ps141 questionnaire

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  • 8/12/2019 PS141 Questionnaire


    Department of Political StudiesCollege of Social Sciences and Humanities

    Mindanao State UniversityMarawi City

    A Sense of Political Participation of Young Adults in BarangayPoblacion Dalican, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao


    Name (optional)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"ge !!!!!!!!!!#ducational $ac%ground Se& !!! 'eligion !!!!!!!!!!! Marital Status

    () College level () Single() College raduate () Married() Masteral Degree () idow () Doctoral Degree () Separated() *t+ers, pls- specify !!!!!!!!!!!!

    "nnual .amily /ncome *ccupation() P+p 012, 222-223 a4ove () overnment #mployee() 012,222-22 5 612, 222-22 () Non3 overnment #mployee() 612,222-22 5 712, 222-22 () Self3 employed() 712,222-22 5 812,222-22 () Unemployed

    () 812,222-22 5 4elow

    Direction Please answer every 9uestion +onestly and sincerely- :indly put ac+ec% mar% 4eside your preferred answer;s-



  • 8/12/2019 PS141 Questionnaire


    () No?- ill you wor% for t+e election of political candidate 4y doing t+ings li%edistri4uting circulars or leaflets, ma%ing speec+es; campaigning, or calling onvoters>

    () Chose only one.

    () fre9uently() occasionally() never

    6-8- (/f Afre9uentA or AoccasionallyA) w+ic+ of t+e statements 4elow 4estdescri4es t+e part you yourself ta%e in t+ose discussions a4ove wit+your friends> Chose only one.

    () #ven t+oug+ / +ave my own decisions, / usually Bust listen-() Mostly / listen, 4ut once in a w+ile / e&press my opinions-() / ta%e an e9ual s+are in t+e conversation-() / do more t+an Bust +old up my end in t+e conversation / usually

    try to convince ot+er t+at / am rig+t-- Do you +appen to 4elong to any organiEations t+at sometimes ta%e a stand on

    +ousing, 4etter government, sc+ool pro4lem, or ot+er pu4lic issues>() Please specify.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    0- Have you ever written or tal%ed to your Congressman or Senator or ot+erpu4lic officials to let t+em %now w+at you would li%e t+em to do on a pu4licissue you are interested in>




  • 8/12/2019 PS141 Questionnaire


    () Chose one or more.() / place +ig+ value on t+e reward / get from participating in politics t+an myot+er involvements-

    () +ere are significant differences in t+e alternatives 4efore and conse9uently,w+at / do will not matter-

    () +at / do will matter 4ecause / can c+ange t+e outcome-() it+ my involvement, t+e outcome will 4e satisfactory-() My %nowledge is relatively +ig+ to 4e effective-() +e o4stacles to 4e addressed +ere are greater t+an my ot+er involvements-() *t+ers, please specify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    88- /f you did not participate in one or more of t+e political activities in

    num4ers 830, w+at is your reason> Chose one or more.() / place low value on t+e reward / get from participating in politics t+an my

    ot+er involvements-() +ere are no significant differences in t+e alternatives 4efore and

    conse9uently, w+at / do will not matter-() +at / do will not matter 4ecause / cannot c+ange t+e outcome-() #ven if / donIt participate, t+e outcome will 4e satisfactory-() My %nowledge is low to 4e effective() +ere are ot+er great o4stacles t+at / +ave to address t+an participating-

    () *t+ers, please specify !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    81- Have you ever 4een an officer in certain organiEation, community, etc->() ()

    () President () 'epresentative() Jice President () *t+ers, please specify !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1- Did you win in your election>()

  • 8/12/2019 PS141 Questionnaire


    7- Do you plan to run for a post and engage in an election (sc+ool, community,organiEation)>

    () () President() Jice President() 'epresentative() *t+ers, pls- specify !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ?- "re you eager to win t+e post>() Chose one or more.

    () to govern() to ac+ieve t+e general good() to train myself on pu4lic service() to try pu4lic service() to +ave more friends() to +ave prestige;fame() to give ade9uate services for t+e citiEens() to represent t+e citiEens() to +elp in t+e community() / was forced to run() / was convinced to run() *t+ers, please specify



    /n general, w+ere do you see yourself>() power3see%er() powerful

    III. Ot"er #uestions

    8- Do you+ave contact wit+ politicians> () () ()