pti proposed amended constitution 2014

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful CONSTITUTION OF “PAKISTAN TEHREEK-E-INSAF” Page of 1 62

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PTI Proposed Amended Constitution 2014


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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful


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Preamble 4 1. Name 5 2. Objectives 5 3. Membership 9 4. Organizations 9 5. Office Bearers and Members of the Organization 10

5.1 Composition of Primary Organizations 10 5.2 Composition of Union Council Organizations 11 5.3 Composition of Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organizations 11 5.4 District Organizations 12 5.5 Regional Organizations 13 5.6 Provincial Organizations 15 5.7 National Organizations 16 5.8 Regional Organizations for Other Areas 18 5.9 Central Executive Committee (CEC) & Core Committee (CC) 18

6. Vote of No-Confidence 19 7. Functions of the Organizations 19

7.1 Primary, Union Council, Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organizations 19 7.2 District Organizations 20 7.3 Regional Organizations 21 7.4 Provincial Organizations 21 7.5 National Council 22 7.6 Executive Committees 23 7.7 Functions of CEC 23 7.8 Core Committee 24

8. Terms of Office 24 9. Parliamentary Boards/Scrutiny Committee and Selection of Party Candidates 25 10. Powers and Functions of Office Bearers 26

10.1. Office bearers of Organizations, except the Chairman and the Secretary General, the Presidents and the General Secretaries

of the Provinces 26 10.2 Powers of the Chairman 28

10.3 Powers and Functions of the President at the Centre 29 10.4 Powers and Functions of the Vice Chairman 29 10.5 Powers and Functions of the Secretary General 29 10.6 Powers and Functions of other office bearers 29 10.7 Powers and functions of a Provincial President 30 10.8 Powers and functions of a Provincial General Secretary 30 10.9 Powers and Functions of other provincial office bearers 31

11. Responsibilities of Organizations 31 12. Funds 31 13. Fund-raising 31 14. Amendment to the Constitution 31 15. Differences and Disputes 32 16. Federal Election Commission and its Functions 32

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17. Qualifications for election to Party Office 33 18. Disciplinary Matters - Bar on holding Dual Office 33 19. Reconciliation Committees 34 20. Constitution Implementation Committee 34 20.1 Functions of CIC 34 20.2 Punitive action 35 21. Disciplinary Committee 35 21.1 Functioning of the Committee(s) 35 21.2 Procedure 36 22. Central Finance Committee 36 23. Special Organizations 37 24. Temporary Provisions 37 25. Penalties 37 26. Eminent Pakistanis 38

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I The creation of Pakistan was a result of the relentless struggle of Muslims in India under the inspiring leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, to establish a homeland where people of all religious persuasions could freely practice their beliefs and ideals and where the rights of minorities were expressly guaranteed and determined;

2 Pakistan was envisaged as a country and society wherein people would live in harmony and peace - free from discrimination, exploitation, corruption and prejudices of any kind - under a democratic system ensuring justice, equality and prosperity for all citizens;

3 The concentration of power at the centre and frequent and long military takeovers have negated the spirit of federalism, causing a sense of deprivation among the federating units, which resulted in narrow parochialism, ethnicity and division among the people that tragically led to the separation of East Pakistan and continues to threaten the integrity and solidarity of Pakistan;

4 Pakistan fell into the hands of a ruling elite consisting of inept, corrupt and selfish politicians, fuedals, civil and military bureaucrats, and a host of vested interests that have plundered Pakistan and have brought it to the brink of disaster;

5 A colonial system of government and the feudal stranglehold on society has afflicted a dependency syndrome, which has created a chronic debt-dependent economy that thwarts initiative and self-reliance;

6 Justice and the rule of law have disappeared from all walks of life, due to which, the state institutions have lost credibility;

7 The common citizen is deprived of access to basic necessities of life such as food, education, employment, health care, clothing, housing and transportation and has been made a victim of violence in society, breakdown of law and order, institutionalized corruption, tyranny of police and other government departments;

8 The liberation of Jammu and Kashmir remains an unrealised goal of the Pakistan Movement; and

9 Pakistan stands at the threshold of an economic disaster, breakdown of institutions, collapse of governance, social disorder, desperation and disillusionment.


We have established a political party to mobilize people to lift Pakistan from its present state of despair, and to set it on the path of unity, solidarity, social justice and prosperity.

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1. Name

The name of the political party is "Pakistan TehreekeInsaf”.

2. Objectives

The Objectives of the Party are to make Pakistan a truly egalitarian, modern, tolerant, Islamic democratic welfare state, where every citizen is equal in the eyes of law and is guaranteed full fundamental rights, regardless of gender, caste, creed, religion or economic, physical and social condition so as to enjoy equal opportunity, peace, harmony and happiness. These Objectives are more clearly described as:

2.1 Justice for All: Guarantee of Fundamental Rights and Independence of Judiciary

1. To promote and protect freedom of thought and expression;

2. To restore dignity, self-respect and honour of the people of Pakistan, which have been compromised through decades;

3. To recognize, promote and implement policies that protect the rights of women belonging to all strata of society, especially the middle and working classes, urban or rural, as equal citizens and encourage the participation of women in the national and political life;

4. To provide for representation of women at all decision-making levels;

5. To protect the rights and interests of the minorities and to respect their aspirations and give them representation at all levels commensurate to their actual populations;

6. To strive for the right of the citizens to have free access to public information;

7. To abolish all unjust laws favouring manipulation by the government and imposing restrictions on the freedom of press and the rights of journalists and press workers;

8. To free the electronic and print media from governmental strangulation and monopoly by promoting responsible self regulation by the media;

9. To introduce and implement extensive judicial reforms to ensure independence of judiciary and provide an inexpensive and expeditious system of justice through an efficient, responsive, credible and effective court system;

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10. To introduce and strengthen an innovative and efficient system of Dispute Resolution to ensure expeditious dispensation of justice;

2.2 Governance: Reforms, Law enforcement, Accountability, Education, Health, Social Welfare & Environment

2.2.1 To vindicate that Pakistan is a modern Islamic welfare state guided by Islamic values where tolerance, social justice and principles of genuine democracy are practiced as envisioned by the father of the nation, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the national poet and philosopher, Allama Mohammad Iqbal and founding fathers of Pakistan

2.2.2 To devise, formulate and implement systems and policies so as to eradicate corruption and tyranny in all forms and manifestations from public life and create permanent institutions of accountability and to recognize, protect and encourage persons of integrity and competence in all walks of life;

2.2.3 To replace the prevalent colonial system of government with a vibrant, responsive, automated and democratically-decentralized form of governance;

2.2.4 To weed out smugglers, drug pushers, qabza, mafias and anti-social elements from society;

2.2.5 To introduce a just and equitable system of land tenure and protect the tiller and the cultivator from the excesses of the revenue administration and feudal exploitation;

2.2.6 To introduce agrarian reforms to ensure higher agricultural productivity and protection of the rights of farm workers and tenants;

2.2.7 To provide equal opportunities in education and achieve 100% literacy; and further to promote a knowledge economy based on higher education, research, development and technical education;

2.2.8 To introduce a system of quality education, develop uniform core curriculum for all strata of society and discourage elitism;

2.2.9 (2.23) To ensure access to health care facilities for all citizens of Pakistan;

2.2.10 (2.30) To reform and restructure the civil services at all levels by providing constitutional protection to civil servants against politicization and interference and promote specialization and efficiency through continuous training and adoption of technology;

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2.2.11 To introduce police reforms in order to make it responsive to the needs of the citizens;

2.2.12 To protect the environmental resources and ensure clean air, clean water and sustainable growth in the country while facing up to emerging threats such as climate change.

2.3 Democracy: Peoples Participation & Empowerment, Culture and Nation Building

2.3.1 To promote tolerance and eliminate all kind of prejudices throughout the country whether provincial, ethnic, religious, sectarian, linguistic or tribal and inculcate a spirit of unity, mutual respect, brotherhood and prosperity for all;

2.3.2 To promote and enforce provincial autonomy;

2.3.3 To devolve and decentralize state power to local bodies by providing constitutional protection to them in order to ensure community participation in planning and development of all regions of Pakistan;

2.3.4 To promote equality, unity, solidarity and brotherhood among the citizens and strive for a Pakistani identity;

2.3.5 To preclude and prevent personal enrichment by politicians and public officials through abuse of authority by enacting laws prohibiting conflict of interest;

2.3.6 To eliminate nepotism and favouritism from the national life and to make merit an integral criterion in all walks of life;

2.3.7 To eliminate the VIP culture, arrogant display of wealth and authority, double standards of dispensation of rights and justice, repression and oppression of the down-trodden by the state functionaries;

2.3.8 To eliminate the curse of illegal wealth, feudal coercion and administrative interference in politics and elections;

2.3.9 To reform the electoral system that would bring about accountability of election expenses and drastically reduce election spending and prevent defaulters and the corrupt from participating in elections, thus facilitating persons of integrity and modest means to get elected to the legislatures;

2.3.10 To abolish feudalism and implement land reforms and State lands thus acquired distributed amongst the landless peasants;

2.3.11 To introduce and continue the joint electorates throughout and encourage all marginalized communities to participate in mainstream politics.

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2.3.12 To adopt the concept of proportional representation in the electoral system;

2.3.14 To bring FATA into the mainstream of the country and eliminate all vestiges of colonial laws and regulations; and

2.3.12 To ensure participation of the youth - the future leaders of Pakistan, in the national mainstream;

2.3.13 To train the youth and modernize their skills through technical education and employment opportunities;

2.3.14 To ensure the continuation of voters’ age to be 18 years;

2.3.15 (To ensure participation of overseas Pakistanis in the electoral process;

2.3.16 To strengthen family as a unit and promote family values;

2.3.17 To preserve, protect and promote the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Pakistan;

2.4 Economy: Taxation, Agriculture, Industry, Labour & Employment

2.4.1 To tax all sources of income including agriculture and treat it as an industry, ensure payment of all government and public dues and eliminate massive financial leakages throughout the country;

2.4.2 To endeavour for achieving a sustained economic growth by introducing major improvements in the social and physical infrastructure and support facilities geared towards economic activity and prosperity for all throughout Pakistan;

2.4.3 To contain inflation and stabilize prices of the necessities of life;

2.4.4 To endeavour for universal employment through massive economic, industrial and agricultural growth and development;

2.4.5 To uphold the dignity of labour, promote socio-economic and political emancipation of the working classes and ensure just wages and compensation for all workers, contract labourers and peasants;

2.4.6 To redress the grievances and problems of the fixed income groups like salaried employees, pensioners and senior citizens;

2.4.7 To promote and protect investments by overseas Pakistanis and other investors, cutting layers of regulations, securing a safe investment environment, transparency and durability in economic policies;

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2.5 Foreign Policy and Defence of Pakistan

2.5.1 To pursue an independent foreign policy promoting national interest with special emphasis on relations with the regional countries and the Muslim Ummah;

2.5.2 To strive for the right of self-determination for the people of the State of Jammu & Kashmir;

2.5.3 To support international efforts for the welfare and dignity of the global community to establish a just international economic order;

2.5.4 To strengthen national security and defence against external and internal threats;

2.5.5 To ensure the elimination of all forms of terrorism by addressing its root causes;

3. Membership

The membership of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf will be open to all citizens of Pakistan and people of Pakistani descent regardless of religion, caste, creed, gender and place of residence who are at least 18 years of age and fully subscribe to the constitution and objectives of the Party. A Membership fee may be prescribed. Those who sign the membership form shall be deemed to have relinquished membership of any other political party.

