proof of holy-qor`aan & eslaam


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الرحيم الرحمن الله بسمبعد , أما الله رسول محمد على والسالم والصلواة لله :الحمد

Some evidences that the Holy-Qor`aan is from All-Knowing God, not from Prophet Mohammad PBUH, which prove that Eslaam is the true-religion of Almighty Creator God/Allaah.

(Prepared by: Mohammad Alfaarooq ben Jainol-'Aabedeen ben 'Aaqel-'Alee)( علي عاقل بن العابدين زين بن الفاروق ( محمد

Evidences: –

1 :- Whoever creates/invents (makes) something, true and perfect knowledge and rules-regulations i.e. true guide-book or manual about it should come from him, to maintain it correctly, properly and perfectly, such as: a car, watch or any machine.

Invisible-Automatic-Absolute-Power God/Allaah is our Creator. Because it is impossible to have any perfectly organised-creation without having its creator/maker, as there must be a creator/inventor/maker for a car, machine, house, etc. Thus, there must be a Invisible-Automatic-Absolute-Power Creator (God/Allaah) Who has created perfectly our organized-bodies and all other natural-organized creations. Hence to maintain our lives correctly, perfectly & peacefully, we need a true & perfect Guidebook/Manual from our Creator God/Allaah. Specially, we have many questions about natural issues, also we have different aspects of invisible-natural-social-issues in our lives, which we need to know to maintain our lives correctly & properly; such as: true attributes of our Creator God/Allaah, true attributes of His invisible creations' angels & jinn, true situations of Life after Death, true reasons of having Hell-Fire and Heaven, true purpose of creation our humans' lives as Superior creation, true purpose and duties in our humans’ lives, truly just and perfect rules-regulations for our different aspects of natural-social lives: e.g. family, personal, moral, ethical, spiritual, social, governmental, international and economic lives, true history of previous righteous and pious people, etc. We humans need to know the true information/knowledge of these invisible-natural-social-issues i.e. Deenee/Religious issues from our Creator All-Knowing God/Allaah Who has created these issues in our lives and Who has perfect-knowledge about it.


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Almighty God/Allaah SWT has created us (humans) as His Superior and honourable 1 creation among all other creations in this earth by giving us: His Perfect-Knowledge which is His given Holy Guidebook, Manual or Media –{e.g. Holy-Qor`aan, and Holy-Bible before Holy-Qor`aan, wherein Holy-Qor`aan (which is the true & final version of Holy-Bible) is the True-Media or True Source of Knowledge for our all-different aspects 2 of invisible-natural-social issues}- with more power of brain 3 i.e. intelligence (Jakaa) and more power of heart 4 i.e. rationality (Aql) to know, realize & follow 5 the real-truth from written (Holy-Guidebook) & unwritten (natural-fact) true Source of Knowledge for acquiring the absolute-happiness in our eternal-world i.e. Hereafter with the true peace & tranquillity in this illusory-temporary world.

Animals do not need Holy-Guidebook. Because animals cannot read or write. They do not need rules-regulations for social-life. Because they have no different aspects of natural-social life, e.g. social, governmental, international, economic and administrative life; and they cannot read or write it; also they do not need help from other animals in their child-hood, old-age, sickness, weakness, etc., as humans need it; so animals are independent, but humans are interdependent. Thus humans need the social & governmental rules-regulations in their natural-social-life, which should come from the Creator God Who created these natural-social-issues in humans’ lives, and Who has the Perfect-Knowledge about it.

