protection weapons - komachine

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Page 1: Protection Weapons - Komachine

S&T Dynamics Military Products

Protection Weapons

Page 2: Protection Weapons - Komachine

Specification >

● T�he �anti-�mi�s�si�le �deco�y �s�y�ste�m, KDAGAIE M�k2 i�s �an e�lectronic �w�ar�f�are�(EW�) �we�a�pon to �protect

�s�ur�f�ace �s�hi�p �b�y �l�a�unc�hin�g o�f E�lectro-M�a�gnetic�(EM�) �an�d/or In�fr�a-Re�d �(IR�) �deco�y�s �a�g�ain�st �an�y

�mi�s�si�le �att�ac�k. T�he KDAGAIE M�k2 i�s �a�l�so �de�si�gne�d to �a�p�p�l�y �v�ario�u�s EW t�actic�s in�de�pen�dent�l�y

or �joint�l�y �wit�h �p�a�s�si�ve or �acti�ve e�lectronic �w�ar�f�are �s�y�ste�m�s.

● T�he �s�y�ste�m i�s to �be o�per�ate�d to inter�f�ace �wit�h t�hre�at �detector�s �a�s CFCS, FCS �an�d ESM, �an�d

n�a�vi�g�ation �sen�sor�s �a�s �win�d, �s�hi�p’�s �s�pee�d, �he�a�din�g, ro�l�l �an�d �pitc�h.

● T�he �s�ucce�s�s�f�u�l �protection �a�g�ain�st 4 �mi�s�si�le�s co�min�g �fro�m �di�f�ferent �be�arin�g in �le�s�s t�h�an 10

�secon�d�s i�s t�he �per�for�m�ance �ac�hie�ve�d �b�y KDAGAIE M�k2 Deco�y �l�a�unc�her �s�y�ste�m �for �se�l�f

�de�fen�se o�f �s�ur�f�ace �s�hi�p�s �a�s �p�atro�l �bo�at�s, �fri�g�ate�s �an�d �de�stro�yer etc.

Feature >

Anti - Missile Decoy System Self Defense System for Ship

Application >

03 | S&T Dynamics Military Products |

It�em �KDA�GAIE M�k�2

�Ver�sion 2 L�a�unc�her�s

L�a�unc�her Tr�ain�a�b�le

O�per�atin�g Mo�de Inte�gr�ate�d / St�an�d-�a�lone

Proce�s�sin�g F�u�l�l �a�uto�m�atic in 3 �sec

Action Con�f�u�sion, Di�str�action, Se�d�uction

Lo�a�din�g�(�B�a�sic�) 7 S�uitc�a�se �& 9 Roc�ket�s/L�a�unc�her

A�m�m�unitionS�uitc�a�se : LEM, LIR

Roc�ket : REM

Ot�her A�l�l ro�un�d co�ver�a�ge, M�u�lti-t�hre�at �proce�s�sin�g, M�anoe�u�vre in�dic�atin�g

Page 3: Protection Weapons - Komachine

● T�he �mine �di�s�pen�ser, KM138 �ar�m�s �an�d �de�p�lo�y�s �anti-�per�sonne�l �mine M74, �anti-t�an�k �mine

M75 �an�d �pr�actic�a�l �mine �a�s �we�l�l. T�he �mine�s �are �di�s�pen�se�d �b�y t�he �motion o�f �a �s�pinnin�g

�w�hee�l �an�d tire t�h�at �are �dri�ven e�lectric�a�l�l�y. T�he KM138 �h�a�s c�a�p�a�b�le o�f �l�a�yin�g �mine�fie�l�d in

�se�ver�a�l �di�f�ferent �p�attern�s. T�he READY �l�a�m�p on e�lectronic �bo�x co�me�s on to in�for�m o�per�ator

�w�hen �di�s�pen�ser i�s re�a�d�y to �l�a�unc�h �a �mine. T�he FAIL �l�a�m�p on e�lectronic �bo�x co�me�s on

�w�hen �di�s�pen�ser �h�a�s �a �m�a�l�f�unction �pro�b�le�m. O�per�ator contro�l�s t�he �p�attern o�f t�he �mine�fie�l�d

�b�y �ho�l�din�g t�he �h�an�d�le �an�d t�urnin�g t�he �di�s�pen�ser to �de�sire�d �po�sition�s.

Feature >

Specification >

Mine Dispenser Perfect Mining Mission

Application >

05 | S&T Dynamics Military Products |

It�em �KM�1�3�8

Wei�g�ht 78 �k�g�(176 �k�g �wit�h cont�ainer�)

Di�s�pen�se r�an�ge 30 �m�(�min.�)

Inter�v�a�l o�f �di�s�p.�(O�pti�m�a�l�) 1 �mine/10 �sec

Mine M74 �anti-�per�sonne�l �an�d M75 �anti-t�an�k

Ar�min�g Met�ho�dFir�st �ste�p : Acti�vit�y o�f re�vo�l�ution

Secon�d �ste�p : In�d�ucti�ve �vo�lt�a�ge �a�l�lo�w�ance

A�p�p�lic�ation �Ve�hic�le�s, APC, Tr�uc�k, etc.

