proofs towit thei€¦ · r vi h 1 t y iri < iif < rt r rt l enemyr in the world has william...

r Vi h 1 T Y IrI < Iif < rt r rt L ENEMYr IN THE WORLD Has William J Bryan the Noted Politician FEW MEN CAN SAY AS MUCH Never Had a Personal Diffi cultyHe Fights for > Principles Only In his speech at Chicago on St Patricks day which by the way was his own birthday William Jennings Bryan mado the following remarks I have been In politics now foi eighteen years for twelve years I have boon in national politics 1 thin I can say I have seen more Demo ¬ crats than any man In the United States In all the time I have taken I part In politics I have never had a personal difference with any Dem- ocrat ¬ t I 1So far as I know I have not a personal enemy In the United States 1 If there bo anyone that I have wrong ¬ ed I did It unintentionally and if I 1am convinced 1 am wrong I will apol- ogIze ¬ i t to him I will go further I will make good the harm I have done himI have never asked any man I supported what ho thought of me 4That did not matter nut It matter ¬ ed everything what he thought of Democratic principles There Is not one man In the United States against whoni Y bear a grudge Nor have I a friend so close for whom I would ° sacrifice one principle of the party J deal with questions as questions and support men for what they stand for So there la no one so far as I know who Is my personal enemy I do not think there is even a Republican who is my enemy So much for the personal part In this campaign You owe me nothing I I hue been paid far beyond what I h had arlght lo ask or what I deserv- ed ¬ If ever T hold public office it will be because you want mo to hold It and not because I have a right to it There is the same ring of manliness in the above that Is evident In all Mr Bryans utterances when speak ¬ ing of himself I MrBrjanso far as he knows and so far as the nation knows has not a personal enemy In the world Even In the heat of political strife he holds to that high standard of Ideals and ethics ho has made so well known all over this land I From the day ho entered public i llfo Mr Bryans battles have been i for principles only He has never de scended to abuse though probably has been most wantonly and unjustly assailed ho has never called a man a liar ho Inns even been In all the fierce political contests he has gone through the same stainless chris- tian ¬ i gentleman he Is In private life That Is the reason he Is able to say now after eighteen years of ex- traOrdinary ¬ activity In American pol- Ities ¬ Ro far as I know 1 have not a porsonaleueAiy in the United States I Tliero Is not a man in the United Status against whom I bear a grudge r How many politicians are there In this country who can truthfully say tho same thing < A B OX C Br Beau theiha Kind You Haw Always Bout Signature cf a Uncle Sam Has Stacks of Gold Tine gold reserve held by tho Treas ¬ ury at Washington In addition to PUNY CHILDREN NEED VINOL u It Builds Them Up and Makes Them Strong and Robust Rapid growth overstudy Insufficient nourishment convalescence after childrens diseases and rundown con ¬ ditions make children thin and deli ¬ cate and slops development BecniiEe Vliiol contains nil the med ¬ icinal bone tissue and bodybuilding t eloniuiiU of cod liver oil actually I taken trout fresh cods livers tin useless oil eliminated and peptonate of Iron added it quickly restores ro ¬ bust health and children love it Mrs C W Stump pf Canton Ohio writes I wish I could Induce every mother who has a weak sickly child to try that delicious cod liver prepara ¬ tlon Vlnol as It restored health and strength to our daughter after all else had failed f We have never sold a medicine In our store equal to Vlnol for delicate along children weak old people or sickly women and children and we i return money If it fans to benefit Z Wayne Griffin Bro Druggists Hartford Ky w N 4 I t p tI I 4- x U z qy that he1d for the redemption of glJ r certlflcatca7 amountS to 160000000 The golck held in the Treasury of all purposes now for the first tune IE history amounts to more than a billlo f dollars It Is the biggest pile o gold ever collected in one place f ir tho history of the world Killed Ills Mother on the Spot New York April 10 Because his mother Susan Carlin had sent him tio various reformatory Institutions In which ho was a prisoner for many r years Bernard Carlin shot and In- stantly ¬ killed her today at her home In Quincy street Brooklyn Young Carlin had just been released ironi the reformatory at Napanochwhere he served a sentence for stealing a horse and wagon He was arrested after tho shooting When Carlin was treed from the re- formatory ¬ thin superintendent gave him 10 for a new start In life He arrived In Brooklyn yesterday bought a revolver and went today to the livek with his sister Mary When his mother opened the door In answer t- his knock he thrust the revolver in her face and fired five bullets Into her head before she sank to the floor Ha then attempted to shoot his sis ¬ ter but the revolver was empty Her screams summoned a neighbor who wrested the revolver from Carlin but the latter escaped to the street and fled He was pursued and captured after a desperate struggle In which he severely Injured one of his cap- tors ¬ J Dont cough your head oft when you can get a guaranteed remedy In Bees Laxative Cough Syrup It Is espec lally recommended for children as I It is pleasant to tako and a gentle laX- ative ¬ thus expelling the phlegm from the system For coughs colds croup whooilng cough hoarseness and aU Bronchial trouble Guaranteed Sold by Z Wayne GrJfln Dro mam The National for April The National Magazine for April 1 offers first to its subscribers and In a special sense to the statesman and statistician Joe