psycho scene analysis

Psycho Scene analysis Marian pursued by the police and purchasing car

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Page 1: Psycho scene analysis

Psycho Scene analysis Marian pursued by the police and purchasing


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In this mid shot we can see that the main characters body is turned away from the police man, she is holing her handbag closer towards her denoting to the audience she is trying to hide the money out of his sight. But this may also connote that she is worried and scared, because she is trying to hide what she has done like a child in trouble. This shot has been used to focus on her reaction to the officer as she is the main focus in the shot , but by having him so close behind her this represents how she feeling at this moment in the film. We can tell from her facial expression and body language she is tense , as her shoulders are high and she is avoiding eye contact. Connoting she feels trapped ,like a rabbit in the head lights as she is panicking in fear she is going to get caught for stealing the money. The lighting in this scene may also suggest this ,as the interior of the car is very dark and the police officers face is shadowed, whereas she is in neutral lighting, this draws our attention to her because she is in contrast to the darkness around her. suggesting that she is realising the potential consequences of her actions, and her conscience is guilty which maybe represented by this dark lighting, because the feeling of regret is closing in on her. Her behaviour comes across as very suspicious and out of character, this my insinuate to the audience this movie is a mystery and that something dramatic is later going to happen with in the film.

When the main character is awoken by the police officer the camera cuts to this close up shot of his face, giving the audience the impression that he is a threat to our main character. because the shot is so close it makes us as a audience want to back away and get out of the situation, helping us understand the way she feels in this awkward and tense situation.

When she finally is left alone again we see a close up shot of her face this denotes she is throwing as her eyebrows are raised and is looking in the car mirror behind her, this connotes she is worried and constantly looking behind her back as if she is being chased.

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natural at this point as it is the middle of the day and it helps to set the scene for the audience so they now know that they are in the middle of the day. They have used natural lighting as they want to use a realistic mise-en-scene to make people think the film is real and the loose their sense of disbelief. This is also shown by the shadows in her car as there are shadows it shows that it must be quite light outside. The shadows also communicate a realistic mise-en-scene as there are shadows and that the sun could actually be above her because if they used high key lighting it would seem too bright for people to belief what was going on and that she is actually driving down this road. They have used a dissolve to show the passing of time and how she has been driving for a while. The dissolve has been used as she has just been stopped by the police and it’s used to show that time has passed since this has happened but also because it’s changing from a close up to a wide shot it can communicate that she is still quite small and insignificant compared to the rest of the people. The setting of the extreme long shot shows a road with lots of cars on it. This draws in the audience’s attention and shows how she is driving down a usual road with cars and trees but the fact there are cars on the road it shows how they have tried to replicate the roads you would find and what people would’ve been used to when the film was released and even now people can understand and identify with what she is driving through. The setting of the close up is minimalistic as it is just her, the seats and the steering wheel which is all that you would see when looking into a car. The camera doesn’t move in these shots as they are tracking shots from the car bonnets perspective and the camera doesn’t physically move itself as it is attached to the cars bonnet. The shot links to the genre as she is shown as worried and going somewhere that she doesn’t know which means that she could get lost. She has a face of worry and relief as she feels like she is out of danger and the dissolve shows where she is going and it confuses the audience because you don’t know where she is going. Where this shot doesn’t link to thriller and horror it does link to mystery as you don’t know what is going on as it goes into the next shot. She is shown to be unconventional of women's representations at that time this is because she is alone, she is driving and she has just stolen money. She is also shown as a pioneer of that time because she has done all of this and she seems like she is very independent at this time as she is doing everything without a man. The audience will would have looked at her in two ways, the first way being that she is a disgrace and they don’t like that she is doing all of this by herself and the others would look at her and want to be like her in the way that she can do things by herself and doesn’t need anyone else. The institution is represented positively as they are using a woman as their main character and the men that have been in the film so far haven’t been too involved in the film. The films narrative is shown as a linear narrative as they are going from one scene to the next as the story goes along to keep the mystery of the film going as we watch the film through.

Marian has a face of relief as she has just been let go by the police and she was worried about the money still and doesn’t want to be caught. The shot also includes the setting which she is about to go into. One of the camera shots is a close up as we can only see her head and shoulder with her hands on the steering wheel. The other camera shot is an extreme long shot with the background dissolving into her. This shows how at this scene she is important and because she is the only person you see it makes her seem more important. Also the dissolve could communicate that because she is dissolving into the extreme long shot as she is almost shown to be out of danger and she has faded into the background and she won’t be recognised by the police officer with all of the cars around her. The close up also communicates that it is a dramatic scene and how the drama is over because it is transitioning. The lighting is quite

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The sound begins as diegetic and ambient sound as all we can hear is the sound of everything around her and the car. There is also no music playing in the background. There is then dialogue between Marian and the police officer which is again diegetic sound. As soon as she leaves the police officer the soundtrack starts playing in the background which is very fast with the violins so it makes it sound as if she is driving into danger. They have used dialogue in this scene to show her guilt because of what she is saying in the scenes, they have also used it to show how suspicious she is behaving with the way she is behaving. They have used this scene to build sound motif so that we know when Marian is getting into danger the soundtrack will play telling us that something is going to happen. They have used sound perspective when Marian is thinking about what they are saying about her when she is in the car as we don’t know what is actually happening and what they are saying she is guessing in her head.The editing at the beginning is very slow and there are many close ups to the money she has taken showing how significant it is to the storyline of the film. There are also many close ups to Marian's face which shows her feeling of worry, doubt and humour throughout the scene. The editing involves a lot of close up shots when the police officer is talking to her, this makes the audience want to move away from the screen because it is so close they don’t want to be near him. They have also used close ups showing the policeman’s car in her mirror to build up anxiety for the audience as they feel as if they are being followed and that they are in the car. The scene has many dissolves in it during this scene to go from one shot to the next in a more gradual way to show the passing of time which is useful in a scene like this where she is driving for a long time.