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Protandim Report Protandim Information October 25, 2011 LifeVantage Starts Anti-Aging Revolution with Breakthrough Product…Protandim Protandim regenerates youth at the cellular level, Clinical trials prove results I f you’re like most people, you want to feel younger, look younger and have energy that is more youthful. You want to slow the aging process and return to a revitalized state of health. Your age is determined by much more than a simple number; in fact, it’s a mixture of several factors. These include your chronological age, stress, and environmental factors (such as the damage caused by free radical compounds that continually attack our cells’ genes), and your genetic composition. What if you could safeguard against the ever-increasing aging process? What if you could slow down the ravages of oxidative stress and ‘reGENerate’ your inner age to that of a 20-year-old? Fortunately, you can — with a recent breakthrough in anti-aging called Protandim. The True Science of Combating Age Dr. Joe McCord has spent the last 40 years investigating the science of free radicals and aging. His work earned him the prestigious Elliott Cresson Award. Other winners of this award include Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell and Orville Wright. Over the last decade, Dr. McCord’s research has led to a true breakthrough in anti-aging science. His work has helped alter how the problems associated with aging are addressed by showing that traditional antioxidants simply aren’t effective in neutralizing free radicals and that the most effective way to fight aging is at its source: the genes. Common antioxidants are very limited in their abilities – one molecule of the antioxidant can neutralize only one free radical molecule, explains Dr. McCord. However, the body’s enzymes, which include superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase, can each eliminate an astounding one million free radicals per second without being used up. “Due to their vastly superior ability to eliminate free radicals, these enzymes can also slow the genes associated with aging, thereby re-setting the ‘inner age’ of your cells to a more youthful level,” says Dr. McCord. Protandim: A Breakthrough in Anti-Aging Science Dr. McCord’s career in free radical biology culminated recently in his creation of a revolutionary supplement that works entirely differently than any of today’s conventional anti-aging products. Called Protandim, this product features five potent botanicals that signal your body’s DNA to increase the production of anti-aging enzymes such as SOD and catalase. In fact, human clinical trials on Protandim itself have yielded extremely impressive results, showing an average 40% reduction of oxidative stress. Other research

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Page 1: Protandim · Protandim Report Protandim Information October 25, 2011 LifeVantage Starts Anti-Aging Revolution with Breakthrough Product…Protandim

Protandim ReportProtandim Information October 25, 2011

LifeVantage Starts Anti-Aging Revolutionwith Breakthrough Product…ProtandimProtandim regenerates youth at the cellular level, Clinicaltrials prove results

If you’re like most people, you want to feel younger, lookyounger and have energy that is more youthful. You wantto slow the aging process and return to a revitalized state

of health. Your age is determined by much more than a simple number; infact, it’s a mixture of several factors. These include yourchronological age, stress, and environmental factors (such as thedamage caused by free radical compounds that continually attackour cells’ genes), and your genetic composition. What if you could safeguard against the ever-increasing agingprocess? What if you could slow down the ravages of oxidativestress and ‘reGENerate’ your inner age to that of a 20-year-old? Fortunately, you can — with a recent breakthrough in anti-agingcalled Protandim.

The True Science of Combating Age Dr. Joe McCord has spent the last 40 years investigating thescience of free radicals and aging. His work earned him theprestigious Elliott Cresson Award. Other winners of this awardinclude Henry Ford, Alexander Graham Bell and Orville Wright. Over the last decade, Dr. McCord’s research has led to a truebreakthrough in anti-aging science. His work has helped alter howthe problems associated with aging are addressed by showing thattraditional antioxidants simply aren’t effective in neutralizing freeradicals and that the most effective way to fight aging is at itssource: the genes. Common antioxidants are very limited in their abilities – onemolecule of the antioxidant can neutralize only one free radical

molecule, explains Dr. McCord. However, the body’s enzymes,which include superoxidedismutase (SOD), catalase andglutathione peroxidase, can eacheliminate an astounding onemillion free radicals per secondwithout being used up. “Due totheir vastly superior ability toeliminate free radicals, theseenzymes can also slow the genesassociated with aging, therebyre-setting the ‘inner age’ of yourcells to a more youthful level,” saysDr. McCord.