4. Organizations

Pakistan TehreekeInsaf shall have the following organizations:

1. A ‘Primary Organization’ may consist of a Census Block as defined by the Election Commission of Pakistan.

2. A ‘Union Council Organization’ shall consist of the area of a union council as determined under the law.

3. A ‘Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organization’ shall consist of a Tehsil/Taluka/Town in a District or a City as notified by the Provincial Government.

4. A ‘District Organization’ shall consist of a District under the law.

5. A ‘Regional Organization’ shall consist of a Region within a Province.

6. A ‘Provincial Organization’ shall be formed for each Province.

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7. An Organization shall be formed for the Federal Capital Territory.

8. An Organization shall be formed for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

9. An Organization shall be formed for Gilgit Baltistan.

10. An Organization shall be formed for Azad Jammu &Kashmir

11. An Organization shall be formed for the overseas Pakistanis.

12. A National Organization shall be formed for the entire country including overseas Pakistanis.

5. Office Bearers and Members of the Organizations

5.1 Composition of Primary Organizations

Each Primary Organization shall consist of the following Office Bearers:

(i) President (ii) Senior Vice President (iii) Two Vice Presidents (one woman) (iv) General Secretary (v) Joint Secretary (vi) Finance Secretary (vii) Secretary Women (viii) Secretary Youth (ix) Secretary Labour/Kissan

The Office bearers of the Primary Organizations shall, in consultation with the General Secretary of the Union Council (UC), be appointed by the President of the corresponding UC.

Provided that the President and General Secretary of Women’s Wing at the Primary level shall be the ex-officio Vice President and Joint Secretary respectively of the pertinent Primary Organization, thus raising the total strength of Office Bearers to 12.

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5.2 Composition of Union Council Organizations

Each UC Organization shall consist of the following Office Bearers elected by the voter members of the PTI within that union council, voter members being as prescribed by the Intra-Party Election Rules, which form part of Schedule I to the Constitution:

(i) President (ii) Senior Vice President (iii) Four Vice Presidents (Two women) (iv) General Secretary (v) Two Joint Secretaries (One woman) (vi) Secretary Finance (vii) Secretary Publicity (viii) Secretary Women Wing (ix) President Youth Wing (x) General Secretary Youth Wing (xi) Secretary Labour/Kisan (xii) Secretary Traders (xiii) Secretary Welfare (xiv) Secretary Minorities

A Working Committee shall be formed which shall consist of the presidents of the primary organizations present in the UC. In addition to that, the President shall appoint 5 members of the Working Committee including one from the minorities. The office bearers shall be ex-officio members of the Working Committee

Provided that the President and General Secretary of Women Wing at the UC level shall be the ex-officio Vice President and Joint Secretary respectively of the pertinent UC Organization, thus raising the total strength of Office Bearers to 20.

5.3 Composition of Tehsil//Taluka/Town Organization

A Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organization shall consist of the office bearers of all Union Council Organizations within its area which shall form its electorate and shall elect the following Office Bearers:

(i) President (ii) Senior Vice President (iii) Four Vice Presidents (Two women) (iv) General Secretary (v) Two Joint Secretaries (One woman) (vi) Secretary Publicity (vii) Secretary Finance (viii) Secretary Women (ix) Secretary Legal Affairs. (x) Secretary Youth

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(xi) Secretary Labour/Kissan (xii) Secretary Traders (xiii) Secretary Welfare (xiv) Secretary Minorities.

In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a Working Committee of the Presidents of the UC organizations within the Tehsil/Taluka/Town. Additionally, the President shall nominate 10 members to the Working Committee including one from the minorities.

Provided that the President and General Secretary of Women Wing at the Tehsil/Taluka/Town level shall be the ex-officio Vice President and Joint Secretary respectively of the corresponding Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organisation, thus raising the total strength of Office Bearers to 20.

5.4 District Organizations

There shall be a District Organization for each District which, consisting of the office bearers of all UC Organisations within that District, subject as below, would elect the following Office Bearers of the District Organization:

(i) President. (ii) Two Senior Vice Presidents (iii) Four Vice Presidents. (Two women) (iv) General Secretary. (v) Four Joint Secretaries (Two women) (vi) Secretary Finance (vii) Secretary Information (viii) Secretary Legal Affairs. (ix) Secretary Women. (x) Secretary Youth (xi) Secretary Doctors (xii) Secretary Engineers (xiii) Secretary Teachers (xiv) Secretary Traders (xv) Secretary Industries (xvi) Secretary Student Affairs (xvii) Secretary Labour (xviii) Secretary Kisan (xix) Secretary Ulema (xx) Secretary Sports (xxi) Secretary Welfare (xxii) Secretary Culture (xxiii) Secretary Publicity (xxiv) Secretary Minorities (xxv) Secretary Political Training

Provided that the Secretary Political Training, the Secretary Information and the Secretary Finance shall be appointed by the President.

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In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a Working Committee consisting of the Presidents of the Tehsil/Taluka/Town organizations. 15 members will be nominated by the President. The office bearers shall be the ex-officio members of the Working Committee.

Provided that the President and the Secretary of the Women Wing of the District shall be the ex-officio Vice President and Joint Secretary of the District Organization.

Provided that the President of the Youth Wing of the district shall be the ex-officio Secretary Youth/Student Affairs, thus raising the total strength of Office Bearers to 34.

Provided further that in a District where there is a concentration of labour, an ex-officio Secretary Labour who is the President of the Labour Wing of the District shall also be included in the District Organization thereby raising the total strength of Office Bearers in such Districts to 35.

5.5 Regional Organizations:

There shall be a Regional Organization for each Region (described as below), which consisting of the office bearers of all District Organizations within the Region, in turn will form the electorate for election of the office bearers of the Regional Organization, and shall, subject as below, elect the following office bearers :

(i) President. (ii) Two Senior Vice Presidents (iii) Four Vice Presidents. (2 women) (iv) General Secretary. (v) Four Joint Secretaries (2 women) (vi) Secretary Finance (vii) Secretary Information (viii) Secretary Engineers (ix) Secretary Legal Affairs (x) Secretary Women (xi) Secretary Minorities (xii) Secretary Publicity (xiii) Secretary Doctors (xiv) Secretary Teachers (xv) Secretary Traders (xvi) Secretary Industries (xvii) Secretary Student Affairs (xviii) Secretary Labour (xix) Secretary Kissan (xx) Secretary Ulema (xxi) Secretary Sports (xxii) Secretary Welfare (xxiii) Secretary Culture; and (xxiv) Secretary Youth (xxv) Secretary Political Training

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Provided that the President and the General Secretary of the Women Wing of a Regional Organization shall be the ex-officio Vice President and Joint Secretary respectively of the Regional organization, thus raising the total strength of Office Bearers to 34.

Provided that the Secretary Political Training, Secretary Information and Secretary Finance shall be appointed by the President.

Relatedly, there shall be a Working Committee consisting of the Presidents of the District Organizations and 10 members to be nominated by the President. The Office bearers shall be the ex-officio members of the Working Committee.

A Working Committee, wherever provided for by the Constitution, shall be the relevant executive and possess, at it’s own level, all or any of the powers and functions of similar bodies envisaged by the Constitution at other levels.

REGIONS: The following shall be the regions in Pakistan:

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa shall comprise four regions as under:

1. Districts of Peshawar Region: Peshawar, Nowshera, Charsadda, Swabi and Mardan,

2. Districts of Malakand Region: Malakand, Swat, Buner, Shangla, Upper Dir, Lower Dir and Chitral.

3. Districts of South KP Region: D I Khan, Kohat, Karak, Hangu, Bannu, Lakki Marwat and Tank.

4. Districts of Hazara Region: Abbottabad, Haripur, Mansehra, Kohistan, Batagram and Torghar.

Punjab shall comprise four regions as under:

1. Districts of North Punjab Region: Attock, Rawalpindi, Chakwal, Jhelum, Sargodha, Mainwali, Bhakkar and Khushab.

2. Districts of West Punjab Region: Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh, Jhang, Sahiwal, Pakpattan, Okara and Chiniot.

3. Districts of Central Punjab Region: Lahore, Sheikhpura, Kasur, Nankana, Gujranwala, Narowal, Sialkot, Gujrat, Mandi Bahauddin and Hafizabad.

4. Districts of South Punjab Region: Multan, Khanewal, Vehari, Lodhran, Bahawalpur, Rahim Yar Khan, Bhawalnagar, Layyah, D G Khan, Rajanpur and Muzaffargarh.

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Sindh shall comprise of three regions as under:

1. Karachi Region: East Karachi, West Karachi, South Karachi, Central Karachi, Korangi and Malir.

2. Central Sindh Region: Thatta, Sajawal, Jamshoro, Dadu, Shaheed Benazirabad, Hyderabad, Tando Mohammad Khan, Tharparker, Umerkot, Matiari, Tando Allahyar, Badin, Mirpurkhas and Sangarh.

3. North Sindh Region: Sukker, Shikarpur, Nosheroferoz, Larkana, Ghotki, Jacobabad, Khairpur, Kashmore and Shahdadkot.

Balochistan shall comprise four regions as under:

1. West Balochistan Region: Quetta, Chagai, Noshki and Qila Abdullah.

2. North Balochistan Region: Pishin, Loralai, Barkhan, Zhob, Ziarat, Musa Khel, Shirani and Qila Saifullah.

3. East Balochistan Region: Kech, Sibi, Dera Bugti, Naseerabad, Jhal Magsi, Kholu, Jafferabad and Harani.

4. South Balochistan Region: Mustung, Kalat, Khuzdar, Kharan, Lasbela, Punjgar, Washuk, Gawadar and Awaran.

5.6 Provincial Organizations

There shall be a Provincial Organization in each Province of Pakistan which shall consist of the Provincial Council and the Provincial Executive Committee.

