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M4 Corridor around Newport PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038 RAISED BY: The Inspectors DATE: 20/02/17 RESPONDED BY: Barry Woodman DATE: 21/03/17 SUBJECT: Construction Proof of Evidence Clarifications. The attached document provides a response to a question of elucidation raised by Mr Wadrup in correspondence dated 20 February 2017.

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Page 1: PUBLIC INQUIRY - PI... · 2017-03-16 · M4 Corridor around Newport . PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038

M4 Corridor around Newport



RAISED BY: The Inspectors DATE: 20/02/17

RESPONDED BY: Barry Woodman DATE: 21/03/17

SUBJECT: Construction Proof of Evidence Clarifications.

The attached document provides a response to a question of elucidation raised by Mr Wadrup in correspondence dated 20 February 2017.

Page 2: PUBLIC INQUIRY - PI... · 2017-03-16 · M4 Corridor around Newport . PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038

Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Construction Proof of Evidence Clarifications Barry Woodman BSc (Hon), MBA, CEng, FICE, FIHE, MCIHT Welsh Government, Construction


1. Introduction ....................................................................................... 2

2. Clarifications ..................................................................................... 2

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

1. Introduction

1.1 This document provides responses to questions of elucidation raised by

Mr Wadrup in correspondence dated 20 February 2017.

2. Clarifications

2.1 Para 3.10 Question: “The access via accommodation works will need to

be demonstrated at the Inquiry in order to satisfy the test of a

“reasonably convenient” alternative. If accommodation works turn out to

be the favoured option, then they would it needs to be stated as a

commitment before the end of the Inquiry. Will there be a report dealing

with this?”

2.2 Para 3.10 Response: All existing accesses affected by the works have

been included in the CPO and Side Road Orders. All of these

arrangements have been agreed with the respective residents. Written

confirmation is awaited in one case. A schedule of accesses affected

has been provided in Appendix A to this report.

2.3 Para 3.10 Question: “Severed parcels of land, taken without the

owner’s consent, would need to be justified in terms of need for

landscaping. Presumably Mr Rowson on would deal with this?”

2.4 Para 3.10 Response: Generally the landowners appear content that

such areas are included in the CPO. The two areas where there are

outstanding queries are discussed in para 2.11 below. In Para 3.1.9. of

his Proof of Evidence, Nicholas Rowson, when dealing with the

approach to mitigation and landscape design for the Scheme, as set out

in full in section 9.5 of the LVIA ES Chapter summarises some of the key

elements of this; relating to this elucidation noting that:

“ Secondly, where the Scheme severs the existing field pattern,

the project team have reviewed the remaining elements of each field

land to consider whether the size of each piece is viable for future

agricultural use. Where not, the land has been incorporated as essential

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

mitigation, either to protect the existing hedgerows and ditches from

being lost to field aggregation and/or to provide essential mitigation for

the direct loss of SSSI land or protected species habitat.”

2.5 To date, since the publication of the orders, where we propose to take

small severed parcels of land, this has been seen as appropriate or not

challenged by the relevant land owners.

2.6 We believe that the Inspector may be referring to, those plots between

Pie Corner and the Glan Llyn Junction north and south of the alignment,

and further West between the proposed North Row Overbridge and

Llandevenny Railway Underbridge south of the mainline.

2.7 Both these areas are situated within the Gwent Levels Historic

Landscape, Nash & Goldcliffe SSSI and Redwick & Llandevenny SSSI

where landscape holds a cultural, historic and ecological importance on

a national scale in both scale, appearance and nature conservation.

2.8 The landscape design, as shown on the EMPS, recognises the

importance related to the landscape designations covering these parcels

and seeks to retain, protect and where possible enhance the existing

landscape. These areas will benefit from this habitat creation and

minimising loss to historic land pattern.

