuol Ave nm· Pierre. SD 5750 1-5070




RI.: : Nel\\Ork Billing Sys1ems. L.L.C. • Application for a Cert1fica1c of Public Convenience and Nc..-ct-ssit)', Docket No. TC98-195

l)c3r ~tr Bullard·

Em.10.,,1,.-d :ire an ongmal and ten (IOJ cop1e, Ne1work Hilling S) , 1crns. L.L.C.'s Rl·~ponse IO huerrogatoncs m 1he abo\e-mcm ioned docket

Quc,uon.,, concc.·rning 1h1s fihng may he dirc.-ct1..-d 10 me


IIARDOR CONSULT ING GROUP INC. For Ncl\\Ork Billing Sysu.·ms. L L.C.

, _ · / Dan ~knSt.'r 01rec10r - Rcgulalof) A ffa1r.,,


Page 53: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network


In the Maner o f lhc Apphcatmn nfNct\\ork Bilhng )'Sh:ms. L.L.C for Rcg1st r:mon as a Pro\ 1dcr of lntras1atc Tcl<."t'ommun1ca11ons Sen 1cc on a Resold BJ.sis in the

S1a1c of South Qa,:ot:i.

No TC98-195


Network U1lhng S)stcms. L.L.C. ("Applican1") hereby responds 10 the questions

posed in 1hc South Dakull Public tiht1cs Commiss1on·s ("Commission") November 5.

!?98 lcncr.

I. The Applicant has pro\ 1dcd an income s1mcmcn1 Jnd balance sh~-ct crrccti\c July 19') . Smee that 1m1c. the Apphc:mt has undcnukcn steps m.-ccssary for 1hc pro\1s1on of tclecommumca11ons service. !\ctwork Billing Systems. L.L.C. has not hl,\\C\'Cr, begun operations. and therefore cannot pro,1dc fonhcr evidence

o f opcr:uing income at this time.

The ;\pphcam has amended its Tan ff pursu,mt to the Novembers• request and a subse<1ucm cOn\'ersat1on wuh Mr Harlan Bes\. In that conversation. Mr. Best cxpl::uncd thal the \onmuss1on is 1:aking a nC\\ approach to liability limiting 1anff pro"1s1ons 10 compon with South Dakota law. The Applicant's Agent ex pressed the ,\ pplicant's Jcsirc to maintain industry-s1:mdard liability linnting provisions. noted the t\ppliean1's willingness to remove 1hc requested provisions in order 10 obtain tariff approval. :and wishes to preserve liability lim11a11ons to the fullest extent pcm11 ss1blc under South Dakota law.

3. The Apph cant's cl.;.-c11011 to Imm 1dccommumea11ons services advanced 10 the Customer ("crcdtt 1111111" under Tariff Section 2 1-1) is based prim:irily on whether the Customer's account 1s current or past duc.

4. Tariff rc\'is ion rcquestrd m the Commission·s November 5, 1998 rl'qucst -t

and 5 :ire incorpor.urd in the anach.;.-d tariff pages .

Rcspcctfully submiH.;.-d 1his ~ day of l\ \ cJJ• !n- . 1998.

II ARBOR CONSUL TING GROUP INC. for Rilling Systems . L.L.C. .:.., Dan Menser Director - Regu latory Affairs

Page 54: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

IMRBOR CONSU L TI NG GROUP INC. For Nel\l,1ork Bill ing Systems. L.L C. "'-\

Dan ~·lenser Dire<.1or - Regulatory Affai rs

NO , 1 9h

, c1,,orl.. Uilhng. S)Stcm.-.. 1 I C' SOU TH DAKOTA PU BLI C South Dal..otJ. PL' C ·1 anff °"o 1 ITIUTI On •111.1\ Sheet , o I Z

S F.C-1"10;\ ! · Rl"l .f.S ,., ;,,;o Rf.GL L,.\ T IO;o,;S. C-ontmuN

2 .. 1. L'Sf.. Conunm:J

~ .' 3 .\pphcJtmn for scr, 1cc llll ) be made , crhJII) or m "nllng The nanH.'( S) o f 1hc­(ustomcr\:,) Jcsmng 10 use 1hc scf\1cc must he sci fonh in the apphcauon for scr. 1cc.

