prominent manual

ProMinent ® Page 1 P art No. 981638 P r oMinent Dosiertec hni k G mbH · 69123 Heidelberg · G erma ny B A VA 008 8/99 G B Operating Instructions ProMinent ®  V a rio Metering P umps For safe a nd c orrec t operation of P roMinent ®  V ario meteri ng pumps , two sets of Operating Instr uctions a r e required: The produc t-specific V a rio Opera ting Instructions and P roMinent ®  moto r-driven dosing pump. Operating Instructions must b e read tog ether! Please completly read through these operating instructions first! · Do not discard! The warranty shall be invalidated by damage caused by operating errors! Stick identification plate here! DIN EN ISO 9001 70 100 M 502       P      r      o       M       i      n      e      n       t    

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Pr o Minent ® Pa g e 1P a rt No. 981638 P roMinent Dos iertec hnik G mbH · 69123 Heidelberg · G erma ny B A VA 008 8/99 G B

Operating InstructionsProMinent ® Va rioMete ring P umps

For safe a nd c orrec t operation of P roMinent ® Va rio me tering pumps ,two se ts o f Operating Instructions a re required:

The produc t-spe cific Va rio Opera ting Instructionsand P roMinent ® moto r-driven do sing pump. Operating Instructions must b e read tog ether!

Please completly read through these operating instructions first! · Do not discard!The warranty shall be invalidated by damage caused by operating errors!

Stick identification plate here!

DIN EN ISO 900170 100 M 502

P r o M i n e n t ®

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Publishing details:Operating Instructions ProMinent ® Va rio

© P roMinent Dosiertechnik Gm bH

P roMinent Do siertechnik Gmb HIm Schuhmachergewann 5-11D-69123 HeidelbergPostfach 101760 · D-69007 [email protected]

S ubject to tec hnica l mod ifica tionsP rinted in the F.R. G erma ny

Publishing details

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Table of Contents

P a g e

P roduc t Identifica tion/Identity Co de ................................................. 41 Safety instructions for ProMinent ®

metering pumps .................................................................. 51.1 Ge neral notes ................................................................. 51.2 Notes for installat ion, commissioning and operation .. .. . 5

1.3 Notes on servicing and repair......................................... 62 Product Description ........................................................... 72.1 Marking/Identifica tion of pump type ............................... 72.2 Construction and functional description of drive unit 8

2.2.1 Diag ram s howing ope ration of s troke ..................... 82.3 Construction and functional description of

diaphrag m delivery unit .................................................. 82.3.1 Integrate d Overflow Valve w ith

Bleede r Function .................................................... 92.4 The drive motor and the types of control ....................... 112.5 Sta ndards and approvals . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 16

3 Commissioning .................................................................... 173.1 Ge neral notes ................................................................. 173.2 Installing and connecting ................................................ 173.3 Commissioning ............................................................... 183.4 Troubleshooting .............................................................. 19

4 Servicing/Maintenance ...................................................... 204.1 Ge neral servicing notes .................................................. 204.2 Replac ement of wea r parts ............................................. 204.3 Spa re parts set . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 21

5 Technical Data ..................................................................... 225.1 Performance data . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 225.2 Dimensions sheet ........................................................... 235.3 Motor da ta ...................................................................... 24

6 EC Declaration of Conformity .......................................... 287 Other documents ................................................................ 29

- G uarantee a pplica tion for metering pumps ........................... 29- Da ta for dos ing pipeline ca lculations .................................... 30- Insta lla tion draw ing ............................................................... 31

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Product Identification/Identity Code

Product Identification/Identity CodeThe d evice la bel on the title pa ge is identica l to that supplied with the pump in order to fac ilitate ma tching the c orrect operatinginstructions ma nual to the pump.P lea se e nter the identity code given on the device lab el into the grey boxes below.

VAMb Vario Diaphragm Metering Pump, Version bPump type: (figures 1 + 2 = ba ck pres sure [ba r], figures 3, 4, 5 = feed rate [l/h])

12017* 12026*12042* 10025 *09039 * 07063 *06047 * 05075 *04120 * * = for PV, P P, NP a nd TTversions, ma x. 10 ba r

Liquid end materials:PVT PVDF, PTFE sea lSST Sta inless s tee l with PTFE sea l

P P 1, NP1 a nd TT1 versions a re still ava ila ble (only for use w ith hydra ulic c onnec tor: “ 0”)

Liquid end version:0 No va lve spring s -1 With 2 va lve springs , Has te lloy C4, 0 .1 bar 22,004 With press ure relief valve, Viton sea l, no valve spring (PVTversion only) 000,005 With pressure relief valve, Viton sea l and va lve spring (P VTversion only) 000,00

Hydraulic connectors:

0 Sta nda rd c onnec to r a c c o rd ing to t ec hnic a l da ta -1 Unio n nut a nd P VC ins ert -2 Unio n nut a nd P P ins ert -3 U nio n n ut a nd P VD F in se rt -4 Union nut a nd s ta in le s s s te e l in s ert -7 U nio n n ut a nd P VDF ho s e c o nn ec to r -8 Union nut a nd s ta in le s s s te e l hose c onnec tor -

Version:0 With ProMinent labe l (s tandard) -2 Without ProMinent labe l (s tandard) 16,00

Electrical power supply:A 1 ph., 230 V 50/60 Hz Euro plug -B 1 ph., 230 V 50/60 Hz S wiss plug 11,00C 1 ph., 230 V 50/60 Hz Aus tra l. plug 16,00D 1 ph., 115 V 60 Hz US A plug 54,00S 3 ph. , 230/400 V 50/60 Hz (bas ic type only) 000,00

Control type:0 B a s ic t yp e w it h 1 ph . o r 3 ph . m ot or -1 Ma ins s wit c h a nd fus e + two s ta ge floa t s w it c h inpu t + 607,00

external conta ct input + pause function a s N/C c ontac t +do sing monitor input + two co lour function display.

2 As 1 but with addit ional memory funct ion 647,003 Ma ins s wit c h a nd fus e + two s ta ge floa t s w it c h inpu t + 729,00

ana logue input + pause function as N/C c ontac t +do sing monitor input + two co lour function display.

4 B a s ic t yp e w ith Ha ll s ens or5 B a s ic type w ith Na mur s t roke s enso r 000,00

Control variants:0 For control opt ion 0/5 (bas ic type) -

co ntrol options 1 + 2 only1 6000 puls e/h -

2 2000 puls e/h -3 4000 puls e/h -4 8000 puls e/h -5 10000 puls e/h -6 12000 puls e/h -

co ntrol type 3 o nlyA 0...20 mA -B 4...20 mA -

a utoma tic stroke pos itioning fo r control type 0/5 (ba sic type )H With stroke positioning motor, 230 V/50/60 Hz 1.170,00I With stroke positioning motor, 115 V/50/60 Hz 1.170,00J With stroke control motor, 0...20 mA, 230 V/50/60 Hz 2.370,00K With stroke c ontrol motor, 4...20 mA, 230 V/50/60 Hz 2.370,00L With stroke control motor, 0...20 mA, 115 V/50/60 Hz 2.370,00M With stroke control moto r, 4...20 mA, 115 V/50/60 Hz 2.370,00

Switch mode relay:

0 No re la y (b a sic typ e) -1 With fault indicating relay (N/C) 87,002 With pa c ing re la y (N/O) 87,003 With fault indicating relay (N/O) 87,00

VAMb _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

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1 Safety relevant instructions for ProMinent ® meteringpumps

S a fety preca utions a nd important o perating instructions are divided into clas se s a nd providedwith symbo ls. P lea se familia rise yourself with the follow ing d es igna tions a nd s ymbo ls.