2.9 Marshy grassland has been favoured on the Levels as at our meetings

with NRW they stated that this was in line with their management

aspirations for the Levels. In retaining these parcels of land and

returning them back to Marsh and Wet Grassland we;

a) Avoid, minimise and mitigate adverse effects of the new section of

motorway upon designated sites and features,

b) Conserve and enhance the landscape character,

c) Respect the landscape, biodiversity and cultural heritage, in

particular the Gwent Levels,

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

d) Use indigenous local plants and species of grass to reflect the

distinct local character providing physical habitat and wildlife

corridors and visual continuity

e) Maximise habitat creation in appropriate areas to offset habitat loss

and nature conservation.

2.10 All of the above reflect the environmental drivers and key requirements

for the landscape design objectives and principles when designing the


2.11 There are currently only two areas of land where landowners have

indicated that there are outstanding queries with regards to the

severance of land. These are:

1 Mr D.H James at North Court Farm (OBJ 223) has requested that an

additional field to the north of Rush Wall should be acquired, due to

its distance from the main dairy holding.

2 Mr Watts Baker (OBJ 145), has requested that any remaining small

pockets of land around the Maerdy Farm together with the buildings

and an area of woodland be taken as part of the Scheme.

2.12 Table 4.7. Question: “Given that the inquiry is likely to run until high

summer are you confident that the Minister and Secretary of State would

be in a position to make a decision by January 2018? How does that

date determine the land entry program of the summer of 2018?”

2.13 Table 4.7. Response: The land entry programme following the Ministers

decision in January 2018 includes the statutory period required for High

Court challenge of 6 weeks and Notice to Treat and Enter of 12 weeks

and includes a 6 week contingency period prior to the proposed land

access date early in July. A summary programme of the above can be

provided if required.

2.14 Table 4.7 Question: “If there is slippage against the programme please

itemise how that impacts upon the costs quoted for the scheme?”

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

2.15 Table 4.7 Response: In addition to the 6 weeks float prior to the start of

construction. A further 8 weeks delay could be accommodated with no

significant increase in cost.

2.16 Further delay beyond the above mentioned 14 weeks would present a

number of ecological programme and rail possession calendar conflicts

that would require a delay to the start of construction of 7 months. It

should be noted that this 7 month delay would not detrimentally affect

the overall construction phase programme or the construction cost

beyond the effect of inflation at that time.

2.17 Para 5.8 Question: “What allowance has been made for delays and

disruption which would be caused (if the scheme proceeded) because of

the potential of archaeological finds across the Gwent levels?”

2.18 Para 5.8 Response: The programme has included the requirements for

inspection and investigation in accordance with the Cultural Heritage

Mitigation Plan which Mick Rawlings can explain in detail if required. No

allowance has specifically been included to deal with any significant

archaeological finds as the location and nature of any find is as yet


2.19 However the first six months of the construction programme are

predominately establishing the site accommodation, ecological enabling

works and enabling works the primary earthworks operations throughout

the site will commence from the Autumn 18 through to the Spring 2019

potentially providing sufficient time across much of the site address any

finds within the programme.

2.20 Dependant on the location, importance and time to address any specific

find it may be possible to change to construction methodology, sequence

or design to mitigate the programme impact. For example across the

Gwent levels there would typically be a 12 months earthworks settlement

period for low height embankments. Locally the design could be change

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

to a piled embankment generating a 12 month window to address a

localised significant find without delaying the overall scheme completion.

2.21 A significant find in a critical location such as the River Usk Bridge East

Pylon foundation excavation would result in a delay to the start and

completion of the River Usk Bridge and the overall contract completion

2.22 Para 7.9 Question: “Clearly understood but given that your main borrow

pit excavations would be at the western end of the site and the need for

embankment fill at the eastern end can you indicate how that material

would be transported? Similarly, the re-use of Tata slag would be

transported to which access on the site?”

