public protection unit force policy - dyfed-powys police · public protection unit force policy 1....

Public Protection Unit Force Policy Version 2, 30 th October 2013

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Page 1: Public Protection Unit Force Policy - Dyfed-Powys Police · Public Protection Unit Force Policy 1. POLICY AIM The aim of this policy is To deliver guidance in respect of the management

Public Protection Unit Force


Version 2, 30th

October 2013

Page 2: Public Protection Unit Force Policy - Dyfed-Powys Police · Public Protection Unit Force Policy 1. POLICY AIM The aim of this policy is To deliver guidance in respect of the management

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Version Date Author Reason for Change

2 01/11/13 T/DCI Anthony Griffiths

New Force Policy Template

1 01/12/11 DS Anne Inkster First version

EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT Section 4 of the Equality Act 2010 sets out the protected characteristics that qualify for protection under the Act as follows: Age; Disability; Gender Reassignment; Marriage and Civil Partnership; Pregnancy and Maternity; Race; Religion or Belief; Sex; Sexual Orientation. The public sector equality duty places a proactive legal requirement on public bodies to have regard, in the exercise of their functions, to the need to:

- eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation, and any other conduct that is unlawful under the Act;

- advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

- foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

The equality duty applies to all protected characteristics with the exception of Marriage and Civil Partnership, to which only the duty to have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination applies. Carrying out an equality impact assessment involves systematically assessing the likely or actual effects of policies on people in respect of all the protected characteristics set out above. An equality impact assessment should be carried out on any policy that is relevant to the public sector equality duty. An equality impact assessment has been completed on this policy, click here.



This policy has been drafted in accordance with the Human Rights Act and has been reviewed on the basis of its content and the supporting evidence and it is deemed compliant with that Act and the principles underpinning it.

Name: R Jones, Senior Solicitor

Department: Legal Services Department

Signed: R Jones

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Freedom of Information Act 2000

Section 19 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 places a requirement upon the Force to publish all policies on the Force website. Policies are why we do things and procedures are how we do them. A case-by-case review of procedures must be undertaken to protect law enforcement and health and safety considerations. Where a combined policy and procedure document is being produced the Force is legally required to publish the policy section and assess the procedure part to ensure no sensitive information is published.

There is a requirement therefore to review this document to establish its suitability for publication. Please identify below whether the document is suitable for publication in its entirety or not. Where it is believed that disclosure will be harmful please articulate the harm that publication would cause and highlight the relevant sections within the document. Where it is perceived that there is harm in disclosure the document should be forwarded to the FOI Unit for review.

Suitability for publication

Suitability for publication Yes/No Date Signature

Document is suitable for publication in its entirety

Yes 01/11/2013 A. Griffiths

Document is suitable for publication in part, I have identified those sections which I believe are not suitable for disclosure and have articulated below the harm which would be caused by publication.

Harm – in publication

FOI review – to be completed by FOI Unit

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Once review has been undertaken FOI decision maker to return document to policy author and following sign–off document to be published within Force Publication Scheme.

Public Protection Unit Force Policy 1. POLICY AIM

The aim of this policy is

To deliver guidance in respect of the management of Public Protection.

To clearly define administrative duties in support of key policing objectives.

To provide key information to front line officers.

To work in partnership with other agencies to protect the public and prevent crime. 2. APPLICABILITY

This policy will be followed by all staff and defines the responsibilities of all parties involved with Public Protection matters.


1. Introduction 1.1. The investigation of crime against children and other vulnerable persons within our

communities is as important as the investigation of any other form of serious crime. The police are responsible for carrying out completely and exclusively, any criminal investigation elements in a case of suspected injury or harm to a child or other vulnerable person, including the evidential interview with the victim.

1.2. In cases of serious crime against children or vulnerable persons supervisory officers must,

from the beginning, take an active role in ensuring that a thorough investigation is carried out.

1.3. The public have a right to expect the police to work with other public and voluntary

organisations to provide a collaborative response to the assessment of risk and the development of policy and procedures and the implementation of management plans to ensure their protection. The police recognise that successful public protection and subsequent investigations rely on partnership working with partner agencies. PPU staff will work with partners in accordance with Force policies and information sharing protocols.

2. Public Protection Unit Structure 2.1. Public Protection Units (PPUs) have primary responsibility for Child Abuse Investigations,

Adult Abuse Investigations, the management of Sexual & Violent Offenders and Domestic Abuse within their respective Territorial Policing Areas (TPA). They also have a strategic responsibility for Missing Persons and Mental Health.

2.2. PPUs are located in each of the four TPAs to deal with this area of work and are headed

by dedicated Detective Inspectors, supported by a Detective Sergeant(s). Detective

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Constables within the unit are split into the following categories, each having specialist knowledge in those respective areas:

Child Abuse Investigation Officers

Adult Abuse Investigation Officers

Sex and Violent Offender Officers

Domestic Abuse Officers 2.3. PPUs are also supported by a specialist pool of trained front line response uniform and

CID officers. These ‘pool officers’ are joint investigation trained and are available within the areas of Child Abuse Investigation and Adult Abuse Investigation.

