psyc 111 study unit 3.2

Study Unit 3.2 LEARN

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Study Unit 3.2LEARN

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Learn Theory

Classical conditioning Operant conditioning

Thorndike's Law.

observational Learning

Phobia: Irrational fears of specific situations or objects.

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What is learning?

Learning is the continuing changes in knowledge and behavior through experience formed

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Classical Conditioning

Classical Conditioning is a learning skill where a stimulus is needed to make a response to call, originally by another stimulus is called.

People responsible: Pavlov & Watson

Animals: Pavlov's dogs,

People: Albert Klein

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S → R Automatic Phobias are formed by classical conditioning.

It does not have to be that traumatic events automatically form a connection. And this is not to say that all traumatic events make a connection and an automatic reflex.

Positive emotions can also be invoked by using classical conditioning. Eg. certain smells, a song, etc..

Not only overt behaviour is influenced, but also physiological processes. eg. Your immune system can be conditioned.

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Pavlov’s dogs Pavlov, the role of saliva in the digestive process of dogs is


Pavlov noticed that the dogs release salvia when they get food, but later they started producing saliva when a certain sound, eg, the door opening.

The sound begins as a neutral stimulus. It developed into a trigger stimulus.

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TerminologyUnconditioned stimulus (US)

OS called an OR on without previous conditioning.

Unconditioned response (UR)

OR is an unlearned response to an OS that occurs without previous conditioning.

Conditioned stimulus (CS)

GS is a neutral conditioned stimulus and call a GR on.

Conditioned response (CR)

GR is a learned response to a DC that occurs as a result of conditioning.

Stimulus generalization

Give the same response to similar stimuli. Eg. Little Albert. Fear not only white rot, but most white and "fluffy" objects.

Stimulus discrimination

Give only response to specific stimuli. Eg. Your dog barking just for your car.

Higher order conditioning

GS operate in the asog an OS is. New GR is developed by the basis of the original GR.

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Stimulus – Response Theory

S ROngekondisioneerd/UnconditionedGekondisioneerd/ Conditioned

Ongekondisioneerd/UnconditionedGekondisioneerd/ Conditioned

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Basiese Prossese

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Acquisition (Procurement): Form new comment. This is the stage that something new is learned.

With Pavlov's theory should acquisition of the conditioned response of the touch stimulus in other words stimuli together in the same place and time.

A stimulus must be new, unusual and intense a GR form

Extinction (Extinction) as a CA with time disappear Occurs when the CS occurs alone without OS.

Conditioned fear is difficult to eradicate.

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Spontaneous recovery (spontaneous improvement): Some CA can come back to it for a long time was wiped out.

Effect Renewal (Renewal effect): If a response is extinguished in a different environment than what they were taught and re-appear in the learned environment.

GR is suppressed and not eradicated.

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Classic Conditional in out lives



Emotion Nice vs unpleasant

Smells and sounds

Role: ads

Physiological response Immune system

Sexual arousal


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Real name Douglas Meritte

His mother was a nurse at the pediatric hospital Harriet Lane Home

She received $ 1 for the experiment with her child. Watson knew there was no time for desensitizing not

Soon after, Watson's contract terminated by university story happy ending. Albert 6 years old died - Hydrocephalus

Albert was not afraid of anything, but every time a white rot was shown, he was frightened by a loud noise. Thus, the child develops a fear of the rat and similar things like rabbits, dogs, white fur coat and furry objects.

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Operant Conditioning

Leading people:

Skinner, Thorndike

Animals: Pigeons playing table tennis

People: Gambling

A form of learning in which the response is controlled by its consequences.

Classical conditioning: involuntary / reflex response

Operant conditioning: Voluntary

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Thorndike: Rule of eccect

As a response to a stimulus leads to satisfying effects, the

association between the stimulus and response strengthened.

Behaviour is "knocked" by rewarding / satisfying outcomes

Father of instrumental learning

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Skinner Reinforcement means that the more positive

behaviour is rewarded, the greater the likelihood that the behaviour will be repeated.

