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THIS WAY TO TRAVEL SAFE Campaign Evaluation Report Holiday Travel Providing Highway Safety and Security through Excellence in Service, Education and Enforcement November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017

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Campaign Evaluation Report

Holiday Travel

Providing Highway Safety and Security through Excellence in Service, Education and Enforcement

November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 1

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Background The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (department) is the state agency charged with providing highway safety and security through excellence in service, education and enforcement. The department is leading the way to a safer Florida through the efficient and professional execution of its core mission: the issuance of driver licenses, vehicle tags and titles and operation of the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP). The department’s Office of Communications coordinates with program areas to manage and implement all of the agency’s safety and education campaign initiatives, including educating the public regarding safety on Florida roads during the holidays. From November 1, 2016, through January 1, 2017, the department worked to educate the public regarding all aspects of safe driving during the holidays, including: slowing down, buckling up, driving sober and driving without distractions.

The focus of the Holiday Travel campaign was to remind everyone to stay safe on and around Florida’s roads while they traveled for the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays. The Holiday Travel campaign also included Impaired Driving Prevention Month, proclaimed by Governor Rick Scott for December 2017. To ensure the longevity of the campaign, the department implemented a staggered rollout with multiphase messaging throughout November and December.

Total crashes during the Thanksgiving holiday period, defined as the ten days beginning the Friday before Thanksgiving Day and ending on the Sunday after Thanksgiving Day, increased 18 percent from 2013 to 2015. From 2013 to 2015, fatalities during the Thanksgiving holiday period increased 27 percent. The number of total crashes on Thanksgiving Day increased 46 percent from 2013 to 2015.

Thanksgiving Holiday Period Crashes 2013-2015 Sum of Crashes Sum of Serious Bodily Injuries Sum of Fatalities

2013 8,402 519 662014 9,608 583 832015 9,906 563 84

*Source: Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles preliminary data as of September 20, 2016

Total crashes during the Christmas/New Year’s holiday period, defined as December 23 each year through January 2 of the next year, increased 16 percent from 2013 to 2015. From 2013 to 2015, fatalities during the Christmas/New Year’s holiday period increased 51 percent. The number of total crashes on Christmas Day increased 28 percent from 2013 to 2015. The number of total crashes on New Year’s Day has increased 15 percent from 2013 to 2015.

Christmas/New Year's Holiday Period Crashes 2013-2015 Sum of Crashes Sum of Serious Bodily Injuries Sum of Fatalities

2013 8,859 594 742014 9,581 557 972015 10,291 684 112

*Source: Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles preliminary data as of September 20, 2016

From 2013 to 2015, drivers age 19-28 had the highest numbers of speeding, seatbelt, DUI and distracted driving citations given during the holidays with 34 percent. Drivers age 22 had the highest number of citations.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 2

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Campaign Objectives (to be met by October 22, 2016)

☑ Secure at least 25 new stories from department-disseminated, strategically-phased press releases as follows:1. November 1, 2016 – Holiday Travel Campaign announcement2. November 21, 2016 – Thanksgiving holiday enforcement3. December 1, 2016 – Impaired Driving Prevention Month campaign announcement4. December 14, 2016 – Christmas/New Year's holiday enforcement

☑ Conduct media relations outreach with at least three reporters in campaign target areas and obtain in-depth news coverage or an op-ed in those areas

☑ Obtain at least 5,000 engagements (shares, comments, retweets) on department social media channels using new, engaging multimedia content

☑ Garner more than 1,500 visits to the Holiday Travel campaign webpages on ☑ Partner with at least two new organizations to disseminate the Holiday Travel campaign message through printed

material, social media content and media outreach

Target Markets• 18-30 year-old motorists in the state of Florida • Floridians traveling throughout the state for the holidays• Out-of-state travelers coming in and out of Florida during the holidays

Budget: $84,000• Online Ads – English: up to $30,000• Online Ads – Spanish: up to $20,000• Internet radio: up to $20,000• Regular FM radio: up to $10,000 • Promoted social media: up to $2,000• Partner Collateral: up to $2,000

Expenditures: $78,718.94• Online Ads – English: $30,000• Online Ads – Spanish: $16,517.11 • Internet radio: $20,000• Broadcast radio: $10,000 • Promoted social media: $1,601.83• Partner Collateral (Printing and Mailing): $600

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 3

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

EvaluationFor the months of November and December, the department implemented the Holiday Travel campaign urging motorists to travel safe and Arrive Alive. The Holiday Travel campaign was successful in meeting all campaign objectives and had a view count of more than 35 million through paid media, earned media, social media and community outreach. Throughout November and December, the campaign garnered 43 news stories in newspapers, local news channels or local radio stations statewide, with more than 1.3 million potential views across platforms. The department used its Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts to promote the Holiday Travel campaign, with content posted a total of 168 times during November and December which resulted in a minimum of 830,760 impressions. FHP Public Affairs Officers held 78 Holiday Travel campaign events throughout the state, sharing Holiday Travel campaign safety messages with more than 41,000 people. Additionally, the Holiday Travel campaign page on received 38,215 page views from unique web users.