~ _; J The (\1mp.1n) stnctl) pn.,t11h11s w,c of 1hc Comp.m) ':, scr, 1ccs ,, 11hou1 payment or an .iHml.mcc 01 paymcni b) the- Customer b) fr.iu duh.-111 means or. (!(', ices inc luding pro, tlhn~ fJ\s11icd c:1lhng. card number:, 01 m, Jhd calling card numbers to 1hc pr(l,1dm~ fo\s1f11.·J or m, crcdll cant numbers to the C'ornp:m) or man)

"a) n11sn:pn:!.cnt1og the 1dcnt11) of 1hc Customer.

!A. l.l ABII.IT Jf:S OF T ll f. <:OM P;\ ;'1/Y

:? J I I 1ah1iLI) of the Compan) for dam.1gcs :ms1ng out of m1s1,1l.cs. on11'-s1ons. 1ntcrrupt1ons. i.lcla)S. errors or llcicc ts 111 mmsm1ssion occumng Ill the course of fumbh1ng SCr"ICC or 01h~·r foc1 h11cs and no\ caused b)' the neghgcncc of the Customer. shall he l.nutcd to the ~• , 1cnt pro,1dcd b) South DakotJ la\\ , To the extent pcnmncJ h\ la\,. the Comp:m) "111 nol be rcsrons1bk for an) md1rc<:t. 111c1dcn1al. conscqucntlJ., reliance. Sf)'-'C tal. lo<,t n,:\emu:. lost sa, mgs. lost pro lits. or e,cmplary or pumt1, c damages. rcgarJlcss of the fo m1 of acuon. \, hclhcr m conirJct. 10n. ncghgencc of an) \\hcth1..-r act \\C or

p:1ss1H'. stnct h.1b1hl) or 01her-.,1s~·

2 J :? Compan) ti. 1101 liable fo r any act or 01111ss1on of JI\) other compail) or compamt'S

ium1~t11ng a port1on of1hc s.:r'\1cc

~ J J l· '\Ccpt as cwrcssly ,,.,rrJntcd 111 ,, nung ?, ) CompJn). Comp:i.n) mal..cs no ,, or gu:i.rJntcc. c>. pr.:ss or 1mphcd. :i.nd Company cwn.-ssl) ,.11:,.e\;;ums an) 1mphcd \\ arranuc:,

of mcrch:i.n1:i.b1hty and fitness for a p.1rt1rnl:i.r purpo~·

Issued Oc1obcr 21. 199 Issued 8 ) ·

Jona1h:m Kaufman Nct"ork B1lhog S~ su:ms. L.L.C

155 \ \ ' 1\10\\ brook Boule, ard Wayne. NJ 07J -o

(973 ) :!56-2020

Em·cu,c Datc

Page 55: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

°'ct,,ork 81 llmgS~stcms. I LC

\55 W1\Jo\\broo11. u ou11;, .. ,.., Warne. S J o-J-o

(«}7,::.~ :::!56-2:t):?0

South Dakota P U.C Tanff:-:o I Om;mal Shecl ~o n



.:::! J J Compan> shall be mdcm mfi cd and held harmless b) the Cus10111cr against

A Clauns fc,r hbcl. slander, mfnngemcnt of cop)Tight or unauthorized use o f M)

1radcmark. trade name or ser\'icc mark arising ou1 of 1hc malcnnl. data. mfom1a1ion or thcr conlent trnnsmined over Company's facll111cs: anJ

B. C'la11ns fo r pateni mfringcmcnt arismg fro m co111!i1mng or connccung company's f:mht1cs \\Ith Jpparatus Jnd systems o f the Customer. and

C. All other clauns ansmg out o f any act or omission of the Cus1omcr III conncc110n "uh an) SCr\'1cc pro, idc.'tJ by Company.