2.23 Para 7.9 Response: Referring to Appendix 18 Sheet 1 and 2 of the

Construction Proof of Evidence There are two main areas where

material is borrowed. At Castleton Interchange from Berry Hill Farm

(Appendix 18 Sheet 1) and Magor, north and south of the M4 (Appendix

18 Sheet 2). The Class 2 fill for the main embankment at Castleton is

sourced from the Berry Hill Borrow and the highway cuts in the Castleton

area. Therefore there is no requirement for fill to be transported from the

eastern borrows at Magor to the west of the River Usk. This is illustrated

in the Bulk earthworks movement Diagram in the ES Appendix 3.1,

Annex 18 which show no earthworks movement East to west of the

River Usk.

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Appendix A

List of Stopped up Private Means of Access and New Private Means of

Access contained in the Side Roads Order

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

1/1 1/1a Messrs Roger, Gillian, Kate, Matthew & Rhiannon Jones New Park Farm, Castleton, Cardiff, CF3 6US


Objection not in relation to PMA

1/2 n/a – stopping up access to field which is in CPO for Water Treatment Area (WTA)

Mrs Maureen Saunders The Barn Walk Farm Drive Castleton Cardiff CF3 2UY

2/1 n/a –property to be demolished

Mr Stephen Arthur and Mrs Helen Tilley. White Cottage Newport Road Coedkernew Newport NP10 8UF

2/2 n/a –property to be demolished

Mr James Charles and Mrs Mary Ford. San Remo Coedkernew Newport NP10 8UF

2/3 n/a –property to be demolished

Mr Andrew Paul and Mrs Rachael June Gill-Randall The Glen Coedkernew Newport

2/4 property to be demolished

Ms Patricia June Waters, Quarry Cottage Coedkernew Newport NP10 8UF

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

2/5 n/a – stopping up access to field which is being purchased for scheme

Messrs Roger, Gillian, Kate, Matthew & Rhiannon Jones New Park Farm, Castleton, Cardiff, CF3 6US


Objection not in relation to PMA

2/6 The Welsh Ministers Crown Building Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ

- 2/7a Miss Laura Neville, Cefn Llogell Fach, Coedkernew NP10 8UD

SRO MOD 1 proposed to re-align 2/7a. MOD accepted

2/8 n/a Mrs Teresa Catherine Frances Allen Myrtle House Pound Hill Coedkernew Newport NP10 8UD

2/9 n/a Mrs Susannah Mary Ford 23a Gold Tops Newport NP20 4UL

2/10 n/a Mrs Teresa Catherine Frances Allen Myrtle House Pound Hill Coedkernew Newport NP10 8UD

2/11 n/a Mrs Teresa Catherine Frances Allen Myrtle House Pound Hill Coedkernew Newport NP10 8UD

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

2/12 n/a Newport City Council Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR

2/13 2/13a Ty’n y Brwyn complex & Carrowhill Farm

Numerous Objections

SRO MOD2 reprovides access over stopped up eastern arm (2/13). No acceptance from all, but modification to be proposed by WG at Inquiry

2/14 2/14a The Welsh Ministers Crown Building Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ

2/15 n/a Newport City Council Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR

2/16 n/a Mr Anthony Holwell Berryhill Cottage Coedkernew Newport NP10 8UD

3/1 n/a Access for Berryhill Farm, Welsh Government, Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ

3/2 3/2a Newport City Council Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR

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Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

3/3 3/3a Newport City Council Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR Quinn Radiators Limited, Imperial Park, Newport, NP10 8FS

4/1 4/1a Freeholders: Mr John Watts Baker and Mr Peter Watts Baker, Great Osbaston Farm, Monmouth, NP25 5DL


Objection not in relation to access

4/2 n/a Freeholders: Mr John Watts Baker and Mr Peter Watts Baker, Great Osbaston Farm, Monmouth, NP25 5DL


Objection not in relation to access

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

4/3 4/3a National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc, 1-3 Strand London, WC2N 5EH The Welsh Ministers Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, CF10 3NQ Newport City Council Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR Mrs Ingrid Elsie Shervington Ty Mawr Farm, St. Brides, Wentlooge, Newport, NP10 8SF W&M McDonald (Pencarn Farms) Limited,

