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Prospective Developments at CWPRS: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges Report Submitted to the World Bank P.Y. Julien February 2013

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS: Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

Report Submitted to the World Bank

P.Y. Julien

February 2013

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS i


This report has been prepared under the technical assistance programme on

"Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Development and

Management in India". The Trust Fund is funded by UK aid from the UK

Government and managed by the World Bank. The views expressed do not

necessarily reflect official policies from the UK Government or from the

World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein

should not be attributed to UK aid or to the World Bank or its affiliated

organizations. UK aid and the World Bank do not endorse any specific firm

and companies listed in the report.

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS ii

Executive Summary

The Central Water and Power Research Station was established in 1916 by

the then Bombay Presidency. During the period 2007-2012, the average

annual production at CWPRS included 100 technical reports submitted to

project authorities. Today, under the Ministry of Water Resources of India, 250 studies are conducted at the Research Station at any given time. Sound

engineering design is currently practiced and the projects handled at

CWPRS have a national perspective and international potential.

The development of water and power resources emerges as a key national

priority as India rises among economically powerful nations. The challenges in water and power at the national scale include:

Demographic expansion - The population of India has increased from

1.02 billion in 2001 to 1.21 billion people in 2012. The supply of potable water to every household is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Increasing energy demand – The hydropower demand increased from

12.7 to 18.5 Million tons of oil equivalent (MTOE) from 2006-2011. This will require expanded facilities for research on water-related


Nuclear and thermal power plants – The demand for nuclear power

more than doubled from 6.04 to 14.16 MTOE during the period 2006-2011. The appropriate design of water cooling facilities is critical to

the safe operation of nuclear and thermal power plants. The

Fukushima nuclear disaster is a reminder of the type of catastrophic event that must be prevented. The design of these plants at CWPRS

requires qualified and experienced engineers.

Aging infrastructure – In India, almost 1000 dams (out of 4291 in

1994) were built before 1971 and are more than 40 years old. Most dams need to be retrofitted to meet the present day demands.

Liquefaction of dams - Earthquakes cause damages to the hydraulic

infrastructures and research on soil-water foundations is necessary to prevent disasters from liquefaction and flood waves from dam breaks.

Tsunami research – The Banda Aceh tsunami of December 26, 2004

has devastated the east coast of India. No physical modeling

capability is currently available for tsunami research in India. Therefore, an urgent need to build a tsunami research facility exists.

Granted appropriate resources, CWPRS would be the best place for

conducting coastal engineering research on tsunamis.

Devastating floods – Unprecedented floods have caused tremendous

damage in recent decades. For example, 5,000 people died in the

Maharashtra Flood of July 26, 2005 when Mumbai received 944 mm

of rain in 24 hours.

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CWPRS is currently understaffed to meet the emerging opportunities and challenges. CWPRS used to have 1857 sanctioned position in 2001, and

this number declined to 1172 in 2012. Given the increasing challenges at

the national scale, this 36% decrease in manpower at CWPRS cannot be explained. Obviously, there is an urgent need to increase the number of

sanctioned positions in order to meet the challenges and opportunities of the

new millennium.

The difficulties of the present situation are compounded by the fact that the

investment in research infrastructure has also been minimal since 1998.

CWPRS received $21,358,678 million USD for infrastructure support, equipment and training from the UNDP from 1970-1998. Since 1998, the

lack of investment in the research infrastructure has been detrimental to the

overall research operations at CWPRS.

The potential for development at CWPRS is tremendous. CWPRS should

keep its focus on meeting national needs. The massive national demand for water-related infrastructure should ensure continuous support and

relevance for generations to come. CWPRS should continue to support

experimental research while developing numerical models. The expansion of physical modeling capabilities in conjunction with computer models can lift

CWPRS among the elite institutions of the world.

There is an urgent need for major capital investment to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The following large facilities are essential to meet the

needs for the new water-related research areas:

• A new flume for tsunami research • Eco-hydraulic research facilities

• Hydro-vibration research facilities • Hydro-thermal laboratory facilities

Two new buildings are needed at the present time to support the research on water-related infrastructure of the new millennium:

• Center for Eco-Hydraulic Research (CEHR) • Welcome Center with Administrative Services (WCAS)

The needs for equipment, software and training cannot be overemphasized given that it has been 15 years since a major investment in infrastructure

and equipment has been made at CWPRS. To meet the daunting challenges

of designing a world-class water-related infrastructure, like thermal and nuclear power plants that are facing tsunamis, floods, and earthquakes, the

engineers and scientists at CWPRS need to be equipped with the latest

technology. The needs for building renovations, personnel training,

equipment and software are detailed in this report.

It is impossible to envision growth and development in India without water

and power. With adequate support, resources and facilities, CWPRS will not only proactively meet the ever increasing demands and challenges in water

and power in India, it will also become a world-class Center of Excellence.

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The ten most important recommendations of this report are to:

Set priority on national water-related infrastructure: With excellent

research staff and facilities, and adequate funding from the Ministry of

Water Resources, the mandate of CWPRS should focus on meeting the national challenges.

Renovate existing buildings: The renovation of twelve buildings in

disrepair must be a top priority. Continuous power is also needed.

Upgrade laboratories and large facilities: The ability to keep large

scale laboratory facilities should eventually turn into one of the most important assets at CWPRS. This can eventually be used to gain a

competitive edge over peer institutions around the world.

Construct two new buildings: Two new buildings are needed to support the research needs of the new millennium: a Center for Eco-

Hydraulic Research; and a Welcome Center with Administrative


Build new research facilities in emerging research areas: New

laboratory facilities are required for research on tsunamis, eco-hydraulic research, thermal facilities and vibration technology.

Focus on environmental issues: This may be the most daunting challenge facing CWPRS and India. As much as CWPRS has always

aimed at public safety in their design of large infrastructure, a new

emphasis applicable to all disciplines should gradually focus on environmental issues for a better quality of life.

Seek autonomous status: The autonomous status would be very beneficial to CWPRS.

Recruit 200 new research officers: An appropriate number of support staff should also be added to assist research officers.

Hire and retain the best: CWPRS should have the authority to hire

their new employees. CWPRS should also have the authority to dismiss non-performing employees from their functions. The

increased responsibility of CWPRS engineers and scientists designing

the water-related infrastructure for public safety has to be recognized.

Increase the budget: An absolute minimum of 90 crores

(~$18,000,000 USD) is required for the investment in research infrastructure, facilities, research equipment, computers and

software. An additional increase to the operational budget of 20

crores needs to be added every year to support and train an increasing number of research officers and support staff.

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I would like to express my sincere thanks to CWPRS Director Dr. I.D. Gupta.

His participation in the capacity building process has been truly exemplary. Simply put, this report would not have been possible without his

contributions. His direct participation and involvement in most meetings,

discussions and laboratory visits has been a source of inspiration. My two week visits have been most productive because of the relentless effort of his

management team and I particularly thank all the Joint Directors (M.N.

Singh, V.G. Bhave, V.V. Bhosekar, M.D. Kudale, T. Nagendra, S. Govindan,

R.S. Ramteke, S. Dhayalan, P.K. Goel…) for their great effort in explaining the breadth of activities in their respective disciplines. The discussions and

valuable input from the past directors Mrs Bendre and Dr. Tarapore were

also greatly appreciated. To all, I am grateful for the opportunity to visit CWPRS and for the lively and productive meetings.

I would like to sincerely thank the following individuals, whose help made this report possible:

Dr. Anju Gaur of the World Bank for her repeated expression of confidence in my work and for her undeterred conviction that the

outcome of this report would be significant

Julienne Roux of the World Bank office in New Delhi for her

constructive comments, and

John Prakash of the World Bank in Washington, DC, for his help with

the travel arrangements and reimbursements.

The acknowledgements would not be complete without a note of thanks to my wife Dr. Helga Julien for her repeated support and encouragements to

complete this report within a shortened time frame. Finally, the report of

Das et al. (2012) served as an example to follow regarding formatting issues.

In this report, I have attempted to express my views in the most constructive

perspective. I shared a lot of ideas and perhaps none will be retained for the future of CWPRS. If only a few recommendations are implemented, the

entire effort will prove to be worthwhile. None of my comments is intended

to be critical of the current activities or management of CWPRS. Director Dr. I.D. Gupta and his team are doing an excellent job with the limited

resources available to them. I sincerely hope this report will lead CWPRS to

the world-class level to which it aspires.

Pierre Y. Julien, Ph.D., P.Eng.

February 14, 2013

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Table of Contents

Page No.

Disclosure i

Executive Summary ii

Acknowledgments iii

Table of Contents iv

1. Introduction and Objectives 7

2. Current Status 8

3. National Perspective 18

4. International Perspective 21

5. Opportunities and Challenges 25

6. Recruitment and Training 35

6.1 Recruitment 36

6.2 Training 37

7. Infrastructure and Research Facilities 42

7.1 Existing building renovation 42

7.2 New large research facilities 45

7.3 New buildings for emerging research 46

8. Equipment and Software 48

9. Operational Management and Budget 51

10. Summary and Recommendations 58

10.1 Summary 58

10.2 Recommendations 61

References 63

Appendix - A: Training Needs 64

Appendix - B: Equipment and Software Needs 85

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS

1. Introduction and Objectives

A thorough benchmarking review of the Central Water and Power Research

Station (CWPRS) in Pune, India, has been conducted in 2012. The Report

entitled “Benchmarking of CWPRS” provided a detailed review of three tasks:

Task A – a benchmarking review of the capabilities at CWPRS and

suggested new areas for expansion

Task B - a review of the equipment and software needs, and

Task C - a review of training needs.

Upon completion of the benchmarking report referred to as Julien (2012),

the World Bank expressed the need to elevate the content of the analysis and to provide an integrated digest on the future developments of CWPRS.

The content of a discipline-wise analysis could not be made compatible with

the format of the earlier report, hence the presentation of this new report.

The fundamental purpose of this work is to strengthen CWPRS. This report

more specifically elaborates on the question: how can CWPRS better prepare to face emerging opportunities and challenges? For each discipline, a list of

opportunities and challenges is presented based on a detailed discipline–

wide review of the current activities in a national and global perspective. The detailed needs for research infrastructure and personnel can then be

appropriately defined. The specific objectives of this report are to:

a) examine the status of the current research activities at CWPRS

b) review the national needs in a global perspective

c) identify emerging opportunities and challenges, plan for strengthening

existing research areas, and suggest new areas of expansion

d) formulate recruitment and training needs in the thrust areas of research

e) delineate the needs in research infrastructure and facilities, and

f) define the needs in equipment and software.

This report contains a discipline-wise review of CWPRS based on a thorough

examination of current research activities (Section 2) in view of the ever

growing national demand (Section 3) and a global perspective (Section 4). New challenges and opportunities are identified (Section 5), followed by a

formulation of the needs for recruitment and training (Section 6), research

infrastructure and facilities (Section 7), equipment and software (Section 8). Operational management and budget issues are finally covered in Section 9.

The executive summary as well as the summary and recommendations

emphasize and reiterate the main points of this report.

This report does not duplicate the previous discussion on benchmarking

tasks and does not specifically report on the activities of my two Pune visits.

Detailed information on these topics can be found in Julien (2012).

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2. Current Status

The Central Water and Power Research Station was established in 1916 by

the then Bombay Presidency. From the Special Irrigation Division in 1916,

it successively became the Hydrodynamic Research Station in 1928, the

Central Irrigation and Hydrodynamic Research Station in 1937, the Indian

Waterways Experiment Station in 1944, the Central Waterways, Irrigation

and Navigation Research Station in 1947, the Central Water, Power,

Irrigation and Navigation Research Station in 1949 and the Central Water

and Power Research Station (CWPRS) in 1951. CWPRS is a premier

hydraulic research institute under the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR).

CWPRS supports basic and applied research in hydraulics for the

development of projects related to water resources, power generation, river

engineering and ports and harbors. Basic research is carried out pertaining

to water resources and related sciences for optimization, safety, design and

testing of different components of the river training measures and dams and

appurtenant structures. CWPRS carries out applied research for the

Central and State Government of India, for the public and private sector

including port trusts and municipal corporations.

CWPRS has traditionally excelled in several areas of national importance

including hydropower, flood control, river engineering, sediment

management, coastal engineering, energy dissipation, water supply and

irrigation, earthquake engineering, cavitation and vibration technology.

CWPRS has maintained large laboratories for conducting research in those

research areas. The expertise offered by CWPRS is based on a combination

of physical and mathematical model studies, field investigations and

engineering design applications.

Today, under the current leadership of Director Dr. I.D. Gupta,

approximately 250 studies (including a few outside India) are conducted at

the Research Station at any given time. From of a survey of the period

2007-2012, the average annual production at CWPRS included about 100

technical reports submitted to project authorities. In addition, 40-50 papers

were published every year in national and international journals,

proceedings of various conferences, seminars, workshops, and symposia.

CWPRS also published technical memoranda for the research community,

designers and practicing engineers. CWPRS researchers delivered

approximately 50 lectures and 5 short courses on an annual basis. During

that period of time, between 25-67 staff members were on training and 25

served on technical committees.

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The vision of CWPRS is to build a world-class Center of Excellence in

hydraulic engineering research and relevant areas, in order to respond to

changing global trends. CWPRS is also in need for sustaining and

enhancing excellence in providing technological solutions for optimal and

safe design of water resources structures.

The mission at CWPRS is three-fold: (1) meet the country’s needs for applied

and basic research studies in water resources, the power sector and coastal

engineering with world-class standards; (2) develop competence in

deployment of latest technologies and undertake new areas of research to

meet the future needs for development of water resources projects in the

country; and (3) disseminate information, skills and knowledge for capacity

building and mass awareness.

The major functions at CWPRS are to : (1) conduct project-specific research

to provide research and development inputs for evolving safe and optimum

design of projects; (2) provide advisory services to the government through

participation on technical committee meetings; (3) disseminate research

findings by publications and training programmes; and (4) develop and

revise BIS/ISO standards.

Based on a review of 40 presentations during my two visits (25 technical

presentations, 8 summary presentations, and 7 development plans), CWPRS

is doing a fabulous job at covering the needs for basic and applied research

in an unusually broad area of water and power. The activities apply

traditional engineering methods for the construction of dams, river

engineering projects, flood control and energy dissipation, coastal, harbors

and ports, nuclear power plants, foundations and geophysical research. The

methods currently used are based on sound engineering practice and many

projects handled at CWPRS have a national perspective and international

potential. However, there is an emerging need to rejuvenate the entire

research infrastructure. The specific needs include recruitment and

training, research facilities, equipment and software. These requisites will

be explained in details in this report.

The following discipline-wise review of the current status of operations at

CWPRS is based on the detailed information gathered during two site visits

in June and July 2012:

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1) River Engineering (RE):

RE has made important contributions since the inception of CWPRS. With a

total of 53 staff members including 23 technical staff members, RE provides

expertise and services in terms of hydraulic analyses and model/prototype testing in river hydraulics and bridge engineering. Under the leadership of

Joint Director M.N. Singh, the current types of projects include: bridges and

barrages, stream gauging, river training and bank protection works, river channelization and morphology, intake structures and inland navigation.

CWPRS provided expertise in river engineering on the Yamuna River at

Delhi, and on the Gumuda bridge collapse on Vamsadhara River. RE has

also conducted several barrages studies, namely on the Falgu and Punpun Rivers in Bihar, on the Dhauli-Ganga and Bhagirathi Rivers in Uttarakhand,

on the Iril River at Dolaithabi… Current investigations include physical

models for rigid and mobile bed rivers, site inspections and design parameters or river training works, and the use of physical and

mathematical models. River training is one of the unique capabilities of

CWPRS. Numerous river modeling and bank protection studies have been carried out on large rivers with high sediment load, for instance the work on

the Kosi River at Birpur, on the Ganga River at Farraka and the

Brahmaputra River were particularly challenging. CWPRS currently has unique physical models on the Kosi River for the analysis of very complex

problems associated with very high sediment loads, riverbed aggradation

and braiding. This expertise is actually unique and has the potential to

become an international landmark of excellence. This work of the RE discipline is also complemented by studies on stream gauging. The projects

on the Indira Gandhi Nahar, and the Tungabhadra Narmada and Chambal

canals can be cited among the recent accomplishments. Additional river intake projects on the Sabri and Tawa rivers can be cited, as well as the

inland navigation project with a proposed cargo terminal on the Ganga River

at Gaighat. N. Isaac presented interesting results on the design of flood protection measures for Chhounchh Khad in Himachal Pradesh. Her

technical presentation showed a combination of DEM data processing with

GIS, 1-D numerical modeling results and synthetic hydrographs simulations for the design of flood protection measures. R.G. Patil presented a study on

the assessment of hydraulic parameters for road bridges across River Tel.

This study illustrated how the combination of a rigid-bed distorted physical

model and 1-D numerical modeling can be effectively used for the appropriate design of the flood carrying capacity at bridge crossings during

major floods. The presentation also included calculations of river bed scour

around bridge structures like bridge piers and abutments. RE typically produces 20 reports and papers per year with more physical modeling

studies than mathematical studies. In addition, a smaller number of

engineering studies and a few field studies are undertaken. These physical models require a considerable amount of work and the physical models

evaluated during my visits were exceptionally effective at demonstrating how

engineering solutions can be tested in these laboratory models.

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2) River & Reservoir System Modelling (RRSM):

RRSM has made important contributions since the seven major groups were

formed in 1951. With a total of 41 staff members including 29 technical staff members, RRSM provides expertise and services in three main areas of

hydrometeorology, water quality modeling and surface water hydraulics.

Under the leadership of Joint Director V.G. Bhave, the current types of projects include: water intakes for thermal, hydro and nuclear power plants,

dam break modeling, flood mapping, riverfront developments, stormwater

drainage and reservoir sedimentation. CWPRS has conducted reservoir

sedimentation studies including storage capacity, life expectancy and intake location such as Chamera III, Loharinag Pala, Tapovan, Vishnugad and

Kakrapar lake. Riverbank protection studies include bank protection and

derivations, e.g. Rivers Arpa, Damodar, Baghmati, and Burhi Gandak. River intakes and river front projects were completed at Pune, Bilaspru, Lucknow

and Surat. River basin modeling studies include peak flow and PMF

modeling. For instance, the CWPRS study of Narmada basin has been widely acclaimed by the World Bank. Flood forecasting and warning

systems have been studied on the Tapi and Godavary in Gujarat and

Maharashtra, as well as Mahanadi in Chattisgarh. Projects on the assessment of sediment yield and assessment of the life expectancy of

reservoirs were conducted for the Kudremkh iron Ore Mine, for the Indravati

project, and the Visakhapattanam Dockyard. The Water Quality Modeling

group conducted field and laboratory studies on pH, conductivity, DO, turbidity, plankton. Some studies included the Sardar Sarovar reservoirs,

Ennore Creek in Chennai, alkali reactivity for the Koyna hydroelectric

project, as well as physico-chemical analyses for Khubi Bund reservoir. Dr. M.M. Kshirsagar presented interesting results on the estimation of irrigation

return flows near the Kukadi canal in Maharashtra. A numerical model was

tested with field measurements on a 4000 hectare agricultural area with different crops. Joint Director V.G. Bhave gave a technical presentation on

dam break studies at CWPRS. The presentation showed that 89% of the

dams in India are earth dams. The use of computer models like DAMBRK and FLDWAV was illustrated with application in India, e.g. the multiple dam

break study along the Kalinadi River. The cases of Bommanahalli and

Kadra Dams, Ukai dam break studies and the flood mapping below Lakhya

Dam were specifically presented. RRSM produces about 20 reports and papers per year with mostly publications at national conferences and

symposia. The importance of proper dam break studies in the context of

nuclear power plants cannot be understated. It has to be clearly understood that the consequences of a nuclear meltdown in India would be devastating.

The case of Fukushima is nothing but a reminder of the importance of

providing the highest possible level of expertise to CWPRS in order to carry out the best quality studies on water intake, cooling facilities and dam break

analyses in the environment surrounding nuclear and thermal power plants.

This discipline shows connectivity and complementarity with the RE discipline in terms of the location of river intakes.

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3) Reservoir & Appurtenant Structures (RAS):

RAS has made important contributions since 1958. With a total of 75 staff members including 21 technical staff members, the RAS discipline provides

expertise and services in the areas of spillways and energy dissipators,

sediment management and control structures. Under the leadership of

Joint Director Dr. V.V. Bhosekar, the current types of projects include physical and numerical modeling of spillways, energy dissipators, surge

tanks, sluices and outlets, and desilting structures. CWPRS provided

expertise in spillways and energy dissipators for dams like Bhakra, Koyna, Srisailam, Ukai, Kadana and Nagarjun Sagar. Current investigations

include physical models and engineering studies of overflow spillways,

orifice spillways, plunge pool and energy dissipator design, pressure flows and cavitation studies, pressure control and aeration, surge tanks, scour

prevention, stilling basin design, stage spillways, etc. Projects and models

included the Lower Siang Spillway in Arunachal Pradesh. Since 1996, reservoir sedimentation studies have focused on sediment flushing, desilting

works, sediment excluders and ejectors, diversion tunnels and desilting

chambers. Projects included Baira Siul, Chamera I and II, Uri I,

Dhauliganga, Dulhasti, Tala, Teesta V and Tapovan Vishnugad. The control structures and water conductor systems group focused on power intakes,

flow conditions near head and tail race channels, transient flows and water

hammers, surge tank design, vorticity, air vents, pressure and energy dissipation in tunnels, and hydrodynamic forces on gates and hydraulic

structures. Projects included the Sardar Sarovar intake the Koyna tailrace

design, the Tap Koyana Stage IV and the Srisailam power house design. This expertise is actually very significant considering that these studies

ensure the safe and economical design of very important structures. Dr.

