public speaking techniques speak like a winner

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Speak Like a Winner

How to be Twice the Speaker in

Half the Time


© 2013 by Akash Karia

All rights reserved.

Copyeditor: Marcia C. Abramson

Cover Design: Michael Foldes

Digital Book: Neeraj Chandra

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced in any form by any means without the

expressed permission of the author. This includes

reprints, excerpts, photocopying, recording, or any

future means of reproducing text. If you would like to

do any of the above, please seek permission first by

contacting us at

Page 3: Public speaking techniques speak like a winner



How to Be Twice the Speaker in Half the Time


© 2013 by Akash Karia

All rights reserved.

Copyeditor: Marcia C. Abramson

Cover Design: Michael Foldes

Interior Design: Neeraj Chandra

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced in any form by any means without the

expressed permission of the author. This includes

reprints, excerpts, photocopying, recording, or any

future means of reproducing text. If you would like to

do any of the above, please seek permission first by

contacting us at

Page 4: Public speaking techniques speak like a winner




Akash Karia is an award winning

speaker and communication skills

trainer who has been ranked as one of

the Top Ten speakers in Asia Pacific.

He has won over forty public speaking

championships, including the

prestigious title of 2012 Hong Kong Champion of

Public Speaking. He is an in-demand international

speaker who has spoken to a wide range of audiences

including bankers in Hong Kong, students in

Tanzania and yoga teachers in Thailand.



Craig Valentine, MBA, an award-winning

speaker and trainer, has traveled the world

helping speakers keep their audiences riveted

and on the edge of their seats. He is the 1999

World Champion of Public Speaking for

Toastmasters International, winning out of more than

25,000 contestants in 14 countries.

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Darren LaCroix is the World

Champion of Public Speaking. He

out-spoke 25,000 contestants from

14 countries to win that title. As a

keynote speaker since 1994, he brings

his incredible story to conferences around the world.

He is consistently the top rated speaker at


Lisa Panarello is an engaging,

edutaining Empowerment Coach and

the Founder & President of Careers

Advance. In 2010, Lisa rose above

30,000 international contestants to

Finalist in Toastmaster’s World

Champion of Speaking Contest. Her dynamic Key

Note speeches, powerhouse seminars and interactive

workshops have inspired over 550,000 students and

professionals nationwide.

Jock Elliott is the 2011 World Champion of

Public Speaking, placing him in an elite club

of the best speakers from around the world.

Jock is a very successful public speaker. He

holds 24 state, national and international

speaking titles. He has competed as a finalist

in the ‘World Championship of Public

Speaking’ six times and was second runner-up in 1994.

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In this book, Akash will reveal to you the public

speaking techniques he and the other award-winning

speakers in this book use to keep their audiences

engaged, excited and entertained.

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Be Twice the Speaker in Half the Time

Chapter One

Speech: Your Dream is Not for Sale by Craig Valentine

Evaluation Exercise #1

Chapter Two

How to Keep Your Audience Engaged, Excited and


Speaking Toolkit Summary #1

Application Exercise #1

Akash’s Recommended Resources

Chapter Three

Speech: Ouch! by Darren LaCroix

Evaluation Exercise #2

Chapter Four

How to Use Head, Heart and Humor to Deliver a Winning


Speaking Toolkit Summary #2

Application Exercise #2

Akash’s Recommended Resources

Chapter Five

Speech: Mission I’m Possible by Lisa Panarello

Evaluation Exercise #3

Chapter Six

How to Package Your Expertise in a Presentation

Speaking Toolkit Summary #3

Application Exercise #3



















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Akash’s Recommended Resources

Chapter Seven

Speech: Just So Lucky by Jock Elliott

Evaluation Exercise #4

Chapter Eight

How to Craft a Speech that Keeps Your Audience


Speaking Toolkit Summary #4

Application Exercise #4

Akash’s Recommended Resources

Chapter Nine

Q&A with Lisa Panarello

Speaking Toolkit Summary #5

Chapter Ten

Your Free Bonus

Chapter Eleven

One Final Application Exercise

[Contribute a Technique]

[Next Step]

[69 Blogs to Make You a Better Speaker]

















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Be Twice the Speaker in Half the


“As long as there are human rights to be defended; as

long as there are great interests to be guarded; as

long as the welfare of nations is a matter for

discussion, so long will public speaking have its


William Jennings Bryan

You’re here for a reason.

You’re here because you want to transform

your speaking skills and become a powerfully

persuasive speaker.

This book will give you the tools you need to do

just that. It will save you years of trial and error and

show you the blueprint for creating a winning speech.

You’ll pick up proven public speaking techniques that

will help you become twice the speaker you are today.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re shy, whether you’re

an introvert or whether you don’t have much

experience being on stage, as long you’re willing to

learn, I can teach you the secrets to becoming a great


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So, what exactly will you learn in this book?

What tools and tactics will you pick up?

By the time you finish this book, you will have

mastered the art of storytelling so that you can keep

your audience mesmerized. You will pick up delivery

tools that will allow you to command the stage and be

a dynamic speaker. You will know how to add humor

to your speech and keep your audience laughing as

well as learning. In just the first chapter alone, you

will pick up twenty-nine super specific tools on how to

keep your audience engaged, excited and entertained.

Learning from Four World-Class


What’s the best way to become a great speaker?

It’s by studying other great speakers,

uncovering the techniques they use and applying

those same principles to your presentations.

In this book, you will study the speeches of four

great speakers.

