ps#1 elementary school

PS#1 Annual Report 2010–11 We are part of an extended community in which everyone gives — and therefore we all receive…

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Annual Report 2010-11


Page 1: PS#1 Elementary School

PS#1 Annual Report 2010–11We are part of an extended community in which everyone gives — and therefore we all receive…

Page 2: PS#1 Elementary School

I think we have all found this adage to be true in our own lives. Non-profit organizations exist, in no small part, to create opportunities for others to give. Annual Reports, among other things, list tangible contributions made by many individuals during the year just past, and that is often as far as most of these reports will go. I want to go one step further. It is also impor-tant to remember and to reflect on the other side of this coin. Receiving can also be liberating. To be on the receiving end of this community of givers, to be a part of something larger than ourselves; to learn something from someone else—we can all give tangible examples of what we have received from PS#1. Our educational model is unlike any other. Our

Letter from the Head of School

emphasis is on the empow-erment of all, the recog-nition of what each and every one of us brings to our community and to our school. It is our wish, and largely our experience, that every child begins his elementary schooling recognized and appreci-ated for their unique gifts. Schools have a way of denying that uniqueness— the educational system in almost all schools seeks to standardize education with a one-size-fits-all approach. Not PS#1. All of our students receive the message from their first days at our school that they are unique, special, and highly valued. Every child gives his or her best, and we are all recipients of the best that each of us has to offer. We are a pluralistic school. We

make a school commu-nity in which every single person keeps his individual identity while seeking to become part of a larger community (class, cluster, school, Parents Guild, Memoir Club, Board of Directors, faculty, admin-istration, special groups). We work to tap into every-one’s strengths so that everyone who wishes to participate is encouraged to find her best path to involvement and a sense of belonging. Giving and receiv-ing are part of the same continuum. We give a lot back to our Santa Monica community and received the Grand Prize for Sustainability from the Chamber of Commerce this year in return. We are good neighbors and receive plaudits for our efforts and programs even from those who do not directly benefit. We are building out our campus

to benefit our own families and also to give back with the addition of commu-nity spaces. Giving is an expression of gratitude for having received. Judging by this standard, and by the amount that others have given to PS#1 this past year, we can all be proud that so many have received so much from their participation in PS#1 that they felt compelled to give back. We are part of an extended community in which everyone gives —and therefore we all receive. May this ever be true—now after 40 years of exis-tence, and for many years to come.

Joel PelcygerHead of School

“ I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” – Maya Angelou


Page 3: PS#1 Elementary School

Forty years ago, a young man had a few ideas about education and teaching, but mostly he had ideas about children and how they learn. Joel Pelcyger founded PS#1 with a vision for creating the type of environment that not only educated children, but honored them as valued voices in the world. Today, we acknowledge the gift that Joel, and others who have worked alongside him across forty years, give to us: the gift of a school which places its emphasis on trust and respect for all of the differences which make our community a pluralistic, educational ha-ven. I want to thank Joel and our faculty and staff, who give of their time and talents throughout the year in myriad ways. I also want to thank our Board of Directors, Chris Fillo, Lauren Fite, Nathan Goldberg, Hugh Harri-

Joanne Van Emburgh, Chair, PS#1 Board of Directors

son, Sharon Morrill, Joel Pelcyger, Abbie Perttula, Maggie Rosenfeld, Jason Russell, Joyce Sachs, Ron Segall, Bruce Tobey, Andrew Watts, and our Chairman Emeritus, Jeff Dinkin, for their steadfast commitment and service to PS#1. The Board, together with task forces made up of PS#1 parents, have performed valuable work in the areas of fundrais-ing, outreach, care and maintenance of buildings and grounds, adminis-tration and finance and strategic vision, support-ing the sustainability of our school community, its assets, and the values that we hold as a leading independent school. As we reflect on the success-es of our history, we must pay particular attention to the needs of the future and take care to stew-ard PS#1 into the next 40 years. In the spirit of stewardship, “holding something in trust for

another,” we acknowledge the contributions of those who came before us while holding in trust the shared commitment to this unique school for those who will follow us. We are grateful that you are a part of this wonderful community.

Board of Directors Report

In the spirit of stewardship, “holding something in trust for another,” we acknowledge the contributions of those who came before us while holding in trust the shared commitment to this unique school for those who will follow us.