Bhosekar also presented a study on the hydraulic design of an aerator on an orifice spillway. This study illustrated the need to prevent cavitation and the

necessity for aerated flows to control pressure fluctuations around hydraulic

structures. The combination of detailed three-dimensional CFD studies with

high quality experimental measurements at the CWPRS laboratories was quite impressive. The quality of the laboratory work and the emergence of

numerical models at CWPRS is starting to gain visibility through the

presentation of high caliber experimental papers in top journals. RAS produces about 10 reports and papers per year. This discipline

demonstrated the unique potential to develop new technology in the complex

field of the interaction between structures, fluids and gases. Numerical studies alone cannot be effective at this time, but the combination of

numerical and physical modeling studies bodes well for the future. This

discipline shows connectivity and complementarity with the RRSM discipline in terms of reservoir sedimentation and silting problems. The RAS discipline

deals primarily with structural features, while RRSM focuses on the

quantitative aspects of the amounts and particle size distributions of

incoming sediment loads.

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4) Coastal & Offshore Engineering (COE):

COE has made important contributions since the 1940’s. With a total of 67

research staff members under the leadership of Joint Director M.D. Kudale, COE provides expertise and services in the areas of port layouts and coastal

protection, shoreline changes and dredging, breakwaters, tidal inlets, ship

navigation, outfalls and coastal ecology. Facilities include sea wave flumes, a multipurpose wave basin, and wave and tidal basins for port and harbor

models. Several software packages have been developed at CWPRS (e.g.

NAVIGA and MORMOT), besides a number of commercial packages like

MIKE 21, TELEMAC and ARC-GIS. The fact that COE developed their own software is a sign of excellence and leadership. The types of projects

include: near-shore wave simulations, wave penetration in harbours, ship

maneuvering and mooring, tidal dynamics, estuarine sedimentation, advection and dispersion, littoral drift and shoreline evolution. CWPRS

provided hydrodynamic and dredging studies for Mumbai Port, ship

maneuvering at Mumbai and Paradip, several hundred port studies in Kolkata, Visakhapatanam, Goa, Ennore, Chennai, Tuticorin, New

Mangalore, Mormugao, Kandla, etc. Coastal protection studies, seawalls,

groins and artificial beach nourishment studies were completed at Swaminarayana and Mahabalipuram Temples, Kavaratti, Paradip, Mumbai,

etc. Nuclear, thermal power plants and the International Airport at Panvel,

Mumbai also figured among the completed projects. As previously

mentioned, the risks and devastating consequences of malfunctions were well highlighted in the Fukushima disaster. This underlines the vital

importance of the studies undertaken at CWPRS. A.M. Vaidya presented

interesting results on the use of mathematical models for coastal engineering. Besides using commercial software, her technical presentation

of NAVIGA and MORMOT was impressive. She provided an example at

Tirukkadaiyur, Tamilnadu. Joint Director T. Nagendra also presented on the physical and mathematical modeling techniques currently used in

coastal engineering at CWPRS. Wave applications at Visakhapatnam, tidal

model applications at Kandla Port and thermal circulation models at Ennore illustrated current practices. Numerous applications in tidal

hydrodynamics, sediment transport and advection-dispersion were also

presented, including the Mumbai Port, which remains one of the main study

areas. Other sites included the study of the Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant, flows in the Hugli estuary, sediment transport at Essar Hazira and salinity

modeling. Joint Director M.D. Kudale also presented a study on the design

of coastal structures. Rigid and flexible structures were presented such as stones, tetrapods, dolos, accropodes … with application examples at Ins

Hamla, Ankaleshwar, Udwada, Vishakapatnam. COE typically produces 20

reports and papers per year with more mathematical than physical modeling studies. The COE discipline reached a high level of excellence noted by the

number of projects, quality of the presentations and the in-house software

development. This discipline shows some connectivity and complementarity with the RE and RRSM disciplines in terms of the bank protection


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5) Foundation & Structures (FS):

FS has made important contributions to CWPRS. With about 20 technical staff members, the FS discipline provides expertise and services in

structural modeling and analysis, geotechnical engineering and concrete

technology. Under the leadership of Additional Director S. Govindan, the

current types of projects cover the field of foundations, stability and rehabilitation of hydraulic structures, stability of concrete, earth and rock

fill dams, and laboratory studies of rocks, soils, concrete and other

construction materials. Typical projects include: physical model studies of penstock bifurcations and manifolds, post-construction stress-strain

measurements, structural health of dams, uplift and pore pressures,

thermal stress and strain, foundation settlement and seepage, stability of breakwaters and retaining walls, liquefaction potential, thermal creep and

elastic properties of hydraulic structures, durable masonry and economical

cement mortar. CWPRS provided expertise on the liquefaction potential of the Kachchh Branch Canal, on the rehabilitation of Hirakud Dam, on the

rehabilitation of the masonry of Anjunem Dam, on thermal, creep and

elastic properties of Ghatchar RCC Dam, and on strengthening of Koyna

Dam. B. Muralidhar presented an interesting analysis of liquefaction with resonant column tests showing the shear modulus and damping ratio of

different soil types. He demonstrated applications to the liquefaction

potential along the 352 km Kachchh Branch Canal in a desert area classified as seismic zone V. Dr. I.D. Gupta presented a stochastic dynamic

response analysis of gravity dams. The seismic response of dams was

evaluated using power-spectral density functions and simulated accelerograms. The results of a case study of the seismic response of

concrete and composite masonry hydraulic structures were also

demonstrated at Kolkewadi Dam. FS typically produced about 12 reports and papers per year with more laboratory studies than field studies. This

discipline shows connectivity with the RAS discipline in terms of the loading

and pressure distribution of manifolds. The opportunities for cross-

discipline research are obvious. The research activities on rock and materials are definitely focused on hydraulic structures which makes this

discipline distinctly different from the CSMRS. All soil studies in connection

to the water-related infrastructure should be conducted at CWPRS. Soil studies for roads and building foundations should be conducted at CSMRS.

The FS discipline is essential and vital to the future developments on the

impact of seismicity on hydraulic structures and power plants.

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6) Applied Earth Sciences (AES):

AES has made contributions in geophysics, isotope hydrology, vibration

technology and engineering seismology. Under the leadership of Joint Director R.S. Ramteke, the current research areas include: engineering

geology such as the detection of faults, fractures, dykes and shear zones,

assessment of bed material properties and volumes for dredging, seismic refraction and ground penetrating radars, underwater and cross-hole

seismic surveys, identification of cracks in relation to permeability and

seepage losses, use of chemical organic and radio-isotope tracers for seepage

reduction studies, vibration and seismic studies, design of safe blast patterns, ultrasonic pulse studies, control blasting near dams, micro-

earthquakes, and reservoir triggered seismicity. CWPRS completed

numerous projects including Vishnugad-Pipalkoti and Kol Dam, Haldipur Port, Karnataka, Indira Sagar, Koyna Dam, Tarapur Atomic Power Project,

and the Amochu Project in Bhutan. M.S. Chaudhari presented interesting

results on cross-hole tomography with an example application on basalt rock quality using seismic wave velocimetry at the Kakrapar Atomic Power

Project. Other applications in dolomite rocks were conducted for the

Vishnugad-Pipalkoti Hydro Electric Power Project. CWPRS Director Dr. I.D. Gupta also presented a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for site-specific

design ground motion with broad applicability and mapping to the northeast

Indian region. AES typically produces 15 reports and papers per year with

mostly technical reports and some conference and journal publications. This discipline shows some connectivity with the FS discipline in the area of

vibrations and seismic loading. Although there is complementarity in the

approach, FS can focus more directly on the impact on hydraulic structures while AES is naturally prepared for surveys and field applications. The

isotope hydrology may become under scrutiny as a result of environmental

concerns. However, the importance of careful studies on cracks, seepage and structural resistance to seismic loads may justify the means,

particularly in the case of nuclear power plants. It is also important that

although several methods may be similar to those of the CSMRS, the unique feature of this discipline at CWPRS is the level of applications in the

presence of water. For instance, studies on control blasting in vicinity of

dams of power plants must be conducted at CWPRS. The applications to

hydro-electric projects, dams, cooling of nuclear plants, seepage below dams, etc. contributes to the unique expertise of this discipline at CWPRS.

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7) Instrumentation, Calibration & Testing Services (ICTS): ICTS has been overarching all other disciplines with its focus on

instrumentation. It also has its own specificity in offering calibration and

testing services. The ICTS discipline provides expertise and services in the

development of sensors, data acquisition systems, data logging and processing, SCADA, calibration and testing. ICTS collaborates directly with

other disciplines and provides the data instrumentation and data collection

and treatment needs. Joint Director S. Dhayalan and P.K. Goel presented a summary of activities for the ICTS discipline. For instance, tail end water

level control systems are designed for the river models of the RE discipline,

multiple discharge control systems can be developed for the RE and RRSM discipline, and automatic tide generation systems have been implements for

the coastal studies of the COE discipline. The ICTS services include multi

parameter data acquisition systems such as level, discharge, temperature, pressure and velocity measurements for hydraulic models (RE and RAS

disciplines). Differential Global Positioning Systems (DGPS) for the field

studies of the RRSM and COE groups are also easily set up and dam

instrumentation and data acquisition system have been set up at project sites. Examples of automatic tidal gate systems have been implemented in

several projects including the Cochin, Mumbai and Jaigad port models, the

Kandla estuary model and the Rajapuri, Tarapur and Hoogly projects. Miniature propeller velocimeters, thermocouples and electronic gauges can

be installed for multi-parametric and simultaneous measurements in

hydraulic models. DGPS studies included the Kalpakkam Atomic Power plant, the Satanu and Mullay Periyar reservoirs, Kateri lake and the Indira

Sagar Project in Madhya Pradesh. Mrs. S.V. Phadke presented interesting

results on data collection programs for coastal protection, ports and intake/outfall structures. About 260 studies have been carried out at

CWPRS since the 1970’s at more than 124 different field sites. Parameters

typically measured include the tidal levels, waves and currents, bathymetry,

salinity, turbidity, temperature and bed profiles. Similar fluvial study sites are located in canals, rivers and reservoirs. The loss of equipment to rust

and hostile sea conditions contribute to the difficulties encountered in this

field. M.S. Balan also presented a technical presentation on hydrographic surveys for reservoir sedimentation. The use of DGPS coupled with

echosounders has been applied to several projects including the Kalpakkam

Atomic Power Plant, Satanur and Kateri Reservoirs and the Indira Sagar Project. Post-processing using kriging and Surfer has been successful.

ICTS shows connectivity and complementarity with all other disciplines, and

specifically with COE and RE. There is also complementarity in the analysis of flow in pipes with the RAS and sedimentation surveys with RRSM.

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The above description of the current status of each discipline points to the

breadth and depth of activities at CWPRS. The current status is indeed quite impressive and there is reason to be proud to work at CWPRS. Several

employees at CWPRS have more than 25 years of engineering design

experience. It is a tremendous institutional asset to keep qualified personnel in this applied research environment for such a long time. The

continuity in serving clients with personnel that have worked on certain

projects and areas for a long period of time offers unique capabilities when coupled with mentoring new research officers trained in academic

environments with the latest computer and digital technology currently

available. The potential for mentoring young engineers and to develop and apply the latest technology to solve real-world problems must be envisioned.

In my opinion, the basic organizational chart for the seven main disciplines

listed in the baseline document should essentially remain unchanged in the near future. The internal operations at CWPRS run rather smoothly and no

major restructuration is indicated. The seven disciplines are fairly distinct

and yet there is a healthy and sufficient level of complementarity and lively collaboration between the different disciplines. For instance, a flood control

project may involve the RRSM discipline for the hydrologic analysis, RAS for

the structural design, and ICTS for the field surveys. If the structure is in seismic area the FS and AES disciplines would get involved just as well.

Most projects need instrumentation such that the ICTS is involved in most

projects. The current organization operates very efficiently and offers flexibility in responding to the project needs. CWPRS is well positioned to

handle emerging challenges and benefit from new opportunities.

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3. National Perspective

By 2020, India is expected to rise among the economically most powerful

countries in the world. As India emerges as a technologically advanced

nation, the development of water and power resources becomes one of the key priorities for capacity building. The following list presents a summary of

recent trends, challenges and problems from a national perspective. This

knowledge is essential prior to the formulation of emerging research needs for a better water-related infrastructure:

Demographic expansion - Water is a precious natural resource. The

supply of potable water to every household is not a luxury, but a necessity. The population of India has increased from 1.02 billion in

2001 to 1.21 billion people in 2012. This represents a 20% increase

in the demand for water supply, food from irrigated agriculture, flood control and disaster prevention, etc. Since 80% of the water available

is used for agricultural purpose, the need for food production through

irrigation projects has gone up many times in the past and is expected to continue to increase every year. The industrialization will also

stimulate a population exodus to large cities, which compounds the

increasing demand for water supply, flood control and disaster


Increasing energy demand – In addition, there is an ever increasing

demand for energy. The cost of energy is skyrocketing world-wide and this trend will be seen in India. Hydropower is one of the cheapest

and renewable forms of power. The hydropower demand increased

from 12.7 to 18.5 Million tons of oil equivalent (MTOE) from 2006-2011. This corresponds to more than a 50% increase in hydropower

in the past 5 years. This will require a new water-related

infrastructure for power houses, penstock, spillways, stilling basins,

energy dissipation, etc. The Himalayan region offers a significant potential for contributing towards the water and energetic needs. This

region also presents significant engineering problems and challenges

in terms of lateral migration of wide braided rivers, large river sediment loads and need for desilting works, dam construction in

active tectonic and seismic zones, rapid abrasion of powerhouses,

penstocks and hydraulic structures, reservoir sedimentation and reduced life expectancy of reservoirs, etc.

Nuclear and thermal power plants – The demand for nuclear power

more than doubled from 6.04 to 14.16 MTOE during the period 2006-2011. The use of water for cooling nuclear and thermal power plants

is critical to meet the energetic needs of the next decades. The recent

event in Fukushima, Japan, should be a constant reminder of the potential threat and extensive damage that can result from a nuclear

disaster. The adequate design of water cooling facilities is critical to

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the safe operation of nuclear and thermal power plants. These plants

need to be designed by the best engineers in the country and CWPRS needs new research officers to meet the growing demand.


Aging infrastructure – In India, almost 1000 dams (out of 4291 in

1994) were built before 1971 and are now more than 40 years old.

Most dams need to be retrofitted to meet the present day demands.

New masonry, cracked concrete, damage and tear from temperature changes, large floods and earthquakes have resulted in an increasing

need to upgrade and retrofit hydraulic structures. Research in the

new materials, non-intrusive geophysical techniques, the survey of seepage, liquefaction potential and new concrete and epoxy materials

at CWPRS can rejuvenate aging hydraulic infrastructure.

Liquefaction of dams - Earthquakes have damaged some hydraulic structures, namely the Bhuj earthquake in Gujarat that caused

liquefaction of the Chang Dam on January 26, 2001.

Tsunami research – The Banda Aceh tsunami of December 26, 2004

has devastated the east coast of India. The more recent earthquake in Indonesia on April 11, 2012, should also serve as a reminder of the

potential threat of devastation from tsunamis. India is currently ill-

prepared to conduct engineering research on the impact of tsunamis. There is currently no physical modeling capability for tsunami

research in India. There is an urgent need to build a tsunami

research facility and CWPRS would be the best place for conducting coastal engineering research on tsunamis.

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Environmental issues – There is an increasing potential for a better quality of life in India. This could happen through the development of

river restoration projects, a reduction of chemicals in rivers from

industrial plants, a reduction of pesticides and fertilizers from non-point sources of contamination in agricultural areas, heavy metals

and actinides in mining areas, river clean-ups and rubbish dams,

collection and treatment of urban effluents, development of stream rehabilitation, river corridors, riparian zones, aquatic habitat, stream

ecology, minimum in-stream flow needs, plankton and algae growth

due to excessive nitrates and phosphates, limitation of mussels and

invasive species, control of sand and gravel mining to reduce the impact on bridges, irrigation canal intakes, pumping plants, salinity

intrusion problems in coastal areas, mangrove and wetland

reconstruction, waterfront property development, socio-economic studies and eco-tourism, etc.

Unprecedented flooding – Unprecedented floods have caused

tremendous damage in recent decades. For example, 5,000 people died in the Maharashtra Flood of July 26, 2005. The urban flash

flood in Mumbai has been particularly devastating after 944 mm of

rain fell in 24 hours.

Climate change – The perspective of changes in climate pose

problems to the water-related infrastructure with the trends towards an increase in the number of extremely intense rainfall precipitation

events, increased flood-frequency analyses, retrofitting structures for

flood control designed for lower discharges, water supply shortages,

delayed monsoons, and a gradual rise in sea levels (up to 5 mm/yr) in coastal areas, etc.

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4. International Perspective

The results of a detailed benchmarking analysis were presented in Julien (2012). The analysis showed that CWPRS compares best with the mandates

of the two institutions in the United States: the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

(USBR) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The two additional International Institutions (Deltares and Artelia) were also very important

because they provided enlightening examples on how institutional changes

can be implemented. This benchmarking analysis had to be exercised with

great caution. CWPRS should not replicate what is being done elsewhere. What works in Europe or the U.S. may not be applicable to India, but

CWPRS should keep an open mind on the rapid pace of developments at the

international scale. The salient points of the international comparison are summarized in this section.

• Massive national demand for water-related infrastructure: The mandate of CWPRS is viable as long as there is a national demand for

the development of the water-related infrastructure. The example of

Delft Hydraulics is quite instructive in this regard and lessons should be learned from past experience. After the large floods and coastal

problems of the North Sea Flood of 1953, the Netherlands invested

massive sums for the development of adequate water resources to

protect the large populations living below sea level. By the mid ‘90’s the hydraulic infrastructure had been primarily rebuilt and the

flooding problems essentially solved, such that massive investments in

this sector were no longer necessary. In times of recession, budget cuts always trigger major reductions in operations associated with

detrimental downsizing reorganizations. In the United States, once

the large dams have been completely built, the emphasis changed towards water quality, environmental considerations and stream

restoration. The Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act in

the ‘70’s triggered a shift in research priorities in the United States. In recent times, the disasters caused by hurricanes like Katrina and

Sandy rejuvenate the effort to refocus on structural design in view of

climate change and global warming. In India, the massive population has created a gigantic need for basic infrastructure. Given the record

breaking monsoon precipitation levels, improvements of the water-

related infrastructure are specifically needed in the areas of flood

control, hydropower production, drinking water and irrigation and drainage. With this tremendous and sustained need, the country will

likely have to continue to develop basic engineering structures (e.g.

dams, hydropower and nuclear plants, coastal protection and harbours, etc.) for decades to come. When adding the impact of

earthquakes on dams and aging infrastructure, climate change,

tsunamis … there will be a high demand for water-related infrastructure in India for a very long time. Consequently, CWPRS

should keep its priorities on national needs.

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• Emphasis on physical modeling: CWPRS was very successful at

maintaining large scale laboratory facilities. All peer institutions reviewed here have been subjected to tremendous pressure to

downsize their physical modeling capabilities in favor of computer

modeling techniques. A few decades ago, some institutions claimed that “all” hydraulic problems could be solved with computer models.

The impact of such statements has been devastating and it turned out

that many large hydraulic laboratories in the US and Europe closed their doors. Most hydraulic engineering institutions have been

severely impacted by the transition from physical to numerical

models. The USACE models at the Waterways Experiment Station have been largely downsized as a result of the much reduced costs

associated with numerical models. The Waterloopkundig

Laboratorium (i.e. Delft Hydraulics) in the Netherlands was critically

downsized when the operations moved from Vollenhove to Delft in the mid ‘90’s. In reality, physical models are essential to the scientific

and engineering developments. Numerous problems cannot be solved

solely with numerical models. The example advances in turbulence, which is one of the frontiers of scientific knowledge, will require

physical models. It is also essential to understand that physical

sciences and engineering are based on experiments. Without laboratory facilities, the future of science and engineering will be very

bleak. In India, the fact that CWPRS has been able to maintain

laboratory facilities in recent years is remarkable, and the physical models may lead CWPRS to prominence at the international scale.

• Increased focus on environmental issues: Environmental issues have dominated the agenda of developed countries. For instance, the

Environmental Protection Agency has been very active in the US for

several decades already. Environmental practices and the concept of

integrated river basin management have been practiced in the US and in Europe for quite some time. River restoration practices have also

gained tremendous momentum in Asian countries (e.g. Japan, South

Korea, Malaysia and others). There is an increasing effort to remove trash from rivers with “rubbish dams” in Malaysia. For instance, the

SMART tunnel in Kuala Lumpur, has been developed in conjunction

with urban flood control and urban transportation. The South Korean Government formed the Office of National River Restoration in view of

the major effort on the Four Major River Restoration project. This

massive environmental project combined flood control, water supply, water quality, and river restoration. This effort should captivate

world-wide attention and serve as an example of what could be done

in India. The transition to water quality, sanitary engineering, stream

restoration and stream ecology may be slower in India than in other parts of the world but a change in this direction needs to be gradually

implemented. The change towards more environmentally-friendly

research implies new opportunities for growth and the potential to expand the research activities in new areas. More details on these

new areas will be provided in three above-mentioned areas will be

provided in Section 5 of this report.

