psychology journal 1

Assignment 1 (Journal) Name: Boon Yi Chung Student ID: 0318300

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Page 1: Psychology journal 1

Assignment 1 (Journal)

Name: Boon Yi Chung

Student ID: 0318300

Group/Session: Monday 4pm-6pm

Subject: Social Psychology (PSYC0103)

Page 2: Psychology journal 1

Concept: Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is when a person only pays attention to the information that support

the belief and disregarding information that contradict the belief.


When I was young,I used to think that reading a book is a very boring kind of

thing.So everytime when i get bored,I always play video games,watch television or go to

the park hangout with friend to spend some extra time or in another word,to waste the

extra time.My parents always encourage me to read a book when i have free time.I always

reject to read the book because in my mind,reading is very boring.

One day,my father bought a China history book,”Three Kingdom”.He told me part

of the storyline and I found it interesting and curious about what is happening next.So I

lend the book from my dad and started to read the book.I found that reading a book not

only can let you gain more knowledge,I found that reading also can be very interesting.

So after that day,I love to read a book whenever I am free.This bias cause me to

assume that reading is very boring but it actually can be interesting and meaningful.

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Concept: Overconfidence barrier

Overconfidence barrier means the belief that our own judgement or control is

better or greater than it truly is.


When I was in my high school,I remember that when I was in form 1,my

mathematics was very good.I always get at least 90 marks in my test.So,I am very

confident on this subject.I barely practise my math at home.We have a big test

named PMR in our form 3 year.I remember that the week before the test for

mathematic,my parents and teacher asked me to practise more on math but I did

not listen to them.When the results cam out,I only got grade B for my

mathematic.I was very regret and upset on myself.

Because of my overconfident caused me cant get straight A in my test.I am

too confident on the test and did not prepare for it.So I have to take full

responsible for my mistake.

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Concept: Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning is using reinforcement or punishment to strengthen or weaken a

particular behaviour.


I remember past two month,my youngest brother just got his new mobile

phone so he is very excited.I can understand his feeling at the moment.Everyday

and night he also holding his new phone and never let it go at all.So my parents

are not happy with it.He told my brother not to do so because it might affect his

studies but he did not changed.

One day,my father went to my brother’s school for the open day.When my

father got my brother’s result,he got very angry on it because he almost failed all

his subject.When my father reached home,he confisicated his mobile phone for

almost a month.After a month,my brother’s academic result had a very obvious

improvement.He promised my father that he will manage his time well and will not

waste his time on mobile phone anymore.My father decided to return the phone

to my brother after he saw my brother’s improvement.

In this case,my father had used a negative punishment to my brother which he

confisicated my brother’s phone to make him focus on his study.

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Concept: The illusion of control

Illusion of control is the perception that uncontrollable events are somehow controllable.


Me and my brother we each have one necklace with a charm that will keep us

safe.We went to the temple and get this by one of the monk.He say it can keep us safe if

we wear it.I trust that this charm will keep us safe.

One day,my brother went for a football competition.When he was playing in the

field,one of the opponent player rised his leg very high to get the ball.At the same

time,my brother was running towards to get the ball too.So,both of them went into a

collision and the opponent kicked my brother right on his chest.As we know,the football

shoe is sharp.At that time,when my brother get kicked right on his chest,he supposed to

get injured very badly and get into the hospital but the charm he wearing already block

the impact.Nothing happen to my brother but the charm had broken.In another word,the

charm safe my brother’s life.

I believe that the charm can keep us safe.And the illusion of Control are very

suitable for this case.

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Concept: Motivation

Motivation is a process that makes a person move toward a goal. Motivation can be

broken down into two categories, which is intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation is taking a certain action for the sake of enjoyment without any

obvious external awards, whereas extrinsic motivation is taking a certain action in

response to external pressure or obligation.


I had a friend in high school,he is born in a rich family.So he do not worry anything

about money or something else.One day,he suddenly receive a call from home that his

father had past away due to heart attack.From that day on,everything has changed.

He been down for a few month and never come to school,everyday stay at home and

drink.He told us that his life is meaningless now,his father past away and their family had

bankrupt.But we remind him that he still have younger sibling and his mother.As a eldest

son,he should be responsible to takecare of his family and be a role model for his

younger siblings.From that day on,he study hard in school and score a good result so

that he can get a better job in the future to helps the family.

His family members are his motivation.He’s been studying hard and stay strong

because of his family members.So,the concept motivation are clearly shown in this case.