Page 4: PS#1 Elementary School


Cathy WattsRae Sanchini (not pictured)Co-Coordinators PS#1 Parents Guild

What would PS#1 be without the many contri-butions of its parents? Our very talented and dedicated families have orchestrated significant events such as the Annual Auction, Itty Bitty Art Sale, Fathers’ Breakfast, Book Festival, Staff Ap-preciation Day, Dishver-sity Day and Yearbook. Some of the other Parents Guild committees that provide the school, the students, and the parents opportunities to be part of the PS#1 experience include Staff Assistance, Parent POP, Hot Lunch, Community Service and Room Parents, to name a few. As Co-Coordinators of the Parents Guild, we are grateful for the many people who have come together to contribute to our school through shared effort and collaboration. Any day on the PS#1 campus you can see the

Parents Guild Report

I volunteer because I want my children to learn that when youbelieve in something that’s good and worthwhile, you must become actively involved in it—not just with kind words andmoney—but by giving of yourself, your time and your talents to help what you believe in live on.— PS#1 Parent

Parents Guild volunteers in action. You may wonder how all this effort ben-efits our school commu-nity. First and foremost, it provides parents an opportunity to share their talents to enrich their children’s lives and educational experience. In addition, through Staff Assistance, Room Parents and other programs, we help the teachers in their efforts in the classroom. And finally, proceeds from select events provide much-needed funding to the school. It is a rich and meaningful relationship! As one PS#1 parent put it: “I volunteer because I want my children to learn that when you believe in something that’s good and worthwhile, you must be-come actively involved in it—not just with kind words and money—but by giving of yourself, your time and your talents to help what you believe in live on.” As Parents Guild Co-Coordinators, we are grateful for the fruits of your labor and are constantly aware of the demands it places on your families. This year, working in conjunction

with administration, we thoroughly reviewed our events and committee demands. We streamlined and focused our activi-ties for the coming years to retain the wonderful traditions and opportuni-ties yet give us all some extra time at home with our families. We think it is a winning combination! Please accept our sincere thanks for all your contributions. May you find meaningful ways to involve yourself in PS#1 through Parents Guild events in the coming years.

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I walked onto the PS#1 campus late this summer and tears came to my eyes. The MPR, Library and Buffalo Building were all gone. Instead, there was dirt and a construc-tion zone. While nostalgia filled my heart, excite-ment burst forth. Before my eyes our dream of a unified campus, the place where our children and our community will be nur-tured, is coming true. This is a remarkable year in the life history of PS#1 – 40 years of teach-ing and learning, 40 years of growing and developing a campus to truly meet the needs of our pluralistic and sustainable philoso-phy. Culminating in the final phase of our facilities project, the One Campus, One Community Capital Campaign has been years in the works. Building for tomorrow secures our strong position in the com-

Sharon MorrillCapital Campaign Chair

munity, building facilities that match the quality of our educational program. All of this is within reach – we build as I write! Since February of 2006, I have served as the Chair of the Capital Campaign for PS#1. The earliest pledges to our campaign came as far back as 2001 and in the intervening years, plans to our facili-ties have evolved to fit the changing needs of the school. March 2011 saw the public launch of our current building project: to construct the ninth class-room, move administra-tive offices to a new and remodeled space fronting on Broadway Avenue, and build the much-anticipated Multipurpose Activity Center as well as state-of-the-art facilities for music, media, and art. The city of Santa Monica has already rewarded PS#1 for our efforts to maintain a green building program and to factor in environmental sustainability wherever possible. We are well on our way to our campaign goal of $6 million, having raised $3.4 million in total with over $550,000 in

2010-11 alone. I would like to thank our generous donors, our Board mem-bers, our 2007 Capital Campaign Committee, and our current Fundraising Committee, all of whom have helped turn this dream into a reality. My son, Reece, gradu-ated from PS#1 in June and now attends Wind-ward School. As much as I might have wanted my son to benefit from our efforts, I am thrilled to leave this legacy for future generations of children who will experience PS#1’s inspiring and unique education. PS#1 is a place where children can create their own dreams. Thank you for joining us to make the dream of our unified campus come true.

Before my eyes our dream of a unified campus, the place where our children and our community will be nurtured, is coming true.

