property registration information system module prism an experience of punjab in e-registration...

Property Registration Information System Module PRISM An experience of Punjab in e-Registration Property Registration Information System Mo PRISM Improved Delivery of Services to Improved Delivery of Services to the Citizens the Citizens New Delhi 28th March 2005 1 Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, IAS Director-cum-Secretary, Department of IT Government of Punjab erience of Punjab in e-Registration

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Property Registration Information System ModulePRISM

An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Property Registration Information System ModulePRISM

Improved Delivery of Services to the Improved Delivery of Services to the Citizens Citizens

New Delhi

28th March 2005


Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, IASDirector-cum-Secretary, Department of IT

Government of Punjab

An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

2An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

The Mindset of most Government Employees So far The Mindset of most Government Employees So far

Do nothing and nothing would be done to you. The best approach to the Government work should be:

If possible, avoid it - “PUC does not concern this department” approach.

If necessary, go slow - play safe, take the longer but safest route

If pushed, go in circles - Pass-on the buck to others like Finance, Planning, Personnel, Administrative Reforms, GOI.

If cornered, appoint a committee- diffuse responsibility, delay decisions

No innovations please. Do not deviate from the time tested, track - Status quo is always the safest and the best policy

3An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Good Governance- ComponentsGood Governance- Components

5. Effectiveness & efficiency

6. Equity and inclusiveness

7. Consensus orientation

8. Participation

Good Governance is the primary objective of Good Governance is the primary objective of all e-Governance projects all e-Governance projects

Good GovernanceGood Governance


Process Re-engineeringProcess Re-engineering

1. Rule of law

2. Transparency

3. Accountability

4. Responsiveness

4An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

How can we improve GovernanceHow can we improve Governance

To reduce corruption Finish monopoly through multiple service delivery channels

Reduce & streamline discretion

Introduce accountability - at all levels

Reduce authority – Empower lower staff

Improve ease and transparency

Corruption = Corruption = (Monopoly + Discretion – Accountability) (Monopoly + Discretion – Accountability)

x Authorityx Authority

IT & e-Governance can help in achieving the aboveIT & e-Governance can help in achieving the above

Mathematical Simulation Model for CorruptionMathematical Simulation Model for Corruption

5An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Reforms Agenda for Good GovernanceReforms Agenda for Good Governance

Re-invent the Government for Good Governance

Focus on Good Governance & divest other roles to private sector

Shift from Command- control regime to market driven regime

Un-bundle competitive & commercial functions from State’s roles

Strengthening Institutions to perform State domain roles

Re-define and Improve Service Delivery to Citizens

Bring in Responsiveness, Accountability & Transparency

Improve Citizens’ interface with Government

Through use of Information Technology (IT)

Government Process Re-engineering & Administrative Reforms

Improve effectiveness, internal efficiencies in Govt & reduce costs

Right-sizing the Government

Services Delivery through Public-Private Partnership

Empowerment of Citizens, Women & the Disadvantaged

6An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Administrative Reforms & Administrative Reforms & Government Process Re-engineeringGovernment Process Re-engineering

Comprehensive review, simplification and revision of

Punjab Civil Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure

Punjab Civil Services Rules

Punjab Financial Rules

Restructuring of the State Government Departments

Re-fixing of work norms

Revised functions and roles

Implementation of feasible IIPA Report

Right to Information Act

Simplification of procedures for Citizen Services through

Business Process Re-engineering

Administrative Reforms

Preparation of Citizen Charter

Adoption of Single File System

Take up Evaluation studies

7An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Land RegistrationLand Registration

“An efficient land registration system is a precondition for the operation of an efficient land market”

World Bank Report

8An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Land Registration in PunjabLand Registration in Punjab

A system of registration of Deed carrying a State Guarantee

Primarily an Agricultural Economy therefore land is the most important asset

Property ownership is also critical to commercial activity

Main Customers: Citizens, Lawyers, financial institutions, public corporations, local authorities and private firms

Basic Statistics

Number of Districts: 17

Number of Sub-Divisions: 72

Number of Registration offices: 153

Number of Villages: 12,993

9An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Why eRegistration ?Why eRegistration ?

