public relation

Public Relation By-ARUN NARAYANAN

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Public Relation


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ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF PUBLIC RELATION There is no “public relations” in its present connotation

was first used universally agreed history of public relations. Some people believe that throughout civilization there have been men and women who were skilled in the practice of public relations. The term is the year book of railway literature in 1897.

Coming to more modern times the first indication of the development of public relations as a separate activity came with the industrial revolution. As the country prospered and its population increased rapidly, so the need for communication increased in USA here, we see the beginning of large scale advertising and publicity

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The big firms employed men who were skilled is producing the kind of advertisement which mere thought to be effective at the time. But there was a tendency that “the public be damned “ with the board of members of the organisation.

In 1906, Ivyledbetter Lee arrived on the scene. A graduate of

Princeton University, he was offered a top level management post in and callousness which had surrounded big business in its relations with the public until then. He became the first to use press handout system in public relations.

In the same year lee helped Pennsylvania Rail Road company in

connection with a serious the coal industry is USA. He ripped aside the cloak of secrecy accident.

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In 1914 Lee became an advisor to Rockefeller Jr. Lee was the first man to use the term ‘ publicity and advertising’ in public relations work. In his footsteps followed many other notable Americans.

In England the first man to practice public relations was sir Stephen talents in 1926. He became the secretary of newly formed Empire marketing board, responsible for the planning and expenditure of an income of which two-thirds were allotted to the promotion of scientific agriculture and the rest for publicity, and sir talents was in charge of publicity work. In his own words ‘ the publicity work of the Empire marketing board during the seven years of its existence grew to be akin to that of many a public relations officers today.’

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Today we live in the age of interdependence as we are reliant upon one another for the satisfaction of our social, economic, political and religious needs. We do not come across individual, groups, corporations, governments and nations who are able to achieve or do any activity without the help of others. Thus, the mutual dependence of individuals, groups, corporation, etc has magnified the importance of human relationship in contemporary in contemporary life. There is employer-employee relationship society and business relationship, buyer and seller relationship, investor and corporate relationship subordinate and superior relationship and also the dynamic of small group relationship

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The opinion of individuals or that of group of the public cannot be ignored for the success of any business. Human relationship and its interrelationship in contemporary life is nature as well as essential. The order of the present century and the forthcoming century exist in total interdependence or reliance on each other. This has created the need for a new discipline and philosophy as a function of management which is termed as public relation.

Public relation as a concept was critically evolved in business and industry and it subsequently spread to other areas of human activity. This profession is immensely applicable in government and public institutions like corporations, municipalities, universities, hospitals, professional and social service organizations. Public relations was in practice in people’s daily life even before the emergence of industry, business and government. ‘’

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Public relations is the result of the action inherent in an individual, an institution or an organisation.Public relation is never a monopoly of PR practitioners. In fact members of an organisation and especially those in leadership, management and supervisory positions have a very important PR role to play. People who adopt the art of public relations stand better chances of survival and success since they can always find areas of mutual interest. They can use modern methods of communication and persuasion which go a long way in establishing mutual understanding.

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Meaning of public relations

Public :- Public is a group of similar individuals, an assortment of persons having, goals and cricumstances. It is generally from such sources that opinions emerge. Public comes in many forms and sizes. They have a multitude of desires and wants. Public has its own like and dislike which sometimes can even be strong. Employees are one from of public and employers another form. Other members of the public are dealers, wholesalers, brokers and investors. Each of these groups tries to attract a distinct audience with its varied tools and techniques.In short public is any group of people who share a comman interest.

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Relations :- Relations is the outcome of mutual understanding which is derived from the process of sharing of the comman interest. The need to establish relation with one another is created because of human wants. The respective wants of two individuals will affect their relationship. To understand any relationship, one must understand the wants of those involved

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Definition of public relations According to Frank Jefkins, “public relations consists of

all forms of planned communication, outward and inward between an organisation and its public for the purpose of achieving specific objectives concerning mutual understanding.”

