prophet abraham: the founding father a more on islam … · prophet abraham: the founding father 20...

A More on Islam presentation 1 Pilgrimage to Makkah This quick guide outlines the important aspects of Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam and takes you through the journey of a lifetime. A More On Islam Briefcast Prophet Abraham: The Founding Father 20 Slides including Cover (pbuh)

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Page 1: Prophet Abraham: The Founding Father A More On Islam … · Prophet Abraham: The Founding Father 20 Slides including Cover ... Circling the Kaaba ... Our true worth remains hidden,

A More on Islam presentation1

Pilgrimage to MakkahThis quick guide outlines theimportant aspects of Hajj, the fifthpillar of Islam and takes youthrough the journey of a lifetime.

A More On Islam BriefcastProphet Abraham: The Founding Father 20 Slides including Cover


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The Pilgrimage to the First House of Worship

Hajj is the pilgrimage toMakkah that involvesvisiting the House ofAllah and performing theactivities and ritualsassociated with Hajj.

Once-in-a-lifetimeobligation on thoseMuslims who havei) the physical and

ii) financial means toundertake the pilgrimage.

“ The first house (of worship) appointed for mankind wasthat at Makkah: Full of blessings and a centre of guidancefor the whole world; In it are the signs manifest; the placewhere Abraham stood up to pray; and whosoever enters it

attains security…..” ( Quran 3:96, 97)

“And remember thatwhen Abraham andIshmael raised thefoundations of the

House…” (Quran 2:127)

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Fifth Pillar of Islam







Declaring andbelieving “There

is no god worthy ofworship except Allahand Muhammad(pbuh) is Hismessenger.”


Performingthe obligatoryprayers fivetimes a day


Observingdawn-to-duskabstinence inthe month ofRamadan


Giving charity


UndertakingPilgrimage toMakkah


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Annual Event

Hajj days

Hajj falls in the 12th month of the lunarcalendar

Islamic Calendaror the HijriCalendar is

based on thelunar year. 302928





Dhu al-Hijjah


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"And Proclaim the Pilgrimage Among Men”

Allah addressed Prophet Abraham saying:(pbuh)

“And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men:they will come to you on foot and (mounted)on every kind of camel, lean on account ofjourneys through deep and distant mountainhighways;” (22: 27)

“ That they may witness the benefits (provided)for them,…” (22:28) Data Source: Ministry of Hajj, Saudi Arabia

Graphics: More On Islam Info Graphics

Number of Hajj Pilgrims







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006


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Prophet Abraham - The Founding Father(pbuh)

Hallmarks of Prophet’s Abraham’s life

"For me, I have set my face, firmly and truly, towardsHim Who created the heavens and the earth, and never

shall I give partners to Allah." ( Quran 6-79)


When his Lord said to him, “Surrender," he promptlyresponded, “I have surrendered to the Lord of the

Universe ." ( Quran 2:131)


"And when his Lord tried Abraham with (His)commands, and he fulfilled them. He said: “I am going

to make you the leader of mankind” ... (Quran 2:124)Struggle


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Hajj Revived

“And when Abraham prayed:… Our Lord! And raise up in

their midst a messengerfrom among

them who shall recite tothem Your Revelations,

…You art All-Powerful and All

Wise ” ( Quran 2: 129)

Prophet Abraham’s prayer is granted!(pbuh)

With Allah’s command, Muhammadrevived the Hajj by restoring its purefoundations and eliminating all customs ofignorance.


Centuries later, Prophet Muhammad rosefrom the descendants of Abraham andproclaimed Islam, the same religion thatAbraham had preached.


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Camping Stoning the Devil

Hajj at a Glimpse


Standing fromnoon until dusk Resting

Camping Stoning the Devil Animal Sacrifice Cutting the hair Circling the Kaaba Striding between

Hagar hills

Camping Stoning the Devil



Mina Valley




1 2 3 4 5



Plain of ArafatMuzdalifa

Mina ValleyKaaba

Mina Valley Mina Valley

Day Of Reflection





Day of Standing

SeekingAllah’s mercyand forgiveness

Day of Sacrifice

Resolve AgainstSatan House Of Allah:

Center of Activity Searching for

life-saver: In footsteps of Hagar

Stoning the Devil

RepeatedRejection ofSatan’stemptations

Stoning the Devil

Repeatedresistance toSatan’s invitation


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Into Ihram

Buries the individual trails and egos.

Strips off the distinctions of class,culture, color, race and nationality.

Before entering the sacred territory,

pilgrims wear uniform garments thatsymbolize the universal identity of anation that has submitted to Allah.

The garments are a great leveler too. Who can tell rich from poor? … all these human beingsdrawn together by the call of an idea, by the oneness of God………..” - Michael Wolfe,Author and a Revert to Islam.


Violence & fighting

Evil talk or acts

Marital relations

Some Don’ts in Ihram

Hunting of Animals

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Goal of longing for so many millions, for so many centuries.. Avery quiet architecture

Leopold Weiss’s (Muhammad Asad, the Jewish convert to Islam who translated the Qur'an)observation when he visited Kaaba for the first time:

Builder confined himself to simplest three dimensional formimaginable- a cube of stone.

No beauty of architecture rhythm and no perfection of line,however great, could ever do justice to the idea of God

Utter simplicity of the cube, in complete renunciation of allbeauty of line and form

…the simplest that man can conceive is the greatest thathe can do to express the glory of God.