A Provincial Council shall consist of the following:

a) Presidents of the Tehsil/Taluka/Town organizations within the province;

b) SVP’s and General Secretaries of all District Organizations;

c) SVP’s and General Secretaries of all Regional Organizations within the Province;

d) Presidents of all Regional and District Women Wing Organizations;

e) Relevant Party MPAs shall be the ex officio members;

Technocrats and professionals from amongst the members of the Party in the province to be nominated by the Chairman in consultation with the Provincial President;

Provided that the number of technocrats and professionals shall not exceed one-fifth of the total number of members falling under clauses (a) to (e) above.

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Thirty members with five members each from the Women Wing, lawyers, Youth, Students, Labour/Kissan and Minorities Organizations within the province to be nominated by the Chairman in consultation with the Provincial President.

The members of Provincial Council belonging to categories (a),(b) and (c) a b o v e shall, subject as below, elect the following Office Bearers:

(i) President. (ii) Two Senior Vice Presidents (iii) Ten Vice Presidents ( 3 women) (iv) General Secretary (v) Two Deputy General Secretaries (vi) Four Joint Secretaries (Two women) (vii) Secretary Finance (viii) Secretary Information (ix) Secretary Legal Affairs (x) Secretary Welfare (xi) Secretary Education (xii) Secretary Labour/ Kissan (xiii) Secretary Publicity (xiv) Secretary Agriculture (xv) Secretary Religious Affairs (xvi) Secretary Health (xvii) Secretary Minorities (xviii) Secretary Social Media (xix) Secretary Political Training

In addition to the office bearers, a Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) shall be constituted consisting of 30 members to be nominated by the President out of the members of the Provincial Council that shall include two members from the minority communities. The office bearers shall be the ex-officio members of the Provincial Executive Committee.

Provided that the nomination of the 30 members of PEC by the President shall be subject to prior approval of the CEC:

Provided also that the Secretary Information, Secretary Finance, Secretary Political Training and Secretary Social Media shall be appointed by the President but confirmed by the PEC. However, Secretary Finance shall be appointed in consultation with the Central Secretary Finance:

Provided further that the President and General Secretary of the Women Wing in the Province shall be the ex officio Senior Vice President and Deputy General Secretary respectively, thus raising the total strength of Office Bearers to 35.

5.7 National Organizations

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There shall be National Organizations for the entire country including overseas Pakistanis which shall include a National Council and a Central Executive Committee (CEC).

The National Council shall include:

(a) The office bearers of the Provincial Organizations

(b) The Presidents of the Regional Organizations

(c) The Presidents of all District Organizations

(d) Party MNAs and Senators shall be ex-officio members.

(e) There shall be thirty-five members, five each from the women, youth, students, labour/farmers, minorities, lawyers and overseas organizations, who will be nominated by their respective organizations.

(f) Technocrats and professionals in the country to be nominated by the Chairman who shall not exceed one-fourth of the total number of the members belonging to classes (a) to (e) above.

The members of National Council belonging to categories (a), (b) and (c) shall elect the following Office Bearers:

(i) Chairman (ii) President (iii) Vice Chairman (iv) Five Senior Vice Presidents, at least one from each province (v) Twelve Vice Presidents, at least two (one male and one female) from

each province (vi) Secretary General (vii) Additional Secretary General (viii) Four Deputy Secretaries General, one from each province (ix) Four Joint Secretaries, one from each province (x) Secretary Finance. (xi) Secretary Information. (xii) Secretary legal Affairs (xiii) Secretary Welfare (xiv) Secretary Education (xv) Secretary Health (xvi) Secretary Culture (xvii) Secretary Religious Affairs (xviii) Secretary Publicity (xix) Secretary Minorities (xx) Secretary Labour/Kisan (xxi) Secretary Social Media (xxii) Secretary Foreign Affairs (xxiii) Secretary Defence Affairs (xxiv) Secretary Internal Security

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(xxv) Secretary Political Training (xxvi) Secretary Policy Planning (xxvii) Secretary International Chapters

The Secretary Finance shall be the ex-officio Central Secretary on the Central Finance Committee, whereas the Secretary legal Affairs, the Secretary Minorities, the Secretary Labour/Kissan and the Secretary International Chapters shall be the ex-officio honorary Secretaries of the Insaaf lawyers Forum (ISF), Minorities Organization, Labour/Kissan Organization, and the Overseas Organization (OIC), respectively.

Provided that the President and General Secretary of the Women Wing in a province shall be the ex-officio Senior Vice President and Deputy General Secretary respectively, thus raising the total strength of Office Bearers to 50:

Provided further that the Chairman /Secretary General, on the one hand and the President / Vice Chairman, on the other, shall not be from the same province. In the event of an election resulting in such offices being filled by persons from the same province, the Chairman and President shall retain their posts while re-election shall be held for the vacated post(s) of General Secretary/ Vice Chairman, respectively, as the case may be:

Provided also that, not withstanding anything elsewhere contained, the Secretary information, the Secretary Finance, the Secretary Political Training, and the Secretary Policy Planning shall be appointed by the Chairman and confirmed by the CEC. In turn, and upon consultation with the Secretary information, the Chairman shall also appoint the Secretary Social Media.

5.8 Regional Organizations for other Areas

There shall also be Organizations for:

Islamabad, Gilgit Baltistan, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

5.9 Central Executive Committee (CEC) and Core Committee (CC)

The Central Executive Committee shall consist of the Central Office bearers and thirty members to be nominated by the Chairman from amongst the members of the National Council which shall include one member each from Christian, Hindu, Sikh/Parsi and other communities. The Presidents of the Provinces, the Presidents of the Regions and the Provincial President of the Women’s Wing shall be the ex-officio members of the Central Executive Committee.

Provided that the Chairman may nominate a maximum of Twenty five members out of the CEC to constitute a Core Committee also to be approved by the CEC. The Secretary General and the Provincial Presidents shall however be the ex-officio

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members of the Core Committee. The term of the Core Committee shall not exceed one year.

A session of the CEC shall be called if a minimum of 1/6th of the current total composition of its members desires so. The Chairman could call an emergency CEC meeting where the requirements of a minimum quorum will be deemed as unnecessary.

6. Vote of No-Confidence

6.1 The Office bearers of the National and Provincial Councils can be removed through a vote of no-confidence.

6.2 A vote of no-confidence can be passed against the Chairman by not less than two-third of the total membership of the National Council. A vote of no-confidence can be passed against other office bearers by a majority of the total membership of the National Council.

6.3 A vote of no-confidence can be passed against any office bearer of a Provincial Organization by a majority of the total membership of the Provincial Council.

Provided that a vote of no-confidence shall not be voted upon unless the office bearer concerned has been given at least two weeks’ notice prior to such a vote. Provided further that all members of the National and Provincial Organizations, as the case may be, including nominated ones, shall have a right to participate and exercise their votes in a vote of no-confidence.

Provided further that a vote of no-confidence cannot be moved by less than one-fifth of the total members of the Council as the case may be.

Provided further that if a vote of no-confidence fails against an office bearer, no fresh motion for a vote of no-confidence can be moved against him for at least a period of six months.

7. Functions of the Organizations

7.1 Primary, Union Council, Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organizations (Functions)

The functions of the Primary, Union Council, Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organizations shall be:

1. To motivate people to join the Party;

2. To promote, disseminate and implement the Party programmes among the people within their respective areas;

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3. To promote membership and maintain the membership register at the Union Council level and transmit information to the District Organization as well as to the office of the Secretary General;

4. To work for the social uplift and development of their respective areas;

5. To feed the Provincial and the National Organizations with information about the problems in their respective areas to facilitate the formulation of Party policies at the national and provincial levels which are responsive to the real issues and actual problems of the people;

6. To work and assist the affectees in their respective areas during emergencies like floods, epidemics, earthquakes and other national disasters;

7. To work at the grassroots level in areas including education, basic health facilities, building and maintenance of infrastructure and educating the people in the realms of civic facilities and sanitation;

8. To identify corruption, exploitation, injustice, excesses of the local officials, pollution and other problems in their respective areas, mobilize public opinion against the perpetrators and wage a moral and legal struggle for their eradication;

9. To establish conciliation bodies at the local level for promoting harmony and social justice;

10. To perform all other functions that are defined elsewhere in this Constitution; and

11. To perform any other acts or functions in pursuance of the policies as laid down by the Central/Provincial Executive Committees from time to time.

7.2 District Organizations (Functions)

The functions of the District Organizations shall be:

12. To supervise and coordinate with the Primary, Union Council and Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organizations;

2. To settle all disputes relating to Primary and Union Council Organizations within their respective regions;

3. To disseminate the objectives of the Party within their respective areas;

4. To establish regional offices throughout their respective areas and report to the Regional and Provincial Organizations;

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5. To interact with the Primary, Union Council and Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organizations on the one hand and the Regional and Provincial Organizations on the other;

6. To meet at least once in three months;

7. To constitute bodies and lend support for remedying injustices and excesses identified by the Primary, Union Council and Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organizations within their areas;

8. To perform all other functions that are defined elsewhere in this constitution; and

9. To perform any other acts or functions in pursuance of the policies as laid down by the Central/Provincial Executive Committees from time to time.

7.3 Regional Organizations (Functions)

The functions of the Regional Organizations shall be:

1. To control and co-ordinate with the District Organizations;

2. To disseminate the objectives of the Party within their respective regions;

3. To monitor offices of the lower organizations throughout their respective areas and report to the Provincial Organizations;

4. To interact with the District Organizations on the one hand and the Provincial Organizations on the other;

5. To meet at least once in three months; and

6. To perform all other functions that may be delegated by the Provincial and National Organizations.

7.4 Provincial Organizations (Functions)

A Provincial Council shall be responsible for the work of the Party Organization in the Province.

The Provincial Council shall meet at the discretion of its President at least once in a year to perform the following functions:

1. To consider all matters arising from time to time relating to the aims and objectives and performance of the Organization and to take appropriate decisions in these matters within its jurisdiction;

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2. To take all necessary steps to implement the decisions of the National Council and the Central Executive Committee;

3. To control, direct and regulate all activities of the lower Organizations within its jurisdiction;

4. To approve the budget and appoint auditors; and

5. In the event of occurrence of vacancy of an office bearer due to death, permanent incapacitation, removal or resignation, the Provincial Council shall elect such an office bearer for the remaining term of office.

Provided that one-fifth of the total membership of a Provincial Council may requisition a meeting of the Council and, on receipt of such requisition, the President shall convene the meeting of the Council within fourteen days. The quorum of a Provincial Council shall be one-fourth of the total membership of the Council. However, the quorum of an adjourned meeting shall be one-fifth of the total membership.

Provided further that the Chairman may direct the President to call a meeting of the Provincial Council and the President shall call such a meeting within fourteen days of the receipt of such directive.