There is a danger of injury or to life!

WARNING:There is a danger of injury or the equipment can be seriously damaged!

CAUTION:The situation demands increased awareness!

NOTE:Information which is to be noted!


This equipment may only be used for its intended purpose.

1.1 General notes

WARNING:Assembly of ProMinent ® metering pumps with foreign parts which are not tested orrecommended by ProMinent is not permissible and can lead to injury to persons ordamage for which no responsibility is accepted!

• Pumps must be accessible for operating and servicing at all times. Accesses must notbe obstructed or blocked!

• For servicing and repair work where dangerous or unknown dosing media are beingused, first empty and flush out the liquid end! Observe the safety data sheets for thedosing liquid!

• When metering dangerous or unknown liquids those working on the liquid ends mustwear protective clothing (goggles, gloves)!

1.2 Notes for installation, commissioning and operation

WARNING:• The metering pump may still contain residual water in the liquid end from testing in the

factory.• In the case of media which must not come into contact with water, the liquid end must

be cleared of all water before commissioning. To do this rotate the pump 180° and

empty the liquid end and then flush from above through the intake connection using asuitable medium.

• Do not connect mains voltage to the control cable!• When operating the metering pump against a closed isolator at the pressure end, the

backpressure can reach several times the maximum permissible backpressure.This can cause the delivery line to burst!To avoid this, a pressure relief valve is recommended which limits the backpressure!

CAUTION:• Design the pressure lines so that pressure peaks on the discharge stroke do not exceed the

maximum permissible pressure (fit a pressure relief valve if necessary)!• Adjustments to the stroke length should only be carried out with the pump running!

Safety relevant instructions for ProMinent ® metering pumps






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NOTE:• The pump shall be secured in such a way that no vibration can occur!

The valves of the liquid end must always be vertical to ensure correct operation!• Intake and delivery pipes must always be arranged such that strain-free connection to the

liquid end is guaranteed!Pipes shall be secured in such a way that no vibration can occur!

• Use only the locking rings and hose fittings designed for the particular hose diameter and also

use original hoses with the specified hose dimensions and wall thickness, otherwise thesecurity of the connection is not guaranteed!Reductions in hose sizes are to be avoided!The permissible pressure stress of the hoses is to be observed.

• When dosing extremely aggressive or dangerous media an arrangement which relieves backinto the tank is advisable!Moreover, an shut-off valve should be fitted on the pressure and suction sides!

1.3 Notes on servicing and repair


• Metering pumps and their peripherals may only be serviced by expert and authorisedpersons!

• When carrying out servicing or repairs where dangerous or unknown media are used,always flush the liquid end first!

• When metering dangerous or unknown liquids, those working on the liquid end mustwear protective clothing (goggles, gloves)!

• The pressure in the metering pipe must first be released before working on the pump.Always empty and flush the liquid end!Observe the safety data sheets for the metering liquid!

DANGER:• Isolate the supply cable or withdraw the mains plug before opening the pump.

If the optional relay is fitted, also isolate this!Check for freedom from voltage!Always secure the pump against unauthorised restarting during repair work!

• Pumps which are used for dosing radioactive media must not be shipped!

NOTE:• Pumps must only be returned for repair in a clean condition and with the liquid end flushed


Safety relevant instructions for ProMinent ® metering pumps



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Product Description

2 Product Description

CAUTION:Use in accordance with regulationsThe Vario is a diaphragm metering pump for dosing liquid media. Example of use: quantity-proportional dosing of chlorine bleaching solution to drinking water. Control is achieved by meansof a contact water meter.

Incorrect useThe pump is not designed to dose gaseous media or solids. When dosing chemicals theresistance of the materials shall be taken into account. Refer to resistance list.The pump is not suitable for use in explosion-proof areas.

2.1 Marking/Identification of pump type

Eac h Va rio m etering pump s hall be provided with an identifica tion plate on the side o f the foot.

The identity co de and seria l number sha ll be g iven in a dd ition to the normal technical da ta.Bo th these numbe rs are to be us ed in all enq uiries a s they ena ble the type of metering pump to

be clearly identified.The me a ning o f the identity co de in the individua l pump functions is given in the prod uctca ta log ue (refer also to C ha pter 5 Tec hnica l Da ta ).

Tec hnica l mod ifica tions res erved.




ProMinent Dosiertechnik TYPE VAMB09039NP11OOA112Im Schuhmachergewann SER. NO./PN Is / 780873D-69123 Heidelberg ELECTR. 230 V 50/60 HzTel.: +49 6221/8420 CONNECTION 0.1 kW 0.8 AMade in Germany DOSING RATE 39.3/47.3 l/h 8.5 bar ProMinent Heidelberg IP65 - -

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Product Description

2.2 Construction and functional description of drive unit

The P roMinent ® Vario is a n os cilla ting d isplac ement metering pump w hose stroke length c a n bea djusted in ste ps of 1%. It is driven by a spe cial custom built single phas e AC motor or asta nda rd three pha se motor (1). Its drive rota tion is reduced by the wo rm gea ring (2) a ndtra nsmitted via the ecc entric roller (3) to the co nnecting rod (4) a nd the refore cha nged to a noscillating motion. A powerful return spring (5) holds the connecting rod against the eccentricroller to provide a return stroke. The length o f the s troke is a djusted by using the st rokea djustment knob (6) a nd sha ft (7) to limit the return stroke. The s troke is trans mitted d irec tly tothe piston. In conjunction with the valves, this g enerates the press ure o r vacuum in the liq uid endw hich is ne ce ss a ry for de livery. The d elivery flow is p ulsa ting.

2.3 Construction and functional description of diaphragm delivery unit

The he a rt of the de livery unit is the DEVELOPAN ® metering diaphragm (4). It hermetically sealsthe d elivery cha mb er of the liq uid e nd (2) a nd e ffects the d isp la ce ment in the liq uid e nd (2). Theend wa sher (5) of c hemica lly-res ista nt plastic s epa ra tes the d rive hous ing from the delivery pa rta nd protec ts the drive from c orros ion in the event rupture of the diaphra gm . The s uction va lve (1)and pressure valve (3) which are of identical construction, operate in conjunction with movementof the d iap hrag m to provide the de livery operation. The va lve ba lls ca n be spring-loa ded formetering visc ous me dia.The co nnecting dimensions of valves a nd liq uid e nds which a re the s a me s ize b ut of differentma teria l are the s a me. The pa rts ca n be intercha nged a s req uired. An integrate d b ypa ss -/bleedvalve may be optionally installed in the PVTversion (see page 9).






9 4 5

8 2

2.2.1 Diagram showing operation of stroke

a ) S troke during ma x. b ) with reduc ed s troke leng thnumber and length o f strokes

1 Motor6 Adjustment of stroke3 Hous ing with gearing8 Dis c ha rge un it9 Pro te c tive p lug


S t r o k e s p e e d

Angle o f rota tion ec centric roller


0 360180








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CAUTION:• Knob Item 139 must be turned in clockwise direction as far as it will go „close“.• The bypass line must always be closed and must be routed back into the supply tank.

