prudential social marketing analysis

Social Media Analysis Newmedia Advertising Professor Jay Moon 1012076 Eun Jeong Kang

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Newmedia prof. Jay Moon


Page 1: Prudential Social marketing analysis

Social Media AnalysisNewmedia Advertising Professor Jay Moon

1012076 Eun Jeong Kang

Page 2: Prudential Social marketing analysis

Social Media Analysis Agenda

Brand Analysis

Competitor’s Analysis

SWOT Analysis


Page 3: Prudential Social marketing analysis

- In 1989, Korea Prudential Insurance Company is launched by Prudential Financial in America

- Prudential Life Insurance Company sell many life insurance about retirement, protection, and accident, health.

- Prudential Insurance Company is one of the most famous fi-nance company in Korea - In 2011, Korea finance consumer federation awarded the ‘The best life insurance company this year’

Brand Analysis11) About Prudential life insurance company

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- One of the features of Prudential life insurance is that they think their sales person as Financial executives. So they call their sales person as [Life Planner]. They give consumers an advice of life financial matters.

- [Prudential THE Club] is one of the special benefits of Pruden-tial life insurance. Prudential members can enjoy many movies, musicals and Operas with special price.

- Prudential insurance do many CSR activities in order to pro-mote their volunteering spirits.

Brand Analysis11) About Prudential life insurance company

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Brand Analysis12) Why I choose this brand

Why they are obviously different? Let’s start analysis of Prudential facebook page!

Facebook Like numberBest satisfying insurance company

Ranking Total




@ finance consumer federation

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① May 2012, Prudential started to operate Face-book page in order to communicate with many consumers through SNS channels

② Prudential has

③ Prudential updates at least 3 times a week.

④ They connect their facebook page with official blog.

⑤ Its blog is popular to 1824 agegroup.

⑥ Their contents can be categorized by ‘per-sonal’, ‘informative’, ‘promotional’ ‘Interactive’.

Brand Analysis13) Introduction of Brand’s Facebook fanpage


Prudential(KR) Facebook page

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{ Personal }Prudential posts a meaning-ful phrase and give some question to think twice about that contents.

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Brand Analysis14) About contents - Personal TOO OLD??

The main target of Prudential life insur-ance is 3560 age group, who is thinking of retirement, welfare system. So, the contents of the page is also for 3560 age group.

However, unexpectedly, Prudential face-book fanpage is more popular for 1825 age group. As a result, many people can-not agree with Prudential personal post-ing.

No comments!!!

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{ Informative }Prudential gives helpfulinformation to their con-sumer concerning about fi-nancialor lifestyle

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Brand Analysis14) About contents - Informative I can understand the in-formation that it is telling fast and clearly !

It is boring to read the text and under-stand the information carefully through the SNS channels. However, [Prudential] makes the information easy with pic-tures. It conducted survey about retire-ment. Through the posting, people can understand the result of the survey. Be-cause it change the result to picture, consumer can know the information fast and easily.

Many people agree with it and shared it.

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Brand Analysis14) About contents - InformativeI don’t want to visit Homepage!!!

Most of the Prudential insurance’s contents did not show all information in their facebook page. Instead, they wrote the link below of them , and tell consumers “ If you want more information, visit our homepage!! “

Facebook page link can be one of the best marketing ele-ments that promote the homepage. However, in my opinion, facebook fanpage should distinguish what to make links and what to post the valuable contents.

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{ Promotional }In order to increase the number of [Like], Prudential planned many event such as reply events.

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Brand Analysis14) About contents - PromotionalConsumers make the sto-ries in the brand’s face-book fanpage!

This event is planned when prudential blog won the best life insurance blog prize. Its event was about tagging the best kindness friend to pru-dential facebook and telling their stories.

Many people participated this event and write the letters to them.

Although it is a just simple events, it made facebook warmfull by its consumers.

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Brand Analysis14) About contents - Promotional



All events are not fun, They are same events!!!!

Prudential facebook page rarely planned the events and even, all of them are same events concerning about ‘congratulation replying event’.

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Brand Analysis14) About contents - Promotional

Participation rate about event is also bad, and also participants did not have any sincerity. They write the reply just ‘congratulation’

In my opinion, all events should not be same. Al-though events appeals consumer with several re-wards like ice cream coupons, their contents should be enjoyable to contract many partici-pants

Although it is just simple, Few of people participated it.

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{ Interactive }Prudential posts a meaning-ful phrase and give some question to think twice about that contents.

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No interact!!!!

The fault of this facebook fan page is that manager do not interact with their consumers.No matter how the consumer respond to the contents, manager did not reply it,It just pressed like.

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Brand Analysis15) Total analysis

- First, although it has many Facebook fans, most of the fans did not respond its activities.

- Second, most of its contents are concerned with their targets who are old. However, those contents are not in-teresting to them.

- Third, prudential facebook page manager did not inter-act with its consumer by asking to their reply.

- Fourth, it has no personal contents that consumers can be interested and visit their facebook page constantly.



- Trying to understand the contents easily by changing difficult contents to pictures was very good.

