public speaking lecture at knowledge workers development center, cyberjaya

Download Public Speaking Lecture at Knowledge Workers Development Center, Cyberjaya

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Making a Great Speech

Organization, the key to success

Lets play a game!!

Describe as many words as you

can in 1 minute

If I enjoy it, I always do it better!

anything is possible

With the right plan

1) Opening2) Outline3) Content Point1 Point2 Point3

4) Summary5) Closing

Opening & Closing

First and Last Impression : how they will know and remember you

Attention and Emphasis

How would YOU start this speech?

GROUP A : Introduce myself

GROUP B : My ideal vacation

GROUP C : The History of Togo (between 1881 - 1920)

GROUP D : Exercise is good

My name is A and I am from B ...

Today is a hot day right?...

My name is

Let me first thank my teachers, friends..

Wow, I'm so nervous today.. ...I didn't really prepare,..

Today I'm going to tell you a secret....

What is the biggest problem facing Malaysia? ...

I don't want to be successful....

78% of Malaysians want to change their jobs....



Be Memorable and Relevant

Be different, be strong. Be hard to forget.

Be Memorable and Relevant

Be different, be strong. Be hard to forget.

1) Opening2) Outline3) Content Point1 Point2 Point3

4) Summary5) Closing

Outlines & Summaries

A preview / recap of key points in your message

Creates expectations & emphasizes key points

Exercise ensures physical health, which is something money cannot buy. If you have good health, you can work harder and make more money so exercise makes money! It also helps you release stress, keeping a healthy mind. Research shows exercise releases endorphins which make you feel good

I'm going to talk about two ways exercise can make you more productive

- firstly, it gives you more energy ..

- secondly, it removes stress ..

In Summary, exercise makes you more productive because it gives you energy and it removes stress, so make the time to exercise!

1) Opening2) Outline3) Content Point1 Point2 Point3

4) Summary5) Closing


The art of explaining your ideas

Ensure audience understands, believes and remembers your points


Who, How, Where, What, Why, When

Fact, Example, Story, Analogy, Authority

If I was in the audience, would I understand, believe, remember this?


My first point is _______bla bla bla bla

This is because _______bla bla

For example whenever I listen to intense powerful music, my attention span increases and I can focus better


My first point is _______bla bla bla bla

This is because _______bla bla

For example 62% of all university graduates are women, but only make up 30% managers in all companies

1) Opening attention + emphasis 2) Outline preview, expectation setting3) Content understand, believe, remember Point1 Point2 Point3

4) Summary emphasis, take away5) Closing emphasis + attention

Be the speaker you want to be tomorrow, today


Copyright, English Debating Club, International Islamic University Malaysia, 2009