psp mag feb 14


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Sometimes at the start of a new year we're not quite sure if we're coming or going. In practical terms this means it sometimes takes us a while to get the correct year when it comes to writing the date on cheques, letters, etc. While in more spiritual terms we find ourselves looking in two directions: Back over the year now past and forward into the new one just underway.


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Sunday, 2 February 11:00 Sunday Worship and Sunday School Sunday, 9 February 11:00 Sunday Worship and Sunday School Tuesday 11th February The Guild Gasmasks and Lipsticks Sunday, 16 February 11:00 Sunday Worship and Sunday school Sunday, 23 February 11:00 Sunday Worship and Sunday School

Tuesday 25th February The Guild Bits and Pieces On Tuesdays and Thursdays visit the “OPEN DOORWAY” for Tea, coffee and a chat or for a short time of quietness in the sanctuary PILRIG St PAUL’S ORGANISATIONS (please contact leaders for time and place) Mondays - Rainbows and Brownies (Christine Buchanan 554 2941) Tuesdays - The Guild 2.00pm (Irene Wexelstein 476 1385) The 5th Leith Scouts Pilrig (5th Leith) Edinburgh North East Broughton Primary gym hall contact Evelyn Torrance 552 1657 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts 5 3/4 - 14 years Wednesdays - Lunch club 12 noon (Marjory McArthur 553 2323) Thursdays - Rainbows and Brownies (Ann Urquhart 554 8387) Guides (Karen Wood 554 5493)






Please put donations for our foodbank in the basket in the vestibule. There is a full list and more information on page 12, but these items are most needed at present: TINNED FISH AND MEAT STEAMED PUDDINGS UHT MILK FRUIT JUICE THANK YOU

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The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore. ~ Psalm 121:8

Dear Friends, Sometimes at the start of a new year we're not quite sure if we're coming or going. In practical terms this means it sometimes takes us a while to get the correct year when it comes to writing the date on cheques, letters, etc. While in more spiritual terms we find ourselves looking in two directions: Back over the year now past and forward into the new one just underway. For some it will be easy to say ‘goodbye’ to a difficult year and embrace the hope for a better year ahead. While for others it will be harder to let go of the comfort and security of the past and welcome the challenges that they know the coming year will bring. Transitions, whether of the calendar or in the seasons of our lives, are powerful, poignant, and challenging times. They can be both confusing and exhilarating - sometimes even at the same time! The American author and consultant on human development, William Bridges, has spent years advising individuals and organisations on the process of change. Bridges says that in important life transitions we don't ever go instantly from the old to the new thing (however much we might wish to). There's always an in-between time, an upset-apple-cart period, when things don't quite make sense. A time of disorientation, confusion, often sadness, sometimes elation; but in every case a period of adjustment to the positive and negative changes that have occurred. Bridges emphasises the importance of keeping our grounding as human beings so that we don't rush ourselves into a new beginning prematurely. Even if circumstances require that the change starts


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immediately, we still need to work through the transition process to internally cope better with the change, giving up the old and embracing the new in a healthy manner.

Whatever the year ahead holds for us, January is a time to press the pause button on life for a moment, to reflect on the year past and take stock of all that is going on in our lives. As you do so, you may wish to hold on to these words from Psalm 121. They remind us that God keeps a particular vigilant watch at our times of "going out and coming in," our times of ending and beginning, and all the times of transition in between the two.

In such times, when everything else may seem up for grabs, one thing is not: God's love and presence in our lives. Amen.

Mark OPEN DOORWAY Following a very short break, (3 days), the open doorway volunteers are back for service from 11am – 1pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Open Doorway. If you have not used this service, come along - better still bring a friend – and enjoy a tea or coffee, a good blether or a short time of quietness in the sanctuary. We look forward to your visit or if you would like to help, have a word with me on a Sunday at church. Eric Fisher RECYCLING We have now been supplied with blue & red recycling boxes. I would like to encourage everyone to use these bins for disposal of paper, cardboard, glass etc., (full details of what can be recycled can be found in the office). The recycling boxes are in the hallway, between the bench and doors leading to the upstairs hall. Many Thanks Maria