Protandim: A Breakthroughin Anti-Aging Science

Dr. McCord’s career in free radicalbiology culminated recently in hiscreation of a revolutionarysupplement that works entirelydifferently than any of today’sconventional anti-aging products.Called Protandim, this productfeatures five potent botanicals thatsignal your body’s DNA to increasethe production of anti-agingenzymes such as SOD and catalase. In fact, human clinical trials onProtandim itself have yieldedextremely impressive results,showing an average 40% reductionof oxidative stress. Other research

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• Professor of Medicine atUniversity of ColoradoHealth Sciences Center

• Bachelor of Science in

Chemistry from RodesCollege Memphis

• PH.D. in Biochemistryand Postdoctoratestudies at DukeUniversity, Durham,North Carolina

• Member of Life VantageScience Advisory Board

findings demonstrate that Protandim positively affects a networkof genes governing the aging process.

“The science is very powerful,” says David Brown, CEO ofLifeVantage. “In simple terms, Protandim slowed the agingprocess experienced by most adults and reduced it to the level ofa 20-year-old – something that can’t be claimed by any otheranti-aging product.”

In this study, Protandim was shown to eliminate the surge ofoxidative stress that typically occurs as a person ages. In fact, asBrown stated, the study researchers couldn’t distinguish the bloodof a 78-year-old individuals taking Protandim from that of ahealthy 20-year-old. After just one pill per day for 30 days,Protandim eliminated the age-dependent increase in oxidativestress.

Other research findings demonstrate that Protandim positivelyaffects a network of genes governing the aging process. Theclinical trials spurred a feature of Protandim on ABC’S Primetime,which in turn catapulted the product into the public eye. Theresult of Protandim’s introduction to the market is that it hasbecome the benchmark for anti-aging performance. “Everyone’svery excited about Protandim,” says Brown. “it’s protected byfour patents. The clinical results are truly remarkable. In addition,the shift of evidence in free radical science all point to Protandimas the leader in antioxidant support.

Synergy is Crucial One of the key aspects of Protandim is its one-of-a-kind formula. It contains a proprietary blend of five botanicals—green tea,turmeric, milk thistle, ashwagandha and bacopa—each of whichpossess potent anti-aging properties. More important however, isthe facts that recent testing demonstrates that the five ingredientstogether, as they are in Protandim, produce a superior protectiveeffect against oxidative stress as they dramatically increase theproduction of anti–aging enzymes.

LifeVantage in Unique Position LifeVantage, the company that developed and markets Protandim, recognizes that it is in a unique position. “There is nothing likeProtandim out there,” explains Brown. “Consequently, we havean opportunity to lead this new and exploding market of powerfulanti-aging enzyme products. Most of the public has never heard of

Protandim or experienced itsbenefits,” he states. “But that willchange.”

Dr. Joe McCord, Ph.D.

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Protandim is Completely Validated by Science

Recognized Scientist Sees “VeryValuable” Protandim Pass theRigors of Peer-Review Processes Written by Dr. Joe McCord.