5. National Council

The National Council shall be the supreme body of the Party which shall review the progress of the Party from time to time, and formulate p r o g r a m m e s and policies suitable to the needs and demands of the time. The National Council shall meet at the discretion of the Chairman at least once in a calendar year.

Its functions shall be:

5.1. To consider all matters arising from time to time relating to the aims, objectives and performance of the Organization and take appropriate decisions;

5.2. To supervise the activities of the specialist Committees for carrying out such duties as may be entrusted to them such as economic affairs, international affairs, agriculture, education, labour, health and others;

5.3. To approve the annual budgets and to appoint auditors;

5.4. For the purpose of meeting, the quorum shall consist of one-fourth of the total membership of the council. However, quorum of an adjourned meeting shall be one-fifth of the total membership;

5.5. In the event of occurrence of vacancy of an office bearer due to death, permanent incapacitation, removal or resignation, the National Council shall elect such office bearer for the remaining term of office.

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Provided that one-fifth of the total membership of the National Council may requisition a meeting of the Council and, on receipt of such requisition, the Chairman shall convene the meeting of the Council within thirty days.

7.6 Executive Committees and Functions

There shall be Executive Committees at the National and Provincial levels.

Functions of a Provincial Executive Committee (PEC):

A Provincial Executive Committee may be summoned by the President at his discretion at any time. However, not more than sixty days shall elapse between two successive meetings of the Executive Committee.

The functions of the Executive Committee shall be as under:

1. To carry out day-to-day functions of the Provincial Council;

2. To act as the executive authority of the Party in the Province;

3. To take all necessary steps to give effect to the decisions of the Provincial Council;

4. To control, direct and regulate all activities of the lower Organizations within its jurisdiction;

5. To place its reports of all actions taken, orders passed and activities done before the Provincial Council at its annual meeting for approval;

6. To carry out directives of the Chairman, the Central Executive Committee or the National Council; and

7. To form sub-committees for carrying out specific jobs assigned to them

7.7 Functions of the Central Executive Committee – Core Committee

The Central Executive Committee may be summoned by the Chairman at his discretion at any time. However, not more than sixty days shall elapse between two successive meetings of the Central Executive Committee. Correspondingly, 1/5th of the total membership of the CEC may requisition a meeting, in which case, the Central Executive Committee meeting shall be convened within 14 days of the submission of the requisition.

The functions of the Central Executive Committee shall be as under:

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1. To assist the Chairman in carrying out the day-to-day functions of the National Council;

2. To lay down the Party policy and guide the Party at the national level;

3. To act as the executive authority of the Party at the national level;

4. To take all necessary steps to give effect to the decisions of the National Council;

5. To control, direct and regulate all activities of the Provincial Executive Committees;

6. To control, direct and regulate all activities of the Organizations for the Federal Capital Territory, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Gilgit and Baltistan and Overseas Pakistanis;

7. In case the Central Executive Committee is of the opinion that a Provincial Executive Committee is not carrying out the aims and objectives of the Party, it may suspend the Provincial Executive Committee and, summon the Provincial Council to take appropriate action in this regard. In the meantime, the Central Executive Committee can assume unto itself the functions of the Provincial Executive Committee; and

8. To place its reports of all actions taken, orders passed and activities done before the National Council at its annual meeting for approval.

8. Core Committee – Functions

The functions of the Core Committee, as far as may be, shall be similar to those of a provincial executive committee. Apart from its advisory and consultative role, the Core Committee shall be a decision making body, its decisions being through the majority of the members present and voting. Minutes of the Core Committee meetings would, forthwith, be forwarded to the members of the CEC. The CEC shall have authority either to ratify or adopt or over-rule any action of the Core Committee. Unless disapproved by the CEC, a Core Committee decision shall be final and binding.

8. Terms of Office

The terms of office of the Party Organizations, unless otherwise provided, shall be two years. The process of elections for all elected Organizations shall be commenced one hundred and twenty days before the expiry of the relevant term and shall be concluded thirty days before the expiry of such term:

Provided that the Chairman in an emergent situation, after consultation with the Central Executive Committee, may vary the term of office of any particular Organization by a period not exceeding Six months.

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Provided further that a member to be eligible as a voter or as a candidate in the Intra Party Elections must be a Party card holder bearing a date at least four months prior to the announcement of the schedule for the holding of such elections.

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9. Parliamentary Boards/Scrutiny Committee and Selection of Party Candidates

The Chairman, in consultation with the Provincial President, shall constitute a Provincial Parliamentary Board for each Province which shall recommend Party candidates for the National and Provincial Assemblies. The Provincial Parliamentary Board shall receive names from the Regional Parliamentary Boards and, for each constituency, recommend one candidate and a covering candidate to the Central Parliamentary Board. Such board shall be constituted and / or headed by the Chairman.

A Provincial President, in consultation with the Regional Presidents, shall constitute a Parliamentary Board for each Region which shall recommend Party candidates for the National and Provincial Assemblies within the Region. Regional Parliamentary Boards shall recommend at least three persons for selection as the Party candidate in each constituency to the Provincial Board.

In order to obviate possible conflict of interest, no candidate for a provincial or federal legislative assembly shall be a member of a regional, provincial or the central parliamentary board, nor shall anyone, who proposes or seconds any such candidate be a member of any these boards.

All Parliamentary Boards shall be approved by the Central Executive Committee.

Provided that the Parliamentary Board concerned shall give due consideration to the recommendations of the District Organizations and the criteria and qualifications as laid down for selection of candidates.

Provided further that the Parliamentary Board concerned shall give preference to candidates belonging to the middle and working classes in order to ensure participation of people across the board.

However, only such persons shall be selected for nomination as Party candidates who fulfil the following qualifications:

a) Whose sources of income and wealth are not based on corruption and whose standard of living is in accordance with his known sources o f income;

b) Who has not obtained plots and permits through influence and bribery;

c) Who has not used his influence to get remission of loans;

d) Who has not been convicted with an offence involving moral turpitude;

e) Who is not known to have any affiliation with the underworld, or known to have amassed wealth from illegal and anti-social activities.

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f) Who shall disclose his assets and assets of his immediate family, Income earned and taxes paid before filling his nomination papers; and

g) Who has not been directly responsible for unconstitutional acts violating the independence of Judiciary.

All these qualifications are in addition to and not in substitution of the qualifications provided for the membership of the Parliament and the Provincial Assemblies under the Constitution and the laws of Pakistan. In case of any objection to the qualification of a candidate, the matter will be resolved by the Scrutiny Committee appointed by the Chairman for the purpose.

All constitutional bodies, whether elected or otherwise, and whether provided for herein or elsewhere, shall have a permanent seal and a perpetual succession.

10. Powers and Functions of Office Bearers

10.1 Office bearers of Organizations, other than the Chairman and the Secretary General, the Presidents and the General Secretaries of the Provinces:

1. The President shall be the Chief Executive of the relevant Organization and shall exercise administrative control over other office bearers. He shall preside over the meetings of the Organization.

2. The President of every Organization shall have the power to suspend any office bearer of the organization immediately below pending disciplinary action against him.

3. The Vice Presidents shal l exercise funct ions and responsibilities delegated to them by their Presidents.

4. The General Secretary or Secretary shall, after the President, be responsible for the organizational work of the Party. He shall attend all meetings of the respective Organization and the Working Committee, keep a record of the deliberations of the Organization and the Working Committee in accordance with the relevant rules. He shall be responsible for preparation of the agenda under the guidance of the President and for the issuance of notices for the Organization and Working Committee meetings. He shall present the financial statement before the Organization for approval.

5. A joint secretary shall assist the Secretary in the performance of his duties and functions.

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6. The Information Secretary shall perform the functions of public and media relations in accordance with the policy of the Party.

7. The Secretary Finance shall maintain the accounts of all payments received and keep them in a bank or in safe custody in the name of the Organization. He shall make such payments as authorized by the Organization, its Finance Committee or its President and operate the account jointly with the President/Secretary under the authority of the President and prepare half yearly accounts. The President may authorize any office bearer to perform the duties of the Finance Secretary in the absence of the Finance Secretary.

8. The Secretary Legal Affairs shall look after the legal matters of the Party at his respective level. He shall also be responsible for maintaining liaison with the ILF in order to seek remedy of any grievances that the Party members may have due to political victimization or any other reason arising out of the Party work. The Secretary Legal Affairs shall ordinarily be a practicing Advocate.

9. The Secretary Welfare shall look after any welfare programmes that the Party decides to undertake in his respective area/province.

10. The Secretary Literacy shall work within his respective area for mass literacy programme that the Party may initiate at various levels.

11. The Secretary Culture shall be responsible for holding cultural programmes in his respective area to popularise the Party amongst common citizens.

12. The Secretary Publicity shall be responsible for publishing and maintaining Party publicity materials including pamphlets, web-based materials, hand bills and newsletters and shall be responsible for distribution of the same amongst Party workers and the public at large in his respective area.

13. Secretary Labour shall be responsible for keeping contact with the labour organizations and trade unions within the area of his organization.

14. Secretary Youth shall be responsible for organizing youth activities within the area of his organization.

15. Secretary Doctors shall maintain contact with the doctors qua members of PTI within the area of his organization.

16. Secretary Engineers shall maintain contact with the engineers qua members of PTI within the area of his organization.

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17. Secretary Teachers shall be responsible for maintaining contacts with the teachers qua members of PTI within the area of his organization and shall organize educational programmes including those of teacher-training and improving standards of the educational institutions within the area of his organization.

18. Secretary Traders shall maintain contact with the traders within the area of his organization and shall organize activities in the best interest of the traders of the area of his organization.

19. Secretary Industry shall maintain permanent contact with the industrial activities within the area of his organization.

20. Secretary Student Affairs shall organize the activities of Insaf Students Federation (ISF) within the area of his organization.

21. Secretary Labour/Kissan shall keep contact with the farmers of the area and shall organize programmes for better agricultural produce in the area of his organization.

22. Secretary Ulema shall keep contact with the Ulema and Mashaikh in the area of his organization and shall endeavour to maintain peaceful and harmonious relations among people belonging to various sects, masaliks and other beliefs.

2. Powers of the Chairman

2.1. The Chairman shall be the Head and the Chief spokesman of the Party and shall exercise all powers inherent in his office. He shall ensure that the Organization at all levels works in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Party;

2.2. He shall have the power to delegate any of his powers to the Secretary General or any member of the Central Executive Committee;

2.3. He shall have the power to suspend any office bearer at the national and provincial levels pending disciplinary action against him;

2.4. In the event of removal or suspension of an office bearer, he may delegate power and duties of such office bearer to any other member of the Party;

2.5. He shall have all other powers which have not been specifically stated including the power of interpretation of the Party constitution for successful functioning of the Organization;

2.6. Provided that an appeal against the Chairman's interpretation could be made to the National Council;

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2.7. He may appoint special Assistants/Consultants/Advisers at the National or Provincial level in addition to the office bearers who have been elected if he is satisfied that such an appointment is necessary in the Party interest;

2.8. He may appoint Specialized Committees as approved by the Central Executive Committee from time to time;

2.9. In the event of incapacitation due to illness or detention etc of the Chairman, the Party President shall act as Chairman of the Party; and

2.10. The Chairman shall be the appellate authority against any order passed by a Provincial President.

10.3 Powers and Functions of the President at the Centre

The President at the Centre shall exercise such powers and perform such functions that are assigned to him by the Chairman.

