public relations

Sarah Reed Inspirational Country Music Association By: Justine Morris

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Post on 22-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Public relations

Sarah ReedInspirational

Country Music Association

By: Justine Morris

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What is your "typical" day like? My job consists of making promotional calls updating the database training the interns writing for the magazine taking artists calls promoting to Music Row sending out tracking reports tracking the disc's we send out to radio and other numerous tasks that I am

responsible for.

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How do you keep current or up-to-date on trends in the industry of public relations? I keep up-to-date on the trends in the

industry of Public Relations by keeping up with the news. PR is present at all times in the world. Where there is a downfall in a company, you'll see behind scenes of how that particular company chooses to face the problem at hand. There are also articles that get published that I try to follow so I can keep up to date with the ever changing world of PR.

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What are the primary tasks that you perform? The primary task that I focus on is making sure that I

have a good company/artists connection.   We send out their music and I must make sure the radio stations receive the music and how the station responds to the music.  The artists want updates ALL the time, my job is to keep them updated with their music and what the radio "world" thinks of the song. My other task that I must perform every day, is calling the Music Row stations and promoting the artists to the charts to get them spins.  There are 103 reporting stations and they all have specific call times and days so it is my job to call in the time slotted and get my artist to get spins.

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Inspirational Country Music Awards

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Why did you choose this career path? I choose this career path because I

absolutely love country music and working/ meeting people. I thrive in environments that are fast pace, where multitasking is a must and communicating with all types of people is the only way to be successful. My passion lead to me to where I am today.

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What is your favorite and least favorite part of your job? My favorite part of my job is working

with people and working with people in the Country music industry.  My least favorite part of my job is the "paperwork" more or less updating the system keeping everything current.

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How do you incorporate planning events into your job?

My job is actually very last minute when it comes to planning events.

 First, I have to depend on the artists and making sure their schedule's are free for the date or event that is being planned.

Second, I depend on the venue, whether that is the radio station, fair grounds, building...ect.

 The way events get planned on my end, if we have a showcase that is announced, I worked with and schedule the artists to take part in that event. Doing this is actually one of my everyday tasks.

Currently we have an upcoming event in June at BB Kings that is being planned and I have to work with the artists that buy a slot to be part of the event

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The most interesting part of my job is promoting my companies artists to Music Row.  I promote to over 103 country radio stations, and have gained, after only a year, personal connections with many.  

It's interesting how my radio internship, serving, sorority and being a student representative have helped me to get to where I am today.

Of course, the education I received is the selling factor when aiming for the job you want; however, the experiences I had WHILE gaining my education is how I am successful today.

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