prominence of oop (c++ code examples)

Affiliated to, Tribhuvan University Nayabazar, Khusibun Development Area Tel: 4360180, 360182 E - Add: - [email protected] URL: - Object Oriented Programming, Paper on Prominence of OOP, C++ Submitted By: - Submitted To: - Geshan Manandhar Geshan Manandhar Mr. Arun Mr. Arun Joshi Joshi “03 - 00097 - 2” “03 - 00097 - 2” Lecturer, Lecturer, OOP OOP

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A school work a simple paper on OOP using C++. Done for BIM 3rd Semester Subject OOP - Object Oriented Programming.


Page 1: Prominence of OOP (C++ Code Examples)

Affiliated to, Tribhuvan University

Nayabazar, Khusibun Development AreaTel: 4360180, 360182E - Add: - [email protected]: -

Object Oriented Programming, Paper on Prominence of OOP, C++

Submitted By: - Submitted To: - Geshan Manandhar Geshan Manandhar Mr. Arun JoshiMr. Arun Joshi“03 - 00097 - 2”“03 - 00097 - 2” Lecturer, OOPLecturer, OOPBIM 3BIM 3rdrd Semester Semester Prime CollegePrime CollegePrime CollegePrime College

Date OF Submission: - 21 st Dec 2004

Page 2: Prominence of OOP (C++ Code Examples)

Paper on Prominence of OOP

What is OOP (Object Oriented Programming)?

Previously in structured programming or procedure oriented programming we used to emphasize on doing things, large problems were broken into smaller segments (functions). The data was open to all especially global variables could be altered with no restrictions. So there was a sense of unrestricted access. It was no where near to the real world. But then appeared OOP (Object Oriented Programming), it was much like the real world with actual objects. The real world was complex with objects having not only attributes but also behavior. This concept is priorized in OOP. The OBJECT was born. An object is a software bundle of related variables and methods abstracted as per need from any real life object be it physically present (ex: car) or a logical entity (ex: bank account). Software objects are often used to models real-world objects you find in everyday life as exemplified above. So the basic idea that lies in OOP is that it combines (encapsulates) data and functions in a single unit known as object. Objects are based on class and a class is a blueprint or prototype that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind.

Now, let’s analyze what OOP focuses on,1> Emphasis on data rather than procedures and functions.2> Use of Objects for cleared and better programs.3> Functions can operate as per it is defined for a class.4> Easy addition of functions as per need.5> Capability of data hiding1, inheritance2, overloading3 etc.

Features of OOP (C++)The main features of OOP or Object Orientation are as follows:

1: Abstraction2: Encapsulation3: Inheritance 4: Polymorphism (Overloading)5: Dynamic Binding & Message Passing

1: Abstraction= literally means “a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples”. So in OOP also we form an abstract of the real life objects by abstracting only the attributes we need and leaving all the other unnecessary details and explanation. It’s simply keeping what we need (from program’s point of view) and leaving all the unwanted information. Bookwise”Abstraction is the process of highlighting the essential, inherent aspects of an entity while ignoring irrelevant details”.

It is done to shape up a real life object to be fit as our program object. It selects only the prominent qualities of the object that will represent the object in our program as per need. Classes use the concept of abstraction and are defined as a list of abstract(ed) attributes. In other aspect it equates what to operate with than how to operate with as in procedural language. It can be plainly explained by an example analyzing a real object as Man. A man has may many qualities/ attributes and many things he can do. For ex: he has his height, weight, age many other measurements, his IQ, EQ etc etc. He could perform many tasks like talk, walk, pay, eat, run sleep etc etc, but as per the need of the program we abstract a class called man. We only include the attributes that have some relation with our program. The chosen attributes and behavior

1 Data Hiding: A property where the internal data structure is hidden form the rest of the program.2 Inheritance: A relationship between classes where the derived class inherits attributes of base class.3 Overloading: A language feature that allows a function or operator to be given more than one definition.

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Paper on Prominence of OOP

(tasks) must have connection with about what we are making the program. Like in of salary of an employee man we may call behavior/method like give salary etc or in case of student man we may call method like admit, promote etc. So with proper abstraction we can get the class and object we want, resulting the desired result we want.