Registration Offices had acquired a bad reputation in the eyes of the public due to various reasons including:

Inordinate delays in processes

Lack of transparency in functioning

Discretion-based valuation

Under-valuation translating to revenue loss for the government

Touch points of citizens with numerous rent-seeking intermediaries

Possible frauds and land scandals

Loot of Government land, evacuee property, Nazool land, wakf property, Village common lands

10An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

The ChallengesThe Challenges


Reduce Delays

Bring in Transparency

MIS, Monitoring


Keeping & Retrieval

11An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Improving What & How?Improving What & How?

Reception/Logging Verification/


Recording Decision


Delays are incurred in the hand-offs from Delays are incurred in the hand-offs from one step to the next stepone step to the next step

Generic Property Transfer Process

12An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

We Planned Big, Started Small, Scaled FastWe Planned Big, Started Small, Scaled Fast


• First Stage Computerisation

• Changing mindset• Developing

environment for Second Phase

First Phase Computerisation

• DIT, GOI Sponsored• 17 Locations in one

District• PPP Model• Improved Software• Best practices• Launch on 1st April


Second Phase Implementation

( 12 Months)

• All Districts• BOOT Model• Central Legislation• Uniform Standards • Sustainable Business


State Wide Roll Out ( 2 Years)

Current Status In progressCompleted

13An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

E-Governance Hype CycleE-Governance Hype Cycle


Peak ofPeak ofInflatedInflated

ExpectationsExpectationsTrough ofTrough of

DisillusionmentDisillusionmentSlope ofSlope of

EnlightenmentEnlightenmentPlateau ofPlateau of


Online not always good

Channel management troubles

Government portals



Single dept online services Failures and no ROI

drive divestments


1994–1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2010



Surveys andbenchmarking


Security issues


Poor ROI on initial efforts

Borderless service

Multi-channel strategies



Integrated Data



E-government becomesgovernment

We are Here

14An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Property Registration Property Registration Information System ModuleInformation System Module


15An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

The Basic Guiding Principles The Basic Guiding Principles

“Small-Steps” and “Phased Approach” adopted

Change Management & Process Reengineering given more important than technology

Citizen Centric, People friendly

Improved turnaround time and quality of services to the citizens

Definiteness and certainty of Service through Service Level Agreements

Transparency and Accountability is built-in

Reduced Monopoly and Discretion

Speed and efficiency are the derived factor

Technology is simple, robust and reliable

Model is Self-Sustainable through Public-Private Partnership

The Application is Fraud proof as far as possible

Objectivity in decision making i.e. evaluation

Completeness of solution with Backward and Forward Linkages

16An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Land Registration ComputerisationLand Registration Computerisation

First Phase of Computerisation


To change peoples mindset and preparing them for Computerisation

Initial version of PRISM installed in select Registration offices

Computerisation of the manual registration process

Online Photo Capturing of Parties & Witness

Printing of photographs of concerned parties on the backside of stamp paper

First phase completed in October 2004

Implemented by all the District Administrations

No external Consultants involved

Software and Technical Support by NIC Punjab

17An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

First Phase ComputerisationFirst Phase Computerisation

Respective District Administrations have implemented the project at 110 out of 153 locations

Employing local resources and technical support from NIC District Centres

Institutional mechanism in the shape of Punjab land Records Society for accounting and management

The main objective of PLRS is:

to oversee, monitor the implementation of computerization and digitization of Land Records and related documents in Punjab for the overall benefit of the citizens and

to provide Land Records related services through multiple common access infrastructures

Sustainability of project through Facilitation Charges from Public deposited with the society.

18An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Learning from First PhaseLearning from First Phase

Validation of Market Value by PRISM depends on type of property selected by users.

Assessment of Market Value should consider more parameters on property and needs to be more transparent.