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Since the last magazine we have had the death of Mrs Jean Stark. Jean passed away in Lennox House Nursing Home at the age of 97. She will be warmly remembered by many of the congregation at Pilrig St. Paul's and our thoughts and prayers are with her family and close friends at this time. Kay and Millie are pleased to provide the Church flowers on the 26th January in memory of their mum and dad Ella and Bob Carroll. PRAYER CORNER Ina Grierson Margaret Scott Janice Campbell Barbara Graham Isabel Hannay Cathie Galbraith Matthew Green Frances Chambers Jimmy Rennie Harriett Sceales Evelyn Turner Isabel Fyfe Lorna Burke June Welsh Murdo and Joy MacLeod Charlie and Joyce Forman Linda Connolly Phil Howe Jack McArthur Helena Aide Morag Davidson Isabel Pert Ann Taylor Agnes MacAuley Helen Grieg Marion Murray Jimmy Fergie Please contact Roy Eprile with any names you would like included in this section. THE MAGAZINE We have started off the New Year with plenty of contributions, thank you. Articles for the next magazine should be with me by February 16th please. If you would like to help steward at The General Assembly, please see page 11. Catriona Blackwood


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From the Clerk’s Desk

As we begin a new year with a new minister, I think our first task is to listen closely to what God wants for the church and parish of Pilrig St. Paul’s. Our second task is to determine what we can do as a church to make that vision a reality. We have been charged by the Presbytery to develop a ministry to the 25 – 40 year old people in the parish. This is not a demographic we presently serve meaningfully and we will have to step into something of the unknown to do this. Early in the new year, the Minister will be gathering Session, Board and congregation members together to start to think about the kinds of ministry we could be doing and to construct a pathway to get there through reflection, training and prayer. There is a lot to do to enable the congregation to have effective outreach to the community but I’m sure that the energy and inspiration Mark brings to his ministry here at Pilrig St. Paul’s will be the catalyst we need to get going! In the meantime I’d like to take a moment to thank the many people within the church who have worked so hard over the past year to keep going the many strands of ministry we have been doing while we were vacant. It’s not possible to list the people here but you all know who you are, you put flowers in the church and deliver them to the congregation, you sing in the choir, you staff the Open Doorway, you staff the crèche, you are on the welcome team, you do Pastoral Care, you count the offering, you clean the building and staff the halls, you serve tea after the services, you read scripture in the church, you produce the slides for a Sunday, you print the order of service, you edit, compile and distribute the magazine and finally; you come to worship and form the dedicated, prayerful community that is Pilrig St. Paul’s church. I wish you all health and good fortune for the coming year and look forward to joining with you as our new journey in Christ unfolds itself.

John Innes Session Clerk


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On behalf of the Kirk Session I would like to thank everyone who gave a gift for distribution at Christmas. In addition thanks to the volunteers who came along on the Monday evening to wrap the gifts and prepare them for delivery to the homes and hospitals where our members are cared for. Forty-four presents were made up and delivered, by yet more volunteers. Due to a large number of gifts being handed in at the gift service, I was able to hand over almost one hundred presents to “Family Service Unit Scotland” for distribution to children including teenagers in the North area of Edinburgh. Once again thanks to all involved in this extremely worthwhile Christian act. Eric (Fisher) Mrs Cormack was delighted to receive a Christmas gift from the Church. She is asking for all her friends at Pilrig St Paul’s and is just sorry that she is now unable to attend Services. Many thanks for the beautiful flowers which I recently received from the Church. They were a lovely surprise and much appreciated. Christine Edington. Thanks to the members of the Church for the Christmas gift we received today. Very much appreciated, Joyce and Charlie Forman. Willie and Chrissie Blacklaw thank the church for the lovely flowers we received. Thank you also to Margaret and David for bringing them. Many thanks for the beautiful flowers and the Christmas gift. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. Mary Currie. Thank you Catriona for calling with the lovely gifts from the church. Thank you to all my friends and a Merry Christmas to all. Chris Whellan.


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Thank you so much for such a pleasant surprise, most unexpected. I have not opened the parcel as yet as I wish to open it on Christmas morning. God Bless All, Sybil (Muir)

Just a note to say Thank you for my gift from the gift day and my visit from Irene Eprile and the minister while I was in hospital. I am home now and getting around. Thank you to all for the kindness. Helen Greig.

