prsa - how to create videos to benefit your strategic goals

How to Create Your Own TV Show/Videos to Benefit Your Strategic Goals Sharon Boston and Ed Bennett University of Maryland Medical Center PRSA Baltimore, MD | October, 2011

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Sharon Boston and Ed Bennett from the University of Maryland Medical Center


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How to Create Your Own TV Show/Videos to Benefit Your

Strategic Goals

Sharon Boston and Ed Bennett

University of Maryland Medical Center

PRSA Baltimore, MD | October, 2011

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Introduction to UMMC TV show and video programs

Tips for any presentation, pitch or video

Web and social media trends

Capitalizing on video opportunities, including this dog!

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Sharon’s Background

Former TV news producer

1994 Producer, KHGI/NTV Kearney, Nebraska

1995 -1996 Producer, WROC-TV Rochester, New York

1996 – 2002 Producer WOIO/WUAB-TV Cleveland, Ohio

2002 – Current Media Relations Manager University of Maryland Medical Center

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Ed’s Background

Pre-1980 Juggler & Street Performer

1980 - 1994 Microfilm Technician Software Trainer

1994 - 1999Web Entrepreneur

1999- CurrentDirector, Web TechnologyUniversity of Maryland Medical Center

Core Web Management Skills

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UMMC Video Programs

Hundreds of videos on website:


TV Show Maryland Health Today

Find-a-Doctor profiles

Patient success stories

Hospital tours

Video news releases

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UMMC YouTube Channel

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Maryland Health Today on the Internet

UMMC website ( and YouTube

Videos include descriptions and key word tags

FY 2011 YouTube 519,794 hits (59 hits an hour)

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Maryland Health Today

Started in 1996

Produced 4 times a year

Record four shows in one day

Each show 29:30 with two-minute PSA break

Runs on 11 cable access stations across the state

Runs 24/7 on in-house hospital channel (Also on-demand for patients)

Sent to Medical Missions for Children satellite service

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Dr. Jeffrey Wolf video link

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Maryland Health Today

Recorded at Maryland Public Television through Special Projects Unit

Three cameras in studio

Baltimore VA has similar show produced through Mayor’s Office of Communication and Cable

“Tricaster” – Switch your own show with virtual sets

Other webcast programs: LiveStream and UStream

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Maryland Health Today

Control Room Crew:


Audio operator

CG operator

Floor director/Camera operators

Producer/prompter (Sharon)

MPT producer

Live to Tape = NO EDITING

Video and graphics inserted while show is taping

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MHT - Blooper

video link

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Maryland Health Today: Content

Strong content

Brand message is there, not forced

Education show first (not viewed as marketing)

Give experts a chance to shine

Target key guests (new physicians, new programs, new technology, etc.) – work it in, but it’s not the whole message

Be selective in choosing guests

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Maryland Health Today: Preparation

Plan ahead (pre-interviews six to eight weeks before taping)

Need time to think

Meet with guest for show ideas, suggested questions, video opportunities, graphics, etc.

Meet in guest’s office and bring a thumb drive

Send an e-mail explaining the program with links to sample shows featuring colleagues

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Put the “Vision” in Television

Video Scavenger Hunt

Keep audience in mind (basic anatomy, terms, etc.)

Ask guest for non-copyrighted material

Free graphics/video

Government sites


Company animations/videos (with courtesies on screen)

Don’t force it, be prepared to drop video/graphic if necessary

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Create Your Own Lists/Graphics

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Use Props

Props we’ve used:


Surgical instruments

Hormone replacement patches

Heart model

Heart pumps

Penile implant (but, the doctor forgot to bring it the studio)

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TV/Video Tips

Think visually – Your first question should be: What are we seeing?

Best video/images first (avoid BOPSA)

Write questions to fit good video

It’s frustrating to search for video to fit a question – takes too long

Show the video/graphics to the guest (pre-show run through)

If you’ve got some good video, consider breaking it apart into several sections/questions

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Laparoscopic Surgery

video link

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MHT - Scripting

Script = Communications Plan

Need to get everyone on the same page

Where you expect video, graphics, etc.

Clear communications to “internal stakeholders”

Send script to guest a few days in advance (caution against written answers – need spontaneity/personality)

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MHT – Script Sample

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TV/Video Tips


Hiring someone vs. shooting it yourself

Quality vs. cost vs. time – where will it be seen?

Can you edit it? How will it be done? Who will do it?

Adobe Premiere

Final Cut Pro

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Video – Have fun!

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TV/Video Tips

See dog = say “dog” (reverse as well)

Use the words such as “you” or “as you can see here” or “take a look at this”

Talk to the video: Have speaker narrate what he/she is seeing:




Work with speaker on content

Show video/pictures to speaker

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Repurpose Content

Don’t “date” it – Can it be “evergreen?”

Use the video in other outlets


YouTube w/tags



Use the video to pitch experts (send the link)

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MHT – Rethinking the Model

Format change – Does the interview show still work?

Shorter pieces = more play/exposure?

Depth of content/high production value vs. time spent/resources

Exploring other outlets

Pay to play (video screens) or syndication services?

More opportunities online?

Build on what we have – Capitalize on opportunities

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University of Maryland Medical Center

Hospitals and Social Media

Capitalizing on Opportunities

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Hospitals and Social Media

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Hospital Social Media Types

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Fundraising Event for our Cancer Center

A major Maryland race

Over 2,000 runners

Plus one unexpected guest…

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Dozer the Dog

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video link

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The Dozer Timeline

Sunday May 15, 2011 - Race day, Dozer joins the fun

Monday: Dozer’s owners contact UMMC We contact local / national news

Tuesday:Post short videoCreate Dozer donation page

Wednesday:Story picked up on personal blogs 495 YouTube Views $390 donations from 14 people

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Dozer Donation Page

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The Dozer Timeline

Thursday May 19:

Attention on Fox News, ESPN, Runners World, etc.

More blog posts embedding the first YouTube Video

Race officials meet with dozer family, give him a medal

3,517 YouTube Views - $600 donations from 16 people

Friday May 20:

Publish Second Video with text narrative

Web attention from the Today Show, Runners World, and many personal blogs (Runners and Dog Lovers)

65,815 YouTube Views - $1,338 from 61 people

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video link

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Dozer FacebookFan Page


May 26, 2011

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What Viral Looks Like

Traffic to UMMC YouTube Videos1,700 to 2,500 Views per day

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What Viral Looks Like

5000 -

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What Viral Looks Like

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What Viral Looks Like




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What Viral Looks Like






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What Viral Looks Like







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Two videos

Three blog posts

Multiple Twitter updates

Fundraising page

Dozer Facebook page

Response and Results

Dozens of blog / web posts

Over 500,000 YouTube views

$25,000 raised from 700 donors

UMMC Web / Social Media Efforts


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Media relations

Web \ Video production

Social media


Lessons Learned

It’s a Team Effort

Recognize the opportunity

Understand context

Don’t hesitate

Be Agile

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What’s Your Story?

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Links and Resources

Hey! My Doctor Is On

UMMC YouTube

Maryland Health Today videos on

CDC Public Health Image


The Hospital Social Network

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Ed Bennett

Director of Web & Communications TechnologyUniversity of Maryland Medical Center

[email protected] / [email protected] Blog: ebennett.orgTwitter: @edbennett

Contact Information

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Contact Information

Sharon Boston

Media Relations Manager

University of Maryland Medical Center & University of Maryland School of Medicine


[email protected]