Connection via hose connection Item 128.• Minimal overflow can occur in the bypass line when the valve operates close to the

overpressure function.

The bleed er function is a chieved by turning knob Item 139 in co unterclockw ise direction as far asit will go „o pen“ : P riming aid for sta rting up pump a ga inst press ure. The force o f spring Item 132relieves ball Item 130 which is controlled by the lower spring force of bleeder spring Item 133.

CAUTION:• Once the pump has primed, turn knob Item 139 in clockwise direction as far as it will go

„close“! The pump can now be placed into operation.

Technical dataCo rres ponding to the type o f pump, overflow valves a re ava ila ble for pressure sta ge s pno m 3.5/4.5/5.5/6.5/8.5/10 b a r w ith (1.05.. .1.4) xpno m o pe ning pres sure.

Materials in contact with metered medium

Liquid end: Overflow valve: Seals in overflow Balls: Springs:valve:

P VDF P VDF Viton O-ring s , P TFE C era mic Ha s telloy C4

2.3.1 Integrated Overflow Valve with Bleeder FunctionTaskThe ta sk of the o verflow valve is to protect the moto r and ge a r unit a ga inst impermiss ibleoverpressure caused by the metering pump.This function is produced by a spring-loa ded ba ll.A pressure relief mechanism for the bleeder function is provided.

Design and Functional DescriptionInitially, the overflow valve illustrated unter Item 102 operates as a simple directly control safetyvalve. As s oon a s the p ressure set with spring Item 132 is e xceed ed , the effective press ure raisesba ll Item 130. The liq uid the n flow s o ff into the ta nk via hos e c onne ction Item 128.

Product Description

















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Use for intended purpose / Use not for intended purpose

Use for intended purposeTo protect the motor a nd g ea r unit a ga inst impermiss ible overpres sure ca used by the me teringpump.If the pump is the only pressure g enerator in the sys tem, the overflow valve will also protec t thesystem automa tica lly.

CAUTION:• Only for liquids with a viscosity of up to 100 mPa · s• On pumps with a 1 ph AC motor, the motor is protected by an integrated thermal cutout.• The ceramic ball and ball seat of the overflow valve are wearing parts. Slight leakage can

occur at the safety valve after a prolonged period of operation. The ball and ball seat shouldbe replaced if leaks occur.

• The bypass line must always be connected and must be routed back into the supply tank.• Refer to the installation notes in the operating instructions for „Motor Driven Metering


Use not for intended purposeTo protect the sys tem from impermiss ible overpres sure which has other ca uses than thepressure generated by the metering pump.The pump must not be opera ted w ithout the bypa ss line connec ted.Co nnection of the b ypa ss line in the intake line is not permitted as this wo uld impa ir theeffectiveness of the b leed er function.

DANGER:When carrying out maintenance work on the overcurrent valve, pay attention to thetensioning state of the pressure spring Item 132! Wear safety goggles!

Product Description

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- Ma ins c a ble (1)- On/Off sw itch (2)- S a fety sw itc h (3)



1 2



Product Description

2.4 The drive motor and the types of control

1-phasen motor The s ingle phas e d rive motor ha s integrated thermal overloa d protec tion. This a ctiva tes to s witchoff the moto r if the ma ximum permitted temperature is rea ched during operation.


• After the stationary motor has cooled down, the thermal overload automatically resets.

CAUTION:• After the motor has been shutdown by the thermal overload, check that the pump is not being

permanently overloaded. Constant switching on and off of the motor by the terminal overloadis to be avoided (refer also to Chapter 5.3 Technical Data).

Standard 3-phase motor The Va rio b a sic typ e (co ntroller type 0) is o ptiona lly a vaila ble w ith a 3-phas e d ua l w ound moto r,3-pH. 230/400 V, 50/60 Hz. It ca n b e c onne cte d direc tly to the te rmina l box o n s ite (see a lsose ction 5.3, Tec hnica l Data ).

Controller type 0: (basic type with 1-pH. motor)

This c ontroller type is fitted w ith a ma ins c onne cto r (1), a n externa lly a cc es s ible fine-wire fuse (3)and an illuminated mains switch (2). Dosing is continuous.

Miniature fuseThe minia ture fuse is trigg ered b y electrica l de fect s in the control sy ste m of the moto r or byoverload.Fuse d a ta: (refer to spa re pa rts list)The fuse ca n be cha nged without opening the pump c ontrol unit. All that is required is to o penthe screwed cap on fuse holder (3) and replace the defective fuse by a new one of the same type.

DANGER:• Before changing a fuse, switch off the pump and disconnect from the mains.

Controller type 4 (basic type with stroke sensor)This typ e of co ntrol unit has a m a ins c onne ction (1), a minia ture fuse a cc es sible from the o utside(3) a nd a n illumina ted 2-pole ma ins sw itch (2). Mete ring is c ontinuous. Furthermore, the s trokese nsor is fitted in the pump s o tha t it is pos sible to cha nge the co ntrol unit for a d ifferent type.


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Controller type 5 (basic type with Namur-type stroke sensor)

Product Description

Switch aperture s n inset 1.5 mm flushSee figure above

Electrical cabling: DC , tw o wire, a s DIN 19 234 (NAMUR)

Fixtures:a s DIN 19 234 (NAMUR) NJ 1.5-8G M-N

Features:Operating s witch a pertures s a 0 - s a - 0.81 s n

Red uction fa c tor a t V2A 0.85; Al 0.4; Cu 0.3Reproduc ib ility R - 0.01 mmS w itch hys teres is H a pprox. 10 %Sta nda rd mea surement plate1 mm Fe 8 mm x 8 mmOperating voltag e U B 5 bis 25 V DCRes idua l ripple - 5 %S w itc h freq uency f 5 kHz

Electrical Data:S ta nd a rd volta g e 8 V DC (Ri a pprox. 1 k/ohm)Ind ivid ua l induc tivity 20 µHInd ivid ua l c a pa c ity 16 nFOutput/pow er upta ke

a c tive surfa c e free - 3 mAa c tive surfa ce c overed - 1 mA

Mechanical Data:Amb ient tempera ture 248 - 373 Kelvin

(-25 °C bis + 100 °C )En clo sure ra t in g a s DIN 40 050 IP 6 7P ermiss ib le impa ct a nd b - 30g , T - 11 msOsc illa tion s tres s f - 55 Hz, a - 1 mmConnec tor 2 m, P VC lea d , 0.14 mm 2

S tand a rd symb ol/co nnection:

Materia l sta inles s s teel

k e y w i d

t h 1 3, t h

i c k n e s s


M 8 x 1

2 2 ( 6 0 )





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Product Description

Control unit Type 1: (contact type)This typ e of co ntrol unit ha s a ma ins c onnec tion, an illuminated 2-pole ma ins s w itch, a multi-co loured op erating/fault indica tor, a 2-s ta ge level input, a mete ring mo nitoring input, an e xterna lco ntac t input and a mod e cha ngeo ver sw itch. The operation of the motor is a dd itiona llymonitored by means of an electronic safety device.The c onta ct type of co ntrol unit ca n a lso be supplied with a fault relay w ith a normally-clos ed ornormally-open contact or a timer relay as an option. Where the fault relay or timer relay is usedwith a normally-open conta ct, the rela y closes for a pproximate ly 4 sec onds when the po we r issw itched on, b efore it changes to its s elected operating s tate.