Mltchellsl Chappies splendid resume of the attractions res- ources and remarkable development of the new State of Oklahoma The breezy cheerful Insistent loy ¬ alty of thH Oklahoma people positive certainty with which they look for- ward ¬ to rapid and phenomenal success In every department of effort Indi ¬ vidual municipal and statethe multi ¬ tudinous evidences of immense agri ¬ cultural mining and industrial re ¬ sources already proven by actual suc- cesses ¬ and phenomenal returns came to MrChapple like the renewal of war memories to a veteran for he himself had known the glamour and charm the courage and enthusiasm of the pioneer of a new State The Richest Man in the World The richest man In the world can- not have his kidneys replaced nor live without them so it is Important not to neglect these organs If Foleys Kidney Cure is taken at the first sign ofdanger the symptoms will dis ¬ appear and your health will be re ¬ stored as It strengthens and build up these organs as lothlngelse will Oscar Bowman Lexington Kywrltes I have used Foleys Kidney Cure and take great pleasure in stating 1 it cured me permanently of kidney dis ¬ ease which certainly would have cost me my life J H Williams m Potatoes With Mint Quito tho most delicious way of cooking new potatoes is to place them In boiling water with two or three sprigs of fresh mint When the potatoes have been cooked and drain- ed ¬ a little melted butter should be poured over them The mint adds a most delicious but riot at all an ob ¬ trusive flavor Instead of trying to peel new potatoes the English cook removes the skins by rubbing them very hard 1 with an extremely stiff brush This leaves thorn both white i and smooth and obviates the neces- sity of peeling them after cooking The May Delineator Ills Appetite for Chicken Henry K Dixie was sneering about tho squabble that recently went on be- tween ¬ two bravo young men over a Carnegie medal It Is not a very einiobbllng thing he said to see two heroes fighting and jawing over a medal of heroism Mr Carnegie should have thought cf this when he originated his hero fund The taste for medals once formed Is worse than the taste for chicken WashlnptnnWhlto My Wash she said Is the wust man for chicken you ever see Why If ho cant git a chicken no other way hell go and buy one We are pleased to announce that Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs colds and lung troubles Is not affect ¬ ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs and we rec- ommend it as a safe remedy for chil ¬ dren and adults J H Williams m s t8 > > tt ijJr r 1 1 t J wt 4f- ft I A 1thIIII i 1 N PROPOSITIOMoll i r I rj To i 3 You whose conservative training and whose business methods prompt you to look askance at any enterprise banking mercantile Industrial or what not that promises to pay an Inyestor or stockholder more than 6 7 8 or 10 per cent we have a word to say to you i We know that you know that there are hundreds of enterprises In the United States and throughout the world that pay enormous dividends up ¬ on tit par value of the stock You know that there are monopolies which by reason of controlling a particular product make enormous profits You know that there are very few natural monopolize in the world You know Briefly Proofs Towit IJ The statement made In the report of tho United Stales Geological Survey that there are but two quarries of llhtogrnphlc stone in the world one In Bavaria the other In Brandenburg Ky The same United States Government report stating as well that for QUAlity nand dependstiilityof supply the Bavarian quarries are not at this time dependable 0 theI greatest expert in the State of Kentuckyi after examining our quarrystnt ed over his signature that it was practically Inexhaustible I Asitfur i ¬ ther proo of the puddln 0I ineafd advertisement there was printed oy ¬ er the signature of tine expert engravers and transferrere who have spent their lives In working upon lithographic stone positive statements to the effect that the stone fWra our quarry had produced Work equal to any string that was ever Imported from Bavaria You JJnow that with the 9foot ledge of lithographic stone sell ¬ ing In the markets of the world at from 11 cents to 50 cents a pound is easily worth not the 1000000representlug the amount of our capital stock but Into the hundreds of millions of dollars You will know if you wlll do us the kindness to read a copy of n letter from Robert Mayer 8 Company Importers of lithographic stonethat such testimony can not and Is nfat to bo discreditedf You know and we most respectfully submit this proposition that no corporation could afford to make these statements that have been made by us in tho advertisement referred to and In our printed literature un ¬ less they were true because we are making them to our fellow citizens of this Commonwealth our next door neighbors and not about a property a thousand miles sway and out of reach but a property within a few hours a ride of nearly every citizen In Kentucky and the proofs we are offer If any of you failed to read the big advertisement appearing In the last weeks Issue of this paper hunt up your old paper or get one from your We earnestly ask you to give yourself the benefit of the doubt obtain a copx of the big advertisement and read 1t01 if you read it you evidently did not rend it carefully or If you read it carefully you evident- ly ¬ failed to credit the apparently astounding statements made In It Let us have uhealttoIwalt talk with you This proposition Is open to you 7 also We accept sufiscHptloiuJ for as small an amount of stock as 10 i y shares just to give you the opportunity We say to you that if you can make It for 600 rifmres vlilcli until April 15th you can obtain for 250 you Will