Backup, Storage and Retrieval of data needs to be standardized, uniform and regular

Manual records continue e.g. Indexes, Cash Summary, Reports to Tehsils & Dist HQ

No connection with Land Record database & application

Lack of training to the users

Need for a Citizen Charter and SLAs

19An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Property Registration Information System ModuleProperty Registration Information System Module

Facilitates the process of registration at an enhanced speed and efficiency at the Sub Registrar Offices, across the state

Built with strong focus on ease of usage, simplicity and sound security & controls

A replicable and scalable application suite, the software:

covers the registration process for different documents for registration

integrates registration, valuation, scan and archives modules

generates appropriate reports

introduces service level integrators for return of original documents within a specified time frame

incorporates reengineered processes

introduces enhanced security by inclusion of biometrics

introduces enhanced methods by inclusion of digital photograph

20An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

PRISM – Screen ShotsPRISM – Screen Shots

21An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

PRISM – Screen ShotsPRISM – Screen Shots

22An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

PRISM – Screen ShotsPRISM – Screen Shots

23An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Distinguished Features of SoftwareDistinguished Features of Software

Focused on reducing impersonation in the process, and

Reducing errors in data entry and improving the user experience in the SRO.

Online Photo Capturing of Parties & Witness along with Sub-Registrar and saving in database

Printing of photographs of concerned parties on the backside of stamp paper

User interface in local language i.e. Punjab and English

On the spot valuation of property

On the spot Stamp & Registration Fee Calculations

Checklist and search facility

Scanning Module

Workflow based Application

Secured by Bio-metrics

ISO Certified Product

24An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Process Re-engineering InitiativesProcess Re-engineering Initiatives

Redefine the role of the process

within the larger productive system

Change the structure& organization

of the services,production

and potentially, its product strategy

Maximize effectiveness and

efficiency increases

Change the processwith the help


Substitute IT forexisting technology

Obtain larger effectiveness and

efficiency gains

Reap modesteffectiveness andefficiency gains

Redesign process,based on inherent

needs and/ortechnology


Understand anddocument theProcess to be












25An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Second Phase of PRISMSecond Phase of PRISM

Roll Out of Project in District Sangrur

Partial Funding from Department of IT, GoI

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) as project consultants

NIC Punjab as software partner

Based on Public Private Partnership

Start functioning from 01.04.2005

Best Value for Money for All Stakeholders was ensured

Many Public Private Partnership scenarios were examined based on

the efficient allocation of risk between the government and private partner

the payment mechanism to encourage the operator

the amount of investment made by Government (pilot project)

26An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Second Phase - Project challenges...Second Phase - Project challenges...

Manage huge investment requirements different locations

Civil construction cost, Hardware/Software Cost, Training requirements, Maintenance cost, Networking cost, Resource requirements etc

Low transaction volumes i.e. 60,000 deeds/year

Unequal distribution of deeds volume across the SRO

i.e. remote SRO with very few Deeds per day

Train people - Inadequate skills sets

Manage man-power requirement

Maintain infrastructure

Standards, Uniformity

State wide roll out

Limited Project Limited Project Time Frame and Funds !!Time Frame and Funds !!

27An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

We Adopted A UNIQUE Approach!We Adopted A UNIQUE Approach!

First of its kind

to test not only the pilot for e-Governance initiative, but also

testing PPP modeling in pilot itself for tremendous learning

with holistic view covering wider scope with in short timeframe

Set project as a role model for all future state PPP initiatives

not only limited to Registration activity but also other e-Governance initiatives of the state

Testing PPP modeling options for the State Wide Roll out

saving time, expense and resources

learning to be used for a Tested implementation model

No Government funds involved

Facilities management totally outsourced on BOOT Model

28An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Nobody Minds paying for Quality ServiceNobody Minds paying for Quality Service

To get rid of the Direct and Indirect Costs of Government services, humiliation & Inconvenience

Prescribed Government fee/ Transaction cost if any

Cost attributed to Delays and uncertainty

Cost of direct Corruption

Loss of day’s wages

Opportunity cost of time wasted

Cost of Travel to location of service

Cost of stay at the place of service

Cost to be incurred on the sifarish (Sarpanch, Namberdar)

ROI on private investment in e-Governance is good- recovery through user charges

People are prepared to pay for the time bound quality services - even the poor, because it actually costs less

29An experience of Punjab in e-Registration


““Make Government Businesslike”Make Government Businesslike”NOT Making Government Like BusinessNOT Making Government Like Business

CAPTURE the Private CAPTURE the Private Sector Profit MotivesSector Profit Motives Customer orientationCustomer orientation EfficienciesEfficiencies Management Management

PracticesPractices Financial Resources Financial Resources HR TalentHR Talent EntrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship

While keeping Govt’s Social While keeping Govt’s Social ResponsibilityResponsibility