2 J.5 Th,· Company is not liable fo r any dcfaccmcnl of. or damage to. the l-<}Ulpmciu or prcnuscs of a Customer resulting from the furnishing of scn.·iccs ,, hen such dcfoccmcm or <lamagc 1s not the result of the Company's negligence.

2.J 6. Rcs,,.,.·cd for future use.

lssucJ: Oc1obcr 21 . 1998 Issued By: Jonathan Kaufman

Net,,ork Billing Systems. L.L.C. I 5; Willowbrook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020

Effoc11,·c Date:

Page 56: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

NctworJ.. U1ll1ng :::,ystcms. L.L .\. .

155 Willo,,hrook Bouk,ard Wa, nc. NJ 07.J 70

t973) 256-2020

Nemork B1lhng S) Stcms. L.L.C Sou1h Dako1a P.U.C. TarifT No. I Qriginal Shcc1 No, I.J


2 . .J. I.IAUII.ITIES OF T ll f. COMPANY. Continu<.-d

:? . .J .7. No ascms or employees of connccling. concurring or other participating carriers or companies shall be deemed 10 be agents or employees of the Company wi thout wriucn au1honzat1on.

2.4.S. The Compnny is not liable for any failure of perfommncc hereunder due 10 causes beyond its control. including. but 1101 limited 10. una\'oidablc intc1TUption in the working of its circuits or those of ano1hcr common canicr: acts of nmurc. s1onns. fire. floods. or other catastrophes: any law. order. regulation. direction, acuon. or r<.-qucs1 of the mtcd States Go, cmmcm. or any other govcmmcntal cntit) ha\ ing jurisdiction o\'cr the Company or of any department. agency. commiss1011. bureau. corpor.uion. or other mstrumcnlaht)' or any one or more of such instrumentality or any one of man: of such g,),emmc111al en1111es. or of any civil or milnary authority; na1ional emergencies. msum"Ction.s. riots rebellions. wars. strikes. lockouts. \\Ork stoppages. or other lnbor d1fficultics; or not\, ithstanding anything in this Tariff to the contrary. the unlawful acts of the Company's agents and employees. if commiued beyond the scope of 1hcir cmploymcn1.

2 J 9 Rcsmcd fo r future use.

Issued: October 21. 199S Issued By· Jonathan Kaufman

Nct\\Ork 8111mg Systems. L.L.C. 155 W1ll0\\ brook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020

EfTccti\'c Dlltc:

Page 57: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Nct"ork 8 1\hng Systcms. L.L .C. 155 \\'1\loubrook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020

'.'-Jcl\\ OrJ.. 1311\ing Systems. LL C outh Dakota P.U.C TunfTNo. I Ongmal She-ct No 15



2A. I 0. Tht• Customer shall be liable. 10 the cxten1 pcnmssiblc under outh Dakota 13\\ . for any damages. including usage charges. lhat the Customer may incur 35 a resu lt of the un:mthorind use of ns commumcat1ons equipment .


hould any provision or portion of this Tariff be held by a coun or adnumstrall\e agency of COnlJk lCIII JUnsd1c1ton 10 be 11\egal. mvahd or uncnforccabk. the rcm:umng

pro\'1sions of tlus Tariff will n:mam in fu ll forcc and cm.-c1.


2.6 . 1. Credi1 a\lo"anc for m1crrupt1ons of scrv1cc which arc 1101 due 10 Company's tcstm g or adjusting. tC'I the negligence of the Customer. or to the failure or channels. equipment andlor commumcatmns equipment provided by 1hc Customer. arc subJ CCt to the general liability ,,ro\•1sions set fo rth in Section 2A .. herein. It sh::i ll be the obligation of the Customer to no11fy Company of any interruptions of service. Before gh ing such notice. lhc Customer shall ascertain 1ha1 the trouble 1s not being caused by any action or omission of the Cuslomer. no1 within the Customer's control.

