psgi and plack from first principles

PSGI and Plack from first principles Peter Sergeant Perl Careers

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Page 1: PSGI and Plack from first principles

PSGI and Plack from first principles

Peter SergeantPerl Careers

Page 2: PSGI and Plack from first principles


• Explain PSGI and Plack in the simplest terms possible, with examples

• Demystify and demagicify how they work

• Leave you in a position where you understand the mechanics well enough to reason about issues

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Specific Goal

• Leave you in a position where the following code makes perfect sense to you…

• And you understand what’s going on behind the scenes

#!/usr/bin/env plackupuse strict; use warnings;

use MyApp::Web;use Plack::Builder;

builder { mount '/heartbeat' => sub { return [ 200, ['Content-type' => 'text/plain'], [ "OK" ] ]; }; mount '/' => builder { enable_if { $_[0]->{REMOTE_ADDR} eq '' } 'Debug'; enable "GNUTerryPratchett"; MyApp::Web->psgi_app; }};

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A brief, incomplete and largely inaccurate history of dynamic


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• HTTP0.9

• Webservers exist to serve mostly static HTML documents

• Some HTML documents carry <ISINDEX>, which causes the browser to give you a text box you can type in, and it’ll stick it on the end of the request after a ?

• Immediately obvious to everyone that it’d be much cooler to have fully interactive pages like on BBSs

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• 02 Jun: “HTML+” gains <INPUT> and <SELECT> elements

• 05 Sep: Mosaic implements sending that data in the /?foo=bar&baz=flux format

• 13 Sep: NCSA httpd supports:• "server scripts, which are executable programs

which the server runs to generate documents on the fly. They are easy to write and can be written in your favorite language, whether it be C, PERL, or even the Bourne shell"

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1993 continued

• 14 Nov• NCSA httpd author complains that no-one is writing scripts

because they’re worried the interface will change• Asks for help solving some of the issues and concerns about

this interface

• 17 Nov• He incorporates feedback, releases “CGP/1.0 Specification”• Two days later he renames it to “CGI”

• 13 Dec• NCSA httpd 1.0 comes out of alpha, released with “CGI

Support” and some samples• Pretty much all of these examples still work perfectly

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• The webserver asks the OS to execute a specific executable, and passes data from the HTTP request to it via STDIN and ENV

• The executable is expected to pass back HTTP headers and content on STDOUT

• It’s really simple• Although it them almost 11 years to get an

RFC out

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CGI - Example#!/usr/bin/perluse strict; use warnings; use URI::Escape qw/uri_unescape/;

my $who = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};my $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

# Don't do this, use CGI.pmmy %p = map { uri_unescape $_ } map { split(/=/, $_) } split(/&/, $query_string );

my $message = sprintf("Hello [%s] - you gave us the message: [%s]", $who, $p{'message'} || '(no message)');

my $status = 200;my $content_type = 'text/plain';

print <<"RESPONSE";Status: $statusContent-type: $content_type


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Easy to run

• Pretend to be a webserver on the command line:

$ REMOTE_ADDR= QUERY_STRING="message=Hello%20World” \


Status: 200

Content-type: text/plain

Hello [] - you gave us the message: [Hello World]

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Easy to run

• Apache runs it just as well without any modification

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• Still going strong after 22 years

• 2004 saw the release of an RFC, after 7 years of work(!)

• Doesn’t scale• Fires up a new process on each request• This can be expensive when:• The process is perl• It wants to load a bunch of modules from disk• Sets up a DB connection or three• Reads and parses your config file• etc

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Persistent Approaches

• Load perl and your application once

• Fast!