10.4 Powers and Functions of the Vice Chairman

The Vice Chairman shall exercise such powers and perform such functions that are assigned to him by the Chairman.

5. Powers and Functions of the Secretary General

5.1. The Secretary General shall, after the Chairman, be responsible for looking after the organizational work of the Party, take all suitable measures and actions which are necessary to promote the Party and implement its aims and objectives;

5.2. He may advise the Chairman on any national or political issue or matters relating to Party organization;

5.3. He shall have the power to induct, with the approval of the Chairman, salaried persons for the central office of the Party and shall supervise and guide them;

5.4. He shall issue, from time to time, directives to members and organizations of the Party in accordance with the directions of the Chairman and the policies and programmes as spelled out by the National Council and the Central Executive Committee;

5.5. In the event of death, permanent incapacitation or resignation of the Chairman, the Secretary General shall convene a meeting of the National Council to elect a new Chairman;

5.6. He shall record the minutes of the meetings of the National Council and Central Executive Committee; and

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5.7. He may refer the case of any office bearer of the Party to a Disciplinary Committee for action against him.

6. Powers and Functions of other office bearers:

Other office bearers shall exercise such powers and perform such functions that are assigned to them by CEC.

7. Powers and functions of a Provincial President

7.1. A Provincial President shall be the head and chief spokesman of the Party in the Province and shall exercise all powers inherent in his office. He shall ensure that the Organization at all levels within the Province works in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Party;

7.2. He shall have the power to delegate any of his authority to the General Secretary or any member of the Provincial Executive Committee;

7.3. He shall have the power to suspend an office bearer up to the level of the Regional Organization pending disciplinary action against him;

7.4. During the period of suspension of an office bearer, he shall delegate his functions to any member of the Party within the Province;

7.5. He may appoint specialized committees as approved by the Provincial Executive Committee from time to time;

7.6. He shall ensure that all directives of the Chairman and the Central Executive Committee issued from time to time are fully complied with within the Province; and

7.7. In the event of incapacitation of the President due to illness or detention, one of the senior Vice Presidents shall act as the President.

8. Powers and functions of a Provincial General Secretary

8.1. The General Secretary shall, after the President, be responsible for looking after the organizational work of the Party, take all suitable measures and actions which are necessary to promote the Party and implement its aims and objectives;

8.2. He may advise the President on matters of the Party Organization;

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8.3. He shall have the power to recruit, with the approval of the President, salaried persons for the Provincial office of the Party and shall supervise and guide them;

8.4. He shall issue, from time to time, directives to members and organizations of the Party within the Province in accordance with the directions of the Chairman and the policies and programmes as set down by the National Council, the Central Executive Committee, the Provincial Council, the Provincial President and the Provincial Executive Committee;

8.5. In the event of death, permanent incapacitation or resignation of the President, the General Secretary shall convene a meeting of the Provincial Council to elect a new President;

8.6. He shall record the minutes of the meetings of the Provincial Council and Provincial Executive Committee; and

8.7. He may refer the case of any office bearer of the Party to a Disciplinary Committee for action against him.

9. Powers and Functions of other Provincial Office Bearers:

Other provincial office bearers shall exercise such powers and perform such functions that are assigned to them by the CEC.

11 Responsibilities of Organizations

All Organizations of the Party shall, within their respective jurisdictions, act in advancement of the aims and objectives of the Party.

12 Funds

Membership fees shall be retained by the Provincial Organizations. All Organizations at various levels shall, however, have the authority to require the lower Organizations to contribute a portion of their income to their funds as and when such necessity arises.

To maintain the independence of the Party and to finance the implementation of its aims, objectives and programmes, the Central and Provincial Executive Committees shall authorize fund-raising activities to meet the financial targets. Proper accounts of the funds shall be maintained which shall be audited by the auditors appointed by the Central and Provincial Executive Committees.

13 Fund-raising

There shall be fund-raising committees for the Centre and Provinces to be nominated by the Chairman and Provincial Presidents respectively. These fund-

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raising committees shall function in accordance with the instructions issued by the CEC and respective PECs.

The fund-raising committees shall present reports to the CEC or respective PECs biannually. Secretaries Finance, at the Centre and the Provinces, shall be the ex-officio members of the concerned fund-raising committees.

14 Amendment to the Constitution

The Constitution of the Party may be amended by the National Council provided that the proposed amendment is approved by at least two-third of the members present. The Chairman may refer back to the Council for reconsideration of an amendment which may again be passed by two-third of the members present.

An amendment to the Constitution may be moved by the Central Executive Committee before the National Council. An amendment may also be moved by one-tenth of the total membership of the National Council.

Provided that the proposed amendment shall be circulated amongst the members of the National Council at least fourteen days prior to the meeting.

15 Differences and Disputes At The Meetings

All matters, differences and disputes within the meetings of various Organizations of the Party shall be decided by a majority of votes. Except in emergent situations, the quorum for organizational meetings shall not be less than one-fourth of the total membership of an organization:

Provided that there would be no requirement of quorum for an adjourned meeting.

16 Federal Election Commission and its Functions

16.1 The Central Executive Committee shall appoint the Party Chief Election Commissioner for a period of four years who shall, in consultation with the Chairman, for a like term, appoint members of the Party Federal Election Commission (FEC);

16.2 The Chief Election Commissioner and the members of the Federal Election Commission shall belong to the legal community of the Party. The Provincial Election Commissioners shall be drawn from amongst the members of the Federal Election Commission;

16.3 The Federal Election Commission shall be a permanent body responsible for holding Party elections at the levels of the Central and Provincial Organizations;

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16.4 The Federal Election Commission shall appoint Provincial Election Commissioners/Election Committees which shall be responsible for holding elections at all tiers below the Provincial Organizations;

16.5 The Federal Election Commission shall frame its own rules for conduct of elections which shall be approved by the Central Executive Committee;

16.6 Results of the elections at all levels shall be intimated immediately to the Federal Election Commission;

16.7 The Federal Election Commission or a Provincial Election Committee may release the results of elections to the media;

16.8 Only one appeal against the decision of an Election Committee shall be permissible before a tribunal appointed by the Federal Election Commission.

16.9 The members of the Federal Election Commission shall be drawn from the National Council. They shall stand disqualified from holding, retaining or contesting for any Party post during the period of their tenures.

16.10 The Party shall maintain offices of the FEC at the Centre and cognate offices in the Provincial Capitals.

17 Qualifications for election to Party Office

Only such members of the Party shall be eligible for election to Party offices who fulfil the following qualifications:

1. Whose sources of income and wealth are not based on corruption;

2. Whose standard of living is in accordance with his known sources of income;

3. Who has not obtained plots and permits through influence and bribery;

4. Who has not used his influence to get remission of loans;

5. Who has not been convicted with an offence of moral turpitude;

6. Who is not known to have affiliation with the underworld, or known to have amassed wealth from illegal and anti-social activities.

7. Who shall disclose his assets and assets of his immediate family, together with income earned and taxes paid; and

8. Who has not been directly responsible for any unconstitutional acts violating independence of the judiciary.

9. In case of challenge(s) with regard to qualifications, the Federal Election Commission shall finally determine the dispute.

18 Bar on holding Dual Office

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Any Party Office Bearer shall not hold any Elected Public Office, which expression shall mean and include, inter alia, the offices of President of Pakistan, Prime Minister, Governor, Chief Minister of a province, Chairman Senate, Deputy Chairman Senate, Speaker of the National Assembly or Provincial Assemblies, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly or Provincial Assemblies, Federal Minister, Minister of State, Provincial Minister, an Advisor or Special Assistant to Prime Minister or to a Chief Minister and holders of other elected executive offices such as a Leader of the Opposition in any National or Provincial Legislative Body or a Nazim or a Naib Nazim in a Local Body, and shall, where applicable, be deemed to have relinquished the Party Office on the date of assumption of such an Elected Public Office.

19 Reconciliation Committees Reconciliation Committees shall be formed at the District, Regional, Provincial and National levels. District Organizations shall form one or more reconciliation committees to resolve disputes arising out of the working of the Union Council or Primary Organizations within the district. Regional Organizations shall form one or more reconciliation committees to resolve disputes arising from the working of District and Tehsil/Taluka/Town Organizations within their Regions. A Provincial Executive Committee shall form a reconciliation committee to resolve disputes arising out of the working of Regional Organizations within the Province. The Central Executive Committee shall form reconciliation committee(s) to resolve disputes arising out of the working of the Provincial Organizations. These reconciliation committee(s) shall also deal with disputes arising out of the workings of the wings. The reconciliation committee(s), at various tiers, shall also resolve individual Party grievances of the members. Reconciliation Committees, at all levels, shall be put in place within one month of the creation of their parent institutions.

20 Constitution Implementation Committee (CIC)

A Constitution Implementation Committee (CIC) for ensuring implementation of the PTI Constitution shall be constituted by the Chairman and consist of 7 senior members, conversant with constitutional norms. CIC would be put in place in such manner that at no time the Party remains without a CIC for more than one month.

20.1 Functions of CIC:

The Constitution Implementation Committee (CIC) shall ensure that all Articles of the Constitution are implemented in letter and spirit including:

1. In the selection / election and functioning of all constitutional bodies;

2. In the manner of conducting intra-party elections;

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3. In the enforcement of discipline;

4. In the implementation of the rule for Chairman / Secretary General and the President / Chairman not being from the same province;

5. In enforcing action(s) stipulated by the Constitution;

6. In ensuring the holding of institutional meetings with-in the frame-work provided by the Constitution.

7. Wherever the Constitution requires any discretionary powers or functions to be performed such would require a prior clearance of the CIC.

The committee shall meet, at least once, every calendar month.

20.2 Punitive action

To ensure strict implementation of the Party Constitution, the Chairperson of the committee will initiate, on the recommendation of the Committee, disciplinary proceedings against alleged violators in the following manner:

1. Sending a show cause notice for response within a fortnight;

2. Allowing the alleged violator to appear before the Committee and explain as to why he/she should not be proceeded against;

3. In case of the allegations proving correct, the Committee may recommend to the Party Disciplinary Committee suspension and/or blacklisting of the member from future membership of any constitutional body.