Public orientationPublic orientationEquality and justiceEquality and justiceAffordabilityAffordabilityAccountabilityAccountabilityObjectivityObjectivityTransparencyTransparency

Ultimately the Financial Motive is the Single Biggest Success Driver Ultimately the Financial Motive is the Single Biggest Success Driver

Private financing wherever possible Govt. financing where necessary

The Underlying Principle

30An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Unique Features Adopted in the Second PhaseUnique Features Adopted in the Second Phase

Total Integration with Forward and Backward Linkages

Integration and Convergence of Deed-Writers’ activities by providing them dedicated terminals for completeness, accuracy & preciseness of deeds

Automation of Market Valuation Process using location & address description of the property

Forward linkages and Hand-Shake with Land Record software which will directly provide/ take inputs from this application

Such Interface with Land Records Database to check details like ownership, encumbrances etc.

Provision in software for Revision of Market Value based on rates and proper authentication

Generation of Memorandum of Registration

Integration with banks for issue of stamp papers

31An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

PRISM Seamless IntegrationPRISM Seamless Integration

Deed Writer Module



Land Recordsapplicationdatabase

Backward Integration With Deed Writer Module

Forward Integration With Land Records Software and Database

32An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Managing the Change



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Change in Change in Structure of Structure of

Service Service AgencyAgency

Change in Change in Structure of Structure of

Service Service AgencyAgency

Redesign for enablingRedesign for enablingModification of Modification of


Redesign for enablingRedesign for enablingModification of Modification of



ccessful Im



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Change in Change in Public Public


Change in Change in Public Public


Change inChange inMethodology/ Methodology/ ProceduresProcedures

Change inChange inMethodology/ Methodology/ ProceduresProcedures

New or RedesignedNew or RedesignedServices with defined Services with defined

Service standardsService standards

New or RedesignedNew or RedesignedServices with defined Services with defined

Service standardsService standards

GPR/ ARGPR/ ARRedesign of WorkRedesign of Work


GPR/ ARGPR/ ARRedesign of WorkRedesign of Work


Change Change Management - Management -

Citizen and Citizen and Court StaffCourt Staff

Change Change Management - Management -

Citizen and Citizen and Court StaffCourt Staff

Changes in Skills,Changes in Skills,Attitudes, Attitudes,

Expectations, Expectations, PerceptionsPerceptions

Changes in Skills,Changes in Skills,Attitudes, Attitudes,

Expectations, Expectations, PerceptionsPerceptions

33An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

System Architecture in SROSystem Architecture in SRO

34An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

System Architecture in DistrictSystem Architecture in District

35An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Unique Features Adopted in the Second PhaseUnique Features Adopted in the Second Phase

Built-in Anti fraud features in sale-purchase transactionsBuilt-in Anti fraud features in sale-purchase transactions

Digital Photograph of seller, buyer and witnesses in the presence of SRO integrated in the sale deed itself

Live on the spot Digital Photograph in secured environment

Strong Security features with Multi level access control

Biometric security for operators and Authorities

Effective monitoring by meaningful and timely MIS reportsEffective monitoring by meaningful and timely MIS reports

Discontinuance of manual preparation of statements and registers

Automating report compilation at Sub-division, District Head Quarters and State HQ

Central record room for easy storage and on-line distributed search and retrieval facilities

Scanning of Documents for ease of storage, retrieval and retrieval

Extensive and reliable networking

36An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Allocation of Tasks to Private PartiesAllocation of Tasks to Private Parties

Registration Clerk review

Facilities Management

Hardware, Software and Network Management Support

Deed Writer Writing the Deed

Data Entry Staff for entering the Deed Details in


Helpdesk Support (Query handle, Issue of token

number, Data Entry, issuance of reports , registered deed,

document) SR/JSR Review

Fee Collection

Photograph Processing, Data


Printing (Receipt,

Document printing)

Document Scanning , Data Entry

Citizen comes to SRO office Helpdesk

Services to be handled by BOOT Operator time to time

Periodic Report Generation and Data Backup & Transfer to Head Office


37An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Our Achievements & ExperienceOur Achievements & Experience

Better value for money -Better value for money - the cost of a service delivered is lower than traditional procurement,