Thanks to Moira and Frances for delivering the beautiful church flowers and all the good wishes from the people in the Church. Maureen Eunson.

Many thanks for the beautiful bouquet of flowers I received from the Church on Sunday. They are very much appreciated. Compliments of the season to everyone. Joyce Loughlin.

I would like to say thank you for the flowers I received on Christmas. They were very much appreciated and many thanks to Margaret Cameron and Jeanette Sime. Janet Hogg. Pastoral Care - Helping Hands The Pastoral Care Team send you warm wishes and all the very best for 2014. We are very much looking forward to progressing Pastoral Care in Pilrig St Paul’s this year. As you know we have now established a number of key activities that we plan to continue with this year as well as introducing some new approaches which we believe will enhance our Pastoral Care activity even further. I will update you in the next month’s article as we are holding a meeting early February to discuss and agree the plans for this year. As ever, please let me or any of the team know if you think someone needs our support. A card, flowers from the service, a visit or a phone call. We are happy to arrange for any of these to happen. Also, if you visit with flowers, as an elder or with the magazine it would be


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great to hear about any news from your visit. We do want to know about any special events that we can join in marking with our members as well as where someone might just need cheering up.

The Helping Hands cards are back in the pews so please remember to use them if you feel someone needs support including yourself.

God bless you every moment And keep you in His care

God send you gifts of hope and joy And happiness to share.

God walk with you each morning And send His guiding light

And may His everlasting peace Give restful sleep at night

God take your hand in trouble, In turmoil and in strife

And may the comfort of His love Forever fill your life.

I look forward to updating you next month. Linda Gill Pastoral Care Team 669-7409 or [email protected]

Pastoral Care Team Mark Foster Catriona Blackwood Christine Edington Ella Gilfillan Linda Gill Cathy Purdie Fiona Rankin Jeanette Sime Jennifer Stark


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17 to 23 May 2014: Can You Help?

Stewards play a significantly important role to ensure that many of the backup

services, in support of the General Assembly, operate in a highly efficient, welcoming

and friendly fashion.

Throughout the week of the General Assembly some 300 stewards help to cover over

1,000 different duties. Each ‘shift’ generally lasts for about two hours and it is up to

each steward as to how often they wish to help – some only have time to help on one

occasion, whereas others travel considerable distances to help as often as they can.

With so many tasks to undertake we are always seeking new volunteers and we are

still some way short of our required target for 2014.

If you think you might like to help us then please get in touch for more information.

Your help would be very greatly appreciated.

William Mearns Chief Steward

Phone: 0131 667 1522 or 0780 801 1234

Email: [email protected]


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Rev Mark Foster [email protected] (332 5736)

SESSION CLERK John Innes - 33 Monktonhall Place, Musselburgh (07563 248722) [email protected] THE CONGREGATIONAL BOARD CLERK Aileen Fraser (07936 716 765) ASSISTANT CLERK Maria Croall (07747 071 545) CORRESPONDENCE to: [email protected] The Clerk to the Congregational Board Pilrig St Paul’s Church, 1B Pilrig Street, Edinburgh EH6 5AH TREASURER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) [email protected] ROLL KEEPER Mrs Jeanette E. Sime - 1 South Trinity Road (552 9652) PASTORAL CONVENER Mrs Linda Gill (669 7409) PASTORAL LINK ELDER and SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - 4 Cambridge Gardens (554 6183) [email protected] PROPERTY CONVENER Eric Fisher (552 8982) 104 Crewe Crescent HALL LET GROUP [email protected] ORGANIST and CHOIRMASTER Colin Gray (07901 556 217) SUNDAY CLUB LEADER Mark Wexelstein (665 6881) [email protected] CHRISTIAN GIVINGS CONVENERS Mrs Ella Gilfillan - 8 Paisley Terrace (661 2281) Mrs Irene Wexelstein - 15 Upper Hermitage (476 1 385) MAGAZINE Editor - Mrs Catriona E.W. Blackwood - see above Distribution - Mrs Margaret Cameron - 35 Lorne Street (554 2139) Scottish Charity no. SCO07277


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