4. The CIC shall also initiate follow up steps to ensure implementation of its recommendations.

21 Disciplinary Committee (DC)

An independent central Disciplinary Committee shall be constituted by the Chairman comprising of 7 members selected from amongst senior members of the Party familiar with legal norms and procedures, to be headed by a Chairman elected from amongst themselves. As in the case of CIC, at no time, the Party would remain without a DC and the gap, if any, shall be filled within a maximum period of one month.

The Disciplinary Committee at the centre shall appoint committees at the regional levels, which, without prejudice to the powers and jurisdiction of the central Disciplinary Committee, may deal with disciplinary issues arising within their

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regions. However, the appellate body would always be the central Disciplinary Committee.

21.1 Functioning of the Committee(s):

A disciplinary proceeding would be initiated:

1. on a complaint received from a Party organization or a Party member;

2. on a complaint received specifically on the issue of a constitutional violation from the CIC.

3. Provided that a committee may initiate disciplinary proceedings on its own upon observing a clear violation of discipline.

2. Procedure:

2.1. Issuance of a show cause notice;

2.2. Seven days to respond;

2.3. Inquiry unless dispensed with;

2.4. Action to be prescribed following findings;

2.5. Appeal, where applicable, as above provided;

2.6. Final decision of DC;

2.7. Further action in case of non-compliance.

The decision of the central Disciplinary Committee after review, if any, shall be final and binding and non-compliance would invite further punitive action by the DC.

22 Central Finance Committee

The Party shall have a Central Finance Committee (having representation from all provinces) directly reporting to the Chairman of the Party on accounting, budgeting, financial and cognate reporting affairs of the Party. The Committee shall have a Secretary to be called Central Secretary Finance, responsible for overall management of the Finance Department of the Party.

Members of the Committee shall be:

1. Chairman/Vice Chairman 2. Sec. General 3. Additional Sec. General

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4. Central Secretary Finance 5. Finance Secretary from each province 6. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

All financial matters of a substantial nature shall be routed through or originate in the CFC. CFC alone shall have budgeting authority in the Party which may be delegated to lower tiers. CFC shall form appropriate Rules for the lower tiers. The special organizations of the Party, as per schedule I, shall submit their, respective, budgets to the CFC for approval /allocation.

Sub-Committee of the CFC

There shall initially be a sub- committee of the CFC, consisting of members mentioned at Nos 3, 4 and 6 above, to operate and manage the day to day accounting and financial affairs of the Party. Role, responsibilities, rules of business and selection criteria of the sub-committee / its members shall from time to time be framed by the CFC.

The above is to be replicated at the provincial levels by the Provincial Finance Committee(s) and by separate accounts handling team(s) to manage provincial financial affairs and to maintain proper books of accounts as per international accounting procedures and practices.

23 Special Organizations

There shall be special Organizations for Women, Youth, Students, Minorities, Labour and Overseas Pakistanis which shall form wings of the Party. The CEC may add to these special organizations.

These wings shall be autonomous in their working. Provisions relating to the internal working of these wings are laid down in Schedule I. All the special organizations shall work in coordination with the main organization. In addition to provisions in Schedule I, every special organization at the central and provincial level may frame by-laws for its internal working with the ex post facto approval of the CEC.

The constitutional bodies, unless otherwise provided, may as well frame their own rules of business but, subject always, to an ex post facto approval by the CEC. Likewise, the various office holders and other functionaries under the Constitution may frame their own rules of working, again, subject to the ex post facto approval of the CEC.

A person removed from one of the special organizations will not be eligible for membership in any other special organization.

24 Temporary Provisions

Until the adoption of this constitution by the National Council, the Central Executive Committee shall have the power to make appropriate amendments in the

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Constitution, which shall be effective forthwith, unless determined otherwise by the National Council.

25 Penalties

Penalties for inefficiency, violation of discipline and breach of Constitution may include expulsion from the membership of the Party.

26 Eminent Pakistanis:

The Party will offer from time to time to eminent Pakistanis a role from its platform to shape the destiny of the nation by seeking their guidance and leadership. Such eminent Pakistanis will be requested to participate in the highest policy making forums of the Party which include the Central Executive Committee and the Core Group, where they can express their opinion, offer guidelines and advice on all important issues and may use their right to vote. Their advisory role would be of utmost importance to the Party in shaping and formulating national policies. These eminent persons would also become spokespersons for expressing Party’s views on important issues.

The constitutional bodies, unless otherwise provided, may as well frame their own rules of business but, subject always, to an ex post facto approval by the CEC. Likewise, the various office holders and other functionaries under the Constitution may frame their own rules of working, again, subject to the ex post facto approval of the CEC.

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Rules for Internal Working of Wings of the Party.

1. Rules- Intra Party Elections 1.1. General

1.1.1. Data of all party members shall be maintained centrally by a Data office, headed by a responsible central office bearer so designated by the Chairman. Such data shall be comprehensive enough so as to include the various constitutional party organisations.

1.1.2. Existing data of members is to be verified and updated with additional details as specified by the Federal Election Commission, or as warranted by this constitution.

1.1.3. All members shall obtain the Party Identity Card (PIC) personally from specified locations upon payment of Rs.100/.

1.1.4. The Data office shall on the basis of PICs prepare the electoral rolls for party elections and forward them to the Federal Election Commission. Separate electoral rolls would cater to the various constitutional organisations of the party.

1.1.5. Elections from UC to district level shall be held on panel basis. Elections of the Regional, Provincial and Central office bearers shall be held on the conventional individual basis.

1.2. Eligibility to vote

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1.2.1. Only those party members who are 18 years of age and carry a PIC, having a date at least 4 months prior to the date of announcement of elections, shall be eligible to vote. So much of the data from the proposed member’s CNIC as may conveniently be inserted would be so inserted in the PICs.

1.2.2. Voting upto the UC level shall be through an electronic system. It thus will be mandatory for a member to register an exclusive cell phone number for the purpose, which would be registered in his PIC, to be eligible to vote.

1.3. Eligibility to contest

1.3.1. For a member to be eligible to contest elections, it will be necessary that he has a connection with a particular UC to be established by:

1.3.2. Him/her being registered as a voter in the Election Commission of Pakistan in a block code of that UC; or

1.3.3. His/her permanent or temporary address, shown on the CNIC, being from that UC.

1.3.4. Minimum age for contesting elections for a party office shall be 21 years.

1.3.5. In any election, members elected at a level, shall not be eligible for contesting elections at a higher level.

1.4. Bye-elections

1.4.1. In case of resignation, incapacitation, death, removal or disqualification of an elected office bearer of a Union Council, Town/Tehsil/Taluka and a District, such position may be filled through co-option by the same body. However, for the office of the president, the senior vice president shall fill the vacant post and a new senior vice president be co-opted.

1.4.2. The Federal Election Commission shall hold bye-elections at the regional, provincial and central levels within two months of any vacancy occurring.

1.4.3. Vacancies, as above mentioned, in nominated offices, shall be filled by the relevant nominating authority

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1.5. Election schedule

1.5.1. The Federal Election Commission shall announce election schedule for Intra Party Elections.

2. Insaf Kisan Wing (IKW)

2.1. Insaf Kisan Wing shall be a wing of Pakistan Tehreek – e- Insaf (PTI) representing the farmers of Pakistan in the party

2.2. It will function under the control and direction of the CEC and shall be autonomous in its working.

2.3. There will be five provincial chapters of the Insaf Kisan Wing working under the President of IKW at the Centre. These five provincial chapters shall be Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwah, Baluchistan, and Gilgit Baltistan.

2.4. The Elected Presidents and General Secretaries of the five provincial/regional chapters will elect the President and General Secretary of the Insaf Kisan Wng working at the centre.

2.5. The Eligibility criteria for both the President and General Secretary of the centre shall be that he/she be an experienced agricultural expert with at least 10 years of work experience in agricultural development and Kisan movements in the country, they should have proven experience in leadership, managing teams and can represent PTI at different policy forums in Pakistan and at global level. He/she should be existing members of PTI for more than 3 year.

2.6. The Central President of IKW will appoint the central office bearers of IKW in consultation with the Central General Secretary of IKW and Provincial Presidents of IKW.

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2.7. The President, General Secretary and office bearers at the centre will primarily be responsible for coordinating affairs with all of the Provincial/Regional Chapters.

2.8. All central office bearers that are appointed should be IKW members for more than a year.

2.9. The President and General Secretary of the Provincial IKW Chapters shall be elected by kisan members of the particular provincial/regional chapter. The members who will vote should be registered as kisan members in the member’s database of the particular chapter and should all be active farmers. Due data base shall be maintained by the data officer as elsewhere postulated and designated. (UC level data base needs to be maintained). For the first year, however, district Presidents and General Secretaries will elect Presidents and General Secretaries of Provincial Chapters.

2.10. The Eligibility criteria for both Provincial President and General Secretary should be that he/she be an experienced agriculturalist/farmer with at least 7 years of work experience. They should have proven experience in leadership in the kisan movement, managing campaigns and should be existing members of PTI for more than a year.

2.11. The President of the Provincial chapter will appoint all other office bearers of the respective Chapter in consultation with the Provincial General Secretary.

2.12. The central office bearers of the Provincial Chapter that are appointed should be PTI members of the relevant Chapter for more than a year

2.13. In case of Chapters of PTI which have not been in place for more than a year and are new, the condition of President, General Secretary and office bearers that they have to be PTI members for a year at least, does not apply.

2.14. The IKW Presidents and General Secretaries, at the above mentioned levels, shall appoint the following office bearers:

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2.14.1.Senior Vice President

2.14.2.Two Vice Presidents;

2.14.3.Two Joint Secretaries;

2.14.4.Secretary Finance;

2.14.5.Secretary Information.

. 2.15. No office bearer of any tier or of any Chapter will be removed from office

without due show cause notices/warnings, proper enquiry and without affording him/her an opportunity of hearing before a disciplinary committee.

2.16. The functions of Insaf Kisan Wing shall include the following:

2.16.1.Spread the PTI agenda in Rural Pakistan.

2.16.2.Engage farmers, particularly small farmers in internal policy debates of PTI and ensure that small farmers get due space in the PTI’s policymaking process.

2.16.3.Build relationships/work with professionals, associations, NGOs, opinion makers and other forums, on agricultural development and policy issues.

2.16.4.Assist the party as and when required with research and policy work on Agriculture.

2.16.5.Conduct professional training sessions for PTI office bearers, spokespersons, youth representatives, students on agricultural development and policy issues so that all PTI leadership is on the same page on these issues.

3. Insaf Lawyers Forum (ILF)

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3.1. There will be lawyers organizations at the Federal and Provincial levels known as Insaf Lawyers Forum (ILF).