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• Relative isolation of CWPRS: In comparison with peer institutions,

the relative isolation of CWPRS seems to be partly attributed to the current travel restrictions. This is part of the national mandate,

which only allows domestic travel. Approval for international travel

currently needs to be requested from the Ministry of Water Resources. A similar policy is also enforced at the USBR where the operations

with the U.S. Department of the Interior mandate work within the

confines of the national boundaries. In Europe, several large rivers flow through multiple countries and international collaboration has

been developed accordingly. For instance the issues on the Rhine

River involve several countries, e.g. the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Switzerland. It has to be considered that India is a large

country and the Himalayas and oceans provide natural boundaries.

Many river projects can be completed at the national scale. However,

several rivers draining the Himalayas flow through multiple countries and the needs for international collaboration are increasing. Some

research activities are currently going on with neighbouring countries

(e.g. Bhutan, Nepal…) and some relaxation of travel restrictions for international travel would be desirable in the future. Under the

current travel restrictions, CWPRS is probably ill-prepared to become

highly competitive at the international level. At this time, the perspective for international development seems restricted. Some

relaxation of international restrictions would be desirable to open up

international activities and future developments of funded projects.

A civil servant mentality prevails at CWPRS. The baseline document

mentions the lack of motivation of some employees and the lack of incentives that are provided to encourage further professional

development of the workforce. In a comparative analysis of four peer

institutions, Julien (2012) mentioned that the decreased base funding

and the increased pressure to compete with the outside world forced all four benchmarking agencies (USBR, USACE, Deltares and Artelia)

to increase their productivity and performance levels. The

developments in the digital age forced an increased involvement of all employees towards unprecedented productivity levels. Nowadays,

government employees spending at least 50 hours a week at work is

not uncommon in the US. Europeans agencies also increased productivity and managed to maintain a large number of days off work

and a more family-friendly work schedule. This increase in

productivity is not without setbacks. Several agencies have changed their operations to imitate the private sector, where the manpower is

subject to the ups and downs of economic times. In down times,

restructuration and downsizing through attrition and retirements has

caused a lot of turnover and lack of continuity in the expertise of the workforce. It is often more difficult to find qualified people who were

retained and/or stayed loyal to their employer for 25+ years. The

digital age also forces a lot more research to become superficial and ephemeral, with a goal to produce something quick that may not be

durable. The increased pressure to publish or perish has been

noticeable in peer institutions. In the US, several governmental

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institutions that used to write useful manuals of engineering

standards and practice have shifted operations towards an increased emphasis on peer-reviewed journal publications. The competition

with the private sector has had a direct impact on some agencies like

the Artelia, Deltares, USBR and to a lesser extent on the USACE. Incentives to motivate the workforce may become very welcome at

CWPRS. Some inspiration in this regard may be found from an

increased ability to interact with International Agencies. More details on this specific point will be discussed in Section 9 of this report.

The potential for development at CWPRS is tremendous. This international perspective does not need to be imitated for future success. Nevertheless,

lessons learned from past mistakes should be considered. CWPRS should

keep its focus on meeting national needs. The massive national demand for water-related infrastructure should ensure continuous support and

relevance for generations to come. CWPRS should continue to support

experimental research while developing numerical models as well. The

expansion of physical modeling capabilities in conjunction with computer models can lift CWPRS among the elite institutions of the world. Some

relaxation of international restrictions would be desirable to open up

international activities and support future developments of funded projects. The next section will provide more details on the types of challenges and

opportunities that may be considered in the future growth and development


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5. Opportunities and Challenges

Globalization implies increased competition from the homeland and abroad.

This presents unique opportunities and challenges for growth and development. This section elaborates on the emerging opportunities and

challenges facing CWPRS. The main priorities pertaining to the entire

research station are first covered, followed by a discipline-wise description of potential developments. The following three main priorities should be

considered in the future developments:

• Priority on national water-related infrastructure: With excellent

research staff and facilities, and funding from the Ministry of Water

Resources, CWPRS should clearly focus on meeting the national challenges. The dire needs for infrastructure development in water and power in India

have been detailed in Section 4. The corollary is also valid that it would be a

tremendous loss for the Ministry of Water Resources not to engage in the

future developments of CWPRS. In terms of comparative institutions, the USBR may be the leading example of how this institute did maintain its

focus on national priorities while keeping competence and a strong identity

with a rather limited involvement in international activities. International projects may be gradually included through perhaps some relaxation of

institutional restrictions regarding international travel.

• Upgrading laboratories and large facilities: The ability to keep large

scale laboratory facilities should eventually turn into one of the most

important assets at CWPRS. This can eventually be used to gain a competitive edge over other peer institutions around the world. The

availability of funds to support and maintain large laboratories is well

justified in India given the massive demand for water-related infrastructure.

The investment in large scale laboratory facilities is in my opinion a very wise investment in India. The possibilities to keep models of certain river

reaches where new construction and development plans can be gradually

implemented and tested in the hydraulic models is a tremendous asset at CWPRS. In India, the availability of a vast resource in manpower facilitates

the possibility of development of physical models. It has to be considered

that the relative low cost of operation at CWPRS will likely enable the possibility of maintaining such large models for decades to come. In all

developments of science and technology, it has to be understood that the

exclusive use of numerical models is limited in scope and many significant advances in engineering technology do, as they did in the past, require

validation with experimental capabilities. The asset of experienced

engineers with skilled lab technicians can present a unique combination for

continued success. The expansion of physical modelling capabilities in conjunction with computer models can lift CWPRS among the elite

institutions of the world. There is nevertheless a need to upgrade the

computer facilities at CWPRS. While some competitors have turned to computers in a way to solve “all problems,” the limitations of such an

approach have become evident. In my view, CWPRS would lose its focus

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and identity in turning their operations towards an exclusive use of

numerical models. There are unique opportunities for hybrid computer and physical modeling that could be implemented. CWPRS could quickly rise to

the forefront of technology involving the comparisons between numerical

and physical modeling in hydraulic and coastal engineering. With large scale physical models, India could also become highly competitive to attract

international projects and external sources of funding.

• Increased focus on environmental issues: This may be the most

daunting challenge facing CWPRS and India. As much as CWPRS has

always aimed at public safety in their design of large infrastructure, a new emphasis applicable to all disciplines should focus on environmental issues

for a better quality of life. The value of integrated river basin management

by combining flood control, water supply, water quality and recreational development cannot be ignored any longer. A major transformation is

taking place in many countries to bring the populations closer to rivers via

river corridors, stream restoration, river rehabilitation design, mangrove and

wetland restoration, riverfront developments and ecological parks. India should embrace this challenge as well. An integrated river basin

management approach taylor-made to the situation in India could be

developed and implemented at CWPRS. There is an opportunity for CWPRS to assume a leadership role in reaching out to other public institutes and in

developing a proper integrated management strategy. The development of

environmentally friendly water-related infrastructures should gradually become increasingly important among the priorities of CWPRS operations.

The gradual implementation of new environmentally-focused research areas at CWPRS for the benefit of the population of India could follow phases like:

- Phase I – Basic water-related infrastructure. This is currently what is being done in India with basic flood control, water supply and

energy through hydropower, thermal and nuclear power. This also includes disaster prevention and the analysis of extreme events with

devastating consequences such as floods, earthquakes and tsunamis.

- Phase II - Direct environmental benefits. The emphasis is on direct

implication on the quality of human life. For instance, some improvements could be in the development of new ecological and

environmental approach with the broad objective of cleaning surface

waters. This can be achieved by expanding the traditional sanitary engineering to reduce the contamination and pollution of surface

waters with the treatment of chemical contamination in industrial

areas, mine wastes and acid mine drainage, toxic waste and explosives from specific sites. There is a need for major efforts in the

design of environmentally-friendly hydraulic structures for flood

control, detention and storage, water supply, irrigation needs, point source pollution, clean surface waters, sediment management, water

decontamination, gravel mining, irrigation canal intakes and water

supply to farming areas, stream restoration and rehabilitation, etc.

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- Phase III - Indirect environmental benefits. The emphasis here is on indirect implication on the quality of human life. The effort may be

on water quality in coastal areas, mangroves and wetlands, oil spills, clean-ups, etc. Along rivers, developments could be on non-point

source pollution and an integrated river basin management strategy

for nitrates and phosphates, fertilizers and pesticides, algae blooms, control of invasive species (e.g. riparian vegetation, mussels…),

infestations of insects, virus bearing mosquitoes and flies, coliforms,

e-Coli, microbials and pharmaceuticals, etc. A new ecological

dimension involving river restoration, port and harbour fisheries, water parks, and developments in river recreation should be

considered here. This may possibly extend to climate change, sea

level rise, carbon footprint, global warming, etc.

- Phase IV – Enhancement to the quality of life in general. The benefits here are not necessarily tied to an improvement of the quality

of human life. Examples may include recreational of sporting activities, or benefits to non-commercial and/or endangered species.

Further development can be carried out in providing and developing

aquatic habitat for fisheries and waterfowl and migratory species, fish

passage and aquatic habitat, endangered species, reconstructed wetlands, mangroves, stream ecology, riverfront properties, hydro-

tourism, canoe-kayak, white water boating, paddling, etc.

In an effort to delineate the emerging opportunities and challenges in a

discipline-wise manner, the following review intends to propose a plan for

strengthening existing research areas and to suggest new areas of expansion. The digest starts with an indication of the vital needs of each

discipline. There is also an indication, whenever appropriate, of which new

leadership direction each discipline should assume. A list of relevant research areas is provided for each discipline and in some cases indication

as to which area may become obsolete or irrelevant. The new areas of

expertise are designated either as an existing area that requires

strengthening or an emerging new area of research. This section prepares the case for the needs in each research area. Section 6 will follow with mode

details in terms of recruitment and training needs.

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1) River Engineering (RE): This discipline is essential and vital to the

future developments on physical and numerical modeling of rivers and should lead the future developments on environmental river restoration.

RE needs to provide expertise and services in terms of hydraulic analyses

and model/prototype testing in river hydraulics and bridge engineering. The following areas are expected to remain highly relevant in the future: bridges

and barrages, stream gauging, river training and bank protection works,

river channelization and morphology, intake structures and inland

navigation, river engineering, bridge pier and abutment scour and prevention of bridge collapse, barrages studies, river intakes, sediment

excluders and ejectors, physical models for rigid and mobile bed rivers, large

and braided rivers with large sediment loads, riverbed aggradation, stream gauging, inland navigation and dredging design of flood protection

measures, bank protection, levees, diversions, etc.

The strengthening of existing areas of expertise should include:

• River modeling with 2-D and 3-D models

The current activities are focused on physical modeling and the use of

rather simple one-dimensional models. There should be developments in the use of 2-D and perhaps 3-D models for the analysis of deformable bed


The challenging new areas of expertise should include:

• River restoration and stream rehabilitation

The integration of the needs for clean drinking water, sanitary sewers and waste water treatment plants can be integrated with an effort to reduce

surface water pollution and contamination and lead to river restoration and

the development of water parks and green river corridors can greatly improve the quality of life in India. Fine sediments have a tremendous

adsorption potential and their interaction with pollutants and contaminants

in surface waters present unique opportunities for growth and development at CWPRS.

The increasing focus on environmental issues should be implemented in the

RE discipline. Some training will also be required.

• Point source river pollution and decontamination, advection-dispersion

Urban populations can gain tremendously through sewage collectors and

waste water treatment plants in urban areas, the treatment of chemical

contamination in industrial areas, gravel mining in rivers, mine wastes and

acid mine drainage, etc.

• Environmentally-friendly hydromachinery and hydraulic structures, fish ladders

This new research area, and particularly the use of fish ladders should be

developed in collaboration with the RAS discipline.

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2) River & Reservoir System Modelling (RRSM): This discipline is

essential and vital to the future developments on flashflood modeling from

extreme events and should lead the future developments on integrated river

basin management practices. RRSM needs to provide expertise and

services in the main areas of hydrometeorology, water quality modeling and surface water hydraulics. The current types of projects are expected to

remain highly relevant in the future: water intakes for thermal, hydro and

nuclear power plants, dam break modeling, flood mapping, flood forecasting and warning systems, riverfront developments, stormwater drainage, bank

protection and reservoir sedimentation, sediment yield and assessment of

the life expectancy of reservoirs water quality modeling, physico-chemical analyses, irrigation return flows, dam break studies, etc. It is important to

adequately support the highest possible level of expertise at CWPRS in order

to carry out the best quality studies on water intake, cooling facilities and dam break analyses in the environment surrounding nuclear and thermal

power plants. All these research areas are relevant and studies on bank

protection, river intakes may be integrated in the RE discipline.

The strengthening of existing areas of expertise should include:

• Reservoir silting, turbidity, abrasion and sediment sluicing and flushing

Sedimentation problems will become increasingly important in reservoirs

and in rivers.

• Non-point source pollution, irrigation and drainage, water quality in

agricultural areas The increasing demand for food and high yield crops will

demand higher uses of fertilizers and pesticides. This can become a huge problem at the national scale and CWPRS needs to be at the forefront of


• Urban runoff modeling, detention storage, channel incision control This

work should be carried out in collaboration with RE.

The challenging new areas of expertise should include:

• Distributed flash flood modeling during extreme events There is a need

for more detailed two-dimensional modeling of flash floods in urban areas

like the major flood from 944 mm of rainfall in Mumbai in 2005.

• Integrated river basin management and best management practices The

RRSM discipline should spearhead new developments and the implementation of IRBM and BMP’s in India. Some training seems desirable.

• Hydrometeorology of extreme events, satellite data transmission,

delayed monsoons, climate change, sea level rise This is a new area of research with satellite and radar information for the prediction, forecasting

of major rainstorm and flood events.

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3) Reservoir & Appurtenant Structures (RAS): This discipline is

essential and vital to the future developments on water-related

infrastructure and should lead the future developments on turbulence and

environmentally-friendly water infrastructure. RAS needs to provide expertise and services in the main areas of spillways and energy dissipators,

sediment management and control structures. The current types of projects

are expected to remain highly relevant in the future: physical and numerical modeling of spillways, energy dissipators, surge tanks, sluices and outlets,

desilting structures, overflow spillways, orifice spillways, plunge pool,

pressure flows and cavitation studies, pressure control and aeration, surge

tanks, scour prevention, stilling basin design, stage and stepped spillways, diversion tunnels and desilting chambers, power intakes, head and tail race

channels, transient flows and water hammers, surge tank design, vorticity,

air vents, pressure and energy dissipation in tunnels, and hydrodynamic forces on gates and hydraulic structures, aerator on an orifice spillway. All

areas are relevant and the studies on desilting works and sediment

excluders and ejectors may be coordinated with the RE discipline.

The strengthening of existing areas of expertise should include:

• Reservoir silting, turbidity, abrasion and sediment sluicing and flushing

Developments in this area will become critical as the hydropower development in the Himalayas gain in strength and popularity. The

sediment problems in that region cannot be overestimated.

• Energy dissipation, stepped spillways, baffle blocks

This is an area of great expertise and the reputation of CWPRS may increase

considerably with some strengthening

• Fluid- induced vibrations

This area is not quite new but when coupled with new measurement

techniques and the involvement of ICTS, this can lead to important

engineering applications.

The challenging new areas of expertise should include:

• Turbulence measurements and modeling, PIV, CFD

The use of CFD and PIV is not quite new to this discipline, however this is at

the cutting edge of developments and CWPRS should keep up the pace.

• Environmentally-friendly hydromachinery and hydraulic structures, fish ladders

This may not be a top priority in the near future, but development should

gradually be implemented in coming years.

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4) Coastal & Offshore Engineering (COE): This discipline is

essential and vital to the future developments on ports and harbors and

shore protection and should lead the future developments on tsunami

research. COE needs to provide expertise and services in the main areas of

port layouts and coastal protection, shoreline changes and dredging, breakwaters, tidal inlets, ship navigation, outfalls and coastal ecology. The

current types of projects are expected to remain highly relevant in the

future: near-shore wave simulations, wave penetration in harbors, ship maneuvering and mooring, tidal dynamics, estuarine sedimentation,

advection and dispersion, littoral drift and shoreline evolution,

hydrodynamic and dredging studies, coastal protection studies, seawalls, groins and artificial beach nourishment, nuclear and thermal power plants,

sediment transport and salinity modeling, design of coastal structures, rigid

and flexible structures such as stones, tetrapods, dolos, accropodes …

The strengthening of existing areas of expertise should include:

• Coastal modeling in 2-D and 3-D

This area is currently doing very well and some strengthening would bring

CWPRS to prominence.

• Thermal hydraulic engineering, cooling of nuclear and thermal power plants

This area will become increasingly important as the country develops more

thermal and nuclear power plants. In the wake of the Fukushima disaster,

capacity building in this area should be a very wise investment of resources and energy. Some work in collaboration with AES is possible here.

The challenging new areas of expertise should include:

• Tsunami research

There is no tsunami research facility in India at this time and CWPRS would be the most natural place to develop expertise on this subject. Some

training may be helpful to get started, but the in-house capabilities should

be sufficiently strong to make significant research contributions in the very near term.

• Coastal Environment, mangroves, tidal wetlands, and fisheries

This area is less important than the tsunami research area but is in line

with the needs to develop environmentally-friendly structures.

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5) Foundation & Structures (FS): This discipline is essential and vital

to the future developments on retrofitting the aging water-related

infrastructure and should lead the future developments on earthquake

impact on hydraulic infrastructure. FS needs to provide expertise and services in the main areas of structural modeling and analysis, geotechnical

engineering and concrete technology. The current types of projects are

expected to remain highly relevant in the future: foundations, stability and rehabilitation of hydraulic structures, stability of concrete, earth and rock

fill dams, and laboratory studies of rocks, soils, concrete and other

construction materials, physical model studies of penstock bifurcations and

manifolds, post-construction stress-strain measurements, structural health of dams, uplift and pore pressures, thermal stress and strain, foundation

settlement and seepage, stability of breakwaters and retaining walls,

liquefaction potential, thermal creep and elastic properties of hydraulic structures, durable masonry and economical cement mortar, dynamic

response analysis of gravity dams. All areas are relevant and the studies on

penstock bifurcations and manifolds may be coordinated with the RAS discipline.

The strengthening of existing areas of expertise should include:

• Earthquake impact on hydraulic infrastructure

As the future developments will gradually move towards the mountains and

more seismically active zones, the importance of carrying studies on the

impact of earthquakes on structures becomes critical. There should also be strengthening of the laboratory activities with studies on a larger scale.

CWPRS should strengthen on-going research on the physical and numerical

modeling of the interaction between dams and their foundations.

Experiments involving, structures, soils and water could make tremendous contributions and bring a world-wide reputation to CWPRS.

• Retrofitting of aging hydraulic infrastructure, abrasion-resistant materials, epoxy concrete, new materials

Given that aging of hydraulic structures and the large number of dams built

more than 40 years ago, the retrofitting of existing structures should become a national priority. A substantial effort for development in this area

should be undertaken at CWPRS. The FS discipline is well placed to

assume a leadership role in collaboration with AES and other disciplines.

The challenging new areas of expertise should include:

• Thermal, geotechnical and geophysical effects on hydraulic


• Dam safety, tension cracks, seepage, liquefaction and stability

It seems that strengthening existing activities would be sufficient in this

discipline. Increased cross-discipline collaboration with AES seems appropriate. For instance joint research in these areas should be very


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6) Applied Earth Sciences (AES): This discipline is essential and vital

to the future developments on geophysical research, engineering seismology

and engineering geology. AES needs to provide expertise and services in the

main areas of geophysics, vibration technology and engineering seismology,

engineering geology such as the detection of faults, fractures, dykes and shear zones, assessment of bed material properties and volumes for

dredging, seismic refraction and ground penetrating radars, underwater and

cross-hole seismic surveys, identification of cracks in relation to permeability and seepage losses, use of chemical organic and radio-isotope

tracers for seepage reduction studies, vibration and seismic studies, design

of safe blast patterns, ultrasonic pulse studies, control blasting near dams, micro-earthquakes, and reservoir triggered seismicity. The current types of

projects are expected to remain highly relevant in the future: cross-hole

tomography, probabilistic seismic hazard, vibrations and seismic loading.

The isotope hydrology may become under scrutiny as a result of

environmental concerns. However, the importance of careful studies on cracks, seepage and structural resistance to seismic loads may justify the

means, particularly in the case of nuclear power plants.

There is complementarity in the approach where FS focuses on the impact

on hydraulic structures while AES is better equipped for field applications

and surveys. It is also important that although several methods may be similar to those of the CSMRS, the unique feature of this discipline at

CWPRS is the level of applications in the presence of water. All water-

related engineering applications should be carried out at CWPRS.

The strengthening of existing areas of expertise should include:

• Thermal, geotechnical and geophysical effects on hydraulic


• Dam safety, tension cracks, seepage, liquefaction and stability

AES seems best positioned to bring the expertise in geophysics and engineering geology to the benefit of better design of hydraulic structures.

