p.t.o....0522 -a 4 of 24 p.t.o. space for rough work “ã¢ï ¥¢hïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê...


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Post on 25-Jun-2020




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Page 1: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²
Page 2: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.2 of 24

Space for Rough Work

ç±|¢¢x¢ I¼ë¼è² |¢¢¯¢

1 ¼ï 3 S¢¢Æè S¢êӢݢ - ÐéÉèH ÜUç±¼¢ ±¢Ó¢¢. y²¢¶¢Hè ç±Ó¢¢ÚHï˲¢ ÐíàÝ¢æÓ²¢ ©œ¢Ú¢æÓ¢¢ ²¢ïx² в¢ü² çݱǢ.

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Ó¢ãéçÎࢢæS¢ ¼¢ï ÐS¢çÚ¼ ¥¢H¢

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Page 3: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.3 of 24

Space for Rough Work

Úæx¢ }¢Ý¢ïãÚ, x¢¢‡¢è S¢éS±Ú

±¢Ú¢ Û¢ÚÛ¢Ú, S¢éx¢æ{ S¢éæÎÚ

ÐíÜU¢à¢ ÐS¢Úï çÁ¢ÜUÇï ç¼ÜUÇï,

ࢢï|¢ïÓ¢¢ 㢠‰¢¢Å !

1. ÜUç±¼ï¼ ±‡¢üÝ ÜïUHïHè ±ïf ÜU¢ï‡¢¼è ¥¢ãï ?

(1) Ú¢~¢ (2) ÎéТÚ

(3) S¢ÜU¢f (4) S¢æŠ²¢ÜU¢f

2. Ðÿ¢è ÜU¢ï‡¢¢Ó¢ï x¢é‡¢x¢¢Ý ÜUÚè¼ ¥¢ãï¼ ?

(1) S¢ê²¢üÓ¢ï (2) §üà±Ú¢Ó¢ï

(3) ±¢&²¢Ó¢ï (4) Ðã¢ÅïÓ¢ï

3. ±¢&²¢Ýï ÜU¢ï‡¢¼ï ÜU¢}¢ ÜïUHï ¥¢ãï ?

(1) Úæx¢ |¢Ú‡²¢Ó¢ï (2) S¢Çï ôà¢Ð‡²¢Ó¢ï

(3) S¢éx¢æ{ ÐS¢Ú籇²¢Ó¢ï (4) ÐíÜU¢à¢ ÐS¢Ú籇²¢Ó¢ï

4 ¼ï 6 S¢¢Æè S¢êӢݢ - ÐéÉèH S¢æ±¢Î ±¢Ó¢¢ ± y²¢¶¢Hè ç±Ó¢¢ÚHï˲¢ ÐíàÝ¢æÓ²¢ ©œ¢Ú¢æÓ¢¢ ²¢ïx² в¢ü² çݱǢ.

“ÜU¢² x¢æ Ú¢‡¢è, S¢ÜU¢fТS¢êÝ çÎS¢HèÓ¢ Ý¢ãèS¢.”“¥x¢æ ÜU¢² S¢¢æx¢ê çÎò¢, ࢢÚ΢ }¢¢±à¢èH¢ α¢¶¢‹²¢¼ ÇÏ¢¢ Í¢ïªÝ x¢ïHï ã¢ï¼ï.”“ÜU¢² ã¢ï¼æ² ç¼H¢ ?”“¥x¢æ Çï´x²ê Û¢¢H¢² ç¼H¢.”“¶ÚæÓ¢ Í¢Ú¢¼èH S¢ÈU¢§ü ¥¢Ð‡¢ ÜUÚ¼¢ï; Ї¢ ÐçÚS¢Ú S±ÓÀ¼¢ y²¢Ó¢æ ÜU¢² ?”“çÎò¢, ¥x¢æ ÜU¢ï‡¢¢Ï¢Ú¢ïÏ¢Ú x¢ŒÐ¢ }¢¢Ú¼ïS¢ ? ¥¢¼ ²ï ¥¢ç‡¢ }¢H¢ S¢ÈU¢§üH¢ }¢Î¼ ÜUÚ.”