Moreover, humans’ knowledge is limited, and can be corrupted by effect of different kind of wrong medias i.e. wrong sources of knowledge; also humans’ knowledge is wrapped-up by unlimited desires, wants, wishes, greed, aspirations, proud, jealous, envious, etc;

So, we humans need the True Holy-Guidebook (i.e. true Manual or Media) as the true source of knowledge from the All-Knowing Almighty Creator God/Allaah Who has created the different kind of natural-social-issues in our humans’ lives, and Who has the Perfect-Knowledge about it. And we humans need to reject all kind of wrong & false sources of knowledge or medias, such as: our own or any majorities baseless guesses & conjectures, other any human-made theories, ideologies, rules-regulations, laws, books, or corrupted-religions, etc, those are related to our invisible-natural-social lives i.e. our Deenee/Religious lives. 1 - See, Holy-Qor`aan:- Israa/17: 70.2 - See, Holy-Qor`aan:- Na`hl/16: 89 & 64. 3 - See, Holy-Qor`aan:- Anbiyaa/21: 18.4 - See, Qor`aan:- Hazz/22: 46 ; Mohammad/47: 24; A`raaf/7: 179; Emraan/3: 7.5 -Qor`aan:- Emraan/3: 103; Baqarah/2: 242 , 266 , 219 , 221 , 219.


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All previous Holy-Guidebooks other than Holy-Qor`aan were for limited times and places due to not having good & international communication-systems at previous time. Thus there was no-possibility to send the messages of God from one place to another place by a Messenger. That is why All-Knowing Allaah SWT did not send the previous Messengers & Prophets for whole mankind but for limited people, places & times; and that is why He did not save from corruption of those Holy-Books. On the other hand, at the time of Holy-Prophet Mohammad SAWS, there were international communication systems; that is why Almighty Allaah SWT has send the Holy-Prophet Mohammad SAWS for all mankind until the Day of Judgement, and saved the Holy-Qor`aan from any corruption, which is also mentioned in the Holy-Qor`aan in the Soorah Hazar/15: 9 : الذكرى نزلنا نحن ان

لحافظون له ,Certainly We have sent down the Message“ : وانGuidance & Remembrance (Holy-Qor`aan), and certainly We will guard & save it (from corruption).” Also in the Soorah Sabaa/34: 28, All-knowing Allaah SWT says : بشيرا للناس كآّفة اال أرسلناك وما

يعلمون ال الناس اكثر ولكن : ونذيرا، “We have not sent you (O Mohammad SAWS) except to all mankind as a giver of glad tiding and a Warner, but most of mankind know not.”

The Holy-Prophet Mohammad PBUH said in the Hadis:“Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only, but I have been sent to all mankind.” –(Al-Bokhaaree, Vol.-1, Hadis No.- 331).

On the other hand, it is mentioned in the Bible that: “He (Jesus PBUH) is the prophet of Nazareth”. –(Matt. 21:11) and (Luke 7:16).

Moreover in the Bible Jesus PBUH said himself that:“I am not sent but (this means Only) unto the lost sheep of Israel”. –(Matt. 15:24).

These mean that Jesus PBUH was Prophet only for people of Israel in Nazareth, not for whole humans all over the world.

Furthermore in the Bible Jesus PBUH said himself that:“And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you Another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever (until the Day of Judgement)” –(John 14:16).

These mean, Jesus PBUH was a Prophet for limited time until the next and final Comforter, Prophet and Messenger Mohammad PBUH whose teaching will remain unchanged uncorrupted until the Day of Judgement.

So, due to being for limited times & places, other Holy-Books were not save from corruption. Thus those Books have no authenticity. Such as: Bible has been written after long time of departure of Prophet Jesus PBUH. Hence there are many Bibles with great differences in content. For example, London’s impressions, Rome’s impressions and


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Beirut’s impressions differ one to another even in the same language. Also, Catholics have 46 books in Old Testament, but Protestants have 39 books in Old Testament; so the Protestant Bible has 7 books less than the Catholic Bible. On the other hand the Samaritan Old Testament has only 5 books, not 39 or 46 books. Therefore, no human knows, which Bible is the real and true Bible from the God; because, there is no true and original Bible in the whole world, which has been revealed to Holy-Prophet Jesus and Holy-Prophet Moses PBUT. {This is the one reason also that, All-Knowing God sent Mohammad PBUH to inform the mankind about True-Bible i.e. Holy-Qor`aan. So Holy-Qor`aan is the Revised True-Bible from All-Knowing God/Allaah for all mankind; and that's why there are many similarities between Bible & Qor`aan (due to being from same God/Allaah Who has corrected the Bible by sending the True-Bible i.e. Qor`aan)}.