• Several approaches

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• Most popular approach

• Apache-specific

• Each Apache process embeds perl

• Reformulate your code as a module, that implements a specific interface

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mod_perl examplepackage HelloWorld::Simple;use strict; use warnings;

use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler { my $r = shift; $r->content_type('text/plain'); $r->send_http_header;

my $who = $r->get_remote_host;

# Don't do this, use my %p = map { uri_unescape $_ } map { split( /=/, $_ ) } split( /&/, $r->args );

$r->print( sprintf(            <<RESPONSE,Hello [%s] - you gave us the message: [%s]RESPONSE $who, $p{'message'} || '(no message)' ) );

return OK;}1;

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Other approaches

• FastCGI – provides server-specific shims to communicate with long-running perl processes

• ActivePerl ISAPI interface for IIS

• Perl-based web server

• … each of which has a different API that needs targeting …

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Pre-PSGI landscape

• Your application needed to know what kind of server it was going to run on

• Each framework that tried to abstract the details needed server-specific shims, eg:• Catalyst::Engine::CGI

• Catalyst::Engine::SCGI

• Catalyst::Engine::Zeus

• Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI

• Catalyst::Engine::Apache::MP13

• Catalyst::Engine::Apache2::MP19

• Catalyst::Engine::Apache2::MP20

• Catalyst::Engine::HTTP::POE

• ... and the rest

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PSGIPerl (Web)Server Gateway Interface

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Where it fits in the landscape

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Not so very different from CGI

Rather than reading from %ENV and writing to STDOUT, our PSGI file defines an anonymous subroutine which accepts a hashref, and

returns an arrayref

That CGI example again …as a PSGI application

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Runs on the command line

• Needs a little bit of massaging, but:

$ REMOTE_ADDR= QUERY_STRING="message=Hello%20World” \perl -e 'my $app = do ”hello.psgi"; print join "\n", map { ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ } @{ $app->(\%ENV); }’

200Content-typetext/plainHello [] - you gave us the message: [Hello World]

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Build your own CGI PSGI interface!

• We can write a simple (and stupid) adaptor to run PSGI

#!/usr/bin/perluse strict; use warnings;

my $app = do "plack.psgi";my ( $status, $headers, $content ) = @{ $app->( \%ENV ) };

print "Status: $status\n";

while ( @$headers ) { printf("%s: %s\n", shift( @$headers ), shift( @$headers ));}

print "\n"; # Delineate headers and bodyprint join "\n", @$content;

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Or even…

• A simple mod_perl adaptor

• An LWP work-alike which pushes requests directly in to our app

• All sorts of other things we don’t have time for, BUT…

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• Don’t do any of that…

• Plack provides a set of tools that implement PSGI• Plack::Handler::CGI

• Plack::Handler::Apache[12]

• Plack::Handler::LWPish

• The point is, there’s NO MAGIC

• A PSGI file is just a file which returns a Perl subroutine reference

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So What?

• Kinda cool

• Nice to know it exists

• Primarily of interest to framework creators

• Why should you care?

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Fun with functions

• Because the interface is a subroutine reference, with a predictable interface, you can combine these subroutines

• Let’s say you wanted to combine two different PSGI-based services, and dispatch them based on URL…• Perhaps you had a monitoring system which

expected a certain end-point, and you didn’t want to bake that in to your business logic…

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Fun with functions#!perluse strict; use warnings;

my $monitoring = do "./monitoring.psgi";my $main_app = do "./app.psgi";

my $app = sub { my $env = $_[0];

if ( $env->{'PATH_INFO'} eq 'heartbeat' ) { return $monitoring->( @_ ); } else { return $main_app->( @_ ); }};

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Fun with functions

• Because you know the input and output format, you can wrap the request incoming and outgoing

• YAPC::EU 2003 saw a bit of an obsession with the colour orange, and led to the creation of Acme::Tango, which turns colours orange

• This is obviously important functionality, but probably shouldn’t live in the business logic…

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Acme::Tango example#!/usr/bin/perluse strict; use warnings;use Acme::Tango;use Plack::App::Proxy;

my $main_app = do "tango_target_app.psgi";

my $app = sub { my $env = shift(); my ( $status, $headers, $content ) = @{ $main_app->( $env ) }; my %headers = @$headers; if ( ( $headers{'Content-type'} || $headers{'Content-Type'} ) =~ m'text/(html|css)' ) { if ( ref $content eq 'ARRAY' ) { $content = [ map { s/(#[a-f0-9]{6}|#[a-f0-9]{3})\b/Acme::Tango::drink($1)/gei; $_ } @$content ] } } return [ $status, $headers, $content ];};

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Wrapping for fun and profit

• Generally the idea of being able to add wrapping code around your app is useful

• These wrappers are called “Middleware” in the PSGI / Plack world

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Plack::Builder makes this easy!