2: Encapsulation= is the coupling of data and function/method together into a single component. Data cannot be accessible to the outside class and only those functions which are stored in/for the class can access it. Data encapsulation, sometimes referred to as data hiding, is the mechanism whereby the implementation details of a class are kept hidden from the user. The user can only perform a restricted set of operations on the hidden members of the class by executing special functions commonly called methods. The actions performed by the methods are determined by the designer of the class, who must be careful not to make the methods either overly flexible or too restrictive. This idea of hiding the details away from the user and providing a restricted, clearly defined interface is the underlying theme behind the concept of an abstract data type. It is also preventing unauthorized access to some piece of information or functionality as per need. In other words, the ability to package data with functions allows you to create a new data type is often called encapsulation. An existing data type may have several pieces of data packaged together. For example a float has an exponent, a mantissa, and a sign bit. You can tell it to do things: add to another float or to an int, and so on. It has characteristics and behavior as mentioned above. It is well explained in the figure in the cover page. The inner o of the OOP indicates the covering of the private attributes and the contents of the outer (bigger) o is the methods to access the attributes.

3: Inheritance= Inheritance is the mechanism by which specific classes are made from more general ones. The child or derived class inherits all the features of its parent or base class, and is free to add features of its own. In addition, this derived class may be used as the base class of an even more specialized class. Inheritance, or derivation, provides a clean mechanism whereby common classes can share their common features, rather than having to rewrite them. For example, consider a student class which is represented by roll no and name its derived class may have new variable like background for science or commerce. Let’s visualise another example of vehicle.

Fig 1.1Moreover, each subclass inherits state (in the form of variable declarations)

from the superclass. You are not limited to just one layer of inheritance. The inheritance tree, or class hierarchy, can be as deep as needed. Methods and

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Paper on Prominence of OOP

variables are inherited down through the levels. In general, the farther down in the hierarchy a class appears, the more specialized its behavior. A think I would like to add here is “One of the most compelling features about C++ is codereuse. But to be revolutionary, you need to be able to do a lot more than copy code and change it”.

Inheritance offers the following benefits: Ω Subclasses provide specialized behaviors from the basis of common

elements provided by the superclass. Through the use of inheritance, programmers can reuse the code in the superclass many times.

Ω Programmers can implement superclasses called abstract classes that define "generic" behaviors. The abstract superclass defines and may partially implement the behavior, but much of the class is undefined and unimplemented. Other programmers fill in the details with specialized subclasses.

4: Polymorphism (Overloading) = Polymorphism means the ability to take more than one form with the same name. An operation may exhibit different behaviors in different instances. The behavior depends on the data types used in the operation with relation to return type also. Polymorphism is extensively used in implementing Inheritance. The simplest explanation is one name many forms. It is utilized using overloaded functions and operators. Let’s see a draw function being overloaded for polymorphism.

Fig :1.2Here the draw function has the same name but will perform different

operations per the object it is called for. Like for circle it will draw a circle for square a square and for triangle a triangle, likewise for erase. The funda behind this is the variation in message (argument) passed to that method and its

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return type difference. So this proves that, polymorphism is difficult to explain, but easy to demonstrate. Polymorphism allows improved code organization and readability as well as the creation of extensible programs that can be “grown” not only during the original creation of the project, but also when new features are desired. (PS: Overloading is dealt in detail on the topic Function Overloading and Inline Functions Pg # 5.)

5: Dynamic Binding and Message Passing= The linking of a procedure call to the code it is to be executed with relation to the call is termed binding. Reverse of static binding, dynamic binding (aka late binding) is the code associated with the given method call is unknown until the time of the call at run-time itself. The function call is related with polymorphism and inheritence. Clearly, if the type T of a variable with name N is implicitly associated by its content, we say, that N is dynamically bound to T. The association process is called dynamic binding.

Consider the draw function in fig 1.2, by the use of inhertence all the objects can call use this function but it’s definition will be unique to the natue of the object or the arguments passed.

Object Oriented Programming comprises of objects and there communication. So messages are passed for communication which previously was termed as argument passing in procedural language like C. Object as an abstract of real object the communication also takes palce as in the real world as people pass messages to one another. In fig 1.2 the circle object is passed draw message to do the action.