And there is no authentic history about who wrote the Hindu’s Veda; and there are many different Buddhist Scriptures; etc.

For those reasons, there is no true Holy-Guidebook and thus no true-religion in this world except Holy-Qor`aan and its religion Eslaam. Although all other previous Holy-Guidebooks’ religion was also Eslaam; but after departure of their Holy-Prophets, the selfish, arrogant, envious & disregarded clergymen, priests and leaders did not accept the new True & Honest Leader & Holy-Prophet of Eslaam; besides they gave the new-names for the religion of previous Holy-Prophets (which religion was corrupted after the departure of previous Holy-Prophets), in-fact their religion was Eslaam. Because Eslaam means Peacekeeping by submission to God, wherein all the Holy-Prophets were Peacekeepers by submitting themselves to Almighty God; and the Creator of this universe God/Allaah is One, and all humans are also one kind of creation mankind from same father & mother Adam & Eve. So the religion from one Creator God for His one kind of creation is also One that is Eslaam. That is why there is no religious book e.g. Bible, Veda, Purana, Buddhist Scriptures, etc, has the name of the religion as Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. But only Holy-Qor`aan mentioned the name of its religion as Eslaam and its followers as Moslems; e.g.: Emraan/3: 19 & 85: االسالم عندالله الدين انand منه يقبل فلن دينا االسالم غير يبتغ هو : Hazz/22: 78 ومن ابراهيم، ابيكم ملة

قبل من المسلمين اال : Baqarah/2: 132 سماكم تموتن فال الدين لكم اصطفى الله انمسلمون ,This also proves that, there is no Prophet (Jesus, Moses . وانتم

Abraham, etc) who said that, his religion is other than Eslaam. And that is why we see that all religions except Eslaam have made the creations (e.g. Jesus, Ezra, Krishna, Buddha, etc,) as their false God beside the Almighty Creator God/Allaah.


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However, it is clearly proved by above discussions that there is a Almighty Creator God/Allaah and we humans need the true Holy Guidebook/Manual (i.e. Religion) from Him (to maintain our lives correctly & peacefully), but animals do not need it; and the previous Holy Messengers'/Prophets' religion was Eslaam (Peacekeeping by submitting to the God's/Allaah's given Guidebook), Almighty God sent them for limited times & places, hence their Holy-Books were for limited-times & limited-people, that's why All-Knowing God did not save those Books from corruption. But last & final Messenger Mohammad PBUH was for whole mankind until the Just Judgement-Day (by Just Judge God/Allaah) in the end of this unjust-world; this is why Almighty God/Allaah saved it (Holy-Qor`aan) from corruption.

There are also many evidences that only Holy-Qor`aa n (that is final-revised-version of previous Holy Guidebooks) is the True Holy Guidebook from All-Knowing Almighty God/Allaah, such as:

(A) : – There is no single Holy Book in the world, wherein its all scientific -descriptions have been proved completely true in this modern scientific age, except only Holy-Qor`aan although it has been revealed when people have no knowledge about scientific truth like this time. Western famous scientist Maurice Bucaile in his famous book “The Bible, the Qor`aan and Science” has shown and proved many scientific errors, poor authenticity & many contradictions in the Bible, and he has shown and proved the authenticity of Holy Qor`aan and its scientific errorless and truths. He has written in his book, in the year 1978, p.125 :-

"The above observation makes the hypothesis advanced by those who see Mohammad as the author of the Qor`aan untenable, How could a man, from being illiterate, become the most important author, in terms of literary merits, in the whole of Arabic literature? How could he then pronounce truths of scientific nature that no other human being could possibly have developed at that time, and all this without once making the slightest error in his pronouncement on the subject?"