Message from Our Capital Campaign Chair

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Chris FilloChair, Administration and Finance Committee

As Chair of the Admin-istration and Finance Committee of the PS#1 Board for five years, I’ve been privileged to work with a team of commit-ted individuals toward the goal of fiscal sustainability for our school. PS#1 can claim remarkable achieve-ment in that we operate virtually debt-free and own assets outright, which would be the envy of any independent school. This is due to careful planning, management and over-sight by the administration and our Board of Directors whose attention to the fis-cal health of the organiza-tion ensures that PS#1 will continue to offer the highest quality programs for children and services

to families possible, and will never have to com-promise the quality of our program due to financial constraints or an unpre-dictable economy. Thanks to the financial and managerial steward-ship of the staff and Board and with all our families joining together, resources from fundraising activities form a vital part of the school’s ability to sus-tain its commitments to community, diversity and programming. In 2010-11, the Parent Guild raised $213,147 through the Annual Auction & Dinner Event, the book fair, gift wrap and other events, and brought our commu-nity together to celebrate our shared educational values. In addition, our Annual Giving Campaign, JOIN US! led by Chair, Bruce Tobey, raised $394,750, and together

with foundation grant receipts, our total fund-raising revenue for the year exceeded $609,000. The support expressed by the effort and generosity of many of our families ensures that our program and our kids’ education and experiences continue to reflect the pluralistic mission of PS#1 Elemen-tary School. Among its other respon-sibilities, the Board of Directors and the Ad-ministration and Finance Committee oversee the management of the school’s endowment, and in the last fiscal year we are very pleased that our funds continue to outper-form their benchmarks.

Our endowment continues to appreciate and due to thoughtful asset allocation and other portfolio deci-sions before, during and after the financial crisis of 2008-09, the endow-ment has recovered fully from that period’s decline. Income from the endow-ment provides for financial aid resources, benefits and opportunities for teachers and staff, while the long term growth of the prin-cipal ensures that these benefits will be available for future students and families. As this report is writ-ten, dramatic changes are happening on our campus and in our school. Thank you to everyone who con-tributes every day and for helping us to give meaning to the words, JOIN US!

Treasurer’s Report





Tuition and Fees

Fundraising and Annual Giving

Endowment and Miscellaneous

Page 7: PS#1 Elementary School

2010-11 Fundraising IncomeAs of June 30, 2011

Okobos Shoe Sales .................................................... 968.1 0Graduate Gift Total................................................. 2,632.96Auction.................................................................. 164,346.79Party Book.............................................................. 15,470.00Book Fair................................................................... 9,245.01Scrip.......................................................................... 6,707.06Itty Bitty Art Sale................................................... 1 1 ,727.50Mini Mall................................................................... 2,049.83

Parent Guild Total $213,1 47.25

AG-General.......................................................... 322,350.34AG-Special Programs............................................ 72,400.00

Annual Giving Total $394,750.34

Foundation Grants................................................... 1,500.00

Total Net Raised $609,437.59






Salaries and Benefits

Facilities and Equipment

Program, Supplies, and Insurance

Financial Aid


PS#1 can claim remarkable achievement in that we operate virtually debt-free and own assets outright, which would be the envy of any independent school.

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Bruce TobeyAnnual Giving Chair

I am happy to report that, with the support of parents, grandparents, alumni, faculty, admin-istration and others, the 2010–11 Annual Giving Campaign (the JOIN US! Campaign) was a great success. The Campaign achieved all of its goals and, as a consequence, generated essential funds to support the operat-ing needs of our school. PS#1 is only sustainable as long as we continue to work together to obtain and maintain support for our pluralistic educational mission and further the legacy of our 40-year his-tory. As Chair of the JOIN US! campaign, I’d like to

express my sincere thanks to everyone who contrib-uted to the Annual Giving Campaign and to Cluster Captains, Hugh Harrison, Jason Russell, Scott Lah-man, and Ron Segall for their tireless commitment. I would also like to extend a special thank you to the many volunteers who have served on the Annual Giv-ing Committee and on the Fundraising Committee as well as the administrators whose time and efforts were critical to the suc-cess of the Campaign.

Message from the Annual Giving Chair


PS#1 is only sustainable as long as we continue to work together to obtain and maintain support for our pluralistic educational mission and further the legacy of our 40-year history.