Page 4: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.4 of 24

Space for Rough Work

“ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.”“Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx² 籯²ÜU ò¢w²¢Ý »ïÜU¢²H¢ Á¢¢²Ó¢æ ¥¢ãï, Hÿ¢¢¼ ¥¢ãïÝ¢ ? ²ï¼¢Ý¢ ç±l¢ ¥¢ç‡¢ Ðí¢Ó¢èH¢ Í¢ïïªÝ ²ï.”“¥¢§ü, »ÜU ¼¢S¢ }¢¢Û²¢ÜUÇï ±ïf ¥¢ãï. ÜU¢² ÜUM S¢¢æx¢ ?”“¼ï±Éè Î¢Î¢Ó¢è ± ¼éÛ¢è ÜUÐÇï, ÐéS¼ÜïU ò±çS‰¢¼ H¢±êÝ Í¢ï.”“}¢¢Û²¢ ÐéS¼ÜU¢æÝ¢ 㢼 H¢±ê ÝÜU¢ïS¢, ¼éÛ¢æ ¼ê ¾Í¢.”“ã¢ï Úï ΢΢, }¢è ÈUv¼ ò±çS‰¢¼ ÜUÚ¼ï, ¼éÛ²¢ ¥¢ÜU¢à¢ÜæUçÎH¢Ó¢ï ÜU¢}¢ ÐÅÜUÝ ¥¢±Ú.”“¥Úï ñ¢ ! S¢x¢fïÓ¢ S±ÓÀ¼¢ ÜUÚ¼¢² !”“ЌТ, ÐÚ±¢ çα¢fè S¢éM ã¢ï¼ ¥¢ãï Ý¢ !”

4. ±ÚèH S¢æ±¢Î ÜU¢ï‡¢y²¢ }¢ç㋲¢¼ Û¢¢H¢ ¥¢ãï ?

(1) Тñ¯ (2) Ÿ¢¢±‡¢(3) ÜU¢<¼ÜU (4) ¥¢çà±Ý

5. S¢æ±¢Î¢¼ çÜU¼è Á¢‡¢¢æÝè Ðíy²ÿ¢ S¢ã|¢¢x¢ Í¢ï¼H¢ ¥¢ãï ?

(1) S¢ã¢ (2) ТӢ(3) Ó¢¢Ú (4) çÝçàÓ¢¼ S¢¢æx¢¼¢ ²ï¼ Ý¢ãè

6. α¢¶¢‹²¢¼ ÜU¢ï‡¢ ©ÐÓ¢¢Ú Í¢ï¼ ¥¢ãï ?

(1) ç±Îì²¢ (2) Ðí¢Ó¢è(3) ࢢÚ΢ (4) Ú¢‡¢è

7. ÐéÉèHÐñÜUè ÜU¢ï‡¢y²¢ в¢ü²¢æ¼èH ΢ï‹ãè à¢ÏÎ S¢}¢¢Ý¥‰¢¢üÓ¢ï ¥¢ãï¼ ? (΢ïÝ ¥Ó¢êÜU в¢ü² çݱǢ)

(1) Ї¢, S¢æÜUËÐ (2) à¢æÜU¢, ¶¢~¢è(3) Ï¢¢‡¢, à¢Ú (4) ¼èÿ‡¢, S¢êÿ}¢

Page 5: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.5 of 24

Space for Rough Work

8. ¶¢HèH ±¢v²¢¼èH ¥{¢ïÚï綼 à¢Ï΢Ӣ¢ ç±Lh¢‰¢èü à¢ÏÎ ÜU¢ï‡¢¼¢ ?‘Ï¢¢H¢Á¢èÓ²¢ ²¢~¢ïH¢ Á¢¢‡²¢Ó¢¢ Ï¢ï¼ }¢è ÚÎìÎ ÜïUH¢.’(1) ¥}¢¢‹² (2) ¥Ðïçÿ¢¼(3) ¥¢Úæ|¢ (4) çÝçàÓ¢¼

9. ÐéÉèHÐñÜUè ¥à¢éh à¢ÏÎ ÜU¢ï‡¢¼¢ ? (΢ïÝ ¥Ó¢êÜU в¢ü² çݱǢ)(1) ©Îì²év¼ (2) Ó¢çÚ¼¢‰¢ü(3) Ýçà¢Ï¢±¢Ý (4) ТÚè¼¢ïç¯ÜU