Controls: - Ma ins c a b le (1)- On/Off sw itc h (2)- S oc ket for level sw itc h (4)- LED ind ica tor (5)- PG 9 blanking plug or, where there is fault/

timer relay ide nt cod e cho ice, a 3-co re ca ble –with a P G 9 union (6)

- S oc ket for monitoring dos ing (7)- Interna l/externa l cha ng eover sw itc h (8)- S oc ket for externa l control/interva l func tion (9)

NOTE:• The connecting sockets (4 and 9) must always be occupied, either by functional plugs or level

switches or contact/control cables! Always keep removed functional plugs for re-use!

Level input

The level input (4) is a rra nged a s a normally-clos ed sw itch a s s tand a rd a nd ha s b oth functions,ea rly w arning a nd s hutdow n. In the event of level early wa rning the function indicato r chang esfrom d a rk to red or from g reen to orange . If a fault relay is fitted its s tate cha nges . In the event ofa level shutdo wn the function indica tor chang es to red a nd the moto r is s topped in the O-strokepos ition, a nd if a fa ult rela y is fitted the s witching s tate cha nges .

Metering monitoring inputThe me tering monitoring input (7) is use d to monitor the me tering proc es s. P roMinent me teringmonitoring sensors can be connected to the input. If the feedback from a connected meteringmonitoring s enso r is a bs ent for a t lea st eight metering s trokes, the pump g oes to a faultco ndition. The function indica tor cha nges to red, the moto r is stop ped in the O-stroke po sition,a nd if a fault relay is fitted it cha nges the s witching s tate . The fault can o nly be res et b y sw itchingthe ma ins po w er (on/off sw itc hing) or by a brief level cha nge a t the input pin of the co nta ct input.



PG11P G 9

16 2

4 5 9 7 8



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Pr oMinent ®Pa ge 14

Product Description

External inputThe e xterna l input (9) is use d fo r externa l conta ct co ntrol of the p ump or for a floa ting on/offsw itching (interval function) of the pump . The interva l input ope rate s a s a norma lly-close dco ntac t, i.e. w hen the input is o pen the pump is s hutdow n and when it is c los ed it is read y foroperation. In the c onta ct mo de the number of moto r switch-ons is limited to a pproxima tely 2000sw itch-ons per hour. If the number of s trokes to b e c a rried out exc eed s 2000, then multiplestrokes a re pe rformed. The fac tor (ca n be se t inside the p ump) is se lecte d such that the moto r isoperated continuously where there is the maximum number of input pulses (exception 60 Hzoperation). Matching to the maximum incoming, external pulses is possible in principle, exceptfor the possibilities (6000; 2000; etc) indicated in the ident code.The c ontrol algorithm which ta kes plac e in the microproce ss or gua rantees that the incomingexternal signal is co nverted to the co rres ponding numbe r of stroke w ithin the c ontrol period ofone minute.

Electronic safety deviceThe electronic sa fety de vice (rota tion monitoring) is fitted a s s ta nda rd to c ontrol unit types 1, 2a nd 3. The co ntrol unit reg isters e ac h discha rge stroke by mea ns o f a s enso r. If longe r tha n theprevious control time of approximately 1 s is required for a discharge stroke, this stroke isreg arded as not performed a nd the co ntrol unit indica tes a fault (red LED).The electronic sa fety de vice se rves ma inly to protec t a ga inst o verloa d d uring s tartup of the d rive(e.g. on c ommissioning) or to provide a rapid s hutdow n of the pump if the gea rs or any pa rts ofthe motor are jam med.

WARNING:• The pressure conditions in the metering system are to be checked and corrected as

necessary before initial commissioning.A functional check of the metering pump is also to be carried out. The fault can only bereset if the mains is switched (off/on switching of the mains switch) or if there is a brieflevel change at the switching pin of the external input.

Miniature fuseThe minia ture fuse is trigg ered b y electrica l defects in the c ontrol sys tem o r motor. B ec aus e inthe ca se of mos t de fects (e.g. motor overloa d) the electronic s afety d evice (rota tion monitoring)resp ond first, the minia ture fuse rea cts only in exceptional ca se s. The minia ture fuse is loc a ted onthe b oa rd inside the pump c ontrol unit.Fuse d a ta: (refer to s pa re pa rts list).

WARNING:• The fuse may only be changed by an authorised Customer Service

Control unit Type 2: (contact memory control unit)The type 2 co ntrol unit is the s a me a s the type 1 control unit exce pt for the conta ct mo de. In theco ntac t mode incoming impulse s w hich a rrive fas ter tha n the pump ca n perform disc hargestrokes ca n be b uffer stored in a n internal memory with a ma ximum memory ca pa city of 655355discharge strokes, and then performed.



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Product Description

Control unit Type 3: (analogue type of control unit)This ty pe o f control unit ha s a ma ins c onnec tion, an illumina ted 2-pole mains s w itch, m ulti-co loured op erating/fault indica tor, a 2-sta ge level input, a mete ring m onitoring input,a n externa l a nalogue input and a m ode cha ngeo ver sw itch. The operation of the motor isa dd itiona lly monitored by mea ns of a n elec tronic s a fety device .The a nalog type o f control unit ca n be supplied with a fault relay or timer rela y a s an option.

Controls: - Ma ins c a b le (1)- On/Off sw itc h (2)- S oc ket for level sw itc h (4)- LED ind ica tor (5)- PG 9 blanking plug or, where there is fault/

timer rela y ident co de choice,a 3-core ca b le w ith a P G 9 union (6)

- S oc ket for monitoring dos ing (7)- Interna l/externa l cha ng eover sw itc h (8)- S oc ket for externa l control/interva l func tion (9)

NOTE:• The connecting sockets (4 and 9) must always be occupied, either by functional plug or level

switches or contact/control cables. Always keep removed functional plugs for re-use.

Level inputThe level input (4) is a rra nged a s a normally-clos ed sw itch a s s tand a rd a nd ha s b oth functions,ea rly w arning a nd s hutdow n. In the event of level early wa rning the function indicato r chang es

from d a rk to red or from g reen to orange . If a fault rela y is fitted its s tate cha nges . In the event ofa level shutdo wn the function indica tor chang es to red a nd the moto r is s topped in the O-strokepos ition, a nd if a fa ult rela y is fitted the s witching s tate cha nges .

Metering monitoring inputThe me tering monitoring input (7) is use d to mo nitor the me tering proc es s. P roMinent me teringmonitoring sensors can be connected to the input. If the feedback from a connected meteringmonitoring s enso r is a bs ent for a t lea st eight metering s trokes, the pump g oes to a faultco ndition. The function indica tor cha nges to red, the moto r is stop ped in the O-stroke po sition,a nd if a fault relay is fitted it cha nges the s witching s tate . The fault can o nly be res et b y sw itchingthe ma ins po w er (on/off sw itc hing) or by a brief level cha nge a t the input pin of the co nta ct input.

External input

The exte rnal input (9) is us ed for externa l a na log co ntrol of the pump o r for floa ting sw itch-on a ndsw itch-off (interval function) of the pump. The interval input op erate s a s a norma lly-close dsw itch, i.e. when the input is o pen the pump is sta tiona ry and w hen the input is c los ed it is rea dyfor operation.


PG11P G 9

16 2

4 5 9 7 8




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Product Description

The c ontrol a lgo rithm ens ures tha t within the co ntrol period of one m inute the incom ing e xterna lsigna l is co rrec tly c onverted to the co rres ponding number of s trokes.