Media ViewsPaid 33,521,133

Earned 1,341,597Social 830,760

PAO Outreach 41, 38,215

TOTAL 35,772,883

Paid MediaOnline AdvertisementsThe department contracted with two different full-service digital advertising agencies to create, plan and implement Holiday Travel campaign advertisements, one directed to English-speaking motorists and the other to Spanish-speaking motorists. The purpose of these advertisements was to provide education and awareness to Florida’s motorists and tourists about safe driving behaviors during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holidays, including: slowing down, buckling up, driving sober and driving without distractions. The advertisements were targeted to all travelers age 18 to 30 driving in Florida, with an emphasis on Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, Orange, Hillsborough, Duval, Pinellas, Lee, Polk and Volusia counties. These targeted online advertisements made over 24 million impressions.

English Online AdvertisementsThe English online advertisement campaign placed various sized banner ads with multiple campaign messages, including dynamic HTML5 digital banner ads, across thousands of targeted websites. Using data to target the demographic audience, as well as displaying ads on top performing websites that the target audience was most likely to visit, the department was able to ensure the Holiday Travel campaign safety messages were promoted to the proper audiences. Messages were also created and optimized for mobile devices, as out-of-state travelers were expected to be in Florida during the holidays and using their mobile devices. Throughout the campaign, advertisements were monitored to make sure that the most effective messaging that generated the highest click-through rates was placed on websites the most throughout the campaign.

Campaign messaging generated 18.2 million impressions to the target audience, delivering 68 percent more than the projected 10.8 million impressions. The cost per thousand impressions (CPM) was initially estimated to be more than $2.00, but actually cost $1.75. The campaign’s click-through-rate reached .10 percent, .03 percent above the industry average of .07 percent.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 4

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

The advertisements ran across 3,214 different websites, including Forbes and WebMD as seen below, as well as Expedia, USA Today, Yahoo! and other local and national news, blog and lifestyle websites.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 5

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Spanish Online AdvertisementsThe Spanish online advertisement campaign also placed different sized banner ads, including dynamic HTML5 digital ads, across a variety of targeted websites. The online media buy was focused on brand awareness for the department and the Holiday Travel campaign objectives as aligned with the target audience. Spanish advertisements were created for mobile devices, as out-of-state travelers, especially foreign travelers, were expected to be using their mobile devices. Advertisements were purchased on a demand-side platform (DSP1), Facebook, weather sites, YouTube, ad retargeting2 and Pandora internet radio.

Spanish Online AdvertisementsAdvertising

ChannelViews Clicks Click Through

Rate (CTR)Cost-Per-Click


DSP 2 ,800,888 3,803 0.14% $1.77 $2.40Facebook 1,490,526 2,514 0.17% $1.76 $2.97Weather 533,170 800 0.15% $3.00 $4.50

YouTube 92,944 18,930 20.4% $0.08 $16.29

Retargeting 560,597 1,599 0.29% $0.90 $2.57

Pandora 420,845 1,666 0.40% $2.10 $8.32







YouTube video advertisements performed very well, reaching 92,944 users with 20.37 percent watching the video in full. The video advertisement was the new Travel Safe Buckle Up video that the internet radio vendor produced in Spanish, urging motorists to buckle up before driving. Pandora advertisements also performed well with a higher CTR, allowing the department to reach a higher quality audience of Spanish-speaking travelers in Florida.

The average CPC of the campaign was $0.68 and the effective CPM was $3.39. The YouTube and Pandora placements were bought by clicks and not by impressions, causing a lower impression total than projected. In response to the performance of these advertisements, the department reduced the total ad-buy for Spanish online advertisements. However, the YouTube and Pandora ads over-performed when looking at the higher than average click-through rate of 0.5 percent with 29,312 clicks to the Holiday Travel campaign page.

1 DSP is an ad exchange system used to purchase advertising in an automated fashion, so advertisers can buy display, video, mobile and search ads more efficiently. It is similar to Google AdWords, but DSPs provide advertisers access to websites beyond the Google network with broader reach and advanced targeting options. 2 Retargeting is a form of online advertising that targets users based on previous Internet actions, continuing to serve ads based on the specific pages visited on various websites.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 6

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Spanish Online Advertisement Example: Dynamic HTML5 Ad - Drive Sober

Spanish Online Advertisement Example: Facebook Ad - Focus on Driving

Spanish Online Advertisement Example: Dynamic HTML5 Ad - Buckle Up

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 7

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Internet and Broadcast Radio AdvertisementsThe department ran internet and broadcast radio advertisements for the Holiday Travel campaign from November 14, 2016 to January 1, 2017. The advertisements ran on stations targeted to 18 to 30 year-olds in Florida, resulting in almost four million impressions. The department also ran advertisements across national brand websites, on the Florida News Network from November 21, 2016 to January 1, 2017 and FM stations in the Tampa Bay area as an added value, reaching 5,530,476 additional impressions. The internet and broadcast radio advertisements garnered a total of 9,348,274 impressions.

