providing an enabling environment for ict development-anne waiguru

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  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Anne Waiguru, Ag. D. IFMIS/HGU

    19th April 2011, at the Connected Kenya Conference,

    Leisure Lodge Hotel, Mombasa

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Outliney Introduction

    y Treasury Interventions in Facilitating ICT development


    Budgetary Priorities for ICT developmenty Tax incentives for an Enabling Environment

    y Policy reviews for an Enabling Environment

    y Treasurys leveraging on ICT to improve efficiency andeffectiveness in Public financial management

    y Leading by Example ESP Monitoring tool, & IFMISAcademy

    y Conclusion

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru



    The Government recognizes that the efficiency andconnectivity afforded by ICT is a bedrock foraccelerated economic growth, expanded economicopportunities, and overall poverty reduction.

    y This is premised by our belief that the use of ICTwould yield

    y Savings in public expenditure,

    y Create efficiencies for a better and more productive

    economy, therebyy Create jobs and move our economy up the value

    chain, while

    y Reducing the cost of doing business.

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Budgetary Priorities for ICT Development

    y Despite general resource limitations caused by theglobal economic downturn, and PEV, the Treasury has

    nevertheless prioritized resources towards ICT


    y In 2010/11 the Research, Innovation and Technology

    sector, to which ICT development is housed under the

    MTEF sectors was allocated Kshs. 66.2 billion (up from

    Kshs. 45.5 billion in 2009/10),

    y 2011/12 projections set at Kshs. 68.4 billion

    representing a 3.3% increase.

    y This is expected to increase to Kshs. 72 billion by


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Budgetary Priorities for ICT Development2

    yProgrammes under the ICT infrastructure sub-component include the development of BPO

    centers, Digital Villages and an ICT park.


    Treasury also prioritizes ICT orientedprogrammes in other sectors. For example:

    yEducation: ICT laboratories for e-learning;

    Digital libraries

    yGJLOS: Electronic voter registration;

    Digitization of Court Registries: Automation

    of court processes (Telepresence system)

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Tax Incentives for an Enabling


    yThe Treasury similarly uses tax incentives topromote sectors including ICT, and therebyprovide an enabling environment. E.g.

    y2009/10 budget proposed a 5% taxdeduction on computer software, and

    yFurther allowed internet service providers to

    offset against their taxable income the costincurred in acquiring the right to use thefibre optic cable over a period of twentyyears

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Policy Interventions for an

    Enabling EnvironmentyThe Treasury mandate of creating an enabling

    environment through policy development has

    seen proposals made including:

    1. Banking Act was amended to allow for

    branchless banking which leverages on ICT.

    2. Review of key business related legislation

    undertaken to improve the environment fordoing business. These include the Companies,

    Insolvency, Partnerships bills.

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Policy Interventions for an

    Enabling Environment23. Digitization of the Companies Registry, and

    4. Reduced the time to obtain construction

    permits and number of days required to

    start businesses.

    5. We have also licensed 4 microfinance

    institutions to begin taking deposits so asto increase access of SMEs to credit.

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Leveraging on ICT to improve public

    financial management systemsy As initially indicated, The treasury recognizes the role

    that ICT can play in facilitating economic growth and

    development and in improving the efficiency,

    effectiveness and transparency of public financialmanagement systems. Treasury has therefore

    spearheaded the following interventions:

    y IFMIS Re-engineering

    y The MoF is currently implementing the re-

    engineering IFMIS strategic plan, that seeks to

    integrate all financial management business end to

    end processes.

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Leveraging on ICT to improve public

    financial management systems (2)y To ensure effective linkages and integration

    between the Budget Process; Procurement;Accounting; Electronic Funds Transfer; Payroll;Pension System and the Public Debt Management

    system.y These are being undertaken within a framework

    that is structured along seven key components -the Re-engineering for Business Results; Plan toBudget; Procure to Pay; Revenue to Cash; Recordto Report; Communicate to Change and ICT toSupport.

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Leveraging on ICT to improve public

    financial management systems (3)y The ICT to Support component of this reforms will

    elevate the pace, scope and effectiveness offinancial resource management, public serviceprovision, and, ultimately, value-based economic

    growthy The newly created IFMIS department at MoF

    coordinating and implementing these initiative.

    yAutomation of the Kenya Revenue Authority.

    y KRA has and continues to implement automationstrategies including:

    y Electronic Cargo Tracking System

    y Integrated Tax Management System

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Leveraging on ICT to improve public

    financial management systems (4)y E-Promis

    y To support government monitoring of implementationof projects, the MoF is facilitating the e-promisframework to keep a constant check on the

    implementation of GoK programmes/projects.y E-Registryy To enable small business apply and pay for licenses

    online, including through the use of mobile payment

    platformsy 3.8 B Fund for the Financial Inclusion of the

    Informal Sector reaching the un banked andunder banked using the M-Banking Platform

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    Leveraging on ICT to improve public

    financial management systems (7)y ESP Website/GIS mapping tooly The ESP secretariat recently launched an

    interactive web page and GIS mapping tool, thefirst of its kind within government, to facilitate

    the continued monitoring and evaluation of ESPprojects, as well as provide an update on statusof implementation with the general public.

    y The ESP website and GIS mapping tool allows forreal time status updates on funds disbursement,

    utilization and implementation of ESP activitiesso as to meet the expectations of a vigilant publicwho regularly access the tools

    y The journey overcoming challenges, JKUAT,Google support through Iridium

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


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  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    IFMIS ACADEMYy Objective - Capacity enhancement and Change


    y Begin with in classroom for building capacity partnerwith KIA, KSMS

    y Anticipate four modules for IFMIS users

    y E learning Four modules per year

    y Linked with user access codes to system to ensurecompliance

    y Developing the framework ICTB / Accenture support

    y Started running workshops BPR workshops betweenmarch & April had 307 participants.

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru



    It is our view that creating an enablingenvironment for ICT development y Will streamline efficiency and effectiveness in the

    management of public financial resources,


    Improve public sector governance through thepromotion of greater comprehensiveness andtransparency of information across governmentinstitutions

    y Enable us to provide timely, accurate, and quality data,

    ywhilst concurrently enhancing controls to improveexpenditure management

    y So as to deliver quality services to the Kenyan people.

    y Ultimately - enhancing economic development andcontributing to poverty reduction.

  • 8/7/2019 Providing an Enabling Environment for ICT Development-Anne Waiguru


    ConclusionWith an enabling environmentfor ICT development-

    The sky is the limit