
1 PROPOSAL TO EXTEND BREAKFAST HOURS ON ALVERNO COLLEGE CAMPUS For consideration by Dorothy Kearns, Catering Manager Proposed by Vana Cabell, Alverno College Student November 1, 2012

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For consideration by Dorothy Kearns, Catering Manager

Proposed by Vana Cabell, Alverno College Student November 1, 2012


November 1, 2012

Dorothy Kearns, Catering Manager Alverno College 3401 South 39th Street Milwaukee, WI 53234-3922

Dear Dorothy,

I’m writing to propose a solution to an issue I’ve had lately in the Commons. For the past three

years I’ve stopped in the Commons for breakfast only to be told there wasn’t any. No one ever gave me

the specific time of when breakfast was over. This led me to believe that the Commons was out of

breakfast almost every time I stopped in. I will admit there have been times that I did have breakfast on

campus, but I can count those moments only on one hand. This I know is nothing new to you being that

on October 18, 2012 we spoke in your office about this situation. That was the very first time someone

explained the hours of breakfast to me.

Thanks to you I now know and understand that the cooks stop making breakfast at 9:30 a.m., and

it is left out to be served until10:00 a.m. This was something that I wish I knew a long time ago. It’s easy

for many people to suggest that I should just stop in earlier but that’s what I’ve been doing this whole

semester. I just as many other students work as well as go to school this results in me staying up late for

homework, and being that my classes during the week don’t start until 1:00 p.m. arriving on campus at

10:00 a.m. is definitely early. Leaving campus to eat is an inconvenience, but it is usually what I have to

resort to when breakfast is not available. But it dawned on me that there had to be others who feel the

same way I do. This led me to think of different solutions for the issue.

On October 23, 2012 we met again so that I could understand the way the Commons worked a

little better before creating my proposal. You discussed with me that you felt there may be only 15 other

Alverno College students who would feel the same way that I do and that majority of these women would

want lunch instead of breakfast between 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Well after discussing this situation with


about 10 students from my PCM 300 class and having the entire class agree with me on increasing hours

to 11:00 a.m. and having breakfast instead of lunch, this led me to dig a little deeper and see just how

many other students on campus felt the same way.

I decided to set out and speak to at least 100 students. My goal was to speak to 50 weekday

college students and 50 weekend college students, with a minimum of at least 25 students who live on

campus. However in the process I met a student, Aqueela McHatten, who lived on campus who really

took the concern to heart. She volunteered to talk to more students and get more signatures. In the end we

managed to get 170 signatures together. Out of those 170 students 32 lived on campus and 162 were

weekday students. I allowed the students who agreed with the proposal to sign a petition. If I had more

time to spare during the week I am positive that Aqueela and I would have found more students who live

on campus and attend Alverno College on the weekends. There were however about 6 students who did

not agree or want to sign the proposal because they do not eat food from the Commons at all or breakfast

in general, but in the end the numbers of those who agree outweigh those who don’t by a landslide.

Another thing that I found surprising is there was the feedback I got from students who lived on

campus. They were highly interested in possible changes regarding this issue. Many of them expressed

that they pay a great deal of money for the food plans they purchase because of being residential students.

A common scenario that they shared was that many tend to stay up late to study which results in waking

up a little later in the morning. They too just as many of the others who signed the petition explained they

would prefer a warm breakfast over lunch. This is quite surprising being that on the website it describes

FSI’s Residence Dining programs as, “…designed to be healthy, flexible and interesting in meeting the

ever changing needs of today's students.” I understand that many of these students have to pay for a meal

plan so the idea of not getting breakfast when needed seems a bit unfair.

I believe the results show there are significantly more students who agree on the extension of

breakfast hours than you predicted in our last discussion. I’m hoping that with the data I’ve found you


will possibly take the results into consideration for the sake of the campus student’s well-being.

Furthermore, I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to review this proposal, as well as

the past meetings we’ve had.


Vana Cabell, Alverno College Student



Abstract………………………………………………………………….………….5Problem………………………………………………………………….………….6Solutions………………………………………………………………..…………..6 Participants…………………………………………………………..……………..7 Fees…………………………………………………………………………………7 Outcomes………………………………………………………………………..….8 Conclusion……………………………………………………………….…………8


This proposal explains the issues that many students face at Alverno College regarding the Commons

breakfast hours. The purpose of the proposal is to bring this issue to the staff of Food Services

Incorporated, making them aware that there are many students on campus who consider this to be a

problem. It addresses the issue, discusses the results of a recent survey and petition that was taken on

campus, positions different methods of solutions, gives ideas of possible participants who can help make

this change happen, exhibits the fees of making these changes, and provides possible outcomes that lead

to a positive impact.



Breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day. Many Alverno College students are

having issues with being able to have something warm to eat between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 11:00

a.m. on campus. I conducted a survey of 176 women resulting in 170 who agreed and 5 who didn’t. Out

of the 170 who agreed and signed the petition, 162 were weekday 8 were weekend. And out of all 170 of

these students, 32 stayed on campus. After consulting with about 100 students here on campus, the facts

were evident and a solution must be created for this problem.


The solution to this problem is to extend the breakfast hours to 11:00 a.m. and to cook breakfast

sandwiches at student’s request. This makes it so there isn’t any food or money that is wasted. After I

spoke to you I learned that there is a cook who comes in at 6:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m., as well as a second

shift cook that comes in from 10:30 until 6:30. I’ve also learned that one of the cooks is not only a worker

in your kitchen but also an intern through MATC as well for your company. So here are two solutions

that could be possibilities for change.

Solution 1: The second shift cook can come in a 30 minutes to an hour early.

Solution 2: Hire an intern to work on campus with FSI for experience and intern hours for school.



This depends on which solution is chosen. For each solution the participants are as follows:

Solution 1: The second shift cook.

Solution 2: A Culinary Art student from Art Institute of Milwaukee or Milwaukee Technical College

who has a desire to intern with the company.


Fees are determined by which solution is chosen. Information for fees regarding both solutions is as


Solution 1: I believe the pay rate for your cooks as discussed is $10.50 hour. The cost for staff would be

an extra 15.75 on their pay check being that the cook already works a full eight hour shift. This will be

the increased

Solution 2: With this solution there is no cost involved at all. I understand that having an employee

receive intern hours at the same time is rare, that is why I would suggest this to be an unpaid internship.

Instead of receiving pay, in return the intern will be able to gain knowledge and experience from working

with FSI. This also can result in the intern building a relationship that could potentially lead to a hiring

position with your company in the future.



There will be an increase of students who purchase breakfast. More students will be able to have a

healthier balanced diet by incorporating breakfast into their daily routine.


In conclusion, I believe that when considering extending breakfast hours the numbers of signatures I was

able to obtain speaks as far as student’s opinions and their interest should be what’s important. Once

again, breakfast has always been considered one of the most important meals of the day and should be

treated as so. As said on the website, “At FSI our field personnel work closely with students, faculty and

staff to make sure that we maintain the highest customer satisfaction.” This is something that I hope the

company will definitely be able to do.