Better quality services -Better quality services - the quality of service is expected to be better (SLA)

Faster project delivery -Faster project delivery - the linkage between service availability and payment to deliver project objectives within short timeframes;

More project delivery -More project delivery - by using private sector finance it is possible to cover all the 17 locations within a defined period of time;

Protection against technology obsolescenceProtection against technology obsolescence while minimizing government financial outgo

38An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Benefits to Government & CitizensBenefits to Government & Citizens

Greater certainty -Greater certainty - the allocation of risk to the private partner provide for greater certainty and predictability w.r.t the cost and quality of SRO services

Better regulation -Better regulation - by transferring responsibility, SROs to focus upon service performance rather than management of day-to-day service delivery;

Enhanced competitiveness -Enhanced competitiveness - by competitive tendering, the quality and cost of operations are benchmarked against market standards.

EfficienciesEfficiencies in management and improving Citizen Government Interface

39An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

e-Governance Prioritization Framework & Statuse-Governance Prioritization Framework & Status

PursuePursue• Executive Information SystemExecutive Information System• Punjab Wide Area Network • Video Conferencing Video Conferencing • Treasury & Accounts Treasury & Accounts • GIS in PWD B&R, Mandi Board• Secretariat LAN & Applications Secretariat LAN & Applications • Social Security & WelfareSocial Security & Welfare • Digitization of Records• P Govt Personnel Mgt SystemP Govt Personnel Mgt System• E-Procurement• Defence WelfareDefence Welfare

DeferDefer• All other applications

PermitPermit• Dynamic Departmental web SitesDynamic Departmental web Sites• E-mail, Office toolsE-mail, Office tools• Modernization of AG Office Modernization of AG Office • PWD, Engg ApplicationsPWD, Engg Applications• Agri-Information ServicesAgri-Information Services• Rural Development & PanchayatsRural Development & Panchayats

TargetTarget• Sukhmani -Integrated Citizen ServicesSukhmani -Integrated Citizen Services• SUWIDHA in DC Offices & EFVSUWIDHA in DC Offices & EFV• Excise & TaxationExcise & Taxation• Land RecordsLand Records• Punjab Property RegistrationPunjab Property Registration • Transport – Motor Vehicle activitiesTransport – Motor Vehicle activities • Multi-Service Smart Card Multi-Service Smart Card • Local Govt - Municipal CorporationLocal Govt - Municipal Corporation • Labour and Employment• ICT EducationICT Education• Staff Training- CIO, DyCIO, Sys AdminStaff Training- CIO, DyCIO, Sys Admin

Low Criticality

High CriticalityHigh Criticality


w F










High CriticalityHigh Criticality


w F










Low Criticality

40An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Lessons LearnedLessons Learned

Political Will & Leadership

Adopt an incremental/phased approach

Government Process Re-engineering is necessary to get the full benefit IT based Project

Institutionalization of e-Governance Project Management

Facilitation Charges from Public gives self-sustainability

Involve All Stakeholders at every step

Ensure you can provide technical and administrative support to the Departments

Don’t underestimate internal and external change management Challenges

There must be Backward Linkage with existing market and economic factors

There must be Forward Linkage with future vision and applications

41An experience of Punjab in e-Registration

Way Forward…Way Forward…

Fast Completion of the Project at Sangrur

Replication of its experience through out the state.

Property Market Rates on web to improve transparency

Addition of value added service

Data Centre for all registered & scanned documents along with photographs

Integration of Registration process with Banks

Backward & Forward Linkages

42An experience of Punjab in e-Registration


Nirmaljeet Singh Kalsi, IAS,MD,Punjab Infotech, ChandigarhMD,Punjab Infotech, ChandigarhTel. 0172-604892( Telefax ), 704717 Tel. 0172-604892( Telefax ), 704717 Residence: # 906, Ministerial Complex,Residence: # 906, Ministerial Complex,Sector 39-A, ChandigarhSector 39-A, ChandigarhTel.:0172- 721288Tel.:0172- 721288

Director-cum-Secretary,Director-cum-Secretary,Department of Information Technology,Department of Information Technology,

Government of Punjab,Government of Punjab,

E-Mail :-E-Mail :[email protected]

[email protected]

doit@punjabmail, [email protected]