3.2. The Provincial Organizations will be headed by the President of the Provincial Insaf Lawyers Forum.

3.3. There shall also be a central Insaf Lawyers Forum based in Islamabad headed by the President.

3.4. Other office bearers of the Provincial and Central ILF would be a Senior Vice President, a General Secretary, a Joint Secretary, a Finance Secretary, a Secretary Information and a Secretary Women.

3.5. The President of the Central ILF will be elected by the National Council whereas the President of a Provincial ILF shall be elected by the concerned Provincial Council.

3.6. The Provincial ILF will have the following subordinate organizations:

3.6.1. District ILF,

3.6.2. Tehsil/Taluka ILF

3.7. The Presidents of the District and Tehsil/Taluka ILF will be appointed by the Provincial President of the ILF.

3.8. Qualifications for various offices of the ILF, at the Centre, the Provinces, the Districts and below, shall be such, as may be prescribed by the Federal Election Commission from time to time. The qualification may be relaxed in deference to the merit of a particular case.

3.9. The lawyers organizations will be autonomous and their functions would be as under:

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3.9.1. Hold and supervise intra-party elections at the Regional, District, Tehsil/Taluka/Town and Union Council levels. After holding such elections, the results will be communicated by the concerned ILF to the office of the Federal Election Commission or Provincial Election Committee of the party, as the case may be, which will then notify such results;

3.9.2. Aid and assist the party candidates for seats in the Parliament and Provincial Assemblies in filing their nomination papers and defending their cases against any objections by rival candidates;

3.9.3. Help and protect the party workers against any victimization at the hands of the government and its officials;

3.9.4. Hold workshops to train party workers in the understanding of the Constitution and laws of Pakistan; and

3.9.5. Be a vanguard of the party for establishing the rule of law in the country.

4. Insaf Professionals Forum (IPF)

4.1. Insaf Professionals Forum shall be a wing of Pakistan Tehreek – e- Insaf (PTI) representing the professionals in the party.

4.2. It will function under the control and direction of the CEC and shall be autonomous in its working.

4.3. There will be five provincial/regional chapters of the Insaf Professionals Forum(IPF) working under the President of IPF at the Centre. These five provincial/regional chapters shall be Islamabad, Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Baluchistan.

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4.4. The Elected Presidents and General Secretaries of the five provincial/regional chapters shall elect the President and General Secretary of the Insaf Professionals Forum working at the centre.

4.5. The Eligibility criteria for both the President and General Secretary at the centre should be that he/she be an experienced professional with at least 10 years of work experience in private or public sector. They should have proven experience in leadership, managing teams and should be existing members of IPF (any of its Chapters) for more than a year.

4.6. The Central President of IPF will appoint the central office bearers of IPF in consultation with the Central General Secretary and Provincial/Regional Presidents.

4.7. The President, General Secretary and office bearers at the centre will primarily be responsible for coordinating affairs with all of the Provincial/Regional Chapters.

4.8. All nominated central office bearers should be IPF members (in any of its Chapters) for more than a year.

4.9. The President and General Secretary of the Provincial/Regional Chapters shall be elected by members of the particular provincial/regional chapter. The members who vote should be registered as forum members in the members’ database of the particular forum/chapter and should all be professionals.

4.10. The eligibility criteria for both Provincial/Regional President and General Secretary should be that he/she be an experienced professional with at least 7 years of work experience in private or public sector. They should have proven experience in leadership, managing teams and should be existing members of IPF (from the relevant IPF Provincial/Regional Chapter) for more than a year.

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4.11. The President of the Provincial/Regional chapter will appoint all other office bearers of the respective Chapter in consultation with the Provincial/Regional General Secretary.

4.12. The nominated central office bearers of the Provincial/Regional Chapter should be IPF members of the relevant Chapter for more than a year

4.13. In case of Chapters of IPF which have not been in place for more than a year and are new, the condition of President, General Secretary and office bearers that they have to be IPF members for a year at least, does not apply.

4.14. The IPF appointing authorities, as spelled out, at the levels herein above mentioned, shall appoint the following office bearers:

4.14.1.Senior Vice President

4.14.2.Two Vice Presidents,

4.14.3.Two Joint Secretaries,

4.14.4.Secretary Finance

4.14.5.Secretary Information

4.14.6.Secretary Women

4.15. No office bearer of any tier or of any Chapter will be removed from office without due show cause notices/warnings, proper enquiry and without affording him/her an opportunity of hearing before a disciplinary committee.

4.16. The functions of Insaf Professionals Forum (IPF) shall include the following:

4.16.1. Spread the message of PTI; promote party’s vision, mission, and manifesto;

4.16.2. Help PTI with ideas and projects to improve PTI’s organizational performance;

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4.16.3. Initiate and promote dialogue with professionals for their perspective and come up with practical solutions to issues being faced by the country;

4.16.4. Build relationships/work with professionals, associations, NGOs, opinion makers and other forums, on common goals and objectives;

4.16.5. Assist the party as and when required with research and policy work;

4.16.6. Study current issues and incorporate public feedback to submit to leadership;

4.16.7. Conduct professional training sessions for PTI office bearers, spokespersons, youth representatives, students, polling agents etc

5. Insaf Students Federation (ISF)

5.1. There shall be a Students Organization of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf know as the Insaf Students Federation (ISF) at the Central, Provincial, Regional, District and Educational Institution levels constituted by students between the ages of 18 and 25.

5.2. The active ISF members in an Educational Institution shall elect their ISF President, General Secretary and other office bearers for their respective institution.

5.3. The elected ISF Presidents at the Educational Institution level shall elect the ISF district office bearers for their respective district. The elected ISF District President shall be the ex-officio Secretary Student Affaiiars in the Mother Party at the district level.

5.4. The elected ISF office bearers at the district level shall elect the ISF regional and provincial Presidents. For their respective region and province. The

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elected ISF regional president shall be the ex-officio Secretary Student Affiars in the Mother Party at the regional and provincial level.

5.5. The elected ISF office bearers at the regional and provincial levels shall elect the ISF President at the Central level. The elected ISF central president shall be the ex-officio Secretary Student Affiars in the Mother Party at the central level.

5.6. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) of the mother party shall appoint an election commission to conduct the elections of ISF.

5.7. The elected Presidents at all levels shall further appoint the following office bearers:

5.7.1. Senior Vice President

5.7.2. 2 Vice Presidents,

5.7.3. 2 Joint Secretaries,

5.7.4. Secretary Finance

5.7.5. Secretary Information

5.8. The functions of ISF will include the following:

5.8.1. The ISF shall introduce the party programmes to the members and workers of ISF;

5.8.2. Assist the interaction between the youth and party leadership at all levels.

5.8.3. Liaise with the party organisations at various levels to help extend the outreach of the party and mobilize citizens through dissemination of the party program. This will be done through campaigns designed and implemented in consultation with the party organisations.

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5.8.4. Will give recommendations at all levels to the party thus enabling the projection and inclusion of the point of view of ISF and their issues in PTI’s strategies and program.

5.8.5. The Youth Organizations will mobilize the public opinion and in consultation of the party leadership at levels help design and implement campaigns for dissemination of material including the party manifesto, flags, posters and banners etc.

5.8.6. To enable the development of leadership skills the Youth Wing will design and implement programmes for the Youth that will focus on their training, education and political awareness

6. Labour Organizations

6.1. There shall be Labour Organizations of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf at the Central, Provincial, Regional and District levels.

6.2. The President of the National Labour Organization shall be elected by the National Council and Presidents of the Provincial Organization shall be elected by the Provincial Council concerned.

6.3. Other office bearers of the labour organizations at the national and provincial levels will include a Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Finance Secretary and Secretary Women.

6.4. These office bearers at national level shall be nominated by the President of the national organization and confirmed by the CEC. The office bearers at the provincial level shall be nominated by the President Provincial labour organization and confirmed by the concerned PEC.

6.5. The Presidents of the Regional and District Organizations will be appointed by the Provincial Presidents of the Labour Organizations in consultation with the President of the national Labour Organization. Other office bearers shall be nominated by the President of the respective organization.

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6.6. The functions of the Labour Organizations will be as under:

6.6.1. Disseminate party programs amongst the labour throughout the country;

6.6.2. Strive for better industrial relations and struggle for provision of better working conditions for labour force throughout the country;

6.6.3. Promote genuine trade unionism in Pakistan;

6.6.4. Hold workshops for improved productivity;

6.6.5. Create better environment for industrialization in the country; and

6.6.6. Strive for better distribution of wealth among the people of Pakistan.

7. Insaf Mazdoor Wing (IMW)

7.1 Insaf Mazdoor Wing shall be a wing of Pakistan Tehreek – e- Insaf (PTI) representing the labour of Pakistan in the party.It will function under the control and direction of the CEC and will be autonomous in its working.

7.2 There will be five provincial chapters of the Insaf Mazdoor Wing working under the President of IMW at the Centre. These five provincial chapters will be of Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Baluchistan, and Gilgit Baltistan.


7.3.1 The Elected Presidents and General Secretaries of the five Provincial and Regional chapters will elect the President and General Secretary of the Insaf Mazdoor Wing working at the centre.

7.3.2 The Eligibility criteria for both the President and General Secretary of the centre should be that he/she be an experienced Mazdoor activist with at least 10 years of experience in labour movements in the country, they should have proven experience in leadership, managing teams and can represent PTI at different policy forums in Pakistan.

7.3.3 The Central President of IMW will appoint the central office bearers of IMW in consultation with the Central General Secretary of IMW and Provincial Presidents of IMW.

7.3.4 The President, General Secretary and office bearers of centre will primarily be responsible for coordinating affairs with all of the Provincial/Regional Chapters.

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7.3.5 All central office bearers that are appointed should be IMW members for more than a year.

7.3.4 The President and General Secretary of the Provincial IMW Chapters shall be elected by labour members of the particular Provincial/Regional chapter. The members who will vote should be registered as labour members in the member’s database of the particular chapter and should all be working labour. For the first year, however, District Presidents and General Secretary will elect President and General Secretary of Provincial Chapters.

7.3.5 The Eligibility criteria for both Provincial President and General Secretary should be that he/she be an experienced labour activist with at least 7 years of work experience. They should have proven experience in leadership in labour movements, managing campaigns and should be existing members of PTI for more than a year.

7. The President of the Provincial chapter will appoint all other office bearers of the respective Chapter in consultation with the Provincial General Secretary.

8. The central office bearers of the Provincial Chapter that are appointed should be PTI members of the relevant Chapter for more than a year

9. In case of Chapters of PTI, which have not been in place for more than a year and are new, the condition of President, General Secretary and office bearers that they have to be PTI members for a y ear at least, does not apply.

7.4 No office bearer of any tier or of any Chapter will be removed from office without 3 show cause notices/warnings, proper enquiry and without affording him/her an opportunity of hearing before a disciplinary committee.