3. Terms of Reference for Public Protection Staff 3.1. To ensure clarity for all officers as to what investigations and type of cases should be dealt

with by PPUs, the remit for the individual work areas are attached at Appendix A. 4. Operating Procedures 4.1. Operational guidance for each of the work areas within PPUs are contained within

associated policies/guidance and protocol documents as detailed below:

The All Wales Child Protection Procedures 2008

Safeguarding Children: Working Together Under the Children Act 2004

Wales Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Abuse (November 2010)

The Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) including the Dyfed-Powys MAPPA Local Procedures

The Management of Potentially Dangerous Persons

Guidance on Conducting Home Visits to Registered Sexual Offenders

The Dyfed-Powys Domestic Abuse Policy

ACPO Guidance within areas of responsibility

Achieving Best Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: Coroners and Justice Act 2009

4.2. These documents together with supporting national guidance can all be found on the Force intranet site - Public Protection Home Page and should be strictly adhered to.

5. Recording of Referrals / Cases 5.1. The following principles will be adhered to in respect of the recording of information

relevant to PPU cases:

All interagency referrals for Child Abuse Investigations and Adult Abuse Investigations will be managed utilising the Case Administration Tracking System (CATS) and will comply with National Standard for Incident Recording (NSIR) and PND.

All domestic abuse incidents will be managed utilising the DASH booklet and recorded within the Force Local Crime System (LCS) and Investigation Log System.

All Sex Offender and Violent Offender registrations will be managed utilising the Violent and Sex Offender Register (ViSOR).

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All Potentially Dangerous Persons (PDP) will be managed utilising ViSOR and/or the Force Intelligence System (FIS) in accordance with Force Potentially Dangerous Persons Policy.

All intelligence products originating from PPUs will be managed utilising the Force CIS and will comply with the National Intelligence Model (NIM).

All criminal offences will be recorded via the Crime Recording Bureau (CRB) and will comply with the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS). Guidance on crime recording in attached at Appendix B.

All addresses of Registered Sex Offenders will be recorded on the Force Command and Control system (STORM). Guidance is attached at Appendix F.

6. Accountability Structure 6.1. It is important that there is a clear line of responsibility within PPUs in terms of both

performance and service delivery. This will ensure that roles and responsibilities are clearly understood and that policy and operational practice is implemented consistently across the Force.

6.2. A PPU organisation chart can be found at Appendix C which defines the Force structure. 7. Role of Force Headquarters 7.1. The Assistant Chief Constable has overall accountability and strategic lead for PPU issues

(including Missing Persons, Sexual Offences and Mental Health) within the Force with the nominated Detective Superintendent within HQ CM&RD holding this portfolio at a strategic level. He/she is supported by a PPU Detective Chief Inspector.

7.2. HQ undertake the following functions in respect of PPU:

To ensure the corporate strategic direction of the Force.

To ensure that public protection is given sufficient priority.

The development of policies, procedures and protocols.

To provide a specialist source of advice and guidance to TPA’s

To engage with partners at a strategic level.

To review Force performance at a strategic level.

Management of MAPPA Unit.

Management and Running of the Central Referral Unit 8. Role of Territorial Policing Areas 8.1. The Superintendent for Public Protection has overall accountability for PPU matters

throughout the Force. To ensure effective leadership and management of these issues there should be a clear line management structure from the PPU Det Supt to the Territorial Policing Area Detective Chief Inspector. It is stressed that this line management structure must involve intrusive management as opposed to an administrative or reactive management of the units.

8.2. TPA’s have the following functions in terms of management of the units:

a. Operational Accountability. b. Performance Management of Units.

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c. Resourcing and Resilience of Units – this is to ensure that units are properly resourced and not disadvantaged in terms of staffing, support, equipment, vehicles and premises.

8.3. Staffing Rationale

Sex and Violent Offender Officers - This is generally an extremely demanding and stressful role within a ‘high risk’ area of policing. In order to fulfil responsibilities to the public and also ensure, as a threshold standard, the welfare, health and safety of individual staff members, the Detective Superintendent should endeavour to ensure that officers do not manage more than fifty Registered Sex Offenders in the community at any one time. This number should not contain more than twenty per cent of very high or high risk offenders. The workload should also take into account such factors as the size of the geographic area. This agreed workload will be monitored by the Detective Sergeants based in the Central Referral Unit. Child and Adult Abuse Investigators - The Detective Superintendent should endeavour to ensure units are sufficiently staffed and resourced to meet operational needs ensuring that individual workloads are not so excessive as to prevent the thorough investigation of crimes, particularly against children and other vulnerable persons. It is difficult to determine a prescriptive staffing rationale based on empirical data alone due to the varying levels of complexity and breadth of individual investigations. The staffing rationale will therefore be based upon recommendations emanating from supervisors and on-going auditing undertaken by the central referral unit, together with issues identified from monthly supervision meetings conducted by PPU DI’s. These should be brought to the attention of the Detective Superintendent.