CWPRS should take the lead on research on mountain hazards, landslides,

mudflows and debris flows, leading to the design of sabo dams. The aspects of field monitoring, non-intrusive methods seem best handled by the AES

discipline. Collaboration with FS is definitely warranted.

The challenging new areas of expertise should include:

• Earthquake impact on hydraulic infrastructure

• Retrofitting of aging hydraulic infrastructure, abrasion-resistant materials, epoxy concrete, new materials

CWPRS should take the lead on retrofitting old dams and water-related

infrastructure. The use of new composites, polymers and epoxy should be

pursued with greater intensity. Increased cross-discipline collaboration with AES for field applications seems desirable. CWPRS should continue its own

developments in this promising research area.

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7) Instrumentation, Calibration & Testing Services (ICTS): This discipline is essential and vital to the future developments on

laboratory instrumentation and data processing and should lead the future

developments on computer modeling for water-related infrastructure. ICTS

needs to provide expertise and services in the main areas of instrumentation, calibration and testing, development of sensors, data

acquisition systems, data logging and processing, SCADA, tail end water

level control systems, multiple discharge control systems, automatic tide generation systems, multi parameter data acquisition systems, Differential

Global Positioning Systems (DGPS), automatic tidal gate systems, miniature

propeller velocimeters, thermocouples and electronic gauges. ICTS shows overarching connectivity with all other disciplines.

Modernization of the equipment has become an urgent necessity. In the area of velocimetry for instance, there need to be a definite push away from

mechanical devices and towards electromagnetic, acoustic and lidar


The strengthening of existing areas of expertise should include:

• Turbulence measurements and modeling, PIV, CFD

In collaboration with RAS and FS, the role of ICTS in this research area is to

work on PIV instrumentation.

• Fluid- induced vibrations

• Cavitation, surge tanks, penstocks and waterhammer research

In collaboration with RAS, the role of ICTS is to modernize the laboratory

measurement procedures, data collection and processing.

The challenging new areas of expertise should include:

• In-situ measurements for rivers, reservoirs and coastal areas

Although this is not necessarily a new research area, the methods have drastically changed in this field. For instance, river velocimetry is now

possible with Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters ADV and ADCP. In some cases,

electromagnetic current meters have performed real well. There are recent

developments with the use of lidars. CWPRS need to modernize and keep up the pace. CWPRS should consider adding hydrological equipment as

well. This is a major area of development for CWPRS.

• High-power computing, SCADA, servers, data acquisition, parallel

processing, data storage, remote sensing, etc.

This is another research area where equipment needs to be modernized and

where computer support technology needs to keep up the pace.

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6.Recruitment and Training

CWPRS is currently understaffed to meet emerging opportunities and

challenges. CWPRS used to have 1857 sanctioned position in 2001. This number has declined to 1172 which represents a 36% decrease in research

effort at CWPRS. Table 6.1 below indicates the current (2012) number of

sanctioned and filled positions at CWPRS. The total number of sanctioned positions is 1172 compared with 931 filled positions, this represents a

shortfall of 241 positions at this time. Most important is that the shortfall is

primarily in the area of research positions (Groups A and B) where the deficit is currently of 111 research positions.

Table 6.1. Number of sanctioned and filled positions at CWPRS

(2012 data from Dr. I.D. Gupta)

Group Sanctioned Filled

Research Cadre (Group A) 186 * 127

Research Cadre (Group B) 172 120

Technical Services (Engg. Cadre) 55 44

Auxiliary Technical Services

(LA, C’man, D’man, etc.)

302 247

Ancillary Services (MTS) 275 253

Admin, Accounts & Other Services 182 140

Total 1172 931

For a research institute aiming at a world-class status, the above numbers

clearly indicate that recruitment has become a top priority at CWPRS. There

is an urgent need to increase the number of sanctioned positions in order to meet the challenges and opportunities of the new millennium. Moreover,

there are currently a total of 25 employees with a Ph.D. degree and 36

holding a M.Tech. degree. Training has also become an essential component of the future success at CWPRS. To meet the research areas described in

Section 5 with qualified personnel, recruitment and training needs are

further discussed.

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6.1 - Recruitment

To be fully effective, 200 Research Officers need to be added. An absolute

minimum of 100 new research officers must be added in the next five years. An appropriate number of support staff should also be added to support the

new development areas described in Section 5. A non-exclusive but

representative breakdown in the number of requested Research Officer (RO) positions follows along with an indication of which discipline they should be

associated with in italics with RO for Research Officers and relevant discipline:

• River modeling with 2-D and 3-D models (5 RO in RE)

• River restoration and stream rehabilitation (10 RO in RE)

• Point source river pollution and decontamination, advection-dispersion (15 RO in RE)

• Reservoir silting, turbidity, abrasion and sediment sluicing and flushing (5 RO in RE, RRSM and RAS)

• Distributed flash flood modeling during extreme events (5 RO in RRSM)

• Urban runoff modeling, detention storage, channel incision control

(10 RO in RRSM)

• Integrated river basin management and best management practices (5 RO ST in RRSM)

• Non-point source pollution, irrigation and drainage, water quality in

agricultural areas (5 RO in RRSM)

• Hydrometeorology of extreme events, satellite data transmission, delayed

monsoons, climate change, sea level rise (10 RO in RRSM)

• Environmentally-friendly hydromachinery and hydraulic structures, fish

ladders (5 RO in RAS and RE)

• Energy dissipation, stepped spillways, baffle blocks (5 RO in RAS)

• Fluid- induced vibrations (10 RO in RAS, FS and ICTS)

• Turbulence measurements and modeling, PIV, CFD (10 RO in ICTS and RAS)

• Cavitation, surge tanks, penstocks and waterhammer research (5 RO in RAS and ICTS)

• Thermal hydraulic engineering, cooling of nuclear and thermal power plants

(10 RO in COE and AES)

• Tsunami research (15 RO in COE)

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• Coastal Environment, mangroves, tidal wetlands, and fisheries (5 RO in COE)

• Coastal modeling in 2-D and 3-D (5 RO in COE)

• Earthquake impact on hydraulic infrastructure (15 RO in FS)

• Thermal, geotechnical and geophysical effects on hydraulic infrastructures (5 RO in AES and FS)

• Dam safety, tension cracks, seepage, liquefaction and stability (10 in AES and FS)

• Retrofitting of aging hydraulic infrastructure, abrasion-resistant materials,

epoxy concrete, new materials (10 RO in FS and AES)

• In-situ measurements for rivers, reservoirs and coastal areas (10 RO in ICTS)

• High-power computing, SCADA, servers, data acquisition, parallel

processing, data storage, remote sensing, etc. (10 RO in ICTS)

Recruitment would be possible from top Universities in India and among

students who completed M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the US and in Europe. Graduates from universities with large laboratories in hydraulics, river

engineering and coastal engineering would be valuable persons to hire at

CWPRS. If no recent graduate can be found or recruited, it would be well worth sending some of the most talented and deserving young engineers and

scientists for training abroad. Some of the knowledge gained overseas can

be tremendously beneficial. The possibility to invite young graduates for a visit and possible job interview can save tremendous resources to see if the

candidate’s research fits well within the mission of CWPRS. For example,

the USBR has been very successful at recruiting top graduates with Ph.D.’s

from the best schools in fluid mechanics around the U.S. The advantage has been to recruit young and talented individuals who now assume

leadership positions at the institution.

6.2 - Training

Training can be viewed both for reaching a higher level of competence in the current research areas, develop new areas of activities, or also may be

viewed as a way to stimulate development and growth and reward the most

deserving employees of CWPRS. Three levels of training needs should be


(1) Long-term training - The first level of training should be long-term

training for junior employees. It should focus on technical areas of expertise under development or improvement. At the M.S. level, the

trainee can learn the state-of-the-art on a given subject. The M.S.

level training can be done either with thesis (normally takes 2 years) or without thesis (normally 1 ½ year). The advantage of a thesis is to

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allow the student to learn to write a long document in English.

Training for a Ph.D. degree is also possible but a complete degree requires 3-4 years. It is understood here that given the shorter time

commitment, it may be impracticable to send people abroad for Ph.D.

studies. Nevertheless, the value of training for Ph.D. degrees can be emphasized. In the United States for instance, the trainee will learn

from a broad spectrum of subjects in the water areas and will develop

skills for computer modeling and in some cases in physical modeling. The other big advantage is in the ability to write a dissertation that

makes a new contribution to a given topic. The candidates can search

the literature, use the latest computer skills, take a new subject for study and explore the new areas in a comprehensive manner and

bring cutting-edge technology back to CWPRS. Personally, institutes

that approached me for a visit before sending students to work with

me, were able to define research projects for the trainees that were directly linked to their own institutional research goals and activities.

In very general terms, computer needs could be fulfilled by recruiting

native students who studied abroad, and particularly in the US. Their ability to run computer models and set up computer networks should

be beneficial to CWPRS. There should also be some long-term US

training definitely in the area of river restoration, integrated river basin management, GIS, 2-D and 3-D computer modeling, and

possibly to Japan for disaster prevention and coastal engineering.

Long-term training should be linked with a commitment to stay with CWPRS upon completion of the training requirement.

(2) Short-term training - The second type of training should be termed

short-term training on specialized subjects for mid-career employees. The duration can vary between several weeks and a few months.

CWPRS employees may have the opportunity to travel abroad, or

international experts can be invited for a certain period of time. It is quite effective to invite an expert to give a short course for several

weeks or a few months. The cost of inviting an expert is usually much

less than sending trainees abroad. The possibilities for junior employees can be beneficial in terms of knowledge gained from the

short-term training experience. The opportunity can also be very

welcome for mid-career and senior employees who want to see how research is done elsewhere. It is often very useful for the trainee to

give a seminar presentation on their own research activities. Foreign

seminars always require tremendous energy levels from the trainees, particularly while traveling overseas with jet lag and demanding travel

schedules. This possibility is excellent to increase the visibility of your

own institute and research. There should be some long-term plan for

regular or periodical short-term visits with international experts. This could include a combination of opportunities for senior CWPRS

researchers to exchange at the global scale as well as the possibility to

invite international experts on a long-term basis for sabbaticals, extended stays, short-courses or for periodical appointments as

reviewers and advisory board members.

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The following presents a breakdown of training needs in line with the new

research areas for each discipline. The abbreviations LTT and ST stands for long-term training and short-term training respectively. The very high priority is designated with ***, high with ** and medium with *.

River Engineering (2 crores)

• River restoration and stream rehabilitation (LTT ***) • River modeling with 2-D and 3-D models (LTT ***) • Point source river pollution and decontamination, advection-dispersion (ST *) • Reservoir silting, turbidity, abrasion and sediment sluicing and flushing (ST**)

River and Reservoir Systems Modelling (2 cr)

• Distributed flash flood modeling during extreme events (LTT***) • Urban runoff modeling, detention storage, channel incision control (ST*) • Integrated river basin management and best management practices (LTT**) • Non-point source pollution, irrigation and drainage, water quality in agricultural areas (LTT*) • Hydrometeorology of extreme events, satellite data transmission, delayed monsoons,

climate change, sea level rise (LTT**)

Reservoirs and Appurtenant Structures (2 cr)

• Environmentally-friendly hydro and hydraulic structures, fish ladders (ST*) • Energy dissipation, stepped spillways, baffle blocks (LTT**) • Fluid- induced vibrations (LTT**) • Cavitation, surge tanks, penstocks and waterhammer research (ST*)

Coastal and Offshore Engineering (1 cr)

• Thermal hydraulic engineering, cooling of nuclear and thermal power plants (ST***) • Tsunami research (ST***) • Coastal Environment, mangroves, tidal wetlands, and fisheries (ST*) • Coastal modeling in 2-D and 3-D (LTT*)

Foundations and Structures (2 cr)

• Earthquake impact on hydraulic infrastructure (LTT***) • Retrofitting of aging hydraulic infrastructure, abrasion-resistant materials, epoxy concrete,

new materials (ST**)

Applied Earth Sciences (2 cr)

• Thermal, geotechnical and geophysical effects on hydraulic infrastructures (ST**) • Dam safety, tension cracks, seepage, liquefaction and stability (LTT***)

Instrumentation, Calibration and Testing Services (3 cr)

• Turbulence measurements and modeling, PIV, CFD (LTT***) • In-situ measurements for rivers, reservoirs and coastal areas (ST**) • High-power computing, SCADA, servers, data acquisition, parallel processing, data storage,

remote sensing, etc. (LTT***)

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In reviewing the needs for each discipline in terms of long-term and short-

term training, it is my recommendation that the following areas should be given the highest priority:

Long-term training on 2-D modeling of rivers and sedimentation. Short-term training on river restoration and stream rehabilitation.

Long-term training on distributed modeling (GIS-based) of surface

runoff and urban flashfloods, and modeling of dam-break and reservoir silting/sluicing.

Long-term training on turbulence and CFD modeling with Fluent or FLOW-3D. Training on the use of PIV (this could be short-term

training). This also includes data acquisition systems and high-power

computing. Modeling in 2-D and 3-D of sediment transport processes

may be a good subject for advanced degrees in engineering.

Long-term training on liquefaction, vibrations and earthquake

engineering. Also on the hydromechanics interaction between fluid-induced vibrations and metals (pipes, gates, etc.)

Short-term training on tsunami research, environmental coastal

processes, mangrove and wetlands. Long/short-term training on modeling of thermal advection and diffusion and mixing processes

from manifolds and other hydraulic structures in relation to nuclear

and thermal power plants.

Short-term training on the use of geophysical methods to determine

the properties of concrete (density, porosity, cracking, etc.) to retrofit aging hydraulic infrastructure.

Short-term training on cavitation, hydromachinery, acoustic and

electromagnetic velocimetry.

(3) Short visits - The third type of training should be for senior research officers and joint directors. Short visits (usually less than one week)

are deemed appropriate to visit international institutes and

universities. These trips may be for presentation at a conference, participation in an international forum, service on a televised

international panel... These visits can provide useful information on

active research programs in foreign countries. Some administrators

enjoy developing international memoranda of understanding (IMOU). Personally, I am not particularly fond of such initiatives since they

require a lot of time for paperwork. In many instances, the turnover

in administrative personnel becomes a hindering factor. IMOU’s can nevertheless become useful when there are research collaborators to

follow up after the paperwork is in place. Long friendships and

exceptional collaboration leading to great papers, manuals and projects can greatly enhance the visibility and reputation of CWPRS

and prove to be most effective on the long-term. Administrators or

team leaders should get involved in national and international

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committees. Such activities require a serious time commitment which

is most often not remunerated. However, the ability to see what is going on elsewhere explores new ways of doing things. This

opportunity could be brought up as a reward for excellent work and

should include visits to some large laboratories around the world, short-term training from leading experts invited at CWPRS, visits of

particular laboratories and foreign peer institutions, some short-term

training for short courses in the U.S. or Europe. The training activities should require additional tasks from the trainees, such as

the requirement to present a paper at a Conference, or at the visiting

institution. Possibly, a link should be established with someone of the visited institution. This can provide essential information on the

timing of the visit, persons to contact and other activities going on at

the time of the visit. Something important during the short-term

visits is the need to have an interpreter to enable communication and facilitate the travel schedule. For instance, many foreign groups

visiting us at CSU were totally unprepared and unable to

communicate, which left a lasting impression on how disorganized they really were. Foreign visits should be prepared ahead of time and

in some countries, a good interpreter may be incredibly resourceful.

Short visits would be valuable for the leadership team comprised of the

Director and Joint Directors and perhaps selected Chief Research Officers.

Short visits would be beneficial in the following areas:

Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory and the Environmental Laboratory

at the Engineering Research development Center in Vicksburg, MS,


A visit of the Four Major River Restoration Project in South Korea.

River and Sedimentation research facilities in China at Tsinghua

University, and the Wuhan Hydraulic Institute in China.

Energy dissipation facilities at the ETHZ in Zurich, Switzerland.

The Disaster Prevention Research Institute in Kyoto, Japan.

Additional information on a discipline-wise training needs for CWPRS can be found in Appendix A. These lists have been reviewed and discussed during

my 2nd visit from July 23-27, 2012. All requests are reasonable and subject

to budget availability and approval by the Director of CWPRS.

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7. Infrastructure and Research Facilities

In terms of overall infrastructure, the buildings and large scale research

facilities are first considered. The overall research infrastructure at CWPRS used to benefit from infrastructure support for equipment and training from

the UNDP from 1970-1998. The UNDP funded ~ $21,358,678 million USD

for the upkeep of the facilities and training, and this primarily from 1972 to 1998 (detailed list in Julien 2012). For instance the last significant UNDP

investment into the infrastructure of CWPRS was about $2 million USD

from 1990-1998. Since 1998, the lack of investment in the research infrastructure has been detrimental to the overall research operations at

CWPRS. The laboratories and research offices are equipped with furniture

far from world-class levels.

7.1 – Existing building renovation

Director Gupta and his team have somehow managed to maintain the facilities operational, although the vast majority of research buildings and

laboratories is clearly aging. For instance, some very large buildings near

the entrance have been left for commemoration. These buildings have not been used for several decades, perhaps half a century, and in some cases

roofs are caving in and large trees have established permanent roots. This

is not in line with the standards for a world-class institute. Dr. Gupta

mentioned that he already has a plan to demolish these obsolete facilities. My point here is that the entire building infrastructure has been neglected

not for a year or two, but for several decades. The lack of resources has

definitely contributed to the situation regarding the research infrastructure. There is an urgent need for major capital investment to meet the challenges

of the 21st century. It is worth mentioning that the current leadership team

at CWPRS deserves the credit for the recent construction of two buildings: (1) a large new auditorium in which I was apparently the first speaker; and

(2) a new large coastal engineering laboratory completed about 2 years ago.

Dr. Gupta and the leadership team have prepared proposals for the renovation of twelve buildings in disrepair and the list given below must be

given top priority.

The itemized building renovation request found below in Table 7.1 is for a total of ~ 10 crores for the renovations of the existing buildings.

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Table 7.1 List of buildings in urgent need for renovation (from Dr. Gupta)

Name of the buildings to be renovated Approximate Plinth Area

in sqm

Tentative cost in

Rs. (lakh)

Office-cum-laboratory building (OCL) - Three storied (constructed around 1965)

2400 360.00

(DOHI) - Two storied (constructed around 1969)

2200 70.00

Coastal Engineering and Research Centre (CERC) - Two storied (constructed around


630 65.00

Coastal Data Centre (CDC) - Two storied (constructed around 2000)

450 10.00

Ship Hydrodynamics (SH) - Single storied (constructed around 1962)

3000 60.00

Hydromechanics (HM) - Single storied

(constructed around 1957)

1500 75.00

Cavitation -Three storied (constructed around 1961)

250 50.00

Improvement of Canal Control (ICC) - Single storied (constructed around 2000)

440 5.00

Central Work Shop (WS) - Single storied

(constructed around 1949)

1125 50.00

Central Store - Single storied (constructed

around 1950)

2200 45.00

Sub-division Office of Assistant Executive

Engineer (Civil) (AEE- Civil) - Single storied (constructed around 1950)

200 50.00

Instrumentation Workshop - Single storied (constructed around 1963)

1600 35.00

Sub-total 875.00

~ 10 cr

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The renovated buildings should benefit from the following:

Continuous power – Power outages are frequent at CWPRS which may

last from a few minutes to a half hour. These disrupt all measuring devices and cause considerable delay to the experimental research.

Such power outages are not acceptable in a world-class institution. It

is essential to maintain continuous power supply at CWPRS.

Control rooms – Renovation of the control rooms in most large

laboratories with modern computer equipment and appropriate data acquisition systems and data processing equipment. Wireless

connections to measurement probes and devices should be provided

whenever possible.

Office space – Renovation of office space with replacement of old

desks, tables, chairs, book cases and replace with new desktops and

laptops with flat screens, decent chairs, lighting, dry-erase boards, and discard old CRT monitors, etc.

Air circulation - Adequate air circulation, HVAC, fans and air conditioning in some areas would be desirable (the temperature in

several offices and water quality laboratories were excessively hot

during the first visit in June). Pune, normally benefits from rather nice weather and better air circulation (AC should not be necessary)

should be provided in the large-scale hydraulic and coastal

laboratories. However, the control centers and RO offices should have fans or AC available, along with adequate workspaces.

Building infrastructure - The main building infrastructure should be checked for structural damage. Cracked masonry should be

resurfaced, some signs and boards in front of some buildings and

some laboratory flumes could be renewed. Ancient windows need to

be replaced in most buildings and laboratories, entrances should be inviting, office doors and hallways should be well lit and repainted,

and there should be some meeting rooms in all buildings with dry-

erase white boards for discussion. Parking lots should be paved with covered areas for scooters. There should be concrete, dry and covered

walkways between buildings (currently there are muddy areas

between several buildings, particularly during the wet monsoon).

Electrical and plumbing – Some electrical and plumbing installations

probably date to colonial times and may be somewhat dangerous. It was noticeable that several toilets were leaking during my visit of

remote laboratory buildings. Such things should be operational and

the electrical wiring is also a safety issue for all laboratory employees in a world-class research institute like CWPRS.