Ihave spent forty years studying antioxidantenzymes and their roles in physiology and indisease states. Most of this time was spent trying

to find safe and effective ways to increase theactivities of these enzymes to restore normaloxidative balance and to eliminate oxidative stress.Protandim offers the best solution so far, and it maybe the best possible solution. As a scientist, I feel the most exciting benefitprovided by protandim is knowing that I haveeliminated the progressive, age -dependent increase inoxidative stress that accompanies aging. Scientistsknow that the so called “diseases of aging” areclosely associated with oxidative stress. This producthas been completely validated by science. The fiveingredients have been studied individually and in allpossible combinations. We understand in great detail how Protandim worksto increase the cell’s production of it’s vitalantioxidant enzymes, we can demonstrate theremarkable synergy achieved when these specificingredients are combined, and we understand howthese enzymes work together to decrease oxidativestress. Each dose of protandim sends signals to the DNAinside every cell. These signals turn on the “switches”that activate the genes that produce the family ofantioxidant enzymes, causing more of these vitalenzymes to be produced each day. When the signalsstop coming, the genes return to their lower level ofproduction. Science advances when new tools comealong, and protandim is a very valuable new tool. Itwill allow us to explore the relationship between

oxidative stress and the many diseases that seemso strongly associated with oxidative stress. The peer-review process guarantees thatpublished studies meet the rigorous standardsthat scientists impose upon themselves and eachother. Each scientist relies on what otherspublish, so without the assurance of unbiasedaccuracy, rationale, and reproducibility, thesystem could not function. It would be nice if allaspects of our society had effective peer-reviewprocesses. It is the quality assurance of thepeer-review process that has attracted so manyindependent scientists at other universities tostudy protandim.1

Protandim Herbs and Benefits 2

Stemming from a Whole Person approach,Ayurvedic medicine is a 5000-year-old heathcare practice. Adaptogenic herbs, date backthousands of years. They work on the entire bodyto help with stress, anxiety, and fatigue and helpyour body gain balance called homeostasis.

Imagine boosting your energy level andincreasing your longevity naturally. Improveyour digestive system, enhance your muscles andstrengthen your bones.

Taken from the Report “Vitality &1

Longevity”, Vol.1 / No. 2

Daily Life Source.2

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Ingredients & Uses

Milk Thistle Extract (Silybum Marianum)From China Biennial Thistle with large clasping whiteblotched leaves and purple flower heads.Naturalized in South America, andCalifornia. It has been used for thousands ofyears to treat liver diseases such as livercirrhosis and hepatitis and to protect theliver from toxins such as medications(particularly psychotropic drugs &chemotherapy) and chemicals. It has alsobeen used to treat gallbladder disorders. *NOTE: Milk Thistle does NOT have anestrogen-effect


CholesterolDiabetes, with regard to insulinCancers: incl: breast, prostate, cervicalHepatitisGallstonesInflammationAntibacterialAsthmaHyperthyroidismImmunomodulator

Green Tea Leaf Extract (CamelliaSinensis) From ChinaTropical evergreen shrub cultivated inChina, Japan, and India. Have been used intraditional medicine to treat Asthmafunctioning as a bronchodilator. Studiesshowed that it can reverse resistance ofmethicillin in bacteria's such as Staph.


Mental ClarityAnti depressantFighting cancerous cellsWeight loss

Protandim is made of these 5herbal ingredients.Dr. McCord tested numerouscombinations of these 5ingredients. Protandim’sspecific ratio of these herbsmakes the product 1800%more effective than any oneingredient OR any othercombination tested.

Good ManufacturingPracticesTo the best of our knowledgewe meet or exceed the CurrentGood Manufacturing Practices{“cGMPs”) for NutritionalSupplements. Also, all rawmaterials are validated beforethey are purchased. Thismeans we test all inbound rawmaterials for quality andpurity. Also, Protandim issubject to existing dietarysupplement laws, such as theDietary Supplement Healthand Education Act, includingadverse event reportingrequirements. LifeVantage hasestablished the safety andpurity of all its ingredientsthrough independentlaboratory testing.

Cold PressedThe raw ingredients arepressed into tablet form. Ourtablets are pressed without anyextraneous heat. The only heatthat results from the process isfrom natural friction. There isno raw material degradationfrom the process. This isconsidered “cold” pressed or“soft” pressed.