Page 9: PS#1 Elementary School


Scott Chamberlin and Stephanie BarishFred and Jo Chandler AGreg and Leah ChasenKylie Clark AKirstina and Michael Collins SKarissa Conefry-Spina SMike and Alicia Cortrite AJames and Michelle CourtJerry and Rae Court GP

Marie Dickey SKaren DreyfussKit Dreyfuss GP,S

Jaime and Don EstesLouise Everett SChris and Pam Fillo A,B

Cindy and Jon FitzgeraldEric FreedMichelle FreedTom and Sally Freed GP Tom Freund and Francie WongRichard and Kay Seymour-GabrielStephen and Minnie GaghanDeirdre Gainor A,S

Phil and Phyllis Gainsborough GP

Evan Gamble and Beverly ChangChristina and David Garcia SSam Gasster and Diane Waingrow ARichard Gerwitz and Susan Baskin-Gerwitz ALisa Glassman SNancy Goglia SSteve Golin ASunu and Rene GoneraJerry Gratch GP

Jason Greenblum and Leslie OliverFred Gurzeler and Jenny Van LeLiAnne Hall SStephen and Olivia HamelKim HamerWendell Hamick SLloyd Handler and Elaine Batchlor Roderick and Carrie Henley Arnie and Lois Hill GP

David Hoffman GP

Sandra Holt GP

Lawrence and Mary Howard GP

Billy Huynh SJon Hyman and Susan HoffmanHala Innab and Hany Hamideh S Beryle Jackson Scott Johnson and Marla Stone Nori and Jean Kaneko Andy and Christine Kao Nicolina Karlsson-Horelick SKerry Karsian Sheila Kendrick and Tuan Munn Rachel Kennison David and Judith Keyes GP

Rachel Khedori Leonard and Betty King FRobert Knepper and Tory Herald Bonnie Koo SRichard & Peggy Kuhns GP

Samantha Kurtzman-Counter AChris Kuzina SJerry and Nancy Lahman GP

David and Fran Lambert GP

Dara Lasky Lisle Leete and Lauri Semarne Leete

Founders’ Circle of Giving$10,000 and above Steven and Wendy Ackerman Anonymous Peter Dante and Cynthia Pett-Dante Ornest Family Foundation Jason Russell and Varina Whitener B

Patrons Circle of Giving$5,000–9,999 Jim and Karen Ciccone Marshall Coben and Jane Leeves-Coben Jeff and Marci Dinkin BRobert and Robin Eatman George and Mary Garvey Jason and Kathy Katims Lori and Scott Lahman Grant and Alison Mansfield Paul Marks and Kerri Speck Christopher and Laura Miller John and Lizzie Murray Richard and Christine Newman GP

Joel and Ellie Pelcyger S,B, GP

Lance Robbins and Rachel Bank Jeff and Nicole Robinov Dr. George and Joyce Sachs GP,B

Ron Segall A,B

Mike and Laurie Seplow Kevin and Maria Smith Sam Surloff and Joanne Van Emburgh A,B

Bruce Tobey and Rae Sanchini BChristian and Peri Vincent Weingart Foundation F

Benefactors Circle of Giving$2,500–4,999 Sharon Aaron-Weil Michael and Jamie Angus Anonymous Austin Community Foundation FJohn Betz and Heidi Roberts Lara and David Fishman French American Charitable Trust FGary Garland and Beth Holden-Garland Afshin and Nilou Ghodsi Jeff and Marcie Greene Rob Jacobs and Ann Gentry Larry and Christine Jenkins Gustav and Stephanie Koven Christian McCaw and Amber Valletta David and Linda Michaelson Dermot Mulroney Kevin Newman and Amy Weimer Dan and Mayumi Offner Darren and Kelly Peers Josh and Kimberly Perttula Jeff Reyna and Anna Tran ReynaJohn Roesler and Kristen Melnyk Billy and Amy Rose Glenn and Hilary Rosen Morton and Maggie Rosenfeld A, S, B

Peter and Andrea Roth A,S

Matt and Pamela Schwab Barbara & Ken Seplow GP Stefan Sonnenfeld and Missy Papageorge Susan StichScott and Danielle Stokdyk George and Cindy Teitelbaum

Greg Walker and Michelle Ashford Andrew and Cathy Watts BBrad and Lori Weston Ian Williams and Tessa Blake B

Sponsors$1,000–2,499 Peter and Kelli AbrahamGareth and Michelle AstenBank of America Foundation FAllan Becker and Lily OtaAlex and Cindy BoudovMarc and Kimberly ButanSelcuk Cakir and Christina EricksonRichard Crenna and Alexandra DeFurioRaymond DeFelitta and Sherry BrennanBill and Sahaja DouglassMick and Caskey EbelingJohn Enright and Margaret GriffinAustin and Lauren Fite A,B

Nathan Goldberg A,B

Andrew and Tracey Goldman Jonathan Gratch and Bo KwonCameron Gray and Ramaa Mosley-GrayRob and Gabrielle Greenberg Ted and Nicole HaimesHugh Harrison and Ann Haskins A,B