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7.2 – New large research facilities

Large research facilities considered here include structures that are too

large to be considered equipment. For instance large facilities can be

hangars, laboratory space, hydraulic flumes or large-scale physical models. There is no vendor for research facilities and the construction can be

contracted out. It is considered that the following large facilities (~ 25cr) are

essential to meet the needs for the new water-related research areas from Section 5:

A new flume for tsunami research (10 cr) - A tsunami flume could

be built in refurbishing existing facilities in disrepair in the Coastal Laboratory. The new tsunami flume could be designed to maintain a

dual purpose for single waves and/or random wave generators for

breakwater studies. This research facility would primarily support the COE discipline, and ICTS would definitely need to be involved with

data acquisition and processing.

Eco-hydraulic research facility (8 cr) - A large eco-hydraulic facility

for the interaction between rivers and ecosystems. This facility can be

used for the analysis of river restoration, urban flooding, sediment

contamination, mining impact, fluvial geomorphology, riparian habitat, water quality modeling, and interaction with the aquatic

ecosystems. The resources should support the outdoor large scale

physical modeling activities of the RE discipline and should also support some of the activities of RRSM and RAS as well.

Hydro-vibration research facilities (4 cr) - A new large vibration table (~ 3m x 6m) should be built for the analysis of the effects of

earthquakes and vibrations on soils and hydraulic structures. This

would be important for the analysis of liquefaction, dynamic stability

of dams and other hydraulic structures during earthquakes. The facility may be housed in existing laboratory space. The resources

should support the physical modeling activities of the FS discipline

and should link more closely with activities of AES and RAS as well.

Hydro-thermal laboratory facilities (3 cr) - This will enable better

understanding and design of cooling systems for thermal and nuclear power plants. This includes the experimental analysis of diffusion

and dispersion as well as thermal stratification and salinity intrusion

problems. The laboratory space is currently available in the existing facilities. The resources should support the physical modeling

activities of the COE discipline and should link more closely with


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7.3 – New buildings for emerging research

To meet the challenges of the new millennium as detailed in Section 5, two new buildings are desirable to support the emerging research areas of all

research disciplines.

New Building #1 - Center for Eco-Hydraulic Research (CEHR)

A new building should be constructed (~ 18 cr) for the establishment of a

new Eco-Hydraulic Research Center. The first building would meet the needs for emerging research in environmental river and coastal areas (RE

and COE), as well as support the 2-D and 3-D computer modeling activities

in the other disciplines (RRSM, RAS, FS, AES and ICTS). This building should be located near the large laboratories to stimulate exchange between

physical modelers and numerical modelers. For instance, it could be

physically located between the river and coastal engineering laboratories. The main components of this new building would be in the following areas:

Advanced Computational Center (ACC) – The 2-D and 3-D modeling

capabilities for rivers, reservoirs and coastal areas could be merged into a single center within this new building. For instance, facilities

with a main server, high performance computers and a host of

numerical models could be available in this center.

Data Acquisition and Processing Center (DAPC) – A center for the data

acquisition storage retrieval and processing of laboratory

measurements. This center should have the capabilities to retrieve and store multi-channel and multi-dimensional data received from all

physical laboratories at the station. The center would provide

software for data acquisition, storage, processing and displaying. For instance, this could provide centralized operations for wireless data

acquisition from the coastal laboratories, SCADA, ADCP and PIV,

Geophysics. It may also include connection to satellites and provide 3D and 4D visual capabilities, graphics, time to frequency domain

transformations, etc. These capabilities could also be spread-out

throughout all laboratories while keeping central services for data display.

Surface Water Quality Laboratory (SWQL) – The current water quality modeling group could expand its operations into large laboratory

space devoted to the laboratory analysis of water quality in rivers,

reservoirs and coastal areas. There could be an expansion of the

activities on measuring water quality parameters like temperature, pH, BOD, fluorometry, organics, nitrates and phosphates and their

impact on eutrophication and algae growth and control. The analysis

should include the analysis of chemicals and industrial waste in surface waters, inorganics like PCB’s, and other similar contaminants.

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There could be new operations in relation to mining industries, as well

as concentrations of heavy metals in adsorbed, dissolved and particulate phase, volatilization and photolysis, actinides, etc. The

current investigations on macrophytes and plankton should be

expanded to include chemicals, coliforms, steroids, pharmaceuticals and bacterial growth in surface waters. The new building could also

host new research in hydro-epidemiology.

River and Coastal Restoration (RACR) - New research areas relative to

river restoration, stream rehabilitation, sediment contamination and

management of spoiled dredged materials, aquatic habitat, stream ecology, riparian habitat, minimum in-stream flow needs, fish and

wildlife studies, reconstructed wetlands and coastal mangroves and

tidal wetlands. Environmental Impact Studies could be conducted with the greater capabilities of physical and numerical modeling.

There could also be economical impact studies, riverfront property

development, canal boating or recreation, fishing, bike path and water

parks in the vicinity of rivers, hydro-tourism, etc.

New Building #2 - Welcome Center with Administrative Services (WCAS)

A new building should be constructed (~7 cr) near the main entrance of the

Research Station. This building would serve the following functions:

Welcome Center with a few physical displays, flat screens and videos

A contracting office for the preparation of research contracts with CWPRS clients

Meeting rooms for the clients and visitors in small (8-10) and larger

groups (20-25) A Public Relations’ Office with publications and printing capabilities

for reports and posters, data archival, institutional statistics and

annual reports, main server and firewall for the CWPRS network

services and web page. Satellite data access with data transmission and retrieval –this could

also be located at the CEHR

Video- and tele-conferencing capabilities Training Center for short courses. The room should accommodate 30-

40 people with high tech computers smart boards and could be

combined with the video-conferencing capabilities. A cafeteria for the clients, staff and visitors. The cafeteria should be a

central point for lunches and exchanges of ideas among all

researchers at the station. A power control center with a power generator and non-interruptible

power supply to secure continuous power for computational and

physical modeling experiments. This generator may be located somewhere else if too noisy.

The Director’s Office and relevant office space for support staff

Note that the proposed new building would be in the vicinity of the

new auditorium.

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8. Equipment and Software

Per the discussion in Section 7, the need to renovate the equipment and

computers cannot be overemphasized given that it has been 15 years since a major investment in the research infrastructure has been made at CWPRS.

To face the daunting challenges for the design of world-class water-related

infrastructure like thermal and nuclear power plants that are facing tsunamis, floods, and earthquakes, the engineers and scientists at CWPRS

need to be equipped with the latest technology. There is no doubt that a

substantial upgrade in equipment, hardware and software would add a tremendous dimension to the capabilities of CWPRS. In the new

millennium, technology has changed and CWPRS needs to keep up the pace.

For instance, laboratories world-wide have replaced propeller-type velocity

measuring devices with electronic equipment, e.g. Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters (e.g. ADCP, ADV…) and electromagnetic devices (e.g. Marsh

McBirney…). Other distributed systems like GIS, PIV, multi-spectral

scanners, are becoming standards of practice, along with wireless communication. The needs at CWPRS are as much in hardware as software.

It is difficult to assess the exact proportion of physical/field modeling

activity in comparison with numerical modeling activities. My recommendation is to give a top priority to physical modeling such that

laboratory and field measurement capabilities remain far greater than the

numerical modeling. CWPRS would be highly competitive with an approximate ratio of numerical to physical modeling around 25%.

In terms of computer software, the availability of freeware has increased tremendously in the United States. Some vendors still harvest considerable

sums of money for “executable” codes rather than “source” codes. It is

viewed that the training of young research officers may be more valuable

than the purchase of commercial software. The problem with most commercial software is that the user cannot look inside the “box” to find out

what the model is really simulating. In the case of CWPRS where engineers

and scientists are challenged to come up with the best possible solutions to complex problems involving nuclear plants, tsunamis, dam break floods and

excessive urban floods, the simple use of canned programs is not sufficient.

The engineers and scientists need to know what is inside the programs and must be able to make code modifications to fulfill their specific project

needs. At CWPRS there is a greater need to have people trained in

developing their own programs than in people capable to used canned programs and procedures. Training abroad usually develops the ability to

find suitable codes and models. During their training, graduate students

typically develop or find models with source codes freely available, or at very

low cost. The availability of source codes is a tremendous asset in allowing the adaptability to different conditions by programming new algorithms that

are best suited to the problems and conditions found in India. The general

saying that the modeler is at least as valuable as the software prevails in water resources engineering. It is viewed that CWPRS would gain

tremendous benefits from hiring graduate engineering and scientists from

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IIT or from universities in the United States and Europe. It should be added

that commercial software for Computational Fluid Dynamics (e.g. Flow-3D or Fluent) are highly recommended. On the other hand other commercial

packages tend to be expensive and they are based on technology developed

several decades ago. For instance, it is not clear why Mike 11 should be purchased when HEC-RAS is doing the same thing for free. The purchase of

executables may be viable on the short term. However, to become a first-

class research institute, the development of some new models in river or coastal engineering should become desirable. World-class institutes tend to

develop their own products, equipment and software. The leadership in the

coastal engineering with MORMOT and NAVIGA should serve as a very good example for all disciplines. Continued development of these two software

packages and testing with laboratory and field measurements should be

given priority. Since CWPRS is developing expertise in certain areas, they

could also potentially market some of their own products and get some return for the equipment and software that is developed in-house (e.g.

NAVIGA, MORMOT, and flow meters…). The suggested plan would have an

Advanced Computational Center (ACC), as described in Section 7.3. Computer models could be centralized at the ACC and a number of different

codes could be made available for the users of all disciplines. Among others,

the system could host a number of codes including:

codes for CFD modeling in FLUENT, ANSYS, FLOW-3D

turbulent mixing CORMIX

river modeling HEC-RAS, RMA-2, DAMBRK, Mike

distributed modeling, GIS, ARC-GIS, ERDAS, TREX

decision support systems, MODSIM

coastal models, SUNTANS, TELEMAC, OUTRAY

navigation NAVIGA and MORMOT

geo-hydraulic models GEOSLOPE, FLAC3-D, Distinct EM…

The issue of proprietary equipment and software has been raised and seems

to be a nagging problem that increases the cost of projects and operations.

Well, this problem is shared with all peer institutions around the world. It has to be understood that the reason some software is proprietary is to

offset the real cost of putting this piece of equipment or software on the

market in the first place. In a large and resourceful institute like CWPRS, there are many ways to be very creative at developing new tools and

techniques that will reduce the dependency on proprietary software and

hardware. One effective way to cope with these costs is to distribute the cost of proprietary equipment/software over several projects or users. This

is probably the most effective way to deal with proprietary items that are

indispensable. In some cases, some expensive costs for proprietary software

can be avoided. Some commercial software are found not to be very useful in the U.S. because many people have developed equivalent and better

performing software packages at a fraction of the cost. In many cases,

software can be found for free and are available on the web. Finally, I would argue that simple collaboration with universities has been a tremendous

way to reduce the cost of proprietary software. For instance, in my own

research group at CSU, we have developed CASC2D and TREX. The

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material from completed research projects, dissertations, theses and

manuals, and this includes the source code of new software, is made available on the web and accessible to all. As a result, the USACE and the

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation worked with us to develop new software. They

brought the source codes back to their offices and adapted the new software to their own institutional needs and standards of practice. Several countries

(e.g. South Korea and Malaysia) are now sending students for long term

training with us to learn how to use our software. These individuals earn a degree in taking part to the development of the software. Upon return, they

bring this knowledge and freeware back home for the development of water

resources in their own countries. This is one aspect of collaboration that I discussed in my seminar at CWPRS on “The Power of Collaborative


A detailed list of needed equipment (hardware and software) has been

established for each of the seven disciplines at CWPRS. The lists are

presented in a discipline-wise fashion and the items are prioritized with the

most important item on top of the list. The equipment lists include the type, the supplier and cost in an itemized fashion. The list in Appendix B itemizes

the needs and an estimated cost of 16 cr should meet the current equipment

needs. These items do not present a once for all solution to the equipment and software needs. Further internal discussion should be going on at

CWPRS to prioritize its own needs.

One important factor is that like all other peer institutions, CWPRS cannot

be all things to all people. Each discipline has to make practical decisions

and recommend which pieces of equipment/software and relevant training are absolutely essential to their operations and discard those that are not

worthy of purchasing. The priorities should come from the project-based

demand. Recent trends among past and the schedule of future projects

should be carefully examined. What were the equipment and software needed in the projects of the past decade? What is the new technology that

is becoming available on the market? What are the emerging and promising

areas of research that would help the nation develop? What is the schedule of the forthcoming projects CWPRS? In periodically seeking answers to

these questions, the equipment needs can be identified by each discipline.

Each discipline can then make its own choices and develop accordingly. Perhaps the only exception to this would be in the field of computer

technology where the developments in hardware are so rapid that only

computer scientists can provide valuable assistance in charting the future needs for the entire research station. A consultant may review the needs

and bring an outsider perspective and suggest other things. However, it is

very difficult for any external consultant to fully recognize the breadth of

research activities going on at CWPRS. The process essentially needs to mature from the inside rather than be imposed from the outside. Some

institutional thinking needs to take place and the role of a consultant may

simply be to initiate the process.

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9. Operational Management and Budget

This section revisits a discussion on the relative isolation of CWPRS

previously discussed in section 4. Some suggestions will be offered in terms of operational management. One of the main issues discussed in this

section is whether or not CWPRS should consider reaching autonomous

status. Additional information regarding ways to improve productivity and

visibility are covered, alongside a budget and timeline for the future developments at CWPRS. The following issues should be considered:

Autonomous status: The possibility of seeking autonomous status for

CWPRS has been given serious consideration. On July 26, 2012, Drs.

Gupta, Bhosekar and myself visited two autonomous institutes in Pune (the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology IITM of the Indian Meteorological

Department, and the National Chemical Laboratory NCL). These two visits

were very instrumental and educative, and detailed notes from the visits can

be found in Julien (2012). The high profile of these two institutes seems to stem from: (1) a highly competitive and selective recruitment process; (2)

great research facilities; (3) a vibrant research environment; and (4) strong

connection with the outside world. At CWPRS, the autonomous status would be very beneficial in order to: (1) reduce the administrative paperwork

with the Ministry of Water Resources; (2) provide a more selective and direct

involvement in the hiring of world-class new employees; (3) open up new possibilities with international contracts; (4) enable employees at CWPRS to

participate in international conferences; and (5) provide flexibility and

reduced paperwork for the CWPRS Director. There seems to be no difference with the advantages and privileges of the employees since the

employment status through the Government of India is the same

with/without autonomous status. It is important to note that in a change to

autonomous status, the CWPRS employees should retain all the privileges that they currently have. It seems that CWPRS employees could only gain

new opportunities in changing to autonomous status. When the

autonomous status was discussed with the joint directors, they expressed a concern regarding the continuity in the transition process from the current

state to autonomous status which may take 2-3 years to be fully approved.

It was mentioned that Director Gupta’s retirement is scheduled for September 2013 and none of the Joint Directors would be eligible for the

Director position before 2015. It is most important to preserve continuity in

the transformation process to autonomous status. This could be achieved either by extending Dr. Gupta’s Director appointment until 2015, or by

allowing one of the current Joint Directors (M.N. Singh, V.G. Bhave, V.

Bhosekar, M.D. Kudale, S. Govindan, R.S. Ramteke or P.K. Goel) to assume

the Director position upon the retirement of Dr. Gupta. In all events it is most important not to allow an external candidate to assume the CWPRS

Director position during the transition period to autonomous status.

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Increased productivity: Institutional productivity always starts with a

healthy work environment. It is therefore important to practice high quality

standards in Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S), particularly in the “hard

hat” laboratories or in areas dealing with chemicals and isotopes. It is also important to involve the employees in the decision making process so that

they feel some ownership and attachment to the future developments of

CWPRS. A forward looking research environment is always a source of additional commitment to a research station. The work atmosphere can

change drastically when employees see positive improvements in the quality

of their work environment. CWPRS is currently understaffed as previously

discussed in Section 6. As stated previously, there is an urgent need to recruit and train research officers, to rejuvenate the research infrastructure

and facilities, and to renew the equipment and software. With a renewed

commitment of resources to CWPRS and by recruiting dynamic young research officers and with careful mentoring from the senior researchers,

the productivity and the national and international reputation of the entire

research station will soar. The senior members can be very successful at mentoring junior colleagues. They can collaborate on research, share

contacts and get younger members motivated. This mentoring speeds up

the formation and career development of young scientists and engineers. Young scientists will bring new methods and new ways of doing things,

which can be highly beneficial to increase the productivity of important


The following recommendations regarding productivity should be carefully

considered if CWPRS vision is to become a world-class Center of Excellence:

• CWPRS should have the authority to hire their new employees.

CWPRS should be actively involved in the recruitment and hiring of

new employees. They should proactively look into recent graduates from engineering schools in India and abroad.

• CWPRS should have the authority to dismiss non-performing employees from their functions. The increased responsibility of

CWPRS engineers and scientists in the design of large water-related

infrastructure for public safety has to be recognized. There is an unprecedented demand to design safe infrastructure like nuclear and

thermal power plants, dams and pipelines against the devastating

forces of tsunamis, earthquakes, extreme floods, etc. This

responsibility needs to be assumed by bright and experienced engineers and scientists. There is no room at CWPRS for people who

do not want to reach the highest possible standards of performance

and professional ethics. Such employees may be transferred to regional offices, or areas of the GoI with reduced responsibilities.

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Increased visibility of CWPRS: there are numerous ways to increase

the visibility of CWPRS. A basic commitment to outreach is indicated and this can be motivated at different levels including the following:

• Collaborate. Research collaboration with universities and other research institutes is highly desirable. As discussed during my seminar

presentation on July 23, 2012, this can lead to better visibility of the large

laboratory facilities. Collaboration with universities can lead to refereed publications in scientific journals since most professors are required to write

significant articles. CWPRS would also gain in providing exposure of their

facilities to promising young scientists and engineers. For instance, CWPRS

could develop very fruitful collaboration with academic institutions: (1) in offering large laboratory facilities that cannot be found in universities; and

(2) CWPRS should be able to recruit and host numerous graduate students

who want to solve problems of national importance. This can become a great recruitment tool for CWPRS. This level of activity is already present

but seems to always require the involvement of CWPRS director. It seems

that a broader-based extension of the collaboration with universities offers a unique outreach potential at this time. CWPRS should also develop

research with other national institutes in India. For instance, there should

be a definite increased commitment to environmental issues, e.g. clean-up of thrash on land and leaching into rivers, and collaboration with relevant

ministries in the public health sector. Clean-up of land and water resources

is perhaps one of the greatest national challenges. Success may start with a

single experimental study site where the integrated river basin management concepts of RRSM could be directly applied for environmental clean-up.

There is no better place to start such an initiative than at CWPRS. There

may be involvement and funding from NGO’s on this as well. A single successful research-based initiative may spread out to the entire country.

The potential rewards from such an initiative would be tremendous for

CWPRS. Collaboration with the National Institute of Hydrology also comes to mind regarding joint research in climate and hydrology as input to

hydraulic and river engineering studies of the RRSM. On projects involving

groundwater, the FS and AES disciplines may expand collaboration with the Central Groundwater Board (CGWB). Some research activities in the FS and

AES disciplines bear similarity with the activities of the Central Soil and

Material Research Station (CSMRS). The distinction should be drawn that

all research involving water-related problems and infrastructure should be dealt with at CWPRS. For instance, mudflows and debris flows and bedrock

blasting near dams should be considered at CWPRS. Collaboration on

landslides may be a good joint research opportunity because research applications on impact of roads and foundations could be done at CSMRS

while the applications on landslide impact inside a reservoir (like the

landslide-generated wave inside Vajont Dam in Italy) should be carried out at CWPRS. CWPRS may also host foreign and national visitors for an

extended period of time from a week to a few months. Housing facilities

were under renovations when I visited. This is a great step in the right direction.

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• Reach out and get involved. Participation at national and

international conferences is also very important to increase visibility. Participation and involvement on national committees is also important.

Reaching out also implies a lot of travel and additional working hours. Pune

airport may not be the most readily accessible, but it is nevertheless very important to travel and meet clients, partners and collaborators. All

activities involving short courses, seminars, international forum, lectures at

IIT’s should be extremely beneficial. The following list of short courses could be developed for either training at CWPRS or at universities like U. Pune, the

network of IIT universities with expertise in water like IIT Mumbai, IIT

Roorkee, IIT Chennai, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Kanpur. When the buildings are fully constructed, it would then become interesting to offer short courses

in the following areas: (1) River engineering; (2) Sediment flushing and

sluicing; (3) Coastal engineering breakwaters; (4) Navigation programs

NAVIGA and MORMOT; (5) Energy dissipators; (6) Earthquake impact on hydraulic structures; (7) Retrofitting of aging infrastructure; (8) Masonry

resurfacing and abrasion resistant materials; (9) Vibrations of hydraulic

gates and structures; and (10) Cavitation and hydromachinery testing, etc.

• Publish or perish. The ability to publish in top refereed journals is

perhaps the highest landmark of recognition that can be achieved for a research institution. CWPRS can collaborate (rather than compete) with

academic institutions as previously mentioned. The ability to write joint

refereed papers can merge the ability of young professors and scientists to carry out theoretical work with the innate ability of professional engineers

and scientists at CWPRS to perform applied research on projects of national

significance. CWPRS also has the unique opportunity to write very important manuals and codes of practice in the fields relative to water.