have secured a sufficient number of shares tile income front which will keep your family In comfort the rest of your lives and the lives of your Children and1your childrens children v Ao I know < that it is a serious thIng to aSk a wageearner to invest his savings In a corporation but wo state without hesitation that he may do so with perfect safety There Is no risk in this proposition unless we full to get the necessary money to buy the plant and if we tullito do this the Ldulsvllle Trust Company Louisville Ky will refund the amount of your subscription with H per cent Interest added If we succeed In do Ing It you will share fairly and equally with banker broker capitalist BUSEd upon the minimum estimate of dividends 10UO will boy 20 shares whlchwlll upon minimum estimated earn urge pay 1000 annually and the stock ono year after plant is in oper ¬ ation should be worth 10000 I i 2500 will buy CO shares timid should earn 4000 annually stock should be worth one year after plant Isln operation 40000 l 50tib will buj 100 > shares and should earn 8000 annually flock should bo worth one year after plant Is in operation 80000 10000 will buySQQ shares and should earn 16000 anrually stock should bo worth one year after pl jltlsln operation 60000 50000 will buy 1000 shares ufld should tnrri 50000 annually stock should he worth In one year after reduction begins 800000 t J i 100000 will buy 2000 shares awl should earn 160000 annually stock should bo worth one year after reduction begins 1600000 There are besides the Government printing oWcl612 Lithographic printing houses in States We can supply a certain ten of the 692 only and pay 15 dividends on a million capital that any corporation anywhere fortunate enough to possess a physical property containing a pYoducl used all over the world and sold for a price representing forty or fifty tines the cast of production should enrich its stockholders You know If you rrad the big advertisement in lust weeks edition that in It a claim was made by this Company that It possessed u 91h foot lEdge of lithographic stone underlying a 260 acre hilt You know If you read said advertisement that no corporation possessing any kind of property never uttered to a public greater Indis ¬ putable proof as to Its existence its character and its Value than was fur ¬ nished in said advertisement Iff rl i ing we could not afford to publish if they were not true for the simple reason that the sources 11 of said proofs are equally within I easy reach I of r ono who care to make an investigation fpyou as an Individual and to your patrons and friends we say that you know that It would be perfect folly for us to make the following prop ¬ osition unless we are In position to buck It up In every way Here Is tho tiroposltlon If our clah santi our statements be true we are offering a stock to the geHeralpuDllc that will pay larger dividends than arc security i > epsoldin tho State of Kentucky or any otherS tate that we know aiiXlhtng- i about Therefore we will agree to pay all expenses and 1000 per day t othert State who will visit Louisville examine our proofs of facts see the stone In the various i lithographic houses of this city examine the work produced from it J consult the engravers and transferors and experts who are re- sponsible ¬ for the work examine the quarry tit Brandenburg and after such Investigation say over his signature that there is no foundation not simply for the general claim made but for specifically any claim that y + r is made- t is We need the necessary capital to equip our wonderful property with the large plant necessary to produce an output for the worlds demand Every individual who furnishes any proportion of this capital will earn a larger dividend on his investment than any dividend paying security ever marketed in the State of Kentucky + As a proof There are 092 lithographic houses alone in the United States We can furnish a certain fourteen of this C92 arid pay20 per cent net on the entire capitalization What could we do by furnishing the 692 and other nations as well r J To the Public Generally v l I percent evl I couponI I II To the WageEarner 11J and ourselves hr the tremendous earnings of this company If you are still wondering If such good fortune be possible I and there is yet doubV In your mind you must have an acquaintance or friend in Louisville this city If so write to them and ask them to show you the courtesy to come to Ujis office and thud out for you If the claims that we have made are thie or if you can come yourself the proposition made to bunkers mid brokers Is to you also Dear In mina we arc offering the first 100000 shares at 50 cents Im mediately upon the sale of the first 100000 shares we wUl give the order J r for the plant Immediately thereafter for the additional required the 1 3 stock will be sold at par Make no mistake about this for it positive- ly will be sold thereafter itt par jj j- jIn conclusion there is no problem to solve We have proven this ex istence of a tremendously large quarry of lithographic tone stone that i is worth more than the finest marble or onyx simply because It can be pro- cured from but two quarries In tho world one In Soluhpfen Bavaria thej j other our quarry at Brandenburg Ky i Write now making use of the coupon below + tip b H t Write loday using coupon belowr e W R Waters Prs i German Lithographic Stone Co t Kenyon BuildIng Louisville Ky r r I Dear Kir Please send me t1e prospectus of your Company and full > t y particulars together wlthtd subscription bluiiit and samples of Lithograph ¬ r 1 lag < tro r Name i i i I Ii l < 1 an Street and No o I Ifa Itr Cir i 9 I i 1 2222 tlt State to o t German Lithographic Stone c0JI r 7476 Keay row EuiJdiIigJ Louisville gyp Y I h t1 i Yt1