Electronic safety deviceThe electronic sa fety de vice (rota tion monitoring) is fitted a s s ta nda rd to c ontrol unit types 1, 2a nd 3. The co ntrol unit reg isters e ac h discha rge stroke by mea ns o f a s enso r. If longe r tha n theprevious control time of approximately 1 s is required for a discharge stroke, this stroke isreg arded as not performed a nd the co ntrol unit indica tes a fault (red LED).The electronic sa fety de vice se rves ma inly to protec t a ga inst o verloa d d uring s tartup of the d rive(e.g. on c ommissioning) or to provide a rapid s hutdow n of the pump if the gea rs or any pa rts ofthe motor are jam med.

WARNING:• The pressure conditions in the metering system are to be checked and corrected as

necessary before initial commissioning.A functional check of the metering pump is also to be carried out.The fault can only be reset if the mains is switched (off/on switching of the mains switch)or if there is a brief level change at the switching pin of the external input.

Miniature fuseThe minia ture fuse is trigg ered b y electrica l defects in the c ontrol sys tem o r motor. B ec aus e inthe ca se of mos t de fects (e.g. motor overloa d) the electronic s afety d evice (rota tion monitoring)resp ond first, the minia ture fuse rea cts only in exceptional ca se s. The minia ture fuse is loc a ted onthe b oa rd inside the pump c ontrol unit.Fuse d a ta: (refer to s pa re pa rts list).

WARNING:• The fuse may only be changed by an authorised Customer Service.

2.5 Standards and approvals

EC guidelines

EC P ump G uideline (89/392/EEC) a s a me nd ed b y 93/44/EECEC Low Volta g e G uideline (73/23/EEC)EC EMC G uideline (89/336/EEC) as a me nd ed b y 92/31/EEC, in co urse o f prepa rat ion

International standardsEN 292-1 S afety of pumpsEN 292-2 S afety of pumpsEN 60335-1 A6 S afety o f elec trica l equipment for household useEN 60335-2-41 S a fety of electrica l eq uipment, s pec ial pumps

The 100 V a nd 115 V version co rres pond s to the follow ing:CS A S tand a rd C 22.2No. O-M91 General req uirementsCS A S tand ard C 22.2No. 108-M89 Liq uid pumps

National standardsSafety of electrical DIN VDE 0700, Part 1 Corresponding to EN 60335.1 and IEC335.1equipment in DIN VDE 0700, Pa rt 41 Corresponding to EN 60335-2-41 andaccordance with the IEC 335-2-41following: DIN VDE 0700, Part 500 Routine testing of equipment

DIN VDE 0530, Part 5 Rota t ing elec t rica l pumpsDIN VDE 0110 b C lea ra nc es a nd c reepa ge d is ta nc es

Radio suppression DIN VDE 0871 B Ra d io su pp re ss io n of hig h fre q ue nc y e q uip me nt

Tests and approvals of components useda ) P umps VDE 0551 Ma ins tra ns former

VDE 0565, Part 1 Interference suppression capa citors

VDE 0611, Part 1 Series terminals for mains power connectionVDE 0820 , Part 1 Equipment pro tec t ive devicesVDE 0560-8 Motor c a pa c itorVDE 0435 Elec tric al rela ys (optiona l)VDE 0530 Motor



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3 Commissioning

3.1 General notes

The pulsa ting o pera tion o f the P roMinent ® Vario a s a n os cilla ting displace ment mete ring pumpca uses high press ure d ifferences in the pipes on ea ch d isc harge s troke. If these press uredifference s a re too great b eca use of unsa tisfa ctory lines, it ca n lea d to high metering errors or tofailure of the metering pump. When dosing very viscous media or where the metering lines arevery long, a la rge r interna l dia meter for the pipe sho uld be chos en if nece ss a ry and/or acompressed air chamber or diaphragm pulsation damper should be fitted.

WARNING:• Check that the materials used can withstand the chemicals which are being metered

(refer to ProMinent ® Resistance List in the Product Catalogue).

WARNING:• The safety notes in Chapter 1 must be observed.

3.2 Installing and connecting

- The metering pump must not be restrained by the co ver (rec og nisa ble by the ventilation slots)for transpo rt or pac king. Da nger of da mag e.

- The metering pump must be insta lled vertica lly with its ba se o n a horizonta l support.- The intake a nd d elivery lines s hall be laid in such a wa y that the c oupling to the liq uid end is

free o f mecha nica l strain.- The pumps a nd pipes s hall be s ecured s o that no vibration ca n occur.- The pipes sha ll be a ttached in such a w ay that the pump and liquid end ca n be moved

sidewa ys if neces sa ry.- When metering extremely a gg ress ive or dange rous med ia it is a dvisa ble to ha ve a relief ba ck

to the ta nk a nd to ha ve a n iso la ting va lve on bo th the delivery and inta ke side.- If the insta lla tion instructions a re co mplied w ith and the stroke length is g rea ter than 30%, a

reproducible metering a cc urac y of more tha n ± 2% is o bta ined.

Delivery line

- The delivery line sha ll be des igned in such a manner that press ure pea ks on the dischargestroke do not e xcee d the ma ximum permiss ible operating pres sure.- To protect a ga inst overloa d, a pres sure relief valve w ith a return to the feed ta nk is to b e

provided on the press ure s ide .- A pres sure relief valve sha ll a lwa ys b e fitted in co njunction with a co mpres se d a ir cha mber or

pulsa tion da mper.

WARNING:• Motorised metering pumps may under certain circumstances work against a substantially

increased operating pressure for short periods without the electrical safety devicesresponding.For this reason the maximum permissible operating pressure must be complied with toprotect against accidents and premature wear.

Intake line- The intake line must a lwa ys b e la id vertica lly.- It should be a s short as poss ib le .- It shall be d imensioned w ith rega rd to c ross -section and length such that vac uum which

occurs on suction does not reach the vapour pressure of the medium to be metered.- Curves should be used where poss ible instead of a ngles for bends.- Exces sive vac uum on the intake side leads in extreme ca ses to a break in the column of liq uid

or to a n incomplete return stroke (the return stroke ca n no longer be dete cted at the s trokeadjusting knob).

- The product h · rho shall not exceed the specified ma ximum suction head .h = geod etic heightrho = densitye.g.: h = 2 m rho = 1.48 2 · 1.48 = 2.96 mWS (mWG )

For details of the suction head refer to Chapter 5.1, page 22 „Performance data“.- It must also be g uaranteed that no overloa d of the drive unit occurs on the suction side.

Where there is a pos itive s uction hea d the a bo ve limits sha ll be ob se rved.- The suction line sha ll be d imensioned s uch that no overload occ urs a t the end of the suction

stroke due to mass lag .





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Meter rate relat ive to stroke length(Va rio w ith FM 042)

Hublänge in (%)

Meter ra te rela tive to s troke length Meter ra te rela tive to s troke leng th(Va rio w ith FM 063) (Va rio w ith FM 120)

S troke length in (%) S troke leng th in (%) 2070-4

Q ( l / h )

Q ( l / h )

Q ( l / h )


0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100




















Stroke length in (%)

1 rota tion (360 º) 50 % stro ke length 2625-4.1

Pipe calculationsThe nece ss ary lines c a n be c a lculated in ac co rda nce w ith the „Ca lculations o f metering lines“instructions.If all the nece ss ary da ta in ac co rda nce w ith the Data S heet (refer to annex) is s ubmitted, themetering lines ca n be q uickly chec ked in the w orks free of cha rge .