9. Supervision of Staff 9.1. This section identifies the minimum standards of supervision expected in Public Protection

Units within the Force. 9.2. The standards outlined should be linked closely with the PDR process and is intended as a

way of acknowledging good performance together with identifying areas for support and development, with a particular emphasis on the on-going welfare of the individual.

9.3. All officers and supervisors within units should have a clear line manager structure and

receive effective supervision on a day-to-day basis. In cases of child abuse, supervisory officers should, from the outset, take an active role in ensuring that a thorough investigation is carried out.

9.4. The Detective Sergeants within the Central Referral Unit will oversee all Decision Making

and Information Sharing entries on CATS. The Detective Inspector within this unit will oversee these CATS records and conduct regular dip sampling of such records. ( see attached role profile)

9.5. Divisional Detective Sergeants will oversee all CATS entries relevant to their TPAs and

allocated to their staff. (see attached role profile)

9.6. Detective Inspectors will oversee CATS records relevant to their TPAs in respect of the following categories of abuse; Child Death, Rape and Serious Sexual Assaults, S20 and S18 physical assault and Professional Abuse.

9.7. Detective Inspectors should also dip sample a cross section of CATS entries to monitor

standards of investigation and provide quality assurance.

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9.8. PPU supervisors must use the review section of CATS to record their decision-making rationale.

9.9. In addition, Detective Sergeants will be responsible for conducting one-to-one interviews

with their Detective Constables on a monthly basis, and likewise, Detective Inspector will conduct one-to-one interviews with their Detective Sergeants on a monthly basis. PPU Supervision Spread sheet and PPU Supervisory Record must be utilised for audit purposes a copy of which can be found at Appendix D.

9.10. The Detective Sergeants based in the Central Referral Unit will be responsible for

conducting one-to-one interviews with all staff members within the unit on a monthly basis and likewise the Detective Inspector will conduct one-to one interviews with the Detective Sergeants on a monthly basis. PPU Supervision Spread sheet and PPU Supervisory Record must be utilised for audit purposes a copy of which can be found at Appendix D.

9.11. The purpose of these meetings will be to review performance over the preceding month.

Areas to be covered in these meetings are as follows: Detective Constables in Territorial Policing Areas

Establish number of referrals/cases dealt with since last one to one meeting and consider officers workload.

Dip sample a referral/case dealt with by the officer to ensure completeness of records, quality of investigations, including Interviews with victims and offenders. Completion of risk assessments and compliance with guidance/policy, NCRS, etc.

Review of intelligence submitted to ensure that the potential for future risk is highlighted and managed.

Progress made towards performance and development objectives.

Consider any welfare issues/sickness absences.

Detective Sergeants in their Territorial Policing Areas

Progress made towards performance and development objectives.

Review of any files/referrals and guidance offered – where appropriate.

Progress made towards completion of one to one meetings with staff.

Consider welfare issues/sickness absence. Detective Sergeants within the Central Referral Unit.

Review decision making processes and rationale

Progress made towards performance and development objectives

Review guidance offered and standard of recording 10. Supervision of Interviews 10.1. As part of the on-going development and supervision of staff, supervisors should monitor

and review interview tapes of victims, witnesses and suspects. A minimum of three tapes per officer per year should be reviewed and these should be selected from the latest cases that have been finalised so that issues arising can be addressed immediately, without interference with the particular case. Officers should be provided with constructive feedback as to the quality of their interviews and the result of may be relevant to the officer’s personal development.

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10.2. Where appropriate to the complexity of a case or to meet the requirements of effective supervision and staff development, remote monitoring of live interviews should be considered. Where remote monitoring is conducted, the interviewee and any representative(s) should be made aware of the fact, and it should be noted in the interview record and be recorded on any prosecution file. Supervisors should also be aware that any findings from remote monitoring of live interviews could be relevant to the defence.

11. Performance Management 11.1. Effective performance management in Public Protection enables the optimum use of our

resources, the identification of trends, good and poor performance, and gaps in the service. It also provides a structure for ownership and accountability. Performance in connection with both PPU staff and other divisional staff involved in the wider aspects of public protection should therefore be an integral part of the overall performance management regime. This should be monitored and reviewed at both TPA and Force level in accordance with the PPU Audit Policy.

12. Welfare of Staff 12.1. PPU line managers and supervisors should closely monitor the welfare of their staff and

pay particular attention to the balance of work within the team, the quality of their work and their overall welfare. PPU supervisors should also ensure that adequate opportunities are provided for officers to discuss concerns about cases which may affect their welfare through monthly meetings with their staff.

