promotional myths

Myths about promotional products

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Post on 21-Apr-2017




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Myths about promotional products

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Myths are nothing but widely held beliefs or ideas that are false most of the time. There are also many beliefs being followed about promotional products. So let us put some light on what are these misconceptions about the most effective marketing tool.Here are the 13 common myths and misconception about promotional products.


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1. They are viscid

Most of the people think that the promotional products like apparels are tacky but they can be stylish. Companies provide variety of design, quality and style as its company’s preference to make public definitely like their product for a profitable benefit.

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2. People won’t use them

The products should be those which can be used on a regular basis and the products which can add value to the customer’s life. Giving promotional products to your employees as a way to motivate them and acknowledge their work helps you to present a good gesture of yours. But you should make sure that the product should be useful not only at workplace but outside also.

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3. Not always a good option for giveaways

We agree that promotional products are not always a good option for gifts for occasions like birthdays but they are good for other occasions. High quality fashionable gifts are good option to choose as to let the person remember you. It is a positive way to appreciate your employee and give a prospective to your clients that your company consider the likes and dislikes of others while going beyond the others.

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4. Quality products are expensive

A common misconception which all have. There are products available at an affordable cost. And by the way, if the product is helping you to give a good impression on others and moving you towards development while maintain long lasting relation with your clients and employees, then how can it be expensive? A little business expense in exchange of company’s popularity will not cost you much.

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5. Promotional products are not as effective as other mediums

Promotional products are more effective than any other marketing mediums. There are chances when people don’t recognize the advertisement they see on a banner or through the medium of media but the do remember the company through the promotion products. Advertisements may not last for a longer time as the public can’t recall the name always but products let them remember the company and its products. An effective promotional product can earn a name for its company in the market.

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6.Promotional products can’t be used by all business

Another misconception that people have is, there is no business which can run without using products for their promotion. There are distributors who can help you to choose items to fit your objectives at an affordable price.

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7. Not sure whether the promotional product marketing campaign is working or not

It’s not difficult to track whether your idea is working or not. While spreading awareness about your brand through promotional products, you should also set some strategy behind it. Strategic promotion by provide gift coupons or discounts will help you know how successful you marketing campaign by taking an account of redemption of those coupons.

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8. This way can’t be carried forward during financial crisis

This is one of the biggest misunderstandings that promotional products can’t be used during financial crisis. Using promotional products in critical situation is not expensive in comparison to other mediums like advertisement.

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9. Cheaper products are better

You do prefer products which will not cost you much but using cheaper products might not help you to keep your customers and employees for a longer time. Receiver may discard cheaper products immediately. But if the product is of good value and is useful then the will keep the item for long.

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10. All promotional product companies are same

It’s not always true. Some companies are different by the product they offer and also by the quality, quantity and cost of the products. Different companies provide different products services such as few companies may provide eco-gifting and other tech gifts, apparel, etc.

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11. Promotional products deteriorate with time

You should invest in the good quality products for good business exposure, as the product may deteriorate with time. There are few products which doesn’t fall apart with time such as bags, watches, books, apparels, drink wares etc.

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12.No benefits while using promotional products

How can you predict that there will be no benefits in using promotional products to spread awareness? If you are using the product as a giveaway, it will help you to maintain a good relation with your client and employee to make them stay with you.

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13.The products are not effective while making impression on public

Every product leaves its impression on customers both good and bad. If the products are of good quality and useful for public then it will pull more customers for your company. To make it more effective, you should not compromise the trend, quality, and design of the product.

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“ offers range of products for promoting so that corporations can purchase for their employees and workforce.  They provide customized power banks, mobile accessories, USB drives, apparel, bags, backpacks, etc. They also provide office accessories such as personal diary, dairy planner, calendars, calculators, clocks, with engraving your company’s or your brand name.” For more such information you can visit our website:

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