proposed kaufland supermarket

Expert: Simon Davies for Kaufland Australia Pty Ltd Evidence Date: 18/02/19 Reference: V155990 Issue: A Proposed Kaufland Supermarket 1550 Pascoe Vale Road, Coolaroo Transport Impact Evidence

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Page 1: Proposed Kaufland Supermarket

Expert: Simon Davies for Kaufland Australia Pty Ltd

Evidence Date: 18/02/19

Reference: V155990

Issue: A

Proposed Kaufland Supermarket 1550 Pascoe Vale Road, Coolaroo

Transport Impact Evidence

Page 2: Proposed Kaufland Supermarket

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Melbourne | Sydney | Brisbane

Canberra | Adelaide | Perth

Proposed Kaufland Supermarket 1550 Pascoe Vale Road, Coolaroo

Transport Impact Evidence

Client: Kaufland Australia Pty Ltd

on 18/02/19

Reference: V155990

Issue: A

Page 3: Proposed Kaufland Supermarket

V155990 // 18/02/19 Transport Impact Evidence // Issue: A Proposed Kaufland Supermarket, 1550 Pascoe Vale Road, Coolaroo

CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1

1.1. Background 1

1.2. Development Proposal 1

1.3. Proposed Vehicle Site Access Arrangements 2

1.4. Expert Witness Details 3

1.5. Relationship to Applicant 3

1.6. Instructions and Scope of Report 3

1.7. References 4

1.8. Tests, Experiments & Assistance 4

2. Response to Advisory Committee Directions 5

3. Response to Authority Comments 6

3.1. Authorities 6

4. Summary of Opinion & Other Statements 8

4.1. Summary of Opinion 8

4.2. Other Statements 9

A. Simon Davies – Curriculum Vitae

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1.1. Background

Kaufland is a German supermarket chain that is well established within Europe and looking to expand, noting that there are

no operational stores within Australia currently.

Kaufland supermarkets are generally in the order of 6,000sqm NLFA, which are larger than the typical Woolworths and Coles

supermarkets currently within Australia (typically up to approximately 4,200sqm NLFA). It is understood that Kaufland

supermarkets contain a wider range of products than what is typically available within the current major Australian

supermarkets, accounting for the increased floor areas.

Development Plans have been prepared for proposed Kaufland supermarkets at the following six locations, which are planned

to be the first stores opened in Victoria:

• 1-3 Gladstone Road, Dandenong

• 592-694 High Street, Epping

• 1126-1146 Centre Road, Oakleigh South

• 266-268 Maroondah Highway, Chirnside Park

• 1550 Pascoe Vale Road, Coolaroo

• 1158 Nepean Highway, Mornington.

Initially, the Dandenong, Epping and Chirnside Park sites were reviewed directly by an Advisory Committee at Planning

Panels Victoria, with Hearings occurring between 23 November to 17 December 2018 and separate traffic and transport

evidence statements prepared for each development site at that time.

The Advisory Committee is now reviewing the second group of sites ( including the Coolaroo), with Hearings scheduled

between 25 February to 2 April 2019.

I note that I have reviewed the originally exhibited development plans for all three sites (Revision E1, from which the

authority referral responses have been based on) and previously provided a number of recommendations on the original

layout to the Applicant. These recommendations have been incorporated into the recently released ACP Revision of

development plans. On this basis, my evidence has been prepared based on the ACP Revision of plans.

Furthermore, a transport impact assessment report has been prepared for this site (dated 14 February 2019) which I adopt

as part of my evidence. The following evidence outlines my expert opinion on the anticipated traffic and transport impacts

for the proposed Kaufland supermarket in Coolaroo.

1.2. Development Proposal

It is proposed to develop a supermarket on the site, with additional specialty retail tenancies (shop) located along the frontage

to the car parking area. There is an existing building in the adjacent site (owned by others) that is understood to be currently

unoccupied and is anticipated to be retrofitted in the future to yield approximately 9,500sqm of restricted retail leasable floor

area (based on information provided to GTA by Kaufland). It is understood that Kaufland has entered into a shared car

parking agreement with the owners of the adjacent building, so that the overall car parking provision is shared between the

two sites.

A summary of the area schedule is provided in Table 1.1.

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Table 1.1: Proposed Development Schedule (Coolaroo)

Use Floor Area

Supermarket 5,718 sqm [1]

Retail 652 sqm [2]

[1] When assessing a supermarket, the Net Leasable Floor Area is utilised, which is included on the development plans. In this in stance the Supermarket, Liquor,

Administration and Back of House floor areas from the development summary on plans have been consid ered as part of the overall supermarket floor area.