(B) : – There is no single Holy-Book in the world which millions of humans memorise easily and continuously in spite of its hugeness, in all over the world, in its single and original language in which it has been revealed from Almighty God, although it is not their mother tongue, except only Holy-Qor`aan. This miraculous power of Holy-Qor`aan also proves that this Qor`aan is not from any human but it is from Almighty Creator God and its religion Eslaam is the only True Religion of God.


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(C) : – There is no single Book –(religious or non-religious)- in the world, wherein all humans can get all true, perfect and just answers or solutions of humans' all different aspects of invisible- natural-social-issues such as: family, personal, moral, ethical, spiritual, historical, social, governmental, international, economic, administrative issues, with linguistic-excellence, except only in the Holy-Qor`aan.

This perfectness, uniqueness and Absolute-excellence of Holy-Qor`aan among all other books –(religious or non-religious)- in all over the world, proves that Holy-Qor`aan is not from Prophet Mohammad SAWS, but certainly from All-Knowing Creator God, and its religion Eslaam is the only True-Religion of God for all humans for their all different aspects of natural-social lives.

(D) : – No single Book –(religious or non-religious)- in the world has proclaimed that all humans can get all perfect and just answers and solutions of their all aspects of invisible-natural-social issues (Deenee issues) in that book, except Holy Qor`aan –{Nahl/16: 89 : الكتاب عليك ونزلنا

للمسلمين وبشرى ورحمة وهدى شيئ لكل And We have sent down to you the“ : تبياناBook explaining all (natural-social) issues, a Guide, a Mercy and Good-News for Peacekeepers people”}-. This Proclamation and its truths proves that it is from All-Knowing God, and its religion Eslaam is the only True-Religion of God for all humans for their all different aspects of natural-social life.

(E) : – No single Book –(religious or non-religious)- in the world has clearly proclaimed and gave assurance in the beginning of the Book that, this Book has no doubt of being the true-Guidebook for whole mankind who want/try to protect, secure and safe themselves from the bad, wrong an harmful deeds or actions, and from the mischief or misery of this illusive-worldly-life and hereafter in the eternal-life, except the Holy-Qor`aan –{Baqarah/2: 2 : ريب لا الكتاب ذلك

للمتقين هدى This is the Book wherein has no doubt (of being from“ : فيه،God), it is Guide for the Mottaqee people (i.e. those who want/try to protect, secure and safe themselves from the bad, wrong an harmful deeds or actions, and from the mischief or misery of this illusive-worldly-life and hereafter in the eternal-life)”}-. This strong & undoubted Proclamation proves that this Holy-Qor`aan is from Almighty All-Knowing God, and its religion Eslaam is the only True-Religion of God.


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(F) : – No single Guide-Book –(religious or non-religious)- in the world has challenged or could challenged that, no human even all humans together can produce like that Guide-Book for mankind’s all aspects of invisible, natural, social and spiritual affairs of life (with linguistic-excellence), except only the Holy-Qor`aan. Holy-Qor`aan which has challenged in the Soorah Baqarah/2: 23 - 24 : مما ريب فى كنتم وان

. فان صادقين كنتم ان الله دون من شهداءكم وادعوا ، مثله من بسورة فأتوا عبدنا على نزلناللكافرين أعدت والحجارة، الناس وقودها التى النار فاتقوا تفعلوا لن و تفعلوا And if“ : لم

