prompt 2


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8/8/2019 Prompt 2 1/1

“To form an academically driven team with a curriculum that emphasizes science,

mathematics, and engineering.” This was the mission statement for the Jesse Bethel Junior 

Engineering Technical Society. Forming this club for the very first time at our high school has

given me such a profound sense of accomplishment. Throughout my four years of high school,

establishing this club is what I am most undoubtedly proud of.

My years at Jesse Bethel High School have always been focused on math and science

classes –the two have always been my passion. When I received an email regarding an

engineering club, I was immediately interested! Hour after hour, I researched the Junior 

Engineering Technical Society (JETS) program. I had finally found an organization that was

 based on the three academic subjects I have always loved: mathematics, science, and

engineering. A team that competes against other schools in solving modern day problems that

face today’s society, how could I not be apart of such an enriching experience?

I quickly assembled a small team of just eight members, thinking that even coordinating

 just a miniscule team would be an insurmountable task. I had never thought I would be able to

successfully manage a team full of busy people, let alone run an actual academic program –but I

did. Before I knew it, the organization I had originally formed soon tripled: I was soon running

meetings filled with more than twenty-five other students who were equally interested in

engineering. There is almost no comparable sense of accomplishment than when a room full of 

 people applaud you for your presentation and ideas. That sense of pride and accomplishment

nearly consumes you when something you have created begins to flourish.

As time went by, I ventured out of the typical program activities (competition

 preparation, scenario analysis, etcetera) and looked to integrate a new aspect into our program:

robotics. Instantly, I received equal interest from other members and limitless support from our 

advisor and principal. I was soon pursuing the interests that I had always longed for! Now my

team is not only preparing to compete in the state JETS Challenge, but also the Vex Robotics

Challenge, which requires teams to build a fully functional robot capable of autonomous and

remote controls.

As I reflect back on what I have done, I am truly proud to say that I am the president and

founder of the Junior Engineering Technical Society at Jesse Bethel High School. This

organization that I have formed is like an outlet for my interests in life, and I am proud that I was

able to be the one to begin it all and share it with others. I have actually created something that

others greatly appreciate and benefit from as well. Assuming the role of a team leader of such a

rigorous, demanding program has absolutely led me to become a more confident role model for 

others. By participating in these challenges, I seek to capture a glimpse of what my future may

 possibly be like as a successful, innovative engineer.