OBJ0019 – Pencarn Farms

Objection relating to access. Verbal agreement Awaiting written response

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

- 4/3b National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc, 1-3 Strand London, WC2N 5EH The Welsh Ministers Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, CF10 3NQ Newport City Council Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR Mrs Ingrid Elsie Shervington Ty Mawr Farm, St. Brides, Wentlooge, Newport, NP10 8SF W&M McDonald (Pencarn Farms) Limited,

OBJ0019 – Pencarn Farms

Objection relating to access. Verbal agreement Awaiting written response

4/4 n/a Freeholders: Mr John Watts Baker and Mr Peter Watts Baker, Great Osbaston Farm, Monmouth, NP25 5DL


Objection not in relation to access

4/5 4/5a The Welsh Ministers Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, CF10 3NQ Tenant: Mrs Ingrid Elsie Shervington Ty Mawr Farm, St. Brides, Wentlooge, Newport, NP10 8SF

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

4/6 4/6a Mrs Ingrid Elsie Shervington Ty Mawr Farm St Brides Wentloog Newport NP10 8SF

4/7 n/a Mrs Ingrid Elsie Shervington Ty Mawr Farm St Brides Wentloog Newport NP10 8SF

5/1 5/1a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/2 n/a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/3 n/a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/4 n/a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/5 n/a Newport City Council Property Services Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR


Objection not in relation to this access

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

5/6 5/6a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/7 5/7a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF Mr Nicholas Victor Clarke Whitecross Farm St Brides Wentloog Newport


Objection not in relation to this access

5/8 n/a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/9 n/a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/10 5/10a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

n/a 5/10b Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

n/a 5/10c Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

n/a 5/11a Newport City Council Property Services Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR


MOD30 – Modified access to farm accepted

n/a 5/12a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/13 5/13a Mr Huw Richard Edwards and Mrs Brenda Kathleen Edwards New Dairy Farm St Brides Wentloog Newport NP10 8SF Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF

OBJ0217 OBJ0216

Objection not in relation to this access Objection not in relation to this access

5/14 - Mr Huw Richard Edwards and Mrs Brenda Kathleen Edwards New Dairy Farm St Brides Wentloog Newport NP10 8SF


MOD47 to re-provide access to severed land accepted

n/a 5/15a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentloog Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/16a New Dairy Farm. Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentloog Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/17 5/17a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

5/18 n/a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

5/19a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

6/1 6/1a Mr Derek David Fair Orchard Farm St Brides Wentlooge Newport NP10 8SF


Objection not in relation to this access

6/2 6/2a Newport City Council Property Services Civic Centre Newport NP20 4UR

6/3 n/a Associated British Ports Regional Property Manager Queen Alexandra House Cargo Road Cardiff CF10 4LY


6/4 6/4a Associated British Ports Regional Property Manager Queen Alexandra House Cargo Road Cardiff CF10 4LY


6/5 6/5a Associated British Ports Regional Property Manager Queen Alexandra House Cargo Road Cardiff CF10 4LY


6/6 6/6a Associated British Ports Regional Property Manager Queen Alexandra House Cargo Road Cardiff CF10 4LY


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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

6/7 Re-provided by new highway 6/A

Associated British Ports Regional Property Manager Queen Alexandra House Cargo Road Cardiff CF10 4LY


7/1 7/1a Associated British Ports Regional Property Manager Queen Alexandra House Cargo Road Cardiff CF10 4LY


7/2 7/2a Associated British Ports Regional Property Manager Queen Alexandra House Cargo Road Cardiff CF10 4LY


8/1 8/1a Cargo Services (UK) Limited of Bird Port, Corporation Road, Newport, NP19 4RE.