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Page 1: Proofs Towit theI€¦ · r Vi h 1 T Y IrI < Iif < rt r rt L ENEMYr IN THE WORLD Has William J Bryan the Noted Politician FEW MEN CAN SAY AS MUCH Never Had a Personal Diffi

rVi h 1 T

Y IrI < Iif < rtr




Has William J Bryan theNoted Politician


Never Had a Personal Diffi

cultyHe Fights for >

Principles Only

In his speech at Chicago on StPatricks day which by the way washis own birthday William JenningsBryan mado the following remarks

I have been In politics now foieighteen years for twelve years I haveboon in national politics 1 thinI can say I have seen more Demo ¬

crats than any man In the UnitedStates In all the time I have taken

I part In politics I have never had apersonal difference with any Dem-ocrat


tI 1So far as I know I have not a

personal enemy In the United States1

If there bo anyone that I have wrong ¬

ed I did It unintentionally and if I1am convinced 1 am wrong I will apol-



i t to him I will go further Iwill make good the harm I have done

himIhave never asked any man I

supported what ho thought of me

4That did not matter nut It matter¬

ed everything what he thought ofDemocratic principles There Is notone man In the United States againstwhoni Y bear a grudge Nor have Ia friend so close for whom I would

°sacrifice one principle of the party J

deal with questions as questions andsupport men for what they stand forSo there la no one so far as I knowwho Is my personal enemy I do

not think there is even a Republicanwho is my enemy

So much for the personal part In

this campaign You owe me nothing

I I hue been paid far beyond what Ih had arlght lo ask or what I deserv-



If ever T hold public office it willbe because you want mo to hold Itand not because I have a right to it

There is the same ring of manlinessin the above that Is evident In allMr Bryans utterances when speak ¬

ing of himselfI MrBrjanso far as he knows and so

far as the nation knows has not apersonal enemy In the world EvenIn the heat of political strife heholds to that high standard of Idealsand ethics ho has made so wellknown all over this land