10. ‘çà¢à²¢Ýï »ïÜUÎ}¢ x¢éLÓ²¢ Т²¢æ±Ú H¢ïÅ¢æx¢Ý Í¢¢¼Hï.’ ²¢ ±¢v²¢¼ à¢éhHï¶Ý¢Ó²¢ »ÜêU‡¢ çÜU¼è Ó¢éÜU¢ Û¢¢Ë²¢¥¢ãï¼ ?(1) Ó¢¢Ú (2) ΢ïÝ(3) ¼èÝ (4) ТӢ

11. Ç¢òvÅÚ¢æÝè çÎHïHï ¥¢ñ¯{ ¥Ó¢êÜU x¢é‡¢ÜU¢Úè ¥S¢ï ã¢ï¼ï.²¢ ±¢v²¢¼èH ¥{¢ïÚï綼 à¢ÏÎS¢}¢êã¢S¢¢Æè »ÜU à¢ÏÎ çݱǢ.(1) ¥çxÝÏ¢¢‡¢ (2) Ú¢}¢Ï¢¢‡¢(3) x¢é‡¢±æ¼ (4) ç±Í¢¢¼ÜU

12. ÐéÉèH ±¢v²Ðê¼èüS¢¢Æè ²¢ïx² à¢ÏÎS¢}¢êã çݱǢ.Ú¢}¢Ú¢± çÝ΢ïü¯ ¥S¢Ë²¢}¢éfï ТïçHS¢¢æÝè y²¢æÝ¢...(1) ÝÁ¢ÚÏ¢æÎ ÜUÚ‡¢ï (2) S¢ãèS¢H¢}¢¼ S¢¢ïLJ¢ï(3) 㢼 ΢¶±‡¢ï (4) {}¢ÜUè Îï

13. ‘±ïfï±Ú ©ÐçS‰¢¼ ¥S¢Ë²¢Ó¢¢ ÈU¢²Î¢’ ²¢ ¥‰¢¢üÓ¢è }㇢ ÜU¢ï‡¢¼è ?(1) ãÁ¢èÚ ¼¢ï ±Á¢èÚ (2) S¢¢¶ÚïÓ¢ï ¶¢‡¢¢Ú y²¢H¢ Îï± Î¢Ú(3) ÐéÉÓ²¢S¢ ÆïÓ¢ }¢¢x¢Ó¢¢ à¢ã¢‡¢¢ (4) ÜUÚ Ý¢ãè y²¢H¢ ÇÚ ÜUࢢH¢

Page 6: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.6 of 24

Space for Rough Work

14. ÐéÉèHÐñÜUè ÜU¢ï‡¢y²¢ Á¢¢ïÇà¢Ï΢¼ ÐÚSÐÚ¢æÓ¢ï ç±Lh¢‰¢èü à¢ÏÎ ¥¢Hï ¥¢ãï¼ ?

(1) x¢é‡¢x¢¢Ý (2) Úèç¼çÚ±¢Á¢

(3) S¢x¢ïS¢¢ï²Úï (4) Á¢}¢¢¶Ó¢ü

15. ‘Ýx¢’ ²¢ à¢ÏÎ¢Ó¢ï ²¢ïx² ¥‰¢ü ¥S¢‡¢¢Ú¢ в¢ü² ÜU¢ï‡¢¼¢ ?

(1) ±S¼ê, ÎÁ¢¢ü (2) ΢çx¢Ý¢, ÝÜU¢Ú

(3) бü¼, ±S¼ê (4) бü¼, ݱèÝ

16. ÐéÉèHÐñÜUè &ãS± S±Ú ÜU¢ï‡¢¼¢ Ý¢ãè ?

(1) Hë (2) §ü

(3) « (4) ©

17. ÐéÉèHÐñÜUè ÜU¢ï‡¢y²¢ à¢Ï΢Ӣ¢ ±¢ÐÚ ‘à¢Ï²²¢ïx¢è ¥Ã²²’ }㇢êÝ ÜïUH¢ Á¢¢¼ Ý¢ãè ?

(1) S¢¢Æè (2) S¢}¢¢ïÚ

(3) }¢¢x¢ï (4) S¢æÏ¢æ{

18. ÐéÉèHÐñÜUè ‘S±èÜU¢ÚÎà¢üÜU ÜïU±HÐí²¢ïx¢è ¥Ã²²’ ÝS¢HïH¢ à¢ÏÎ ÜU¢ï‡¢¼¢ ?