These standard codes and manuals can then be taught in universities for all

engineers working in certain fields. This can lead to important national

reports, guidelines and definition of better national standards of practice in the engineering profession. Productive workers can be rewarded with a

reduced load (instead of an increased load) to allow them time to develop

and reach high levels of excellence. For instance it takes a lot of time and effort to write books, manuals and standards of practice. To allow the most

prolific writers to develop their skills can yield tremendous institutional

payoffs and increase the reputation of CWPRS.

• Cherish a new look? Nowadays, a great deal of visibility can be

gained through the design of web pages. The institution can share and distribute numerous manuals, codes, books, reports and material relevant

to research activities. The example of the Hydrologic Engineering Center in

Sacramento California should be praised for its world-wide distribution of

free software for the analysis of surface runoff and river flows with sediment transport. The HEC-RAS model has been used and distributed world-wide

without any attempt to make profit, but this information sharing has

brought recognition far beyond the national perspective under which the operation first started. Other items in this outreach process include a

digital library, Webinars, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn… Also,

the name CWPRS is not quite easy to remember. I have mingled these

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letters for some time. Would it make sense to change the name to

something more dynamic? From further discussion during my second visit, several possible names were discussed and there seemed to be a consensus

for: National Hydraulic Research Institute in Pune, or NHRI-Pune.

• Celebrate! A tremendous opportunity will present itself in 2016: yes,

the centennial of CWPRS. The possibility to invite seven (one for each

discipline) International keynote speakers for an international conference should be considered. These keynote speakers may be asked to provide a

one-day short course on their respective disciplines...

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Tentative Schedule:

A five year schedule for training, equipment and renovations may look

something like:

Year 1 -

Filing for Autonomous Status

Renovations of Existing Research Buildings

Purchase of Laboratory Equipment

Planning the construction of the two new buildings

Year 2 -

Renovations of Existing Research Buildings

Acquisition of Laboratory Equipment (hardware and software)

Starting the new building Construction

Long-term and short-term training

Year 3 -

Renovations of Large Facilities

Completing the new building construction

Long-term and short-term training

Planning HPC and software purchases

Purchase of equipment for the new buildings

Year 4 -

Renovations of Large Facilities

Long-term training

Software purchases

Hiring new RO

Year 5 -

Renovations of Large Facilities

International Conference for the CWPRS Centennial

New training courses offered at CWPRS

Hiring new RO

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It is difficult to assess exactly the budget needs for CWPRS and these

matters may be best decided internally. From an outside perspective, it

seems that an absolute minimum budget required to bring CWPRS closer to

the world-class level would be around 90 crores (~ $18,000,000.00 USD) for the research infrastructure, facilities, research equipment, computers and

software. Accordingly, a proportional increase to the operational budget

(estimated at 20 crores) should be added every year to support the increase number of research officers and support staff. The minimum budget is

targeted here given that the true expected value of lifting CWPRS among the

top world-class Centers of Excellence may be 2-3 times higher, perhaps around 250 crores. This may sound overly ambitious and extravagant, so

work must start somewhere. I am absolutely convinced that an investment

in CWPRS will bring one of the highest possible returns at the national level.

Table 9.1 Approximate Budget needs for CWPRS

Item Budget

200 new RO + support staff -- (~20 cr to base budget) - details Section 6.

Training 14 cr - details in Section 6 + Table 9.2 below

Existing building renovations 10 cr - details in Sections 7.1

New Large Research Facilities 25 cr - details in Section 7.2

New building #1 CEHR 18 cr - details in Section 7.3

New building #2 WCAS 7 cr - details in Section 7.3

New equipment, hardware, software 16 cr - details in Section 8 + Table 9.2 below


Total 90 cr (or ~ $ 18,000,000 USD)

+ 20 cr added to the annual base budget

Table 9.2 Discipline-wise Summary of Training and Equipment Needs (in crores)

Training Equipment

River Engineering 2 cr 2 cr River and Reservoir Systems Modelling 2 cr 2 cr Reservoirs and Appurtenant Structures 2 cr 2 cr Coastal and Offshore Engineering 1 cr 4 cr Foundations and Structures 2 cr 1.5 cr Applied Earth Sciences 2 cr 1.5 cr Instrumentation, Calib. and Testing Services 3 cr 3 cr ______ ______

TOTAL 14 cr 16 cr

Note: more details for training in Appendix A and equipment and software in Appendix B.

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10. Summary and Recommendations

The fundamental purpose of this report is to strengthen CWPRS. This report contains a discipline-wise review of the current status of CWPRS

(Section 2) in a national and global perspective (Sections 3 and 4). New

challenges and opportunities are formulated in Section 5. This is followed by a description of the needs in recruitment and training (Section 6),

infrastructure and research facilities (Section 7), and equipment and

software (Section 8). The management and budget issues are finally discussed in Section 9.

10.1 – Summary

The Central Water and Power Research Station was established in 1916 by

the then Bombay Presidency. Today, with funding from the Ministry of Water Resources and under the current leadership of Director Dr. I.D.

Gupta, approximately 250 studies are conducted at the Research Station at

any given time. According to a survey of the period 2007-2012, the average annual production at CWPRS includes about 100 technical reports are

submitted to project authorities. In addition 40-50 papers are published

every year in national and international journals, proceedings of various

conferences, seminars, workshops and symposia. CWPRS also publishes technical memoranda for the research community, designers and practicing

engineers. The methods currently used are based on sound engineering

practice and many projects handled at CWPRS have a national perspective and international potential.

As India rises among technologically advanced nation, the development of water and power resources becomes one of the key priorities for capacity

building. Some of the main challenges at the national scale need urgent


Demographic expansion - The supply of potable water to every

household is not a luxury, but a necessity. The population of India

has increased from 1.02 billion in 2001 to 1.21 billion people in 2012. This represents a 20% increase in the demand for water supply for

irrigated agriculture, flood control and disaster prevention.

Increasing energy demand – The hydropower demand increased from

12.7 to 18.5 Million tons of oil equivalent (MTOE) from 2006-2011.

This corresponds to more than a 50% increase in hydropower in the

past 5 years. Hydropower is one of the cheapest and renewable forms of power. This will require new water-related infrastructure for the

design of power houses, penstocks, spillways, stilling basins, etc.

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Nuclear and thermal power plants – The demand for nuclear power

more than doubled from 6.04 to 14.16 MTOE during the period 2006-2011. The use of water for cooling nuclear and thermal power plants

is critical to meet the energetic needs of the next decades. The event

in Fukushima, Japan, should be a reminder of the constant threat and damage that can result from a nuclear disaster. The adequate

design of water cooling facilities is critical to the safe operation of

nuclear and thermal power plants. These plants need to be designed by the best engineers in the country and CWPRS needs new research

officers to meet the growing demand.

Aging infrastructure – In India, almost 1000 dams (out of 4291 in 1994) were built before 1971 and are now more than 40 years old.

Most dams need to be retrofitted to meet the present day demands.

Liquefaction of dams - Earthquakes damage hydraulic structures.

The problems associated with saturated soils, liquefaction and flood

wave propagation from dam break need further research for disaster


Tsunami research – The Banda Aceh tsunami of December 26, 2004

has devastated the East coast of India. The Earthquake of April 11,

2012 in Indonesia should be a reminder that such disasters may occur again in the future. There is currently no physical modeling

capability for tsunami research in India. There is an urgent need to

build a tsunami research facility and CWPRS would be the best place for conducting coastal engineering research on tsunamis.

Devastating floods – Unprecedented floods have caused tremendous

damage in recent decades. For instance, 5,000 people died in the Maharashtra Flood of July 26, 2005 which brought Mumbai under

944 mm of rain in 24 hours.

CWPRS is currently understaffed to meet the emerging opportunities and

challenges. CWPRS used to have 1857 sanctioned position in 2001. This

number has inexplicably declined to 1172 in 2012. This represents a 36% decrease in the commitment of resources to support research at CWPRS.

This decreasing staffing trend is opposite to the increasing national demand

for water-related infrastructure. There is obviously an urgent need to increase the number of sanctioned positions in order to meet the challenges

and opportunities of the new millennium.

The difficulties of the present situation are compounded by the fact that the

investment in research infrastructure has been minimal since 1998.

CWPRS has received $21,358,678 million USD for infrastructure support,

equipment and training from the UNDP from 1970-1998. The last significant UNDP investment into the infrastructure of CWPRS was about $2

million USD from 1990-1998. Since 1998, the lack of investment in the

research infrastructure has been detrimental to the overall research operations at CWPRS.

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The potential for development at CWPRS is tremendous. CWPRS should

keep its focus on meeting national needs. The massive national demand for

water-related infrastructure should ensure continuous support and relevance for generations to come. CWPRS should continue to support

experimental research while developing numerical models as well. The

primary expansion of physical modeling capabilities in conjunction with increasing computer modeling can lift CWPRS among the elite institutions of

the world. Some relaxation of international restrictions would be desirable

to open up international activities and support the future developments of externally-funded projects.

There is an urgent need for major capital investment to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The following large facilities are essential to meet the

needs for the new water-related research areas:

• A new flume for tsunami research • Eco-hydraulic research facilities

• Hydro-vibration research facilities

• Hydro-thermal laboratory facilities

Two new buildings are needed to support the research on water-related

infrastructure of the new millennium:

• Center for Eco-Hydraulic Research (CEHR)

• Welcome Center and Administrative Services (WCAS)

The first building would meet the needs for emerging research in

environmental river and coastal areas (RE and COE), as well as support the

2-D and 3-D computer modeling activities of the other disciplines (RRSM,

RAS, FS, AES and ICTS). The added capabilities of this new building would

be in the following areas: Advanced Computational Center (ACC), Data

Acquisition and Processing Center (DAPC), Surface Water Quality Laboratory

(SWQL), River and Coastal Restoration (RACR). The second building would

house satellite data access and tele-conferencing facilities, a power control

center, contracting services and a training center for short courses.

The needs for equipment, software and training cannot be overemphasized

given that it has been 15 years since a major investment in infrastructure

and equipment has been made at CWPRS. To meet the daunting challenges

of designing a world-class water-related infrastructure, like thermal and

nuclear power plants that are facing tsunamis, floods, and earthquakes, the

engineers and scientists at CWPRS need to be equipped with the latest

technology. The needs for building renovations, personnel training,

equipment and software are detailed in this report.

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There are numerous ways to increase the visibility of CWPRS. The

workforce can be motivated at different levels through collaborative

research, reaching out and getting involved, publishing, a new look at the

web, and a celebration of the century mark of CWPRS in 2016.

It is impossible to envision growth and development in India without water

and power. Water and power are the key elements to fuel the economic

growth of India, and CWPRS has provided national leadership for almost

100 years. With adequate support, resources and facilities, CWPRS will not

only proactively meet the ever increasing demands and challenges in water

and power in India, it will also become a world-class Center of Excellence.

10.2 – Recommendations

In a nutshell, the specific recommendations of this report are to:

Set priority on national water-related infrastructure: With excellent

research staff and facilities, and adequate funding from the Ministry of

Water Resources, the mandate of CWPRS should focus on meeting the national challenges.

Renovate existing buildings: the renovation of twelve buildings in disrepair must be a top priority. Continuous power is also needed.

Upgrade laboratories and large facilities: The ability to keep large scale

laboratory facilities should eventually turn into one of the most important assets at CWPRS. This can eventually be used to gain a

competitive edge over peer institutions around the world.

Construct two new buildings: Two new buildings are needed to

support the research needs of the new millennium: a Center for Eco-

Hydraulic Research; and a Welcome Center with Administrative


Build new research facilities in emerging research areas: New

laboratory facilities are required for research on tsunamis, eco-hydraulic research, thermal facilities and vibration technology.

Focus on environmental issues: This may be the most daunting challenge facing CWPRS and India. As much as CWPRS has always

aimed at public safety in their design of large infrastructure, a new

emphasis applicable to all disciplines should gradually focus on environmental issues for a better quality of life.

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Seek autonomous status: The autonomous status would be very

beneficial to CWPRS.

Recruit 200 new research officers: An appropriate number of support

staff should also be added to assist research officers.

Hire and retain the best: CWPRS should have the authority to hire

their new employees. CWPRS should also have the authority to dismiss non-performing employees from their functions. The

increased responsibility of CWPRS engineers and scientists designing

the water-related infrastructure for public safety has to be recognized.

Increase the budget: A minimum of 90 crores (~$18,000,000 USD) is

required for the investment in research infrastructure, facilities, research equipment, computers and software. An additional increase

to the operational budget of 20 crores needs to be added every year to

support and train an increasing number of research officers and support staff.

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Das, B.M., Sivakugan, N., and K. Sobhan. ”Institutional Strengthening of

CSMRS: Benchmarking, Equipment and Training,” Final Report

submitted to the World Bank, December 2012, 172p.

Julien, P.Y. (2012). “Benchmarking of CWPRS”, Final Report submitted to

the World Bank, October 2012, 138p.

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APPENDIX - A: Training Needs

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Detailed List of Training Needs at CWPRS

This Appendix presents a detailed list of training needs for each

discipline. Each list has been prioritized with the highest priority item on top of the list. These lists are by no means exclusive and

exhaustive. My own appraisal of the approximate relative sum that would be needed for each discipline for training purposes is presented in the summary table below.

Table A-1 Training Budget Summary River Engineering 2 cr

River and Reservoir Systems Modelling 2 cr Reservoirs and Appurtenant Structures 2 cr

Coastal and Offshore Engineering 1 cr

Foundations and Structures 2 cr Applied Earth Sciences 2 cr

Instrumentation, Calib. and Testing Services 3 cr

______ TOTAL 14 crores

The specific items in the following detailed list for each discipline include the institution, expert name and research area.

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River Engineering (2 cr)


A. Training Abroad

Sl.No. Institution / Organization Name of Expert Areas of Training

1 Colorado State University,


Prof. Pierre Y. Julien,

Department of Civil

Engineering, Colorado State,University

Erosion & sedimentation,

hydraulics, surface hydrology.


United States Bureau of

Reclamation (USBR), USA

Environmental impact assessment - 2D modeling,

water quality monitoring and


3 Deltares, The Netherlands Intake and Outfall systems -


4 Artelia, France Floods and natural hazards


United States Army Corps

of Engineers (USACE), USA

Environmental Studies

6 IIHR - Hydroscience and

Engineering, University of


1. Prof. George Constantinescu

CFD, River mechanics, turbulance, hydraulics

2. Prof. A. Jacob


Hydraulic modeling,

environmental fluid

mechanics, river engineering, river mechanics, steam erosion

protection, etc.

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B. In-house training from foreign experts


Institution /

Organization Name of Expert Areas of Training

1 University of Iowa Prof. George


CFD, River mechanics,

turbulance, hydraulics


Colorado State University,

College of Engineering,


Prof. Ted Yang

Sediment transport, stream

restoration, river hydraulics,

computer modeling

3 NIT, Norway Prof Nils Reider B. Olsen

Numerical modeling, fluid

mechanics, CFD in hydraulic


4 Norway University of

Science and Technology Prof. Jochen Aberle

Sedimentation and Sediment


5 San Diego State

University, USA Prof. Howard Chang

River and sedimentation

engineering, hydrology for

flood control, Fluvial 12

6 DELFT, The Netherlands Prof. H. N. C. Breusers, G. Klaassen

Scour around bridge piers

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River and Reservoir Systems Modelling (2 cr)

Training Details

A) Deputing Research Personnel Abroad for Specific Training:




Level Training Details Advisor Place Period

1 Senior Management

(1 No.)

Visits to Institutes – Facilities, capability, research areas covered and for collaborations



IIHEE, Delft, Netherlands

DHI, Denmark

5 days (Total)

2 Senior/ Middle Research (2 Nos.)

Advances in distributed modelling (processing of DEM and hydrologic processes), 2-D flow routing

Prof P.Y. Julien, CSU, USA

Prof D.G. Tarboton, USU, USA



3 months

3 Junior Research (2 Nos.)

River flood modelling, introductory level of distributed modelling aspects

Depends on the courses offered and decided by


1 IIHEE, Delft, Netherlands

2 DHI, Denmark

3 weeks each

4 Senior / Middle Research

Concepts in modelling by using different software for Prediction

of water quality of different types of water bodies including reservoirs





One quarter /

3 months

5 Junior Research

1D model for predicting WQ scenario in river systems


Denmark /


IIHEE, Delft,


5 days

CSU – Colorado State University;

USU – Utah State University;

IIHEE – International Institute of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering;

DHI – Danish Hydraulic Institute;

ASCE – American Society of Civil Engineers;

USGS – United States Gelological Survey;

USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency

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B) Inviting Experts to CWPRS



Name, Institute

and Country Topic to be covered Period

1 Prof Pierre Y.

Julien, CSU, USA

Distributed modelling of

hydrologic processes, 2D

flow routing

5 days

2 Prof David G.

Tarboton, USU,


DEM processing flow

direction algorithms and flow


5 days

3 Henrik Larsen, DHI


A practical introduction to

the fundamentals of Eco-

Hydraulics to develop

ecological model for

predictions of water quality

and aquatic ecosystem


5 days

4 Prof.Walter Rast,

Prof Lopes Vincent,

River Systems

Institutes, Texas

State University,


Lakes and Reservoir basin

management tools for

conservation of ecology and

different models and GIS


2 weeks

*Note:- The tentative cost as provided in inviting experts to CWPRS covers only travel from

home country to Pune and back plus logistics of stay at Pune. It doesn’t cover the

consultancy fee to be charged by expert.

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Reservoir and Appurtenant Structures (2 cr)





Name of Institute/Expert TD Area Duration

1. Prof. Dr. Willi H. Hager V. Wasserbau, Hydrologie u. Glaz.

ETH Zürich VAW E 37 Gloriastrasse 37/39 8092 Zuerich

Phone: +41 44 632 41 49 E-Mail: [email protected]

SED Energy dissipators, Air water flow

2 weeks at CWPRS and One week at Lab in Zuerich

2. George W. Annandale President, Engineering & Hydrosystems Inc. 8122 South Park Lane Suite 208 Littleton, Colorado United States 80120 Phone: +1 303 683 5191

Fax: +1 303 683-0940

SED Scour downstream of ski jump bucket

2 weeks at CWPRS

3. Prof. Hubert Chanson Department of Hydraulic Engineering and Applied Fluid Mechnics

University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia Tel: +61 73365 3516 Fax: +61 7 3365 4599 Email:[email protected]

SED Turbulence measurement

2 weeks at CWPRS and One week at

Lab in Australia

4. Dr. David Zhu Professor, Water Resources Engineering, University of Alberta

Canada T6G2W2 Phone: (780) 492-5813 Fax: (780) 492-0249 e-mail: [email protected]


Turbulence measurement using PIV

2 weeks at Lab in University

of Alberta

5. Prof. John S. Gulliver St. Anthony Falls Laboratory |2 Third Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414

Office: CivE 110D SAFL 389 Phone: (612) 625-4080 Fax: (612) 626-7750 E-mail: [email protected]

SED Air water mass transfer and water quality

2 weeks at CWPRS

6. Prof. Dr. Anton Schleiss EPFL ENAC IIC LCH GC A3 514 (Bâtiment GC) Station 18

CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Phone: [+41 21 69] 32382, 32385 Email:[email protected]

SED Rock scour due to high velocity falling plunging jets downstream of

spillways and bottom outlets

2 weeks at CWPRS

7. Prof. Pierre Y. Julien Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Colorado, USA Office Location: Engineering Research Center B203

Phone: (970)491-8450 Fax: (970)491-7008

SM Erosion and sedimentation

2 weeks at Institute in USA

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Email: [email protected]

8. Tshinghua University International Technology Transfer Centre (ITTC) Contact: Mr. Zhang Yousheng, China

Phone: +86 10 62792574 Fax: +86 10 62795182 Email: [email protected]


Erosion & Sedimentation

1 week at at Lab in China

9. Subhas Karan Venayagamoorthy Assistant Professor Borland Professor of Hydraulics Department of Civil and Environmental

Engineering Colorado State University, USA Office Location: Engineering A207A Phone: (970) 491-1915 Fax: (970) 491-7727 Email: [email protected]


Stratified Turbulence

1 week at CWPRS and One week at Lab in USA

10. Mr. Yang Zhongmin State Key Laboratory of Advanced

Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing Wuhan University Luojia Hill, Wuhan 430072 China

SM Sedimentation 1 week at CWPRS and

One week at Lab in China

11. Liu Chao College of Energy and Power

Engineering Yangzhou University, Yangzhau 225127, China



Turbulence measurement using


1 week at CWPRS + 1

week in China

12. Prof. Michael Pfister Research & Teaching Associate EPFL ENAC IIC LCH GC A3 515 (Bâtiment GC) Station 18 CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland Email : [email protected]

SED Air water flow analysis

2 weeks at CWPRS and One week at Lab in Lausanne

13. HR Wallingford

Howbery Park, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 8BA, United Kingdom tel +44 (0)1491 835381 fax +44 (0)1491 832233 email: [email protected]



Advance setup for

lab instrumentation

One week at

Lab in UK

14. Professor Nils Reidar B. Olsen

Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, NTNU S.P. Andersensvei 5 N-7491 Trondheim Norway

SM Numerical

modelling of hydropower reservoir flushing and desilting basin

2 weeks at

Norway Institute in Norway

15. The Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute 23 Huangpu Street, Wuhan, Hubei,

430010, P. R. China Tel: +86-27-82829793; Fax: +86-27-82829882

E-mail: [email protected]



Orifice Spillways, Desilting basin, Hydro elastic

modelling of gates

Two weeks at Lab in China

16. Prof. Lian Jijian, School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, China


Hydro elastic modelling of gates

Two weeks at Lab in China

17. Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciology (VAW) Gloriastrasse 37 - 39 CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland


Advance setup for lab instrumentation

One week at Lab in Switzer-land

18. U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (USAERDC) 3909 Halls Ferry Road


Advance setup for lab instrumentation and sediment

One week at Lab, as per training

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 72

Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180-6199 Telephone: 601-634-3188 Email: [email protected]

SM transport analysis with HEC-RAS

programs for HEC-RAS

19. Dr. Kuang Shang Fu, Director, China Institute of Water Resources and

Hydropower Research Address: A-1 Fuxing Road, Beijing, P.R. China, Post Code:100038 email: [email protected]



Advance setup for lab instrumentation

Two weeks at Lab in

China and one week at CWPRS

20. Shailendra Sharan, Professor, School of Engineering, Laurentian Univ., ON, Canada,


Flow induced Gate vibration

2 weeks in Canada

21. Kolkman P.A Delft Technical University, Civil Engineering Department, The Netherlands


Flow induced Gate vibration

2 weeks in Netherland

Long term Training

Long term training for studying Masters in Hydraulic engineering for the junior staff would be beneficial. The list of

institutes for the same is as follows:

1. Colorado State University Fort Collins Colorado, 80523 USA Phone: (970) 491-1111

2. The University of Queensland Brisbane St Lucia, QLD 4072 Australia

Phone: +61 7 3365 1111

3. ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich Main Building, Ramistrasse 101 8092 Zurich Switzerland Phone: +41 44 632 1111

Fax: +41 44 632 1010

4. University of Alberta 116 St. and 85 Ave. Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G2R3 Phone: 780-492-3111

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Coastal and Offshore Engineering (1 cr)

Advanced Training

in US University

(6 months)



/ MMCE 1) University of Florida

2) University of Texas

Short courses in

Netherlands T





Long Term Course

in Netherlands

(18 months)





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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 74

Foundations and Structures (2 cr)





Name of the


Address Type of Research Name of



on of


1. Structural Engineering Research Centre


CSIR campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113

i. Structural Health Monitoring & Evaluation ii. Computational

Structural Mechanics for analysis & design

1 – 2 Months

2. Indian Institute of Technology

Roorkee- 247667, Uttarakhand

Dynamic stress analysis of gravity dams

1 – 2 Months

3. Indian Institute of Technology

Pawai, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Dynamic stress analysis of gravity dams

1 – 2 Months

4. Altair Pune Pune Application of HYPERWORKS FEM Software on stress analysis of gravity dams and other hydraulic structures.