I From the day ho entered publici llfo Mr Bryans battles have beeni for principles only He has never de

scended to abuse though probablyhas been most wantonly and unjustlyassailed ho has never called a mana liar ho Inns even been In all thefierce political contests he has gonethrough the same stainless chris-


igentleman he Is In private life

That Is the reason he Is able tosay now after eighteen years of ex-traOrdinary


activity In American pol-


Ro far as I know 1 have nota porsonaleueAiy in the United States

I Tliero Is not a man in theUnited Status against whom I beara grudge r

How many politicians are there In

this country who can truthfully saytho same thing

< A B OX CBrBeau theiha Kind You Haw Always BoutSignature


Uncle Sam Has Stacks of Gold

Tine gold reserve held by tho Treas ¬

ury at Washington In addition to


uIt Builds Them Up and Makes

Them Strong and Robust

Rapid growth overstudy Insufficientnourishment convalescence afterchildrens diseases and rundown con ¬

ditions make children thin and deli ¬

cate and slops developmentBecniiEe Vliiol contains nil the med ¬

icinal bone tissue and bodybuildingt eloniuiiU of cod liver oil actuallyI taken trout fresh cods livers tin

useless oil eliminated and peptonateof Iron added it quickly restores ro¬

bust health and children love itMrs C W Stump pf Canton Ohio

writes I wish I could Induce everymother who has a weak sickly childto try that delicious cod liver prepara ¬

tlon Vlnol as It restored health andstrength to our daughter after allelse had failed

f We have never sold a medicine In

our store equal to Vlnol for delicatealong children weak old people orsickly women and children and we

i return money If it fans to benefitZ Wayne Griffin Bro DruggistsHartford Ky

w N 4I




x U z qy

that he1d for the redemption of glJr

certlflcatca7 amountS to 160000000

The golck held in the Treasury ofall purposes now for the first tune IE

history amounts to more than a billlo fdollars It Is the biggest pile o

gold ever collected in one place fir

tho history of the world

Killed Ills Mother on the Spot

New York April 10 Because hismother Susan Carlin had sent him tio

various reformatory Institutions In

which ho was a prisoner for many r

years Bernard Carlin shot and In-


killed her today at her homeIn Quincy street Brooklyn YoungCarlin had just been released ironithe reformatory at Napanochwhere heserved a sentence for stealing a horseand wagon He was arrested aftertho shooting

When Carlin was treed from the re-



thin superintendent gavehim 10 for a new start In life Hearrived In Brooklyn yesterday boughta revolver and went today to thelivekwith his sister Mary When hismother opened the door In answer t-

his knock he thrust the revolver in

her face and fired five bullets Intoher head before she sank to the floorHa then attempted to shoot his sis ¬

ter but the revolver was empty Herscreams summoned a neighbor who

wrested the revolver from Carlin butthe latter escaped to the street andfled He was pursued and captured

after a desperate struggle In whichhe severely Injured one of his cap-




Dont cough your head oft when you

can get a guaranteed remedy In BeesLaxative Cough Syrup It Is espec

lally recommended for children asI

It is pleasant to tako and a gentle laX-



thus expelling the phlegm fromthe system For coughs colds croupwhooilng cough hoarseness and aU

Bronchial trouble Guaranteed Sold

by Z Wayne GrJfln Dro mamThe National for April

The National Magazine for April1

offers first to its subscribers and Ina special sense to the statesman andstatistician Joe Mltchellsl Chappiessplendid resume of the attractions res-

ources and remarkable developmentof the new State of Oklahoma

The breezy cheerful Insistent loy¬

alty of thH Oklahoma people positivecertainty with which they look for-



to rapid and phenomenal successIn every department of effort Indi ¬

vidual municipal and statethe multi ¬

tudinous evidences of immense agri ¬

cultural mining and industrial re¬

sources already proven by actual suc-



and phenomenal returns cameto MrChapple like the renewal of warmemories to a veteran for he himselfhad known the glamour and charmthe courage and enthusiasm of thepioneer of a new State