you are in doubt of what We have revealed (Qor`aan) from time to time to Our servant -(Mohammad SAWS)-, then produce one Soorah/Chapter comparable to it -(i.e. Holy-Qor`aan wherein has linguistic excellence, and scientific, historical, moral, ethical, spiritual, natural and legislative truths, and solutions of mankind’s all different aspects of natural-social affaires of life)-, and call your helpers or witnesses –(if there are any)- besides God –(to assist you)-, if you –(your doubts)- are true. But if you cannot, and surely you never can –(produce it)-, then protect & guard yourselves from the punishment of Hell-Fire whose fuel is men & stones, prepared for Kaafers –(those who hide and reject the truth that is revealed from God by intentionally disobeying it).” Also there is same challenge in the Soorah Yoonos/10: 38 and Hood/11: 13. But until this more than fourteen hundred years, no human or all humans together could produce even one smallest chapter comparable to Holy-Qor`aan. This TRUTH of CHALLENGE in the Holy-Qor`aan proves that, undoubtedly Holy-Qor`aan is from All-Knowing God, not from Prophet Mohammad SAWS, and its religion Eslaam is the only True-Religion of God.

2 : – There is a Verse in the Holy-Qor`aan wherein has been cursed to those people who write the Book by themselves and then say it (this book) is revealed from God. That Verse is in the Soorah Baqarah/2: 79:

فويل قليال، ثمنا به ليشتروا عندالله من هذا يقولون ثم بأيديهم الكتاب يكتبون للذين فويليكسبون مما لهم وويل أيديهم كتبت مما ,Then woe, misery, misfortune“ : لهم

disaster and calamity to those who write the Book with their hands, and then say: ‘This is from God’, to purchase with it a little price –(i.e. worldly-benefits)-; then woe, misery, misfortune, disaster and calamity to them for what their hands write; and woe, misery, misfortune, disaster and calamity to them for that they earn thereby.”

This Holy-Verse also proves that, the Holy-Qor`aan is not from Prophet-Mohammad SAWS, but it is from All-Knowing Almighty God. Because, if it was from Holy-Prophet Mohammad PBUH, then he (PBUH) would not cursed to himself in this Verse by declaring in many places in the Qor`aan that, this Holy-Qor`aan is revealed from


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Almighty God –(Baqarah/2: 4, 23, 91, 170, 176; Emraan/3: 3, 7; Nesaa/4: 61, 105, 113, 136, 162, 174; ….).

3 : – It is proved truth by Qor`aan, Hadees and History, that, this Miraculous, Well-Organised, Legislative and Complete Code of Life Holy-Qor`aan has been revealed to Holy-Prophet Mohammad PBUH, within 23 years from time to time according to the situations, needs & questions of people; and did not reveal whole Holy-Qor`aan at once at a time. In the first -revealed Verse of Holy-Qor`aan –(`Alaq/96: 1)-, Almighty God says:- خلق الذى ربك بأسم Read, in the name of your“ : اقراءLord, God, Owner, Legislator, Master, Protector, Provider & Cherisher, Who created (you & all creations)”. And in the last -revealed Verse of Holy-Qor`aan –(Maaedah/5: 3)-, He (God) says:- اكملت اليوم

دينا االسالم لكم ورضيت نعمتى عليكم وأتممت دبنكم Today –(the day of“ : لكمFarewell-Pilgrimage at Arafat in Makkah at Friday–593 A.D., before about two month of departure of Holy-Prophet Mohammad SAWS)- I (God) have perfected your Religion -(i.e. natural-social system of life)- for you; and I have completed My Favour, Grace and Beneficent-Gift –(i.e. Holy-Qor`aan)- upon you; and I am pleased for you Eslaam (i.e. Peacekeeping) as (your) Religion (i.e. natural-social system of life or way of life).”

How excellently & perfectly has been started and accomplished this Holy-Qor`aan within 23 years time of Prophet-hood.

Hence, if this Holy-Qor`aan was not from All-Knowing Almighty God, and it was from Prophet Mohammad SAWS, then how he SAWS produces this unimaginable well-started, well-organized, well-arranged, well-performed and perfectly-accomplished Holy-Qor`aan within his 23 years times of Prophet-hood, in the different situations and different need & questions of different people about all natural-social issues of life !!! Whereas he SAWS did not know that, he will alive or no, along that long time of 23 years, to organise, complete and accomplish perfectly the Holy-Qor`aan as a complete code of life for whole mankind.