Bill Holbrow and Samantha BryantCatherine KeenerFred and Paula Kuhns Damien and Lorraine McCannScott Messick and Carey HernSharon Morrill David and Heather NevellJoseph and Patrizia PisegnaSteve Reymer and Christy FullChris Riess and Amy HillRussell and Olivia RiopelleEdward and Johanna RogersRobert Schwentke and Jennifer HowardBarclay and Sharon Simpson GP

Frank and Frances SmileyPandro and Tracy SokolowSony Pictures Entertainment MMike and Jenny TatumThomas Tatum GP

Chris and Tracy TragosSiggy Ferstl and Jacqueline VersicSean Weber-Small and Cara KleinhautPeter and Emily Yu

Supporters$1–999 Jafar Adibi and Leila KaghazianAIG MLucia Alcantara-Chibane SClif Allen and Mary Day ATina Andrews A,S

AnonymousAnonymousVil Aradottir AAlia Arbus SRaymond Bakaitis AShannon Brier SIra and Laura BrownRob and Christine Burchuk ABonnie BurnsBob and Joan Burton AChris Caris and Louise MingenbachEvelyn Cazun S

2010–11 Donors

Andrew and Tally Lippman John and Deborah Lloyd AJennifer Lui SMacerich F Blake McCormick FMac and Christina McGary Devon and Daphne McNairy Sandro Meallet and Melissa Painter Ivan Menchell and Karen Sillas James and Jennifer Merlis Steve and Nancy Mindel ARobert Mitchell and Jennifer Davis Tania Mooser AHoward Morris GP

Janice Nadelhaft GP Ruth Naiditch Nnogo Obiamiwe Doug and Katie O’Brien SPedro Ortega SScott Packer and Loren Kaplan Mike and Susan Painter GP Carol and Gene Pantuck GP

Abbie and Howard Perttula A,S,B

Vickie and Dale Petty GP

Josh Raphaelson and Kelly Syers John and Tia Reiss Steve and Mary Grace Reymer GP

Gina Rocca SJennine Rodriguez and Scott Hevesy SHugo and Mary Roesler GP

Alfred Rose GP

Harvey and Wendi Rosenstock David Russo and Ann Hallin Robin Salter SRoger and Gail Samuel GP

Victor and Maricela Santana Traci and Alan Saruwatari SAletta Schaap ARonald and Camilla Schur Phil and Madeline Schwarzman ASempra Energy FJon and Maggie Sherman Brad Shimada SIan & Rochelle Siegel Michael & Sheila Siegel GP

Evan and Bria Silbert ACharles Song and Sunny Lee Holly Sproule SMindy Staley A,S

Phil and Maria Starr ALeslie and Robin Stevens ANelson Stone GP

Holly Swope and Phil Hayes SHannibal Tabu and Myshell Curry Rodney and Linda Taylor Tim and Irene Thomas AKim Tinsley Maxine Tobey GP

Eva Tovar SChris Trunnell and Megan Kissinger Ara Tserunian SMaurizio and Andrea Vecchione John and Liz Waldman SNancy Waldman GP

Jeffrey and Maria Wauer AFred and Ida Williams GP

Mary Williams Susan Williams AFrank Wolf Ralph Ziman and Maria Greenshields

Fund-A-Need $1,000 and aboveSharon Weil-AaronVivian AndersonChris Beck & Jane WangMarshall Coben & Jane Leeves-CobenJeff & Marci DinkinBill & Sahaja DouglassAustin & Lauren FiteDavid Fishman & Lara SachsAfshin & Nilou GhodsiRob & Gabrielle GreenbergJason & Kathy KatimsRobert KnepperDavid & Linda MichaelsonJoel & Ellie PelcygerJosh & Kimberly PerttulaJeff Reyna & Anna Tran ReynaLance Robbins & Rachel BankBilly & Amy RoseMatt & Pamela SchwabRobert Schwentke & Jennifer HowardJon & Maggie ShermanSue StichSam Surloff & Joanne Van EmburghScott & Danielle StokdykMike & Jenny TatumBruce Tobey & Rae SanchiniChristian & Peri VincentAndrew & Cathy WattsIan Williams & Tessa BlakeRalph & Maria Ziman