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Page 6: Prominence of OOP (C++ Code Examples)

Paper on Prominence of OOP

C++ & its Features in relation with OOP!C ++ is an object oriented programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup of Bell Labs in New Jersey in early 1980’s. It is considered as the super set of ‘C’ because C++ (CPP) compiler compiles C code as well. Some of the features their whys, pros and cons will be discussed in this paper. The featues to be analyzed are as follows:

1. Inline Function & Function Overloading2. Classes and Objects3. Constructor & Destructors

1. Inline Function & Function Overloading= Inline literally means “Being next in a line of succession” in OOP it can be transformed as when we call a normal function it jumps to the place where the function is defined this interrupts the sequential flow. If we could rewrite the code of function definition at the place of functin call it would not break the sequential flow of the program. Functions are used to make programms small and clear but due to internal complexites it takes more time to execute. So inline functions can be a solution that will keep up the size and clarity aspect as well be executed fast. A thing to notice is that, we should make the definition of the function small so as the achieve the above mentined objective. There is use of keyword inline to indicate that the functionis inline.

The "inline" keyword is merely a hint to the compiler or development environment. Not every function can be inlined. Some typical reasons why inlining is sometimes not done include:

- The function calls itself, that is, is recursive

- The function contains loops such as for(;;) or while()

- The function size is too large

a. Why?It is used to keep up the size and clarity aspect of the normal function as well as not break the flow of the program and not cost much time. On in explaind version: It's definitely fewer keystrokes to inline a function. However, another good reason to inline is that you can sometimes speed up your program by inlining the right function. Instead of calling the function every time it is invoked, the compiler will replace the function call with a copy of the function body. If it's a small function which gets called a lot, this can sometimes speed things up.

Depending on the function, it can also be easier to read inline. If it's a function like the following:

class Math { // class declarationpublic: int addTwoIntegers(int a, int b); // function declaration};

int Math::addTwoIntegers(int a, int b) { // function definition return a + b;}

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it's probably easier to read if it's inlined: class Math { // class declarationpublic: int addTwoIntegers(int a, int b) {return a + b; } // inlined function}; // (combined declaration and definition)

b. Pros & Cons:Faster program execution due to use of small functions.But may take longer time to execute if function are big.

(PS underline = pro , Italic = Con)

Ex2:inline add (int x, int y) {return(x+y);}

The above function where called will be replaced by the body of the function.

Overloading Functions: is a concept used in OOP to use the same function for may objectives/job. Plainly, it is method with the same name has two or more definitions as per the arguments passed and data type returned. Even operators like +,-,++ etc can be overloaded to do desired operation on self created objects(data types).

A problem arises when mapping the concept of nuance in human language onto a programming language. Often, the same word expresses a number of different meanings, depending on context. That is, a single word has multiple meanings – it’s overloaded. This is very useful, especially when it comes to trivial differences. You say “wash the shirt, wash the car.” It would be silly to be forced to say, “shirt_wash the shirt, car wash the car” just so the hearer doesn’t have to make any distinction about the action performed. Most human languages are redundant, so even if you miss a few words, you can still determine the meaning. We don’t need unique identifiers – we can deduce meaning from context. Most programming languages, however, require that you have a unique identifier for each function. If you have three different types of data that you want to print: int, char, and float, you generally have to create three different function names, for example, print_int( ), print_char( ), and print_float( ). This loads extra work on you as you write the program, and on readers as they try to understand it. In C++, another factor forces the overloading of function names: the constructor. Because the constructor’s name is predetermined by the name of the class, it would seem that there can be only one constructor. But what if you want to create an object in more than one way? For example, suppose you build a class that can initialize itself in a standard way and also by reading information from a file. You need two constructors, one that takes no arguments (the default constructor) and one that takes a string as an argument, which is the name of the file to initialize the object. Both are constructors, so they must have the same name: the name of the class. Thus function overloading is essential to allow the same function name – the constructor in this case – to be used with different argument types. Although function overloading is a must for constructors, it’s a general convenience and can be used with any function, not just class member functions. In addition, function overloading means that if you have two libraries that contain functions of the same name, they won’t conflict as long as the argument lists are different.

More clearly, Function overloading is the practice of declaring the same function with different signatures. The same function name will be used with

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different number of parameters and parameters of different type. But overloading of functions with different return types are not allowed.

   For example in this C++ Tutorial let us assume an AddAndDisplay function with different types of parameters.

   //C++ Tutorial - Sample code for function overloading    void AddAndDisplay(int x, int y)    {        cout<<" C++ - Integer result: "<<(x+y);    }

    void AddAndDisplay(double x, double y)    {        cout<< " C++ - Double result: "<<(x+y);    }

    void AddAndDisplay(float x, float y)    {        cout<< " C++ - float result: "<<(x+y);


   Some times when these overloaded functions are called, they might cause ambiguity errors. This is because the compiler may not be able to decide what signature function should be called.

