promoting the eqf learning outcomes approach within european universities a european project...

Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA Final Project Workshop- Granada, 16 th of April 2012 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Page 1: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities

A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA Final Project Workshop- Granada, 16th of April 2012

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Page 2: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

Supporting Innovation in HE through the leverage of «Learning Outcomes»

Encourage take-up: promote knowledge and benefits of the «Learning outcomes» approach in Higher Education, in particular among course/programme managers, careers guidance officers and students;

Enhance the use: develop istruments to support sustainable Learning Outcomes adoption;

Capacity building: promote visibility, enlarge communtiy, create self-sustaining capability which continue promoting the Learning Outcomes approach after the end of the project.

Page 3: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

The UNILO Consortium: 11 partners from 9 EU countries

University of Granada – ES as promoter Scienter España S.L – ES as coordinator Estonian Qualification Authority (Qualifications Assurance

Agency)- EE University of Padova - IT Scienter - IT Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (ILI)-DE Institute of Economy and Management/Jagiellonian University -

PO University of Porto -PT EDEX-Educational Excellence Corporation Ltd (Intercollege -

University of Nicosia) -CY Budapest University of Technology -HU Cambridge Professional Development -UK

Page 4: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

What are Learning Outcomes for?

Learning Outcomes allow courses/programmes to be expressed in terms of what a learner/student is expected to be able to do by the end of the course/programme (knowledge, skills, competences)

They represent the common currency of lifelong learning systems: EQF,QF-EHEA, and more…

Page 5: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

EQF as a translator

Page 6: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

Supporting Learning Outcomes: WHY?

Avoid the development of two isolated frameworks - the EQF and the QF-EHEA - through the common «language» of Learning Outcomes, supporting dialogue among learning systems as a leverage for lifelong learning, mobility and internationalization

Build bridges between university, society and the world of work, harnessing Higher Education contribution to innovation and unfolding its transformative potential

Make Higher Education’s offer transparent and enhance quality assurance and student awareness also in an «accountability» perspective

Page 7: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

Supporting Learning Outcomes: HOW?

Encourage take-up through awareness

Enhance use through supportive instruments

Build community around common vision

Develop a vision of learning


Critical understanding of current use


UNILO Community of


Research & dialogue

Learning Outcomes application in the

EHEA – Case studies

Networking, dissemination

Page 8: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

Understanding current use and criticalities

Institutional adoption vs actual awareness, understanding and use among different stakeholders

Need to understand benefits and be provided with instruments to enhance perceived cost-effectiveness

Page 9: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

University’s own offer

Technical- Methodological




Responsiveness to society and labour market

Curriculum design, teaching and assessment

Recognition of Learning

The virtuous loop of Learning Outcomes

Page 10: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

The UNILO toolkit

A set of instruments helping various HE stakeholders - including course developers, careers officers, QA manager, employers and students - in making the best of Learning Outcomes and «harnessing the virtuous loop»

Page 11: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

The UNILO toolkit

Methodological guide to identification, description, teaching practices, assessment and quality assurance (& glossary)

Organizational self-assessment guide

Students guide

Faculty guide: an introduction to LOs

Career counsellors guide: an introduction to LOs

ICT tool supporting the process

Page 12: Promoting the EQF Learning Outcomes Approach within European Universities A European Project supporting the “Learning Outcomes Revolution” in the EHEA

Final UNILO workshop, Granada, 16th April 2012

More on UNILO

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Thank you!

[email protected]