12.2. Due to the potential emotionally erosive nature of the work performed within PPUs, all PPU

staff will be the subject of mandatory counselling and/or welfare support as a minimum of once a year or more frequently if required.

12.3. The Force Welfare Officer will be responsible for monitoring this policy and will liaise with

PPU DI’s to ensure compliance. 13. Training and Development 13.1. The Detective Superintendent together with the designated DCI should ensure that they

have a sufficient number of appropriately trained staff within their TPAs/Departments to undertake public protection work from initial response through to the completion of an investigation involving partner agencies of otherwise.

13.2. Minimum Standards in relation to training requirements can be found at Appendix E. 14. Vetting of Public Protection Staff 14.1. Police Officers and other staff working within PPU’s who come into contact with children or

other vulnerable persons as a part of the work will be subject to a particularly high level of vetting. All vetting enquiries will be undertaken with the persons consent and will include the following:

Any complaints or professional standards investigations;

Any occupational health issues;

Existing civil orders including any child contact restrictions:

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Records held of children on the child protection register who are related to the applicant.

15. National Intelligence Model (NIM) 15.1. PPU intelligence forms an integral part of the National Intelligence Model (NIM). It is

therefore imperative that PPU Officers and in particular supervisors ensure that intelligence logs (C600b forms) are completed (when applicable) and forwarded for submission onto the Force Intelligence System (FIS).

15.2. The submission of intelligence will provide opportunities for analytical work to be carried

out concerning PPU matters and assist the TPA in monitoring any emerging crime patterns. It is essential that those offenders who pose the highest risk to communities are considered for tasking through the T&CG meetings.

15.3. The submission of intelligence is clearly of significant importance to frontline officers

attending PPU related incidents. Child and Adult Abuse Investigators should ensure an intelligence log is submitted in the case of each referral received documenting the parties concerned; the circumstances of the allegation and the CATS reference number. This is to ensure that frontline officers are responding to current and not historic intelligence.

15.4. Sex and Violent Offender Officers should also ensure the Force intelligence system is

regularly updated in relation to ViSOR nominals so that frontline officers are aware information may be held on this system.

15.5. This is integral due to the implementation of PND which is not currently compatible with


16. Flagging of Registered Sex Offenders Addresses on STORM 16.1. An information marker will be placed on the Force Command and Control System

(STORM) against the address of any Registered Sex Offender residing within the Dyfed-Powys Police area.

16.2. When an officer is dispatched to the home address of a Registered Sex Offender for any

reason, this information will be highlighted in the ‘comments’ field of STORM along with the corresponding Violent and Sex Offender Register (ViSOR) reference number.

16.3. This method has been adopted to ensure as much intelligence as possible is captured in

relation to our Registered Sex Offenders in line with both Force and NIM priorities and to ensure officers are fully aware of Registered Sex Offenders residing within their areas.

16.4. Officers must fully endorse STORM messages with the result of their attendance at the call

so this information can be accessed by the Sex and Violent Offender Officers (SAVOOs) who are responsible for the day to day management of such offenders.

17. Career and Succession Planning

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17.1. Due to the very nature of this specialist department it is important that we put our most experienced detectives into these critical specialist posts. To achieve this, only those officers who have developed their investigative skills through main stream CID and who have the requisite higher level of skills should staff this specialist department.

17.2. The recruitment to these specialist posts will follow the progression model contained within the force investigation model (Appendix G)

17.3. In addition officers wishing to equip themselves for future roles within PPUs should consider accessing the following courses:

Initial Crime Investigators Development Programme (ICIDP)

Level 2 Investigative Interviewing

Level 2 Specialist Investigative Interviewing (Witness and Suspect)

Specially Trained Officer Development Programme (STODP)

Specialist Adult Abuse Investigators Course

Specialist Child Abuse Investigators Development Programme (SCAIDP)

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Appendix A

Terms of Reference for PPU Officers PPU Divisional Detective Sergeant

To supervise all police and administrative staff within their Public Protection Unit

To monitor all PPU STORM Tags and to be solely responsible for the Domestic Abuse


To liaise closely with the Central Referral Unit Detective Sergeants

To investigate all Section 47 child abuse investigations

To investigates all POVA investigations

To be actively involved in the investigation of criminal offences relating to all areas of

Public Protection and being responsible for setting out investigation plans.

To investigate issues relating to public protection matters as directed by the Detective

Inspector/Detective Chief Inspector.

To closely monitor and update all CATS records allocated to their staff ensuring that all

records are accurately managed and finalised when investigations are completed.

To ensure that CATS endorsements evidence the rationale and justification for decision

making as per All Wales Guidelines and Working Together documents.

To provide expertise and advice to SIO’s in cases of child homicides and sudden

unexplained deaths of children (PRUDIC) in respect of multi-agency involvement and

any other specialist issues.