1 Month

5 IIT Roorkee Indian Institute of

Technolog,y Roorkee Uttarakhand INDIA - 247 667

M.Tech in Soil Dynamics at

Earthquake Engineering Division

- 18


6 IIT Bombay Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai, INDIA

Elearning course on 'Soil Dynamics'

Dr. Deepankar Choudhury

7 Itasca

Consulting Group Inc.

Prayag Enclave

Shankar Nagar, WHC Road Block 301, Plot #17 Nagpur 440 010 INDIA

Numerical Modelling for

Nonlinear Dynamic analysis for earth and Rockfill dams using Software FLAC

- 1


8 National Institute of

Rock Mechanics

Champion Reefs P. O.- Kolar Gold Fields

– 563 117,Karnataka, India.

Blasting & Excavation Engg.,Rock Mechanics

Instrumentation, Rock Testing and Rock Fracture Mechanics

Dr.H. Venkatesh,

Mr. Sripad, Dr. G N Rao

1 – 2 Months

9 Central Soil and Material Research Station (CSMRS)

Ministry of Water Resources, Outer ring road, Olof Palme marg, Hauz khas, New Delhi – 110 016

Trainings are provided in areas of Numerical Modelling, In-situ stress evaluation, Monitoring the health of the existing


Institutional Head

1 – 2 Months




Name of the

Institute Address Type of Research

Name of



n of


10 IIT Kharagpur

Department of Mining Engineering,IIT Kharagpur - 721 302 (W.B.), India

Trainings are provided in areas of engineering behaviour of rock and rock masses in both mining and rock mechanics applications.

Institutional Head

1 – 2 Months

11 Itasca

Consulting Group Inc.

Prayag Enclave

Shankar Nagar, WHC Road Block 301, Plot #17 Nagpur 440 010

Numerical Modelling for

Nonlinear Dynamic analysis for earth and Rockfill dams using Software UDEC & 3DEC

- 1


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12 Indian Institute of Technology

Chennai Fibre Reinforced Concrete Dr.Ravindra Gettu

1 – 2 Months

13 National Council of Cement & Building Materials

Hyderabad, New Delhi

Cement & Concrete Technology

Institutional head

1 – 2 Months

14 Structural Engineering

Research Centre (SERC)

CSIR campus, Taramani,

Chennai – 600 113

Fibre Reinforced Concrete & Polymer Concrete

Institutional head

1 – 2 Months

15 Indian Institute of Technology

Roorkee- 247667, Uttarakhand

Concrete Technology & Thermal Analysis of dams

Institutional head

1 – 2 Months

16 Indian

Institute of Technology

Pawai, Mumbai,


Concrete Technology Institutional


1 – 2


17 Centre for Advanced Concrete Research

SRM University, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu

Advanced Concrete Research

Shri. N P Rajamane

3 Months




Name of the

Institute Address Type of Research

Name of

expert Duration

of Course

1. Institute of Construction


University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 4, D-

70569 Stattgart, Germany

Non-destructive examination & monitoring of structures with wireless sensor networks

6 Months – 1 year

2. British Society for

strain Measurement London, UK Stress & Load Analysis Course

1 -2 weeks

3. Earthquake Engg


University of California, Berkeley,


Stress analysis of Hydraulic Structures


Months – 1 year


Pacific Earthquake Engineering

Research Center (PEER)

California, Berkeley, USA

Fluid Structure Interaction 6

Months – 1 year


Pacific Earthquake Engineering

Research Center


California, Berkeley, USA

Earthquake Resistant Design 1 week


Pacific Earthquake Engineering

Research Center (PEER)

California, Berkeley, USA

Fluid Structure Interaction Prof.



1 week


Pacific Earthquake

Engineering Research Center


California, Berkeley, USA

Earthquake Resistant Design Prof Steve Mahin

1 week


MS in Structural Engineering,

Mechanics and Materials

University of California Berkeley

Higher qualification

1 -1.5 year

9 Quest Structures

Quest Structures Inc, 3 Altarinda Road,

Suite 203 Orinda, CA 94563


Training in dam, structural, earthquake engineering

Y Ghanaat

1 week


The University of New South Wales, SYDNEY,NSW


The School of Civil and Environmental


The University of New South Wales,

Stability Analysis Of Large Dams

S. Valliappa


1 week

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Name of the

Institute Address Type of Research

Name of



of Course

12 Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Geo Engineering Section PO Box 5048 2600 GA Delft The Netherlands

Undergoing Course for acquiring higher qualification (MSc-Geotechnical Engineering)

Institutional Head

2 years

13 Norwegian university of Science & technology

Dept of Civil & Transporation Engineering NO 7491, Trondhiem Norway

Undergoing Course for acquiring higher qualification (MSc-Geotechnics and Geohazards)

Institutional Head

2 years

14 Norwegian university of Science & technology

Dept of Civil & Transporation Engineering NO 7491, Trondhiem Norway

Undergoing following Training courses 1) Geotechnical Engineering, Advanced Course 2) Soil Modelling 3) Finite Elements in Geotechnical Engineering

Steinar Nordal

1 month

15 University of Berkeley

Civil & Environmental Engineering University of Berkeley California

Undergoing Training course on 'Numerical Modelling in GeoMechanics'

- 6 months

16 University of Berkeley

Civil & Environmental Engineering

University of Berkeley California

Undergoing Training course on 'Geotechnical

Earthquake Engineering'

- 6 months

17 ROSE SCHOOL c/o EUCENTRE Via Ferrata, 1 - 27100 Pavia, Italy

Short Course on 'Numerical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering'

- 1 week

18 McMaster University

McMaster University 1280, Main Street W Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L8

Numerical Modelling in Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. D. F. Stolle Dr. Peijun


15 days - 1 month

19 University of Toronto

University of Toronto Department of Civil Engineering University of Toronto 35 St. George Street Toronto, ON M5S 1A4 CANADA

FLAC Modelling for Soils Dr. Jim Hazzard

15 days - 1 month



Technical Service Center,

Geotechnical Services (USBR)

Instrumentation and Inspections Group

DeWayne Campbell,

Manager, 303-445-3052

Building 67, 86-68360 Denver Federal Center, Denver,

Colorado 80225-0007

Instrumentation and inspection related services for dams

1 Month

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 77

Applied Earth Sciences (2 cr)

Sr no

Name of the Institute

Address for correspondence Nature of Research

Name of experts

1 National



Institute (NGRI)

National Geophysical Research Institute

Uppal Road, Hyderabad- 500606

Andhra Pradesh, India.

Fax : +91 40 27171564

Phone: +91 40 23434700, 23434711



Method of



Dr. S.K. Verma**

2 Indian Institute

of Technology


(IIT Delhi)

Department of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, INDIA

Tele: (91) 011-2659 1999, (91) 011-2659


Fax: (91) 011-2658 2037, (91) 011-2658



Multi channel

analysis of

surface waves

Dr. K.S.Rao**


3 Indian Institute

of Science,


Department of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012, INDIA

Telephone: 080-2293 2467

E mail: [email protected]

Fax : +91 - 80 - 2360 0683/0085

Multi channel

analysis of

surface waves

Anbazhagan P **

Assistant Professor

4 Indian Institute

of Science,


Department of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560 012, INDIA

Telephone: 080-2293 2329; 2360 2261

E mail:

[email protected]

Fax : +91 - 80 - 2360 0683/0085

Multi channel

analysis of

surface waves

Sitharam T G **


5 National



Institute (NGRI)

National Geophysical Research Institute

Uppal Road, Hyderabad- 500606

Andhra Pradesh, India.

Fax : +91 40 27171564

Phone: +91 40 23434700, 23434711

Application of


Method in




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Name of the


Address for correspondence Nature of


Name of experts Duration

of Course


6 National



Institute (NGRI)

National Geophysical Research


Uppal Road, Hyderabad-


Andhra Pradesh, India.

Fax : +91 40 27171564

Phone: +91 40 23434700,



refraction and





4-8 weeks


1 The University

of New South


School of BEES, UNSW

Sydney NSW 2052 Australia

Phone: +61 (02) 9385-8719

Fax: +61 (02) 9385-1558

Email: d.palmer@



Method (GRM)

of Seismic



Derecke Palmer* 8 weeks

2 Department of

Earth Sciences,



Department of Earth

Sciences., Uppsala University,

Villavägen 16, SE-752

36 Uppsala, Sweden


refraction data

processing and


B. Sjogren* 8 weeks

3 Geophysical

Survey Systems,


Geophysical Survey Systems,


Address: 12 Industrial Way,

Salem, NH 03079

Telephone Number: 603-893-


Fax Number: 603-889-3984

Advancements in






Survey Systems,


8 weeks

4 Kansas



Rick Miller

Senior Scientist, Exploration

Services Section,

Kansas Geological Survey

1930 Constant Avenue

University of Kansas

Lawrence, KS 66047-3726

Phone: 785-864-2091

FAX: 785-864-5317

e-mail: [email protected]

Multi channel

analysis of

surface waves

Rick Miller*


8 weeks

Current senior staff - 1 Current Junior Staff – 5

*: Name of the expert will be finalized after further communication with the Institutes

**: Name of the expert for training at CWPRS, Pune will be finalized after further communication with the


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Name of

Institute Address


of Research

Name of







I.I.S.C Bangalore, Dept. Civil Engineering

Gulmohar Marg, Near-Centre For Neroscience, Mathikere, Bangalore,

Karnataka 560012

Isotope Hydrology

Prof. M S Mohan


8-12 weeks


N.G.R.I Hyderabad,

Dept: Groundwater


Uppal Road, Hubsiguda Secunderabad - 500007

Isotope tracer studies

Dr. Rangarajan R

4-8 weeks

3 N.I.H, Roorkee

Scientist `F’ and Head HI Division,

PI-IWIN (national) Project at NIH


Isotope Hydrology

Dr.Bhishm Kumar

4-8 weeks

4 C.W.R.D.M, Kozhikode,


Centre for Water

Resources Development and Management Kunnamangalam,

Kozhikode-673 571 , Kerala

Stable and radioactive


Dr. A. Shahul Hameed

4-8 weeks

5 B.A.R.C, Mumbai


Anushaktinagar, BARC, Mumbai

Nucleonic Gauges

4-8 weeks


Nuclear Decommissioning Authority,


Nuclear Physics Division, Atomic Energy

Research Establishment, Harwell, Didcot, Oxon,

OX11 0RA, U.K.

Radioisotope Techniques

G.V. Evans 6-8


2 K.U.F.A

University, Arabia

College of Engineering, Kufa Unirvesity, Iraq


Dr.Saleh I. Khassaf Al-


6-8 months

3 T.A.M.U

Texas A & M University

Department of Biological

and Agricultural, Engineering 321 Scoates

Hall ; 2117

Isotope Studies

Prof. Vijay P.Singh.

6-8 months

4 B.R.G.M -


Water Department 1039 rue de Pinville 34000 Montpellier


Isotope Hydrology


Christophe MARECHAL

6-8 months



CONSULTANT, Deer Park, Texas, USA

P.O. Box 787

2017 Westside Dr. Deer Park, TX 77536 USA

Well Logging 2 weeks


U.N.E.S.C.O-IHE, Institute for water education

UNESCO-IHE PO Box 3015 2601 DA Delft

The Netherlands

Isotope Hydrology

2 weeks

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 80



(Global Expert Group), Saudi


Head Office - Riyadh P. O. Box 361301,

Riyadh 11313, Riyadh Well Logging 2 weeks

8 I.A.H

(International chapter)

IAH Secretariat, PO Box 4130, Goring, Reading,

RG8 6BJ United Kingdom

Isotope studies

2 weeks

9 American Society of

Civil Engineers

1801 Alexander Bell

Drive Reston, VA 20191

Dam Engineering

2 weeks

10 National

Ground Water Association

601 Dempsey Rd. Westerville, OH 43081

USA 800 551.7379

Water Hydraulics

2 weeks

11 University of


Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences 200 University Ave. W

Waterloo, Ontario,

Canada N2L 3G1

Isotope studies

2 weeks

12 Princeton



Princeton Groundwater, Inc. P.O. Box 273776 Tampa, Florida 33688,


Isotope Studies

2 weeks

13 Schlumberger water Services

Oak Environmental 103-4712 - 13 Street NE Calgary Alberta T2E 6P1


Modelling software for well logging

2 weeks


National centre for


Research & training

School of the Environment

Flinders University GPO Box 2100

Adelaide SA 5001 Australia

Modelling software

2 weeks

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Name of The

Institute Address

Type of

Research Name of Expert*


of Course


1. Structural Engineering Research Centre


CSIR campus, Taramani, Chennai – 600 113 [email protected]

Tel.: 04422549198

Vibrations and NDT of civil


Dr K. Ramanjaneyulu,

Sr. Principal


2 to 3 weeks

2. Indian Institute

of Technology, Roorkee

Dept. of Earthquake Engg.

Roorkee- 247667, Uttarakhand [email protected] Ph.: 01332-285522 [email protected], Ph.: 01332-285537



Dr.D.K. Paul

or Dr.R.N. Dubey

2 to 3


3. Indian Institute

of Technology, Mumbai

Dept. of Civil Engg. Powai,

Mumbai - 400076 pbanerji[at], Ph.: 022 2576 7334 [email protected], Ph.: 022 2576 7342


and NDT of civil structures

Prof. P. Banerji

Or Prof. A. Goyal

2 to 3


4. National Institute of Rock Mechanics

Champion Reefs P. O. Kolar Gold Fields - 563 117, Karnataka

Ph.:08153-275 004-009 Fax : 08153-275002

Controlled Blasting

Dr. S Venkatesh, Scientist-V

Or Mr AI Theresraj, Scientist-II

2 to 3 weeks

5. Central Mining and Fuel

Research Institute

Environmental Management Barwa Road,

Dhanbad -826001 Mobile: 9431541940 [email protected]

Controlled Blasting

Dr. L. C. Ram, Sct. F & Head

2 to 3 weeks

6. Indian School of Mines

Mining Dept. Dhanbad - 826004, Jharkhand [email protected] Ph.: 0326 2235445

Controlled Blasting

V. M. S. R. Murthy, Professor

2 to 3 weeks


1. BAM – Federal Institute for Materials Research & Testing Berlin, Germany

Non-destructive testing of civil structures Dr. Herbert Wiggen-hauser 10 to 12 weeks 2. NDT Training School Texas, Birring NDE Center, Inc., 515 Tristar Drive, Suite A, Webster, TX 77598, USA Vibration studies of civil structures Stephanie Navarro

10 to 12 weeks

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Name of Expert Type of Research Duration


1. Dr. Anil K. Chopra, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkley, CA 94720-1710, USA

Earthquake analysis of concrete dams

One week


1. Prof. Mihailo D. Trifunac

University of Southern California Civil Engineering Department, KAP 216D Los Angeles, CA 90089-2531 Phone No. (213) 740-0570; Fax: (213) 744-1426; E-mail: [email protected]



One to two


2. Prof. David M Boore

U.S. Geological Survey 345 Middlefield Road, Mail Stop 977 Menlo Park, CA 94025

Phone No. 650-329-5616 Fax: 1-650-329-5163 E-mail: [email protected]



One to two


3. Prof. Julian J. Bommer Civil and Environmental Engineering ,Imperial College ,London SW7 2AZ, UK Phno.+44(0)2075945984 FAX no. Email: [email protected]



One to two


4. The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019 Auckland 1142, New Zealand Phone: 923 7020 (within Auckland) 0800 61 62 63 (outside Auckland) +64 9 373 7513 (overseas) Fax: +64 9 373 7431 E-mail: [email protected]



3-12 months

1. University of Southern California Office of the President Emeritus University of Southern California 3551 Trousdale Parkway, Administration 300 Los Angeles, California 90089-4011 Phone: (213) 740-5400 Fax: (213) 740-5454



3-12 months

2. Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

(NGI) NGI, P.O. Box. 3930 Ullevål Stadion, N-0806 Oslo, Norway Ph no.: +47 22 02 30 00 E-mail: [email protected],



3-12 months

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Instrumentation, Calibration and Testing Services (3 cr)


Divisions: Hydraulic Machinery Calibration Laboratory, Current Meter Calibration, Random Sea Wave Generator, High Performance Computing (HPC) Laboratory, Coastal Data Collection. Sr.



of Research

Name of





1 i) Parallel/independent

Operation of both test line

ii) Calibration under non-standard installation


Fluid Control Research

Institute, Pallakkad,

Kerala, India

2 -3


2 Cavitation in Fluid

Machinery and design of

research facilitiesfor cavitation and


1. Prof. Roger EA Arndt

University of Minnesota,


2. Prof. Paul Brandner,

Australian Maritime College’s Cavitation

Research Lab

3. Prof. Mehmet Atlar

Emerson Cavitation

Tunnel ,UK

2 weeks

3 Cavitation in Fluid

Machinery and design of

research facilities for

cavitation and hydroacoustics

1. Australian Maritime


2. Emerson Cavitation Tunnel

School of Marine Science and Technology, Univ.

Newcastle, UK

3. M A R I N , P.O. Box

286700 AA Wageningen Netherlands

4. St. Anthony Falls



2- 3


4 DGPS Control & Operation M/s. Ashteck, France

M/s Leica, USA

2 - 3 weeks

5 Echosounder Control & Operation

M/s. ODOM, USA M/s Reson, Denmark

M/s. Kongsberg,Norway

2 - 3 weeks

6 Preprocessing Imageries and


Clark Lab University, USA

Geomatica, USA

2 - 3


7 Data Logging and




8 Directional Waverider Buoy

With GPS & software.

M/s Datawell BV, Netherlands. 2 weeks

1 – 2

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 84

Calibration & maintenance. Months

9 In situ Current meters,

In situ Tide gauge

Calibration & maintenance.

M/s Valeport, UK. 2 weeks

1 – 2


10 Acoustic Doppler

Current profiler

M/s RD Instruments, France/ USA

2 weeks

1 – 2 Months

11 Waverider Buoy

Calibration & maintenance.

National Institute of Ocean

Technology, Chennai.

1 – 2


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APPENDIX – B: Equipment and Software Needs

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 86

Detailed List of Equipment and Software Needs at CWPRS

This Appendix presents a discipline-wise list of equipment and software needs.

For each discipline, two separate lists detail the equipment and software needs.

Each list has been prioritized with the highest priority item on top of the list.

As discussed in the main text of this report, this list is by no means exclusive

and exhaustive. New equipment and software may be added to the list in the

future. Further discussion and prioritization needs to take place as a function of

the specific needs of the future research projects and of the future directions that

the CWPRS leaders wish to follow. The approximate relative sum that would

be needed for each discipline is presented in the summary table below.