Internet Radio AdvertisementsThe internet radio campaign included streaming audio and a graphic companion banner in the Ft. Myers, Jacksonville, Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne and Tampa/St. Petersburg/Sarasota markets on the stations that would best reach motorists age 18 to 30 in Florida. The banner ads were also displayed across targeted national brand websites and Facebook adding 1.3 million impressions. These banner ads used the artwork from the Spanish online ad campaign in order to ensure a consistent brand for the Holiday Travel campaign. As an added value, a :30 second PSA was also played on the Florida News Network, a broad network of stations that reached millions more listeners. These advertisements made a total of almost six million impressions from the internet radio campaign.

Internet Radio AdvertisementsCreative Market Impressions

:30 Radio Streaming Audio and Companion


Ft. Myers, Jacksonville, Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Orlando/Daytona Beach/

Melbourne, Tampa/ St. Petersburg/Sarasota


Display Banners National Brand Targeted Websites 1,313,276

Added Value On-air :30 PSA on Florida News

Networks (FNN)

Florida News Network – 79 Radio Affiliates Florida Roundtable – 94 Radio Affiliates

Better Lawns and Gardens – 30 Radio AffiliatesFNN Hispana – 45 Spanish Radio Affiliates FNN Exclusivo – 23 Spanish Radio Affiliates


TOTAL 5,995,474

Display Banner Advertisements

Broadcast Radio AdvertisementsThe on-air broadcast radio advertisement campaign included various :30 second messages about safe driving during the holidays in the Ft. Myers, Jacksonville, Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Orlando/Daytona Beach/Melbourne and Tampa/ St. Petersburg/Sarasota markets on five different radio stations and the Florida News Network. The broadcast radio advertisements ran on the stations that were aligned with the 18 to 30 year old target market and the advertisements were able to reach three million impressions.

Another media group based in Tampa ran Holiday Travel campaign PSAs for the department to educate listeners and raise awareness on the dangers of drinking and driving during Impaired Driving Prevention Month. The :30 second PSA ran 80 times from December 19, 2016 to January 1, 2017.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 8

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Broadcast Radio Advertisements

Station Number of Spots Format Market Impressions

WZJZ-FM 20 Pop Contemporary Hit Radio Ft. Myers


WQIK-FM 20 Country Radio Jacksonville

WHYI-FM 20 Pop Contemporary Hit Radio Miami/Fort Lauderdale

WXXL-FM 20 Pop Contemporary Hit Radio Orlando/Daytona Beach/ Melbourne

WFLZ-FM 20 Pop Contemporary Hit Radio Tampa/St. Petersburg/Sarasota

FNN 125 Florida News Network Orlando

Added Value FM 80 Classic, Contemporary and Rock Hits

Tampa/St. Petersburg/Sarasota 10,000

TOTAL 3,352,800

Paid Media Lessons for Next Campaign• Ensure a more cohesive and consistent brand by using the same graphics across vendors and advertisement

platforms.• Explore more radio advertisement vendors and allow the radio vendor to make professional recommendations to

proportionally allocate online and/or broadcast radio for maximum impressions.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 9

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Earned MediaThe department disseminated four statewide press releases over the course of the campaign to stress the importance of driving safely during the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holiday periods. The following news outlets ran stories about the campaign:

Date Publication Title Readership* Link

1 11/1/2016 Chipley Bugle Travel Safely This Holiday Season

and Arrive Alive Online circulation of 2,235

2 11/1/2016 WOKC Travel Safely This Holiday Season and Arrive Alive

~100 unique web visitors daily

3 11/7/2016 Palm Beach Post

Drowsy Driving: A Holiday Danger You Should Pay More Attention To

Monday-Friday circulation of 160,506

4 11/18/2016 Osceola News-Gazette

Authorities Urge Road Safety With Spike in Thanksgiving Traffic

Expected Next Week

Saturday circulation of 36,390

5 11/21/2016 Naples Daily News

FHP Takes to Streets for Holiday Crackdown on DUIs in Collier

Monday-Friday circulation of 55,895

6 11/21/2016 Chipley Bugle Buckle Up to Arrive Alive This Thanksgiving Online circulation of 2,235

7 11/21/2016 WTXLFlorida Highway Patrol Expected in Full Force During Thanksgiving

HolidayOnline circulation of 19,831

8 11/21/2016 WFLA Arrive Alive Comes With Busy Travel Success Online circulation of 31,600

9 11/21/2016 WOFL Officials Warn of Distracted Drivers During Peak Holiday Travel Time Online circulation of 20,380

10 11/21/2016 Lake Wales Daily Ridge

Buckle up to Arrive Alive this Thanksgiving Online circulation of 6,800

11 11/22/2016 WJHG Troopers Offer Tips to Stay Safe on the Roads Thanksgiving Week Online circulation of 10,200

12 11/22/2016 WFLAReport Shows Dangers of Parking

Lots, Garages; Florida Troopers Urge Safety

Online circulation of 31,600

13 11/22/2016 WTVT FHP, Drivers Share Tips for Holiday Travel Success Online circulation of 19,569

14 11/22/2016 Naples Daily News

Editorial: Holiday Predictions Shouldn’t All Come True

Saturday circulation of 63,253

15 11/22/2016 WKRG Florida Highway Patrol Shares Tips For Safe Holiday Travel

Broadcast circulation* of 124,730

16 11/23/2016 WWSBFlorida Highway Patrol Troopers

Will Be Watching The Roads Thanksgiving Weekend

Online circulation of 20,212

17 11/23/2016 WJHG Driving Safely This Holiday Season Online circulation of 10,200