Page 4: Protection Weapons - Komachine

● T�he �s�mo�ke �gren�a�de �l�a�unc�her i�s �a �se�l�f-�de�fen�se �s�mo�ke �de�vice e�xtern�a�l�l�y �mo�unte�d on t�he

t�actic�a�l �ve�hic�le�s. T�he �s�y�ste�m con�si�st o�f �a �b�an�k o�f �more t�h�an �fo�ur 66�m�m �gren�a�de �l�a�unc�her

t�u�be�s �a�l�l �at �a �di�f�ferent �an�g�le, �w�hic�h �are �u�se�d to �pro�ject �a �s�mo�ke �gren�a�de to �a r�an�ge o�f

25�m to 30�m to o�ver �front�a�l �are�a o�f t�he �ve�hic�le.

● U�sin�g �s�mo�ke �gren�a�de, �a co�m�p�lete �screen c�an �be o�bt�aine�d �wit�hin 2 �secon�d�s o�f �pre�s�sin�g

t�he �firin�g �b�utton. T�he t�actic�a�l �ve�hic�le �h�a�ve t�he �pro�m�pt �a�bi�lit�y o�b�sc�ure t�heir �po�sition. t�he

�s�mo�ke �screen i�s �l�a�unc�he�d �b�y e�lectric�a�l i�gnition �u�sin�g �ve�hic�le’�s 24-�vo�lt DC �po�wer �so�urce.

Feature >

Specification > Smoke Grenade Launcher Hiding for Military Duty

Application >


K18 KM259

KM250 KM255

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 07

It�em �KM�2�5�0 �K�1�8 �KM�2�5�5 �KM�2�5�9 �KM�2�6�0

N�u�m�ber o�f �l�a�unc�her 2�(LH, RH�) 2 2 2 1

N�u�m�ber o�f t�u�be/L�a�unc�her 6 5 6 4 6

1 L�a�unc�her �si�ze�(W×H×L, �m�m�)

305×279×280 375×209×170 570�x235�x230 296×240×161 900×260×340

1 L�a�unc�her �wei�g�ht�(�k�g�) 15.0 7.0 11.8 5.7 8.5

Firin�g r�an�ge�(�m�) 25�~30 25�~30 25�~30 25�~30 25�~30


Wi�dt�h�(�m�) 90�~110 90�~110 90�~110 90�~110 90�~110

Hei�g�ht�(�m�) 25�~65 25�~65 25�~65 25�~65 25�~65

De�pt�h�(�m�) 8�~10 8�~10 8�~10 8�~10 8�~10

A�m�m�unition �di�a�meter�(�m�m�) 66 66 66 66 66

A�m�m�unition KL8A, K415 KL8A1, K415 KL8A1, K415 KL8A1, K415 KL8A1, K415

Page 5: Protection Weapons - Komachine

● RS422 Inter�f�ace O�per�ation

● L�a�unc�her Tr�a�ver�se Dri�vin�g S�y�ste�m

● E�xce�l�lent Dri�vin�g S�pee�d/Acc�ur�ac�y

● �V�ario�u�s S�mo�ke Gren�a�de L�a�unc�hin�g

● A�m�m�unition Detect F�unction

● �BIT�(�B�ui�lt In Te�st�) F�unction

● Mi�l-St�d-810F/Mi�l-St�d-461E �s�ati�s�fie�d

● Inte�gr�ate�d to K2 M�BT

Feature >

Soft-kill Launcher System for K2 MBT

Specification >

�< Contro�l Unit �> �< L�a�unc�her �>

Application >

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 09

It�em SLS

Dri�vin�g R�an�ge -90°�~ +90°

Dri�vin�g S�pee�d 90°/�sec �(Tr�a�ver�se�)

Dri�vin�g Acc�ur�ac�y �wit�hin 1°

A�m�m�unition 8 A�m�mo.

O�per�ation �Vo�lt. 28 �V�dc / 250 �V�dc

Inter�f�ace RS422

S�y�ste�m Wei�g�ht 70 �k�g

Page 6: Protection Weapons - Komachine

Specification >

● Inter�f�ace Contro�l S�y�ste�m �for Anti-Mi�s�si�le Deco�y S�y�ste�m MK33 R�BOC

● RS422 Inter�f�ace O�per�ation

● O�per�ation : Inte�gr�ate�d/St�an�d A�lone

● Firin�g : A�uto/Se�mi-�a�uto/M�an�u�a�l

● Reco�m�men�d He�a�din�g �& S�pee�d

● T�hre�at Le�ve�l Co�m�p�ati�bi�lit�y

● In�dic�ation o�f A�m�m�unition St�at�u�s

● Inte�gr�ate�d to PKG S�hi�p

Feature >

Interface Control System for RBOC

Application >

| S&T Dynamics Military Products | 11

It�em ICS

Wei�g�ht 45�k�g

Inter�f�ace T�y�pe RS-422

O�per�ation �Vo�lt AC 220�V 60H�z

Inter�f�ace E�q�ui�p. PKG Co�m�b�at M�an�a�ge�ment S�y�ste�m

Contro�l E�q�ui�p. Anti-�mi�s�si�le Deco�y S�y�ste�m MK33 R�BOC

Contro�l E�q�ui�p. ESM/GYRO/LOG/WIND

Page 7: Protection Weapons - Komachine

Protection WeaponsBest Technology & Best Quality



599 NAMMYEON-RO, SEONGSAN-GU, CHANGWON, GYEONGNAM 642-020 KOREATEL : +82-55-280-5509 / FAX : +82-55-280-5306

134 GASAN DIGITAL 1RO, GEUMCHEON-GU, SEOUL 153-803 KOREATEL : +82-2-3279-5155 / FAX : +82-2-701-6938
