pros and cons of affiliate marketing


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Page 1: Pros and Cons of Affiliate Marketing


Open Your Eyes

On the surface, affiliate marketing looks like something that anyone can do successfully. You sign up for

programs and put affiliate links on a simple website. People click your link, buy the merchant's product

and — presto — you get paid. Right? Well…not exactly.

I believe affiliate marketing is an excellent way to make a living online, and the single best way to get

started with your own online business. But we also don't want to make affiliate marketing sound easier

than it actually is.

Like any other business, affiliate marketing…

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Will confront you with personal challenges.

Demands a businesslike mindset.

Will require you to develop some new skills.

Takes time before it pays off.

So I want you give you a little bit more insight into the affilaite marketing world

Factors for Success & Failure

Industry experts estimate that about 90% of those who sign up for an affiliate program never make even

one sale. Their best guess is about half of all affiliates who sign up for programs are actually TRYING to

make sales without success. The other half either give up or don't try. Of course, those are not scientific

numbers, since there is no industry-wide data collection from affiliate programs or networks. But most

affiliate managers and merchants tend to agree with those estimates of participation and failure.

Why are these numbers so high?

The effort required for success as an affiliate is drastically underestimated.

A certain amount of trial, error, and testing is needed before you find the "sweet spot" that generates

consistent sales.

Many affiliates just don't know where or how to begin. The learning curve is underestimated.

Some don't know how to manage their time. They waste many hours or postpone important tasks.

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The time between making a sale and receiving a payment is underestimated.

Learning new skills or understanding new technology scares some affiliates, so they give up.

My point here is NOT to dampen your enthusiasm. My goal in this course is to prepare you mentally so

you DON'T become part of the 90% who fail or don't try.

In the upcoming screens we're going to discuss how the problems mentioned above can have an impact

on you.

Both Sides of the "Reality Check"

The Internet is full of "marketing gurus" who imply that you can make thousands of dollars online, with

very little effort, almost immediately. While they don't out-and-out promise guarantee instant riches,

they certainly give you the strong impression that this is possible.

But in reality, even the top super affiliates -- those who make six to seven figure incomes...

But in reality, even the top super affiliates -- those who make six to seven figure incomes -- needed six

months to a year before they were ready to quit their day jobs and do affiliate marketing full time. Like

any other business, affiliate marketing needs time to build.

So as a reality check, let's look at both sides of affiliate marketing.

Risks and Challenges

Every business has its risks and worries. In affiliate marketing, the biggest ones are…

Most affiliates don't start making money immediately. It can take a week to a month to make your first

sale. And it can take several months before you really hit your stride and earn consistent income.

You ARE going to have to give up some of your own spare time to get your affiliate business going.

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You're going to have to manage your time well and be as efficient as possible, since most likely you'll be

building your affiliate business in your spare time.

Affiliate marketing isn't free. You will need to invest at least a little money to start your affiliate

marketing business. While you can get started for as little as $100, if you're having trouble making ends

meet, affiliate marketing won't instantly solve your money problems.

You will have to LEARN new things and DO new things.

Rewards and Benefits

On the other hand, the following facts are also part of "affiliate marketing reality…"

Affiliate marketing can be very lucrative. If you follow proven formulas and put in consistent efforts, you

can make a substantial income.

You can work from your own home, and you are your own boss.

Affiliate marketing is never boring. It's exciting and interesting. …make that AWESOME.

The variety is endless. There are literally thousands of merchants you can represent, and millions of

products you can promote. You set your own work hours. You don't live by the "company clock."

There's no rush hour traffic... ever!

You can "go to work" in cut-offs, flip-flops, or your bathrobe.

All of the problems and pleasures listed above are the reality of affiliate marketing.

All of the problems and pleasures listed above are the reality of affiliate marketing. Now that you've

looked them in the eye, let's find out if there are any "deal breakers" that might stand in the way of your

affiliate marketing success.

Working Alone... and Self Discipline

Working Alone

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Look at your keyboard and your computer screen. If you decide that affiliate marketing is for you, you

will develop an up close and personal relationship with your computer :-)!

Until your business is established, you must accept the fact that much of your work day will be spent at

your computer.

If you are a highly "people oriented" person -- and if you find the interaction in an office atmosphere

stimulating rather than distracting -- you may need to get used to the "alone time" required by affiliate

marketing (or any other online business).

Of course, the obvious advantages of affiliate marketing...

You can go to work dressed any way you like.

You set your own work hours.

You can take time out for family and friends on your own schedule.

You will not have to deal with the stress of rush hour traffic.

You can make a good living and be your own boss.

You don't need to deal with office politics and infighting.

You spend your work day in your home and not a sterile cubicle.

...usually outweighs the time you spend working at home, on your own.

But if…

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You truly relish the camaraderie of your co-workers

You need to "bounce" ideas off of co-workers

You really hate being alone for more than a few minutes

You need to interact with a team (or have a boss) to motivate you to take action

...the "alone time" aspect of affiliate marketing might be difficult to get used to, unless you network

with other affiliate marketers on forums, at conferences, or through online communities.

However, not all forums are friendly places. The politics and infighting on some forums can be worse

than the office politics that drove most of us to working online from my homes. The advice can also be

flat out wrong.

This is the biggest reason being mentored by a marketer offers a moderated online community,

populated with experienced, full-time affiliate marketers. It's not just about creating a place to get your

questions answered. It's also about providing a safe, welcoming environment where you can bounce

ideas off other and build relationships.

In the industry, email, online chat, and online networks replace the social aspects of talk around the

water cooler, business lunches, and a beer with your coworkers when the work day is done. If you're

going to participate in the online equivalent, then you want to be sure you choose the venue wisely.

Self Discipline

In the brick and mortar work world, others tend to make decisions for you. They pay you a salary or an

hourly wage, and in return you follow their orders. You're required to be on the job at a certain time and

you are required to work eight hours a day, five days a week. You get weekends and holidays off.

Affiliate marketing is different. It depends on YOU making the decisions. It also depends on you giving

the orders to YOURSELF — and taking action.

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Becoming a Self Starter

The concept of being a "self starter" is very important for your success in any online business, especially

affiliate marketing. When you work at affiliate marketing online, nobody will tell you when to start

working or when to stop working.

So you'll need to:

Commit to making a work schedule for yourself - even if it's just half an hour a day to start.

Be sure to work on your business every day - even when nobody is looking!

Time Management

When you work out in the brick and mortar world, others determine the deadlines you must meet. They

also push you to accomplish a certain amount of work during a given period of time. Those you sign your

paycheck decide what your due dates will be.

When you work at affiliate marketing -- or any other online business -- only YOU set the deadlines.

Nobody will tell you what tasks need to be completed, or when.

When you are first starting out, you'll be building your business gradually, most likely in your spare time.

So you'll need to develop skills for managing your time wisely, and getting as much done as possible in

as little time as possible.

Good time management can really help you get anything off the ground faster -- not just your affiliate

marketing business, but many other aspects of life.

Time management includes the coordination of many important skills:

Setting goals - short, medium, and long term.

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Determining priorities, urgencies, and deadlines.

Doing things in the right order, at the right time.

Grouping similar tasks and not doing the same thing twice.

Taking advantage of your "peak performance" times.

Being organized (not losing things means you don't waste time looking).

Delegating (eventually) to others.

Not wasting time.

... learning good time management is essential to becoming a successful affiliate.

You can take advantage of time management and organizational tools, online to get rolling

But whether you enroll in these systems, or you organize your time on your own, learning good time

management is essential to becoming a successful affiliate.


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