18 11/23/2016 WKMG Experts Want You To Be Safe on the Roads for Holidays Online circulation of 19,545

19 11/23/2016 WPBF Law Enforcement Officers on Patrol for Holiday Speeders Online circulation of 19,580

20 11/23/2016 Suwannee Democrat

Buckle Up to Arrive Alive This Thanksgiving Online circulation of 5,327

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 10

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Date Publication Title Readership* Link

21 11/23/2016 WPLGFlorida Highway Patrol Beefs Up Presence During Thanksgiving

WeekOnline circulation of 19,996

22 11/23/2016 WZVN New Driver’s Mode Could Minimize Distracted Driving Online circulation of 2,311


23 11/24/2016 WFTV FHP Has Tips for Traveling This Holiday Season Online circulation of 19,668

24 11/25/2016 TC Palm Law Enforcement Officials Give Tips for Holiday Season Online circulation of 19,864

25 11/26/2016

FHP: Buckle Up To Arrive Alive This Thanksgiving Online circulation of 12,600

26 11/28/2016 WIOD News Radio 610

FHP Out in Full Force During Thanksgiving Holiday Online circulation of 26,400 Link Unavailable

27 11/29/2016 WCJB FHP: Thanksgiving Traffic as Expected

Broadcast circulation* of 124,730

28 11/29/2016 WJHG/WECP Driving safely this holiday season Online circulation of 10,200

29 11/30/2016 WKMG FHP Warns Drivers to Drive Safely This Holiday Season Online circulation of 19,545

30 11/30/2016 WINZ 940 Holiday crashes (radio talk show segment) 5,000 daily listeners Link Unavailable

31 12/2/2016 Chipley Foster Folly News

December is Impaired Driving Prevention Month Online circulation of 8,754

32 12/2/2016 Palm Beach Post

Mother’s Powerful Story Will Make You Think Twice About Drunk

Driving Friday circulation of 160,506

33 12/2/2016 Osceola News-Gazette

Campaign Set to Prevent Impaired Driving Statewide this Month

Saturday circulation of 36,390

34 12/4/2016 Okeechobee News

Impaired drivers endanger everyone on the road Sunday circulation of 9,500 Print

35 12/7/2016 WINZ 940

December holiday alcohol and drug related crashes, fatalities

and traffic stops (radio talk show segment)

5,000 daily listeners Link Unavailable

36 12/9/2016 Osceola News-Gazette

Increase in December DUI Crashes Kicks Off Statewide Campaign

Saturday circulation of 36,390

37 12/14/2016 WTVJFHP Increasing Presence During

Holiday Season to Discourage Drunk Driving

Online circulation of 19,887

38 12/14/2016 WJHG Florida Highway Patrol: “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” Online circulation of 10,200

39 12/14/2016 Brandon Patch FHP Launches DUI Crackdown Circulation information unavailable

40 12/15/2016 Tampa Bay Reporter

Florida Highway Patrol: ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’

Average net print circulation of 102,459

41 12/16/16 Okeechobee News

Drive sober or get pulled over, cautions FHP Friday circulation of 4,000 Print

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 11

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Date Publication Title Readership* Link

42 12/18/2016

Florida Highway Patrol Warns Drivers to Drive Sober or Get Pulled

Over Online circulation of 11,400

43 12/31/2016 Highlands News-Sun

FHP to Hold New Year’s Eve DUI Patrol

Saturday circulation of 16,609


*Broadcast circulation numbers are an estimated number of viewers based on the populations in that area and are not guaranteed.

Earned Media Lessons for Next Campaign• In the planning process for the Holiday Travel campaign, the department had originally planned to disseminate five

campaign press releases, with the fifth release before December 31, 2016 for New Year’s impaired driving prevention. The department sent out a press release on December 14, 2016 for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign that encompassed impaired driving prevention for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 12

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Social MediaHoliday Travel campaign content posted on all of the department’s social media platforms between November 1, 2016, and January 1, 2017, made a total of 830,760 impressions, organic and paid. Due to limitations in Facebook and Instagram analytics, the department is currently unable to accurately calculate the total reach and total engaged users of campaign content without counting unique social media users twice. However, each post on Facebook and Instagram reached an average of 4,087 unique users with at least 8,084 engagements. Twitter does not include reach in its analytics.