8/2 8/2a Carlsberg UK Limited of 140 Bridge Street, Northampton, NN1 1PZ. Royal Ordnance (Crown Service) Pension Scheme Trustees Limited

OBJ0098 OBJ0306

MOD19 REV2 would re-provide access off a mini-roundabout

8/3 n/a Alan R Jones & Sons Limited of Nash Mead, Queensway Meadows Industrial Estate, Newport, NP19 4SU.

MOD19 REV2 would re-provide access.

8/4 8/4a Melville J Waters of Great House Farm, Nash, Newport, NP26 2DA.


9/1 n/a Mr Kevin Michael Edwards and Ms Karen Elizabeth Edwards Nash Baptist Church Pye Corner Nash Newport NP18 2BT

9/2 n/a Freeholder: The Welsh Ministers Tenant: Industrial Automation and Control holdings limited Delta House, Meadows Rd Queensway Meadows Industrial Estate Newport


Objection not in relation to this access

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Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

9/3 n/a Mr Ian Clatworthy Berryhill Farm Coedkernew NP10 8SF Mr Rhodri Davies Rosedew Farm Llantwit Major CF61 1PZ

9/4 n/a Mr Ian Clatworthy Berryhill Farm Coedkernew NP10 8SF Mr Rhodri Davies Rosedew Farm Llantwit Major CF61 1PZ

9/5 n/a Mr Edmund Davies Pye Corner Nash Newport NP18 2BT

9/6 9/6a Newport County Council

9/7 9/7a Mrs Lesley Cornelius, Fair Orchard Farm, Nash Road, Nash, NP18 2BW

9/8 9/8a Melville J Waters, Great House Farm, Nash, NP26 2DA

9/9 - Mr Ian Clatworthy Berryhill Farm Coedkernew NP10 8SF Mr Rhodri Davies Rosedew Farm Llantwit Major CF61 1PZ

9/10 9/10a Mr Ian Clatworthy Berryhill Farm Coedkernew NP10 8SF Mr Rhodri Davies Rosedew Farm Llantwit Major CF61 1PZ

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Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

9/11 9/11a Tatton Farm The Welsh Ministers Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, CF10 3NQ

MOD20 &21 replaces this modifies this access. WG agreement.

9/12 9/12a Tatton Farm The Welsh Ministers Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, CF10 3NQ

9/13 9/13a Tatton Farm The Welsh Ministers Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, CF10 3NQ

9/14 9/14a Tatton Farm The Welsh Ministers Crown Buildings, Cathays Park, CF10 3NQ

n/a 9/15a Industrial Automations Ltd.. Industrial Automation and Control holdings limited Delta House, Meadows Rd Queensway Meadows Industrial Estate Newport NP19 4SS

10/1 10/1a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

10/2 10/2a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

10/3 - Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

10/4 - Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

10/5 - Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

10/6 - Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

- 10/7a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

SRO MOD 11 PMA 10/7b inserted. MOD Accepted

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Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

11/1 n/a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

11/2 n/a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

11/3 n/a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

12/1 n/a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

12/2 n/a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

12/3 12/3a Tata Steel UK Limited, London, SW1P 4WY

n/a 12/4a Mr David Howard James North Court Farm North Row Redwick Caldicot NP26 3DW


Objection relates to severance of land either side of motorway, however new PMA’s maintain connectivity

n/a 12/5a Mr David Howard James North Court Farm North Row Redwick Caldicot NP26 3DW


Objection relates to severance of land either side of motorway, however new PMA’s maintain connectivity

12/6 12/6a Mr Jamie Williams Pearl Farm Whitson Newport

- 12/7a Mr Jamie Williams Pearl Farm Whitson Newport

13/1 13/1a Mr Graham Herbert James, Penylan Farm, St. Brides, Netherwent, Caldicot, Newport, NP26 3AS Mr David Howard James, North Court Farm, North Row, Rewick, Caldicot, Newport, NP26 3DX


Objection relates to severance of land either side of motorway, however new PMA’s maintain connectivity

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Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

13/2 n/a Monmouthshire County Council, c/o Ben Winstanley, Innovation House, Wales One, Magor, NP26 3DG