The Richest Man in the World

The richest man In the world can-

not have his kidneys replaced nor livewithout them so it is Important notto neglect these organs If FoleysKidney Cure is taken at the firstsign ofdanger the symptoms will dis ¬

appear and your health will be re¬

stored as It strengthens and buildup these organs as lothlngelse will

Oscar Bowman Lexington KywrltesI have used Foleys Kidney Cure and

take great pleasure in stating 1itcured me permanently of kidney dis ¬

ease which certainly would have costme my life J H Williams m

Potatoes With Mint

Quito tho most delicious way ofcooking new potatoes is to placethem In boiling water with two orthree sprigs of fresh mint When thepotatoes have been cooked and drain-ed


a little melted butter should bepoured over them The mint addsa most delicious but riot at all an ob ¬

trusive flavor Instead of trying to

peel new potatoes the English cookremoves the skins by rubbing themvery hard1 with an extremely stiffbrush This leaves thorn both white i

and smooth and obviates the neces-

sity of peeling them after cookingThe May Delineator

Ills Appetite for Chicken

Henry K Dixie was sneering abouttho squabble that recently went on be-


two bravo young men over aCarnegie medal

It Is not a very einiobbllng thinghe said to see two heroes fightingand jawing over a medal of heroismMr Carnegie should have thought cfthis when he originated his hero fund

The taste for medals once formedIs worse than the taste for chicken

WashlnptnnWhltoMy Wash she said Is the wust

man for chicken you ever see WhyIf ho cant git a chicken no otherway hell go and buy one

We are pleased to announce thatFoleys Honey and Tar for coughscolds and lung troubles Is not affect ¬

ed by the National Pure Food andDrug law as it contains no opiatesor other harmful drugs and we rec-ommend it as a safe remedy for chil ¬

dren and adults J H Williams m


t8 >

> tt


r 1


t Jwt 4f-ft

I A 1thIIII i





You whose conservative training and whose business methods promptyou to look askance at any enterprise banking mercantile Industrial orwhat not that promises to pay an Inyestor or stockholder more than 6 7

8 or 10 per cent we have a word to say to you i

We know that you know that there are hundreds of enterprises In theUnited States and throughout the world that pay enormous dividends up¬

on tit par value of the stock You know that there are monopolies whichby reason of controlling a particular product make enormous profits Youknow that there are very few natural monopolize in the world You know

Briefly Proofs Towit IJThe statement made In the report of tho United Stales Geological

Survey that there are but two quarries of llhtogrnphlc stone in the worldone In Bavaria the other In Brandenburg Ky The same United StatesGovernment report stating as well that for QUAlity nand dependstiilityofsupply the Bavarian quarries are not at this time dependable

0theIgreatest expert in the State of Kentuckyi after examining our quarrystnted over his signature that it was practically InexhaustibleI Asitfuri ¬

ther proo of the puddln 0Iineafd advertisement there was printed oy ¬

er the signature of tine expert engravers and transferrere who havespent their lives In working upon lithographic stone positive statementsto the effect that the stone fWra our quarry had produced Work equal toany string that was ever Imported from Bavaria

You JJnow that with the 9foot ledge of lithographic stone sell ¬

ing In the markets of the world at from 11 cents to 50 cents a pound

is easily worth not the 1000000representlug the amount of our capitalstock but Into the hundreds of millions of dollars

You will know if you wlll do us the kindness to read a copy of nletter from Robert Mayer 8 Company Importers of lithographic stonethatsuch testimony can not and Is nfat to bo discreditedf

You know and we most respectfully submit this proposition that nocorporation could afford to make these statements that have been madeby us in tho advertisement referred to and In our printed literature un¬

less they were true because we are making them to our fellow citizens of

this Commonwealth our next door neighbors and not about a property athousand miles sway and out of reach but a property within a few hours

aride of nearly every citizen In Kentucky and the proofs we are offer

If any of you failed to read the big advertisement appearing In the

last weeks Issue of this paper hunt up your old paper or get one from your

We earnestly ask you to give yourself the benefit of the doubt obtaina copx of the big advertisement and read 1t01 if you read it youevidently did not rend it carefully or If you read it carefully you evident-



failed to credit the apparently astounding statements made In It Letus have uhealttoIwalt talk with you This proposition Is open to you 7

also We accept sufiscHptloiuJ for as small an amount of stock as 10i y

shares just to give you the opportunity We say to you that if you can

make It for 600 rifmres vlilcli until April 15th you can obtain for 250 youWill have secured a sufficient number of shares tile income front whichwill keep your family In comfort the rest of your lives and the lives ofyour Children and1your childrens children