2.6.2. For puqlOscs of cn:dit computa11on fo r leased focili1ics. e\'cry momh shall be considered to have 720 hours. No crcdll shall be allO\\cd fo r an interruption or a conunuous duration or less than two (2) hours.

Issued: October 21. 1998 Issued By: Jona1han Kaufman

Network Billing Systems. L.L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boulevard

Wa)'nc. NJ 07470 (97)) 256-2020

Effcc1ive Date:

Page 58: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Network B1\ling Systems. L.L.C. 155 Wil\o,\ brook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07470 (973) 256-2020

Nct,,ork Billing Sys1cms. L.L.C. South Dakota P .. C. Tariff No. I Original ShC'CI No. 23




J .2.2. Dial r\('ctss Srn·ice is a switched or dcdicatc..-d access service. offering users o utbound " \ plus" long distance tclccomnmnications ser\'ic.cs from points originating and

tcnni nati ng III the Stotc o f South Dakota.

3 2.J 800 S('rdce is a switched or dcdicotcd access service. offen ng users inbound. toll free "800" number. long distance 1clccommunications services from points originating and tcm1inating in the Stale of South Dako1a This service enables the caller to contact the Customer wi1hou1 incurrin}! toll charges. through the use ofan assis;m.-d "800" number.

The Customer pa)'S for 1hc call.

3.2.J Ca llinf:!, Cu rd St'n ·ice pcnnits the caller 10 charge the prcsubscribed location fo r a call white the caller is away from the principal location. The Customer may place call s from any touch tone phone in the .S. by dialing a toll free "800" number and entering a personal idcnu fication code. followed by the desired telephone number. Calling card calls are billed at the Applicant 's tariffed rates and appear on the

Cus1omcr's monthly \ong-disumce bill .


The ompany may. from time 10 time. engage in special promotions of new or exis1ing Ser\'iCc offerings of iim11cd duration designed to auract new Cus tomers or to increase c~isting Customer awareness o r a particular offenng. The promotional o fferings arc subj ect to the availability of the crv1ces and may be lim11cd to a specific geographical area or lo a subset of a spc..-c1fic market group; prov1dcJ. however. all promo1 iona\ offeri ngs shall be offered in accordance with appl icable Commission rules and shall be filed with the Commission prior 10 bei ng in it iuu .. -d,

Issued: October 21. 199 Issued By: Jona1han Kaufm:1.11

Network Bill ing Systems. L.L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boule\'atd

Wayne. NJ 0 7J 70 l9 J) 256-2020

Effecli\'e Date:

Page 59: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Network Billing Systems. L.L.C. 155 \V1llowbrook Boulevard

\\'avnc. !'\J 07470 ~9,3) 256-20:?Q

~et"orl,. 81lhng Sys1cms. L.L .C South Dakotn P. (' Tan ff No. I Ongmal Sheet No 30

SECTION .i - RATES. Conunucd

.&. I . St: R\' IC t: CII ARCES. Continued

4. 1 J ,\ cccss Surcharge

An Access Surcimrgc will apply 10 each prcsubscribcd line on a Customer's account.

Busim."SS Customers Rcsidcnual Customers

J I 5 Scn·icc tme Charge

On gross total billed charges

4. 1.6 Directory Assistance

S2.75 S0.53


The Company prO\·idcs Dircc1ory Assistance as an ancillary scr,. 1cc exclusi , cl)' 10 ns customers. Direc tory Assistance is accessible by d1almg .. 1 ·•• the area code of the

dc:.trcd number and .. 555- 121 2".