[2] The Retail use includes the Food Hall, Outdoor Eatery and the separate Shop tenancies floor areas from the development summary on the plans.

In addition to the above floor areas, there will be a total of 222 on-site car parking spaces provided within the Kaufland site.

It is noted that there are 321 existing spaces within the adjacent retail site thereby equating to a total of 543 spaces across

the combined car park.

There will also be a loading dock to the rear of the proposed supermarket, accessed from a separate service vehicle

access point to Pascoe Vale Road and capable of catering for three 19m semi-trailers and a waste collection vehicle. The

loading dock for the existing adjacent building will also be maintained, able to cater for one 19m semi -trailer. There is also

a parallel parking area in front of the supermarket building to cater for the loading demands of the small shop tenancies.

In addition to the above, it is understood that the land to the south of the subject site (1550 Pascoe Vale Road) already has

a planning permit for a mixed-use development which includes restricted retail, office, medical centre, childcare centre,

food and drink, petrol station (already built) and convenience restaurant (already built) uses. This site has its own left-

in/left-out access point to Pascoe Vale Road but will also utilise the existing signalised intersection to the shared access

road that will service the subject site. Therefore, the future impacts of this site to the south have been accounted for with

the traffic assessment undertaken in the transport impact assessment report (dated 14 February 2019), given the shared

use of the signalised access point.

1.3. Proposed Vehicle Site Access Arrangements

In this instance, it is proposed to utilise the existing main vehicle access point that previously serviced the existing adjacent

building, which is via a connection to a signalised intersection with Pascoe Vale Road. This connection and the signalised

intersection have been constructed to provide access to the subject site as well as the adjacent lots to the south (currently


The access road from the signals provides two access points to the adjacent site and will be extended to provide appropri ate

access to the Kaufland car parking area. The proposed access arrangement is considered to be satisfactory to service the


The secondary access point for service vehicles will remain generally the same as the existing arrangement, with some minor

changes to accommodate both entry and exit movements from this point noting it previously operated as an exit only. The

left turn deceleration lane that currently provides access to the land to the north will also be extended to reach this modif ied

service vehicle access point.

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1.4. Expert Witness Details

Simon Davies BE (Environmental) (Hons)

Director – GTA Consultants (Vic) Pty Ltd

L25, 55 Collins Street, Melbourne

Areas of Expertise: Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning

I completed my environmental engineering degree majoring in traffic and transport with Honours at Monash University prior

to commencing work with GTA Consultants in 1999. I have 20 year of experience in traffic and transportation planning field

including data collection and analysis, strategic planning, major and special event planning, parking precinct plans, traffic

impact assessments and traffic engineering design.

I have experience in managing a variety of projects and have been intimately involved in the preparation of a number of

parking studies and parking precinct plans. I also have considerable experience in presenting expert traffic and parking

evidence at the Victoria Civil and Administrative Tribunal and Planning Panels Victoria.

Further details of my experience are provided in Appendix A of this evidence.

1.5. Relationship to Applicant

Our office was originally engaged to prepare the transport impact assessment report for the proposed development of this

site. I have no ongoing private or business relationship with the Applicant and have been retained to provide expert

witness services at this hearing for a mutually agreed fee.

1.6. Instructions and Scope of Report

I have been engaged by the Applicant to prepare and present expert traffic and transport evidence at the Advisory

Committee hearing.

Prior to preparing this evidence I was briefed by Planning Property Partners (PPP) regarding the proposal via oral and

written instructions. Additionally, I have had discussions with Charmaine Dunstan of Traffix Group, in particular in regard to

improvements to the car parking layout which has resulted in subsequent changes to amended plans.

This evidence sets out an assessment of the anticipated parking, traffic and transport implications of the proposed

development, including consideration of the:

1. existing traffic conditions surrounding the site

2. parking demand likely to be generated by the proposed development

3. suitability of the proposed parking in terms of supply (quantum) and layout

4. suitability of the proposed loading arrangements

5. anticipated traffic generation characteristics of the proposed development

6. proposed access arrangements for the site for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians

7. transport impact of the development proposal on the surrounding road network, including any suitable mitigation.

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1.7. References

In preparing this evidence, reference has been made to the following:

• Hume Planning Scheme

• Australian Standard/ New Zealand Standard, Parking Facilities (AS2890)

• plans for the proposed development prepared by Leffler Simes Architects as follows:

o Rev E1 Exhibited Plans

o Rev ACP Issue dated 13 February 2019

• traffic surveys undertaken by GTA Consultants as referenced in the context of this report

• ‘Proposed Kaufland Victorian Supermarkets, Stage 1 Preliminary Traffic & Transport Site Assessments’, report

prepared by GTA Consultants, Issue G, dated 23/11/18

• ‘Proposed Kaufland Supermarket – 1550 Pascoe Vale Road, Coolaroo’, report prepared by GTA Consultants, dated

14 February 2019

• various technical data as referenced in this evidence

• an inspection of the site and its surrounds

• other documents as nominated.