3.3 Commissioning- Check co rrect insta llation in a cco rda nce w ith the aforementioned po ints a nd insta llation notes.- Bleed the press ure side. Sw itch on the pump and allow to operate at ma ximum stroke length

until the liq uid e nd is c harged . S witch off the pump.- Close the bleed on the press ure s ide, if neces sa ry open the shut off valve in the discha rge line

and allow the pump to operate.- Check the respons e press ure of the press ure relief valve.- Set the required meter rate in accordance with the „Meter rate relative to stroke length“ diagram.- Check the meter rate a nd correct if necessa ry.

Diagram for setting the meter rate

Setting the stroke length

30 % 75 % 100 %




40 VAMb12042



p [bar]


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3.4 Troubleshooting

S ymptom P oss ible c a us e Remedy

- Suct ion head too high

- Ba ck pressure in the injection line(pressure side)

- Install pump closing to feed tank

- Remove backpressure ,(e.g. via bypass line)

- No metering even though the drive isrunning (after long ope ration)

- Stroke se t ting 0%

- Fe e d ta nk e mpty

- Ga s bubb le in intake line and liquidend

- Leakage of metering liquid at the lea koutlet of the liq uid e nd

- Defec t ive diaphragm

- Loss of metering performance(a fter long ope ration)

- Defective wea r parts in the valves

- Deposits in the valves

- Replace (refer to Cha pter 4.2)

- Clean or replace valve parts(refer to Cha pter 4.2)

- Dosing pump stops (1 ph. motor)(co ntroller types 0, 4 a nd 5)

- Check pressure in metering line andcorrect as necessary.Check amb ient temperature and reduce a snecessary.Motor switches off automatically inoperation after cooling.

- Check pressure in the metering line andcorrect as necessary. Replace fuse(refer to C ha pter 2.4 Type 0 co ntrol unit).

- Dosing pump stops (1 ph. motor)Red LED is lit(co ntroller types 1, 2 a nd 3)

- Temperature monitor on motor hasswitched off because ambienttemperature is too high

- The rotation monitoring o f the drivehas sw itched off due to overloa d

- Check ambient temperature and reduce asnecess ary. After cooling d ow n, clear thefault by sw itching the mains sw itch off a ndon

- Check pressure conditions in the meteringpipeline and correct as necess ary. Clearthe fault by switching the mains switch offand on.

- Replac e diaphrag m (refer to Chapter 4.2)

- Temperature monitor on motor hassw itched off due to a mbienttemperature being too high or dueto o verloa d

- Miniature fuse defective due tooverload or electrical defect

- Metering pumps does not suck(on c ommiss ioning)

- Increase stroke length ( 100 %)

- Replenish metering medium and restartsystem

- Bleed intake line, check for leaks a ndrestart system


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4. Servicing/Maintenance

4.1 General servicing notes

- The s ervicing of Va rio me tering pumps is limited to c hecking the metering line a nd c heckingfor leaks.

- The gea ring is lubrica ted for life by pa cking w ith grease.(Type 1: Klübe r IS OFLEX Top a s NB 5051), c a pa c ity 24 ml).

- Spa re parts are given in the acc ompanying spa re parts list.- The individual parts g iven in the spa re pa rts list a re regarded a s w ear parts.

WARNING:• The safety precautions given in Chapter 1 must be complied with.

4.2 Replacement of wear parts

Replacement of diaphragmFlush the line (in the ca se da ngerous med ia w ea r protec tive gloves a nd g og gles). S witch offthe pump and disconnect from the mains. Undo the unions on the valve and slacken the headbo lts until free b ut do no t remove. Hold the c onnec ting rod a ga inst rotation by using a n open-ende d spa nner through the opening in the hea d w a sher (5). Deta ch the diaphrag m (4) from thehea d/diap hrag m/hea d wa she r (8/2/4/5) a ss emb ly by turning sha rply c ounter-cloc kwise.

CAUTION:• Valves must be free of connecting pipes.

Remove the diaphragm. Clean the sealing surfaces. Hold the head washer in front ofco nnecting rod (6) (drain hole do wnw a rds ) a nd s crew a new d iap hra gm o nto the co nnectingrod . After the d ia phra gm has rea ched its stop , c ontinue turning until the hole pa ttern alignswith the thread ed holes . P la ce the liq uid end in pos ition a nd tighten (ensure co rrect direc tionof flow ). Co nnect the va lves. S witch on the pump a nd c heck the liq uid e nd for lea ks.

Replacement of valve parts

Flush the line (in the ca se of da ngerous med ia w ea r protec tive gloves a nd g og gles). S witch offthe pump and disco nnect from the ma ins. S la cken the connec ting unions. Uns crew va lve (1)and remove. Where the „valve assembly“ is being changed clean the sealing surfaces and fitthe new valve and s eal in plac e a nd tighten. Connect up. S witch on the pump and check theco nnections for lea ks.If the internal parts of the valves are be ing exc hang ed, uns crew a nd remove the valve a ndslacken the valve sea t bush using a s pecial tool and unscrew. Replac e the parts a s neces sa ryand reassemble in reverse order. Clean the sealing faces. Continue as before.

WARNING:• Repairs to electrical equipment may only be carried by qualified electricians. Serious

danger can arise to the user due to incorrect repairs. Repaired electrical equipmentmust be subjected to a function and safety inspection in accordance with the validregulations of the consumer country.

DISPOSAL OF OLD PARTS- Old parts are wa ste „which the user wishes to get r id of“.- Was te is to be disposed of through an „ordered disposa l to preserve the good o f the

general public, and particularly for the protection of the environment“. For this reason oldparts must be disposed of in ac cordance with the Law on the Avoida nce a nd Dispos al ofWa ste (Wa s te La w AbfG ), or s ent for recyc ling.

- The municipal and community collecting point for special was te or an o ld pa rts d ispos alorga nisa tion co ntrac ted b y the municipality and co mmunity takes the o ld pa rts.










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The spa re parts kit conta ins a ll co mponents required for ma intena nce o f liq uid end s.

PVT/TT1 Version

1 p um p d ia p hra g m

1 suction va lve compl.

1 discharge va lve compl.

2 v a lve b a lls1 set of seals (jacket rings, ba ll seat discs)

SST Version

1 p um p d ia p hra g m

2 v a lve b a lls

1 set of sea ls (jacket rings, flat s eals , ball seat)

PP1/NP1 Versions

1 p um p d ia p hra g m

1 suction va lve compl.

1 discharge va lve compl.