So, it is undoubtedly proved that this Holy-Qor`aan is not from Holy-Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) or any other creations, but it is from Almighty All-Knowing God/Allaah; and its religion Eslaam (Peacekeeping) is the only true-religion of Almighty Creator God/Allaah.

4 : - It is discovered in the Holy Qor`aan that one thing is equal to another. It means, the Holy Qor`aan where it says one thing, then it is equal number appears like another. For example: in the Holy-Qor`aan: the


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word Man appears 24 number of times/places and the word Woman also appears 24 times/places; this Worldly-life appears 115 times and Hereafter-life also appears 115 times; Angels appears 68 times and Satan (who are opposite of Angels) also appears 68 times; Alms/Jakaah appears 32 times and Blessing also appears 32 times; etc. Whereas this Holy-Qor`aan has been revealed from God to Holy-Prophet Mohammad PBUH within 23 years from time to time according to the needs & questions of different people, and did not reveal whole Holy Qor`aan at once at a time. Hence, if this Miraculous Holy-Qor`aan was from Holy-Prophet Mohammad PBUH and not from Almighty All-Knowing God, then how he (PBUH) organised like this astonishing miraculous way & fact within those 23 years times in the different situations and different needs & questions of different people, wherein he did not know how long he will alive i.e. he did not know: will he (PBBUH) alive along that long time of 23 years or no to organise, complete & accomplish perfectly the Holy-Qor`aan, in which will be one thing equal to other. See the below for some astonishing results of the words mentioned number of times/places in the Arabic Holy Qor`aan :-

Man {(Singular) ( رجال/ {(رجل : 24 = Woman {(Singular) (/ / امرأتى/ امرأته امرأتك 24 :{(امرأة

Day ( يوما/ The days in the year also: 365 = 365 : (يومMonth {(Singular) (شهر)} : 12 = The months in a year also: 12 This worldly-life (Donyeaa/الدنيا): 115 = Life after this world (Aakherah/ 115 :(اآلخرة

Life (of human) in this world & hereafter/ : 70 حياة . So Life in the hereafter 70/2 = 35, and Life in this world ( حياة): 35 = 70/2 = Death/ : 35الموت .{(Death is once, but Life is twice in this world & hereafter; that's why Life is used double than Death in the Qor`aan). (There is in the Soorah Forqaan/25: 3, no life ( حياة is used once; but it is related to Idol of (الIdol-worshipers; this is why it is not counted with the real-life)}.

Nation ( قومه/ ) Messenger = 383 : (.../قوم / مرسلين/ رسل 383 : (.../رسولAngels (Malaayekah/مالئكة): 68 = Satan (Shaitaan/شيطان): 68 Devil (Eblees/ابليس) : 11 = Seek refuge from Devil/Eblees

: / معاذ/ عوذ 11استعاذ Magic ( / مسحور/ ساحر :(.../سحر 60 = Fascination/Glamour/Misleading (

/ مفتون/ فتنا 60 :(.../فتنةAlms (Jakaah/زكاة) : 32 = Blessing ( / مبارك/ تبارك 32 : (.../باركSpending ( / أنفق/ نفقة ) Satisfaction = 73 :(.../نفق / رضوان/ رضي 73 :(.../رضوBenefit/ 50نفع : = Corrupt/ 50فسد : Prayers {(plural) ( صلواتهم/ Daily obligatory-prayer-time for = 5 :{(صلواتMoslems: 5


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Mohammad/ 4محمد : = Law/Jurisprudence ( / / شريعة/ شرعة شرعوا 4 : (شرعMoslem ( / / مسلمات/ مسلمون مسلمين (مسلم : 41 = Struggle (

/ / مجاهد/ يجاهد جهاد 41 : (جهدRationality/'Aql ( تعقلون/ ) Light = 49 : (.../يعقلون / منير/ نوره 49 : (.../نورTongue ( / ألسنتكم/ لسانى (.../لسان : 25 = Preaching/Advice (

/ موعظة/ يعظكم 25 : (.../وعظTrouble/misfortune/calamity ( / سيئة/ مصيبة شكر :/Thanks = 75 :( .../أصاب75 Misled-people/ 17يضل : = Dead-people/ 17الموتى : Every human should realize, it is impossible that all these are coincidences, but undoubtedly these are from Almighty All-Knowing God. Because, question is that Who taught Holy-Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) all these? None other than Almighty All-Knowing God/Allaah taught him.