Directory Assistance. per call S.85

4.1. 7. lntJi,·idual Case Basis (ICB) Arr.mgemems

Arrangements will be developed on a case-by-c~e basis in response to a bona lidc request from a Cus1omer or prospccti\'c Customer to develop a compcti ti, ·c bid for a Service offered under 1h1s Tanff. Rates quoted 111 response to such competiti ve requests may be different than those spccilicd for such Scn ,iccs in this Tariff and shall be fil ed with the Commission prior to being initiated. ICB rates " 111 be offered to the

Customer in writing anJ on a non-discri minatory basis.

Issued: Oc1obcr 21. 1998 Issued By: Jonathan Kaufman

Nc1work Bilhng Systems. L.L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boule\'ard

Wayne. NJ 07470 ('HJ) 256-2020

EITect1\'C Date:

Page 60: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network


9 December 199

Mr. William Bullard. Jr.

Wayne. NJ 07J 70 (9i3) 256•2020

4 31,!Q,!,11,l. •• "I , ,~l'Tlt'l"li-1 Uk H,,.,. • 1>.~..._~111,,11,~, •.IS33."

T, ".:.'-1 '<,~nm ~ ~I•~ , :H2'~ ¥11~

oulh Dako1a Public U1i h11cs Conm11ss1on S1a1e Capi1ol 8 uilding. ls1 Floor 500 East Capi1ol t\ \"enue Pierre. Soulh Dakota 5"'.'501 •5070


RE: Ntt\\Ork 8 1: ling Sys1crns, L.I..C .• Appl ication for a Ccrtifi eute or Public Con\'cnicncc and Necessity. Docke1 No. TC98-195.

DcJr ~Ir Bullard:

Enclosed arc an ongmal and ten (IO) copies or Nc1work Billing Systems. L.L.C.' s modified proposed onginal tariff sheet no. 12. This filing is made pursuant 10 the rcquL-sl or Commission staff and ineorpor.i1cs certain rc\•isions 10 the company 's li abih1y 10


Questions conccmmg this filing may be directed 10 me.

Smccrcl) .

I larlx>r Consulling Group Inc .

~fork Nyhus D1n.·c1or RcgulalOI)' Affairs


cc: ; Ms Li sa Kaurman. NCl\\ ork Billing Sys1cms. L.L.C.

IIC ·i

Page 61: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

cc Ms L1s:1 Kaufman. Ket"ork 8 111mg ~stems. L.L.C

'.',:ct" orJ.. 131\hng ~stems.LL C South Dakota P U.C TanfT So 1 Ongmal Sheet No. 12


2.J. US E. Continued

LU Apphca11or. for scr:1ce may be made verball y or m wn ung. The namc{s) of the Customcr{sl dcsm ng to use the service must be sci fonh in the application for service

2.3.-l. The Company stnctly prohibits use o f the Compan)"s services without payment or an a,01dance of payment by 1hc Customer by fraudulent means or devices 111dud111g providing falsified calling card numbers or invalid calling card numbers to the Company. pro, 1dmg falsified or invalid credit card numbers to the Company or tn any \\ay m1srcpn.-scntmg the identity of the Customer.


2.4. l . ·n1e Company "11\ 110 1 be hahlc for damages ansing out of mistakes. omissions. mterrupuons. delays. errors or defects in tmnsmi ssion occum ng in the course of fumishing service or other faci lities 10 the cx1ent that such d.unagcs arc caused by the ncgligenc.: of the Customer. To the extent pcnniucd by law, t ompany will not be responsible for any mdircct. incidenial . conscqucnual. rchancc. special. lost re, cnuc. lost s.a, mgs. lost profits, or exemplary or pu11i11,·c damag s result mg from the negligence of the Cus1omcr. regard less of the form of ac11on. ,,hc1hcr m conlract. 1ort. negligence of any kmd whether act he or passive. stnct habilll) or othCI"\\ 1sc

2.-U Company 1s not li able for any acl or omission of any 01hcr company or compamcs fomb,hmg a portion of 1hc scn •icc.

