public international law 2013

Bodleian Law Library Key stuff & tools to find more! Michaelmas 2013 Public International Law

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Page 1: Public international law 2013

Bodleian Law Library

Key stuff & tools to find more!Michaelmas 2013

Public International Law

Page 2: Public international law 2013

Finding (e-)stuff Treaties Case law UN material Customary lawCommentary Encyclopaedia E-books OSAIL Finding journal articles

Page 3: Public international law 2013

Multi-laterals: 1920s to date LNTS

Coverage 1920-1946 UNTS

Coverage 1946 to date

Internat 10 HeinOnline – UN Law Collection Freely available [pdfs] via AVOID the UN’s own Treaty website for texts!!

Page 4: Public international law 2013

Not in UNTS? International Legal MaterialsComplete JournalLexisLibrary: 1962 onwards Internat 300 I240

HeinOnline v.1(1962)-v.50(2011)

Just treaties from ILMWestlaw Int: 1980 v.19 on

Page 5: Public international law 2013

Incidentally Westlaw Int– useful for international commercial arbitration!

Page 6: Public international law 2013

Free web for national tss National Treaty series –e.g. UKTS via

UKTO (UK Treaties Online) = part of FCO website (but with disclaimer)

Note HeinOnline’s Treaty & Agreements Library … for U.S.A. treaties, whether currently in-force, expired, or not-yet officially published.

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Page 8: Public international law 2013

Secretariats: added value!

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Some Treaty Questions Is the treaty in force? EIF

Which states have signed, ratified, repudiated, or modified this treaty?

Have any states expressed reservations to the treaty or made a declaration of interpretation?

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Treaty status: MTDSG

Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General

Formerly printed as ST/LEG/SER/E/

Now On-line version is updated daily

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“Quirky” so drill down

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Also on UN’s Treaty website

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Hover mouse over link to see treaty name

Depositary Notifications

Int. Convention for Suppression of Financing of Terrorism

Page 16: Public international law 2013

BITS: bilateral investment

Subscription Databases: Investment Claims (over 1000 BITS) Kluwer Arbitration IA Reporter – news & analysis on

treaty negotiations Investor State Law TDM Transnational Dispute


Page 17: Public international law 2013

BITS: free web for texts

Page 18: Public international law 2013

Tax treaties - LexisLibrary

Page 19: Public international law 2013

Law Reports & Cases

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International Law Reports (ILR)

General collection 1919 – Decisions of both international courts

& national tribunals applying PIL All translated into English Internat 100 I61 Online via Justis

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Oxford Reports on International law

Modules International Courts of General

Jurisdiction International Criminal Law International Human Rights Law International Investment Claims International Law in Domestic CourtsVia OxLIP+ type ORIL

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ORIL: added to “daily”

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Default – searches all unless you limit/refine

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Page 29: Public international law 2013

Related Items panel

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ICJ (Lexis,Westlaw, Hein too!)

Free + In summary form 1946 to 1969, full-text from 1970 onwards.ALSO gives you Permanent Court of Justice Archive 1922-46

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Don’t let gray put you off!

Page 32: Public international law 2013

Human Rights Reports

BHRC in Lexis EHRR in Westlaw UK

Page 33: Public international law 2013

Human Rights Cases European Court HUDOC African Court on Human & Peoples’

Rights Inter-American Court of HR Interights (summaries)

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Google HUDOC

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38 individual databases

WorldLII – databases & portal

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Asser Institute EEL case law

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Publications? If a major series, try HeinOnline first

Documents? [email protected]

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Page 42: Public international law 2013

Customary law/”law of nations”

“State practice” Government (or ministry websites)

e.g. Digest of US Practice in Int.L

National year books (or yearbooks) Not official but can help with citations

to/summaries of, reproductions of official govt doxs as well as academic analysis

Page 43: Public international law 2013

Encyclopedia New topic? New concept? New jargon?

Also Bibliography


Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL)

Via OxLIP+ = max

Sign In if off campus/no vpn with SSO

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OR, NOT, ?, *,“[exact]”,w or w/out accents, Eng or US sp.

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Page 48: Public international law 2013

In print only Encyclopedia of the United Nations

and international agreements(3rd ed 2003) Internat 687 E56a3

Parry and Grant encyclopædic dictionary of international law (3rd ed 2009) Internat 450 P264b3

Encyclopedia of human rights (2009) Order from closed stacks

Page 49: Public international law 2013


Page 50: Public international law 2013

OSAIL Oxford Scholarly Authorities on

Internat Law “classic” works which happen to be

OUP E.g. Oppenheim's International Law, MCNAIR Treaties, CASSESE Rome

Statute of ICC etc etcNot yet on SOLO – but linked from

MPEPIL & ORIL & see handout

Page 51: Public international law 2013

Get to OSAIL from MPEPIL OR ORIL or Oxford Citator

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Page 53: Public international law 2013

Hague Academy Collected Courses

In OxLIP+ type in Haye Courses for pgs in public & private

int. law leading academics & practitioners,

judges, diplomats Eng OR Fre Internat 300 A20.

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Page 55: Public international law 2013

The great article hunt

Via OxLIP+

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals

Index to Legal Periodicals

try also SSCI (Social Science Citation Index)

Try also PAIS International?

Page 56: Public international law 2013

Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP)

Page 57: Public international law 2013

Social Science Citation Index

Page 58: Public international law 2013

Max Planck Institute documentation of articles

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Copy & paste journal title into OU e-journals or

SOLO or LawBod Search

our tool

Page 61: Public international law 2013

News Court’s, Organization’s etc own


ASIL Insights

“provide brief, balanced accounts of the international law issues raised by newsworthy late-breaking events”

Page 62: Public international law 2013

More help online ASIL’s E-rg Electronic Research Guide ASIL’s EISIL Electronic Information

System for International Law