FacebookPage Level Data

Posts for the Holiday Travel campaign began on November 1, 2016, the campaign’s launch date. At the start of the campaign, the department’s Facebook page had 14,274 likes. Over the course of the two month period, the department gained 304 new likes, totaling 14,678 by January 1, 2017. Throughout the campaign time period, the department made a total of 134 total posts, 73 of which were Holiday Travel campaign-related, on its Facebook account. During November, the department’s overall content garnered a minimum of 543,377 impressions, reached a minimum of 61,666 unique users and engaged with a minimum of 4,053 unique users. During December, the department’s overall content garnered a minimum of 516,753 impressions, reached a minimum of 166,235 unique users and engaged with a minimum of 10,016 unique users.Post Level Data

The department's 73 Facebook Holiday Travel campaign posts garnered a total of 517,550 impressions. The average Holiday Travel campaign post garnered 7,089 impressions, reached 3,687 unique users and engaged with 64 unique users.The most successful post in terms of organic impressions during November 2016 was a post sharing important holiday travel tips to ensure drivers and their passengers Arrive Alive. This post was made on November 4, 2016 and garnered 17,235 impressions, reached 6,321 unique users and engaged 37 unique users.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 13

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

The most successful post in terms of organic impressions during December 2016 was a New Year post encouraging motorists to drive sober. This post was made on December 31, 2016 and garnered 10,039 impressions, reached 6,206 unique users and engaged 18 unique users.

In 2015, there was no coordinated campaign for the holiday travel season. However, when comparing overall page data from November and December 2016 to the corresponding months in 2015, impressions increased by more than 100 percent and reach increased by 45 percent. Overall page engagement, however, decreased by 16 percent. The decrease in engagement is likely attributed to the fact that the department has implemented a new social media strategy since October 2015. The goal of the new social media strategy is to broaden the scope of the department’s social media audience by diversifying the content posted to include safety campaigns, FHP, handbook and other content as it arises, such as teen driver safety, inclement weather or office closure announcements. The process of reaching a broader audience takes time and diligence in posting the content that communicates the full range of services and safety content the department needs to address.

TwitterAt the start of the Holiday Travel campaign, the department’s Twitter account had 7,323 followers. By January 2017, the department gained 943 new followers, totaling 8,266 followers. Over the course of the campaign, the department’s Twitter paged received over 448,000 impressions. During the Holiday Travel campaign, the department tweeted 193 times, 67 of which included campaign content. Holiday Travel campaign specific tweets garnered 170,153 impressions and 1,695 engagements. The most successful tweet in terms of organic impressions during November 2016 was a post encouraging motorists to move over for first responders, sanitation and utility workers. This tweet was posted on November 14, 2016 and garnered 6,993 impressions and 94 engagements.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 14

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

The most successful tweet in terms of organic impressions during December 2016 was a post encouraging motorists to buckle up. This tweet was posted on December 6, 2016, and garnered 1,449 impressions and 129 engagements.

In 2015, there was no coordinated campaign for the holiday travel season. However, when comparing overall page data from November and December 2016 to the corresponding months in 2015, impressions, retweets and likes increased by more than 500 percent. The department’s engagement rate decreased by one percent.

InstagramAt the start of the Holiday Travel campaign, the department’s Instagram account had 7,245 followers. By January 1, 2017, the department gained 405 new followers, totaling 7,650 followers. In November and December 2016, the department made 55 posts to its Instagram account, 28 of which included Holiday Travel campaign content. Holiday Travel campaign-specific posts garnered 38,589 impressions. The average Holiday Travel campaign Instagram photo garnered 1,378 impressions, reached 1,081 unique Instagram users and engaged with 60 unique Instagram users. The most successful post in terms of organic impressions during November 2016 was a post that encouraged motorists to routinely check the age of their tires. This post was made on November 22, 2016, and garnered 1,993 impressions, reached 1,630 unique Instagram users and engaged with 87 unique Instagram users.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 15

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

The most successful post in terms of organic impressions during December 2016 was a post that served a dual purpose as a Holiday Travel campaign post and FHP recruitment post. This post was made on December 12, 2016 and garnered 2,369 impressions, reached 1,895 unique Instagram users and engaged with 226 unique Instagram users.

In 2015, there was no coordinated campaign for the holiday travel season. However, when comparing November and December 2016 to the corresponding months in 2015, the department posted 29 more photos to Instagram in 2016. In November and December of 2015, the department’s Instagram was classified as a personal account rather than a business account, preventing the comparison of Instagram analytics from 2015 to 2016.

Promoted PostsOver the course of the Holiday Travel campaign, the department promoted a total of 18 social media posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The department spent a total of $1,601.83 on promoted posts, which resulted in 224,699 impressions. Eight posts were promoted on Twitter and ten posts were promoted on Facebook and Instagram. Instagram is owned by Facebook, therefore allowing the same post to be promoted over both Facebook and Instagram simultaneously. Three posts were promoted only on Facebook, two posts were promoted only on Instagram and five posts were promoted over both Facebook and Instagram.

Platform Impressions CostFacebook & Instagram 141,415 $1,108.06

Twitter 83,284 $493.77TOTAL 224,699 $1,601.83

The most successful promoted Facebook post, in terms of CPM, was a post discouraging motorists from driving drowsy. This post was promoted from November 18, 2016, to November 28, 2016, for $100.00. It reached 17,080 unique Facebook users and garnered 27,324 impressions, resulting in a CPM of $3.66.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 16

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

The most successful promoted Instagram post, in terms of CPM, was a post discouraging motorists from driving distracted. This post was promoted from December 5, 2016, through January 2, 2017, for $50.00. It reached 5,330 unique Instagram users and garnered 5,911 impressions, resulting in a CPM of $8.46.