vAo Iknow< that it is a serious thIng to aSk a wageearner to invest his

savings In a corporation but wo state without hesitation that he may

do so with perfect safety There Is no risk in this proposition unless wefull to get the necessary money to buy the plant and if we tullito dothis the Ldulsvllle Trust Company Louisville Ky will refund the amount

of your subscription with H per cent Interest added If we succeed In do

Ing It you will share fairly and equally with banker broker capitalist

BUSEd upon the minimum estimate of dividends

10UO will boy 20 shares whlchwlll upon minimum estimated earnurge pay 1000 annually and the stock ono year after plant is in oper ¬

ation should be worth 10000 I i

2500 will buy CO shares timid should earn 4000 annually stock shouldbe worth one year after plant Isln operation 40000

l50tib will buj 100 >shares and should earn 8000 annually flock should

bo worth one year after plant Is in operation 80000

10000 will buySQQ shares and should earn 16000 anrually stockshould bo worth one year after pl jltlsln operation 60000

50000 will buy 1000 shares ufld should tnrri 50000 annually stockshould he worth In one year after reduction begins 800000 t J

i 100000 will buy 2000 shares awl should earn 160000 annually stockshould bo worth one year after reduction begins 1600000

There are besides the Government printing oWcl612 Lithographicprinting houses in States We can supply a certain ten of the692 only and pay 15 dividends on a million capital

that any corporation anywhere fortunate enough to possess a physical

property containing a pYoducl used all over the world and sold for aprice representing forty or fifty tines the cast of production should

enrich its stockholders You know If you rrad the big advertisementin lust weeks edition that in It a claim was made by this Companythat It possessed u 91h foot lEdge of lithographic stone underlying a 260

acre hilt You know If you read said advertisement that no corporationpossessing any kind of property never uttered to a public greater Indis ¬

putable proof as to Its existence its character and its Value than was fur¬

nished in said advertisement

Iff rli

ing we could not afford to publish if they were not true for the simple

reason that the sources11

of said proofs are equally withinI easy reachI of r

ono who care to make an investigation

fpyou as an Individual and to your patrons and friends we say thatyou know that It would be perfect folly for us to make the following prop ¬

osition unless we are In position to buck It up In every way Here Is thotiroposltlon

If our clah santi our statements be true we are offering a stock

to the geHeralpuDllc that will pay larger dividends than arc securityi >

epsoldin tho State of Kentucky or any otherS tate that we know aiiXlhtng-

i about Therefore we will agree to pay all expenses and 1000 per day

tothertState who will visit Louisville examine our proofs of facts see the stone

In the variousi lithographic houses of this city examine the work producedfrom it

Jconsult the engravers and transferors and experts who are re-



for the work examine the quarry tit Brandenburg and aftersuch Investigation say over his signature that there is no foundation

not simply for the general claim made but for specifically any claim that y +

ris made-

t isWe need the necessary capital to equip our wonderful property with

the large plant necessary to produce an output for the worlds demandEvery individual who furnishes any proportion of this capital will earna larger dividend on his investment than any dividend paying securityever marketed in the State of Kentucky +

As a proof There are 092 lithographic houses alone in the UnitedStates We can furnish a certain fourteen of this C92 arid pay20 per centnet on the entire capitalization What could we do by furnishing the 692and other nations as well r


To the Public Generally v lI



IcouponII II

To the WageEarner 11Jand ourselves hr the tremendous earnings of this company

If you are still wondering If such good fortune be possibleI andthere is yet doubV In your mind you must have an acquaintance or friendin Louisville this city If so write to them and ask them to show youthe courtesy to come to Ujis office and thud out for you If the claims thatwe have made are thie or if you can come yourself the proposition madeto bunkers mid brokers Is to you also

Dear In mina we arc offering the first 100000 shares at 50 cents Immediately upon the sale of the first 100000 shares we wUl give the order J rfor the plant Immediately thereafter for the additional required the1 3stock will be sold at par Make no mistake about this for it positive-ly will be sold thereafter itt par jjj-

jIn conclusion there is no problem to solve We have proven this existence of a tremendously large quarry of lithographic tone stone that i

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German Lithographic Stone Co

t Kenyon BuildIng Louisville Ky rrI

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German Lithographic Stone c0JI r

7476 Keay row EuiJdiIigJ Louisville gypY


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