1.8. Tests, Experiments & Assistance

In preparing this evidence, I received assistance from the following people:

Chris Greenland Associate Director BEng (Hons), BSci

Andrew Harmer Consultant BEng (Hons)

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COMMITTEE DIRECTIONS I have reviewed the Advisory Committee’s Directions letter (dated 11 February 2019) and provide the following responses

to the matters relating to traffic and transport:

“14. Kaufland must respond to the following matters through either of its Part A or B submission or in evidence from


a). a response to all matters raised in the Council submissions and other submissions as required”

Section 3 of my evidence provides direct responses to all relevant matters raised in the Council submissions and other

submissions for the Coolaroo site.

“d). provision of a Traffic Impact Assessment Report (TIAR) for each site.”

A transport impact assessment report for the Coolaroo site has been prepared and titled ‘‘Proposed Kaufland Supermarket

– 1550 Pascoe Vale Road, Coolaroo’, report prepared by GTA Consultants, dated 14 February 2019.

“g). interrelationships of each site with footpath, pedestrian access points, car parking, public transport , landscaping and

overall movement analysis”

• Section 3 of the transport impact assessment report provides the relevant bicycle parking information .

• Section 4 of the transport impact assessment report provides the relevant car parking information.

• Section 5 of the transport impact assessment report provides the relevant car parking design and site layout


• Section 3 of my evidence provides additional discussion regarding footpath, public transport and circulation within the


The above sections are considered to address all matters raised.

“h). justification for the proposed parking rates”

Section 4 of the transport impact assessment report provides the relevant car parking rate information.

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3.1. Authorities

3.1.1. VicRoads

VicRoads has raised the following matters:

“In performing its assessment, GTA has include an allowance for traffic generation from a new use of the former Masters

store. VicRoads considers this to be an appropriate approach.

However, GTA considers that is not appropriate to include an allowance for traffic generation from the currently

undeveloped land to the south of the signalised access point being 1500 Pascoe Vale Road. VicRoads disagrees with

GTA’s approach.

It is noteworthy that the subject site at 1550 Pascoe Vale Road is Lot 1 on PS709155 and that the land at 1500 Pascoe

Vale Road is Lot 2 on PS 709155. It, therefore, follows that the existing accessway or road between the two lots, along with

the signalised access point to Pascoe value Road would have, in all likelihood, been created and constructed as part of the

subdivision that created the two lots. It also follows that the signalised access point would have been designed to

accommodate traffic general on both lots, with assumptions made on the uses expected to occur on both lots.

Accordingly, VicRoads considers that the assessment of the impact of the Kaufland store on the operation of the signalised

access point, and the need for mitigation works, needs to include and allowance for traffic generation associated with the

future development of land at 1500 Pascoe Vale Road”

The above commentary refers to a draft (work in progress) report to inform discussions with VicRoads prior to the

Directions Hearing on 1 February 2019. At this time, my office was not aware that the adjacent land to the south of the

subject site was granted a permit for a mixed-use development, which is already partially constructed and operational .

However, this information was subsequently provided after the abovementioned meeting with VicRoads and as such,

Section 6 of the transport impact assessment report provides a detailed traffic impact assessment that considers the

Kaufland supermarket, the adjacent restricted retail site and the approved development at 1500 Pascoe Vale Road.

“The secondary access point at the northern site boundary is currently limited to left -turn egress movements. As part of the

Kaufland store development, it is intended to reconfigure this access point to facilitate left-turn ingress movements by

delivery vehicles to both the Kaufland store and the former Masters store.

The 4.5km section of Pascoe Vale Road, between Somerton Road and Coleraine Street has been developed to a high

standard with auxiliary deceleration lanes and/or slip lanes provided for all elft0 turn movement at intersection and propert y

access points.

VicRoads considers it appropriate that the provision of a left-turn deceleration lane, as an extension of the existing left-turn

deceleration lane for the access point at 2 Reservoir Drive be investigated.”

The concept design plans provided in Appendix D of the transport impact assessment report indicates the proposed

mitigation works for the site, including the provision of a left-turn deceleration lane, as an extension of the existing left-turn

deceleration lane for the loading access point as requested above.