The most successful promoted Twitter post, in terms of cost per engagement (CPE), was a tweet encouraging motorists to find a safe ride home. This tweet was promoted from December 30, 2016, through January 3, 2017, for $50.00. It garnered 3,229 impressions and 215 engagements, resulting in a CPM of $0.11.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 17

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Social Media Lessons for Next Campaign• Use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Ads instead of promoting posts, which does not allow the department to

choose how funds are allocated. The CPM for promoted Instagram posts was higher than the industry average of $5.783, which could be prevented by allocating funds more properly with social media ads.

• During the Holiday Travel campaign, the department created a Travel Safe pledge sign for users to print and take a picture before traveling to show they had pledged to travel safe during their holiday travel. Next year, the Travel Safe pledge should be posted in an easier format for users to take the pledge. There were too many steps involved with this year’s pledge process to print the sign, take a picture and upload to social media. Users were more likely to just share the pledge image on social media in order to show that they were taking the pledge. The post about the Travel Safe pledge received 92 shares and 363 likes.

3 Instagram Advertising Benchmark Report: December 2015, Nanigans. (

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 18

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

PAO EventsFHP Public Affairs Officers (PAO) throughout the state also hosted events and discussed topics related to the Holiday Travel campaign. In total, there were 78 events that reached more than 41,000 people during the campaign.

TROOP ADate Events Location Audience

11/03/2016 Cops & Kids Lynn Haven, FL 150

11/07/2016 Pensacola Station – General Traffic Safety Pensacola, FL Unknown

11/07/2016 Cub Scouts Safety Talk Pensacola, FL 4011/10/2016 Seatbelt Safety at Lynn Haven Elementary School Lynn Haven , FL 30011/12/2016 Traine Air Conditioning Company – Distracted Driving Panama City, FL 60

11/15/2016 Okaloosa County Gas Company – Distracted Driving Fort Walton Beach, FL 75

11/16/2016 Naval Air Station Safety Belt and Travel Safety Presentation Pensacola, FL 20012/9/2016 Seat Belt Safety at Molino Park Pensacola, FL 50

12/17/2016 Cops with Kids Lynn Haven, FL 500

TOTAL 9 1,375

TROOP BDate Events Location Audience

11/10/2016 Santa Fe College – Rollover Simulator at Disabled Citizens Run with Cops Gainesville, FL 250

TOTAL 1 250

TROOP CDate Events Location Audience

11/1/2016 Hillsborough School Bus Drivers – General Traffic Safety Tampa, FL 100

11/5/2016 4K Brisk Walk For Life Tampa, FL 600

11/5/2016 General Traffic Safety at Starkey Ranch Touch a Truck New Port Richey, FL 800

11/15/2016 General Traffic Safety for Florida Gas Transmission Employee Safety Brief Lecanto, FL 50

11/16/2016 Pasco Middle School General Traffic Safety Dade City, FL 1,00011/16/2016 Quail Hollow Elementary School General Traffic Safety Wesley Chapel, FL 50011/17/2016 Traffic Safety at Pinecrest Elementary Tampa, FL 1,00011/17/2016 Traffic Safety at McKitrick Elementary Lutz, FL 1,00011/17/2016 Traffic Safety at Pinellas Park Elementary Pinellas Park, FL 1,00011/17/2016 Traffic Safety at Egypt Lake Elementary Tampa, FL 1,00011/19/2016 DUI and Traffic Safety at Pinellas County Walk Like MADD Largo, FL 1,500

11/29/2016General Traffic Safety Briefing for Hillsborough School Bus

DriversTampa, FL 50

12/1/2016 General Traffic Safety at USPS Brandon, FL 100

12/16/2016USCG Standdown – DUI, distracted driving, seatbelts and other

driver safetyClearwater, FL 1,000

TOTAL 14 9,700

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 19

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

TROOP DDate Events Location Audience

11/7/2016 Distracted Driving and DUI Safety Presentation Daytona Beach, FL 55

11/8/2016 Orkin Pest Control Safety Presentation – DUI (Rollover) and Distracted Driving Orlando, FL 50

11/10/2016 Elderly Safe Driving Event Daytona Beach, FL 1011/16/2016 Pineloch Elementary ‒ Traffic Safety Orlando, FL 7211/16/2016 Moss Park Elementary ‒ Traffic Safety Orlando, FL 4811/16/2016 East River High School ‒ Traffic Safety Orlando, FL 5011/17/2016 University of Central Florida ‒ General Safety and Traffic Stops Orlando, FL 10511/24/2016 The Orlando Car Show – Seat belt and DUI Orlando, FL 4,00011/25/2016 The Orlando Car Show ‒ Seat Belt and Rollover Simulator Demo Orlando, FL 5,00011/26/2016 The Orlando Car Show – Child Passenger Safety and Seat Belts Orlando, FL 7,00011/27/2016 The Orlando Car Show – Child Passenger Safety, Seat Belts and DUI Orlando, FL 5,000