(1) |¢Hï (2) ÆèÜU

(3) ã¢æ (4) Á¢è

19. ‘}¢¢Û²¢ ±çÇH¢æÝ¢ ÐéS¼ÜïU Á¢}¢ç±‡²¢Ó¢è |¢¢ÚèÓ¢ ã¢ñS¢ ã¢ï¼è.’

²¢ ±¢v²¢¼ çÜU¼è à¢ÏΠݢ}¢¢Ó¢ï ÜU¢²ü ÜUÚ¼ ¥¢ãï¼ ?

(1) Ó¢¢Ú (2) ¼èÝ

(3) ΢ïÝ (4) »ÜU

Page 7: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.7 of 24

Space for Rough Work

20. ÐéÉèH ±¢v²¢¼èH ¥{¢ïÚï綼 Ý¢}¢¢Ó¢ï ôHx¢ ¥¢ïf¶¢.

‘ࢢfï¼ Í¢ÇHïHï S¢±ü ÐíS¢æx¢ y²¢Ýï ÜU‰¢Ý ÜïUHï.’

(1) ›èôHx¢ (2) ÝÐéæS¢ÜUôHx¢

(3) ÐéçËHæx¢ (4) ©|¢²ôHx¢

21. çÝçàÓ¢¼Ð‡¢ï ¥ÝïÜU±Ó¢Ýè à¢ÏÎ ÜU¢ï‡¢¼¢ ?

(1) }¢çãÝ¢ (2) ±¯ü

(3) ¥¢Æ±Ç¢ (4) çαS¢

22. ¼¢§ü }㇢¢Hè }¢ãïࢠ}¢H¢ ¼éÛ¢è ±ãè Îï ²¢ ±¢v²¢¼ çÜU¼è ç±Ú¢}¢çÓ¢‹ãï Îì²¢±è H¢x¢¼èH ?

(1) ΢ïÝ (2) Ó¢¢Ú

(3) ТӢ (4) ¼èÝ

23. ¶¢HèH ±¢v²¢¼ ²¢ïx² ±¼ü}¢¢ÝÜU¢fè çRU²¢ÐÎ ÜU¢ï‡¢¼ï ²ï§üH ? (΢ïÝ ¥Ó¢êÜU в¢ü² çݱǢ)

Ðéæx¢èÓ²¢ ¼¢H¢±Ú Ý¢x¢ .

(1) Ç¢ïH¼ ¥¢ãï (2) Ç¢ïH¼ ã¢ï¼¢

(3) Ç¢ïH¼ ¥S¢¼¢ï (4) Ç¢ïH¼ ¥S¢ïH

24. ‘¥çÝH’ ²¢ Å¢ïЇ¢Ý¢±¢Ýï ÜU¢ï‡¢¢H¢ ¥¢ïf¶Hï Á¢¢¼ï ?

(1) Ú¢}¢ x¢‡¢ïࢠx¢ÇÜUÚè (2) Ï¢¢.|¢.Ï¢¢ïÚÜUÚ

(3) ÜëUc‡¢Á¢è ÜïUࢱ ΢}¢Hï (4) ¥¢y}¢¢Ú¢}¢ Ú¢±Á¢è Îïà¢Ð¢æÇï

25. ç±S¢æx¢¼ в¢ü² çݱǢ.

(1) Ýï¼¢Á¢è - S¢é|¢¢¯Ó¢æÎí Ï¢¢ïS¢ (2) S±¢¼æ~²±èÚ - ç±Ý¢²ÜU ΢}¢¢ïÎÚ S¢¢±ÚÜUÚ

(3) ÜU}¢ü±èÚ - {¢ï´Ç¢ï ÜïUࢱ ÜU±ïü (4) S¢ÚÎ¢Ú - ±ËH|¢|¢¢§ü ÐÅïH

Page 8: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.8 of 24

Space for Rough Work

Section II

Intelligence Test

26. I, R, G, E, M, I, N, A, T, N, O from the given letters form a meaningful word and findout the second letter to the right of the middle letter.

(1) M (2) T (3) R (4) I

Instructions for Q 27 to Q 31. Find the odd term.

27. (1) Rome (2) Berlin (3) Hamburg (4) Munich


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

¥ÿ¢Ú¹¢H¢ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 9: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.9 of 24

Space for Rough Work

30. (1) 7213 (2) 5357 (3) 5549 (4) 8729

31. (1) CO (2) BX (3) DL (4) FH

32. Age of A is double of age of C but 32 times that of B. If sum of their ages is 52 years than

what is the ratio of the ages of C and B ?