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3.1.2. Transport for Victoria

Transport for Victoria raised no issues and does not require any physical works for the proposal. Transport for Victoria

requested the following standard condition be included on any permit for the land:

“The permit holder must take all reasonable steps to ensure that disruption to bus operation along Pascoe Vale Road is

kept to a minimum during the construction of the development. Foreseen disruptions to bus operations and mitigation

measures must be communicated to Public Transport Victoria thirty-five (35) days prior.”

Agreed and would be dealt with as part of a construction management plan for the proposed de velopment.

3.1.3. Hume City Council

Hume City Council raised the following matters in relation to the design.


The GTA report supporting the application recommends further traffic modelling occur to ensure the existing controlled

intersection to the site can function effectively with the anticipated increased traffic.

It is considered input from VicRoads, as a determining referral authority under Clause 52.29 in normal circumstances, wil l

be important in understanding any future impacts.”

Section 6 of the transport impact assessment report provides a detailed traffic impact assessment for the proposed


“Car Parking

The proposal has a shortfall of 84 car parking spaces relevant to Clause 52.06 relative to the area of the proposed

supermarket development and relies on sharing existing parking on the site associated with the former Masters building to

provide these parking spaces. The provision of parking in this manner is supported however it is noted that such an

arrangement may ultimately reduce available parking for the future use of the former Masters building. In this regard any

future use and development of the former Masters site will need to appropriately analyse parking provision in the

knowledge that parking has been allocated to the current Kaufland supermarke t proposal.”

Agreed, as per commentary and recommendations provided within Section 4 of the transport impact assessment report

noting that sufficient parking will be available to accommodate a 9 ,500sqm restricted retail use on the adjacent land.

“Loading areas

The plans submitted with the application indicate the current loading arrangements for the former Masters building will be

altered to have a dedicated entry/exit for deliveries via the existing access to the north of the site. This will allow delivery

vehicles to access the former Masters building and the proposed supermarket via access along the northern boundary.

19m long delivery vehicles will be required to perform u-turns and reversing manoeuvres to access loading bays and exit

the site in a forward direction as indicated by sweep path diagrams in the GTA report. Such access arrangements wil l allow

separation of delivery and customer traffic and seems possible.

It is considered there is benefit in confirm that such changes are known by the owners of the former Masters building and

will not prejudice future use of the site as part of any review of the proposal via the Panel process.”

The shared loading access arrangements detailed in Section 5 of the transport impact assessment report have been

undertaken on the basis of information provided by Kaufland that a shared use agreement is in place with the adjacent land


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4.1. Summary of Opinion

Based on the analysis and discussions presented within this evidence, the following conclusions are made consistent with

the conclusions set out in the traffic impact assessment dated 14 February 2019:

1. The proposed development generates a statutory car parking requirement of 307 spaces.

2. The proposed supply of 222 car parking spaces does not meet the statutory requirement. However, it is understood

that the Applicant has formed a shared car parking agreement with the adjacent building and associated car parking


3. A minimum of five (5) parking spaces for people with disabilities are required within the proposed car park ing area.

4. Based on information provided to GTA by the Applicant regarding the anticipated future yield and use of the adjacent

building (currently untenanted), the total anticipated statutory car parking requirement for the proposed development

and adjacent site is 544 car parking spaces.

5. Empirical data indicates a much lower peak car parking demand for the restricted retail use expected to operate in

the adjacent untenanted building. This empirical data would suggest a peak demand of 142 spaces for the a djacent

building, which combined with the statutory requirements of the proposed development equates to a total peak

demand across the two sites of 449 car parking spaces.

6. The total future car parking provision between the adjacent site and the subject s ite of 543 spaces is anticipated to

therefore be sufficient to cater for the combined total peak car parking demand of the two sites. It is noted that the

total provision also only falls one space short of meeting the total anticipated statutory car parking requirement

across the two sites noting an assumed 9,500sqm restricted retail use on the adjacent land.

7. The proposed parking and site layout is considered to be appropriate and consistent with the dimensional

requirements as set out in the Hume Planning Scheme and/or Australian/New Zealand Standards for Off Street Car

Parking (AS/NZS2890.1:2004 and AS/NZS2890.6:2009).

8. It is recommended that the main pedestrian path between the supermarket entrance and Pascoe Vale Road via the

outdoor plaza has a minimum width of 2.0m consistent with the Hume Planning Scheme requirement for footpaths in

the vicinity of a school, shop or activity centre.

9. As per VicRoads recommendation, green bicycle lane paint is recommended to be added on the approaches and

departures at the signalised site access road intersection to assist vulnerable road users. Additionally, the existing

left-turn deceleration lane for the site to the north is to be extended to provide access to the subject site’s service

vehicle access point, as per VicRoads recommendation (refer to concept layout plan in Appendix D).