Eg Pigeons playing table tennis and turns. Organism repeated action good reward. Operant Chamber / Skinner box: Small room in

which an organism has a specific response and execute a specific pursued given. It is observed

Strengthening events are the events that determine whether a reaction leading to the presentation of the result.

Cumulative Burner is a roll of paper under a rolling pin roll by. If something occurs then move the pen up or down.

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Prosesse van Operante Kondisionering

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If a reward is given immediately, the response is stronger.

A schedule of reinforcement determine the occurrences of a specific response is due to the presentation of an amplifier.

Continuous reinforcement occurs when each case is strengthened.

Part of a reinforcement occurs when a particular response is reinforced only sometimes

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4 Basic Schedules (bl.237)

Fixed Ratio - The reward after a fixed number of non-reinforced responses given.

Variable Ratio - The reward is for a variable number of non-reinforced responses given.

Fixed-interval Relationship - A time will pass before reward is given.

Variable-interval ratio - First response given to a time gone by. Extended time.

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Reinforcement: Positive and Negative

Positive reinforcement

Behaviour is reinforced by a positive reward afterwards.

(Eg a star in a children's book for good work).

Negative reinforcement Negative (unpleasant) stimuli are removed

after the conduct occurred .. Eg. medicine to give you feel better, will again

same medicine in the future. Escape and avoidance Negative reinforcement:

Escape ladder - Reaction to decrease negative stimulus.

Leads to Avoidance learning - Response anything to

avoid negative stimulus. Show how classical and operant conditioning


Difficult to forget about phobias : Reactions to fear avoid lead to positive reinforcement. Avoidance thus reinforcing

Avoidance prevent extinction of fear because you never exposed to fear.

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Punishment Criminal behaviour that occur less frequently: Weaken response

Discipline and corporal punishment?

Also eg clothing, jokes, behaviour

Negative reinforcement = strengthens

Penalty = weakened

Punishment is not necessarily a hiding. Can be a bad meal at a restaurant.

Scientists come back to punish negative emotion towards the punishment givers.

Hiding at age 1 = Aggression on level 2

Hiding at age 2 = Low cognitive results on 3

Hiding at age 3 = Aggression level on 5

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Change of Conditioning

Conditioned taste aversion:

Almost impossible to form some association, but taste-nausea association, almost impossible not to form.

Evolution plays a role in animals. = Nausea as toxic.


Survival value.

Evolution allows certain fears simpler form (height, darkness, snakes)

Go paired with shock.

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Developing module for fear of learning.

Preference given to stimuli associated with survival and history

Automatically activated by stimulus

Resistant to quell fears

Hang neutral amygdala circuit mode.

Latent learning: Learning that is not apparent by looking at the behaviour first and see what occurs.

Cognitive processes play a role in conditioning.

Signal ratio: Some groups have more value in an object view than others. Rescorla

Response feedback and reinforcement ratio is also associated with cognitive processes. Good point re = very informative. Superstitions: Knock on wood = not tempt fate.

As a result of positive action coming person is more likely to act again to do.

Latente leer: Leer wat nie duidelik is deur na die gedrag te kyk wat eerste voorkom nie. Kognitiewe prosesse speel 'n rol in kondisionering. Sein verhouding: Sekere groepe moet meer waarde in 'n objek sien as ander. Rescorla
Reaksie-Terugvoer verhouding en Versterking hou ook verband met kognitiewe prosesse.Goeie punt = weer baie leer. Bygelowe: Knock on wood = not tempt fate. As 'n positiewe gevolg van aksie kom, is persoon meer geneig om aksie weer te doen.
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Observational Learning


Observational learning is when an individual's behaviour is shaped or influenced by what he others (models) observe.

Only a small amount of behaviour by direct experience.

Aggression in people who suffered from child abuse can be explained

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Basic Processes


Learn by observing. Browse other people's actions and the consequences

Retention / Recall

Save the memories of the events.

Producing behaviour

Do you see


Must have motivation to perform certain actions to perform.

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Takes place in everyday life. Especially in children

Children spend 40 hours on the TV and to aggression and violence exposed.