5 : – It is also discovered in the Holy-Qor`aan that there are miraculous things in the number of Nineteen (19) that is the number of the total-letters of Starting-Sentence of Holy-Qor`aan i.e. Besmellaah ..... الرحيم الرحمن الله which All-Knowing Allaah , بسمhas pointed into a Verse of His Holy-Qor`aan in the Soorah Moddasser/74: 25 – 30 :

. ........... . عشر تسعة عليها للبشر لّواحة البشر قول اال هذا : انIt means: “-(The enemy of Prophet Mohammad SAWS Waleed

ben Mogheerah said:)- This (Qor`aan) is nothing except the word of human. .......… (Allaah SWT said: In fact, this Holy-Qor`aan is) A big board, programme, prospectus & rules-regulations for mankind (from Allaah SWT). Over it (i.e. big board or prospectus which is Holy-Qor`aan)- Nineteen -(means: over this Holy-Qor`aan there is Nineteen that is Besmellaah .... with 19 letters; because these 19 letters of Besmellaah .... is read every time to start the Qor`aan and to start every chapter of the Qor`aan except one chapter i.e. Taobah).”

It is important to mention that the Arabic word لواحة is صيغة which means: a لوح that is derived from Arabic word الئحة of مبالغةboard; and .means: a programme, prospectus & rule-regulation الئحة So means لواحة A big board, programme, prospectus & rules-regulations (for mankind, which is Holy-Qor`aan); hence it is mistake to translate it as darkening, blackening, burning, changing, etc.

Therefore, the miraculous things/meanings of this number of Nineteen are many, such as: (1) – In the beginning sentence of Holy-Qor`aan: “Besmellaaher Rahmaaner Raheem” الرحيم الرحمن الله its meaning: (I}– بسم


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start) With the name of Allaah, Who is the most Compassionate and the most Merciful}-, there are Nineteen (19) letters ; and there are Four words in this Starting-Sentence. Each of these words whatever times has been used or come in the whole Holy-Qor`aan, those number of times are divided by Nineteen (19) which is the total-letters of this Starting-Sentence of Holy-Qor`aan. That is: * – In the whole Holy-Qor`aan the word “Esm” اسم (Name) which is the first word of above starting-sentence of Holy-Qor`aan, has been used by God 133 times or places, that is divided by 19 , i.e. 133 / 19 = 7 . * – In the whole Holy-Qor`aan the word “Allaah” الله (God) which is the second word of above starting-sentence of Holy-Qor`aan, has been used by God 2698 times or places, that is also divided by 19 , i.e. 2698 / 19 = 142. * – In the whole Holy-Qor`aan the word “Rahmaan”الرحمن (most Compassionate) which is the third word of above starting-sentence of Holy-Qor`aan, has been used by God 57 times or places, that is also divided by 19 , i.e. 57 / 19 = 3. * – In the whole Holy-Qor`aan the word “Raheem” الرحيم (most Merciful) which is the fourth word of above starting-sentence of Holy-Qor`aan, has been used by God 95 times or places, that is also divided by 19 , i.e. 95 / 19 = 5.

(2) – In the whole Holy-Qor`aan that Starting-Sentence (of 19 letters) Besmellaah ...., has been used by God 114 times or places –{i.e. in the beginning of 113 Chapters, and in the inside one Chapter (Naml/27: 30); wherein in the beginning of one Chapter (Taobah) has not been use that Starting Sentence}-, which is also divided by 19 , i.e. 114 / 19 = 6 .