   If the data is type cast properly, then these errors will be resolved easily. Typically, function overloading is used wherever a different type of data is to be dealt with. For example this can be used for a function which converts farenheit to celsius and vice versa. One of the functions can deal with the integer data, other can deal float for precision etc.,

2. Class and Objects= Typically, A class is a blueprint, or prototype, that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind. OOP sees everything as objects, in the real world; you often have many objects of the same kind. For example, your bicycle is just one of many bicycles in the world. Using object-oriented terminology, we say that your bicycle object is an instance of the class of objects known as bicycles. Bicycles have some state (current gear, current cadence, two wheels) and behavior (change gears, brake) in common. However, each bicycle's state is independent of and can be different from that of other bicycles.

When building bicycles, manufacturers take advantage of the fact that bicycles share characteristics, building many bicycles from the same blueprint. It would be very inefficient to produce a new blueprint for every individual bicycle manufactured.

In object-oriented software, it's also possible to have many objects of the same kind that share characteristics: rectangles, employee records, video clips, and so on. Like the bicycle manufacturers, you can take advantage of the fact that objects of the same kind are similar and you can create a blueprint for those objects. A software blueprint for objects is called a class.

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The class for our bicycle example would declare the instance variables necessary to contain the current gear, the current cadence, and so on, for each bicycle object. The class would also declare and provide implementations for the instance methods that allow the rider to change gears, brake, and change the pedaling cadence, as shown in the next figure 1.4.

Fig 1.3

After you've created the bicycle class, you can create any number of bicycle objects from the class. When you create an instance of a class, the system allocates enough memory for the object and all its instance variables. Each instance gets its own copy of all the instance variables defined in the class.

Fig 1.4

Objects= the instance of class. In other words, an object is a software bundle of related variables and methods. Software objects are often used to model real-world objects you find in everyday life.

1. Everything is an object. Think of an object as a fancy variable; it stores data, but you can “make requests” to that object, asking it to perform operations on itself. In theory you can take any conceptual component in the problem you’re trying to solve (dogs, buildings, services, etc.) and represent it as an object in your program.

2. A program is a bunch of objects telling each other what to do by sending messages. To make a request of an object, you “send a message” to that object. More concretely, you can think of a message as a request to call a function that belongs to a particular object.

3. Each object has its own memory made up of other objects. Put another way, you create a new kind of object by making a package containing existing objects. Thus, you can build complexity in a program while hiding it behind the simplicity of objects.

4. Every object has a type. Using the parlance, each object is an instance of a class, where “class” is synonymous with “type.” The most important distinguishing characteristic of a class is “what messages can you send to it?”

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5. All objects of a particular type can receive the same messages. This is actually a very loaded statement, as you will see later. Because an object of type “circle” is also an object of type “shape,” a circle is guaranteed to receive shape messages. This means you can write code that talks to shapes and automatically handle anything that fits the description of a shape. This substitutability is one of the most powerful concepts in OOP.

Objects provide a logical grouping of data and associated operations. Objects do a great job of encapsulating the data items within, because the only access to them is through the methods, or associated procedures.

Classes VS Objects=

Many people get confused by the difference between class and object. The difference is simple and conceptual. A class is a template for objects. A class defines object properties including a valid range of values, and a default value. A class also describes object behavior. An object is a member or an "instance" of a class. An object has a state in which all of its properties have values that you either explicitly defines or that are defined by default settings.

This subtle conceptual difference between classes and objects shows why there is a tendency to want to use them interchangeably.

3. Constructors and Destructors= Constructor is a function which has the same name as the class used for special function of costructing an instance/object of the class to which it belongs to. It allocates the enough memory space required for data in the object. Constructors can be overloaded and can also be used as initializers. It is always defined in the public section of the class and doesn’t even return void but may take arguments as per need. When the class is created, the constructor is called to initialize the object. The constructor may be overloaded, in which case the most appropriate constructor is selected when the object is initialized.Constructor Types:-

a. The Default Constructorb. User defined Constructor (Parameterized and Non-

Parameterized)c. Copy Constructor

a. The Default Constructor: is a constructor which is automatically created by the compiler to reserver required memory address for an object of any class. It is also called implicit class constructor. It is hidded and takes no arguments. It is automatically called.

b. User Defined Constructor: is a kind of constructor defined by the user, it is mainly used to initalize the state value of an object on creation. It is defined and called explicitly. Inverse of default constructor it doesn’t reserve memory for the object but it’s code is mainly used for data initiallization. We are able to define more than one constructor in a class as per the need. The user defined constructor with no arguments, blank body and no return type can be compared with the default one.