To actively monitor all cases of missing children, taking positive action when necessary

and liaising with partner agencies.

To attend all Strategy Meetings

To ensure that there is police attendance at all Initial Case Conferences

To ensure that all allocated actions emanating from such meetings are implemented and


To be aware of and to act upon the wider safeguarding issues relating to all aspects of

PPU work

To proactively target repeat offenders of domestic abuse

To ensure that there exist robust lines of communication between PPU and frontline


Central Referral Unit Detective Sergeant:

To supervise staff within the Unit and to work in conjunction with the other Detective

Sergeants, taking responsibility for all aspects of Public Protection work.

To act as a central point of contact for agencies reporting public protection matters to the


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To ensure that staff record any referrals or notifications in respect of Public Protection


To liaise directly with Partner Agency Managers

To undertake (where appropriate) and in accordance with the All Wales Child Protection

Procedures and the All Wales Procedures for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults

undertake strategy discussions with partner agencies.

To co-ordinate the force’s response to Domestic Abuse

To ensure that administrative staff undertake all background checks on each referral

and document all information on CATS

To monitor and react to all PPU STORM Tags apart from Domestic Abuse Tags.

To ensure that administrative staff updated the STORM messages with CATS reference

numbers and any other relevant information.

To liaise closely with Divisional DS’s ensuring that any information that is relevant to

them is communicated as such.

To audit CATS and VISOR records that remains the responsibility of the Central Referral

Unit DS.

To be aware of and to act upon the wider safeguarding issues which relate to all aspects

of PPU work.

To provide guidance to PPU’s in respect of investigative standards.

To provide support to Territorial policing areas regarding high risk offenders/victims in

their area.

To monitor staff workloads and capacity issues

To liaise closely with the Central Referral Unit Detective Inspector

Child Abuse Investigation Officers Child Abuse Investigation Officers should investigate allegations of abuse where the victim is a child under the age of 18 years and in the following circumstances:

Abuse occurring within the household (as opposed to a stranger attack) involving a family or extended family member.

Abuse committed by a carer or person having care responsibility at the time of the alleged offence, e.g. babysitter, teacher, health youth worker, or foster carer.

Allegation of sexual abuse where the victim and offender are under the age of 18 years. Child Abuse Investigation Officers should assist in the following cases:

To interview children under the age of 18 years in cases of serious offences committed against them by strangers.

Allegations of child abuse images on computers where the suspect has children within his family or extended family, or otherwise has access to children.

To conduct de-brief interviews with children who have been missing to establish if there are any child protection concerns.

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To provide expertise and advice to officers investigating domestic abuse where children are resident.

To provide expertise and advice to SIO’s in cases of child homicides and sudden unexplained deaths of Infants (SUDI) in respect of multi-agency involvement and any other specialist issue.

To provide advice in any investigation of offences against children or investigations of crime committed by a child where welfare concerns arise about that child.

To provide advice to Professional Standards Department (PSD) investigations where police officers are suspected of committing offences relating to child or domestic abuse.

CAI’s should investigate allegations of sexual abuse when at the time of the incident the victim was a child.

CAI’s should investigate allegations of child abuse images on computers in particular where the suspect has children within his family or extended family or otherwise has access to children, this will include CEOP packages.

Adult Abuse Investigation Officers Adult Abuse Investigation Officers should investigate allegations of abuse where the victim is a ‘vulnerable adult’ 18 years of age and over (and is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of himself or herself, or unable to protect himself or herself against significant harm or serious exploitation) in the following circumstances:

Abuse occurring within the household (as opposed to a stranger attack) involving a family or extended family member.

Abuse committed by a carer or person having care responsibility at the time of the alleged offence, e.g. Care Worker

Adult Abuse Investigation Officers should assist in the following cases:

To interview vulnerable adults in cases of financial or material abuse.

To interview vulnerable adults in cases of serious offences committed against them by strangers.

To conduct de-brief interviews with vulnerable adults who have been missing to establish if there are any adult protection concerns.

To provide expertise and advice to SIO’s in cases of vulnerable adult homicides and unexplained deaths in respect of multi-agency involvement and any other specialist issue.

To provide advice in any investigation of offences against vulnerable adults or investigations of crime committed by a vulnerable adult where welfare concerns arise about that person.

Adult Abuse Investigators should assist in the investigation of disability hate crime.

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Sex and Violent Offender Officers Sex and Violent Offender officers will be responsible for the following areas of Sexual and Violent Offender/ Dangerous Person Management/ Potentially Dangerous Persons:

Responsibility for managing those required to comply with the notification requirements under Part 2 Sexual Offences Act 2003. Conducting ‘home visits’ in line with minimum standards of monitoring.