(3) – In the whole Holy-Qor`aan there are total 114 Chapters, which is also divided by 19 , i.e. 114 / 19 = 6 .

(4) – In the Holy-Qor`aan, there are some Separated Letters in the beginning of some Chapters, which perfect-meanings no human knows –(even Holy-Prophet Mohammad SAWS did not know the meaning of those Letters)- except All-Knowing God. Those Separated Letters whatever times or places have been used by God in the same Chapters, those times or places are also divided by 19 . For example: * - Alef, Laam, Meem, ( الم ) these three Separated Letters have been used in the beginning of six Chapters of Holy-Qor`aan. In those six Chapters, those three letters have been used 26676 times or places, which is divided by 19 , i.e. 26676 / 19 = 1404 .


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* - Ta, Ha, ( طه ) these two Separated Letters have been used in the beginning of one Chapter (Ta-Ha/ -of Holy ( طه Qor`aan. In that Chapter, those two letters have been used 342 times or places –(Ta 28 times, and Ha 314 times)-, which is also divided by 19 , i.e. 342 / 19 = 18 . * - Kaf, Ha, Ya, ‘Ain, Swad, ( كهيعص ) these five Separated Letters have been used in the beginning of one Chapter (Maryam/ of Holy-Qor`aan. In that Chapter, those five ( مريم letters have been used 798 times or places, which is also divided by 19 , i.e. 798 / 19 = 42 . * - Qaf, (ق) this one Separated Letter has been used in the beginning of one Chapter (Qaf/ق) of Holy-Qor`aan. In that Chapter, this letter has been used 57 times or places, which is also divided by 19 , i.e. 57 / 19 = 3 . * - Swad, ( ص ) this Separated Letter has been used in the beginning of three Chapters (Swad/ 28ص – times, Maryam/– مريم 26 times, & A'raaf/ – 98أعراف times = 152) of Holy-Qor`aan. In those Chapters, this letter has been used 152 times or places, which is also divided by 19 , i.e. 152 / 19 = 8 .

So, there is no doubt that, this Holy-Qor`aan -{with its miraculous-number of Nineteen (19) which is the Starting-Sentence’s (Besmellaah .....'s) letters of Holy-Qor`aan,}- is not from Holy-prophet Mohammad (PBUH) or any other creation, but undoubtedly it is from Almighty All-Knowing Creator God/Allaah. Because, this Miraculous Holy-Qor`aan has been revealed from God to Holy-Prophet Mohammad PBUH, within 23 years from time to time according to needs & questions of people, and did not reveal whole Holy Qor`aan at once at a time. Hence, if this Miraculous Holy-Qor`aan was from Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH, and not from Almighty All-Knowing God, then how he SAWS organised & used within those 23 years times -(in the different situations and different need & questions of different people, wherein he did not know that, he will alive or no, along that long time of 23 years, to organise, complete & accomplish the Holy-Qor`aan wherein many things will be divided its starting sentence's number 19 )- all 114 Chapters of Holy-Qor`aan, amount of all four words of Besmellaah … in the whole Qor`aan, amount of all using times Besmellaah … in the whole Qor`aan, and amount of all Separated Letters in the same Chapters of Holy-Qor`aan, those are divided by Holy-Qor`aan’s miraculous-number Nineteen (19), which is the amount of Starting-Sentence’s letters of Holy-Qor`aan!!

Note: In the Qor`aan there is word Al-Esm االسم (not اسم ) is on time, and it is not with the name of Allaah or Rabb, but with the name of Al-


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Fosooq i.e   الفسوق بئس  االسم  ; that is why, it is not included in the counting with Allaah's name اسم .Also there is word Allaah with the words of Besmellaah ... those are used in the beginning of 113 Chapters/Soorah, which are not part of the Qor`aan. This is why those 113 times are not included in the counting the word of Allaah.

Allaah SWT knows the best. أعلم الله