7.5 President of IMW will become member of CEC and will represent labour in the CEC of PTI.

7.6 The functions of Insaf Mazdoor Wing shall include the following:

7.6.1 Spread the PTI agenda in the labour class of Pakistan.

7.6.2 Engage labour in internal policy debates of PTI and ensure that labour get due space in the PTI’s policymaking process. 7.6.3 Build relationships/work with professionals, associations, NGOs, opinion makers and other forums, on policy issues relevant for labour.

7.6.4 Assist the party as and when required with research and policy work on labour issues.

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7.6.5 Conduct professional training sessions for PTI office bearers, spokespersons, youth representatives, students on labour policy issues so that all PTI leadership is on the same page on these issues.

8. Minorities Organizations

1. There shall be Minorities Organizations at the National, Provincial, Regional and District levels.

2. The President of the National Minorities Organization shall be elected by the National Council and Provincial President of the minorities organizations shall be elected by the Provincial Council concerned. Other office bearers of the minorities. Organizations at the national and provincial levels would include the following office bearers:

2.1. Senior Vice President

2.2. Two Vice Presidents, including one woman

2.3. Two Joint Secretaries, including one woman

2.4. Secretary Finance

2.5. Secretary Information

3. The office bearers at the national level shall be nominated by the President of the National Minorities Organization and confirmed by the CEC. The office bearers at the provincial level shall be nominated by the President of the Provincial Minorities Organization and confirmed by the concerned PEC.

4. Other office bearers of the organizations at various levels will be appointed by the President of the respective organization.

5. The functions of the Minorities Organizations will be as under:

5.1. Protect and safeguard the interests of minorities throughout Pakistan;

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5.2. Make plans for affirmative action for the historically disadvantaged members of the minorities so that they have better representation in the mainstream party activities, services and other sectors of the society and state;

5.3. Eliminate social and other prejudices against the minorities or any segment thereof and propose legislation against those who indulge in such prejudices;

5.4. Protect the institutions belonging to the minorities particularly those in the field of worship, education, health and community services; and

5.5. Uplift the minorities and establish them as equal citizens of the country.

5.6. To constitute parliamentary boards for the minorities, both at the central and the provincial levels, within whose powers and functions it would be to provide lists of minority candidates for the parliament and provincial assemblies. Such lists would be placed before the central and provincial parliamentary boards of the party which would select appropriate candidates from within the lists for onward transmission as the party’s nominees on the minority seats at the federal and provincial levels.

9. Overseas Organizations (A Committee is working on this separately)

9.1. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) shall have organizations of the Overseas Pakistanis. These organizations will function at the level of cities or regions within various foreign countries. Their rules and regulations will be framed by the CEC from time to time.

9.2. The functions of the Overseas Organizations should include the following:

9.2.1. Protect the interest of overseas Pakistanis and strive for their right of vote and participation in the national activities;

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9.2.2. Restore respect and dignity of Pakistanis generally and those living abroad in particular; and

9.2.3. Support the party and in its policies politically and financially.

10. Women’s Wing

10.1. The Women’s Wing shall be the principal wing of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) representing the women in the party.

10.2. It will function under the control and direction of the CEC and will be autonomous in its working.

10.3. There will be Provincial, Regional, District, Town/Tehsil/Taluka and Union Council tiers of the Women’s Wing working under the President of the Women’s Wing at the Centre.

10.4. The National Council will elect the President and General Secretary of the Women’s Wing at the centre.

10.5. The Central President Women’s Wing will appoint the central office bearers of the Women’s Wing, in consultation with the Provincial Presidents of the Women’s Wing.

10.6. The central office bearers shall be appointed in a manner wherein all provinces and the regions of Federal Capital, FATA, AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan shall have representation.

10.7. The President and General Secretary of the provincial tier shall be, elected by the concerned Provincial Council.

10.8. The Provincial President Women’s Wing will appoint all other provincial office bearers of the Women’s Wing.

10.9. The provincial office bearers shall be appointed on a basis where all regions of the respective province have equal representation.

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10.10. The Women’s Wing Presidents and other office bearers of the Regions shall be appointed by the Provincial President Women’s Wing in consultation with the Central President Women’s Wing and the Regional President of the main Party.

10.11. The Women’s Wing Presidents and other office bearers of the Districts shall be appointed by the Regional President Women’s Wing in consultation with the Provincial President Women’s Wing and the District President of the main Party.

10.12. The Women’s Wing Presidents and other office bearers of the Towns/Tehsils/Talukas shall be appointed by the District President Women’s Wing in consultation with the Regional President Women’s Wing and the Town/Tehsil/Taluka President of the main Party.

10.13. The Women’s Wing Presidents and other office bearers of the Union Council shall be appointed by the Town/Tehsil/Taluka President Women’s Wing in consultation with the District President Women’s Wing and the Union Council President of the main Party.

10.14. The Presidents and General Secretaries of the Women’s Wing at the national level shall be ex-officio Sr. Vice President and Deputy Secretary General in the main party.

10.15. The President and General Secretary at the Provincial level shall be ex-officio Sr. Vice President and Deputy General Secretary of the province in the main party.

10.16. At all other tiers they shall be ex-officio Vice Presidents and Joint Secretaries in the main party at their respective tiers.

10.17. No women office bearer, elected on a general seat or returned on a reserved seat in the main party, would interfere in the affairs of the women wing.

10.18. No office bearer of any tier will be removed from office without a show-cause notice and without affording her an opportunity of hearing before a disciplinary committee.

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10.19. The functions of the Women’s Wing shall include the following:

10.19.1. Mobilize women at every level to join PTI and work for greater participation of women in political affairs of the country at every level;

10.19.2. Spread education and literacy amongst women in Pakistan and facilitate their training for gainful employment in public and private sectors;

10.19.3. Eradicate social, economic and political prejudices against women and work towards gender equality in every walk of life;

10.19.4. Facilitate and mobilize the party during general elections or by-elections and provide workers to represent the party candidates at the polling stations; and

10.19.5. Work for the uplift of women in the country.

10.19.6. The office bearers of the Women’s Wing at the various tiers, as far as practicable, shall be the same as provided for in this Constitution for the main party.

10.20.Composition of Women Wings’ Parliamentary Boards:

10.20.1. There shall be a Central Women’s Wing Parliamentary Board. The Board’s functions are the preparation of the lists of women for the NA and Senate reserved seats. The Board shall have the Central Women Wing’s President, in chair and its membership shall comprise of the Secretary General of the Central Women’s Wing, one woman Vice President nominated by the CEC from each province, Presidents and General Secretaries of each Provincial Women Wing.

10.20.2. There shall also be the Provincial Women’s Wings’ Parliamentary Boards, which shall prepare the lists for the

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women reserved seats for their respective provinces. The members of these Boards shall be the Central Women Wing’s President and Secretary General; President and general secretary of the respective province; one woman Vice President nominated by the PEC; Regional Women Wings’ Presidents and W. Wings Presidents of the concerned districts.

10.20.3. The Central President Women’s Wing and all the Provincial Presidents shall sign the NA and Senate lists prepared by the Central Women Wing’s Parliamentary Board.

10.20.4. The Central President Women’s Wing and the concerned Provincial President shall sign the Provincial Assembly lists prepared by the Provincial Women Wings’ Parliamentary Boards.

10.20.5. The Central Parliamentary Board shall finalize the list of women candidates from within the lists provided by the Central Women Wing’s Parliamentary Board and the Provincial Women’s Wings’ Parliamentary Boards.

10.20.6. The Parliamentary Board shall interview all the proposed women candidates before finalizing the list to be submitted in the Election Commission of Pakistan.

11. Youth Wing

11.1. There shall be a Youth Wing of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf at the Central, Provincial, Regional, District, Tehsil/Taluka/Town and UC levels constituted by men and women between the ages of 18 and 35.

11.2. The Office bearers at the respective levels shall be elected in the following manner:

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11.3. The Youth Wing President and General Secretary at the UC level shall be elected in the UC Panel of the Mother Party at the time of the party elections.

11.4. The Youth Presidents and General Secretaries, as above mentioned, shall appoint the following office bearers:

11.4.1.Senior Vice President; Vice Presidents;

11.4.3.Two Joint Secretaries;

11.4.4.Secretary Finance;

11.4.5.Secretary Information.

11.5. The elected Youth Wing Presidents and General Secretaries at the UC level shall elect the Youth Wing office bearers at the Town/Tehsil/Taluka and District levels.

11.6. The elected Youth Wing office bearers at the Town/Tehsil/Taluka level shall elect the Youth Wing office bearers of the Regions.

11.7. The elected Youth Wing office bearers at the District level shall elect the Youth Wing office bearers at the Provincial level.

11.8. The elected Youth Wing office bearers at the Regional level shall elect the Youth Wing office bearers at the Central level.

11.9. Provided that the expression “office bearers” in sub paras (ii) to (v) above would denote the same set of office bearers at all levels as in sub para (i)

11.10. The functions of the Youth Wing will include the following:

11.10.1. The Youth organization shall introduce the party programmes to the workers of the Party and the public at large;

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11.10.2. Assist the interaction between the youth and party leadership at all levels.

11.10.3. Liaise with the party organisations at various levels to help extend the outreach of the party and mobilize citizens through dissemination of the party program. This will be done through campaigns designed and implemented in consultation with the party organisations.

11.10.4. Will give recommendations at all levels to the party thus enabling the projection and inclusion of the point of view of the youth and their issues in PTI’s strategies and program.

11.10.5. The Youth Organizations will mobilize the public opinion and in consultation of the party leadership at corresponding levels help design and implement campaigns for dissemination of material including the party manifesto, flags, posters and banners etc.

11.10.6. To enable the development of leadership skills the Youth Wing will design and implement programmes for the Youth that will focus on their training, education and political awareness.

11.10.7. Will create opportunities for youth participating in planning and implementation of programs and events with a view to create opportunities for the youth to emerge in leadership positions.

11.10.8. To establish contacts with voters during the election campaigns and provide information regarding electoral lists and polling stations.

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11.10.9. The Youth Organizations along with other party organisations will provide workers as polling agents for the party candidates at the Polling Stations and for the polling camps. The strategy and required input on and before Election Day will be developed in consultation with the District and Union Council Party Organizations.

11.10.10. The Youth Organizations will mobilize the public opinion at the grassroots level;

11.10.11. The Youth Organizations will provide workers as polling agents for the party candidates at the polling stations and will provide the work force to manage the polling camps outside the polling stations if required by the Party Organizations;

11.10.12. Distribute the party manifesto and party flags among people throughout the country;

11.10.13. Establish contacts with voters during the election campaigns and provide information regarding the electoral lists and polling stations; and

11.10.14. Formulate programmes for the Youth including their training and political awareness and education.

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