Table B-1 Equipment and Software Budget Summary River Engineering 2 crores

River and Reservoir Systems Modelling 2 cr

Reservoirs and Appurtenant Structures 2 cr

Coastal and Offshore Engineering 4 cr

Foundations and Structures 1.5 cr

Applied Earth Sciences 1.5 cr

Instrumentation, Calib. and Testing Services 3 cr


TOTAL 16 crores

The specific items in the following detailed lists for each discipline include the

type, vendor and approximate cost.

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 87

River Engineering (2 cr)


S.NO. Item Make

Approx. Cost (Lakhs Rs)

Training Required


Acoustic Digital Currentmeter (ADC) / Accoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV)


Norway 32 Yes

2 Flow Tracker SONTEK,


20 Yes

3 Mini echo sounder General Acoustics,

Germany 10 Yes

4 2D bed profiler HR Wallingford 45 Yes

5 Particle image velocitymeter


Norway 62 Yes


S.NO. Item Make

Approx. Cost (in Lakhs Rs )

Training Required

1 Autocad CIVIL 3D Autodesk Asia Pvt. Ltd., Singapore

2.5 Yes

2 ARCGIS 10.1 ESRI 10 Yes


4 ERDAS Intergraph corporation, Madison, USA

5 Yes

5 MIKE 21 C/ DELFT 3D DHI, Denmark/ DELFT

25 Yes

6 FLOW 3D Flow Science Inc., Santa Fe., New Mexico

35 Yes

7 Fluidyn- FLOWCOAST Fluidyn-India 15 Yes

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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 88

River and Reservoir Systems Modelling (2 cr)

List of Equipment / Software / Training for R&RSM Group

Rank Item Type TD Vendor/ Institute Indicative

Cost in Lakhs Rs

L1 Water Quality Monitor with pH, cond, Temp, DO, nitrate and chlorophyll probes

L WQAM In Situ Inc, YSI, Horiba, Hach- Hydrolab


L2 Compound Microscope with colour digital camera

L WQAM Carl Zeiss / Olympus / Leica 40x-2500x


S1 MIKE 11 (With R-R, Sediment, Hydrodynamics, WQ Modules with basic and hands on training)



DHI (INDIA) NSIC Bhawan, III Floor, NSIC - STP Complex Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi - 110020 Phone: +91-11-47034500 Fax: +91 11 4703 4501 [email protected]


S2 MIKE FLOOD Flood zone Mapping


DHI (INDIA) New Delhi 25

S3 MIKE SHE Distributed Rainfall-Runoff modeling


S3 MIKE Basin including WQ module


T1 Distributed Hydrologic Modelling

(3 months)

T HM 1. Colorado State Univ 2. Utah State Univ.


T1 2-D Flow Modelling T SWH / HM

1. Colorado 2. DHI, Denmark 3. IIHEE, Delft


T1 Environmental and water quality modelling


T2 Water Resources Planning and Management

(3 weeks)

T HM IIHEE, Delft 3.5

T3 M.Tech (Water Resources)

T SWH The Chairman, PG Admissions office, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee-247 667, Uttarakhand


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Prospective Developments at CWPRS 89

Reservoirs and Appurtenant Structures (2 cr)

Sr. No.

Item Type Technical


Vendors Cost in Lakhs


1. PIV /LDV/ADCP for turbulence measurement


Dantec, Measurement Science Enterprise Inc., USA-LDV LaVision UK Ltd., UK-PIV Sutron, USA and Sontek, USA-ADCP


2. Air concentration measurement system


Prof. Chanson, University of Queens land, Australia


3. Acoustic Doppler currentmeter


A-OTT, Germany


4. Propeller type current meter


A-OTT, Germany


5. Digital pointer gauges


HR Wallingford, UK 1

6. Sediment Bed Profiler


HR Wallingford, UK 5

7. Digital water level recorders/follower


HR Wallingford, UK 1

8. Ultrasonic/Magnetic flow meter


Geotech Environmental Equipement, Denver, Colorado


9. Air flow anemometer


Calright Instruments,2222 Verus Street,Suite C,San Diego, CA 92154


10. Particle size analyser

L SM Sequoia, 2700, Richards road, suite 107, Bellevue, WA 98005, USA


11. Accelerometers L CSWCS Dytran Instruments Incorporated CA , USA


12. Strain gauges L CSWCS Micro-Measurements, PO Box 27777, Raleigh,NC 27611,USA


13. Sediment injector

L SM HR Wallingford, UK 2

14. Swirl meters for

open channel



AALBORG Orangeburg, New York USA

15. Transient analysis software


16. Computational

Fluid Dynamic





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Coastal and Offshore Engineering (4 cr)

Sr. No.

Item Type TD Vendor Cost

Software & Hardware :

1 Optical Motion Tracking System H PH

Qualysis, Sweden / Singapore

Rs. 66 lakhs

2 Force & Deflection

Transducers H PH -- Rs. 25 lakhs

3 Tsunami Wave Generating Laboratory

H CHS -- Rs.15,00,00,000



(Ship Navigation) S MMCE MARIN, Netherlands 35,000


(Ship Motion) S MMCE

TENSION Technology International, UK

$ 15,000



(Coastal Urban Flooding)

S MMCE DHI Rs. 25 Lakhs


(upgraded version) S MMCE DHI Rs. 40Lakhs



(Wave modelling) S CHS

Aquaveo, Provo, Utah, USA

$ 22,500

10 Dredge – Sim S MMCE University of German Armed Forces, Munich


11 SEDPLUME S MMCE HR Wellingford, UK


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Foundations and Structures (1 .5 cr) LIST OF SOFTWARE


Sr. No.

Item Type

TD Probable Vendor Approx. Cost in

Lakhs Rs.

1 Cyclic Triaxial Soil Test System

1 Unit

L GE(soil) 1.GDS Instruments, UK 2.ELE international 3.HEICO Engg. Pvt. Ltd.


2 Automated Static Triaxial Shear Test (For measuring Shear strength parameters, c and Φ of soil)


Units L GE(soil) HEICO Engg. Pvt.

Ltd 14

3 Automated Direct Shear Test Apparatus (For measuring Shear strength parameters, c and Φ of sand / silty sand)

4 Units

L GE(soil) AIMIL 3

4 Fully automated Consolidation Test Setup(For determining Consolidation characteristics for computation of rate of settlement as well as Total settlement of


Nos L GE(soil) HEICO Engg. Pvt.

Ltd 1


Item Type

TD Probable Vendor Approx. Cost in

Lakhs Rs.


1 Nos S SMA M/S ALTAIR, USA (M/S ALTAIR, Pune,India)


2 GEOSLOPE (Proprietary Software)

1 Nos S GE(Soil) Geo slope International 15

3 FLAC-3D (Proprietary Software)

1 Nos S GE(Soil) ITASCA 12

4 Midas GTS (FEM Software)

1 Nos S GE(RM) MIDAS, India 8

5 UDEC (2D Discrete Element Software)

1 Nos S GE(RM) ITASCA, India 8

6 3DEC (3D Discrete Element Software)

1 Nos S GE(RM) ITASCA, India 14

7 ANSYS FEM Software - Thermal Module

1 Nos S CT M/s ANSYS Software Pvt. Ltd. 34/2 Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, MIDC Hinjewadi, Pune 411057


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foundation due to structure.)

5 Fully automated Laboratory Permeability test apparatus ( For determining Permeability characteristics of soil for seepage analysis)

3 Units

L GE(soil) HEICO Engg. Pvt. Ltd


6 Laboratory Vane Shear Apparatus (For determining Undrained Shear strength of marine clay)


Unit L GE(soil) AIMIL 1

7 Electronic Balances (For taking weights of samples in soil testing)

1 Nos

L GE(soil) HEICO Engg. Pvt. Ltd


8 De-aired Water System (For usuage of de-aired water in Triaxial testing)

1 Unit

L GE(soil) AIMIL 1

9 Hydraulic operated Sample Extractor (For extracting 38mm dia samples for testing from 100mm dia open end sampler tubes.)

1 Nos

L GE(soil) HEICO Engg. Pvt. Ltd


10 Hydro fracture test equipment


Nos E GE(RM) Polymetra GmbH,

Froschbach 15 CH-8117, Fallanden, Switzerland


11 Bore Hole TV Camera 1 Nos

E GE(RM) M/S Robertson Geolgging Ltd. represented in India by K. I. Ltd. Kolkata


12 Servo - Hydraulic unit with system for flexural tests on Fibre Reinforced Concrete for determining its Toughness Index

1 Nos

E CT 1.M/s CONTROLS S R L, Via Aosta, 6, 20063 Cernusco s/N.(MI), Italy 2. M/s International Trade Links Instrumentation Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai


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Applied Earth Sciences (1.5 cr)

List of Software –Geophysics Division

List of equipment- Geophysics Division

Item Type TD Probable Vendor Cost ( in USD)

1 Seismic borehole shear wave system consisting of

i) Impulse generator, Remote Control Unit, Down hole probe P- wave source and Down hole probe S- wave sources ii) Borehole geophones

iii) Borehole inclinometer (This system is not available in the division)



Geotomographie GmbH Am Tonnenberg 18

56567 Neuwied Tel.: +49 2631 778135 Fax.: +49 2631 778136 email: [email protected]


USD 50,000 USD 20,000

USD 5000

2 Seismic borehole tomography system

consisting of i) Hydrophone chain with moulded elements

( One hydrophone chain is purchased in 2003 and presently it is not working and irreparable)



1. Geotomographie GmbH

Am Tonnenberg 18 56567 Neuwied

2. M/s OYO Corporation

2-6 Kudan-kita 4-chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 102-0073, Japan

USD 25000

3 Signal enhancement seismograph with Geode/Snap on technology.



1. Geometrics USA, 2190 Fortune Drive, San Jose,

CA 95131 USA P: (408) 954-0522 F: (408) 954-0902

[email protected]

USD 60,000


no Item Type TD Probable Vendor Cost

4 Underwater Sub-bottom profiling

system (Present “Chirp” system available has 20 m penetration in coarse calcareous

sand. We need system with higher penetration up to 50 m.)



1. Knudsen Engineering, Canada,

Knudsen Engineering Ltd. 10 Industrial Road, Perth, Ontario CANADA K7H 3P2

Telephone: (613) 267-1165 Fax: (613) 267-7085 [email protected]

USD 60,000

5 Batteries and cables of specifications

for Ground Penetrating Radar system (One set of batteries purchased along with equipment gives backup of 1 hr

only. We need another two sets of batteries for continuous operation.)

F GP M/s ABEM, Skolgatan 11 930 70

Malå, Sweden 0953-345 50

USD 5000


no Item Type TD Probable Vendor Cost in USD

1 Tomographic Inversion software for analysis compatible with Windows + Software for seismic refraction data processing



1. M/sSandmeier scientific software Zipser Strasse 1 76227 Karlsruhe, Germany

2. M/sGeometrics, 2190 Fortune Drive San Jose, CA 95131 USA

USD 10,000

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List of Equipments - Isotope Hydrology Division


No. Item Type* TD Vendor


Lakhs Rs)


Well logging Unit

(with Borehole camera system)


1) R G well Logging, 10801 Hammerly

Blvd., Suite 202, Houston, TX 77043 USA

50 2) Mount Sopris, 17301 W Colfas, Suite 255 Golden, Dolorado 80401 USA

3) OYO Corporation Instruments Division,

2-19 Daitkudo 2- chome,URAWA, Saitama 336 Japan

2 Field Fluorometer F IH

1)Turner Design, 845 West Maude Avenue

Sunnyvale CA 94085 12 2) ADC BioScientific Ltd, 1st floor Charles

House, Furlong way, Great Amwell ,Herts, SG 129TA, UK


Well logging software

(Well CAD & Viewlog)

S IH Advanced logic Technology Batiment A, route de Niederpallen L-8506 redange sur

attert Luxembourg**


4 Labloratory

Fluorometer L IH

1)Turner Design, 845 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94085


2)Chelsea Technologies Group Ltd, 55 Central Avenue, West Molesey, Survey

KT8 2QZ UK 3) ADC BioScientific Ltd, 1st floor Charles

House, Furlong way, Great Amwell ,Herts, SG 129TA, UK


Spares, accessories and caliper probes

for existing R G well logging




R G well Logging, 10801 Hammerly Blvd.,

Suite 202, Houston, TX 77043 USA 10

Rhodamine kit for

laboratory fluorometer

L Turner Design, 845 West Maude Avenue Sunnyvale CA 94085


6 Liquid scintillation

counter L IH

Vendor: HIDEX, Mustionkatu 2, FIN-20750 Turku, Finland

[email protected], [email protected]


*F Field Instrument, L Laboratory Equipment, S Software ** Training for software will be provided by the vendor

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List of Proposed Equipment for VT Div.

Sr. No. Item Type* TD Probable Vendor Cost in

Lakhs Rs.

1 24 Channel Signal Enhancement Seismograph with accessories*

Field & laboratory equipment

VT 1. ABEM Instrument AB, Sweden 2. Oyo Corporation, Japan 3. Geometrics,Inc, CA 95131, USA 4. Seismic Source Company, USA.


2 Structural Health Monitoring System along with software**

Field & laboratory equipment

VT 1. M/s Apna Instrumentation &

Solutions, Pune 2. M/s National Instruments Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore


*: 24 channel equipment is not available in the division. 12 Channel Seismograph purchased in 1986 has become

obsolete, and unserviceable.

**: Equipment is not available in the division.

Justification 1. 24 Channel Signal Enhancement Seismograph: Non-destructive technique is used for testing the quality and

homogeneity of concrete/masonry structure. Presently 12 Channel Seismograph purchased in 1986 is used for

such studies and has become obsolete, and unserviceable and hence need to be replaced by advanced and state of the art technology equipment, viz. 24 Channel Signal Enhancement Seismograph. The equipment is with advanced features like digital storage, windows operated and with software controlled analysis features

and hence, it will take less time for sonic testing. 2. Structural Health Monitoring System (SHM) along with software is proposed to be used for structural

health monitoring of civil engineering structures like dam, bridges, tunnels, critical structures etc. It is proposed

to procure various types of sensors and amplifiers for SHM.

List of proposed Softwares for VT Div. Sr. No. Item Type* TD Probable Vendor Cost in Rs.

in Lakhs

1 Shock Software for Electro Dynamic Shaker

Software VT M/s Spectra Dynamics Inc., USA (Proprietary Item)


2 Advanced Vibration Management Program

Software VT M/s Orica Mining Services, Australia (Proprietary Item)



1) Shock Software for Electrodynamic Shaker: This is a proprietary article of M/s Spectral Dynamics, USA, proposed to be used with existing Electrodynamic shaker purchased in 2011. After procurement of the software existing Electrodynamic shaker can be upgraded for simulating earthquake, operated for fixed sine frequencies and for generating half sine for

short duration which are essential for Block Vibration Tests. 2) Advanced Vibration Management Program This is a proprietary article of M/s Orica Mining Services, Australia to evaluate

vibration and air blast data by using the Monte Carlo simulation technique. The vibration impact of proposed blast designs

can be modeled and assessed to ensure corrective actions to be taken in blasting patterns.

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List of Equipments (ES DIVISION)

Sr. No.

Item Type TD Probable Vendor Cost in Rs. In Lakhs

1 Digital Microearthquake Recorder (Out of ten available equipment,

four were installed at Ujh Project,

Jammu & Kashmir and remaining six are not in good working

condition. These instruments were procured on August -2004)

F/L ES 1.Refraction Technology Inc.(REFTEK), USA

2. M/s GeoSIG Limited,

Switzerland 3. M/s Kinemetrics Inc., USA

4. M/s Gurlap Systems, UK 5. M/s GeoTech Instruments,

LLC, USA 6. M/s Nanometrics, Canada

7. PMD scientific Inc, USA 8. Eentec, USA

7,00,000 * 5 =35

2 Digital Strong Motion Accelerograph

( Out of ten available equipment four were installed at

Nagarjunasagar Project, Andhra Pradesh and one at Ujh Project,

Jammu & Kashmir and remaining five are not in good working

condition. These instruments were procured on March-2004)

F/L ES 1.Refraction Technology Inc.(REFTEK), USA

2. M/s GeoSIG Limited, Switzerland

3. M/s Kinemetrics Inc., USA 4. M/s Gurlap Systems, UK

5. M/s GeoTech Instruments, LLC, USA

6. M/s Nanometrics, Canada 7. PMD scientific Inc, USA

8. eentec, USA

5,40,000 * 3 =16

3 Data retrieval Unit

(Five Units, these units were part of the instruments only and were

compatible to the instruments. These instruments were procured

on March-2004)

F/L ES Supplier of the above


60,000 * 3


4 Global Positioning System (One Unit, this instrument was

procured on March-2005)

F/L ES 1. Garmin (Asia) Corporation, Taiwan

2. Magellan, USA 3. Bushnell Corporation, USA

4. Lowrance, USA

45,000 * 2 = 9


Presently available equipments have been extensively used for various projects, e.g. Bunakha Project,

Bhutan, Somwarpet Project, Karnataka, Mullamuri Project, Karnataka etc. They are nearly 10 years old. They

have served their useful life and now most of them are not in good working condition. GPS available has only

2MB internal flash memory and more storage of site information and map is not possible with this unit. Besides,

with increasing number of projects in the division, more units ( 5 units for each project ) are required for

monitoring the seismicity at and around project site.

List of software

Sr. No.

Item Type TD Probable Vendor Cost in Lakhs

1 EZ-Frisk, Software ES 1. Risk Engineering, Inc, 4155 Darley Avenue, Suit A Boulder, Colorado 80305



(i) A large set of attenuation equation is included with EZ-Frisk which can be adopted and extended as needed.

(ii) It can quickly perform analysis especially for location covered by our standard seismic source data base. (iii) We can enter our own target spectrum, or use one based on a seismic hazard analysis uniform hazard

spectrum. It allows us to define our own fault and area sources and their seismic parameters

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Instrumentation, Calibration and Testing Services (3 cr)


Divisions : Hydraulic Machinery Calibration Laboratory, Current Meter Calibration, Random Sea Wave Generator, High Performance Computing (HPC) Laboratory, Coastal Data Collection

S. No.

Item Type Vendor Cost in Rs.

In Lakhs

1 Four Nos. isolation/control valves

L 1.Emersion (Fisher Valve), Mumbai 2 BDK Weir Valves, Hubli 3 Kirloskar Valves, Kirloskarwadi 4. KOSO Valves, Nashik


2 Electromagnetic flow meter(1000mm NB)

L 1. Krone Marshall, Pune 2 Endress + Hauser, Mumbai 3 ABB, India 4 Nivo Controls, Indore 5 Siemens, Germany


3 Repairing of CHT valves/Diverter and other systems

L From India 20

4 Two Nos. motorized isolation valves


1. Emersion (Fisher valve), Mumbai 2. BDK Weir valves, Hubli 3. Kirloskar valves, Kirloskarwadi 4. KOSO valves, Nashik


5 Electromagnetic flow meter(200 mm NB)


1. Krone Marshall, Pune 2. Endress + Hauser, Mumbai 3. ABB, India 4 . Nivo controls, Indore 5 Siemens, Germany


6 Non intrusive ultrasonic flow meter

L 1. Siemens, Germany 2. Endress + Hauser, Mumbai


7 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) set up for pump intake model studies for vortex formation and pipeline transient flow analysis


FLOW 3D/ANSYS CFX computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software




8 Upgradation of Test Rig for large pump in gravimetric laboratory

L M/s TECHNOMECH, 22/3, Hadapsar, Industrial Estate Pune 411013 Ph # 26819617


9 Replacement / Renovation of DC and AC dynamometer and electrical control system

L / S

Leading Project Authorities like Coteba (India) Pvt Ltd (Elsewhile named as M/s Sogerah France), Kirloskar,Mather+platt, L&T, ABB etc can take project on turn key basis.


10 Up gradation of CMRT L / S From India 60

11 Up gradation & Installation of Random Sea Wave Generation System at CMRT

H/S From India 50

12 Upgradation of existing RSWG facilities :


From India 400

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13 Wireless Data Acquisition System for Dynamic Measurement of Wave Spectrum

L From India 30

14 RTK ENABLED DGPS with Communication modules

F M/s.Ashteck, France M/s. Leica, USA


15 Dual Frequency Echo sounder with GYRO and connectors


M/s. ODOM, USA M/s Reson, Denmark M/s. Kongsberg, Norway


16 Pre Processing Software


Clark Lab University, USA Geomatica, USA


17 Data Collection and Post Processing Software




18 Centralized High Performance

Computing (HPC) Laboratory

H/S/L C-DAC, India 150

19 Directional Wave rider Buoy with GPS and solar panel system, Receiver & related software


1. M/s Datawell BV, Netherlands. 2. M/s Triaxys, Canada 3. M/s W.S.Ocean Syatems Ltd.,UK.


20 Calibration rig for Waverider Buoys.


1. Local firm.


21 In situ Current meters with related software

F 1. M/s Valeport, UK. 2. M/s Interocean systems, USA 3. M/s RDI Instruments, USA


22 In situ Directional wave & tide gauge with mooring cages and related software


1. M/s Valeport, UK. 2. M/s Interocean systems, USA 3. M/s RDI Instruments, USA


23 Depth measuring Equipment with Global Positioning System

F 1. M/s Bruttour International P. Ltd. Aus.

2. 2. M/s Valeport, UK.