To ensure that the registration of violent offenders are completed in accordance with national guidance and that the ViSOR database is maintained and updated. (Note Probation service responsibility once access to ViSOR is established).

To ensure that sexual and violent offenders are subjected to a risk assessment utilising nationally recognised tools in accordance with Force policy and that offenders are referred into the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) and managed at the appropriate level.

Attending and providing active input at MAPPA meetings including providing detailed MAPPA referrals and updates on the management of offenders.

To ensure that potentially dangerous persons brought to the notice of the PPU are subjected to a risk assessment and are referred to a local Risk Management Meeting. This will provide for the effective multi-agency management of risk of such individuals not covered by MAPPA Legislation.

To proactively monitor sexual, violent offenders and potentially dangerous persons in accordance with Force policy and individual offender management plans. Legal Services will provide advice and representation to bring civil order applications to court for Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPOs), Risk of Sexual Harm Orders (ROSH) and other similar preventative orders.

To ensure reports to multi-agency meetings providing factual data on the Police Service’s involvement with the offender or potentially dangerous person.

To prepare target profiles and intelligence briefings, to support proactive plans to manage sexual and violent offenders, or potentially dangerous persons, giving priority to high risk cases.

Gathering information and intelligence in relation to offenders or potentially dangerous persons as detailed in Force guidance.

Sex and Violent Offender officers should assist in the following cases:-

To provide expertise and advice to SIO’s in cases of sexual assaults by sex offenders and any other relevant specialist issue.

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To provide expertise to assist in interviews with sex offenders in cases of serious offences committed by them.

To assist the Force Litigation Officer in preparing evidence files to support civil order applications under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 in respect of sexual offenders.

Domestic Abuse Officers:

The role of the Domestic Abuse Officer as per Dyfed Powys Police guidance is:

To provide expertise for the investigation development of domestic abuse cases where appropriate, as directed by the PPU supervisor.

Respond to and monitor Medium and High risk incidents of Domestic Abuse. To update the incident log electronically relating to these Domestic Abuse incidents with actions taken and ensure that the relevant safety plans are attached to the investigation plan

The Domestic Abuse Officer will not be responsible for incidents that have been risk assessed as standard. These will be monitored and updated by the front line officer and their supervisor.

If there are three standard cases in a 12 month period then the DAO will assess those incidents and refer them to MARAC if appropriate.

The DAO in consultation with the Detective Inspector will decide on professional judgement which cases are referred to MARAC

All High Risk cases will be considered for MARAC with defensible decisions documented and recorded on the incident log electronically for cases which are not progressed in this way

The DAO will assist in providing expert investigative advice to officers including assistance when interviewing perpetrators of High risk domestic abuse cases and will attend interviews when available to do so

To prepare target profiles and intelligence briefings, to support proactive plans to manage domestic abuse offenders, giving priority to high risk cases and persistent offenders and serial perpetrators.

It will be the responsibility of the DAO to obtain withdrawal statements from High Risk victims of domestic abuse and all cases referred to MARAC unless directed otherwise by their Supervisor.

The DAO will provide advice on completion of MG6 series for Domestic Abuse cases as part of the file preparation stage.

Any Domestic incident where there are children will be electronically sent via CRB/IS&T to partner agencies through Legal Mail. It remains the responsibility of the DAO to refer any incidents of concern regarding children to partner agencies.

The PPU Administrator will be responsible for the filing of the original Domestic Abuse booklets received from the Front Line Officer.

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The DAO will ensure that a Daily Tasking entry is made where appropriate, in relation to victims/offenders of Domestic Abuse in order to share this information with front line staff

All Risk Management Plans will be placed onto the crime/non crime related electronic system for information of all staff.

Pool Trained Officers Pool trained officers should perform the following role when acting in that capacity:

To obtain witness statements from vulnerable or intimidated witnesses in accordance with ‘Achieving Best Evidence in Criminal Proceedings’ whether by DVD recording or written statement as appropriate.

To obtain significant or key witness statements as directed by the Senior Investigating Officer.

To perform the duties of a PPU officer as directed by the Detective Superintendent. It is essential that PPU supervisors ensure that when utilising Pool Trained Officers they are only allocated cases that correspond with their level of training, expertise and experience. PPU supervisors must also ensure they effectively and intrusively supervise these investigations at all times.

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Appendix B Public Protection Unit

Crime/Incident Recording Policy

Introduction This policy aims to address some of the difficulties associated with the recording of crime within Child and Adult Abuse Investigation Units. The rules for recording crime are laid down in the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) and Home Office Counting Rules (HOCR). However, due to PPUs close liaison with partnership agencies, further crime recording guidance is required to ensure compliance with the NCRS and HOCR within PPUs. PPUs not only deal with incidents reported directly to the police but also referrals from partnership agencies, such as Social Services. These referrals will always be crime related, but will not always be allegations of crime. This policy provides guidance around applying the principles and rules of crime recording to these other agency referrals, thus ensuring accuracy, consistency and a victim orientated approach to crime recording. Aims and Objectives

To ensure the PPUs apply the principles of NCRS when dealing with direct incident reports and agency referrals.