14/1 n/a The Late Nicholas Stanley Bowkett 35 Chepstow Road Newport NP19 8BX Mr Richard Bowkett and Mrs Emma Bowkett Felnex Industrial Estate Newport NP19 4PN

14/2 n/a Mr Grant Anthony Gale, Ms Kirsty Lee Gale, Ms Leah Alison Gale and Mr Clay Arran Gale 7 The Briars Magor NP26 3LH

14/3 n/a Gwent Wildlife Trust Limited Seddon House, Dingestow Monmouth Monmouthshire NP25 4DX

14/4 14/4a Mr R. M. Jenkins Red House Farm Llandevenny Magor Newport NP26 3DP


OBJ does not relate directly to access.

14/5 14/5a Mr Grant Anthony Gale, Ms Kirsty Lee Gale, Ms Leah Alison Gale and Mr Clay Arran Gale 7 The Briars Magor NP26 3LH

14/6 n/a Monmouthshire County Council Caldicot NP26 9AN

14/7 14/7a Mr Alan James Williams Hendrew Farm Llandevaud Newport NP18 2AB


OBJ not in relation to this access

n/a 14/7b Access required to new Allottment Gardens

March 2017 Page 22

Page 24: PUBLIC INQUIRY - PI... · 2017-03-16 · M4 Corridor around Newport . PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038

Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

14/8 14/8a Monmouthshire County Council Caldicot NP26 9AN

MOD to become bridleway as requested by MCC

14/9 - Monmouthshire County Council Caldicot NP26 9AN

14/10 - Richard Jones, South Wales Trunk Road Agency The Courtyard Llandarcy House Llandarcy SA10 6EJ Freeholder: The Welsh Ministers

14/11 - Freeholders: The Welsh Ministers. Mr Peter McChesney and Ms Julie McChesney Woodland House Newport Road, Magor NP26 3BZ

14/12 14/12a Mr Stephen Charles Phillips Elder Cottage Common-y-coed Magor Caldicot Rogiet NP26 3AX Freeholders: HB Phillips and Sons Green Farm Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR Ms Margaret Morgan Green House Rogiet


OBJ does not relate directly to this access

March 2017 Page 23

Page 25: PUBLIC INQUIRY - PI... · 2017-03-16 · M4 Corridor around Newport . PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038

Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

14/13 n/a Mr Rowland Frank Price Channel View South Row Redwick Magor Caldicot NP26 3DU Freeholders: Mr Neil Connor The Representative Body of the Church in Wales 39 Cathedral Road Canton CF11 9XF

14/14 n/a Miss Beverley Reed Magor with Undy Community Council Magor Police Station Main Road, Undy Caldicot

15/1 15/1a Dwr Cymru Cyfyngedig Pentwyn Road Nelson Treharris Mid Glamorgan CF46 6LY

15/2 15/2a Mr Alan James Williams Hendrew Farm Llandevaud Newport NP18 2AB

15/3 n/a Mr John Major and Mrs Joan Major Langley Villa


15/4 n/a The Welsh Ministers, c/o Richard Morgan, Head of Asset Management & Standards, Welsh Government, Cathays Park, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ


15/5 n/a : Mr John Major and Mrs Joan Major Langley Villa St Brides Road Magor


March 2017 Page 24

Page 26: PUBLIC INQUIRY - PI... · 2017-03-16 · M4 Corridor around Newport . PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038

Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

15/6 15/6a Mr Llewelyn Morgan Pritchard Rowan House The Beeches Undy Magor Newport NP26 3HG


15/7 15/7a Mr Llewelyn Morgan Pritchard Rowan House The Beeches Undy Magor Newport NP26 3HG


15/8 15/8a Mr Alan Ludlow Barecroft House Barecroft Common Magor NP26 3EB Welsh Government Cathays Park CF10 3NQ

15/9 15/9a Mr Arthur George Smith Orchard Farm 24 Rockfield Grove Undy Newport NP26 3FB


MOD33 amends the PMA. MOD accepted.