2 v a lve b a lls

1 set of seals (O rings, ball seat discs)

Vario Spare Parts Kit(Applies to ide ntity c od e: Type VAMb 12017, 12026, 12042) Order No. Preis/DM

Liquid end FM 042 - DN P VT 1003641 210,00

S S T 910751 .7 411,72

S S T(w ith 2 va lve s ets ) 910750 .9 1.202,09

P P 1 910753 .3 239,51

NP 1 910754 .1 233,80

TT1 910752 .5 512,08

(Applies to ide ntity c od e: Type VAMb 10025, 09039, 07063) Order No. Preis/DM

Liquid end FM 063 - DN 10 P VT 1003642 214,00

S S T 910756 .6 358,12

S S T(w ith 2 va lve s ets ) 910755 .8 1.205,51

P P 1 910758 .2 244,07

NP 1 910759 .0 242,93

TT1 910757 .4 515,51

(Applies to ide ntity c od e: Type VAMb 06047, 05075, 04120) Order No. Preis/DM

Liquid end FM 120 - DN 15 P VT 1003643 386,00

S S T 910761 .6 537,18S S T(w ith 2 va lve s ets ) 910760 .8 1.357,20

P P 1 910763 .2 440,23

NP 1 910764 .0 390,05

TT1 910762 .4 964,86

Pump diaphragmsOrder No. Preis/DM

Va rio w ith FM 042 Typ VAMb 12017, 12026, 12042 811458 .9 122,03

FM 063 Typ VAMb 10025, 09039, 07063 811459 .7 125,46

FM 120 Typ VAMb 06047, 05075, 04120 811460 .5 217,84

4.3 Spare parts set



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at 50 Hz at 60 Hz

P ump Ma x. P ump Ma x. S uc tion P erm. C onnector S hippingC a pa c ity a t S troke C a pa c ity a t S troke Lift Admiss . S uction/ WeightMa x. B a ck Freq . Ma x. B a c k Freq . P res sure Discha rgeP ressure P ressure S uction S ide


Pump Type bar l/h ml/ strokes/ psi l/h/gph strokes/ mWG bar G - DN kgVario stroke min. min.

12017 10/12* 16.6 3.6 77 145 20 / 5.3 92 7 2.8 3/4 - 10 6.6/ 8.6*

12026 10/12* 26.2 3.6 122 145 31.4/ 8.3 146 7 2.8 3/4 - 10 6.6/ 8.6*

12042 10/12* 42.0 3.6 195 145 50.4/13.3 234 7 2.8 3/4 - 10 6.6/ 8.6*

10025 10 24.8 5.4 77 145 29.8/ 7.9 92 4 1.7 3/4 - 10 6.6/ 8.6*

09039 8.5 39.4 5.4 122 123 47.3/12.5 146 4 1.7 3/4 - 10 6.6/ 8.6*

07063 6.5 63.0 5.4 195 94 75.6/20 234 4 1.7 3/4 - 10 6.6/ 8.6*

06047 5,5 47.4 10.2 77 80 56.9/15 92 3 0.8 1 - 15 7.5/13.5*

05075 4,5 75.0 10.2 122 65 90 /23.8 146 3 0.8 1 - 15 7.5/13.5*

04120 3.5 (2.3**) 120.0 10.2 195 50 (33**) 144 /38 234 3 0.8 1 - 15 7.5/13.5*

* Da ta fo r SSTve rs ion

The ma ximum sta rt up press ure w hen the 1 ph. AC motor is sw itched off at the ma ins is 20 - 50 % of the nominal maximum operatingpressure.

** The value in brac kets gives the ma ximum permiss ible sta rt up pressure at the use o f the “pa use” function or for a single stroke via a nexternal controller.

In external conta ct mod e (co ntrol options 1 + 2), at ma ins frequenc y 60 Hz the feed rate is the sa me a s a t 50 Hz. It is po ss ible to a djust thesettings to optimise feed rates at 60 Hz. Further details are available on request.

Materials In Contact With Chemicals

5 Technical Data

5.1 Performance data

Technical Data

Liquid End Suction/ Discharge Seals Valve Balls Valve Seat Standard connector

PVT P VDF (P olyvinylfluoride) P VDF P TFE cera mic P TFE choic e, see identity code

SST s ta inless s teel s ta inless s teel P TFE sta inless s teel P TFE choic e, see identity code

no. 1.4571 1.4581 1.4571

PP 1 P olypropylene P olypropylene EP DM Dura n 50 EP DM P P hose c onnector

NP 1 C lea r a c rylic P VC Viton Dura n 50 Viton P VC hos e c onnec tor

TT 1 P TFE w ith ca rbon P TFE w ith c a rbon P TFE cera mic P TFE P VD ins ert

DEVELOPAN ® pump diaphra gm w ith PTFE co ating

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Pr o Minent ® Pa ge 23

Technical Data

5.2 Dimensions sheet

H ( w i t h h o s e g r o m m e t )

I ( w i t h i n s e r t )

Delivery unit Connection A B C D E F G H I J K

042 P VT DN 10 191 142 G 3/4A 208 246 (251*) 65 85 228 180 95 (100*) 74*042 S S T DN 10 190 140 G 3/4A 208 241 65 85 226 180 90 –

063 P VT DN 10 191 142 G 3/4A 208 246 (251*) 65 85 228 180 95 (100*) 74*

063 S S T DN 10 190 140 G 3/4A 208 241 65 85 226 180 90 –120 P VT DN 15 218 195 G 1A 210 256 (263*) 65 135 328 235 105 (112*) 69*120 S S T DN 15 218 195 G 1A 210 249 65 135 328 241 98 –

* P VTw ith relief va lve







app rox. 162

app rox. 400

a p p r o x . 2 7 0

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Temperature detailsP ermiss ib le s to ra g e tempera ture: -10 to + 50 ° CP ermiss ib le ambient tempera ture: -10 to + 40 ° C for pump

-10 to + 50 °C for co ntrol partTempe rature c omp a tibility of ma teria ls :

Ma teria l Long term exposure S hort term exposurea t ma x. b a ckpressure ma x. 15 min, a t ma x 2 ba r

P VT 50 ° C 100 ° CNP 1 45 ° C 60 ° CP P 1 50 ° C 100 ° CTT1 50 ° C 120 ° CS S T 50 ° C 120 ° C

A brief overshoot (see above) is permissible, e.g. for sterilisation or flushing with hot water.

5.3 Motor data

Typ e: Single-phase a.c. motor with temperature sensorPo wer s upply(accord ing to type): 230 V ± 10%, 50 /60 Hz

115 V - 6%, + 15%, 60 HzOutput: 0.10 KWCurrent cons umption: a pprox. 0.8 A (230 V/50 Hz)

a pp rox. 1.6 A (115 V/60 Hz )The s ta rt-up c urrent is eq ua l toapprox. 2.5 times the nominal current

S peed : 2.830 rpm (50 Hz) 3.450 rpm (60 Hz)

Insula tion c la s s : F

Typ e: Standard 230/400 V: 50/60 Hz 3 ph. motorPo wer s upply(ac cording to type): Ð/Y 220-240 V/380-420 V; 50 Hz

Ð Y 220-265 V/380-460 V; 60 HzOutput: 0.09 kWCurrent co nsumption: 0.5 A (230 V) 0.32 A (400 V)S peed : a pprox. 2800 rpm (50 Hz) 3360 rpm (60 Hz)

Insula tion c la s s : F; IP 55

Technical Data

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Technical Data

Wiring diagram, types 1, 2 and 3 control units

Log ic boa rd

Log ic boa rd S 2

S 1

S 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


3 2



3 2


G reen /NC

Brow n/O






D 101

X 107X 108

X 109X 110













Mains switch

B r own

B l u e

B l a c k

B l u e

R e d




1 (2)1a

2 (4)






1 2 3 4 1 2 31 2 3 1 2 3 4

X 102 – X 105

Meter monitoring s ocket

Stroke sensorEXT/INTcha nge over

B r own

Wh i t e

B l a c k

B l u e

B l u e

B l u e

Wh i t e B r own G r e e n

B r own

Wh i t e

B l u e

B l a c k








Yellow /gre en



C on t a c t

An a l o g

P ow er supply boa rd

Direction of insertion

R e l a y

( o p t i on a l )


Y e l l ow / g r e e n



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Pr oMinent ®Pa ge 26

Technical data for external input: types 1 and 2 control units

P in 1 = Interval input (s witch o n function)

Volta ge level: a pprox. 5 V via 10 k OhmConta c t loa d : a pprox. 0.5 mARes idua l volta ge: - 0.7 V

Pin 2 = Contac t input

Volta ge level: a pprox. 5 V via 10 k OhmConta c t loa d : a pprox. 0.5 mARes idua l volta ge: - 0.7 VP ulse w id th: • 20 m sP uls e freq uenc y: - 25 puls e/s

Pin 3 = Analog input (not ac tive)P in 4 = G ND

Co ntac ts (relay) or semicond uctor sw itching elements w ith residua l voltage of - 0.7 V(e.g. tra nsistor in ope n co llecto r circuit) ca n be used a s input sw itching elements.