10. It is proposed to provide 36 bicycle parking spaces on-site, which exceeds the statutory requirement of Clause 52.34

of the Hume Planning Scheme. It is recommended that the employee parking be located in a secure and sheltered

facility. Some minor modifications to the bicycle parking layout have also been recommended within this report.

11. The loading and waste collection area has been provided in an appropriate location to the rear of the main building.

Based on swept path assessments, all loading vehicle movements in/out of the site and loading docks are considered

to be appropriate.

12. The site is expected to generate up to 752 and 819 vehicle movements in a weekday PM and Saturday midday peak

hour respectively.

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13. A base case scenario has been modelled as part of the traffic assessment, which accounts for full development of the

adjacent 1550 Pascoe Vale Road mixed-use development, as well as future occupation of the adjacent untenanted

building with restricted retail.

14. The post development scenario accounts for the site generated traffic in addition to this base case scenario. The

anticipated future operation of the site access road signals is expected to be approaching its capacity, subject to the

extension of the right turn lane on the south approach of Pascoe Vale Road.

15. As the Applicant does not control the land on the corner of the Pascoe Vale Road signalised access, it is understood

that there no ability to facilitate a double right turn lane into the overall precinct as opposed to extending the right turn


16. On this basis, it is recommended to extend this right turn lane to 230m to safely accommodate the increased qu eues

without them extending into adjacent lanes, noting that this accounts for the base case traffic volumes as well. This

extension should be designed generally in accordance with the concept layout plan in Appendix D.

4.2. Other Statements

1. No opinion provided in this evidence is provisional.

2. No questions or statements outside of my expertise have been addressed in this evidence.

3. This evidence is not incomplete or inaccurate.


I have made all the inquiries that I believe are desirable and appropriate and that no matters of significance that I regard as

relevant have, to my knowledge, been withheld from the tribunal.


Simon Davies


18 February 2019

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Page 14: Proposed Kaufland Supermarket

Simon Davies Director – Transport Engineering

Melbourne 03 9851 9600

Sydney 02 8448 1800

Brisbane 07 3113 5000

Canberra 02 6263 9400

Adelaide 08 8334 3600

Perth 08 6169 1000

Simon has a Bachelor of Environment Engineering Degree with Honours and over 16 years’

experience in all facets of traffic and transportation planning, traffic engineering design and

special event transport planning.

Simon has overseen the transport management of a number of major events over the past 10

years including the Melbourne Formula 1 Grand Prix, Melbourne World Ironman and the Herald-

Sun/Citylink Run for the Kids. He also has extensive experience in traffic and transport planning

for a variety of land uses from medium density residential developments through to large scale

Master planning and rezoning applications.

Simon regularly presents expert traffic and parking evidence at the Victoria Civil and

Administrative Tribunal.




BE (Hons)(Env): Monash University

Memberships and Affiliations

Australian Institute of Traffic Planning and

Management (AITPM)

Victorian Planning and Environmental

Law Association (VPELA)

Project Experience

Traffic Engineering

Moonee Valley Racing Club Masterplan for

Moonee Valley Racing Club

Craigieburn Town Centre for Lend Lease

Project Management and Construction

Sanctuary Lakes Shopping Centre, Point Cook

for i2C

ALDI Distribution Centre, Dandenong South for

APP on behalf of ALDI

Freshwater Place, Southbank for Australand

Brookford Estate, Cranbourne East for

Brookford Pty Ltd

Major Event Transport Planning

2000 – 2013 Australian Formula 1 Grand Prix for


2012/13 World Ironman Melbourne for USM

2006 – 2013 Herald Sun/Citylink Run for the Kids

for Herald and Weekly Times

2003 – 2013 Melbourne Moomba Waterfest for

Melbourne City Council

2003 – 2012 Melbourne New Years Eve

Fireworks for Melbourne City Council

2006 Commonwealth Games for OCGC

Professional Background

1999 – Present: GTA Consultants

Simon commenced his professional career at

GTA Consultants as a graduate engineer in

1999 and has subsequently progressed to his

current role as a Director of the Melbourne


During his time at GTA Consultants, Simon has

been involved in all facets of traffic

engineering projects including the preparation

of parking studies and parking precinct plans,

land use planning, access strategies, network

modelling and simulation, transit planning,

road design and documentation. Simon has a

track record of excellence in Major and

Special Event Planning, undertaking demand

forecasts, strategies, implementation, auditing,

liaison, approvals and contract management

of many major events.

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