You will read a powerful speech by Craig

Valentine, who is the 1999 World Champion of Public

Speaking. The tools you pick up from Craig’s speech

will enable you to craft compelling stories that keep

your audience hooked onto your every word. If you’re

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looking to create your signature story for your

keynotes, then the tools from Craig’s speech will be


You also will read a speech by Darren LaCroix,

the 2001 World Champion of Public Speaking. The

chapter on Darren’s speech will enable you to create

speeches that contain head, heart and humor. If

you’re a competitive speaker, then Darren’s speech is

the perfect speech to study. However, even if you’re

not competing in any speech contests, studying

Darren’s speech will equip you with tools that will

fast-track your growth as a speaker.

The third speech is by Lisa Panarello, who

placed among the top ten speakers in the world in

2010. Studying Lisa’s speech will equip you with tools

you need to deliver clear, information-packed “how-

to” speeches. If you’re a trainer or someone who has

to deliver informational speeches, Lisa’s speech will

show you how to design, develop and deliver effective

informational speeches.

Finally, you will study Jock Elliott’s winning

speech from the 2011 World Championship of Public

Speaking. You will learn how to arouse your

audience’s emotions using value-based language, how

to use the stage masterfully and how to close your

speech with impact and inspiration.

The reason I chose the above four speakers is

because they’ve proven themselves to be among the

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best speakers in the world. Each year, more than

250,000 members in 92 countries around the world

have the opportunity to participate in the

Toastmasters International Speech Contest. This

contest is regarded as the Olympics of Public

Speaking. Competitors deliver speeches that are

judged on message, speech development, speech value

and delivery.

After six stages of contests, the competition

culminates in the World Championship of Public

Speaking Finals, where ten of the best speakers in the

world compete against each other for the prestigious

title of World Champion of Public Speaking.

Because of the fierceness of the competition, all

four speakers have spent hundreds of hours crafting

and editing the speeches you’re about to read. They

have spent agonizing hour after agonizing hour

editing and re-editing their speeches, examining each

word to make sure that it creates the intended effect

on their audience. They’ve invested thousands of

dollars in coaching to create the best speech possible.

I realize that you may not have the time or the

dedication required to spend as much time crafting

your speeches and presentations. However, by

studying these speeches, you will pick up hundreds of

public speaking tools that you can use immediately to

make your presentations world-class.

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No Fluffy Advice - For Serious Speakers


This book contains a gold mine of speaking

information. However, here’s what you won’t find in

this book. You won’t read any fluffy tips about

smiling, making eye contact or dressing appropriately

for a speech.

Why? Because this book is written for serious

speakers. As such, I’m expecting that you’ve had some

experience speaking in public. Maybe you’ve already

read a couple of books about public speaking and

presentation skills. Maybe you’re a member of

Toastmasters. Or maybe you’re a professional speaker

who’s looking for advanced speaking techniques to

make you an even better speaker

But, what if you are a new speaker? Does that

mean you should not read this book? This book will

benefit both new and advanced speakers, but just

don’t expect any fluffy advice such as “make sure you

stand straight.” If you’re looking for that kind of

advice, you should look somewhere else.

Your Workbook

This book is jam-packed with exercises that will

double your growth as a speaker in half the time. It

contains evaluation exercises that will teach you how

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to break apart speeches so that you can study

individual components to see what works and what

doesn’t. It also contains application exercises that will

challenge you to apply the tools you’ve learned. These

exercises serve as your personal workbook, so print

them out and do the exercises.

Furthermore, I encourage you to form a

speakers reading group where you can read this book

together. Read and discuss the speeches together so

that you can learn from each other as well as from the

book. At the very least, find a speaking buddy with

whom you can do the Evaluation and the Application

Exercises in the book.

If you study the speeches, thoroughly read

through each chapter and do all the exercises, I

guarantee that you’ll be twice the speaker that you are


How can I be so confident that the principles in

this book will work for you? Because they’ve worked

for me. Before I discovered the principles in this book,

I struggled to keep my audiences engaged. So I

desperately searched for a formula that would help me

create effective, engaging presentations. From 2008

to 2012, I read more than eighty books on public

speaking. I invested thousands of dollars on

presentation skills DVDs, audios and in coaching with

some of the best speakers in the world.

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The principles you’re about to discover in this

book are the result of all the training and coaching

undergone. They are the result of all the thousands of

hours of stage time I’ve accumulated, the mistakes

I’ve made and the coaching I’ve done. I am sharing

with you the principles that took me from being a

struggling speaker to becoming a national public

speaking champion so that you don’t have to go

through all the years of trial and error I went through.

I want to save you the frustration I went through.

Over the past several years, I have been

fortunate enough to share these principles with

thousands of people from all walks of life – CEOs of

large companies, investment bankers and even yoga


But let me share with you the story of an

ordinary guy called John. John is a smart guy – a

really smart guy! He works at one of the top law firms

in Hong Kong. John came to me for coaching because

he had virtually zero experience presenting to a group

of people. In his previous job as an accountant, he

only had to deal with numbers. Now, in his new job at

the law firm, he suddenly was expected to stand in

front of a group of people and clearly explain technical

accounting concepts. Oh, no! John was panicking

because his next presentation was only four days

away. John and I spent four days working on his

presentation content and delivery – I drilled into him

the same concepts you’re going to be learning in this


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The result? John’s first presentation was a

massive success! His boss loved his presentation so

much she could not stop complimenting him on his

“terrific speaking skills!” When John told his boss

about me, she sent me an email asking if I could “work

the magic” on the rest of her team.

The principles in this book have worked for me,

they’ve worked for John and they’ve worked for the

thousands of people I’ve coached and trained over the

years. They can work for you too.

So, if you’re ready to become a powerfully

persuasive speaker and keep your audiences engaged,

entertained and excited, let me share with you the

magic behind public speaking…

Akash Karia


1 January 2013