Technical data, external input: type 3 control unit

P in 1 = Interval input (s witching func tion)

Volta ge level: a pprox. 5 V via 10 k OhmConta c t loa d : a pprox. 0.5 mARes idua l volta ge: - 0.7 V

P in 2 = Co ntac t input (not a ctive)P in 3 = Ana log input

Input b urd en: 70 Ohm ± 2% (fo r c ontro l va ria nts A, B , F a nd G ).

At approximately 0.4 mA (4.4 mA) the metering pump makes its first discharge stroke and ata pproxima tely 19.2 mA the pump g oes into c ontinuous o peration. The precise va lues depe nd o nthe ge aring a nd the freq uency of the pow er supply.

Pin 4 = GND

Technical data for fault/timer relays

For fa ult relays with a no rmally-clos ed co ntac t the relay closes immed ia tely the po we r isswitched on and opens in the event of a fault.For fa ult relays with a no rma lly-open co ntac t the rela y close s for approximate ly 4 s after pow er issw itched on (pow er dow n phas e) before it ag a in opens . In the event of a fa ult the relay closes .

For timer relays with a normally-open co ntac t the rela y c los es for approxima tely 4 s after pow eris sw itched on (pow er dow n pha se) before it re-opens . The rela y c los es for approxima tely 100 mson ea ch discha rge stroke.- Co ntac t loa d: a t 250 V AC., 2 A (res istive consumer), 200,000 sw itching cyc les .When inductive loa ds are s witched, suitable suppression devices (e.g . RC elements) a re to b eused.



View on socket

View on socket

Technical Data




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Pr o Minent ® Pa ge 27

Level switchConta ct open indica tes empty

Dose monitoring

Wiring diagram, types 1, 2 and 3 control unitsP re-wired plug

External/contact cable(for types 1 and 2 control units only)Contac t closed – discharge stroke

Universal control cable:Externa l/conta ct: 2 w hite +

4 bla c k/G ND(1 and 4 bridg ed)

Ana log : 3 b lue +4 bla c k/G ND(1 and 4 bridg ed)

On switching function: 1 brown +4 bla c k/G ND

Brown connected to b lac k pump dosingBrown and b lac k open pump stationary


b l u e W h i t e / C o d .

B r o w n / 5 V

B l a c k / G N D

3 4

2 1

2 3

B l u e / A l a r m

B l a c k / G N D

B r o w n / S t o p

W h i t e

B r o w n +



3 1 3




B l a c k / G N D

B l u e

W h i t e

B r o w n


Technical Data

NOTE:If using 5-core signal cable the grey wire is not connected (no function).

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Pr o Minent ® Pa ge 29

No .: ___________________________________________________________________________

Please complete fully!

C omp a ny : _____________________________________________________________________

Tele phon e No: ________________________ Da te : _________________________________

Address : ______________________________________________________________________

S pecia lis t (cus to mer): ___________________________________________________________C ontra c t No: __________________________ De live ry da te : __________________________

Pump type/Ide nt c ode: ___________________________ S eria l No : _____________________________

Short description of fault: ______________________________________________________



Type of fault:

1 Mechanical fault 2 Electrical fault

Untypica l w ea r C onnec tions s uc h a s plugs or ca bles loose

Wea r pa rts C ontrols (e.g . s w itc hes)

Fra c ture/other da ma ge Control sys tem


Dama ged in trans it

3 Leakage 4 None or poor delivery rate

C ouplings Defec tive dia phra gmLiq uid end Other

Operating conditions of ProMinent ® pumps:

Lo ca tio n/pla nt d es ig na tio n: __________________________________

P ump a ccessories used: __________________________________




C ommis s ioning (da te): __________________________________

Running time (approx. running hours): __________________________________

Insta lla tion d ate /sketch of installa tion (to b e included by c ustom er)

(Please fully complete the accompanying „Data for metering line calculations“ form)

Guarantee application for metering pumps

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Pr oMinent ®Pa ge 30

Data for dosing pipeline calculations

Cus tomer: _____________________________________________________________________

P rojec t No: ______________________ Da te : _______________________________________

Sketc h/remarks on ba ck

Metering pumps

Type – _____________________________________

Delivery ra te l/h _____________________________________

No. of s trokes S /min _____________________________________

Ty pe o f va lve (b a ll/p la t e) – _____________________________________

Valve spring pressure, suc tion s ide ba r _____________________________________

Va lve sp ring press ure, pres sure side ba r _____________________________________

Max. permiss ible op era ting pres sure ba r _____________________________________


Des igna tion , c onc e nt ra t ion % _____________________________________

Amount of solids/grain size %/mm _____________________________________

Ma te ria l, s o lid /ha rdnes s Mohs _____________________________________

Dynamic viscosity mP as(cP ) ________________________________________

Density kg /m 3 _______________________________________________________________

Vapour pressure at operatingtempera ture ba r/° C _____________________________________

System, suction side

P re ss ure in suc tio n ta nk _____________________________________

Nominal dia mete r o f s uction pipe DN/mm _____________________________________

S uc tio n he a d, min/ma x. m _____________________________________

Inlet he ig ht, min/ma x. m _____________________________________

Le ng th of suc tio n pipe m _____________________________________

Condition of pipeline ** P la s tic , smooth a nd c lea n

Steel, seamless smooth

Steel, ga lvanisedNum be r o f a ng le s/va lve s _____________________________________

P uls a tion da mper Dia phra gm s tora ge ta nk ____________ ltr.

Air cha mb er _______________________ ltr.

System, pressure side

Sta tic pressure of systemmin/ma x. ba r _____________________________________

Nomina l diam ete r of pres s ure pipe DN/mm _____________________________________

Le ng th of p re ss ure pip e m _____________________________________

Delivery hea d * m _____________________________________

C ondition of line ** P la s tic , smooth a nd c lea n

Steel, seamless smoothSteel, ga lvanised

Number of ang les/valves pulsa tion _____________________________________damper

Diphrag m s tora ge ta nk ______________ ltr.

Air cha mb er _______________________ ltr.

* When making ca lculationsnote the signs, ta nk level below liquid end = nega tive suction head Hmetering line - outlet level below liq uid end = nega tive press ure head HD

** For the precise ca lculation where visco sities are less tha n 50 mPa sthe c ondition o f the line is to b e g iven.

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P rojec t no: Da te:

Installation drawing