:?.-1 J Exec-pl as expressly \\arrantcd in writi ng by Company. Company makes no warr.:i.nty or guarantee. express or implied. and Company expressly disclaims an)' implied warranties of merchantab1 luy and fitness for a particular purpose.

Issued : October 21. 199 Issued By: Jonalhan Kaufman

Nc1work Billing Systems. L.L.C. I 55 Willowbrook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07-l 70 (9i3) 256-2020

Effocm·c Da1c:

Page 62: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

Issued By: Jonathan Kaufman Network Billing Systems, 1..L.C.

I SS Willowbrook Bouk\'ard Wayne. NJ 07470

(973) 256-2020

4 11.?•1.::, ..\. ,, ' 11111.1 ~; 11<1 , IX",,, ,,c: ,Oi:IH'-

•~1 ....... ,1, I • 1 ~I.II• ~•1

'" I.. ,

l 'ltl F•IC,~IM/1.E & RF.GI/I.AH ,\U/J-

21 Dec cm her I ')98

Mr William Bullard. Jr. outh Dakota Public Utilities Commission

State Cap11ol llmld1ng. Jc;t Floor S00 E:1s1 Capitol A\cnue Pierre. Soulh Oa\,,.ota 5iS0l-5070

~c I

RE: ~Cl\\0rk Bi lli ng Sysu:ms. L.I..C. - Apphca11on for a Cenificatc of Pubhc Com cmence and 'ccess1ty. Doc\,,.c1 No T 9 -195.

Dear Bullard:

Pursuant 10 the request of ommiss1on s1a1T and the abO\c-rcfcren cL-d docket number. J!lacht-d 1s the st.-cond rc, iscd Ongmal hcct No. 11 of '.':cmork Billing Systems. LL C 's propo cd taniT. W11h this fihng. Ncl\\ork Bill ing Systems rcmovt-s the scc.:,nd s.c111cncc of Scc11on 2 4 I .. conccmmg li:ibrilt) oftht· company

Quc-s110ns conccmmg 1h1s fihng may he addressed to me Thank you fo r your assistance w11hth1s mattcr

Harbor Consulting Group Inc

✓ ,£111) Mark N),S D1rec1or Regulatory J\ITau-s

cc : Ms. Lisa Kaufman. :-.:ct"ork 81lhng Systems.LL C


Page 63: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

cc Ms Lisa Kaufman. ~Cl\\0rk Billing S)stcms. LL C

:-.kmork 811\ing ystcms. L LC. outh Dakota P.U. . Tan ff No I Orjginal Shg:t 'lo. 12


2.3. US E. Continued

2.J 3 Apphcauon for SCf'\'1ce may be made ,crball) or m "nung The namc(s) of the Cus1omcr(s) dcsinng to use the service musl be SCI fonh m the apphcauon for SCI'\ 1cc

.= .:'I J The Compan) sme lly prohibits use of 1he Compan) ·s St:!f'\'lccs without payment or an a\'01dancc of payment by the Customer by fraudulent means or de, ices mc\udrng pro\'1dtng falsdicd calh ng card numbers or in,•ahd calling card numbers to the Comran). providmg falsified or imalid credit card numbers to the Compan)' or in any

":1.y misrepresenting 1hc idcnti1y o r1hc Customer.


2 J . I The Compa.Jl) "11'. not be liable for J:unagcs arismg out of n11s1akcs. omissions. mtcrrupuons. dc!.i)'S. errors or defects in transmission occumng in the course of fum1shmg iC'f'\1ce or other fac ilities 10 the cx1cnt that such damages arc caused by the

ncghgcncc of1hc Cus1omer.

2 J .2 Company 1s not liable for any :1.c1 or omission of any other company or compames

runuslnng a portion of the sci'\ ice.

2 J 3 faccpt :is expressly ,,arr.uucd 111 writing by Company. Company makes no warr'Jnt) or guarantee. t: 'l'.prcss or implied. and Company expressly disclaims any implied wa.rrJnt1cs of mcrchan1ab1hty and fimcss fo r a parucular purpose.