According to Edward L. Bernays “public relation is the attempt by information, persuasion and adjustment to engineer public support for an activity, cause, movement or institution.”

According to sam Black “The fundamental purpose of public relations practice is to establish a two-way of mutual understanding based on truth, knowledge and full information.”

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Publicity: - One important part of public relations is publicity. Publicity and propaganda are different even though the line of Demarcation is sometimes rather thin and indistinct. Government propaganda is not always illegitimate when we Talk of legitimacy of propaganda, what we have in mind is Communication of correct information presented in such a way As to influence public conduct.

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1.Object of publicity is to spread Knowledge of facts

2. Source is known

3. Information disseminated is Correct

4. No sinister motive/objective To serve people and state.


1. Influence conduct.

2. Source is often veiled.

3. Often false information.

4. Seeks to facuper with the

Public opinion and conduct to serve its own selfish end.

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General information activities: - Government collects and Publishes for public use a great deal of general information. Which strictly speaking, is not a part of its public relations Activities, e.g.:- census report, gazetteers.

Foreign information service :- This is aimed at the International public and the object is to interpret the policies, acts and the civilization and culture of the Country of its origin to the other countries of the world, and hence it is not public relations.

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Internal communication :- The object of this is to keep the Staff of the organisation duly informed of the policies,

Objectives and decision of that organisation and to makeInformation present within the department available to all Its parts. Here, it is not approaching people outside but to Achieve understanding of the common purpose and policy Within the administrative agency itself.

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Scope of PR

Public relation is a window of the corporation through which management can monitor external changes and simultaneously a window through which society can affect corporate policy

Today most social conflict are caused by changing values and higher expectations from the superiors. We find regular conflicts between employer-employee consumer-manufacturer, management-shareholders, citizens-government and so on due to misconception and misunderstandings. These are generally the major challenges where PR practitioners can play a crucial role. They should get to know the psychology of the public mind and acquire skill in solving and also avoiding such conflicts.

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In our market economic there are information gaps which cannot be filled by the interaction of supply and demand via cost, wages or process. Here public relation activity steps in. It provides relevant information on planning technical and organizational developments, invention and their potential utilization, etc.

The relations activity is becoming more and more important for the procurement of economically essential production factors. It makes it easier to tap the money-market or financing their projects by issuing bonds or shares.

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f the corporation cultivates public relations, It is easier for them to acquire land from a community and bring in own interest in harmony with these of the community. Today the public relation profession has even entered into the fields of non-commercial organizations, government departments, hospitals, universities and other non profit organizations.

According to Edward L. Barnays, the fundamental laws

and the necessity of public relations may be expressed in three words, information, adjustment and integration.

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Objectives of public relations

Human relations Free exchange Better relations Fostering attitude Suggestions and complaints Discourage misinformation Understanding Influencing Supply of information Dialogue Persuasion

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1. Learning about public wishes and aspiration

2. Techniques of ascertaining public wishes of opinion

3. The element is advising the public about what it should think, desire and do in specific spheres of activity

4. The element is cultivation of satisfactory contact between the officials and the public

5. The principle is keeping the public informed about what an administrative agency is doing

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Growth and Development of Public Relations

The origin of public relations can be traced back to the dawn of civilization. In ancient Egypt, the priests were well versed in public relations. The early public leaders were also talented to impress upon the public.

The Olymic games and other national and international festivals reflect the interchange of opinion and development of interaction of the public in different activities which resulted in increases awareness and also increased the importance of public relationships. Rome is well known for its public relations. The oratory talent, historical writings, statues, paintings and pamphlets of the olden days reflect the traditional media of public opinion.

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In the early days, people tended to be interdependent and self sufficient. The industrial revolution and the rise of mass production translated the society into interdependence.

Today with the extension of communication media, public opinion has become more powerful. It has the public more accessible to those whom it wants to reach.

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