Fund-A-Need Up to $999Lucia AlcantaraTina AndrewsMichael & Jamie AngusMat BeckShannon BrierBonnie BurnsJames & Michelle CourtRaymond DeFelitta & Sherry BrennanRobert & Robin EatmanMick & Caskey EbelingRichard Gabriel & Kay Seymour-GabrielJohn Enright & Margaret GriffinLee Gardner & Lily NgGary Garland & Beth Holden-GarlandEric & Jennifer GaynorAndrew & Tracey GoldmanJeff & Marcie GreeneRoderick & Carrie HenleyMark & Malerie HyattRob Jacobs & Ann GentryLarry & Christine JenkinsLisle & Lauri LeeteJohn & Lizzie MurrayPedro OrtegaScott Packer & Loren KaplanBernard & Jeanette RahillChris Riess & Amy HillKimber RomeroGlenn & Hilary RosenHarvey & Wendi RosenstockRonald and Camilla SchurRon SegallMichael & Laurie SeplowBrad ShimadaIan & Rochelle SiegelEva TovarMaurizio & Andrea VecchioneVarina WhitenerMary Williams

Auction Angels $1,000 and aboveSteven & Wendy AckermanGeorge & Mary GarveyNational Bank of CaliforniaLance Robbins & Rachel Bank Sam Surloff & Joanne Van EmburghBruce Tobey & Rae SanchiniKevin & Maria SmithGreg Walker & Michelle Ashford

Auction Angels Up to $999Peter & Kelli AbrahamPeter Dante & Cynthia Pett-DanteJeff & Marci DinkinAustin & Lauren FiteBeryle Jackson Paul Marks & Kerri SpeckDavid & Linda MichaelsonSharon MorrillJohn & Lizzie MurrayJeffrey RobinovDavid Russo & Ann HallinRon SegallAndrew & Diane SolomonMike & Jenny Tatum

We are deeply grateful to the gener-ous donors listed on these pages who supported PS#1 during the fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the informa-tion and listings in this report. In the case of any inadvertent errors or omissions, please accept our sincerest apologies. We ask that any oversights be brought to the attention of Doug O’Brien, our Development Coordinator, [email protected].

S StaffM MatchingB BoardA AlumniGP GrandparentF Friend

Page 10: PS#1 Elementary School

2010–11 Faculty and StaffMission Statement:

PS#1 is a diverse community of students, teachers, and parents committed to balancing tradition and innovation in a dynamic elementary school setting. We use a multi-faceted approach to help students attain strong academic and interpersonal skills to fulfill their potential as confident members of society.

1454 Euclid StreetSanta Monica CA 90404-2713(310) 394

Board of Directors

Jeff DinkinChair Emeritus Chris FilloAdministration and Finance ChairBoard Vice Chair

Lauren FiteOutreach ChairBoard Secretary

Nathan GoldbergFundraising Chair

Hugh HarrisonStrategic Planning Chair

Sharon MorrillCapital Campaign Chair

Joel PelcygerHead of School

Abbie Perttula

Maggie RosenfeldDirector of Finance & Operations

Jason Russell

Joyce Sachs

Ron Segall

Bruce TobeyAnnual Giving Chair

Joanne Van EmburghBoard Chair

Andrew Watts

Gi e… GIVE… For Today! Support PS#1 through the 2011–12Annual Giving Campaign

2010–11 Faculty and Staff

Youngers Teachers:

Lucia Alcantara-Chibane

Shannon Brier

Marie Dickey

Hala Innab

Bonnie Koo

Jennine Rodriguez

Traci Saruwatari

Bridge Teachers:

Louise Everett

Billy Huynh

Jennifer Lui

Abbie Perttula

Gina Rocca

Middles Teachers:

Alia Arbas

Karissa Conefrey-Spina

LiAnne Hall

Holly Swope

Olders Teachers:

Brad Gilbert

Chris Kuzina

Holly Sproule

John Waldman


Kirstina Collins, Music

Christina Garcia, Librarian

Lina Karlsson-Horelick, Art

Pedro Ortega, Physical Education

Administrative Staff

Joel PelcygerHead of School

Maggie RosenfeldDirector of Finance and Operations

Andrea RothAdmissions Director

Nancy GogliaCurriculum Coordinator

Deirdre GainorOutreach Coordinator

Lisa GlassmanDevelopment Coordinator

Tina AndrewsVolunteer/Events Coordinator

Doug O’BrienIT Coordinator

Mindy StaleyOffice Manager

Evelyn CazunAdministrator

Brad Shimada Director of Facilities

Robin SalterDirector of Advancement

Eva TovarAftercare Director

Keith WongAftercare

Kimber RomeroAftercare

Jackie BenitezAftercare

Karly RyanAftercare

Kit DreyfussHealth Advisor

Wendell HarnickFacilities

Ara TserunianFacilities