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The user defined constructors can be classified into two parts, they are:

1: Parameterized: The user defined constructor that takes arguments. It provied scope to initialize the state value of the objects. It depends on the programmer to pass what and get results.

2: Non Parameterized: The type of user defined constructor that takes no arguments/message. It provied no chance of initilization of state values but may ask user to input the initial’s as desired.

c. Copy Constructor: is a type of construcor that copies the state values of an already created object to a newly instantiated one. It uses reference to do so. Copy constructors are also sub divided into two categories:

1: Default Copy Constructor 2: User Defined Copy Constructor

(PS: The example of constructor is given after destructor with needed comments)

Destructors: is also a special kind of function that as the name implies is used to destroy the object created by its counter part the constructor. Destructors also have the same name as the constructors but it is preceded with a tilde ~. For ex if a destructor is to be defined of class man then it should have name ~man.

Destruction of objects takes place when the object leaves its scope of definition or is explicitly destroyed. The latter happens, when we dynamically allocate an object and release it when it is no longer needed.

The destructor as the constructor never takes any agruments of retuns anything(not even void). Destructor removes the object from the memory of the computer. Like the contructor destructors are also of two varieties, they are

a. Default Destructorb. User Defined Destructor

a. Default Destructor: is a destructor implicitly created by the compiler. Its body is always hidden and it is called implicitly to destroy the object when it’s live is over i.e, out of the scope. It is used to free up the memory space taken by that particular object in the time of creation by the constructor and while it was being used for manipulation. It is very useful in applications like database management system where the database is to be freed up for other operations.

b. User Defined Destructor: is a destructor that frees up the memory space occupied by the object destroyed. But it doesn’t take any argument or returns any thing. It can be defined to confirm the death of the object only. No operations can be carried out by this function.

Example of constructor and destrucor with in a program.

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Paper on Prominence of OOP

/* Program Coded to see function of Lion Class with use of construcor its types and destructorCoded by GESHAN MANANDHAR,03-00097-2, BIM 3rd Sem, Prime Collegeas at 12/12/04 for OOP(C++) */


/*start of class definition*/class lion{

private: //private attributesint ln;float wt;float h;

public: //public methods

void sleeping(){cout<<"\nThe lion No "<<ln<<" is Sleeping."<<endl; }

void hunting(){cout<<"\nThe lion No "<<ln<<" is hunting. "<<endl; }

void running(){ cout<<"\nThe lion No "<<ln<<" is running. "<<endl; }

lion() //A non parameterized constructor thar works like default one{ cout<<"Calling Default constructor.Lion Created.\n";

cout<<"Give no to lion: ";cin>>ln;cout<<"Give weight of Lion: ";cin>>wt;cout<<"Give lion's Height: ";cin>>h;

} //but this also initializes the state values.

lion(lion &lioned) //a copy constructor.{


cout<<"Values inputted using copy constructor.\n";

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lion(int no,float w,float ht)// a parameterized constructor.{


cout<<"\n The use of parameterized constructor.\n"<<endl;}

void disp(){

cout<<"\nLion NO: "<<ln<<endl;cout<<"Lion Weight: "<<wt<<endl;cout<<"Lion Height: "<<h<<endl;cout<<endl;

}~lion() //a user defined destructor to see the effects.{cout<<"Lion No "<<ln<<" destroyed by destructor."<<endl;}

} ;

void main(){


lion l1,l2,l3;lion l6(7,25.52,35.25);

{/*scope defined to see the work of destructor*/




lion l5=l3;

cout<<"Info of lion3"<<endl; l3.disp();

cout<<" Info of Lion5"<<endl; l5.disp();

cout<<"Notice, the info of L3 & L5 are same using copy constructor.\n"<<endl;

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l6.disp(); } getch();

}//main ends.

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4. References, Bibliography:

I. Object Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edn: Robert Lafore.II. Object Oriented Programming with C++, 2nd Edn: E BalagurusamyIII. Notes provided by our Lecturer, Mr. Arun JoshiIV. Encyclopedia 2003V. A PDF file called thinking in C++.


I ~ – A C++ tutorial.II ~ - Concepts of OOP as per JAVA.

III ~ - page on OOP.IV ~ - a C++ tutorialV ~ – A C++ Tutor Site.VI ~ – A website giving C++ Source codes and tutorials

VII ~ – C ++ described in

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