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Ashwagandha Root (Withania Somnifera)From India

A member of the pepper family. Also known asIndian Ginseng, Winter Cherry, and others. Growsin India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, andBangladesh. Traditional and Ayurvedic uses includetreatment of memory loss, and numerous otherapplications.


Alzheimer's Arthritis Senility Anti-Inflammatory Stress Muscle relaxer Energy, non-stimulant Oxygen consumption Blood Sugar Athletic performance Helps control lactic acid build up in muscles

Turmeric Extract Rhizome (Curcuma longa)From India

Native to India and is the source of a culinary spiceknown as Turmeric. Plant is part if the Gingerfamily. Its strong anti oxidant and anti inflammatorycharacteristics are its most obvious medicalproperties.


Stomach disordersVenereal diseaseFood Poisoning Mental disorders Jaundice Breast tumors

Bacopa Extract (Bacopa Monnieri) From India

Otherwise known as Waterhissop. A perennial;creeping herb grown throughout India, Nepal, SriLanka, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and also found in

Florida. Has a number of uses in Ayurvedicmedicine. Studies have shown it has anti anxietyeffects in humans and memory capacity,concentration, and motor learning on rats. It hasbeen shown to suppress neuronal oxidative stress.


Alzeheimers Protection from DNA damage Free radical scavenging Stress Immunomodulation Antiinflammatory Anti-aging Asthma - Broncho-vasodilatory Depression Epilepsy Other Ingredients

Calcium Carbonate, Croscarmellos Sodium,Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Stearate,Microcrystalline Cellulose, Modified Cellulose,Silica, Stearic Acid.

The cellulose (plant fiber) and other excipients allowthe ingredients to hold together when pressed toform a caplet. Magnesium stearate is a naturallubricant that allows the caplet to be released fromthe die. Another agent keeps the ingredients dry.These same excipients are found in most pressedtablets and caplets.

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The following medical Universities are currentlyconducting self funded clinical trials on Protandim:

• Denver Health Medical Center• Children’s Hospital Denver• Colorado State University• Glamorgan University, Wales• U Hospital Bmo, Czech Republic• Mexico City Sahlgensla University• Hospital Goteborg, Sweden• Mexican Institute of Social Security• Virginia Common-Weatlh University• American Heart Association • Dept of Defense, Navy Seals• University of Florida• Louisiana State University• University of Michigan• Vanderbilt University• University of Colorado• University of Kentucky• Ohio State University

The following Diseases are currently under self-funded clinical trials with Protandim

• Asthma• Altitude Sickness• Diabetes• Duchenne Muscular Distrophy• Heart Disease• Heart By-pass graft failure• HIV/AIDS-associated lipodystrophy• Metabolic Syndrome• OsteoArthritis• Optic neuropathy • Pulmonary• Periodontal Disease• Renal failure• Skin Cancer• Skin Photo aging

If you are interested in reviewing the studiesmentioned above visit andenter ‘Protandim’ in the search box. If you wouldlike to know what diseases and problems are related

to oxidative stress go to the above site and typeoxidative stress in the search box.

Medicine Interactions

Protandim is generally safe to use with medications,according to it's developer Dr. Joe McCord. If youare using prescription medications, however, youmay want to present this information to yourphysician prior to using Protandim.

* These statements have not been evaluated by theFood and Drug Administration. This product is notintended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent anydisease. “When you read this information, pleasekeep in mind that Protandim® is a dietarysupplement, not a drug. We do not promote orintend to imply or represent that Protandim® canprevent, cure, treat or mitigate any disease or classof disease. Protandim® is not intended to be analternative or replacement for any drug or biologicalproduct.”

If you would like to know more about Protandimand the benefits of it please contact:

Why Protandim? 10 Key Benefits

1. Scientifically Proven2. Superior Antioxidant Power3. Reduced Oxidative Stress4. Healthy Immune Support5. Enhance Overall Health6. Anti-Aging Ability7. Increased Glutathione8. One-of-a-Kind9. Proprietary and patented10. Leading Edge