(1) 3:4 (2) 3:2

(3) 2:5 (4) 5:3

33. Identify the rule underlying sequence and determine the number in place of thequestion marks. (Select two correct alternatives)

(1) 9 (2) 3 (3) 9 (4) 91

34. How many triangles are there in the given figure ?

(1) 11 (2) 28 (3) 12 (4) 13

Alphabets : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 10: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.10 of 24

Space for Rough Work

35. Gavatphula Re Gavatphula : Indira Sant :: Chaitrapadva : ?

(1) Ashok Thorat (2) Shankar Vaidya

(3) Mangala Gokhale (4) Keshav Sut

36. Question Figures

Answer Figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)37. 17 : 297 :: 13 : ? (Select two correct alternatives)

(1) 177 (2) 182

(3) 173 (4) 165

38. 22 : 462 :: ? : 756

(1) 29 (2) 24

(3) 27 (4) 28

¥ÿ¢Ú¹¢H¢ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 11: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.11 of 24

Space for Rough Work

39. J T L: :: : ?E J F (Find out two correct alternatives)

(1) RF (2) X


(3) NG (4) X


40. To the left of Rakesh at 12th place Ajay is standing who is at 7th place to the right ofAmar who is exactly at the middle place in the row. Find the minimum number of boysstanding in the row.

(1) 13 (2) 17

(3) 19 (4) 15

41. How many faces are there in the following figure ?

(1) 16 (2) 15 (3) 17 (4) 18

Alphabets : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 12: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.12 of 24

Space for Rough Work

Instruction for Q. 42 & Q. 43.

42. How many players play only two games ?

(1) 26 (2) 9

(3) 21 (4) 16

43. How many Kho-Kho players can not play Kabaddi ?

(1) 20 (2) 27

(3) 16 (4) 13

44. A leap year starts from Sunday on which day Santosh will resume his duty if he hastaken 18 days leave from 15th May ?

(1) Saturday (2) Sunday

(3) Friday (4) Monday

¥ÿ¢Ú¹¢H¢ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 13: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.13 of 24

Space for Rough Work

45. Find out the number which will replace the question mark in the given square ?

(1) 4 (2) 6

(3) 9 (4) 2

Q 46 to Q 50 Instructions : A series of numbers/figures/symbols/letters is given belowDetermine the rule underlying the series and find out the term in place ofthe question mark.

46. 0, 4, 18, ?, 100, 180, 294

(1) 42 (2) 58

(3) 32 (4) 48

47. 6, –1, 14, 11, 30, 31, ?

(1) 45 (2) 54

(3) 44 (4) 49

Alphabets : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 14: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.14 of 24

Space for Rough Work

48. Question figures

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2)

(3) (4)


RLF , OJE , LHD , IFC, ? (Select two correct alternatives)

(1) UNG (2) FCA

(3) FED (4) FDB

¥ÿ¢Ú¹¢H¢ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 15: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.15 of 24

Space for Rough Work

51. Atul and Arun are standing face to face. Atul faces South-West direction. Arun turnsto his right two times in 90o. Which direction will be on the left of Arun ?(1) South East (2) West(3) South West (4) East

52. At 8.20 what will be the measure of the angle between minute hand and hour hand ofclock ?(1) 115o (2) 125o

(3) 110o (4) 130o

53. What will be the water image of the given figure ?In the following quetion, a question figure is given below. Identify the water reflectionof that figure and select the correct alternative.Question figure

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Alphabets : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 16: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.16 of 24

Space for Rough Work

Instructions for Q. no. 54 and Q. no. 55 for the given question figures choose the correctmirror image from the alteratives.

54. Question figure

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)55. Quesion figure

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)

¥ÿ¢Ú¹¢H¢ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 17: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.17 of 24

Space for Rough Work

56. Two statements and two conclusions are given below. Find out the suitable alternative.

Statements : (A) All teachers are artists.

(B) Few artists live happily.

Conclusions : (c) All teachers live happily.

(d) All those who live happily are artists.


(1) Only ‘C’ true (2) ‘C’ and ‘D’ both false

(3) Only ‘D’ true (4) ‘C’ and ‘D’ both true

Instruction for Q. no. 57 to Q. no. 59. Arrange the given letters/signs/numbers in seriesand find out the suitable letters/signs/numbers replacing the blanks.