15/10 15/10a Monmouthshire County Council Innovation House Wales One Magor NP26 3DG

15/11 15/11a Welsh Government Cathays Park CF10 3NQ

16/1 16/1a Mr Stephen Charles Phillips Elder Cottage Common-y-Coed Magor NP26 3AX Miss Susan Gwendoline Anstey Court Farm Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR


March 2017 Page 25

Page 27: PUBLIC INQUIRY - PI... · 2017-03-16 · M4 Corridor around Newport . PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038

Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

16/2 16/2a Mr Stephen Charles Phillips Elder Cottage Common-y-Coed Magor Caldicot Rogiet NP26 3AX Ms Susan Gwendoline Anstey Court Farm Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR


16/3 16/3a Mr Stephen Charles Phillips Elder Cottage Common-y-Coed Magor Caldicot Rogiet NP26 3AX Ms Susan Gwendoline Anstey Court Farm Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR


16/4 16/4a Mr Stephen Charles Phillips Elder Cottage Common-y-Coed Magor Caldicot Rogiet NP26 3AX Ms Susan Gwendoline Anstey Court Farm Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR


SRO MOD 5 16/4a amended

16/6 16/6a Mr Stephen Charles Phillips Elder Cottage Common-y-Coed Magor Caldicot Rogiet NP26 3AX


SRO MOD 5 16/6a amended

16/7 16/7a Mr Stephen Charles Phillips Elder Cottage Common-y-Coed Magor Caldicot Rogiet NP26 3AX


SRO MOD 5 16/7a amended

March 2017 Page 26

Page 28: PUBLIC INQUIRY - PI... · 2017-03-16 · M4 Corridor around Newport . PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038

Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

16/8 16/8a Mr Stephen Charles Phillips Elder Cottage Common-y-Coed Magor Caldicot Rogiet NP26 3AX


16/9 n/a The Welsh Ministers Welsh Government Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ

16/10 n/a Monmouthshire County Council PO Box 106 Caldicot NP26 9AN


16/11 16/11a Monmouthshire County Council PO Box 106 Caldicot NP26 9AN Mr John Stephen Anstey and Mrs Rosemary Elaine Anstey The Old Court Rogiet Caldicot


16/12 n/a Mr John Stephen Anstey and Mrs Rosemary Elaine Anstey The Old Court Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR Mr Jeff Jones Store Fields Farm Undy Magor Monmouthshire


16/13 n/a Mr John Stephen Anstey and Mrs Rosemary Elaine Anstey The Old Court Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR Mr Jeff Jones Store Fields Farm Undy Magor Monmouthshire


March 2017 Page 27

Page 29: PUBLIC INQUIRY - PI... · 2017-03-16 · M4 Corridor around Newport . PUBLIC INQUIRY QUESTION REFERENCE NO. : PIQ / 038

Welsh Government M4 Corridor around Newport Proof of Evidence – Construction POE Clarifications

Stopped Up SRO Access Number

New Access SRO Number

Affected Interests OBJ Notes

16/14 n/a Mr John Stephen Anstey and Mrs Rosemary Elaine Anstey The Old Court Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR Mr Jeff Jones Store Fields Farm Undy Magor Monmouthshire


16/15 n/a Mr John Stephen Anstey and Mrs Rosemary Elaine Anstey The Old Court Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR Mr Jeff Jones Store Fields Farm Undy Magor Monmouthshire


16/16 n/a Mr John Stephen Anstey and Mrs Rosemary Elaine Anstey The Old Court Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR Mr Jeff Jones Store Fields Farm Undy Magor Monmouthshire


16/17 n/a Mr John Stephen Anstey and Mrs Rosemary Elaine Anstey The Old Court Rogiet Caldicot NP26 3UR Mr Jeff Jones Store Fields Farm Undy Magor Monmouthshire


March 2017 Page 28