promoting head start and preschool collaboration

8/18/2019 Promoting Head Start and Preschool Collaboration 1/27 Promoting Head Start and Preschool Collaboration:  The Full Utilization Process Monday, June 16 3:30-5:00pm Bill Buchanan

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Promoting Head Start and Preschool

Collaboration: The Full

Utilization ProcessMonday, June 16 3:30-5:00pm

Bill Buchanan

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∗We will learn about full utilization

∗We will exlore elements of collaboration

∗We will discuss how to strengthen Head Startand School !istrict artnershis


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#n $entuc%y school readiness means each child

enters school ready to engage in and bene&t fromearly learning exeriences that best romote thechild's success( 2010 Governor’s Task Force

Ready to Succeed

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Full Utilization

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∗ )*+(,)+* re-uires that local school districtscollaborate with Head Start and other existing

reschool rograms .to a/oid dulication ofser/ices and sulanting of federal funds to

maximize the use of Head Start funds to ser/e asmany four year old children as ossible(0

∗ 1ll state2funded reschool rograms are re-uiredto comlete an agreement with the local HeadStart rogram3 which seci&es the number of at2ris% four2year2olds ser/ed by Head Start(

What is full utilization4

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∗ Full Utilization Sring !ocumentation56ncouraged7

∗ Full Utilization of Head StartCerti&cation 58e-uired7

∗ 9ocal 1greement for Cooeration onFull Utilization of Head Start School

 ear ;<)=2)* 58e-uired7

What's in the agreement4

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Full Utilization∗Coordination ofSites

9oo% ?ore Closely

∗Coordination ofProgram 6@orts

∗>on2Federal?atching Funds

∗!isability Ser/ices


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∗ #n teams of =3 re/iew and match criteria with

their corresonding areas of agreement∗ )< minutes


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∗ What else can be included in the agreement

5e(g(3 other areas of agreement74

∗ What are the bene&ts of comleting thisagreement each year4

∗ What are the challenges with comleting

this agreement each year4


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Wor%ing Together

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∗ Sharing information

∗ ?a%ing referrals

∗ Coordinating schedules

∗ 9isting each other's e/ents onwebsites3 newsletters

 Adapted from NCHHS


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∗ Common e@ort for urose of common


∗ !e/eloing trust and identifying betterways to do things

Wor%ing across se/eral agencies toro/ide ser/ices to the same families

 Adapted from NCHHS


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B#n/ol/es %ey sta%eholders

B6stablishes clear outcomes

B!e&nes decision ma%ing rocesses

B#ncludes conict management

BSustains through olicies and rocedures

 Adapted from NCFL


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∗ 1t your table3 mar% your full utilization document:

  1 triangle beside criteria addressed through


  1 circle beside criteria addressed through cooperation

  1 plus beside criteria addressed through collaoration 


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∗Which areas of the agreementare accomlished throughcoordination4

∗What about cooeration4

∗Which areas absolutely re-uirecollaboration4


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 Tyes of Program

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∗ State Funded enhancement is the only

excetion to the rule that Head Start childrenare not included on the $entuc%y Preschool6nrollment Count(

∗ Head Start rogram must already fully fund

and ser/e at least the minimum targetenrollment of =2year olds in anunduplicated  count(

What is 6nhancement4

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∗ Four year olds must be eligible for Head Start and

most in need of ser/ices( The children recei/ecomrehensi/e ser/icesD reschool ser/ices arestate2funded and meet Head Start PerformanceStandards as well as state reschool regulations(

∗ Ation must be agreed uon in ad/ance by thelocal school district and the Head Start rogram3as well as reected in Full Utilization 1greement(

What is 6nhancement4

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∗Stand 1lone

∗Site sharing

∗Partially Elended

∗Fully Elended

How can we collaborate4

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∗ Communication#nformation Sharing

∗ Wor% Grous

∗ Euilding 6nthusiasm by Sol/ingProblems

∗ 8einforcements∗ Professional 9earningGrowing Together

Plan for Success

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∗ 6arly 9earning 9eadershi >etwor%s5699>s7

∗ !ri/e with artners to e/ents

∗ #n/ite others to .internal0 meetings

∗ #nclude collaborati/e artners whenstate and national indi/iduals comein for a /isit

Plan for Success

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∗ 8egional Training Centers

∗ Child Care 1ware

∗ Head Start State Collaboration AIce

∗ Head Start Training and Technical 1ssistance

$entuc%y Head Start 1ssociation


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Udates and Trends

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∗ !e" eligiility re-uirements for Head

StartPreschool entry∗ 6xanding eligibility for reschool to )J<K

o/erty in ;<)*2)J

∗ 8estoration of federal Head Start funding

∗ 1dditional L)M million in reschool funding in;<)*2)J

∗ 8ace to the To 6arly 9earning Challenge Grant

What's around the corner4

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#here$s al"ays a "ay throughthings i% you "or& hard andloo& close' (t depends on yourle)el o% determination'

Liz Murray 

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Eill Euchanan

School 8eadiness Eranch ?anager

$entuc%y !eartment of 6ducation