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Pilgrim’s Progress

Such (is the Pilgrimage):whoever honours the sacredrites of Allah, for him it isgood in the Sight of his Lord.(Quran 22:30)

“…I felt very close to God in the holyplace and want to return with my fourdaughters so they too can have thisunique experience…” Ali, A British

Convert to Islam. (Source:


Pilgrims marching towards Arafat on the Day of Standing

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At Arafat : Seeking Mercy

Pilgrims praying on Mount Arafat, known as the‘Mountain of Mercy’

The last major address ofProphet Muhammad (pbuh)

known as the LASTSERMON was delivered


The sermon is themost influentialhuman rights


Pilgrimsexperienceclimax ofHajj atArafat

Day spentwhile

standingnoon until



from theLord of the


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Guidance From the Prophet’s Last Sermon

It is true that you have certainrights in regard to your women,but they also have rights overyou.

Do treat your women well andbe kind to them, for they areyour partners and committedhelpers.

And it is your right that they donot make friends with anyoneof whom you do not approve, aswell as never to be unchaste.

All mankind is from Adam andEve.

An Arab has no superiorityover a non-Arab nor a non-Arabhas any superiority over anArab;

A white has no superiority overa black, nor a black has anysuperiority over a white- exceptby piety and good action.


Women’ Rights

Allah has forbidden you totake usury (interest); …Yourcapital, however, is yours tokeep. You will neither inflictnor suffer any inequity.


People, no prophet or apostlewill come after me and no newfaith will be born…I leavebehind me two things, theQuran and the Sunnah(Prophet’s Way), and if youfollow these you will never goastray.

Path ofSuccess



Men’ Rights

Remember one day you willappear before Allah andanswer for your deeds.


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Resolve Against Satan, The Avowed Enemy

He (Satan) said:"Then will I assault them frombefore them and behind them

from their right and their left…”(Quran 7: 17)

“ … for Satanis to man anavowedenemy! ”(Quran 12:5)

Symbolical in rejection of thetemptation of Satan.

An act of faith and conscienceof fighting the Satanic force.

An act of disabling the evilforces that divert attention fromthe right path

Stoning of the Devil

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“So when they had both submitted their wills (to

Allah), and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead

(for sacrifice), We called out to him "O Abraham!

"You have indeed fulfilled your vision !" - thus do We

reward the righteous." Quran 37:103-105)

“(Abraham) said: O my

son! I have seen in a dream

that I must sacrifice you.

So look, what think you?”

(Quran 37:102)


And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice:

And We left (this blessing) for him among

generations (to come) in later times: (Quran 37:107)

“He (Ishmael) said: O my father!

Do that which you are

commanded. If Allah so wills,

you shall find me of the patient.

(Quran 37:102)”


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Meat: Allah’s Provision

“Such (is his state) and whoever holds inhonour the symbols of Allah, (in the sacrificeof animals), such (honour) should come trulyfrom piety of heart.” (Quran 22: 32)

“…you may eat of their flesh and give of it tothe contented ones and to those who ask forit…” (Quran 22: 36)

“It is not their meat nor their blood, thatreaches Allah, but it is your piety that reachesHim” (Quran 22: 37)

Photo courtesy: and

The Saudi Project for Utilization of Hajj Meat,managed by the Islamic Development Bank, distributeseach year, meat from hundreds of thousands of sacrificedsheep, cows and camels to the poor and needy in Asia,Africa and other parts of the world.

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The Unique Hajj Experience

“……….There was over three millionpeople there and I did not see onefight. I did not see one person beingrude to the other even though theywere from so many different countriesand cultural backgrounds. It was trulybeautiful, a life-changing experience.”Giovanni, An American Convert to Islam(Source:

“… I was lucky to perform Hajj in 2001and ever since I have had a better

understanding of the world…” Reijo

Virk, A Finnish Convert to Islam (Source:

A pilgrim taking a break

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“Stripped of our wealth and status, we are clad insimple garments. Our true worth remains hidden,

except to the One Who knows us. We place ourCreator at the center of our lives, submitting our will toHis. We affirm His Oneness, commit our lives to Him.We turn to Him, pouring out our heart’s desires. Why

ask elsewhere when He is All-Encompassing, All-hearing?”

ASouth African


“… To be a member of that huge congregationgathered … in the glorification of God, is to haveone's consciousness impressed by the fullsignificance of the Islamic ideal, is to be privilegedto participate in one of the most soul inspiringexperiences that have ever been granted tohuman beings !...” (Source:

- EvelynZeinabCobbod,A pilgrim

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Malcolm X’ Letter from Makkah

“During the past eleven days here in theMuslim world, I have eaten from thesame plate, drunk from the same glass,and slept in the same bed, (or on thesame rug) -- while praying to the sameGod -- with fellow Muslims, whose eyeswere the bluest of blue, whose hair wasthe blondest of blond, and whose skinwas the whitest of white.

We were truly all the same (brothers) --because their belief in one God hadremoved the 'white' from their minds, the'white' from their behavior, and the 'white'from their attitude.” – El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

(Malcolm X)

"This letter was sent from Malcolm to his assistants, new Muslim Mosque, press and his wife, during theconclusion of his pilgrimage to Mecca. The content is reproduced from The Autobiography of Malcolm X as toldto Alex Haley“ (From

An Excerpt

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The Holy Qur'an (Print)

The Holy Qur'an (Online)

Muhammad (Critical Lives)

Islam Primer

Muhammad’s (pbuh) Last Sermon

Hajj Info – By Saudi Arabian Ministry of Hajj

Hajj Information Center

Virtual Hajj

Saudi Arabian Sacrificial Meat Project

Thanks for watching and studying the presentation.

For further information, suggestions and comments

please contact: [email protected]

"Verily, in the creation of the heavens

and the earth, and in the succession

of night and day, there are indeed

messages for all who are endowed

with insight" (Quran 3:190)

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