TOTAL 11 21,390

TROOP EDate Events Location Audience

11/29/2016 Homestead Air Base Elementary School Safety Talk Homestead, FL 22

TOTAL 1 22

TROOP FDate Events Location Audience

11/3/2016 Royal Palm School Driving Safety Presentation Fort Myers, FL 35

11/5/2016 Lake Placid 5K Run and Bike Rodeo Lake Placid, FL 1,000

11/10/2016 Lee County Electric Coop Traffic Safety Presentations Fort Myers, FL 120

11/14/2016 PS1 Academy Safety Talk Fort Myers, FL 25

11/15/2016 Motorists Safety Carfit Event Fort Myers, FL 23

11/16/2016 Pike Electric Safety Day – DUI (rollover demo), distracted driving and seat belts Fort Myers, FL 68

11/22/2016 Cypress Lake High School – Distracted driving, DUI and seatbelts Fort Myers, FL 1,000

11/22/2016 Court Mandated Teen Driving Class ‒ distracted driving, speeding, DUI & seatbelts Fort Myers, FL 14

11/30/2016 Pike Electric Safety Day – Seatbelt focus Fort Myers, FL 4012/1/2016 FGCU Interview on Safety Tips, campaigns, education and enforcement Fort Myers, FL 3012/1/2016 Worlds Aids Day Health Fair Fort Myers, FL 20012/4/2016 Lehigh Seventh Day Adventist Adventurer’s Club Kids Talk Lehigh Acres, FL 2512/6/2016 Carfit Event at Lehigh Acres Senior Center Lehigh Acres, FL 15

12/12/2016 Teen Driver Safety Presentation with rollover simulator Fort Myers, FL 35012/13/2016 Mariner High School Safety Presentation Cape Coral, FL 35012/14/2016 Carfit Event at AAA Fort Myers, FL 1212/14/2016 Teen Driving Class – Distracted driving, DUI, speeding, seat belts Fort Myers, FL 812/17/2016 DUI Education at MADD 5K Fort Myers, FL 60012/19/2016 FGCU Radio Talk Show on Motorcycle and Driver Safety Estero, FL 1,000

TOTAL 19 4,565

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Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

TROOP GDate Events Location Audience

11/7/2016 General Traffic Safety Talk at Ed White High School Jacksonville, FL 60

11/8/2016 General Traffic Safety Talk at Grace Episcopal Day School Orange Park, FL 100

11/11/2016 Veteran’s Day Parade Jacksonville, FL 1,000

11/15/2016 Jacksonville TIMs Meeting Jacksonville, FL 25

11/18/2016 FRCSE NAS Traffic Safety, DUI, Distracted Driving Jacksonville, FL 250

11/22/2016 VP-30 Safety Talk Jacksonville, FL 200

11/23/2016 CNATTU Safety Talk Jacksonville, FL 200

12/12/2016 Shop with a Cop at Walmart – Traffic safety, DUI, distracted driving focus Starke, FL 125

12/13/2016 Shop with a Cop at Walmart – Traffic safety, DUI, distracted driving focus Starke, FL 140

12/15/2016 USCG Hitron Safety Brief on DUI, distracted driving and other traffic safety Jacksonville, FL 120

12/15/2016 Shop with a Cop at Walmart – Traffic safety, DUI, distracted driving focus Nassau, FL 125

12/16/2016 NAS Traffic Safety Presentation Jacksonville, FL 600

TOTAL 12 2,945

TROOP HDate Events Location Audience

11/30/2016 Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Tallahassee, FL 50

TOTAL 1 50

TROOP LDate Events Location Audience

11/9/2016 Pike Electric Driver Safety Meeting – DUI and Buckle Up Pembroke Pines, FL 32

11/16/2016 Palm Beach College – Buckle Up and DUI Safety Talk Lake Worth, FL 200

11/23/2016 Pike Electric Driver Safety Meeting Pembroke Pines, FL 3711/29/2016 Pike Electric Driver Safety Meeting Pembroke Pines, FL 2011/30/2016 Pike Electric Driver Safety Meeting Pembroke Pines, FL 2411/30/2016 Teen Driver Roundtable Davie, FL 10012/5/2016 Pike Electric Driver Safety Meeting – DUI, seat belts focus West Palm Beach, FL 4512/6/2016 Pike Electric Driver Safety Meeting – DUI and seat belts West Palm Beach, FL 3512/7/2016 Student Safety Assembly at Dwyer High School Palm Beach Gardens, FL 300

12/15/2016 Pike Electric Driver Safety Meeting – DUI, seatbelts focus Port St. Lucie, FL 88

TOTAL 10 881*Audience captured for the calculation of reach in "Earned Media."