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{ Other Brand analysis }Then what about the other brands’ Facebook fan page?

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Competitors Analysis21) About competitors {Samsung life insurance} and {Sinhan life insurance}

- Both competitors sell similar life insurance product to same target with Prudential life insurance

- Samsung life insurance has and updates the content 3 times a week.

- Sinhan life insurance has and updates the contents 2 times a week.

- Both fanpage are very popular especially to 2534 age group.

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Competitors Analysis22) Samsung life insurance Enjoy culture contents through the facebook!

Samsung life insurance did [Noon Live Concert] every Thursday for free. Facebook fanpage promoted it before, and after doing concert, they shared Youtube so that peo-ple can see easy through in-ternet.

Samsung tried to exchange offline to online experience naturally. Also, online con-sumer can enjoy the concert that is related to those brand.

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Competitors Analysis22) Samsung life insurance Various Event that people can enjoy!

It is boring to read the text and understand the informa-tion carefully through the SNS channels. However, [Pruden-tial] makes the information easy with pictures. Consumer can know the information fast and easily.

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Competitors Analysis2 I can understand the in-formation that it is telling fast and clearly !

Why I think its content is good is that

Many people tagged their boy or girl friend and tell them ‘please make those love egg sausage.’

2) Samsung life insurance

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Competitors Analysis2

- Some content of Samsun life insurance face-book fanpage is not helpful to consumer.

- This content introduced a weird order that some people can think it as childish.

- If I were fanpage manager, I would introduce how to be brave to my lover such as joke.

It did not have any relation with insurance and it is not helpful information to con-sumers.

2) Samsung life insurance

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Competitors Analysis2 I can enjoy the events and also now I know what insur-ance they sell!

The best feature of Sinhan life insurance fan page was they planned the event con-cerning about their insurance product.

The best events was make the quiz as paper sheet test. Through the event, consumer enjoyed event like midterm exam.

Through this events, people can enjoy the quiz get the gift from the quiz, and also Sin-han can promote their insur-ance products through events.

2) Samsung life insurance

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Competitors Analysis2 Too many events!!!!

I do not agree that it is necessary to plan the event with ‘sakura travel place’

Most of the contents in Sinhan was about events. They planned too many events in their facebook. Even they planned events that is not nec-essary to their brand.

Many events can appeal many consumers. However, in my opinion, consumers can like the page only for participating events so it will make hard that brand to find consumers who have loyalty to it.

2) Samsung life insurance

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Competitors Analysis2 Communicate with the consumers!!

Both facebook pages interact with consumers by answering their comments.

Every events or posting, they communicate with their fans so that they

2) Samsung life insurance

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SWOT analysis35) Total analysis

Similar point

Diffirent point

- All facebook fanpages are trying to explain that insurance is easy and familiar to all of the consumer

- Most of Samsung insurance facebook pages’ contents are interesting, culture contents.

- Most of Sinhan insurance facebook pages’ are about events of insurance.

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SWOT analysis35) Total analysis

Strengthen Weaken

Threaten Opportunity

- Prudential insurance has Many facebook page fans.

- Prudential insurance offers many helpful information easily.

- Competitors operated facebook page active by planning many events, concerts and so on.

- Consumers donot participate the events not just their rewards.

- no interaction between con-sumers and facebook manager

- It does not have any attraction to first visitors.

- Competitors cannot make deep re-lationship with their consumers.

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SWOT analysis36) In conclusion,


In order to increase the number of facebook page fans,

First, Prudential Life insurance should maintain some concepts that people can distinguish it with other competitors.

Second, Prudential Life insurance should be familiar with their fans by interacting with them.

Third, it needs more enjoyable contents that people can feel interest


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Q. What Prudential insurance face-book fanpage can give to con-sumers? }

A:Relaxed mind

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Recommendation41) Concept

休 Planner Huelan-ner

Like [Life – Planner ] of prudential salesman, prudential insurance facebook fan-page would give the consumers relaxed minds by several relaxing contents.

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① Collaborating with webtoon [like Uoom-bo]

[like Uoom-bi] character Uoom-bi has posi-tive mind and try to make their time happy.

Post 休 diary that Prudential page introduce meaningful poets through webtoon 1 scene and give the con-

sumers relief.


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Recommendation4② Recommend 休 places where people can listen relief music or do some activ-ities that every people can enjoy one time a week. It can be expend to promo-tion event that give the fans concert tickets.


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② Make simple games that people can know about the prudential brands naturally after participating games.

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① Respond to every consumers’ comment, like they are already friends.

② Collaborate with other facebook brand pages and visit their pages so that they build relationship : I would be the facebook friends with the brands named [ 위기탈출 넘버원 ]. It is the popular TV program in Korea. Its contents are concerned with safty.


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한국지엠 톡 블로그 3 주년 ! 그리고 슈퍼스타 Top 10 포스트 !

informativePrudential life insurance can offer more personal experience through the face-book fanpage. So, consult the facebook fans randomly so that they can easily contract with their Life Planner.

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Thank you: }