To ensure section I of the HOCR is correctly applied following the recommendations of the Lord Lamming inquiry into Victoria Climbie’s death

To ensure the PPU’s comply with national standards in crime recording.

To take a victim orientated approach to crime recording and investigation within PPU’s Incident Reports NCRS paragraph 2.1 states: “All reports of incidents, whether from victims, witnesses or third parties and whether crime related or not, will result in the registration of an incident report by the police” This will normally be recorded in the Force Command and Control system ‘STORM’ however incidents often come straight to PPU staff without generating a ‘STORM’ entry. In all cases, the report must be registered as an incident report within the Case Administration Tracking System (CATS). All PPU referrals will be recorded under their correct category e.g. sexual/physical/emotional/neglect, in order that a sample of ‘crime related incidents’ can be provided for audit purposes.

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Referrals Received from Other Agencies PPU’s are contacted with referrals from other agencies. Referrals can fall into two broad categories in terms of NCRS compliancy:

An allegation that a crime has occurred as defined by law, for example:

cruelty to and neglect of children or vulnerable persons

sexual offences


financial abuse of vulnerable adults A concern about a child’s or vulnerable adult’s physical or mental wellbeing that requires further investigation to establish if a crime has occurred. For example:

an unexplained bruise on a child’s back

out of character behaviour Whilst these concerns imply a criminal offence may be present, further investigation is needed to establish if a crime has actually occurred. Dealing with Allegations of Crime As soon as an allegation of a criminal offence is reported to the PPU a referral will be recorded within the Case Administration Tracking System (CATS) under the category of Child/Adult Abuse and the appropriate sub category e.g. Physical Abuse. The crime must be recorded as a crime on the Crime Recording System using the principles of NCRS. The crime reference number will be entered in the CATS referral and the CATS reference number will be supplied to the CRB for inclusion on the crime report. The referral agency will not be responsible for recording any offences as crimes. The police will always take primacy of criminal investigation and record any subsequent crimes. Dealing with Concerns On receipt of a concern, a crime related incident will be created within CATS as a ‘Child/Adult Concern’. The crime related incident will be endorsed if appropriate with the fact further enquiries are required in order to make the crime recording decision. If the investigation reveals no offence has been committed, the details of the crime recording decision must be adequately endorsed on the incident report. If the investigation reveals a criminal offence, the police should take primacy of investigation and immediately record a crime (please refer to section 4 above). Applying the Guiding Principles of NCRS

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The PPU must take care when deciding whether the informant is a representative of the victim or a third party report. In line with NCRS, if the allegation is made by a third party, a crime related incident must be recorded and reasonable enquiries made to trace the victim. The victim should be traced and asked to confirm whether a crime was committed. This is so the guiding principle of ‘no victim = no crime’ can be applied. If a crime is not confirmed by the victim, or a person reasonably assumed to be acting on their behalf, a crime should not be recorded. In many cases it will be very difficult to get a child to confirm an offence. Therefore, if there is overwhelming evidence that a crime has been committed, a crime should still be recorded. In this scenario, the reasons for this decision must be documented on the incident and crime report. Considering the Best Interests of the Child The responsibility for completing a crime report and instigating a criminal investigation lies with the police, but the PPU should consider the views expressed by other agencies when considering whether to conduct a criminal investigation. There will be less serious cases where, after discussion with the other agency, it is agreed the best interests of the child are served by an ‘other agency’ led intervention, rather than a criminal investigation. A crime however, should always be recorded by the police if a crime, as defined by law, has been committed.

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DDyyffeedd--PPoowwyyss PPoolliiccee AAppppeennddiixx CC

PPuubblliicc PPrrootteeccttiioonn SSttrruuccttuurree

Detective Inspector

4 x BCU’s

Public Protection Units

Detective Sergeant(s)

Child Abuse Investigation


Adult Abuse Investigation


Domestic Abuse

Officer(s) Officers

Sex & Violent Offender Officer(s)

Sex & Violent Offender SPOC


Responsible for:

Strategic Management

Policy & Procedure

Sharing Good Practice

Audit and Review

Responsible for:

Operational Delivery



Work Areas Child Abuse, Domestic Abuse, MAPPA,

Adult Abuse, Missing Persons, Mental Health Investigation of Sexual Offences

Detective Superintendent

Detective Chief Inspector

Detective Inspector

Detective Sergeant

Force Headquarters

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Appendix D

PPU Supervision Spreadsheet – Monthly Record CONFIDENTIAL

PPU Supervision Spreadsheet Insert name of TPA

Date/Officer Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Insert officer details


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CONFIDENTIAL PPU Supervisory Record

Detective Constable Review

Name of Officer:

