proposal paper - the effect of visual product aesthetics in social commerce on customers’...

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  • 7/24/2019 Proposal Paper - The Effect of Visual Product Aesthetics in Social Commerce on Customers Purchasing Decision


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1


    Background of the Study3-4

    Background of the Research Study4-5

    Specic Proble Stateent5-!

    Research "uestions!

    Research #b$ecti%es&

    Signicant of the Study&

    Chapter 2

    'he (oncept of )esthetics*

    Social (oerce+

    'heoretical ,oundation.-

    /pirical 0esign-2

    (onceptual 1odel3-4

    Chapter 3

    Research 0esign 5

    0ata 'ype (ollection 1ethod!

    "uestionnaire 0esign!

  • 7/24/2019 Proposal Paper - The Effect of Visual Product Aesthetics in Social Commerce on Customers Purchasing Decision


    'he /ect of isual Product )esthetics in Social (oerce on

    (ustoers Purchasing 0ecision

    Sapling 1ethods&

    0ata )nalysis


    Chapter 4

    6ann (hart Budget *

    /7pected #utcoe 8iitations and Iplications+


    1.1 Introduction

    9o:adays; any consuers are getting ore concerned

    regarding the %isual aesthetics of the product that they are using or

    purchasing< 'he iportance of the %isual product aesthetics is being

    ephasi=ed greatly by the consuers as the >concerns notnecessarily only the functional ?uality of the apparel ite; but in

    fact the :hole of the sensory; eotional and cogniti%e satisfaction

    that could pro%ide a coplete aesthetic e7perience as part of the

    ?uality of the ite @Alerk and 8ubbe; 2..*; ,iore and 0ahorst;

    ++2 ,iore and Aile; ++&C< ) research by 8a:; Dong and Eip;

    @2.2C entioned that by ha%ing a distincti%e and appropriate

    %isual aesthetics; the consuers :ill be in a positi%e ood that this

    inFuences an increase in purchase intention; store loyalty; repeated

    purchase and the store or product perceptions< 'his :ill ha%e the

    %isual product aesthetics carry the denition of the le%el of the

    signicance of the %isual aesthetics holds for the consuers

    relationship :ith the product that inFuences their perception and

    reaction :hen the product is present as an aesthetic or cultural

    stiulus @Bloch et al; 2..3 8agier; 2..2Cas %irtual stores are becoing

    ore coonplace :ith increasing consuer use of obile and

    online shoppingJ @Du et al< 2.3C< Ho:e%er there is still lacking in

    research that in%estigate the diension of %isual product aesthetics

    in the conte7t of social coerce< Relati%ely fe: studied ha%e

    actually ephasised on both of the area @eg< SaQnche=-,ranco and

    1artn-elicia; 2.. Du et althis is an iportant addition to current kno:ledge

    about the inFuence of product appearance on consuer preference;

    and has iplications for anagers o%erseeing aspects of product

    de%elopent relating to aligning the design eort :ith target

    custoers and deterining specic product design e7ecutionsJ

    regarding their study on consuer preference and %isual product

    syetry< 'his could be benecial for the entrepreneur and the

    Page G 4

  • 7/24/2019 Proposal Paper - The Effect of Visual Product Aesthetics in Social Commerce on Customers Purchasing Decision


    'he /ect of isual Product )esthetics in Social (oerce on

    (ustoers Purchasing 0ecision

    society to learn the iportance of %isual product aesthetics and

    apply the in the arketing strategy and product de%elopentlaunched on 9o%eber ; 2..5;

    on EahooWs Shoposphere is the earliest attept to plunge into social

    Page G .

  • 7/24/2019 Proposal Paper - The Effect of Visual Product Aesthetics in Social Commerce on Customers Purchasing Decision


    'he /ect of isual Product )esthetics in Social (oerce on

    (ustoers Purchasing 0ecision

    coerceJ @Rothberg; 2..5C< Its >Pick 8istsJ feature allo:s users to

    coent on and re%ie: products lists< 'he user-generated content

    akes Shoposphere like a >blogosphereJ @Rothberg; 2..5C< 'he

    starts of this concept lead to any ne: idea of cobining the

    internet and coerce together as soon >the general trend is to

    incorporate social net:orking functions into shopping acti%ities and;

    at the sae tie; e7plore suitable and practical business odelsJ

    @Dang and Khang; 2.2C6oogle launches its social net:ork

    ser%ice; 6oogleX; :hich is e7pected to lead to g-coerce in the

    near futureJ< @Dang and Khang; 2.2C< Dith this; :e e7pect to see

    ore of social coerce de%elopent and integration :ith

    business concepts in the futuredened aesthetic styleJ; A measurement scale of

    aesthetic style applied to luxury goods stores; ol

  • 7/24/2019 Proposal Paper - The Effect of Visual Product Aesthetics in Social Commerce on Customers Purchasing Decision


    'he /ect of isual Product )esthetics in Social (oerce on

    (ustoers Purchasing 0ecision

    hierarchical of its trait and value antecedents and its "ehavioral

    consequences; ol