Issued: October 21. 1998 Issued By: Jonathan Kaufman

Network Billing Systems. L.L.C. 155 Willowbrook Boulevard

Wayne. NJ 07J 70 (97]) 256-2020

EIT«1ivc Date:

Page 64: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

l'•CL"VI._ u,11 1115 .J . "''-'""' • •· ., •-•

155 Willowbrook Boulevard Wayne, NJ 07-170

(973) 256-2020






On November 2, 1998. the Pubhc Uhht1es Commission (Comm1ss1on) , m accordance with SDCL 49-31-3 and ARSD 20 10 24 02 , recetved an applica11on for a cen1fica1e of aulhonty from Network B1llmg Syste:ns, L L.C (Network Billing)

Network B1lhng 1s a non-fac1ht1es-based mterexchange resale provider proposing to offer OUlbound. SW1tched access mterexchange telecommun1ca11ons services throughout South Dakota A proposed tanff was filed by Network Billing The Comm,ss1on has classified long distance service

as fully compet1ttve

On November 5. 1998, the Comm1ss1on electronically 1ransm111ed notice of !he filing and the 1nterven11on deadhne of November 20. 1998, to interested 1nd1v1duals and en1111es No pehllons to intervene or comments were filed and at its regularly scheduled December 30, 1998, meeting, the Comm1ss1on considered Network B1llmg's request tor a cen1f1cate of autnonty Comm1ss1on Staff recommended granting a cenificate of aulhonty

The Comm1ss1on finds lhal 11 t'las 1unsd1ct1on over this matter pursuant to Ct,apter 49-31 . speofica11y 49-31 -3 and ARSD 20 10 24 02 and 20 10 24 03 The Comm1ss1on finds that Network Billing has mel the legal requirements established for tne granting of a cer11fica1e ol authonty Network Billing has, m accoruance w11h SDCL 49-31-3, demons1ra1ed sutf1oent technical. financial and managenal capab111!1es to ofter telecommumcatlOOS services 1n South Dakota The Comm1ss1on approves Netw0r1( 81lhng·s apphcat1on for a cen,ficate of aulhonty As the Commiss1on·s final decmon m this matter, 11 1s therefore

ORDERED, that Netw0rk Billing's apphcat1on f::ir a cen1f1ca1e of authonfy 1s hereby granted

111 s

FURTHER ORDERED. 1hat Network Billing shall f ile mlormat1onal copies of 1anff changes with lhe Ct,mm1ss1on as the changes occur

Dated at Pierre. South Dakota. this { d.:.,, day of January. 1999.


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i·I, /' , ,,, ,, LASKA SCHOENFELDER. Comm1ss1oner

Page 65: Public Ulilities Commi~sion of the State of South Dakota · 2018-10-05 · BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA In 1hc ~laucr of the Appl1cauon of Network

O~t __ _.:_~'---"---


PAM NELSON, c.;omm1sS1oner

I i-J,, / ,,(/,f, , ,,,




To Conduct Business As A Telecommunicallons Company WIthIn The State Of South Dakota

Authority was Granted December 30 1998 Docket No TC98-195

This is to certify that


is authonzed to provide 1elecomm11mcat10ns serv,ces in South Dakota

This cer11f1cate is issued 1n accordance w it SDCL 49 31-3 and ARSD 20 10 24 02 and 1s subiect 10 an of the con<iit1ons and l1m1tat1ons contained m the rules and statutes governmg 11s conduct of offenng telecommurncattons services

Dated at Pierre South Oa ota th1s • ti_ day o ~ . 1999 I


. . ~

. \ '

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. . ~ ,. ---..., l . I

I/, ' / 1-, . ;µ;,,~,'( l:tt, LAS.KA SCHDEl>IFELOffi Com1TJ<Ss,oner