• ‘builder’ takes a subroutine which should return a PSGI app

• ‘enable’ adds the name of a middleware you wish to apply to that app to a list

• ‘builder’ wraps the app in that middleware, returning … a new PSGI app

use Plack::Builder;

my $app = sub { ... };

builder { enable "Deflater"; enable "+My::Plack::Middleware"; enable_if { $_[0]->{REMOTE_ADDR} eq '' } 'Debug' return $app;};

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CPAN is full of Plack Middleware

AccessLog Auth::Basic Auth::Digest Auth::OAuth Chunked Class::Refresh Compile Conditional ConditionalGETConsoleLogger ContentLength ContentMD5 CrossOriginCSRFBlock Dancer::Debug DBIC::QueryLog Debug Debug::DBIC::QueryLogDebug::DBIProfile Debug::Profiler::NYTProf Debug::W3CValidateDeflater DebugDebug::CatalystPluginCache DoCoMoGUID Doorman ErrorDocument ErrorDocument ESI ETagExpires File::Sass Firebug::Lite FirePHP ForceEnv Head HeaderHTMLify HTMLMinify HTTPExceptions IEnosniff IIS6ScriptNameFixImage::Scale Inline InteractiveDebugger IPAddressFilter iPhoneJavaScript::Ectype JSConcat JSONP LighttpdScriptNameFix Lint LintLog::Contextual Log4perl Log::Minimal LogDispatch Logger LogWarnMethodOverride Mirror NeverExpire NoDeflate NoMultipleSlashesNullLogger Options OptionsOK Precompressed ProxyMapRearrangeHeaders Recursive RefererCheck Refresh Refresh REPL ReproxyReverseProxy ReverseProxy Rewrite Runtime Scope::Container Scope::SessionServerStatus::Lite Session Session Session::SerializedCookie SetAcceptSimpleContentFilter SimpleLogger SizeLimit SocketIO SSIStackTrace StackTrace Static Static Static::Minifier StaticShared StatusTest::StashWarnings Throttle Throttle TMT UseChromeFrame Watermark

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An Example…

• We’ve only got time for one example in a 20 minute talk…

• Add a couple of lines to wrap out Hello World app in Plack::Middleware::Debug

#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;use URI::Escape qw/uri_unescape/;use Plack::Builder;

my $app = sub { local %ENV = %{ shift() };

my $who = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; my $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};

# Don't do this, use my %p = map { uri_unescape $_ } map { split( /=/, $_ ) } split( /&/, $query_string );

my $message = sprintf( "<html><head></head><body>Hello [%s] - " . "you gave us the message: [%s]</body></html>", $who, $p{'message'} || '(no message)' );

my $status = 200; my $content_type = 'text/html';

return [ $status, [ 'Content-type' => $content_type ], [$message], ];


builder { enable 'Debug', panels => [ qw(Memory Timer) ]; $app;}

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An Example…

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An Example…

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An Example…

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In Summary

• PSGI defines inputs and outputs for a subroutine which encapsulate a web app

• A PSGI file simply returns a subroutine reference

• The hosting webserver `evals` (actually `do`) the PSGI file, and takes a copy of the resulting subroutine reference, and executes it on each request

• Plack• Provides the ways to hook that up to the webservers of your

choice• Makes it easy to wrap/manipulate these subroutine with some

syntactic sugar• There’s an incredible collection of prewritten wrappers called

Middleware on the CPAN

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The starting example, at the end

#!/usr/bin/env plackupuse strict; use warnings;

use MyApp::Web;use Plack::Builder;

builder { mount '/heartbeat' => sub { return [ 200, ['Content-type' => 'text/plain'], [ "OK" ] ]; }; mount '/' => builder { enable_if { $_[0]->{REMOTE_ADDR} eq '' } 'Debug'; enable "GNUTerryPratchett"; MyApp::Web->psgi_app; }};

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