57. p __ qdl __ lbq __ __ ldbqpl __ qb

(1) bqdpd (2) bpbpd

(3) bbppd (4) bpdpd


(1) (2)

(3) (4)

59. 23 __ 6692 __ 466923466 __ 234 __ 69234

(1) 4396 (2) 6394

(3) 4433 (4) 2346

Alphabets : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 18: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.18 of 24

Space for Rough Work

Q 60 to Q 62 : Observe the following pyramid and choose the correct alternative to replacethe question mark.

y x w v u t s r q

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13

j k l m n o p

7 8 9 10 11 12

i h g f e

6 5 4 3

b c d

1 2


60. wjilb : spend : : ? : tofmc

(1) vkmhb (2) unglh

(3) vkhmc (4) v-k-8-1-7-5

61. J-x-v-18-9 : ? : : i-k-m-9-4 : e-o-m-10-5

(1) p-r-t-n-g (2) p-r-t-15-10

(3) p-r-s-14-11 (4) p-r-t-16-11

¥ÿ¢Ú¹¢H¢ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 19: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.19 of 24

Space for Rough Work

62. 6-18-20-j-19 : 3-15-13-P-14 : : b-l-j-20-x : ?

(1) d-n-p-13-r (2) d-n-p-12-r

(3) d-n-p-13-g (4) d-n-p-13-e

63. ‘This year on the occasion of ‘Reading Inspiration Day’ it has been resolved to readthousand books. In the given sentence how many times the 5th letter of English alpha-bet is repeated ?

(1) 6 (2) 4

(3) 8 (4) 7

64. Alphabet series :


If the given letter series is written in reverse order, then which alternative gives thecorrect numbers that indicate the word which is antonym of the word “NIGHT” ?

(1) 25, 21, 22 (2) 14, 17, 19, 18, 6

(3) 22, 25, 1 (4) 12, 17, 19, 18, 6

65. From the given alphabet series, if a new series is formed by taking 2nd and 4th letter ofeach group then find the pairs of letters which are at the same distance from both side.(Find two correct alternatives)

(1) LN (2) GS

(3) IN (4) QL

66. ‘A generous man started a free mess with water facility for the orphans.’ In the givensentence for which group of words one word is not there.

(1) Having no parents (2) A person who is kind

(3) A place where food is available (4) A person who is very sensible

Alphabets : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 20: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.20 of 24

Space for Rough Work

67. Find the odd term. (Select two correct alternatives).

20, 39, 56, 69, 81, 87, 92, 95, 96

(1) 96 (2) 56

(3) 87 (4) 81

68. In the table below numbers are given to different symbols.

Solve :

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

69. The monitor of the class instructed the students, in a specific manner. He used letter‘A’ for listening, B for writing, C for reading, D to stand up and E to sit down. Observethe following series of instruction given by the monitor and find out the action done forthe maximum number of times by the students.


(1) Read (2) Write

(3) Listen (4) Sit down

¥ÿ¢Ú¹¢H¢ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 21: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.21 of 24

Space for Rough Work

70. In a code language if POT is written like PUOPTQ, OUT is written as OUUVTP andTEN like TOEFNU, then how the word CUT will be written ?





71. To complete the question figure. Choose the correct alternative.Question figure

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Alphabets : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 22: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.22 of 24

Space for Rough Work

Instructions for Q 72 and Q 73. Choose the figure which completely resembles thequestion figure.

72. Question figure

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)73. Question figure

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)

¥ÿ¢Ú¹¢H¢ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 23: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A P.T.O.23 of 24

Space for Rough Work

74. A piece of paper is folded and cut on the shaded part as shown in the question figure.How would the paper look like when unfolded ?Question figure

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)75. In the following question, a complex figure is given. Find out which of the simple fig-

ure given in the alternatives is hidden in the complex figure.Question figure

Answer figures

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Alphabets : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Page 24: P.T.O....0522 -A 4 of 24 P.T.O. Space for Rough Work “ã¢ï ¥¢HïÓ¢.” “Á¢¢ ¼ê çÎò¢, Ї¢ ¥¢Ð˲¢H¢ Ç¢ò. x¢¢ïÇÏ¢¢ïHï ²¢æÓ¢ï ¥¢Ú¢ïx²

0522 -A 24 of 24

Space for Rough Work