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 21

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

FLHSMV.govIn preparation for the Holiday Travel campaign, the department consolidated and centralized all pages related to the Holiday Travel campaign. The Holiday Travel campaign homepage, located at, included links to Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s holiday safety pages. The Holiday Travel campaign homepage received 41,835 page views between November 1, 2016, and January 1, 2017. Of the 41,835 total views, 38,215 (91 percent) page views were from unique web users. The average amount of time that a user spent on the webpage was 1:16. The Holiday Travel Thanksgiving page received 337 page views, 294 (87 percent) of which were unique page views. The Holiday Travel Christmas/New Year page received 410 page views, 346 (84 percent) of which were unique page views. The Holiday Travel campaign webpage included the following links that received a minimum amount of clicks4:

• Road Trip Checklist and Safety Tips – 68 clicks • 2015 Thanksgiving Crash Data by County – 68 clicks• Proclamation by Governor Rick Scott that December was Impaired Driving Prevention Month – 58 clicks • 2015 Christmas/New Year’s Crash Data by County – 55 clicks • Holiday Travel Social Media Posts – 41 clicks • Florida Trip Tip Guide – 27 clicks • Vendor produced Holiday Travel Safety Videos – 27 clicks • #TravelSafeFL Pledge Sign – 14 clicks• Tow to Go – 0 clicks

When comparing November and December 2016 to that of 2015, Holiday Travel homepage views increased by 41,652 views, Thanksgiving webpage views decreased by 2,838 views and views to the Holiday Travel Christmas and New Year’s webpage increased by 312 views. The decrease in views for the Thanksgiving webpage may be due to the fact that the main campaign page link was used in most communications, including social media and all advertisements. Lessons for Next Campaign• Work more closely with AAA to improve messaging and promotion for the Tow To Go program. The link to the Tow

To Go page on the Holiday Travel campaign homepage was kept from the previous year’s campaign and as an added resource for users to find once on the page. The department did not use the link in any communications, because AAA requested that the department use messaging that encouraged designating a driver or arranging other safe transportation, since the Tow To Go program is designed as a safety net for those that don’t plan ahead.

• Ensure that the structure of the Holiday Travel campaign pages is the best way for users to navigate the safety material. The Holiday Travel campaign webpages were organized and consolidated to display the most relevant safety information for the department’s audience, but there may be additional tweaking to be made to make sure all links and resources are easily accessible. The holiday-specific pages for example, may not be needed and content could be moved directly on the Travel Safe campaign home page.

4 Google Analytics does not track every single click to a PDF. Rather, the number is generated only by a certain percentage of the visits to the Holiday Travel page or a sample of all the visits to the page.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 22

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Partner OutreachDuring the Holiday Travel campaign, the department officially partnered with the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA), Florida Police Chiefs Association (FPCA) and AAA – The Auto Club Group to promote the Holiday Travel safety messages through quotes in press releases, social media support, posters and/or handouts and other campaign support. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Florida Department of Education supported the campaign message through social media, sharing the press release and posters placed in all FDOT rest areas and welcome centers.The FPCA shared the campaign logo on their Facebook page, garnering 225 views from their audience. The FPCA also shared the Road Trip Checklist and Safety Tips on Facebook and 13 posters were sent to various police stations throughout the state. In addition to the FSA’s endorsement of the campaign through the press release, the FSA displayed the Holiday Travel campaign poster at their headquarters in Tallahassee. AAA distributed five campaign posters to their branch offices throughout Florida and used the hashtag #TravelSafeFL on multiple posts on their Facebook page throughout the campaign. The department sent posters to each of the 12 state universities and 28 state colleges in Florida, in order for them to post throughout their college campuses. These posters were sent to the Dean of Student Affairs or President of each school, with a letter encouraging them to place the poster on visible areas of their campus, visit the campaign page for more materials and to contact the department with any feedback or questions.The department displayed the Holiday Travel campaign logo and four additional safety on its digital message board at headquarters from November 1, 2016 through January 1, 2017. FHP troops D, F, G and H also displayed the Holiday Travel campaign safety messages on their headquarters’ message boards.

Partner Outreach Lessons for Next Campaign• Based on AAA’s needs, the department will provide smaller, postcard-sized literature in the future to be used at the

front cashiers’ area and added to customers’ bags.• Although we were able to find addresses and contact information for each of the state universities and colleges

in Florida, there was no way for the department to know which schools used the materials. In the future, the department will utilize social media and the Department of Education to reach the colleges and universities for campaigns.

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 23

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Internal OutreachThe Holiday Travel campaign message was promoted internally among department members through use of its internal website, SafetyNet. The Holiday Travel campaign logo was posted on the homepage of SafetyNet homepage for the duration of the campaign. Holiday Travel campaign messaging was also disseminated to approximately 4,500 department employees around the state through the Executive Director's internal biweekly newsletter, DHSMV Connections: Agency Accomplishments & Kudos. The newsletter highlights department members’ accomplishments, safety education initiatives and messages from the executive leadership team. The following messages appeared in four newsletters published during November and December 2016:

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Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 25

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles










OctSeptAugJuly JuneMay April MarchFebJan Nov Dec

2016 DHSMV Campaign Outreach

Social Media Followers













DecNovOctSeptAugJuly JuneMay April MarchFebJan

Facebook & Twitter Impressions



Holiday Travel Campaign Evaluation Report: November 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017 26

Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Media Reach*









Holiday Travel

Teen Safety

Drowsy Driving

Child Safety

Wrong Way

Share the Road

Distracted Driv


Spring Break

Hit & Run

Move Over

*Please note that Media Reach does not include billboard advertisements, so it is not included for the Move Over Awareness or Share the Road campaigns. No paid media was purchased by the department for the Wrong Way Driving Awareness campaign. It is also important to note that the Holiday Travel campaign was two months long.

Earned MediaRadio Ads

Online AdsPrint Ads