Name of Supervisor:


Date of Monthly Supervisory Meeting:

Number of referrals investigated since last meeting:

Any issues discussed in relation to referrals (please detail):

Intelligence reviewed: Y/N

Issues identified (if applicable):

PDR objectives reviewed: Y/N

Any welfare issues identified (and action taken if applicable):

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CONFIDENTIAL PPU Supervisory Record

Detective Sergeant Review

Name of Officer:

Name of Supervisor:


Date of Monthly Supervisory Meeting:

Any issues discussed in relation to supervision of referrals (please detail):

PDR objectives reviewed: Y/N


Monthly supervisory meetings conducted with staff and issues identified:

Any welfare issues identified (and action taken if applicable):

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Call Handling Staff The Force should ensure that all call handling, operations room and Customer Service Unit Staff, have received appropriate training in accordance with the relevant Centrex training modules and identified DPP requirements. Student Officers The Force should ensure that officers joining the service have an early appreciation of the work undertaken within PPUs through the Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP). Currently the IPLDP programme does not include a formal attachment to a TPA PPU office but local ad-hoc arrangements may be in place. Police Officers and Supervisors The Force should ensure that police officers and supervisors receive relevant training within the areas of public protection in accordance with the Centrex training modules packages and identified DPP requirements. Wider Policing Family The Force should ensure that Special Constables and Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) have received relevant training within the areas of public protection in accordance with the Centrex training modules and identified DPP requirements. Transferees The Force should ensure that transferees receive relevant training within the areas of public protection in accordance with the Centrex training modules and identified DPP requirements. Pool Trained Officers The Force should ensure that pool trained officers receive joint investigation and sexual offences training and have a regular opportunity to undertake PPU work through attachments. PPU Officers Dyfed-Powys Police is committed to the Specialist Child Abuse Investigators Development Programme (SCAIDP). Therefore, all staff new to role will follow a predetermined training and development plan to enable then to be registered as Level 2 Specialist Investigators. A similar process is being undertaken in respect of the training and development needs of existing PPU staff in order for their registration as level 2 Specialist Investigators.

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Currently existing Public Protection staff receive the following training: Child Abuse Investigation Officers


Level 2 Specialist Investigative Interview Course

Child Abuse Investigators Development Programme (SCAIDP)

Specially Trained Officer Development Programme (STODP)

CATS Training

PND Adult Abuse Investigation Officers


Level 2 Specialist Investigative Interview Course

Child Abuse Investigators Development Programme (SCAIDP)

Specially Trained Officer Development Programme (STODP)

CATS Training

PND Sex and Violent Offender Officers


CEOP Modules

Risk Assessment / RM2000



PNC Domestic Abuse Officers


Level 2 Specialist Investigative Interview Course

Centrex Modular Training for Domestic Violence

Child Abuse Investigators Development Programme (SCAIDP)

Specially Trained Officer Development Programme (STODP)

CATS Training

ViSOR Training

PND PPU Detective Sergeants


Management of Investigations and Investigators Course (or equivalent)

Child Abuse Investigators Development Programme (SCAIDP)

Specially Trained Officer Development Programme (STODP)

CATS Training

ViSOR Training

PND PPU Detective Inspectors


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Management of Investigations and Investigators Course (or equivalent)

Appropriate CEOP modules

CATS Training

ViSOR Training PPU Administrators

Force IT Systems

CATS Training

ViSOR Training



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Appendix F

Process for Flagging RSOs on STORM

RSO address identified by


Details forwarded to PPU


Entry placed in

‘Comment’ field of

STORM against address

of RSO

Comment will remain

UNLESS new address


IF New Address identified

Comment deleted in

respect of old address

STORM records to be

cross-checked against

ViSOR records every 3


Appendix F Cont

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SAVOO’s to ensure TAG is deleted

once TAG is noted

New call received and STORM

message commenced

‘Comments’ field will automatically

be highlighted

Call-handler will inform officer of

the details in ‘Comments’ field

Despatched Officer will deal with

incident and update STORM


SAVOO’s pick up messages from a

dedicated TAG (PPU SAVOO)

Highlighted entry to be checked by


Automatic TAG will be generated to

inform SAVOO’s of incident

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Interview under DC Role Profile

CID AIDE – leading to acceptance onto Trainee

Investigator Scheme.



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This policy will be reviewed for its effectiveness on a regular basis as stipulated in the review period. In addition, the policy will be reviewed when necessary with regard to the following

The level of performance with regard to work within the Public Protection Department will be monitored and any deficiencies will be scrutinised against this policy, for amendments when necessary.

The Public Protection Unit will maintain awareness of any changes to legislation and Home Office guidance.

Challenges to this policy


This policy will be subject of annual review by the Detective Chief Inspector with responsibility for Public Protection.


This policy is the responsibility of the Detective Chief Inspector for Public Protection.